Swim at Larkfield Leisure Centre and Tonbridge Pool for FREE!


Swim at Larkfield Leisure Centre and Tonbridge Pool for FREE!
In-house magazine for New Line Learning Academies
November 08
NLL pupil
wins national
Karen Millen
speaks to Ozone
‘We Will Rock You’
comes to Cornwallis
Swim at Larkfield Leisure
Centre and Tonbridge
Pool for FREE!
freestuffjunction.co.uk – gives you
links to sites with free stuff/offers from
beauty to cinema tickets.
iwantoneofthose.com – purchase
computer memory sticks in the shape
of ccars like a VW Camper Van
dollydagger.co.uk – the latest must-haves
in clothes, shoes, handbags, accessories
and bits for home.
yearbookyourself.com – upload your
photo and find out what you looked like
decades ago.
ilovejeans.com - a huge denim world for
you to jeans.
As always, please feel free to offer ideas
for Ozone and if there are any budding
journalists out there who’d like to write
a youth-related feature, I’d love to hear
from you.
Check out these great websites,
gadgets and all things fun!
New to the magazine is a section called
‘Wicked Websites’ too giving you the lowdown on cool websites to access. Thanks
to pupil Bethany Tagg for this suggestion.
Wicked Websites!
After last month’s appeal, we have now
managed to secure a film critic, Sean Carr
and a music reviewer, Andy Wilson and their
reports will feature in next month’s edition.
8) How has success changed your life?
It has given me freedom to make choices
and get involved in other things such as
my charity work. It has also allowed me
to meet lots of interesting people.
9) What’s the best route into the
fashion industry?
Generally a course at college or
University, but I would also highly
recommend part-time work in a fashion
store, to learn the skills at shop floor
10) What vital skills do you need?
Creativity, a good eye, an understanding
of what works from a design idea and
the reality of it working in practice.
11) How did it feel to receive an OBE?
Pretty awesome. It’s a great privilege to
have been nominated for something I
have had immense satisfaction doing.
A fitting end to my fashion career.
12) Tell us about your two charities?
I have set up a course in fashion design
in Pietersmuritzburg, South Africa with
a charity called HopeHIV (helping
African AIDS orphans). The course began
in January 2008 and teaches 22 young
people skills in fashion. I work alongside
the University College of Creative Arts in
Rochester, where I was once a student.
My other charity is still in its infancy and
is called Teens Unite. This charity
provides support for teens 13-24
suffering life limiting illnesses. The aim
here is to provide much needed respite
homes for these young adults.
13) Describe your character in five
Perfectionist, hard worker, creative, shy,
level headed.
Yet again Ozone is jammed full of exciting
things to read about and there’s great
competitions to enter too on pages 8 and 9.
1) Where did you grow up?
I lived on a council estate in Maidstone.
We were an average working class family
of four children. Parents pretty cool,
easy going and very supportive.
2) Best memories of school?
Sports days, art lessons - care free days.
Not just at school but generally. My best
memories are of not worrying about
safety on the streets, the freedom we
seemed to have then, that appears to
have gone now.
3) Why is a solid education important?
It’s a big part of who we become, gives
us the tools to cope with life, learn about
other people and how we should work
4) How did you get your big break?
We got various breaks along the way,
each important at the different stages of
our growth. It was a very slow organic
growth, not an overnight success.
5) Did you always want to be a fashion
No, I wanted to paint and decorate and
be an interior designer.
6) What aspects have you enjoyed
Creating and watching my ideas come to
life. The joy of making people feel good
about themselves and the fact we have
given thousands of people jobs they
have truly enjoyed!
7) Who has inspired you?
I am inspired by many people,
particularly those who have become a
success from nothing. I can relate to
them and appreciate the effort and
determination it takes. I guess my expartner in the business (and private life),
Kevin Stanford, has always inspired me,
through his total passion and drive. He
also has a fantastic eye for detail.
for everyone
Fashion designer Karen Millen OBE has her
name splashed across more than 50 shops in
the UK and in Paris, Monaco, the Middle East
and Singapore. As well creating her fashion
empire, she’s also a mum of three and works
with two charities. We find out how she made
her mark in the glamorous world of fashion, her
memories of school and what makes her tick.
Karen Millen
in the spotlight
Moira Mitchell
News from Cornwallis Academy
We Will Rock You comes to Cornwallis,
allotment vegetables make it to academy
menu, students enjoy a religious conference
and primary pupils get a helping hand.
News from NLL Academy
NLL pupil scoops a national award, students
return from their China visit, teachers lose
their hair for Charlie Denyer and pupils
embark on a community project.
We take a peek at party fashion with the
Karen Millen Christmas Collection.
Leisure – Films & DVDs
The latest DVD releases get the once over,
win cinema tickets, check out Oliver’s Virtual
Space Class and read the review of the latest
James Bond movie.
Leisure – Games & Competitions
Win tickets for UKclubculture dance nights at
Liquid and a month’s worth of free swimming
at Larkfield Leisure Centre and Tonbridge
Pool. Check out the games too.
Local News & Events
Nominate someone for this year’s Youth
Sport Achievement Awards, find out what
Kent Youth County Council have been up to
and about a new project called Girlz ‘n’ Boyz.
Moira Mitchell
Editor 07894 423075
Email moira.mitchell@newlinelearning.com
Making headlines at Cornwallis Academy
Religious conference
at Loose Baptist Church
Building bridges with Boughton
Monchelsea Primary School
Written by Sarah Hills 12N
On 13 October Miss Noor designed
a project for Year 5 students at Boughton
Monchelsea Primary School to design and
build bridges in teams using art straws and
card connectors. These were then tested
to see which one held the most weight.
Mrs Rawlins, Sarah Hills and Emma
Endersby came along to assist and to help
raise awareness of Design and Technology in primary schools.
Students from Cornwallis spent two days at Loose Baptist
Church for the 6th Form Religious Education Conference.
This year students had a number of differing topics to cover from
Science and Religion with several sessions delivered by Ithemba,
a South African group who use drama, music and performace
to share their unique understanding of issues of faith.
Other topics were delivered by Paul Reynolds and Mark Pavey
of C.A.S.T. - a Christian organisation who work closely with
schools and give help and support to students across Kent.
Pupils had an excellent couple of days. Below are a selection
of quotes from those in attendance.
“I enjoyed taking part in the Ithemba group activities
because they were wicked!” - Phil Ogden
“I really enjoyed the whole experience and learnt a lot”
- Owen Thompson
“Ithemba was the highlight for me, although I enjoyed
taking part in all the activities and felt the conference
was worthwhile.” - Sophie Hollman (Deputy Head Girl)
“I thought the RE conference allowed us to discuss vital
debates and made Religion very interesting” - Dan Errey
Miss Noor wanted to teach the students in a fun way. Starting with
a power point slide show of famous bridges around the world, the
students then had the opportunity to design four different types of
bridges discussing the strengths and weaknesses of each bridge
they designed. They were then put into teams to create the best
and strongest bridge using the straws and card connectors.
When their time was up Miss Noor tested all of the bridges to see
which bridge held the most weight. The winning bridge held an
impressive 500g. They were awarded prizes and one of the
children described it to be the ‘best lesson ever’.
Football success
Year 10 Kent Cup Match V Hugh Christie:
2nd Round (14/10/08)
Once again the confidence was
flying after two good games and
the boys played great football.
Early on Cornwallis was all over
Hugh Christie then there was a
freak break from Hugh Christie’s
striker and a long distance strike
that bounced awkwardly over
Zach giving him no chance. 1-0
Hugh Christie.
Straight from the kick-off
Cornwallis tied the scores with
Mark Wildish bundling the ball over
the line to make it 1-1. The boys
controlled the game and with
fluent passing scored a second
from Charlie Smith then a third
came from a free kick by Zach
Foster Crouch from just outside our
18 yard area!! Yes the goalkeeper
put in so far down the pitch, the
keeper fumbled it into the net ...
I’m sure Zach will claim that one!
Zach kept us in front and made
some vital fingertip saves. However
Cornwallis was quick to break again
and again and the final goal came
from an excellent free kick by
Marcus Mann, which gave the
keeper no chance to save it.
Final score 4-1
Goal scorers - Charlie Smith, Marcus
Mann, Zach Foster Crouch, Mark wildish.
Man of the man - Zach Foster Crouch.
Allotment vegetables sampled in canteen
A group of ECO warriors and the History Club dug up vegetables they had
grown in the allotment and donated them to the school canteen so they
could be sampled by staff and students.
Pupils involved with the harvesting project were: Alex Laguen (Yr 9); Alex
Welton (Yr 8); Alice Waters (Yr 10); Yasmeena Goosani (Yr 10); Zoe Brown
(Yr 10) and Philip Jopson (Yr 12).
British Museum trip
Year 7 students and Year 12 assistants went on a school trip to the British
Museum in London.
Pupils from 7C managed to spend the afternoon interviewing Emperor
Hadrian via a video conference link and really had the great man thinking!
Museum staff were also extremely impressed by students’ questions
throughout the visit and are very keen to work with Cornwallis in the future.
…….and New Line Learning Academy
NLL pupil scoops national award
A pupil from NLL Academy
has received national
recognition for her
educational achievements
at the National Aimhigher
Awards, which took place
in London.
that inspired impromptu
applause from everyone in
the lecture hall.
The Rt Hon John Denham,
Secretary of State for
Innovation, Universities and
Skills presented Francesca
with her award, alongside
Hollyoaks’ actress and
Aimhigher Ambassador,
Claire Cooper, who plays
Fran with Cheryl Tompsett Jacqui Malota in the
and Claire Cooper.
15-year -old Francesca
Conelly beat off
competition from young
people from across the
country to win the Key
Stage 3 Aimhigher
Learner Award for her
contribution during a Summer School
at the University of Kent. She
participated in a wide range of events,
from listening to lectures (her
particular interest is English) and taking
advice on planning her future learning
and career, to learning circus skills,
going bowling and joining a Murder
Mystery night.
Throughout the week Fran was noted
for her creativity and consistent high
spirits. This was obvious in an English
lecture where students were
encouraged to create a poem based on
a picture. Fran called her piece ‘Child
Soldier’ and devised a moving poem
Cheryl Tompsett, a Lead Learning
Mentor from Aimhigher Kent and
Medway who nominated Francesca,
said: “I am really proud of Fran’s
achievements, her self esteem and
confidence has blossomed since
attending the summer school and
she deserves this Award.”
Francesca commented: “I am so
pleased to receive the Award. I
can’t wait to go to university now!”
There were over 130 entries to the
scheme this year, which celebrates
the most successful and innovative
Aimhigher work being undertaken
across the country.
Electric memories of visit to China
A group of eight students from NLL
have returned from a 10 day trip to
China where they learnt about the
country’s history, culture and language.
From the day they landed pupils
packed in as many activities as possible
and on day four had already stayed in
three wonderful hotels, climbed the
Great Wall of China, visited the Olympic
Stadium, watched a spectacular show
in the Water Cube, visited the
Forbidden City, taken a cable car to the
top of Mount Tai and landed in Jining
in the Province of Shandong.
From then on the adventure only got
better with the group treated to a
menu of Chinese activities including
Mandarin lessons, calligraphy, mask
painting, Chinese folk singing and Tai
Chi. Students also spent a session daily
during lessons communicating with
students and a number of friendships
were formed.
Vice Principal Sandra Carter said: “We
could not have asked for a warmer
welcome! Each day our boys and girls
came away with gifts, some made by
the Chinese students and some
brought from home.”
Hair-raising day at
NLL Academy!
Sutton braved
the pain of
having his legs
...while teacher
Luke Oung
went for the
Several brave male teachers from NLL Academy
endured the pain of having their legs waxed while
others had their heads shaved to raise money for
a good cause.
The teachers charged pupils
and staff a minimum fee of 50p
to watch them have their hair
removed during lunchtime
break (13 October).
All money raised will go towards
sending NLL pupil Charlie
Denyer to America to see his
favourite basketball team LA
Lakers play.
Charlie, who is 15, was
diagnosed with Ewing’s Sarcoma – a rare form of
cancer - in June this year and is currently having
intensive treatment to combat the disease. He will
also have a major operation the day before his
16th birthday on 3 November.
Other events organised by staff and pupils of the
academy to raise money for Charlie’s fund
include: Wine and Wisdom evening, staff donating
an hour’s wages, non-school uniform day, cheese
and wine afternoon, staff and pupil
netball/football matches, cycling from Maidstone
to Lands End on cycling machines, auction/raffle,
greeting card sale and dog show.
The group at Tiananmen Square.
Students then got to spend an
afternoon and evening, in pairs, with a
host family and despite some being a
little apprehensive at first, it turned out
to be the highlight of the visit for the
entire group.
Sandra adds: “The atmosphere in the
hotel corridor on their return was
electric! Everyone was desperate to
tell of their events to the rest of the
group and some were in tears at having
to leave a family that had welcomed
them into their homes so warmly.
Again, they had been given gifts but
none that would ever top the memories
that will stay with the students for the
rest of their lives.”
T Many thanks to Simon Clarke of Revolution Hair
in Maidstone who conducted the head shaving
plus Lisa and Rachel from La Femme L’Homme at
Sittingbourne who carried out the waxing. Both
companies gave their services for free.
Students embark on
community project
BTEC students studying land, countryside and
the environment will be venturing to Bearsted
Woodland Trust located at Church Landway on
the morning of 21 November to assist the
charity with tree planting.
In addition, the group of around 14 pupils will
plant their own tree with plaque, to
commemorate their hard work. More details in
the next edition of Ozone.
Rose Dress
Ruffled Dress
Metallic Court
Rose Clutch
glamour hits the
High Street
Pleated Fan Clutch
Sequin Ruffle
Edged Top
Sequin Trouser
For prices and more
examples of the
Christmas 2008
collection visit
Tuxedo Jacket
Pleated Fan Mini Skirt
Now Clutch
Frilled Peep
Top 5
this month
Horton Hears
A Who (U)
The Happening
The classic and beloved story
from Dr. Seuss comes to the
big screen in a new CG
animated feature motion
picture. Features the voice
of Jim Carrey.
A lightning-paced, heartpounding paranoid thriller
about a family on the run
from an inexplicable and
unstoppable event that
threatens humankind and
Baby Mama
The Mist (15)
A career-driven single
woman who wants a
baby hires her complete
opposite to be the
surrogate mother for
her child.
A chilling movie based
on the original short
story by author Stephen
King. Prepare to hide
behind the cushions
with this one!
Starring: Daniel Craig, Dame Judi Dench,
Olga Kurylenko, Gemma Arterton
Daniel Craig is back as James Bond in
‘Quantum of Solace’ and it’s safe to say
if you loved him in Casino Royale, you’re
going to love him in this.
From the moment the film starts it’s
action all the way – car chases, plenty of
fighting, shooting and battles in the air.
There are not as many Bond-like gadgets,
steamy romances, and the theme tune
‘Another Way To Die‘ by Jack White and
Alicia Keys is questionable but the
movie’s still great and definitely shows
the dark side of Bond.
Here’s the plot: Bond has made his latest
mission personal after the love of his life,
Vesper, betrayed him for a secret
organisation that he and M now need
to investigate.
Bond’s investigation takes him to Austria,
Italy and South America, where he
discovers an important player in the
secret organisation is planning to give
control of South America to associates
within the CIA and the British
Along the way Bond hooks up with the
beautiful but feisty Camille, a woman
with her own vendetta, who leads Bond
straight to the organisation to unravel
why the woman he loved betrayed him.
Virtual Space Class - The battle has started?
Iron Man (12)
Big screen adaptation of
Marvel's legendary Super
Hero Iron Man starring
Oscar nominee Robert
Downey Jr. as Iron Man.
Also stars Oscar winner
Gwyneth Paltrow.
Pick up these DVDs to rent or buy from:
Blockbuster, 96-98 Week Street,
Maidstone, Kent ME14 1RL
Tel: 01622 762894 www.blockbuster.co.uk
Film - Quantum Of Solace
Hi all! Oliver here. Today I’m discussing
online platforms. It now seems like Sony
and Microsoft want to battle each other
in these worlds.
On one side there’s a project that has
taken over 5 years. On the other, a new
interface with Wii-like characters. So
what’s better? A copy of both or a world
of magic? We shall find out on 19
November when both compa-nies launch
their products head to head.
Sony’s Home is a virtual-world interface
for PlayStation 3 where gamers can
meet, chat and share content with
friends inside a 3D universe. It has been
in the works for ages but everytime it’s
about to be launched, there seems to be
a delay, with the creator claiming they
want to get things just right.
Meanwhile, the New Xbox Experience, in
my view, is a copy of Wii with characters
made by the same artists. It’s the
ultimate destination for social gaming
and entertainment allowing gamers to
connect with their favorite people online
through their TV. Microsoft is also
planning to make controls for a Wii-like
Xbox 360, PS3, Nintendo Wii, Nintendo DS
By Luke Palmer, Senior Sales Assistant at Game in Maidstone
Title LittleBIGPlanet
Platform PS3
Title FIFA 09
Platform All formats
The latest addition to the FIFA series is 90% like
every other FIFA game - just football. But this time
there are some massive improvements all round
such as better ball control plus the footballers
move more, in comparison to previous versions.
The best thing FIFA has to offer is its multiplayer, where up to
seven players can play on the PS3 version. I find this a lot easier
compared to Pro Evolution, which for someone like me
who can’t play footie games, makes it
a lot more fun. 4/5
Possibly the biggest game for PS3 is out in full force with a
massive marketing campaign to make sure everyone knows it’s
out, but what is it about? The hero of the game is Sack Boy,
who can play and create in the LittleBIGPlanet. The first option
is story mode where you travel over the planet solving puzzles
and helping sack people out as you progress through the story unlocking bonus
items. Then there’s create mode where the only limit to the game is your
imagination. It takes quite a while to get into it with the tutorials, but once you have
done them, the game is limitless. One of the most fun games I have ever seen. 5/5
Party the
night away at Liquid!
GAME, 13 Week Street, Maidstone
ME14 1QW Tel: 01622 765009
One of Maidstone’s hottest nightclubs has 6 pairs of tickets
to give away for its December UK clubculture nights.
T Monday 15 December there’s the
School’s Out 4 Christmas party night.
T Monday 22 December it’s the biggest
Xmas Party ever.
T And on Monday 29 December there’s a massive
New Year’s Party.
All of these UK clubculture (UKCC) events offer
essential clubbing in an alcohol and smoking-free
environment for people aged 13 – 17 from 7pm to
These monster parties will have fantastic DJs,
special guests and the best music and dance
floor fillers around.
Games Review
Game Wii Fit
Platform Nintendo Wii Rom PS3
Reviewer Year 8 pupil Jake
Taylor from NLL
Wii Fit isn’t really a game but
more of a fitness programme.
When you first get it you will
have to download the miis that
you want from the Wii and then
put in your details. Then it
weighs you. When it tells you your
weight your mii will puff up to
make it look like your weight.
So if you’re fat so are your mii.
The Wii Fit training consists of four
So get yourself in the party mood and answer the
different types of training: aerobic,
following question correctly to win a pair
muscle workouts, yoga and balance.
of FREE tickets to one of these party nights.
As you progress through you will
QUESTION: What is the name of the
unlock new games for each exercise
event being held at Liquid
on Monday 15 December?
Closing date:
30 November 2008
Email your answer to:
You’re all winners!
Well done to the following
students who entered last
month’s competitions and won!
Ashleigh Golding, Alanna
Randall, Melanie Parkes,
Layla Richardson and Daniel
White all won two cinema
tickets each to see High School
Musical 3: Senior Year at the
Odeon, Maidstone.
Alanna Randall and Daniel
White also won tickets to the
November SNAP club night at
Maidstone Leisure Centre.
Congratulations to our winners
and everyone who entered the
** Competitions in Ozone are only open
to pupils of New Line Learning Academy
and Cornwallis Academy.
and everyday you have to do the body
test and balance test which will
determine what your Wii Fit age is. If it is
older than you, that means you are
weaker than you should be. If it is
younger than you are, it means you are
not what you should be. But if it’s bang
on your age, then you’re perfect as you
are and you should try to keep it that
way. The different exercises have lots of
different games. Balance games have
things like skiing table tilt while aerobic
has jogging and boxing and yoga and
muscle workouts just do stretches. This
game is well worth its money both for
fun and fitness.
Sensational Swimming!
Our fantastic pools
will keep you, your friends and
family thoroughly entertained
whatever the weather.
area, interactive water arch
and refreshment kiosk, it’s the
perfect way to enjoy swimming
From the revolutionary Space
Bowl, to waterslides, Lazy River
Rapids, waves and water
cannons, the pools at Larkfield
Leisure Centre have it all. As
well as exciting rides and
features, if you simply want to
get in shape, then the fitness
pool is ideal.
Both centres offer weekend
Splasharound sessions
featuring a giant inflatable
island and water toys galore –
you’re guaranteed a splashing
time! Larkfield Leisure Centre
run sessions on Saturday and
Sunday, Tonbridge Swimming
Pool on Saturday. Special
sessions take place during the
school holidays and the
inflatables can also be privately
hired for birthday parties. So
you can sample the fantastic
swimming pools at Larkfield
Leisure Centre (LLC) and
Tonbridge Swimming Pool
(TSP) for FREE Tonbridge and
Whether swimming for fun or
fitness Tonbridge Swimming
Pool offers a host of superb
opportunities. As well as the
indoor fitness and teaching
pools, the unique outdoor
heated pool opens for business
from April to October. With its
large relaxation zone, beach
Malling Borough Council has
come up with this fantastic
Answer the following question
correctly and email your
answer to moira.mitchell@new
linelearning.com and you could
win a swimming voucher giving
you and a friend unlimited
access to both centres for a
whole month for FREE. There
are two vouchers up for grabs
so get emailing fast!
QUESTION: What can be
privately hired for birthday
Closing date: 30 November 08
In addition, anyone who enters
the competition will receive a
£5 family swim voucher to use
at LLC or TSP.
What’s In The News
Do you know a sporting hero?
Maidstone Borough Council is urging
people to get their nominations in for
this year’s Youth Sport Achievement
The ceremony is to be held at
Maidstone Leisure Centre on Friday 30
January with individual and team
awards presented in two categories –
Junior, for 15 years and under, and
Senior, for 16-21 years.
There is also an award for Outstanding
Youth Service to Sport (for people
under 21), the KM Service to Youth
Sport (for those over 21) and
the Outstanding Personal
Achievement Award, for those
athletes that may have difficulties in
participating in their chosen sport. All
nominees will be eligible for a training
grant, sponsored by The Rotary Club of
the Weald of Kent.
So if you know a team or individual
who has made an impression in the
world of sport, you can nominate them
by emailing Sarah Shearsmith on
sarahshearsmith@maidstone.gov.uk or
visit www.digitalmaidstone.co.uk/sports.
Forms must be completed by 31
A touch of Italy
Linking young
people from
Ten young people from Kent
Youth County Council are to
take part in a youth exchange
with their counterparts in
Finland, Germany and Estonia.
Residents could soon be able to enjoy the
delights of a floating restaurant and a gondola
on the River Medway in Maidstone if the
borough council gives plans the go-ahead.
James Bailey, who operates Little Venice
Boats, also wants to operate a Peter Pan
It’s thought the venture could bring a new
vibrancy to the river and encourage more
tourism to the town.
What’s on Guide
13 November – 27 January – The Bentlif Art
Gallery Prize Exhibition – Maidstone Museum
– works from emerging artists in Maidstone,
Kent and the South East.
22-23 November – Festive Fair – Leeds Castle
– Stress free Christmas shopping. Stalls set up
in heated and carpeted marquees with gift
ideas, stocking fillers, festive food and drink.
23 November – Christmas Lights Switch-On
– Maidstone Town Centre – See this year’s
panto stars, check out stalls, fairground
attractions and street entertainment.
23/25/26 November – The Duchess – Trinity
Theatre – Tunbridge Wells – Screening of the
film starring Keira Knightly and Ralph Fiennes.
Performances at 8pm. www.trinitytheatre.net
29 November – 4 January - Jack and the
Beanstalk – Hazlitt Theatre – Maidstone - Jake
Hendriks, (Father Kieron Hobbs in Hollyoaks)
takes the lead in this year’s panto.
29 November - Christmas Fayre – The Friars –
Aylesford – stalls, gift shop, tea room, pottery.
Real reindeer, carol singers. Call 01622 717272.
They will spend time with their European friends discussing education and how
young people can make a difference. They’ll also learn about the similarities and
differences with political and education systems in other countries and discuss ways
of improving certain aspects.
Young people from the participating foreign countries will come to Kent next Easter.
Girlz ‘n’ Boyz
A new youth project for young
lesbian, gay, bisexual and
transgender (LGBT) people, or
those who are questioning their
sexuality is now up and running.
Girlz ‘n’Boyz currently operates
on a weekly basis in Tonbridge,
Tunbridge Wells, Sevenoaks and
surrounding areas.
Backed by the Youth Service and
Kent Police, the project provides
a safe and supportive social
environment where youngsters
can gain advice, information and
talk to someone confidentially.
The project also tackles issues
such as healthy eating and
organises trips and activities.
Contact Jane Sales on 07919
043945 or email her on
A similar group is launching in
the Ashford area. Contact Jim
Winter on 01233 636550 or
jim.winter@kent.gov.uk for details.
1 – 24 December – Christmas at the Castle –
Leeds Castle – Father Christmas in his grotto,
gift ideas, special evening openings with ballet
dancers and illuminated grounds. www.leedscastle.com
3 December - Comedy Night - The Hazlitt
Theatre – Maidstone - Headliner Jon
Richardson with up-and-coming comedy
talent. Doors open 7.30pm. Tickets £10 on the
door. www.hazlittartscentre.co.uk
6 – 7 December – Dickensian Christmas
Festival – Rochester – Street entertainment,
readings, songs and dance hailing from
Victorian times. Daily parades too. More details
01634 843666.
12 December – 4 January – Cinderella –
Central Theatre – Chatham. EastEnders star
Joe Swash stars in this year’s pantomime.
Book now on boxoffice@medway.gov.uk
12 December - SNAP Dance Night - Maidstone
Leisure Centre - from 7pm to 11pm. Tickets £5
available from school or Leisure Centre. Call
08451 552277.
13 December – 4 January – Aladdin – The
Assembly Hall - Tunbridge Wells - Starring
Anna Williamson presenter of GMTV's
Toonattik & Christopher Ellison (Len Harker in
EastEnders). 01892 530613.
15 December – Dick Whittington Pantomine –
Dickens World – Chatham – Adults £9, children
£5. Book tickets at www.dickensworld.co.uk
Designed & produced by AW Design - 07850 053544