September 2016 - Hawker College


September 2016 - Hawker College
Hawker College
51 Murranji Street Hawker ACT 2614
P 02 6142 0355 F 02 6142 0395
Hawker College
It has been, and continues to be a very busy and exciting month at
Hawker College with many wonderful events and special programs
occurring alongside of our normal teaching and learning schedule.
TEDDYx @ Hawker College was a great
success with a huge range of exciting,
inspiring and engaging speakers who
addressed our school community on
issues as diverse as – goal setting, gender
equity, domestic violence, statistics,
homelessness, indigenous issues,
poetry, and social movements. We
are extremely grateful to the external
community members who took time
out of their busy schedules to attend
the day and share their wisdom with us.
We are also very proud of the quality of
presentations from our very own Hawker
College students and staff – the audience
was completely captivated by current
students Bernie Bamber discussing the
history of feminism, Laura Pease who
shared insights on poet Maya Angelou
and entertained by Andrew Loveday’s
comic stylings reflecting on college life.
Alumni Vanessa Farrelly inspired us as
she shared her journey of environmental
activism and Alumni Sophie Brissenden
reflected on the balance between selfexpression and self-restraint. Lastly we
must thank our amazing staff, Sheikh
Faisal, Veronica Thwaites-Brown, Chris
Kenna, Tony Hilton and Peter Malone
who each presented a speech on topics
that were close to their hearts – music,
meditation, statistics, the benefits of
hard work – as well as sharing personal
stories related to their life’s journey with
our students. Overall a day to remember
– thanks to the SLG for their passion
and energy in devising and coordinating
this initiative at Hawker College and
to Richard Baldwin for mentoring the
students throughout the day.
Above: Andy Mison, Ineka Voigt, David
Morrison, Evan Cashman, and Crystal Mahon
Another amazing event that took place
recently at Hawker College was the visit
by David Morrison, former Chief of Army,
and current Australian of the Year. David
held our student and staff audience
enthralled as he spoke about his role as
an ambassador for cultural change in
Australia related to domestic violence,
gender equality and diversity. His erudite
and articulate address provoked many
in the audience to take a harder look at
issues related to equity and tolerance
in our community and inspired us all to
Above: Bernie Bamber addresses the TEDDYx
stand up and speak out when we don’t
like what we see. Thanks must go to Peter
Malone, our school Chaplain, who first
contacted David to invite him to Hawker
College and to the Senior Executive team
for facilitating this event.
Other exciting upcoming events include
the ‘Refugees: Do Their Lives Matter?’ Q
& A forum which will occur at lunchtime
in the Murranji Theatre on Thursday
15th September. This promises to be
another engaging event with Education
Minister Shane Rattenbury chairing the
forum and a panel of visiting experts,
including professor John Minns, Yvette
Berry and a representative from the Red
Cross. We strongly recommend that all
students attend this opportunity to learn
about such a topical and important issue
and encourage parents and community
members to come along also. Further, the
SLG Trivia Night is also being held on the
evening of the same day in The Hawker
College library. The event starts at 6:30pm
and all are welcome. Tables of up to 10
people can be booked through the front
office with tickets on sale for $20 adults
and $10 students/ children at the door.
All monies raised will go to the 2016 Year
12 Formal.
Lastly, in the midst of all these exciting
events and opportunities I ask students
not to lose sight of their real focus here at
Continued page 2.....
Hello to the Hawker College
Community! My name is Andy
Mison, father of four, most recently
a secondary school principal with
the Northern Territory Department
of Education.
I feel tremendously honoured to
have been appointed to the position
of Principal of this excellent College,
and am looking to building on the
great strengths and traditions that I have been amazed to
discover since I began here one month ago. I would like to
pay tribute to Mr Frank Keighley, who has provided stability
and leadership for the school in the recent period acting
as Principal, and to thank him for his gracious advice and
support toward me as the new Principal.
It is clear to me that we are in a privileged position,
with students and staff of such high quality, all with a
commitment to learning and the wellbeing of the entire
school community. We are also fortunate in that we are
in arguably the highest performing education system in
Australia. It is our task to make the most of these advantages
and ask ourselves how we might build this community of
learning to meet the challenges and opportunities of the
future together. I am looking forward to working with you all
in the coming years.
This term has been eventful, with the innovative and
inspiring Teddy X talks of August 4th in the Murranji Theatre;
a visit by the Australian of the Year, General David Morrison;
a snowboarding excursion; a science moderation; a School
Board Meeting; a careers expo; four transition roadshows for
our prospective 2017 Year 11 students; a subject selection
evening; a P&C information night; our hosting of the
fabulous Mock Trial competition; students performing in
Limelight; our Hawker Mixed Hockey team winning the final,
in addition to the ongoing business of teaching and learning!
We also have some important dates yet to come this term
with Mid-Semester Cross Line Testing on the 1st and 5th
of September, followed by the AST test for year 12 Tertiary
students on September 6th – 7th, and the AST trial for Year 11
students on September 8th. Our Student Leadership Group
is also holding the Hawker Trivia Night on September 15th
at 6:30pm to raise funds for the Year 12 formal. Please don’t
hesitate to check our website or
contact us at for more information.
I would like to thank the Hawker College P&C for their
ongoing efforts to support our school, and encourage
parents, members of the community and our alumni to join
the emailing list by emailing hawkercollegepandc@gmail.
com . It is a great way to keep up to date, get involved in the
school, and support our students and staff.
Lastly, my leadership intention is to work collaboratively
as much as possible with the school community with high
expectations for the achievement and welfare of all. This will
not entail radical change and upheaval; it will involve steady
work toward achieving strategic, coherent and innovative
approaches to preparing students for their individual
futures. I encourage and welcome your input and feedback
on our efforts, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Andy Mison
.....from page 1
Hawker College – full engagement with
learning programs, academic success
and purposeful strides towards realising
your personal pathway. Cross-line testing
week begins on the 1st September and
the Year 12 students sit their AST in Week
8 so study hard, believe you can do it and
relax! Remember the Hawker mantra for
success – attend every class, complete all
assessment to the best of your ability and
hand it in on time!! Do this and you can’t
go wrong.
Crystal Mahon
Deputy Principal, Students & Community
As this newsletter goes to print, Tertiary
students in the Class of 2016 are
finalising their preparation for the AST,
scheduled for Tuesday 6 and Wednesday 7
September 2016.
Students have participated in a variety
of formal trials, in an AST Bootcamp
and a Focus Day program throughout
their time at Hawker. Additional training
materials for the Multiple Choice, Short
Response and Writing Task have been
released via our AST Google Classroom
in recent weeks. To aid students’ mental
preparation, wellbeing sessions focused
on anxiety reduction, mindfulness,
goalsetting, empowerment and personal
achievement have been scheduled for
Monday lunchtimes in Weeks 6 and 7.
All students should now have collected
a copy of the AST Student Bulletin, and
thoroughly familiarised themselves
with the schedule, rules and required
materials for the AST outlined therein.
Particular attention should be paid to the
requirements for formal documentation
of illness on testing days, and for second
sitting applications, should this become
necessary. Any questions or concerns
about the AST should be directed to the
Coordinator, Julia Braguina.
On the Tuesday of AST, a pancake
breakfast will be on offer in Chinos from
8.15am, and lunch will also be provided
for AST students.
We wish students well for the two days
of testing and trust they will do their
very best. However, students should
also remember that while the AST is
important, it is only one measure of
their ability and that there are numerous
alternative pathways to Tertiary study.
Year 12s will also be given an opportunity
to offer their feedback on the College’s
AST preparation before the end of the
year so that we can continue to improve
our program.
Current Tertiary Year 11 students will sit
their first AST trial – a Multiple Choice
paper – on the morning of Thursday
8/09. This initial trial will give students
an opportunity to familiarise themselves
with the nature of the test as well as to
get used to its conditions. Feedback on
this trial will be offered via an evening
forum for students and their parents early
in Term 4, and a second Multiple Choice
trial held before the end of the school
year, enabling students to consolidate
the skills need to confidently tackle this
assessment. The remaining two papers –
Short Response and Writing Task – will be
addressed in trials throughout 2017.
Julia Braguina
English Teacher, AST Coordinator
On behalf or parents we would like
to welcome our new Principal Andy
Mison. Andy has expressed enthusiasm
for welcoming parents into the College
community. We express our thanks to
Frank Keighley, who was most supportive
of the Hawker College P&C and very
generous with his time and energy.
A valuable and well-attended Parent
forum was held on 16th August on
Demystifying College Terminology. A
glossary has been produced to help with
the jargon. Further information can be
found on the college website in the P&C
section or forwarded by email. Email
Heather on hawkercollegepandc@gmail.
com. Thanks to the college staff for giving
up their time and brilliant clarifications
of some of the complexities associated
with College!
The Year 11 AST Information forum is
tentatively set for Week 11 or 12 in Term 4.
Watch this space.
Wishing Year 12 Tertiary students all the
best in their preparations for and sitting
of September’s AST. There are excellent
practice materials available and look out
for stress management events coming.
A reminder that the HAWKER COLLEGE
OFFER continues. If you’d like to treat
yourself to some delicious locally
produced, medal winning, good value
wine while supporting the College
and P&C financially this is a great
opportunity! Purchases can be made
from the cellar door, or by phone or email
at a special price when you mention
the Hawker College 40th Anniversary.
Minimum purchase is 1/2 dozen.
Delivery for local Hawker collection is
available. Please see the attached flyer for
more information. The special price list is
on the P&C section of the school website,
available at the canteen or email us on Let us
know if you are interested in a tasting.
We encourage parents to support the
students Trivia night on Thursday 15th
September. Grab some friends and family,
book a table and support the College
community. See you there.
To contact us and join our email list for
information on up coming events please
email us on hawkercollegepandc@gmail.
com. As always, suggestions for Forum
topics that are relevant to you would be
ACT Titration Competition
The ACT preliminary Titration
competition was held on Monday 1
August 2016 at ANU. Twenty seven teams
participated in this competition from
both the public and private education
sectors, from both colleges and high
schools. The Hawker College team
(Samantha Philipse, Jhanvi Kotecha and
Allie Knight) placed 20th. Congratulations
to the team and to Miriam Ambrose and
former science Honours student Tahirrae
Slikker, their coaches. A big thanks to our
lab assistant, Samantha Tarlinton, for
making titration solutions for the many
practice sessions the team undertook!
See the team at work in the photo below.
Australian Science Olympiads
During Weeks 3 and 4, the Australian
Science Olympiads National Qualifying
Examinations were held. Sitting the
Australian Science Olympiad Exam is
the first step to the International Science
Olympiads: the ‘Olympic Games for
Science Students’. These exams are
designed to measure a student’s science
comprehension and their ability to apply
this knowledge to solve challenging
problems. The following Year 11 students
represented the college in sitting
these exams: Joshua Newman, Joshua
Kummerow and Madelaine Ingram,
(Physics), Jack Fuller and Nabil Slikker
(Chemistry) and Alexandra Williams and
Sophie McIntyre (Biology). Every year the
top performers in the NQE’s are offered a
place in the Science Olympiads Summer
School. This two week intensive program
is run at ANU. This is an accelerated
learning program where students
participate in lectures, labs and tutorials
that cover the equivalent of a first-year
university science course. The very best
of the Summer School students are then
selected to represent Australia at the
International Science Olympiads held
in mid-July 2017. Next year the Biology
Olympiad will be held in Coventry, UK;
the Chemistry Olympiad will be held
in Bangkok, Thailand and the Physics
Olympiad will be held in Surya University,
Laura Jones
Science Faculty
Hawker College’s strength in men’s
hockey couldn’t be better than right now.
Three students in particular have been
excelling recently, making Australian
age teams. It is quite rare for ACT men
to make Australian selection, so having
three (and the only three in the ACT at
school level!!) from the one school is
really amazing!
All three of them play weekly in the
Capital League competition, Canberra’s
first grade senior competition, and have
been representing the ACT in their age
groups for many years.
Matthew Neeson in Year 11 has just come
back from a tour of South Africa with
the Australian Schoolboys team, where
he played in a three game series against
the Host Country. Although South Africa
came away victorious, it was a well
fought battle. Matt was invited to join
the Australian Schoolboys team after his
performance playing for the ACT at last
year’s U16 schoolboy nationals. He was
the only ACT player in the Australian
Schoolboys’ Team.
He also played for the ACT in the National
U21 Championships in April and is in
the ACT Academy of Sport’s (ACTAS)
“Emerging Talent Squad” for Hockey. He
was unable to play for the ACT U18 side
this year, as the national championships
were on at the same time as the tour to
South Africa.
Aaron Knight was vice captain of the ACT
U18 Men’s Hockey Team that competed
in the National Championships in
Launceston last month. Aaron finished
the tournament as the second highest
goal scorer and from his performance
has been selected in Hockey Australia’s
“Future’s Group” -the Australian U18
Squad. As a result of this, he has just
been offered a full hockey scholarship
with ACTAS. Aaron also competed for the
ACT in this year’s U21 championship.
year of being selected in the Australian
U18 side after being selected in 2015. He
played for the green and gold against
New Zealand and Japan in January this
year and the Australian side came away
with the bragging rights. He was awarded
a full ACTAS scholarship last year as a
result of his selection in the National U18
side, and that scholarship is ongoing. He
competed for the ACT U21 team in the
national championships, this year and
last year.
Anand has also been selected in the ACT
Men’s Australian Hockey League squad.
This is his second year of being selected
in the squad, and he is hoping this year to
make the final cut and travel to Perth with
the team in October.
The team was made up of 5 girls and 7
boys with rules stating their needed to be
5 girls on the field at one time. This meant
the girls played all 6 games on the day
which was a massive effort!
Our mixed hockey team were undefeated
on the day, playing 5 round robin
matches and the final. Well done to all
the players, especially those who picked
up a hockey stick for the first time. Many
thanks to the two girls who played from
Melba Copland College. Congratulations
Hawker Bears, ACT Champions!
OZ Tag– Thursday Afternoon comp
The boys Oz Tag team were winners
over Melba Copeland in round 1 of
the Thursday afternoon competition.
The boys were victorious 8-6 in a hotly
contested game.
Hawker College alumni Brendon Reading
and Brett Robinson have achieved their
dreams gaining selection as part of the
Australian Athletics Team at the Rio
Olympics. This fantastic achievement
from both of them has been the
culmination of their dedication and hard
work over many years.
Aaron has just been selected in the ACT
Men’s Australian Hockey League squad.
The squad will play trial matches against
Victorian and NSW sides in August before
the final team is selected. The Australian
Hockey League is the highest level
competition played in Australia, and the
tournament is used as selection for our
national team, the Kookaburras. Most of
our current Olympians will be playing for
their home states and vying for places in
the national team. If Aaron is successful
in making the final ACT team, he will
travel to Perth in October to play against
the best senior teams from each state as
well as some international teams.
Anand Gupte was captain of the ACT
U18 Men’s Hockey team and was also
announced in the Future’s Group for
2016 as a result of his performance at the
championships. This is Anand’s second
Brendon competed in the gruelling Men’s
50km walk finishing in a creditable 40th
Brett competed in the Men’s 5000m race
running against a very competitive field,
progressing through the heats to make
the final finishing in 14th place behind
Mo Farah.
We are very proud of both and wish them
all the best if they aim for the 2020 Tokyo
Mixed Hockey Team wins the ACT Cup
The College mixed Hockey team were
victorious against Canberra College in
the final of the Colleges Mixed Hockey
Competition held in week 3. The Bears
came away winners 4-1 in an exciting
The second round game saw the team
travel out to Gungahlin to paly away in
difficult conditions. The team went down
fighting, with the final score 15– 5. They
were down 8-1 at half time but fought
gallantly after half time scoring the first
3 tries of the second half. Unfortunately
Gungahlin used the home ground to their
advantage in the end.
The third round of the competition
saw the boys come up against Lake
Ginninderra. The boys displayed Hawker
spirit, but unfortunately went down 10-5.
This result places the team 3rd in the
Northside draw meaning
They will play in the quarter finals next
week against a yet to be named Southside
College. We wish them all the best in this
Colleges One day Volleyball
On Friday Week 4 twelve Hawker College
students made their way down to the
Volleyball center to compete in the
College Volleyball Cup. The team played
fiercely on the day coming away with 5th
place. Congratulations goes to Matt H
who made the winning spike in the semi
final. Height was surely on his side during
the competition.
The boys finished 3rd in their round robin
pool and played and beat St Edmunds
to place 5th. said it was an excellent
performance from the guys who are not
regular volleyball players. They improved
significantly over the course of the day
and represented themselves and the
College very well.
Colleges One Day OZ tag Comp!
Hawker College were once again well
represented in the one day College Oz Tag
Competition. The team were supported
by a few Melba Copeland students and
two girls from Belconnen High.
The team held their own in the game
against Gungahlin, losing 5-2 after being
beaten significantly the day before. The
Gungahlin team were definitely kept on
their toes during this match. The team
finished 4th in their pool just missing the
chance to play in the Semi Finals. Well
done to all players.
visit. Personalising our avatars and
competing in teams of four, the game is
set in a digital re-imagining of significant
Australian historical events such as the
construction of the Sydney Harbour
Bridge in 1923, which was educational,
highly competitive and admittedly
entertaining. But K-Space was only the
pre-show for the major event, the Play
School exhibition celebrating 50 years of
the iconic children’s TV show. Walking in
the door, we were immediately greeted by
our childhood friends: Humpty Dumpty,
Jemima, Little Ted and their counterparts.
As media students, we could appreciate a
behind-the-scenes look at the making of
Play School. From animation storyboards
to Jemima’s extensive wardrobe, Play
School seemed deceivingly simple
when we were five. A few of us were
disappointed by the absence of the cat
and mouse Hickory-Dickory-Doc Clock
and the diamond window... But our
spirits soon lifted when we got to make
our very own Play School party hats. Mine
had red crayon spots. In the words of
Deborah Mailman, “waddling like a duck,
working with Humpty, making a House
out of toilet roles, we loved it all.”
African animals created an astute third
tier to the social hierarchy explored in the
film: the Belgium military’s oppression
of the Congo tribes, intertribal rivalry
and additionally, each parties oppression
of the Apes. But what really caught our
attention was Alexander Skarsgård’s
abs... I mean, acting ability. Australian
actress, Margot Robbie’s performance
was both graceful and good-spirited (she
has come a long way since Neighbours).
But Samuel L Jackson’s convincing
portrayal of George Washington Williams
absolutely stole the show. Judging by the
smiles and chatter of our peers after the
movie, everyone seemed to have enjoyed
All in all, a well-deserved break from the
media room and a flashback to a simpler,
stress-free time when watching Play
School and Disney were our first and only
Ineka Voigt and Kelsey Ronning
Media Honours Students
Squash Competition
A big congratulation goes out to Sienna
Chalmers who competed in the Squash
Competition on Wednesday Week 5. She
played in 4 games on the day.
Upcoming College Sports
• Week 6 - Boys Badminton
• Week 7 - Mountain Bike
• Week 7 - Girls Soccer
Tegan Makowski
Sports Coordinator
From meeting Big Ted at the Play School
Exhibition to watching the latest adaption
of a Disney favourite movie, Tarzan;
for many of us, the media excursion
on 20 July, was a revival of childhood
memories. We carpooled to the National
Museum of Australia and were grateful
for the discounted entry tickets, setting
the tone for the rest of the day. Having
waited anxiously for the re-opening of
K-Space, we were pleasantly surprised.
It is fair to say that the technology has
significantly improved since our last
With our handmade souvenirs on
our heads and carrying a new found
nostalgia, we had lunch and made our
way to the Palace Theatre. We bought
some popcorn and a Choc-top or
two and were ready for the Legend of
Tarzan. Considering the reviews, the
film was better than we expected. From
a technical point-of-view, there were
several continuity errors and some
questionable CGI, but the cinematic
atmosphere was commendable. The
narrative was engaging, despite a couple
of faults in pacing. Set in the late 1800s
amidst the European colonisation of the
African continent, the film had direct and
surprisingly accurate links to the history
of King Leopard of Belgium’s oppressive
reign of the Congo Free State and George
Washington Williams’ open letter
addressing such issues. The relationship
between Tarzan and his ‘adopted’ Great
Ape mother and the inclusion of the
On the 26th of July, Maddi Powderly and
I ventured to the University of Canberra
for a day of empowerment and leadership
to attend the She Leads Conference 2016.
During the day, we learnt tips and tricks
on how to gain confidence as a leader
and how to become successful: we were
inspired by speakers such as Amelia
Telford and Annie Szekely.
Many activities were planned for all
sessions of the day, including powerful
speeches by amazing women and group
guidance with eight female leaders
from our society. The aim of the day
was to show women how confidence
and leadership are important for our
future. Many benefits were gained from
this amazing event and speaking with
motivated and inspirational female
leaders has given such a confidence boost
to become leaders in our own right.
Lectern and IT Desk design and
production for BHS
Allie Knight
Year 12
One person’s waste is ……. a Hawker
College Honour Board
Hawker College has recently unveiled its
new Honour Board which was produced
in the Woodshop from a donated Silky
Oak wardrobe (circa early 1900s). The
donation of materials to the Technology
Department of the college has resulted in
projects that are often far more creative,
intricate and appealing than those
produced from ‘off the shelf’ products.
The Architecture class was recently
visited by Andrew Strawford who is one of
our growing ranks of successful alumni.
Andrew spoke to the Architecture class
about careers in architecture, his studies
at Hawker and the opportunities that his
studies at the University of Canberra have
afforded him.
The students were acutely interested in
hearing how Andrew will be spending the
next 3 months studying architecture in
Dublin where he intends on immersing
himself in the architectural traditions of
Ireland and Europe in general.
Many of the graduating students of
Hawker College have gone on to study
architecture locally and interstate such
as in Melbourne and Sydney. They have
all reported that the ‘nuts and bolts’
focus of architecture and the mastering
of Revit Building Information Modelling
(BIM) software has enabled them to ‘hit
the ground running’ in their post Hawker
The study of Architecture at Hawker
College is the culmination of the newly
adopted Design Technology and Graphics
course. I have structured the two
architecture units to cater for the interest
of both the accredited and tertiary
students with a focus on stainability,
passive solar design and teamwork. One
of my goals is to educating students
as both designers and consumers of
architecture as future home owners.
During semester 1 the Industrial
Design Foundations class was tasked
with designing an IT desk and lectern
for Belconnen High Schools main
auditorium. The multiple designs
produced by the students were presented
to the executive of BHS. Many of the
designs were applauded for their
originality and visual engagement. The
BHS executive evaluated the designs and
selected an amalgam of Brennen Wade
and Alex Askenov’s designs to be further
developed. Once the design was finessed
the detailed plans were presented to
David McCarthy (Principal BHS). He
endorsed the plans and commissioned
the project to be constructed by the
Furniture Construction students in the
Hawker Woodshop.
As the teacher of both Industrial Design
and Furniture Construction, I strive to
present my students with projects that
are as close as possible to ‘the real world’.
With the Lectern design project our
students have been involved in concept
generation, materials selection, costing,
producing detailed manufacturing
drawings and in this instance, some of
the students who attend both classes, will
be able to take the design from concept to
Integrated design and production at
this level is, to my knowledge, unparalleled in a college setting and
furnishes the students with many high
level employability skills such as project
management, individual responsibilities
and teamwork. Further, the connections
made with the wider Hawker Collegiate
strengthen our educational community
and genuinely make Hawker College ‘A
Community of Learning’
Previously we have had donated; cars and
small engine garden tools for the Auto
students to upskill on, solid timber and
sheet material for the Furniture students
to salvage and reuse, metals sheet, rod,
bar and tube for the Engineering students
to fabricate projects from and tools and
hardware for use in a variety of projects.
Magnetite Mitchell, who manufactures
retrofitting double glazed windows,
approached the college asking if we could
use their off cuts off acrylic sheeting and
the answer was a definite yes.
Through the generosity and
thoughtfulness of companies such
as Magnetite, the students have the
opportunity of using materials that would
otherwise be financially prohibitive.
These donations require both the
students and teachers to be creative and
use their problem solving and design
skills to generate projects that can utilise
the diverse range of materials.
As a result, less waste material goes to
landfill and our students have access to
quality materials. If you have or know
of any individual or companies that
have materials that may be of use to our
students please call Adrian or Rob on
Adrian Lemcke
Technology & Design Teacher
During this term the topic of refugees is a
focal point for discussion within various
curricula at Hawker College. As part of
that process we are conducting three
exciting events:
Student Competition: Refugees- Do
Their Lives Matter?
All students are invited to tell us their
answer to this question in a song, poem,
drawing or essay. Entries are to be
submitted to the DEN by Thursday 15
September or email Peter.A.Malone@ The winning entry will
receive a $50 Itunes voucher.
be held between 1.00pm and 1.45pm on
Thursday 15 September. Other invited
panel members are Professor John Minns
(ANU academic), ACT Minister Yvette
Berry and the ACT Red Cross.
A number of community organisations,
as well as feeder high schools and nearby
Colleges, have also been invited to join
our students, parents and staff as part of
the audience, for what will no doubt be a
stimulating event.
Presentation at Year Meetings
At the year meetings in Week 6 and 7
we will have the privilege of hearing the
personal story of one of or students,
Mary Kaneshan, whose family settled
in Australia as refugees from Sri Lanka.
The Year 11’s will also be addressed by
Divya Kaliyaperumal, an ANU student
and a Youth Ambassador from the notfor-profit community group: ChilOutchildren out of immigration detention.
Divya is passionate about children’s
rights in particular because she is deeply
grateful for the opportunities given to her
as a child refugee in this country.
Students are encouraged to put forward
any questions they would like to put to
the panel. Just submit these questions to
the DEN or email Peter.A.Malone@ed.act. by end of the college day Monday
12 September.
Peter Malone
‘Refugees: Do Their
Lives Matter?’
Q & A Forum
Thursday 15 September 2016
1-1:45pm, Murranji Theatre
Education Minister Shane Rattenbury will be chairing the forum,
with a panel of visiting experts: Professor John Minns, Yvette
Berry MLA, and a representative from the
Red Cross.
Q & A Forum: Refugees- Do Their Lives
We have been fortunate in securing
the services of the ACT Education
Minister, Mr Shane Rattenbury to chair a
lunchtime forum on the topic: RefugeesDo Their Lives Matter? The forum will
We strongly recommend all students attend this opportunity to
learn about such a topical and
important issue.
Parents and community members are also encoraged to
come along.
SLG Trivia Night
Thursday15 September 2016
Hawker College Library, 6:30pm
All are welcome. Tables of up to 10 people
can be booked through the front office.
Tickets on sale for $20 adults and
$10 students/children at the door.
All monies raised will go to the
2016 Year 12 Formal
Important dates for your diary
Thurs 1, Fri 2 & Mon 5 September 2016
Mid-Semester Cross-Line Testing (Alternate Timetable)
Tues 6 - Wed 7 September 2016
AST TEST - Year 12 Tertiary Students
Thursday 8 September 2016
AST Trial - Year 11 Tertiary Students
Monday 12 September 2016
Term 4 Units Start
Thursday 15 September 2016
Q&A Forum: Refugees Do Their Lives Matter? 1-1:45pm Murranji Theatre
Thursday 15 September 2016
Hawker Colllege Trivia Night: 6:30pm Hawker College Library - Tickets at the door
Please see following adverts: 2016 Youth Dance Festival; and Marymead NDIS Provider
Hawker College Front Office
Reception Hours
Log Book Training & Assessment
Government Test Coaching
Accredited Instructors Both ACT & NSW
Manual & Automatic Cars (Dual Controls)
Pick up & Return anywhere in ACT & Queanbeyan
Package discounts
NSW Senior Assessments
02 62428687
8:30am – 4:00pm
We request all payments
be made between
8:30am – 12:30pm
1:00pm – 2:00pm
Front Office closed
each Friday 10:40am – 11:05am
like us on Facebook
If undelivered, please return to:
Hawker College
51 Murranji Street Hawker ACT 2614
P 02 6142 0355 F 02 6142 0395
Absentee Line: 02 6142 0383
Hawker College
is performing on
Friday 9th September
@ 7.30pm at the
Canberra Theatre
Support your local school and experience Youth Dance Festival
Tickets: 02 6275 2700
Does your child have an NDIS plan?
Do you need assistance connecting to services and
implementing your child/rens plan?
Did you know that Marymead is an NDIS registered
provider and can provide support with the following:
Pre and Post NDIS Planning
Coordination of Services/Supports
Funds Management
Transition Planning
Short Term Accommodation (Respite)
Vacation Care
Please contact Jody or Hayley on 6162 5800