April - Bernese Mountain Dog Club of Nashoba Valley
April - Bernese Mountain Dog Club of Nashoba Valley
l t t a B r e n r e B The April 2014 the newsletter of the Bernese Mountain Dog Club of Nashoba Valley the club for new england berners & their families Annual B.E.R.N.E.R. Inc. Issue pages 6-9 Shelley Tyre Outstanding Service Award Recipient Beth Atkinson with Juniper (L) and Gwen (R). inside this issue... Calendar of Events..............................2 Concurrent Specialty........................3 Annual Meeting Highlights..........4, 5 B.E.R.N.E.R Inc............................... 6-9 Of Interest to Members....................10 Birthdays, Congrats, Brags..............11 Welcome! New Members David and Susan McBride Windsor, CT 06095 talidm@comcast.net BMDCNV Calendar of Events Tricia Kouroriez 180 Park St Newton, MA 02458 617-717-8604 e s a c Show New Members ~ 2014 ~ April 7–12: BMDCA National Specialty Hampton Roads, VA May 4: BMDCNV OFA Clinic Suffield, CT May 31–June 1: BMDCNV Regional Specialty Wrentham, MA June 7: BMDCNV Spring Fun Day Westford, MA June 29: Summer Picnic I Kittery, Maine Have you joined the club in past 24 months? July 12: Supported Entry Tunbridge, VT We’d like to get to know you! One of the fastest ways to meet other members is by volunteering... for anything! The other is the New Member Showcase... and it’s fast and easy! Complete the quick summary, hit submit, email your pic and you’re done! http://bmdcnv.org/newmember.html Please complete your submission by May 20th to be included in our June Issue of the Berner Blatt. July 26: Summer Picnic II St. Johnsbury, VT September 13: Supported Entry Falmouth, MA October 18 &19: BMDCNV Draft Tests Westford, MA the October 19: BMDCNV Fall Fun Day Westford, MA Trophy Donations Needed! FMI: www.bmdcnv.org/events.html Concurrent Regional Specialty ~ May 31 ~ Trophies Now Available • Deadline April FMI: Abby Patrizio at caraby@snet.net BMDCNV President Marge Bumen 207-351-5988 president@bmdcnv.org Vice President Alise Burbridge 781-749-5253 vicepresident@bmdcnv.org You can sponsor a trophy! board of directors Secretary Directors: Pat Buickerood 978-433-5267 secretary@bmdcnv.org Karen Fox • 860-436-4292 • director_fox@bmdcnv.org Treasurer Martha McCormick • 860-456-8881 • director_mccormick@bmdcnv.org Bruce Hallden 860-613-2646 treasurer@bmdcnv.org Sue Mahan • 978-386-7292 • director_mahan@bmdcnv.org Jean Michael • 508-947-6503 • director_michael@bmdcnv.org Anya Wittenborg • 781-316-2364 • director_wittenborg@bmdcnv.org 2 BMDCNV Concurrent Regional Specialty Saturday, May 31st Crackerbarrel Fairgrounds, Wrentham, MA Breed Judge...Andrew Ritter Sweeps & Veterans Judge...Fara Bushnell Best Puppy, Best Bred-by-Exhibitor, Best Veteran, Stud Dog, Brood Bitch, Brace, Junior Showmanship, Veterans Parade, Parade of Champions & Title Holders, Dog Fun Zone Hospitality Tent provided by BMDCNV Members At the conclusion of Saturday’s Judging, Fara Bushnell will provide new information & updates regarding Degenerative Myelopathy Reserve your Catalog ($3) send E-mail to MargeBumen@gmail.com Please Sponsor a Trophy - Contact Abby Patrizio caraby@snet.net by April 30th THREE SHOWS IN TWO DAYS !! Weekend Supported Entries - Ladies Dog Club - May 31st & June 1st Judges...Virginia Lyne & Marc Cohen 4-6 Month Puppy Competition 100th Anniversary of Ladies Dog Show with commemorative pins MB-F Secretary - Entries Close May 14th Specialty Show Chair: Marge Bumen SAVE THE DATE... Enjoy A Beautiful Trip To New England In The Fall BMDCA Back To Back Draft Tests - October 18th & 19th Middlesex County 4H Fairgrounds, Westford, MA 3 33rd BMDCNV Annual Meeting Dr. Harvey Cohen, Nutritionist and founder of Dr. Harvey’s Dr. Harvey supports raw feeding and has excellent information on transitioning from kibble to raw on his website www.drharveys.com Include kefir yogurt to the diet By Nancy Bates; North Easton, MA This creates an alkaline environment r. Harvey’s passion for animals really shows. We learned and support prevention of cancer. We’ll liver collects all the toxins in the body, so why would be adding this Ariel’s diet. you want to feed that to your companion animal? I sat in my 6-10 % of the diet should be grains seat very assured that my 11 ½ year Bernese Mountain Dog, - The grains act as a fiber brush to Ariel, doesn’t have “any” liver in her diet. When I got home, support prevention colon cancer. I was appalled when I looked at the list of ingredients on our Joints and muscles need to stay raw prepackaged foods and holistic treats. Even some of the strong - Dr. Harvey highlighted the salmon treats have liver in them and almost all the raw food benefits of swimming. A few years companies include liver as an ingredient. ago, Ariel dove into a pond and I “Rotate proteins and oils and...” Dr Harvey mentioned thought she was going to drown so I he importance of CQ10 for the heart. I was glad to hear think we’ll check with our rehab facility and see if she can learn to that since it is one of Ariel’s regular supplements. swim in their pool. D “If you knew more about it, you wouldn’t feed liver to a rat!” Watch the vaccines - Luckily our town accepts titers so we’ve limited Ariel’s vaccines and she’s been raw fed all her life. I hope we can have Dr. Harvey back again. He has so much info to share on herbs, homeopathy, etc. that he could do day long seminars. I would love to hear more about bloat and cancer prevention. I’ll be placing an order and Dr. Harvey will be a great resource for advice! Steve Diers retires from BMDCNV Board of Directors By Marge Bumen, President BMDCNV Not just a Treasurer, but Leader… Thank you Steve…for your long tenure in the role of BMDCNV Treasurer. Steve has served 4 terms as Treasurer since April 2006 and served on the Board with 3 Presidents: Craig Healey, Lynn Jones & Marge Bumen. The Nashoba Valley Club has been extremely fortunate to have Steve’s steady leadership all of these years for: • 50 Board meetings • Over 100 Insurance Binders • 16 Fun Days • 8 years of club tax filings Benchmark achievements during Steve’s tenure included: • Development of new systems and methods to manage our club’s fundraising efforts, retail sales, financial reporting & investments for the club’s future. • Laying the foundation for financing the 2008 National Specialty. In 2006 the club began the planning and work to host the BMDCA Specialty. As a result of Steve’s guidance and forward thinking, our club was in a strong position to turn a healthy war chest over to Beth Atkinson, the BMDCA show treasurer. • Initiating a survival strategy to get us through the slow economy and escalating fixed operating expenses of a very challenging 2010. Steve aka “MacGyver” is always an active, handson volunteer, supporting our events with his skills and know-how. Early on, Craig dubbed Steve Steve Diers and Moffet cruise the grounds as”MacGyver” at the 2006 Specialty. there was nothing (RV, car, generator, club finances, political in-fighting) that he could not fix! Steve is a pragmatic leader. Steve will forge the way, pick the safest route, and provide leadership to success. See that orange hat over there… The man with the orange hat is our “go–to” guy! THANK YOU for the many years of dedicated service and countless contributions to keep our club strong and vibrant. When we think of Steve it reminds us of how true that it is…You meet the nicest people at the end of a Berner’s leash! 4 33rd BMDCNV Annual Meeting ...Just Quietly Getting the Job Done work before and after the show with mountains of financial. • Supporter and founder of BERNER Inc. and currently an active contributor to the duties of the Berner, Inc Board and organization. The membership nominates a club member in good standing, who has made an extra special contribution to the club either recently, in the past or on a regular and consistent basis. Here are some words from the club members who made this nomination: A tireless supporter of the Berner breed and the Club; Opens her home and her heart to the needs of the club - having hosted draft workshops, board meetings and other gatherings; Has fostered & transported many rescue dogs; Always willing to lend a hand, an ear or encouragement; Personally, I met her at a club event and she was always supportive of me and my endeavors, always a positive word to keep me going and to try new things. So what sums up this Shelley Award recipient? She is about no self-glory… just quietly getting the job done. She “Walks the Walk & Talks the Talk” of all things Berner! We gladly present this year’s Shelley Tyre Award to: Beth Atkinson; Bolton, MA Shelley Tyre Outstanding Service Award - 2014 Presented by 2013 Recipients - Lloyd & Lynn Jones; Intervale, NH W e are honored to present the Shelley Tyre Outstanding Service Award for 2014. This award honors someone whose service and contribution to the club and/or the breed has been exceptional. This year’s recipient exemplifies wonderful sportsmanship and does all sorts of competition events with her dogs. She really leads the way in showing others what a dog can accomplish, and she does it in a way that shows how much she cherishes her dogs. Her outstanding demonstration of her commitment to the Working Breed and all that her dogs are capable of is in the alphabet soup that follows her dogs names including: CGC, NDD, DD, WD, BNDD, BDD, ANDD, TD, TDX, CD, VCD1, VCD2, NA, RN, RA, RE, NJP, AJP, NFP, OAP, OFP, CH, & NAP ... The Shelley award is given on an annual basis to a member who has exhibited outstanding service to our club: • Served on the BMDCNV Board from 1998-99 and again for two terms in 2005. I had the pleasure of serving with her. • Participated as an active volunteer for many projects & fundraising events and as a committee member for numerous Fun Days & Educational Programs. • Served as Treasurer for two National Specialties-1998 & 2008 - Positions that required years of preparation and dedicated ...the Lady Continues to Shine! Even though husband Phil demonstrated devious and conniving secretworthy efforts to get Beth to the Annual Meeting, she was not able to attend to receive her award, because... guess what?... she was at a show! We heard that Beth had a perfect Rally run and the fastest course time of day – not just for her class, but every other class as well. Way to go! — Editor’s Note BMDCNV By the Numbers... THE BERNER WAYS AND MEANS PUPPY FINANCIALS ns BLATT tio BREEDER REFER Dona RAL $15,831 General p Dues $1464 Website sales/ RESOURCES MEM M BER O SHI NTHLY P EVE IP NTS SH ER hi MEMB PROGRAM 504 DISTRIBUTION $15,890 Members Mean’s 74 orders 9 Performance Events ds ol eh us Ho 13 e d Members $5563 Event sale Inquiries 353 Activ 175 - Mailed 2 Health or Education Events $5,563 Way’s an s 11 Renewals es $1 ns 60 pe 0 485 Active Members Ex Ne 61 23 w in 5 - Electronic 7,0 ve $3 6 nt Gat her or ing y ds Eve ol nts 2 New Mem $2669 Expenses 63 Rescue Househ bers $213 Net Gain VOLUNTEER Awards Presenter - Martha Phelps, Volunteer Chair Gold Pins Awarded to Chairs ~ 2013: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Megan McTavish, Regional Specialty Chair Jim Todhunter, Regional Specialty Secretary Megan McTavish, Breeders Forum Alise Burbridge, Breeders Forum Adam Conn, Supported Entry Martha Phelps, Supported Entry Abby Patrizio, Supported Entry Carol Jensen- Winter Walk Marge Bumen, Kittery Picnic Julie Mott, Graphic Designer Joe Beauregard- Draft Program Printing Michelle Keck -Draft Graphic Design Karen Fox, OFA Clinic Phil Keating, Fall Tracking Test Patricia Buickerood, Award Certificates Martha McCormick, Draft Test Margot Burwood, Draft Test Steve Pflederer, Draft Secretary Melissa & Matt George, Retreat Weekend Lloyd Jones, Nominating Committee Jean Michael, CGC Test BMDCNV Celebrates Title Earners Dog Name Ledgewood’s Royal Invitation NDD GCH CH Ledgewood’s Live It Up CH Purple Fugitive Spring Auf Southwind BN OTCH Ledgewood’s T For Tumble UDX OM3 ANDD ABNDD MDD MBDD GMDD GCH CH Tennescott White Mtns The Balsams CDX RN NDD DD CGC TDI VDX Tennescott White Mtns Moosilauke CD CGC CH Back Country Pandemonium NJP TD CH Country Road’s Belle of the Ball Helvetia’s Best Dressed CGC BN Olympian’s Chasin a Dream CGC NV Rescue’s Beautiful Bailey CGC Ledgewood’s Ziva CGC TDI CH Maine’s After Hours Helvetia’s Made to Order CD Snowdin Spellbound’s Brighter Days BN RN GCH CH Trailbounds Ready Set Sing V Rosas RN Spruce Peak’s Pay It Forward V. Trailbound RN Rosa-N-Skylyn’s Pandora RN CGC NDD ANDD RA BN GCH CH Glenmegan’s Flanders Fire CGC CD NAP OJP DD BNDD VD Redbarn’s Jazzy Adeline RN BN NDD BNDD RA Tennescott White Mtns Moriah CGC BN 5 Owned by Abby Patrizio Abby Patrizio and Kim Behrens Adam Conn Alison Jaskiewicz and Abby Patrizio Barbara Beck-Wilczek and William Wilczek Barbara Beck-Wilczek and William Wilczek Beth Atkinson and Wendy Bennett Craig and Tracey Healy Jean Michael Jeanne M. Robbins Judith Hartman Kathyrn Wilson and Thomas Pink Libby Kesner Margaret De Pasquale Matthew & Melissa George & Dayna Merrow Michelle Keck and Celeste O’Malley Michelle Keck and Celeste O’Malley Michelle Keck and Christine McLean Wynanda Bell Wynanda Bell Wynanda Bell and Barbara Beck-Wilczek Rescue Notebook in July 2013 and plan to hold another in 2014. We continue to search for foster homes for our rescue dogs. At this time, we have a small number of foster parents who we lean on regularly. We continue to work on developing a back-up pool of foster homes. Maybe you’d like to be one? Berner Inc. Year in Review By Linda DeCelles and Gib Otten, Rescue co-chairs I n April 2013, Gib and I assumed the Rescue Chair duties from Anya Wittenborg. Over the past year Anya has helped us ease into the tasks that she handled so capably and devotedly for eight years. We’re grateful that she continues to serve on the Berner, Inc. Board. Highlights of 2013 EDUCATION & RESCUE The big event of 2013 was WE ARE THE RESCUE ARM OF THE NASHOBA CLUB the rescue in December of five neglected and abused Berners from Vermont. Due to the efforts of many people in New England, Berner, Inc. volunteers and BMDCNV members, we have successfully placed all five in adoptive homes. In December, we were drawn into the search for “The Essex Berner.” This male Berner had been abandoned in Essex, MA. Several BMDCNV members participated in the search. After coordinating with the local Animal Control and several weeks of sightings and search efforts, the dog was finally secured and subsequently adopted through an Essex rescue group. New State Coordinators In the past year the Berner, Inc. Board has instituted the new positions of State Coordinators. They will handle rescue business in their states under the direction of the Rescue Chair. We’re grateful to Nancy Bard, the Connecticut coordinator, Marjorie Cottle, the Rhode Island coordinator and Cathy Estes, the Vermont coordinator. In 2014 we hope to add coordinators for New Hampshire and Maine. Anya, Linda and Gib cover Massachusetts. Donations and Discounts We rely on donations to keep our rescue account healthy. We’re fortunate that most of the veterinarians and others we work with give us discounts. The Board will continue to discuss fund-raising strategies in 2014. And we’re not leaving any $$$$ on the table! We’ve learned there are two easy sources of alternative donations: iGive.com... Thank you to all who have signed up and just look at what your online purchases have generated for us! Amazing!! So, just when you think your small online purchase won’t make a difference, please consider joining iGive! It’s FAST, EASY and FREE and a percentage of each online purchase comes to Berner, Inc. EVERY purchase makes a difference and we need EVERY dollar! Learn more... http://igive.com//Q6w2U?Jmt Employer Donation Matching... Again, thanks to all who have signed up with their employer to match your donation to Berner Inc. No matter how small, that match makes all the difference! Does your employer have a matching donation program? Check it out, and if not, maybe they’d like to start one. The Year Ahead Our goal is to take in Berners who need to be rehomed before the owners risk listing their dogs on an online message board or surrendering it to a shelter. Our plan is... We will continue to contact listers and help them rehome their berners. Unfortunately, it becomes more challenging when listers want money for their dogs, as our policy prohibits us for paying for them. We will continue to leverage communication sources - flyers, online media and other sources - throughout New England to raise visibility of our rescue capabilities. We will expand our networking with other rescue organizations and shelters to support Berner rehoming. We want every rescue and shelter in New England to contact us when presented with a Berner. We will continue to use our Club communications - email, Berner Blatt , Facebook - to keep members informed of how they can support outreach, fundraising and friend-raising efforts. We need member suggestions and recommendations! Join us! Expenses We remained in the black for 2013. However, a majority of the Berners who came into rescue needed our financial assistance. The costs can range from modest charges for grooming to large bills for medical procedures. About a 3rd of our expenses were incurred with the five Berners impounded in Vermont. It continues to be a Berner, Inc. policy that we will pay for whatever care is needed for a Berner taken into our rescue program. Thank You for a Successful Year To those who have provided the smallest of donations to the longest foster stint... and everyone in between... we can’t be a Berner rescue’s angel without each and everyone of you! You are all caring and dedicated. You are persistant and comforting. You are thoughful and motivated. Thank you for being there, even if it’s for just one. It’s one more berner that we can wrap our arms around and tell them they are coming home. Volunteers The Berner, Inc. Board continues to seek and rely on volunteers for all our rescue tasks. We held a volunteer recruitment meeting Rescue By The Numbers Berner Inc 2013 - 2014 17 - Dogs in Foster 17 - Dogs Adopted 5 - Males (1) intact 12 - Females (5) inact Breeder 14 - Known 3 - Unknown Surrender State 2 - Maine 5 - Vermont 0 - New Hampshire 4 - Massachusetts 2 - Rhode Island 1 - Connecticut Surrender Reason 5 - Impound 2 - High Vet Costs 3 - Economic Hardship 2 - Eviction 4 - Problems with Children 1 - No longer wanted for breeding 6 Surrender Source 12 - Individual Owners 5 - Animal Control Financials $7636. - Individual & Corporate Donations $4800. - iGive donations $11,000. - Expenses Adoptive Homes 0 - Maine 1 - Vermont 0 - New Hampshire 11 - Massachusetts 0 - Rhode Island 4 - Connecticut State Coordinators 0 - Maine* 1 - Vermont 0 - New Hampshire* 3 - Massachusetts 1 - Rhode Island 1 - Connecticut *soon to be identified 2013 YEARBOOK EDUCATION & RESCUE Beckett Brandy 3 years • Ashland, MA 3 years • Marshfield, MA Cody Ellie Emma Gabby Gracie 2 years • Lancaster, MA 2 years • Naugatuck, CT 6 years • Plymouth, MA 4 years • Farmington, CT 3 years • Marshfield, MA WE ARE THE RESCUE ARM OF THE NASHOBA CLUB Greta Gunnar Lacey Maya Merry 3 years • Hooksett, NH 2 yrs • W. Greenwich, RI 3 years • Essex, MA 2 years • Chicopee, MA 3 years • Melrose, MA Murphy Sienna Summer Tank Zuri 2 years • S. Windsor, CT 2 years • Boston, MA 2 years • Island Pond, VT 2 years • Marshfield, MA 1 year • Wesport, MA 7 It Takes A Village to Rescue Berners By Linda DeCelles, Rescue Chairs W henever a dog is mistreated, neglected or abandoned, it takes a coalition, or "village" of rescue volunteers, animal control officers, law enforcement agents, court officials, veterinarians, dog lovers and others involved in animal welfare working together to save that dog. When a whole group of dogs is abused and neglected at the same time, it takes an expanded “village” of rescuers to help the dogs recover and find homes. Last December, Berner, Inc. became part of a large village that gathered many people from across New England to simultaneously save five abused Berners in Vermont. It's many steps, with many roles. It also takes a village of Berner, Inc. volunteers and BMDCNV members to rescue Berners from individuals who can no longer care for them and ask us to find them new homes. First, the rescue chairs and state coordinators review intake forms submitted by the owners. We call them for interviews and to arrange an evaluation in the dog’s home. Second, we collect vital information to help us place the Berner in the most suitable foster home and with the best adopters. We often call on volunteers and club members in the proximity to evaluate the Berner and interview the owner in the surrending home. Third, we determine the logistics of transporting the Berner to the appropriate foster home. We rely on volunteer members to transport Berners from every point in New England. Often we have relays with many volunteer transporters bringing the Berner from first to final stop. Fourth, If a surrendered Berner is ready for a new home right away, a temporary foster home is set up with one of our “villagers” (volunteers and members). Fifth, If a match is made with one of the applicants we have wanting a Berner rescue, the Berner makes a final trip from the foster home to his or her new home. All of our adopters have previously had home checks and in-person interviews before we introduce them to a rescue Berner. The shape they're in can be challenging and costly. Having been neglected, abused, ignored or too expensive, many Berners come to us needing immediate attention due to lapsed health care, lapsed nutrition or unacceptable companion dog behavior, before they can be matched with a potential adopter. These Berners go to foster homes for stays ranging a couple of weeks to several months. During the foster period, a plan for success is determined and usually requires the help of many - foster parents, veterinarians, trainers, groomers, etc. - until the Berner is on a strong path for recovery and ready to be rehomed. In the end, every one of our rescued Berners finds the best home sometimes with the fosters themselves! Many people come together to place one Berner in one home, and all of them celebrate the new “citizens” in our Berner village. Latest Thank Yous to our Berner Village: Berner, Inc. would like to thank the following who were part of our rescue village in the past few months. These individuals and businesses went above and beyond in helping us secure and provide needed services to our rescue Berners: Colleen Rouhan (American Bullmastiff Association), Pam Bartlett, Deputy Nick Oullette and Advocate Samatha Allen in Vermont. Dr. Ryan Canales, Erika Canales, Practice Manager, and the staff of Long Trail Veterinary Center, Williston, Vermont. Berner, Inc. is deeply grateful to LTVC for their diligent and loving care of rescued Berners and the generous discount for services. Dr. Sarah Hoy, veterinary opthamologist, waived her consulting fee. Berner, Inc. thanks her for her generosity. Dr. Blake Liebert and the staff of Muddy Creek Animal Center, Rowley MA. Berner, Inc. is grateful for the discounted fees for the boarding and medical care of (and playtime with!) our Berners. Dr. Saria of Gold Coast Mobile Veterinary Service, Milford CT, provided discounted follow-up treatment for a foster Berner. Mary Ann Bartlett of MSPCANevins, a good friend to BMDCNV, offered to arrange emergency boarding, if we needed it. Bark Plaza Grooming, Rowley MA, made adjustments in their schedule to give one Berner a much-needed deep cleaning and trim. (Bark Plaza is active in and supports local dog rescue groups. Latest Thank Yous to our Club Members BMDCNV members and volunteers were front and center in securing, transporting and fostering our rescue Berners. Our special thanks go to: Brian and Jenny Hillery, for transport and most of all, for their long-time dedicated and expert foster care. Dave Gingras, for multiple (snowy) transports and fostering. Julie and Jeff Zapatka for long-term fostering. Daryl Bichel and Dave Elliott for short-term fostering. And there were so many other BMDCNV members who gave us moral support, advice, and referrals to potential adopters, as we searched for placements for the dogs. Along the way to finding homes for our rescued Berners, I was connected to many wonderful people in the rescue community all over New England. I also was contacted by BMDCA members and other rescue people outside of New England who were eager to help us. It’s gratifying to know that if ever Berner, Inc. has a village full of dogs to save, there is a big village of rescue people to help! the BERNER INC board of directors President & Director - Alise Burbridge Treasurer & Director – Tom McKinney Clerk & Director – Anya Wittenborg Director – Dawn Flaherty Director – Linda DeCelles Director – Beth Atkinson 8 Rescue and Social Media the marsh. It took two months before he was finally secured by patient homeowners who live by the marsh. The frenzy on social media impeded the efforts of the Essex Animal Control Officer to organize a well-planned search and rescue of the Berner. She told me that the situation got out of control right away because of the unorganized communications on Facebook and Twitter. All of us Berner people know from experience that rescuing a loose Berner is a very delicate and deliberate process. The ACO told me that had she been contacted about the loose Berner before it got out on social media, she would have contacted Berner, Inc. right away and co-ordinated a rescue with us. When she finally got control of the rescue, she was able to set up a system for reporting sightings and organizing the people who live in the area where he was usually seen and was finally secured. Let’s hope that as social media becomes more and more a part of our everyday dog world that everyone learns how to use it sensibly. By Linda DeCelles, Rescue Chair I confess that I don’t have a personal Facebook account. I love my family, but I don’t need to know what they’re doing all day. I’m not interested in “friending” people from my distant past (who are history for a reason). I really don’t need to be “friended” by some corporation that wants to sell me stuff. I have never used Twitter. I’m just learning to send text messages. I’ve never taken a “selfie.” But I do connect to the Berner, Inc. Facebook page. Facebook at it’s best. Check it out...https://www.facebook.com/pages/BernerInc/224164187613456 - You’ll find yourself in a virtual Berner world! Many Berner Inc. Facebook “friends” will tell you stories and show you pictures of their Berners. If you need to submerge your consciousness in Berners, this is the place to go. Amid the many submissions from friends of Berners you will also find advice about living with our beloved breed. For example, there were several postings about the right (and wrong) ways to handle children around Berners. This is Facebook at its best, I think: Useful information mingled with chatter for an overview of life with Berners. A forum like Facebook connects inexperienced Berner people with Berner veterans. Nevertheless, there is minimal editing and few “filters” on social media, and a lot of bad information and wrongheaded opinions get out. But this misinformation can be corrected if Facebook friends keep messaging. Don’t be dismayed if you read something that makes you shake your head in disbelief send a “friendly” rebuttal and be prepared for a lively discussion! The Face behind our Berner Inc. Facebook. BMDCNV member Ellie Kittler maintains Berner, Inc.’s Facebook page. As I get more familiar with using Facebook, I will contribute more Berner, Inc. material for Ellie to post. I encourage you to submit your stories, brags, advice—whatever you want to share— to Ellie, that will liven up our content. Connecting with Rescue Organizations and Adopters. Facebook as a location for Berner rescue, so far has brought some attention to our adoptable dogs. Many “friends” comment on our adoptable dogs on Facebook, and we received requests for adoption applications from friends. We have helped other rescues and shelters by posting notices for Berner mixes and other large breeds up for adoption on our Facebook page. Our Electronic Information Sources. Between the Berner, Inc. website and our Facebook presence, Berner, Inc. now has two electronic sources to get the information out about our adoptable dogs. The Berner, Inc. website is our lifeline for adoptions. All of our applicants come from the on-line adoption application process. Maintaining regular content and adding new information to a website is a time-consuming job. BMDCNV volunteer Mimi Englander is our ready, willing and able webmaster. Berner, Inc. will be working on giving her more material to enrich our page. It’s an irony of our tech-based world -- which is supposed to make information available faster and easier-- actually makes more work for us as we try to keep up with the electronically paced world. If only we could teach our Berners to take “selfies” and post messages, we would have more time to provide “content” about them to our electronic media! With the best of intentions - a Facebook stumble. Facebook and Twitter have their down sides, however. A case in point is the recent rescue of the “Essex Berner.” As many of you know, this dog was abandoned in Essex MA last December. With the best of intentions, dozens of concerned rescuers and citizens in Essex and surrounding towns flooded Facebook and Twitter with news about the loose Berner. A crowd of people, alerted by Facebook and Twitter messages, converged in vehicles and on foot on Rte. 133 when the Berner was sighted running in the nearby marsh. The dog became frightened and confused by the crowd and ran out onto 133 where he was bumped by the slow-cruising car of a rescuer, and ran back into the BMDCNV Berner Blatt Editor Linda Botti bernerblatt@bmdcnv.org Breeder Referral Program Megan McTavish norarose2@sbcglobal.net Historian Vacant historian@bmdcnv.org chairpeople These dedicated chairpeople provide essential services to you, our membership. Please feel free to contact them with your questions, concerns, suggestions, requests for help or offers of help. Our mission is to provide the best for Berners and their families. Membership Jim Todhunter PO Box 5213 Framingham, MA 01701 memberchair@bmdcnv.org Public Education Martha Phelps, Diane Smith & Karen Allen education@bmdcnv.org Rescue Linda DeCelles Gib Otten 1-877-4BMDCNV (toll free) rescue@bmdcnv.org Volunteer Coordinator Martha Phelps 802-368-7656 volunteer@bmdcnv.org Membership List Admin. Jim Todhunter Jeff Nowak elisthelp@bmdcnv.org Puppy Referral Laurel Crowley puppychair@bmdcnv.org Training Resources Paul Emerson 508-243-3922 training@bmdcnv.org Ways & Means Judy HartmanWeb Page Retail Lynne BaileyBlatt Custom Orders shop@bmdcnv.org Members List Moderator Sharon Brady moderator@bmdcnv.org Regional Club Rep (RCR) Karen Fox rcr@bmdcnv.org 9 Trophy Chair Donna Bennett trophychair@bmdcnv.org Web Master Mimi Englander web@bmdcnv.org Going for the TriAthlete Challenge! Preparing for National Specialty - Hampton Roads, VA April 7 - 12, 2014 Tugboat and I are in training for the TriAthlete Challenge. The TriAthlete Challenge is a special award given each berner/ handler team that earns a qualifying leg or passing score in three or more working venues during the week of the National Specialty. The eligible events are tracking, herding (JHD) or above, obedience, rally, agility and draft. Only one score or performance in each venue will count towards this award, and the performance must be at the titling level, although the dog/ handler team may already have earned the relevant title. It’s been a long time since we’ve trialed/tested at Nationals and we want to do a good job. We are entered in herding, drafting, and agility, so we try to split our practice time between all of them: Agility - We practice 3 times a week to work on jumping. Our main challenge here is keeping bars up. Herding - We get a herding practice about once a week, even though it is indoors and often on ducks. This could be our hardest challenge. Drafting - Although we’re navigating snow banks everywhere, we’re able to draft maybe twice a week. Our biggest challenge is finding distractions. Tugboat does very well here in the woods by ourselves. But I remember only too well our freight halls in prior tests. So many interesting smells, sights, sounds. So we need to round up some friends and their dogs to help us. Also, we don’t yet have solid ground yet except on driveways, parking lots, and roads. To adjust for that, we’ve added extra weight to the cart and tried to find some uphill slopes. And then, let’s not forget me... I’m old and not in top shape. All three sports require me to run at times, so off to the Y for cycling classes 3 days a week! I know I’m lucky to be able to have this much quality time with Tugboat. Each day our bond grows stronger. And what does Tugboat think? “I can’t believe I get to have this much fun with mom!” — Barb Gibson; Edgecomb, ME Mark Your Calendars! We’re hosting 2 Summer Picnics this year... June 29 - Fort Foster - Kittery, ME • http://www.portsmouthnh.com/thingstodo/todoDetail.cfm?TodoID=82&CategoryID=17 July 26 - Dog Mountain - St. Johnsbury, VT • https://www.dogmt.com/ More details coming in the May Issue! PLEASE JOIN US for Family Fun with your Berner! Meet Donna Bennett... our new Trophy Chairperson BMDCNV Spring Fun Day My name is Donna Bennett and I live in Old Lyme, CT with my husband, a Great Pyrenees and a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retreiver. Dogs are both my work and play so there is never a shortage of sloppy kisses and fur in my life. I joined the BMDCNV approximately 20 years ago. At that time I had “Chili” who was my very first dog that I owned on my own and a huge obedience challenge. I joined the club to connect with other Berner owners in an effort to solve behavioral issues with my difficult boy. The club provided a great support system and some fabulous events to test our accomplishments. As all club members can attest, you can’t own just one Bernese. I went on to share my love with Ticket and Deca. I have been without a Berner for almost 3 years. I have lost all 3 boys to cancer with the last 2 leaving me at 5 1/2 years old. I adore the breed and hope to have more tri-colored cuddlers in the future, when my heart heals. Saturday, June 7th • 10:30 am - 2pm Middlesex County 4-H Fairgrounds, Westford, MA • Puppy Corral... Play Time for Pups of all Ages • Big Berner Raffle & 50/50... Lots of chances to win! • Cookie Bake Sale • Berner Workshop Discussion • Portraits of You & Your Berner... by Sea Jay Photography • Paws & Shop with many New Berner Items! • Paws & Ear Trimming Clinic • “I want a Bernese Mountain Dog Puppy” Discussion and Q & A • Berner Tricks... Show off your Berner’s tricks and learn a new one! • Lunchtime Pizza Party • Conformation Fun Match 10 Complete Schedule of Events will be available in May Issue. Birthdays, Congratulations and Brags... Happy Birthday to the first Windbeam litter - 4/6/12 Happy Seventh Birthday, and their Mother, Myoties Watching and Waiting - 4/15/09 — Neal & Carol Jensen; Cromwell, CT Robbie-Bobbins! You don’t look a day over five. We love you!!! — Susan & Jim Todhunter; Wayland, MA Olympian’s Chasin A Dream, CGC Happy 4th Birthday! Thank you, Sherri, for our happy, happy boy. We love you Bubba Dog! Mom, Dad & Bacio — Jeanne Robbins; Canaan, NH Happy 1st Birthday Callie! Brandywine’s Gentle Spirit 4-21-13 Happy birthday to my sweet, loving girl. I’ve only had you a few months, but you truly are a gentle spirit. — Barbara Morss; Marion, MA It’s still winter, but someone is having fun! Our three year old granddaughter, Mira Cons with Trigger and Judy Cons. — John Cons; Porter, ME Happy 4th Birthday, Lucy! 11 You came to stay with us as a 3-month-old foster puppy “for the weekend.” We knew then you would always be our “little” girl. — Gib Otten & Linda DeCelles Rowley MA Hero Dog Award Spellbound’s Sunny Day, “Oakley”, owned by Stephanie & Bill Freeman accepted her BMDCNV Hero Dog Award at our Annual Meeting on March 16th. This young Berner alerted her family in the early morning of February 17th. Oakley sounded the alarm that a fire was underway as smoke was filling their Vermont ski condo, one of 36 units that ultimately succumbed to the blaze. Oakley insisted the family “wake” and she would not be ignored. Oakley persisted with her efforts, finally waking Bill by sitting on his head. Many lives were saved due to Oakley’s insistence for her family to take action. Read Oakley’s story here.... http://tinyurl.com/nbqpkf4 BMDCNV P.O. Box 5213 Framingham, MA 01701 LAST CHANCE FOR APPOINTMENT! All Breed OFA Clinic May 4th Contact Karen Fox: foxfirebmd@gmail.com Contact Memberchair@bmdcnv.org to receive an electronic color issue of the Berner-Blatt Join us on BMDCNV BERNER Inc.
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