February 2010 - garden
February 2010 - garden
January, 2010 www.PrincetonGardenStatesmen.com Lock, Stock and Barrel The Garden Statesmen upgrade their accommodations. The chorus was informed in October that we only had a few weeks left at Pavilions, and nobody was sure where we might relocate, or what we would have to pay. John Lambert had established a business contact with Chris Harman at Meadow Lakes early in 2009, and was familiar with the facilities. Chris was receptive, and two days later, Ray Walker and John made a site visit. WOW! A letter of agreement was drafted, reviewed by Meadow Lakes administration, finalized, and signed. Alan Hardy provided our Certificate of Insurance. Very briefly, the agreement is similar to the arrangement we had at Pavilions. We will perform up to two or three times a year at Meadow Lakes, in return for use of the auditorium, stage, dressing rooms, and space to store our records and risers. It looks like we also have a good marketing opportunity with other communities under the PHS (Presbyterian Health Services) corporate organization. We look forward to a long, friendly and mutually beneficial relationship with Meadow Lakes. We owe it to PGS and Meadow Lakes to continue being good, cooperative citizens. Please make yourselves aware of, and follow, all parking and security procedures. Jim Darnell, Alan Hardy, Gordon Harrison and John Lambert spent a day of hard labor to load up all our stuff in vans, drive to Meadow Lakes , unload and place everything into Meadow Lakes . John’s back is not good, so he did snap a number of photos, however, and helped where he could. It all fit into two van-loads, of course. PGS brings holiday cheer to Princeton Medical Center. Can you spot the celebrity? Lan-cast'-ur or Lank'-uh-ster? Maybe “lackluster” was the word that best describes the District's first visit to the Lancaster (PA) Convention Center this past October. Maybe we just don't like change. The Chapter Dinner at Loxley's was clearly a highlight (at least for two guys... next time let's all have what they're having). Someone in Princeton Sound married Elizabeth Bradley on the Winter Solstice, at the Chimney Hill Inn in Lambertville. Oh, and kilts are back! Martha "Marty" Rankin Bensema Walker grew up in the Chicago area. Marty and her family of five children married Ray Walker and moved to Spotswood in late 1971. Marty's life revolved around her family, her music and her gardening. As a teen, she was a featured soloist in burlesque club shows (chaperoned by her dad or her brother Jim). (And yes, she sang in many church choirs in Illinois.) She was particularly proud of having soloed regularly at the Great Lakes Naval Base USO Club. When Marty arrived in New Jersey, she joined the championship Ramapo Valley Sweet Adelines Chorus and also performed regularly with her own quartet at Rowe Manse Emporium in Clifton. A few years later, she joined the Roy Meyers Swingers, a modern jazz vocal ensemble of 20 singers. Marty and Ray sang with the Imperial Music Center Chorus, and Marty joined the Millstone Valley Sweet Adelines Chorus, and formed several quartets, the most well-known being Notorious, which included her daughter Diane as tenor. Marty later joined the Liberty Oak Chorus of Sweet Adelines, and maintained that membership until just a few years ago. Marty was also an avid gardener, as attested by the dramatic landscaping and plantings at the family home on Main Street, Spotswood. She attended Christ Memorial Lutheran Church, East Brunswick. Tongue in Cheek finally got their picture taken with then-Governor Jon Corzine at the Cultural and Arts Festival in Trenton. State Street spent their lunch hours spreading holiday cheer at the Department of Health, the Department of Labor, and the Plainsboro Recreation Department's Seniors' Program. Skipped a Beat never skips a meal! Here they help out the West Windsor Plainsboro High School South Choirs at a Pancake “Stack-appella” Breakfast fundraiser. Frank the Dog versus Hudson Chronicles at District Contest. Only one quartet made it all the way... to our chapter Afterglow. Upcoming Events PGS Board Installation Banquet, January 29 Gala Singing Valentines Weekend, February 12-14 Concert, Monroe Village, February 20 Novice Quartet Contest, Rahway, February 27 Concert, Stonebridge, March 20 Princeton Communiversity, April 24 10th Annual Youth Festival of Harmony, May 8, Rahway Middle School (www.festivalofharmony.org) Atlantic Division Contest, May 14-15, Doubletree Hotel, Wilmington High School A Cappella Festival, May 17 41st Annual Show, June 5, Yvonne Theater, Rider Univ. Barbershop Harmony Society International Convention, June 28 – July 4, Philadelphia Chapter meetings every Tuesday, 7:30pm, 300 Meadow Lakes, Hightstown, NJ