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SLTaug14pgs_SS_SLTtemplate 7/23/14 1:30 PM Page 46 Want To Place Your Classified Ad In IronWorks? Call 334-699-7837, 1-800-669-5613 or Email: IRONWORKS TOLL FREE: 1-800-669-5613 IRONWORKS RATES; Space available by column inch only, one inch minimum. Rate is $50 per inch, special typesetting, borders, photo inclusion, blind ads, $10 extra each. Deadlines: By mail, 15th of month prior to publication. Place your ad toll-free 24 hours a day from anywhere in the USA (except Alaska and Hawaii) 1-800-669-5613 ask for Classifieds 8:30-5 pm CST. After business hours our automatic ad taker will take your ads. 6209 3664 VIEW OR DOWNLOAD THIS MONTH’S CLASSIFIEDS ONLINE: 4247 CLIPPERS SCREENS PETERSON 5000G (2G-214-661), DOPPSTADT SM720 2001, 12981 Hrs, Cab, AC, Whole Tree (W0962121781D07286), 2009, 2184 Chipper...............................$200,000 Hrs, 7’ 20’’ Drum w/ 3/4 ‘’ Punch Plate...................................$250,000 KNUCKLEBOOM LOADERS CAT 525C (052500251), 2006, 8631 CAT 573 (00HA19789), 2010, 3935 Hrs, Cab, AC, 30.5-32, Dual Arch Hrs, Cab, AC, 30.5L-32, SS56 Saw Grapple, Blade, Winch................CALL ..........................................$193,000 CAT 525C DF-SA (052501416), 2011, 5783 Hrs, Cab, AC, 30.5-32 Double HYDRO-AX 321 (7121), Arch Grapple, S Blade, Winch......CALL ID#CON532020, 1998, 10000 Hrs, CAT 535B (0AAE00852), 2005, 13909 Cab, AC, 24.5-32 Tires W/Chains, Hrs, Cab, AC, 30.5L32, Dual Arch Grapple, Blade, Winch, Sweeps ..........CALL 20’’Sawhead.........................$33,500 DOPPSTADT SM720 PRENTICE PRE 280 (P57066), (W09621179A1D07448), 2010, 248 ID#530490, 2000, 12738 Hours, Cab, Hrs, Trommel Screen, 435/50R19 Trailer........................................CALL ..........................................$323,000 FRANKLIN LOGGER 170 (16544), 1995, 1221 Hrs, Cpy, Single Arch PRENTICE PRE 384 Grapple .....................................CALL (PR60048),2004, 14152 Hrs, Cab, AC, Evans Trailer, Grapple, Delimber, CAT 517 (05WW00419), 2004, 7877 TIMBERJACK 450C (CB4855), 1994, Double V Heel............................CALL Hrs, Cab, AC, Esco Grapple..$200,000 10000 Hrs, Orops W/Cage, 28L-26, Sorting Grapple.....................$22,500 PRENTICE PRE 384 (62951), 2006, CAT 525 (03KZ01265), 2004, 11708 14430 Hrs, Cab, AC, Evans Trailer, Hrs, Cab, AC, 30.5-32, Dual Arch Prentice Grapple ...................$44,000 Grapple.................................$61,500 PRENTICE PRE 384 (PR61207), 2005, CAT 563 (00HA19937), 2011, 2305 13354 Hrs, Cab, AC, Evans Trailer, CAT 525B (03KZ00562), 2002, 8348 Hrs, Cab, AC, 24.5-32, SH50 Saw Grapple, Delimber .....................CALL Hrs, Cab, 30.5-32, Grapple ........CALL ..........................................$220,000 SKIDDERS WHEEL FELLER BUNCHER 46 ● AUGUST 2014 ● Southern Loggin’ Times HYDRO-AX HYD 470 (HA18544), 2004, 2451 Hrs, Cab, AC, 28L-26, Sawhead...................................CALL HYDRO-AX HYD 670 (HA18975), 2005, 11000 Hrs, Cab, 30.5-32, SC56 Sidecut Sawhead ......................CALL TIGERCAT 726 (7260852), 1997, 10000 Hrs, Cab, AC, 30.5-32, 22’’ Sawhead ..............................$39,000 SLTaug14pgs_SS_SLTtemplate 7/23/14 1:30 PM Page 47 Want To Place Your Classified Ad In IronWorks? Call 334-699-7837, 1-800-669-5613 or Email: 1461 EQUIPMENT FINANCING • Preferred Good Credit Plans • Rough Credit Plans 252-946-9264 (turned down, tax liens, bankruptcies) • Purchases • Refinance • Start-up Business • Loans Against Your Existing Equipment for QUICK CASH! 2-Hour Approvals! Low Monthly Payments Little or No Down Payments 15 Years In Business CALL NOW 2006 Trelan 23RC Chipper CAT 3412 w/760hp; 8665+ hours .......$149,500 985-875-7373 Fax: 985-867-1188 Email: Personal Service Ask For L.T. DEALERS WELCOME 1447 2006 Peterson 4800E Debarker/Delimber CAT C9, 9310+ hours.......$129,500 2003 Tigercat 860 FB w/5702 w/110 sawhead, 13945 hrs., tri-rail U/C......$135,000 2583 2000 Tigercat 860S w/Rotobec grapple, JD engine, 17735 hrs., tri-rail U/C.....$86,000 Machines are not at one location, they are consigned to EEB, Inc. by the owners; FOB present location. Price, Condition and Availability subject to change without notice 562 CALL CHARLES or visit website for full specs and details 2815 318-548-0927 7393 FOR SALE 2010 Prentice 2384-B, 426 CTR, Hydraulic trailer, 5000 hrs, good condition 2007 John Deere 437-C, 264 CSI, Hydraulic trailer, 7700 hrs 2005 360 Timberking, 22 HP sawhead, 34 rubber, 5500 hrs 2004 570 Hydro-Ax, FB22 sawhead, 28L rubber, 400 hrs on engine Southern Loggin’ Times ● AUGUST 2014 ● 47 SLTaug14pgs_SS_SLTtemplate 7/23/14 1:30 PM Page 48 7951 Want To Place Your Classified Ad In IronWorks? Call 334-699-7837, 1-800-669-5613 or Email: FINAN C AVAILA ING BLE 5569 Office : 903-238-8700 • Shane Fuller : 903-235-1147 Jason Bruner: 903-452-5290 SKIDDERS 2008 Cat 545C – 35.5 x 32 tires, Cab with air, Winch, Ready to work! ..................................................$89,500 2009 Cat 525C - 7,000 hours, 30.5 x 32 tires, Cab with air, Winch. Ready to work! ......................................$89,500 FELLER BUNCHERS 2011 Cat 573 Feller Buncher – 4,500 hours, Prentice SH56 Saw Head, 30.5 x 32 tires, Cab with air .........$139,500 2004 Timberking TK350 Mulcher 2,200 on rebuilt Cat engine, Fecon BH120 Mulching Head, New teeth, Rebalanced head, Good 28L tires, Cab with air............................$89,500 2005 Iron Wolf Crusher / Slasher 525 HP, Cat C15 power (4,480 hours). Comes with push bar, Hyd. gate, Additional wear items. Carrier: 980C (63x) ...............................................$250,000 LOG LOADERS 2014 John Deere 437C Log Loader – 220 hours, Mounted on trailer with CSI 264 Delimber, Cab with air, Still under full factory warranty.....$CALL$ 2011 Prentice 2570 Feller Buncher – 6,200 hours, Cummins engine, Waratah FD22 Saw Head, 28L tires .............................................$119,500 MULCHERS & CONSTRUCTION 2011 Cat 529 Log Loader - 2,300 hours, Mounted on trailer with CSI Delimber, Cab with air. Very nice machine! ..............................$129,500 NOT PICTURED 2002 John Deere 843H Feller Buncher - 22” Waratah Saw Head, 28L tires, Cab with air. Ready to work! ...............................................$49,500 2014 Barko 930 Mulcher – Brand new machine, 1 year bumper to bumper warranty, 2 year power train warranty, 305 HP Cummins engine, FAE Mulching Head, 28L tires. Rent to own WAC .............................$349,000 48 ● Visa and Mastercard accepted AUGUST 2014 ● Southern Loggin’ Times SLTaug14pgs_SS_SLTtemplate 7/23/14 1:30 PM Page 49 2290 1328 Want To Place Your Classified Ad In IronWorks? Call 334-699-7837, 1-800-669-5613 or Email: Watch videos of some of our machines on YouTube John Deere 748 Log Skidder—Dual 2007 John Deere 648GIII Log SkidArch, Direct Drive, Good 30.5x32 tires, der—Single Arch, Direct Drive, Very New center pins, New arch pins & Good 30.5 tires ..................$65,000 bushing, Ready to Run ......$ CALL $ 2009 John Deere 648H—Torque converter, Recent engine work, New center pins, Very good 30.5 tires $89,500 2004 John Deere 648GIII Log Skid- 2007 Prentice 2384—NEW engine 2005 John Deere 748GIII—Dual der—Dual Arch, Direct Drive, Woods in Dec. 2013, CTR delimber, Just in Arch, Torque converter.........$59,500 ..........................................$ CALL $ Ready!! .................................$59,000 2002 Hydro-Ax 570—28L tires: 2002 Hydro-Ax 670 Feller Bunch75%, Very straight & tight..$49,500 er—New disc, New center pins, Rebuilt pump drive, Good 28L tires ...........................................$49,500 2004 Timberjack 460D Log Skidder—Torque converter transmission, Reman engine w/2400 hrs., new center section, new glass, all cylinders & valve body dry ...................$65,000 2010 Prentice PR2570 Feller Buncher STK# LUB19856; 5840 hrs; $110,000 2012 John Deere 643K Feller Buncher STK# LU641469; 3432 hrs; $159,000 2012 John Deere 843K Feller Buncher STK# LU644827; 3633 hrs; $168,000 2010 John Deere 843K Feller Buncher STK# LU627355; 4976 hrs; $165,500 2012 John Deere 753J Feller Buncher STK# :LU229159; 3328 hrs; $275,000 2011 John Deere 748H Skidder STK# LU636201; 5219 hrs; $148,000 2011 John Deere 848H Skidder STK# LU639211; 5596 hrs; $160,000 2012 John Deere 648H Skidder STK# LU645953; 3272 hrs; $185,000 2010 John Deere 700J C/A LGP DZR STK# TU188555; 4450 hrs; $110,000 SPECIAL PROMOTIONAL SALE!! JOHN DEERE 648G II & III 460D $15,900 Exchange, Installed (Direct Drive ONLY) INCLUDES: 6 month warranty charge pump fluid & filters ★ RECONDITIONED TRANSMISSIONS ★ CAT 525 (1DN sn#) $11,900 Exchange, Installed JOHN DEERE 648G III & 460D INCLUDES: 6 month warranty fluid & filters $15,900 Exchange, Installed (Torque Converted Type) Add $2,500 to recondition torque converter @ same time Also Specials on: ENGINES & AXLE COMPONENTS call for prices without installation CAT 525B/535/545 $15,900 Exchange, Installed TOLL FREE 1-800-251-2789 ● DIRECT 936-829-7278 ● FAX 936-829-7283 Email: 5078 ROCKWELL, EATON, FUNK, COMMERCIAL, BULLDOG, SPICER, DURST, GEAR PRODUCT Southern Loggin’ Times ● AUGUST 2014 ● 49 SLTaug14pgs_SS_SLTtemplate 7/23/14 1:30 PM Page 50 Want To Place Your Classified Ad In IronWorks? Call 334-699-7837, 1-800-669-5613 or Email: Gates Hydraulic Hoses (2-wire Hydraulic Hose) ROBERTS EQUIPMENT SERVICE INC. 8309 “Limited Supply!” 7195 LeDean Roberts • 318-576-3636 FREE SHIPPING 50' ......G2-6 Gates Hose .....$137.59 50' ......G2-8 Gates Hose .....$156.50 50' ......G2-12 Gates Hose ...$259.95 Call Tim Alligood 252-341-9891 IF YOU NEED 280 FOR SALE Reconditioned Bell Ultra C Disc 18" Koehring head MILL MANAGER Bell Ultra C Bar Saw 30" head In search for a high energy, hands on Mill Manager to direct & manage our saw mill operations. Ideal candidate will have extensive experience with: scragg mill for efficiency, productivity, and maximizing yield recovery from the raw log. Would be responsible for the day to day activity of multi shift saw mill and 80 employees. The position will report to the CEO/President. Competitive compensation offered! Email resumes to 3245 8265 FOR SALE WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE USED FORESTRY EQUIPMENT Shop built pole trailer, new brakes, virgin 0.3 T-J L-L + DEL 0.3 PREN 384 + DEL 95 JD 648/E GRAP + WIN 1150-B CASE DOZ. ATL GA AREA 352-239-1549 rubber tires, can be shortened or lengthened and unhooked with load on trailer ..................................................$12,500 912-531-1796 968 4433 2010 TL 725B Timber Pro, 2010 Rolly head, fully loaded @ 12,000 hours, running daily ..........................$250,000 906-341-6878 3005 Day 334-312-4136 Night 334-271-1475 or Email: 3214 WANTED TO BUY Cat 518 & Cat 518C skidders in TX, LA area Call Kent 936-699-4700 To buy or sell forestry, construction, utility or truck equipment, or if you just need an appraisal, contact me, Johnny Pynes with JM Wood Auction. Over 25 years experience. 770 3723 50 ● AUGUST 2014 ● Southern Loggin’ Times SLTaug14pgs_SS_SLTtemplate 7/23/14 1:30 PM Page 51 Want To Place Your Classified Ad In IronWorks? Call 334-699-7837, 1-800-669-5613 or Email: TIDEWATER EQUIPMENT CO. MAC • 910-610-7029 Call or visit our website: SKIDDERS 2010 CAT 525C....................................$98,000 2001 Deere 648GIII .............................$40,625 2008 Deere 648H.................................$85,500 2010 Deere 648H...............................$100,000 2005 Deere 748GIII .............................$57,000 2007 Tigercat 610C.............................$68,750 2004 Tigercat 620C.............................$67,500 2005 Tigercat 620C.............................$66,000 2003 Tigercat 630C.............................$40,000 2004 Tigercat 630C.............................$65,625 2005 Tigercat 630C.............................$60,000 2010 Tigercat 630D...........................$140,000 2005 Timberjack 460D ........................$50,000 FELLERBUNCHERS 2011 CAT 563 ....................................$119,900 2009 Deere 643J .................................$85,000 2007 Prentice 2470 .............................$54,000 2008 Prentice 2470 .............................$81,250 2008 Prentice 2570 .............................$95,000 2006 Tigercat 718 ...............................$65,000 2012 Tigercat 718E ...........................$192,000 1998 Tigercat 720B .............................$30,900 2002 Tigercat 720D.............................$37,000 2005 Tigercat 720D.............................$74,500 2006 Tigercat 720D.............................$78,500 2005 Tigercat 724D.............................$85,200 2005 Timberking TK340......................$15,000 2004 Timberking TK360......................$58,000 LOG LOADERS 2008 Barko 495ML ..............................$70,000 2005 Deere 335C.................................$27,500 2010 Prentice 2384B...........................$88,900 2005 Prentice 280 ...............................$45,000 2006 Prentice 280 ...............................$45,000 1999 Tigercat 230B .............................$16,000 2004 Tigercat 230B .............................$37,500 2004 Tigercat 240B .............................$45,000 2005 Tigercat 240B .............................$55,000 2007 Tigercat 234 ...............................$78,500 2007 Tigercat 244 ...............................$79,900 INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT 1997 MORBARK 22.............................$60,000 2007 MORBARK 3800 WOOD HOG .$212,500 2009 MORBARK 40/36 NCL DRUM CHIPPER ........................................$212,500 2010 MORBARK 23NCL ...................$170,000 2010 MORBARK 4600XL ..................$413,000 2005 PETERSON 4800E .....................$91,000 MISCELLANEOUS Assortment of tires and rims for Deere/Tigercat CTR 314 and 400 Delimbers .........................................$1,000 to $18,000 Tigercat Shears and Saws .........................................$2,500 to $20,000 Please come see us at our new parts locations: – Waycross, GA (912) 282-9284 – Statesboro, GA (912) 601-9924 – Elizabethtown, NC (910) 876-7058 View our web site for over 200 listings with newly reduced prices and pictures 2687 2891 Southern Loggin’ Times ● AUGUST 2014 ● 51 SLTaug14pgs_SS_SLTtemplate 7/23/14 1:30 PM Page 52 Want To Place Your Classified Ad In IronWorks? Call 334-699-7837, 1-800-669-5613 or Email: ATTENTION LOGGERS! “Waverly Wood, LLC” of Waverly, TN is looking to employ additional logging crews to log its timber tracts; long-term employment possible. All prospective contractors must have workers’ compensation and general liability insuarnce. Also, wanting to buy white oak stave logs and tie logs. Please contact: Mike Philipi Timber Procurement Manager Office: 931-296-1455 Mobile: 615-418-0276 1501 ALL TYPES FELLER SAWDISKS STRAIGHTENED AND BALANCED With over 14 years of experience I’ve improved on what my father started as far back as 1995 CARVER SAWBLADE REPAIR 547 Havens Street Washington, NC 27889 (252) 945-2358 566 EUREKA! EUREKA! EUREKA! OWNERS HAVE OVER 30 YEARS COMBINED EXPERIENCE! 7180 EUREKA SAW TOOTH CO., INC. 3723 We can save you money on Saw Teeth. Hundreds of satisfied A NOW CCEPTIN G customers. Rebuilt Exchange or New. We specialize in rebuildCREDIT ing Koehring 2000, Hurricana, Hydro Ax split teeth and all CARDS other brands. Call Jimmy or Niel Mitchell. Quantity Discounts! 4275 Moores Ferry Rd. • Skippers, Virginia 23879 PH./FAX (day) 1-434-634-9836 or Night/Weekends • 1-434-634-9185 2011 TIGERCAT 724E; 2005 TIGERCAT 724D; sn 7242047, 5237 hrs., 5600 sn 7240772, 5600 sawhead, bunching shear, 30.5x32 tires 30.5x32 tires............$79,500 ..............................$134,500 2003 CAT 517; sn 5WW0231, 2369 hrs., with Esco grapple & winch, 75% UC ..........................$159,500 2003 TIGERCAT 822; sn 8220176, 7163 hrs., New engine with only approx. 400 hrs, 95% UC ...........$144,500 2000 PETERBILT 379EXHD; N14 Cummins enging, 525 hp; 13 spd; Air ride suspension ...................................$36,900 2001 PETERBILT 379EXHD; C-12 Caterpillar Engine 475 hp, 10 Spd., Air ride suspension ..........................$39,900 2008 INTERNATIONAL 4200; VIN #1HTMPAFM 78H546212, VT 365 Intl engine; 52761 mi; 6 spd; 25,500 lb Gross vehicle weight, 16' Flatbed Dump; UNDER CDL ......................................................................................................................$34,900 6288 2001 INTERNATIONAL 8100; Cummins engine; 269,508 mi; 10 spd; 22.5 tires; single axle UNUSED 2500 gallon Smith thank, UNUSED 1000 GPM PTO, 5 individual air sprays, 2 front & 2 rear, 1 side and Street flusher, Dual rear wheels, P/S, A/C ...................................................$33,900 52 ● AUGUST 2014 ● Southern Loggin’ Times 3191 SLTaug14pgs_SS_SLTtemplate 7/23/14 1:30 PM Page 53 Want To Place Your Classified Ad In IronWorks? Call 334-699-7837, 1-800-669-5613 or Email: GET A LOAD OF THIS! CAT: 276-1967 16.6 SQ-FT GRAPPLE TONGS.....$4,500/PR CONTACT: 478.550.2330 - Keith 478.256.4063 - Gary 249 CAT: 278-2235 16.6 SQ-FT GRAPPLE CYLINDER ....$2,500 FORESTRYPARTSRESOURCE.COM RECONDITIONED DELIMBINATORS!! In addition to new machines, CHAMBERS DELIMBINATOR, INC. now has factory reconditioned DeLimbinators. These units have been inspected, repaired, and updated as needed. Call us and we will help you select a DeLimbinator for your need. WE ALSO BUY USED DELIMBINATORS Call: 662-285-2777 day, 662-285-6832 eves Email: Name _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________________________________________________________ City ______________________________________________________ State________ Zip _________________________ Phone____________________________________________ E-mail ____________________________________________ Please send me _______ bumper stickers at $5 each. Enclosed is $__________ total. 1123 Logs Clog Highway BACKGROUND: On a mild, late fall afternoon in the Southeast, a log truck was merging onto an Interstate highway. Winds were fairly calm, and the road surface was dry. PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS: The past driving experience and the previous accident history of the 67-year-old tractor-trailer driver were unknown. He was hauling a full load of pulpwood. UNSAFE ACT: The tractor-trailer driver exited one major thoroughfare and prepared to merge onto an Interstate highway. The exit to the Interstate highway was on a curved, “cloverleaf” ramp that sloped slightly downhill. The truck came out of the last, sharpest part of the ramp’s curve onto the Interstate merge lane at too high a speed, according to police. ACCIDENT: The driver lost con- trol of his truck, possibly due in part to a slight shifting of the bound load. The tractor-trailer overturned, blocking all lanes of the Interstate and the acceleration ramp. A load binder strap holding the rear bunk of random-length pulpwood logs broke loose, and some of the pulpwood spilled out onto the road surface. INJURY: The driver was not injured, and fortunately no other vehicles collided with the truck or the load. At one point, the Interstate was backed up for 13 miles while the Department of Transportation cleared the truck and the spilled logs. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR CORRECTION: Log truck drivers must not exceed safe speed for the load and road conditions they encounter. Slow down when approaching curves in the road. Obey posted traffic (speed limit) signs. Drivers should be trained to understand load dynamics and center of gravity. A double-bunk pulpwood load is most susceptible to rollover—the higher the load and the farther back the weight is, the higher the risk. All truck drivers should wear seatbelts. In this case, it presumably saved the driver from injury (or worse). Ensure that all load binders (two per rack for a double-bunk load) are in proper working order and that the working load limit of the binders is adequate for the load being transported, in accordance with cargo securement regulations. Ensure that the logs are securely bound before leaving the harvest site, and check the binders for tightness again before entering a major highway. Supplied by Forest Resources Assn. Southern Loggin’ Times ● AUGUST 2014 ● 53
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