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KENT LAW SOCIETY NEWSLETTER July 2012 AGM 44 members attended the Society’s AGM on 18th May. Outgoing president Frances Pierce spoke of the great privilege of representing the Society over the past year, and of the significant events of the year. She handed on the presidential baton to Jon Pitt, a solicitor practicing in-house in the printing industry, from Ashford. Simon Franklin, of Quality Solicitors Martin Tolhurst in Gravesend, was elected Vice-President. A new SPC and GPC was voted in - details further down the page. The AGM was attended by Lucy Scott-Moncrieff, the Law Society Vice-President, who at the close of proceedings addressed the gathering with great passion of the tasks and challenges ahead for the profession. Contents P2 Networking New Faces President’s Summer Event Rules P3 Charity Run Kent Family Justice Council Conference Report on Conveyancing Conference Future conferences DINNER HHJ Jeremy Carey Roger Cruttenden & Jonathan Smithers, Law Society Council Member for Kent Deputy Lord Lieutenant Sir John MummeryLJ & Lucy Scott-Moncrieff Deputy Chief Constable Mr Alan Pughsley & Edwina Milward DJ Matthew Parden, M.D. of Duncan Lawrie Private Bank, and HHJ Adele Williams Anthony Berry QC P4 “HSBC – all change please” P5 “Sowing Financial Seeds for the Long Term” News in Brief 20th September The next networking event will take place at Mamma Mia restaurant, Tonbridge – details on the website High Sheriff of Kent Michael Bax & Dina Henry, Duncan Lawrie Regional Director 10th October The Society will man a stand at the Tonbridge ‘Skillsfest’ – a careers event for local schools. Volunteers needed Kent Law Society President Jon Pitt Past President Kerry Waitt & Wilhelmina Waitt. More than 200 guests attended the Society’s social highlight of the year, the Dinner Dance which was held at the Mercure Hotel Hollingbourne on 18th May. The new president Jon Pitt hosted the Deputy Lord Lieutenant of Kent, Lord Justice Mummery, the High Sheriff of Kent Mr Michael Bax, The Deputy Chief Constable Mr Alan Pughsley, the Vice President of the Law Society Lucy ScottMoncrieff and other high table guests. The main speaker, His Honour Judge Jeremy Carey, Resident Judge for Maidstone Combined Courts, spoke of the pressure on the delivery of legal services and of his admiration for those of our profession who manage, against the odds, to continue to offer help to the legally underprivileged in our society. Jon Pitt replied on behalf of the Society, and then Anthony Berry QC spoken entertainingly about his experiences in international criminal prosecution. A table magician, Chris Harding, worked the room during the dinner, and a prize draw for an iPad 3 raised £600 for the Pilgrims’ Hospices. In a break with tradition, dancing was held in the bar foyer area, which enabled guests to continue to talk and mix over coffee in the dining room. As always, KLS administrator Roger Cruttenden organised everything with quiet efficiency. NETWORKING Some 20 members and colleagues attended the latest after-work networking event, which was held at Zizzi’s in Maidstone on Thursday 14th June. These occasions are a great opportunity to meet other practitioners beyond our own firms and practices, to share ideas and make new friends. Taking place between 6.00 and 7.15 pm, they are timed to disrupt work and family life as little as possible, but the drinks and nibbles on offer keep the wolf from the door. There is no charge for these events. Zizzi was a good venue, with attentive service and interesting snacks. The next event will be in Ashford, at Massimo’s in North Street, on 18th July. NEW FACES ON THE GPC – the first of a regular feature! Michael McNally After training at city firm Bristows, Michael became an assistant solicitor at Cripps Harries Hall. After three years, he left to form the niche Tunbridge Wells practice, Knights, with Matthew Knight. After nearly 18 years there, Michael left Knights at the end of 2011 and became a partner at Warners, in their Tonbridge office. Michael’s areas of specialism are predominantly employment and commercial and personal injury litigation, particularly for rural and country sports clients. Janet Goode Janet is Head of the Commercial practice at Whitehead Monckton in Maidstone. She celebrates her 20th anniversary in Kent having joined the firm in 1992 from Clifford Chance. Janet became a partner in 1996. In 1997 Janet qualified as a notary and is currently Chair of the Kent and East Sussex Notaries Group. At work, Janet specialises in corporate and business law and pensions law. Janet lives in Headcorn and, when not at work, divides her time between her family, her Gloucester Old Spot and Kune Kune pigs and singing in a local choir. M i d s u m m e r M a g ic – P r e s i d e n t ’s S um m er Event Given the heavy rainfall this month, holding an outdoor event seemed like a recipe for disaster. President Jon Pitt feels he was luckier than he deserved, then, when we enjoyed a balmy Friday evening in the beautiful Mt Ephraim gardens near Faversham, for a picnic and an open-air performance of A Midsummer Night’s Dream by the Kent Shakespeare Players. This group has been putting on plays in the setting of Mr Ephraim for 30 years or more. They have the technical difficulties of performing outside sewn up, with a minimalist approach entirely suited to the surroundings. With a large tree as a back-drop and the only prop, one could see in the performance the very roots of this type of theatre by ‘strolling players’. The guests lounged in folding chairs or on rugs, fighting off the myriads of ducks competing for picnic crumbs. There was a catered meal for those who wanted it, while others brought their own food. Among the guests was Law Society President John Wotton, in the last days of his presidency and ready to enjoy a little relaxation after his eventful year. RULES At the first GPC of the 2012-13 year, on 12th September, revises to proposed new rules of the Society will be reviewed and arrangements finalised for an EGM later in the Autumn at which the changes can be put to the membership. RUN FOR THE SOCIETY AND PROFESSION! On Sunday 7th October, President Jon Pitt aims to lead a team of Kent Law Society members in the Givaudin 10k Road Race around Ashford. This is a multi-purpose event! PROMOTION This is a great opportunity to promote our profession in the public eye as community participants. COMPETITION In furtherance of the first of these objectives, your President invites members to come up with the neatest, pithiest and most entertaining slogan for the back of a tee-shirt or vest, to promote Kent’s lawyers. Replies to the president at by 31st August please. The winner gets a bottle of bubbly and the satisfaction of seeing their creativity in print. KENT FAMILY JUSTICE COUNCIL ANNUAL CONFERENCE This years conference will be held on Thursday 1 November 2012 at Oakwood House, Maidstone. HHJ Richard Polden, Designated Family Judge for Kent has announced that Mr Justice Ryder, Judge in charge of Family law modernisation, has agreed to attend as the keynote speaker. He will be talking about the major changes that are to be implemented and the timescales involved. Judge Polden will be sending out full details in due course but please note the date in your diaries, as the speaker will naturally attract a lot of interest. Jonathan Smithers Yolanda Barnes FUND-RAISING We can individually raise funds for charity - your president is supporting the Pilgrims Hospices this year and would welcome support from other runners and sponsors. FITNESS Our jobs can be a bit sedentary - here is a great opportunity to get fit. With just under three months warning, even the flabbiest of us can hit the road and target completion of the course - 10 kilometers or 6.25 miles. All levels of fitness are catered for - the race regularly attracts over 1000 runners, who range from international runners to first timers and joggers. CONVEYANCING CONFERENCE AT BRANDS HATCH The Society held its first training conference on 24th May 2012. Accredited with 6 cpd points, this was a new format of training event for us. Brilliantly organized by Gillian Ellis, the delegates were lectured on a range of topics germaine to the daily practice of conveyancing solicitors. The day was chaired by our very own Jonathan Smithers of CooperBurnett in Tunbridge Wells and one of our Law Society Council Members for Kent. He spoke on the subject ‘The view from Chancery Lane – the Law Society perspective on recent developments in conveyancing and relevant regulation’, touching on the Conveyancing Quality Scheme, Mortgage Fraud and the future landscape with ABS’s. He was followed by Claire Larbey, a freelance lecturer and formally of the SRA, on OFR in practice. Peter Rodd, of Thanet firm Boys & Maughan, then spoke on ‘Conflict – the issues for conveyancers, and was followed by Liz Cooper of Thames Water, who gave a practical insight into drainage and water services issues. We enjoyed an excellent working lunch, briefed by Yolanda Barnes of Savills on the prospects for residential property. Claire Larbey In the afternoon session, Philip Swaine of Conveyancing Liability Solutions (who kindly sponsored the lunch) spoke on the current position on indemnity challenges, covering Chancel repair liability, environmental reports and innovative solutions to legal changes (village greens, rights of light and solar panels). Andrew Crawford, a freelance lecturer, led sessions on Capital Gains Tax for residential conveyancers, and Avoiding Negligence Claims. The conference was closed by Olivia Burren of Travelers Professional Risks, who spoke about ‘Avoiding Negligence Claims’. Peter Rodd Andrew Crawford Look out for these training conferences later in the year – Estate and Tax Planning Conference, at Marriott Tudor Park, Bearsted on 20th September – Civil Litigation Conference at Mercure, Maidstone on 18th October. Full details available on the training page of the website – HSBC – “ALL CHANGE PLEASE” This is the text of an article written by the Council Member for Kent, Jonathan Smithers and published in the Law Society Gazette 31st of May 2012. The recent admission of CQS firms to the HSBC panel is a welcome return to normality. Perhaps not quite “as you were” but a major step towards recognition that the best interests of our clients and their borrowers are served by a diversity of choice within the framework of a quality mark. The new HSBC system will have two tiers. The first comprising of the favoured few, “the 43”, who have signed up to the discounted fees the structure overseen by Countywide including a no sale no fee deal and various other bells and whistles. These firms may be recommended by the bank’s mortgage advisers. That is little or no different to the deal which many estate agents have with their preferred firms, regardless of whether any referral fees are paid. Any client wishing to instruct their own firm will be free to do so (as before). The difference now is that if the firm is a CQS member then joint representation will be allowed by the bank. Non-CQS firms may still suffer the indignity of not being allowed to act for both, but with Santander and Nationwide requiring CQS membership for new members and Clydesdale with Yorkshire Bank mandating it, HSBC is back in the game once more. What caused this change of heart? Perhaps a Damascene moment, the light shining from above? We may not know precisely but the campaign led by the Law Society was certainly instrumental. The ability of solicitors to coordinate action has been remarkable. Press packs issued by Chancery Lane, with MPs briefings hit the target. The ripple spread out, reaching consumer organisations and Fleet Street alike. When WHICH?, the Consumers Association, is on your side, you know the wind is in your sails. The esteem in which banks are held was perhaps influential. Few these days were going to start off on the side of a financial behemoth. The argument still had to be won. How? Not by protesting that it was hurting us but by expressing the disadvantage suffered by our clients. The HSBC borrower was clearly becoming a pariah. I have spoken to many people on the subject in the last few months, whether in the industry or not, few were unaware of the problem even if they did not know its precise detail. Cash and profit is the driving force for any successful business. Selling product, in this case mortgages, is at the centre of motivation for HSBC. As the difficulty became clear for all to see, simple financials probably became the tipping point. The restrictive panel idea was broke, so the bank have fixed it, and not a moment too soon. Solicitors must not rest on their laurels. Some may call this a victory but to do will be a mistake. This is but one wave in an ocean of challenges. The recent decision by Nationwide to embark on a data collection exercise will cause concern. Like the Constable asking you where you have been and where you are going, the climate of fear generated by lenders seemingly arbitrary decisions leads us to be wary of why they want to know. Subjectively, giving the lender confirmation of basic business structure should not be problematic but we are all nervous of the use to which the information is put. What arbitrary criteria is next when the axe falls on your instructions from a lender? Despite this scepticism we must rise above it. Solicitors wishing to be instructed by the bank have to show that they can line up to the high expectations rightly required by their clients, that includes the lender client. There must be an acceptance that we have no absolute right to require instructions from any client. Instead of concern for our immediate problems (pressing though they are) understanding that there are difficulties will go some distance to helping us as a profession locate and embrace solutions. Whilst we have considerable centres of excellence the fight to improve standards across our market must continue. The ability to convey property and provide security for lenders in a timely and cost effective manner is the hallmark of good practice. Perhaps a statement of the obvious, but constant reminder that we all have to learn, improve and adapt to ever changing markets and the law must be embedded into our thinking. Will the insistence on CQS for panel membership result in an increase in applications to the Scheme? Perhaps, but some may be irritated by the need to apply. My answer is simply that we must open our eyes to reality. The world has changed and is changing still. High standards of due diligence and practice are required. The longevity and size of or practice is not a good enough guarantee for the future. Names of Wolstenholmes and Halliwells may need to be spoken (in hushed tones) at this point in the discussion. Perhaps at its starkest doubters will need to answer the question, why would you not want to join a scheme which enables you to demonstrate excellence with probity and become part of the industry’s trusted community? So for now a little light relief, we live to fight another day and can be proud of the achievement. We are grateful to HSBC for having the good grace to accept the arguments put forward. Jonathan Smithers , Council Member - Kent Chair The Conveyancing & Land Law Committee Law Society of England & Wales DUNCAN LAWRIE PRIVATE BANK: SOWING FINANCIAL SEEDS FOR THE LONG-TERM June 2012 It really could not be more unlike a High Street bank. Duncan Lawrie Private Bank is set in 23 acres of gardens and woodland at Wrotham. As well as a lake, there is even a flock of 32 grey-faced Dartmoor sheep in the grounds to keep down the grass. Small wonder, in this idyllic setting, that Dina Henry, the Regional Director for South-East and Kent at Duncan Lawrie Private Bank, talks about planting seeds and nurturing them for the future. “Forming lasting relationships with clients is one of the most important and rewarding aspects of my job. Many of them have been with the bank for more than a decade,” says Dina, who has been with Duncan Lawrie Private Bank for 30 years having worked her way up through the ranks. Dina says another feature that sets Duncan Lawrie Private Bank aside from the high street crowd is what some people might think of old-fashioned values. “We will always act with integrity and provide advice that we believe is right for our clients’ current needs and future financial objectives. And what’s more, you don’t need to go through hurdles to speak to us – there’s no call centre, we are at the end of the phone and contactable directly,” she says. Duncan Lawrie Private Bank was founded in 1971, and as well as banking offers a comprehensive range of investment, financial planning, tax and fiduciary services both in the UK and internationally. Its origins can be traced back to East India where in the nineteenth century Walter Duncan and Alexander Lawrie were involved in tea estates. Tea gardens, in this region, are still run today by the Camellia Group, of which Duncan Lawrie Private Bank is a subsidiary. Though it has not taken as big a hit as other areas of financial services, private banking has still felt the impact of the financial crisis. For Duncan Lawrie Private Bank this has only put a much greater focus on retaining, expanding and deepening client relationships. Dina continues: “Unlike other banks we do not receive commission for recommending specific investments, so our primary motivation is our clients’ long term prosperity. We also do not manufacture our own products or investment funds so instead have a dedicated financial planning research team to find the right opportunities for our clients’ best interests.” Duncan Lawrie Private Bank’s approach is certainly one founded on prudence and care – words you do not hear used too often these days with the big banks still struggling to re-establish both their balance sheets and, more important, their reputations in the wake of the economic crisis.