Hawker 800A Market Summary
Hawker Beechcraft Mid-Size Jets Market Briefing Spring 2013 INSIDE THIS EDITION ✈ Marketplace Overview ✈ Market Summaries ✈ Hawker 800A ✈ Hawker 850XP ✈ Hawker 800B ✈ Hawker 900XP ✈ Hawker 800XP ✈ Hawker 4000 ✈ JetPak Aircraft Valuation ✈ About Holstein Aviation Marketplace Overview Business Jet Trends Q1 2008 - Q4 2012 Business Turboprop Trends Q1 2008 - Q4 2012 Hawker 800A Market Summary T he number of aircraft for sale slowly increased most of the past year before declining steadily for three of the last four months in the period. Beginning at 40 available units, the past 12 months finished with an increase of one aircraft for sale (+3%) to end at 41. Those based in the United States accounted for a four-unit drop (-11%), from 36 to 32, while the rest of the world saw an increase from four to nine (+125%). Average asking price increased two of the 12 months in this time frame but dropped for the remaining ten, yielding an average quarterly decline of $77,203. From $2,096,429 in April of 2012 through March of 2013, market value dropped $288,810 to end at $1,807,619 (-13.8%). ■ ■ ■ ■ Number Currently For Sale: 41 Percent Of The Fleet For Sale: 17.8 Average Model Year / TT: 1988 / 8,988 Hours Current Average Asking Price: $1,807,619 +1 (877) 530-JETS toll free • +1 (317) 815-9403 telephone • +1 (317) 663-0705 facsimile • Info@HolsteinAviation.com • www.HolsteinAviation.com H LSTEIN TM Hawker 800B Market Summary W ith a fleet size only 20 percent that of its predecessor model, the 800A, fewer transactions, as would be expected, occurred over the past 12 months. On a quarterly basis, inventory either held steady or recorded only a one-unit increase or decrease. The period began and ended with eight aircraft for sale (0%). In the U.S., there were no aircraft for sale until July 2012 when two came onto the market, which is where the level ended. Internationally, available aircraft began with eight and then declined to six (-25%), for a drop of two units. Two quarters experienced large average asking price declines while the other two had either no change or only a miniscule increase. From $2,560,000 in April 2012, market values decreased four months and held steady six months through March of 2013, ending down $461,250 at $2,098,750 (-18%). ■ ■ ■ ■ Number Currently For Sale: 8 Percent Of The Fleet For Sale: 14.8 Average Model Year / TT: 1989 / 6,901 Hours Current Average Asking Price: $2,098,750 • Hawker Beechcraft Mid-Size Jets Market Briefing - Spring 2013 Hawker 800XP Market Summary 2 I nventory grew modestly by two units from 51 to 53 (+3.9%). Available aircraft in the United States dropped from 37 to 33 (-10.8%), while those based in the rest of the world increased from 14 to 20 (+42.9%). Quarterly changes in the number of units for sale varied in the six to eight percent range except for the last three months where seven additional aircraft came onto the market (+15%). ■ ■ ■ ■ Number Currently For Sale: 53 Percent Of The Fleet For Sale: 12.6 Average Model Year / TT: 2000 / 4,862 Hours Current Average Asking Price: $3,258,615 Average asking price decreased continually regardless of inventory declines for half of the period. Over the preceding 12 months, market value decreased nearly one-half million dollars, beginning at $3,689,000 and dropping $430,385 to $3,258,615 (-11.7%). +1 (877) 530-JETS toll free • +1 (317) 815-9403 telephone • +1 (317) 663-0705 facsimile • Info@HolsteinAviation.com • www.HolsteinAviation.com H LSTEIN TM Hawker 850XP Market Summary A noticeable decrease of six aircraft for sale, from 17 to 11 (-35%), was the result of transactions outside the United States. While U.S. available units increased from four to five (+25%), aircraft elsewhere dropped by seven from 13 to six (-54%). Fewer aircraft for sale should, by conventional wisdom, impact market values positively. However, during the preceding 12-month period, the average asking price plummeted $1,819,849 from $7,403,182 to $5,583,333 (-24.6). Half of that decline occurred between July and October of 2012, with a third happening the first three months of 2013. ■ ■ ■ ■ Number Currently For Sale: 11 Percent Of The Fleet For Sale: 12.1 Average Model Year / TT: 2007 / 1,661 Hours Current Average Asking Price: $5,583,333 I nventory climbed steadily across the 12 months from April 2012 through March 2013. Beginning with 13 units available, aircraft for sale ratcheted up to 20 (+54%) by period end. US-based aircraft accounted for six of the additional units, rising from seven to 13 (+86%) while aircraft located elsewhere only rose one unit from six to seven (+17%). Prices declined an average of $381,000 per quarter during the 12-month period. Beginning at $8,679,000, the average asking price continually headed down to finish at $7,155,000 (-17.6%) for a decline in market value of $1,524,000. ■ ■ ■ ■ Number Currently For Sale: 20 Percent Of The Fleet For Sale: 10.6 Average Model Year / TT: 2008 / 1,373 Hours Current Average Asking Price: $7,155,000 +1 (877) 530-JETS toll free • +1 (317) 815-9403 telephone • +1 (317) 663-0705 facsimile • Info@HolsteinAviation.com • www.HolsteinAviation.com • Hawker Beechcraft Mid-Size Jets Market Briefing - Spring 2013 Hawker 900XP Market Summary 3 H LSTEIN TM Hawker 4000 Market Summary O ver the past 12 months, beginning in April 2012, aircraft for sale lowered three units from seven to four (-43%). In the United States fleet, availability dropped one from five to four (-20%). Internationally-based aircraft declined two units from two to zero (-100%). Market value continued to take a substantial hit. By January of 2013, average asking price declined one and three-quarter million dollars. Some stabilization was then observed during the next two months. For the full year, prices fell a substantial $1,752,500 from $14,247,500 to $12,495,000 (-12.3%). Number Currently For Sale: 4 Percent Of The Fleet For Sale: 5.7 Average Model Year / TT: 2010 / 822 Hours Current Average Asking Price: $12,495,000 • Hawker Beechcraft Mid-Size Jets Market Briefing - Spring 2013 ■ ■ ■ ■ 4 +1 (877) 530-JETS toll free • +1 (317) 815-9403 telephone • +1 (317) 663-0705 facsimile • Info@HolsteinAviation.com • www.HolsteinAviation.com JetPak Market Valuation SPECIFIC TO YOUR AIRCRAFT Market information is a critical component of any aircraft transaction. Therefore, it only makes sense to begin the process ─ as either buyer or seller ─ with current and accurate knowledge regarding your current aircraft, or the business jet or turboprop you wish to acquire. The Holstein Aviation JetPak Aircraft Valuation provides you with a marketplace overview accompanied by data on a specific aircraft, all at no cost or obligation to you! JetPak Features FRE E ► Price range ► Number available ► Average days on market ► Sales and pricing trends ► Market Activity Contact Holstein Aviation To Request Your Free JetPak +1 (317) 815-9403 Info@HolsteinAviation.com Put Knowledge and Experience To Work For You Corporate, private and governmental clients worldwide rely on the Holstein Aviation team to bring the utmost in capability and expertise to bear on their behalf. If you are selling a business jet or turboprop, look to us to obtain the highest reasonable price. When you need to acquire a business aircraft, we know how to ensure that you receive the most value for your money. By partnering with Holstein Aviation, whose team member backgrounds and experience span the entrepreneurial to the Fortune 500, you instantly accrue the product and market knowledge, positive performance and enviable industry reputation capability that has been gained through: ► 250 years of total experience ► 56,000 combined flight hours ► 3,500 transactions ► $8 billion in revenue Call on Holstein Aviation to: Buy a Business Aircraft Sell Your Aircraft or Fleet Lease a Jet or Turboprop Obtain Supplemental Lift Recruit / Outplace Consult / Analyze / Plan 2012 Brokerage Perfor mance TTTTTTW W W W W WIIIIC IC IC C C CE E E E E EA A A A A AS S S S S S FFFFFFA A A A A AS S S S S STTTTTT Holstein Aviation continues to sell business jets and turboprops 55% quicker than the market average! Holstein Aviation, Inc. 4000 West 106th Street, Suite 160 Carmel, IN 46032 USA Call +1 (317) 815-9403 +1 (877) 530-JETS toll free or e-mail Info@HolsteinAviation.com for answers, assistance and assurance.
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