A NEW DECADE: Our Future Depends On What We Do Now


A NEW DECADE: Our Future Depends On What We Do Now
February 2010
Volume 2010, Issue 1
A NEW DECADE: Our Future Depends On What We Do Now
In Philippians 3:13-14, Paul tells us, “Brethren, I
do not count myself to have apprehended; but
this one thing I do, forgetting those things which
are behind and reaching forth to those things
which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the
prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.”
It matters not who you are or how right you
think you have lived, you have not on your own
merit lived well enough to get into heaven. We
ponder our future but we never really think
much about our part in that future. Do the
events of our lives have any great significance in
determining who we are? Yes they do and we
have a role to play in these events. Some of the
events may take us on a path that is not pleasant
but it will aid us in getting to the destiny that
God has for us.
If we are honest with ourselves, we would admit
that we have not been perfect although that may
have been the picture we projected. In life we all
have done wrong and done right. What’s in the
past, is in the past. We can't change things that
have been done - whether good or bad. We can
only do something about the “now,” with the understanding that the “now” has an immediate
impact on the future. Paul said that we are to
forget those things which are behind and reach
forward to those things which are ahead.
The question is: What is ahead? I can not foretell the future but as far as eternity is concerned,
I know what the Lord Jesus has promised for
those who would call upon His name. Romans
10:9-10 says, “if you confess with your mouth
the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that
God has raised Him from the dead, you will be
saved. For with the heart one believes unto
righteousness, and with the mouth confession is
made unto salvation.” Romans 12:1-2 says, “I
beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies
of God, that you present your bodies a living
sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your
reasonable service. And do not be conformed to
this world, but be transformed by the renewing
of your mind, that you may prove what is that
good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”
Heaven is ahead for those who accept the gift of
life and abide in the Lord Jesus. Jesus said, "Let
not your heart be troubled; you believe in God,
believe also in Me. In my Father's house are
many mansions; if it were not so, I would have
told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if
I go and prepare a place for you, I will come
again and receive you to Myself; that where I
am, there you may be also.”
Paul realized that he had not reached the level of
perfection that God required. However, he was
willing to press toward the goal - the prize of the
high calling of God in Christ Jesus. We too must
press toward the high call which is in Christ Jesus. Our citizenship is in heaven, from which we
also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus
Your future depends on what you do NOW.
Choose life or choose death. Your choice determines heaven or hell. You choose!
Min. Rudolph Britton
As I move about from day to day, from place to place, it appears that we are very busy
people. We are so busy that it seems that there’s just not enough time in the day to do all
we need to do.
If we were to take note of our own lives and be totally honest with ourselves, we would
conclude that many of us have trouble managing our time and efforts. There’s always
something to do, always somewhere to go and always someone to meet. We are always
moving, as if we were in a marathon race or on some strict time schedule. We get up in
the morning worrying about what we got to do in the evening and lay down at night trying
to figure out how to handle the things of tomorrow. Yet the Bible reminds us in Matthew
6:34, “Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the
things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.”
Our lives are like a roller coaster: We get up and start running in the morning and by nightfall we fall into
bed too tired to pray, saying, “Lord you know my heart.” It seems that there’s always something we’ve just
got to do. And in the final analysis, even when we’ve done our best, there’s still something we forgot to do
and we, for all our efforts, are still not being blessed.
Another reason for our being so busy is that somehow we have come to equate the value of life and the importance of an individual with how much a person really does. Yet, I want to leave you with the thought that
being busy or doing a lot of things does not mean that we are being blessed.
Though we have a lot to do, and a lot of places to go, and our calendars are full, it does not mean we are experiencing a good, wholesome, quality and blessed life. There are a lot of people that are busy today, but they
cannot find a blessing in all their being busy. The expected and hoped results of their efforts go unfulfilled.
They work from sun up to sun down, and are miserable and weary at the end of the day, wondering if things
will ever get better or will they ever find any joy in all that they do. Many of us today, when we look at our
lives, will admit that we have so much going on, but so little of it brings any real fulfillment or satisfaction.
In the book of Ecclesiastes the writer summed it up by saying, “I looked on all the work my hands had
wrought, and all the labors I had labored to do, and behold all was vanity, and a vexation of spirit and
there was no profit in it under the sun.” It seems the problem is we are very busy, but not very blessed.
What we must do in times such as these is to seek God for His guidance and His Word for our direction. We
need to stop and ask God: “Is this what I need to be doing?” We must allow God to set the course for our
lives, for He knows far better for us than we know for ourselves. We do not please God by doing a lot of
things, but rather by doing a few things well. God wants our lives to be well rounded and always with time to
serve and worship Him. So often we become so bogged down in being busy that we find little or no time for
God. If we have no time for God then there is no way we can find blessings in the things that we do. There is
nothing in life more important than our giving God His deserved time.
Let us slow down enough to reassess our efforts, and then ask God to “order our footsteps in His Word.” Let
God direct our every action and effort so that in the end we can and will hear His welcoming words: “Well
done my good and faithful servant.”
Let us seek more for God’s blessings in all that we do in our lives and not merely being busy.
Your Pastor,
Rev. Daniel Sanders
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Springfield Chronicles
Marriage is a lifelong process designed to teach one to see the needs of another person as more important
than their own. It's a difficult transition because it's not natural. This ministry exists to aid couples in their marriage to become more and more purpose-driven -- to focus on the needs of others in balancing the purposes of
worship, fellowship, discipleship, service, and missions.
"Building Marriages with No Limits in Christ."
We trust God and His Word on marriage.
We minister to relationships by teaching and encouraging all couples
to learn about, live, and celebrate marriage the way God ordained it to be.
We strive to move from married couples to an “Anointed Oneness!”
We believe that there is nothing we can do that can have a more significant impact on our family then to build a
Biblical, God honoring relationship with our spouse. Laying a foundation for seeing our marriage relationship
through Biblical lens is our goal.
We want to have a better understanding of how to build a relationship that will bring joy to our hearts, peace to
our families, and honor to God. Our children will learn from our marriages. They will come to know how to have a
better relationship with God.
There is no magic formula , but to have clarity about where we are and
what we are called to be in Christ in this union called ...marriage
The Couples’ Ministry meets on the 2nd and 5th Sunday during BTU.
PURPOSE: To minister to the needs of women from all walks of life by focusing on issues that directly
affect women in our world.
GOAL: To strengthen and encourage the women of SBC, in the community, and beyond to develop a
closer relationship with God by Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit.
The Women’s Ministry fellowships are held on the Friday before the 2nd Sunday at 7:00 p.m.
Please come and be a part of this fellowship.
It is open to ALL women of SBC. Guests are also welcome.
Upcoming fellowship date for this quarter: March 12th
Sis. Jamie Davis - Chairperson
Sis. Yvonne Stancil - Co-Chairperson
Sis. Angela McCoy
Sis. Brenda Miles
Sis. Loretta Richardson
Sis. Tracy Spann
Volume 2010, Issue 1
Page 3
2010 - 2011 Officers
Rev. Daniel Sanders, Pastor
Pastor’s Administrative Assistant .................................................... Sis. Deborah Perry
Church Secretary .................................................................. Sis. Willie Mae Roberson
Assistant to the Pastor ……….……........................….…….……… Min. Rudolph Britton
Assistant Secretary ...................................................................... Sis. Yvonne Johnson
Minister of Music ................................................................................ Bro. Titus Pollard
Head Custodian .................................................................................. Bro. Tony Taylor
Custodian Assistant …...…..……………………….…….…………. Bro. Warrie Evans, III
Purchasing Agent ................................................................................... Bro. Neal Allen
Treasurer ................................................................................... Dea. Warrie Evans, Jr .
Deacon Board …………………..……………………………..… Dea. James A. Gibson, II
Trustees ………………………..……………………………...…......………. Bro. Filico Bell
Sunday School Superintendent ....................................................... Bro. John Marshall
Baptist Training Union ................................................................... Min. Rudolph Britton
Ministers’ & Deacons’ Wives .......................................................... Sis. Debra Sanders
Missionary Union President ............................................................ Sis. Shelby Harwell
Laymen’s League President .................................................... Bro. Harold Williams, Jr.
Junior Choir President ..................................................................... Sis. Jessica Joyner
Male Chorus President .................................................................. Bro. Kenneth Hinton
Intermediate Choir Directress ............................................................ Sis. Maxine Grice
Usher Board President ............................................................. Dea. Michael Roberson
Building & Grounds Committee ..................................................... Bro. Mortimer Leach
Calendar Committee ........................................................................ Sis. Deborah Perry
Cemetery Committee ....................................................................... Dea. Robert Griffis
Finance Committee ............................,,............................................... Sis. Elaine Smith
Floral Committee ................................................................................. Sis. Mara Garris
Food Committee ................................................................................ Sis. Maxine Grice
History Committee …………………………………........……...……. Sis. Johnetta Wilson
Hospitality Committee ................................................................... Sis. Angela Williams
Membership Committee ………………….……………..……...…….. Sis. Rose Simmons
Personnel Committee …………………………………...……..………. Sis. Sherry Phillips
Scholarship Committee ................................................................... Sis. Yvette Holmes
Transportation Committee ……………….…………………......……… Bro. Chris Bridges
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Springfield Chronicles
Annie J. Green Ministry …………………..………….…..…….....…… Sis. Esther Aguilar
Bereavement Ministry …………………….….…………………...….. Sis. Shirley Bowden
Children’s Ministry ……………...…………..……………………..…...….. Min. John Elrod
Christian Education Ministry ……………..………..………….….….. Dea. Robert Dobbin
Compassionate Ministry ………………….……………….……….……... Sis. Mae Melvin
Couple’s Ministry ............................................................................... Bro. Leo Gladney
Dorcas Ministry ………………..…………...……..………...…………... Sis. Parra Murray
Drama Ministry …………………..………….……....…………………… Sis. Esther Jones
Enlightenment Ministry ……………………...….……………….….. Sis. Michael Dawkins
F&J Avery Ministerial Ministry ……………..………..……................... Sis. Martha Hardy
Health Care Ministry (formerly First Aid) ..………….....…...….…..……... Sis. Shari Best
Media Ministry ......................................................................... Bro. Maurice Givens, Sr.
Media Center Ministry …..………………..……………..…….………..... Sis. Carolyn Ellis
Men’s Fellowship Ministry …...…………..……………...……....……… Min. Mark Farmer
Prayer Ministry ……………………………..………...…...……...……....... Min. Gene Troy
Security Ministry ………...………………..……….…….….………….. Bro. Henry Jenkins
Senior Citizens’ Ministry ..……………………....…………….…………... Sis. Betty Smith
Singles’ Ministry ............................................................................... Sis. Veronica Scott
Springfield Chronicles Newsletter Ministry ………………...……….... Sis. Sandra Garris
Technology Ministry (formerly Library Ministry) …....................... Dea. Anthony Jenkins
Women’s Ministry ................................................................................ Sis. Jamie Davis
Youth Ministry …………………………………….…….…….……… Min. Robert Sanders
Web Ministry ………………...…………..…………………….………..… Min. Sanya King
May God our Father
and the
Lord Jesus Christ
give you all of
his blessings, and great
peace of heart and mind.
Tyra Monroe
Willie Monroe
Alvin Spencer
Marcus Sweeney
Robert Vance
Denise Winters
Treana Woodard
Orlanda Dobbin
Patricia Dobbin
Tabilla Sanders
Breana Washington
Allure Weathers
Carl Emerson
Jane V. Battle
Roshawn Davis
Thomas Jackson
Marion McLeod, Jr.
Latoya McNeil
William F. Miller III
Bobby R. Yarborough
Deborah Yarborough
Erin Yarborough
Robert Yarborough
Volume 2010, Issue 1
Page 5
Financial Ministry
“Stewards of HIS Blessings ~ Managers of HIS Possessions”
This Financial Ministry is authorized to exist by the Pastor and will focus on Financial Counseling and Financial
Once individuals within the church have completed the required training, the teaching will begin. Crown has designed a comprehensive program to equip people of all ages to handle money God’s way.
Small Group Study ~ This study is the foundation to the entire program, because usually the greatest life change
takes place in small groups. Participants are encouraged and held accountable to apply God’s financial principles. The small group study is a 10-week in-depth study of what scripture teaches about money and possessions.
The group meets for 2 hours every week. Graduates from these studies will be counted on to deliver additional
training for the church.
Did you know that the Bible contains over 2,350 verses pertaining to money”
You will learn how to apply and teach God’s Financial Principles and gain financial wisdom for a lifetime.
Learn what Scripture teaches about managing all your possession.
Getting Out of Debt
Earning Money
Training Children
Budget Counseling ~ Budget Counselors are trained to help people use a budget. This personal, one-on-one
attention is necessary for many people to begin budgeting.
Financial Seminars ~ The seminar is the most efficient way to quickly expose many people to God’s financial
principles. The seminar is six hours long and each participant receives a manual.
Sunday School Video Series ~ The Discovering God’s Way of Handling Money series is comprised of eight 20minute videos, each taught by a gifted communicator. There is a group discussion after each video presentation.
The ABC’s of Handling Money God’s Way ~ For children 7 and younger. Includes activities to help make learning basic financial principles fun and exciting. Designed to be very “hands on,” because children this age learn
from doing.
The Secret of Handling Money God’s Way ~ For children ages 8-12. For children with a financial challenge
learn the secret of giving, saving, spending and much more. The principles are imbedded in a story of adventure
that captures and holds the attention of children.
Handling Money God’s Way Teen Study ~ Uses creative graphics to cover practical topics: Balancing Your
Checkbook, Choosing Friends, and Developing A Resume.
College Study ~ Addresses the issues college students need to know about at this formative time of life. This
may be taught in a small group or classroom setting.
For more information contact:
Bro. Anthony Jenkins at (919) 661-7909 or ajenkins@springfieldbaptistchurch.com
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Springfield Chronicles
The Singles’ Ministry and Shoes-4-Souls, Inc. Christmas Stocking Shoe Drive was a grand success. The shoe drive was conducted November 15th through December 31, 2009. Thanks to the
generous and enthusiastic giving of the Springfield Family, 776 pairs of shoes were collected.
These contributions resulted in a 64 percent surplus over our projected goal of 500 pairs of
On behalf of the Singles’ Ministry, Jennifer Pierce and the Shoes-4-Souls Staff, and the many
shoe recipients, we say “THANK YOU.” We could never have achieved this great feat without
your unselfish acts of kindness that truly exemplifies the fact that Springfield is a blessed Body of
Christ who is willing to share their blessings with others. We must always remember that many of
our blessings are bestowed unto us through our willingness to give to others from the heart without expectation.
We will be conducting other shoe and clothes drives throughout the 2010 year as a part of our
Singles’ Community Outreach efforts. So, set aside any items that you may want to donate in the
coming months. Keep your eyes and ears open for forthcoming announcements.
As always, we invite all Singles join us on the 4th Saturday of every month at 10:00 a.m. for our
monthly meetings unless otherwise announced differently. God Bless.
Sis. Veronica Scott, Chairperson
The Singles’ Ministry is gathering shoes to send to Haiti. We are seeking
primarily flat/low heeled style shoes - sneakers, bedroom shoes, flip-flops,
closed-toe shoes, etc. If you have other shoes that you would like to
donate, bring them.
for the Shoes-4-Souls, Inc.’s
shoes will remain in-house
local distribution.
tion boxes are set up in the fellowship hall for your donations.
Please tell your family members, neighbors, coworkers, and friends and let’s do what we do - give
Volume 2010, Issue 1
Page 7
On Saturday, December 4, 2009, the Prayer Ministry held its Fourth Annual Prayer Seminar in the
SBC fellowship hall. Approximately 90 people
attended the seminar.
Children classes included “Memorization of the
Lord’s Prayer,” “How to Pray,” and “A Study of
the Lord’s Prayer.”
Youth classes included
“Developing A Life of Prayer,” “Overcoming Hindrances to Effective Prayer,” and “Using the Bible
in Prayer.” Adult classes included “Jesus: Our
Example for Prayer,” “Prayer and Spiritual Warfare,” “Prayer and Fasting,” “The Fundamentals
of Prayer” “Expressing Gratitude in Prayer,”
“Worshiping God in Prayer,” and “Developing a
Life of Prayer.”
Page 8
All of the classes were facilitated by the associate ministers of Springfield with a goal of
strengthening the prayer life of all participants.
The seminar ended with an invitation to discipleship, a powerful prayer for restoration, strength
and rededication, followed by the benediction.
The Prayer Ministry has already secured Saturday, December 4, 2010, for the Fifth Annual
Prayer Seminar to be held at the church. The
Prayer Ministry encourages all SBC members
and guests to mark your calendar and be there!
Submitted by,
Springfield Chronicles
Free Calls to Haiti for Time Warner Cable Customers
Time Warner Cable Digital Phone customers can call Haiti free of charge through the end of February 2010. This program will be
retroactive to January 12, 2010 and includes calls to both landline and cellular telephones. Check the Time Warner website for
additional information.
Volume 2010, Issue 1
Page 9
JALEN DAWES (SYRS) entered his artwork titled “From Dream to Reality” in an
art contest sponsored by the North Carolina Association of Educators. The Human and Civil Rights Commission named Jalen the state winner for grades 3-5.
The contest was in observance of Martin Luther King Jr.’s life and commitment
to the ideals of equality, justice and freedom for all Americans. Jalen and his
parents, Dea. William and Sis. Donna Dawes, were invited to the NCAE’s Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Banquet held on January 15, 2010, at the NCAE
Center where Jalen received his plaque. Jalen’s artwork will be on display at
the NCAE Center, 700 South Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina, until
the end of February. Congratulations Jalen!
On December 12, 2009, I received a Master of Public Administration from
North Carolina Central University. During the 18-month program, I had an opportunity to intern for two weeks in Monrovia, Liberia. The masters program
was challenging. While a good educational experience, it afforded me the opportunity to accomplish a goal I set for myself. I give God the glory and honor
for giving me strength to complete the program. I am currently working with the
City of Durham but I am praying and trusting God for a door to open for me with
the U.S. Federal Government. I thank God for blessing me with a prayerful,
supportive and loving family and my Springfield Baptist Church family during
this life changing experience.
Sis. Cynthia Jenkins
REV. JOHN JASPER (preacher, philosopher and orator) was born a slave in Virginia
and matured to become one of Virginia’s
most celebrated preachers. He was the
youngest of 24 children. He was converted
to Christianity in 1839. Secretly, he taught
himself to read and write. He studied the
Bible and eventually answered the call to
Jasper delivered his sermons in the dialect of the southern
slave. The pictures this gifted preacher painted with words
left thousands of men and women, both black and white
spellbound. Jasper illuminated the scriptures with vivid details. In 1867, he became the first black man to establish a
church (Sixth Mount Zion Baptist Church) in postwar Richmond, VA. The church began with 9 members and at his
death they numbered nearly 2,000 (more than one-third of
whom were white).
Page 10
Jasper achieved national fame in 1878 when he first
preached his “De Sun Do Move” sermon. He delivered this
sermon by invitation more than 250 times to large audiences and once before the Virginia General Assembly. This
sermon was an attempt to prove through biblical references
that the sun moves around the earth. If someone in the
Bible could ask the sun to stand still, Jasper preached, it
had to be moving. Thousands of people (of all races)
flocked to his church for standing-room only lectures on the
powers and mysteries of God. He is considered the last of
the old-styled antebellum preachers who possessed great
oratory skills.
Jasper’s accomplishments are even more remarkable given
the fact that he was a slave during the first twenty-five years
of his ministry work — a time when Virginia law expressly
prohibited slaves from preaching.
A leader in the community and the city of Richmond, VA.,
Rev. Jasper has been the subject of many books and related articles describing the black religious experience.
Springfield Chronicles
Who Can Find . . .
A love Divine
A love so pure
A love that will endure
A love that loves so strong
A love in spite of my wrong
A love that always cleaves
Oh . . . A love that never leaves
A love in and out of season
A love for no particular reason
A love with such a gentle touch
A love that loves so much
A love that dries up my tears
A love that last for years
A love that always provides
A love that never lies
A love that is absolutely free
A love that first loved me
You can search high and
You can search low
But without Jesus
You will never know
How it truly feels to be
In love
Sis. Tomeico Faison
Volume 2010, Issue 1
Page 11
Learn the ABC’s of Heart Attack Prevention
Preventing a heart attack is simpler than you make think. It’s as easy as ABC to reduce your
risk and live a longer, stronger life.
Sounds simple doesn’t it? So why is coronary heart disease the single major
cause of death and stroke the No. 3 killer in the U.S.? One reason is undeniably
a lack of commitment to a heart-healthy lifestyle. Your lifestyle is not only your best
defense against heart and stroke, it’s also your responsibility. A heart-healthy lifestyle (Avoiding tobacco, Being more active and Choosing good nutrition can reduce
all of the modifiable risk factors for heart disease, heart attack and stroke including:
Tobacco smoke, stress, high blood pressure
and high blood cholesterol
Physical inactivity
High blood pressure
High blood cholesterol
High blood pressure
High blood cholesterol
Diabetes mellitus
Page 12
Springfield Chronicles
“When you know your heritage,
you know how great you are!”
The SBC Music Ministry invite the SBC family to
join the Voices of Springfield in their observance of Black History Month by wearing
YOUR favorite African heritage attire on
February 28th for the morning worship service.
Thank you for your support!
“When we come to worship we should:
~ come looking for something
~ come to give something
~ come to get something”
(“Delayed But Not Denied” - 01/24/10)
Issue 1
January 10
February. 14
Issue 2
March 14
April 4
Issue 3
May 16
June 13
Issue 4
July 11
August 6
Issue 5
September 12
October 10
Issue 6
November 14
December 12
The Newsletter Staff
call the church at 772-8078 ext. 312.
Pastor’s 30th Anniversary
Celebrating Three Decades of Divine Favor
Mark Your Calendars!
June 25th - June 27th, 2010
More Information To Come So Please Stay Tuned!
F&J Ministry
Volume 2010, Issue 1
Page 13
Ivy Bobo
Brenda Bryant
Alton Lipscomb
Vanessa Satterfield
Johnnetta Wilson
Janasia Avery
Portia Beatty
Gerald Dawson
Sharon Lipscomb
Alton Matthews
Kathy Payne
Ronald Ragland
Jeanette Spivey
Karen Thompson
Kenyon Burt
Shannon Dobbin
Christina Outlaw
Joetta Brunson
Roy Garris
Vicky Gibson
Erica Goss
Ruby Hawkins
Bernice Myatt
Nilous Banks
Charlene Peacock
Tammy Bridges
Billy Burnett
Jackie Holloway
Viola Jiles
Deborah Perry
Shonta Simmons
Clifton Thompson
Lamont Williams
Gregory Blue
Briana Griffis
Dylan Hicks
Michelle Lightbourne
Timothy Meeks
Linwood Moye
Shannon Smith
Bobby Barnes
Mark Farmer, Jr
Constance Nettles
Wanda Sanders
Tracy Cannady
Roshawn Davis
Sean Dyson
Ciera Gray
Donna Jackson
Titus Pollard
Joshua Ragland
Rebecca Spann
Veronica Stagers
Joan Carpenter
Mantrille Leach
Martinez Leach
Montrice Leach
Freddie Mattocks
Barbara Worth
Robert Yarborough
Tyrone Alston
Tracy Battle
Milton Burnett
Shawnda Martin
Thomas Morgan
Shawntel Peacock
Brandon Simon
Michelle Thomas
Caroline Wood
Jeanetta Gardner
Serena Gardner
Justin Hicks
Amy Hinton
Dennis Hogan
Carla Leathers
Neal Allen
Connie Crawford
Kenneth Hinton
Mekhi Weathers
Delwyn T Avery
Christopher Griffis
Tiffany Beard
Dayshawna Leak
Linda Lewis
Freddy McFadden
Latoya McNeil
Vonda Perry
Preston Pugh
Robert Sanders
Jabari Williams
Mollie Alston
Hagar Cooper
Michael Cooper
Patrice McMillan
Angela McNeil
Siamora McNeil
Kayla Perry
Kimberly Seawell
Evette Smith
Evonne Smith
Courtney Streeter
Filico Bell
James Davis
Michael Dawkins
Minnie Edgerton
Blanche Jones
Carlton McClam
Brodie Patterson
Whitney Tomlinson
Tisha Williams
Montrail Alexander
Monica Brown
Donna Hale
Essence Howell
Erica Jones
Matthew Rosa
Gertie Bell
Ernest Hill
Jessica Holloway
Whitney Hutcheson
Shelby Alston
Vincent Johnson
Brenda Jones
Jacqueline Jones
James Muhammad
April Seawell
Alfonza Jenkins
Brandon Kirby
Eboni Roberson
Gail Smith
Yolanda Smith
Brenda Staten
Myra Alls
A’Shun Bryant
Calvin Chrisp
Stanley Mitchell
Charles Newkirk
Sabrina Pitt
Angel Tomlinson
Yameer Greene
Richardson, Jr
Brenda Smith
Brenda Staton
Robert Vance
Valencia Watson
Taushau Wilkinson
Jacqueline Adams
Tausanna Evans
Adriane Fox
Cynthia Gwathney
Gloria Ross
Robert Watson
Brian Yarborough
Virginia Simmons
Annie Walker
Jasmine Gibson
Sharon Hinton
Daeshaun Holley
Tina Mills
Josephine Turner
Kimberly Williams
John Bridges
Madeline Jones
Diamond Lane
Mary Love
Gidget Roberson
Joshua Spann
Allure Weathers
Taylor Woodard
Jamila Turner
NOTE: The birthday listings are based on information received from the Pastor’s Office. If your birthday was omitted or incorrectly stated, please report it to the Pastor’s Office.
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Springfield Chronicles
Linda Battle
Mina Leach
Darryl Mayo
Isaiah Davis
Barbara StricklandYamagato
Jamal Woods
Gary Curtis
Patrick Fox
Aleah Harper
Helen Morrison
Keith Turner
Annette Wilson
Evangeline Mitchell
Marie Best
Michelle Collins
Jerry Holmes
Thaddeus Parker
Ken Pittman
Vanessa Hobgood
Lisa Martin
Chovia Williams
Joseph Brown
Emma Davidson
Rosemary King
Alecia Lyles
Darian McCormick
Lizzie Pittman
Wilbert Hagans
Thomas Kenny
Palmer Lisane
Regina Mccullers
Cierra Moore
Monica Neal
Linda Pittman
Bianca Robinson
Ossie Dyson
Glenda Honeyblue
Olivia Richardson
Quentin Williams
Rodreka Bradley
Gloria Hinton
Deshawn Lee
Alfred Smith
Sheila Yates
Byron Addison
Erica Jones
Carolyn A. Mitchell
James Speaks
Dynasty Winters
Adrianne Matthews
Jural Melvin
Lydell Morgan
Dalphine Smith
Larry Thomas
Charity Hargrove
Curtis Joyner
Johnny Moore
Doretha Burkins
Arthur Griffis
Damon Johnson
Alvin Seaberry
Ulice Williams
Kevin Wilson
Raymond Brown
Terry Griffis
Orlando Griffis
Jean Hunter
Barbara Smith
Jesse Sweeney
Joanne Turne
Kenneth Elliott
Benita Hicks
Vincent Holland
Maggie Moore
Michael Roberson
Sharon Ashe
Germaine Brown
Rhonda Dickerson
Felicia Reynolds
Thomas Seawell
Corrine Zeigler
Joseph Camp
Lora Coleman
Dolphus Green
Kiara Hinton
Karen Leak
Reginald McCullers
Chris Nnadi
Alton Thorpe
James Wright
Gwen King
James Perry
Endra Pugh
Fannie Davis
William Dawes
Derrick Leach
Clark Louis
Gladys Mercer
Jacqueline Reed
Dwight Robinson
Teresa Smith
Porche' Spence
Samantha Best
Tracy Kittrell
Tonitra McFarland
Rose Simmons
Adonica Hampton
Eloise Snow
Stephen Taylor
Denise Dunn
Margaret Elliott
Jasmyn-Akia Fritz
Mary Goldston
Lorrie James
Connie Jones
Melvin Jones
Jasmine Leonard
Ann Pittman
Christine Rogers
Kayla Weathers
Melissa Gwathney
Jonathan Martin
Charlene Mayo
Audry Nixon
Marilyn Willis
Kenyatta Young
Diana Younger
La Shawn Breece
Kesha Holloway
Carey Stallings
Vanessa Williams
Duquon Brown
Walter Smith
Lindbergh Griffis
Cynthia Jenkins
Ervin Hinton
Paulette McCullers
Belinda Staten
Tina Tomlinson
Ronald Williams
Katrina Wood
Donald Cox
Michael Langston
Micah Marshall
Robert Pittman
NOTE: The birthday listings are based on information received from the Pastor’s Office. If your birthday was omitted or incorrectly stated, please report it to the Pastor’s Office.
Volume 2010, Issue 1
Page 15
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