MCH MASTER IN COLLECTIVE HOUSING ANDREA PAMELA CARRILLO PINEDA 1983 Born in Quito- Ecuador 2001-2006 Universidad Internacional SEK. 2009 Master Administración de Empresas Constructoras e Inmobiliarias Universidad San Francisco de Quito y Universidad Politécnica de Madrid 2012 Master Collective Housing 2006 Fiscalization 2008 Projectmanagement Design 2010 Construcction and planning ALFREDO RIBADENEIRA ARQ 2010 Business Plan VAMERCA 2009 -2011 Theaching Universidad Internacional Sek Universidad Tecnologica Equinoccial INDEX CONTAINER RE VISITED workshop by JUAN HERREROS 6 LUXURYUOS HOUSING workshop by HRVOJE NJIRIC 24 LANDSCAPE workshop by BURGOS & GARRIDO 24 DEPTH QUALITY STUDY workshop by ANDREA DEPLAZES 43 PLUS STRATEGY workshop by ANNE LACATON 49 FROM THE CITY TO THE HOUSE workshop by DIETMAR EBERLE 61 CONSTRUCTION &TECHNOLOGY specialty by RAMON ARAUJO ENRIQUE AZPILICUETA 69 SUSTAINABLE APPROACH specialty by JAVIER GARCIA 77 LOW COST HOUSING PROJECT specialty by MA. TERESA DINIZ 85 URBAN PLANNING specialty by BERNARDO YNZENGA 97 TOKIO UTOPIA specialty by WIEL ARETS 101 REFERENCES 113 INTERVIEW 118 63 « Architecture is the art that determines the identity of our time and improves people's lives. » « SANTIAGO CALATRAVA» CONTAINERS RE- VISITED MCH WORKSHOP_HERREROS The actual urban context of the metropolitan cities, are composed by the historical buildings and contemporary ones, this mixture adds value to the composition of the city, to it’s form and the most important part, it adds value to the uses. Some buildings were monumentally built, but nowadays are abandoned buildings with their particular architectural character that explain clearly the passage through history but also they show the challenge for the actual architects, who are in charge of the urban planning process where the goal is to achieve high quality of urban spaces and to give new use and meaning to these historical buildings. The word containers mean useless’ urban buildings, where a change can let them be “alive again” and it can increase the value of the urban area where they are located. The characteristic of the urban areas composed by these containers can be defined as the total or partial lost of relation and proportion with the citizen it is clear that the entire activities, which surround these containers, are direct affected. The proposal of the Juan Herreros’ workshop is to locate our attention on the Plaza Espana Building, which is located at one of the central areas of Madrid, this area has high touristic level and also several containers, where the housing proposal can be mixed with many other activities and has also their particular conditions. 9 Workshop director: Juan Herreros Assistant: Maria Auxiliadora Galvez Guest: Uriel Fogue Alessandra Kosberg Edouard Francois 97 REFERENCES CREATE A MODULE AGENDA Thinking about a new module that could fits with the old structure in order to create different kinds of dwellings. Aviod the fascism concept of the inicial situation of the building The module we created is 3,28mt high (which is the height of the plans), 3,50mt large (which is the distance between two windows) and a dept that goes from 8,50mt to 13,00mt depending on our needs. 3,28 mt 8,50 mt 13,00 mt Give movement to the proposal Sustainable building Diversity of activities STRUCTURE STUDY A village inside a building using the real data. Quality atach to sun, light and ventilation and so on. 3,50 mt Circulation system with larga and different promedanes 36 mq 72 mq Simplex Simplex 8 9 108 mq Simplex 66 mq Duplex 102 mq Duplex ... mq ............ present situacion let’s move them on the top! facing south! DESIGN PROCESS better position for dwellings facing South with terraces what to do with dwelling that do not have a good orientation? what about density? All dwellings has the best orientation! Public space rise with dwellings! Public outdor space rise with dwellings, with terrazas and green and huertos and much more! 9 STUDY MODELS KEEP DENSITY 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 CYCLE OF CHANGE 11 SITE PLAN PERSPECTIVE 12 CREATING SPACES The terraces obtained by the slippage of the plans allow to create paths and spaces that can be use not only by the owners of the dwllings, but also for outsiders as accesibles spots. HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE SHOP Traditional building: shops on the ground floor, houses on the upper floors Slide the apartments to get the most from the sun and create vertical paths HOUSE SHOP HOUSE SHOP HOUSE We intercalate the activities in the diferents floor, that way we are studing the oportunities in the builing in realtionship with amount of people The paths rise along the building. A new way of relationtiship between activities 13 WORKING PROCESS DIVERSITY 14 LIFE CYCLE OF USERS + + + STUDY OF HOMES Analysis of current facts to define the new way of hability UNEMPLOYMENT IN MADRID BROKEN FAMILIES 500000 400000 300000 TOTAL Nullities Separations Divorces 2000 99.474 114 61.617 37.743 2005 137.044 168 64.028 72.848 2010 110.321 140 7.248 102.933 200000 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 NUMBER OF MEMBERS HOUSE + WORK = = € € TOTAL OF HOMES 1 member 2 members 3 members 4 members 5 + members 2005 2.006,8 323,1 574,8 469,7 396,1 243,0 16% 29% 23% 20% 12% 2009 2.298,9 423,2 672,9 514,8 521,9 166,0 18% 29% 22% 23% 7% 15 TREATMENT OF WASTE QUANTITY OF RUBBISH GENERATED Country r EUU Federation Russian Japan Germany United Kingdom Mexico France Spain QUANTITY OF COMPOST REQUIRED Tons/year (millons) 236 207.4 52.36 48.84 34.85 32.17 32.17 26.34 GENERATED REQUIRED Trash Organich trash Compost Generate Land Compost 8.600 kg 5.160 kg 1.548 kg 15.064 kg 1.506,40 kg 1.6 - 2 kilos person / day x 4300 people = 8600 kg Organic material Metal Glass Plastic POPULATION IN MADRID Paper / cardboard Others Simulation of a city based on Madrid population TRASH COMPOSITION NATIONALITIES MADRID BUILDING Spanish 5.422.095 3.591 Other nationalities 1.067.585 707 Total 6.489.680 4.300 AGE MADRID BUILDING Europe Under 16 years 1.056.180,0 699,8 16 – 64 years 4.459.298,0 2.954,7 + 65 years 974.202,0 645,5 Total 6.489.680,0 4.300,0 Africa America Asia Oceania DATA OF THE PROJECT MADRID BUILDING 16 m3 158.106,00 240.000,00 m2 52.702,00 80.000,00 PERSON 3.500,00 4.300,00 M2/PERSON 15,06 13,60 GREEN 0,00 5,00 NOISE ENVIRONMENT CONCERT: 110 dB TRAFFIC: 90 dB PEOPLE CROWDED: 60 dB OFFICE: 50 dB PEOPLE TALKING: 40 dB COUNTRYSIDE: 10 dB 100 Db 60 Db 100 Db RA N VI A 60 Db Jan. Feb. Mar. April 33 34 23 39 May 47 80 Db 80 Db G PRECIPITATION June July Aug. Sept. Oct. 26 11 12 24 39 ANNUAL VERAGE: 3.4 lt/m2 40 Db 20 Db Nov. Dec. 48 48 drain pipes TOTAL ROOF-AREAS TO COLLECT WATER: 5640 m2 TOTAL: 19176 lt/annual rain gutter + terraces TOTAL GREEN AREA: 21500 m2 = 0.9 liters/annual = 0.02 liters/week water tank 17 DIRECTION OF WINDS Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. N N SW N SW SW SW SW SW S S N NATURAL ILLUMINATION N DIRECT SUNLIGHT: 32000 - 130000 INDIRECT SUNLIGHT: 10000 - 25000I ILLUMINATION BY COURTS: 100 - 400 E W LEBECCIO 6 Knots 16 ºC 73º Summer S 49º Equinox 27º Winter MADRID LATITUDE: 40.24 N 18 19 6 6 1 2 2 3 3 7 4 5 5 7 8 8 4 9 9 MOUTHMOUTH CAVE CAVE 1 VIEWPOINT VIEWPOINT 2 GALLERIES 3 GALLERIES CHAMBER 4 CHAMBER REFUGE 5 CHILD CHILD REFUGE VENTILATION 6 VENTILATION SHAFTSHAFT MULTIPURPOSE 7 MULTIPURPOSE 8 NICHE NICHE COLD STORE 9 COLD STORE 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 View from the top Life inside the mountain 21 urban MOUNTAIN 22 The proposal tries to give to the user a solution where all the users find out the confort, whaever it means for each of them, a mixture of culture, use, time and space. 23 MCH LUXURIUOS HOUSING WORKSHOP_NJIRIC What is luxury? The concepts of quality, comfort and luxury plays as the center point of the project, characteristics that make the architectural proposals are completely different between them. During the workshop, we faced a challenge that was showing the essential different between the concepts, the parameters were completely open, and the limits were only the ones that we associate to the reality. The research about luxurious ways of living, was just an starting point, play with the size, shape, light seems to be a common strategy, but the interaction with the users was the main point. Establishing the space with luxury, based on the reality that not everybody can achieved it. Also, we make a deep research of the strategy to rebuild the cities after the several wars, was helpful to understand the ideas of the module link to the interaction with the activities. Flexibility, connection and light are the concepts with I choose to work during the final proposal, because with all of them allow the user manage the space according to the needs of the period of the life cycle where the house is use, it means single, couples, young students, families and so on. Luxury for everybody, is it possible? Workshop director: Hrvoje Njiric Assistant: Nerea Calvillo Guest: Inaki Carnicero Jacobo Garcia Fernando Altozano 25 DESIGN IDEAS Natural properties fire=smoker room air=external pasarela land fire land=green air water Luxury is something that everybody can have, enjoy at their private space water=filter section FLEXIBILITY, CHANGE AND CHOICE +1.35 +1.35 water=filter land=green fire=smoker room +0.20 air=external pasarela +0.20 +2.70 -0.40 floor plan second level 0 26 1 2 5m L U X U R Y. the concept of .. our light, flexibility, change and choise. concept of Luxury: Space L U X U& R Y Light who wants ... families, singles, children, couples, elderly 27 MODULES 28 MODULES 29 FLEXIBILITY options 72 M2 light - connection - transparency 0 1 89.8 M2 0 0 0 0 2 The general activities can be develop in a compact spaces as modules and allow the flexibility on the open ones. 96 M2 0 0 0 0 30 3 4,05 FINAL PROPOSAL 3,5 1,5 1 1,5 1 2.6 2.6 2,2 1 1,6 1,9 0 1 2 1,4 5m 31 32 LUXURY for all ... 33