CITY OF FREDERICKSBURG CITY COUNCIL MEETING MONDAY. JANUARY 19, 2014 - 6:00 p.m. Law Enforcement Center - 1601 East Main Street Gary Neffendorf, Council Member Bobby Watson, Council Member Kent Myers, City Manager Linda Langerhans, Mayor Graham Pearson , Council Member Jerry Luckenbach , Council Member (REQUEST ALL PAGERS AND PHONES BE TURNED OFF, EXCEPT EMERGENCY ON-CALL PERSONNEL.) AGENDA CALL TO ORDER. Page Ref PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. 1. 2. PUBLIC HEARINGS A PUBLIC HEARING (Z-1415) To rezone approximately 7.3 acres of land from R-1 Single Family Residential to C-2 Commercial and R-3 Multi-Family Residential ORDINANCES - RESOLUTIONS - ACTION ITEMS A Consider Resolution for Justice Assistance Grant 3. 1-8 INDIVIDUAL ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION A Presentation and Discussion on Skate Park. B. Receive and Consider Annual EDC Report. C. Consider Presentation by 2015 Leadership Gillespie County - Frantzen Park Improvements D. Consider 2015 City Manager Performance Goals E. Consider Admiral Nimitz Foundation Request - Conveyance of a Portion of Austin St. F. Receive Requests for 2015 Hotel Occupancy Tax Funds: 1. Hill Country Film Festival 2. Hill Country Antique Tractor & Engine Club 3. Hill Country Run Motorcycle Rally 4 . Oktoberfest 5. Fredericksburg Music Club 6. Canto Chamber Choir 7. Fredericksburg SHINES 8. Fredericksburg Farmers Market 9. Ft Martin Scott 10. Fredericksburg Theater Company 11. Boys & Girls Club of the Texas Hill Country 12. Admiral Nimitz Foundation 13. Admiral Nimitz Foundation 14. Arion Mannerchor 15. 4th of July Parade and Programs 16. Friends of Gillespie County Country Schools 17. Friends of Head Start 18. Gillespie County Fair & Festivals Association 9-26 27-40 41 42-54 55-56 57-69 Packet City Council Agenda January 19, 2015 Page 2 19. Fredericksburg Chorale 20. Fredericksburg Art Guild 21 . Gillespie County Historical Society 22. Eisbahn/Heritage School 23. Texas Society for the Preservation of St. Joseph's Halle 24. Fredericksburg Chamber of Commerce - Light the Night Christmas Parade and AfterGlow 25. Die Kunstler von Fredericksburg 26. Friends of Fredericksburg Nature Center - Wings Over the Hills Nature Festival 27. Fredericksburg Jaycees Crawfish Festival 28. Fredericksburg Jaycees Truck and Tractor Pull 29. SystemsGO 4. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT A. January 22 City Council Retreat B. Old Fair Park Area Master Plan C. Health Insurance Update D. Proposed Apartment Development E. Management Intern F. Web Cam at Market Square G. City Employee Recognitions 5. ITEMS FOR FUTURE AGENDAS 6. PUBLIC COMMENTS - This time is for citizens to address the C ity Council on issues and items of concern not on this agenda . There will be no City Council action at this time. 7. COUNCIL COMMENTS - No discussion or action may take place. 8. EXECUTIVE SESSION - Council reserves the right to adjourn into executive session at any time during the course of this meeting to discuss any of the matters listed above, as authorized by Texas Government Code Sections 551 .071 (Consultation with Attorney), 551 .072 (Deliberations about Real Property), 551.073 (Deliberations about Gifts and Donations), 551.074 (Personnel Matters), 551 .076 (Deliberations about Security Devices) and 551 .086 (Economic Development). A. Executive Session - Consider Transfer of Property from Gillespie County 9. ADJOURN CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: January 12, 2015 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Brian Jordan, AICP SUBJECT: Rezone approximately 7.3 acres of land from R-1 Single Family Residential to C-2 Commercial and R-3 Multi-Family Residential. (Z-1415). Summary: The applicant is proposing to rezone approximately 7.3 acres of land from R-1 Single Family Residential to C-2 Commercial fronting N. Llano Street and R-3 Multi-Family Residential fronting on N. Adams Street. The property is currently undeveloped and is bordered by a bank and church to the east, the elementary school to the north, a cemetery to the south and undeveloped land to the west. The owners intend to develop apartments on the property in the future. Recommendation : The Planning and Zoning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the rezoning. Staff concurs with the Commission's recommendation of approval. Since the owners will not be available to attend the Council Meeting on January 191h , they have requested that action on this item be considered at the February 2 meeting. The City of Fredericksburg 126 W. Main St. • Fredericksburg, Texas 78624-3708 • (830) 997-7521 • Fax (830) 997-1861 Background I Analysis: See attached Zoning Brief for request Z-1415 0 The City of Fredericksburg 126 W. Main St.• Fredericksburg, Texas 78624-3708 • (830) 997-7521 • Fax (830) 997-1861 ZONING CHANGE BRIEF Rezoning Request # Z-1415 OWNER/APPLICANT: MacDonald and Associates, Inc. LOCATION: N. Llano Street, west of American Bank of Texas (See attached map). SIZE: Approximately 7.3 acres. EXISTING ZONING: R-1, Single Family Residential PROPOSED ZONING: C-2 Commercial on portion fronting on N. Llano Street and R-3 Multi-Family Residential on portion fronting on N. Adams Street FINDINGS: • • • • • The property is made up of two tracts extending from N. Llano Street to N. Adams Street, and are currently undeveloped. The properties were rezoned in the same manner being requested at this time in 2003, and subsequently rezoned back at the request of the property owners. The accompanying map shows these properties. Utilities are currently available to serve the properties. The property adjoining the subject property to the north and south is zoned C-2 along N. Llano Street and R-2 Multi-family Residential on N. Adams Street. The zoning on the adjoining property is identical to what is being requested. The Land Use Plan identifies the property fronting on N. Llano Street as Mixed Use Corridor and the area fronting N. Adams Street as Medium Density Residential. LAND USE PLAN: The Mixed Use designation represents an effort to change the typical pattern of strips of underperforming commercial development that often line highways and arterials. Rather than limiting the properties along major entry corridors to commercial uses, this category offers a variety of higher density residential and mixed use opportunities. The policy of allowing a mix of uses along major roadways supports a change in development from a pattern of older commercial structures to new projects with a variety of uses, including mixed use within an individual project or building. In the process, it reduces the excess commercial capacity along these corridors and creates locations for more affordable housing. The Medium Density Residential category includes single family detached dwellings on smaller lots and attached dwelling units, such as duplex and townhomes. Medium density land uses often provide housing for "empty Nesters" who may not want the maintenance of a large-lot single-family home, and for young families who may find a townhome or duplex more affordable than a single-family home. They play an important role in providing workforce housing as well. These residential uses can provide a buffer between lower density residential areas and more intensive residential, non-residential or mixed use areas. ZONING: The proposed zoning will roughly split these tracts in half, with the half fronting on N. Llano Street being C-2 Commercial and the half fronting on N. Adams being R-3, Multi-family residential. This proposed zoning configuration would be consistent and essentially identical to the existing zoning to the north and south (see the attached zoning map). OPPOSITION/SUPPORT OF REQUEST: regarding this request. We have not received any comments PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: The proposed zoning is consistent with the land use and zoning pattern on the adjoining properties. The Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of this request. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: recommendation to approve this request. Staff concurs with the Commission's DocuSign Envelope ID: E8081 7F9·F4CE-4295·BBB4-7B6B91E8452F ~~©~OW~~ ~ LAND USE ZONING M ~ OEC 0 2 1014 ~ APPLICATION FOR RE..zONJNGK $200.00 APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE TO THE CITY COUNCii. AND THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION TO AMEND THE ZONING ORDINANCE AND THE ZONING DISTRICT MAP Of THE CITY OF FREO!!H.ICl<SBURG AS HEREINl\l'TER SET FORTH MacDonald and Associates, Inc. 2951 Fall Creek Road, ICerrvJlle, TX 78028 1. APPLICANT: 2. AooRess: PHONE NUMBER: (830) 257~5323 f'AX NUMBER: (830) 257-3168 tjm.acclonald@mac(lonald-companies.con:1:..------~----- 3. APPLIOANf EMAIL ADDRESS: 4. OWNER (IF DIFfERENT FROM APPLICANT) 6. AOPRl!SS: 6. PHONE NUMBl:R: 7. OWNER 11MAIL ADDRESS; JJJ,ik~~rks a. OESCRIPTION OF PROPF.RTY INVOLVED IN THIS REQUEST: ADDRESS: &Cf( /lsvi!j C-.tTJitNZ- IJq~ Ckcb-Af/db: (j~( ~~ c(o ;f{ll.~5-l~rk5 / 1/6 ~- Abs-I•" Q., F~r1c;~6"'J' 75< 'ft0-"670't FAX NUMBER: (f!.JJ1i/-:e:~lkr/:.5, Cdlh ·- . Come!' of Llano Hwy. and Lower Crnbnpplc Road - I LEGAL Dl:!SCRIPTION: LAl'">;t,1.. (Jr /_olV(!,/" Crv.. ~{/k Tracts 3 an<l 4AR, Nagel Subdivision 7.3 acres 0. 10. C2 (front) and ZONING R3(rear) JUSTIFICATION FOR REQUEST: The proposed 2one change would be consistent wlth the 20ning on either ZONING CHANGE REQUESTED FROM DISTRICT Rl ZONING DISTRICTTO side of this property, and with the Future Land Use mw. 11. ARE THERE ANY OE!!O RESTRICTIONS WHICH WOULO PREVENT THIS PROPERTY FROM BEING USED IN THE MANNEH HEREIN PROPOS!:D?__,N'-'-"'-o_ _ _ __ _ _ __ __ __ 12. EXISTING IMPROVC:MENTS ON PROPERTY: II Uu:ro aro any slluctures on lho properly, allach a plot p!t1n, drawn to seutle (to nt on an 11 x 17' paper, ff posslllle) the loo;iUon ond size of all existing s!Nclures Md their dlslence from !he lot lines, plus propo~od · developmenl pl;tn$ II any. 13. CONFORMANQE WITH LAND USE PLAN: Xi YES 0 NO An applloatlon for re-zontoo wlll not be ecceple<l uoloss 01e roquosled zoning clats!RcaHon conforms to the Comprehonslva Land Use Pion. An appUcanl may OJlplyfor a change to U1e Comprehonslve Lend I.Isa Plan, Im oppllcant may iip11ly for 'l change In lhe comprehensive l.<Jnd Uso Plan C(lncurrenll}' w!U1 a ro-zonlng epplloaUon • However, !ho Plonnlng & Zont119 Commission end the Clly · Council shall oonslder ond make Its recommendaUon or doclslon on the Comprehonslve Land Use Plan chat190 prior to the re-zoning. /fl/A APPLICATION FOi? LAND USE PLAN CHANGE.$200.00 APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE TO 11-IE CITY COUNCIL ANO THE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION TO AMEND THE LAND USE PLAN MAP OF THE CITY OF ~REOERICl<SBURG AS HEREIN SET FORTH: 14. CHANGE REQUESTED FROM: USE TO 16. .-. .- LAND / LAND USE. SIGN/l.TUREOFAPPLICANT:'77'~=-~~~;,..L----------------------~ No Ce: Iftho epp/fcen/ Is not I/re /090! owner oflhe propsrty, A slgrrod s/IJ/smsnt by Ille ownor //1at /he oppllcsn/ fl> the a111/1orized agent of /hQ Ql'lnor of the property, or~/ f/8i!ll~J.g~wl/!•& ovtnsr Is requlrod: SIGNAl'UR!: OF OWNF.R: _ 7/41.rr 'S ..a~ 19CC6865Cl32468_ _ Am,,., .~ · DocuSign Envelope ID: E80817F9-F4CE-4295-BBB4-786B91E8452F DATE:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ft:E PAID:._ _ _ _ __ _ __ ~a-2onlng o Lond Uso Plan Chonga TITLE SEARCH:..,__ _,__ _ _ _,.... Nole: A cuuenl lltle search must be svbmflled \'.ith lhti oppllcaU011 16. CONSENr OF LIEN HOLOEH: Note: If this propo1ly Is e11cumbercd by I.Ion, consonl of /lie Uon holder Is roqulred. SIGNATURE OF LIEN HOLDER:,_ 17. __.;y'-+0-'-~-'------------------------ LIS'( OF PROPERTY OWNERS WITHIN 200 l'T. (Provided by Clly) ORlll:IZ> ·~ J!g; ,. u . u . .:>. IMI!> d.a.s. ...,._ _. s-14-5872 DltA91•1! s - 14-5872 JHECT 1 or 1 -- ------------- ----- ----cz/24 0· R.o.w.J ~ ~' ----- ----- ----- --------- ----- -- 6 -------- ~ C!) Q) North Adaf11S street -~1~oJ~ , " E c: CJ () > ~ ~ ~; ~ 0 CJ 0 0::: I Q) ---Q ~ C'\J I ~I Q CJ -a C'\J . I ~ t• - CJ 100' plot/ record () ~ C'\J (_) ~ c? --: ~ I C'\J Q) S:: ll) 0 ~ "1- "1- -.J .,.._ LEGEND 0 ® i::J ....• 0 l><I 1/2 inch dia. iron rod found :J/ 8 inch dia. iron rod found, unless noted othenrise electric meter pod Verizon riser box Time Womer riser box gas meter l><I water valve 0 air conditioning unit ® sewer manhole cu, utility pole ~ fire hydrant J____ ------------- ----II ig ti ----state 'LO°'1J cao' ~.o.w.) ry direction and supervision. NO· 16 HATCH LEGEND Proposed R-J Zoning ~ Proposed C-2 Zoning lfll!l!Jj Dec. 12, 2014 Allen 0;1e SuftlJmeier Registered Pro~essional La nd Surveyor No. 45 42 - Sta te of Texas SULTEMEIER SURVEYING & ENGINEERING Boundory- Title- Topogrophic-Construction Surveys Engineering - Land Development Services 805 North Uono Street Fredericksburg, Texas 78624 (830) 990-1221 Fox (830) 990-1222 Copyright © 2014 All Rights Reserved sultemeiel" LICENSED SURVEYING FIRM: 100930· 00 A SCHEMA TIC SHOWING PROPOSED ZONING CHANGES TO TRACTS 3 & 4AR IN THE NAGEL SUBDIVISION; GILLLESPIE COUNTY, TEXAS. ( ring Uv \Y'.:: ......!-- PUD - Planned Unit Developme~ R1 - Single Family Residential R2 - Mixed Residential R3 - Multi-Family Residential R4 - Manufactured Home Residential ~ R5 - Patio Home Residential N A CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: January 7, 2015 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Steven Wetz, Chief of Police SUBJECT: Resolution for Justice Assistance Grant Summary: The Police Department is applying for funding through the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant through the Alamo Area Council of Government. The grant would allow the Police Department to purchase two (2) portable information sign boards that can be used to provide drivers with road condition warnings . Analysis: The requested grant amount is for $32,850 which would purchase two (2) information sign boards. The grant is for the total cost and would require no matching funds. The sign boards would be utilized to help reroute traffic during major incidents and to provide information of road conditions to motorist passing through our community. The equipment would be purchased from All Traffic Solutions, unless an alternative company can be found . Recommendation : The Police Department recommends that the resolution be signed and the police department be allowed to apply for the grant to purchase this equipment. Agency Name: City of Fredericksburg Grant/App: 2856601 Start Date: 10/1/2015 End Date: 3/31/2016 Project Title: Portable Variable Traffic Message Signs Status: Application Pending Submission Eligibility Information Your organization's Texas Payee/Taxpayer ID Number: 746000874 Application Eligibility Certify: Created on:12/ 17/ 2014 3:17:50 PM By:Braxton Roemer Profile Information Applicant Agency Name: City of Fredericksburg Project Title: Portable Variable Traffic Message Signs Division or Unit to Administer the Project: Police Department Address Line 1: 126 West Main Street Address Line 2: City/State/Zip: Fredericksburg Texas 78624Start Date: 10/ 1/ 2015 End Date: 3/31/2016 Regional Council of Goverments(COG) within the Project's Impact Area: Alamo Area Council of Governments Headquarter County: Gillespie Counties within Project's Impact Area : Grant Officials: Authorized Official User Name: Steven Wetz Email: Address 1: 1601 Ea st Main Address 1: City: Fredericksburg, Texas 78624 Phone: 830-997-7585 Other Phone : Fax: Title: Mr. Salutation: Chief Project pjrector User Name: Braxton Roemer Email: Address 1: 1601 Ea st Main Street Address 1: City: Fredericksburg, Texas 78624 Phone: 830-997 -7585 Other Phone: 830-889- 5860 Fax: 830-997-9541 Title: Mr. Salutation: Lieutenant Financial Official User Name: Laura Hollenbeak Email: Address 1: 126 W Main St Address 1 : City: Fredericksburg, Texas 78624 Phone: 830-997- 7521 Other Phone: 830-990-2015 Fax : 830-990-2048 Title: Ms. Salutation: Constable Grant Wrjter User Name: Braxton Roemer Email: Address 1: 1601 Ea st Main Street Address 1: City: Fredericksburg, Texas 78624 Phone: 830-997-7585 Other Phone: 830-889-5860 Fax: 830-997-9541 Title: Mr. Salutation: Lieutenant Grant Vendor Information Organization Type: Unit of Local Government (City, Town, or Village) Organization Option: applying to provide services to all others Applicant Agency's State Payee Identification Number (e.g., Federal Employer's Identification (FEI) Number or Vendor ID): 746000874 Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS): Narrative Information Primary Mission and Purpose The purpose of the Edward Byrne Justice Assistance Formula Grant (JAG) Program is to prevent and control crime and make improvements to the criminal justice system. Funding Levels The anticipated fund ing levels for the JAG program are as follows: • Minimum Award - $10,000 • Maximum Award - None • Match Required - None For more information regarding grantee match, please click on the Budget tab, and then click on the Source of Match tab in eGrants. Note: If you voluntarily include matching funds that exceed the minimum match requirement, you will be held to that amount throughout the grant period. Program Requirements Purpose Areas Applicant assures that its proposed project meets at least one of the following Purpose Areas to be eligible for funding: Law Enforcement - Supports state and local law enforcement agencies that address violent crime or statistically supported major crime initiatives at the local level. Prosecution and Court - Programs that improve the prosecution of serious and violent crimes, including those that reduce the time from arrest to disposition. Technology - Programs that implement or expand a law enforcement agency's ability to report and analyze cr ime. Applicant assures that any criminal intelligence databases developed under this program will comply with 28 CFR Part 23. Corrections and Community Corrections - Programs that reintegrate adults and juveniles into the community. Drug Treatment - Programs that target substance abuse treatment for juveniles or adults who have been court ordered to participate, including drug courts and projects that serve as alternat ives to incarceration. Priorities @ Crime Data - Enhancements to records management systems to allow law enforcement agencies to report crime data to the Texas Department of Public Safety in the National Incident Based Numbering System (NIBRS) format or to the Texas Data Exchange System (TDEx). Mental Health - Specialized training to increase the number of mental health officers and the ability of law enforcement to work with individuals diagnosed with mental illness. Trafficking - Projects that disrupt drug and human trafficking including areas along and near major state corridors. System Improvements - Projects that promote efficiency, accuracy and credibility of law enforcement agencies and prosecutors. Innovative or Evidence Based Programs - Projects that reduce crime and violence in areas with high crime rates or organized criminal activity. Select the one priority that represents the primary focu s of your project: Crime Data Mental Health _ Trafficking X. System Improvements _ I nnovative or Evidence Based Programs _ N/A Describe how the project supports the selected priority( ies): Note: Purchasing equipment does not meet a priority unless you can clearly state how the purchase has a direct link to the priority. For example, purchasing laptops for patrol cars does not relate to updating records management systems to generate NIBRS data to DPS since the changes involve software not hardware. Portable Variable Traffic Message Sign Boards will assist law enforcement in managing traffic by providing motorists with timely, accurate information relating to re-routing, closures, and/or hazards in emergency and non-emergency situations, both within Gillespie County and contiguous counties. It is efficient because motorists can read pertinent information, which will save time and man-power since motorists will receive necessary information from a created message rather than directly from an officer. It will be used during major long term accident investigations, special events, at crime scenes requiring detouring of traffic, severe weather, and for the reduction of speed in high traffic areas. Program Income Applicant agrees to comply with all federal and state rules and regulations for program income and agrees to report all program income that is generated as a result of the project's activities. Applicant agrees to report program income to CJD through a formal grant adjustment and to secure CJD approval prior to use of the program income. Applicant agrees to use program income for allowable costs and agrees to expend program income immediately after CJD's approval of a grant adjustment and prior to requesting reimbursement of CJD funds. Deduction Method - Program income shall be deducted from total allowable costs to determine the net allowable costs. Program income shall be used for current costs unless CJD authorizes otherwise. Program income which the grantee did not anticipate at the time of the award shall be used to reduce the CJD award and grantee match rather than to increase the funds committed to the project. Note: Program income must be spent on project expenses before expending OOG grant funds. Program income is subject to the same statutes, rules, regulations, and guidelines applicable to the use of the DOG-funded portion of the grant. Asset Seizures and Forfeitures - Program income from asset seizures and forfeitures is considered earned when the property has been adjudicated to the benefit of the plaintiff (e.g., law enforcement entity). Uniform Cri me Reporting Applicant assures that if it operates a law enforcement agency, the agency is current and has been current in reporting required Part I violent crime data for the three previous years to the Texas Department of Public Safety, and will continue timely reporting of required crime data throughout the grant period. Criminal History Reporting Entities receiving funds from CJD must be located in a county that has an average of 90% or above on both adult and juvenile dispositions entered into the computerized criminal history database maintained by the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) as directed in the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, Chapter 60. The disposition completeness percentage is defined as the percentage of arrest charges a county reports to DPS for which a disposition has been subsequently reported and entered into the computerized criminal history system. Constitutional Compliance Applicant assures that it will not engage in any activity that violates Constitutional Jaw including profiling based upon race. Information Systems Applicant assures that any new criminal justice information systems will comply with data sharing standards for the Global Justice XML Data Model and the National Information Exchange Model. Bulletproof Vests Applicant assures that if it plans to purchase body armor with grant funds, that it has adopted a mandatory wear policy. .Justice Assistance Grants to Local Units of Gov't Did your agency receive a JAG grant from the Bureau of Justice Assistance (not CJD) in the current or previous fiscal year? Yes K. No If you selected Yes above, describe how those funds have been or plan to be used. Civil Rights Liaison A civil rights liaison who will serve as the grantee's civil rights point of contact and who will be responsible for ensuring that the grantee meets all applicable civil rights requirements must be designated. The designee will act as the grantee's liaison in civil rights matters with CJD and with the federal Office of Justice Programs. Enter the Name of the Civil Rights Liaison: Pat McGowan, City of Fredericksburg City Attorney Enter the Address for the Civil Rights Liaison: 114 East Austin Street, Fredericksburg, Texas 78624 Enter the Phone Number for the Civil Rights Liaison [(999) 999-9999 x9999]: 830-997-4315 Certification Each applicant agency will certify to the specific criteria detailed above under Program Requirements to be eligible for funding under the Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program Solicitation. K. I certify to i!l1. of the above eligibility requirements. Problem Statement: Please provide a detailed account in the Problem Statement section of the existing issues your project will target. Enter your problem statement: Fredericksburg has two U.S. Highways and one State Highway that converge in the downtown Fredericksburg area. Fredericksburg is also a tourist destination that frequently sees over a million visitors annually. The City of Fredericksburg is in need of portable variable traffic message sign boards to alert traffic and give motorists information regarding road closures due to special events, severe weather, or other situations where motorists must be notified of pertinent information to improve roadway safety. Currently, there is no viable means of notification for motorists and visitors. Supporting Data: Provide as much supporting data, to include baseline statistics and the sources of your data, which are pertinent to where the grant project is located and/or targeted. Do not use statewide data for a local problem or national data for a statewide problem. Enter your supporting data: Portable Variable Traffic Message Signs are electronic signs that can be programmed with custom or preprogrammed messages. The sign boards are affixed to a trailer with a solar panel for use that require a longer periods of time. The sign boards can also be removed from the trailer and affixed to a pole with a battery back included with the sign board for quick portability for short term use. Fredericksburg is located in the Hill Country of Texas with a population of 10,530 (according to the 2010 US Census) and encompasses 6.64 square miles. It is the county seat of Gillespie County with a population of 24,837 in 1,058 square miles. A major part of Fredericksburg's economy is tourism to the downtown area for the various antique shops and other business, museums, and wine tours. According to the Fredericksburg Visitor's Bureau, they estimate that Fredericksburg receives approximately 1.5 million visitors a year. Fredericksburg also has several major highways running through it to include, US Hwy 290, US Hwy 87, and State Hwy 16, and all three converge in the downtown area of Fredericksburg. Due to the terrain in the Hill Country, areas in the City and County are subject to flooding, which require barricades to prevent motorists from entering flooded areas. During freezing weather, some roads become impassable due to ice and must be closed. During severe weather, portable sign boards will be used to make motorists aware of hazards they may encounter as well as road closures wit h alterna te routes. A 2012 Traffic count from the Texas Department of Transportation resulted in 13,700 vehicles counted in Downtown Fredericksburg (US Hwy 290) in a 24 hour period ( weekday). As mentioned above, Fredericksburg is a tourist destination that sees an unusually high amount of traffic particularly on weekends. The City hosts a number of events to support this trade. Fredericksburg has three parades a year that take place in the downtown area, which requires traffic to be routed off of US Hwy 290 for 7 to 8 blocks. Variable message sign boards will be used to direct traffic to Alternate routes. Fredericksburg also has special events, such as Oktoberfest, which is a three day event that requires road closures as well for the weekend. According to the event planner, Deborah Lynn Farquhar Inc, Oktoberfest alone had approximately 21,000 visitors excluding vendors and staff (based on sales at the gate). Additionally, the police department assists with traffic for a number of 5k/10k races and a 100 mile Gran Fondo bicycle race that takes place in Fredericksburg and Gillespie County annually. Variable message sign boards will alert motorists of runners and bicyclists to help prevent pedestrian/cyclist collisions. Also, tourist extend their visit to areas throughout the City and County to include: State Parks, Luckenbach, Wineries, Trade Shows, and Nat ure Acitivities. The requested sign boards will greatly increase our ability to communicate with visitors as they move about the County. Further more, sign boards will be used for crime scenes, fire scenes, and major accidents where traffic will be detoured for longer periods of time to facilitate the movement of traffic around the affected area. Lastly, each sign board is equipped with radar, which will be used to notify motorists of their speed, which can further reduce accidents. Community Plan: For projects that have a local or regional impact target area, provide information regarding the community plan need(s) that your project will/ address. Enter your community planning needs: The 2014 Gillespie County Criminal Justice Plan identifies three areas for Law Enforcement. The number one priority was interoperability communications systems, which was funded by the City. The third priority identified lack of portable signage to direct/manage traffic in emergency or non-routine situations. The response is to purchase programmable mobile sign trailers that can be positioned in different areas when needed to notify drivers of severe road conditions and or information as to alternate routes of travel. The Portable Variable Message Traffic Sign requested will resolve this problem. Goal Statement: Provide a brief description of the overall goals and objectives for this project. Enter a description for the overall goals and objectives: The goal of the Portable Variable Traffic Message Sign Boards is to reduce traffic collisions and improve safety by providing motorists with timely information about road conditions and closures during emergency and nonemergency situations. Cooperative Working Agreement (CWA): When a grantee intends to carry out a grant project through cooperating or participating with one or more outside organizations, the grantee must obtain authorized approval signatures on the cooperative working agreement (CWA) from each participating organization. Grantees must maintain on file a signed copy of all cooperative working agreements, and they must submit to CJD a list of each participating organization and a description of the purpose of each CWA . Cooperative working agreements do not involve an exchange of funds. For this project, provide the name of the participating organization(s) and a brief description of the purpose(s) for the CWA(s) . You should only provide information here that this project's successful operation is contingent on for the named service or participation from the outside organization. Note: A Sample CWA is available here for your convenience. Enter your cooperating working agreement(s): Continuation Projects: For continuation projects only, if your current or previous year's project is NOT on schedule in accomplishing the stated objectives, briefly describe the major obstacles preventing your organization from successfully reaching the project objectives as stated within your previous grant application. (Data may be calculated on a pro-rated basis depending on how Jong the current or previous year's project has been operating.) Enter your current grant's progress: Project Summary: Briefly summarize the entire application, including the project's problem statement, supporting data, goal, target group, activities, and objectives. Be sure that the summary is easy to understand by a person not familiar with your project and that you are confident and comfortable with the information if it were to be released under a public information request. Enter your summary statement for this project: The City of Fredericksburg is in need of Portable Variable Traffic Message Sign boards to alert motorists of road closures, special events, and other emergency situations occurring in the City of Fredericksburg and County of Gillespie as noted as one of the priorities of the 2014 Gillespie County Cr iminal Justice Community Plan. Due to Fredericksburg's tourist industry and the fact that three major highways converge in downtown Fredericksburg, the City often receives an unusually high amount of traffic, which requires a means for the City to be able to deploy signage quickly to respond to unusual circumstances. Special events that occur annually in Fredericksburg also require prompt notification of drivers of alternate routes and/or hazards that may be in the roadway. The goal of purchasing sign boards is to promote safety by providing timely information in an effort to prevent traffic collisions by deploying the signs at various locations that require notification. Project Activities /11formation Law Enforcement Projects How many commissioned peace officers are funded through the department or division (e.g., police department, sheriff's office, constable precinct) within your organization that will benefit from grant funds? 32 How many additional commissioned peace officers are funded by grant funds? 0 Provide the amount of asset forfeitures awarded to your agency in the most recently completed fiscal year. Federal Forfeitures: 0 State Forfeitures: 8000 Provide the balance of asset forfeitures on hand as of the date of this application. Federal Forfeitures: 0 State Forfeitures: 8000 Does this application include funding requests for items that are also eligible for funding with state or federal forfeitures funds? Yes )!.No Prosecution Projects How many prosecutors are funded through your agency's budget? 0 How many additional prosecutors are funded by grant funds? 0 Provide the amount of asset forfeitures awarded to your agency in the most recently completed fiscal year. Federal Forfeitures: 0 State Forfeitures: 0 Provide the balance of asset forfeitures on hand as of the date of this application. Federal Forfeitures: 0 State Forfeitures: 0 Does this application include funding requests for items that are also eligible for funding with state or federal forfeitures funds? Yes K.No Border Security Does your organization receive grant funds for Local Border Security from the Texas Department of Public Safety? Yes )!.No As of the date you submit this application, provide the combined balance($) of all years of Local Border Security funds you have available for spending. 0 Does this application include a request for funds for the same purpose as the DPS Local Border Security Program? Yes )!.No Does your agency receive grant funds under the Operation Stonegarden Program ? Yes )!.No As of the date you submit this application, provide the combined balance ($) of all years of Operation Stonegarden funds you have available for spending. 0 Does this application include a request for funds for the same purpose as the Operation Stonegarden Program? Yes ~ No ... Seecte I d Pro1ect A ct1v1t1es: ACTIVITY PERCENTAGE: DESCRIPTION Equipment 100.00 The Portable Variable Traffic Message Signs will be used to notify motorist of road closures, alternate routes, and special events to improve the safety and efficiency of the movement of traffic in emergency and non-emergency situations. Each sign is also equipped with radar and will be used to inform motorists of speed limit changes in areas determined to have frequent speed violations. Geographic Area: The Portable Variable Message Sign Boards will be used at any location in the City of Fredericksburg where needed to includ e locations leading into Gillespie County and contiguous counties where hazards may be located outside the City Limits. Target Audience: I n most situations, the target audience will be any motorist and in some cases pedestrians in the City of Fredericksburg and those traveling outside the city into Gillespie County. Gender: This project will serve both men and women. Ages: 15 years and up. Special Characteristics: This project will address motorists driving in or approaching hazards, road closures, or special events, and motorists driving in areas determined to have higher than usual speed limit violations. Measures Information Progress Reporting Requirements All programs will be required to report the output and outcome measures for this program to Texas A&M University, Public Policy Research Institute ( PPRIJ. Objective Output Measures OUTPUT MEASURE CURRENT DATA TARGET LEVEL Number of staff with access to equipment purchased with grant funds. 0 32 Number of unit s purchased . 0 2 Custom Objective Output Measures CUSTOM OUTPUT MEASURE CURRENT DATA @ TARGET LEVEL Objective Outcome Measures OUTCOME MEASURE CURRENT DATA TARGET LEVEL Number of agencies that benefitted from equipment purchases. 0 7 Custom Objective Outcome Measures CUSTOM OUTCOME MEASURE CURRENT DATA TARGET LEVEL Certification and Assurances Each applicant must click on this link to review the standard Certification and Assurances. Resolution from Governing Body Applications from nonprofit corporations, local units of governments, and other political subdivisions must include a resolution that contains the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. Authorization by your governing body for the submission of the application to CJD that clearly identifies the name of the project for which funding is requested; A commitment to provide all applicable matching funds; A designation of the name and/or t itle of an authorized official who is given the authori ty to apply for, accept, reject, alter, or terminate a grant (Note: If a name is provided, you must update CJD should the official change during the grant period.); and A written assurance that, in the event of loss or misuse of grant funds, the governing body will return all funds to CJD. Upon approval from your agency's governing body, upload the approved resolution to eGrants by clicking on the Upload Files sub-tab located in the Summary tab. Contract Compliance Will CJD grant funds be used to support any contracts for professional services? Select the Appropriate Response: Yes X. No For applicant agencies that selected Ye s above, describe how you will monitor the activities of the subcontractor(s) for compliance with the contract provisions (including equipment purchases), deliverables, and all applicable statutes, rules, regulations, and guidelines governing this project. Enter a description for monitoring contract compliance: Lobbying For applicant agencies requesting grant funds in excess of $100,000, have any federally appropriated funds been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any federal contract, the making of any federal grant, the making of any federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any federal contract, grant loan, or cooperative agreement? Note: Pursuant to Texas Government Code §556. 005, a political subdivision or private entity that receives state funds may not use the funds to pay a person required to register as a lobbyist or for lobbying expenses. A political subdivision or private entity that violates this provision is not eligible to receive additional state funds. Select the Appropriate Response: Yes No X.N/A For applicant agencies that selected either No or N/A above, have any non-federal funds been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress in connection with this federal contract, loan, or cooperative agreement? Select the Appropriate Response Yes X. No _ N/A Fiscal Year Provide the begin and end date for the applicant agency's fiscal year (e.g., 09/01/20xx to 08/31/20xx). Enter the Begin Date {mm/dd/yyyy): 10/1/2015 Enter the End Date [mm/dd/yyyy): 3/31/2016 Sources of Financial Support Each applicant must provide the amount of grant funds expended during the most recently completed fiscal year for the following sources: Enter the amount($) of Federal Grant Funds: 26170 Enter the amount($) of State Grant Funds: 6534 Single Audit For Fiscal Years Beginning Before December 26. 2014 Applicants who expend less than $500,000 in federal grant funding or less than $500,000 in state grant funding are exempt from the Single Audit Act and cannot charge audit costs to a CJD grant. However, CJD may require a limited scope audit as defined in OMB Circular A-133. Has the applicant agency expended federal grant funding of $500,000 or more, or state grant funding of $500,000 or more during the most recently completed fiscal year? OR For Fiscal Years Beginning On or After December 26, 2014 Applicants who expend less than $750, 000 in federal grant funding or less than $750,000 in state grant funding are exempt from the Single Audit Act and cannot charge audit costs to a CJD grant. However, CJD may require a limited scope audit as defined in CFR Part 200, Subpart F - Audit Requirements. Has the applicant agency expended federal grant funding of $750,000 or more, or state grant funding of $750,000 or more during the most recently completed fiscal year? Select the Appropriate Response: Yes K_ No Applicant agencies that selected Yes above, provide the date of your organization's last annual single audit, performed by an independent auditor in accordance with the Single Audit Act Amendments of 1996 and OMB Circular A-133; or CFR Part 200, Subpart F - Audit Requirements. Enter the date of your last annual single audit: Equal Employment Opportunity Plan (EEOP) Type I Entity - Defined as an applicant that meets one or more of the following criteria: • • • • • • the the the the the the applicant has less than 50 employees; applicant is a non-profit organization; applicant is a medical institution; applicant is an Indian tribe; applicant is an educational institution, or applicant is receiving a single award of less than $25,000. Requirements for a Tvpe I Entity • The applicant is exempt from the EEOP requirements required to prepare an EEOP because it is a Type I Entity as defined above, pursuant to 28 CFR 42.302; • the applicant must complete Section A of the Certification Form and send it to the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) to claim the exemption from developing an EEOP; and • the applicant will comply with applicable federal civil rights laws that prohibit discrimination in employment and in the delivery of services. Type II Entity - Defined as an applicant that meets the following criteria : • the applicant has 50 or more employees, and • the applicant is receiving a single award of $25,000 or more, but less than $500,000. Requirements for a Type II Entity - Federal law requires a Type II Entity to formulate an EEOP and keep it on file . • The applicant agency is required to formulate an EEOP in accordance with 28 CFR 42.301, et seq., subpart E; • the EEOP is required to be formulated and signed into effect within the past two years by the proper authority; • the EEOP is available for review by the public and employees or for review or audit by officials of CJD, CJ D's designee, or the Office of Civil Rights, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice, as required by relevant laws and regulations; • the applicant will comply with applicable federal civil rights laws that prohibit discrimination in employment and in the delivery of services; and • the EEOP is required to be on file in the office of (enter the name and address where the EEOP is filed below): Enter the name of the person responsible for the EEOP and the address of the office where the EEOP is filed: Wynell Herbort, Human Resources; 126 West Main Street, Fredericksburg, Texas 78624 Type III Entity - Defined as an applicant that is NOT a Type I or Type II Entity. Requirements for a Type III Entity - Federal law requires a Type III Entity to formulate an EEOP and submit it for approval to the Office for Civil Rights, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice. • The EEOP is required to be formulated and signed into effect within the past two years by the proper authority; • the EEOP has been submitted to the Office of Civil Rights (OCR), Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice and has been approved by the OCR, or it will be submitted to the OCR for approval upon award of the grant, as required by relevant laws and regulations; and • the applicant will comply with applicable federal civil rights laws that prohibit discrimination in employment and in the delivery of services. Based on the definitions and requirements above, the applicant agency certifies to the following entity type: Select the appropriate response: _ Type I Entity X. Type II Entity _ Type III Entity Debarment Each applicant agency will certify that it and its principals (as defined in 2 CFR Part 180.995): • Are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, sentenced to a denial of Federal benefits by a State or Federal Court, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction by any federal department or agency; • Have not within a three-year period preceding this application been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against them for commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (federal, state, or local) transaction or contract under a public transaction; violation of federal or state antitrust statutes or commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false statements, or receiving stolen property; or • Are not presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a governmental entity (federal, state, or local) with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in the above bullet; and have not within a three-year period preceding this application had one or more public transactions (federal, state, or local) terminated for cause or default. Select the appropriate response: X. I Certify _ Unable to Certify If you selected Unable to Certify above, please provide an explanation as to why the applicant agency cannot certify the statements. Enter the debarment justification: FFATA Certification Certification of Recip ient Hi ghly Compensated Officers - The Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA) requires Prime Recipients (OD) to report the names and total compensation of each of the five most highly compensated officers (a.k.a. positions) of each sub recipient organization for the most recently completed fiscal year preceding the year in which the grant is awarded if the subrecipient answers YES to the FI RST statement but NO to the SECOND statement listed below. In the sub recipient's preceding completed fiscal year, did the sub recipient receive: (1) 80 percent or more of its annual gross revenue from Federal contracts (and subcontracts), loans, grants (and subgrants) and cooperative agreements; AND (2) $25,000,000 or more in annual gross revenue from Federal contracts (and subcontracts}, loans, grants (and subgrants) and cooperative agreements? Yes X. No Does the public have access to information about the compensation of the senior executives through periodic reports filed under Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. 7Bm(a}, 7Bo(d)) or Section 6104 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986? Yes )!No If you answered YES to the FIRST statement and NO to the SECOND statement, please provide the name and total compensation amount of each of the five most highly compensated officers (a.k.a. positions) within your agency for the current calendar year. If you answered NO to the first statement you are NOT required to provide the name and compensation amounts. NOTE: "Total compensation" means the complete pay package of each of the sub recipient's compensated officers, including all forms of money, benefits, services, and in-kind payments (see SEC Regulations: 17 CCR 229.402). Position 1 - Name: Position 1 - Total Compensation($): 0 Position 2 - Name: Position 2 - Total Compensation($): 0 Position 3 - Name: Position 3 - Total Compensation($): 0 Position 4 - Name: Position 4 - Total Compensation ($): 0 Position 5 - Name: Position 5 - Total Compensation ($): 0 Fiscal Capability 111/ormation Organizational Information Enter the Year in which the Corporation was Founded: Enter the Date that the IRS Letter Granted 501(c)(3) Tax Exemption Status: Enter the Employer Identification Number Assigned by the IRS: Enter the Charter Number assigned by the Texas Secretary of State: Accounting System The grantee organization must incorporate an accounting system that will track direct and indirect costs for the organization (general ledger) as well as direct and indirect costs by project (project ledger). The grantee must establish a time and effort system to track personnel costs by project. This should be reported on an hourly basis, or in increments of an hour. Is there a list of your organization's accounts identified by a specific number (i. e., a general ledger of accounts). Select the appropriate response: Yes No Does the accounting system include a project ledger to record expenditures for each Program by required budget cost categories? Select the appropriate response : Yes No Is there a timekeeping system that allows for grant personnel to identify activity and requires signatures by the employee and his or her supervisor? Select the appropriate response: Yes No If you answered 'No' to any question above in the Accounting System section, in the space provided below explain what action will be taken to ensure accountability. Enter your explanation : Financial Capability Grant agencies should prepare annual financial statements. At a minimum, current internal balance sheet and income statements are required. A balance sheet is a statement of financial position for a grant agency disclosing assets, liabili ties, and retained earnings at a given point in time. An income statement is a summary of revenue and expenses for a grant agency during a fiscal year. Has the grant agency undergone an independent audit? Select the appropriate response: Yes No Does the organization prepare financial statements at least annually? Select the appropriate response: Yes No According to the organization 's most recent Audit or Balance Sheet, are the current total assets greater than the liabilities? Select the appropriate response: Yes No If you selected 'No' to any question above under the Financial Capability section, in the space provided below ex plain what action will be taken to ensure accountability. Enter your explanation: Budgetary Controls Grant agencies should establish a system to track expenditures against budget and/ or funded amounts. Are there budgetary controls in effect (e.g., comparison of budget with actual expenditures on a monthly basis) to include drawing down grant funds in excess of: a) Total funds authorized on the Sta tement of Grant Award? Yes No b) Total funds available for any budget category as stipulated on the Statement of Grant Award? Yes No I f you selected 'No' to any question above under the Budgetary Controls section, in the space provided below please explain what action will be taken to ensure accountability. Enter your explanation: Internal Controls Grant agencies must safeguard cash receipts, disbursements, and ensure a segregation of duties exist. For example, one person should not have authorization to sign checks and make deposits. Are accounting entries supported by appropriate documentation (e.g., purchase orders, vouchers, receipts, invoices)? Select the appropriate response: Yes No Is there separation of responsibility in the receipt, payment, and recording of costs? Select the appropriate response: Yes No If you selected 'No' to any question above under the Internal Controls section, in the space provided below please explain what action will be taken to ensure accountability. Enter your explanation: Budget Details 111/ormation Budget Information by Budget Line Item: CATEGORY SUB CATEGORY DESCRIPTION Equipment Specialty Vehicle All traffic Solutions SpeedAlert 24 Radar CJD CASH MATCH $18,000.00 $0.00 INKIND MATCH GPI TOTAL UNIT /% $0.00 $0.00 $18,000.00 2 Message Sign Equipment Specialty Vehicle All Traffic Solutions Trailer, ATS5 $6,400.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $6,400.00 2 Equipment Specialty Vehicle All traffic Solutions PowerCase PC36, 36 Ah power supply $1, 190.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,190.00 2 Eq uipment Specialty Vehicle Al l Traffic Solutions Portable post , st anda rd, fold ing assembly $700.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $700.00 2 Equipment Specialty Vehicle All Traffic Solut ions mount kit, iA24 mounting bracket $590.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $590.00 2 Equipment Specialt y Vehicle All Traffic Solut ions Car rying Case; iA24 softcase with storage pockets $200.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $200.00 2 Equipment Specia lty Vehicle All Traffic Solutions Traile r Battery Kit, 470Ah deep cycle batteries $1,980.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0 .00 $1,980.00 2 Equipment Specialty Vehicle All Traffic Solutions Solar panel, 60W $1,790.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,790.00 2 Equipment Specialt y Vehicle Shipping $2,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,000.00 2 Source of Match lnformatio11 Detail Source of Hatch/GPI: I I MATCH TYPE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Summary Source of Hatch/GPI: Total Report Cash Match In Kind GPI Federal Share GPI State Share $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Budget Summary lnformatio11 Budget Summary Information by Budget Categor y: CATEGORY CJD CASH MATCH IN- KIND MATCH GPI TOTAL I $32,850.00 Equipment $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $32,850.00 Budget Grand Total Information: CJD CASH MATCH IN-KIND MATCH GPI TOTAL $32,850.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $32,850.00 Co11dition Of Fundings Information Condition of Funding / Project Requirement Date Created Date Met Hold Funds Hold Line Item Funds CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: January 11, 2015 TO: Mayor, and City Council FROM: Jimmy Alexander, Director of Parks & Recreation SUBJECT: Skate Park Summary: The Morning Rotary Club will be making an update to the City Council regarding the construction of the Skate Park. There will also be a request made to fund $15,000 to provide a handicap accessible path from the existing parking lot to the Skate Park. Recommendation: It is recommended to consider the updated information. Background I Analysis: The majority of the items agreed upon in the contract between the City and the Morning Rotary Club have been met. The issue of the funding will be discussed at this meeting. To date the Morning Rotary Club has commitments to complete the funding necessary but not all of the money is in the bank. The City~redericksburg :J,7 126 W. Main St.• Fredericksburg, Texas 4-3708 • (830) 997-752 1 • Fax (830) 997-186 1 Perhaps by the date the January 19th the money will have been secured. As a follow up to the statement made in public comment, the other issue that the City Council will be asked is to fund $15,000 that is necessary to construct an accessible path from the existing Old Fair Park parking lot to the new Skate Park. Susan Kimbrell from the Morning Rotary Club will be at the meeting to discuss these and any other issues. The City o~edericksburg ® 126 W. Main St.• Fredericksburg, Texas 78624-3708 • (830) 997-752 1 • Fax (830) 997-186 1 LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR SKATE PARK AND BMX FACILITY FREDERICKSBURG, TEXAS ~ This Agreement is entered into this the 1.-"'? day of August , 2012, between the City of Fredericksburg, Texas, hereinafter referred to as "City", and the Rotary Club of Fredericksburg- Morning, a Texas non-profit corporation, hereinafter referred to as "Rotary". In consideration of the terms herein, the City and Rotary hereby recite, covenant, and agree as follows: I. As a public service, for the benefit and improvement of the community, Rotary intends to design and construct a structure for skateboards and inline roller skates, and a BMX facility which shall include landscaping in accordance with the City's landscape ordinances. The BMX facility field and the skate structure collectively may hereafter be referred to as "the Facility". Once the Facility is constructed, City will maintain and manage the facility. Rotary offers the construction of the Facility to the City as a donation. II. Subject to the terms and conditions of this agreement, the City hereby grants Rotary a revocable exclusive license to construct the facility on approximately twenty four thousand (24,000) square feet of the undeveloped part of City owned land at Old Fair Park at a location which is northeast of the Boys and Girls Club and southwest of the ball practice field , the exact configuration of the location to be specifically approved by the City. This license may be revoked as provided in Section XV below. Upon completion of the facility, the City shall accept the donation of the Facility from Rotary. Ill. Terms and Conditions Relating to Construction of the Facility: A. The City agrees that it shall: 1. Provide construction oversight assistance at its discretion under the direction of the Director of Parks and Recreation for the City or his or her designee; and 2. Provide, at the City's expense electricity and water to the site during construction of the Facility; and 3. Advise Rotary if it finds any conditions at the facility before or during construction which may be unsatisfactory and in need of change or correction; and 4. Allow Rotary freedom of design in the facility, provided that said design complies with generally accepted standards of the industry and that the same is certified by a professional engineer licensed in the State of Texas; and 5. Allow Rotary to engage contractors and subcontractors to build the facility; and 6. Allow Rotary to place and maintain recognition signs in the facility area following the completion of construction, and one temporary recognition sign during construction. It is understood that the permanent signs shall be small dedication plaques acknowledging the contributions of sponsors and donors. Further, all such signs shall be subject to provisions of applicable City sign ordinances and construction codes, and subject to prior approval by the Director of Development Services for the City, or his or her designee. The City retains the right, in consultation with Rotary to name the project and determine the number, placement, size, content and materials for permanent signage to be erected following completion of construction; 7. Prior to the beginning of construction, allow Rotary to terminate this agreement upon sixty days written notice, without penalty. After the commencement of construction, allow Rotary to terminate without notice, provided the construction of the Facility becomes cost prohibitive and Rotary agrees, upon request of the City, if it decides not to complete the structure, to remove the Facility, or any portions of the facility that have been constructed, and to restore Old Fair Park to its original condition, as it existed prior to any construction associated with the Facility. B. Rotary agrees it shall: 1. Raise all funds deemed by Rotary to be necessary for the construction hereby contemplated within three (3) years of the date of this agreement, and then actually construct the Facility within one (1) year following the completion of the fundraising. This agreement will terminate at the option of the City in the event the funds are not timely raised. 2. Not have any ownership interest of any kind in the approved location, and not exclude the City from entering the location at any time and fo r any reason. 3. At its expense, design, engineer and construct the Facility on the designated property to meet all requirements as set forth by the City approved plan and specifications which plans and specifications shall include all necessary site fixtures; and 4. Employ a professional engineer licensed in the State of Texas or a person with equivalent qualification to design the facility and provide supervision during construction of the facility; and 5. Require that the engineering, architectural design and construction contract shall include the number and placement of safety and warning signs which have been approved by the City; and 6. Contract with a qualified professional contractor or builder who will construct the facility, and provide a copy of such contract to the City; and 7. During site preparation and construction, require the Contractor to secure, protect and maintain the site until it is completely finished , and at a minimum, the Contractor shall be required to place fencing and signs around the site to keep the public away during construction; and 8. Require the engineer or architect to prepare as-built drawings of the Facility and a maintenance manual or maintenance routine, which shall be delivered to the City when the City accepts the Facility; and 9. Require the transfer of any and all warranties provided for materials or workmanship to the City; and 10. Include in the construction contract indemnification language favorable to the City and to the Rotary Club. Additionally, the Contractor should be required to carry insurance and the City and the Rotary should be named as additional insureds for liability purposes in the form described below; and 11 . Require the Contractor, to clean the area used in construction of the Facility to the satisfaction of the Director of Parks and Recreation, or his or her designee, during and following construction; and 12. Pay all expenses directly incurred by Rotary in a timely manner; and 13. Indemnify, defend, and hold the City harmless from all claims, loss, injury, and damage arising during construction of the facility except for the sole negligence of the City; and 14. During construction, and until the facility is accepted by the City, require the Contractor to provide workers compensation insurance which meets the State of Texas requ irements, Commercial General Liability insurance written on an occurrence basis with limits not less than $1 ,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence, per location and $2,000,000 aggregate for personal injury, bodily injury, and property damage, with coverage to include but not be limited to: blanket contractual; products/completed operations; broad form property damage; explosion, collapse and underground (XCD) if applicable; and employer's liability if and when an employee is hired by Rotary; the City shall be named as an additional insured on the insurance policy, and a copy of the endorsement naming the City as additional insured shall be attached to the Certificate of Insurance; and such certificate shall contain a clause stating that coverage shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respects to the limits of the insurers liability. The Contractor's insurance shall be primary insurance with respect to the City, and the City shall be given thirty (30) days prior written notice of any cancellation, suspension or material change in coverage. Failure to maintain acceptable insurance will result in the termination of this use agreement. IV. The construction of the Facility shall be performed as set forth in the approved plans and specifications. Before proceeding with construction, the Contractor shall provide to the City Manager, or his or her designee, a construction schedule. V. Rotary shall not construct or allow construction of any ancillary facilities, such as a registration booth or viewing structures except as approved by the City. VI. The City shall establish the opening date for the Facility with input from Rotary. VII. Record Keeping and Reporting. A. Rotary shall maintain accounts and records which accurately reflect the details of construction, costs, and design of the facility. These and all records relating to the performance of this Agreement shall be available for City inspection. B. Rotary shall provide the City with reports at six month intervals each year during fundraising, and monthly during construction fully describing what work has been performed pursuant to this Agreement and the anticipated date of substantial completion of the Facility. The final report shall include a complete report detailing the project from the commencement of constructions. VIII. The relationship created by this Agreement is that of independent contracting entities. Rotary is not an agent or employee of the City. Rotary, as an independent contractor, shall control and direct the performance of the details of the work to be provided. IX. Rotary shall protect, defend, save harmless, and indemnify the City, its officers, agents and employees from and against any and all claims, damages, losses and expenses, including reasonable attorney fees, occurring, arising or resulting from the performance of this Agreement. X. Breach. In addition to all other rights and remedies available at law or in equity: A. In the event Rotary fails to abide by any of the terms of this Agreement, the City may send notice of breach of this Agreement and demand Rotary cure such breach within sixty (60) days. If the breach is not cured, the City can either (1) correct such breach and charge Rotary for any cost incurred; or (2) terminate this Agreement under XV below. B. Should the City fail to abide by any of its obligations under this Agreement, Rotary, after sixty (60) days' written notice of breach may (1) terminate this Agreement according to XV below; or (2) bring suit for an injunction to enforce this Agreement as its only legal remedy, waiving all other damages except cost reimbursement for unreasonable construction interference as follows: Although the City ·retains the right to possession and use of the approved location, the City shall not unreasonably interfere with the Rotary's construction, City shall be liable to Rotary for any cost incurred due to its unreasonable interference. XI. Contractual Requirements Rotary shall assure that all work done in furtherance of the agreement shall provide fair, equal and non-discriminatory treatment of all persons, without respect to race, creed or national origin, and, in particular: A. The Contractor shall maintain open hiring and employment practices and will welcome applications for employment in all positions from qualified individuals who are members of minorities protected by federal equal opportunity/affirmative action requirements; and 8. The Contractor shall comply with all requirements of applicable federal, state or local laws or regulations issued pursuant thereto, relating to the establishment of non-discriminatory requirements in hiring and employment practices and assuring the services of all persons without discrimination as to any person's race, color, religion, sex, Vietnam era veteran's status, disabled veteran condition, physical or mental handicap, or national origin. XII. The rights under this Agreement shall not be assigned and the duties under this Agreement shall not be delegated by either the City or Rotary. XIII. The signatories to this Agreement hereby represent that they have full legal authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of their respective ® entities. XIV. The parties agree that this Agreement is the complete expression of the terms hereto and any oral representation or understanding not incorporated herein is excluded. Further, any modification of this Agreement shall be in writing and signed by both parties. XV. Termination. A. In the event that the facility becomes cost prohibitive, Rotary may terminate this Agreement by giving to the City written notice of intent to terminate sixty (60) days prior to termination date. In that event, if so directed by The City, Rotary shall return to its original condition any portion of Old Fair Park that was disturbed by any work done in furtherance of this Agreement. 8. In the event Rotary does not comply with and fulfill its obligations under this agreement, the City may terminate this Agreement by giving to Rotary written notice and opportunity to cure of sixty (60) days prior to terminating this Agreement. C. Upon termination of this agreement due to the successful completion of the Facility, it is understood and agreed by the parties, that the City intends to maintain and utilize the Facility as a skateboard, in-line roller skate and BMX park for a minimum of twenty (20) years subject to the following : it is agreed and understood that the needs of the City with regard to recreational needs or the need to use the property on which the Facility is located in ways more advantageous to the citizens may change over time, and in the event the City desires to utilize the property of the Facility in a different manner during such 20 year period, the City will provide a comparable facility elsewhere in the City. The City shall not have such obligation if the reason for the desired closure is non-use of the Facility. The City will set all operating times and policies with regard to the Facility based on usage of similar municipal park facilities in central Texas. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this License Agreement to be executed the day and year first hereinabove written. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this License Agreement to be executed the day and year first hereinabove written. ROTARY CLUB OF FREDERICKSBURG- MORNING CITY OF FREDERICKSBURG '/ BY: , /'-" ' / / By: / ~"2v (~ . Kent Myers, City Manager Print Name: Atc..(l/fr.!c.. w 1Jf2.1.!:t-"" Office Held: r-:.fC, ; >1!)1feT [A1~;)1}V<. t.Y5v-f'-- /1'7t?~M.,tr ~.-//147 (( t:J~ CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: January 19, 2015 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Kent Myers, City Manager SUBJECT: EDC Annual Report Summary: According to the City's contract with EDC, they are required to provide the Council with an annual report. Recommendation: It is recommended that you accept the annual report from Tim Lehmberg at Monday's meeting and ask any questions regarding the recent accomplishments of EDC. Background I Analysis: The annual report for EDC is still being prepared and should available in the next several days. The City o~redericksburg 41 126 W. Main St. • Fredericksburg, Texas 7 4-3 708 • (830) 997-752 1 • Fax (830) 997-186 l CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: January 12, 2015 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Clinton Bailey, Director of Public Works and Utilities SUBJECT: Frantzen Park Revitalization Summary: One of the major requirements of the Leadership Gillespie County program is for the group to complete a class project. During their class meeting on October 8, 2014, the 2015 Leadership Gillespie County class voted unanimously for the " Revitalization of Frantzen Park" to be its class project. Members of the Leadership Gillespie County Class of 2015 will make a short presentation to the City Council in order to provide a comprehensive overview of the proposed project. Recommendation: N/A Background I Analysis: Frantzen Park is located at 400 South Orange Street in Fredericksburg. The area that the park occupies was donated to the City by Alex and Laura Frantzen in 1956. The park, which is roughly 2 acres in size, includes basic park amenities such as a swing set and park benches but has much potential with over The City o~ redericksburg 4;).. 126 W. Main St. • Fredericksburg, Texas -3708 • (830) 997-752 1 •Fax (830) 997- 186 1 800 linear feet of Barones Creek frontage and a pedestrian bridge crossing the creek which provides a critical connection to neighborhood areas north of the creek. The 2015 Leadership Gillespie County class has been working diligently on the development of a proposal for a phased approach to making improvements to the park. The Leadership Class will be responsible for the initial phase of the project which may include items such as a fa irly intensive cleanup of the park and creek area, construction of a new stone park entrance, new picnic benches, installation of basic playground equipment, planting of trees and the construction of a granite gravel trail around the perimeter of the park. Additional phases of the project which the City may consider for future funding may include more major park amenities such as a small parking area, half basketball court and additional playground equipment. The City o~ redericksburg 4-3 126 W. Main St. • Fredericksburg, Texas 7 -3 708 • (830) 997-752 1 • Fax (830) 997-186 1 ..,> -c :J Fredericksburg I~7,~~BER '~ /J ~ llR'..ii -· ...~ ,\..:... ,-<:? - ,,., ...;., ...,. ' Ii) c• q .<tr ~ .. ...~ o,.~ - /0 ~~ - r..?' ~ - ~ . \ ., ... 't· , ~,. ··\.~.f f",. l'I ® •.,,,_. ·"· - t!l' ·~ . .~ ~~.s:6 l~ ~ ..,.\.. :jt .,.... ;; ,:j ::J. ~ I .;; c,.' ~':J ' ' 'P. ~t :: ,.. " [ ." ~ S.'1.~•· A\'!.! •~'\f l 1 P ~.- k~ t ~ 1 ' ~-f.·.s;. ;.; ...::> 0 ~ '!. <:. EL \ ";t Oal: St ?.' t. }! :;. "t> ~ :'] ~ E :1J i: Wa' m.1~ s•. ~ -5i.. ... ;r :3 ~M~~k· ~ ~ ...,,, c'.Q v ·? .s, c;- (:'/.l WWa t!" 1\~" .Yi.. ~'<' '3''" .,.U"i • '~· .c,.., (,~ ,!_.,,~.I.• . ... l ~ ~ .t'i? ~- ..,.....r, ...., ,. -. ~ s,. ' ·,1.~,, ;:", Wn''tt1 ® ("~ ~'s ...,~~ "i'" ,,.. ;.f~ ~ -§" ' -r,, ~ ,·,·~11 1~;, ~,. ~ :-.." ~ ·S': Grei!nwood Cemeterl ~v J', ~~~ ...r, ~ "''It. O,q, ~o ,~ Jz,a . ..,,,,.}. ·u;. ~ . ., _ ,,.: , • . &; i:;.. ~ ~.i:. S,-:, .r,, ' •f. .,,...-:-" c;- ·-:;. "J• , ~~ '"'·~.~:, ~?i~s:~~ ga llli.ii l ( ! ! I f. I · I J ', • I l t• ~ • ~ Concept to final design, cost estimating, final plan and preparation of labor force Includes pursuit of grant opportunities, donations, fund raising projects, City of Fredericksburg and events @ Communication with neighborhood support group, City of Fredericksburg, FISD newspaper, press releases, children's' groups, etc. (, ,i ti/\ •I ,..11..- r, ';'1 ~JI ~:.s ® Leadership Gillespie County General Clean Up Feature Improvement Functional Enhancements May 2015 City I Municipal Master Plan State Participation Historical Significance ~~~~:~~ rt1ci r4i tf f c 11r,pp ~ t f:: '- ·~ 1D (rl,1~\· 1 .·~:ll - Fredericksburg Long Range Plan Ci) Leadership Gillespie County City of Fredericksburg Gillespie County Business LCRA Steps Forewards May 2015 City of Fredericksburg City I Municipal Master Plan Texas Parks and Wildlife LCRA he r • t t' t. _) ._,..._ ... 1r- r, ~) 11r-.~1~ C'),J ~~ 'r.~·:r., • General Cleanup • Feature Enhancement • Functional Enhancement The Project L·! (,I I I I ' @ ~ It I.." ' J , ', 'I' • "' , rJ • City/Municipal Master Plan • State Program Participation • Historical Significance Fredericksburg I~ef~~BER 11.tii l (1 ® I~' ~ • - I d ( ,,, '• ' ·, • • , 1 • Leadership Gillespie Cou11ty ·Frantzen Parl< Revitalizatio11 1 CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: January 19, 2015 TO: Mayor and City Councill FROM: Kent Myers, City Manager SUBJECT: City Manager-2015 Performance Goals Summary: The attached listing of performance goals for the City Manager has been developed based upon recent comments and suggestions from Council members. Recommendation: Following discussion and any final changes made at the City Council meeting, it is recommended that the performance goals be approved. Background I Analysis: Every year performance goals are established for every City employee including the City Manager. It is recommended that, following discussion and any final changes, the goals be approved. Once adopted, these goals will serve as guidance on major priorities that the Council would like me to address during the coming year. The City ~dericksburg 55 126 W. Main St. • Fredericksburg, Texas 4-3708 • (830) 997-752 1 • Fax (830) 997-1861 City of Fredericksburg City Manager 2015 Performance Goals 1. Continue to identify ways to recognize City employees for excellent performance. 2. Insure that the positive accomplishments of the City are shared with local citizens through the local media, City website and other means. 3. Coordinate quarterly City Council Retreats with a limit of 3-4 important topics for presentation and discussion. 4. Develop an employee succession plan for the City organization . 5. Work with a Charter Review Committee to be appointed by the City Council to review the City Charter and provide recommendations for consideration by local voters in 2016. 6. Continue to work on programs to attract affordable housing to the community. 7. Insure that all utility bond projects are completed on schedule and within budget and that the funding is expended within the time limits of the bond issue. 8. Work closely with the Fire Department to expand the volunteer program including encouraging City employees to volunteer for the Fire Department. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: January 19, 2015 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Kent Myers, City Manager SUBJECT: Conveyance of Portion of Austin Street-Admiral Nimitz Foundation Summary: The Admiral Nimitz Foundation has requested that the City convey a portion of Austin Street, from Elk Street to lee Street, to the Foundation so that they can utilize this area for parking and traffic related to the National Museum of the Pacific War. Recommendation: It is recommended that the attached conveyance agreement prepared by the City Attorney for conveyance of th is portion of Austin Street be approved. Background I Analysis: last September the Admiral Nimitz Foundation submitted the attached letter requesting that the City consider transfer ownership of Au stin Street, from Elk Street to Lee Street, to the Foundation so that they could utilize this area for events related to the National Museum of the Pacific War. There are not The City o~dericksburg 126 W. Main St.• Fredericksburg, Texas ~J708 • (830) 997-7521 •Fax (830) 997-186 1 residences or businesses located on this section of the roadway that require that this section of roadway be retained for public purposes. Following several meetings with General Hagee and his staff, the City Attorney prepared the attached agreement conveying this property to the Foundation. As indicated in the agreement, the City will retain a utility easement in this area and the Foundation will be responsible for all future maintenance of this area. Also the agreement stipulates that the Foundation will utilize this area primarily for free public parking. The City ~edericksburg ~ 126 W. Main St. • Fredericksburg, Texas 7 4-3708 • (830) 997-752 1 • Fax (830) 997-186 1 . *** 'I> ADMIRAL NIMITZ September 18, 2014 FOUNDATION Mr. Kent Myers City Manager 328 E. Main Street rredericksburg. Tex.. 78624 City of Fredericksburg 830/997-8600 ~lcphone 126 West Main Street 8 30/99i·8092 r•• - Website Fredericksburg, TX 78624 omu rs Ch11irman C•se 0 . risrher Vice Ch•irm•n Rohert 8. Phelps SecretMy Nancy L. Drehl.'f Enclosure (I) Pacific Combat Zone Map Enclosure (2) Parking Recommendations ransfer of Responsibility of Sections of East Austin and North Lee Trea surer Ron• kl L. W~ll hol Pr1'>1dcn1 & Chief Executive Olftel"f Mirhael W. Hagee Genet•I. USMC IRrtl 0 11<'Cl ors D• vid Q . B.ies. fr. Krnncl h L. Burl.'Og• f. Coley Clark lohn E. Harri< Barb•ra Schmidt Hpinen Steven L. Highlander Slt'VM K. Howpll ~ lohn C. Kerr Rrucr La8 oon Rick Lou ie lohn L. N•u. Ill Bruce Nicho l' M•1G1•n Ani;PI• Salin,., USMC IRrll Greg Shradrr S•m Be ll St••~. II Craig L. Symonds. Ph.D. Mary An n Turbeville MojGc·n fdm!'> L Williams. USMC' IRl'tl Dlft'<t°'·' lnwn11 l•mes Avery Ann BrPy lohn R. Gocxlwill1e Bruce H. C Hill l TG NNI I. !lomJ '""'· USA IRctl CAl'T Thnmas H. Murr•y. ~.. USNR IRetl C.orcJon E. S•uc-1 John Schrock. Sr. Roy E. Stroehrr Wtll1~m A. W~ rrinJ.! Hoom.iry fru< fM"j This letter responds to your request for our recommendation concerning East Austin and North Lee Streets that border the Ruff Haus and the Pacific Combat Zone. As you know, the Admiral Nimitz Foundation owns the Ruff Haus property at the comer of North Elk and East Austin Streets. The Foundation also owns the unimproved property bound by North Lee Street on the West, the old City Cemetery on the North. The Foundation's Board of Directors plans to retain both Foundation properties in support of The National Museum of the Pacific War. The State of Texas owns the Pacific Combat Zone property bordered by East Austin and North Lee Streets. The Texas Historical Commission is the State's Executive Agent for the State owned National Museum of the Pacific War and all associated properties. After discussions with the staff at the Texas Historical Commission, we recommend that the City transfer ownership of East Austin Street between North Elk Street and North Lee Street, and North Lee Street from East Austin Street to alleyaccess road that borders the North side of the Pacific Combat Zone to the State of Texas (See Enclosure I .) Crnr1.ll Billy I. llnles. USAr IRNl lht\ Honot,tblc• Grm.:f' H. W. Bu \ h U.S. S.-n.ior lohn Cornyn lJ.S. Scn•tO< Ted Cruz Thr Honm,1hll' G0<cJon Englar1<J ll.~ C..1·n,1tnt H1nc hi~on lRt11 Eddie Lucio. Jr. Wmdmw r. IWoodyl MrCaslancJ Hl'lcn MrOon,1lcJ N• nry Brown Nei:ley lohn P. Srhncidcr. M.O. c;,.or~C f. SP• y. Ill Kety Bflilry Ti· '~" ~PniHm .~uppotlm~ The N•lioruil Mu~ of the .,.ci!ic War Ac.Jmirr1I N imit z Museum ( •·or1'r H. W. Bu~h G,1llery l.l/Mn~f' C~td('n o( l'C"JCl" N1m1tz l Jut .tllon i\ Rl'\P;m h Cf'ntf'r lh,. Mrmor1al CounyArcJ J'Ac ilk Comb,11 Lon,. Pl.l1,1 nf t h<' rr~idrnf' - There are no residences on the sections of streets identified. Either Schubert or Travis Streets provide easy access to the cemetery and to residents on Schubert Street. - On Living History weekends, we would turn those sections of East Austin and North Lee Streets bordering the Pacific Combat Zone into one-way traffic and restrict access to event visitors (See Enclosure 2.) We have perfected this procedure during 2014 without complaints or inconvenience. ® We inspire our youth by honoring our heroes - The Foundation and the State strongly support the proposed "trail" on the North side of Town Creek. The proposed change in responsibility would have no impact on any "trail" decision. - Appropriate access would be maintained for emergency and utility personnel/vehicles by the Foundation. - The Foundation and State would support any necessary easements in order to ensure access to utilities under the two streets. - The Foundation would continue to coordinate with the City on any issues involving the subject street sections. Sincerely, Michael W. Hagee General, USMC (Ret) President and CEO CITY OF FREDERICKSBURG TO ADMIRAL NIMITZ FOUNDATION NOTICE OF CONFIDENTIALITY RIGHTS: IF YOU ARE A NATURAL PERSON, YOU MAY REMOVE OR STRIKE ANY OR ALL OF THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION FROM ANY INSTRUMENT THAT TRANSFERS AN INTEREST IN REAL PROPERTY BEFORE IT IS FILED FOR RECORD IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS: YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER OR YOUR DRIVER'S LICENSE NUMBER. CONVEYANCE THE STATE OF TEXAS § KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF GILLESPIE § THAT the City of Fredericksburg hereinafter referred to as "GRANTOR", for and in consideration of the conditions of use of the property as hereinafter set out and the right of reverter, and other good and valuable consideration including the covenants and conditions hereinafter set forth, in hand paid by the Admiral Nimitz Foundation, hereinafter referred to as "GRANTEE", whether one or more, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and for which no lien, expressed , or implied, is retained or shall exist, has GRANTED, BARGAINED, SOLD and CONVEYED, and by these presents does GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL and CONVEY unto GRANTEE, subject to the reservations and special limitations below, the property, lying and being situated in Gillespie County, Texas, together with all rights, benefits, privileges, tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereon or in anywise appertaining thereto and together with any and all improvements thereon (collectively, the "Property") described as follows: All that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in the County of Gillespie, State of Texas, being certain portions of Austin Street and Lee Street more particularly described in Exhibit "A", and as illustrated on Exhibit "B" attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes. GRANTOR reserves, over, across and under said Property, a public utility easement, to include use for water, sewer, reclaimed water, drainage electric and any other utility or telecommunication facilities, including: 1. the right to place, construct, operate, repair, maintain, relocate and replace thereon or therein water, irrigation, sewer pipe lines or drainage structures, and all laterals and appurtenances necessary or incident thereto, of any size and for any purpose and for any purpose deemed advisable by the City of Fredericksburg, and 2. the right to place, construct, operate, repair, maintain, relocate, and replace thereon an electric transmission or distribution line or system or telephone lines and all necessary or desirable appurtenances thereto, Grantee being specifically notified that Granter intends to erect overhead electric lines within the Property, 3. the right, but not the duty, to clear and maintain said easement, including but not limited to the right to remove. cut and trim trees and shrubbery, to the extent necessary to prevent interference with the lines, pipe lines or system, and the right of ingress and egress over grantor's adjacent lands to or from said right-of-way for the purpose of constructing, operating, repairing , maintaining, relocating, replacing or removing said water, sewer or electric lines and appurtenances, and 4. the right of ingress, egress, and regress on and through the Property, to erect, construct, reconstruct, install, replace, repair, operate, use, inspect, modify, remove and maintain any water, wastewater, and/or other public utility lines and appurtenances, together with all lines, pipes, conduits and other facilities, equipment, improvements, and appurtenances used in connection with such said public utilities as deemed necessary thereto by Grantor, over, along, across, under, into and through the Property. GRANTOR further reserves the right, without obligation, to construct and maintain a public walking way, of whatever material, along the Southwest side of the of the existing road. The property shall be used as follows, and compliance by the Grantee herein with all of the same constitutes a condition of the grant herein: 1. Grantee will utilize the Property to provide free parking to the public. Grantee may restrict parking to event planners and attendees at such times as it is reasonably preparing for and conducting its public events. Grantee may erect barricades or other restraints to accomplish such restrictions. Public events, for the purposes of this conveyance shall mean periodic events to which members of the public are invited and includes ticketed events; the intent of this condition being that 2 the right to restrict public access shall not be used to effect a virtually permanent closure of the Property to the public. 2. Grantee may provide one-way circulation on the Property, and may add sidewalks and utilize diagonal parking. 3 . Grantee will maintain the Property at its sole cost, and shall keep the Property in accordance with City construction and emergency access standards. 4. Grantee may add a gate and archway which spans the Property at two (2) locations, provided that the City and its agents shall have access to the Property at all times. 5. Grantee will erect no other permanent structures. Temporary structures such as tents, for events may be erected provided that they are not placed for a length of time or so frequently as to effectively defeat the primary use of public parking on the Property. 6. Grantee will not transfer the Property except to a Sate of Texas of Texas entity in compliance with Section 253.011 of the Texas Local Government Code or its successor statute. In the event the conditions herein are not met by the Grantee failing to use the Property in the manner described above, the interest of the Grantee in and to the Property will automatically expire and revert to Granter which will be entitled to possession of the Property. The Property is hereby transferred in its present condition. Granter specifically does not represent or warrant the condition of the Property, or its habitability or suitability for any particular use. Grantee acknowledges, warrants and covenants, by its acceptance of this conveyance, that it has had ample opportunity to examine the suitability and condition of all of the Property, and that Grantee's decision to accept this conveyance has been based entirely upon its own examination, inspection, investigation and evaluation of the condition of the Property. GRANTEE SPECIFICALLY WAIVES AND DISCLAIMS ANY 3 IMPLIEDWARRANTYOFMERCHANTABILITY,FITNESS,HABITABILITY,ANDDEFECT OF OR IN ANY WAY RELATED TO THE PROPERTY .All warranties that might arise by common law as well as the warranties in Section 2.023 of the Texas Property Code (or its successor) are excluded. It is specifically found by Granter that the use of the Property in the manner described above primarily promotes a public purpose of the Grantor municipality. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the Property, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances thereto in anywise belonging, subject as aforesaid, unto GRANTEE, and GRANTEE's heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns, forever; without express or implied warranty. EXECUTED this the _ _ day of January, 2015. GRANTOR: The City of Fredericksburg By:_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Kent Myers, City Manager ACCEPTED BY GRANTEE: The Admiral Nimitz Foundation By:_ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ General Michael W. Hagee, USMC (Ret) Grantee's address: 328 East Main Street Fredericksburg, Texas 78624 4 STATE OF TEXAS § COUNT OF GILLESPIE § This instrument was acknowledged before me on this the day of January, 2015, by Kent Myers, City Manager of the City of Fredericksburg on behalf of said municipal corporation. Notary Public in and for the State of Texas Stamped or printed name of Notary STATE OF TEXAS § COUNT OF GILLESPIE § This instrument was acknowledged before me on this the day of January, 2015, by General Michael W . Hagee, USMC (Ret), President and CEO of the Admiral Nimitz Foundation on behalf of said foundation. Notary Public In and for the State of Texas Stamped or printed name of Notary After Recording Return To : PAT McGOWAN Attorney-at-Law P.O. Box 836 Fredericksburg, Texas 78624 5 Exhibit "A APPROXIMATELY 1.53 ACRES OF LAND WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF FREDERICKSBURG, GILLESPIE COUNTY, TEXAS, BEING COMPRISED OF: 1) ALL OF THAT CERTAIN PROTION OF A CITY STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY (KNOWN AS EAST AUSTIN STREE7) LYING AND BEING SITUATED BETWEEN THE SOUTHEAST LINE OF NORTH ELK STREET AND THE NORTHWEST LINE OF NORTH LEE STREET, AND 2) ALL THAT CERTAIN SOUTHERN PORTION OF A CITY STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY (KNOWN AS NORTH LEE STREET) LYING AND BEING S/TUA TED BETWEEN THE SOUTHWEST LINE OF EAST AUSTIN STREET AND THE SOUTHWEST LINE OF EAST SCHUBERT STREET. SAID 1.53 ACRES OF LAND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING at the intersection of the southeast right-of-way line of North Elk Street with the northeast right-of-way line of East Austin Street. Said intersection being the west corner of Townlot Number 481 and also the most southerly north corner of this tract of land; THENCE in a southeasterly direction, a distance of approximately 600 feet. to the intersection of this line with the northwest right-of-way line of North Lee Street. Said intersection being the south corner of Townlot Number 486 and an interior corner of this tract of land; THENCE in a northeasterly direction, a distance of approximately 190 feet along northwest right-of-way line of North Lee Street, being also the southeast line of said Townlot Number 486, to the most northerly north corner of this tract of land. Said corner being 10 feet southwest of the east corner of said Townlot Number 486, being also the south corner of Townlot Number 487; THENCE in a southeasterly direction, perpendicular to the northwest line of North Lee Street, a distance of approximately 70 feet, to the intersection of this line with the southeast right-of-way line of North Lee Street. Said intersection being the east corner of this tract of land; THENCE crossing North Lee Street in a southwesterly direction, a distance of approximately 270 feet along the southeast right-of-way line of North Lee Street, to the intersection of this line with the southwest line of East Austin Street. Said intersection being the south corner of this tract of land; THENCE in a northwesterly direction, a distance of approximately 670 feet along the southwest right-of-way line of East Austin Street. to the intersection of this line with the southwest right-of-way line of North Elk Street. Said intersection being the west corner of this tract of land; THENCE crossing East Austin Street in a northeasterly direction, a distance of approximately 80, feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and containing approximately 1.53 acres of land. p\o-"t .1 v eoo>' ~~ Cl'~ 9• p.. &·&:~~··"-~fl,..., ~ '-I ro - ;: . I . iJ ' 0 ~ ~ ' 5 . rn ~ . •O -.A~'t ©--,.~ &_t:~I ~ 0 . r: 196 0 l'T1 .-1 ·~ o,,_~ ~°': . - - '<:fr. • c. --.I 2 ('. - ti·I t ' ~-· .. ~ c ~~ •. )> z· 8 I I -I ... ~~·2 oo ., -- r:'1 A tn A 48 r~', () I - - CD f'l'1 :D -I °' 488 ...LEE 7 c:: °" r:n t .. · ,,,. ~ ), 7i r ,. t, ' ~ 509 . ~ 507 -t \) I ~ :D t\)~ )> < '' - ~ ~ SOG ~ 2.00• (/) (/) ~z -:i S::. -z - <....:: ' ~ ' ~ ' ,,,.y STREET -- ·--·-01 ~.... ~ ~ 508 \ ~ I ~ 5 J0 - ~ CJ> '0 I ' ~~ -\.. ~ '.11 c z - ' \.ii '-''- CJ> .J 489 ~~ ~ A ~ ~ ~ '· r ' " 490~ ~ "°") /I(.""'\ ., 3 ~ l99 ~ . 483 N· ) I -~· )> ~ ~ ~t • s492 -· ~1604 6 t 0 I. 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