Winter 2016 - Young Farmers` Clubs of Ulster


Winter 2016 - Young Farmers` Clubs of Ulster
YFCU ‘Optimise’
Agri Conference
NI Ploughing
PR, Marketing and Communications Officer
- Five Star Athletes Chosen for Prestigious Dale Farm Athletes Academy Award
- Seán’s Safety Tips
- 90th Anniversary Smarties Campaign
- YFCU Representatives Attend Oxford Farming Conference
- Local Young Farmer to Represent European Rural Youth
- YFCU Spreads Christmas Cheer
- YFCU Enjoy Study Trip to Scotland
- YFCU Launch Brand New Site
- YFCU hold Inaugural Agri Conference with Sponsors Massey Ferguson
- Moy Park serves up a ‘feast’ of knowledge to local students
We would like to welcome and introduce Lisa
Sykes as the newest member to join the YFCU
HQ team. After graduating from the University of
Ulster, Lisa has worked as a journalist in various
newspapers and was the editor of an all Ireland
magazine before working in the BBC and various
other production companies. Outside of work Lisa
is a DJ who loves music. She’s also a dog lover
and enjoys taking Penelope, her King Charles
Spaniel, for long walks through the countryside.
- Q&A with Corrina Fleming, the newest member of the YFCU events team
Events Manager
- YFCU Floral Art Heat
Floral Art
Arts Festival & Gala
Club of the Year
Demonstration Presentation
Tug O’ War
- YFCU Fencing Results 2015
- James Wins YFCU Soil Assessment title
- Sporting Success Rewarded at YFCU Swimming Gala 2015
- YFCU Finest Public Speakers Rewarded at Final
- YFCU Group Debating Final Takes Place
- YFCU Encourages Safety on the Roads
- Young Farmers Annual Choir Festival
- YFCU Silage Making Final 2016
- Moneyrea YFC Bowling Champions
- Demonstration & Presentation Competition
Assistant Events Manager
- Q&A with Jonathan Gill from Moneyrea YFC
- Matthew Brownlee, The Co-Operative Food’s ‘Outstanding Farmer of the Year’
Swimming Gala
Public Speaking
Ulster Young Farmer
Silage Making & Assessment
Stock Judging
Sheep Sheering
Machinery Handling
Events Coordinator
YFCU Rural
Dispatch Sponsor
Published in association with
DALE FARM, Northern Ireland’s
leading dairy company.
Soil assessment
Group debating
Home management
Choir Festival
Ten Pin Bowling
NI Quiz
Photographic Competition
Member of the Year
1 & 3 Act Drama
Girls Football
John Bradley
Build It
Tag Rugby
Members and friends since our
last edition, YFCU life has been
busier than ever!
September kicked off our new competition
year with our age group of 25-30.
Participation levels and membership levels
have increased and I would encourage
all Clubs and Counties to keep this up.
As a way of developing the Organisation’s
competitions, we also devised a Rules
Book which the staff team worked very
hard to produce. This book has now gone
out to all Clubs.
In November Youth Action N.I. in partnership
with the YFCU launched LIFEMAPS.
LIFEMAPS is a new framework which
demonstrates how youth work approaches
can build the mental health of young people
and highlight how with skills and practice,
mental well-being can be built upon.
Members from all 6 Counties along with
myself had training to become LIFEMAPS
‘champions’ within YFCU so we can deliver
practical ideas for improving mental health to
our Clubs and Counties.
In November I travelled to Brussels with other
industry leaders at the invite of Diane Dodds
MEP. During our visit we had a briefing from
Mairead McGuinness MEP on the functioning
of the food supply chain and we were then
joined for dinner by Commissioner Hogan.
This was a great opportunity for all present
to engage with the Commissioner’s staff.
I, myself, had a long conversation on the
industry for young people and what there is
to get involved in. This was a busy two days,
but I feel it was very beneficial for myself and
others present as it gave us the opportunity
to speak to those who have an influence
in Brussels. As our agricultural industry
continues to face unprecedented difficulties
across all sectors, it is vitally important that
the European Institutions hear a united voice
from Northern Ireland’s industry as to the
current situation and the need for immediate,
decisive action.
In December clubs, as part of our Calor
“Know Your Neighbour Campaign”, rose to
the challenge of the President’s Christmas
Appeal. To be fair, this was a spare of the
moment idea I had, and with the help of
Rural Dispatch
Editor: Stephanie Garner
Telephone: 028 9037 0713
YFCU Headquarters
475 Antrim Road
BT15 3BD
Printers: GPS Colour Graphics
YFCU HQ staff we turned it around in a
matter of weeks. More than 300 gifts were
distributed across Northern Ireland and it was
a great success, connecting the members
to their local community, and helping spread
the festive spirit and to make Christmas
special for everyone. I would like to thank
HQ staff and all the Clubs and Counties that
embraced this challenge with me.
The end of December saw the research
into the feasibility of the Land Mobility
service being completed by Countryside
Services. We have forged strong links on
this matter with the Ulster Farmers’ Union
but to say there is a need for the service is
an understatement. Given the success of
the pilot schemes that have already been
launched in the Republic of Ireland, we are
looking at plans to roll the service out and
put it into place hopefully in the near future.
January saw all of our Clubs hold their
AGM’s. The Club is the keystone of our
Association and its existence is essential to
us. Being a Club Official comes with roles
and responsibilities and I would like to thank
all those that are finishing their club official
tenure and wish all those incoming office
bearers the very best for the year ahead.
The end of January also saw our inaugural
Agri Conference. Our Agri and Rural Affairs
Committee and Sub-Committee under
the Chairmanship of Miss Cathy Knowles,
along with YFCU staff (especially Assistant
Events Manager, Heather Stewart) put in
a huge amount of work and effort into the
organisation of the event and we hope to
build upon it in the future.
A massive thank you to Campbell Scott and
Sally-Ann Dennis from Massey Ferguson for
the excellent support they have given us over
the last few months in the run up to the event
and for their sponsorship of the same. I would
also like to sincerely thank Irish Farmers
Journal for their media support, Mr Richard
For all editorial and advertising queries
please contact the editor.
Next issue due out June 2016.
Copy deadline Friday 20th May 2016
Front Cover: Jason Benton competing
for Ahoghill YFC at the NI Ploughing
Fencing Competition
Wright for giving up his time to be at the event
and to the owners of all the farms for letting us
visit and indeed to all the organisations involved
in the delivery of the workshops held on the day.
Unfortunately at the end of last year
Amy McGuickan, our PR, Marketing and
Communications Officer resigned from her
position. Amy had been with us for seven
years and was a great asset to the Organisation.
On behalf of YFCU I would like to thank Amy for
all she gave to us and wish her well. As I write
this foreword, we are awaiting the imminent
arrival of our newly appointed PR, Marketing
and Communications Officer, Miss Lisa Sykes
and we welcome Lisa to the fold.
As you all know my theme for the year is
“Beyond the Farm Gate” and I would
encourage you all to continue to go above and
beyond in all YFCU related events and activities
and get as much from the Organisation as you
can. This will also be a massive year for us as
we prepare to host the Rural Youth Europe
European Rally at the start of August. All help
for this event will be most welcome and we will
need everything from sponsors to host families,
so don’t be afraid to get in touch.
My time as President continues to be an
absolutely amazing experience with Club
anniversaries and other Club and County
events and the re-launch of Clubs and
beyond. I look forward to the challenges and
experiences that lie ahead with the YFCU.
YFCU President
In partnership with Mary Peters Trust, Dale Farm
are to give five young athletes a financial boost and
mentoring through its annual sports programme
Five of Northern Ireland’s most promising young athletes have been
selected to the 2015/16 Dale Farm Athletes Academy, an elite
programme devoted to helping rising sports stars reach their goals.
In partnership with Mary Peters Trust, each athlete receives oneon-one mentoring from experts in sports nutrition, psychology and
media at the upcoming Dale Farm Athletes Academy Masterclass.
Dale Farm also grants a £1,000 bursary to each winner to help with
costs such as travel to competitions, kit and equipment.
Following a competitive selection process, the 2015/16 Dale
Farm Athletes are Brendan Irvine (boxing), Sam Bothwell (tennis),
Conor Ferguson (swimming), Ben Fisher (athletics) and Liam
Glynn (sailing).
Over the last nine years, Dale Farm has made a considerable
contribution to local sports through the Dale Farm Athletes
Academy. Caroline Martin, Head of Marketing, Dale Farm, said:
“Every year we receive more and more applications from promising
young athletes competing in a range of sports – it is amazing for us
to see the world class sporting talent representing Northern Ireland.
“We are very proud of the five athletes selected for this year’s
award. You will see from their accomplishments and their ambitions
for the future that they are already great ambassadors and we wish
them the best in their upcoming competitions.
“As Northern Ireland’s leading dairy company, we are committed to
supporting grassroots athletics and helping young people enjoy an
active lifestyle. We are confident that Brendan, Sam, Conor, Ben
and Liam will go on to achieve great things and we cannot wait to
see what they accomplish in the coming years.”
Gillian Hetherington, Executive Manager, Mary Peters Trust, added:
“The five athletes chosen for this year’s Dale Farm Athletes
Academy are truly exceptional athletes. To be an elite athlete
requires a huge amount of commitment, including training every
day and travel for competitions around the world. Competing at
an international level takes a toll on their families, as parents often
accompany these young athletes while they travel. They have
devoted so much time, money and energy to achieving their goals
and we know each of them is very grateful for Dale Farm’s help,
both through financial support and mentoring.”
Pictured at his gym in Belfast, rising boxing star Brendan Irvine joined Gillian
Hetherington of Mary Peters Trust and Caroline Martin of Dale Farm to announce the
2015/16 Dale Farm Athletes Academy winners. Brendan is one of the five who will
attend a unique master class in 2016 as well as receive a bursary from Dale Farm.
Belfast boxer Brendan Irvine has multiple international honours
under his belt, including a Gold medal at the 2015 Gee Bee Elite
Multi-Nations and a Silver medal at the 2015 European Games.
He recently won the Irish Elite Flyweight championships and a
Silver Medallist at the European Games and dreams of making
it to the Olympics in 2020.
At just 18 years old, tennis player Sam Bothwell has already
achieved a senior men’s doubles world ranking. Originally from
Hillsborough, Sam recently joined the professional tour and is
based at Soto Tennis Academy in Spain.
Newtownabbey swimmer Conor Ferguson won gold at the
2015 Commonwealth Youth Games for the U18 100m Backstroke
and silver in both the 50mm and 200m Backstroke. Only 15 years
old, Conor’s goal is to make it to the 2020 Tokyo games.
The multi-talented Ben Fisher won two bronze medals at
the Commonwealth Youth Commonwealth Games in 2015.
The 17-year-old from Belfast competes in both the long jump and
the 110m hurdle events and is expected to compete at the World
U20 Trials in June and the British Senior Championships in July.
Sailor Liam Glynn was Northern Ireland’s first Topper World
Champion and was crowned the NI Youth Champion in 2015.
He was recently selected to represent Ireland at the ISAF Youth
World Championships in South Africa in 2016.
Supporting clubs. Supporting communities.
Call into any branch • 0845 6005 925 + •
First Trust Bank is a trade mark of AIB Group (UK) p.l.c. (a wholly owned subsidiary of Allied Irish Banks, p.l.c.), incorporated in Northern Ireland. Registered Office 92 Ann Street, Belfast, BT1 3HH. Registered Number NI018800.
Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. +Call charges may vary please refer to your service provider.
Seán Keogh from the Health
and Safety Executive for
Northern Ireland shares some
advice about the importance of
good all-round visibility when
operating farm machinery.
All-round visibility is the theme of the Farm
Safety Partnerships’ hard-hitting TV advert
which shows the possible aftermath of the
accidental death of a child on a farm.
The ad reinforces the message that such
accidents can be avoided by putting in
place simple safety measures - even if
it is just making sure tractor mirrors and
windows are clean.
The following safety tips will help keep you
and others safe on the farm.
HSENI’s vehicle visibility tips
•make sure mirrors or cameras are fitted
to the vehicle
•keep all mirrors and windows clean and
make sure you check all round before
carrying out any manoeuvre
•adjust all mirrors properly to help
eliminate blind spots - before moving
the vehicle
•replace all mirrors and windows that
are broken, or have cracks that may
impair vision
•fit cameras or mirrors to the back of
telescopic handlers
•check that all cameras (if fitted) are clean
and fully functional on tractors
and telescopic handlers
For more information about farming health
and safety issues please contact the HSENI
helpline on 0800 0320 121 or visit:
Similar collections were carried out in the past
on our 40th and 50th Anniversaries and the
idea behind this Project is that every member
in our Organisation takes up the “Smartie
Tube Challenge”. They fill the tubes with
20p’s over the course of the next 4 years. No doubt some people could be persuaded
to fill more than one tube and I will leave it up
to the discretion of each member and Club of
targets to set themselves over the course of
the next four years but if 2,000 members filled
a tube each year we could raise £90,000
which would be an amazing achievement!
At the end of the four years the funds
collected will be used for the benefit of
existing and future members throughout
Northern Ireland and will assist in helping our
Organisation become more self-sustainable
with current funding cuts.
At last year’s AGM YFCU President
Roberta Simmons announced the
formation of the 90th Anniversary Fund.
This campaign has set a challenge to
all the clubs and their members to raise
90k by 2019. Clubs can get involved
anyway they like, but if you’re stuck for
ideas a great way to get involved is to
take up the ‘Smartie Tube Challenge’.
Roberta commented;
“As you know, 2019 is the 90th
Anniversary of the foundation
of the YFCU. At our AGM and
Conference back in April 2015,
I suggested one of the main
forms of celebrating this
Anniversary should be the
“90th Anniversary Fund”.
I would hope that your Club will embark on
this Project with me with enthusiasm and at
the end of our 90th Anniversary our Appeal
will be a triumph to remember.”
To get involved all you need to do is get
yourself some Smarties and once you’ve
enjoyed eating them, start collecting your
20p pieces in the empty tube! Each Smartie
tube holds £12 worth of twenty pence
pieces, so if everyone took up the challenge,
we would be well on the way to reaching our
£90,000 target.
The YFCU each year receives a scholarship from the Irish Farmers’
Journal for two of its members to attend the Oxford Farming
Conference and this year was as insightful as ever.
This year the conference delegates were
YFCU Agri and Rural Affairs committee
members Robert Keatley from Derg Valley
YFC and James Purcell from Dungiven
YFC, who travelled to Oxford University
for the event which took place on Tuesday
5th January 2016.
The 2016 conference bore the theme
‘Bold Agriculture’, focusing on politics,
science and entrepreneurship. Both YFCU
representatives took part in discussions
during the conference with the aim
of bringing back information to YFCU
members. Here is some of what they
had to say on the event:
Robert Keatley, Castlederg YFC
“Before attending the Oxford Farming
Conference, my knowledge was very limited
on what the event would mean to me as a
student studying agriculture technology at
Queens University Belfast and coming from
a beef and sheep farm outside Castlederg.
One of the sessions I found very relevant
was titled “step-changing science”. We are
all aware of the Going for Growth Strategy
that is in place here in NI, but with current
market volatility this can seem out of touch.
During this session, four very different
speakers from right across the supply
chain gave very informative talks.
On returning home and reflecting on the
conference, I have renewed confidence in
our industry, despite the fact that we are
currently going through a time of much
change. This experience has also given me
more belief in some of the new technologies
that are available and hopefully I will be able
to adapt these to our production system at
home and increase our efficiency.”
James Purcell, Limavady
“I am a fourth generation farmer, farming
on the Roe Valley basin situated outside
Limavady. I am currently at home full-time
on our mixed enterprise farm consisting of
diary, beef, sheep and cereal, so attending
the Oxford Farming Conference seemed
like a real opportunity to gain knowledge
I could bring home. During the three-day
Oxford Farming Conference, I heard from
a number of very informative, passionate,
success-driven speakers from all parts of
the agricultural sector. The 2016 line up
explored innovation, entrepreneurialism
and leadership as well as step changes
in sciences and whether food as the new
“medicine” can create more opportunities
for our sector.
On Thursday afternoon we heard from
three entrepreneurs. In a way it was
good to know that these farmers are also
encountering the same problems we face
on a daily basis. However, what really
struck me was their drive and passion
to succeed, even when obstacles got
in their way. A quote from one of the
speakers, Emlyn Evans, sticks in my mind:
“If your goals don’t scare you then they
aren’t big enough.”
A local member of Annaclone
and Magherally Young Farmers’
Club, Geoff Thompson, has been
asked to represent the 500,000
members of Rural Youth Europe
in the European Commission’s
upcoming Structured Dialogue
for young people.
The selection will see Geoff join 14
other international youth organisation
representatives for a series of conferences
in the Netherlands, Slovakia and Malta to
discuss opportunities, obstacles and pressing
issues for young people throughout the
European Union over the next 18 months.
Speaking on his selection, Geoff said,
“To be asked to represent Rural Youth Europe
is a privilege, and highlights the high regard
that the Young Farmers’ Clubs of Ulster is
held in by our sister organisations throughout
Europe.” He continued, “The Structured
Dialogues are an excellent opportunity for
youth organisations to work together with
policy makers to jointly discuss and develop
the priorities for youth work at both a national
and European level”. The first conference is to
be held in Amsterdam between the 4-7th of
April and will focus on mental health, crosssectorial cooperation and the prevention of
violent extremism within the EU.
If any other local youth organisations have
any views or opinions on these topics that
they would like to raise with the Commission,
Geoff would be happy to be contacted via
email at
to discuss your thoughts or concerns.
Supporting clubs. Supporting communities.
Call into any branch • 0845 6005 925 + •
First Trust Bank is a trade mark of AIB Group (UK) p.l.c. (a wholly owned subsidiary of Allied Irish Banks, p.l.c.), incorporated in Northern Ireland. Registered Office 92 Ann Street, Belfast, BT1 3HH. Registered Number NI018800.
Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. +Call charges may vary please refer to your service provider.
Throughout December the Young Farmers’ Clubs of Ulster (YFCU) with
the help of Calor, ran Christmas events across the counties aiming to
connect with the local community and help those most in need.
To kick of the events, local care homes were
invited to attend the annual YFCU Choir
Festival to enjoy some festive singing and a
wide range of songs from the fifteen clubs
that participated. The Know Your Neighbour
Campaign hopes to encourage YFCU
members to reach out to all demographics
and the Choir Festival was the perfect
opportunity for the members to reconnect
with the elderly in their community.
Other events that ran throughout Northern
Ireland aimed to connect with local young
families and children. Clubs in County Down
got together to collect gifts for the ‘Cash for
Kids NI Mission Christmas’, hosting a coffee
morning for local families, with a very special
surprise guest, who arrived in style on his
tractor lead sleigh.
BMWR YFC took a visit to Down Right
Brilliant, the Newry and Mourne Down
Syndrome Support Group, where they
spent the day getting to know all the
families involved. Whilst clubs in County
Londonderry and Armagh visited the
Salvation Army to pass on all the presents
they had collected. In County Fermanagh,
Kesh YFC chose Women’s Aid as their
local charity, and hosted a handover in
their club hall.
With more than 300 gifts being distributed
across Northern Ireland, the YFCU
Christmas campaign has been a great
success, connecting the members to their
local community, and helping spread the
festive spirit.
A delegation of over 40 YFCU members enjoyed a three night
study trip to Scotland last November, facilitated by YFCU Agri &
Rural Affairs Committee.
After an early start to begin their trip,
members had the opportunity to visit
Hillhead Dairy Farm, accompanied by
farmer, William Baillie, who gave them an
in depth tour. Members were impressed
by the farm and could easily tell why it was
voted one of the top 20 farms in Scotland.
Continuing on with the trip, the group then
went to visit Calla beef and sheep farm in
South Lanarkshire. The Calla farm is one
of the network of Quality Meat Scotland
(QMS) monitor farms throughout Scotland
and this tour gave the group an opportunity
to assess a variety of commercial, prime
lambs. The study trip finished the day at
Strathclyde Nutrition. Strathclyde Nutrition
are suppliers of farm care, topflock and
topstock products and one of the largest
teams in the UK nutrition sector. Based at
Birkhill in central Scotland the tour took
place in the new multi-million pound,
state of the art manufacturing facility.
The following day the group visited AgriScot
Exhibition. AgriScot is regarded as one of
the premier events in UK agriculture and
welcomes farming professionals from all
sectors of the industry and from all over
Britain and beyond, to a day packed with
both commercial and technical advice. This
was an informative day for all members
who had the opportunity visit trade stands,
witness the Dairy Championship and attend
many of the packed seminars taking place.
The final day saw the tour group visit the
1041 hectare Wedderlie Angus Beef Farm
situated in the Scottish Borders. Aberdeen
Angus cattle have been bred at Wedderlie
since 1914 and have remained true to the
breed’s reputation. Wedderlie also run 1700
breeding ewes with Cheviot and Scottish
Blackface on the hill, and Texel or Blue
Faced Leicester crosses on the low ground.
This gave the group an insight into the
production of quality cattle and they were
introduced to Wedderlie’s strict attention to
maternal traits, fertility and udder quality that
leads to AA premium beef.
YFCU Agri & Rural Affairs Committee
chairman, Cathy Knowles said;
“The study tour gave our 45 members
the opportunity to visit a wide range
of agricultural enterprises during the
three days we were in Scotland. I,
for one, am delighted as to how the
tour went and would like to take this
opportunity to thank all those that
welcomed our group onto their farms
and businesses and also to Heather
Stewart at YFCU HQ for all her help
organising the logistics of the trip.”
Supporting clubs. Supporting communities.
Call into any branch • 0845 6005 925 + •
First Trust Bank is a trade mark of AIB Group (UK) p.l.c. (a wholly owned subsidiary of Allied Irish Banks, p.l.c.), incorporated in Northern Ireland. Registered Office 92 Ann Street, Belfast, BT1 3HH. Registered Number NI018800.
Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. +Call charges may vary please refer to your service provider.
You may have noticed the Young Farmers’ Clubs
of Ulster (YFCU) website has had a makeover!
The YFCU launched its new website
at the end of last year, as a great way to keep up
to date with what’s happening, from county to club
events, the latest news, members benefits and the
latest pictures from competitions and events.
After much consultation about what is going to benefit
all members of YFCU, as well as encourage the wider
public to understand what goes on at YF activities,
the website was launched with a brand new design
making it easier to navigate and better to look at.
With its new dynamic look we are convinced the site
will offer a better experience for all members. A new
‘Members Area’ gives access to benefits, competition
rules and resources. As well as this, each club has its
own section of the website which includes information
on the latest news, events and galleries that are
updated by their PRO’s. This is also a great place
to look, for those hoping to join a club, as it gives
information on club contacts and an idea of the club
activities, then you can click the ‘Join Us’ button at
the top of the page to get your membership started.
A vibrant homepage will keep you up to date with
what’s going on. You can get the latest news via
our ‘Feature Story’ panel, where articles and videos
will highlight the most up to date YFCU scoop.
The homepage also hosts the latest twitter feed
from YFCU President, Roberta Simmons and an
events calendar so you never miss out. Best of
all the site is fully mobile and tablet compatible.
All club PRO’s should have received information
packs on how they can contribute to the
website content, if you haven’t received this
or have any suggestions for the site contact
us at
The Young Farmers’ Clubs of Ulster (YFCU) held its inaugural
agricultural conference in January, being host to a variety of
workshops, farm visits and guest speakers. The main theme of
the event was “Optimise”, with the 90 delegates reminded
during workshops and farm visits of the need to analyse and
improve all aspects of their businesses.
The day began with an introduction from
YFCU President, Roberta Simmons.
Roberta highlighted the importance of
education and training, especially with
regards to the new generation of farmers:
that; “Having a well-planned marketing
strategy and creating a strong brand is
essential to growth– it’s about looking
after your customers, maintaining a
reputation and exceeding expectations.”
“We see this event as a great opportunity
to engage with fellow farmers and
industry leaders. As an organisation,
the YFCU are firmly focused on the
new generation of farmers and it is vital
that young people are excited by the
business of agriculture as a long term
career. In regards to this our organisation
is looking to improve the future of
agriculture through training, education
and advanced qualifications.”
He went on to emphasise how pleased
Massey Ferguson were to sponsor a
conference that was addressing the
needs of the younger generation in the
agricultural industry.
Roberta then went on to give thanks
to Campbell Scott and Sally-Ann
Dennis from Massey Ferguson for their
continued support, as well as David
Wright and the Irish Farmers Journal
for their media support and key note
speaker Richard Wright.
Following Roberta, Campbell Scott,
Massey Ferguson Director of Marketing
Services highlighted the importance of
marketing in the agri industry, stating
“Agriculture is an essential industry which
needs top-quality people with drive
and determination. Massey Ferguson is
firmly focused on the new generation of
farmers and it is vital that young people
are excited by the business of agriculture
as a long-term career prospect.”
As the day proceeded, attendees had the
opportunity to visit one of three farms.
This included Michael Robson’s Beef
farm, George Bingham’s Dairy Farm and
Chip Master’s diversified potato farm.
After the farm visits, participants got to
choose 3 workshops from a selection
of 12, deciding on those that were most
relevant to them. Here’s what some
members thought of the day:
Supporting clubs. Supporting communities.
Call into any branch • 0845 6005 925 + •
First Trust Bank is a trade mark of AIB Group (UK) p.l.c. (a wholly owned subsidiary of Allied Irish Banks, p.l.c.), incorporated in Northern Ireland. Registered Office 92 Ann Street, Belfast, BT1 3HH. Registered Number NI018800.
Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. +Call charges may vary please refer to your service provider.
Peter Smith, Derg Valley YFC
“The morning of the first YFCU agri
conference got off to a formal start when we
heard opening speeches from our current
YFCU President Roberta Simmons, the
proud sponsor of the conference, Massy
Ferguson and the MC for the day, Mr
Richard Wright, where he suggested that
Roberta must have contacts in some very
high up places as the day was a surprisingly
mild and sunny one for Mid-January.
After the opening speeches, it was time
for us to make our way to the farm visit
that we had individually chosen. Due to my
background in beef cattle, I opted for the
Beef farm walk at Billy Robson’s farm in
Doagh and it did not disappoint. Upon arrival
at the farm, the Robson Brothers started
explaining their background and what they
kept on their farm. They currently have a
herd of 80 Pedigree Simmental Suckler
Cows and a pig unit of approx.
450 sows. They then took us on an
extensive tour of their set-up where we saw
where they housed their served cows - the
cows currently with calves at foot and their
weaned calves. We were also introduced
to the breeding bulls that they used on their
own cows and bulls that in a fortnights time
where bound for the pedigree bull ring in
Stirling, Scotland, to be sold for breeding.
The Robson brothers provided our group
with a brilliant insight into the way that they
run their farm, showing us aspects of their
set-up that they feel worked well and that
could be implemented on other farms,
including my own. They explained various
modern technologies that they have used
and the pros and cons of these, which
without a doubt, was of benefit to many
people in our group.
After an excellent lunch, we had to choose 3
workshops from an impressive list of 12 for
the afternoon, which was not easy choice,
as all workshops could relate to anyone
involved in agriculture. The workshops I
chose from the list included a talk by
Dunbia titled ‘What the Producer Wants’,
a presentation by Parklands Veterinary
on the need for a good dosing routine for
Worms and Liver Fluke, which hit home
very much with me. The final workshop I
attended was about rotational grazing taken
by Gareth Davis from Wales which has gave
me some real food for thought.
The day was rounded off with a 3 course
meal and we heard a speech from the editor
of the Irish Farmers Journal in which he
explained to the room that having a large
output does not necessarily mean larger
profits for a farm business.
The day was a great success and I had a
very enjoyable time hearing from various
people in the agriculture sector and how
we, as young farmers, must ‘Optimise’ in
all aspects of the farm if we are to not just
survive but thrive.”
William Beattie, Finvoy YFC
“The first workshop I attended was on
costings and was hosted by Gareth
Anderson from Farmgate Nutrition. This was
a very relevant talk, especially during these
difficult times for farm businesses and it
showed us all the importance of monitoring
performance and costs.
The second workshop was taken by Craig
McAllister from Parklands veterinary group.
I found this very useful for my own farm as
he explained the best practice to manage
the ongoing problems caused by fluke
and worms. The final workshop I attended
was led by Simon Doherty. This was a very
useful workshop on cow signals giving
an insight into how animal behaviour can
give indications as to the effectiveness of
livestock housing and the environment that
livestock are kept in.
The success of the agri conference really
shows off the capabilities of the YFCU while
providing such an educational and enjoyable
day, I don’t believe a single person went
home without having learnt something
that will help them “Optimise” their own
Supported by leading food
company Moy Park, the YFCU’s
Passionate about
local farming & quality
Schools Programme ‘From
Field to Fork’ has visited over
35 schools in the last five
years with 2016 also off
to a successful start.
Supported by leading food company Moy Park, the YFCU’s
Schools Programme ‘From Field to Fork’ has visited over
35 schools in the last five years with 2016 also off to a
successful start.
‘From Field to Fork’ gives young people across Northern Ireland
the chance to learn how food is grown, produced, packaged
and the various stages it goes through before ending up in
a shop. Students also get the opportunity to find out more
about the diverse career opportunities available in the agri-food
industry, as well as the work and activities of the YFCU.
Speaking about the Schools Programme, Brian Wallace,
Moy Park’s Continuous Improvement Facilitation Manager, said:
“We are delighted to support the YFCU’s Schools
Programme as it is a great way for us to engage with
the next generation of industry talent. ‘From Field
to Fork’ is an important initiative as it highlights the
benefits that come with using local producers and
explains the food production supply chain. Visiting
schools across the region allows us to show young
people the range of career opportunities that exist and
the various educational paths available to them in a
growing sector.”
Brian recently took part in a visit to St Patrick’s Grammar
School in Armagh where he and other speakers including
local beef farmer and YFCU Deputy President James Spears,
spent the morning with Year 10 students. As well as learning
about how food is grown and transported, the pupils also
heard about packaging techniques and nutritional labelling
requirements, and about the diverse career opportunities
available in the sector.
Corrina Fleming, YFCU, who also addressed students
at St Patrick’s Grammar School in Armagh, added:
“From Farm to Fork’ has been a great success with
five schools participating in the programme already
this year. Many of the students who take part in the
programme aren’t from a farming background, so
it’s great to be able to share more information about
YFCU activities that they can get involved with and
the benefits of a career in farming or the wider agrifood industry. As one of Northern Ireland’s leading
food companies, Moy Park’s support for the Schools
Programme has been invaluable in sharing expertise
and in-depth knowledge of the food chain
with young people.”
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You weren’t previously a member
of YFCU like some of our other HQ
staff, what do you think about the
organisation so far?
I think YFCU is a great organisation for
young people and offers such a large
range of activities. There are also so
many opportunities available for members
like the exchange programmes and the
training schemes. The competitions give
the members a chance to practice skills
that they can use in later life, such as
public speaking. Of course the members
themselves are also very friendly and
have been really welcoming.
Corrina Fleming
Corrina is the newest
member of the YFCU
events team, but has
already got stuck into
organising some great
events like the Choir
Festival and Group
Debating, as well as
launching the new
mental health initiative
LifeMaps with Youth
Action NI.
Tell us a little bit about your degree and
what you were doing before YFCU?
After I left school, I went to study events
management in Edinburgh but came home
after a few months because there were
more opportunities to get experience over
here. I then started a two year foundation
degree in Events Management for the
Tourism Industry at Belfast Met. Finally,
I did a summer bridging module which
meant that I could finish the final year
of my degree in Leisure and Events
Management at Ulster University.
I completed my degree in July and
began working at YFCU in September.
How have you found your position
in the events team? Are there any
competitions that you’ve particularly
enjoyed organising?
I’m really enjoying being part of the events
team so far but of course I’m still trying
to find my feet a little. All the HQ staff and
members having been really welcoming
and supportive. When it comes to the
competitions, I’ve enjoyed organising them
all for different reasons. The ten pin bowling
I particularly liked to organise because it is
a more relaxed competition and everyone
is there to have fun. I’m also looking
forward to organising some of the events
at Balmoral as I’ve never been before and
think it will be a great experience.
Has your degree prepared you for the
challenges at YFCU, is there anything
you weren’t expecting?
When I was doing my degree, I got quite
a few opportunities to organise my own
events which were usually designed for
young people and students so I’m used
to working with young people. One of
the main things we learnt though, was
to prepare for the unexpected and to
think on our feet which has come in
handy a number of times already.
Is there anything new coming up
you think members might enjoy?
YFCU has partnered with YouthAction NI
and others in promoting and facilitating a
new framework called LIFEMAPS, which
is designed to give young people practical
ideas to improve their mental health and
the mental health of those around them.
Mental Health is a very important subject
and I think members can really benefit from
this programme. In March, we are planning
to hold two more LIFEMAPS events to
follow on from the training evenings that
were held in February.
When you get a chance, what do
you enjoy doing outside of organising
YFCU events?
I’ve dabbled in a few things over the years,
from gymnastics, football and swimming
to playing hockey and rowing for school.
I’ve recently started running and I would do
the Parkrun in Victoria Park most Saturday
mornings although I’m also partial to a
good movie or book.
THE heats of the YFCU’s annual floral art competition took
place in September in venues throughout Northern Ireland
with members being tasked to produce a creative floral
arrangement to depict the theme ‘Past Times and Hobbies’.
Supported by Tesco, at each heat
competitors were given just one hour to
complete their floral decoration. Artificial,
fresh or dried material could be used in
the decoration and all arrangements had
to be constructed on the evening. The
arrangements were marked out of 100 in
the following categories: choice of materials
(30); presentation (30) and finally technical
skills displayed (40).
Under the watchful eyes of the judges,
competitors showed of their creativity and
flair as they placed flowers, foliage and
an array of accessories together to create
a stunning arrangement. The inventive
arrangements covered an array of ‘Past
Times and Hobbies’ which included
rugby, with ball and posts included and
sheet music to show a love of piano.
Other hobbies displayed through the
arrangements were hiking, knitting, golf,
cookery, photography, ICT and Make-up,
plus many more ingenious displays.
The judges congratulated everyone on their
imaginative and interesting interpretations
of the theme. They had a difficult task
marking the entries, allowing just the top
member in each age group of each area to
go through to the final, which will be held
at the Balmoral Show in May 2016.
The Association would like to take this
opportunity to thank all of the judges for
giving up their time to come along and
judge the entries and also to all the
venues for the use of their facilities.
Results of members who have made it through to the final at Balmoral:
Co Down and Armagh
Co Londonderry
Ballynahinch Community Centre
12-14 Years: Emily Harris, Killinchy YFC
14-16 Years: Gillian Gourley, Ballywalter YFC
16 -18 Years: Katie Lemon, Ballywalter YFC
18-21 Years: Emma Boyd, Annaclone & Magherally YFC
21-25 Years: Heather Martin, Newtownards YFC
25-30 Years: Joy Ballance, Moneyrea YFC
Magherafelt High School
12-14 Years: Cara Miller, Coleraine YFC
14-16 Years: Sarah Cunningham, Coleraine YFC
16-18 Years: Thomas Gordon, Kilrea YFC
18-21 Years: Ruth Adams, Coleraine YFC
21-25 Years: Joanne Smyth, Coleraine YFC
25-30 Years: Stuart Mills, Moneymore YFC
Co Antrim
Co Tyrone and Fermanagh
Magherafelt High School
12-14 years: Christina McConnell, Holestone YFC
14-16 Years: Suzanne Reid, Glarryford YFC
16-18 Years: Claire Adams, Lisnamurrican YFC
18-21 Years: Julie Young, Finvoy YFC
21-25 Years: Ruth Steele, Straid YFC
25-30 Years: Sarah Thompson, Randalstown YFC
Fivemiletown College
12-14 years: Craig Keatley, Derg Valley YFC
14-16 Years: Craig Humes, Kesh YFC
16-18 Years: Peter Graham,Trillick YFC
18-21 Years: Kerry Rea, Cappagh YFC
21-25 Years: Holly Vance, Trillick YFC
25-30 Years: Beverley Henderson, Kesh YFC
YFCU’s annual fencing competition took place at the 2015
Northern Ireland Ploughing Championships at Balmoral Park,
Lisburn with Spa YFC winning the advanced section and
Crumlin YFC coming first in the novice section.
The competition was run in association
with long term sponsor AH Ward and
Boyd Limited who represent Betafence in
Northern Ireland. Twenty six teams took
part and three competition judges,
including Crosby Cleland from Crosby
Cleland Fencing, gave their time and
expertise to judge the finished fences.
Crosby Cleland Fencing has supported
this competition throughout the years
and has given expert guidance and
training which has enabled many of the
fencing teams to develop their fencing
skills and to transfer these skills onto
their farms and also as a career.
The novice section were asked to erect a
20 metre straight stock proof fence with
each fence having the sheep wire and
barbed wire joined by traditional methods at
some point in the fence. Meanwhile in the
senior section the participants completed
a 27m stock proof fence with a corner/
bend at a predetermined point. Both the
sheep wire and the barbed wire were joined
at the centre of the smaller section using
traditional methods. Both sections were
given three hours to complete the task.
For the first time in the competition a Fair
Play Award was presented. This aspect
of the competition focused on good
team work, health and safety and the
importance of training.
Colin Boyd from sponsor AH Ward
and Boyd Limited presented the prizes.
The Fair Play Award was granted to
Holestone YFC for the Advanced Section
and Ahoghill for the Novice Section.
In the novice section for fencing,
Crumlin YFC came first and received the
perpetual plate, medals and a cheque
courtesy of AH Ward and Boyd Limited.
Moneymore YFC came second and
Lylehill YFC came third.
In the advanced section Spa YFC came
first and received the ‘Green Rylock
Trophy’, medals, a cheque and a visit
to a Green Rylock factory in Sheffield.
Holestone YFC came second and
Moneyrea YFC came third.
YFCU President Roberta Simmons
closed the presentation of prizes with
a word of thanks;
“On behalf of the YFCU, I would like to
extend a note of thanks to our long term
sponsors Colin Boyd from AH Ward and
Boyd Limited for their continued support
of the competition. Thanks must also
go to Crosby Cleland, Alan Angus and
Alan Warwick for once again giving up
their time and expertise to judge this
extremely hard competition with such high
standards. Finally, thanks must be given
to all at the Northern Ireland Ploughing
Association for their assistance.”
JAMES Purcell from Dungiven
YFC won the 2015 YFCU Soil
Assessment competition, run with the
support of Tesco at the Northern
Ireland Ploughing Championships
held at Balmoral Park, Lisburn.
The contest saw 45 contestants assess a
selected soil profile that tested their ability
to distinguish important soil qualities such
as texture and type. Competitors then
had to present to the judges the expected
performance of the soils regarding
drainage, cultivation, cropping, and
fertilization practice.
The soil profiles were selected by expert
judges, Robin Bolton and Aveen McMullan
from CAFRE. In addition to overseeing the
adjudication of the event, the judges also
offered guidance to the competitors.
YFCU President Roberta Simmons
announced the results of the competition
and the top three competitors were
presented with their prizes. James Purcell,
Dungiven YFC took first place and was
presented with the prestigious BP Trophy
and a cheque. In second place was Robert
Smyth, Randalstown YFC who received a
cheque and in third place was Alex Lyttle,
Newtownards YFC who also received a
cheque prize.
Roberta brought the contest to a close
with a word of thanks and said;
“I would also like to extend a note of thanks
to Robin Bolton and Aveen McMullan
from CAFRE for giving up their time to
judge the competition. We are grateful
again for the support from Tesco. The
ability to assess soil is an important skill to
have as it has a bearing on cropping and
fertilization practices and I am pleased to
see an increase in competitors in this year’s
competition. Lastly I would like to thank all
the stewards for their help, as well as the NI
Ploughing Association for their assistance
over the past few months.”
GALA 2015
The YFCU’s annual swimming gala took place
on Saturday 3rd October 2015 at Greenvale
Leisure Centre, Magherafelt. The gala proved
to be more popular than ever with over 100
members competing.
Competitors took part in a series of heats with members divided
into categories according to age and gender – under 18 male
and female and over 18 male and female. Each heat consisted
of members swimming one length of the 25m pool. The top six
times in each category won a place in the finals. First, second
and third place in each category won gold, silver and bronze
medals respectively.
The team relay was won by members from Moneyrea YFC who
received the Flamingo cup beating off competition from runners
up Moneymore YFC and third place Holestone YFC.
This year the David Dunlop cup for best overall performance
by a club was presented to Moneyrea YFC.
YFCU Deputy President, Roberta Simmons presented the winners
with their prizes. Reflecting on the first competition of the new
YFCU year she said, “It was great to see such a good turnout.
I wish to congratulate all the members who took part especially
the new members who participated for the first time.”
We would like to thank Imagis T Shirt production, Newtownabbey,
and in particular Ian Simpson who supplied personalised t-shirts
for the winners.
Results were as follows:
Under 18 Male
Over 18 Male
1st Michael Burgees, Moneyrea YFC
2nd Aaron Hall, Holestone YFC
3rd Josh Erwin, Glarryford YFC
1st Mark Johnston, Randalstown YFC
2nd Michael Marshall, Lisnamurrican YFC
3rd Gordon Crockett, City of Derry YFC
Under 18 Female
Over 18 Female
1st Jas Hogg, Moneyrea YFC
2nd Abbie Hunter, Moneymore YFC
3rd Catherine Minford, Lylehill YFC
1st Jade Hunter, Moneymore YFC
2nd Nichole McConnell, Straid YFC
3rd Katie Love, Dungiven YFC
Pictured is Zara Ginniff, Annaclone & Magherally YFC who won the 12-14 prepared
category, receiving the YFCU Cup with guest speaker RUAS President Billy Robson,
sponsor David Cairns, Agency Development Manager at NFU Mutual and Roberta
Simmons, YFCU President.
The final of the YFCU Public Speaking competition supported
by NFU Mutual Insurance Society Ltd took place at Magherfelt
High School, on Thursday 5th November.
The cream of the YFCU’s public speakers
participated in the final of the Public
Speaking competition to establish the
Associations best orators in 2015. A total
of 102 speeches were delivered at the
YFCU Public Speaking NI Final.
The competition sought to find the best
prepared and impromptu public speakers
in Northern Ireland and judges had a
difficult time discerning the winners in each
of the classes. In the prepared section,
competitors delivered a pre-prepared
speech, chosen from a specified list of
topics. Impromptu topics on the night
included; ‘The benefits of playing a sport’,
‘My hero’, ‘My hidden talent’ and ‘Beyond
the farm gate…what this means to me’.
After the speeches were delivered in the
classrooms, YFCU President Roberta
Simmons laid proceedings in the assembly
hall, welcoming RUAS President Billy
Robson and David Cairns, Agency
Development Manager with sponsor NFU
Mutual Insurance Society Limited, to the
platform party. David commended all the
finalists after hearing a selection of the
speeches during the evening and said he
had been both educated and challenged
by the members.
David was then followed by the guest
speaker of the night RUAS President Billy
Robson. Billy commented on all the finalists
and spoke on his own experience of public
speaking. In his address, to the audience
of members and parents, he talked of
how important it is for young farmers to
be able to make their voice and opinions
heard, especially in a time of potential crisis.
Roberta then announced the winners and
Billy presented the prizes on stage.
YFCU Vice President Andrew Little finished
the official proceedings by offering a vote
of thanks, paying tribute to the sponsor
NFU Mutual Insurance Limited, the chairs,
judges and trainers who helped throughout
the competition, Magherafelt High School
for their assistance during the final, and
lastly thanked the members throughout
the Association who had taken part.
Pictured is Zita
Blair - Moneymore
YFC who won the
21-25 Prepared
and Impromptu age
category receiving the
ICI and NFU Cup with
guest speaker RUAS
President Billy Robson,
sponsor David Cairns,
Agency Development
Manager at NFU Mutual
and Roberta Simmons,
YFCU President.
The top three members in each
class were placed as follows:
Results Class A: 12-14 Prepared
1st Zara Ginniff – Annaclone & Magherally YFC
2nd Zara Crawford – Seskinore YFC
3rd Chloe Millar – Coleraine YFC
Results Class B: 14-16 Prepared
1st Maxine Smyth – Coleraine YFC
2nd Lauren McNeill – Kilraughts YFC
3rd Carys Martin – Ballywalter YFC
Results Class C: 16-18 Prepared
1st Thomas McNeill – Kilraughts YFC
2nd Jessie Brown – Ballywalter YFC
3rd Abbie Hunter– Moneymore YFC
Results Class D: 16-18 Impromptu
1st Lizzie Blackwood – Newtownhamilton YFC
2nd Abbie Hunter – Moneymore YFC
3rd Anna Brown – Newtownards YFC
Results Class E: 18-21 Prepared
1st Charlotte Collins – Garvagh YFC
2nd James Robson – Holestone YFC
3rd Ruth McCloy – Glarryford YFC
Results Class F: 18-21 Impromptu
1st Lynsay Hawkes – Seskinore YFC
2nd Sarah Minford – Holestone YFC
3rd Hannah Kirkpatrick – KilraughtsYFC
Results Class G: 21-25 Prepared
1st Zita Blair – Moneymore YFC
2nd Charlotte Gibson – Seskinore YFC
3rd David Oliver – Dungiven YFC
Results Class H: 21-25 Impromptu
1st Zita Blair – Moneymore YFC
2nd Charlotte Taylor – Finvoy YFC
3rd Kim Paisley – Straid YFC
Results Class I: 25-30 Prepared
1st Jane Kilpatrick – Donaghadee YFC
2nd Robert Shannon – Kilraughts YFC
3rd Clare Buchanan – Dungiven YFC
Results Class J: 25-30 Impromptu
1st Lynsey McNeilly – Randalstown YFC
2nd Jane Kilpatrick – Donaghadee YFC
3rd Gillian Hunter – Straid YFC
The results were as follows:
THE final of the Young Farmers’ Clubs of Ulster (YFCU) group
debating competition, sponsored by Elanco, recently took place
at Magherafelt High School.
Guest speaker for the evening was
Agricultural journalist, Richard Halleron who
had the opportunity to listen to the junior
teams debating on the topic ‘The internet
has changed the world for the better’ and
to the senior members who debated on
whether ‘Immigration has a positive impact
on the life of the United Kingdom’.
Senior teams were given 30 minutes
to prepare their debates whilst junior
members had 40 minutes in which to form
their debates. During that time they used
personal opinion and a comprehensive
fact sheet provided to each team. This
format means that the debating in the
contest is more spontaneous and
encourages members to work together
as a team. It also means that no one is
disadvantaged by having more time to
practice and prepare than others.
After the judges totted up the scores,
competitors gathered to hear the
results. YFCU President Roberta
Simmons introduced Richard Halleron
who addressed the audience before
handing out the prizes. In his speech,
Richard told the audience he was
impressed with the array of talent
displayed in the debates that he had
the pleasure of observing.
12- 14 Age Group
1stLylehill YFC
Zara Davis, Kirsten Davis, Kirsty Wallace 2ndColeraine YFC
Cara Millar, Sarah Smyth, Chloe Millar
3rdKilraughts YFC
Mark McNeill, Robbie McNeill, James Currie 14-16 Age Group
1stColeraine YFC
Emma Wallace, Sarah Cunningham, Katie Ramage
2ndKilraughts YFC
Lauren McNeill, Lydia Walsh, Jill Huey
3rdSeskinore YFC
Kyle Sawyer, Ellen Crawford, Jodie Brown
16-18 Age Group
1stNewtownards YFC
Sara Townley, Anna Brown, Emily Moore
2ndGlarryford YFC
Clara Duffy, Amy King, Megan Agnew
3rdBallywalter YFC
Laura Stewart, Jessie Brown, Katie Lemon
18-21 Age Group
1stGlarryford YFC
Jessica Reid, Jessica Byers, Cathy Reid
2ndBallywalter YFC
Kaitlyn Martin, James Stewart, Rachel McCracken
3rdFinvoy YFC
Richard Beattie, Sam Beattie, Ross Beattie
21-25 Age Group
1stKilraughts YFC
Hannah Kirkpatrick, Amy Kirkpatirck, Hannah
2ndColeraine YFC
Joanne Smyth, Claire Adams, Rebecca Lamont
3rdSpa YFC
Stacey Graham, Kelly-Ann Quinn, Thomas Annett
25-30 Age Group
1stDonaghadee YFC
Alison Rea, Stuart Rea, Jane Kirkpatrick
2ndLylehill YFC
Stephanie McCollum, Zara Taylor, Christine
3rdKilraughts YFC
Robert Shannon, Ryan Millar, Alison Wilson DEC
Road Safety is a growing concern all over Northern Ireland,
but especially in rural areas. This winter The Young Farmers’
Clubs of Ulster continued their campaign to keep its members
and their families’ safe on the road.
The YFCU in association with Danske Bank
held two YFCU Road Safety Events at the
beginning of December, and in doing so
aimed to remind members and their families
to take care on the roads especially over
the festive season.
Since the launch of its road safety
campaign in 2010, YFCU has encouraged
members to be aware of risks such as icy
roads, dark evenings, high speeds and
drink driving. With many rural communities
having been left devastated by the loss of
young lives on the roads, it is hoped this will
remind members to be more cautious and
ultimately reduce the number of potential
accidents taking place.
The evening involved a talk by Constable
John Wilson from the Police Service
of Northern Ireland (PSNI) covering the
dangers surrounding drink and drug
driving, speeding and mobile phone use.
The PSNI gather statistics on injury road
traffic collisions, which are used as the
main source of information in Northern
Ireland, for monitoring and tracking trends
on the number of persons killed, seriously
and slightly injured as a result of collisions
on our roads. The talk highlighted these
figures and the consequences of acting
carelessly on the road and showed how
easy it is for an accident to take place.
This is especially important considering
95% of crashes where someone has
been killed or seriously injured are caused
by human error, and so are preventable.
Later in the evening the Northern Ireland
Fire and Rescue Service (NIFRS) provided
the members with a road traffic collision
(RTC) demonstration. In May 2007, the
NIFRS was the first fire & rescue service
in Europe to receive the prestigious
European Road Safety Charter and a
year later published their Road Safety
Strategy. Their dedication to promoting
road safety was apparent on the night
as YFCU members were shown the
equipment used by the NIFRS during
a rescue, this highlighted the effort that
goes into rescuing passengers and the
damage that can be done to vehicles.
The members were then able to sit in a
prop car and experience being cut out
by the NIFRS, this was a fun, yet eyeopening experience that addressed how
serious road accidents can be.
Vice President, Harry Crosby said “The rural
road safety campaign is something that is
very important to us at YFCU and I would
encourage everyone to become involved
in these events in order to raise awareness
of the issues facing road users, and to
help reduce the number of casualties and
serious injuries.”
The YFCU is encouraging all counties
to participate in the DOE ‘Share the
road to zero’ campaign and is making
training packs available so that road
safety information will be passed on
to all members.
If anyone would like to find out more about
our road safety events or receive any
information on the topic please contact
YFCU HQ on 028 90 37 07 13 or
Rathfriland YFC
who won Best
MEMBERS of the YFCU recently showcased a range of musical
pieces at the association’s annual choir festival that took place at
CAFRE Loughry Campus.
Fifteen choirs took part in the festival and
the large audience had the opportunity to
enjoy some fine singing with a wide range
of song choices.
Adjudicators on the night were Dr Phillip
Hammond and Helen Aiken and compere
was YFCU deputy president, James
Speers who introduced the choirs. At the
end of the evening the adjudicators gave
the participating choirs the benefit of their
expertise by relating some constructive
and encouraging advice on each of their
YFCU president, Roberta Simmons said;
“The choir festival is a very popular evening
in the YFCU events calendar. All the choirs
who took part have worked very hard on
their performances and the evening was
very enjoyable. It certainly got everyone in
the festive spirit.”
Pictured are members
of Gleno Valley and
Straid YFC who took
first place at the
YFCU’s annual choir
festival held at Loughry
campus, CAFRE
The YFCU would like to thank CAFRE for
the use of the facilities and YFCU deputy
president Roberta Simmons for leading the
evening. Special thanks must also go to
the adjudicators for giving up their time and
expertise to adjudicate the event.
The results were as follows:
1st prize
Gleno Valley & Straid YFC
2nd prize
New Ballydee
(Newtownards, Ballywalter & Donaghadee YFC)
3rd prize
Best solo
Lauren Nannery, Spa YFC
Best choral piece
Amazing Loch Lomond Grace, Spa YFC
Best Accompaniment
Drums, New Ballydee
(Newtownards, Ballywalter & Donaghadee YFC)
Best new comer
Rathfriland YFC
David Hunter from
Newtownstewart YFC has
been named the winner of
the Young Farmers’ Clubs
of Ulster (YFCU) 2016
silage making competition
sponsored by John Thompson
& Sons Limited.
The competition began in November
with members from over 30 clubs from
throughout Northern Ireland taking
part in regional heats. From this the
highest scorer from each county made
it through to the final.
The finalists were David Hunter
(Newtownstewart YFC), Jack Johnston
(Randalstown YFC), Alastair Craig (City
of Derry YFC), Glen McKeown (Lisbellaw
YFC), Ian Walker (Collone YFC) and
Nathan McFarlane (Ballymiscaw YFC)
Winners of the 2016 Ten Pin Bowling Trophy - Moneyrea
YFC with James Gilpin, Harry Walker, Ryan Magrath,
Jonathan Gill and Andrew Gill
The competitors were assessed by
judges Mary Jane Robinson from John
Thompson and Sons Limited and Samuel
Hill, dedicated member of Randalstown
YFC. The judges travelled to the farm
of each finalist and carried out a visual
inspection of the silage taking into
account its fermentation, digestibility
and dry matter content as well as the
sealing of the silo and the way in which
the effluent was collected. They also
conducted an interview with each of the
finalists in relation to how the silage was
made and their current feeding policy.
David Hunter from Newtownstewart (YFC)
was announced as this year’s winner with
Jack Johnston (Randalstown YFC) taking
second place and Ian Walker (Collone
YFC) placing third. YFCU would like to
thank the judging panel for taking the time
to make their expertise available to the
Association. It would also like to extend a
note of appreciation to John Thompson
and Sons Limited for their continued
support of the event.
The Young Farmers’ Clubs of Ulster (YFCU) annual ten pin
bowling competition recently took place at Lisburn Bowl and
Brunswick Movie Bowl with new sponsor Northern Counties
Co-Operative Enterprises Ltd (NCCE). Between the two venues
thirty one teams competed in this popular event making it a
great night for all involved.
Teams had the chance to play two
games and the team with the highest
overall pin fall won. This year’s winning
team was Moneyrea YFC – James Gilpin,
Harry Walker, Ryan Magrath, Jonathan
Gill and Andrew Gill who picked up
the trophy.
The competitions help to contribute
to the ongoing development of YFCU
members and we are grateful for their
Ten Pin Bowlng has always been a highly
anticipated event in the YFCU calendar,
giving clubs a chance to get together,
compete and socialise.
“NCCE are absolutely delighted to have the
opportunity to sponsor a YFCU event and
look forward to a good working relationship.
We are an independent, farmer owned,
Co-operative that works closely with the
local community and in working together
with the YFCU we hope to build links and
broaden our connections.”
The YFCU would also like to thank
the Northern Counties Co-Operative
Enterprises for their support.
Paul Coyle, NCCE General Manager
YFCU members recently took part in the popular
demonstration and presentation competition
which was split into 3 heats with the top 3 from
each age group of each heat making it through
to the final, held on Tuesday 3rd January 2016
at Magherafelt High School.
Competitors were able to present or demonstrate a topic, item or
skill of their choice for a minimum of 5 minutes up to maximum of
10 minutes to a judge.
YFCU would like to extend its thanks to the judges Jane McCollam,
Trevor Woods, Maura Ellis, Linda Davis and Karena Shaw.
The results were as follows:
12 - 14 Age Group
Amy Clements, Seskinore YFC
Henry Thompson, Annaclone & Magherally YFC
Zoe Weir, Annaclone & Magherally YFC
14 - 16 Age Group
Kyle Sawyer, Seskinore YFC
Connor Woods, Annaclone & Magherally YFC
Matthew Ney, Annaclone & Magherally YFC
16 - 18 Age Group
Alan Fleming, Cappagh YFC
Philip Beattie, Finvoy YFC
William Smyth, Trillick YFC
18 - 21 Age Group
Ross Beattie, Finvoy YFC
Ian Walker, Collone YFC
William Graham, Trillick YFC
21 - 25 Age Group
James Purcell, Dungiven YFC
Adam Wilson, Cappagh YFC
Zita Blair, Moneymore YFC
25 - 30 Age Group
Christina McCollam, Lylehill YFC
Benjamin Allen, Collone YFC
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Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. +Call charges may vary please refer to your service provider.
competitions, with over 1000 competitors
from 72 countries and regions. They battle
it out in 45 professional skill areas to be
crowned champions in their own chosen
skill. They are all under the age of 23 years.
They demonstrate technical abilities both
individually and collectively to execute specific
tasks for which they study and perform in their
Jonathan Gill
Tell us a bit about your background
at Moneyrea YFC
I have been a member of Moneyrea YFC for
7 years now. I thought it would be a good
opportunity to meet new friends and get
involved in the local community and I haven’t
looked back since. I have held the role of
treasurer for 2 years and have now been
re-elected for the incoming year.
What made you want to join when
you first became a member?
Well, I’m from a farming background. I
decided the Young Farmers would be a
great organisation to be involved in and
to help advance my knowledge in farming.
I now run my own pedigree Texel flock and
am currently waiting on my first heifers to
calf this spring.
What kind of events do you like to
take part in and what’s your favourite
YF event?
Well I suppose any YF event is great to get
involved in. I’ve been known to give my
best for group debating and the floristry,
but I suppose my favourite is the fencing
competition and Build It, along with a bit of
stock judging. My proudest Young Farmers’
event was wining County Down’s Strictly
Young Farmers Dancing Competition,
2016, along with Nicola Edgar.
Congratulations on winning silver at the
WorldSkills Final in São Paulo. What
can you tell us about the training you
went through to get to the final?
Thank you very much. Well, it all started
back when I was at Greenmount doing
a national diploma in horticulture. They
were running trials one day to find people
to represent the college in England so of
course I went along, gave it my best shot,
and got selected along with a handful of
others. We then spent two years travelling
back and forth to England for numerous
high intensity training events along with top
landscapers from all the colleges throughout
the UK. After a number of knockout stages
I found myself in the top four in UK, which
then led to higher intensity training at
Greenmount college for six months, usually
one or two weeks each month. This is where
the longs hours of pressurised practising
started, the sweat, dedication and sacrifices
all started here. After this, it was a journey
back across the water for team selection
were we had to build a show garden which
included water fountain, brick paving,
decking, planting, stone wall building and
flagging. Everything was built to a plan and
had to be within a 3mm tolerance. I’m glad
to say I came out on top, as top landscaper
in the UK. Along with Matty Bessley (from
Cheshire in England) we were then a two
man team then set for San Palo Brazil.
What is WorldSkills and what does it
The WorldSkills Competition is held every
two years and is the biggest vocational
education and skills excellence event in
the world that truly reflects global industry.
The competitors represent the best of
their peers and are selected from skill
Can you describe your competition
piece? How much preparation did it
We had 21 hours spread over 4 days to
complete a show garden from scratch. The
garden consisted of a dry stone wall, raised
decking including steps, a path made out of
Portuguese paving, a raised planter out of
brick work, a waterfall with a stream coming
through the garden into a pond and we lit it
all up with LED lighting. This was all finished
off by being planted up with native Brazilian
plants. We had set aspects to be completed
each day that would have been marked each
night. The gardens were then marked to a
tolerance of 3mm on all aspects. This was
from heights of the walls, to the widths on the
decking.Before we went to Brazil we went
through a rigorous training programme, this
took in all aspects of the garden. We tried our
best to resource the materials that we would
use when in Brazil, although it was not always
possible to get the exact ones. This meant we
were then able to train using products that we
were expecting to find in Brazil. Did you manage to see any of Brazil while
away or were you too busy competing?
We had a few days away to a spa resort when
the competition was over to relax and chill
out. But most of our time was spent at the
competition or exchanging with other countries
before the competition had commenced.
So you’re probably very busy running your
landscape business, but what are your
plans for the future?
You only get the one shot at the World Skills
competition, and I did my very best to come
away with a silver medal. So now I’ll help the
next bunch coming through to try and help
them reach their target. Of course, it’ll not
be the last of me. I have my own business
going well now and am looking at big plans
for expansion this summer. I have also been
approached by top garden designers in the UK
to help build show gardens at some of the top
garden shows in United Kingdom this summer.
Artana Young Farmers has went from strength the
strength this year. Their relaunch in September 2015
attracted over 40 young people to the new members
night with everyone getting involved in a range of
games. With over 20 brand new members signed up
the club was in a great place with excitement building
around the 2015/2016 programme. The club would
like to thank everyone at headquarters for their help in
getting the club back up and running. Special thanks
however has to go to Roberta Simmons, James Speers
and Victoria Simmons for their help and support in the
weeks before and after the relaunch.
Ahoghill YFC has had a packed winter program so far and
as the program continues into 2016, it is set to be a big
year for the club as it celebrates its 85th anniversary!
So far the winter program has included meetings involving
jiving, a games night, a trip to Crumlin Road Gaol and an
exchange with Kilraughts YFC.
The club has also held its own club dinner in December in
the Wild Duck with YFCU President, Roberta Simmons as
guest speaker, this was the perfect opportunity for prizes
to be presented to club members.
The club also brought Santa to the village of Ahoghill
for the Christmas lights switch-on. Always one for an
entrance, Santa even arrived in a tractor and sleigh
decorated with fairy lights. This lead to an eventful end
to 2015 and in 2016, the club celebrates its 85th year.
Ahoghill YFC has been getting bigger and stronger since
the relaunch in 2011, so watch out for what the club will
be doing to celebrate this massive achievement.
With new and enthusiastic members we have had the opportunity to enter more competitions and
had a great turn out at the Home Management and Ulster Young Farmer of the Year Competitions
in November. With cake icing and art suppliers in abundance the night got messy very quickly,
however the members threw themselves into all of the tasks and revealed some hidden talents.
Congratulations to Megan Smith, Holly Irwine, Chelsea Lewis and Nadine English, our junior Home
Management winners and Kris Pentland and Jason McVeigh, our senior Home Management
winners. Hopefully they will have as much success in the next round of the competition. The Ulster
Young Farmer Competition was, as always, a tough paper but the Artana lads know their farming
stuff, congratulations goes to Jonathan Scott, Matthew Greer and Michael McNeil, our junior
winners and Kris Pentland, Jason McVeigh and Scott Greer, our senior winners. The club had a very exciting programme in 2015 visiting John Dan O’Hares, Thomspon’s Mill,
exploring the dangers on farms and of course closing the year with the very successful annual
St Trinians in the Coach Banbridge. Looking forward to 2016 the excitement continues with a stock judging night, a trip to We
are Vertigo, football and tractor driving competitions and Artana’s big day out. Of course the
programme could not be delivered without the help of our new committee voted in at the clubs
AGM on Tuesday 19 January. The night saw some new blood being welcomed into the club
committee and we look forward to seeing what plans they have in store for the club.
With so many enthusiastic members the club is at a very exciting time and is looking forward to a
jam packed programme in 2016. BMWR YFC
BMWR YFC have had a busy few months, putting their time to good use and
helping others. Members of Burren, Mayobridge, Warrenpoint, and Rostrevor
(BMWR) YFC presented Julie McGinnis of Northern Ireland Chest Heart and
Stroke with a cheque for £850 at a function held in Grant’s Bar, Mayobridge.
The donation was from the proceeds of a Tractor & Car Wash held at the
Community Centre Burren, followed by an auction and raffle in St Bronagh’s
GAA Club Rostrevor, on Saturday 7th November.
NICHS is the local charity for the care and prevention of chest, heart and
stroke illnesses. In the Newry and Mourne area, NICHS offers a family support
service, local support groups, Carers’ groups and various rehab programmes.
NICHS also offers health promotion, funds research in local hospitals and
universities and campaigns on health matters.
The club also visited Down Right Brilliant (Newry & Mourne Down Syndrome
Support Group) over the Christmas period to deliver some presents and
Christmas cheer as part of the YFCU Know Your Neighbour Campaign!
When they’re not helping the community, members of BMWR take part in
farm visits, jiving lessons and bull rodeos! BMWR YFC is for young people
aged between 12 and 30 years, is strictly non-political, non-sectarian and
is open to anyone, regardless of his or her ethnic background, religion
or profession. You don’t need to be a farmer or come from a farming
background to join - the only requirement for membership is an interest in
rural life! BMWR YFC has many more events and ideas planned for the future
so please come along and join the club.
If interested in becoming a member of BMWR YFC please contact Ronan
Magee 07516235196 or email
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Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. +Call charges may vary please refer to your service provider.
Derg Valley YFC has had a fun packed Autumn Season
and has gotten off to a great start in the Winter
Season. They attended competitions such as Public
Speaking where they had success with Peter Smith,
Sophie Smith and Adam Crockett making it through
to the NI finals. With numerous teams in each age
category attending group debating, we had success
with two teams making it through to the NI finals.
The 2015 Choir festival took place in December and a
lot of time and effort went into this by all the members
that took part, singing ‘Fight Song’, ‘Blessed be your
name’ and ‘Oh My Love’. All members had a great
night and thoroughly enjoyed watching the other clubs
take part too.
We would like to thank all the sponsors who made
these jackets possible. In January our member Robert
Keatley was chosen to attend the Oxford Farming
Conference, he found it very informative and was
excited to attend the YFCU’s first Agri Conference.
Derg Valley are very much looking forward to the
Spring/Summer Season where they will be celebrating
their 70th anniversary in the Silver Birch Hotel, Omagh
on the 27th March 2015. This will be a great night and
a chance to reminisce on Derg Valley’s past and also
look forward to the club’s future. (For further details
contact Club Secretary Peter Smith.)
The club also has a keen interest for table quizzes
and have attended many throughout the County, they
are looking forward to their next challenge when
Tyrone YFC host an event in the coming weeks. One of
Derg Valley’s proudest moments was at Tyrone YFC’s
County Dinner, where along with numerous members
winning great prizes, Derg Valley won Tyrone’s Super
Club title. This great prize highlights all the dedication
that our members put into the club and the events
they partake in.
The winter season saw Derg Valley reveal their new
club jackets, which have been widely modelled since.
For the second year running
Dungiven YFC were awarded the
best club in the county at the annual
Co Londonderry dinner dance.
Prizes were presented to Clare
Buchanan, Club Secretary Katie
Love and PRO Matthew Gault.
Club Treasurer and Junior Member
of the Year went to Chloe Miller.
Other prizes on the night went to
Sam and Megan Patterson for
1st place Soil Assessment. Public
Speaking Prepared 1st place for
ages 14-16 went to Joanna Mullan,
David Oliver took 1st place for the
21-25 age group and Clare Buchanan
took 1st place for the 25-30 ages.
Proficiency awards went to Lauren
McFarlane (12-14) and James Purcell
(21-25). Tractor Handling went to
Matthew Gault and Beef section of
the Ulster Young Farmer went to
Sam Patterson. Congratulations to
everyone who received prizes on the
night and to all their hard work and
dedication to Dungiven YFC.
Cappagh YFC held a charity night in aid of ‘The Little Princess Trust’, a
charity which makes real wigs free of charge to boys and girls throughout
the UK and Ireland, who have sadly lost their own hair though cancer
treatments. Six Cappagh girls took on the brave task of cutting at least
7 inches of their hair, and of course, they couldn’t forget about the boys.
The Cappagh boys offered to bravely get their legs waxed and club
treasurer Kyle Arnold got his hair dyed in the charity colours; pink!
thank all our members who helped with the preparations, those who brought
raffle prizes and provided the tea, everyone who took part, Kerry and Kellie
our hairdressers and of course to everyone who donated and came along to
support us, Thank you!
Cappagh YFC have donated over 60 inches of hair to the ‘Little Princess Trust’
along with a great sum of money from those who donated. We will have a
grand total for the amount raised in the coming weeks.
As it costs around £350 to make each wig, every donation that Cappagh
received was greatly appreciated. We would like to take this opportunity to
On this their Platinum Year – Kilrea YFC continued their
celebrations by holding an Anniversary Dinner Dance in
Royal Court Hotel Portrush, on Saturday 7th November
2015. It was encouraging for the members to see such an
excellent turnout on this momentous occasion, especially
from former club members. Kilrea YFC were particularly
privileged that their oldest surviving member, Mr. William
Mayberry, attended the event and extend thanks to him for
coming along and making it even more special. Following
some witty speeches the Anniversary Cake was cut by
President Roberta Simmons and our youngest member
Mark Anderson. Many thanks to Roberta for travelling the
distance to attend the event and for her valued input in
encouraging our members and the club as a whole. A vote
of thanks was extended to all those who had helped to
make the evening such a success. The evening finished
off with dancing and music provided by The Bentley Boys.
£500 was raised from the raffle on the night and this will
be added to the charity donations already raised by the
club and will be presented at some point this year. The
club have on sale some anniversary books to mark their
70th anniversary and they are certainly worth a read, they
also still have some from 50th and 60th anniversaries so if
anyone would like to purchase any of these please get in
touch with Adam 07803632691 or Kerrie 07938993568.
An enjoyable evening was had by all and Kilrea YFC would
like to extend their thanks to everyone who attended and
for their support!
As for the future, the club are well into their Winter
Programme and have had a great variety of club meetings
from Mental Health Awareness evening, Roving Supper,
Go-Karting, Bubble Ball Football which was an exchange
night with Kells and Connor YFC and a visit to Jungle NI
for their Fright Night! Also with the assistance of Co. Derry
UFU they had the opportunity to take part in the Know
Your Neighbour campaign via YFCU and in conjunction
with Calor Gas when a BBQ was organised and held on
Richard Irwin’s farm. This turned out to be a very sociable
event to include all ages – with the bouncy castle being a
very popular activity! Meanwhile the momentum for the
Platinum year continues….and here’s to the next 70!
Moneymore members started the New Year well, as they took part in a volleyball tournament for
the County Londonderry, Wooden Welly Competition. The competition was held in the Jim Watt
centre in Garvagh and our senior team managed to bring the welly home after winning all of their
very competitive matches. We look forward to hosting the competition next year and have already
come up with a few great ideas. The New Year also brought new club shirts for their members. The club would like to thank the
sponsors, Edgeline Metal Roofing, KC Contracts, G.A. Evans Electrical and Ulster Livestock Care,
for their generous support.
Killinchy YFC have enjoyed a busy winter programme including visits to Pirates Golf, Killinchy Meats,
Ards Gateway Club, The Grand Opera House, and a tour of Leggygowan Farm, as well as hosting the
annual Freaky Friday Halloween disco.
Members have taken part in a wide variety of competitions with many progressing through to the
next rounds. Emily Harris took 1st place for floral art in the County Down heats despite it being her
first time competing. Rachael Thomson and Donna Garrett progressed through to the next round for
impromptu public speaking. Killinchy YFC also saw their junior debating team succeed at the County
Down heats.
This year, Killinchy YFC’s chosen charity is MS Society NI and the Club have hosted numerous
fundraisers raising a total of £1447.36 so far for this very worthy cause, with the most recent being
their ‘85miles for 85 years’ triathlon.
Killinchy YFC will be holding their 85th Anniversary Dinner Dance at La Mon Hotel on 27th February.
This is a special night not to be missed and all are welcome. Tickets are £30 each from Club Leader
Robin (07764969080) or Secretary Natalie (07783413164).
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Moneyrea YFC have had a busy winter season,
hosting a variety of successful events.
Seskinore YFC finished off 2015 by
turning on the Christmas lights and
hosting an annual draw. This raised an
impressive £600 and they would like to
thank everyone for their support. The
night was a great success and thoroughly
enjoyed by children and adults alike.
The annual Christmas Charity Craft fair held in
Ballygowan Presbyterian Church kicked things off
on the 12th November with 44 stalls selling a variety
of crafts, raising money for this year’s charity, PIPS.
Following that, on the 25 November, the annual
Charity Pub Quiz in the new venue of the Auld House,
Moneyrea, saw a number of teams taking part, with
club president Adam George and his team being
overall winners. The Boxing night disco, again at the
Auld House, was another successful night, with a
large crowd in attendance.
January held a great start to the year with members competing in the ten pin bowling competition and even taking
the trophy home. Congratulations to Jonathan Gill, Andrew Gill, James Gilpin, Harry Walker and Ryan Magrath on
winning the first trophy of 2016 for Moneyrea YFC.
Perhaps overshadowing the bowling however, was further success for Moneyrea in the County Down strictly Young
Farmers competition later in the week. Inspired by Linzi Stewart and her partner Geoff Thompson, of A&M YFC,
winning last year, three Moneyrea members took on the task. Well done to the youngest couple to compete, Johnny
Burgess and Alanna Dickson, for an outstanding performance and despite not winning, they certainly did the whole
club proud. Special Congratulations goes to Jonathan Gill and his partner Nicola Edgar, of Spa YFC, on being Strictly
Champions 2016 and keeping the trophy in Moneyrea for another year!
New Year, new team! Seskinore YFC
started off 2016 with their AGM meeting
which YFCU Deputy President, James
Speers chaired. They would like to thanks
James for attending and sharing his
experiences regarding his recent trip to
Uganda, where they raised money for the
Fields of Life charity in the association’s
85th year.
Seskinore YFC would also like to say well
done to the past committee members for
their hard work and success. To all the
new members that where elected into
positions we wish you all the best for the
coming year!
#teamSeskinore NEWTOWNARDS YFC
Newtownards YFC members have had a
busy start to the winter calendar of events
with meetings such as “The life of a leek”
and our Christmas outing this year to We
are Vertigo.
Members have had success in NI
competitions also, with Anna Brown
coming 3rd in 16-18 impromptu public
speaking and Sara Townley, Emily Moore
and Anna Brown winning the 16-18 group
Members have decided that a great way to
mark our up and coming 85th Anniversary
was to produce a club calendar, raising
funds for Rural Support. The calendars
have sold well and include members of
all ages and some of the more daring
seniors showing a little more than others!
Some calendars are still available. If you
are interested in purchasing one please
contact club leader Andrew Patton on
07789285272 or contact the club via the
Facebook page.
Members are now looking forward to a
busy 2016!
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First Trust Bank is a trade mark of AIB Group (UK) p.l.c. (a wholly owned subsidiary of Allied Irish Banks, p.l.c.), incorporated in Northern Ireland. Registered Office 92 Ann Street, Belfast, BT1 3HH. Registered Number NI018800.
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This issue, we talk
with Matthew Brownlee,
a 24 year old farmer
from Loughgall,
Co Armagh. Last year
Matthew was named
The Co-Operative
Food’s ‘Outstanding
Farmer of the Year’.
Firstly, Matthew, tell us a bit
about yourself
I grew up on our family farm in
Loughgall with my parents and two
sisters. I got involved with working life
on the farm from a young age, helping in
the evenings and on Saturdays. It was in
my early teens that I started to support
my father in the day to day running of
the business and developed a particular
interest in rearing cattle. This practical
experience motivated me to obtain
a deeper knowledge of farming, so I
decided to apply to study Agricultural
Technology at Queen’s University, Belfast.
How did you find your experience
at Queen’s University?
The course was very worthwhile, offering
a great balance between practical farming
advice and the science behind various
agricultural techniques. The knowledge
I gained in animal nutrition, health and
feeding innovation has really helped
me in becoming a better farmer.
Matthew Brownlee (2nd right) is pictured receiving his Co-operative Food Outstanding Farmer of the
Year Award. Included in the picture are (l to r) Matt Hood, The Co-operative Food Director of Fresh
Trading; Matthew Dobson, Dunbia Managing Director; Kenny Linton, Dunbia Agriculture Manager; Ciara
Gorst The Co-operative Food Senior Agricultural Manager and actress and host Debra Stephenson.
I’ve also made friends for life at university
who share a common interest in the agrifood sector. This means we can talk with
each other about what is working well on
the farm, and what challenges we are facing.
We often help each other out and challenge
each other to be better at what we do.
You and your father took the decision
to place more of a focus on your beef
enterprise after you finished your
studies. What was motivation for this?
We have always harvested apples on the
farm and have great partnerships with
processors such as Mackle Apple, who
supply to the bakery industry. However,
my father was keen for us to grow our
operations and for me to expand upon
my own interests. So venturing further
into the market for quality beef was a
logical next step.
We had started our first suckler herd when
I was around 16 years old. Back then we
had around 300 cattle and now have over
700, and work with the Hereford, Stabiliser
and Charolais breeds. It’s a trade I love.
You were recently named The
Co-Operative Food’s Outstanding
Farmer of the Year. Can you tell us what
that felt like? How did it come about?
I was honoured to be nominated for the
prize by Dunbia, who we work closely
with to supply the Co-operative’s ‘Truly
Irresistible’ Hereford beef range. It was a
great experience to attend the awards event
in Manchester, and I was really proud that
everything we have achieved on the
farm was recognised at such a high level;
I still have a smile on my face just thinking
about it!
How important is it to have the right
financial support when running a
working farm?
It is very important to know we have the
support we need to grow the business.
Investing in new farming technologies is
especially important to what we do, as they
allow us find greater efficiencies in our day to
day operations. As the levels of investment
associated with this kind of redevelopment
can be considerable, it is great to have an
open and flexible relationship with my bank,
First Trust Bank, as they show a genuine
interest in what we do and are willing to
support young people working in the
agri-food industry.
What are your plans for the future?
We plan to continue to run the business
as efficiently as possible – providing the
best quality produce to our customers.
I feel very lucky to be doing something
I love and I’m really grateful to everyone
who has supported me!
Outside of farming, how do you like
to spend your time?
I love playing sport, cricket in particular,
and I’m also a keen football fan. I enjoy
going out and socialising and I have a
good mix of friends - some who work in
agriculture, and some who don’t - but we
all have great craic together!
“With support from First Trust Bank,
we made our farm more energy efficient.”
Malachy, Sean
Sean and
and Ronan
Ronan Connolly,
Connolly, Loughgiel
We see the potential too.
0345 6005
6005 925
Terms, conditions and eligibility criteria apply, contact us for further details. +
charges may vary. We may record and monitor calls. First Trust Bank is a trade
us foroffurther
may vary. We
may record
and monitor
is a Belfast
mark ofconditions
AIB Groupand
p.l.c. (acriteria
Allied Irish
in Northern
ce Trust
92 AnnBank
of AIBRegistered
Group (UK)
p.l.c. (aNI018800.
wholly owned
of Prudential
Allied IrishRegulation
Banks, p.l.c.),
in Northern
ce 92 Ann
BT1 3HH.
by the
and regulated
by the
the Prudential
3HH. Registered
Authority. Number NI018800. Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential
Regulation Authority.
Always check that windows and mirrors are clean and in
good condition. Make sure you can see clearly all round
the vehicle before every manoeuvre.
For more advice on farm safety,