May - Bernese Mountain Dog Club of Nashoba Valley
May - Bernese Mountain Dog Club of Nashoba Valley
l t t a B r e n r e B The May 2015 the newsletter of the Bernese Mountain Dog Club of Nashoba Valley the club for new england berners & their families Annual Meeting pages 6 & 7 Shelley Tyre Outstanding Service Award 2015 Recipient - Steve Diers with Moffett inside this issue... Calendar of Events..............................2 Concurrent Specialty.........................3 Spring Fun Day Schedule..................5 Annual Meeting..............................6, 7 Rescue Notebook............................8, 9 Birthdays, Congrats & Brags...........11 Welcome! New Members BMDCNV Calendar of Events Heather Boucher Wolfeboro, NH 03894 ~ 2015 ~ May 16 & 17: BMDCNV Draft Test Wachusett Mountain • Princeton, MA Dawn Velsor Taunton, MA 02780 e s a c w Sho New Members May 30: BMDCNV Regional Specialty Ladies Dog Club • Wrentham, MA May 31: BMDCNV Supported Entry • Wrentham, MA June 6: Spring Fun Day • Westford, MA June 27: Classic Picnic • Kittery, ME July 11: BMDCNV Supported Entry • Tunbridge, VT July 25: Summer Picnic • St Johnsbury, VT September 13: BMDCNV Tracking Test • Gardner, MA Are you a new Member? October 17 & 18: BMDCNV Draft Test • Westford, MA Tell us about yourself in our New Member Showcase. Click on this link... Complete the quick summary, hit submit, email your pic and you’re done! Please complete your submission by the 20th to be included in the next issue of the Berner Blatt. October 18: Fall Fun Day • Westford, MA Nov 6 - 9 Retreat Weekend • Ocean Park, ME We look forward to meeting you! FMI: the BMDCNV President Marge Bumen 207-351-5988 Vice President Patricia Buickerood 978-433-5267 board of directors Secretary Directors: Carol Jensen 860-632-9955 Karlo Laforteza • 203.684.8079 • Treasurer Alise Burbridge • 781-749-5253 • Bruce Hallden 860-613-2646 Sue Mahan • 978-386-7292 • Jean Michael • 508-947-6503 • Anya Wittenborg • 781-316-2364 • 2 BMDCNV Concurrent Regional Specialty Saturday, May 30th Crackerbarrel Fairgrounds, Wrentham, MA Breed Judge...Sharon Smith Sweepstakes Judge...Sue Brightman Junior Showmanship...Abby Patrizio Best Puppy, Best Bred-by-Exhibitor, Best Veteran, Stud Dog, Brood Bitch, Brace, Junior Showmanship, Veterans Parade, Parade of Champions & Title Holders Hospitality Tent provided by BMDCNV Members Educational Seminar with Judges in the tent following Saturday’s show Complimentary Beverages and Snacks Please Sponsor a Trophy - Contact Donna Bennett by April 30th THREE SHOWS IN TWO DAYS !! Weekend Supported Entry - Ladies Dog Club - May 30th & 31st MB-F Secretary - Entries Close May 13th BMDCNV Specialty Show Chair: Marge Bumen SAVE THE DATES... Sat & Sun, May 16th & 17th, 2015 BMDCA Spring Draft Tests - Wachusett Mt Resort Sat & Sun, Oct 17th & 18th, 2015 BMDCNV Fall Fun Day & BMDCA Draft Tests Westford 4H Fairgrounds 3 Classic Summer Picnic Come to h picnic wit mp o r friends & n! a in the Oce Sunday, June 27th • 11am-3pm Fort Foster in Kittery, Maine Large Pavillion(Easy parking & plenty of shade this year) ~ Entrance fee $10 per car ~ Bring your dogs, chairs, towels and picnics. All paper plates, utensils, cups, etc. will be supplied. Directions for Route 95 north take exit 2 north From South, exit onto Route 236 south to Route 1 to Kittery Traffic Circle and take right @ Dairy Queen and follow signs to Kittery Point-236 south. Route 236 merges onto Route 103: go over bridge and pass Ft. McClary. After you pass the gas station on your right you will see a sign for Fort Foster cross bridge Turn left & proceed approximately ½ mile to Fort Foster Gate. Parking at the large pavilion or general parking. Fort Foster, Pocahontas Road, Kittery Pt., Maine. Any weather cancellations will appear on club Facebook page. • • SAVE THE DATE • • BMDCNV Supported Entry Share photos & videos of your Berners! Join the Facebook group at Saturday • July 11, 2015 4-Day Vermont Scenic Circuit Green Mountain Dog Club Tunbridge Fairgrounds • Tunbridge, VT Judge: Dr. Kenneth A. Doeg FMI: the BMDCNV Berner Blatt Editor Linda Botti Breeder Referral Program Megan McTavish Historian Vacant chairpeople FMI & to volunteer for Ring Steward: Buffy Bell - These dedicated chairpeople provide essential services to you, our membership. Please feel free to contact them with your questions, concerns, suggestions, requests for help or offers of help. Our mission is to provide the best for Berners and their families. Membership Karlo Laforteza 38 Thompson St Milford, CT 06460-6323 Public Education Martha Phelps, Diane Smith & Karen Allen Rescue Linda DeCelles Gib Otten 1-877-4BMDCNV (toll free) Volunteer Coordinator Martha Phelps 802-368-7656 E-List Help Desk Jeff Nowak Puppy Referral Laurel Wood Members List Moderator Sharon Brady Regional Club Rep (RCR) Karen Fox Training Resources Paul Emerson 508-243-3922 Ways & Means Judy HartmanWeb Page Retail Lynne BaileyBlatt Custom Orders 4 Trophy Chair Donna Bennett Web Master Mimi Englander Spring Fun Day Celebration of Rescue Dogs and their Families! Pre-register your Rescue Berner for Rescue Parade FMI: Saturday, June 6 • 10am – 3pm Schedule Middlesex County 4-H Fairgrounds • Westford, MA 9:30 Grounds Crew Set Up. 11:30 AM Rescue Parade - SPECIAL EVENT! All our We need your help, please volunteer! 10:00 Registration. Upon arrival, please check in with the volunteers at the registration table and obtain your name tag. We want to meet you! Register for activities and conformation match. Pre-register your Rescue Berner for Rescue Parade. 12:30 Dessert Auction. A Fund Raising Effort with Great Appeal! Please donate a Dessert to help with our Auction - see below 10:00-11:30 Paws and Ears Trim. Have your Berners Ears and Paws trimmed and learn how to do @ home to perfection. $20 - donation in Berner Garde or just update your information. 10:00 Raffle Opens. Make your raffle selections early! Pizza Party & Group Photo. Join us for lunch 1:30 Raffle Drawing. Have your raffle tickets ready! 2:00 Looking for a Berner Puppy? Talk to the 2:00 Foster Home Discussion. Every Rescue starts 10:30 Puppy Play Corral. A Fun Day tradition! Let the little ones run and play with others. 10:00-10:45 Shy or Fearful Dog Discussion. 1:00 10:00-11:30 Berner Garde Data Entry. Enter your Berner Berners who have had another chance for a happy life proudly strut their wagging tails in a Parade dedicated to all Rescue Berners and their sprcial owners. Pre-Register your Rescue Berner - see below. Learn what the Shy or Fearful Dog needs to handle their world. 10:00-10:45 Ins and Outs of Carting Equipment. Explanation of Carting Equipment & the and a group photo experts to start your search. Don’t miss this discussion to help you find the right BMD for you and your family. Get the list of “Dos” & Don’ts” and learn about the red flags. with a Foster Home. Are you interested to helping Rescue Berners? with Transportation, or Foster Home? Question and Answer discussion. 2:00-3:00 proper fit for harness & cart hook-up for your Berner. Conformation Match. Judge: Susan Morrill You do not need to be a Member of BMDCNV to Come and enjoy Fun Day- Just Love Berners! This is a great time to come hang-out with friends, meet new members and socialize your Berner. PRE-REGISTER YOUR RESCUE BERNER for the Parade! Celebrate Your Rescue Berner at Spring Fun Day! We’re celebrating all Berners – no matter where they came from, who have been given another chance and have found a loving home with their forever family. There will be gifts, treats, celebration cake, and a Parade for Rescue Berners. You are invited to enter your Berner in the Parade. Email Linda DeCellas: Join in the fun... everyone’s favorite fundraising event at Spring Fun Day! THE DESSERT AUCTION All Rescue Berner Families are encouraged to come to Fun Day. Free Attendance. At 10am there will be an educational/ training program for The Shy and Fearful Dog, conducted by Mimi Englander and Dawn Flaherty. 5 Bring your special recipe of delectable goodies... human and canine varieties... all are welcome! Let us know what you’re planning on donating. Please contact Diane VanPelt at: 34th BMDCNV Annual Meeting Debbie Jacobs CPDT-KA, CAP2 Shares “Fearful Dog” Advice at 34th BMDCNV Annual Meeting never know how afraid he used to be. With years of clicking and treating, his confidence has grown by leaps and bounds. Address the emotion -> change the behavior. Even though their fear may seem irrational to us, it’s quite real to our canine companions. When working with fearful dogs we should change the word “won’t” to “can’t.” Instead of being upset and punishing the “won’t”, help them learn new skills so they “can.” It’s hard to be afraid when you’re having fun! Help them learn behaviors they enjoy. by Nancy Bates; North Easton, MA W ith humor, video clips and illustrated points of advice, Debbie shared her experiences of living with and training the fearful dog - including her fearful dog, Sunny. Feeling frustrated? Walk away. Rule out the Medically - driven fears. When frustrated, Debbie recommended we should respond with thoughtfulness and patience - not anger. Every dog is different and as Debbie said “it takes as much time as it takes” to make progress. My Tibetan Mastiff, Dralion and Bernese Mountain Dog, Ariel, ate the same food, went to the same training classes, lived in the same house, and were both well socialized as pups. However, Dralion was terrified of thunder among other things and Ariel is fearless to the point of being reckless. We noticed Ariel’s behavior had a positive influence on Dralion and helped mitigate some of his fears. Debbie pointed out, one of the first steps to take with a fearful dog is to rule out medical conditions. Illness, injury, loss of vision and hearing can cause a dog to be fearful. Hypothyroidism and tick borne diseases can affect behavior too. The first behavior we have to change is our own. We need to have patience not just with our dog but with ourselves. And as Debbie said, “Never doubt the power of positive reinforcement.” One of the most amazing transformations I’ve seen in a fearful dog is Stanley, who was rescued by Dawn Flaherty. On his first visit to my house, Stanley wouldn’t let me pet him. After years of dog parties with birthday cake, he now loves visiting and the way he parties with the other dogs and their humans you would Never use food to lure a dog towards what they are afraid of. Our primary goal should be to never put a fearful dog in situations where they feel the need to behave aggressively or escalate aggression they are displaying. It took me years to realize that when someone asked “Can I pet your dog?” that the right answer for Dralion was “NO” because he didn’t want strangers petting him. Even though he looked cuddly he was genetically pre-disposed to be wary of strangers. Bullies only reinforce “learned helplessness”. Dogs who are bullied into behaving certain ways, may behave that way so long as the abuser is present. By being forced repeatedly to confront what it’s afraid of, the dog hasn’t learned not to be afraid; “it has learned to stop trying to make the terror go away.” Early Socialization gains a strong foot-hold against fearfulness. Debbie’s books not only give advice about shy, anxious, and fearful dogs but also about the importance of early socialization of puppies. Our new Berner puppy, Trinity, is afraid of the vacuum cleaner and since we have 2 Bernese in the house we do a lot of vacuum cleaning! She feels safe going upstairs when we vacuum. I have been clicking and treating her when she comes near the vacuum and in time I hope she’ll just stay on the floor like Ariel and I’ll be able to vacuum around her. Debbie had so much information to share, I wish there had been time for questions and hope we invite her back! Dawn Flaherty and Stanley meet Debbie Jacobs BMDCNV By the Numbers... WAYS AND MEANS PUPPY FINANCIALS nations Do l ra S RESOURCE ne Ge 6 57 $15,18 MEMBERSHIP EVENTS p Dues $7,463 Orders Shipped hi rs MEMBERSHIP be 675 em M 9 37 Income $16, ds 5 Performance Events s Inquiries 365 Active Househol Way’s and Mean’ $6,153 Expenses 10 ,3 $1 5 Hea lth or Edu cati rs on Events mbe es ns 0 Active MeDiers pe 50Steve Ex $1 ,3 76 10 retires from BMDCNV Board of Directors ,3 31 Net Income $ 7 Gathering Events scue Households in ReMarge 72By Workshop BMDCNV $1,499 Net Ga Bumen,1President 64 THE BERNER BLATT BREEDER REFER RAL MONTHLY PROGRAM DISTRIBUTION Not available at 126 - Mailed time of printing . 319 - Electronic 34th BMDCNV Annual Meeting T he Shelley Tyre Outstanding Service Award honors someone whose service and contributions to the club and/or the breed have been exceptional. Formerly known as the Kennel Ration or Gaines Good Sportsmanship Award, it was renamed in honor of club member, Shelley Tyre, who unexpectedly passed away in March 1999. The membership nominates a club member in good standing, who has made an extra special contribution to the club either recently, in the past or on a regular and consistent basis. This year’s Shelley Tyre Outstanding Service Award recipient has been a BMDCNV member for 15 years. During 8 of those years, he served as Treasurer, steadily maintaining the financial helm during good times and bad. He developed new systems and methods to manage our club’s fundraising efforts, retail sales, financial reporting & investments for the club’s future. • He is a breeder, and has owned and bred multiple breed champions. • He has competed with his berners in rally and agility. • He was RV Chair for the Nashoba 2008 National Specialty during which he masterfully organized and attended to the needs of 24 RVs and their people and dogs. Speaking of RV’s, at dog shows his motor home is always a gathering place for berner friends. If you are at the right place at the right time, you might be the lucky recipient of one of his famous breakfast egg and ham sandwiches. He can be counted on as a leader and as an active, hands-on volunteer, supporting our events with his skills and know-how. He always tries to see situations from multiple perspectives so that the right decision is reached, regardless of whether it is the decision he personally prefers. He sees a need and takes care of it before anyone even knows about it. Having earned the nickname “MacGyver”, there is nothing this man can’t build or fix! As an example of his kind-heartedness and superior multitasking ability, at one show, he cooked 10 people breakfast, competed in agility, entertained children by setting up an agility course for them in the RV village, ran over and competed in agility again, replaced a friend’s motorhome awning, installed another friend’s roof vent covers and fixed their battery, and then helped to cook the group dinner. And finally, there is his enduring love of the breed so clearly demonstrated when watching him with his girl Moffett. What a team, whether in the ring, or home, or out and about, buddies joined by a heart string.....Moffett the “Wonder Dog” and Steve Diers the “MacGyver” – this year’s recipient of the Shelley Award. VOLUNTEER BMDCNV Celebrates Title Earners Dog Name • CH Tharp’s Set Fire to the Rain • GCH CH Tennescott White Mtns The Balsams CDX RN DD • Orloff Gitta CD RN • Spruce Peak’s Pay it Forward V. Trailbound RN • Southwind Le Mans Best Friends BN RN NDD • Intervale Always a Dreamer RN ANDD • M&M Mtns Perfectly Meant to Be! CD RE DD BNDD • M&M Mtns Sure Fire ShermanDD BNDD • GCH Purple Fugitive Spring Auf Southwind RN CD NDD • Tennescott White Mtns Dalton CGC • GCH Backcountry Pandemonium NAP RA TDX NDD DD VDX BNDD CD WDX OAP • Spellbound Sunny Day • Betruf Ajax RA NAP MDD BDD ANDD • Betruf Zurrimutzi V Southwind BN TD NAP NFP CGC NDD BN DD BNDD ANDD RN • Iron Vom Granzweg CGC • CH Ledgewood’s Royal Invitation BN NDD • Tennescott White Mtns Moriah CGC RN • Southwind Summer Wages CD • CH Southwind Come Softly to Me CD • GCH Tennescott White Mtns Ripley Falls CD RE OAP NJP NFP MDD BNDD • CH Seawind Farm’s Imagine That • BelCane Reubens Robbie v Peacefield CD • Chloe RN Awards Gold Pins Awarded to Chairs ~ 2014: • Megan McTavish, • Dinae Van Pelt, Dessert Breeders’s Forum Auction Chair • Abby Patrizio, Supported • Marjorie Cottle, Show Entry (2) & Concurrent Presentation Rosettes Specialty • Carol Jensen, Winter Walk • Martha Phelps, Supported • Marge Bumen, Classic Entry & Handcrafted Picnic, Concurrent Trophy’s Specialty, Annual Meeting • Debra Metcalf Morris • Heidi Henderson, Raffle @ Specialty VT Summer Picnic • Bill & Cheryl Brickach, • Linda DeCellas, Raffle Chair Hospitality @ Specialty • Gib Otten, Raffle Chair • Karen Fox, Head Draft • Steve Grega, Raffle Steward @ Specialty • Julie Mott, Graphic Designer • Karen Fox, Berner Garde • Michelle Keck, Graphic Clinic Designer • Karen Fox, OFA /Health • Mimi Englander, Graphic Clinic Designer • Karlo Laforteza, Berner • Patricia Buickerood, Award Garde Clinic Certificates • Karlo Laforteza, Facebook • Melissa & Matt George, Launches Retreat Weekend Chairs • Elizabeth Malcolmson, • Beth Atkinson, Nominating Fall Draft Tests Committee Chair • Alison Jaskiewicz, Fall • Adam Conn, Supported Entry Draft Test Secretary 7 Owned by Deborah Tharp Barbara J Beck-Wilczek and William R Wilczek Linda Seaver Michelle Keck and Celeste O’Malley Dr. Jonathan C and Judith Conns, Lynn and Lloyd Jones Lynn P and Lloyd E Jones Michele C. LaBagh and Robert and Margo Burwood Margo Burwood Adam Conn Barbara Beck-Wilczek Beth Atkinson and Wendy Bennett Stephanie & Bill Freeman and Dayna L. Merrow Cheryl and William Brickach Cheryl and William Brickach Karlo and Kristina Laforteza Abby Patrizio and Kim Behrens Wynanda Bell, Barbara Beck-Wilczek and William Wilczek Dr. Jonathan C and Judith Conns Dr. Jonathan C and Judith Conns Barbara J Beck-Wilczek and William R Wilczek Alise Burbridge James and Susan Todhunter Dawn Flaherty Rescue Notebook Rescue Updates Continued from Annual BERNER Inc Issue - April 2015 DAISY MAY Our rescue girl Daisy May’s birthday is January 18th, but there is also another special day we celebrate with her, May 27th, Gotcha Day. That is the day this sweet 8 1/2 year old senior girl came into our lives. When we took Daisy Mae in as a foster, she was overweight, arthritic, and so out of shape, we had to carry her up the 2 steps from our garage to the house. Almost 11 months later, after a healthy weight loss diet, joint supplements, and regular exercise, she hops, runs, and rolls in the yard, and has no trouble going up and down the 15 stairs to the 2nd floor, so she can sleep with us! Within days of getting to know this beautiful soul, we knew we could never let her go. Everyone says Daisy May is so lucky we took her in and adopted her, but in our hearts, we know that we are the lucky ones. — Fran & Phil LaFlamme; Salem, CT BAILEY BARC’s Bailey - age 6 years. Cheese lover, squirrel chaser, bed hog, and all around lovebug. We adopted Bailey from Berner, Inc. in January, 2013. Though very sweet, she was also very timid and a flight risk. With time and patience, Bailey has come a long way. It seems like every day we learn a little more about her. Last summer she decided to show us that she loves to swim (not just a dunk, but full doggy paddling!). Though we had taken her to the water several times, she had never done more than get her paws wet, despite our encouragements. Bailey is a cherished member of our family and we are so thankful to have her in our lives! — Matt & Judy Hartman; Amesbury, MA CINDER Cinder came into my life when she was almost 4 yrs of age. Cinder was homeless for a few years and bounced around from one person to another trying to breed her — all attempts unsuccessful. She found her way back to her breeder and a Berner friend who knew of her connected us. Knowing Cinder knew some obedience, I adopted her. Cinder is now 9 yrs old and has blossomed into my beloved companion and protector. I am most proud of her EDUCATION & RESCUE WE ARE THE RESCUE ARM OF THE NASHOBA CLUB Berner, Inc. Financials April 1, 2014 – March 31, 2015 Donations: via Paypal via via Amazon Smile All other Total Individual & Business Contributions $ 1,445.00 $ 432.77 $ 34.26 $ 7,623.22 $ 9,535.25 Expenses: Rescue Dog Costs All other expenses Total Expenses $ 5,103.58 $ 2,832.44 $ 7,936.02 — Editor’s Note - Not previously available or only portions available at the time of printing our Annual BERNER Inc feature in the April 2015 issue, we present the Financials in their entirety. accomplishments in the therapy field as well as being part of my church by way of Paws of Joy, an outreach ministry I helped to create. Cinder attends church services, is part of a women’s choir and we are the first dog team to be invited to light an Advent candle. If we miss a Sunday worship service, the next week, people ask about Cinder rather than me! I tease our Pastor that she sleeps during his sermons. I am blessed to have Cinder in my life. 8 — Nancy Stitley; Mullica Hill, NJ Cinder CGC, TDInc - BG# 44753 BLAISE MAVIS About 3 years after the passing of our first rescue, 3 year old Simon, at the age of 11, we considered the possibility of adopting another Bernese Mountain Dog rescue. 6 year old Blaise had been in foster homes and was very troubled by other dogs. She had certain “special considerations”, including guarding her resources. Thanks to Heidi, Anya and Mimi, we are now three years later with Blaise and going strong! Blaise is an incredibly intelligent, caring, sensitive, loving, loyal dog. We are mindful of her challenges and it’s apparent how well she responds to this understanding. We are so fortunate to have Blaise in our family. She is beautiful through and through. And, you’re right, she isn’t our whole life, but she definitely makes our life whole. Mavis MisBehavious, Mavy from the Navy, Mavis Beatrice, Sweet Pea. We could go on and on with the various nicknames our rescue girl has generated over the years. And, we could go on and on with stories about Mavis, but it all sums up into one thing serendipity... “luck that takes the form of finding valuable or pleasant things that are not looked for”. We were lucky to answer the call to foster a shy, fearful girl back in 2008. While after 8 years, Mavis can be shy in crowds and still isn’t a fan of all men, she’s grown close to her chosen ones. It’s been wonderful to see her blossom and watch her personality come out. She’s got an impish sense of humor and secretly loves to be in charge. She loves to move - hiking, swimming and fishing are her favorites, but she loves cuddling, too. We are thankful to Anya for entrusting us with this girl. And, we are also grateful to her original family that had the courage to reach out to BERNER, Inc. in the first place. If it wasn’t for both of these events - well, perhaps this is what is meant by “everything happens for a reason”? — The Moreno Family; Killingtom, VT — Mari & Rob Higgins; Concord, NH SPENSER We adopted Spenser from BMDCNV Rescue in October of 2007 and have had our boy for nearly 8 years. Spenser came to us after passing through a number of foster homes. He had just been neutered and was still pretty much a dominant male when it came to other dogs, except, surprisingly, Ebbie our other BMD. They immediately fell in love and over the years became like an old married couple. Spenser had “separation anxiety” for a long time and it was his relationship with Ebbie which made it possible for us to leave him at home, if we went out places where we couldn’t take the two of them. Over the years he has become a really fine dog, well mannered and is extremely smart. At 12, he’s slowed down a lot and does have some back and hip issues so he doesn’t run and play like he used to. We love him dearly. — Jim Tompkins; Colchester, VT BECCA A special needs girl, Becca came to us after fostering by Debbie & Terry Fitch. She was 2 then and will celebrate her 8th birthday in the fall. We have a new puppy in the house now and Becca is very sweet and loving with her new best buddy. — Joe and Marge Bumen; Cape Neddick, ME the BERNER INC board of directors President & Director - Alise Burbridge Treasurer & Director – Tom McKinney Clerk & Director – Anya Wittenborg Director – Dawn Flaherty Director – Linda DeCelles Director – Beth Atkinson 9 Congratulations and Brags... Southwind Dogs do Ok at Casco Bay Training Club Two days; Three new titles; Two first places; Two second places; Three third places; Ten Qualifying scores Raven - Ch, CanCh Southwind Rave On CDX, NDD Judy: Rally Novice - Saturday, qualifying. Sunday- First place (100) and new RN title. Rosey - Southwind Ring Around Rose Jon: Rally Novice - qualifying score Saturday and Sunday. Summer - Southwind Summer Wages, CD, NDD Judy: Rally Novice - Saturday, second place, (100) and new RN title. Rally Advanced - Sunday - First place (100). Tiffin - Southwind Leave The Light On Jon: Rally Novice - Saturday, qualifying score. Sunday, Third place and new RN title. Novice Obedience - Saturday, Third place. Sunday, Second place and new CD title. — Judy and Jon Cons; Georgetown, ME We had a great time At the BMDCW test in PA. Balsam passed her DD for the third time, Balsam and her mother passed NBDD for the second time, and Laukie, with Bill handling him, passed his NDD. Judges: Val Horney and Jim Maxwell. — Barbie Beck-Wilczek & Bill Wilczek; Littleton, NH Kaibab’s Invitation To The Dance TD I am pleased to report that Tristan earned his Tracking Dog (TD) title on April 19th at the Tracking Club of VT test in Danby VT. See the video: — Alison Jaskiewicz: Mason, NH ® Change online shopping for good. In 2008, the BMDCNV membership established a 501(c) (3) charitable organization to address the needs of the everincreasing number of Berners being relinquished by their owners and to educate the public in the responsible care of this wonderful breed. The work of BERNER, Inc. is supported by the generous donations of people like YOU! Please consider honoring the achievements or the life of your dog (or of a friend or family member) with a tax-deductible donation either by Paypal on the web site, or by mail to: $952 earned to date! BERNER INC NEEDS Get Donations from retailers you shop with on-line! When you register with and designate Berner, Inc as the cause you’d like to support, ALL your on-line purchases will automatically generate a donation from the retailer to Berner, Inc.... at NO cost to you! It’s quick... It’s easy... and FREE! BERNER, Inc. P.O. Box 1221 Arlington, MA 02474 Learn more at 10 Birthdays, Congratulations and Brags... Augustus (aka Gus) Happy 1st birthday! Arundel’s Belmont Treasure 05-17-14 Love you! — Pam & Charles Swearingen; Belmont, MA man Sydney, Sage, Sher Happy 9th Birthday to Sydney (May) Happy 6th Birthday to her kids, Sage & Sherman! (June) So glad you are part of my family! — Margot Burwood; New Hartford, CT Happy Birthday Queen Liliuokalani!!! May it be filled with bully sticks, belly rubs, and air conditioning. — Cecilia & Jake Segal; Cambridge, MA Callie is 2! Brandywine’s Gentle Spirit • 04-21-13 Happy Birthday to my sweet, loving girl. I love you more each day. — Barbara Morss; Marion, MA “Stevie” Rosas Second Chance Rhiannon Sharon the Lloyd • 04-25-12 Happy 3rd Birthday to our silly, sweet love bug. The past three years have been amazing! — Debbie Fitch; Hancock, ME Rosa-n-Skylyns Pandora CGC, RA, BN, ANDD - (BFF & OOD) Official Old Dog Happy Birthday Paddy Pie... Celebrating 12 Years on May 27!!!! Great Grandma to Cricket, Great Auntie to Karma and Grammy to Tessa, she is the Spenser is 12! Queen Bee of the mountaintop and we May 23rd. treasure each & every moment with her. A happy-go-lucky goof that is very special Love ya Pie!! — Michelle Keck & The to us. He is one fabulous companion dog! Girls of TrailBound; Jim Thorpe, PA Happy Birthday to our love! — Jim & Karen Tompkins; Colchester, VT 11 In Rememberance BMDCNV Founding Member, Sharon Kullman Wollner — by Susan Todhunter; Wayland, MA Bernese Mountain Dogs were a rare sight in New England in the mid-1970s. One of the few area Berner breeders and owners at that time was Sharon Kullman. Sharon lived in a house on a hill in Lunenburg, Massachusetts. In 1975, Sharon, a nurse, began breeding BMDs under the kennel name Sunnyhill. Although no regional BMD club existed at that time, Sharon and fellow BMD owners - many of whom had purchased their Berners from Sharon - enjoyed informal get-togethers with each other and their dogs. In 1980, the BMDCA published an article about forming a regional club. After reading the article, Sharon called her New England Berner friends and said, “How about it?” The BMDCNV was incorporated in Massachusetts a year later, with Sharon as the club’s first Vice President. Sharon was a good friend and mentor to many original BMDCNV members, as well as being the breeder of some of their dogs. The BMDCNV’s first president, Bev Barney, got her first Berners, Am/Can CH Sunnyhill’s Helga v BMDCNV 38 Thompson St. Milford, CT 06460-63231 Contact to receive an electronic color issue of the Berner-Blatt Ulrica Am CDX, Can CD, Am/Can TD – Rica and Am/ Can CH Sunnyhill’s Brig CD – Brig, from Sharon. Founders Ellen and Charlie Nott purchased their first Berner, Sunnyhill’s Lady Alexandria – Zan, from Sharon, as well. Other BMDCNV members owned and own Berners who are descended from Sharon’s Sunnyhill line. Sharon was active in breeding and showing Berners through the mid-1980s. Sharon later moved to Florida, where she continued her nursing career for some years. Sadly, Sharon died last March after a long illness. Sharon’s contributions to our breed will live on in the existence of the BMDCNV and in those Berners descended from her Sunnyhill line. Join Us... at the Concurrent Specialty! See Page 3 BMDCNV BERNER Inc.
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