february 2015 - creve coeur - olivette chamber of commerce
february 2015 - creve coeur - olivette chamber of commerce
FEBRUARY 2015 From left: Ed Lindner (Kriegshauser West Mortuary), 2015 Chamber President, Tina Seidel (Trellis Bookkeeping Solutions) - Rookie of the Year, Barb Marshall (Sport Clips) - Volunteer of the Year Award, Stephen Wolff (Wolff Properties) - Businessperson of the Year Award and Jim Carrington (Donald Danforth Plant Science Center) - Community Service Award. See inside the newsletter for more details on the award recipients. MEMBERSHIP MEETING SPONSOR ALLEGRA DESIGN WEB PRINT FEBRUARY Photos this page courtesy of McCarty Photography 2014 AWARD RECIPIENTS Sun Mon 1 2 Tue 3 Wed Thu 4 5 6 Fri 7 Sat 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Feb 10 Small Business Networking Group Great Southern Bank 12500 Olive Blvd. 8:00 – 9:00 a.m. Open to all members (Contact Tina Seidel at 314-669-2515 for more information.) Feb 13 Coffee Connection BMO Harris Bank 10911 Olive Blvd. 8:00 – 9:00 a.m. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20TH 2015 AWARDS DINNER & AUCTION Theme: Western Round-Up Orlando’s Event and Conference Centers 2050 Dorsett Village – Maryland Heights 6:00 – 10:00 p.m. Elegant Buffet Dinner with Premium Open Bar Jim Elder spoke about the many products and services of Allegra Design Web Print during the membership luncheon. Give Jim a call at 314-429-4848 to learn more about how Allegra can help your business! Additional 2015 luncheon sponsorships are still available. Call the chamber to secure your spot in the calendar! Calling all cowpokes and cowgirls – we want you to attend our funpacked evening! Along with country-western music and frenzied bidding on items, comes the awards ceremony when we will honor Creve Coeur and Olivette firefighters and police officers for their bravery and emergency skills. We also invite you to donate an item for the auction. Everyone is there with the expressed purpose of bidding on great products and services. You want your item to be the envy of the evening, inspiring a bidding war and getting the attention of everyone. Presentation is everything - it’s amazing how a basket and a little cellophane can pack a lot of punch for not much money! (In the event you need help packaging your item, please give the chamber office a call.) If you don’t have the type of business that readily lends itself to a physical item, please consider purchasing something from one of our member businesses. Looking forward to seeing you at the auction! MEMBERSHIP MEMO By Barb Marshall Vice President of Member Services 2015 Chamber Board of Directors Officers President Ed Lindner, Kriegshauser West Mortuary President Elect David Peterson, Payroll 1 Vice President, Events Mary Barry, American Eagle Credit Union Vice President, Member Services Barb Marshall, Sport Clips Treasurer David Peterson, Payroll 1 Legal Counsel Steve Kling, Jenkins & Kling PC Immediate Past President Kelli Kimack, BMO Harris Bank Directors Heather Aehle, Commerce Bank Steve Bisch, Monsanto Jim Elder, Allegra Design Web Print Katie Halloran, Schaefer Autobody Centers Terry Herbert, Mercy Hospital St. Louis Dr. Paul Hyland, Committed to Health Chiropractic Center Chris Pickel, AT&T Brandon Reuther, Edward Jones Stephen Ricci, RAI Insurance Group Director Emeritus – Bill Wyne, Wyne & Merritt PC Staff Nancy Gray (Executive Vice President) Barb Gerstenkorn (Finance Director) Ellen Levy (Membership Director) Jennifer Stringer (Media Specialist) Creve Coeur - Olivette Chamber of Commerce 10950 Olive Blvd., Suite 101 Creve Coeur MO 63141 314-569-3536 314-569-3073 (fax) www.ccochamber.com Mission: To be a strong advocate for business If you are like most people you have started and hopefully are sticking to your New Year's resolutions. I made several resolutions this year. One of them was to begin an exercise program. My original resolution was to mall walk every day, just for half an hour. Well, it's late January and already this resolution has morphed into more like walking three times a week; but never mind, that's three times more walking than I did last year! By the way, I lowered the average age of the mall walkers considerably by my activity. Hopefully you have also decided to do something that will be specifically for your health. I also hope that you have made a resolution to attend more chamber events this year and participate more in all of the services and activities that the chamber provides. After all, it's your money (or your company’s money), so why not get the most out of your investment? Well, wish me luck sticking to my resolutions, and let’s all have a great year in the chamber! Creve Coeur-Olivette Chamber of Commerce Presents Western Round-Up AWARDS DINNER & AUCTION (Honoring Creve Coeur and Olivette Firefighters and Police Officers) Friday, February 20, 2015 Orlando's Event and Conference Center 2050 Dorsett Village Maryland Heights MO 63043 6:00-10:00 p.m. Buffet Dinner with Premium Open Bar Reservations due by February 13th SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Please reserve a Rodeo Invitational Sponsorship for my company ……………………………………….…………………………………….……..….. $1,000 Sponsorship includes a sign with sponsor’s name, table of 8, preferred table placement, company name on table, program cover and in newsletter and on chamber website, two bottles of champagne at table and a two-minute commercial during event Please reserve a Dixie Stampede Sponsorship for my company ………………………………………..………………………………….…………….. $600 Sponsorship includes a sign with sponsor’s name, table of 8, preferred table placement, company name on table, program cover and in newsletter and on chamber website, one bottle of champagne at table Please reserve a Bucking Bronco DJ Sponsorship for my company (1 available)…………………………….………………..………………………….. $400 Sponsorship includes a sign with sponsor’s name, tickets for 4 people, name on program cover and in newsletter and on chamber website Please reserve a Shoot-Out at OK Corral Sponsorship for my company……………… .………………………………………………………………….. $250 Sponsorship includes a sign with sponsor’s name, tickets for 2 people, name on program cover and in newsletter and on chamber website Please reserve a Wrangler Sponsorship for my company …………………………………….…………………………………………..………………….. $100 Sponsorship includes a sign with sponsor’s name, name on program cover and in newsletter and on chamber website Contact Name _______________________________________________________________________________________ Company __________________________________________________________________________________________ Full Address ________________________________________________________________________________________ Telephone _______________________ e-mail ____________________________________ Fax ______________________ Please reserve ______ ticket(s) for the Auction ($45 per person)……………………………………………………$_____________ Please reserve ______ table(s) of 8 at a discounted price - $350 (paid with one check)……….…………………………….$________________ Payment □ I will call the Chamber office with my credit card # (MC/Visa/Discover accepted) □ I will mail a check. □ I need to be invoiced. Total__________________ Donation □ I want to donate an auction item for the event. Item Description_________________________________________________Value $_______________ The Creve Coeur-Olivette Chamber of Commerce will submit a letter acknowledging all donations after the auction. Donations are tax deductible as a normal business expense. E-mail this form to ngray@ccochamber.com; or fax to 314-569-3073 or by mail to: CCO Chamber of Commerce, 10950 Olive Blvd., Suite 101, Creve Coeur MO 63141. For questions, please contact the CCO Chamber office at 314-569-3536. 2014 AWARD RECIPIENTS Photos this page courtesy of McCarty Photography BUSINESS PERSON OF THE YEAR Stephen Wolff – Wolff Properties From left: Olivette Chairman Pro-tem Ruth Springer, Creve Coeur Mayor Barry Glantz, Representative from Congresswoman Ann Wagner’s office Jordan Fears, Ed Lindner (2015 Chamber President), Steve Wolff, Representative from St. Louis County Executive Steve Stenger’s office Jim McHugh. Presentations were made by all the dignitaries in recognition of Steve Wolff’s Business Person of the Year Award. The Chamber’s Businessperson of the Year Award is given to an individual for success in the business world; contributions to the Creve Coeur-Olivette Chamber; business leadership; community leadership; ethical business practices and serves as a role model for future business leaders. The 2014 award was presented to Steve Wolff. In 2014, our chamber became involved in the revision of the City of Creve Coeur’s drive-thru ordinance. In order to help the chamber make a case for more flexibility and less restrictions, Steve Wolff did extensive research of other communities’ drive-thru ordinances and created a book of facts, information and photos. He also called property owners and developers to get them to attend our chamber drive-thru committee meetings and speak at planning & zoning meetings and council meetings. Steve is President and Principal of Wolff Properties, a third generation Creve Coeur based real estate investment and management firm. The company was founded in 1937 by Steve’s maternal grandparents, Dr. Samuel and Mary Wolff. After working as a banking and securities lawyer in Louisville, Kentucky, Steve relocated to St. Louis to join his family business. Beginning with a collection of five properties in 1986, Steve has grown the firm’s holdings to a portfolio of nearly 40 properties, consisting of apartment and mobile home communities, office buildings, shopping centers, net leased properties, as well as an operating hotel. The majority of these properties are located in the St. Louis metro area, but other markets in which the company holds investments include California, Colorado, Florida, Arizona, Illinois, North Carolina, Tennessee and Oregon. Wolff Properties currently employs 20 staff. Steve has been actively involved in every phase of the real estate business during the past 28 years, including leasing, lease negotiations, property management, property development and renovation, acquisition, disposition and corporate finance. In addition to the dignitaries that attended the meeting and made presentations, Steve also received a congratulatory letter from U.S. Senator Blunt, resolution from U.S. Congressman Lacy Clay, resolution from Missouri Senator Jill Schupp, resolution from Missouri Representative Tracy McCreery and a resolution from St. Louis County Councilman Sam Page. COMMUNITY SERVICE AWARD Donald Danforth Plant Science Center Left: Ed Lindner (2015 Chamber President) presents Community Service Award to Jim Carrington from the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center. The Community Service Award was presented to the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center. The criteria for the award include making a contribution by any of the following means: increasing jobs; business acumen; beautification to region; positive improvements in the quality of life; and/or advocate for the region. The Donald Danforth Plant Science Center’s mission is to improve the human condition through plant science. In May of 2014 the center held a groundbreaking ceremony for a three-story addition to the Center’s existing research building. Elected officials who attended the celebration included Governor Jay Nixon, County Executive Charlie Dooley, Representative Tim Jones, Speaker of the Missouri House of Representatives, Representative John Diehl, Majority Floor Leader, Representative Jill Schupp and Creve Coeur Mayor Barry Glantz. The three-story $45 million addition, slated to open in the fourth quarter of 2015, will give the Center the capacity to house more than 100 additional researchers in flexible research laboratories with state-of-theart equipment, as well as additional core facilities and growth chamber space. At the ground-breaking Danforth Center President James Carrington said, “The Center’s building expansion project is a major step in our long range plans to increase our impact through plant science. The new addition will increase our capacity for high-level science in crop improvement, bioenergy, sustainable agriculture and plant biology. The new facilities will also help attract the best scientific teams as we expand in the years ahead.” Jim Carrington, President of the Danforth Center, accepted the award. Stay connected to us on: 2014 AWARD RECIPIENTS Photos this page courtesy of McCarty Photography VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR AWARD Barb Marshall - Sport Clips ROOKIE OF THE YEAR AWARD Tina Seidel – Trellis Bookkeeping Solutions Left: Ed Lindner (2015 Chamber President) presents Volunteer of the Year Award to Barb Marshall. Left: Ed Lindner (2015 Chamber President) presents Rookie of the Year Award to Tina Seidel. The Volunteer of the Year Award is given to an individual for outstanding volunteer involvement in the chamber. Criteria include: proactive in chamber activities, leadership of event, provide funding to the chamber; and enthusiasm for the chamber. Barb Marshall joined our chamber in 2009 as owner of a Sport Clips franchise. She also worked for our Chamber as a Membership Director for two years before devoting more time to her business ventures. She currently serves on the Board of Directors and is the 2015 Vice-President of Membership. She is a great supporter of the chamber and always looks first to chamber members for the products and services she needs. She is a regular participant at coffee connections, new member breakfasts, membership luncheons, and after-hours events. She has served on the auction and golf committees and financially supports most events as a sponsor or participant. The Rookie of the Year Award was presented to Tina Seidel. This award is being given to an individual for outstanding accomplishments during the first 18 months of involvement with the chamber. Criteria include: member of the chamber, fully engaged, willing to take on responsibility, advocate for the chamber; and recognized by staff and board as dependable to follow through on tasks. Tina joined the chamber in December 2013 as a bookkeeping franchise owner. Because of her passion for helping small businesses and her belief that having timely and accurate financial information is crucial to growth and success, she founded and launched Trellis Bookkeeping Solutions in December 2014. Tina joined the 2014 Mouse Race committee and spent time calling members to invite them to become a participant or sponsor of the inaugural event. She was a sponsor of the event as well as worked during the event. During 2014, Tina was actively involved in our Business to Business group and took over leadership of the group as it morphed into our new Small Business Networking Group. NEW SMALL BUSINESS NETWORKING GROUP The Business Leads Group combined with the B2B Group to provide more effective networking opportunities for members. The new group, named Small Business Networking Group, meets the second Tuesday each month at Great Southern Bank from 8-9 a.m. MEMBERSHIP WELCOME NEW MEMBERS! THANKS TO THE FOLLOWING BUSINESSES FOR RENEWING THEIR MEMBERSHIPS IN JANUARY: ALIVE, Inc. Maggie Menefee P.O. Box 11201 St. Louis, MO 63105 314-993-7080 www.alivestl.org Organizations - Not For Profit Berger Memorial Chapel Emily Stein MacDonald 9430 Olive Blvd. Olivette, MO 63132 314-361-0622 www.bergermemorialchapel.com Funeral Services Heartland Hospice #4608 Carrie L. Murphy 12101 Woodcrest Executive Dr., Ste. 102 St. Louis, MO 63141 314-453-0990 www.heartlandhospice.com Hospice Services Massage Envy Spa Olivette Kim Simmons / Carmen Grimes 9616 Olive Blvd. Olivette, MO 63132 314-567-3777 www.MassageEnvySTL.com Massage - Therapeutic Shea Home Care, Inc. Darlene Seyer 9378 Olive Blvd., Ste. 101 Olivette, MO 63132 314-872-7749 www.sheahomecare.com Home Health Agency American Carnival Mart / Party Land – 20 years American Eagle Credit Union – 4 years American Red Cross – 8 years Antique Mall of Creve Coeur – 15 years BMO Harris Bank - 13 years Commerce Bank – 11 years Creve Coeur Fire Protection District – 30 years Envision, LLC - 2 years H&R Block – 3 years Morris Shank Wealth Management – 1 year Performance Eyecare - 2 years Ronald McDonald House Charities – 9 years NCADA RIBBON CUTTING Home Care Assistance Mark Rogers 12125 Woodcrest Executive Dr., Ste. 210 St. Louis, MO 63141 314-863-8989 www.homecareassistancestlouis.com Health Care Services Kaplan University Crystal Moyer 1807 Park 270 Drive St. Louis, MO 63146 314-205-7900 www.kaplanuniversity.edu/st-louis-missouri.aspx Education Konica Minolta Business Solutions Tracy Brandon 14567 N. Outer Forty Rd., Ste. 325 Chesterfield, MO 63017 636-368-4396 www.kmbs.KonicaMinolta.us Copy Machines OFFICIAL CHAMBER PHOTOGRAPHER McCarty Photography 11200 Olive Blvd. Creve Coeur MO 63141 (314) 432-1221 Publicity ● Portraits ●Weddings Photo courtesy of McCarty Photography The National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse – St. Louis Area (NCADA) kicked off its 50th Anniversary year with an Open House from 8:0010:30 a.m. on Wednesday, January 28, 2015 at its new headquarters located at 9355 Olive Blvd. in Olivette. Supporters and the public joined local officials, business leaders and staff members for a celebratory ribbon-cutting, a tour of the facility, and light refreshments. Since 1965, NCADA has been the ‘The Place to Turn’ for individuals and families needing help with – or information about – alcohol and other drugs and related problems. NCADA is the region’s largest provider of schoolbased, substance abuse prevention programs, serving more than 74,000 students (K-12) in more than 270 area schools last year. Its youth leadership programs help train young people to become credible sources of substance abuse information for their school peers and communities. NCADA also has been instrumental in encouraging local companies to add employee assistance programs as an employee benefit which has helped thousands of individuals find treatment for their addictions. NCADA has been a leading voice for more and better prevention and treatment programs for young people and adults suffering from substance abuse and addiction issues and has helped local neighborhood coalitions strengthen community resources. For more information on the many programs and services call NCADA at 314-962-3456. MEMBERSHIP PROFILES Photos courtesy of McCarty Photography College Hunks Hauling Junk & College Hunks Moving Clif Cooper 1033 Corporate Square Drive St. Louis, MO 63132 Phone: 314-292-6923 Website: www.collegehunks.com College Hunks is entering its fourth year of serving the local community. What exactly is a hunk? Honest, Uniformed, Nice, Knowledgeable, Students. Ninety percent of its workforce is from college students from local universities. Services that College Hunks provide include: junk removal, full service local moves, portable storage solutions, and donation pick-up. Over 70% of the “junk” removed is recycled or donated. A portion of the profits go to College Bound, a non-profit college scholarship program that mentors and provides financial aid to underprivileged students. Welcome to the “University of Stress Free Service.” Midwest Regional Bank Timothy Dudley, Area President (left in picture) Adree E. Abele, Vice-President Commercial Loans (right in picture) 1023 Executive Parkway St. Louis, MO 63141 Phone: 314-744-8744 Website: www.MidwestRegionalBank.com Midwest Regional Bank offers a wide array of business loan products with varying terms, designed to meet your specific needs. The highly experienced team of commercial bankers can get you the financing your company needs. They take the time to learn about your specific goals, and expertly provide customized solutions. At Midwest Regional Bank, the rates are competitive, the decision-making is local, and the service is unparalleled. Midwest Regional Bank is a premier SBA loan provider. Its staff of SBA lending experts offers the highly specialized SBA knowledge you need to effectively secure your financing. They’ll be with you every step of the way and offers tailored SBA solutions to grow your business. Renewal by Andersen Sheena Edwards 149 Weldon Parkway, Ste. 117 Maryland Heights, MO 63043 Phone: 314-856-8473 Website: www.renewalbyandersen.com Renewal by Andersen is a window replacement company that uses a wood composite wrapped in vinyl that allows for the best of both worlds. It has been a subsidiary of Andersen for over 18 years and is accredited with the BBB and is an energy star product. Its turnkey process begins with a call from you and includes a respectful in-home sales consultation, custommanufacturing of replacement windows to precisely fit your home and installation by a dedicated team of professionals. Renewal by Andersen stands behind its products and installation with one of the strongest warranties in the St. Louis window replacement business. NCADA - St. Louis Howard Weissman and Jared Opsal (pictured) 9355 Olive Blvd. St. Louis, MO 63132 Phone: 314-962-3456 Fax: 314-968-7394 Website: www.ncada-stl.org One of NCADA’s major goals is to teach young people the skills needed to resist the pressures to use and abuse drugs. It offers proven evidence and best practices-based curricula for grades K-12 in nearly 300 schools in the region. Additionally, the NCADA offers youth leadership programs and a wide range of non-school based prevention services. NCADA provides an unbiased help line that refers people to treatment and answers questions about drugs and alcohol. Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes Jen Medsker 10560 Old Olive Street Rd. Suite 200 St. Louis, MO 63141 Phone: 314-899-2989 Website: www.lindamoodbell.com Lindamood-Bell is dedicated to helping children and adults learn to their potential. Its research validated programs address the underlying skills necessary for independence. For nearly 30 years, the intensive, one-to-one, process-based instruction, building on the individual’s learning needs, has been used to strengthen the sensory-cognitive functions needed for reading, comprehension and math. Lindamood-Bell’s instruction has proven successful for students with learning challenges, including autism spectrum disorders, dyslexia, hyperlexia and ADHD. CCO Coffee Connection This free event gives you a chance to connect with others in an informal networking setting! Bring lots of business cards and be prepared to share your business story! Friday, February 13, 2015 8:00-9:00 a.m. Light Breakfast Items & Networking BMO Harris Bank 10911 Olive Blvd. Creve Coeur MO 63141 Phone at site: 314-205-3407 NO CHARGE but kindly RSVP for food count Phone: 314.569.3536 Fax: 314.569.3073 10950 Olive Blvd., Suite 101 Creve Coeur, MO 63141 www.ccochamber.com Please RSVP by noon on February 11, 2015 REGISTER ONLINE: www.ccochamber.com or FAX: 314-569-3073 OR E-MAIL: ngray@ccochamber.com Names of attendees __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Business ______________________________________ Daytime phone Email ____________________________________ ____________________________________________
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