Canadian Morgan Horse Association


Canadian Morgan Horse Association
Share the Passion
September/October 2012
Publications Mail Agreement #41953512
Photo by Doug Sinclair
October 27, 2012 at 11 am Auction
Sale Preview October 26, 2012 at 5 pm
Selling: 40 head of Registered Morgan Horses
Finished Show Stock, Prospects & Broodmares
Consignment Closing Date: September 1, 2012
HyLee Farm
3460 County Road JG North
Mount Horeb, WI 53572
Bill Addis-Joe Doctor
Wisconsin Auctioneer’s License # 2179-052
Dane County Regional Airport
Madison, Wisconsin
Holiday Inn Express: Verona, 608-497-4500
Super 8 Motel: Verona, 608-848-7829
Deer Valley Lodge: Barneveld, 608-924-1600
Karakahl Country Inn: Mount Horeb, 608-437-5545
Village Inn: Mount Horeb, 608-437-3350
Catalogs: Available October 1st
Catalogs can be downloaded on the Website:
Request for Catalog: Call 608-437-5530
Check for updates and view horses at HyLee on the Website:
Credit cards accepted
Lunch available October 27th
Horses shown by appointment
Canadian Morgan
“The War at Home”
The Copperhead Movie Experience
e were called in May about bringing Amadeus Mozart
adapted from “The Copperhead” written by Harold Frederic published
Ara-Li* our Lippitt Morgan stallion to Kings Landing as
in 1893. It can be downloaded off the internet. Can’t wait until the
a Carriage Horse for the civil war era movie “ The War
movie comes out.
at Home “ Copperhead. After the first call we received it sounded like
The whole experience was excellent, we were treated well, fed and
we might break even financially. We decided to take part anyway as
had fun. What can be better than doing something you love and being
it would be a new and interesting experience. Walter and I traveled to
paid for it. We would absolutely definitely do it again.
Kings Landing 4 times, a drive of about 1 and ½ hours from home. We
Submitted by Dawn Brown
arrived on site a little early everyday to get Moe unloaded and settled
tied to the trailer. A full hay net, water available, brushed, and ready to
be harnessed, he was set for the day.
Shortly after arrival the driver was whisked away by Heather Soper
(one of the wranglers) for costuming, makeup, hair and to sign in for
the day. We were Special Skills Extra’s, with that plus rent for the horse
CAST: Dawn (Don) and Walter Brown and Amadeus Mozart Ara-Li*
(finally he is making money) and our expenses paid we were more than
: Joanne (Joe) MacBride and Night In Gale
breaking even.
There is a lot of hurry up and wait involved, be ready for a shot which
recently spent 4 days between mid May and mid June at Kings
may not take place for many hours, depending on previous scenes
Landing Settlement outside of Fredericton, NB. dressed like an
that day. Direction was given to us on set from head wrangler Steve
1867 male farmer. I was in good company with Walter and Dawn
Murphy. Walter drove the first day with Moe hooked to our own two
Brown (who was also cast in men’s clothing.) With us were our Morgan
wheel antique stallion cart. Unfortunately it doesn’t look like the scene
horses, Night In Gale and Amadeus Mozart Ara-Li*. They were also
will be used as the lead actor changed after that shoot. I drove the other
in period attire wearing their Driving Harnesses and hooked up to four
3 days, one day we drove
wheeled antique carriages.
around all afternoon but
We had been asked to be
they wrapped for the day
“Special Skills Extras” or
before our scene.
SSE….. which , as a Saddle
Being on set was very
Seat Equitation Coach and
interesting and we met
Judge, had always meant
many new people and
Saddle Seat Equitation to
connected with some old
me. Who knew ?!
friends. Joanne MacBride
On each day that we
and her Morgan mare
were requested to be on the
Night In Gale were also
grounds, we were given a
in attendance as Carriage
“call time” which varied
horse and driver. She and
from a morning call time to
I were dressed as men, as
an evening call time, and
were many of the riders
in-between. This did not
in the film. We were told
necessarily mean that we
to keep our heads down
were expected to hitch up
during shoots so people
and go (with instructions
would not recognize we
on what to do and where
are women. It was fun
to go from Steve Murphy,
spending the days in such
Head Wrangler). We did a
Amadeus Mozart Ara-Li* and Dawn Brown waiting to go over to the set.
good company. Joanne and
good deal of “Hurry up and
I always find lots to laugh
about as we share a similar sense of humor. In character we were Don
My horse and I were in three scenes, one with the main actor, Billy
(Dawn) and Joe (Joanne).
Campbell (said “Howdy” to me..I howdied back in my best man voice);
Mozart who was hooked to a different vehicle every time was very
another with Peter Fonda (who chatted with Dawn Brown about the
well behaved and took all in stride. There were certainly lots of things
Morgan horse). Fonda was grinning like a Cheshire cat each time he
to look at other farm animals, lots of people, cameras, booms with
saw Dawn and Moe, myself and Gale trotting up the hill to do the scene
cameras, vehicles, ladders , equipment and a big day glow green house
several times! At the time, however, we didn’t realize that he was Peter
(green screen). He loves to be in a crowd but we have to keep in mind
Fonda! He was sporting a white mustache and beard, as well as snow
being a stallion he likes to check out all the other equines. He really had
white hair. Our third scene was the final one of the movie and (without
eyes for Gale. One thrill was when Peter Fonda approached us after the
giving the story away) included a caravan of townspeople, horses and
scene wrapped. He asked if Moe was a Morgan, his age etc. We didn’t
riders, carriages, buggies, and hay wagons.
recognize Mr. Fonda with the white beard and in costume; this was
I was so very proud of my mare who walked and trotted calmly by
probably a good thing as conversation was relaxed and normal. If we
huge screens, cameras, cameras on big booms, people, vehicles, pigs,
had realized it was him that may not have been the case, I just wish we
cattle, horses, carriages, buggies, ladders, saws, and equipment. During
had a picture.
the time spent waiting she was equally cooperative. Dawn and Walter
I have been reading the book which the movie “The War at Home” is
Brown had the same experience with their horse, Moe. What a well-
Gale and Moe’s Most Excellent
September/October 2012
Left Amadeus Mozart Ara-Li* with
Dawn (Don) Brown
and Night In Gale
with Joanne (Joe)
MacBride having
Right, Nigh In Gale
and Debbie Shorten
waiting to go on set.
behaved stallion he was!
The “Wranglers”, who were responsible for taking care of the horses’
needs as well as their people, were amazing. Our horses needs were
well met; and their safety was always considered. They helped with
everything from hooking up, to driving us to the costume area and back,
to showing us where to sign in and out, to holding our horses while we
broke for a meal. (The food was delicious; and was served at the Kings
Head Inn.) The Head Wrangler did quite a bit of directing regarding
scenes with the horses. One wrangler was in a scene on horseback.
I was so fortunate to have my friend (and sister horsewoman),
Debbie Shorten to help me out every day. Debbie was my own Personal
Wrangler. Without her it would have been much more work, and
certainly less fun. We met some wonderful people and heard so many
interesting life stories. This was an experience that I would gladly do
again. The movie should be out in one year’s time. I can’t wait to see
it. If anyone is able to attend, please check out the black Lippitt Morgan
Stallion, Moe, with Dawn (Don) driving. My mare, Gale, is a dark bay
with dapples and a white star, stripe, snip. I will be driving. Just call
me Joe……..
Submitted by Joanne MacBride
Movie Wranglers
eading off to a movie site with a horse in tow is a very
interesting proposition. For Joanne and I it was a real trip
into the unknown!
With great excitement we pulled into a parking lot at King’s Landing
and were promptly advised that we were scheduled to go to lunch!
What? With the horse? Nope! The horse coordinators would look after
continued on page 10
Canadian Morgan
Features Departments
War at Home
Excelling at Walnut
Ontario Fun Day
Quebec News
Youth Challenge
OMHC Classic
Green Mtn. Morgan
A Battle Story
Who’s on the Front Cover
President’s Message
Administrator’s Message
CMHA Youth
Directors’ Listing
Affiliated Morgan Horse Clubs
Page 22
Canadian Morgan magazine
Sales / Editorial / Subscriptions Office:
Interim Editor: Sherri Wilson
971 Scugog Line, Uxbridge, ON L9P 1R3
Phone: (905) 852-9406
Front Cover Design: David Kavanagh, KTS
Reproduction of any materials without written permission from the editor
is prohibited. Opinions and statements expressed in this publication are not
necessarily those of the editor or publisher.
Canada Post Customer Number 7108067
Mail Agreement Number 41953512.
September/October 2012
Sandy Mitchell and Northline Airsandgraces after Apple Bobbing at the
OMHC Fun Day, see page 7.
Excelling at Walnut Hill
e have just returned from the
Walnut Hill Driving Competition
at Pittsford, New York held
August 8 - 12, 2012. It is a five day show on the
beautiful grounds of Walnut Hill Farm, which
celebrated its 41st year, as one of the premier
driving shows in North America this past week.
It is billed as the largest Pleasure Carriage
Driving Show in the world.
This year continued the tradition of excellent
competition, with large entries in every division,
from single horses and ponies to pairs, tandems,
unicorns, four in hand, park and coaching
classes. Competition in most divisions includes
turnout, reinsmanship, cones and cross country.
Social events include BBQ’s, an Ascot Pic Nic
and a more formal dinner.
This year Justice Lieut. Colonel placed
first in Fastest Time Cross Country in the
Meadowbrook/ Road Cart Division and first in
Progressive Obstacle in the Runabout Division.
He received one of the beautiful, and highly
sought after, Walnut Hill pewter plates, as well
as a blue ribbon, for each victory. His margin of victory in each class
was extraordinary at this level of competition. He has now earned nine
of those plates, while competing at Walnut Hill. We also placed second
in Progressive Obstacle in the Meadowbrook/Road Cart division.
It is a wonderfully well run show with 150 volunteers, some of whom
have been there for all 41 years. It is nice to see the number of Canadians
both competing, and volunteering, at this world class event.
Pictured above, Colonel is going through one of two water hazards on
his way to victory in the Fastest Time Cross Country class.
Submitted by Ken Pedlar, Justice Morgans
Ontario Fun Day
une 9th was an overcast day, the weather and when the dust settled,
was warm and dry, we were ready for a Fun Elayne
Day. Ten horses and riders were ready for an Northline T-Bird rose to
afternoon of fun and games at Cyan Star Morgans, the occasion and won the
Novice division.
home of the Kavanagh family.
The day started with the Steady Hand Class,
Race and Stand brought
watching everyone trying to not spill their water all all the speed horses, this
over their horse and try to finish with the most water is a class where steering
in the cup was a challenge. Lisa Kavanagh riding and a good set of brakes
Cyan Star Trinity & Madeleine Gainey on Chestnut are paramount
Hill Specialty were the winners in their respective for the win.
Davyclasses. Egg & Spoon class followed and had the Jane
audience in stitches, trying to travel with a spoon Ward
carrying an egg and not drop it was harder than S p r i n g s o n g
trying to keep water in your cup while doing a sitting Sophia really
The Potato race saw a lot of people jumping off the
their horse to retrieve their potato when they missed and showed
the bucket, the classes were hotly contested by Lisa how a good
Kavanagh & Madeleine Gainey where they once dressage horse
again won their respective divisions.
can move out,
Command is where the training really showed, stop, and then
Continued on page 14
Photos by Brian Kavanagh clockwise from top,
Musical Stalls class, Jane Davy-Ward with Springsong Sophia in Race
& Stand, Nancy Kavanagh & Kyla Vendrig Apple Bobbing.
Canadian Morgan
2012 Ottawa Valley
Light Horse Show
he Ottawa Valley Light Horse Association once again held its
annual show at the Carp Fairgrounds in Carp, Ontario. This
great facility boasts several rings, ample parking and stabling
for all of the long distance competitors. There is even a large farmer’s
market on the grounds to tempt your tastebuds between classes. Turn
out was very good in 2012 with close to 100 horses entered in the
Morgan, Saddlebred, Arabian, Hackney, Road Horse, Carriage and
Saddle/Parade Pony Divisions. The geographical spread of the
entries was large as well, with intrepid exhibitors coming as far as
6 hours in each direction to compete.
Our Morgan division was strong in numbers and deep in quality.
the winner of the English Pleasure qualifier was Silversides Rising
Son, shown by Judy Martin for Penny McKee of Brome, QC.
Second in this nice class was H Two T Noble Pepper. H Two T
Noble Pepper really turned it on in the championship to take home
the crown with Ruth Webster riding for Kelly Pilgrim and Dusten
Hosier, of Beaverton, ON. The Reserve Championship went back
to Brome, QC with Silversides Rising Son with Judy Martin in the
saddle. CBMF Winning Spirit & Denis Robert took 3rd followed
by HVK Bold Commander & Megane Robert, NBN Out Of The
Blue with Brynn Marie O’Reilley and King-Lehr’s Ego Master
with Michelle Coffey respectively.
Silversides Rising Son earned his oats with a solid win in the
Pleasure Driving qualifier with Judy Martin driving for Penny
McKee of Brome, QC. Second place in this good group of driving
horses was the very pretty CBMF Winning Spirit, owned and
shown by Denis Robert of St-Pie, QC. The top awards were reversed in
the championship with CBMF Winning Spirit taking home the tricolor
Photo above, Denis Robert rider/owner with CBMF Winning Spirit
Above Right, Ruth Webster with H Two T Noble Pepper for owner
Kelly Pilgrim & Dusten Hosier
Photos by
September/October 2012
for Denis Robert and Silversides Rising Son trotting up for the Reserve
Championship win with Judy Martin. In order, the following horses
also pinned in the championship. Northline Knight Bird & Stephanie
Rutherford, NBN Out Of The Blue & Brynn Marie O’Reilley and HVK
Bold Commander driven by Annie Belfour for Denis Robert.
The Hunter Pleasure division was a bit lighter but they both drove
several hours to support the show. Northline Knight Bird showed off
his extended trot and Dressage training to take home the win in both
the Hunter Pleasure Open and Championship Classes. His proud
owner and pilot is Stephanie Rutherford of Orono, ON. Our Reserve
Champion & second in the qualifier was Troika’s Misch-Chick with
Mary-Lou Parent of QC.
The OVLHA has a unique Western Pleasure division where
the breeds qualify in their own classes to show back against each
other in the championship. Nanjo’s Ricky Ricardo was the winner
of the Morgan qualifer and came back in the Championship to take
the Reserve Champion title with his owner/rider Justin Marion of
Russell, ON.
Ottawa Valley is well know for it’s parade classes and in among all
the Saddlebreds, two cousins managed 3rd & 4th on their Morgans,
good job NBN Out Of The Blue & Brynn Marie O’Reilley & Nanjo’s
Ricky Ricardo & Justin Marion. They managed to hold on to their
respective placings in the Parade Horse Championship as well.
Please consider joining us in 2013 to find out all what the Ottawa
Valley has to offer: Beautiful horses, generous prize money, a
wonderful facility and a hospitable atmosphere will make your day
a great one!
A big thank you to our fabulous officials; Ryan Fornango of
New York - judge, Jaime Edwards - ringmaster, Laurene Button announcer, Phillip Snelgrove - Whipper In, Karen Brunton - show
secretary, Rae Ann Brunton - Show Manager, Karen Calloway official photographer. Proofs can be viewed at
Submitted by Genevieve Kendell-Hayes
Canadian Morgan Historical Project News
he pedigree photo project is a neverending project and it’s success
depends on Morgan breeders and
owners across the country.
Thank you to Susan Sherman who sent me a
few photos: “this photo is Nahanni’s Skyhawk,
(Moro Hills Monashee x Alice B). Bred by
Jim Graff of Vulcan Alberta, and a half brother
to Nahanni Royal Ethan, foaled a day apart.
Skykers, and I competed to 4th level dressage
in 1999 when Skykers was 20 yrs old. I
lost him tragically in 2002 at 23yrs old.
Yes he is the namesake of my e-mail
Thank you Susan and to all who have
contributed to the Historical Project.
Please send your photos to
A Quebec Hello
hello from a Quebec Morgan owner,
here is something we did lately with
our beloved Morgan.
Summer is a time for parades. Gyless Jubilee
Mac is my 13 year old daughter’s horse which
she rode in this occasion for the Wotton’s
Country Festival Parade.
Used mostly for trail riding, this horse still
likes showing off. Dressed with my daughter,
Ellen Peron’s, creation and design, he made all
a show impressing the whole gallery.
This picture was taken while we were getting
ready to leave for the parade. Mac is a proud
representative of his breed. Always willing to
work, he always does so in a gentle fashion and
he is incredible with children.
He is a small horse
in size from the top of
his fourteen hands yet
he holds a big place in
our hearts.
Submitted by Annie
Demers. Danville, QC
Who’s on the Front Cover?
organs of Canada Club is now
entering its fourth year of operation.
Our mission remains, the promotion
of the Morgan Horse Breed in the Masters
Tournament at Spruce Meadows on behalf of
each and every Morgan Horse Owner, Breeder
and Enthusiast, Canada wide.
In the past three years we have been fortunate to achieve consecutive
championship wins in the Battle of the Breeds competition and glean
the honor of the inaugural Fan Favorite award in 2009 with our Justin
Morgan school house themed booth; a favorite stopping place for tens of
thousands of visitors to learn about the beautiful Morgan Horse. These
achievements have resulted in huge media attention being focused on our
breed throughout the entire year.
The success of our promotional group depends on your support. We sincerely hope we can count on your contribution to our endeavor of defending our championship title and continuing a long tradition of
Morgan participation in this unique celebration of the horse.
World Champion Sponsorship
Grand National Sponsorship
Justin Morgan Sponsorship $250 or more
$100 to $249
up to $100
Send us your business cards or pamphlets along with your donation to:
Morgans of Canada Club
C/O Aline Young
Site 7, Box 8, RR4
Red Deer, AB T4N 5E4
2011 Booth
And… we will display them in the booth.
A huge Thank You goes out to our 2012 sponsors. Without your help
none of this would have been possible:
Alberta Morgan Horse Club
Saskatchewan Morgan Horse Club
A special heartfelt Thank You to our Chef ’Equipe – Aline Young
and Julie Franke for their many many years of support on the ground in
so many capacities.
Cover Design by David Kavanagh
Canadian Morgan
Amadeus Mozart Ara-Li* and Dawn Brown
Night In Gale and Joanne MacBride with a wrangler waiting to go on set.
Amadeus Mozart Ara-Li* and Dawn Brown
September/October 2012
our equine friend ‘Gale’, a van pulled up (transportation), and off
we went to the King’s Head Inn to fortify ourselves for the ‘arduous’
filming ahead.
Apparently it’s very important for everyone on the set to know ‘who
is whom’ so we were immediately asked by the driver as to whether
we were ‘wranglers’…..As a horsey person I’ve been called a rider,
a horse owner, crazy, etc. etc., but never have I been asked if I was a
‘wrangler’. Joanne and I looked at each other. Our response, ‘Sure,
we’re wranglers’!
We made four trips to the set. On three occasions there was actual
filming! On our first day we sat around with other ‘horsey’ folk, ate
lots, talked about horses, eventually harnessed up, did some driving to
get used to the new buggy, joined with other rigs, and then the shot was
cancelled for that day! Oh well, we had a good time. Patience is most
definitely a virtue on a movie set!
I have to admit that I knew nothing about harness and driving before
this event. However Joanne had faith that I would be of some assistance
and I learned a lot. What I’m sure of is that I’m glad that I wasn’t
born in an age that required all transportation to be by horse and buggy.
What a lot of work! And horses, (as we all know), have minds of their
own and occasionally aren’t totally convinced that what we’re asking of
them is such a good idea.
Imagine driving past longhorn cattle (how many horses see
those on a daily basis), and then seeing and hearing a loud motor
boat through the trees as you descend down a trail to a lumpy
bumpy wooden bridge with a mill to the right and the boat on
your left!
Then you climb a steep hill and are faced with a village centre
with large elevated screens, all manner of strangely dressed folk
milling about, with strange horses being ridden or driven, dogs,
cameras, machinery, vans, tents, cranes, water spraying trucks,
clanking equipment, people hollering (nicely), radios spouting
with calls to people to do various things, etc. etc. I think my TB
would have politely suggested that something was ‘very’ wrong,
and he possibly would still be headed towards Nova Scotia at a
full gallop!
I now have even more appreciation of Morgans! Little Gale
took some long looks but she was amazing. How adaptable! In
no time at all she was snoozing between takes with all the other
I’m not sure what she thought about Joanne dressed as a
suspendered farmer! She didn’t say…
On our last day there was even a proposal! Two young extras
(known as ‘background’) became engaged on the set. Pictures
were taken of the happy couple sitting on the wagon with Gale. A long
and happy life to you both!
Like everyone else we were sad to see our film debut end. It certainly
was a change from selling real estate - although for some reason they
wouldn’t let me take my cell phone on the set. A little phone ringing in
the middle of the shoot…….tarred and feathered no doubt!
Kudos to Steve and Debbie Murphy, Heather Lowther (all from
Nova Scotia) and assistants, who ensured that safety came first. Their
experience in providing horses and consulting on movie sets made it
easy (and a lot of fun), to take part in the magic of movie making!
Copperhead should be visually stunning! Watching the filming, it
was easy to imagine a summer day in the 1860s. The costumes were
splendid, and King’s Landing was in full bloom with bright flowers,
grasses, winding wood fencing, softly swaying trees, quietly grazing
Percherons, and the ever picturesque St. John River providing an
amazing backdrop.
I was so mesmerized that I didn’t even notice Peter Fonda walking
We wranglers are standing by for our next call!
Submitted by Debbie Shorten
President’s Message
Fun with Morgans
ach issue of the magazine I sit down at
our computer and contemplate a message that will be interesting and have
some value. We are a registry first and
foremost but we are many other things as well.
We represent a large cross section of people and
their interests but the one common thread is our
chosen breed, or the horse that chooses you, the
Morgan Horse. There are many activities that
Morgan Horses are involved in, including horse
shows, eventing, reining, cutting, driving, trail or
pleasure riding and so on and these can be broken down even further. For instance in the ring or
arena they can go western, hunter, in hand, park
harness, park saddle, dressage, reining and jumping. Our chosen breed is very versatile and has
proven that not only for us as owners but also in
direct competition with other breeds winning the
Battle of the Breeds at Spruce Meadows the past
three years and five times in the past twelve years.
This year Cec and I have spent more time than
we usually do riding in the beautiful foothills
of the Rocky Mountains known as Kananaskis
County. We rode four times so far and plan to go
at least one more time. It was really gratifying
to see all the Morgans during our August 9th to
13th ride. There were 12 purebreds and 1 partbred including Blue Diamond Dancer (5 years
on our Battle Team) ridden by his owner Heinz
Baers who joined us for a day on the ride with
his daughter Gabriela. Trail rides with this kind
of scenery attract people from considerable
distances and our ride
included CMHA B.C./
Yukon Director Laurie
Lyons & Vice Director
Dana Ward both from
Kamloops, Jill Bewza
from Chase B.C., Cynthia Cunliffe from Victoria and Julie Franke
from Rimbey. It is really exciting to show
horses ‘out of their
element’ so to speak riding through the rugged
mountains. In addition to the show horses on this
ride Cec rode our show mare Futurity’s Mandolin
on an earlier ride and she performed very well.
On all our rides we have had people ask where
they could purchase a good Morgan for trail riding. They are willing to pay a pretty good price
but want a horse that won’t act up on the trail.
There obviously is a market for Morgans in trail
riding as well as the show ring and other competitive activities. We have a great breed and deserve
to be proud and to encourage others to join us.
Driving is becoming a popular activity and
there are many people competing and having fun
with their Morgans though out Canada in various driving events. The Morgan Horse as we all
know is an excellent driving horse with style,
presence and stamina. This is a potentially good
market for Morgan breeders. There are various types of driving just as there is riding such
as pleasure driving in horse shows, carriage and combined driving, sort of something for everyone. There are lots of ways
to have fun driving your Morgan horse.
In our 21st Century world everything is becoming more and more mechanical and computerized. It is great to have horses that we can
relax with and escape from the mad rush of society and all the things that hold us prisoner. Be
proud, tell others of the marvelous breed that
we are fortunate to be a part of and encourage
them to become part of our family to Share the
Passion and let a Morgan Horse choose them.
Administrator’s Message
e at
t h e
Horse Association say
good bye to our editor
Cindy Dickson for
her past three years of
work, it was wonderful
getting to know her and
working with her. Best of Luck to Cindy with her
new endeavour in the working world!
Thank you to Sherri Wilson for taking on the
task as interim editor while the search is on for a
new editor. Sherri has a lot of experience in the
publishing world as her mother Deana is a past
editor of the CMM and Sherri is also the current
editor of the Ontario Morgan Horse Newsletter. I
know she’ll put out a magazine worthy of your
reading and support.
This issue of the magazine will be heading to the
Grand National & World Championship Morgan
Show in Oklahoma City, OK. Best wishes and
safe travel to all our Canadian competitors. We
look forward to hearing all about your horse show
experience in the next issue!
While many of us do not have the opportunity
to go to OKC, many of us do some exciting events
with our Morgans and we’d love to hear from you
too. Trail rides, play days, clinics, horse shows,
the list is endless with a Morgan, let us know
what is up and how you enjoy your Morgan or
part Morgan. And don’t forget to keep track of
those events for the Versatile Morgan Medallion
program; this is a wonderful way to honour and
celebrate your horse’s versatility and promote
your horse’s ability. Don’t be shy; when someone
succeeds with their Morgan, the whole breed is a
And speaking of Promotion, we are still
looking for someone to take on the task of
chairing this department for the CMHA. If you
are interested, please contact me and we can talk
about the responsibilities of being the Promotion
Do enjoy the rest of your summer and stay in
Nancy Kavanagh
Office Administrator
Canadian Morgan Horse
Association News
Registry News
Take advantage of the offer to register your
older Morgans!
The CMHA is offering a 15% reduced
registration fee for horses over the age of two
effective Jan. 1 2012 to June 30, 2013. Don’t let
time run out before you decide to increase the
value of your Morgan and provide integrity to the
breed and your breeding program.
The CMHA/CLRC is continually updating the
Morgan Horse records. If you have a Morgan who
has died that has not been reported, please contact
the CMHA office or CLRC with the horse’s name,
number and date of death. You can do this either
by email or mail. The horse’s certificate is not
needed to report a horse death.
Have you castrated your Stallion and not
reported the castration? Again, please contact the
CMHA office or CLRC with the horse’s name,
number, and date of castration and include the
original registration certificate. There are no fees
attached to reporting a death or castration of a
Morgan. We appreciate your support in keeping
the Morgan Horse Registry current and correct.
Canadian Morgan
CMHAY Chair Message
ello Youth! I
hope you have
your summer with your
horses! It has been fairly
quiet on the CMHA Youth
front, besides the youth challenges and medal
Our first youth challenge for 2012 was
held in New Brunswick for the Atlantic zone.
They had 4 participants this year. The overall
Champion for the 3rd year in a row I believe
was Rebecca MacKeigan. Gaylynn Hill was
the Reserve Champion. Thank you to Jennifer
2012 Youth
Challenge Results
2012 Ontario Youth Challenge:
Speech Contest:
1st Kyla Vendrig
2nd Ashley Reeson
3rd Mackenzie Collins
4th Rebecca Empringham
5th Laura Empringham
6th Justin Marion
Judging Contest:
1st Mackenzie Collins
2nd Kyla Vendrig
3rd Ashley Reeson
4th Rebecca Empringham
5th Justin Marion
6th Laura Empringham
Riding Contest:
1st Mackenzie Collins
2nd Justin Marion
3rd Kyla Vendrig
4th Rebecca Empringham
5th Ashley Reeson
6th Laura Empringham
1st Mackenzie Collins
2nd Kyla Vendrig
3rd Ashley Reeson
4th Rebecca Empringham
5th Justin Marion
6th Laura Empringham
2012 Atlantic Youth Challenge:
Speech Contest:
1st Rebecca MacKeigan
2nd Gaylynn Hill
Judging Contest:
1st Rebecca MacKeigan
2nd Gaylynn Hill
3rd Ariana Burden
Riding Contest:
1st Rebecca MacKeigan
2nd Gaylynn Hill
3rd Ariana Burden
1st Rebecca MacKeigan
2nd Gaylynn Hill
3rd Ariana Burden
September/October 2012
Scobie and Rhonda Hamilton for running the
youth challenge.
The Ontario youth challenge was held at the
Ontario Morgan Horse Championship Classic
on July 14th & 15th. Six youth took to the
challenge this year and Mackenzie Collins
came out on top this year with Kyla Vendrig
in a close second! Thank you to Val Reeson
for her time in running the youth challenge.
Congratulations to all our participants and
thank you for taking part.
The Ontario Classic also ran 4 CMHA medal
classes for our CMHA youth members. Our
Showmanship winner was Dalton Lehman.
Our Hunt Seat Equitation on the Flat winner
was MacKenzie Collins and our Saddle
Seat Equitation winner was Kyla Vendrig.
Unfortunately we didn’t have any Western
Equitation riders this year. Congratulations all!
Next up will be the Alberta Youth Challenge
and medal classes at the Alberta Morgan Horse
Show in early September. Good luck! And
there is still a good chance that Saskatchewan
will still run their Youth Challenge in late fall.
Stay tuned for results!
Lisa Kavanagh,
CMHAY Chairperson
Terms of Nomination
The position of Director and Vice
Director for the zones of Saskatchewan
and Atlantic will end at the AGM in
2013. Nominations are welcome and
will close on November 30th, 2012.
Please contact the office for a form.
Beverly Ortwein, Calgary
Jenessa Hildebrand,Wetaskiwin
Kalli Slaunwhite, Edmonton
Lee Dreger, Sherwood Park
Maddison Grose, Leduc
We are also looking for a Director/Vice
Director for the zone of Quebec, please
contact the office for a form.
Nancy Kavanagh
CMHA Office Administrator
Phone: 905-982-0060
British Columbia
Krista Biegel, Dawson Creek
Linda Holland, Cache Creek
Shelley McRae, Langley
Eva & Jonathan Pritchard, Yahk
Tyra Smith, Ottawa, ON
Robert Gilchrist
Saw Mill Creek Morgans, Little
David Lawn, Lasalle, ON
Joanne Champigny, St-Hyacinthe
Kyla Vendrig & Mackenzie Collins
2012 CMHA Youth Challenge
Velvetdawn Custer, North Battleford
Ashley Nychuck, Zehner
Elisa Regnim, Regina
Angelique Lang, Regina
Marilyn Koski & Peter Muhlbach,
Amber Ricks, Lloydminster
Canadian Morgan Horse Association
CMHA Office Administrator:
Nancy Kavanagh
Tel: (905) 982-0060 Fax: (905) 982-0097
Mail to: Box 286, Port Perry, ON L9L 1A3
Courier to: 18555 Highway 12, Greenbank, ON L0C 1B0
CMHA Officers
President: Bob Watson
Box 660, Duchess, AB T0J 0Z0
(403) 378-4323 Fax: (403) 378-4322
West Vice President: Laurie Ann Lyons
Box 3254 A Stn. Terminal M.P.P.,
Kamloops, BC V2C 6B8 (250) 571-9419
Treasurer: Sherri Wilson
971 Scugog Line 12
Uxbridge, ON L9P 1R3
(905) 852-9406
Past President: Lyle Dietz
Box 128, Galahad, AB T0B 1R0
(780) 583-2128
Director: Karen Abel
Site 4, Box 2, RR #2,
Leduc, AB T9E 2X2
(780) 986-3185
CMHA Directors
Vice Director: David Gillen
22555 Township 512
Sherwood Park, AB T8C 1H3
(780) 887-7528
Director: Sandra McGinty
361 Stafford Avenue,
Port Elgin, ON N0H 2C5
(519) 832-6564
Director: Judith Dexter
Box 268
Maidstone, SK S0M 1M0
(306) 893-2486
Vice Director: Dana Bewza-Ward
#38 – 1760 Copperhead Drive,
Kamloops, BC V1S 2B4
(250) 572-7357
Vice Director: Sheila McNaughton
112 Wellington Street East
Aurora, ON L4G 1J1
(905) 727-0918
Vice Director: Candas Rolls
1238 Wascana Highlands,
Regina, SK S4V 2J6
(306) 545-2652
Committee Chairs
Charlene Dalen-Brown - Registry
85 Ashwood Drive
Saskatoon, SK S7T 1B9
(306) 373-8200
Cec Watson - Equine Canada
Box 660
Duchess, AB T0J 0Z0
(403) 378-4323
Director: Melissa MacKenzie
63 McManus Street,
Passekeag, NB E5N 7S3
(506) 832-5515
Director: Laurie Ann Lyons
Box 3254 A Stn. Terminal M.P.P.,
Kamloops, BC V2C 6B8 (250)
East Vice President: Melissa MacKenzie
63 McManus Street,
Passekeag, NB E5N 7S3
(506) 832-5515 /
Vice Director: Tina Porter
Box 303
Stewiacke, NS B0N 2J0
(902) 639-2832
Director: Norman Kalinski
Box 45, Carroll, MB R0K 0K0
(204) 483-2222
Director: Vacant
Vice Director: Cathy Braun
Box 851, Winkler, MB R6W 4A9
(204) 325-5694
Vice Director: Vacant
CMHA Directors Emeritus
Margaret McDonald
Site 4, Box 5, RR#2,
Leduc, AB T9E 2X2
(780) 986-6652
Jack Reeves
32 Oakdene Crescent
Little Britain, ON
K0M 2C0
(705) 786-9663
Eldon L. Bienert
Site 4, Box 5, RR#2,
Leduc, AB
T9E 2X2
(780) 986-6652
Promotion Chairperson:
Volunteer Needed!
Contact Lyle Dietz or the CMHA Office.
Pat Crema - Constitution/Bylaws
Box 210
Pritchard, BC V0E 2P0
(250) 577-3218
Lisa Kavanagh - Youth
Box 46
Port Perry, ON L9L 1A2
(905) 985-0691
Canadian Morgan
Awards Information
Horse Show High Point
The awards program is a competitive system
designed to promote a standard of excellence
in the Morgan Show horse. The CMHA
recognizes outstanding achievements of the
Show Morgan in a variety of divisions and the
end result is achieving accumulative awards,
which identifies superior horses, trainers and
Our current high point system rewards
Morgans/Part Morgans that show in Equine
Canada (EC) sanctioned shows or USEF
shows. But many of our members also show
in non EC sanctioned shows and they wish to
participate; Therefore, the board has introduced
a new Open High Point system designed to
reward Morgans/Part Morgans that show at
NON EC sanctioned shows. The original high
point will return back to its former model of
counting points for year-end awards from both
Morgan and open classes at EC sanctioned
shows. This will be for both the regular and
youth high point.
This new open system will accept points
from provincially sanctioned shows or other
unrated shows. We do not accept points from
“private boarders only” type schooling shows.
New forms have been created for this high
stand for the required 3 seconds in the
box. Kyla Vendrig and MLF Merlin
were right behind them placing a close
The Baton Pass required team work,
two riders and most times two horses.
David and Lisa Kavanagh decided they
were going to not only pass the baton,
but also pass the horse. Lisa rode the
first leg of the race, handed over the
horse and baton to David who jumped
on and rode to the finish line into first
Musical Stalls is always a good class
and hotly contested, it is all about who
has the best strategy for getting into
an empty stall. Madeleine Gainey and
Chestnut Hill Specialty were the top
September/October 2012
point and are available online at the website or
contact the office for a copy. Also new for this
high point is a secretary signature and date will
be required on the form.
To enter; all Canadian registered Morgans
and Part Morgans are eligible. Please visit
the CMHA website or
contact the CMHA office or your high point
zone rep for the entry forms. These forms are to
be filled out and sent to the CMHA office with
a lifetime fee of $25.00 per horse. All owners
must be Canadian Morgan Horse Association
members and youth riders must be members in
order to compete for awards. If you are not
sure if your horse is already entered, please
contact the CMHA office.
When your form is received, you will receive
confirmation of your entry. Please take the
time to read all of the rules that are available on
the website or from the CMHA office. Many
owners are disappointed to find out they aren’t
qualified for awards because they sent in the
points late or they did not pay the lifetime fee.
The National awards are given out to the
horse that has accumulated the most points
across Canada. It is quite an honour to win
National Champion!
From there, Justin
Morgan points are calculated and any Morgan/
Part Morgan winning 1000 points in any
division earns a Justin Morgan Honour. For a
youth Justin Morgan, you must earn 750 points.
The CMHA office notifies all owners of their
Morgan Trail Awards
This program is designed to acknowledge
and reward owners of Morgan horses and Part
Morgan horses who consistently promote the
Morgan to equine lovers who use their horses
for trail riding and driving. Participating
in all types of organized rides and drives
demonstrates many of the excellent qualities
for which the Morgan horse is renowned – great
disposition, stamina, tractability, athleticism,
soundness and beauty.
There is one time $25.00 registration fee
for the lifetime of the horse. This fee must be
submitted to the CMHA office before points will
count. You MUST be a current CMHA member
for points to count in that year. Download a
Morgan Trail Award application/entry form
from the Forms page (
forms.htm) or Contact the CMHA office.
Nancy Kavanagh
CMHA Office Administrator Phone: 905-982-0060
winners, proving young riders on old
horses can come out on top.
Apple Bobbing is a water challenge
where age doesn’t matter. Maddy
riding 28 year old Jaklee High Voltage
were the fastest and wettest.
After the horses were tucked away in
fields or stalls, the potluck bbq provided
a relaxing end to the day. I am looking
forward to next year.
Submitted by Sherri Wilson
Photos by Brian Kavanagh, clockwise from above, Sherri Wilson with Lauralee April at the start of the
Race & Stand class, Lisa Kavanagh and Cyan Star Trinity in the Egg & Spoon, Kyla Vendrig with MLF
Merlin and Nancy Kavanagh with Cyan Star Trinity pass the baton, Kyla Vendrig with MLF Merlin and
Lisa Kavanagh with Cyan Star Trinity in the Egg & Spoon class.
Saskatchewan Morgans
Out, About and Being Enjoyed
ust a few words from the Chairperson of the Saskatchewan
Morgan Horse Club Show Committee.
We hosted the Annual Saskatchewan Morgan and Open Horse
Show in Estevan, SK on June 9th and 10th, 2012. The show went off
reasonably well, but due to the weather the show was held inside which
certainly does not fit well with me because I enjoy the outdoors much
better. Our Judge, Sandy Assman, did a perfect job. Our Ring Stewards
and all of the volunteers worked hard to make the weekend successful
and managed to have some fun. It gives me great pleasure to see all the
competitors with smiles on their face enjoying themselves.
I had the opportunity to demonstrate my Morgan four horse hitch but
found it to be a little challenging with the windy weather, the noise inside
and the tight turning in the small indoor arena.
On July 1st my family and friends attended the parade in Bienfait and
it was very enjoyable with our three teams and saddle horses. In the
whole parade there were nine horses and six of them were Morgans.
On July 21st we travelled to Creelman where they hosted a very good
show. It is one of the shows that still have double and single classes for
driving. We enjoy seeing other drivers showing, young and old.
The following weekend we went to Glenavon Fair, where they also
had double and single driving classes, where our Morgans showed off
their proud breed.
The Roche Percee Trail Ride which was held August 10th, 11th, and
12th, was quite a challenge as there were no trails, just prairie grass and
hills. It was a weekend of horses, friends, family and great weather!
At the Moose Jaw Equestrian Tournament our Youth Morgan
participant, Kailey Beckett, was High Point Morgan. We congratulate
her and are so proud of her performance and riding.
Enjoy the rest of the summer and we will see you in October!
Submitted by Stan Milford, Chairman SMHC Open Horse Show
Photos from the Anual Saskatchewan, Morgan
and Open Horse Show, clockwise from above
left. Ron Sandhoff and Jaslyn McNabb, Stan
and Trina Milford - Team Driving, Trina
Milford and April Wilbraham, Ron Sandhoff
and Steldon McNabb - Team Driving, Angie
Stelnicki and Circle S Midnight Shadow
- Morgan in Hand Grand Champion, Marj
Dalziel -BDM Ebony Traveler, Stan Milford Obstacle Course, Angie Stelnicki and Circle S
Midnight Shadow
Canadian Morgan
British Columbia Morgan Owners & Breeders
Registered Morgans
Roma H. Tingle
2765 Denicola Cres.
Prince George, BC V2K 5C7
(250) 963-7301 Fax: (250) 963-7309
To be placed on this list contact:
Zone Director: Laurie Ann Lyons
(250) 571-9419
Vice Director: Dana Bewza-Ward
(250) 572-7357
VW - Visitors Welcome (call ahead)
SS - Stallion(s) at Stud
ST - Semen Transport
FST - Frozen Semen Transport
FS - Horse(s) For Sale
BD - Horses Boarded
TR - Training
LS - Lessons Given
Registered Morgan Horses
Susan & Andre Patry
4220 Highway 5A South
1/2-way between Princeton/Merritt
Box 1148, Merritt, BC V1K 1B8
(250) 378-6520 Fax: (250) 378-3492
Gem Hill Justin Tyme
Branka Brajkovic
779 Cresent Bay Road
Van Anada, Texada Island, BC V0N 3K0
(604) 486-7137 /
JMF Tall Shadow (Black)
Brian & Sonja Halliday
Box 2065
Dawson Creek, BC V1G 4K8
(250) 843-7181
The Runaway
By Robert Frost
Once when the snow of the year
was beginning to fall,
We stopped by a mountain pasture
to say ‘Whose colt?’
September/October 2012
Gerald & Rachael Sdoutz
1576 Chase Falkland Road
Chase, BC V0E 1M1
(250) 679-1175
DM Teacher’s Top Mark (Black)
Western Working Morgans
Tom & Lee Nobles
Box 73, Grindrod, BC V0E 1Y0
(250) 838-2228 / Fax: (250) 838-2045
Noble-T Desperado (Black)
Ramuls Justin (Bay) frozen semen
Gunther & Dagmar Funk
4280 Schubert Road
Armstrong, BC V0E 1B4
(250) 968-4474
Trophy’s Julio
Howard Fowler
Box 59, Virginia Road
Coombs, BC V0R 1M0
(250) 248-3882
Island Conquest (16hh Liver Chestnut)
Island Howard (15.3hh Liver Chestnut)
Island Pal-O-Mine (16hh Palomino)
Kris & Inge Johnsen
13616 232nd Street
Maple Ridge, BC V4R 2R5
(604) 463-2571 /
A little Morgan had one
forefoot on the wall,
The other curled at his breast.
He dipped his head
And snorted at us. And then he
had to bolt.
We heard the miniature
thunder where he fled,
And we saw him, or thought
we saw him, dim and grey,
Ron & Teresa Born
P.O. Box 42, Rose Prairie, BC V0C 2H0
(250) 827-3501 /
Pat Crema
Box 210, 2067 Martin Prairie Road
Pritchard, BC V0E 2P0
(250) 577-3218
Like a shadow against the curtain of
falling snow.
‘I think the little fellow’s afraid of
the snow.
He isn’t winter-broken. It isn’t play
With the little fellow at all. He’s
running away.
I doubt if even his mother could tell
him, “Sakes,
It’s only weather”. He’d think she
didn’t know !
Where is his mother? He can’t be
out alone.’
And now he comes again with a
clatter of stone
And mounts the wall again with
whited eyes
And all his tail that isn’t hair up
He shudders his coat as if to
throw off flies.
‘Whoever it is that leaves him
out so late,
When other creatures have gone
to stall and bin,
Ought to be told come and take
him in.’
Ontario Morgan Horse Championship Classic
he 45th Annual Morgan show took place at the Orangeville showing up for the class; the Champion Gelding is Cyan Star Trinity
Fairgrounds on July 14-15. Greg Reeves led his team to owned by Brian/Nancy Kavanagh and shown by David and Lisa. King
another successful Classic showing the beauty, versatility and Lehr’s Ego Master came in reserve for owner/handler Michelle Coffey.
athleticism of the Morgan Horse. Mark Bodnar was welcomed as judge
The specialty In Hand class is becoming the “hot” class with more
and he was a pleasure to have; professional and fun at the same time, we entries vying for the win and it was the lovely hunter mare Cyan Star
hope to have you back someday in the future! Jennifer Klemm judged the County Cork who won the red ribbon with Lisa Kavanagh handling for
dressage classes
owner David Kavanagh. The Classic In Hand entry of King Lehr’s Ego
and we thank
Master took a good second in the class for owner/handler Michelle
her for coming
Coffey. Third in this very competitive class was the dark bay gelding
Brogin Kiri with owner/handler Christine Monteith on the line.
The futurity
with us.
division is trying
Brian Errico
to re-build itself
and we enjoyed
duties as Show
w a t c h i n g
announcer, and
show hard for
also did a great
leather halters;
too! Jill Barton David & Lisa Kavanagh & SHW Northern Eclipse
Ye a r l i n g
was our show
steward and we
certainly appreciate her expertise and we also thank her for arranging David & Lisa Kavanagh & HD Aiden Lair
a lovely bay
the dressage fences, Carrie Purcell did a masterful job as ring master,
gelding sired by
Val Reeson was top notch as our paddock master, Gloria Cote kept
SHW Northern
the show office humming along as secretary, Barry and Sandra Beach Eclipse for owner Sherri Wilson and shown by Greg Reeves. The Two
designed the carriage courses and Tim and Wendy Inch helped set up year Champion is Cyan Star Marrakesh, sired by Up Hyre Advantage
the course and River Bend was the official photographer. A special thank and owned by Sonya Robins, shown by David Kavanagh. Sambouka is
you to Sherri Wilson who stayed up late to put together the dressage the Reserve Champion Two year Futurity winner, another nice bay sired
by SHW Northern Eclipse and owned by Jane Davy-Ward and shown by
The Friday evening hot dog party was co-hosted by Nancy Kavanagh Amanda Belloso.
and Brenda Casteels; it was a terrific spread of hot dogs, salads and
Our final In Hand division is the Canadian Bred class for Two and
watermelon and much appreciated by the exhibitors. The Saturday under and Three and over. The winner of the Two and under class is the
evening dinner was also well received, a delicious buffet of chicken, lovely western type mare, Cyan Star Marrakesh who shines in her silver
baked potatoes and salads plus dessert. Thank you to Deana Wilson for snaffle bit and displays an easy going and ground covering jog. Starstruck
arranging the caterer.
placed second and shows he has a little more bounce to his trot and likes
This year’s Champion Mare is the gorgeous redhead, HD Aiden Lair; to move on. Cyan Star Trinity was the lone entry in the older age group
a daughter of the late Legacy’s Viking, the 4 year old has really learned and also claimed Champion Canadian Bred for the fourth time. His full
to model and turn it on for owner Deana Wilson and was shown by sister Cyan Star Marrakesh slid into the Reserve Champion spot and for
David Kavanagh. The Reserve Champion Mare is Cyan Star Marrakesh, owner Sonya Robins this was a great moment as Sonya is quite new to
winner of the 2 & under class for owner Sonya Robins and is also shown the show world and is so excited about the future of her filly.
by David Kavanagh and ably
We had three entries come
assisted by his sister Lisa.
to do battle in the carriage
Champion Stallion for
division, each of them worthy
2012 is SHW Northern
Eclipse owned by Sherri
Working, Reinsmanship and
Wilson and shown by David
Turnout class was Equinox
Kavanagh. “EC” was the
Beau Dandy owned/driven
only stallion to show in the
by Wendy Inch with the part
In Hand division, but it was
Morgan Windyways Hercules
wonderful seeing this 10
coming in second for owner/
year old bay back in the ring
driver Anne Marie Anderson.
after a few years absence. He
Windyways Hercules and
showed off his masculinity
Justice Lieut. Colonel who is
and showed he has what it
owned/driven by Ken Pedlar
takes to be a Champion.
each shared a win in the Pick
The Gelding division was
your Own Route and Timed
a little more competitive
Obstacle class. Equinox
Lisa Kavanagh and Cyan Star Trinity, David Kavanagh and Cyan Star Marrakesh
with a few more entries
Beau Dandy emerged as the
Photos @ River Bend Design
Canadian Morgan
@ Mary Lou Foote
Stickhorse Class
@ Linda McGowan
Lorna Mackay and MWS Northern Alert
High Point Carriage horse earning the Show Cooler donated by Henry
Equestrian Plan and Windyways Hercules took home Reserve Champion
Carriage High Point.
English Pleasure was a delight to watch beginning with the Junior
Exhibitor Champion; MLF Merlin and owner/rider Kyla Vendrig who is
now Champion three years running at the Classic.
The Ladies winner is the epitome of a Ladies horse; VVM Mad About
You and owner/rider Emily Rice. Joland Remarkable Bay owned/ridden
by Lisa Kavanagh claimed top spot in the Five and we had no junior
English Pleasure horses at all which is unfortunate.
It was Lisa Kavanagh and her pretty bay mare Joland Remarkable Bay
that were called out as the 2012 English Pleasure Champion. It was a joy
to watch the pair go as the mare has had a two year break from showing
and seems happy to be back. Brynn Marie O’Reilly and NBN Out Of The
Blue took Reserve. Third in this good class was the Ladies winner, VVM
Mad About You and Emily Rice who was also the winner of the Adult
Saddle Seat Equitation class, Emily is one lovely rider.
Hunter horses at the Classic have always been nice, always competitive
and always the biggest classes of the show! The Limit class winner is a
newcomer to the Morgan show world; Brenda Casteels and her new mare
SN Center Of Attention. Brenda just beams as she rides her mare, win or
lose, you can tell she is having a blast. Cyan Star County Cork and Lisa
Kavanagh put in a good ride to claim second in this deep class. Another
new horse to the Ontario show scene placed third, Aquarian Nite Life
is Karen and Janet Farnell’s newest addition and he is a beautiful, typy
The Five and Over class was deep in quality too and the winner was
Dance Of The Century and owner/rider Christine Bejjany. Dancer is a
former Classic English Pleasure Champion but is so well suited for the
hunter division, excellent decision to switch! Meldon Hawk, always a
top performer for owner Anne Munro came in second with Aquarian Nite
Life slipping into third.
Christine and Dance Of The Century also won the Amateur Hunter
Pleasure with Brogin Kiri and Christine Monteith in second. There were
no junior horses which is certainly a surprise but the Ladies class was
full and Meldon Hawk took the victory pass in that class with Brenda
Casteels and SN Center Of Attention in second. There were a couple
of nice entries in the Novice Horse class and the winner was Samor
B-Forevermore and owner/rider Wendy Inch. The second place winner
was HD Aiden Lair and Sheri Wilson riding for her mom Deana.
The Championship Hunter class was full of quality and all of the
horses put in good performances but it was the bay gelding Dance Of
The Century and Christine Bejjany that were called out for the red, blue
and white neck ribbon. Christine’s good friend Amy Munro and a tough
September/October 2012
Mackenzie Collins and
ATTN Postmaster
@ Mary
Lou Foote
horse to beat, Meldon Hawk were awarded Reserve Champion for Amy’s
mom Anne. Lisa Kavanagh and Cyan Star County Cork worked hard for
third and Lisa was very pleased with the mare’s performance.
In the junior exhibitor ranks, it was the new team of Mackenzie Collins
and ATTN Postmaster that grabbed Judge Bodnar’s approval for both
the qualifier and the Championship. This is a team that is going places!
Second to Mackenzie in both classes was HC Aislinn’s Greystone with
rider Sarah Meeke for owner Shannon Bouwman. We welcome Sarah to
the Morgan world as well.
The Classic welcomed back Dressage riders to the show after a few
years absence and we had approximately 20 rides scheduled. We were
also pleased to introduce Western Dressage to the line-up and hopefully
it will catch on and become as strong as the regular dressage division.
Our winner in Western Dressage Basic Test 1 & 2 is Malloflax Melrose
and Rebecca Empringham who rides for mom Kim. Wendy Inch and her
versatile stallion Equinox Beau Dandy won Western Dressage Primary
Test 1 & 2.
Windridge Bronz Concerto and Laura Empringham did a lovely job in
the Walk Trot Test A & B to win for mom Kim. In Training Level Test
1 & 2, Cyan Star Grand Marquis and owner/rider Christi Nye scored
a personal best and took both red ribbons. For First Level Test 1 & 2,
Stephanie Rutherford and her dynamic gelding Northline Knightbird
were the winners. Samor B-Forevermore and Wendy Inch won Second
Level Test 1 and also scored the High Dressage score for the day winning
a beautiful Moxie Dressage Saddle Pad for her efforts. The lovely part
Morgan/Connemara mare, Springsong Sophia and owner/rider Jane
Davy-Ward showed us her mare’s higher level of schooling and won
Third Level Test 1 & 2.
Classic Pleasure Driving only saw one entry come to the gate; NBN
Out Of The Blue and driver Brynn Marie O’Reilley. Blue and Brynn
also won the Open Pleasure Driving title too. Pleasure Driving Reserve
Champion belongs to Sheila McNaughton and her dark chestnut mare
Northline Spring D-Lite who might just have the longest tail at the show!
The western pleasure classes have finally come back into vogue and
we now enjoy full classes of nice western entries. Justin Marion and
Nanjo’s Ricky Ricardo won the junior exhibitor class with Rebecca
Empringham and her mare Mallowflax Melrose taking a close second.
In the Four and under class, we had two amazing horses to watch
who are half siblings; MWS Northern Alert, is a big, handsome buckskin
owned/shown by Lorna MacKay who won the class. Tina Collins and
her smoky black mare MWS Indian Summer took the second and I know
judge Bodnar was impressed by both of these entries.
The Five and over class was a very nice class of talented western
horses; the winner was Strike Zone and owner/rider Andrea Lehman.
Kyla Vendrig
& MLF Merlin
Lisa Kavanagh and
Cyan Star County Cork
@ River Bend Design
We welcome Andrea back into the showring after a couple years away
raising her family but both she and her kids love their Morgans and
she couldn’t stay away any longer! Close behind was a fan favorite
Mirabel’s Loyal Romeo and owner/rider Donna Bartliff who always has
the best outfits to choose from! Greg Reeves had the opportunity to ride
Meldon Hawk into third place, Anne Munro graciously offered Hawk to
Greg when he had to pull his mare from competition at the last minute,
Thank you Anne!
The Ladies class was another lovely class full of smooth and ladylike Morgans; again Strike Zone and Andrea Lehman were called for
first. In second was relative newcomer to the western division, Wendy
Inch and Equinox Beau Dandy who seems to enjoy his job as a western
horse. Rounding out the top three is Cyan Star Trinity and Nancy
Kavanagh who hasn’t shown a horse under saddle in about 8 years,
what a thrill to be back!
The Western pleasure novice class was a sure sign of good things to
come in the western division with Wendy Inch taking first with Equinox
Beau Dandy and the three year old, MWS Northern Alert and Lorna
McKay close behind in second.
The Championship for the western horses was an excellent class, all
could be winners on any given day but it was Cyan Star Trinity and rider
Lisa Kavanagh who were given the shout-out for the Championship
neck ribbon. Wendy Inch and her novice horse, Equinox Beau Dandy
rode a steady and clean class to be called out for Reserve Champion.
Classic English Pleasure was a little light this year but still a nice
division with suitable Classic type horses showing up at the gate. Justin
Marion and Vigilmar Timed To A T won the open class with Trillium
Hot Chili Pepper earning the blue ribbon for owner Jennifer Sills. In the
Ladies Classic English pleasure class, NBN Out Of The Blue won with
King Lehr’s Ego Master and Michelle Coffey coming in second. For the
Championship class, it was the two from the Ladies class that reigned
supreme; NBN Out Of The blue and King Lehr’s Ego Master who took
home the Championship ribbons.
The Classic offers a full slate of equitation classes and some fun stuff
for the wee kids. The Leadline and Stick Horse class just can’t be beat
Justin Marion & Nanjo’s Ricky
@ Linda
& Strike
@ Mary
Lou Foote
@ River Bend Design
for smiling and hand waving, always a crowd pleasing event. We only
had one walk-trot rider, but we are just so happy to see Dalton Lehman
and his new horse The Daughter-In-Law in the ring, what a great team.
Dalton also won the CMHA Medal in Showmanship with Strike Zone
(his mom’s horse) beating out the young ladies! Kyla Vendrig and Cyan
Star Trinity took second.
Kyla and her tall gelding MLF Merlin took home the CMHA Medal
in Saddle Seat Equitation while her horse show pal, Mackenzie Collins
and ATTN Postmaster had the winning ride and pattern in the CMHA
Medal Hunt Seat on the Flat. This show also offers an Equine Canada
Saddle Seat Medal class and Kyla Vendrig laid down a near perfect
pattern to win this class.
In 2012 the show committee made the hard decision to eliminate the
hunter over the fences class due to the very low numbers of entries and
the difficulty in arranging jumps and setting up courses. This doesn’t
mean the division won’t return but for this year, we decided to try a
Hack Division which brought out a few more entries. The Bridle Path
Hack class had two excellent horses with Northline Knightbird and
Stephanie Rutherford in first place and Kathryn Den Ouden rode the
mare Northline Airsandgraces for owner Brenda Casteels into second
place. Hunter Hack Under Saddle was won by Brenda Casteels and
her mare SN Center Of Attention and Northline Knightbird received
second. The Hunter Hack class which included two jumps was won by
Northline Knightbird and Stephanie Rutherford who also won High
point Hack Champion and earned the show cooler donated by Intercity
Insurance. Northline Airsandgraces was Reserve Champion.
One final High Point was presented to Sarah Meeke as high point
Youth of the year, congratulations to Sarah.
New to this year’s Classic was the Best Performance of the show
sponsored by HorseShowWire and selected by judge Bodnar was
Mackenzie Collins and her elegant gelding ATTN Postmaster! Both
mom Tina and daughter Mackenzie were thrilled to be selected.
That wraps another OMHC Classic, always nice to be done and
always great to look forward to, see you in 2013!
Submitted by Nancy Kavanagh
Brynn-Marie O’Reilly
& NBN Out of the Blue
@ Linda McGowan
@ Linda McGowan
Justin Marion & Kyla Vendrig
Canadian Morgan
Has your life become.. humdrum?
Are you looking some excitement?
To meet new people & talk about Morgans?
Are you up for a challenge?
magazine needs you!!!!
The CMHA is looking for an
for the Canadian Morgan magazine
To promote the Morgan horse in Canada
and provide a voice for Morgan owners
For details contact:
Sherri Wilson, Interim Editor
905-952-9406 ~
Nancy Kavanagh, CMHA Office Administrator
(905) 982-0060 ~ ~
Deadline for receipt of applications: October 31, 2012
September/October 2012
Alberta Morgan Owners & Breeders
Zone Director: Karen Abel
(780) 986-3185
Vice Director: David Gillen
(780) 464-7390
VW - Visitors Welcome (call ahead)
SS - Stallion(s) at Stud
ST - Semen Transport
FST - Frozen Semen Transport
FS - Horse(s) For Sale
BD - Horses Boarded
TR - Training
LS - Lessons Given
Lyle & Cindy Dietz
Box 128, Galahad, AB
(780) 583-2128
U.V.M. Thomise (Bay)
Unconventional (Silver dapple bay)
Morgan Hill Farm
Dwayne, Shannon & Ashley Comeau
51031 Range Road 204
Sherwood Park, AB T8G 1E5
(780) 662.4337
Talk Back
Eldon & Betty Bezaire
21166 Township Road 542
Fort Saskatchewan, AB T8L 3Y9
CLM Cocoa’s Cavalier
Oaklea Morgans
Robert & Cecila Watson
Box 660, Duchess, AB T0J 0Z0
(403) 378-4323 / Fax: (403) 378-4322
Coyote Morgans
Jacque & Ralph Pennington
Box 1574, Drumheller, AB T0J 0Y0
(403) 823-5086
JMF Hot Ice Mystery
Larry & Marg Armfelt
Box 2070, Athabasca, AB T9S 2B6
Ph/Fax: (780) 675-5168
Baptiste Captain Navy (Crm)
Dawnville Farms
Eldon Bienert & Peggy McDonald
Site 4, Box 1, RR #2, Leduc, AB T9E 2X2
(780) 986-6652
Fax: (780) 986-6281
Century Destiny’s Child (Bay)
Site Canabar Farm
Vern Baron & Ann de St. Remy
Site 5, Box 66, RR #4
Lacombe, AB T4L 2N4
Ph/Fax: (403) 782-3856
SSS Morgans
Sandy & Ivan Chrapko
Box 2697
Pincher Creek, AB T0K 1W0
(403) 627-5696 / Barn: (403) 627-8074
Fax: (403) 627-5699 /
Bessia’s Tatanka (homozygous black)
TimberlanE Morgans
Roger & Lorna Tkach
RR #1, Boyle, AB T0A 0M0
(780) 675-3873
TLRM Gentle Command
TLRM Midnight Express
Greener Pastures
Ruth Anna Walker Younie
Jan. 2, 1953 - Aug. 7, 2012
unpredictable and she was often
inclined to surprise us – never more
so than on the day she left us.
We are deeply saddened and profoundly sorry
to announce that our beloved, remarkable, and
truly exceptional Ruth has departed our midst.
The daughter of Bert and Bernice Walker, Ruth
was born in Wainwright, Alberta on January 2,
1953, and died both suddenly and unexpectedly
in Edmonton on August 7, 2012.
In recent years, she had not enjoyed robust
health, but she always enjoyed many of life’s
most abiding pleasures. She delighted in the
sharing of anecdotes, memories and jokes
when family or friends gathered together. She
was a great listener, took a keen interest in
the well-being of others and often greeted her
guests with a twinkle in her eye and beaming
smile. Ruth was well acquainted with the gift
of laughter and the roller coaster moments of
a thoughtful, curious, contemplative and well
lived life.
She treasured fine prose, appreciated great
poetry and admired the nobility of horses,
especially her magnificent and much loved
Morgans. She embraced the joy of music and
art as well as the glory of nature.
Seldom have we ever known anyone with
such extraordinary love, care and concern for
plants, for animals, and other creatures that
share our landscape. And she was highly
knowledgeable about the stunning diversity of
species and wonders in the natural world. Ruth
was also ever watchful, mindful, and respectful
of both the breathless beauty and brutal power
of nature in every season.
A friendly, yet feisty and fiercely independent
minded woman, Ruth opened a business in 1990
and for over two decades has been the owner of
Ellerslie Gift & Garden. She never forgot that
the distance separating the ridiculous from the
sublime is often very small indeed. And she
always remembered that dancing in the rain
is much more satisfying than waiting out the
“Ruth was a great supporter of the Morgan
Horse in Alberta. They always donated the use
of their plants for the center piece in the show
arena, among other things, Ruthie was just a
great person.”
Karen Abel, Dawnville Farms
Ruth & Liz
Canadian Morgan
n March, 1866, Lyman L. Jourdon of Vermont took a trip to
Toronto, Upper Canada (now Ontario). He took the four year
old stallion that he had bred, Green Mountain Morgan 6259.
Green Mountain Morgan was foaled late, in Sept. 1862. He was dark
chestnut, small stripe in face, 15 ½ hands
and impressive. His sire was the trotting
phenomenon Ethan Allen 50, by Black
Hawk 20, by Sherman 5, by Justin Morgan.
His dam was by Ashuelot Morgan 394, by
Green Mountain Morgan 42, by Gifford
30, by Woodbury 7, by Justin Morgan.
Green Mountain Morgan 6259’s 2nd dam
was Mare A0014735, by Morgan Emperor
22, by Bulrush 6, by Justin Morgan.
While in Toronto, Mr. Jourdon met
Edward Major of Borelia (now Port Perry)
and sold him the stallion. Mr. Major is
quoted as saying about this well-bred
stallion: “He was never known to be
sick or lame; was never trained (to race);
a natural trotter, fine gaited; could trot on
the road in 3:00; good disposition. He was
the sire of Honest Billy 2:29 ¼, which was
sold in New York for $2500, and many
other good colts.” Page 180, Volume 3,
AMHR. He also sired Bay Charley 2:23
Edward Major was born in 1825 at
Majorville (now called Whitevale),
Ontario. His father was John Major, an
immigrant from Ireland who set up a mill
and founded Majorville (Whitevale) in
Pickering Township, Ontario.
Major’s maternal uncle was Peter
Matthews who was hung for his
participation in the 1837 Rebellion, even
as his pardon was on route from London.
Major and his wife, Maria, owned
property at Borelia, then in Reach
Township, now in Port Perry, near Hwy. 7a
and Queen Street. He also owned property
on Crandall and Lilla Streets. Later, in
the 1880’s the family, including daughters
Carrie and Nellie resided on lot 19, the
south east corner of Lilla (now Simcoe St.)
and North Streets.
In the mid 1860’s, Major was a broker
and jobber, and as such, made many trips
to Toronto for goods. It was on one such
trip that he met Lyman Jourdon of Vermont
and purchased his stallion. He took the
horse home to Borelia (soon to be Port Perry, Ontario).
Green Mountain Morgan immediately went on a stallion circuit in the
area. He is prominently advertised in the Port Perry Star in May 1866 as
following a route from Cannington in the north to Oshawa in the south,
probably about 50 miles altogether. This route was followed each week
for the three or four month breeding season.
This same year, Mr. Major began his career in local politics and
municipal affairs. He was elected a councilor in 1867 in Reach
Township (now part of Scugog Township). In 1869 and 1870 he became
September/October 2012
the Deputy Reeve of Reach Township.
In all these years he continued to send Green Mountain Morgan out
on the same breeding circuit. In 1867, he adds that Green Mountain
Morgan was the First Prize Stallion at the Reach & Scugog Agricultural
Society Spring Fair held at Prince Albert
Fairgrounds. In 1870, over 70 horses were
exhibited at this fair. Many were sired by
Green Mountain Morgan.
In February of 1870, horse races (to
sleighs) were inaugurated on the ice of Lake
Scugog and continued annually for over
30 years. In 1872, the purse to the winner
was $50. By 1875, it had increased to total
prizes of nearly $5000.
Breeding fees to Green Mountain Morgan
were now set at $8 to insure a foal, $6 the
season and $4 the single leap. Many foals
resulted and some were trained for racing
as evidenced by his sons Honest Billy 2:29
½ (sold in New York for $2500) and Bay
Charley 2:23 ¾ . Both of whom probably
started their careers racing on the ice of
Lake Scugog.
By 1872, Mr. Major was looking for a
new venture in life and purchased the saw
mill at Glen Sharard in the southern portion
of Uxbridge Township. There he built
a grist mill as well and the little hamlet
changed its name to Glen Major, by which
it is still known. Mr. Major was a councilor
for Uxbridge Township from 1873 to 1878.
In 1874, Mr. Major sold Green Mountain
Morgan to William McKee, a 43 year old
blacksmith who had come from Ireland
to raise his family in Port Hope, Ontario.
There Green Mountain Morgan was kept at
stud for two years.
He was then sold to a party in
Peterborough who was not named. Then he
moved to a man at Cambelford (probably
Campbellford) who owned him until he was
struck by lightning about 1878.
Many foals were produced by him and
occasionally whispers of them surface, such
as the great race described in the Uxbridge
Journal of November 1877.
“The great trotting match, which has
been long talked of, came off today on
the Citizens Course north of Goodwood,
between Green Mountain Morgan (son of
Major’s Green Mountain Morgan), property
of J.B. Thompson, and Chain Lightning, property of Besse Bros. Green
Mountain Morgan won in 3 straight heats.”
And the auction poster recalling the place of the horse on the farm,
such as the one which began with, “chestnut mare got by Green Mountain
Morgan ---- “.
Researched by D. Wilson,
Morgan Horse Heritage Centre
971 Scugog Line 12, Uxbridge, ON L9P 1R3
Open by appointment 905-852-9850, email
CMHA Affiliated Morgan Horse Clubs
The Morgan Horse Club of Nova Scotia
British Columbia Interior
Don Porter
President: Gunther Funk
4280 Schubert Road
Armstrong, BC V0E 1B4
(250) 546-2891
PO Box 303
Stewiacke, NS B0N 2J0
(902) 639-2832
Secretary: Rachael Sdoutz
1576 Chase Falkland Road
Chase, BC V0E 1M1
Ph/fax: (250) 679-1175
Bev Young
19 Lacy Anne Avenue
Enfield, NS B2T 0A5
(902) 883-9908
the Keystone Province
Morgan Horse
Since 1970
President, Jean Kustra
Box 339 dauPhin MB R7N 2V2
President: Sarah Oliveira
R.R. #2,
Leduc, AB T9E 2X2
(780) 986-4165
secretary, norman KalinsKi
Box 45 carroll MB R0K 0K0
Secretary: Del Burns
Lacombe, AB T4L 2N2
(403) 885-4992
AB Morgan Club.indd 1
6/18/2011 2:27:30 PM
Melissa MacKenzie
President: Sherri Wilson
Dawn Brown
Secretary: Amanda Belloso
971 Scugog Line 12, R.R. #3
Uxbridge, ON
(905) 852-9406
63 McManus Street
Passekeag, NB E5N 7S3
(506) 832-5515
222 Route 870
Collina, NB E5P 1P8
(506) 433-5725
Wascana Morgan
Horse Club
B Card - ON Morgan Club.indd 1
Ron Sandhoff
Box 524
Estevan, SK
S4A 2A5. Ph: 306-421-0962
Carol Uhrich
Box 143, Francis, SK S0G 1V0
Ph: 306-245-3384
9 Royal Amber Crescent
Mount Albert, ON L0G 1M0
(647) 886-5265
Stephen Szuta
#305, 4040 Gordon Road
Regina, SK S4S 6W2
6/18/2011 2:20:42 PM
Kristin Bend
5547 Leibel Crescent
Regina, SK S4X 4E7
Canadian Morgan
SK Morgan Club.indd 1
B Card
6/18/2011 2:34:51
PM - Wascana Club.indd 1
1/16/2012 6:02:13 PM
Ontario Morgan Owners & Breeders
To be placed on this list contact:
Zone Director: Sandra McGinty
(519) 832-6564
Vice Director: Sheila McNaughton
(905) 727-0918
VW - Visitors Welcome (call ahead)
SS - Stallion(s) at Stud
ST - Semen Transport
FST - Frozen Semen Transport
FS - Horse(s) For Sale
BD - Horses Boarded
TR - Training
LS - Lessons Given
Charles & Donna Bartliff
551 Campbellville Road
Campbellville, ON L0P 1B0
(905) 659-3094 /
Brenda Casteels & Tom Hopkins
169 Fallis Line West
Millbrook, ON L0A 1G0
(905) 261-7069 / (705) 932-3400
Brian & Nancy Kavanagh
Box 46, Port Perry, ON L9L 1A2
(905) 985-0691
Dennis & Genevieve Hayes
5332 Gabert Road
Osgoode, ON K0A 2W0
(613) 826-0209
David Kavanagh
Box 46, Port Perry, ON L9L 1A2
(905) 259-5495
Sherri & Deana Wilson
971 Scugog Line 12, Uxbridge, ON L9P 1R3
(905) 852-9406
SHW Northern Eclipse
Greg & Holly McHugh
2087 Haldimand Road, 17, R.R. #1
Cayuga, ON N0A 1E0
Tel./Fax (905) 772-5588
Janet Phillips
99 River Road
Brampton, ON L6V 3N2
(905) 455-8240
Owners & Morgan Supporters
Rick & Chris Monteith
13 Grigglestone Lane
Ajax, ON L1T 0L1
(905) 686-6424 /
Owners & Morgan Supporters
Tim & Wendy Inch
8133 Oneida Road, R.R. #1
St. Thomas, ON N5P 3S5
(519) 769-2588
Equinox Beau Dandy
Samor’s Excalibur
Robert & Margery Thomas
41599 Sparta Line, R.R. #1
Union, ON N0L 2L0
TFM Skywalker
Carl & Anita Wagler
5055 Elma Line 71, R.R. #2
Atwood, ON N0G 1B0
ph/fax: (519) 595-7239
Derawnda Zeus
Trickling Stream Dreamer
give your loved ones the joy of morgans
905-982-0060 ~
September/October 2012
A Battle Story
By Deb Clary
here to begin?
Once upon a time….. There was a competition,
sponsored by AGT (Alberta Government Telephone),later
called TELUS, developed and hosted by the CSIO #1 rated horse show
facility in the world , the spectacular Spruce Meadows, called the Battle
of the Breeds. This grass roots competition, first started in 1990, pitted
different breeds against each other in 5 different events over the course of
3 days to determine the supreme breed. Each breed was required to enter
a team of four horses and four riders/drivers. Each horse/rider/driver
combination had to compete in two events. The events were tailored to
mimic but diverge from the norm.
Compulsory Skills:
Was the equivalent of Dressage but with
patterns that were out of the ordinary found at competitions and could be
ridden or driven with patterns suitable to your teams’ choice of saddle or
Precision Driving:
A timed event, this was a test of bravery,
agility and obedience of the driving horse and skills of the whips. There
were bridges, dikes, water hazards, L’s, U’s, back throughs, barrel race
segment and anything crazy they could throw at us to negotiate; all with
cones with balls set on top spaced only 40cm wider than the wheelbase
of each buggy.
Barrel Race: This was a four barrel cloverleaf pattern instead of
the traditional three barrel pattern.
Trail: A timed, point awarded, gamblers choice event of some of
the most outlandish tests conceivable on horseback. Try basketball on
horseback, popping a balloon in a raised keyhole without knocking over
All photos by Doug Sinclair
Above , Debra Clary & TLR Night Image in Trail.
Below, Alyson Young & TLR Sneak Preview in the Barrel Race.
Above, Kristen Burton & JMF Beam Walker in Trail
Below, Kathryn Duke & Blue Diamond Dancer in Jeopardy
Canadian Morgan
Cec Watson & JMF Beam Walker in Trail.
Kristen Burton & JMF Beam Walker in Trail
Debra Clary & TLR Night Image in Trail
guarded secret. We competed in
a pole, answering a ringing telephone
in a phone booth, pushing a giant
compulsory skills driven, precision
driving and trail and with our team
ball through a set pattern (only
mates for each event we gained
the horse can touch it), crossing a
ribbons. 1997 saw the same team
rocking bridge or climbing stairs to
return although in subsequent
name a few. The bonus obstacle at
years the horses and competitors
the end of the course could earn you
changed, JMF Beam Walker has
an extra 100 points or lose them just
been a steadfast member of the
as quick. There are always new and
team, save one year, along with our
exciting challenges each year.
indispensable Chef d’ equipe, Aline
Jeopardy Jumping:W a s
Young. In 1998 we said so long to
another gamblers choice course
Lover Boy, whom was being retired
where speed and a careful horse are
and welcomed Ruetama Lady
essential. Long gallops to single
Ryanne and Cec Watson to the ranks.
fences set this event apart from
With each year we saw changes in
traditional jumper courses. With the
the teams, in the competitions and in
ultimate test of the Jeopardy Jump
our performances. We experienced
at the end of the round, if your team
successes, failures, our personal
was brave enough to try it. Gain 100
bests and team bests and with each year Team Morgan climbed up the
points if you make the jump, lose 100 if you miss. This often was the
standings ladder.
determining factor of the champion.
While the battle team may seem like the only game in town, you
TLR Night Image and I first entered this cacophony of competition in
would be mistaken. There are so many things to experience at the
1996 with team mates Dieneke Van der Voort (then captain) with JMF
Spruce Meadows Masters it boggles the mind. There are delights to
Beam walker (aka: Blackie), already veterans of the Battle of the Breeds
be experienced whether you’re a “horsey” person or not. There is a
competition; Allison Young with Lover Boy, Jennifer Clary with TLR
trade fair full of Horse related and unrelated kiosks, an international
Scheelite Beam and our Chef d’ equipe, Aline Young . Night Image
food festival, and the ever popular Super Dogs are a spectacular dog
was four years old with seven months training and this would be his
first driving competition. My age and training level remains a carefully
acrobatics show. There are pony rides and train rides and wagon rides
Debra Clary & TLR Night Image drive the water obstacle in Precision Driving.
September/October 2012
Debra Clary & TLR Night Image in Trail.
and all sorts of side shows. There are demonstration rides performed
by each breed and the Breed for the World exhibit where the public can
get up close and personal with the horses from each breed and receive
knowledgeable information from the volunteers manning the booths.
With somewhere between 60 to 70 thousand people attending the weeklong Masters Tournament each day, it is a golden opportunity for Breed
promotion and this is the other half of our performance team. The Battle
team are a mere 5 people but our Spruce Meadows Masters Tournament
team is a lot larger and we all work hand in hand to achieve the same
goal; that being the Promotion of our wonderful Morgan Breed to as
many people as we can reach. Aline Young has been a stoic organizer
of the demonstration rides and the Booth and has enlisted the help of
many different people and horses to fulfill these roles. Julie Franke has
also been a godsend for all the roles she plays in her, behind the scenes,
tireless work in helping with the Battle and doing demonstration rides
and not only working in the booth but helping Aline with the set up and
take down of it as well. There are so many others that volunteer their
time to help our Morgan team engage the public and raise awareness for
Kristen Burton on Oaklea French Mist in Trail.
Kathryn Duke & Blue Diamond Dancer
our breed and all deserve our thanks and gratitude for everything they do.
To them I say Thank you so much.
2000 was Team Morgan’s time to shine. With a team consisting of
Dieneke Van der Voort with JMF Beam Walker (Blackie), Cec Watson
with Ruetama Lady Ryanne, Deb Clary with TLR Night Image and
Alyson Young-Magyar with TLR Sneak Preview we finally grasped that
coveted title “TELUS Battle of the Breed Champions”. And to top it
all off The Booth won Best Booth Award for the” Justin Morgan School
House themed” booth that made me want to go back to school it was so
inviting. We were elated at all our success and to experience riding in the
international ring for the first time with all the parade participants was
indescribable. Along with that joy came the sad realization that Dieneke
was retiring from the team to pursue other life endeavors.
In 2001 the Morgan Battle team once again clinched the top breed
award and the second time was no less sweet than the first championship.
This time our team consisted of Cec Watson with Ruetama Lady Ryanne,
Deb Clary with TLR Night Image, Jennifer Clary came back with TLR
Sneak Preview and Linda Affleck joined us for the first time with TLR
Pat Crema, whip and Debra Clary with JMF Beam Walker
Canadian Morgan
Cec Watson & JMF Beam Walker in Precision Driving.
Storm Chaser. Team Morgan made the Front page cover of Horses All
for the second year in a row as well as 2nd page coverage in the Calgary
herald and Edmonton Sun. Other magazines, such as Pacific Horse,
picked up our story and ran articles on us. We were called upon to give
interviews on our breed and our success throughout the rest of the year
providing even more media attention on our Morgan Breed.
The battle team continued to compete at the Masters with Cec at the
helm as captain, keeping the Morgan Breed in the public spotlight, but
Night Image and I took a three year hiatus from the team to recharge our
batteries. For the sake of continuity and consideration of this readership
I won’t take a three year break from telling the rest of this story. My first
hand knowledge returns when Image and I did in 2005. Aline asked if
I would be interested in bringing Image down to do some demo’s and
I agreed. One thing led to another and we found ourselves back on the
Battle team. It felt like coming home and I realized how much I had
missed all of it. The camaraderie between teams and the friendships
forged make this a very unique competitive event where you are just
as likely to receive a helpful tip from your most ferocious competitor.
Our team continued running the booth, performing Demonstration
rides and competing in the Battle until once again we were privileged
enough to secure top spot and in 2009 we were once again crowned
Champions and voted Fan Favorite by the public. This time our team
consisted of Cec and Blackie, Deb and Night Image, Blue Diamond
Debra Clary & TLR Night Image in Precision Driving
Dancer and Katie Duke and STM Victory’s Foxy Lady and Amanda
Repeating our millennium success we won again in 2010. Our team
had changed, but a pattern was emerging. Cec had broken her arm so
Pat Crema took her place with Blackie, Deb and Night Image, Blue
Diamond Dancer with Katie Duke and new comer Kristen Burton on
Oaklea French Mist.
And then to our amazement 2011 found us in the winner’s circle for
the hat trick! With a team of Cec/Blackie, Deb/Image, Blue Diamond
Dancer and new rider Liam Kronlund and returning team member
Josefina Kaderabek with new mount Tamracs Quantum Command.
Things continue to change for our team and the competition but 2012
will see us back at the Battle, performing demos and manning the booth.
The returning Battle team will comprise once again of Cec, Blackie
(now 26 years young), Deb, Night Image (now 20), Dancer and Liam
Kronlund and yet another new addition we welcome Shelby Brost and
LV Nite Rider. And as always our Chef d’ equipe, Aline Young, and
Julie Franke along with all the other Team Morgan promoters will make
up our team .
Wish us luck.
Deb Clary
Kathryn Duke & Blue Diamond Dancer in the Barrel Race.
Pat Crema & JMF Beam Walker in Precision Driving.
September/October 2012
Morgan Marketplace
Kris & Inge Johnsen
Tr e e F a r m s L t d .
13616 232ND STREET
TEL: (604) 463-2571
FAX: (604) 463-2590
Box 758, Estevan
Saskatchewan S4A 2A6
Tel: (306) 634-3333
Fax: (306) 634-9851
Cell: (306) 421-3161
Wanted: The Morgan Horse Heritage Centre is looking for
historically significant artifacts for our museum. Artifacts may
be a gift, semi-permanent display, or temporary display. Let us
know if you have any artifacts you would like us to consider.
Email Deana at Look for us on
Show and Pleasure Morgan mares for sale in BC. Gorgeous
5 year old RJM Pardon My French daughter! Sharp 10 year
old HVK Bell Flaire English Pleasure mare! Fancy Merango
Sorrento 8 year old mare $4,500.
18 years young (looks
10!), wonderful pleasure horse or broodmare by Shiloh Bold
Command $2,500! Any of these mares could be shown and
would make excellent broodmare additions for your herd.
Pardon daughter in training with Lori Gajowski. They are all
bay and good sized – good movers. Excellent dispositions and
personalities too! They have all had this year off and are fresh,
healthy and strong. Choose your new show mare by calling me
at 250-941-5501 today
B Card - Circle S - JAN 2012.indd 1
1/16/2012 12:22:21 PM
L. Feucht
Box 432, Meadow Lake
Saskatchewan, S9K 1Y3
Tel: (306) 236-4790
Fax: (306) 236-5579
The New York State Morgan Horse Society
Promoting and supporting
all breeds and disciplines
11 issues per year, 30,000+ readers
Your Best Value Magazine!
P.O. Box 371
Armstrong, BC V0E 1B0
Member of the BC
Interior Morgan
Horse Club
An Official Chapter of the American Morgan Horse Association
We invite you to investigate our Morgan
horses and activities. You can visit our
website at for the latest
news, classieds, and events. Links to
other activities such as the NY Regional
Horse Show and NY Stallion Service
Auction can also be found there.
For more information or a copy of our newsletter, The Trader,
write to Mark Langdon at or at
161 Dublin Hill Road, Southbury, CT. 06488
Where’s Your Card?
You could have been here.
$35/issue Black & White
$45/issue Colour
Call today to advertise your farm
(905) 852-9406 ~
Canadian Morgan
Here’s your
chance to say:
THANK your trainer for their time
and efforts...
Advertiser Index
Alberta Owners & Breeders
B.C. Owners & Breeders
Belle Coulee Morgans
Branka’s Morgans
Carlton Morgans
Circle S Morgans
Double Z Acres
Equi-Lete Massage Therapy
Giddy Up Morgans
Homestead Morgans
Johnsen Tree Farms Ltd.
Hylee Farm
Kavanagh Family
THANK the people who have purchased
your horses...
Lauralee Morgan Farm
M&M Morgans
THANK your clients who have helped
make you successful...
Maple N Mane Morgans
Morgans of Canada Club
Front Cover
Motion Park Morgans
The November/December issue
of Canadian Morgan is
featuring the “Thank You” pages.
Outside Back Cover
Inside Front Cover
Ontario Owners & Breeders
Showcase Your Stallion!
$45/issue Colour
Book your space today!
Call me at
Call today to advertise your stallion
(905) 852-9406
Suspension List
The following people and entities are suspended from doing
business with the CMHA as of August 23, 2012.
Coté, Lori & Edmond, AB
Gerry Rushton Stables, USA
Hedge, Marcia, ON
McGowan, Cynndae, AB
September/October 2012
Morgan Marketplace
PKT Regency’s Revenge
1998 Black Stallion
(JMF Nobleman x Dee-Cee Cerenity)
RR #4, Tofield, AB
(780) 662-3844
(780) 266-3840
Kari Janzen • Ed Norton •
M&M - B Card.indd 1
2/14/2012 11:39:35 AM
The Kavanagh Family
Breeders of National Champion Morgans
- Level 1 Saddle
Seat Instructor
- Training and lessons
available - KTS
Canadian Morgan
Photo by River Bend
Thanks David Kavanagh, KTS Stables
for everything you have done.
SHW Northern Eclipse
(Starbucks Bayberry x A-L Northern Glory)
OMHC Championship Classic
Grand Champion Stallion
1st Stallion 5 Years & Over
with David Kavanagh
Photo by Lisa Kavanagh
Photo by River Bend
HD Aiden Lair
(Legacy’s Viking x HD Massena)
Photo by River Bend
Lauralee Morgan Farm ~ Deana & Sherri Wilson
Uxbridge ~ Ontario ~ Canada ~
OMHC Championship Classic
Grand Champion Mare
1st Mares 5 Years & Over
with David Kavanagh