17th June 2016 - Wakatipu High School
17th June 2016 - Wakatipu High School
PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE Kia ora and welcome to a week that only had four days for students but was jam-packed with action. That action was all go last weekend with the Cage crew raising over $7000 for the 40 Hour Famine (see below for details) - an amazing effort! Also for the Famine was this week’s Junior Winter Social, which was a fantastic event - thanks to everyone who organised and supported this event. Our Drive to Survive day for Year 12 students was on Wednesday, a powerful and important day and our Spelling Team achieved great results in the ODT Spelling Bee in Cromwell last night - please see below for reports on both. Last night was the first meeting of our new BoT, and it was great to get underway together. Do remember that voting for the Whanau Rep on the BoT closes next Friday 24 June. Cruise-for-a-Cause - the WHS Foundation are the very fortunate recipients of Real Journey’s Cruise-fora-Cause in 2016. This very special opportunity to escape to the peace and tranquillity of Doubtful Sound on a magical overnight cruise - all in support of the WHS Foundation - is on the weekend of the 27-28 August. Tickets are $575 pp, with all proceeds going directly to the WHS Foundation. For more information please see www.wakatipuhsfoundation.co.nz, or go to the WHS Foundation Facebook page - Wakatipu High School Foundation. ISSUE 19 • 17 June 2016 IN THIS ISSUE: Principal’s Message 1 Spelling Bee, Drive to Survive 2 Branches Art Auction 2 40 Hour Famine, Technology 3 Speech Competition, Year 13 Drama 4 Stop, Drop, Read 4 Student Council Update 5 Academic Council Update 5 Duke of Edinburgh 5 Sports Coordinator Update 6 Japanese Exchange, Big Break 6 G&T Update, New School Photo 7 2016 Important Dates 7 Community notices 8-16 Matatu Assembly - one of the most significant events of the WHS year is our annual Matatu (inter-House Haka-Waiata) event. This event has very high participation by our students so please do encourage your students to get involved when training starts next week - and this does include Year 9s. Parents are also welcome to attend this wonderful event, which is at 1pm on the last day of term, Friday 8 July - put it in your diaries and come along. Early finish next Tuesday - for our Open Evening, school finishes and buses run at 1.45pm. James Hargest Sports Exchange - is next Wednesday 22 June, with many of our students competing in a range of sports. Rockquest - is on tonight in Wanaka and we wish our bands all the best. While many people are happy with the unseasonably mild weather, I am not - hopefully it is going to get really cold and/or snow heaps very soon! I hope you enjoy the weekend whether you are heading up the hill or not :) Steve Hall Principal 1 WAKATIPU HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER • SPELLING BEE Yesterday evening, three teams travelled to Cromwell to take part in the annual "Year 9/10 2016 ODT Extra! Spelling Quiz". It was a hotly contested event involving 31 local teams and our teams performed extremely well securing 3rd place, and separated by only one point from 1st and 2nd place were Om Alva, Hylton Briscoe and Seth Mawhinney. A huge congratulations to all students who took part. 17 JUNE 2016 DRIVE TO SURVIVE On Wednesday Year 12 students spent the day at the Events Centre learning about a wide range of issues to do with driving and the consequences of poor decision making on lives. There were a number of really confronting and hard hitting topics for students to deal with as well as practical skills like chain fitting, understanding the driving laws for teenagers, and hearing from a range of people who have been effected by driving accidents. WHS would like to extend a massive thank you to Jacqui Moir and her team at the Youth Booth and Wayne Park and his team of local Police Officers who helped to co-ordinate a huge number of people and resources who all contributed to this important opportunity for our students. Ms Needham and Miss Smart BRANCHES ART AUCTION Branches Trust raised $16,500 a the Art Auction last Friday from a very successful Art Auction. The support we have from the community is overwhelming as there are a lot of people here who have a special connection with the camp itself and assist us without hesitation year after year. The people who assisted us this year are: Fair Game, Solander, Hamills, Zest, Fresh Choice, Minami, Kann Catering, Lombardi Restaurant at St Moritz, Harbour Fish, Resotech, BrandLand, Queenstown Arts Centre/Cloakroom Gallery, Southern Lakes Laundries, Southern PR, Andie King, Quilly, Ferg and Richie, Peregrine, Queenstown Brewers, Smart Environmental, TomTom, Cougar Security, Stewart Motors, Halo, QLDC, Wakatipu High School, Riverlea Photography and HQ. There are numerous individuals who helped us as well. Special thanks to the Year 10 parents who made financial contributions, helped with the set up and assisted on the night, the Year 10 students who did a fantastic job of serving all the food and also the artists who are always right behind the cause. Others who deserve a mention are Jo Finnigan and Avi Yochay and their team for the food preparation, Claire and Bruce Gourlay for sourcing all the drinks and working the bar, Louise Ward and Alison Walker for their organisation behind the scenes, Bayley Bennett for being our tech pro, Eby Sebastian for the photography and Esmond Paterson, Tanna Reid and Mika Turnbull for taking part in the auction. Vinny McCorkindale 2 WAKATIPU HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER • 17 JUNE 2016 40 HOUR FAMINE Last weekend (10-12of June) six Wakatipu High School students participated in the 40 Hour Famine, but this year we took it to a whole new level. We were locked in a cage in the middle of Queenstown Mall for 41 hours with no food. It was an experience we will never forget. After school on the Friday we had our last big feast at Fergburger and then at 5pm we went in the cage. From the second we were in, we had crowds of people interested in what we were doing and why we were doing it. The reason was simple - we wanted the children of the Syrian Refugee Crisis to regain some of their childhood back. The six of us spent 41 hours of our own childhood locked in a cage with no food in hopes to raise awareness of this on-going crisis and to help build a better future for them. Our success is all thanks to the community. They were so supportive, with kind words and donations. We managed to raise $4,200 dollars with being locked in for 40 hours. However, we thought we could do more so we decided to put a challenge out to local businesses – that if we raised an additional $1000 we would stay in the cage an extra hour. We actually ended up raising an extra $3300 dollars for that additional hour. Thank you so much to the many businesses for their generous donations, we really appreciated it! In total, we spent 41 hours in a cage with no food and raised an incredible $7500. With this money we are able to bring to life three entire classrooms with teachers, desks, tables, chairs and outdoor play equipment! This will have such a positive impact on the children's lives. Throughout our time we endured two sleepless nights, rumbling stomachs, diverse weather conditions and mental drainage yet we came out of the cage in high spirits. It was an experience that none of us will ever forget. TECHNOLOGY Senior HTK students have been working hard this year and have received some impressive results for their hard work so far. Level 1 students have achieved on average an outstanding 80% merit or excellence credits and Level 2 students have averaged 65% gaining merit or excellence credits. Their most recent project involved a multi manufacturing project where students made multiple stools and lights using a batch manufacturing process. The result of their efforts is not only quality credits but also an excess of stools in the workshop. Students who did not wish to take their work home kindly donated their stools to primary school students at Kingsview Primary School in Frankton. 20 stools were collected and given to these younger students to enjoy during their reading time and at break times. Miss Hembrow Danique Ehmann 3 WAKATIPU HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER • 17 JUNE 2016 SPEECH COMPETITION DRAMA PRODUCTION Waking up at 6am in the morning to miserable, dull weather, Connor Kennedy, Josh Hill and I travelled to Gore to represent Wakatipu High School at the Lions Young Speechmaker Competition last Sunday. We were admittedly quite apprehensive, which wasn’t due to the fact that we had to create a ‘more than five but less than six’ minute speech, but rather because we had to overcome our biggest fear; impromptu speaking. Yet the three of us soldiered on, presenting and listening to students across the South Island whose speech topics ranged from wage gaps, why greed is good, the war on hate and why luck doesn’t play a part in success. A lunch of pumpkin soup and sausage rolls was welcomed, but there was still the dreaded impromptu: Why lead, when you can follow? Although we didn’t get a place this year, it was the experience that made it all worthwhile. Connor, Josh and I would like to thank our local Queenstown Lions Club for all their support and for sponsoring this amazing opportunity. Rebecca Lauryssen STOP, DROP & READ The Stop, Drop, Read competition is heating up! Here are the winners of the recent weekly challenges: Week 4: Gaea Rottenberg and Niamh Stuart Week 5: Allanah Walker and Jesse Fiebig - van der Zypp Week 6: Bailey McIntyre and Finn Cartman Spot prizes went to Kloe Vermeir, Savannah Bowman, Alesana Tulafono and Georgie Atkinson-Strang. There are still lots of prizes to be won so get those entries in by Friday Break 1 each week! Miss Smart This play, set in 1692 in Salem, Massachusetts, follows the story of Abigail, niece to the minister, who accuses several local women of witchcraft. In the ensuing panic other girls take up the call. Protagonist John Proctor and his wife Elizabeth recognize that their old household assistant Abigail is behind the trouble, and soon Elizabeth herself is implicated and jailed. In an attempt to save his wife, John Proctor reveals to the court that Abigail is lying to get Elizabeth out of the way so that Abigail can resume her affair with John. Elizabeth is called upon to verify her husband’s confession, and, fearing for his life, denies it. His evidence is dismissed, and John is accused of witchcraft. Like his wife, Proctor refuses to join those who have confessed to witchcraft to save their lives, and the curtain falls as he goes to his hanging a good man. The Drama Department is looking for the following items for their upcoming production of 'The Crucible'. If you can help please contact Emma Tyler on etyler@wakatipu.school.nz - Cast Iron Pot (as seen in image) - Chain & shackles (as seen in image) - A broom of the same era - A steel tub - one would use to wash their face & hands - Jug, water mugs, plates, cutlery for the Puritan Era 1692 4 WAKATIPU HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER • 17 JUNE 2016 STUDENT COUNCIL UPDATE With the end of Term 2 in sight, the various councils have been working hard to ensure we achieve what we set out to do at the start of the year. Over the past few weeks the Councils have run a number of successful events including the Lip Sync battle, House Dodgeball competition, break time Kahoot and House Debating. A few weeks ago the issue of the new D15+ space not being used appropriately and with respect during break times, was highlighted to the Student Council. Since then we have developed and implemented numerous solutions to try to fix this issue and ensure the space is kept clean and tidy for when it is used as a teaching and learning space as well as be a suitable location for students to utilise during break times. We have implemented a monitoring system which we will use to measure the effectiveness of our solutions over a trail phase. ACADEMIC COUNCIL UPDATE Last Thursday, the brilliant Academic Council ran a Kahoot. D7 was packed with over 130 students keen to win some prizes with their knowledge. From ‘Shakespeare or Rapper’ to Disney Princesses, the competition was tough. The Academic Council are planning another in the future, with the possibility for our very own Family Feud. Keep an eye out! Ella Numaguchi - Academic Council Member During week four of this term the Community and Service Council ran the annual House debating competition. There were some fantastic debates over the week which were enjoyable to watch. Congratulations to Hay House for winning the event as well as the other houses for some extremely well spoken arguments. Congratulations also to the following students who received ‘Best speaker’ in their debates over the duration of the competition: Hugh Taylor, Brooke Bennett, Beatrice Onions, Leah Kissick, Esmond Patterson, Hannah Jarocka and Luke Petre. The Community and Service Council are now in the stages of planning a charity tutor group competition to raise money for the Child Cancer Foundation on 28 June. We will also be working on promoting awareness of St John who are our next mufti-day charity. The muftiday for this term will be held on Wednesday 6 July. Ashley Burney - Head Girl DUKE OF EDINBURGH Students have had the dates for their qualifying tramp for their Silver Duke of Edinburgh confirmed this week. On the 14th of October 14 students will depart for a two night expedition into the wilderness with two teachers who will assess their ability on a range on skills. A full kit list is available on Google Classroom for these students. These students will have had to complete a practice tramp before October which includes a one overnight stay which needs to be signed off in their DOE Silver booklet which is used to document their progress towards gaining this award. If students do not have the practice tramp completed they will need not be able to attend the qualifier. Miss Hembrow 5 WAKATIPU HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER • SPORTS COORDINATOR UPDATE Netball – Last weekend the 9 A, 10 A, and Senior A Netball teams travelled to Dunedin with their full entourage of coaches, mangers, umpires and supporters. It is the start of the competitive netball season with several tournaments on the horizon. This was a great development opportunity for the Junior and Intermediate teams and they stepped up to the plate and proved themselves against the best teams in Otago. The biggest learning came from a Year 9 game which was there for the taking but unfortunately slipped away. If they had won this game they would have been odds on to take the title but unfortunately had to settle for 5th. There will be big challenges over the coming weeks as all teams get ready for the James Hargest College Exchange and the Southland Secondary Schools Champs before we look ahead to the South Island events. Thank you to all of the Parents involved in the running of these trips, they are a massive undertaking and require a huge amount of work. It is greatly appreciated. Battle of the Basin – Today we had 18 Year 9 and 10 students refereeing at the annual Battle of the Basin. This sees all of the local primary schools participating in a range of sports. This is a great opportunity for our athletes to have a go on the other side of the whistle and do a great service for the wider Wakatipu sporting community - well done to you all. Mr Munday 17 JUNE 2016 JAPANESE EXCHANGE Japanese lessons have started this term for students going to Japan on their international exchange in September. Students have been learning the basics of the language with our fluent speaker, Mrs Kate Moetaua, who is the assistant leader on the trip which departs in September for two weeks. Wakatipu students have received their homestay information from the students who will be hosting them in Japan later on this year. Japanese students visited us here in Queenstown in April for two weeks where students learnt about each other’s culture and bonded in classes. Our students are excited to have their host families confirmed and information about the families and the students that will welcome them into their homes in September. Miss Hembrow BIG BREAK PHOTOS RockFormation is delighted to announce that Jo Boyd’s photographs of Big Break 2016 are now available at www.riverleaphotography.com 6 WAKATIPU HIGH G&T UPDATE SCHOOL NEWSLETTER • 17 JUNE 2016 Important dates for your diary… WHO EVENT DATE Open Evening - School finishes at 1.45pm Tue 21 June All James Hargest Exchange Wed 22 June All Year 13 Drama Production 27 & 28 June All Matatu Assembly Fri 8 July All Last day of Term 2 Fri 8 July WHS NEW SCHOOL SITE (c) Image courtesy of Hawkins 7 WAKATIPU HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER • 17 JUNE 2016 WHS FUNDRAISERS Best Served Chilled Band Fundraiser To assist trip costs to the Southern Jam Youth Jazz Festival 2016 in Blenheim. Tickets are $2 from any Jazz Band member or school office. Prize Draw Thursday 7 July 2016 Gourmet Basket includes the following vouchers: Hilton voucher - 1 night stay King Hilton Lake view room plus breakfast for two Thunder Jet - $120 voucher Dorothy Brown’s movie voucher x 2 plus a cheese platter and 2 glasses wine Minus 5 degrees Ice Bar $100 Esy Money Sky City - Wild Thyme Bar - $50 voucher PLUS Wine, Riesling - Wanaka Road, Rhubarb and ginger syrup Kapiti kitchen, Wild meat sauce - Glass Eye Creek, Roast cherry chutney – Provisions, Kalamata Olive spread - Gaea Anzac biscuits - Zest kitchen, Moroccan couscous Alexandra’s, Lemon and Herb olives - Telegraph Hill, Belgian chocolate Mousse mix - Crave food, Walnut crackers - 180 degrees, Macaroons - Cacao and Raspberry, Crisps - Proper 8 WAKATIPU HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER • 17 JUNE 2016 COMMUNITY NOTICES 4PM 5PM 5.05PM 5.10PM 5.15PM 5.20PM 5.25PM 5.30PM 5.40PM 5.45PM 5.55PM 6.05PM Doors open – kai, music, raffles, moko stencil Show – Haka Pōwhiri – waiata / haka WHS team Introduction Mihi and Karakia Matariki Storytelling WHS team project Kapahaka Performance Arrowtown School Kapahaka Performance Remarkables school Little waiata QPS Gravity aerial 2 x students Maori song – Kane x 2 Rec ground-Fire Poi Performance FLAME Closing circle lantern gathering – Waiata & Karakia & MC lantern release Celebrating Maori New Year & Mother Earth This FREE Cultural community family event is aimed at embracing our land & astronomy with a ‘cultural fun packed show including: Karakia/kappa Haka performances & Matariki Storytelling /Music & Aerial display/Fire poi show & lantern gathering. Doors open from 4pm with Moko stencilling available & Kai/refreshment’s on sale. https://www.facebook.com Matariki Queenstown 9 WAKATIPU HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER • 17 JUNE 2016 COMMUNITY NOTICES Southern Reap Training Courses FRANKTON – INTRODUCTION TO THE iPAD with Stuart Hale Monday 27 JUNE, 10.00am - 12.00pm In this course you will increase your confidence navigating your way around your iPad in day-to-day use. Please call Southern REAP to enrol on 03 236 6008 -----FRANKTON - EXPLORING PHOTOGRAPHY WITH iPAD/iPHONE Monday 27 JUNE, 1.00pm - 3.00pm iPhoneography. Become more proficient with the camera on your iOS device. Please call Southern REAP to enrol on 03 236 6008 -----FRANKTON - MAXIMISING THE iPAD'S POTENTIAL FOR CHILDREN (Specifically aimed at 3-12 Yrs) Monday 27 JUNE, 6.00pm - 8.00pm Prepare your child for the instant electronic world. Explore tools for parents to help your family engage in the electronic age. Please call Southern REAP to enrol on 03 236 6008 -----ARROWTOWN KOROWAI WEAVING WANANGA with Robin Hill Fri 29 @ 7pm – 9pm , Sat 30 & Sun 31 JULY @ 9am – 3pm Learn the basics of weaving korowai, taking home your own small korowai after this weekend workshop. You will learn how to prepare feathers, the basic stitch and how to cast-on. Then work on your project... completing the feather kaupapa of the korowai, the tāniko, turnover and mawhitiwhiti finishing. Please call Southern REAP to enrol on 03 236 6008 -----INTRODUCTION TO TE REO MAORI & OUR UNIQUE CULTURE Wednesday’s starting 7 SEP – 12 OCT @ 6.30 – 9.00pm An introductory 6 week course to use and grow an appreciation of Te Reo Maori and our unique Maori culture. Please call Southern REAP to enrol on 03 236 6008 10 WAKATIPU HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER • 17 JUNE 2016 COMMUNITY NOTICES 11 WAKATIPU HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER • 17 JUNE 2016 COMMUNITY NOTICES WAKATIPU SKI CLUB 2016 It's time to join for this season with membership starting from only $90. As a member you will enjoy a family friendly, warm on mountain lodge with kitchen facilities and a playroom. You will also be eligible to receive great value lessons run through the ski club by NZSki and available for children 4+ years and Adults at Coronet Peak. Club members can book: - Ski or Snowboard lessons for 5 days available for both weeks of the school holidays for kids age 5 and up. - Ski or Snowboard lessons for kids, aged 4 years and up, and adults over 6 Sundays starting Sunday 31st July. To find out more and to join then visit http://www.wsc.co.nz/membership/ There are closing dates for lessons bookings as follows: Week 1 Holidays book and pay by Monday June 27th, Week 2 Holidays book and pay by Monday July 4th, 6 Sundays book and pay by Sunday 17th July. 12 WAKATIPU HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER • 17 JUNE 2016 COMMUNITY NOTICES Click on the link below to order your book! www.entertainmentbook.co.nz/orderbooks/260506v 2015/2016 ENTERTAINMENT BOOK EXPIRES 31 MAY 2015 Please order your new book for this coming year to avoid disappointment. So many local business have discounts in the book along with other Otago/Southland businesses giving amazing deals. All proceeds ($12.00) per book go to WHS student Basketball. 13 WAKATIPU HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER • 17 JUNE 2016 COMMUNITY NOTICES Atomic Lego: The ultimate in small-scale engineering. Monday June 27, 5.30pm. Millennium Hotel, 32 Frankton Road, Queenstown. What’s possible when we can control atoms, the basic building blocks of our world? At Catalyst Trust’s next talk, Dr Mikkel Andersen from the University of Otago’s Department of Physics will explain how he is turning the periodic table of elements into a box of Lego blocks from which he can build absolutely anything. $5 at the door. Register at connect@catalystnz.org. More info at catalystnz.org. Luminescence: The spectrum of science. Monday June 27, 3-4pm. Millennium Hotel, 32 Frankton Road, Queenstown. Open to the public for one hour only after a day of visits from our local schools, Luminescence is a FREE science and technology of light festival featuring fluorescence, optical illusions, fibre optics and more! Brought to you by the University of Otago and partners including Catalyst Trust, interactive demonstrations suitable for all ages will demonstrate the amazing properties of light. More info at catalystnz.org The impact of journalism on international affairs. Thursday June 23, 6pm. Front Room gallery, 10 Memorial St, Queenstown. What does it take for journalists to cover the world? And what is the impact of foreign news on international affairs? At this Catalyst Trust talk, Dr Giovanna Dell'Orto, ex-journalist and academic at the University of Minnesota, will highlight the practices of foreign correspondents in the social media age and the constraints that they operate under as they seek to give a voice to the voiceless. Please bring a chair. $5 at the door. Register at connect@catalystnz.org. www.catalystnz.org 14 WAKATIPU HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER • 17 JUNE 2016 COMMUNITY NOTICES 15 WAKATIPU HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER • 17 JUNE 2016 COMMUNITY NOTICES YEAR 12 AND YEAR 13 STUDENTS Dan Gerard is a professional driving instructor and a member of the NZ Institute of Driver Educators. He offers high quality driver training and specialises in driving lessons for learner drivers for their restricted class 1 licence and polishing lessons for those doing their full licence. Public Health Nurse – Karina Anderson Visiting Schedule His driving assessments and reverse parallel parking technique is very popular. Having been a driver licence testing officer he understands not only how to ensure you are driving safely, but also what is legally required. WHS every Monday Break 2 from 1.45pm – 2.20pm NZQA Office in the Admin Block. DAN GERARD – 027 349 2447 Guitar, Drums and Bass Tuition Estab 2007 Phil Hartshorn BA (HONS) PGDip Tching Email: phil@philiphartshorn.com Mobile: 021 075 0927 Please read my student testimonials. 16
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