FOR SALE - Southern Loggin` Times
FOR SALE - Southern Loggin` Times
SLTmay16pgs_SS.qxp_SLTtemplate 4/19/16 1:52 PM Page 61 Want To Place Your Classified Ad In IronWorks? Call 334-699-7837, 1-800-669-5613 or Email: IRONWORKS TOLL FREE: 1-800-669-5613 IRONWORKS RATES; Space available by column inch only, one inch minimum. Rate is $50 per inch, special typesetting, borders, photo inclusion, blind ads, $10 extra each. Deadlines: By mail, 15th of month prior to publication. Place your ad toll-free 24 hours a day from anywhere in the USA (except Alaska and Hawaii) 1-800-669-5613 ask for Classifieds 8:30-5 pm CST. After business hours our automatic ad taker will take your ads. PETERSON 4800E DEBARKER (1E1611689) C9 CAT EXCELLENT CONDITION 249 FOR SALE 5) OPEN TOP CHIP TRAILERS: 3–PEERLESS 2–CRESCENT CONTACT: 706.326.3000 – HUGH 706.741.4677 – KEITH OLIVER LOGGING COMPANY FOR SALE Name ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________________________________________________ City ______________________________________________________ State________ Zip ______________________ Phone____________________________________________ E-mail _________________________________________ • Prentice 410B, good machine, 453T w/saw hook up ..........................$6,000 • Prentice 180D, stationary package, heat & a/c...................................$6,000 • Husky Brute 235XL, 353T saw hookup, good machine..............$6,000 Please send me _______ bumper stickers at $5 each. Enclosed is $__________ total. 804-370-5996 1118 IN VIRGINIA 4247 SKIDDERS CAT 525C (052500404), 2007, 14878 HRS., CAB, AC, 30.5, 14.4 BUNCHING GRPL, WINCH.......................................CALL CAT 559C (0KAS00258), 2013, 5716 HRS., CPY, GRPL, H48 TRLR, DELIMBER ........................................................$153,000 DEERE 670 (HA18975), 2005, 11686 HRS., CAB, AC, 30.5X32 ..............................................................................CALL CAT 579B (PR65023), 2011, 9265 HRS., CAB, AC, 11-22.5 TRLR, GRPL, DELIMBER ..................................................CALL PRENTICE 2470 (PB19355), 2007, 11347 HRS., CAB, AC, SH50 SAW......................................................................$82,500 CAT 535C (053500623), 2012, 5378 HRS., CAB, AC, 30.5L-32 26 PR FS 2X RING, GRPL, WINCH...................................CALL PRENTICE 529DS (PR61917), 2006, 8376 HRS., 50-55 GRPL, EVAN 45’ TRLR, CTR 320 DELIMBER ..........................$89,500 CAT 545C (054500304), 2006, 9788 HRS., CAB, AC, 35.5-32, DUAL ARCH GRPL, WINCH..........................................$99,500 DEERE 435 (WC0435X012172), 2004, 16828 HRS., CAB, AC, 52 GRAPPLE, BIG JOHN TRLR, 11R-22.5, DELIMBER...CALL DEERE 848H (DW848HX614552), 2008, 11683 HRS., CAB, AC, 30.5X32, GRPL........................................................$47,000 KNUCKLEBOOM LOADERS CAT 559B (PR65147), 2011, 8569 HRS., CAB, AC, 5055TWR50 GPL, EVANS 48’ TRLR, CTR 30 DELIMBER......... ......................................................................................$112,500 FELLER BUNCHERS CAT 563C (0JCB00324),2013, 5600 HRS., CAB, AC, SAWHEAD............................................................................$165,000 CAT 563C (0W6300120), 2013, 4978 HRS., CAB, AC, 30.5, SH56B HEAD.....................................................................CALL CAT 573C (0RJT00256), 2012, 3657 HRS., CAB, AC, 30.5L-32, SH56B SAW .................................................................$208,500 PRENTICE 2570 (PB19613), 2008, 10457 HRS., CAB, AC, 28L-26, SH50 SAWHEAD ..............................................$95,000 TIGERCAT 726 (7260852), 1997, 10000 HRS., CAB, AC, 30.532, 22’’ SAWHEAD .........................................................$24,500 TIMBCO TL735B (13110408), 2008, 5669 HRS, AC, QUADCO HEAD HOT SAW ..........................................................$289,500 SCREENS DOPPSTADT SM720 (W0962121781D07286), 2009, 2475 HRS., 7’ 20’’ DRUM W/ 3/4 ‘’ PUNCH PLATE, 435/50R19.5..... ......................................................................................$250,000 CAT 559B (00PR65586), 2013, 6106 HRS., CAB, AC, GRPL, PITTS H48 W/ HYD TRLR, DELIMBER .......................$144,000 HYDRO-AX 470 (HA18564), 2004, 9968 HRS., CAB, AC, 28LX26 ...........................................................................$44,500 CHIPPERS CAT 559B (00PR65341), 2012, 6505 HRS., CAB, AC, PITTS TRAILER, CTR DELIMBER, GRPL...............................$172,500 DEERE 843K (1DW843KXT90627494), 2010, 16029 HRS., CAB, AC, 73X44X32, FD22B SAW ................................$85,000 PETERSON 4300 (43-07-1704), 2010, 5500 HRS., CAT C18 765HP, 36X40 WIDE DRUM, BABBITT KNIFE ............$125,000 CAT 545C (054500304),2006, 9788 HOURS, CAB, AC, 35.5-32, DUAL ARCH GRAPPLE, WINCH .....................$99,500 CAT 563C (0JCB00324), 2013, 5600 HOURS, CAB, AC, SAWHEAD ..................................................$165,000 PRENTICE 2570 (PB19613), 2008, 10547 HRS., CAB, AC, 28L-26, SH50 SAWHEAD ..........................................$95,000 DOPPSTADT SM720 (W0962121 781D07286), 2009, 2475 HRS., 7' 20" DRUM W/ 3/4" PUNCH PLATE, 435/50R19.5 .............................$250,000 Southern Loggin’ Times ● MAY 2016 ● 61 SLTmay16pgs_SS.qxp_SLTtemplate 4/19/16 1:52 PM Page 62 Want To Place Your Classified Ad In IronWorks? Call 334-699-7837, 1-800-669-5613 or Email: Call or email: Charles Woolard 562 2891 2290 252-946-9264 office 252-945-0942 cell Washington, NC Email: Go to for details and pictures plus other equipment for sale 62 2014 John Deere 843K Feller Buncher STK# LU658415; 3,431 hrs $141,000 2014 John Deere 753J Track Feller Buncher STK# LU256926; 1,793 hrs $298,000 2012 John Deere 437D Knuckleboom Loader STK# LU211145; 7,157 hrs $105,000 2014 John Deere 748H Skidder STK# LU655637; 3,676 hrs $169,000 2013 John Deere 848H Skidder STK# LU651984; 3,661 hrs $140,000 2007 Prentice 2470 with Mulcher STK# LUVB1971; 3,992 hrs $155,000 2013 John Deere 843K Feller Buncher STK# lu653837; 4,022 hrs $139,000 2013 John Deere 648H Skidder STK# LU654754; 4,358 hrs $135,000 2014 John Deere 650K LGP Dozer STK#LU256233; 631 hrs $129,000 ● MAY 2016 ● Southern Loggin’ Times 2005 Tigercat 718 w/ 20" Tigercat 5000 bunching head, Cummins engine, 12,000 hrs., Tires: new Firestone 30.5x32 tires .........................$62,500 2014 Tigercat T250D Super Duty, Tigercat engine w/3126 hrs.; 36' boom w/ live heel, saw & delimber hydraulics, warranty .................................$239,500 2006 CSI 2800 Self-contained carrier w/ CSI 264 delimber & bar saw, ground saw hydraulics, air brakes, outriggers ..............................................$21,500 2014 John Deere 843K w/ FD22 Cen- 2007 Waratah HTH 624 Super 24" cut ter Post, 1600 hours; Tier II engine; processor, joystick, computer and conengine warranty; no DEF fluid; Tires: trols...........................................$39,500 73x44x32 ................................$CALL 2012 John Deere 437D Log Loader mounted on Pitts delimber Trl. w/CSI 264 Ultra delimber , Rotobec grapple ............................................$115,000 2004 John Deere 748GIII D/Arch grap- 2004 John Deere 748GIII D/Arch grap- 2007 Morbark 22RXL Whole Tree chipple, new long block engine, winch, ple, 12382 hours; SWEDA axles, Tires: per, Cummins QT30 w/ 1000hp; 8850 30.5 x 32 ..............................$50,000 hours; 4-knife disk .................$135,000 SWEDA axles, Tires: 30.5x32 ..............................................$56,000 SLTmay16pgs_SS.qxp_SLTtemplate 4/19/16 1:53 PM Page 63 Want To Place Your Classified Ad In IronWorks? Call 334-699-7837, 1-800-669-5613 or Email: ** FRLIVEEERY E ** FREE DELI 30 DAY POWERTRAIN WARRANTY VERY D SKIDDERS FELLER BUNCHERS FELLER BUNCHERS MULCHERS CONSTRUCTION 2012 Cat 535C Dual Arch Skidder – 5,800 hours, 3 New, 1 very good - 35.5 x 32 tires, Cab with air, Winch. Ready to work! ....Reduced to $145,000 2013 Cat 563C – 3,900 hours, SC-57 Center post saw head, Cab with air, 30.5 x 32 tires, C7.1 Cat engine, Ready to work! ....Reduced to $159,500 2010 Prentice 2570 Feller Buncher– 6,130 hours, 2,931 engine hours, 28L tires, Waratah FD22 saw head, 6.7 Cummins engine, Cab with air, Ready to work! .........$115,000 2005 Hydro – Ax 721E Mulcher - 3,400 hours, Fecon BH250 Mulching Head, Good 28L tires, Cab with air, John Deere engine. ............$145,000 1981 Cat 613B Scraper Good tires, Solid engine and transmission, Good elevator chain ...........................$15,500 LOADERS NOT PICTURED 2004 John Deere 648G-III single arch grapple skidder - Good 30.5 x 32 tires, Cab with air, Winch, Nice machine! ...............................$55,000 2011 Cat 535C Dual Arch Skidder – 8,684 hours, 2 New, 2 very good 30.5 x 32 tires, Cab with air, Winch, Ready to work!.....Reduced to $119,500 2013 Prentice 2470C Feller Buncher - 3,934 hours, Cat C6.6 Tier 3 engine, SC57 Center post saw head, very good 28L tires, Cab with air, Ready to work! Reduced to $159,500 1999 Tigercat 720B Feller Buncher – Center Post saw head, Good 28L tires, Cummins engine.................$49,500 MULCHERS 2012 Prentice 2384 Log Loader – 7,310 hours, Mounted on trailer with CTR 426 Delimber, Cab with air, Cummins engine. Ready to work! ....................................129,500 2003 John Deere 648G-III single arch grapple skidder - Very good 30.5 x 32 tires, Cab with air, Winch, New center pins, Very clean machine! ...............................$49,500 2006 Cat 525C dual arch grapple skidder - Very good 35.5 x 32 tires, Cab with air, Winch, Very clean machine! ...............................$69,500 2010 Cat 525C Dual Arch Skidder – 8,000 hours, 2 New, 2 good 30.5 x 32 tires, Cab with air, Winch, Ready to work! ..................................$109,500 2012 Cat 573C Feller Buncher – 5,200 hours, SC-57 Center post saw head, Cab with air, 28L tires, C7.1 Cat engine, Ready to work! .............Reduced to $145,000 2014 Barko 930 Mulcher 1,300 hours,FAE 300U smooth drum mulching head, 28L tires, Cab with air. Rent to own with approved credit ($20,000 per month). .......................$269,500 2012 Cat 559B Log Loader 5,400 hours, Mounted on hydraulic leg trailer with CTR 426 delimber, Cab with air, Super clean machine!$139,500 2008 Prentice 2384 Log Loader - Mounted on trailer with CTR 426 delimber, Cummins engine, Cab with air, Good running machine ...............................$75,000 800-983-1971 Office : 903-238-8700 Shane Fuller : 903-235-1147 Jason Bruner: 903-452-5290 2002 Cat 525B Dual arch grapple skidder - Good 30.5 x 32 tires, Cab with air, Winch, Good running machine. ....................................$49,500 2012 John Deere 643K Feller Buncher – 5,410 hours, Good 28L tires, Waratah FD22B saw head, Cab with air, Ready to work! ........................$149,500 2011 Prentice 2470 Mulcher – NEW FAE 200U/225 smooth drum mulching head, NEW high pressure pump and hoses, 6.7 Cummins engine, Cab with air, Good 28L tires, 4,500 hours on machine, 0 hours since the conversion from a Feller Buncher. Rent to own with approved credit ($17,000 per month) ............................................ Forestry & Construction Equipment Used & rebuilt Parts Southern Loggin’ Times ● MAY 2016 ● 63 SLTmay16pgs_SS.qxp_SLTtemplate 4/19/16 1:53 PM Page 64 566 Tigercat 822 new tri-tracks approx. 2500hrs on reman engine. Machine has approximately 12000 hrs. ............$125,000 Good condition ready to work. (912) 281-7318 or (912) 449-6002 I OFFER same day while you wait OR 2-day service on straightening and balancing all types of Feller Buncher sawdisks. Tooth holder repairs. Complex or severely bent sawdisks no problem, approx. 14years experience CALL CARLTON CARVER CARVER SAWDISK REPAIR Washington NC • (252) 945-2358 RECONDITIONED DELIMBINATORS!! EQUIPMENT FINANCING In addition to new machines, CHAMBERS DELIMBINATOR, INC. now has factory reconditioned DeLimbinators. These units have been inspected, repaired, and updated as needed. Call us and we will help you select a DeLimbinator for your need. • Preferred Good Credit Plans • Rough Credit Plans (turned down, tax liens, bankruptcies) • Purchases • Refinance • Start-up Business • Loans Against Your Existing Equipment for QUICK CASH! 2-Hour Approvals! Low Monthly Payments Little or No Down Payments 7195 MAMA & VETERANS...WE THANK YOU! 2012 JOHN DEERE 643K BUNCHER (649597) / 4026 hours...............$155K 643 EQUIPPED WITH FD45 (000392): FOR SALE ON CONSIGNMENT REDUCED! TIGERCAT: 5700 COMPLETE SAW HEAD ........$16,895 CONTACT: 478.550.2330 - Keith 478.256.4063 - Gary FORESTRYPARTSRESOURCE.COM 249 FOR SALE 2541 Want To Place Your Classified Ad In IronWorks? Call 334-699-7837, 1-800-669-5613 or Email: FOR SALE WE ALSO BUY USED DELIMBINATORS Call: 662-285-2777 day, 662-285-6832 eves Email: 985-875-7373 FOR SALE 1123 Email: Personal Service WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE DEALERS WELCOME ALL TYPES OF USED FORESTRY EQUIPMENT FOR SALE. USED FORESTRY EQUIPMENT 3214 Ask For L.T. 352-239-1549 804-586-7198 804-798-2924 4433 1447 2002 Hydro Ax 670, 22" side cut saw, Cummins engine, 73 x 44 tires, 8 Converted in-woods Chip Vans All in good condition ........$6,500 ea. high hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25,000 213 Fax: 985-867-1188 2610 15 Years In Business CALL NOW 64 ● MAY 2016 ● Southern Loggin’ Times SLTmay16pgs_SS.qxp_SLTtemplate 4/19/16 1:53 PM Page 65 Want To Place Your Classified Ad In IronWorks? Call 334-699-7837, 1-800-669-5613 or Email: 7951 Southern Loggin’ Times ● MAY 2016 ● 65 SLTmay16pgs_SS.qxp_SLTtemplate 4/19/16 1:53 PM Page 66 Want To Place Your Classified Ad In IronWorks? Call 334-699-7837, 1-800-669-5613 or Email: 3191 1461 FOR SALE JOHN DEERE 748GIII (DF/DD) GRAPPLE SKIDDER (604875) $50,000 CONTACT: 706.616.5867 DUSTY 249 JOHN DEERE 648GIII (SF/DD) GRAPPLE SKIDDER (582210) $30,000 2013 Tigercat 620D—Warranty good until July 2016; Dual arch; 30.5x32 tires; Turn around seat; 3,310 hrs ................................................$195,000 2012 Deere 843K—22" Deere Felling Saw; 30.5x32 tires; New saw teeth, 6,042 hrs. ................................................................$119,500 2008 Tigercat 724E—5600 saw head, 30.5x32 tires, 1,348 hours on meter since engine replacement................................................$79,500 TED SMITH 7393 5840 Hwy 36, Russellville, AL Home: 256-766-8179 • Office: 256-766-6491 Fax: 256-766-6962 • Cell: 256-810-3190 Visit us online: 6209 66 ● MAY 2016 ● Southern Loggin’ Times SLTmay16pgs_SS.qxp_SLTtemplate 4/19/16 1:53 PM Page 67 Want To Place Your Classified Ad In IronWorks? Call 334-699-7837, 1-800-669-5613 or Email: 2687 3723 Southern Loggin’ Times ● MAY 2016 ● 67 SLTmay16pgs_SS.qxp_SLTtemplate 4/19/16 1:53 PM Page 68 1328 Want To Place Your Classified Ad In IronWorks? Call 334-699-7837, 1-800-669-5613 or Email: 2007 Prentice 2570 Feller Buncher—22" head, Serco 170 Log Loader—30' boom, A/C & joy30.5 tires, joystick steering..................$89,000 sticks, slasher hydraulics ........$CALL FOR PRICE 3664 2006 JOHN DEERE 748GIII—New eng w/warranty, 2010 Tigercat 724E—New 28L tires, 5702 New hyd pump, New center section, SWEDA axles head, 6400 hrs, Located in Saline, LA .............................................$CALL FOR PRICE ......................................................$CALL FOR PRICE 1997 Bell Ultra C Feller Buncher—Cummins Diesel 2004 John Deere 648GIII Log Skidder—Good 30.5x32 tires ........................................$72,500 4BTA3.0 eng, Hot saw, 28Lx26 tires with chains, Both drive assemblies are fresh reman.......$35,000 6288 13189 68 ● MAY 2016 ● Southern Loggin’ Times SLTmay16pgs_SS.qxp_SLTtemplate 4/19/16 2:02 PM Page 69 Want To Place Your Classified Ad In IronWorks? Call 334-699-7837, 1-800-669-5613 or Email: WANTED TO BUY 280 Cat 518 & Cat 518C skidders in TX, LA area Call Kent 936-699-4700 IF YOU NEED To buy or sell forestry, construction, utility or truck equipment, or if you just need an appraisal, contact me, Johnny Pynes with JM Wood Auction. Over 25 years experience. 770 Day 334-312-4136 Night 334-271-1475 or Email: HOSE, FITTINGS & CRIMPERS SERVING THE LOGGING INDUSTRY FOR 20 YEARS. WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. 8309 Tim Alligood Days or Nights: 1-252-341-9891 email: EUREKA! EUREKA! EUREKA! OWNERS HAVE OVER 30 YEARS COMBINED EXPERIENCE! We can save you money on Saw Teeth. Hundreds of satisfied A NOW CCEPTIN G customers. Rebuilt Exchange or New. We specialize in rebuildCREDIT ing Koehring 2000, Hurricana, Hydro Ax split teeth and all CARDS other brands. Call Jimmy or Niel Mitchell. Quantity Discounts! 7180 EUREKA SAW TOOTH CO., INC. 4275 Moores Ferry Rd. • Skippers, Virginia 23879 PH./FAX (day) 1-434-634-9836 or Night/Weekends • 1-434-634-9185 Southern Loggin’ Times ● MAY 2016 ● 69
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