TOLL FREE: 1-800-669-5613
SLToct14pgs_SS_SLTtemplate 9/25/14 1:59 PM Page 47 Want To Place Your Classified Ad In IronWorks? Call 334-699-7837, 1-800-669-5613 or Email: IRONWORKS TOLL FREE: 1-800-669-5613 In addition to new machines, CHAMBERS DELIMBINATOR, INC. now has factory reconditioned DeLimbinators. These units have been inspected, repaired, and updated as needed. Call us and we will help you select a DeLimbinator for your need. WE ALSO BUY USED DELIMBINATORS ATTENTION LOGGERS! “Waverly Wood, LLC” of Waverly, TN is looking to employ additional logging crews to log its timber tracts; long-term employment possible. All prospective contractors must have workers’ compensation and general liability insuarnce. Also, wanting to buy white oak stave logs and tie logs. Please contact: Mike Philipi Timber Procurement Manager Office: 931-296-1455 Mobile: 615-418-0276 1501 FOR SALE FOR SALE 2006 Q70 skidder, 20% 1995 Trelan 23L whole tree used tires ............$16,000 chipper,ready to work 601-323-8701 5024 RECONDITIONED DELIMBINATORS!! IRONWORKS RATES; Space available by column inch only, one inch minimum. Rate is $50 per inch, special typesetting, borders, photo inclusion, blind ads, $10 extra each. Deadlines: By mail, 15th of month prior to publication. Place your ad toll-free 24 hours a day from anywhere in the USA (except Alaska and Hawaii) 1-800-669-5613 ask for Classifieds 8:30-5 pm CST. After business hours our automatic ad taker will take your ads. 740-653-2902 3527 Call: 662-285-2777 day, 662-285-6832 eves Email: 1123 ALL TYPES FELLER SAWDISKS STRAIGHTENED AND BALANCED With over 14 years of experience I’ve improved on what my father started as far back as 1995 CARVER SAWBLADE REPAIR 547 Havens Street Washington, NC 27889 (252) 945-2358 566 3723 4247 CHIPPER WHEEL FELLER BUNCHERS PRENTICE 384 (62951), 2006, 14430 CAT 525C (052500251), 2006, 8755 Hrs, Cab, AC, Evans Trailer, Prentice Hrs, Cab, AC, 30.5-32, Dual Arch PETERSON 5000G (2G-214-661), Grapple, CTR 320 .................$44,000 Grapple, Blade, Winch................CALL CAT 553 (00HA19857), 2011, 3224 2001, 12981 Hrs, Cab, AC, Whole Tree CAT 525C (052501555), 2012, 5451 Hrs, Cab, AC, 28L-26, SH50 Sawhead Chipper...............................$139,000 .................................................CALL DOPPSTADT SM720 (W09621179A Hrs, Cab, AC, 30.5-32, S Blade, SCREENS KNUCKLEBOOM LOADERS CAT 559B DS (00PR65341), 2012, 5407 Hrs, Cab, AC, Pitts Trailer, CTR Delimber, Grapple......................CALL DEERE 437C (WC437CL013013), 1D07448), 2010, 248 Hrs, Trommel Grapple .....................................CALL Screen, 435/50R19.............$323,000 CAT 535B (0AAE00852), 2005, 13919 DOPPSTADT SM720 Hrs, Cab, AC, 30.5L32, Dual Arch (W0962121781D 07286), Grapple, Blade, Winch, Sweeps..CALL ID#69087000, 2009, 2450 Hours, 7' FRANKLIN LOGGER 170 (16544), 20'' Drum w/ 3/4 '' Punch Plate CAT 563 (00HA19937), 2011, 2479 Hrs, Cab, AC, 24.5-32, SH50 Saw ..........................................$220,000 HYDRO-AX 321 (HA18765), 2005, 2788 Hrs, Cab, AC, Waratach Head .................................................CALL 1995, 2500 Hrs, Cpy, Single Arch HYDRO-AX 321 (7121), 1998, 10000 Grapple .....................................CALL Hrs, Cab, AC, 24.5-32 Tires W/Chains, 20''Sawhead ........................$33,500 TIMBERJACK 450C (CB4855), 1994, CAT 517 (05WW00419), 2004, 7877 TIGERCAT 726 (7260852), 1997, 10000 Hrs, Orops W/Cage, 28L-26, 10000 Hrs, Cab, AC, 30.5-32, 22'' Hrs, Cab, AC, Esco Grapple ...............................MAKE AN OFFER Sorting Grapple.....................$22,500 Sawhead ..............................$39,000 2005, 1332 Hrs, Cab, AC, Pitts Trailer, $250,000 Rotobec Grapple........................CALL PRENTICE 384 (PR61207), 2005, 13354 Hrs, Cab, AC, Evans Trailer, Grapple, Delimber .....................CALL SKIDDERS Southern Loggin’ Times ● OCTOBER 2014 ● 47 SLToct14pgs_SS_SLTtemplate 9/25/14 1:59 PM Page 48 Want To Place Your Classified Ad In IronWorks? Call 334-699-7837, 1-800-669-5613 or Email: TIDEWATER EQUIPMENT CO. MAC • 910-610-7029 Call or visit our website: SKIDDERS 2001 Deere 648GIII .............................$40,625 2008 Deere 648H.................................$85,500 2008 Deere 748H.................................$82,500 2010 Deere 648H...............................$100,000 2011 Deere 648H...............................$130,000 2005 Deere 748GIII .............................$57,000 2007 Tigercat 610C.............................$68,750 2011 Tigercat 610C...........................$133,500 2004 Tigercat 620C.............................$67,500 2005 Tigercat 620C.............................$66,000 2008 Tigercat 620C...........................$105,000 2008 Tigercat E620C...........................$98,000 2003 Tigercat 630C.............................$40,000 2005 Tigercat 630C.............................$60,000 2005 Tigercat 630C.............................$80,475 2005 Timberjack 460D ........................$50,000 FELLER BUNCHERS 1995 Tigercat 726 ...............................$25,000 2011 CAT 563 ....................................$119,900 2009 Deere 643J .................................$85,000 2007 Prentice 2470 .............................$54,000 2008 Prentice 2470 .............................$81,250 2008 Prentice 2570 .............................$95,000 2006 Tigercat 718 ...............................$65,000 2011 Tigercat 718E ...........................$152,335 1998 Tigercat 720B .............................$30,900 2006 Tigercat 720D.............................$78,500 2005 Tigercat 724D.............................$85,200 2005 Timberking TK340......................$15,000 2004 Timberking TK360......................$58,000 LOG LOADERS 2008 Barko 495ML ..............................$70,000 2005 Deere 335C.................................$27,500 2010 Prentice 2384B...........................$88,900 2005 Prentice 280 ...............................$45,000 2006 Prentice 280 ...............................$45,000 2003 Timberjack 430B ........................$24,500 2004 Tigercat 230B .............................$37,500 2004 Tigercat 240B .............................$45,000 2005 Tigercat 240B .............................$55,000 2006 Tigercat 250 ...............................$85,000 2007 Tigercat 244 ...............................$79,900 INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT 1997 MORBARK 22.............................$60,000 2009 MAXI-LOAD MAXI-LITE .............$15,000 2009 MORBARK 40/36 NCL DRUM CHIPPER ............................$212,500 2009 MORBARK 40/36 NCL DRUM CHIPPER ............................$250,000 2009 MORBARK 40/36 NCL DRUM CHIPPER ............................$232,000 2010 MORBARK 4600XL ..................$413,000 MISCELLANEOUS Assortment of tires and rims for Deere/Tigercat CTR 314 and 400 Delimbers .............................................$1,000 to $18,000 Tigercat Shears and Saws .............................................$2,500 to $20,000 Please come see us at our new parts locations: – Waycross, GA (912) 282-9284 – Statesboro, GA (912) 601-9924 – Elizabethtown, NC (910) 876-7058 View our web site for over 200 listings with newly reduced prices and pictures 2687 2891 48 ● OCTOBER 2014 ● Southern Loggin’ Times SLToct14pgs_SS_SLTtemplate 9/25/14 1:59 PM Page 49 7951 Want To Place Your Classified Ad In IronWorks? Call 334-699-7837, 1-800-669-5613 or Email: FINAN C AVAILA ING BLE 5569 Office : 903-238-8700 • Shane Fuller : 903-235-1147 Jason Bruner: 903-452-5290 SKIDDERS 2008 Cat 545C – 30.5 x 32 tires, Cab with air, Winch, Ready to work! ...............................................$89,500 2009 Cat 525C - 7,000 hours, 30.5 x 32 tires, Cab with air, Winch. Ready to work! .....................................$89,500 FELLER BUNCHERS 2011 Cat 573 Feller Buncher – 4,500 hours, Prentice SH56 Saw Head, 30.5 x 32 tires, Cab with air. ....... $139,500 MULCHERS & CONSTRUCTION 2014 Barko 930 Mulcher – 700 hours, still under full factory warranty, 305 HP Cummins engine, FAE 300U Mulching Head, 28L tires. Rent to own WAC ................................................$305,000 2007 Cat 553 Mulcher - 4,000 hours on machine, 300 hours on new smooth drum FAE mulching head, Cat C6.6 Acert engine, , 28L tires, Cab with air. Ready to work!....... $169,500 2008 Cat 553 Mulcher - Low time Fecon 9021 Smooth drum mulching head, Low time Cat engine, 28L tires, Cab with air. Ready to work!...$139,500 2004 Timberking TK350 Mulcher 2,200 on rebuilt Cat engine, Fecon BH120 Mulching Head, New teeth, Rebalanced head, Good 28L tires, Cab with air. ...........................$89,500 LOG LOADERS 2010 Prentice 2384B Log Loader 7,800 hours, Mounted on trailer with CTR 426 Delimber, Cab with air. Ready to work!.....................$110,000 NOT PICTURED 2002 John Deere 843H Feller Buncher - 22" Waratah Saw Head, 28L tires, Cab with air. Ready to work! ..$49,500 2011 Cat 553 Mulcher – “NEW” FAE smooth drum mulching head, “NEW” high pressure pump and hoses, Cat C6.6 Acert engine, good 28L tires, Cab with air. 5,300 hours on the carrier, 0 hours since the conversion from a feller buncher. Ready to work! .......$189,500 Visa and Mastercard accepted Southern Loggin’ Times ● OCTOBER 2014 ● 49 SLToct14pgs_SS_SLTtemplate 9/25/14 1:59 PM Page 50 Want To Place Your Classified Ad In IronWorks? Call 334-699-7837, 1-800-669-5613 or Email: 2290 1461 2012 Deere 843K Feller Buncher STK# LU644827; 3,635 hrs $168,000 2011 Deere 848H Skidder STK# LU639211; 5,707 hrs $160,000 2011 Deere 643K Feller Buncher STK# LU635166; 4,471 hrs $145,000 2010 Deere 748H Skidder STK# LU632350; 6,757 hrs $144,000 2010 Prentice 2570 Feller Buncher STK# LUB19856; 5,842 hrs $120,000 2011 Deere 843K Feller Buncher STK# LU631962; 6,800 hrs $105,000 2005 Cat 140H Motorgrader STK# LUCA1788; 6,746 hrs $145,000 2012 Deere 750K Dozer STK# LU233053; 1,457 hrs $215,000 3723 2010 Deere 753J Feller Buncher STK# LU190130; 6,098 hrs $210,000 50 ● OCTOBER 2014 ● Southern Loggin’ Times SLToct14pgs_SS_SLTtemplate 9/25/14 1:59 PM Page 51 Want To Place Your Classified Ad In IronWorks? Call 334-699-7837, 1-800-669-5613 or Email: 2965 EQUIPMENT FINANCING 562 GRANGER EQUIPMENT CO. INC. 2437 HWY 33 • RUSTON, LA 71270 318-548-5977 • Preferred Good Credit Plans • Rough Credit Plans • 2007 Prentice 2670, H56 High Capacity Head, A/C w/heat, 28Lx26 tires approx. 60%, Machine working everyday .....................REDUCED $45,000 • 2006 Deere 650J LGP, New Rails, Sprockets, Top Rollers 3567 Hours Ready To Work .......................................$48,000 (turned down, tax liens, bankruptcies) • Purchases • Refinance • Start-up Business • Loans Against Your Existing Equipment for QUICK CASH! 2-Hour Approvals! Low Monthly Payments Little or No Down Payments 15 Years In Business CALL NOW 2009 CAT 545C, 7412 hrs. $129,000 IF YOU NEED To buy or sell forestry, construction, utility or truck equipment, or if you just need an appraisal, contact me, Johnny Pynes with JM Wood Auction. Over 25 years experience. Fax: 985-867-1188 Email: Personal Service Ask For L.T. Day 334-312-4136 Night 334-271-1475 or Email: 770 DEALERS WELCOME 1447 FOR SALE FOR SALE 95 JD 648/E GRAP + WIN 3214 USED FORESTRY EQUIPMENT 352-239-1549 • 32 ft log trailer, excellent shape, 2014 title ...........................................................$10,000 • Prentice 384, low hours, completely rebuilt ...........................................................$50,000 479-325-1947 1992 Ronen Track Skidder..........................................$20,000 ● 1996 Timbco Track 415B, 20” saw ............................$35,000 ● 1997 Franklin 185 & 190 D/A .....................................$29,500 ● 2000 Tigercat 630B D/A..............................................$35,000 ● 2006 Franklin Q80C D/A, winch..................................$40,000 Call or email: Charles Woolard ● 252-946-9264 office • 252-945-0942 cell Washington, NC Email: Complete listings of equipment at 4935 4433 985-875-7373 Southern Loggin’ Times ● OCTOBER 2014 ● 51 SLToct14pgs_SS_SLTtemplate 9/25/14 1:59 PM Page 52 Want To Place Your Classified Ad In IronWorks? Call 334-699-7837, 1-800-669-5613 or Email: EUREKA! EUREKA! EUREKA! OWNERS HAVE OVER 30 YEARS COMBINED EXPERIENCE! N We can save you money on Saw Teeth. Hundreds of satisfied ACC OW EP customers. Rebuilt Exchange or New. We specialize in rebuild- CRE TING DIT ing Koehring 2000, Hurricana, Hydro Ax split teeth and all CARDS other brands. Call Jimmy or Niel Mitchell. Quantity Discounts! 6209 7180 EUREKA SAW TOOTH CO., INC. 4275 Moores Ferry Rd. • Skippers, Virginia 23879 PH./FAX (day) 1-434-634-9836 or Night/Weekends • 1-434-634-9185 3664 2010JD 437D LOADER; 8501 hours, 2010 JD 335D Loader; 28 hours, 2011 CAT 525C Dual Arch Skidder; 264 CSI delimber, Hyd Landing gear 264 CSI delimber, Pitts trailer 30.5x32 Tires, 6168 hours ............................................$129,500 ............................................$114,500 ............................................$119,500 2006 CAT 525C Single Arch Skid- 2005 Tigercat 620C Dual Arch der; 67x34x25 tires, 9910 hours Skidder; 30.5x32 tires, 9744 hours 1994 Hydro-Ax 611E; Cummins ..............................................$64,500 ..............................................$84,500 Engine, Good Disc ..............................................$24,900 6288 2010 Prentice 2384B Loader; 7520 2005 Tigercat 724D; 5600 sawhead, (NEW) 2014 MCLENDON LOG TRAILHours, 426 CTR delimber, Hydraulic 30.5x32 tires, FRESH OFF JOB ER 14" DROP; 40 ft; 102 Wide; landing gear ..............................................$79,500 Hutchens 9700 Suspension ............................................$114,900 ...................................$21,400 + FET 3191 52 ● OCTOBER 2014 ● Southern Loggin’ Times SLToct14pgs_SS_SLTtemplate 9/25/14 2:31 PM Page 53 “Limited Supply!” Gates Hydraulic Hoses (2-wire Hydraulic Hose) 8309 Want To Place Your Classified Ad In IronWorks? Call 334-699-7837, 1-800-669-5613 or Email: FREE SHIPPING 50' ......G2-6 Gates Hose .....$137.59 50' ......G2-8 Gates Hose .....$156.50 50' ......G2-12 Gates Hose ...$259.95 Call Tim Alligood 252-341-9891 FOR SALE • Prentice 410B, good machine, 453T w/saw hook up ...........$6,000 • Prentice 180D, stationary package, heat & a/c ....................$7,500 • Prentice grapple off Prentice 180 .............................................$1,500 1118 7393 7195 FOR LEASE Wood yard • Wet deck log yard By product storage 10 acres • Water Well Sprinkler system 70 ' certified Weigh-Tronix scales White rock roads • Office space 20 K ton log storage capacity Can provide Loader WANTED TO BUY 280 Cat 518 & Cat 518C skidders in TX, LA area Call Kent 936-699-4700 LOOKING FOR LOGGERS! Timbco LLC is looking to add independent logging crews to harvest our tracts of timber. If you are willing to relocate to either Central North Carolina or Southside Virginia, please contact Phil Smith (owner) at 919-267-5304 or Duck Hill, Ms. • Montgomery county – 5 miles from interstate I-55 on hwy 51 – CONTACT: Donnie Sultan • 662-417-2501 2967 All logging contractors must have workers compensation and general liability insurance. Website – Waverly Wood, LLC of Waverly, TN is looking to employ a full time Forester; experience preferred. Applicants must be able to cruise and buy timber tracts and will report to the Timber Procurement Manager. Resumes may be faxed to 931-296-7698 or you may contact: Mike Philipi Timber Procurement Manager Office: 931-296-1455 Mobile: 615-418-0276 1501 NATIONAL DOWN SYNDROME AWARENESS MONTH! JOHN DEERE: NEW RE534563 TURBO....$1,975/EXCHANGE TIGERCAT 5501: SAW HEAD (W/DISC)....$8,500 CONTACT: 478.550.2330 - Keith 478.256.4063 - Gary 249 804-370-5996 2583 FORESTRYPARTSRESOURCE.COM Southern Loggin’ Times ● OCTOBER 2014 ● 53
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