minutes 36 council meeting of stellenbosch municipality 2015-11-25
minutes 36 council meeting of stellenbosch municipality 2015-11-25
Ref no.3/4/1/5 2015-12-04 MINUTES 36TH COUNCIL MEETING OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY 2015-11-25 MINUTES.36TH MEETING OF COUNCIL.2015-11-25/TS MINUTES 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY 2015-11-25 TABLE OF CONTENTS ITEM SUBJECT PAGE 1. APPLICATION FOR LEAVE OF ABSENCE 2 2.1 DECLARATION OF INTEREST 2 2.2 PRESENTATION 2.2.1 NONE 2.3 COMMUNICATION 2.3.1 COMMUNICATION BY THE SPEAKER 2 2.3.2 COMMUNICATION BY THE EXECUTIVE MAYOR 3 2.3.3 COMMUNICATION BY THE MUNICIPAL MANAGER 4 2 3. CONFIRMATION OF THE MINUTES 3.1 CONFIRMATION OF THE MINUTES OF THE 35TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY HELD ON 2015-10-28 4. INTERVIEWS WITH DEPUTATIONS 4 2 NONE 5. 5 STATUTORY BUSINESS NONE 5 6. REPORTS BY THE MUNICIPAL MANAGER RE OUTSTANDING RESOLUTIONS TAKEN AT PREVIOUS MEETINGS OF COUNCIL 5 7. 7.1 CONSIDERATION OF MATTERS REFERRED TO COUNCIL VIA THE MAYORAL COMMITTEE AND MPAC MEETING/S PLANKENBRUG RIVER RESTORER: DEMONSTRATION PROJECT 7.2 WATER RESTRICTION MEASURES: WC024 11 7.3 PROPOSED DISPOSAL OF CHURCH AND CRECHE SITES IN WATERGANG, KAYAMANDI 15 7.4 RECOMMENDATIONS AND FINDING REGARDING THE APPOINTMENT OF EXTERNAL MUNICIPAL PLANNING TRIBUNAL MEMBERS AS DETERMINED BY THE SPATIAL PLANNING AND LAND USE MANAGEMENT ACT, 2013 (ACT 16 OF 2013) AND ITS REGULATIONS 22 7.5 APPOINTMENT OF TEMPORARY PROJECT MANAGERS: VARIOUS GOVERNANCE PROJECTS 31 7.6 CLOSURE OF OFFICES: FESTIVE SEASON 38 7.7 PROPOSED WRITE-OFF OF IRRECOVERABLE DEBT IN RESPECT OF INDIGENT CONSUMERS 42 7.8 MONTHLY FINANCIAL STATUTORY REPORTING: DEVIATIONS AND RATIFICATIONS 47 7.9 MONT ROCHELLE NATURE RESERVE ADVISORY BOARD APPLICATION FOR EXTENSION 49 8. CONSIDERATION OF REPORTS, COMMUNICATIONS, PETITIONS AND APPLICATIONS SUBMITTED BY THE MUNICIPAL MANAGER 8.1 LIQUOR TRADING HOURS BY-LAW 54 8.2 PRESIDENTIAL BACK TO BASICS PROGRAMME 58 8.3 COUNCIL TO CONSIDER AND APPROVE TIMETABLE FOR ACTING MAYOR DURING RECESS 4 DECEMBER 2015 – 17 JANUARY 2016 60 8.4 ADJUSTMENTS BUDGET FOR 2015/2016 62 9. CONSIDERATION OF NOTICES OF QUESTIONS AND NOTICES OF MOTIONS RECEIVED BY THE SPEAKER 9.1 QUESTION BY CLLR DA HENDRICKSE: REVISED STAFF ESTABLISHMENT 9.2 QUESTION BY CLLR DA HENDRICKSE: MINIMUM COMPETENCY QUALIFICATIONS: SENIOR MANAGERS 66 9.3 QUESTION BY CLLR DA HENDRICKSE: PROCEDURAL MOTIONS BROUGHT BY DA COUNCILLORS 68 9.4 QUESTION BY CLLR DA HENDRICKSE: FAILURE OF THE ADMINISTRATION TO, FOR THE PAST 4 YEARS, BRING REPORTS BEFORE COUNCIL IN TERMS OF SECTION 116(2)(d) OF THE MFMA 69 9.5 MOTION BY COUNCILLOR F ADAMS: DISPOSAL OF CERTAIN ASSETS BENEFITING MAINLY WHITE PEOPLE, BECAUSE OF APARTHEID DECISIONS 70 9.6 MOTION BY COUNCILLOR F ADAMS: ENQUIRY INTO THE DISCREPANCIES OF ADMISSION TO MODEL C SCHOOLS BETWEEN LOCAL PUPILS AND THOSE OUTSIDE OUR TOWN 71 9.7 MOTION BY COUNCILLOR N NTSUNGUZI (MS): TRANSPORT PLAN FOR FRANSCHHOEK RESIDENCE AND 24 HOUR SERVICES 72 7 64 9.8 MOTION BY COUNCILLOR N MANANGA-GUGUSHE (MS): APPOINTMENT OF SERVICE PROVIDERS TO MAINTAIN AND CLEAN PUBLIC ABLUTION FACILITIES IN KAYAMANDI AND LANGRUG 73 9.9 MOTION BY COUNCILLOR JA DAVIDS: CLARITY ON THE TASK PROCESS AND THE FINANCIAL ON THE TASK EVALUATION SYSTEM 74 9.10 MOTION BY COUNCILLOR C MOSES (MS): BLOCKING OF ELECTRICITY 75 9.11 MOTION BY COUNCILLOR S JOOSTE (MS): REVIEW AND RESCIND COUNCIL RESOLUTION ITEM 8.5 OF 30 APRIL 2015, 29TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY 76 9.12 MOTION BY COUNCILLOR RS NALUMANGO (MS): AWARDING OF TENDERS/REQUEST FOR FORMAL QUOTATIONS 77 9.13 MOTION BY COUNCILLOR LN SIWAKAMISA (MS): WRITING-OFF OF INDIGENT IRRECOVERABLE DEBT 78 9.14 MOTION BY COUNCILLOR R DU TOIT (MS): ADJUSTMENT OF SASSA BENEFICIARIES AND SENIOR CITIZENS’ RENT OF MUNICIPAL PROPERTY 79 10. CONSIDERATION OF MOTIONS OF EXIGENCY 10.1 COUNCILLOR AR FRAZENBURG: CHANGING THE NAME OF THE PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 80 11. MATTERS FOR INFORMATION 11.1 REPORT BY THE EXECUTIVE MAYOR ON DECISIONS TAKEN BY THE MAYORAL COMMITTEE AND STANDING COMMITTEES FOR THE PERIOD OCTOBER 2015 81 11.2 NONE 82 12 OTHER URGENT MATTERS SUBMITTED BY THE MUNICIPAL MANAGER NONE 82 13.1 CONSIDERATION OF REPORTS SUBMITTED BY THE SPEAKER 13.1.1 INVESTIGATION INTO ALLEGATION OF BREACH OF THE CODE OF CONDUCT FOR COUNCILORS: COUNCILOR F ADAMS 82 13.1.2 INVESTIGATION INTO ALEGATION OF BREACH OF THE CODE OF CONDUCT FOR COUNCILORS: COUNCILOR DD JOUBERT 85 13.1.3 INVESTIGATION INTO ALEGATION OF BREACH OF THE CODE OF CONDUCT FOR COUNCILORS: COUNCILORS A VAN DER WALT AND N JINDELA 88 13.1.4 INVESTIGATION INTO ALEGATION OF BREACH OF THE CODE OF CONDUCT FOR COUNCILORS: COUNCILOR D HENDRICKSE 90 13.2 CONSIDERATION OF REPORTS SUBMITTED BY THE EXECUTIVE MAYOR 13.2.1 RECONSTITUTION OF DISCIPLINARY COMMITTEE IN RELATION TO DISCIPLINARY HEARING OF CLLR JOOSTE 14. MATTERS TO BE CONSIDERED IN-COMMITTEE SEE PINK DOCUMENTATION 94 101 1 MINUTES OF THE 36TH MEETING OF STELLENBOSCH COUNCIL HELD ON 2015-11-25 AT 15:00 IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER, TOWN HOUSE, PLEIN STREET, STELLENBOSCH PRESENT The Speaker, Councillor CP Jooste [Chairperson] The Executive Mayor, Alderman CJ Sidego The Deputy Executive Mayor, Cllr MG Smuts ALDERMAN DC Botha (until 18:00) COUNCILLORS F Adams DS Arends NM August PW Biscombe A Crombie (Ms) JA Davids R du Toit (Ms) (from 16:30) V Fernandez (Ms) JSA Fourie AR Frazenburg DA Hendrickse JK Hendriks N Jindela MC Johnson DD Joubert S Jooste (Ms) SJ Louw (Ms) C Manuel EL Maree (Ms) (from 16:55) NE McOmbring (Ms) (from 15:10) XL Mdemka (Ms) C Moses (Ms) RS Nalumango (Ms) MM Ngcofe N Ntsunguzi (Ms) WC Petersen (Ms) PJ Retief L Ronoti JP Serdyn (Ms) P Sitshoti (Ms) LN Siwakamisa (Ms) Q Smit LL Stander AT van der Walt *************************************************************** OFFICIALS Acting Municipal Manager (D Lombaard) Chief Financial Officer Director: Human Settlements and Property Management Acting Director: Strategic and Corporate Services (V Bowers) Acting Director: Community and Protection Services (G Esau) Acting Director: Engineering Services (EJ Wentzel) Senior Legal Advisor (M Williams) Senior Legal Advisor (Ms E Williams) Chief Audit Executive Head: Committee Services (N Ceasar) (until 16:30) Head Committee Services (J Potts) Committee Clerk (Ms T Samuels) Committee Clerk (Ms B Mgcushe) (until 19:30) Interpreter *********************************************************************************** 2 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 1.1 2015-11-25 APPLICATION FOR LEAVE OF ABSENCE (3/4/2/3) 36TH COUNCIL MEETING: 2015-11-25: ITEM 1 RESOLVED (nem con) 1.2 (a) that leave of absence be granted to Councillors HC Bergstedt (Ms); E Groenewald (Ms); M Mananga-Gugushe (Ms) and M Wanana; and (b) that permission be granted to Councillors EL Maree (Ms) to join the meeting later. NE McOmbring (Ms) and ABSENT Councillor P Mntumni (Ms) (HEAD: COMMITTEE SERVICES TO ACTION) 2.1 DECLARATION OF INTEREST (3/6/2/2) NONE 2.2 PRESENTATION (8/1/4/2/6) NONE 2.3 COMMUNICATIONS (3/4/1/6) 2.3.1 COMMUNICATION BY THE SPEAKER (3/4/1/6) The Speaker, Councillor CP Jooste, welcomed the Speaker of Breede Valley Municipality Councillor M Sampson (Ms), as well as Breede Valley Municipality’s Municipal Manager, Mr GF Matthyse, who were present in the public gallery. He congratulated all Councillors who celebrated their birthdays during the months of November and December. The Speaker, on behalf of Council, expressed condolences toward Councillor NM August with the passing of his wife. He further expressed condolences toward the family of Mr Brooks, a former Deputy Mayor of the Council of Stellenbosch and a very prominent figure in the community of Kylemore, who also passed away. He congratulated Mr Nicky Ceasar, Head: Committee Services, who celebrated his birthday on 26 November and who will retire at the end of November 2015 after 13 years of service at Stellenbosch Municipality. The Speaker further expressed a vote of thanks and appreciation toward Mr Ceasar for a job well done and for the value he added during his term of office. He wished him well with his golden years. Stellenbosch Municipality received a clean audit and the Speaker thanked the Executive Mayor and the Management Team for the roles they played. He also gave recognition to the previous Municipal Manager for the role she played in obtaining a clean audit. (-) 3 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 2.3.2 COMMUNICATION BY THE EXECUTIVE MAYOR 2015-11-25 (3/4/1/6) The Executive Mayor’s communications can be summarised as follows:(1) He expressed his sympathy toward Councillor NM August on the passing of his wife. He further expressed his condolences to the families of Mr Brooks, former Deputy Mayor of the previous Council and a young lad, Bradley of Idasvalley who died in a car accident. (2) He reflected on the past six (6) months of the financial year and pointed out that Stellenbosch face enormous challenges, mostly socio-economic related. Because these challenges are historical, people tend to get used to it. The riots at campuses and universities throughout SA reminded us about the challenges people in our country are faced with on a daily basis. The slogan “Fees Must Fall” equates to a cry that “Poverty Must Fall” and “Inequality Must Fall”. As a municipality we must adhere to the mandate of always giving your best through service delivery and to treat people with dignity. There is pressure on municipalities to obtain a clean audit, but obtaining a clean conscious is equally important. The municipality already spent 49% of its budget (capital and committed amounts) within the first six (6) months of the financial year, which is an improvement on last year. The aim is for 50% by the end of December. (3) The Executive Mayor highlighted the following milestones: (i) The reservoirs in Kayamandi and Franschhoek has been completed and will supply water in these areas. (ii) The Directorate: Engineering Services received a nomination for the Consulting Engineers Award in South Africa for the Wemmershoek Purification Services. Recognition is given for investing in innovation technology. (iii) the Municipality received an Award from the Western Cape Government for its Compressed Earth Brick Project. (iv) 120 Title Deeds were handed over to residents in Kayamandi/Watergang, 74 Title Deeds in Koelpark and 142 Title Deeds to residents in Klapmuts. (v) In a drive to enhance public safety, the Directorate: Community and Protection Services launched a programme where 28 people were trained as parking attendants. This initiative will act as a deterrent against crime such as theft out of motor vehicles, and it creates an employment opportunity for parking attendants/car guards. (vi) The Executive Mayor applauded the businessman, Mr Rob Brisley of BP in Merriman Street who sponsored a high performance vehicle which allows Traffic Services to reach accident scenes quicker and more efficiently. (vii) All closed-circuit televisions were upgraded and mobile safety stations deployed in various communities. This would step up safety in the town and complement the operations of Neighbourhood Watches and the Stellenbosch Safety Initiative. (viii) The Directorate: Local Economic Development (LED) trained sixty (60) people to work in the Wine Tourism Industry. In collaboration with a Belgium organisation, 20 entrepreneurs were trained in the Tourism, Agricultural and the Manufacturing Sectors. Entrepreneurs also attended a 4 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 2015-11-25 recycling course that was presented by the Paper Recycling Association of South Africa (PRASA) and Green Entrepreneur. (ix) Council recently approved a By-law for Disabled People. This By-law will guide Council to, at all times, provide the best services to the ±8000 disabled people within WCO24. (x) To provide in the needs of many families in the community, 24 vegatable gardens were planted with more being planned. (xi) As part of the Million Trees Project, 60 000 trees were planted in the last 6 months. (4) 16 Days of Activism for No Violence Against Women and Children started on 25 November 2015 and runs until 10 December 2015; World Aids Day is celebrated on 1 December 2015 and International Day of People with Disability celebrated on 3 December 2015. (5) The Executive Mayor took the opportunity to wish the Head: Committee Services, Mr Nicky Ceasar a well deserved retirement and thanked him for his 13 years of professional and devoted service at the Municipality. (6) Finally, the Executive Mayor wished all personnel a wonderful holiday period, and also thanked all the Councillors, The Speaker and the Administration for their dedicated service to the people of the Greater Stellenbosch. (-) 2.3.3 COMMUNICATION BY THE MUNICIPAL MANAGER (3/4/1/6) The Acting Municipal Manager, Mr Dupre Lombaard reported that Mr Gerald Esau accepted the offer of employment as Director: Community and Protection Services and indicated that he will take up office on 1 December 2015. Mr Raymond Esau also accepted the offer of employment as Director: Strategic and Corporate Services and indicated that he will take up office on 1 February 2016. The MEC for Local Government responded that the post for Director: Engineering Services should be re-advertised. This process will start in due course and feedback will be given on a regular basis. (-) 3. CONFIRMATION OF THE MINUTES (3/4/1/5) 3.1 CONFIRMATION OF THE MINUTES OF THE 35TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY HELD ON 2015-10-28 (3/4/1/5) The minutes of the 35th Meeting of the Council of Stellenbosch Municipality held on 2015-10-28 were previously distributed. FOR CONFIRMATION 5 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 2015-11-25 36TH COUNCIL MEETING: 2015-11-25: ITEM 3.1 RESOLVED (nem con) that the minutes of the 35th Meeting of the Council of Stellenbosch Municipality held on 2015-10-28, be confirmed. (HEAD: COMMITTEE SERVICES TO ACTION) 4. INTERVIEWS WITH DEPUTATIONS (3/4/1/7) NONE 5. STATUTORY BUSINESS (3/4/1/7) NONE 6. REPORT/S BY THE MUNICIPAL MANAGER RE OUTSTANDING RESOLUTIONS TAKEN AT PREVIOUS MEETINGS OF COUNCIL (3/4/1/5) The report by the Acting Municipal Manager re outstanding resolutions taken at previous meetings of Council is attached as APPENDIX 1. FOR INFORMATION 36TH COUNCIL MEETING: 2015-11-25: ITEM 6 RESOLVED (nem con) (a) that the report on outstanding resolutions by the Acting Municipal Manager be noted; and (b) that the Acting Municipal Manager note the input by Councillors regarding the items as outlined below, and provide responses, where applicable. Issue raised by Cllr : JA Davids: Outstanding Council Resolutions: Motion of Cllr Siwakamisa regarding inititiations What happened to this Resolutions? Item th 25 Council: 2014-11-26 Item 9.2 25th COUNCIL: 2014-11-26: ITEM 9.2 Response by The Speaker RULED that the Acting Municipal Manager report back to Cllr Siwakamisa (Ms) or at the next Council meeting scheduled for January 2016. RESOLVED (nem con) that an urgent engagement take place with the Stellenbosch Initiation Forum enabling them to make suggestions as to where such a site must be situated and the requirements for the site. Cllr F Adams: Motion by Cllr F Adams: Process for the Renaming of Streetnames What is the current status with regard to (b) & (c) of the resolution which reads as follows: rd 33 Council: 2015-08-25: Item 7.2 The Speaker RULED that the Acting Municipal Manager report back to Cllr F Adams in writing on both (b) & (c) of the resolution. 6 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES (b) that the Director: Planning & Economic Development be instructed to place an advert in the local community newspapers and to place notices at public places to invite nominees for the establishment of a Panel of Experts to advice Council on proposal for the renaming of streets. (c) that the terms of reference for the panel of experts as summarised in the report, be approved. 2015-11-25 (DIRECTOR: PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT TO ACTION) th Cllr N Jindela: Informal Trading This matter needs to be attended to as a matter of urgency, as it has been outstanding since 2014-01-16. 17 Council: 2014-01-16 Item 7.7 17TH COUNCIL MEETING: 2014-01-16: ITEM 7.7 RESOLVED (nem con) Acting MM This matter will serve at the Planning and Economic Development Committee Meeting scheduled for 2015-12-01. (a) that Council support the initiative to amend the By-laws for the Supervision and Control of the Carrying on of the Business of Street Vendor, Pedlar or Walker; (b) that the decision to amend the above-mentioned By-laws as well as the proposed proclamation of the sites attached be advertised for public comment (internally and externally), before a final decision is made by Council; (c) that the amendment to the various By-laws and all trading sites except the portion of Die Braak along Blom Street, be advertised for public and internal comment whereafter same be re-submitted to Council; and (d) that the Beyers alley in the CBD (Eikestad Mall) also be included in partnership with land owners. (DIRECTOR: PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT TO ACTION) th Cllr DA Hendrickse: Emergency Housing Policy 4 Council: 2011-10-27 Item 7.9 Cllr Hendrickse requested that this matter be finalized. 4TH COUNCIL MEETING: 2011-10-27: ITEM 7.9 The Speaker urged the Acting Municipal Manager to, as a matter of urgency, finalize and submit this Policy to Council. RESOLVED (majority vote) (a) that Council recognizes the need for the implementation of an Emergency Housing Policy; adoption and (b) that Council notes the draft Emergency Housing Policy presented to it; The Acting Municipal Manager responded that an item will be submitted to Council in this regard. (c) that Council is advised that the aforesaid Policy is based on the directions given by the Supreme Court of appeal in the case of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality v Blue Moonlight Properties 39 (Pty) Ltd. Council is furthermore advised that this case is currently on appeal to the Constitutional Court and that this judgment may alter the directions given by the Supreme Court of Appeal; and (d) that in view of the aforesaid, Council deems it to be prudent to let this matter stand over until the judgment of the Constitutional Court has been handed down and the current draft policy can be considered by Council having due regard to this judgment. (DIR: PLANNING, IHS & PROP MAN) Outstanding Resolutions Concerned about the Outstanding Resolutions that is not being addressed. Speaker RULED that Councillor DA Hendrickse list the missing Outstanding resolutions and submit it to the Acting Municipal Manager. The Acting Municipal Manager reported that a full audit will be done on all outstanding Resolutions and a comprehensive report will be submitted to Council by end January 2016. 7 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 2015-11-25 7. CONSIDERATION OF MATTERS REFERRED TO COUNCIL VIA THE MAYORAL COMMITTEE MEETING/S 7.1 PLANKENBRUG RIVER RESTORER: DEMONSTRATION PROJECT File number : 8/1/Engineering Services Compiled by : Manager: Transport, Roads and Stormwater Report by : Acting Director: Engineering Services Delegated Authority : Council Strategic intent of item Preferred investment destination Greenest municipality X Safest valley Dignified Living X Good Governance ______________________________________________________________________ 1. PURPOSE OF REPORT To request permission to test new technology to treat polluted stormwater and to make land available for the project. 2. BACKGROUND Under the auspice of the Stellenbosch River Collaborative a business plan was submitted by Wildlands to the Global Nature Fund to fund a project to develop and test new technologies to treat polluted stormwater in the Plankenburg River. The business plan was approved. Wildlands has appointed Isidima Design and Development to roll out the project. The goal of the project is: • • • Demonstrate and evaluate the performance of the restorer technology in the context of the Plankenbrug River. Monitor the water chemistry parameters to inform the design of future river remediation projects. Provide an opportunity for education and outreach. To raise the profile of the polluted river and show a way forward toward restored and health waters. For more detail on the project refer to the Design report in APPENDIX 1. The proposal system will consist of ±14 300 aquatic cells. Throughout the demonstration phases different plants and combinations will be tested to determine their overall effectiveness. 3. DISCUSSION Through this project the Municipality will: 8 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES • • • 2015-11-25 Support the development of new technology. Show commitment in restoring the river health in the Plankenburg river. Improve water quality that impacts on the health of the downstream communities. All costs for this project will be borne by Wildlands. The land that is required is approximately 100m2 and is part of the George Blake road reserve. The area has been developed as a park and has a large substation on it. The proposed activities will not have a detrimental impact on the usage of the park. Following a meeting with Melissa Lintnaar-Strauss from DWS (5th August 2015), the department has confirmed their support of the initiative. DWS has indicated that the project can be approved under a General Authorisation, whereby the Municipality will be the applicant. A draft application form has been prepared for submission to DWS. DWS has indicated that they will give approval in principal and that works may proceed. The final authorisation will take account of water quality monitoring data that will only be available once the project is operational. Wildlands is an employer in its own right and will have to take responsibility in terms of Health and Safety aspects during construction and during the testing phase. The site will be fenced off and access to the general public will be controlled. Through a partnership with Isidima, Stellenbosch University and the Water Research Commission, this project will be monitored to assess its scientific performance. The research team will undertake to maintain the facility for the duration of this research to Feb 2017. Should this demonstration project be successful, it would be to the Municipality’s advantage to have access to the findings of the study in order to incorporate the finding in future designs and projects. 4. LEGAL IMPLICATION None 5. FINANCIAL IMPLICATION This project will have no financial impact on Council. 6. COMMENTS FROM OTHER RELEVANT DEPARTMENTS 6.1 Director Corporate and Strategic Services – Legal (Elizabeth Williams) In terms of the item no costs will be incurred by the Council. Should it lead to future agreements with financial implications the relevant SCM process and related legislative framework must be adhered to. Item supported. 6.2 Finance Department Finance supports the item if it has no financial impact on the Municipality as indicated by the User Department. 9 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 6.3 2015-11-25 Director Public Safety and Community Services (Gerald Esau) Community Services supports the item to introduce new technology to improve the quality of water in the Plankenberg River. Permission is also granted that the public open space referred to in the item be utilised during the duration of the project. Caution should be taken in the project implementation that the new technology is not harmful to the eco system and does not detrimentally affect the community in the area. 6.4 Directorate: Human Settlements & Property Management (Piet Smit) The recommendations contained in the report is supported, on condition that Wildlands indemnifies Stellenbosch Municipality against any possible 3rd party claim as a consequence of them making use of our property. RECOMMENDED (a) (b) that permission be granted to Wildlands to build a test and demo facility in the George Blake reserve on the following conditions; (i) Wildlands to comply with all Environmental Legislation and conditions that may be set by DEADP or DWA. (ii) Permission be granted for 1 year whereafter the situation be reassessed. (iii) Wildlands to comply with all Occupational Health and Safety Legislation and maintain the safety and security on site;and that the final outcome of the study be made available to the Municipality. (ACTING DIRECTOR: ENGINEERING SERVICES TO ACTION) ENGINEERING SERVICES AND HUMAN SETTLEMENTS COMMITTEE MEETING: 2015-11-04: ITEM 5.1.1 RECOMMENDED (a) (b) that permission be granted to Wildlands to build a test and demo facility in the George Blake reserve on the following conditions; (i) Wildlands to comply with all Environmental Legislation and conditions that may be set by DEADP or DWA. (ii) Permission be granted for 1 year whereafter the situation be reassessed. (iii) Wildlands to comply with all Occupational Health and Safety Legislation and maintain the safety and security on site; that the final outcome of the study be made available to the Municipality; and 10 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES (c) 2015-11-25 that Wildlands indemnifies Stellenbosch Municipality against any possible 3rd party claim as a consequence of them making use of municipal property. (ACTING DIRECTOR: ENGINEERING SERVICES TO ACTION) MAYORAL COMMITTEE MEETING: 2015-11-18: ITEM 5.1.1 RECOMMENDED BY THE EXECUTIVE MAYOR (a) that permission be granted to Wildlands to build a test and demo facility in the George Blake reserve on the following conditions: (i) Wildlands to comply with all Environmental Legislation and conditions that may be set by DEADP or DWA. (ii) Permission be granted for 1 year whereafter the situation be reassessed. (iii) Wildlands to comply with all Occupational Health and Safety Legislation and maintain the safety and security on site; (b) that the final outcome of the study be made available to the Municipality; and (c) that Wildlands indemnifies Stellenbosch Municipality against any possible 3rd party claim as a consequence of them making use of municipal property. (ACTING DIRECTOR: ENGINEERING SERVICES TO ACTION) 36TH COUNCIL MEETING: 2015-11-25: ITEM 7.1 RESOLVED (nem con) (a) that permission be granted to Wildlands to build a test and demo facility in the George Blake reserve on the following conditions: (i) Wildlands to comply with all Environmental Legislation and conditions that may be set by DEADP or DWA. (ii) Permission be granted for 1 year whereafter the situation be reassessed. (iii) Wildlands to comply with all Occupational Health and Safety Legislation and maintain the safety and security on site; (b) that the final outcome of the study be made available to the Municipality; and (c) that Wildlands indemnifies Stellenbosch Municipality against any possible 3rd party claim as a consequence of them making use of municipal property. (ACTING DIRECTOR: ENGINEERING SERVICES TO ACTION) 11 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 7.2 2015-11-25 WATER RESTRICTION MEASURES: WC024 File number : 8/1 Engineering Services Compiled by : Manager: Water Services Report by : Acting Director: Engineering Services Delegated Authority : Council Strategic intent of item Preferred investment destination Greenest municipality Safest valley Dignified Living Good Governance 1. X PURPOSE OF THE REPORT To inform the Council of the decision made by the Acting Director: Engineering Services to impose 20% water restriction measures for a period longer than one calendar month. To seek approval for implementation of the 20% Water Restriction tariff. 2. BACKGROUND The water sources supplying the WC024 area are situated in the Cape Town Dam System area. This catchment area supplies water to Department of Water & Sanitation, Stellenbosch Municipality, City of Cape Town, Drakenstein Municipality and the West Coast District Municipality. On 8 October 2015 Stellenbosch Municipality hosted the Water Reconciliation Steering Committee meeting for the Western Cape Water Supply System in Franschhoek. Representatives of afore mentioned municipalities, Department of Water & Sanitation, Irrigation Boards, Agriculture and various stake holders attended this meeting. After being duly informed of the current dam levels and drought conditions in the Western Cape by specialists from Department of Water & Sanitation, the Committee recommended that a 20% water restriction be imposed by the municipalities as soon as possible. 3. DISCUSSION Stellenbosch Municipality supplies 41% of the total water demand using own water sources. The bulk of this supply is stored in the Idas Valley dams which are fed by the Jonkershoek intake situated in the Eerste River. Each year during the raining season the Eerste River supplies sufficient water to feed the Idas Valley water treatment plant and fill up the Idas Valley storage dams. During January and February the levels in the Eerste River normally drop to such an extent that most of the supply needs to be fed from the Idas Valley storage dams. The current levels of the Eerste River are very low and have a major effect on the rate and volume of water available to be abstracted to fill the storage dams. The current available volume for both storage dams is 69%. 12 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 2015-11-25 The balance of the total water demand for the WC024 area (59%) is supplied by Department of Water & Sanitation and the City of Cape Town. The Cape Town System consists of the Theewaterskloof, Steenbras-Upper and Lower, Berg River, Wemmershoek, Voëlvlei and Misverstand dams. The total yield of these dams is managed as a unit because of the pipe linkages between these dams. The current status for the Cape Town Dam System, as on 19/10/2015 was 73.2% versus 98.8% last year. This is 25.6% lower than the same time last year. (See APPENDIX 1) From the above it is clear that the Western Cape and specifically Cape Town Dam System is under severe pressure and based on this information the Acting Director Engineering Services instituted water restriction as of 1 November 2015. According to the delegations (Refer to System of Delegations as adopted by Council on 24 June 2015, Nr. 561, S184 of Municipal Ordinance and also in terms of Water Services Act) the Director Engineering Services can institute water restriction, but need to inform the Mayco should it be instituted for longer than a month. At this stage it is anticipated that the restrictions will stay in place for the summer season. To achieve the desired 20% saving the Stellenbosch Municipality has to implement the drought tariff structure to achieve the desired saving. The 20% water restriction tariffs has been approved in the Stellenbosch Municipal tariff structure for the 2015/16 financial year and need to be implemented as a matter of urgency. For details of the 20 % restriction tariff refer to (See APPENDIX 3). The tariffs for users using less than 6 kilolitres stay the same. From 7 kilolitres upwards the tariff increase exponentially to encourage users that saves water. 4. COMMENTS FROM OTHER RELEVANT DEPARTMENTS 4.1 Financial Services The 20% Water restriction must be communicated with the public by means of municipal notices and the media. The next meter reading cycle starts on 26 November 2015 and date of notice should reflect this date as the starting date for increased tariffs. 4.2 Community and Protection Services The Directorate Community and Protection Services supports all initiatives instituted by the Engineering Services Department to save water for the greater Stellenbosch. The Department Parks and Recreation will promote gardening with water wise plants in all Municipal gardens and parks. 4.3 Municipal Manager No comment. RECOMMENDED (a) that the attached water restriction measures be imposed 1 November 2015 for the whole of WCO24 area. (APPENDIX 2); as from (b) that the 20% water restriction tariffs be implemented for water usage as from 26 November 2015 as per approved 20% water restriction tariff structure; 13 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 2015-11-25 (c) that the duration of the 20% restriction be monitored and if necessary be re-evaluated as drought progresses; and (d) that a notice pertaining to the water restrictions (APPENDIX 2) be distributed via the following media: • • • local newspapers; notices attached to all municipal accounts; Municipal notice boards. (ACTING DIRECTOR: ENGINEERING SERVICES TO ACTION) ENGINEERING SERVICES AND HUMAN SETTLEMENTS COMMITTEE MEETING: 2015-11-04: ITEM 5.1.3 RECOMMENDED (a) that the attached water restriction measures be imposed 1 November 2015 for the whole of WCO24 area. (APPENDIX 2); (b) that the 20% water restriction tariffs be implemented for water usage as from 26 November 2015 as per approved 20% water restriction tariff structure; (c) that the duration of the 20% restriction be monitored and if necessary be re-evaluated as drought progresses; and (d) that a notice pertaining to the water restrictions (APPENDIX 2) be distributed via the following media: • • • as from local newspapers; notices attached to all municipal accounts; Municipal notice boards. (e) that residents in the informal areas be identified and given training to create awareness and monitor the wastage of water and be paid a stipend; and (f) that the Administration embark on a water restriction awareness campaign. (ACTING DIRECTOR: ENGINEERING SERVICES TO ACTION) MAYORAL COMMITTEE MEETING: 2015-11-18: ITEM 5.1.2 RECOMMENDED BY THE EXECUTIVE MAYOR (a) that the attached water restriction measures be imposed 1 November 2015 for the whole of WCO24 area. (APPENDIX 2); as from (b) that the 20% water restriction tariffs be implemented for water usage as from 26 November 2015 as per approved 20% water restriction tariff structure; 14 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 2015-11-25 (c) that the duration of the 20% restriction be monitored and if necessary be re-evaluated as drought progresses; and (d) that a notice pertaining to the water restrictions (APPENDIX 2) be distributed via the following media: • • • local newspapers; notices attached to all municipal accounts; Municipal notice boards. (e) that residents in the informal areas be identified and given training to create awareness and monitor the wastage of water and be paid a stipend; and (f) that the Administration embark on a water restriction awareness campaign. (ACTING DIRECTOR: ENGINEERING SERVICES TO ACTION) 36TH COUNCIL MEETING: 2015-11-25: ITEM 7.2 RESOLVED (majority vote) (a) that the attached water restriction measures be imposed 1 November 2015 for the whole of WCO24 area. (APPENDIX 2); (b) that the 20% water restriction tariffs be implemented for water usage as from 26 November 2015 as per approved 20% water restriction tariff structure; (c) that the duration of the 20% restriction be monitored and if necessary be re-evaluated as drought progresses; and (d) that a notice pertaining to the water restrictions (APPENDIX 2) be distributed via the following media: • • • as from local newspapers; notices attached to all municipal accounts; Municipal notice boards. (e) that residents in the informal areas be identified and given training to create awareness and monitor the wastage of water and be paid a stipend; and (f) that the Administration embark on a water restriction awareness campaign. The following Councillors requested that their votes of dissent be minuted: Councillors F Adams; DA Hendrickse and AT van der Walt. (ACTING DIRECTOR: ENGINEERING SERVICES TO ACTION) 15 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 7.3 2015-11-25 PROPOSED DISPOSAL OF CHURCH AND CRECHE SITES IN WATERGANG, KAYAMANDI File number : 17/4/4/3/1 Compiled by : Manager: Property Management Report by : Director: Human Settlements & Property Management Authority : Council Strategic intent of item Preferred investment destination Greenest municipality Safest valley Dignified Living X Good Governance _____________________________________________________________________ 1. PURPOSE OF REPORT To obtain an in-principle decision on the proposed disposal of a church and crèche sites in Watergang, Kayamandi. 2. BACKGROUND 2.1 Approval of development rights: Erf 2183, Kayamandi During February 2014 the Director: Planning and Economic Development, under delegated authority, approved the application for development rights on erf 2183, Kayamandi. The subdivision and rezoning provided for 488 group housing units, 1 place of worship erf, 1 educational institution erf, 3 public open spaces and various public roads. A copy of the approved lay-out, indicating the location of the church and crèche sites is attached as APPENDIX 1. 3. DISCUSSION 3.1 Property description The property description of the two erven is as follows: 3.2 Erf number: Land use: Zoning: size Erf 3739 Crèche Education Institute988m² Erf 3740 Church Place of worship 2345m² Location and context The two sites are located on the North Eastern corner of the development, next to a public open space, as shown on Fig 1-3, below. 16 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 2015-11-25 Fig 1: Location and Context Fig 2: Position of erven 3739 and 3740 Fig 3: General Plan: Erven 3739 and 3740 3.3 Legal requirements 3.3.1 Asset Transfer Regulations In terms of Regulation 5 (1) (b) of the Asset Transfer Regulations, a municipal Council may transfer or dispose of a non-exempted capital asset only after the Municipal Council:(i) has made the determination required by Section 14(2)(a) and (b); and (ii) has, as a consequence of such determination, approved in principle that the asset may be disposed of. In terms of Regulation (7), when considering any disposal as contemplated above, a council must take into account:- 17 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 2015-11-25 (a) whether the capital asset may be required for the municipality’s own use at a later date; (b) the expected loss or gain that is expected to result from the proposed transfer or disposal; (c) the extent to which any compensation to be received in respect of the proposed transfer or disposal will result in a significant economic or financial cost or benefit to the municipality; (d) the risks and rewards associated with the operation or control of the capital asset that is to be transferred or disposed of in relation to the municipality’s interests; (e) the effect that the proposed transfer or disposal will have on the credit rating of the municipality, its ability to raise long-term or short-term borrowings in the future and its financial position and cash flow; (f) any limitation or conditions attached to the capital asset or the transfer or disposal of the asset, and the consequences of any potential non-compliance with those conditions; (g) the estimated cost of the proposed transfer or disposal; (h) the transfer of any liabilities and reserve funds associated with the capital asset; (i) any comments or representations on the proposed transfer or disposal received from the local community and other interested persons; (j) any written views and recommendations on the proposed transfer or disposal by the National Treasury and the relevant provincial treasury (k) the interests of any affected organ of state, the municipality’s own strategic, legal and economic interests and the interests of the local community; and (l) compliance with the legislative regime applicable to the proposed transfer or disposal. In considering the above, the following information should be taken into account: a) The erven mentioned above will not be needed for our own use, as it was earmarked for development as a church and crèche; b) The expected gain would be limited, as the tender prices would probably be less than market value; c) The compensation will not result in a significant economic or financial benefit to the municipality, as it is earmarked for community benefit; There are no risks associated with the proposed disposal of the sites; d) e) The transactions will have no negative impact on the credit rating of the municipality or its ability to raise long-term loans; 18 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 2015-11-25 f) Seeing that the church- and crèche sites will be sold at below market value, there should be a reversionary clause, should it not be used for the purpose that it was disposed for. Further, a condition should be included, stating that the property be developed within a period of 3 years from date of transfer, failing which the ownership will revert back to the municipality g) The cost of transfer will be borne by the buyers; h) There are no liabilities or reserved funds associated with the assets i) No comments were solicited from National or Provincial Treasury, as these transactions do not fall within the description of a high value property, i.e. in excess of R50M. j) No comments were solicited from the Public, as these transactions do not fall within the description of a high value property, i.e. in excess of R50M. k) No organ of state is affected by the proposed transactions; l) All legal requirements will be met; i.e. the properties will be sold by way of a public competitive process. Regulation 11 authorise a Council to approve conditions, when considering an in principle disposal, such as: (a) the way in which an asset is to be disposal of (e.g. tender, call for proposal, etc.); (b) a floor price or minimum compensation; (c) whether the capital asset may be transferred/disposal of for less than its fair market value (in which case the council must first consider the criteria set out in Regulation 13 (2) Regulation 13(2) provides that if a municipality or municipal entity on account of the public interest, in particular in relation to the plight of the poor, intends to transfer a non-exempted capital asset for less than its fair market value, the municipality or entity must, when considering the proposed transfer, take into account – (a) the interest of – (i) the State; and (ii) the local community; (b) the strategic and economic interest of the municipality or municipal entity, including the long-term effect of the decision on the municipality or entity; (c) the constitutional rights and legal interests of all affected parties; (d) whether the interest of the parties to the transfer should carry more weight than the interest of the local community, and how the individual interest is weight against the collective interest; and 19 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 2015-11-25 (e) whether the local community would be better served if the capital asset is transferred at less than its fair market value, as opposed to a transfer of the asset at fair market value. Further in terms of Regulation 13, any such disposal must be in accordance with Council’s disposal management system (SCM), irrespective of the value of the asset. 3.3.2 SCM Policy In terms of paragraph 5.3 of the SCM Policy, immovable property may only be sold at market-related prices, except when the public interest or plight of the poor demands otherwise. “Public interest” is described as, inter alia, the promotion of welfare and charitable as the needs of the people that are vulnerable and unable to meet their socio-economic needs independently. In terms of paragraph 5.4, assets may be disposed of by way of:(a) a tender process; (b) a call for development proposal; or (c) a two-stage Bidding process 4. COMMENTS BY RELEVANT DEPARTMENTS 4.1 Finance department Finance supports the recommendation. 4.2 Legal Department The Municipality have to comply with Regulation 7 (a) –(l), of the Asset Transfer Regulations (“ATR”) including (j) which makes provision for any written views and recommendations on the proposed transfer or disposal by the National Treasury and the relevant provincial treasury. In light of the fact that the properties are not high value properties (in excess of R50 million, one percent of the total value of the capital asset of the municipality or an amount determined by resolution of council, which is less the aforementioned), the Municipality should list same as the reasons why it does not have to comply with Regulation 7(j), In light of the aforementioned, no public participation process is required. Furthermore it is clear from the item that the properties will be sold less than fair market value. In light of the aforesaid, Council should consider the requirements listed in Regulation 13(2)() to (e). Furthermore the Supply Chain Management Policy defined public interest as inter alia to promote the achievement of equality by taking measures to protect or advance persons or categories of persons, disadvantaged by unfair discrimination, afford black people who are South African citizens a preference in respect of the disposal and letting of immovable property as envisaged in section 9(2) of the Constitution, to promote BEE through disposal and letting and ensure and promote first time home ownership and enterprise development of black people including but not limited to ensuring that people that qualify in terms of the Municipality’s GAP housing policy have access to adequate housing on a progressive basis. The aforementioned should be included under the comments pertaining to the Supply Chain Management Policy. The item and recommendations are supported on condition that the Municipality complies with the above requirements. 20 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 5. 2015-11-25 CONCLUSION The properties listed in par.3 (supra) is not needed to provide the minimum level of basic municipal services, and may therefore be disposed of subject to the prescribed (public competitive) process. The disposal of the properties does not pose any risks to the municipality. RECOMMENDED (a) that erven 3739 and 3740, Kayamandi be identified as property not needed to provide the minimum level of basic municipal services, i.e surplus properties; (b) that Council, in principle, approve the disposal of erven 3739 and 3740, Kayamandi; (c) that the minimum prices be determined by two (2) independent valuations (20% of weighted average of fair market value) (d) that the Acting Municipal Manager be authorised to approve the evaluation criteria and place the necessary notices, calling for tenders for the properties; and (e) that, following the conditional awarding of tenders, a report be submitted to Council to decide on the final disposal of the properties in question, taking into account that tenders may well be below market value. (DIRECTOR: HUMAN SETTLEMENTS AND PROPERTY MANAGEMENT TO ACTION) ENGINEERING SERVICES AND HUMAN SETTLEMENTS COMMITTEE MEETING: 2015-11-04: ITEM 6.1.1 RECOMMENDED (a) that erven 3739 and 3740, Kayamandi be identified as property not needed to provide the minimum level of basic municipal services, i.e surplus properties; (b) that Council, in principle, approve the disposal of erven 3739 and 3740, Kayamandi; (c) that the minimum prices be determined by two (2) independent valuations (20% of weighted average of fair market value) (d) that the (Acting) Municipal Manager be authorised to approve the evaluation criteria and place the necessary notices, calling for tenders for the properties; and (e) that, following the conditional awarding of tenders, a report be submitted to Council to decide on the final disposal of the properties in question, taking into account that tenders may well be below market value. (DIRECTOR: HUMAN SETTLEMENTS AND PROPERTY MANAGEMENT TO ACTION) 21 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 2015-11-25 MAYORAL COMMITTEE MEETING: 2015-11-18: ITEM 5.1.3 RECOMMENDED BY THE EXECUTIVE MAYOR (a) that erven 3739 and 3740, Kayamandi be identified as property not needed to provide the minimum level of basic municipal services, i.e surplus properties; (b) that Council, in principle, approve the disposal of erven 3739 and 3740, Kayamandi; (c) that the minimum prices be determined by two (2) independent valuations (20% of weighted average of fair market value) (d) that the (Acting) Municipal Manager be authorised to approve the evaluation criteria and place the necessary notices, calling for tenders for the properties; and (e) that, following the conditional awarding of tenders, a report be submitted to Council to decide on the final disposal of the properties in question, taking into account that tenders may well be below market value. (DIRECTOR: HUMAN SETTLEMENTS AND PROPERTY MANAGEMENT TO ACTION) 36TH COUNCIL MEETING: 2015-11-25: ITEM 7.3 RESOLVED (majority vote) (a) that erven 3739 and 3740, Kayamandi be identified as property not needed to provide the minimum level of basic municipal services, i.e surplus properties; (b) that Council, in principle, approve the disposal of erven 3739 and 3740, Kayamandi; (c) that the minimum prices be determined by two (2) independent valuations (20% of weighted average of fair market value) (d) that the (Acting) Municipal Manager be authorised to approve the evaluation criteria and place the necessary notices, calling for tenders for the properties; and (e) that, following the conditional awarding of tenders, a report be submitted to Council to decide on the final disposal of the properties in question, taking into account that tenders may well be below market value. The following Councillors requested that their votes of dissent be minuted: Councillors JA Davids; DA Hendrickse; S Jooste (Ms); C Moses (Ms); RS Nalumango (Ms); MM Ngcofe; N Ntsunguzi (Ms); L Ronoti; P Sitshoti (Ms); LN Siwakamisa (Ms) and AT van der Walt. (DIRECTOR: HUMAN SETTLEMENTS AND PROPERTY MANAGEMENT TO ACTION) 22 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 7.4 2015-11-25 RECOMMENDATIONS AND FINDING REGARDING THE APPOINTMENT OF EXTERNAL MUNICIPAL PLANNING TRIBUNAL MEMBERS AS DETERMINED BY THE SPATIAL PLANNING AND LAND USE MANAGEMENT ACT, 2013 (ACT 16 OF 2013) AND ITS REGULATIONS File number : 1/1/1/40 Compiled by : SPLUMA Compliance Officer Report by : Director: Planning and Economic Development Delegated Authority : Council Strategic intent of item Preferred investment destination X Greenest municipality X Safest valley Dignified Living X X Good Governance _____________________________________________________________________ 1. PURPOSE OF REPORT To obtain approval from Council by accepting the appointment of external Municipal Planning Tribunal members for a maximum period of three years. 2. BACKGROUND On the 1st of July 2015 the President enacted the Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act, 16 of 2013 (SPLUMA). On a Provincial level the Western Cape Government adopted the Land Use Planning Act, 3 of 2014 (LUPA) which will replace the Land Use Planning Ordinance No 15 of 1985 (LUPO). Both SPLUMA and LUPA came about after recent court judgements indicated that old order legislation (LUPO etc.) was not in line with the Constitution and that National and Provincial Spheres of Government had only limited powers and functions which they could not impose on Municipalities. In line with the new planning legislation Stellenbosch Municipality need to establish a Municipal Planning Tribunal; appoint an authorised official; adopt a municipal planning bylaw and have tariffs in place to accept and process land use applications. As per Section 36 in SPLUMA each municipality need to appoint a Municipal Planning Tribunal consisting out of internal and external members. In line with the above requirement, adverts were placed in various local and regional newspapers during July 2015 calling on nominations to serve on the Municipal Planning Tribunal. These adverts were placed in the following newspapers: 23 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES - 2015-11-25 Riviernuus Umlambo News Eikestad Nuus Paarl Post Cape Times Die Burger In total 18 nominations were received which are attached as APPENDIX 1. The purpose of this report is to make recommendations to the Portfolio Planning and Economic Development Committee. 3. DISCUSSION As seen in APPENDIX 2 Council resolved on the 30th Council Meeting dated 27 May 2015 (Item 8.6) amongst others that: (a) the draft Council approve the establishment of a WC024 Municipal Planning Tribunal in terms of Section 35 of the Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act, 16 of 2013; (b) that the evaluation panel to evaluate the nominations for Municipal Planning Tribunal members received by the Municipality be Planning and Economic Development Portfolio Committee; and (c) that the terms of reference for the evaluation panel be determined by the Executive mayor in consultation with the Mayoral committee members. Both SPLUMA and LUPA are being implemented on a staggered approach once municipalities have met the minimum criteria. LUPO will be repealed at the municipality once these minimum requirements are met: 3.1 • An approved and gazetted Municipal Planning Bylaw - (adopted in August 2015) and in process of Gazetting • Advanced in the establishment of a Municipal Planning Tribunal - (Call for nominations was advertised and nomination were received, and recommendations has taken place); • Advanced in the establishment of delegations which includes the categorisation of applications and the appointment of an authorised official (was achieved through Council Resolution 27 May 2015); • Have tariffs in place to receive land use applications (was completed in the approved 2015/2016 Municipal budget). Terms of Reference for the Municipal Planning Tribunal The Municipal Planning Tribunal will consist out of ten (10) members of which seven (7) will sit at every Municipal Planning Tribunal meeting. The Municipal Planning Tribunal must have at least three internal official municipal members and four (4) external Municipal Planning Tribunal members with an extra three (3) members to stand in for an unavailable member. 24 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 2015-11-25 SPLUMA Section 36(1)(b) stipulates that the external seven (7) Municipal Planning Tribunal members must have “knowledge and experience of spatial planning, land use management and land development or law related thereto”. The following criteria was presented to the informal MAYCO which formed part of the Terms of Reference for the external Municipal Planning Tribunal members: 3.2 - People with knowledge of planning and related law; - Can be a resident outside of WC024; - Should represent the different broader geographic areas (Klapmuts/Franchhoek, Raitby/Stellenbosch Urban Areas and the agricultural areas); - Should represent the demographic composition of residents of WC024. Applications received In total eighteen (18) applications were received as seen in Table 1 below (CV’s of each candidate herewith attached as APPENDIX 3). The applicants submitted their applications in line with SPLUMA and its regulations which included the following minimum criteria: • • • • • • Application form; Written motivation; Indicate any Conflict of interest; Declaration; Comprehensive CV and Certified copies of qualifications and registration bodies Table 1: Applications received to serve as External Municipal Planning Tribunal members No Name(s) and Surname Highest Qualifications Field of Expertise Age Gend er Rac e Years of Experien ce 1 Michael Fraser National Technical Certificate Civil/Construction Engineering Drawings 60 M C 35 2 Thumakele Gosa MPhil: Development Planning Development Planner 45 M B 5 3 Adv Mandla Mdludlu LLB Housing & Law 61 M B 38 4 Basil Davidson Masters: Town & Regional Planning Town Planner 66 M W 30 5 Cornelia Hendrika Smart Masters: LLM (Law) Heritage and Law 47 F W 20 6 Jeffrey Phil de Wet BSc: Engineering Civil Engineering 63 M C 37 7 Simon Nicks Masters: Town & Regional Planning Town Planner Environmental Urban Design Architecture 56 M W 30 8 Pierre Arnoldus Jurgens Smit Masters: Town & Regional Planning Town Planner 58 M W 30 9 Christiaan Klopper Rabie Masters: Town & Regional Planning Town Planner Environmental SPLUMA / LUPA ROR & 24 G 64 M W 38 25 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 2015-11-25 10 Willem Morkel de Kock Masters: Town & Regional Planning Town Planner Professional Property Valuation 68 M W 40 11 Dr Pieter Eduard Claasen Doctorate, Masters TRP and Engineering Town Planner Engineer Heritage ROR 78 M W 40 12 Christophe Seroot Matric Building Inspector 45 M C 20 13 Owen Pieters B.Hons: Spatial Planning B-Tech Town Planning Town Planner 36 M C 15 14 Johannes Diederik van der Merwe LLM and LLB Administrative Law; land Reform; and Environmental Law 55 M W 30 15 John Frederick David Muller Masters: Engineering (Transport) Engineering (Transport and Civil) Tribunal Experience 49 M C 21 16 Dr Ruida PoolStanvliet Ph.D & Masters MSc Environment (Cape Nature / Land Use & Spatial Planning) 56 F W 30 17 Eric Peter McDonald BSc: Electric Engineering Engineering (Electrical) and Project Management 61 M W 40 18 Adv Alan David Maher Masters:LLB Property Law; servitudes; municipal valuations; LUMS 50 M W 22 3.3 Recommendations of the Nominations Panel for members of the public to serve as External Members on the Municipal Planning Tribunal The evaluation panel had its evaluation meeting on 17 September 2015 (Minutes of meeting attached as APPENDIX 4). The evaluation committee consisted out of the following municipal representatives: • Dupré Lombaard - Director Planning and Economic Development • Willem Pretorius - Acting Director Engineering • Robert Fooy - Acting Manager Land Use Management • Mervin Williams - Senior Legal Advisor • Bernabe De La Bat - Manager Spatial Planning, Heritage and Environment • Jacques Jansen van Rensburg – SPLUMA Compliance Officer 3.3.1 Out of the above assessment the following External Municipal Planning Tribunal members are recommended by the panel linked to skill and years’ experience as seen in table 2 below. Table 2: Recommended External Municipal Planning Tribunal Members Member Number Name and Surname Field Expertise 1. 2. 3. 4. Adv. Mandla Mdludu (Chair) Cornelia Smart (Deputy Chair) Thumakele Gosa JFD Muller 5. Dr Ruida Pool-Stanvliet 6. Jeffrey Phil de Wet 7. Christiaan Rabie Advocate: Housing & Law Heritage and Law Development Planner Engineering: Transport and Civil Environment (Cape Nature / Land Use & Spatial Planning) Civil Engineering Town Planner Environmental SPLUMA / LUPA / ROR RACE & GENDER YEARS EXPERIENCE B/M W/F B/M C/M 38 20 5 21 W/F 30 C/M 37 W/M 38 26 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 3.3.2 3.3.3 2015-11-25 The following internal members on the Municipal Planning Tribunal were approved at the Council Meeting dated 27 May 2015 Item 8.6): - Manager: Development Services, Directorate Engineering Services - Manager: Spatial Planning, Heritage and Environment, Directorate Planning and economic development - Senior Legal Advisor: Directorate: Strategic and Corporate Services Chair and deputy Chair of the Municipal Planning Tribunal SPLUMA Section 36 (4 a & b) reads that the Municipal Council must designate a chair and deputy chair for the Municipal Planning Tribunal. The evaluation panel recommended that the following members be appointed as the chair and deputy chair: - Adv. Mandla Mdludu as the Chair and Cornelia Smart as the Deputy Chair The above chair and deputy chair will also need to be approved in terms of Section 36 (4a & b) of SPLUMA. 4. DETERMINATION OF THE APPEALS AUTHORITY IN TERMS OF SECTION 51 OF SPLUMA Council must make a decision on the type of the Appeal Authority, which can be the Executive Committee or Executive Mayor of the municipality. If the municipality does not have an Executive Committee or Executive Mayor, this function may be delegated to an official or an outside body or institution authorized by Council to assume the functions of an Appeal Authority. The 30th Council Meeting dated 27 May 2015 (Item 8.6) resolved: (j) that an elected Appeal Committee consisting of Councillors of the WC024 be designated as the Appeal Authority. After seeking consultation from the Western Cape Government Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning (DEADP) it was advised to amend resolution j from item 8.6 as it is not aligned with SPLUMA Section 52(2) (see APPENDIX 5). Section 51(2) of SPLUMA reads: “The municipal manager must within a prescribed period submit the appeal to the executive authority of the municipality as the appeal authority) which makes the “executive authority” of the municipality the appeal authority. Internal Legal Advice obtained herewith attached as APPENDIX 6 it is recommended that, the Executive Mayor is authorised as Appeal Authority ex lege/in terms of legislation and not in terms of a delegation. (The Executive Mayor will have the right to take expert technical or legal advice when necessary). The appeal will be on procedural matters only and not on merit. 5. LEGAL IMPLICATIONS The Legal Department supports the Item and recommendations. 27 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 6. 2015-11-25 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS The Chief Financial Officer is in support of this item. RECOMMENDED (a) that the nominations made by the evaluation panel for the commencement of appointment for the following external Municipal Planning Tribunal Members be accepted as: • • • • • • • (b) Adv. Mandla Mdludu Ms Cornelia Smart Mr Thumakele Gosa Mr JFD Muller Dr Ruida Pool-Stanvliet Mr Jeffrey Phil de Wet Mr Christiaan Rabie that Council take cognisance that the following Internal Municipal Planning Tribunal Members will be appointed as per Council resolution (Item 8.6), dated 2015-05-27: - Manager: Development Services, Directorate Engineering Services - Manager: Spatial Planning, Heritage and Environment, Directorate Planning and Economic Development - Senior Legal Advisor, Directorate: Strategic and Corporate Services (c) that Item 8.6 (j) be replaced with the Appeal Authority to be the Executive Mayor. The Executive Mayor is authorised as appeal authority ex lege/in terms of legislation and not in terms of a delegation; and (d) that in terms of SPLUMA Section 36(4a & b), Council support and approve the recommendation for the appointment of the Chairperson, (Advocate Mandla Mdlulu) and Deputy Chairperson, (Ms Cornelia Smart). (DIRECTOR: PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT TO ACTION) APPENDICES DISTRIBUTED UNDER SEPARATE COVER Appendix 1 - List of Nominations and Applications Received Appendix 2 - Copy of Item 8.6 (30th Council Meeting dated 27 May 2015) Appendix 3 - Copies of CV’s of applications received to serve as External Municipal Planning Tribunal Members Appendix 4 - Action Minutes of Nominations Panel recommendations and vote Appendix 5 - Western Cape Government (DEADP) comment on the amendment of Item 8.6 (j) regarding the embellishment of the Appeal Authority. Appendix 6 - Comments received from Senior Legal Advisor 28 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 2015-11-25 PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE: 2015-11-03: ITEM 5.1.1 During deliberations on the matter, the ANC requested a caucus, which the Chairperson allowed. After the meeting resumed, it was RESOLVED (nem con) that this matter be deferred to a Reconvened Planning and Economic Development Committee meeting to be held on Friday, 2015-11-06 at 09:00. Note! See page 82 of the minutes of this Committee for detail of the reconvened meeting. (DIRECTOR: PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT TO ACTION) RECONVENED MEETING OF THE PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE: 2015-11-05: ITEM 5.1.1 During deliberations on this matter, the Committee noted the input by the Administration that the purpose of this report be changed as indicated below. During further debate the DA Councillors requested a caucus which was allowed. After the meeting resumed, it was RESOLVED (nem con) that the purpose of the report be changed to read as follows: 1. PURPOSE OF REPORT To obtain approval from Council by accepting the appointment of external Municipal Planning Tribunal members for a maximum period of three years. RECOMMENDED (a) that the nominations made by the evaluation panel for the commencement of appointment for the following external Municipal Planning Tribunal Members be accepted by Council as: • • • • • • • (b) Adv. Mandla Mdludu Ms Cornelia Smart Mr Thumakele Gosa Mr JFD Muller Dr Ruida Pool-Stanvliet Mr Jeffrey Phil de Wet Mr Christiaan Rabie that Council take cognisance that the following Internal Municipal Planning Tribunal Members will be appointed as per Council resolution (Item 8.6), dated 2015-05-27: - Manager: Development Services, Directorate Engineering Services 29 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 2015-11-25 - Manager: Spatial Planning, Heritage and Environment, Directorate Planning and Economic Development - Senior Legal Advisor, Directorate: Strategic and Corporate Services (c) that Item 8.6 (j) be replaced with the Appeal Authority be the Executive Mayor. The Executive Mayor is authorised as appeal authority ex lege/in terms of legislation and not in terms of a delegation; and (d) that in terms of SPLUMA Section 36(4a & b), Council support and approve the recommendation for the appointment of the Chairperson, (Advocate Mandla Mdlulu) and Deputy Chairperson, (Ms Cornelia Smart). (DIRECTOR: PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT TO ACTION) MAYORAL COMMITTEE MEETING: 2015-11-18: ITEM 5.1.5 RECOMMENDED BY THE EXECUTIVE MAYOR (a) that the nominations made by the evaluation panel for the commencement of appointment for the following external Municipal Planning Tribunal Members be accepted by Council as: • • • • • • • (b) Adv. Mandla Mdludu Ms Cornelia Smart Mr Thumakele Gosa Mr JFD Muller Dr Ruida Pool-Stanvliet Mr Jeffrey Phil de Wet Mr Christiaan Rabie that Council take cognisance that the following Internal Municipal Planning Tribunal Members will be appointed as per Council resolution (Item 8.6), dated 2015-05-27: - Manager: Development Services, Directorate Engineering Services - Manager: Spatial Planning, Heritage and Environment, Directorate Planning and Economic Development - Senior Legal Advisor, Directorate: Strategic and Corporate Services (c) that Item 8.6 (j) be replaced with the Appeal Authority be the Executive Mayor. The Executive Mayor is authorised as appeal authority ex lege/in terms of legislation and not in terms of a delegation; and (d) that in terms of SPLUMA Section 36(4a & b), Council support and approve the recommendation for the appointment of the Chairperson, (Advocate Mandla Mdlulu) and Deputy Chairperson, (Ms Cornelia Smart). (DIRECTOR: PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT TO ACTION) 30 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 2015-11-25 36TH COUNCIL MEETING: 2015-11-25: ITEM 7.4 RESOLVED (nem con) (a) that the nominations made by the evaluation panel for the commencement of appointment for the following external Municipal Planning Tribunal Members be accepted by Council as: • • • • • • • (b) Adv. Mandla Mdludu Ms Cornelia Smart Mr Thumakele Gosa Mr JFD Muller Dr Ruida Pool-Stanvliet Mr Jeffrey Phil de Wet Mr Christiaan Rabie that Council take cognisance that the following Internal Municipal Planning Tribunal Members will be appointed as per Council resolution (Item 8.6), dated 2015-05-27: - Manager: Development Services, Directorate Engineering Services - Manager: Spatial Planning, Heritage and Environment, Directorate Planning and Economic Development - Senior Legal Advisor, Directorate: Strategic and Corporate Services (c) that Item 8.6 (j) be replaced with the Appeal Authority be the Executive Mayor. The Executive Mayor is authorised as appeal authority ex lege/in terms of legislation and not in terms of a delegation; and (d) that in terms of SPLUMA Section 36(4a & b), Council support and approve the recommendation for the appointment of the Chairperson, (Advocate Mandla Mdlulu) and Deputy Chairperson, (Ms Cornelia Smart). (DIRECTOR: PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT TO ACTION) 31 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 7.5 APPOINTMENT OF TEMPORARY GOVERNANCE PROJECTS PROJECT File number : 4/3/4/7 Compiled by : Senior Administrative Officer Report by : Acting Municipal Manager Delegated Authority : 2015-11-25 MANAGERS: VARIOUS Council Strategic intent of item Preferred investment destination Greenest municipality Safest valley Dignified Living X X Good Governance _____________________________________________________________________ 1. PURPOSE OF REPORT To motivate to Council for the temporary appointment of Project Managers Governance Projects for a period of one to three years. 2. BACKGROUND Various governance gaps were identified over the past years. These areas need a special focus and impetus to enhance service delivery. Permanent staff do not have the capacity to also manage these projects, and each project can be managed with an end date in mind. A project manager can facilitate project scoping and development, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and closing down of the project. Candidates will be interviewed and employed in line with the Employment Equity Act and plan of Stellenbosch Municipality. The following is the list of projects which have been identified: Project 1. Project office Directorate All Comment Proposed project management assistance needed with regards to e.g. Built Environment. Not only about skill but also about time and resources. Properly skilled project manager with a focus on various built environment projects. Use vacant position: PROFESSIONAL OFFICER: IR & IGR RELATIONS NEW / VACANT/UNFUNDED 2015/2016 [7.4.6/WC024] – Reports to Manager: LED 2. mSCOA Office of the MM Proposed project management assistance. 3. Customer care and Call Centre Strategic and Corporate Services Proposed project management assistance, especially for the establishment of the call centre as a dedicated project manager was a challenge during the last financial year. 32 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 2015-11-25 4. Clean Audit Program Office of the Municipal Manager Project Manager needed for three years. (use Internal Audit 1.3.2 Senior Internal Auditor vacant position). APPENDIX 1. 5. Coordination of Northern Extension HSPM PED or Project Manager needed for a minimum of 3 years to monitor/drive this project, i.e the obtaining of development rights and related property transactions. Seeing that this is a multi- disciplinary project, the need for a dedicated driver is important. 6. Ex Bosdorpe HSPM PED or Project Manager needed for a minimum of 3 years to monitor/drive this project, consisting of various geographical areas, such as Jonkershoek, Meerlust and Maasdorp. The focus will be the obtaining of development rights and related property transactions. Seeing that this is a multi- disciplinary project, the need for a dedicated driver is important. 3. DUTIES OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT MANAGERS INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO: 3.1 PROJECT OFFICE: • • • • 3.2 Large built environment projects Office space Innovation in Housing Cemetery, sports plan, graveyard records electronically. mSCOA Uniform expenditure classifications have already been established and implemented for national and provincial government departments. Draft regulations have been established to propose segments and a classification framework for the standard chart of accounts to be applied in local government in similar form to that implemented for national and provincial government departments. In order to enable the National Treasury to provide consolidated local government information for incorporation in national accounts, national policy and other purposes, it must obtain financial information from individual municipalities. It is for this reason that the Minister of Finance specified national norms and standards for the recording and collection of local government budget, financial and non-financial information which will include in some instances the specifications of information required for national policy coordination and reporting. This will result in an improved understanding of the role of local government in the broader national policy framework and linkage to other government functions. 3.3 CUSTOMER CARE AND CALL CENTRE Call centre Business plan attached as APPENDIX 2. 4. COMMENTS FROM OTHER DEPARTMENTS 4.1 Corporate Services/ Legal Implication Though The Labour Relations Amendment Act, Act No 6 of 2014 provides for the employment of: temporary or fixed term employees, same does not apply to employees earning in excess of the threshold R205 433.30) prescribed by the Minister in terms of Section 6(3) of the Basic Conditions of Employment 33 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 2015-11-25 Act. 75 of 1997. Section 66 of the Municipal Systems Amendment Act 5 of 2011 states that all positions within the municipality must be on the approved staff establishment and it must particular be noted that no distinction is made between permanent and temporary positions. It is therefore reasonable to conclude that said position must first be approved as a temporary position on the staff establishment prior to an appointment being made. After provision has been made for any position on the staff establishment, advertisements must be duly advertised to ensure that the council adhere to the legislative prescripts. Legal Department The Item is supported. We note that no provision was made by the Directorate: Human Settlements for a position on the staff establishment to assist with the various eviction applications received and reports on alternative accommodations in line with the Municipality’s Emergency Housing Assistance Policy. We propose that provision is made on the staff establishment for such position as well. However, in terms of regulation 4 of the Local Government: Regulations on appointment and conditions of employment of Senior Managers, the Municipal Manager must within 12 months of the promulgation of these regulations, review the municipality’s staff establishment having regard to the principles set out in these regulations. The review alluded to above is still outstanding and we advise that the Municipality attend to same urgently. The haphazard fashion in which the staff establishment is amended by the Municipality is problematic and needs to be attended to collectively in line with the prescripts of the regulations. 4.2 Planning and Economic Development Project managers are essential resources for implementation of projects and programs. The Municipality was structured in 2011 on the basis of old pre – 2009 thinking. Developmental local government needs pro-active, project and program driven service delivery, which the current organisational structure does not support or permit. The appointment of project managers in all directorates where multiple operational projects or programs in excess of R1 million per project or program are budgeted is supported. Over time the project managers must become permanent appointments, as projects and programs are the norm, not current budget items only. The organisational structure must then adjust accordingly. RECOMMENDED (a) that Council recognise the need for additional project manager capacity; (b) that due process be followed in terms of the proposed amendments to the approved micro-organisational structure of 2011; (c) that the recruitment and selection process be followed as per the Recruitment and Selection Policy; and 34 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES (d) 2015-11-25 that the Project Managers be appointed on a one (1) to three (3) year contract with performance based targets and in line with the Employment Equity Plan. (ACTING MUNICIPAL MANAGER TO ACTION) 35TH COUNCIL MEETING: 2015-10-28: ITEM 8.1 RESOLVED (nem con) that this matter be referred back to the relevant Standing Committee during November 2015 and subsequent recommendation to Council. (ACTING MUNICIPAL MANAGER TO ACTION) FURTHER COMMENTS BY THE ACTING MUNICIPAL MANAGER In addition to the appointment of Project Managers as contemplated in paragraph 2 above, Council’s approval for a temporary person to support the acting Director: Engineering Services is required. The position of Acting Director: Engineering Services will not filled until there is clarity on the permissible job requirements. The MEC for local government and the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs have been asked to give clarity and guidance on the effect of the 30 September 2015 decision to enforce the so called Municipal Minimum Competency Regulations. (See APPENDIX 3) At best, a new Director will be appointed in February 2016 but more likely March 2016. Given the work pressure of the increased budget, the shortened budgeting cycle (due to the local elections) and the staff situation in the Directorate, it is critical to employ an approximately skilled, knowledgeable and capable person to support the Acting Directors with day to day administrative work that prevents them from focusing on their functions as managers in their respective departments. The cost of such employment can be covered by the savings incurred in the remuneration of a Director. In addition to the recommendations (a) to (d) depicted above, the following should be added: (e) that an external senior professional person with the requisite qualifications, skills and expertise be appointed to support the Acting Director: Engineering Services until such time that the position is filled. FOR CONSIDERATION FINANCE AND STRATEGIC AND MEETING: 2015-11-10: ITEM 5.1.1 CORPORATE SERVICES COMMITTEE RESOLVED (nem con) that Human Resources provides the project plans for each project manager listed above prior to submission to the Mayoral Committee and to Council. 35 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 2015-11-25 RECOMMENDED (a) that Council recognise the need for additional project manager capacity for the following projects: Project 1. Project office Directorate All Comment Proposed project management assistance needed with regards to e.g. Built Environment. Not only about skill but also about time and resources. Properly skilled project manager with a focus on various built environment projects. Use vacant position: PROFESSIONAL OFFICER: IR & IGR RELATIONS NEW / VACANT/UNFUNDED 2015/2016 [7.4.6/WC024] – Reports to Manager: LED 2. mSCOA Office of Municipal Manager the Proposed project management assistance. 3. Customer care and Call Centre Strategic Corporate Services and Proposed project management assistance, especially for the establishment of the call centre as a dedicated project manager was a challenge during the last financial year. 4. Clean Program Office of the MM Project Manager needed for three years. (use Internal Audit 1.3.2 Senior Internal Auditor vacant position). APPENDIX 1. 5. Coordination of Northern Extension HSPM or PED Project Manager monitor/drive this rights and related multi- disciplinary important. 6. Ex Bosdorpe HSPM or PED Project Manager needed for a minimum of 3 years to monitor/drive this project, consisting of various geographical areas, such as Jonkershoek, Meerlust and Maasdorp. The focus will be the obtaining of development rights and related property transactions. Seeing that this is a multi- disciplinary project, the need for a dedicated driver is important. 7 Emergency Housing Assistance Officer Human Settlements Proposed Project Management assistance Audit needed for a minimum of 3 years to project, i.e the obtaining of development property transactions. Seeing that this is a project, the need for a dedicated driver is (b) that due process be followed in terms of the proposed amendments to the approved micro-organisational structure of 2011; (c) that the recruitment and selection process be followed as per the Recruitment and Selection Policy; (d) that the Project Managers be appointed on a temporary basis of one (1) to three (3) year contract with performance based targets and in line with the Employment Equity Plan; and (e) that an external senior professional person with the required qualifications, skills and expertise be appointed to support the Acting Director: Engineering Services until such time that the Director position is filled. (ACTING DIRECTOR: STRATEGIC AND CORPORATE SERVICES TO ACTION) 36 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 2015-11-25 MAYORAL COMMITTEE MEETING: 2015-11-18: ITEM 5.1.6 RECOMMENDED BY THE EXECUTIVE MAYOR (a) that Council recognise the need for additional project manager capacity for the following projects: Project 1. Project office Directorate All Comment Proposed project management assistance needed with regards to e.g. Built Environment. Not only about skill but also about time and resources. Properly skilled project manager with a focus on various built environment projects. Use vacant position: PROFESSIONAL OFFICER: IR & IGR RELATIONS NEW / VACANT/UNFUNDED 2015/2016 [7.4.6/WC024] – Reports to Manager: LED 2. mSCOA Office of the MM Proposed project management assistance. 3. Clean Program Office of the MM Project Manager needed for three years. (use Internal Audit 1.3.2 Senior Internal Auditor vacant position). APPENDIX 1. 4. Coordination of Northern Extension HSPM or PED Project Manager monitor/drive this rights and related multi- disciplinary important. 5. Ex Bosdorpe HSPM or PED Project Manager needed for a minimum of 3 years to monitor/drive this project, consisting of various geographical areas, such as Jonkershoek, Meerlust and Maasdorp. The focus will be the obtaining of development rights and related property transactions. Seeing that this is a multi- disciplinary project, the need for a dedicated driver is important. 6. Emergency Housing Assistance Officer Human Settlements Proposed Project Management assistance Audit needed for a minimum of 3 years to project, i.e the obtaining of development property transactions. Seeing that this is a project, the need for a dedicated driver is (b) that due process be followed in terms of the proposed amendments to the approved micro-organisational structure of 2011; (c) that the recruitment and selection process be followed as per the Recruitment and Selection Policy; (d) that the Project Managers be appointed on a temporary basis ending 30 June 2016 subject to performance-based targets and in line with this municipality’s Employment Equity Plan; and (e) that an external senior professional person with the required qualifications, skills and expertise be appointed to support the Acting Director: Engineering Services until such time that the Director position is filled, but also ending on 30 June 2016. (ACTING DIRECTOR: STRATEGIC AND CORPORATE SERVICES TO ACTION) 36TH COUNCIL MEETING: 2015-11-25: ITEM 7.5 RESOLVED (majority vote) (a) that Council recognise the need for additional Project Manager capacity for the following projects: 37 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES Project 1. Project office Directorate All 2015-11-25 Comment Proposed project management assistance needed with regards to e.g. Built Environment. Not only about skill but also about time and resources. Properly skilled project manager with a focus on various built environment projects. Use vacant position: PROFESSIONAL OFFICER: IR & IGR RELATIONS NEW / VACANT/UNFUNDED 2015/2016 [7.4.6/WC024] – Reports to Manager: LED 2. mSCOA Office of the MM Proposed project management assistance. 3. Clean Program Office of the MM Project Manager needed for three years. (use Internal Audit 1.3.2 Senior Internal Auditor vacant position). APPENDIX 1. 4. Coordination of Northern Extension HSPM or PED Project Manager monitor/drive this rights and related multi- disciplinary important. 5. Ex Bosdorpe HSPM or PED Project Manager needed for a minimum of 3 years to monitor/drive this project, consisting of various geographical areas, such as Jonkershoek, Meerlust and Maasdorp. The focus will be the obtaining of development rights and related property transactions. Seeing that this is a multi- disciplinary project, the need for a dedicated driver is important. 6. Emergency Housing Assistance Officer Human Settlements Proposed Project Management assistance Audit needed for a minimum of 3 years to project, i.e the obtaining of development property transactions. Seeing that this is a project, the need for a dedicated driver is (b) that due process be followed in terms of the proposed amendments to the approved micro-organisational structure of 2011; (c) that the recruitment and selection process be followed as per the Recruitment and Selection Policy; (d) that the Project Managers be appointed on a temporary basis ending 30 June 2016 subject to performance-based targets and in line with this municipality’s Employment Equity Plan; and (e) that an external senior professional person with the required qualifications, skills and expertise be appointed to support the Acting Director: Engineering Services until such time that the Director position is filled, but also ending on 30 June 2016. The following Councillors requested that their votes of dissent be minuted: Councillors F Adams; JA Davids; DA Hendrickse; S Jooste (Ms); C Moses (Ms); RS Nalumango (Ms); MM Ngcofe; N Ntsunguzi (Ms); L Ronoti; P Sitshoti (Ms); LN Siwakamisa (Ms) and AT van der Walt. (ACTING DIRECTOR: STRATEGIC AND CORPORATE SERVICES TO ACTION) 38 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 7.6 2015-11-25 CLOSURE OF OFFICES: FESTIVE SEASON 2015 File number : 2/6 x 4/4/11 Report by : Acting Municipal Manager Compiled by : Acting Director: Strategic and Corporate Services Delegated authority : Council Strategic intent of item Preferred investment destination Greenest municipality Safest valley Dignified Living X X Good Governance _____________________________________________________________________ 1. PURPOSE OF REPORT To obtain approval for the closure of Municipal Offices over the festive season. That the period from 2015-12-28 to 2015-12-31, which includes four (4) work days be approved as days off for the staff. 2. BACKGROUND It was normal practice for the offices of the Municipality, with the exception of Traffic Services (Motor Vehicle Registration Section, Court Section and Traffic Administration Section) to be closed between Christmas and New Year. 3. DISCUSSION Effectively the offices are closed between Christmas and New Year, which period includes four (4) working days. Few staff do not take leave during this period and then their productivity of work is low. There is no proper supervision, Council is in recess, there are no public participation processes, plans are not considered and only essential services are delivered. RECOMMENDED (a) that the offices and municipal halls be closed on 2015-12-24 at 13:00 until 2015-12-31 to reopen on Monday, 2016-01-04; (b) that the period from 2015-12-28 to 2015-12-31, which includes four (4) working days be approved as days off for permanent personnel, i.e. special leave in keeping with (i) below; (c) that the Libraries be closed from 13:00 on 2015-12-24 to reopen on Monday, 2016-01-04; (d) that the Cloetesville Swimming Pool be closed on 2015-12-25; 39 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 2015-11-25 (e) that the Motor Vehicle Registration Section, Court Section and Traffic Administration Section be closed at 13:00 on 2015-12-24, but that normal office hours shall be applicable from 2015-12-28 until 2015-12-31; (f) that the Directors Community and Protection Services and Strategic and Corporate Services in collaboration with the Chief Financial Officer, make the necessary arrangements to cater for burials (payments and related practical arrangements) and community halls/town halls already booked for this period; (g) that the public be informed timeously via the press and by means of notices of the aforementioned arrangements. (h) that all permanent staff on duty during this period, be allowed to take off the time worked during this period at a later stage on the basis of one work day for each work day worked, in collaboration with his/her Director; and (i) that each Director, in consultation with the Acting Municipal Manager and the relevant portfolio committee chairperson determine which staff must take special leave and which must provide essential services. (ACTING DIRECTOR: STRATEGIC AND CORPORATE SERVICES TO ACTION) 35TH COUNCIL MEETING: 2015-10-28: ITEM 8.6 Before debate on this matter the Deputy Executive Mayor, Councillor MG Smuts proposed a Procedural Motion in terms of Rule 31.1.3 wherein he pointed out that this matter was not submitted to the relevant Standing Committee for consideration prior to this Council meeting. RESOLVED (nem con) that this matter be referred back to the relevant Standing Committee during November 2015. (ACTING DIRECTOR: STRATEGIC AND CORPORATE SERVICES TO ACTION) FINANCE AND STRATEGIC 2015-11-10: ITEM 5.1.2 AND CORPORATE SERVICES COMMITTEE: RECOMMENDED (a) that the offices and municipal halls be closed on 2015-12-24 at 13:00 until 2015-12-31 to reopen on Monday, 2016-01-04; (b) that the period from 2015-12-28 to 2015-12-31, which includes four (4) working days be approved as days off for permanent personnel, i.e. special leave in keeping with (i) below; (c) that the Libraries be closed from 13:00 on 2015-12-24 to reopen on Monday, 2016-01-04; 40 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 2015-11-25 (d) that the Cloetesville Swimming Pool be closed on 2015-12-25; (e) that the Motor Vehicle Registration Section, Court Section and Traffic Administration Section be closed at 13:00 on 2015-12-24, but that normal office hours shall be applicable from 2015-12-28 until 2015-12-31; (f) that the Directors Community and Protection Services and Strategic and Corporate Services in collaboration with the Chief Financial Officer, make the necessary arrangements to cater for burials (payments and related practical arrangements) and community halls/town halls already booked for this period; (g) that the public be informed timeously via the press and by means of notices of the aforementioned arrangements. (h) that all permanent staff on duty during this period be allowed to take off the time worked during this period at a later stage on the basis of one work day for each work day worked, in collaboration with his/her Director; and (i) that each Director, in consultation with the Acting Municipal Manager and the relevant Portfolio Committee Chairperson determine which staff must take special leave and which must provide essential services. (ACTING DIRECTOR: STRATEGIC AND CORPORATE SERVICES TO ACTION) MAYORAL COMMITTEE MEETING: 2015-11-18: ITEM 5.1.7 RECOMMENDED BY THE EXECUTIVE MAYOR (a) that the offices and municipal halls close on 2015-12-24 at 13:00 and normal office hours shall be applicable from 2015-12-28 until 2015-12-31; (b) that the Libraries close at 13:00 on 2015-12-24 and follow the Provincial Government of the Western Cape’s libraries policy on business hours; (c) that the Cloetesville Swimming Pool be closed on 2015-12-25; (d) that the Motor Vehicle Registration Section, Court Section and Traffic Administration Section close at 13:00 on 2015-12-24, and normal office hours shall be applicable from 2015-12-28 until 2015-12-31; (e) that the Directors Community and Protection Services and Strategic and Corporate Services in collaboration with the Chief Financial Officer, make the necessary arrangements to cater for burials (payments and related practical arrangements) and community halls/town halls already booked for this period; and (f) that the public be informed timeously via the press and by means of notices of the aforementioned arrangements. (ACTING DIRECTOR: STRATEGIC AND CORPORATE SERVICES TO ACTION) 41 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 2015-11-25 36TH COUNCIL MEETING: 2015-11-25: ITEM 7.6 RESOLVED (majority vote) (a) that the offices and municipal halls close on 2015-12-24 at 13:00 and normal office hours shall be applicable from 2015-12-28 until 2015-12-31; (b) that the Libraries close at 13:00 on 2015-12-24 and follow the Provincial Government of the Western Cape’s libraries policy on business hours; (c) that the Cloetesville Swimming Pool be closed on 2015-12-25; (d) that the Motor Vehicle Registration Section, Court Section and Traffic Administration Section close at 13:00 on 2015-12-24, and normal office hours shall be applicable from 2015-12-28 until 2015-12-31; (e) that the Directors Community and Protection Services and Strategic and Corporate Services in collaboration with the Chief Financial Officer, make the necessary arrangements to cater for burials (payments and related practical arrangements) and community halls/town halls already booked for this period; and (f) that the public be informed timeously via the press and by means of notices of the aforementioned arrangements. The following Councillors requested that their votes of dissent be minuted: Councillors F Adams; JA Davids; DA Hendrickse; S Jooste (Ms); C Moses (Ms); RS Nalumango (Ms); MM Ngcofe; N Ntsunguzi (Ms); L Ronoti; P Sitshoti (Ms); LN Siwakamisa (Ms) and AT van der Walt. (ACTING DIRECTOR: STRATEGIC AND CORPORATE SERVICES TO ACTION) 42 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 7.7 2015-11-25 PROPOSED WRITE-OFF OF IRRECOVERABLE DEBT IN RESPECT OF INDIGENT CONSUMERS File number : (5/18/2) Compiled by : Manager: Treasury Office Report by : Chief Financial Officer Delegated Authority : Council Strategic intent of item Preferred investment destination Greenest municipality Safest valley Dignified Living X X Good Governance ______________________________________________________________________ 1. PURPOSE OF REPORT To obtain approval from Council to write off irrecoverable debt amounting to R26.7 million in respect of indigent consumers. 2. BACKGROUND During June 2015 the Council approved the writing-off of irrecoverable debt in respect of indigent consumers. This debt was older than 1 year. 3. DISCUSSION From internal credit control and debt collection processes that are being followed in terms of Council approved policies, it is clear that indigent consumers are unable to pay their outstanding debt. Due to high levels of debt, they are also unable to enter into acceptable arrangements because Policy determines a maximum period of 36 months in which arrear accounts must be settled while simultaneously maintain paid up current accounts. The inability to enter into arrangements is causing several indigent residents to be without electricity. This also affects their access to Free Basic Electricity as it can only be activated when electricity is purchased. In the meantime, interest is being added to outstanding accounts on a monthly basis. Although being in terms of Policy, this is a fruitless exercise as the interest is not realistically collectible. The municipality therefore has to deal with disgruntled indigent consumers who are not always having access to basic services and are being subjected to debt collection processes on the one hand, while having to deal with an ever increasing debtor’s book on the other hand. In efforts to recover outstanding debt being owed to the municipality by consumers in general, legal proceedings have been instituted with the view of 43 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 2015-11-25 obtaining judgment against defaulters in cases where debt cannot be collected. Legal proceedings against indigent consumers in particular involve outstanding accounts amounting to R5.6 million. It does not seem prudent to continue spending financial and human resources in order to prove the irrecoverability of debt when it is already quite clear that in fact, the debt is not going to be recovered. Legal steps against these individuals have in fact now been abandoned in favour of requesting approval for a write-off of debt from Council. It is clear that the solution does not lie in trying to bleed money out of poor people, but rather to contain and manage the consumption and wastage of consumers. Plans are afoot to install water demand management devices with which the municipality will be able to contain water losses and excessive consumption in cases where consumers cannot afford to pay. APPENDICES 1 and 2 provide details of indigent debt amounting to R26.7 million which is being regarded as irrecoverable and for which approval to write-off is being sought. This does not include the current accounts or debt smaller than R100. A break up per suburb is shown in the Table below: SUBURB BDORP CVILL FGDAL GOAKS IVAL JDAL JTOWN KMAND KMORE KMUTS LACOL LAMOT LDOC PDKLF PNIEL RAITH TVILL UNATT USING WELG WEMHK TOTALS 4. OUTSTANDING DEBT 50 767.66 2 676 063.95 1 301 646.63 247 221.15 416 161.45 29 213.62 173 771.87 4 764 409.29 869 176.88 4 927 052.11 14 565.48 852 897.01 2 150 271.39 12 956.04 400 024.04 80 332.54 136 208.50 1 574 904.98 457 852.32 21 135 496.91 HANDED OVER BUT LEGAL STEPS NOW WITHDRAWN 391 432.92 760 228.93 154 259.98 202 916.83 107 594.53 1 513 830.73 368 633.12 573 474.99 10 510.30 977 819.37 98 331.32 3 852.55 21 413.76 51 745.44 287 644.80 24 923.10 63 799.98 5 612 412.65 TOTAL OUTSTANDING DEBT TO BE WRITTEN OFF 50 767.66 3 067 496.87 2 061 875.56 401 481.13 619 078.28 29 213.62 281 366.40 6 278 240.02 1 237 810.00 5 500 527.10 14565.48 863 407.31 3 128 090.76 12 956.04 498 355.36 84 185.09 157 622.26 51 745.44 1 862 549.78 24 923.10 521 652.30 26 747 909.56 LEGAL IMPLICATION This report is submitted in terms of Section 9 of the Irrecoverable Debts Policy which reads as follows: “Notwithstanding the framework provided in this Policy for the writing-off of irrecoverable debt, Council mandates the CFO to consider and recommend to council meritorious cases and provide reasons for same.” 44 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 5. 2015-11-25 FINANCIAL IMPLICATION Writing off the outstanding debt of indigent consumers that is being regarded as irrecoverable will amount to R26 747 909.56. This will be dealt with in terms of Accounting Policies. 6. CONCLUSION At present the municipality is reflecting the outstanding debt under discussion here as a so called asset in its books. This is however, not correct as the money will in all likelihood never be recovered and can therefore not be regarded as an asset. The risk also exists that the Auditor General might qualify the audit report on the grounds that the municipality is overstating its assets and not reporting the true state of affairs. Writing off the outstanding debt that is regarded as irrecoverable will bring the municipality’s bookkeeping in line with GRAP requirements and also have a positive effect on the Debtors Book in general. In addition to this, indigent consumers will be able to start afresh and with continuous credit control processes, escalation of debt to the point where debt collection becomes an issue can be avoided. This would also have to be linked with the use of pre-paid electricity meters and water demand management devices. It is therefore proposed that council approve the writing off of irrecoverable debt amounting to R27 747 909.56, taking any changes in the scenario from date of report to date of approval into consideration. Details are reflected in Appendices 1 and 2. RECOMMENDED that the writing-off of irrecoverable debt as reflected in APPENDICES 1 and 2 with regard to indigent consumers amounting to R26 747 909.56 at date of report, be approved. (CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER TO ACTION) FINANCE AND STRATEGIC 2015-11-10: ITEM 6.1.1 AND CORPORATE SERVICES COMMITTEE: RECOMMENDED that the writing-off of irrecoverable debt as reflected in APPENDICES 1 and 2 with regard to indigent consumers as at the date of the report, be approved; subject to the following: (i) that any debt exceeding R15,000 as of the date of the report not be written off but be recovered by the Administration. That a debt follow-up report of debtors exceeding R15, 000 serve during the March 2016 Council Cycle; (ii) that the Administration install water demand management as well as prepaid electricity metering devices before a resident is allowed access to future municipal services, to ensure effective user management; 45 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 2015-11-25 (iii) that the Administration submit a quarterly report on all debtors exceeding R15,000 to Council for consideration good administration and oversight; and (iv) that the Administration submit the legislative authority for ratepayers to finance the writing-off of the debt of Indigent Consumers. (CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER TO ACTION) MAYORAL COMMITTEE MEETING: 2015-11-18: ITEM 5.1.9 RECOMMENDED BY THE EXECUTIVE MAYOR (a) that the writing-off of irrecoverable debt as reflected in APPENDICES 1 and 2 with regard to indigent consumers amounting to R26 747 909.56 plus any interest/journals that may be levied after the date of the report, be approved; (b) that the Administration ensure that continuous to prevent the escalation of high outstanding debts; (c) that the Administration consider implementing a water management plan which should include installing water management devices through the supply chain management processes; and (d) that the debt written off, but if it becomes apparent that it was not indigent debt, same will be written back and shall be payable to the municipality. monitoring be done (CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER TO ACTION) 36TH COUNCIL MEETING: 2015-11-25: ITEM 7.7 During deliberations on this matter, SCA requested a caucus which the Speaker allowed. After the meeting resumed, it was RESOLVED (majority vote) (a) that the writing-off of irrecoverable debt as reflected in APPENDICES 1 and 2 with regard to indigent consumers amounting to R26 747 909.56 plus any interest/jo urnals that may be levied after the date of the report, be approved; (b) that the Administration ensure that continuous to prevent the escalation of high outstanding debts; (c) that the Administration consider implementing a water management plan which should include installing water management devices through the supply chain management processes; monitoring be done 46 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES (d) 2015-11-25 that the debt written off, but if it becomes apparent that it was not indigent debt, same will be written back and shall be payable to the municipality. The following Councillors requested that their votes of dissent be minuted: Councillors DA Hendrickse and AT van der Walt. (CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER TO ACTION) 47 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 7.8 MONTHLY FINANCIAL RATIFICATIONS STATUTORY REPORTING: File number : 8/1/Financial Report by : Chief Financial Officer Compiled by : Chief Financial Officer Delegated authority : Council 2015-11-25 DEVIATIONS & Strategic intent of item: Preferred investment destination X Greenest municipality Safest valley Dignified Living Good Governance X _____________________________________________________________________ 1. PURPOSE OF REPORT To comply with Regulation 36(2) of the Municipal Supply Chain Management Regulations and Section 4.36.2 of the Supply Chain Management Policy 2015/2016, by reporting that there were no deviations for the month of October 2015. 2. DISCUSSION To comply with Regulation 36(2) of the Municipal Supply Chain Management Regulations and Section 4.36.2 of the Supply Chain Management Policy 2015/2016, by reporting deviations and ratifications as approved by the Accounting Officer for the period of 01 October 2015 until 31 October 2015 (APPENDICES 1 & 2). Reporting hereof by the Accounting Officer to Council is done in a bid to give effect to Council’s oversight role. 3. LEGAL IMPLICATION Not required 4. FINANCIAL IMPLICATION Not required. RECOMMENDED that the deviations and ratification as listed, be noted. (CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER TO ACTION) 48 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 2015-11-25 FINANCE AND STRATEGIC AND CORPORATE SERVICES COMMITTEE: 2015-1110: ITEM 6.1.2 RECOMMENDED that the deviations and ratifications as listed, be noted. (CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER TO ACTION) MAYORAL COMMITTEE MEETING: 2015-11-18: ITEM 5.1.10 RECOMMENDED BY THE EXECUTIVE MAYOR that the deviations and ratifications as listed, be noted. (CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER TO ACTION) 36TH COUNCIL MEETING: 2015-11-25: ITEM 7.8 RESOLVED (majority vote) that the deviations and ratifications as listed, be noted. The following Councillors requested that their votes of dissent be minuted: Councillors DA Hendrickse and AT van der Walt. (CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER TO ACTION) 49 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 7.9 2015-11-25 MONT ROCHELLE NATURE RESERVE ADVISORY BOARD APPLICATION FOR EXTENSION File number : 10/5/19 Report by : Acting Director: Community and Protection Services Compiled by : Manager: Community Services Delegated authority : Council Strategic intent of item Preferred investment destination Greenest municipality X Safest valley X Dignified Living X Good Governance _____________________________________________________________________ 1. PURPOSE OF REPORT To obtain approval for: 2. (a) The continuation of the former Mont Rochelle Nature Reserve’s advisory board whose term has expired at the end of 2014 as an interim management solution. Refer to APPENDIX 1. (Extract of Ordinance 19 of 1974); (b) The status quo to remain until a new board is elected AND/OR a new overarching protected areas forum is established for the Greater Stellenbosch Municipality. This body is envisaged to optimize the management of protected areas in the Greater Stellenbosch on a legislatively compliant basis; and (c) The Legal Department to investigate the implications of rescinding of the promulgation of By-law PK 632/1983 (APPENDIX 2) and report back to Council. BACKGROUND The Mont Rochelle Nature Reserve (1759 hectares) is without a doubt the flagship Reserve of the Stellenbosch Municipality with around 7000 fynbos species present within its boundaries. Its biodiversity is extremely diverse and unique and is situated in the heart of the Cape Floristic Kingdom. The location of the reserve is also a gateway to the Cape Winelands District region. Since 1983 the advisory board has been appointed to handle the general management and day to day oversight as opposed to acting in a legislatively compliant fashion. Under the day-to-day business that received attention, is the finalizing of the MRNR emergency plan; updating of the MRNR website and Facebook page; an examination for better security at the main gate; the handling of non-payers and other unacceptable behaviour by visitors; updating of the MRNR management plan in the light of the current legislation; better 50 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 2015-11-25 monitoring and prevention of the illegal stripping of the fynbos in the reserve; and continuing upkeep and repair in the reserve. The term of the current advisory board’s term ended at the end of 2014 and not yet renewed due to operational capacity constraints. In the meantime the current advisory board continues to function as if still elected. The previous MM, Christa Liebenberg, instructed at a meeting held on 17th of August 2015 that their services continue until a solution for the management of the site has been resolved. 3. DISCUSSION In terms of local government’s statutory responsibility as dictated by National Environmental Management Act (NEMA): Biodiversity Act, No. 10 of 2004 and the National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act, No. 57 of 2003 (NEMA), article 8 and 9 of the Nature and Environmental Conservation Ordinance 19 of 1974 (APPENDIX 1), the municipality must manage its reserves as a protected area. This requires a management plan based on the NEMA legislation. The proposal is that the current advisory boards be terminated and replaced with an overarching governing body with representation from industry specialists who can provide technical advice. It is envisaged that the current boards will convert to “friends of’ bodies which will continue to function as they did before, but within the framework of approved, legislatively compliant management plans, and in collaboration with existing staff structures. This strategy also serves not to alienate the current structures and make them completely null and void, but also serves as acknowledgement of the contribution that these structures have made since inception. This will apply to all nature reserves, forestry and natural areas under the management of the Community Services Department. Currently Drakenstein Municipality functions on this basis of an overarching body which comprises of experts from various local and national departments. Find attached the terms of reference (TOR) used by Drakenstein’s Reference Group (APPENDIX 3). The group include the following representatives: Drakenstein Municipality; WC Department of Agriculture; CapeNature; Department of Water Affairs and Forestry; Botanical Society of South Africa – Cape Winelands Branch; Botanical Society of South Africa – Conservation Unit (representing the Putting Biodiversity Plans to Work Project); South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) (representing the CREW Project); Boland Environment Forum. Benefits of an overarching protected areas forum: 1. Technically sound advice and directives from industry specialists; 2. Professional representation; 3. Compliant decision-making; 4. Mainstreaming and streamlined approach to biodiversity management. 5. Shared experience in nature conservation matters; 6. One governing body; 51 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 7. 2015-11-25 Shared experience in governing matters. In the interim, the following services have been provided directly by the municipality since July 2015 on the EPWP programme, thus aligning to our vision to manage our own areas: 4. 1. Gate guard services (access control); 2. Nature conservator; 3. Field rangers (patrolling and visitor and biodiversity monitoring services). COMMENTS BY RELEVANT DEPARTMENTS Planning and Development This department supports the retention of the Mont Rochelle Advisory Board and consider the latter as an important potential member of the proposed overarching protected areas forum. This department is also in support of the proposed integrated overarching environmental forum, consisting of the relevant role-players, to best manage the protected areas and conservationworthy natural attributes within Stellenbosch Municipality. Corporate and Strategic Item Supported Legal Item Supported Finance Item supported Law Enforcement Item supported Engineering Services Item supported 5. CONCLUSION Stellenbosch Municipality in collaboration with the former advisory board, will continue to render services on the former basis until the new overarching protected areas body is established OR a new advisory board is elected. 6. FINANCIAL IMPLICATION None 7. LEGAL IMPLICATION None RECOMMENDED (a) that permission be granted for the continuation of the former Mont Rochelle Nature Reserve’s advisory board whose term has expired at the end of 2014 as an interim management solution; 52 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES (b) 2015-11-25 that permission be granted that the status quo remains until a new Board is elected AND/OR a new overarching protected areas forum is established for the Greater Stellenbosch Municipality. APPENDICES Appendix 1: Extraction of Ordinance 19 of 1974 Appendix 2: MRNR Advisory Board Promulgation of By-Law PK 632/1983 Appendix 3: Drakenstein Natural Resource (TOR Drakenstein Municipality) Management Reference Group (ACTING DIRECTOR: COMMUNITY & PROTECTION SERVICES TO ACTION) COMMUNITY AND PROTECTION SERVICES COMMITTEE: 2015-11-11: ITEM 5.1.2 RECOMMENDED (a) that permission be granted for the continuation of the former Mont Rochelle Nature Reserve’s Advisory Board whose term has expired at the end of 2014 as an interim management solution; (b) that permission be granted that the status quo remains until a new Board is elected AND/OR a new overarching protected areas forum is established for the Greater Stellenbosch Municipality. (ACTING DIRECTOR: COMMUNITY & PROTECTION SERVICES TO ACTION) MAYORAL COMMITTEE MEETING: 2015-11-18: ITEM 5.1.12 RECOMMENDED BY THE EXECUTIVE MAYOR (a) that permission be granted for the continuation of the former Mont Rochelle Nature Reserve’s Advisory Board whose term has expired at the end of 2014 as an interim management solution; (b) that permission be granted that the status quo remains until a new Board is elected AND/OR a new overarching protected areas forum is established for the Greater Stellenbosch Municipality. (ACTING DIRECTOR: COMMUNITY & PROTECTION SERVICES TO ACTION) 53 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 2015-11-25 36TH COUNCIL MEETING: 2015-11-25: ITEM 7.9 RESOLVED (majority vote) (a) that permission be granted for the continuation of the former Mont Rochelle Nature Reserve’s Advisory Board whose term has expired at the end of 2014 as an interim management solution; (b) that permission be granted that the status quo remains until a new Board is elected AND/OR a new overarching protected areas forum is established for the Greater Stellenbosch Municipality. Councillor F Adams requested that his vote of dissent be minuted. (ACTING DIRECTOR: COMMUNITY & PROTECTION SERVICES TO ACTION) 54 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 2015-11-25 8. CONSIDERATIONS OF REPORTS, COMMUNICATIONS, APPLICATIONS SUBMITTED BY THE MUNICIPAL MANAGER 8.1 LIQUOR TRADING HOURS BY-LAW PETITIONS File number : 1/3/1/15/1 Report by : Acting Director: Strategic and Corporate Services Compiled by : Legal Services Delegated authority : Council AND Strategic intent of item Preferred investment destination Greenest municipality Safest valley Dignified Living X Good Governance _____________________________________________________________________ 1. PURPOSE OF REPORT To submit the “Stellenbosch Liquor Trading Hours by-law” to Council for consideration and approval, whereafter it will be submitted for a short period of 7 days for public participation as envisaged in section 12 to 15 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act 32 of 2000). 2. BACKGROUND The Administration has drafted an By- Law” for consideration by Council. item “Liquor Trading Hours The first draft which was submitted to Council, made provision for extended trading hours for on consumption to include all days of the week. Off consumption was only extended to include extra trading hours, but not to allow for 7 days per week trading. A public participation process was conducted and ndicated the need for 7 day trading to be extended to also include off consumption facilities. As a result of above, a second draft was submitted to Council recommending that the trading hours for off consumption be extended to include Sunday trading. Council resolved that this proposal be put out for a second round of public participation so that the members of public are afforded an opportunity to submit their comments in the light of off consumption trading on Sundays. During this public participation process, members of the public expressed their dissent in extending off consumption to include Sundays. Council finally resolved that off consumption trading will not be extended to include Sundays. The By-law, however, does make provision for Sunday trading by way of an extension clause in terms whereof an application to trade on Sundays may be submitted. 55 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 3. 2015-11-25 DISCUSSION The above mentioned Liquor Trading Hours By-Law was promulgated on 31 July 2015 in the Provincial Government Gazette No. 7460. After promulgation, it became apparent that a great financial impact exists on the owners of off consumption stores, Supermarkets with an “off sales” department, wine-farms etcetera. It is further apparent that the impact of not extending the trading to include Sundays, could result in a great financial prejudice to off consumption owners. The Extension clause, in terms whereof off consumption owners could apply to trade on a Sunday, resulted in a huge administrative duty on the Municipality which leads to operational and capacity constraints causing various impracticalities. Factors promoting the interest of justice must be taken into account, and therefore this item serves to urge Council to repeal the by-law as promulgated. A new by-law must be considered which will and be advertised as envisaged by Section 12 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, No. 32 of 2000. The specific trading hours will be extended for off consumption as follows:Mondays – Saturdays from 08.00 to 20.00 Sundays from 09.00 to 16.00. Attached herewith in support of this item, is the statement by the Portfolio Councillor, Quintin Smit. APPENDIX 1. The contents of the by-law as promulgated on 31 July 2015, will remain the same except for:• off consumption trading hours to be extended as mentioned above; and • Extension clause to be applicable only for special events. 4. LEGAL IMPLICATION Legally compliant. 5. FINANCIAL IMPLICATION Supported. 6. COMMENTS FROM OTHER DEPARTMENTS PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY AND PROTECTION SERVICES 7. CONCLUSION The draft By-law is submitted to Council for approval. 56 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 2015-11-25 RECOMMENDED (a) that Council approve the “Liquor Trading Hours By-law” as per APPENDIX 2. (b) that the Administration be mandated to advertise said “Liquor Trading Hours By-law” for public comments for a period of 7 days, and proceed with the necessary steps to finalise promulgation. (ACTING DIRECTOR: STRATEGIC AND CORPORTE SERVICES TO ACTION) 35TH COUNCIL MEETING : 2015-10-28 : ITEM 8.8 During debate on this matter Councillor PW Biscombe requested that a workshop be held with Councillors to be invited where the roles of Council and that of the Liquor Board be clarified. RESOLVED (majority vote with 10 abstentions) (a) that Council approve the “Liquor Trading Hours By-law” as per APPENDIX 2; and (b) that the Administration be mandated to advertise said “Liquor Trading Hours By-law” for public comments for a period of 7 days, and proceed with the necessary steps to finalise promulgation. (ACTING DIRECTOR: STRATEGIC AND CORPORATE SERVICES TO ACTION) FURTHER COMMENTS BY CORPORATE SERVICES THE ACTING DIRECTOR: STRATEGIC AND The said “Liquor Trading Hours By-law” was advertised for public participation in the Eikestad Nuus of 5 November 2015 and the Gazette of 03 November 2015. Attached hereto as APPENDIX 3. Comments were received, attached hereto as APPENDIX 4. All comments were processed and incorporated in the said by-law, underlined for ease of reference and attention of Council. Summary of the comments effected:That room service be included for hotels and guesthouses, where applicable. This was included in the definition and under paragraph 4(2). That wineries be permitted to use their tasting facilities for purposes of selling wine on a Sunday until 18.00 and not until 16.00. This request was incorporated under paragraph 5(2). 57 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 2015-11-25 As a result of above, the Extension clause (paragraph 6) was amended to make provision for special events, private functions and tourism facilities. It was further included that Council will consider the applications. It was also contended that owners of on consumption facilities not being burdened to ensure that the premises are weapon free in terms of their patrons. This paragraph was removed in totality as indicated in paragraph 7(3). Paragraph 9 was also removed as authorised officials are obligated by various other legislation to do routine checks regarding illegal sale of liquor. “Liquor Trading Hours by-law” attached hereto as APPENDIX 2. Councillor Biscombe requested that a workshop be held to set out the roles and responsibilities, and various functions of the stakeholders to this By-law. Due to capacity constraints and bearing in mind the time of year, the Western Cape Liquor Authority could not schedule same for 2015, and it is recommended that it be scheduled for early 2016. Councillor Adams requested that a final answer be submitted to Council regarding the license conditions of a licensee versus the new conditions imposed by the By-law. Mrs. De Villiers raised the question in a discussion to Ms. Kim Bezuidenhout of the Western Cape Liquor Authority, who confirmed the position that the By-law conditions automatically prevails. RECOMMENDED (a) that Council approve the “Liquor Trading Hours by-law” as per APPENDIX 2 with incorporation of the comments submitted by the public; and (b) that the Administration be mandated to proceed with the necessary steps to finalise promulgation. (ACTING DIRECTOR: STRATEGIC AND CORPORATE SERVICES TO ACTION) 36TH COUNCIL MEETING: 2015-11-25: ITEM 8.1 RESOLVED (majority vote) (a) that Council approve the “Liquor Trading Hours By-law” as per APPENDIX 2 with incorporation of the comments submitted by the public; and (b) that the Administration be mandated to proceed with the necessary steps to finalise promulgation. (ACTING DIRECTOR: STRATEGIC AND CORPORATE SERVICES TO ACTION) 58 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 8.2 2015-11-25 PRESIDENTIAL BACK TO BASICS PROGRAMME File number : 8/2/1 Compiled by : Senior Administrative Officer Report by : Acting Municipal Manager Delegated Authority : Council Strategic intent of item Preferred investment destination X Greenest municipality Safest valley Dignified Living X Good Governance ______________________________________________________________________ 1. PURPOSE OF REPORT The report provides the Presidential Back to Basics Programme reports to Minister P Gordhan, Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (COGTA) as well as the Service Delivery Area Management Reports. 2. BACKGROUND President J Zuma and Minister P Gordhan introduced the Local Government Back to Basics Programme at the Presidential Summit that was held on 18 September 2014. The aim of the programme is to assess, and where necessary assist municipalities, to provide basic services while improving public participation, communication and economic development. 3 DISCUSSION 3.1 Back to Basics reports As part of this programme, municipalities have to submit reports to COGTA, that basic service delivery, public participation and communication can be monitored for intervention if necessary. See attached as APPENDIX 1 the August to November 2015 reports that were submitted. RECOMMENDED that Council note the report on the Back to Basics Programme. (ACTING MUNICIPAL MANAGER TO ACTION) 59 MINUTES 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY 36TH COUNCIL MEETING: 2015-11-25: ITEM 8.2 RESOLVED (majority vote) that Council note the report on the Back to Basics Programme. (ACTING MUNICIPAL MANAGER TO ACTION) 2015-11-25 60 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 8.3 2015-11-25 COUNCIL TO CONSIDER AND APPROVE TIMETABLE FOR ACTING MAYOR DURING RECESS 4 DECEMBER 2015 – 17 JANUARY 2016 File number : 3/3/2/1 Report by : Executive Mayor Compiled by : Office of the Executive Mayor Delegated authority : Council Strategic intent of item Preferred investment destination X Greenest municipality Safest valley Dignified Living X Good Governance ____________________________________________________________________ 1. PURPOSE OF THE REPORT To inform Council about the timetable of designated councilor(s) to act as Executive Mayor during the recess from 4 December 2015 until 17 January 2016. 2. BACKGROUND In terms of clause 35 of the System of Delegations the Executive Mayor is delegated to designate a councilor to act as Executive Mayor in the absence of both the Executive Mayor and Deputy Executive Mayor. The councilor can act for a maximum period of two weeks. 3. LEGISLATIVE FRAMEWORK According to Section 56 of the Local Government: Municipal Structures Act, no 117 of 1998 and Regulations: (6) The deputy executive mayor of a municipality exercises the powers and performs the duties of the executive mayor if the executive mayor is absent or not available or if the office of the executive mayor is vacant. (7) If the executive mayor is absent or not available and the municipality does not have a deputy executive mayor, or the deputy executive mayor is also absent or not available, the council must designate a councillor to act as executive mayor. 4. DISCUSSION As the executive mayor and the executive deputy mayor will not be available during the recess period the following councilors are proposed to be the acting executive mayor during the recess: 61 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES RECESS WEEK 7 Dec – 13 Dec 2015 14 Dec – 20 Dec 2015 21 Dec – 27 Dec 2015 28 Dec 2015 – 3 Jan 2016 4 Jan 2016 – 10 Jan 2016 11 Jan 2016 – 17 Jan 2016 2015-11-25 ACTING MAYOR Cllr DD Joubert Cllr V Fernandez (Ms) Cllr SJ Louw (Ms) Cllr SJ Louw (Ms) Cllr AR Frazenburg Cllr JP Serdyn (Ms) RECOMMENDED (a) that Council approve the timetable outlined above; (b) that the Councillors acting as Mayor must commit to being available for the duration of the period stipulated; and (c) that Mayco, Acting Municipal Manager and Directors be informed who the acting mayor will be for the periods as stipulated above. (ACTING DIRECTOR: STRATEGIC AND CORPORATE SERVICES TO ACTION) 36TH COUNCIL MEETING: 2015-11-25: ITEM 8.3 RESOLVED (majority vote) (a) that Council approve the timetable outlined above; (b) that the Councillors acting as Mayor must commit to being available for the duration of the period stipulated; (c) that Mayco, Acting Municipal Manager and Directors be informed who the acting mayor will be for the periods as stipulated above; and (d) that Cllr Q Smit replace Cllr S Louw (Ms) for the period 21 until 27 December 2015 on the timetable. (ACTING DIRECTOR: STRATEGIC AND CORPORATE SERVICES TO ACTION) 62 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 8.4 2015-11-25 ADJUSTMENTS BUDGET FOR 2015/2016 File number : 8/1/Financial Report by : Municipal Manager Compiled by : Chief Financial Officer Delegated Authority : Council Strategic intent of item Preferred investment destination Greenest municipality Safest valley Dignified Living Good Governance X ______________________________________________________________ 1. PURPOSE OF REPORT To table the adjustments budget for the 2015/2016 financial year to Council for approval. The adjustments budget emanated from additional allocations from the Provincial Treasury. 2. LEGAL FRAMEWORK Section 28 of the Municipal Finance Management Act states that: “(1) The municipality may revise an approved annual budget through an adjustments budget. (2) An adjustments budget (b) may appropriate additional revenues that have become available over and above those anticipated in the annual budget, but only to revise or accelerate spending programmes already budgeted for.” Regulation 23 (3) of the Municipal Budget and Reporting Regulations states that: “If a national or provincial adjustments budget allocates or transfers additional revenues to a municipality, the mayor of a municipality must, at the next available council meeting, but within 60 days of the approval of the relevant national or provincial adjustments budget, table an adjustments budget referred to in section 28 (2) (b) of the Act in the municipal council to appropriate these additional revenues.” 3. DISCUSSION The Western Cape Government published a Provincial Gazette 7535 on 20 November 2015, in terms of section 30(3)(a) of the Division of Revenue Act, 2015 (Act 1 of 2015) (2015 DoRA), which allocated additional funds to the municipality. 63 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 2015-11-25 Summary of the Gazette is as follows: 4. Grant Amount Purpose Preparation Of A Human Settlement Plan To Be Part Of The Spatial Development Framework For Stellenbosch Municipality 2015/16: R500 000; To update the Human Settlement Plan (HSP) as part of the Built Environment Support Programme (BESP) Component 1. 2016/17: R400 000 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS A net increase of R500 000 from the Provincial Government. RECOMMENDED (a) that the Adjustments Budget for 2015/2016 as set out in APPENDIX 2, be approved; and (b) that the Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plan be adjusted accordingly inclusive of the non-financial information (performance measurement). Attachments Appendix 1 - Budget documentation Appendix 2 - Adjustments budget 15/16 (B-schedule) Appendix 3 - Quality certificate (CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER TO ACTION) 36TH COUNCIL MEETING: 2015-11-25: ITEM 8.4 Councillor JA Davids raised his concern regarding the late distribution of additional items by the Administration to Councillors. Speaker noted Councillor Davids’ concern. RESOLVED (nem con) (a) that the Adjustments Budget for 2015/2016 as set out in APPENDIX 2, be approved; and (b) that the Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plan be adjusted accordingly inclusive of the non-financial information (performance measurement). (CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER TO ACTION) 64 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 2015-11-25 9. CONSIDERATION OF NOTICES OF QUESTIONS AND NOTICES OF MOTIONS RECEIVED BY THE SPEAKER 9.1 QUESTION BY CLLR DA HENDRICKSE: REVISED STAFF ESTABLISHMENT File number : 3/4/1/4 Report by : Office of the Municipal Manager Compiled by : Office of the Municipal Manager Delegated Authority : Council _____________________________________________________________________ A Notice of Question, in terms of Section 38(2) of the Rules of Order By-law regulating the Code of Conduct of Council and Council Committee meetings, dated 2015-10-13, was received from Councillor DA Hendrickse. The said Question is attached as APPENDIX 1 and the appropriate response will be distributed under separate cover as APPENDIX 2 in due course. FOR CONSIDERATION (ACTING MUNICIPAL MANAGER TO ACTION) 35TH COUNCIL MEETING: 2015-10-28: ITEM 9.6 The Speaker RULED that the response on the Question of Councillor DA Hendrickse be distributed to all Councillors and also be included in the next Council Agenda scheduled for November 2015. (ACTING MUNICIPAL MANAGER TO ACTION) FURTHER COMMENTS BY THE ACTING MUNICIPAL MANAGER Subsequent to the resolution depicted above, please find attached as APPENDIX 2 the response on the Revised Staff Establishment. (ACTING MUNICIPAL MANAGER TO ACTION) 36TH COUNCIL MEETING: 2015-11-25: ITEM 9.1 RESOLVED (nem con) that it be noted that Councillor DA Hendrickse was satisfied with the response provided in respect of the question posed. He posed a follow-up question, namely: 65 MINUTES 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY 2015-11-25 “If the legislation said that by 30th January 2015 a Staff Establishment had to serve before Council, why isn’t the legislation adhered to?” The Acting Municipal Manager responded that in 2012 the Municipality went through a macro organizational change which also affected the micro organization. Departments were moved from one directorate to another, departments were split when new directorates were created and other departments were joined together. Budgets and resources were moved. Legislation, however, was not applicable to any of the above. (ACTING MUNICIPAL MANAGER TO ACTION) 66 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 9.2 QUESTION BY CLLR DA HENDRICKSE: QUALIFICATIONS: SENIOR MANAGERS MINIMUM File number : 3/4/1/4 Report by : Office of the Municipal Manager Compiled by : Office of the Municipal Manager 2015-11-25 COMPETENCY Delegated Authority : Council _____________________________________________________________________ A Notice of Question, in terms of Section 38(2) of the Rules of Order By-law regulating the Code of Conduct of Council and Council Committee meetings, dated 2015-10-13, was received from Councillor F Adams. The said Question is attached as APPENDIX 1 and the appropriate response will be distributed under separate cover as APPENDIX 2 in due course. FOR CONSIDERATION (MUNICIPAL MANAGER TO ACTION) 35TH COUNCIL MEETING: 2015-10-28: ITEM 9.7 The Speaker RULED that the response on the Question of Councillor DA Hendrickse be distributed to all Councillors and also be included in the next Council Agenda scheduled for November 2015. (ACTING MUNICIPAL MANAGER TO ACTION) FURTHER COMMENTS BY THE ACTING MUNICIPAL MANAGER Subsequent to the resolution depicted above, please find attached as APPENDIX 2 the response on the Minimum Competency Qualifications of Senior Managers. (ACTING MUNICIPAL MANAGER TO ACTION) 36TH COUNCIL MEETING: 2015-11-25: ITEM 9.2 RESOLVED (nem con) that it be noted that in view of the fact that the Acting MM only responded with regard to the 3 Senior Managers, Councillor DA Hendrickse was not satisfied with the response provided and posed a follow-up question, namely: 67 MINUTES 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY 2015-11-25 “What about the rest of the staff, because they are linked with minimum competency in Supply Chain and in Finance?” The Acting Municipal Manager responded that a detailed report with regard to Supply Chain & Finance Officials will serve at the next Strategic and Corporate Services Committee meeting. (ACTING MUNICIPAL MANAGER TO ACTION) 68 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 9.3 2015-11-25 QUESTION BY CLLR DA HENDRICKSE: PROCEDURAL MOTIONS BROUGHT BY DA COUNCILLORS File number : 3/4/1/4 Report by : Office of the Municipal Manager Compiled by : Office of the Municipal Manager Delegated Authority : Council _____________________________________________________________________ A Notice of Question, in terms of Section 38(2) of the Rules of Order By-law regulating the Code of Conduct of Council and Council Committee meetings, dated 2015-11-10, was received from Councillor DA Hendrickse. The said Question is attached as APPENDIX 1 and the appropriate response as APPENDIX 2. FOR CONSIDERATION (ACTING MUNICIPAL MANAGER TO ACTION) 36TH COUNCIL MEETING: 2015-11-25: ITEM 9.3 RESOLVED (nem con) that it be noted that Councillor DA Hendrickse was satisfied with the response provided in respect of the question posed, and posed a follow-up question, namely: “What are the implications that my rights have been violated in this Council by the Speaker and the DA by not adhering to the Rules of Order where Council resolutions are taken in contradiction with the Rules of Order, as explained?” The Speaker responded that he has statutory duties in the Council Chamber and if a Councillor is not satisfied with his ruling and reasons thereof, such Councillor may take the matter to Court. (ACTING MUNICIPAL MANAGER TO ACTION) 69 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 9.4 2015-11-25 QUESTION BY CLLR DA HENDRICKSE: FAILURE OF THE ADMINISTRATION TO, FOR THE PAST 4 YEARS, BRING REPORTS BEFORE COUNCIL IN TERMS OF SECTION 116(2)(d) OF THE MFMA File number : 3/4/1/4 Report by : Office of the Municipal Manager Compiled by : Office of the Municipal Manager Delegated Authority : Council _____________________________________________________________________ A Notice of Question, in terms of Section 38(2) of the Rules of Order By-law regulating the Code of Conduct of Council and Council Committee meetings, dated 2015-10-13, was received from Councillor F Adams. The said Question is attached as APPENDIX 1 and the appropriate response as APPENDIX 2. FOR CONSIDERATION (ACTING MUNICIPAL MANAGER TO ACTION) 36TH COUNCIL MEETING: 2015-11-25: ITEM 9.4 RESOLVED (nem con) that it be noted that Councillor DA Hendrickse was not satisfied with the response provided in respect of the question posed, and posed a follow-up question, namely: “Why did the Auditor-General not pick up that for four years no statutory report served before Council.” The Acting Municipal Manager responded that this will be rectified and a report will be submitted to Council regularly. 70 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 9.5 2015-11-25 MOTION BY COUNCILLOR F ADAMS: DISPOSAL OF CERTAIN ASSETS BENEFITING MAINLY WHITE PEOPLE, BECAUSE OF APARTHEID DECISIONS File number : 3/4/1/4 Report by : Office of the Speaker Compiled by : Office of the Speaker Delegated Authority : Council _____________________________________________________________________ A Notice of a Motion, dated 2015-11-10 was received from Councillor F Adams regarding the disposal of certain assets benefiting mainly white people, because of apartheid decisions. The said Motion is attached as APPENDIX 1. FOR CONSIDERATION 36TH COUNCIL MEETING: 2015-11-25: ITEM 9.5 The Speaker allowed Councillor F Adams to put his Motion, duly seconded. After the Motion was motivated, the Speaker allowed debate on the matter. The matter was put to the vote yielding a result of 13 votes for and 22 against. RESOLVED (majority vote) that this Motion not be accepted. (ACTING DIRECTOR: STRATEGIC AND CORPORTE SERVICES TO ACTION) 71 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 9.6 2015-11-25 MOTION BY COUNCILLOR F ADAMS: ENQUIRY INTO THE DISCREPANCIES OF ADMISSION TO MODEL C SCHOOLS BETWEEN LOCAL PUPILS AND THOSE OUTSIDE OUR TOWN File number : 3/4/1/4 Report by : Office of the Speaker Compiled by : Office of the Speaker Delegated Authority : Council _____________________________________________________________________ A Notice of a Motion, dated 2015-11-10 was received from Councillor F Adams regarding the enquiry into the discrepencies of admission to Model C schools between local pupils and those outside our town. The said Motion is attached as APPENDIX 1. FOR CONSIDERATION 36TH COUNCIL MEETING: 2015-11-25: ITEM 9.5 The Speaker allowed Councillor F Adams to put his Motion, duly seconded. After the Motion was motivated, the Speaker allowed debate on the matter. The matter was put to the vote yielding a result of 13 votes for and 22 against. RESOLVED (majority vote) that this Motion not be accepted. (ACTING DIRECTOR: STRATEGIC AND CORPORTE SERVICES TO ACTION) 72 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 9.7 2015-11-25 MOTION BY COUNCILLOR N NTSUNGUZI (MS): TRANSPORT PLAN FOR FRANSCHHOEK RESIDENCE AND 24 HOUR SERVICES File number : 3/4/1/4 Report by : Office of the Speaker Compiled by : Office of the Speaker Delegated Authority : Council _____________________________________________________________________ A Notice of a Motion, dated 2015-11-11 was received from Councillor N Ntsunguzi (Ms) regarding a transport plan for Franschhoek residents and 24 hour services. The said Motion is attached as APPENDIX 1. FOR CONSIDERATION 36TH COUNCIL MEETING: 2015-11-25: ITEM 9.7 The Speaker allowed Councillor N Ntsunguzi (Ms) to put her Motion, duly seconded. After the Motion was motivated, the Speaker allowed debate on the matter. The matter was put to the vote yielding a result of 14 votes for and 21 against. RESOLVED (majority vote) that this Motion not be accepted. (ACTING DIRECTOR: STRATEGIC AND CORPORTE SERVICES TO ACTION) 73 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 9.8 2015-11-25 MOTION BY COUNCILLOR N MANANGA-GUGUSHE (MS): APPOINTMENT OF SERVICE PROVIDERS TO MAINTAIN AND CLEAN PUBLIC ABLUTION FACILITIES IN KAYAMANDI AND LANGRUG File number : 3/4/1/4 Report by : Office of the Speaker Compiled by : Office of the Speaker Delegated Authority : Council _____________________________________________________________________ A Notice of a Motion, dated 2015-11-11 was received from Councillor N Mananga-Gugushe (Ms) regarding the appointment of service providers to maintain and clean public ablution facilities in Kayamandi and Langrug. The said Motion is attached as APPENDIX 1. FOR CONSIDERATION 36TH COUNCIL MEETING: 2015-11-25: ITEM 9.8 In view of the absence of the member, this Motion has lapsed in terms of Rule 18.1.3 of the Rules of Order. (ACTING DIRECTOR: STRATEGIC AND CORPORTE SERVICES TO ACTION) 74 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 9.9 2015-11-25 MOTION BY COUNCILLOR JA DAVIDS: CLARITY ON THE TASK PROCESS AND THE FINANCIAL ON THE TASK EVALUATION SYSTEM File number : 3/4/1/4 Report by : Office of the Speaker Compiled by : Office of the Speaker Delegated Authority : Council _____________________________________________________________________ A Notice of a Motion, dated 2015-11-11 was received from Councillor JA Davids regarding clarity on the task process and the financial imlplication on the Task Evaluation System. The said Motion is attached as APPENDIX 1. FOR CONSIDERATION 36TH COUNCIL MEETING: 2015-11-25: ITEM 9.9 The Speaker allowed Councillor JA Davids to put his Motion, duly seconded. After the Motion was motivated, the Speaker allowed debate on the matter. The matter was put to the vote yielding a result of 14 votes for and 21 against. RESOLVED (majority vote) that this Motion not be accepted. (ACTING DIRECTOR: STRATEGIC AND CORPORTE SERVICES TO ACTION) 75 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 9.10 2015-11-25 MOTION BY COUNCILLOR C MOSES (MS): BLOCKING OF ELECTRICITY File number : 3/4/1/4 Report by : Office of the Speaker Compiled by : Office of the Speaker Delegated Authority : Council _____________________________________________________________________ A Notice of a Motion, dated 2015-11-11 C Moses (Ms) regarding the blocking of electricity. was received from Councillor The said Motion is attached as APPENDIX 1. FOR CONSIDERATION 36TH COUNCIL MEETING: 2015-11-25: ITEM 9.10 The Speaker allowed Councillor C Moses (Ms) to put her Motion, duly seconded. After the Motion was motivated, the Speaker allowed debate on the matter. The matter was put to the vote yielding a result of 13 votes for and 21 against. RESOLVED (majority vote with 1 abstention) that this Motion not be accepted. (ACTING DIRECTOR: STRATEGIC AND CORPORTE SERVICES TO ACTION) 76 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 9.11 2015-11-25 MOTION BY COUNCILLOR S JOOSTE (MS): REVIEW AND RESCIND COUNCIL RESOLUTION ITEM 8.5 OF 30 APRIL 2015, 29TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY File number : 3/4/1/4 Report by : Office of the Speaker Compiled by : Office of the Speaker Delegated Authority : Council _____________________________________________________________________ A Notice of a Motion, dated 2015-11-11 was received from Councillor S Jooste (Ms) regarding the Review and Rescission of Council Resolution item 8.5 of 30 April 2015, 29th meeting of the Council of Stellenbosch Municipality. The said Motion is attached as APPENDIX 1. FOR CONSIDERATION 36TH COUNCIL MEETING: 2015-11-25: ITEM 9.11 The Speaker allowed Councillor S Jooste (Ms) to put her Motion, duly seconded. After the Motion was motivated, the Speaker allowed debate on the matter. The matter was put to the vote yielding a result of 13 votes for and 21 against. RESOLVED (majority vote with 1 abstention) that this Motion not be accepted. (ACTING DIRECTOR: STRATEGIC AND CORPORTE SERVICES TO ACTION) 77 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 9.12 MOTION BY COUNCILLOR RS NALUMANGO TENDERS/REQUEST FOR FORMAL QUOTATIONS File number : 3/4/1/4 Report by : Office of the Speaker Compiled by : Office of the Speaker 2015-11-25 (MS): AWARDING OF Delegated Authority : Council _____________________________________________________________________ A Notice of a Motion, dated 2015-11-11 was received from Councillor RS Nalumango (Ms) regarding the awarding of tenders/request for formal quotations. The said Motion is attached as APPENDIX 1. FOR CONSIDERATION 36TH COUNCIL MEETING: 2015-11-25: ITEM 9.12 The Speaker allowed Councillor RS Nalumango (Ms) to put her Motion, duly seconded. After the Motion was motivated, the Speaker allowed debate on the matter. The matter was put to the vote yielding a result of 13 votes for and 21 against. (Councillor van der Walt was not present in the Chamber when voting on the matter). RESOLVED (majority vote) that this Motion not be accepted. (ACTING DIRECTOR: STRATEGIC AND CORPORTE SERVICES TO ACTION) 78 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 9.13 2015-11-25 MOTION BY COUNCILLOR LN SIWAKAMISA (MS): WRITING-OFF OF INDIGENT IRRECOVERABLE DEBT File number : 3/4/1/4 Report by : Office of the Speaker Compiled by : Office of the Speaker Delegated Authority : Council _____________________________________________________________________ A Notice of a Motion, dated 2015-11-11 was received from Councillor LN Siwakamisa (Ms) regarding the writing-off of indigent irrecoverable debt. The said Motion is attached as APPENDIX 1. FOR CONSIDERATION 36TH COUNCIL MEETING: 2015-11-25: ITEM 9.13 The Speaker allowed Councillor LN Siwakamisa (Ms) to put her Motion, duly seconded. After the Motion was motivated, the Speaker allowed debate on the matter. The matter was put to the vote yielding a result of 14 votes for and 21 against. RESOLVED (majority vote) that this Motion not be accepted. (ACTING DIRECTOR: STRATEGIC AND CORPORTE SERVICES TO ACTION) 79 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 9.14 2015-11-25 MOTION BY COUNCILLOR R DU TOIT (MS): ADJUSTMENT OF SASSA BENEFICIARIES AND SENIOR CITIZENS’ RENT OF MUNICIPAL PROPERTY File number : 3/4/1/4 Report by : Office of the Speaker Compiled by : Office of the Speaker Delegated Authority : Council _____________________________________________________________________ A Notice of a Motion, dated 2015-11-11 was received from Councillor R du Toit (Ms) regarding the adjustment of SASSA beneficiaries and senior citizens’ rent of municipal property. The said Motion is attached as APPENDIX 1. FOR CONSIDERATION 36TH COUNCIL MEETING: 2015-11-25: ITEM 9.14 The Speaker allowed Councillor R du Toit (Ms) to put her Motion, duly seconded. After the Motion was motivated, the Speaker allowed debate on the matter. The matter was put to the vote yielding a result of 26 votes for and 9 against. RESOLVED (majority vote) that the rent of SASSA beneficiaries and senior citizens be calculated on a sliding scale according to their income. (ACTING DIRECTOR: STRATEGIC AND CORPORTE SERVICES TO ACTION) 80 MINUTES 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY 2015-11-25 10. CONSIDERATION OF MOTIONS OF EXIGENCY 10.1 CHANGING THE NAME OF THE PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Councillor AR Frazenburg provided a brief background on the urgency of the matter relating to changing the name of the Planning and Economic Development Committee in order to incorporate the Community Development component. The matter was put to the vote yielding a result of all in favour. RESOLVED (nem con) that the name of the Planning and Economic Development Committee be changed to Planning, Economic and Community Development Committee with effect from 2016-01-04. (DIRECTOR: STRATEGIC AND CORPORATE SERVICES TO ACTION) 81 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 2015-11-25 11. MATTERS FOR INFORMATION 11.1 REPORT BY THE EXECUTIVE MAYOR ON DECISIONS TAKEN BY THE MAYORAL COMMITTEE AND STANDING COMMITTEES FOR THE PERIOD OCTOBER 2015 (3/5/2/5) Report by the Executive Mayor In terms of Section 56(5) of the Municipal Structures Act, No 117 of 1998, the Executive Mayor must report to the Municipal Council on all decisions taken by the Mayoral Committee and Standing Committees. The above-mentioned information is attached as APPENDIX 1. FOR INFORMATION 36TH COUNCIL MEETING: 2015-11-28: ITEM 11.1 RESOLVED (nem con) that the report by the Executive Mayor on decisions taken by the Mayoral Committee and Standing Committees for the period October 2015, be noted. (ACTING DIRECTOR: STRATEGIC AND CORPORATE SERVICES TO ACTION) 11.2 DECISIONS TAKEN IN TERMS OF DELEGATED AUTHORITY BY THE EXECUTIVE MAYOR FOR THE PERIOD AUGUST 2015 NONE 82 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 12. 2015-11-25 OTHER URGENT MATTERS SUBMITTED BY THE MUNICIPAL MANAGER NONE 13.1 CONSIDERATION OF REPORTS SUBMITTED BY THE SPEAKER 13.1.1 INVESTIGATION INTO ALLEGATION OF BREACH OF THE CODE OF CONDUCT FOR COUNCILLORS: COUNCILLOR F ADAMS File number : 3/6/4 Compiled by : Admin Officer: Office of the Speaker Report by : Speaker Delegated Authority : Council Strategic intent of item Preferred investment destination Greenest municipality Safest valley Dignified Living X Good Governance _____________________________________________________________________ 1. PURPOSE OF REPORT To report to Council on the outcome of an investigation done by an external investigator, Ald A Coetsee from SALGA on allegations received against Clr F Adams. 2. BACKGROUND At the Council meeting held on 25 February 2015 the Speaker requested Clr Adams to leave the Council Chambers according to item 27.1 and 2 of the Stellenbosch Municipality Rules of Order By-Law which states that: “27. IRRELEVANCE, TEDIOUS REPETITION, UNBECOMING LANGUAGE OR BEHAVIOR AND BREACH OF ORDER 27.1 The Speaker must call the attention of the member to irrelevant, tedious repetition, unbecoming language or behaviour or any breach of order on the part of a member, and shall direct such member, if speaking, to discontinue his/her speech until the member has come to order. Such direction shall be regarded as a warning. Upon 2 warnings, of which the second warning will be final, during the deliberations of the Council meeting, the provisions of rule 28 shall apply and the Speaker may decide to take disciplinary action against such member in terms of the Code of Conduct for Councilors. 83 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 27.2 2015-11-25 The Speaker shall direct a member to apologise or withdraw an allegation if it is unbecoming or injures or impairs the dignity or honour of a member or officer of the Council.” Councilor Adams refused to leave the Council Chambers and the Speaker relied on item 28.1 of the Stellenbosch Municipality Rules of Order By-Law to remove Clr Adams from the Council Chambers. Item 28.1 state that: “28. REMOVAL OR EXCLUSION OF COUNCILLOR 28.1 If a member refuses to comply with a direction in terms of rule 27, the Speaker may direct an officer to remove the member or to cause his/ her removal and to take steps to prevent his / her return to the meeting, provided that the Speaker may, in his / her sole and absolute discretion, permit the return of the member to the meeting on the submission by the said member to the Speaker of a written expression of regret, such expression of regret must be part of the minutes of the meeting.” On 04 March 2015 the Speaker wrote to Clr Adams to inform him of the alleged breach. The letter was hand delivered by Law Enforcement officers but Clr Adams refuses to accept it. The Law Enforcement officers made a statement and affidavit to the refusal of acceptance by Clr Adams. On 12 March 2015 the same letter were send to Clr Adams by registered post but the addressee never collect the registered letter and it was returned. All the above documents are attached as APPENDIX 1. 3. DISCUSSION Section 13 of the Code of Conduct for Councilors prescribes that: “13. Duty of chairpersons of municipal councils (1) If the chairperson of a municipal council, on reasonable suspicion, is of the opinion that a provision of this Code has been breached, the chairperson must-(a) authorise an investigation of the facts and circumstances of the alleged breach; (b) give the councilor a reasonable opportunity to reply in writing regarding the alleged breach; and (c) report the matter to a meeting of the municipal council after paragraphs (a) and (b) have been complied with. (2) A report in terms of subitem (1) (c) is open to the public.” An investigation into the facts and circumstances of the alleged breach was done by Ald A Coetsee. The legal opinion is attached hereto as APPENDIX 2 and he advise that the matter be referred to a disciplinary committee to be dealt with. 84 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 2015-11-25 RECOMMENDED (a) that Council take note of the advice from Ald A Coetsee: and (b) that this matter be referred to the Disciplinary Committee to be dealt with. (OFFICE OF THE SPEAKER TO ACTION) 36TH COUNCIL MEETING: 2015-11-28: ITEM 13.1.1 Before debate on the matter, the Speaker requested Councillor F Adams to recuse himself for the duration of the matter, as he is implicated in the matter. Councillor F Adams then left the Chamber during discussion on the matter. The Senior Legal Advisor, Ms Elizabeth Williams raised her concern that the item was not distributed to her for legal input. The Speaker responded that, according to legislation, the issue of disciplinary hearings resort under him. When a matter is brought to his attention he must consider whether or not there is reasonable suspicion to proceed with an investigation. RESOLVED (majority vote) (a) that Council take note of the advice from Ald A Coetsee: and (b) that this matter be referred to the Disciplinary Committee to be dealt with. The following Councillors requested that their votes of dissent be minuted: Councillors JA Davids; DA Hendrickse; S Jooste (Ms); C Moses (Ms); RS Nalumango (Ms); MM Ngcofe; N Ntsunguzi (Ms); L Ronoti; P Sitshoti (Ms); LN Siwakamisa (Ms) and AT van der Walt. (OFFICE OF THE SPEAKER TO ACTION) 85 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 13.1.2 2015-11-25 INVESTIGATION INTO ALEGATION OF BREACH OF THE CODE OF CONDUCT FOR COUNCILLORS: COUNCILLOR DD JOUBERT File number : 3/6/4 Compiled by : Admin Officer: Office of the Speaker Report by : Speaker Delegated Authority : Council Strategic intent of item Preferred investment destination Greenest municipality Safest valley Dignified Living X Good Governance _____________________________________________________________________ 1. PURPOSE OF REPORT To report to Council on the outcome of an investigation done by an external investigator, Ald A Coetsee from SALGA on allegations received against Clr DD Joubert. 2. BACKGROUND The Speaker received a memorandum with appendices dated 13 May 2015 from the Municipal Manager in which she alleged that Clr DD Joubert interfere in the supply chain processes APPENDIX 1. On th 25th of May 2015 the Speaker wrote to Clr Joubert, informing him of the alleged breach and also afforded him the opportunity to reply on the alleged breach to which the Councillor replied per email on 01 June 2015 APPENDIX 2. It is alleged that the Councillor contravened Item 11 of the Code of Conduct for Councillor as well as Item 118 of the Municipal Finance Management Act, No 56 of 2003 which state that: “11. Intervention in administration A councillor may not, except as provided by law(a) interfere in the management or administration of any department of the municipal council unless mandated by council; (b) give or purport to give any instruction to any employee of the council except when authorised to do so; (c) obstruct or attempt to obstruct the implementation of any decision of the council or a committee by an employee of the council; or 86 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES (d) 2015-11-25 encourage or participate in any conduct which would cause or contribute to maladministration in the council”. “Interference 118. No person may— 3. (a) interfere with the supply chain management system of a municipality or municipal entity; or (b) amend or tamper with any tenders, quotations, contracts or bids after their submission.” DISCUSSION Section 13 of the Code of Conduct for Councillors prescribes that: “13. Duty of chairpersons of municipal councils (1) (2) If the chairperson of a municipal council, on reasonable suspicion, is of the opinion that a provision of this Code has been breached, the chairperson must(a) authorise an investigation of the circumstances of the alleged breach; facts and (b) give the councilor a reasonable opportunity to reply in writing regarding the alleged breach; and (c) report the matter to a meeting of the municipal council after paragraphs (a) and (b) have been complied with. A report in terms of subitem (1) (c) is open to the public.” An investigation into the facts and circumstances of the alleged breach was done by Mr. Coetsee. The legal opinion is attached hereto as APPENDIX 3 and he advise that the matter be referred to a disciplinary committee to hear evidence and to afford Clr Joubert an opportunity to prove his innocence. RECOMMENDED (a) that Council take note of the advice from Mr. Coetsee; and (b) that this matter be referred to the Disciplinary Committee to be dealt with. (OFFICE OF THE SPEAKER TO ACTION) 36TH COUNCIL MEETING: 2015-11-28: ITEM 13.1.2 Before debate on the matter, the Speaker requested Councillor DD Joubert to recuse himself for the duration of the matter, as he is implicated in the matter. Councillor DD Joubert then left the Chamber during discussion on the matter. 87 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 2015-11-25 RESOLVED (majority vote) (a) that Council take note of the advice from Mr. Coetsee; and (b) that this matter be referred to the Disciplinary Committee to be dealt with. The following Councillors requested that their votes of dissent be minuted: Councillors F Adams; JA Davids; DA Hendrickse; S Jooste (Ms); C Moses (Ms); RS Nalumango (Ms); MM Ngcofe; N Ntsunguzi (Ms); L Ronoti; P Sitshoti (Ms); LN Siwakamisa (Ms) and AT van der Walt. (OFFICE OF THE SPEAKER TO ACTION) 88 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 13.1.3 2015-11-25 INVESTIGATION INTO ALEGATION OF BREACH OF THE CODE OF CONDUCT FOR COUNCILLORS: COUNCILLORS A VAN DER WALT AND N JINDELA File number : 3/6/4 Compiled by : Admin Officer: Office of the Speaker Report by : Speaker Delegated Authority : Council Strategic intent of item Preferred investment destination Greenest municipality Safest valley Dignified Living X Good Governance _____________________________________________________________________ 1. PURPOSE OF REPORT To report to Council on the outcome of an investigation done by an external investigator, Ald A Coetsee from SALGA on allegations received against Cllr Van Der Walt and Cllr Jindela. 2. BACKGROUND At the Special Council meeting held on 29 January 2014 an altercation occurred between Councillors Van Der Walt and Jindela which led to this investigation. Correspondence between the Speaker and the councillors are annex hereto as APPENDIX 1. The law firm MacRobert Attorneys did an investigation into the facts of the alleged breach and their report marked as APPENDIX 2 is attached hereto. It is alleged that the Councillors contravened Item 2 of the Code of Conduct for Councilors which state that: “2. General conduct of councillors A councillor must- 3. (a) perform the functions of office in good faith, honestly and a transparent manner; and (b) at all times act in the best interest of the municipality and in such a way that the credibility and integrity of the municipality are not compromised.” DISCUSSION Section 13 of the Code of Conduct for Councillors prescribe that: “13. Duty of chairpersons of municipal councils 89 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 2015-11-25 (1) If the chairperson of a municipal council, on reasonable suspicion, is of the opinion that a provision of this Code has been breached, the chairperson must-(a) authorise an investigation of the facts and circumstances of the alleged breach; (b) give the councilor a reasonable opportunity to reply in writing regarding the alleged breach; and (c) report the matter to a meeting of the municipal council after paragraphs (a) and (b) have been complied with. (2) A report in terms of subitem (1) (c) is open to the public.” An investigation into the facts and circumstances of the alleged breach was done by Mr. A Coetsee. The legal opinion is attached hereto as APPENDIX 3 and he advise that no further disciplinary steps should proceed against Councilors Van Der Walt and Jindela. RECOMMENDED (a) that Council note of the advice from Alderman Coetsee; (b) that no further disciplinary action be taken against Cllr Van Der Walt;and (c) that no further disciplinary action be taken against Cllr Jindela (OFFICE OF THE SPEAKER TO ACTION) 36TH COUNCIL MEETING: 2015-11-28: ITEM 13.1.3 Before debate on the matter, the Speaker requested Councillors N Jindela and AT van der Walt to recuse themselves for the duration of the matter, as they are implicated in the matter. Councillors N Jindela and AT van der Walt then left the Chamber during discussion on the matter. RESOLVED (majority vote) (a) that Council note of the advice from Alderman Coetsee; (b) that no further disciplinary action be taken against Councillor Van Der Walt; and (c) that no further disciplinary action be taken against Councillor Jindela. The following Councillors requested that their votes of dissent be minuted: Councillors F Adams; JA Davids; DA Hendrickse; S Jooste (Ms); C Moses (Ms); RS Nalumango (Ms); MM Ngcofe; N Ntsunguzi (Ms); L Ronoti; P Sitshoti (Ms) and LN Siwakamisa (Ms). (OFFICE OF THE SPEAKER TO ACTION) 90 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 13.1.4 2015-11-25 INVESTIGATION INTO ALLEGATION OF BREACH OF THE CODE OF CONDUCT FOR COUNCILLORS: COUNCILLOR DA HENDRICKSE File number : 3/6/4 Compiled by : Admin Officer: Office of the Speaker Report by : Speaker Delegated Authority : Council Strategic intent of item Preferred investment destination Greenest municipality Safest valley Dignified Living Good Governance X _____________________________________________________________________ 1. PURPOSE OF REPORT To report and seek Council’s approval, that a previous investigation against Cllr DA Hendrickse be re-opened. 2. BACKGROUND A disciplinary hearing against Councillor DA Hendrickse was held on 3 August 2015 and 14 September 2015 where a finding of not guilty on a technicality but not on the merit of the case were impose. On 22 October 2015 the Speaker wrote to Councillor Hendrickse informing him of the alleged breach APPENDIX 1. On 27 October 2015 Councillor Hendrickse responded per email on the alleged breach APPENDIX 2, send to different persons but the Councillor never address or make no reference to the alleged breach. The allegations against Councillor DA Hendrickse is that he breached the Code of Conduct for Councillors, Section 3 in that he failed to attend the Community and Protection Services Committee meetings of which he is a member. Section 3 of the Code of Conduct for Councillors state that: “3. Attendance at meetings. A councillor must attend each meeting of the municipal council and of a committee of which that councillor is a member, except when (a) leave of absence is granted in terms of an applicable law or as determined by the rules and orders of the council; or 91 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES (b) 2015-11-25 that councillor is required in terms of this Code to withdraw from the meeting.” Attached hereto, as APPENDIX 3, is the attendance registers for the Community and Protection Services committee. 3. DISCUSSION Section 13 Of the Code of Conduct for Councillors prescribe that: “13. Duty of chairpersons of municipal councils (1) If the chairperson of a municipal council, on reasonable suspicion, is of the opinion that a provision of this Code has been breached, the chairperson must(a) authorise an investigation of the facts and circumstances of the alleged breach; (b) give the councillor a reasonable opportunity to reply in writing regarding the alleged breach; and (c) report the matter to a meeting of the municipal council after paragraphs (a) and (b) have been complied with. (2) A report in terms of subitem (1) (c) is open to the public.” An investigation into the facts and circumstances of the alleged breach was done by Mr A Coetsee from SALGA. The legal opinion is attached hereto as APPENDIX 4 and he advise that if Clr Hendrickse did not resign or was remove by Council from said committee, further disciplinary steps should be taken against the Councilor. Further to the above it is advisable that the Disciplinary Committee who handled the previous hearing (03-08-15 & 14-09-15) be replace by a new committee, approved by Council, to preside over this hearing. Section14 of the Code of Conduct prescribe that: ‘’14. Breaches of Code. (1) A municipal council may (a) investigate and make a finding on any alleged breach of a provision of this Code; or (b) establish a special committee: (i) to investigate and make a finding on any alleged breach of this Code; and (ii) to make appropriate recommendations to the council.” Section 4 of the Code of Conduct state that: 92 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 2015-11-25 “4. Sanctions for non-attendance of meetings (1) A municipal council may impose a fine as determined by the standing rules and orders of the municipal council on a councillor for: (a) not attending a meeting which that councillor is required to attend in terms of item 3; or (b) failing to remain in attendance at such a meeting. (2) A councillor who is absent from three or more consecutive meetings of a municipal council, or from three or more consecutive meetings of a committee, which that councillor is required to attend in terms of item 3, must be removed from office as a councillor. (3) Proceedings for the imposition of a fine or the removal of a councillor must be conducted in accordance with a uniform standing procedure which each municipal council must adopt for the purposes of this item. The uniform standing procedure must comply with the rules of natural justice.” RECOMMENDED (a) that Council elect a new Disciplinary Committee to preside over this hearing; (b) that after the new Disciplinary Committee report their finding to Council, said Committee be dissolved; (c) that Council approve that the Disciplinary Committee investigate and make a finding if the Code of Conduct was breached; and (d) that the Disciplinary Committee report back to Council on the outcome of the investigation and the finding. (OFFICE OF THE SPEAKER TO ACTION) 36TH COUNCIL MEETING: 2015-11-28: ITEM 13.1.5 Before debate on the matter, the Speaker requested Councillor DA Hendrickse to recuse himself for the duration of the matter, as he is implicated in the matter. Councillor DA Hendrickse then left the Chamber during discussion on the matter. RESOLVED (majority vote) (a) that Council elect a new Disciplinary Committee to preside over this hearing; (b) that after the new Disciplinary Committee report their finding to Council, said Committee be dissolved; (c) that Council approve that the Disciplinary Committee investigate and make a finding if the Code of Conduct was breached; and 93 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES (d) 2015-11-25 that the Disciplinary Committee report back to Council on the outcome of the investigation and the finding. The following Councillors requested that their votes of dissent be minuted: Councillors F Adams; JA Davids; S Jooste (Ms); C Moses (Ms); RS Nalumango (Ms); MM Ngcofe; N Ntsunguzi (Ms); L Ronoti; P Sitshoti (Ms); LN Siwakamisa (Ms) and AT van der Walt. (OFFICE OF THE SPEAKER TO ACTION) 94 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 2015-11-25 13.2 CONSIDERATION OF REPORTS SUBMITTED BY THE EXECUTIVE MAYOR 13.2.1 RECONSTITUTION OF DISCIPLINARY COMMITTEE DISCIPLINARY HEARING OF COUNCILLOR CP JOOSTE IN RELATION File number : Unfiled Report by : Executive Mayor Compiled by : Senior Legal Advisor - E Williams Delegated authority : Council TO Strategic intent of item Preferred investment destination Greenest municipality Safest valley Dignified Living X Good Governance ____________________________________________________________________ 1. PURPOSE OF THE REPORT To recommend to Council to reconstitute the Section 79 Disciplinary Committee for the hearing of Cllr Jooste ("Speaker" or "Cllr Jooste"). 2. BACKGROUND In terms of Clause 36 of the System of Delegation the Executive Mayor is delegated to perform the functions and exercise the powers of the Speaker in terms of the Code of Conduct ("the Code") where the Speaker is allegedly in breach of the Code. During 2014 the Executive Mayor received allegations that the Speaker had breached the Code in various respects. Following receipt of various reports compiled in terms of Item 13(1)(a) of Schedule 1, Local Government: Municipal Systems Act No 23 of 2000, the matter was referred to Council. The Council resolved that the disciplinary hearing should proceed and elected a Disciplinary Committee to deal with the disciplinary hearing of the Speaker. 3. LEGAL FRAMEWORK Local Government: Municipal Structures Act, No. 117 of 1998 "56 Functions and powers of executive mayors (3) The executive mayor in performing the duties of office must(f) perform such duties and exercise such powers as the council may delegate to the executive mayor in terms of section 59 of the Local Government. (5) An executive mayor must report to the municipal council on all decisions taken by the executive mayor." 95 MINUTES 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY 2015-11-25 Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, No. 32 of 2000 "Code of Conduct for councillors 54. The Code of Conduct contained in Schedule 1 applies to every member of a municipal council." (Emphasis added) "Delegations Section 59 of the Municipal Systems Act provides (1) A municipal council must develop a system of delegation that will maximise administrative and operational efficiency and provide for adequate checks and balances, and, in accordance with that system, may(a) delegate appropriate powers, excluding a power mentioned in section 160 (2) of the Constitution and the power to set tariffs, to decide to enter into a service delivery agreement in terms of section 76 (b) and to approve or amend the municipality's integrated development plan, to any of the municipality's other political structures, political office bearers, councillors, or staff members; (b) instruct any such political structure, political office bearer, councillor, or staff member to perform any of the municipality's duties; and (c) withdraw any delegation or instruction. (2) A delegation or instruction in terms of subsection (1)(a) must not conflict with the Constitution, this Act or the Municipal Structures Act; (b) must be in writing; (c) is subject to any limitations, conditions and directions the municipal council may impose; (d) may include the power to sub-delegate a delegated power; (e) does not divest the council of the responsibility concerning the exercise of the power or the performance of the duty; and (f) must be reviewed when a new council is elected or, if it is a district council, elected and appointed. (3) The municipal council(a) in accordance with procedures in its rules and orders, may, or at the request in writing of at least one quarter of the councillors, must, review any decision taken by such a political structure, political office bearer, councillor or staff member in consequence of a delegation or instruction, and either confirm, vary or revoke the decision subject to any rights that may have accrued to a person; and (b) may require its executive committee or executive mayor to review any decision taken by such a political structure, political office 96 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 2015-11-25 bearer, councillor or staff member in consequence of a delegation or instruction. (4) Any delegation or sub-delegation to a staff member of a power conferred on a municipal manager must be approved by the municipal council in accordance with the system of delegation referred to in subsection (1)." "Schedule 1 "Duty of chairpersons of municipal councils 13. (1) if the chairperson of a municipal council, on reasonable suspicion, is of the opinion that a provision of this Code has been breached, the chairperson must— (a) authorise an investigation of the facts and circumstances of the alleged breach; (b) give the councillor a reasonable opportunity to reply in writing regarding the alleged breach; and (c) report the matter to a meeting of the municipal council after paragraphs (a) and (b) have been complied with. (2) A report in terms of sub item (1) (c) is open to the public. (3) The chairperson must report the outcome of the investigation to the MEC for local government in the province concerned. (4) The chairperson must ensure that each councillor when taking office is given a copy of this Code and that a copy of the Code is available in every room or place where the council meets." "Breaches of Code 14. (1) A municipal council may— (a) investigate and make a finding on any alleged breach of a provision of this Code; or (b) establish a special committee(i) to investigate and make a finding on any alleged breach of this Code; and (ii) to make appropriate recommendations to the council. (2) If the council or a special committee finds that a councillor has breached a provision of this Code, the council may— (a) issue a formal warning to the councillor: (b) reprimand the councillor; (c) request the MEC for local government in the province to suspend the councillor for a period; (d) fine the councillor; and 97 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 2015-11-25 (e) request the MEC to remove the councillor from office. (3)(a) Any councillor who has been warned, reprimanded or fined in terms of paragraph (a), (b) or (d) of sub item (2) may within 14 days of having been notified of the decision of council appeal to the MEC for local government in writing setting out the reasons on which the appeal is based. (b) A copy of the appeal must be provided to the council. (c) The council may within 14 days of receipt of the appeal referred to in paragraph (b) make any representation pertaining to the appeal to the MEC for local government in writing. (d) The MEC for local government may, after having considered the appeal, confirm, set aside or vary the decision of the council and inform the councillor and the council of 25 the outcome of the appeal. (4) The MEC for local government may appoint a person or a committee to investigate any alleged breach of a provision of this Code and to make a recommendation as to the appropriate sanction in terms of sub item (2) if a municipal council does not conduct an investigation contemplated in sub item (1) and the MEC for local government considers it necessary. (5) The Commissions Act, 1947 (Act 8 of 1947), or, where appropriate, applicable provincial legislation, may be applied to an investigation in terms of sub item (4). (6) If the MEC is of the opinion that the councillor has breached a provision of this Code, and that such contravention warrants a suspension or removal from office the MEC may— (7) (a) suspend the councillor for a period and on conditions determined by the MEC; or (b) remove the councillor from office. Any investigation in terms of this item must be in accordance with the rules of natural justice." System of Delegations, Municipality of Stellenbosch 10. General (9) To perform the functions and exercise the delegations of the Speaker in terms of the Code of Conduct for Councillors where the Speaker is allegedly in breach of the said Code." 1 1 2 Act No 117 of 1998. Emphasis added. Section 37(e) of the Structures Act,1 provides that the Speaker must ensure compliance "in the council and council committees with the Code of Conduct".2 "this means that the speaker must have a system of communication with the chairpersons of all council committees 98 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 2015-11-25 including… ad hoc committees relating to Code of Conduct issues" (emphasis added). 2 Section 79 of The Local Government: Municipal Structures Act provides the following – "79 Establishment (1) A municipal council may – (a) establish one or more committees necessary for the effective and efficient performance of any of its functions or the exercise of any of its powers; (b) appoint the members of such committee from among its members; and (c) dissolve a committee at any time. (2) The municipal council – (a) must determine the functions of a committee; (b) may delegate duties and powers to it in terms of section 32; (c) must appoint the chairperson; (d) may authorise a committee to co-opt advisory members who are not members of the council within the limits determined by the council; (e) may remove a member of a committee at any time; and (f) may determine a committee's procedure." 3 4. DISCUSSION During the hearing preparation conducted by Advocate Hanri Loots it came to light that the allegations against the Speaker were discussed in Democratic Alliance (DA) Caucus meetings held in 2013. It further came to light that any councillors present at such caucus meetings may potentially be witnesses in the Speaker's disciplinary hearing. Any disciplinary committee members that were present at the above caucus meetings would thus not be able to serve as both witness and adjudicating committee member on the disciplinary committee. It also came to light that a councillor may have indicated a pre-conceived view as to the merits of the allegations against Cllr Jooste to one of the witnesses to the proceedings, following the first sitting of the disciplinary committee. Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr Inc. ("CDH") advised that to avoid the possibility of rendering the disciplinary proceedings of the Speaker subject to judicial review, the disciplinary committee should be reconstituted. (Refer to Annexure A: Correspondence CDH dated 26 October 2015). The Council may be exposed to ensuing legal action if the current DA councillors who were elected to serve on the disciplinary committee continue 3 Section 79(1) of Act No 117 of 1998. 99 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MINUTES 2015-11-25 to serve on the committee, to the extent that the composition of the committee would fall foul of a procedural challenge. At the commencement of the hearing on 10 November 2015, the abovementioned was placed on record by Counsel in order to mitigate the risk of the matter being taken on review by any party with the requisite standing. The relevant DA councillors then decided to mero motu recuse themselves. 5. COMMENTS BY LEGAL SERVICES Mention must be made that though the correspondence of CDH makes reference to specific councillors, the same will apply for any councillor present at the relevant DA Caucus meetings. I am of the opinion that it will be in the best interest of Council to ensure that it is not exposed to possible legal action, by replacing the current DA members serving on the disciplinary committee who were present at the relevant DA Caucus meetings, with councillors who were not present at the said meetings. RECOMMENDED (a) that the current DA Councillors serving on the Disciplinary Committee be replaced with Councillors who were not part of the DA Caucus meetings of 2013; (b) that the remaining Disciplinary Committee members, as elected by the Council, continue to serve on the Disciplinary Committee;and (c) that the legal firm Yvette Cloete Attorneys continue to advise the Disciplinary Committee as per the initial appointment up and until finalization of the matter. (ACTING DIRECTOR: STRATEGIC AND CORPORATE SERVICES TO ACTION) 36TH COUNCIL MEETING: 2015-11-28: ITEM 13.1.5 Because the Speaker is implicated in the matter, he requested nominations for an Acting Speaker for the duration of this item. Councillor Q Smit was elected as Acting Speaker. Councillor CP Jooste recused himself and left the Chamber and Councillor Q Smit took the Chair as Acting Speaker. The Acting Speaker RULED that, after an amendment is put on the screen, he will allow debate. At this juncture, Councillors Hendrickse and van der Walt both raised a point of order with reference to the procedure that an amendment can only be put after a matter has been discussed and/or debated. Councillor F Davids requested a point of clarity on whether debate on a matter should not in fact precede the amendment. The Acting Speaker upheld his earlier ruling that he will allow debate only after the amendment is displayed on the screen. Councillor AT van der Walt did not submit to the Acting Speaker’s ruling, and was ordered by the Acting Speaker to leave the Chamber at 21.45. Councillors F Adams and DA Hendrickse also left the Chamber at 21.45. 100 MINUTES 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY 2015-11-25 The ANC requested a caucus, which the Acting Speaker allowed. When the meeting resumed, the ANC reported that they will also leave the Chamber. The ANC left the Chamber at 21:55). The ANC’s objection relates to procedural aspects of electing the Acting Speaker. RESOLVED (majority vote with 1 abstention) that Council do not support the recommendations depicted above, but request the MEC for Local Government to do an investigation in terms of Section 14.4 of the Code of Conduct for Councillors. (ACTING DIRECTOR: STRATEGIC AND CORPORATE SERVICES TO ACTION) 101 MINUTES 14. 36TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY MATTERS TO BE CONSIDERED IN-COMMITTEE SEE PINK DOCUMENTATION Meeting adjourned at 22:45. CONFIRMED CHAIRPERSON …………………………………….. (Signature & date) MINUTES:36TH COUNCIL.2015-11-25/TS 2015-11-25