May 6th, 2016 - Kent School District
May 6th, 2016 - Kent School District
MEADOW RIDGE ELEMENTARY RANGER NEWS Suzy Kontos Principal 27710 108th Ave. SE Kent, WA 98030-8767 Ph: 253-373-7870 Fax: 253-373-7877 May 6th, 2016 Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Safe and Be Ready to Learn MAY Sun., May 8th—Mother’s Day Wed., May 11th—Late Start, 10:30 start, no breakfast Tues., May 24th—Last day for After School Energy Program Thurs., May 26th Kindergarten Roundup (9:00-11:00 & 5:30-6:30) Fri., May 27th—Kinder to College Field Trip Mon., May 30th Memorial Day (No School) Tues., May 31st—Concert (9:30 am and 7:00 pm) KINDERGARTEN ROUND UP TIME! Thursday, May 26th is our kindergarten round up! There are two sessions you and your child can attend: either 9:00 am -11:00 am or 5:30 pm—6:30 pm. To sign up for a time, and/or to pick up or drop off paperwork please visit the Meadow Ridge office. On the day of the round up, you and your child will get to meet the teachers and learn about what it means to be a kindergartner at Meadow Ridge. You can also drop off any remaining paperwork that may be missing in your child’s application. ATTENTION 6TH GRADERS IN SPORTS If your child is planning to do sports next year as a 7th grader their physical examination must be completed after June 1st, 2016. Any physicals done before this date will not be accepted. 20162017 Registration/Physical forms will be available at the school and KSD Athletics and Activities webpage, and District Athletic Department main offices ON OR AFTER JUNE 1, 2016. CONCERT DATE CHANGED Due to a schedule conflict, the music concert has been changed to Tuesday, May 31st at 9:30 am and 7:00 pm. The concerts will feature our band, orchestra, choir, and percussion groups. PLEASE PICK UP CHILDREN ON TIME AFTER SCHOOL School is out every day at 2:38 pm. Children need to be picked up no later than 2:45 pm. If you have extenuating circumstances and are not able to pick up your child by that time, please call the office to let us know at 253-373-7870. ATTENDANCE DESK Did You Know? Children who enjoy school and who are engaged in school want to go to school every day. When kids attend every day they learn skills and make friends. This helps them be successful both academically and socially. Here’s How You Can Help: Regularly ask your child about school. What do you like best about your class? What would you like to change about your class? Why? Tell me about what you do before school, at recess, after school. What things are you learning in school? Tell me about upcoming family events at the school that we should plan to attend. When the answers from your child indicates there are problems contact someone at the school (teacher, counselor, principal) and ask for help addressing the problem. ENROLL YOUR CHILD FOR KINDERGARTEN & PRE-SCHOOL Information is available on the district website for enrolling your child(ren) for kindergarten and pre-school. Visit http:// for more information. NOTES FROM OUR NURSE If your child has a fever, 100º or more, they must stay home until the Fever has been gone for a full 24 hours without the aid of a fever reducing medicine. If your child vomits or has diarrhea, they must not return to school until 24 hours have passed since they last vomited or had diarrhea and are eating normally. If your child has red, swollen, or puffy eyes with evidence of mucous or drainage they must not return until there is no drainage from eyes or have been on medicated eye drops for 24 hours. If your child has lice, they must be checked and cleared by our health room before being allowed back in school. They will not be permitted back in school with live bugs. Nits are allowed, as long as parents are continuing to actively remove them. When lice is found, a letter is sent home with the classmates of the student, advising families to inspect their own children for lice. With proper treatment, the lice can be removed in as little as one evening. If you need advice about head lice, please contact our school nurse. SAVE THE DATE LATE START DAYS Wed., June 1st—Late Start Fri., June 17th—Last day of school (dismissal at 11:38 am, no lunch served) Sun., June 19th—Father’s Day Please remember that students should not be dropped off before 10:10 AM on late start days. School starts at 10:30 AM. We do not serve breakfast on any of our late start days. June 1st WANT MORE FUN NEWS FROM MEADOW RIDGE ELEMENTARY? Check us out online at for more stories and exciting articles! Kent School District does not discriminate in programs, activities, admission, access, treatment, or employment on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability, and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups.. Student, school district employees, parents/guardians, and community members will not be excluded from participation in or be subjected to discrimination with respect to any educational program or activity. If you have any questions, please contact: Title IX Officer and State Law Compliance Coordinator Section 504/ADA Coordinator Chief Accountability Officer 253-373-7203 Executive Director, Student and Family Support Services 253-373-7010 Kent School District will also take steps to assure that national origin persons who lack English language skills can participate in all education programs, services, and activities. For information regarding translation services or transitional bilingual education programs, contact the Director of Multilingual Education 253-373-7269 MULTICULTURAL NIGHT A SUCCESS!! FAMILY FITNESS NIGHT! The Meadow Ridge Office Staff would like to say thank you to all of the children, teachers, Ms. Kontos and Mr. Koomia for making us all feel like such rock stars during Administrative Professionals Week! We love you all and are so grateful for all your kindness! POETRY FEATURE: Recycling By: Natasha Thach Trash, trash is everywhere But people just don’t care They rip open tasty treats And throw wrappers in the streets. We want our Earth to be clean! We want our Earth to be bright! People: don’t be mean! Let’s make our planet right! We will help anyway we can. We will make a difference, so here’s our plan: Recycling is the word of the day. So, be careful what you throw away. Look around and do your part. It’s never too late to start. DID YOU KNOW? THE SILLY HOLIDAYS IN THE MONTH OF MAY 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th Save the Rhino Brothers and Sisters Day National Candied Orange Peel Day Star Wars Day National Hoagie Day No Diet Day National Tourism Day No Socks Day Lost Sock Memorial Day Clean Your Room Day Eat What You Want Day Limerick Day Blame Someone Else Day Dance Like a Chicken Day National Chocolate Chip Day National Sea Monkey Day Pack Rat Day 18th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th 25th 27th 28th 29th 30th 31st No Dirty Dishes Day Be a Millionaire Day National Memo Day Buy a Musical Instrument Day Lucky Penny Day National Escargot Day Tap Dance Day Sun Screen Day International Jazz Day Learn About Composting Day Water a Flower Day National Macaroon Day CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR MEADOW RIDGE WINNERS! Every year the Kent area PTSA recognizes three individuals from each school based on the recommendations of their peers. This year the Meadow Ridge winners were: Thomas Baugh (Outstanding Educator Award), Nurse Milly Nabarrete (Golden Acorn Award), and Kathy Walker (Outstanding Advocate Award). The winners attended a dinner catered by the Kent Meridian High School culinary program students. COLLEGE NIGHT Thank you to all our wonderful families who came to college night! It was wonderful to see families and their children getting ready for the future! WE NEED CLOTHING When students have a wardrobe malfunction at school we often lend them clothes. Currently, we are in need of uniform pieces (shorts, skirts, pants, shirts, and jumpers) in sizes 7-10 for girls and boys. If your child has outgrown their uniform and you no longer need it, please consider donating it to the office. RANGER RALLY THE KINDERGARTENERS ARE HEADED TO COLLEGE! The kindergartners will be taking a field trip to South Seattle College on Friday, May 27th. This is a program sponsored by local colleges, universities, and technical institutes to increase awareness of college requirements and engage students in activities that will be prepare them for success. While on the trip the children will take a tour of the school, and participate in different activities. SPOTLIGHT ON THE STAFF Name: Amy Campbell 5th Grade Teacher About Me: I grew up in SeaTac and went to Highline School District. I’m Auntie to 3 nephews and 1 niece to one awesome older brother in Virginia. I have a ferocious kitty named Tiger Lily. I graduated from Central Washington University with a Bachelors of Education degree and University of Washington Bothell with a Master of Education degree. My Top 10’s Color: Purple and Orange Season: All of them Animal: River otter Book: Goodnight, Mr. Tom Movie: Rear Window Sport: Football Hobby: Being with friends Place: Arlington, VA Food: Bread Drink: Coke Stuff That Makes Me Awesome I know American Sign Language. I’ve been to Norway to visit family. I love kids! 1ST GRADE VISITS THE ZOO! LOST AND FOUND IS OVERFLOWING! Our lost and found area is brimming with coats, shirts, pants, gloves, lunch bags, etc. If your child has lost something, please have them check it out. Lost and found is located on a large rack just outside the cafeteria. AFFORDABLE INTERNET Comcast is offering home internet for $9.95 a month for qualified families who have students in the free and reduced lunch program. To see if your family qualifies please contact 1-855-8-INTERNET. MATH RESOURCES AT HOME! Does your child need help with math, or can’t get enough math? We have some awesome resources available online! Multiplication Games— Picture Dictionary for Math Terms— More Math Games— Username: mr2 Password: 12345 (the 2 in the username should match your child’s grade number) FROM MS. KIER’S DESK Reading: We started our Cinderella Unit. It was fun to learn there was a true story about Cinderella. It was the Egyptian story. Students have homework to bring home their props and retell each story. If you have not heard it, ask them about it. Each child got their own copy of the Disney Cinderella and we will be comparing/contrasting stories, putting them in the correct sequence, and doing many fun learning activities. Math: We had our test on the big unit where we learned about subtracting three digit numbers and regrouping. This is a difficult concept and most of the students did well. Those that were not able to understand this, will have continued practice. This is a necessary skill to be able to do in 3rd grade. Thank you for your help with them as they did their homework. SPOTLIGHT ON THE STAFF Name: Katey Kjelland 5th Grade Teacher About Me: I grew up in Ellensburg, WA and also attended Central Washington University. I’ve played soccer since kindergarten and love to go hiking. I am a very happy person. I couldn’t imagine doing anything else besides teaching! My Top 10’s Color: Purple Season: Summer Animal: Dog Book: Harry Potter Series Movie: Elf Sport: Soccer Hobby: Reading Place: Honduras Food: Ice Cream Drink: Coffee Stuff That Makes Me Awesome 1. I have a Schnoodle (schnauzer / poodle) named Noodles. 2. I have been traveling around Europe this summer. 3. I have been on 7 cruises. 4. I love to do 5k’s and have done 5! THANK YOU APRIL LUNCH LEADERS! The April Lunch Leaders were absolutely awesome! They weathered schedule changes, and alternate lunch times with determination and a great sense of humor. Abdi Nadine Raihanah Rosehelena Aaron Sam Brian Samuel Danielle DaQuan Khaled Nicolas Anastasiya Ziair Patrick Jada Ann Iris Arshdeep Gurjasdeep Abdirizak Abdulhussein Al Kinani Alvarez Andrews Atanacio Bui Cruspero Dalistan Ervin Fisher Garrido-Diaz Gerasimova Gilbert Guzman Vargas Hoskins-Cato Jassim Joaquin-Serrato Kaur Kaur Nebiat Evelina Cing Hoih Khang Sachmn Gavin Lotfekwa Vasyl Mezmaryah Madino Ricky Mia Showstika Zin Taylor Ena Noel Cristin ATTENDANCE Kemal Khudan Kim Le Litt Lopez Luzayadio Mazur Misher Osman Perez Phok-Binh Rai Tay Lay Vang Victor Jefferson Villegas Zaniga SPOTLIGHT ON THE STAFF Name: Pam Ausen Attendance About Me: I have worked at Meadow Ridge for 15 years. I have 3 sons, Colby who is 28, Miles who is 26, and Owen who is 24. I love to read and do so every chance I get. My Top 10’s Color: Purple Season: Christmas Animal: Horse Book: Anything by Nora Roberts Movie: Action / Adventure Sport: Baseball Hobby: Cross Stitching Place: Disneyland Food: Pizza Drink: Diet Cherry Dr. Pepper SOUTH KING COUNTY MOBILE MEDICAL UNIT SCHEDULE Please note that we take our last medical patients 30 to 60 minutes prior to the clinic end time. Try to arrive at least an hour before the end of the medical clinic. The mobile van program provides no-cost walk-in care for people who are living homeless (or were recently homeless) only. El Programa del Van Mobil ofrece Cuidados de Salud sin costo solo para personas sin hogar (o recientemente sin hogar). For more information/ Para obtener más información: Phone: 206-330-6775 Email: Phone: 206-915-4809 Email: Uninsured? The Mobile Medical staff can help you apply for a new Medicaid program available to people with a low income. The program covers prescriptions, doctor and hospital visits, basic dental and vision care, and more. PERFECT ATTENDANCE AWARDS FOR APRIL Here are the students who have perfect attendance in April! Wonderful job Rangers! You are an inspiration to everyone! Abdirizak Abed Aoun Abed Aoun Adhikari Agbayani Aguayo-Zuniga Ahmed Ahmed Al Kinani Al Kinani Al-Tameemi Al-Tameemi Alindayu Alindayu Almasan Alvarez Andriyuk Atanacio Aung Baca Baca Barkadle Barkadle Borja Bayaka Bik Boiko Borja Bui Callejas Del Valle Castillo-Ochoa Center Chitral Chyypesh Crowley Crowley Cuevas-Maceda Dahir Dahir Davis Davis Delmar Abdirihman Ali Yousif Kiran Neo Dave Cristian Abdirashid Mursal Ibrahim Raihanah Aaya Farah Landen Nicolas La'Shawn Rosehelena Vadim Darius Naing Kimberly Roxana Maryama Munir Francine Dina Stony Vladyslav Francine Brian Emanuel Bryan Michael Maya Kristina Emma Johnnie Chris Abdulahi Marwo Jack Sydney Kolby Dinh Doma Douled Eh Ernest Faris Faris Gafurova Garrido-Diaz Gates Gaye Gerasimova Gonzalez Ruiz Gordiichenko Gordiichenko Gurung Guzman Guzman Guzman-Vargas Ha Hae Harrell Harman Hendricks Hendricks Htoo Hussein Huynh Ignacio-Flores Jaimes James Jamias Jammeh Jefferson Jefferson Johnson Johnson Jose Kadir Kadir Kami Karami Vicky Samuel Filsan Hser Nay Gay Saw Alexander Katrina Esmira Nicolas Jamea Jeremiah Anastasiya Ernesto Jr. Arsen Ilona Projjal Addie Italy Patrick Evalynn Day Bae Janaya Carlos Franklin Nicholas Saraku Nagham Tina Preston Aissa Amerie Jeremiah Tucker Eleesia Ena Victoria Celina Christian Joel Jabir Nesrudin Saurav Mardin Karplyuk Karume Katwal Kaur Khai Khokar Khokhar Khryapkina Khudan Khudan Kim Kravchishin Kuchiyev Kuchiyev Kukharevych Kumar Lahtaw Lay Le Le Le Leon Lita Lian Lian Lian Litt Luzayadio Mabeyoje Maddox Malanog Man Man Man Mang Manjarrez-Hurtado Maran McGeachy Medeiros Melinetskiy Misher Misher Mitchell Jason Bryanna Dushan Manleen Khup Prince Lovepreet Diana Evelina John Jennifer Lauren Aslan Jean Veronika Shayali Ja Seng Htoi Zin Tay Minhkhang Thy Vy Joan Anthony Efrim Johny Aksh Lezlen Iman Grace Alexandria Sokunmealea Threasa Veatu Thang Juan Sut Kianna Jazmine Dann Lamia'Sky Mezmaryah Makayla PERFECT ATTENDANCE AWARDS CONTINUED... Mohamed Mohamed Mohammed Monroe Moo Moo Morales-Becerra Mouan Nahal Nahid Nahid Naing Nalivayko Nava Nava Guzman Nem Nguyen Normandia Okafor One Oo Oo Paillant Paillant Paw Perez Perez Perez-Flores Perez-Flores Pham Phiri Phommavongxay Pich-Binh Pich-Binh Pijuan Pileno Pileno Leonardo Pineda Produsevich Pyu Qadoora Rai Jamaal Zakaria Eliham Blake Christ Nay Soe Cesar Po chou Gagan Hasan Hussein Victoria Jennifer Carlos Giovana Cin Kevin Andrea Chidinma Ree Doh May Zin Nwee Hawkins Jaisen Eh Wah Melanie Ricky Alberto Sonya Jennifer Adriano Tryse Ayden Jayden Ralph Flor Gyanna Nathan Yana Sol Sedra Showstika Reed Reh Reh Reh Renteria-Abarca Riley Riley Robbins Robbins Rodriguez-Rayo Rodriguez-Rayo Rogers Rogers Rosas Ruvalcaba Ruvalcaba Jaimes Ryu Saetern Sanchez Santos Santos Saucedo Saucedo-Yepez Sayed Sayed Scharmer Seay Shee Sieh Soe Solimankhil Solimankhil Somera Somera Strothers Su Tabullo Sanchez Tallman Tauaefa Thach Thang Tilahun Michael Nong Pee Sehe Uriel Avah Liam Raymonni Rayvontae Julian Thomas DeLano Dorian Emilee Esbeyde Tristin Ian Chad Eric Caitlyn Jordan Karen Jesus Sayed Musawer Sayed Muzamel Dylan Ava Hser Kue Mary Saw Mu Lar Lima Sahar Micaella Renzae Jaylah Su Miguel Jayden Shanaiyah Natasha Naing Tsiyone Travis Darius Tuang Lian Uriarte Angulo Daven Valdivia Jair Vazquez Diaz Covarrubias Victor Wah Moosoe Wah Sher Law Eh Wah Susata Wahidi Zarlasht Webber Frankie Webster Nalani Webster Natalie Webster Nickolas Wilson Jamari Wilson Joshua Wong Raymond Xiong Vita APRIL RANGER RECOGNITION RECIPIENTS Students who demonstrate The Ranger Way—being respectful, responsible, ready to learn and safe receive Ranger Recognition slips. Below are the outstanding students from April. Abdirizak Abdulhussein Aguayo-Zuniga Ahmed Ahmed Akram Al Kinani Ali Alishanov Almasan Al-Tameemi Alvarez Andrews Atanacio Barkadle Bayaka Binh-Nuon Bolinger Borysovets Boyko Castillo-Ochoa Castro Chandi Chitral Chitral Coe Conwell Dahir Dahir Dalistan Dansky Davis De Dios Devi Dhillon Dodge Doma East Ernest Ervin Faris Fisher Abdirihman Nadeen Cristian Melek Mursal Sha'Far Ibrahim Abdulahi Alishan La'Shawn Aaya Rosehelena Aaron D. Samuel Munir Dina Aleen Makyla David Mark Bryan Shay Noor Jayden Kishan Latrayvius Laurelei Abdulahi Safa Danielle Alison Jack Giselle Eesha Ranjot Zachariah Samuel Daniel Saw DaQuan Alexander Khaled Fisher Galeana Garrido-Diaz Gates Gordiichenko Gutierrez Gutierrez Galarza Guzman Guzman-Vargas Harrell Harris Hauk Hayes Heh Hernandez Huynh Jassim Jefferson Joaquin-Serrato Johnson Johnson Kadir Kadiri Kami Kami Kaur Kaur Kaur Kaur Khai Khalil Khudan Lay Le Le Lemus Lewis Lian Lidstrand Litt Lloyd Luzayadio Nadia Angelina Nicolas Derrick Arsen Luis Betsy Brisia Patrick Janaya Novella Dorin Jailen Kwar Lar Gabriel Tina Ann Ena Victoria Iris Christian Derek Nesrudin Erik Jai Saurav Arshdeep Gurjasdeep Harman Triman Khup Khadija Evelina Zin Tay MinhKhang Thy Chasitee Jaliyah Anthony Dylan Sachmn Kevaeh Lofekwa Maina Mali Mang Manjarrez-Hurtado Matthews Maw Mazur McIntosh McWilliams Mefi Merry Misher Misher Mitchell Muya Nasir Nezdyur Ochoa-Felix O'Keefe Oo Paillant Paw Peckenpaugh Peckenpaugh Perez Perez Perez-Flores Phok Pich-Binh Pitre Pittman Pyu Qadoora Qadoora Ramirez Garcia Reh Reh Revko Riggins Riggins Riley Rodriguez-Rayo Christopher Om Thang Juan David Donavon Mary Vasyl John Amara Karess James Lamia'Sky Mezmaryah Makayla Rehema Yousif Maxim Jonathan Ann Nwe Hawkins Eh Wah Aiden Alex Melanie Osvaldo Sonya Mia Ayden Jaylon Kylie Sol Hazim Sadiq Sarahi Nong Pee Zoryana Taliyah Thomas Liam Ebony APRIL RANGER RECOGNITIONS CONTINUED… Rodriguez-Rayo Rogers Ruvalcaba Saetern Santos Sharma Shevchuk Singh Litt Soe Soe Solimankhil Somera Stephenson Stinsman-Epitacio Su Thach Valdivia Vongprachanh Wah Wah Walker Wells Williams Xayavong Yambao Yefimchuk Zaremba Julian DeLano Bianca Chad Caitlyn Maithly Ruslan Sachmn Saw Eh Kli Saw Mu Lar Sahar Renzae Mae Chase Andrew Su Natasha Jair Keidene Moo Soe Sher Law Eh Amerion Conner Makyla Aubrey Sheyana Dylan Ethan Andrian TRACK DATES Mon., May 2nd—Practice Wed., May 4th—Practice Mon., May 9th—Practice Wed., May 11th—Practice FUN INTERNET LINKS! Did you know that the Meadow Ridge website has a bunch of fun learning links? Below are some of our favorites: DID YOU KNOW? It's important for kids to have breakfast every day, but what they eat in the morning is crucial too. Choosing breakfast foods that are rich in whole grains, fiber, and protein while low in added sugar may boost kids' attention span, concentration, and memory — which they need to learn in school. Kids who eat breakfast are more likely to get fiber, calcium, and other important nutrients. They also tend to keep their weight under control, have lower blood cholesterol levels and fewer absences from school, and make fewer trips to the school nurse with stomach complaints related to hunger.
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