The Excitement is Building! - Green Meadow Waldorf School
The Excitement is Building! - Green Meadow Waldorf School
Tomorrow Within Today: A Campaign for Green Meadow Waldorf School The Excitement is Building! 1 From the Director of Development Dear Friends of Green Meadow, I am very happy to share this brochure with you, and to be at Green Meadow at this particular moment in our history. The work that will be done on the Arts Building and the High School in the coming year represents the culmination of many years of tireless collaborating, imagining, planning, organizing, advocating, and fundraising by many people in our community. Table of Contents Campaign Overview . . . . . . . . . 3-6 The Excitement is Building! The Case for Additional Support . . 7-10 A Call to Action . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Table of Gifts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Gift Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Donor List . . . . . . . . . . . . . The faculty and staff, Collegium, Board, Project Management Group, Development Office, and Capital Campaign Committee, along with you, our supporters, have brought us to where we are today: standing on the cusp of a fabulous transformation of one of the key spaces in our school. We are asking for your continued support as we face a changed economy and the realities of construction. We look forward to celebrating with you in our new Arts Building in Fall 2011! Truly, the Excitement is Building! 14-15 With deep gratitude, Vicki Larson 2 Green Meadow Waldorf School’s Mission Green Meadow Waldorf School derives its life and nature from an understanding that each human being is a unique individual, with spiritual, moral and physical relationships to the earth and to society. Our intent is to foster self-reliance in our students, along with consciousness of their rightful relationship to others. We want them to develop the capacity for creative and independent thought as well as the discernment to act in a free and morally responsible way. Within the school’s community and classrooms, Green Meadow strives to create a cultural and social learning environment which enriches and inspires students, colleagues, parents, friends and alumni. 3 Our School Today Over the past years, Green Meadow Waldorf School has grown significantly. With more than 80 faculty and staff serving a diverse and dynamic student body, Green Meadow Waldorf School is a thriving and growing community. Green Meadow Waldorf School’s History Green Meadow Waldorf School first opened its doors in 1950 as a nurserykindergarten for four and five-year-olds. Between 1957 and 1965, the school grew steadily, adding new classes and hiring faculty as the need arose. In 1964, the faculty made the decision to extend the school through seventh grade; in 1971, they decided to begin a High School. In 1976, the High School graduated its first class of 12 students. 4 The Waldorf approach to learning is multidimensional, focusing not only upon the acquisition of knowledge and practical skills, but also on the growth of moral judgment. 2009-2010 Facts and Figures Enrollment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nursery/Kindergarten . . . . . 86 Lower School . . . . . . . . 222 High School . . . . . . . . . . 84 392 Faculty and Staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Full-time Faculty . . . . . . . 29 Full-time Staff . . . . . . . . . 9 Part-time Faculty/Staff . . . . 43 Capital Campaign Timeline Quiet Phase Timetable: November 2006 – February 2007 Prospects Solicited: Executive Campaign Leadership / Top 10 Individuals / Board of Trustees Major Gifts/Public Phase Timetable: March 2007 – April 2008 Prospects Solicited: Additional Campaign Volunteers / Top 50 Individuals All remaining alumni, parents and friends of Green Meadow / Foundations and Corporations CAMPAIGN GOAL REACHED, APRIL 2008: $3,000,000 Supplemental Fundraising Phase ($400,000) Timetable: July – October 2010 Prospects to be Solicited: Top Campaign donors / Board of Trustees / Parents new to Green Meadow Alumni, alumni parents, grandparents / Local businesses 5 Detail of Funds Raised and Work Completed to Date • From 2006-2008, Green Meadow conducted a Capital Campaign that raised more than three million dollars. These funds have been protected through a deep recession and the bulk of the money will be used to fund the Arts Building renovation and expansion in 2010-11, with some funds being used to expand the High School Common Room. • In Summer 2009, about $200,000 was used to renovate the Gymnasium. An ADA-compliant bathroom was built, along with new locker rooms. Future plans for the gymnasium include ADAcompliant exits and enhanced spectator seating. 6 The Excitement is Building! The Case for Additional Support In order to continue providing an environment that nurtures and inspires students, faculty, parents, and the extended community to both teach and learn, the Arts Building will be renovated and expanded in 2010-11 to effectively support the ongoing mission of the school. The renovations include: Sound and lighting equipment, including acoustical panels Stage curtain, backdrops, rigging, blackout curtains and shades Soundproofed practice rooms An elevator In Stage Two, we hope to add solar panels and a geothermal system With the exception of some site work and a new maintenance building, the Green Meadow campus has remained virtually unchanged since the mid-70s. It is critical, for both safety and pedagogical reasons, that Green Meadow Waldorf School undertake these much needed renovations. We must raise an additional $400,000 in gifts and pledges by the end of October 2010 to fund Stage One items listed above. While the Project Management Group initially planned to borrow $500,000 to cover these costs, the Green Meadow Board has voted not to incur debt at this time, and has asked the Project Management Group to cut costs and the Development Office to raise the necessary funds. 7 Arts Building Renovation and Expansion The Arts Building is used by all twelve grades for eurythmy, dance, woodwork, metalwork, clay, handwork, arts and crafts, and chorus and instrumental music. Considering that it is utilized for a wide range of activities, the Arts Building is woefully limited in its ability to accommodate teachers, student performers, and their families. The heart of the renovation will be the expansion of the Music Room to hold an audience of 300, as well as a new performance stage. State-of-the-art acoustics and new practice rooms are also part of the plan. The main foyer area will be increased to alleviate the building’s current congestion problem, and a handicapped-accessible exit will be added. An Alumni Hall will honor our graduates, and a donor recognition area will highlight our appreciation for our dedicated and generous supporters. 8 High School Expansion The High School project will include a modest addition, which will result in a Common Room that doubles the area currently available to the students. This will ensure adequate space for the students to eat lunch and will serve as a classroom during non-lunch hours. An addition to the building will also expand the current faculty office, providing comfortable, ample, quality work space for Green Meadow teachers. This component is funded and work is expected to begin in 2011. 9 Building Green Consistent with the mission and philosophy of Green Meadow Waldorf School, all renovations are designed to meet stringent environmental criteria. The decision to renovate to LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) standards, but not to pursue expensive LEED certification, can be seen as recycling on a large scale and reflects our commitment to the environment and to controlling costs. Arts Building renovations in 2010-11 will incorporate all necessary mechanicals for future green systems, and in phase two, we hope to add solar panels (which will generate over fifty percent of the electricity requirements of the refurbished building) and a geothermal heating and cooling system. All renovations are incorporating modern standards of thermal insulation in walls and ceilings, as well as new high-performance windows that permit maximum day lighting and natural ventilation, while offering significant reductions in energy costs. Following LEED guidelines wherever feasible, construction materials will be manufactured, extracted, harvested, or recovered from a radius of 500 miles or less from the work site. 10 A Call to Action It is the responsibility of the entire Green Meadow community to continue nurturing the growth and expanding needs of the school. At this critical moment in the school’s history, Green Meadow Waldorf School must raise $400,000 to meet our goals without incurring significant long-term debt, for the benefit of both current and future generations of students. A successful supplemental campaign will enable the school to continue providing an education that encourages academic achievement while fostering self-reliance and the development of each student as a unique individual. 11 Table of Gifts Needed 12 Number of Gifts Gift Level Total Amount 1 $50,000 $50,000 2 $25,000 $50,000 2 $15,000 $30,000 13 $5,000 $65,000 18 $2,500 $45,000 80 $1,000 (pavers) $80,000 320 $250 (bricks) $80,000 436 $400,000 Gift Guidelines Gifts and pledges received between July 1 and October 30, 2010, will be recognized and credited towards the Supplemental Fundraising Phase of the Capital Campaign. Pledge extensions will be encouraged, as will one-time gifts by those who did not have an earlier opportunity to give, or who have already fulfilled their pledges. Any gift can be made as a memorial or honorary gift. Gifts of cash, securities, and realized bequests will be credited toward the campaign. Anyone 45 years of age or older may receive credit for an outright bequest provision. A gift in the form of a life income trust, if the gift is specifically designated for unrestricted purposes, is available for any donor 55 years of age or older. Under certain circumstances, campaign credit may also be extended to include gifts in the form of life insurance for which Green Meadow Waldorf School is named as owner and/or beneficiary. A gift of real estate will be credited at the appraised value of the gift at the time it is made. Major naming opportunities are offered to recognize the generosity of donors of $5,000 or more. Plaques, benches, pavers, and bricks will provide naming opportunities for smaller gifts. For additional information on how you can support the capital campaign, or on various methods of giving to Green Meadow, please contact: Vicki Larson, Director of Development Green Meadow Waldorf School 307 Hungry Hollow Road, Chestnut Ridge, NY 10977 845.356.2514 x311 or 13 Donor List The Abbingsole Family Jordan Abbott Jennifer Carrera Rob and Shirley Aigen Ben Alexandra Maureen Allen American Express Charitable Fund Lawrence and Azusa Ammar David August and Julie Diesslin-August Bill and Heidi Auslander Raul Avila Charles Bailey and Ingrid Foik Gabor Banoczi and Rebecca Ruof Daniel Barkley and Andrea Panjwani Rob Barron and Lizzie Maya Lyn Barton Lesia Batorfalvy Sarah Battles Steve and Betsy Bavaria Mike Beckerle Heather Bella Rich and Lynn Bello Alison Biagi Ed and Jill Bieber Charles and Elaine Bily Anne and Tony Bingham Roberta Paula Books Darren Bosch Will Bosch Frank and Estela Moreno-Bosketti Richard and Shannon Boyce 14 Christian Brigouleix Phil Brigouleix Allen and Debra Broadman Jennifer Brooks-Quinn Tim Burger Brian and Defne Caldwell Alexander Campbell Anne E. Campbell Raoul Cansino and Sondra Stowe David and Elizabeth Cantor Jorge Capello Thelma Capello John and Eleanor Capko Chris and Denise Capuozzo Michael and Lisa Charney Paul Childs and Berit Schumann Darek Chludzinski Tony Cirone Gail Cirone Mark and Rebecca Cohen Stan and Isis Cohen Evan Colgan and Janet Saylor Barbara Collins Bruce and Gigi Cooperman Rob Cramer and Dyana VanCampen Will and Denise Crane Laura D’Angelo Kevin Darcy and Stephanie Prisch Jennifer Daugherty Earl Davis Lisa De Vogelear Christine Delaney and Alan Traino Paul and Stephanie Diegmann Robert Diggs and Naomi Hirschfeld-Diggs Chris Doolittle and Ivy Greenstein Leo and Beth Dunn-Fox Victor and Karen Earle Chuck and Ann Eaton William Eaton Hanna Edelglass William Edelglass Bruce and Nina Elton Daphna Epstein and Gideon Schiffer Kate Evans Robert Evans and Martha Paradis-Evans Dan and Sabrina Feldman Mark and Heidi Finser Siegfried and Ruth Finser Ken Fishel and Anne Earle John Foody Ford Foundation Matching Gift Program Neil Forte Larrry Fox and Leslie Burchell-Fox Karl Frederickson and Renate Kurth Phillip and Karen Frei Andrew and Juliana Friedman Deborah Friedman Fariha Friedrich Rose Fujimoto Eva Gardner Fred Gilbert and Susan Buffington Harlan and Judit Gilbert Richard and Hermine Gilbert Brian and Christine Gillespie Steven Gilpin and Sarah Tucker David Goodman and Sylvia Golbin Gilbert and Susan Gordon Kelsey Graham Mark Graham Jeffrey Greenberg Wil and Cat Greenstreet Christoph and Carol Grieder Dina Grinshpun Charles Gunn Herbert O. Hagens Mary Anne Haley Elizabeth Hall Gretchen T. Hall and David Sa’adah Anna Hammond Mei Han and Jerry Shi Richard Hansen Yoichi and Patricia Hasegawa Jana Hawley Moshe and Rachel Heller Jim and Leah Henderson Ken Herndon and Donna Miele Karl and Renate Hiller Severin Hiller Eric and Patricia Hine Sheldon Hirt and Stephanie von Stein Jill Hoel John and Kay Hoffman Ken and Helen Houghton Kerry and Rebecca Houghton Peter and Thelma Huber Eric Israel and Tanja Israel-Gerbers Ken and Sharon Jacobs Mark and Bernadette Janovic Jerrahi Order Of America, Inc. Robert W. Johnson IV Erik and Suzanne Johnson Ralph and Bonnie Johnson Laura Josephson Gosha Karpowicz Mark and Wendy Kastan Kiyomi and Hisanori Kato Scot and Wendy Kelly Michaella Kim Gottfried Kirchner Jack and Jennifer Kleinbach Ginny Koenig Sol B. Kohlhaas Nundha and Wendy Koonaporn Bruce and Daniella Koren Stu and April Kornberg Bob and Nancy Kossowsky Stephen and Susan Kotansky Stanley and Dorit Kramer Richard Kroth Boris Kuznetsov and Elena Kruchkova Louis and Laurie Landon Thomas and Gillian Langdon Uwe and Christine Langermann Vicki Larson and Karel Delgado Cathy Lauer Mary Ann LeFort and Janet Maya Vern and Susana Lenox Ben and Dale Leopold Stephen Leventis and Maureen Dinan-Leventis Kenneth A. Levy Bill and Nancy Lindeman Link Share Corp. Patricia Lynch LoParrino James and Mary Lynn Lorinz Mary Lovera Irene Lubin, Esq. Bonnie Lykes Jake and Suzanne Lynn Robert and Harriet Lynn Melissa Lyons Kim and Darren Macri James and Rachel Madsen Marie-Paule Mahoney Bill and Claudia Maloney Ray and Bonnie Manacas The Mankoff Family Ed and Reggie Manning Jessica Mansbach Franz and Susanne Margono Tom and Chris Marlow Kevin Masback and Valeriana Pasqua-Masback Teruyo and Keigo Matsumura M&T Bank MBIA Foundation, Inc Donald and Imelda McCain David and Sondra McIntosh Mark and Penny McLewin Scott McLewin Mac and Ellen Mead Jan Melchior Monica Buyes Melendes Bill and Lisa Miccio Mark Miller and Jocelyn Serio Miller Mizuho USA Foundation, Inc Laszlo and Emese Molnar Nancy Ann Monte Santo Junho Moon and Yoshiko Kamiyama Moon Helen and Jim Morgan Mark Morosse James Mueller and Colleen Culhane Finbarr and Sophia Murphy Judy Myerson Rebecca and Nick Nelson The O’Donnell Family Takeshi and Akiko Okubo Patrick Oswald Bill and Denise Oswald Stephen and Lisa Oswald Matt and Patricia Owens Parent Handwork Group Parents of the Class of 2007 Heather Rose Partis Michael Partis Heinreich and Dorothee Peiper David and Kathy Peltz Pepsico Foundation Bill and Kate Pernice Bryan and Karyn Petersen Frank Powell and Kathy Chou Kellen Quinn Gritli Rabin Henry and Heidi Ratliff Jane Remis Deb Renna Barbara Renold The Rhodes/Bulna Family David and Julie Rifkin Neil Rindlaub and Kathryn Adorney Joe Rini and Carolyn Johnson Andrea and Perry Ritter Virgil Roberson and Elizabeth Campbell Kevin Roche Charles and Joan Rodriguez Eric Rossin Angelica Rubano Joseph and Patricia Rubano Laura and Russ Rudish Leiani Runa Seibert Vincent Russell and Lisa Marie Santelli-Russell Mike and Lisa Ryan Vicente and Lisa Saavedra Eri Sakurai-Phillips Bob and Joan Sandstrom Robert Michael Sandstrom Isaac Sapoznikow and Ivette Lenard Maureen Satriano and Wayne Dawson Mimi Satriano David Scharf Kitty Scharf John Scharff Bob and Jill Scherer Betty Scherer Erk Schuchhardt and Esther Andras Karl Schurman and Celine Gendron-Schurman Eric Schwimmer and Alyce Gottesman Peter and Deirdre Sciarretta Richard Scott and Terra Vandergaw Joseph Severs Karen Shannon Michael Shannon Adam Scher and Joanne Monteleone Lisa Shultz Al and Susan Shurtleff Michael and Kate Sibrizzi Monica Sibrizzi Paul and Andrea Singer William Smith William and Chaya Spencer Martin Springer and Julie Goldberg Claus Sproll Mary and Chris Spurgin Ann Stahl Jennifer Stahl Byron Stankus Houston Stebbins Dena Steele Michael and Tari Steinrueck Jackie Stern Candace and Richard Stern Hank and Cindy Stewart Jessica Stoberock-Carballal Geoff and Elaine Swaebe Claire Sweeney Peter Sweeney Paul Tadeushuk and Maiken Nielsen Karen and David Tallman Ya Yen Teng The New York Times Co. Foundation Raji Thron and Rose Fitzgerald Barbara Turk Lambert and Gloria VanCampen Eric Vaterlaus and Maike Haupt Gino and Maria Ver Eecke Ray and Sandy Volpe Robert Vort and Tina Kruh Pebo Voss Koshi and Yurie Wada Matt and Dorothy Walden Catherine Watson Bern Weintraub and Ingrid Hopkins Corey and Suzanne Weiss Weleda North America Michael and Lory Widmer Ben and Paula Williams Roger Winter and Susanne Firuzeh-Winter Michael Witri Elaine Wold Lisa and Jonathan Wolfe Jim Womack Susan Womack John and Jane Wulsin Dr. John H. Wulsin Yumiko Yamanaka David Yazbek and Betsy Doberneck John and June Zammiello Joachim and Jessica Ziegler 15 Campaign Leadership Campaign Chair Elizabeth Campbell Honorary Campaign Chair Jane Wulsin Campaign Executive Committee Ed Bieber Tony Cirone Richard Hansen Kay Hoffman Vicki Larson Lisa Oswald Heather Partis Claus Sproll Tari Steinrueck John Wulsin 307 Hungry Hollow Road Chestnut Ridge, NY 10977 845.356.2514 16 Printed on FSC-certified, 30% post-consumer waste paper.
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