Kane 9-17-15.indd - The Kane Republican
Kane 9-17-15.indd - The Kane Republican
Kane Republican Thursday September 17, 2015 Closer than yo u ever imagine d. the Vol. 121, No. 211 Local man sentenced for 'bath salts' deal By Ted Lutz Staff Writer SMETHPORT – A former Kane businessman has been sentenced to state prison for his role in a "bath salts" drug deal. James Patrick Perry, 52, will spend a minimum of about 16 1/2 months in state prison, according to the sentence handed down Wednesday by Senior Judge William Morgan of Warren. The sentence rendered in McKean County Court includes about 4 1/2 months for a violation of his 2011 probation in another case. The maximum prison term in both cases is about 5 1/2 years. Perry is receiving credit for 233 days of incarceration in the McKean County Jail since his arrest Jan. 27. Perry originally was charged with five counts, including three felonies. Last month he pleaded guilty to a felony charge of manufacture, delivery or possession with the intent to manufacture or deliver. In exchange for the guilty plea, the four other charges were dismissed. Without the plea deal, Morgan told Perry he would have "given you even longer time" in prison. "I just messed up," Perry told the judge prior to his sentencing. "I'm just lost. I'm sick; I don't have very good health." Referring to the defendant's past criminal record, Morgan told Perry that "you haven't learned any lessons." Morgan four years ago sentenced Perry to five years of probation in a case involving the theft of more than $20,000 in state lottery funds. Perry sold lottery tickets at his business in Kane. Photo by Ted Lutz County District Attor- James Perry, 52, a former Kane businessman, enters the McKean ney Ray Learn represented County Courthouse in Smethport for his sentencing Wednesday SEE DEAL ON PAGE 3 DJ Scottie KANE VFW Open to the public Cover & ID Required They also questioned why the firstterm governor would oppose the idea of speeding a shortterm shot of money to school districts, counties and nonprofit social services organizations that are searching for ways to scrape by without state aid during the 11-week standoff. Wolf, in response, called the GOP's budget measure a cynical and hypocritical attempt to make people believe Republican lawmakers are trying to help the same schools and social services agencies for which they cut funding in recent years. Wolf accused them of misrepresenting the status of closed-door negotiations by not telling reporters that he had made a fresh counter offer. "They're poking me in the eye again, that's exactly what this is about," Wolf told reporters during a news conference in his Capitol offices. "They want to see how far they can push me. They can't. ... This stopgap (plan) is a poke in the eye and I'm treating it as such. I'm going to veto it." He also said that the day had served as a "stark example of how broken Harrisburg is." Republicans said that, in any case, an agreement is weeks away and cash- SEE WOLF ON PAGE 5 INSports Kane Lady Wolves fall to Smethport Lady Hubbers 2-0. Page 6 ■ Lottery, Page 5. ■ Weather, Page 5. UPMC HAMOT WOMEN’S HO SPITAL! chp.edu/erie Only 4 properties with unpaid taxes sell at county sale Tennies said "there were a lot" in the courtroom SMETHPORT for the auction– Only four properstyle sale. "But they ties with delinquent weren't bidding," she taxes sold Monday added in discussing at the annual "Upset the sale Wednesday. Sale" conducted by Angelia The "Upset Sale" the McKean County Tennies is conducted once a Assessment Office. year. It is the first Angelia Tennies, chief sale at which properties assessor for the county, with delinquent taxes are conducted the sale in the offered for sale to the highMcKean County Court- est bidder. house in an effort to collect Because properties listfor a "bath salts" drug deal. Julia Brechtel (background), a deputy unpaid taxes for the past with the McKean County Sheriff's Department, is the escort for the SEE TAXES ON PAGE 5 two years. defendant. Wolf, GOP spar; governor vows veto of stopgap spending bill HARRISBURG (AP) — Gov. Tom Wolf and top Republican senators sparred in the Capitol on Wednesday, as talks aimed at breaking a budget stalemate dragged on and the Tom Democratic governor Wolf vowed to veto a shortterm spending package that the GOP began advancing. Leaders of the Legislature's Republican majorities bristled at what they called Wolf's rejection of their month-old offer to break the stalemate and his continued insistence on a multibillion-dollar tax increase. NOW OPEN AT 50 cents By Ted Lutz Staff Writer End of season for lilies Photo by Ted Lutz Betty Mader of Kane discards backyard lilies at the brush dump at Glenwood Park on Hacker Street. It's the end of the season for most flowers. Mader said she is grateful the borough offers a site for the disposal of brush and dead flowers. "I'm glad they have it," she said. No garbage or trash is permitted at the gated site at the rear of the park. Trump takes command of GOP debate, rivals seek breakthrough SIMI VALLEY, Calif. (AP) — Along with the back-and-forth bickering over Donald Trump, the Republican primary took a substantive and serious turn in Wednesday's prime-time debate, with candidates wrangling over Russia, Iran, immigration and gay marriage. The policy focus marked a shift for a campaign that has so far revolved around the rise of Trump. The brash billionaire was still a target for the 10 other candidates joining him on stage, but the heavier policy focus had the effect of temporarily sidelining Trump after the debate's opening moments. For most of the participants, the shift appeared to come as a welcome relief. The policy debates still exposed rifts within the Republican Party, particu- larly the split between political outsiders and candidates with long resumes in Washington and governor's mansions. Trump and Carly Fiorina, the former Hewlett-Packard executive and only woman in the GOP field, emphasized how their business backgrounds would help them negotiate with difficult world leaders, including Russia's president. "Vladimir Putin would get the message," said Fiorina, who was joining the main debate for the first time after a strong performance in an undercard event last month. Trump, who has capitalized on his outsider appeal, said the three senators in the field — Marco Rubio, Rand Paul and Ted Cruz — bore some responsibility for the unabated violence in Syria. He said as president, he would have gone in with "tremendous force" when the Syrian regime used chemical weapons. On Iran, the candidates were split on whether they would tear up President Barack Obama's nuclear accord with Iran if elected. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and Ohio Gov. John Kasich took a measured approach, saying ripping up a deal agreed to not only by the U.S. but also several allies was not a strategy for stopping Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon. In an exchange on gay marriage and religious liberty, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee argued forcefully for the right of Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis to defy the Supreme Court's decision legalizing gay marriage. "I thought that everyone here passed ninth grade civics. The courts can't legislate," he said. "I thought we had three branches of government." Huckabee declined to criticize Bush for saying Davis did not have the right to deny gays marriage licenses. Bush said he supports defending the rights of religious people to refuse to endorse gay marriage, but he said someone else in Davis' office should sign the certificates since the Supreme Court ruling is the law of the land. "I think there needs to be accommodation for someone acting on their faith," he said. Even as Trump faded somewhat in the policy discussions, he was hardly invisible in the debate. He praised himself while deriding and scoring his rivals in the opening minutes of the debate at the Regan Presidential Library in southern California. 2 The Kane Republican Thursday, September 17, 2015 HEALTH beat 6 questions to ask your child’s pediatrician (BPT) - Most parents bring their children to the doctor when they’re sick, but now is a great opportunity to be proactive and schedule a wellness checkup. This allows you and your doctor to take a broader look at a child’s overall health and well-being to ensure he or she is developing properly. “Wellness checkups provide more time for parents to ask questions,” says St. George’s University alum Dr. Susan Dulkerian, Chair of Pediatrics at Mercy Medical Center in Baltimore. “Rather than waiting until your child is sick or an issue arises, a wellness checkup is an opportunity to take pre- ventive measures, maintain a healthy lifestyle and keep your peace of mind.” Dr. Dulkerian suggests that every parent should ask the following questions during a wellness checkup. Are my child’s immunizations up to date? Your child’s school may require certain immunizations prior to the first day of class. Work with your doctor to ensure your child is protected from disease, even if the school year has already started. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides immunization recommendations and schedules for children, teens and adults. Is my child at a healthy weight for his or her height and age? Childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents in the past 30 years, according to the CDC. A wellness checkup provides the perfect opportunity to ask your doctor about BMI measurement and many other concerns. Your doctor will also be able to suggest prevention ideas and healthy-lifestyle habits for kids. How much sleep should my child get? Sleep is a fundamental element of anyone’s health and is particularly impor- tant for kids whose bodies are still growing. Ask your doctor about proper sleep amounts for your child’s age. For example, children aged 6-13 need 9-11 hours of sleep while 3-5-year-olds typically need 11-13 hours. Is my child developing normally and meeting milestones? While every child is unique, each should reach certain mental and physical developmental milestones around similar times from birth to 18 years and beyond. Ask your doctor if he or she has any concerns and which milestones you should expect for your child’s age. How can my child handle anxiety and other mental-health concerns? Your child’s annual checkup isn’t just for checking physical health-it’s the ideal time to bring up any additional areas of concern where your child may be struggling. For example, is your child experiencing anxiety about starting a new school year? Having trouble dealing with body changes during puberty? Is he or she struggling academically? Your physician is a great resource who can help your child work through these issues and recommend a specialist if need be. What do you recommend if my child is being bullied? Over 3.2 million students are victims of bullying each year. Bullying is a hot topic and many kids keep issues like this to themselves. Parents can be advocates by asking doctors how issues should be handled properly. “Make a list of your top concerns and present them to your doctor at the beginning of the visit to ensure you get all the information you need,” advises Dr. Dulkerian. “Talk with anyone who may care for your child, such as a daycare provider or grandparent, for further input before your child’s checkup appointment.” Health consequences of hard water (BPT) - When you look at the cities that attract the most new citizens, particularly those in the senior age brackets, Phoenix and Tucson are usually up near the top of the lists. With sunny days, warm temperatures and golf courses galore both have stunning outdoor environments to be enjoyed throughout the year. Unfortunately, both Phoenix and Tucson are among the top 10 U.S. cities facing water problems. As residents are well aware, the water they use on a daily basis is laden with minerals from the Colorado River. The water hardness figures regularly posted in the City of Phoenix Water Quality Annual Report vary between 170 and 292 parts per million (ppm), placing it well into the very hard water zone. Perhaps the greatest concern is on the role of hard water on the condition of the skin - our original body armor - the largest organ of the body and the one responsible for protecting us from all environmental challenges. The combination of soap and hard water has long been known to result in dermatitis. The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases warns that the skin of people with dermatitis lacks infection-fighting proteins, making them susceptible to skin infections caused by bacteria, viruses and all forms of mold, conditions leading to further serious complications. “Hard water contains minerals such as calcium, magnesium and iron, which can dry and harden on the skin,” says Barbara R. Reed, MD, clinical professor of dermatology at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Denver. “Minerals drying on the skin can clog pores and cause flaking and itching.” But the problems with hard water extend way beyond that. The health effects of hard water are mainly due to the effects of the high levels of calcium and magnesium. More than ¾ of kidney stones are generally composed of calcium. Environmental and nutritional factors that cause kidney stones include dehydration, a diet rich in animal proteins and calcium. Studies show that softened water is preferable to hard water, since it is associated with a lower risk for recurrence of kidney stones. Fortunately, a salt- Cardiovascular Operating Rooms based water softener is the most functional and cost effective means of removing hardness minerals. It is a time-tested, highly reliable tool to improve health and to lower maintenance costs for home appliances like dishwashers and washing machine. It also reduces the need for detergents and high water temperatures, leading to a smaller household carbon footprint. Although leading an active outdoor life in a beauti- SIGNS OF ADULT HEARING LOSS Because hearing loss in adults can develop gradually over several years, most people are not aware of the extent of their loss until family or friends bring it to their attention. Knowing the risk factors and recognizing the symptoms of hearing loss in yourself or someone you know is the ¿rst step to improving the situation. The following conditions are risk factors for hearing loss and should be evaluated. • Trouble understanding people • Dizziness or balance problem • Tinnitus or ringing in the ears • Muffed or plugged ears • Ear trauma or head trauma • Certain ototoxic drugs • Family history of hearin loss Richard W. Foust, Au.D. 102 N. 2nd St. Clear¿eld, PA 16830 814-765-8284 or 1-888-830-8284 20 N. 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Wine, Music, Food, Vendors/Crafters $//: ,1(' 2 :16 12& ,'5( 29(5 48,5( ' >LI7HNL!^^^ÅPJRLY^VVKJVT,4HPS!PUMV'ÅPJRLY^VVKJVT -SPJRLY^VVK9VHK2HUL7( • PRIMITIVES • CANDLES • TARTS • • COUNTRY FURNITURE • Flickerwood Wine Cellars & Lounge mittee, called the program a failure, outlined his vision of a U.S. strategy to fight IS and suggested that more American servicemen and women might eventually be needed. "We need to help establish safe zones inside Syria where refugees and displaced people can be secure," McCain said. "We need forward air controllers to add precision and lethality to our air campaign. ... While no one believes that we need to invade Iraq or Syria, the fact is that we will likely need additional U.S. special forces and military advisers to be successful." Austin said he would not recommend a buffer zone at this time. Christine Wormuth, undersecretary of defense for policy, told senators that the U.S. was looking at how to speed up the recruiting and screening processes. It has taken months to identify and screen Syrian rebels, and many who are willing to fight are under 18 or have medical issues. "While not 10 feet tall, ISIL remains a thinking enemy that adapts to evolving conditions on the battlefield," Wormuth said. "In Iraq the pace of our program has moved more slowly than we'd like, and in Syria, the stringent vetting criteria we're using at the outset of the program has contributed to smaller numbers than we'd hoped for." WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration is weighing an offer from Russia to have military-tomilitary talks and meetings on the situation in Syria amid increasing U.S. concern and uncertainty about Russia's military buildup there, Secretary of State John Kerry said Wednesday. Kerry said Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov had proposed the consultation in a phone call on Tuesday and that the White House, Pentagon and State Department were considering it. Kerry suggested that he favored such an idea, noting that the United States wants a clear picture of what Russia's intentions are in Syria following a recent military buildup there. Lavrov proposed a "military-to-military conversation and meeting in order to discuss the issue of precisely what will be done to deconflict with respect to any potential risks that might be run and have a complete and clear understanding as to the road ahead and what the intentions are," Kerry told reporters at a joint State Department news conference with South Africa's foreign minister. "You have a conversation in order to do that," Kerry said. "It is vital to avoid misunderstandings, miscalculations (and) not to put ourselves in a predicament where we are supposing something and the supposition is wrong." White House spokesman Josh Earnest, without commenting on specific consultations, said the Obama Home Spun T reasures Country Gift Store 305 N. Fraley 814-771-5440 Opening Sat. Sept. 19th Hours: Mon-Sat 10am-5pm • PERSONALIZED SIGNS • administration "would welcome constructive Russian support for the efforts of the anti-ISIL coalition in Iraq and in Syria." Kerry said Lavrov had told him that Russia was only interested in confronting the threat posed by the Islamic State group in Syria. But Kerry stressed it remained unclear if that position would change and Russia would mount a defense of Syrian President Bashar Assad who the U.S. believes must leave power. "Obviously, there a questions about that," he said. "I am not taking that at face value." However, he added that if Russia is only focused on the Islamic State group then it remains a potential partner in pushing for a political transition in Syria. "If Russia is only focused only on ISIL and if there is a capacity for cooperation ... there still is a way to get a political negotiation and outcome," he said. Kerry also said he had spoken on Wednesday with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who office announced earlier that he would visit Moscow next week to discuss Syria with Russian President Vladimir Putin. His comment come as Russia's military buildup in Syria has perplexed the Obama administration and left it in a quandary as to how to respond. In his call with Lavrov on Tuesday, his third in 10 days, Kerry said he sought clarity about Moscow's moves and warned that Russian support for Assad "risks exacerbating and extending the conflict." THINKING CARPET CLEANING? Think Super Shine Carpet & Tile Cleaners! THINKING CARPET CLEANING? su do ku Here’s How It Works: ^ƵĚŽŬƵ ƉƵnjnjůĞƐ ĂƌĞ ĨŽƌŵĂƩĞĚ ĂƐ Ă 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers ϭƚŚƌŽƵŐŚϵŵƵƐƚĮůůĞĂĐŚƌŽǁ͕ĐŽůƵŵŶ ĂŶĚďŽdž͘ĂĐŚŶƵŵďĞƌĐĂŶĂƉƉĞĂƌŽŶůLJ ŽŶĐĞ ŝŶ ĞĂĐŚ ƌŽǁ͕ ĐŽůƵŵŶ ĂŶĚ ďŽdž͘ zŽƵ ĐĂŶ ĮŐƵƌĞ ŽƵƚ ƚŚĞ ŽƌĚĞƌ ŝŶ ǁŚŝĐŚ ƚŚĞ ŶƵŵďĞƌƐ ǁŝůů ĂƉƉĞĂƌ ďLJ ƵƐŝŶŐ ƚŚĞ ŶƵŵĞƌŝĐ ĐůƵĞƐ ĂůƌĞĂĚLJ ƉƌŽǀŝĚĞĚ ŝŶ ƚŚĞ ďŽdžĞƐ͘ dŚĞ ŵŽƌĞ ŶƵŵďĞƌƐ LJŽƵ ŶĂŵĞ͕ the easier it gets to solve the puzzle! BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIAL 5RRPV 5RRPV 6WHDP&OHDQHG SUPER SHINE CARPET & TILE CLEANERS +RXU(PHUJHQF\6HUYLFH %DVHGRQ6T)W 772-5235 FIRE & WATER RESTORATION THINKING CARPET CLEANING? Think Super Shine Carpet & Tile Cleaners! THINKING CARPET CLEANING? Think Super Shine Carpet & Tile Cleaners! THINKING CARPET CLEANING? Think Super Shine Carpet & Tile Cleaners! it weren't so, but that's the fact." Austin told committee members that the U.S. was looking at better ways to deploy the Syrian forces, but he admitted the U.S. was not even close to reaching its goal of training 5,000-plus in the near term. He predicted it would take years to defeat IS and to restore stability in Iraq and Syria. "OK. So we're counting on our fingers and toes at this point when we had envisioned 5,400 by the end of the year," lamented Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo. Austin maintained the operation was making progress and said the military had always insisted the campaign would take time. The Pentagon also made it clear that U.S. military troops have done no training in Syria. Instead, U.S. special operations forces work with Syrian troops outside the country, including across the border in Iraq. "We should expect that there will be occasional setbacks along the way, particularly in the early stages," he said. "And our partners, not us, are in the lead. It is taking a bit longer to get things done, but it must be this way if we are to achieve lasting and positive effects." White House press secretary Josh Earnest said it's easy for critics to "play Monday morning quarterback" on the training program's slow progress. He said the president believed the training program could be a chance to expand the number of Syrian fighters who could cooperate with the U.S., but "thus far, that's not been the result." He said the Pentagon was working to make changes to get a better result. Sen. John McCain, RAriz., chairman of the com- Kerry: U.S. weighs Russia offer of military talks on Syria BERRY SWAGS • FALL GOODIES • WASHINGTON (AP) — No more than five U.S.trained Syrian rebels are fighting the Islamic State, astoundingly short of the envisioned 5,000, the top U.S. commander in the Middle East told angry lawmakers on Wednesday. They branded the training program "a total failure." After the first 54 fighters were sent in to fight in July, a Syrian affiliate of alQaida attacked the group, killing several and taking others hostage while many fled. Asked how many remain, Gen. Lloyd Austin told the Senate Armed Services Committee, "It's a small number. ... We're talking four or five." Congress has approved $500 million to train Syrian fighters, and officials have said fewer than 200 are going through training now. One of the problems has been that many Syrian fighters want training and equipment to fight the government forces of President Bashar Assad, but the U.S. program is limited to rebels who agree to only battle the militants. The stunning admission from Austin came as defense officials scrambled separately to respond to allegations that they skewed intelligence assessments to give a rosier picture of conditions on the battlefield. The Obama administration was already struggling to defend its military strategy to "destroy and degrade" the terrorist group with an air campaign and programs to train, assist and equip local forces. Lawmakers and Republican presidential candidates have assailed the administration, contending that it has had limited or no success in fighting the militants. "We have to acknowledge this is a total failure," Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., said about the training. "I wish case. Myers took part in the investigation along with another McKean County detective-- Scott Nelson of Kane. Jill Cleer, 56, who lived at the Westwind Road residence with Perry, and Roger Akins, 30, of Kane, also were charged in the "bath salts" deal. Akins was sentenced last month to serve nine to 23 1/2 months in county jail for criminal use of a communication facility and six months probation for possession of a controlled substance. He could reduce his jail term through community service. Cleer was sentenced last month to probation in this case. She pleaded guilty in June to possession of a controlled substance and drug paraphernalia. She told McKean County Judge John Pavlock that she "made the call" to law enforcement officials about the "bath salts" deal involving Perry. Morgan previously directed Perry to have "no contact" with the co-defendants-- Cleer and Akins. In court Wednesday, Perry claimed he has "an ongoing relationship" with Cleer and wishes to "interact with her." Cleer was not present in the courtroom. the package was sent to a chemist, who identified the contents as "bath salts." Myers testified that his office then made plans for a "controlled delivery" of 390 grams of "bath salts" at the Perry residence on Westwind Road in Wetmore Township. Myers said the "street value" of this delivery is estimated at between $78,000 and $80,000. Myers testified that "bath salts is a significant problem" in the region. He said the "epidemic" is "moving this way." Posing as a FedEx delivery driver, a State Police trooper delivered the "bath salts" package in a FedEx box. According to court documents, "the defendant (Perry) admitted to knowing that the package was to be delivered to his residence and admitted to knowing that the package contained bath salts." Myers said a search warrant was obtained from the McKean County Court to seek items in the Perry residence. The Customs and Border Protection Office of Air and Marines provided a surveillance helicopter at the scene of the arrest. County Detective Ryan Yingling of Smethport placed the charges in the THINKING CARPET CLEANING? Think Super Shine Carpet & Tile Cleaners! THINKING CARPET CLEANING? Think Super Shine Carpet & Tile Cleaners! THINKING CARPET CLEANING? Think Super Shine Carpet & Tile Cleaners! Photo courtesy Kane Historic Preservation Society This week's Throwback Thursday picture features members of the Kane Fish and Game Club. Jack Bell, left, and Tom Jones are pictured taking fish from the hatchery that was located about a mile south of East Kane to stock local streams. Those standing are, unknown youth, Rob Jones, unknown youth, Henry Bergmark, Tom Warner, unknown man in white hat, Carl Bergman and Wilbur Williams, who was the local fish warden at the time. The hatchery was destroyed when the new Route 321 South was built in the early 1970s. Anyone who can identify the two youths in the picture or the gentleman in the white hat is asked to contact The Kane Republican or Wendy Oakes of the Kane Historic Preservation Society, who provided the photo. the prosecution at sentencing Wednesday. DuBois attorney Patrick Lavelle represented Perry. Lavelle told the judge the "bath salts" case has created "a difficult situation for Mr. Perry and his family." According to court documents, Perry provided an Emporium woman with $1,300 in cash to buy a kilo (1,000 grams) of a "designer drug" known as "bath salts" from China. Perry claimed he could sell the "bath salts" at $200 per gram or a total of $200,000, court records show. Fred Myers, a narcotics agent with the state Attorney General's office in Erie, outlined the "bath salts" case against Perry in testimony at a hearing earlier this year in Kane District Court. Myers testified that Perry in early January provided the Emporium woman with $1,300 in cash to buy a kilo of "bath salts" from China. Myers testified that a kilo is a "large quantity" of "bath salts." Myers said his office contacted the federal Customs and Border Protection office to "seize" the incoming package of "bath salts" aboard a flight landing at the JFK Airport in New York. He said a portion of THINKING CARPET CLEANING? Think Super Shine Carpet & Tile Cleaners! THINKING CARPET CLEANING? 4- The Kane Republican Thursday, September 17, 2015 O PINION Letters & Guest Commentary Life Expectancy and Your Social Security According to a recent report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, life expectancy in the United States is the longest ever, approaching 79 years. This was highlighted in the recent Time cover story, “This Baby Could Live to Be 142 Years Old.” With very few exceptions—such as the flu pandemic of 1918, which caused the life expectancy to temporarily plummet by a dozen years—our life expectancy has continued with a positive trend line throughout our nation’s history. During my lifetime, life expectancy has increased from 70 to almost 79. In 1960, when life expectancy was 70, full retirement age for Social Security was 65. Therefore, on average, it was necessary for Social Security benefits to be able to fund five years of retirement. Now, as life expectancy approaches 79, full retirement age has increased to 67. Hence, on average, it will now be necessary for Social Security benefits to fund 12 years of retirement. Social Security has been labeled the “third rail of American politics.” This label, going back to (at least) the Reagan era, predicts that politicians who are so bold as to propose changes in these benefits are committing political suicide. The increase in retirement age (that continues to grow from age 65 to age 67) was enacted in 1983 and signed into law by President Reagan. His landslide reelection in the following year suggests that changes to Social Security might not be as suicidal as the phrase suggests. When I talk with college students and emerging adults, they often suggest that they do not expect to realize any Social Security benefits. They expect the system to implode long before they retire. This is unacceptable. It would be extremely selfish of our generation to bankrupt this system without finding some long-term solution. Apart from the Social Security angle, the reality is that over the last decade, pension and retirement benefits have collapsed or have been drastically cut for many Americans. Those who carefully planned and managed their expected retirement position often had to make life-changing adjustments in order to regain that position. According to recent reports, however, many Americans have simply ceased to plan and save for retirement. It is unreasonable to expect our youth to fund 12 years of retirement. It is time to revisit this issue and undergo serious bipartisan work to make it better. The longer life expectancy must be considered as we plan for the future stability of retirement benefits—the future financial stability of our children and grandchildren. – Dr. Gary L. Welton is assistant dean for institutional assessment, professor of psychology at Grove City College, and a contributor to The Center for Vision & Values. He is a recipient of a major research grant from the Templeton Foundation to investigate positive youth development. Contact Your Legislators Pennsylvania State Senator Honorable Joe Scarnati Harrisburg Office: 717–787–7084 Fax: 717–772–2755 Senate Box 203025 Main Capitol Harrisburg, Pa. 17120 Kane Office: 814–837-1026 Wellsboro Office: 570–724–5231 e–mail: jscarnati@pasen.gov Pennsylvania General Assembly Matt Gabler Elk/Clearfield Counties St. Marys Office: 814–781–6301 Fax: 814–781–7213 DuBois Office: 814–375–4688 (Clearfield County) Martin Causer Warren/Forest/McKean Counties Warren Office: 814–723–5203 Kane Office: 814–837–0880 Harrisburg Office: 717–787–1367 Room 161, East Wing P.O. Box 202065, Harrisburg, Pa., 17120–2065 Letters to the Editor The Kane Republican welcomes letters to the editor. Letters can be sent by mail to The Kane Republican, 200 N. Fraley St., Kane, Pa., 16735. Letters can be no longer than 500 words. We reserve the right to edit letters. All letters must include a name, daytime phone number and must be signed. Make your opinion known. The Kane Republican 200 N. Fraley St., Kane, Pa., 16735 Website: www.kanerepublican.com Publisher: Harlan J. Beagley E-mail: hbeagley@zitomedia.net Cell: 509-770-6598 Office: 814-781-1596 Managing Editor: Joseph Bell E-mail: editor3@zitomedia.net Phone: 814-837-6000 Fax: 814-837-2227 E-mail: krnews1@zitomedia.net Published every morning except Sunday, New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, July 4, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Single copy price 50 cents. By carrier or mail in county: 1 month $12.50, 3 months $36.75, 6 months $70.00, 1 year $134.75. By motor route delivery: 1 month $12.50, 3 months $37.00, 6 months $73.00, 1 year $139.00, Out of county mail delivery: 1 month $16.00. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Kane Republican, 200 N. Fraley St., Kane, Pa. 16735. Complete information on advertising and advertising rates furnished at The Kane Republican business office. Advertisers must notify the management immediately when errors appear. The publisher reserves the right to reject, edit or cancel any advertising at any time without liability. Publisher’s liability for error is limited to the amount paid for advertising. Guest Commentary Don't Just Fire Officer James Frascatore; Arrest Him New York City Police Officer James Frascatore has given new meaning to the Grand Slam of tennis. Last week, he violently assaulted retired tennis champion James Blake in front of the Grand Hyatt Hotel, tackling Blake as he was waiting for a ride to watch the U.S. Open. Blake, a 35-year-old AfricanAmerican, was formerly the top men's tennis player in the United States, was fourth in the world and has scores of trophies from around the globe. Blake didn't know what hit him. If the New York Police Department had taken previous charges against Frascatore seriously, Blake would have never been attacked. Frascatore is white and has been with the NYPD for four years, and in that short time has provoked multiple lawsuits alleging police brutality and excessive force, as well as numerous complaints to the police oversight Civilian Complaint Review Board. So, while James Blake has long excelled on the court, James Frascatore excels at being sued in court. Frascatore has a clear pattern of racist violence against innocent citizens. It is only because he assaulted a man of means, a celebrity, captured on video, that his conduct is under scrutiny. Both Police Commissioner William Bratton and Mayor Bill de Blasio have called Blake and apologized. Warren Diggs is still waiting for his calls of apology from the two men. On Jan. 13, 2013, he was riding his bicycle home in the neighborhood of Jamaica, Queens. As he reached his driveway, he told us, speaking on the "Democracy Now!" news hour: "I go down the driveway, and on the way down, I hear somebody yell to me, 'Stop! Where are you going? Where are you going?' So, I'm not sure if it's for me, because, you know, there's no reason for it, but there's nobody else outside at this time." He went on: "Officer Frascatore, two other officers come running down the driveway. 'Where you going? Where you going?' I said, 'I'm going home. What's the problem?' They said, 'What's your name? Do you have any ID?' I said, 'My name is Warren. Yes, I have ID, but I don't have it on me. It's inside.'" Diggs slowly pulled the keys from his pocket and unlocked the two doors to his home. "As soon as my second foot reaches the landing, Frascatore grabs me, tries to pull me out and just spins me around," he continued. "I asked him, like, 'What's the problem?' The other officer grabs my other arm, and they both yank me out into the driveway. So I'm saying, 'What is the problem? What is this about?' Frascatore punches me in the side of the head. The officer that was behind me, he grabs me around Today is Thursday, September 17, the 260th day of 2015. There are 105 days left in the year. Today's Highlight in History: On September 17, 1787, the Constitution of the United States was completed and signed by a majority of delegates attending the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia. On this date: In 1862, more than 3,600 men were killed in the Civil War Battle of Antietam (anTEE'-tum) in Maryland. In 1937, the likeness of President Abraham Lincoln's head was dedicated at Mount Rushmore. In 1939, the Soviet Union invaded Poland during World War II, more than two weeks after Nazi Germany had launched its assault. In 1944, during World War II, Allied paratroopers launched Operation Market Garden, landing behind German lines in the Netherlands. (After initial success, the Allies were beaten back by the Germans.) In 1955, Tennessee Ernie Ford recorded "Sixteen Tons" by Merle Travis for Capitol Records in Hollywood. In 1964, the James Bond movie "Goldfinger," starring Sean Connery, premiered in London. The fantasy sitcom "Bewitched," starring Elizabeth Montgomery, debuted on ABC- TV. In 1971, citing health reasons, Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black, 85, retired. (Black, who was succeeded by Lewis F. Powell Jr., died eight days after making his announcement.) In 1984, Progressive Conservative leader Brian Mulroney (muhl-ROO'nee) took office as Canada's 18th prime minister. In 1994, Heather Whitestone of Alabama was crowned the first deaf Miss America. In 2011, a demonstration calling itself Occupy Wall Street began in New York, prompting similar protests around the U.S. and the world. Ten years ago: Two passengers were killed, more than 100 people hurt when a Chicago Metra commuter train derailed while changing tracks at high speed. Insurgents assassinated a Kurdish member of parliament, his brother and their driver in an ambush north of Baghdad. Five years ago: Thousands of cheering Catholic schoolchildren feted Pope Benedict XVI on his second day in Britain, offering a boisterous welcome, as the pontiff urged their teachers to make sure to provide a trusting, safe environment. A scientist and his wife who once worked at a top-secret U.S. nuclear laboratory were arrested after my waist, picks me up, he slams me on the ground." It was dark, and no one was around to witness the beating. Warren Diggs choked up with emotion as he continued to recount his ordeal: "Frascatore drops down on me. The guy behind me hits me in my back. I'm getting hit all in my side. I see two other cops come down the ramp. And I'm getting hit, I'm getting hit. I'm asking, what are they doing, what are they doing? Nobody's saying anything to me, so I start screaming for my girlfriend to come outside. I'm calling her, calling her, calling her, and she doesn't respond. So I just start screaming, 'Help! Help! Help! Help!' over and over again, louder and louder, as loud as I could." "A hand appears in front of me," he went on. "I get maced in my forehead. I close my eyes, and I'm getting hit and getting hit. I hear again, 'Mace him again. Mace him again.' I get maced a second time. I'm still getting hit." Nafeesah Hines, Diggs' girlfriend, came outside, at which time Diggs said the beating stopped. She took his bicycle inside as the police led Diggs to the squad car. Hines made an audio recording of what followed, capturing a chilling exchange as police forced their way into her house and arrested her, as well, for "tampering with evidence." That's right: since the police accused Diggs of riding on the sidewalk, the bike was evidence. Diggs didn't know that his girlfriend had been arrested until he saw her later, at the station, handcuffed to a bench in her nightgown. In the station, Diggs was subjected to racial slurs. They said he looked like an animal, and lived in the jungle. Diggs had been so badly beaten and maced, a medic asked that he be released into her custody, but the police refused. Ultimately, all charges against Diggs and Hines were dropped. Diggs filed a federal lawsuit against Officers James Frascatore, Timothy Costello, Alex Lombardozzi, Jared Hospedales and others present whose names are not yet known. But these are just civil charges. The NYPD and Mayor de Blasio must take swift action. James Blake and others have called for his assailant to be fired. But Frascatore and his co-conspirators should be arrested. They are a threat to public safety. – Amy Goodman is the host of "Democracy Now!," a daily international TV/ radio news hour airing on more than 1,300 stations. She is the co-author, with Denis Moynihan, of "The Silenced Majority," a New York Times best-seller. (c) 2015 Amy Goodman and Denis Moynihan; Distributed by King Features Syndicate Today in History an FBI sting operation and charged with conspiring to help develop a nuclear weapon for Venezuela. (After pleading guilty, Pedro Leonardo Mascheroni was sentenced to five years in federal prison while his wife, Marjorie Roxby Mascheroni, received a year and a day; the U.S. government has never alleged that Venezuela or anyone actually working for it had sought U.S. secrets.) One year ago: The Republican-controlled House voted grudgingly to give the administration authority to train and arm Syrian rebels as President Barack Obama emphasized anew that American forces "do not and will not have a combat mission" in the struggle against Islamic State militants in either Iraq or Syria. George Hamilton IV, 77, a Grand Ole Opry member who was one of country music's first international ambassadors, died in Nashville. Today's Birthdays: Actor David Huddleston is 85. Sen. Charles E. Grassley, R-Iowa, is 82. Retired Supreme Court Justice David H. Souter is 76. Singer LaMonte McLemore (The Fifth Dimension) is 80. Retired Marine Gen. Anthony Zinni is 72. Basketball Hall of Fame coach Phil Jackson is 70. Singer Fee Waybill is 65. Actress Cassandra Peterson ("Elvira, Mistress of the Dark") is 64. Comedian Rita Rudner is 62. Muppeteer Kevin Clash (former voice of Elmo on "Sesame Street") is 55. Director-actor Paul Feig is 53. Movie director Baz Luhrmann is 53. Singer BeBe Winans is 53. TV personality /businessman Robert Herjavec (TV: "Shark Tank") is 52. Actor Kyle Chandler is 50. Director-producer Bryan Singer is 50. Rapper Doug E. Fresh is 49. Actor Malik Yoba is 48. Rock musician Keith Flint (Prodigy) is 46. Actor Matthew Settle is 46. Rapper Vinnie (Naughty By Nature) is 45. Actor Felix Solis is 44. Rock singer Anastacia is 42. Rhythmand-blues singer Marcus Sanders (Hi-Five) is 42. Actress-singer Nona Gaye is 41. Singer-actor Constantine Maroulis is 40. NASCAR driver Jimmie Johnson is 40. Pop singer Maile (MY'-lee) Misajon (Eden's Crush) is 39. Country singer-songwriter Stephen Cochran is 36. Rock musician Chuck Comeau (Simple Plan) is 36. Actor Billy Miller is 36. Country singer Desi Wasdin (3 of Hearts) is 32. Rock musician Jon Walker is 30. Actress Danielle Brooks (TV: "Orange is the New Black") is 26. Actress-singer Denyse Tontz is 21. Thought for Today: "We must not say every mistake is a foolish one." — Cicero, Roman scholar (106-43 B.C.). 5 The Kane Republican Thursday, September 17, 2015 R EGISTER Republican POLICEReport State Police at Kane Retail theft LEWIS RUN – The Kane-based state police is investigating a retail theft that occurred on Sept. 12 at 9:41 p.m. at 1496 South Ave., Route 219 in Lewis Run. According to reports, the victim is Crosby Gas Station in Lewis Run. The actor is Felicia Elizabeth Calcagno, 25, of 1450 South Ave., 219 in Lewis Run. On the above date, time and location, this station is investigating a retail theft. The actor took two cellular phone chargers. Charges will be filed through MDJ 48-3-03. HOSPITALReport Kane Community Hospital Wednesday Admissions Rebecca Ibanez, Kane 3 undisclosed Discharges None Bradford Regional Medical Center Wednesday Admissions Randall Hall, Bradford Taylor White, Duke Center Kace Thomas, Bradford EVENTS&Announcements Today's Weather Local 5-Day Forecast Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon 9/17 9/18 9/19 9/20 9/21 80/50 81/53 80/47 67/42 68/48 Mostly sunny skies. High near 80F. Winds light and variable. Sunny. Highs in the low 80s and lows in the low 50s. Mostly sunny. Highs in the low 80s and lows in the upper 40s. Partly cloudy. Highs in the upper 60s and lows in the low 40s. More clouds than sun. Highs in the upper 60s and lows in the upper 40s. Sunrise: 6:56 AM Sunset: 7:20 PM Sunrise: 6:57 AM Sunset: 7:18 PM Sunrise: 6:58 AM Sunset: 7:17 PM Sunrise: 6:59 AM Sunset: 7:15 PM Sunrise: 7:00 AM Sunset: 7:13 PM Discharges Jason Magnetti, Bradford Jean Moore, Bradford Bonny Oaks, Bradford Doris Riley, Bradford Betty Comes, Bradford Tessa Fair and son, Bradford Erie 79/62 Births Kane 82/52 Scranton 83/56 Allentown 84/55 T AXES F 1 Pittsburgh 86/56 Harrisburg 85/58 Philadelphia 87/60 ROM PAGE ed for auction at the "Upset Sale" include liens, judgments, mortgages and other encumbrances, bidders are cautious in buying the parcels. "We normally don't sell a lot of properties at the 'Upset Sale,'" Tennies said. There were 128 properties in the county on the original list for the "Upset Sale." More than a dozen property-owners paid their taxes just prior to the auction. The only Kane area property sold at the "Upset Sale" is a lot on Forest Street in Wetmore Township. The lone bidder agreed to pay the minimum of $1,362.85 for the 99x80foot lot. Tennies is withholding the name of the successful bidder pending a court order approving the final sale of the property. The major bidding war involved three bidders interested in 26 acres of vacant land on Aqua Drive in Lafayette Township, Tennies said. The minimum was $1,176.99. But the winning bidder paid $7,200 for the property, Tennies said. Property at 21 Pithole Rd., Keating Township, sold for the minimum of $2,026.86, Tennies said. Property at 23 North St., Bradford, sold for the minimum of $2,218.08, she said. The list of unsold properties includes one parcel in Hamilton Township, seven in Hamlin Township, 11 in Kane, five in Mt. Jewett and five in Wetmore Township. Tennies said properties with delinquent taxes now will go on the list for the "Judicial Sale" auction to be aheld in July at the courthouse. Properties offered at the "Judicial Sale" attract more bidders because they are "free and clear" of all liens, judgments and mortgages. Properties not sold at the "Judicial Sale" go into the county repository and are available for purchase at any time during the year. The minimum price for repository property is $250. Tennies said she has received "several" offers for the purchase of Kane area properties now held in the county repository. When time permits, Tennies said she would be notifying the taxing bodies of the offers. Approval is needed from all three taxing bodies-- the school district, municipality and county-- for the sale of properties held in the repository. Area Cities City Allentown Altoona Bedford Bloomsburg Bradford Chambersburg Du Bois Erie Harrisburg Huntingdon Johnstown Lancaster Latrobe Lehighton Lewistown Lo Cond. 55 sunny 55 mst sunny 53 mst sunny 54 sunny 53 mst sunny 57 sunny 54 sunny 62 sunny 58 sunny 54 sunny 55 sunny 57 sunny 55 sunny 55 sunny 56 sunny City Meadville New Castle Oil City Philadelphia Pittsburgh Reading Scranton St. Marys State College Towanda Uniontown Warren Wilkes-Barre Williamsport York Hi 84 85 84 87 86 84 83 82 81 85 85 82 84 84 85 Lo Cond. 55 sunny 54 sunny 54 sunny 60 sunny 56 sunny 58 sunny 56 sunny 53 sunny 54 sunny 55 sunny 56 sunny 54 sunny 55 sunny 57 sunny 58 sunny City Minneapolis New York Phoenix San Francisco Seattle St. Louis Washington, DC Hi 80 86 93 71 65 90 87 Lo Cond. 54 t-storm 66 sunny 68 sunny 56 pt sunny 54 rain 73 sunny 62 sunny National Cities City Atlanta Boston Chicago Dallas Denver Houston Los Angeles Miami Hi 83 86 85 97 83 92 79 85 Lo Cond. 59 sunny 63 sunny 68 windy 73 sunny 48 sunny 73 pt sunny 65 sunny 76 t-storm Moon Phases New First Full Last Sep 13 Sep 21 Sep 28 Oct 4 UV Index Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon 9/17 9/18 9/19 9/20 9/21 6 6 6 6 4 High High High High Moderate The UV Index is measured on a 0 - 11 number scale, with a higher UV Index showing the need for greater skin protection. 0 11 ©2010 American Profile Hometown Content Service W OLF F 1 PENNSYLVANIALottery ROM PAGE strapped schools and social-services organizations should not be held hostage in the meantime. "What is the harm of getting the money out to these folks while we continue to talk?" Senate Majority Leader Jake Corman, RCentre, said. "I just can't understand the harm of a stopgap budget and why anybody would veto it." The $11 billion stopgap bill would deliver four months of money, retroactive to July 1. It passed the Appropriations Committee on a party-line vote Wednesday, and Senate passage was expected later this week. House action is expected next week. Wednesday's counteroffers, as outlined by the Wolf administration, included gestures toward two key GOP demands: that the state privatize its control of wine and liquor sales and replace the traditional pension benefit for future school and state government employees with contributions to a 401(k)-style retirement plan. As a compromise, administration officials said they offered to hire a private manager to run the state's wine and liquor system. Hi 84 80 83 85 83 84 82 79 85 85 86 84 84 84 87 That included the possibility of allowing alcoholic beverages into supermarkets and convenience stores, they said. On pension benefits, administration officials said they had proposed a plan to save $20 billion in the coming decades on pension debt, partly by imposing a $75,000 limit on the amount of an employee's salary that would count toward the traditional pension benefit. Salaries above that would get a 2.5 percent match in a 401(k)-style plan, they said. Still, Wolf continued to insist on a multibilliondollar tax increase, in part to wipe out Republicanpassed funding cuts in previous years and to resolve a long-term budget deficit. Earlier in the day, top Republican state senators briefed reporters on their talks and said that Wolf had rejected their Aug. 19 offer. That offer included meeting a key demand of Wolf's to boost state aid to public schools in exchange for him supporting a Republican measure to replace the traditional benefit in Pennsylvania's major public pension systems with a 401(k)-style plan. Midday Evening Midday Evening Wednesday's Drawings Pick 2 7 3 Pick 5 2 1 Midday 9 5 2 4 1 Evening 3 8 1 2 2 Pick 3 8 3 7 Treasure Hunt 1 4 8 04 11 12 15 30 Pick 4 Midday 5 7 3 0 Evening 2 1 9 3 Cash 5 04 08 22 30 35 Weather Stats Reservoir Data September 2015 Date High Low Prec. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 84 83 85 86 86 81 83 86 86 83 71 77 60 59 54 54 53 57 59 59 58 58 59 60 43 43 50 38 0 0 .03 .10 + 0 .12 0 0 .12 .03 .32 .70 .08 + indicates trace amount The Kane Area Development Center would like to welcome Pamela Miles as our new director. Please stop in at the office at 54 Fraley St, Kane and welcome her. Business After Hours is Thursday, Sept 24 from 5-7 p.m. at C.J. Spirits. The Kane Community Hospital is hosting this event. Flickerwood Fall Fest is Sept. 26 and 27. Homecoming Parade is Wednesday Sept. 30. Lineup at 6 p.m., parade starts at 6:30 p.m. Business and organizations can still participate in the parade, just contact the KADC office. Ribbon-cutting Oct. 2 at noon at Home Spun Treasures, 305 N. Fraley St. Their Grand Opening will be Oct 3. Ribbon-cutting Oct. 13 at noon at Tri-County Home Support Sevices, 19B Field St. Strong quake shakes Chile, some tsunami flooding along coast Pennsylvania At A Glance A son was born to Taylor and James White Jr. of Duke Center. A spaghetti dinner will be held to benefit the St. Matthews Preschool on Saturday, Sept. 19 from 5-7 p.m. at the St. Matthews Lutheran Church. There is a cost and dinner includes spaghetti, meatballs, salad, roll, beverage and dessert. Pool Level: 1,321.55 feet (Falling) Temperatures: Reservoir - 73 River - 72 Outflow Rate: 2,000 cubic ft./sec. SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) — A powerful magnitude-8.3 earthquake hit off Chile's northern coast Wednesday night, causing buildings to sway in the capital of Santiago and prompting authorities to issue a tsunami warning for the Andean nation's entire coast. Officials reported one death in a town north of the capital and heavy waves and some flooding in a handful of coastal cities. The tremor was so strong that people on the other side of the continent, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, reported feeling it. Four aftershocks above magnitude-6 and other strong shakes rattled the region after the first major tremor since a powerful quake and tsunami killed hundreds in 2010 and leveled part of the city of Concepcion in south-central Chile. Jorge Medina, a Santiago resident, said he was in an aerobics class when the quake hit. "People started screaming that everything was shaking," he said. Officials ordered people to evacuate low-lying areas along the 2,400 miles (3,900 kilometers) of Chile's Pacific shore, from Puerto Aysen in the south to Arica in the north. Fishing boats headed out to sea and cars streamed inland carrying people to higher ground. Santiago's main airport was evacuated as a precaution and authorities announced classes would be suspended in the port city of Valparaiso on Thursday. Chile state TV showed water flowing in streets of Concon, a coastal town known for its beautiful beaches that is close to Valparaiso. Higher water was also seen in other cities but no destructive high waves had been reported. Authorities said some adobe houses collapsed in the inland city of Illapel, about 175 miles (280 kilometers) north of Santiago. Illapel is about 34 miles (55 kilometers) east of the quake's epicenter. Illapel's mayor, Denis Cortes, told a local television station that a woman had been killed in the city but declined to give any details. Electricity was knocked out, leaving the city in darkness. "We are very scared. Our city panicked," Cortes said. The U.S. Geological Survey initially reported the quake at a preliminary magnitude of 7.9 but quickly revised the reading upward to 8.3. Chilean authorities put the magnitude at 8.4. U.S. officials said the quake struck just offshore in the Pacific at 7:54 p.m. (6:54 p.m. EDT, 1154 GMT) and was centered about 141 miles (228 kilometers) north-northwest of Santiago. It said the quake was 7.4 miles (12 kilometers) below the surface. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center issued a tsunami watch for Hawaii, saying that if the quake did generate a strong tsunami the surge would arrive about 3 a.m. local time Thursday. A magnitude-8.8 quake and ensuing tsunami in south-central Chile in 2010 killed more than 500 people, destroyed 220,000 homes, and washed away docks, riverfronts and seaside resorts. That quake released so much energy, it actually it shortened the Earth's day by a fraction of a second by changing the planet's rotation. Senior Citizens Expo set for Oct. 9 in Roulette, Causer says HARRISBURG – Rep. Martin Causer (R-Turtlepoint) will host the 13th Annual Senior Citizens Expo on Friday, Oct. 9, at the Roulette Fire Hall, 12 Riverside Drive in Roulette. The free event will be held from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and lunch will be provided. "I am always please to see so many area senior citizens taking advantage of the opportunity to access information about dozens of programs and service available to them, all in one convenient place," Causer said. "I am equally appreciative of the representatives of health care facilities and other businesses and organizations who come out each year to share this valuable information with our seniors and their families and caregivers." State, county and local vendors will be on hand to distribute information and answer questions. Information about health care, insurance, nutrition and exercise, fire safety,, financial planning, fraud protection, government services, hunting/fishing and personal safety will be available. Health screenings will also be offered and door prizes will be awarded. Causer also reminds area residents of the Senior Citizens Expo in Kane on Friday, Oct. 23, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Kane Community Center, 46 Fraley St. For more information about the senior expos, contact Causer's Bradford district office at (814)3624400. Information is also available at RepCauser. com or on Facebook at facebook.com/repcauser. 6 The Kane Republican Thursday, September 17, 2015 THE KANE REPUBLICAN SPORTS Sports Schedule Thursday, Sept. 17 Boys golf vs. Smethport, Bradford, home, 4 p.m. Girls golf vs. Smethport, Port Allegany and Coudersport at Smethport, 4 p.m. MS football vs. Bradford, home, 6 p.m. Volleyball vs. Sheffield, home, 6 p.m. Friday, Sept. 18 MS girls’ basketball at ECC Tip-off Tournament, 4 p.m. Boys soccer at Eisenhower, 4 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 19 Cross Country at Slippery Rock Invitational, TBA MS girls basketball at ECC Tip-off Tournament, TBA Boys soccer vs. Coudersport, home, 11 a.m. Girls soccer vs. Port Allegany, home, 1 p.m. Varsity football at Sheffield, 1:30 p.m. Photo by Amy Geer Mackenzie Thayer, a junior on the Lady Wolves' soccer team, catches up to the ball during Wednesday afternoon's game with Smethport. The Lady Hubbers scored one goal in each half and shutout the Kane girls to get the win. Thayer and her teammates will be back in action on Saturday when they host Port Allegany in a 1 p.m. game. Email: krsports@zitomedia.net www.kanerepublican.com/sports Lady Wolves fall to Smethport Lady Hubbers By Amy Geer Staff Writer The Kane girls’ soccer team hosted the Smethport Lady Hubbers on Wednesday afternoon. The visitors prevailed 2-0 on an afternoon with temperatures in the upper 70s. Coach Robert Mosier’s Lady Wolves offense controlled the ball early, but could not manage a shot on goal despite their hard work. After a hard Smethport shot sailed wide of the goal, Kane’s Mackenzie Thayer dribbled the ball down the sideline and fired a shot that was deflected off the foot of a Hub defender about five minutes into the contest. Kane’s next good scoring opportunity came ten minutes later, when Tori Schleicher passed to Kennedy Detsch, who just missed connecting with junior Sydney Huntzinger before Smethport goalie Baylee Brien scooped up the ball. The visitors got on the scoreboard with 23:15 left in the first half on a goal by Lindsey Jack. Thayer and senior Shannon Todd each had scoring opportunities, but Thayer’s shot sailed wide of the goal and Brien made a save on Todd’s shot. Wheatley kept the Lady Wolves within one when she went out to challenge a Smethport forward and forced the shot wide of the net with 10 minutes left to play in the first half. Thayer fired another shot at the goal from outside of the box, but it sailed over Photo by Amy Geer Kennedy Detsch takes the ball down the sideline in front of a Smethport player during Wednesday afternoon's game. Smethport won the contest 2-0, dropping the Lady Wolves to 0-5 on the season. The Kane girls will try to turn things around on Saturday, when they host Port Allegany in a 1 p.m. game. the crossbar as the Kane girls went into the break trailing by one. The Lady Wolves put a little pressure on the Smethport defense early in the second half after a nice run by Alexis LimaLopez got them deep in Hubber territory. The home team could not get a shot off in a flurry in front of the Smethport goalie after a corner kick early in the second half. Courtney Peters and Tori Schleicher each fired shots at the goal, but Peters’ sailed high and Brien grabbed Schleicher’s shot. The visitors got a break with just under 18 minutes to play when one of the Lady Wolves was whistled for a hand ball in the box. Brittany Szarowicz drilled the ensuing penalty kick into the corner of the net, just past Wheatley’s outstretched arm to make it a 2-0 game. The Lady Wolves had several scoring opportunities down the stretch, including a couple direct kicks deep in Smethport territory, but the shots were off the mark and the Hubbers held on for the win. Coach Mosier’s team fell to 0-5 on the season, but the third year head man is not discouraged. "The effort was there, and the execution was there at times, but we were not getting our shots on target," he said. "Most of them sailed wide or high and the ones we did have on net were right at the goalie, she barely had to move more than one or two steps one way or the other. "We had good possession of the ball and were able to move the ball and work it around, so we are showing better ball control and better passing on top, we just have to finish. We got down 1-0 when they knocked in a ball that was bouncing around that we didn’t clear, and unfortunately, went down another on a penalty shot after a penalty that no one on our sideline saw." Mosier and assistant coach Jenelle Johnson decided to move Alexis LimaLopez up to offense with 15 minutes left in the game, leaving the defense a player short, but the Kane girls couldn’t finish off any scoring opportunities and the game ended up with the Lady Wolves on the losing end of the 2-0 score. The Kane girls will be back in action on Saturday when they host Port Allegany in a 1 p.m. game. Unsung tight ends have big opening weekend in NFL Photo by Amy Geer Sophomore Ally Peterson gets control of the ball as she is surrounded by Smethport players in Wednesday afternoon's game. The Lady Hubbers scored one goal in each half and held the Lady Wolves off the scoreboard to get the win. SPORTS Notes Many members of the Kane High School senior class will be in attendance at this afternoon's Pittsburgh Pirate game. Forty-nine seniors are scheduled to attend the 12:35 p.m. game against the Chicago Cubs as a prize for selling a certain amount of magazines for the annual class trip to Washington, D.C. Senior Ashley Swanson, as the top seller in the fundraiser, has been selected to throw out the first pitch for the game. There will also be two other Kane residents taking part in the festivities. Kane Area High School Principal Jim Fryzlewicz and Kane High graduate Craig Perry will be running in the Pierogi Race after successfully trying out for the opportunity. The game is scheduled to be televised on Root Sports Pittsburgh. TEMPE, Ariz. (AP) — A big, dynamic tight end is a mismatch nightmare for NFL defenses. Rob Gronkowski and Jimmy Graham are too quick for a linebacker and too big for a safety. " When you have a tight end you can count on to catch the football, especially in the red zone, it's huge," Arizona Cardinals coach Bruce Arians said. "It gives the defense another guy to worry about. You have to pick who you are going to single cover and if you are going to double cover one of them." A new crop of sure-handed, athletic tight ends surfaced in a big way in Sunday's season openers. "It's a special position," Cincinnati coach Marvin Lewis said. "The way football is going, it seems like kids aren't gravitating as much to running back, they're going to receiver." Austin Seferian-Jenkins, Tyler Eifert and Darren Fells may not be familiar names around the league, but they soon could be. Arizona safety Tyrann Mathieu, who stands 5-foot- ered for Philadelphia, which has dropped seven of 10. Gonzalez (11-7) allowed two runs on five hits with a pair of walks in seven innings. Alec Asher (0-4), making his fourth career start, was tagged for four runs on seven hits in five innings. Werth put the Nationals up 2-0 in the fourth with a drive to left-center. After the Phillies tied it in the bottom of the frame on Ruf's tworun shot to left, Washington scored two runs on five hits in the fifth to go up 4-2. phatically showed he was back with his nine-reception, 104-yard performance in Cincinnati's 33-13 win over Oakland on Sunday. Perhaps no one has a more interesting story than Fells. The 6-foot-7, 281-pound Arizona tight end played basketball at Cal-Irvine, then spent five years playing hoops in Belgium, Finland and Argentina before deciding to switch to football. Fells toiled on the Cardinals practice squad in 2013, then played in 10 games last season, catching just five passes for 71 yards. "It was like trying to learn Chinese coming in here," he said. "All the coaches were talking and I had no clue what they were talking about. Having to pick up the language first, then the playbook was second after that. It took a lot of time." Fells' biggest challenge was learning to block. Catching came easier, thanks to all those years of basketball. After a strong preseason, and with other tight ends struggling with injuries, Shane Rolick WEEK Shane Rolick has been selected as Kane High’s Male Athlete of the Week for his performance the week of September 7. The Wolves’ senior showed his versatility in Kane’s 4716 win over Smethport, scoring on the ground, catching a touchdown pass and also throwing score when he lines up under center. Swartwood Builders 220 Greeves St., Kane, PA 837-5134 Fells won the starting job. In Arizona's 31-19 opening win over New Orleans, he caught four passes for 82 yards, the most yards receiving in game for a Cardinals tight end since 1989. With fellow tight end Jermaine Gresham delivering a crushing block that cleared two defenders out of the way, Fells gained 48 yards on one play. His fingertip catch of Carson Palmer's 17-yard pass for a touchdown clinched the victory with 1:33 to play. "He knew he had to step up and make plays," Palmer said, "and to see him do what he did and exceed expectations was huge." Not unexpectedly, Gronkowski and fellow veteran tight ends Jared Cook and Heath Miller had big days. So did Travis Kelce, who may not be a household name but probably should be. He had six catches for 106 yards and two scores in Kansas-City's 27-20 win over Houston. For Chiefs fans, his performance was not unexpected: Kelce led the Chiefs with 67 catches for 862 yards last season. Athlete of the Athlete of the Werth, Harper power Nationals to sweep of Phillies PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Jayson Werth hit two homers, Bryce Harper also went deep and Gio Gonzalez tied his career-high with 12 strikeouts to lead the Washington Nationals to a 12-2 victory over the Philadelphia Phillies on Wednesday night. Werth and Harper each had four home runs in the three-game sweep of Philadelphia. The Nationals, who began Wednesday 8 ½ games behind the Mets in the NL East, have won four straight. Darin Ruf hom- 9, is as good as anyone at defending the big guys, but says it's a huge challenge. "It's tough to get around their bodies," he said. "They're just so good at boxing you out and keeping you from the flight of the football. You just have to play ball-hawking football and just be extra competitive." Seferian-Jenkins was a rare bright spot for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in their 42-14 loss to Tennessee. Slowed by injuries, the 2014 second-round pick out of Washington caught five passes for 110 yards. His two touchdowns matched his total for all of last season. His yards receiving in one game were almost half of his total of last year (221). "I wasn't here last year," Tampa Bay offensive coordinator Dirk Koetter said, "but Austin looked like he was moving towards the type of player that we all want him to be." The Bengals expected big things from Eifert a year ago, but he injured his elbow in the opener and never played again. He em- Hailey Oknefski WEEK Hailey Oknefski has been selected as Kane High’s Female Athlete of the Week for the week of September 7. The Lady Wolves’ freshman was medalist in both of the matches during the week, a 41 against Bradford and a 39 in the team’s win over Port Allegany. She also placed fourth at the Coudersport Tournament. Supports Our Local Student Athletes The Kane Area Education Association 7 The Kane Republican Thursday, September 17, 2015 Cheerleaders participate in Penn State Spirit Day HS Football AML North Cameron County Coudersport Otto-Eldred Port Allegany Sheffield Smethport W 0 0 0 0 0 0 L 2 2 2 2 2 2 PF PA 6 75 20 77 26 97 22 93 20 72 16 103 AML South Brockway Curwensville ECC Kane Ridgway W 2 2 2 2 2 L 0 0 0 0 0 PF 106 113 65 85 49 KSAC Large Karns City St. Marys Brookville Punxsutawney Moniteau W 2 2 1 1 0 L 0 0 1 1 2 PF PA 89 7 65 26 13 53 55 43 24 81 KSAC Small Clarion Keystone Clarion-Limestone Redbank Valley A-C Valley Union W 2 2 1 1 0 0 L 0 0 1 1 2 2 PF 106 71 59 56 7 24 Mountain League W L Clearfield 1 1 D-10 Region 5 DuBois Bradford Photo submitted Some members of the Kane Cheerleaders traveled to State College last weekend to take part in Penn State Spirit Day 2015. The girls learned a halftime routine a few days before the event via video, according to Coach Chris Niklaus. The Kane girls were among 250 cheerleaders set to take part in the halftime show, but the festivities were cancelled due to poor weather conditions. The girls were looking forward to performing in front of the 93,000-plus people in attendance, but hope to participate next year. Conley has best start of career, Marlins beat Mets 6-0 NEW YORK (AP) — Adam Conley slowed the Mets pursuit of a National League East title with a career-high seven innings, and the streaking Miami Marlins handed New York a 6-0 loss Wednesday night. Facing a makeshift lineup of all right-handers, Conley (4-1) had the best start of his young career in front of his wife and infant daughter. He allowed three hits and struck out six as Miami beat New York for a second straight night to secure its fifth straight series win — matching a franchise record set in 2003 for most consecutive series won in one season, according to STATS. Entering with an 8 1-2 game lead over Washington in the division, manager Terry Collins chose to rest left-handed hitters Daniel Murphy, Curtis Granderson, Michael Conforto and Lucas Duda against Conley, a 25-yearold lefty. With reserve outfielder Juan Lagares leading off, the Mets were shut out for the first time since July 23, and they lost consecutive games for first time since losing to Boston on Aug. 28-29. Dee Gordon went 2 for 5 with a ninth-inning RBI to finish the season series against the Mets hitting .427 (35 for 82). The Mets have a day off before rookie Steven Matz pitches the opener of the three-game Subway Series against the Yankees at Citi Field on Friday night. All was quiet a night after Collins vowed the Mets will "answer in our own due time" to star Yoenis Cespedes' getting hit by a pitch by Tom Koehler in the first inning of a 9-3 loss that ended an eight game winning streak. Martin Prado and J.T. Realmuto homered off Bartolo Colon, who lost for the first time since Aug. 9. Colon (14-12) was lifted with two outs in the sixth after walking Pablo Ozuna, the first free pass he allowed to a Miami batter in 55 innings dating to last season. Justin Bour had a sacrifice fly off Colon in the sixth and a long homer against Tyler Clippard in the eighth that made it 4-0. Colon allowed three runs and seven hits in 5 2-3 innings. Trainer's room: Marlins: OF Giancarlo Stanton (broken left wrist) saw a hand specialist and manager Dan Jennings said all was fine, and it was a matter of when Stanton feels the hand and wrist are strong enough. Jennings said Stanton might test it in a simulated game before returning to the Marlins, which should come before the end of the season. Mets: RHP Carlos Torres (strained left calf) was scheduled for a bullpen session that he would throw at 50 percent. Collins said Torres is still a "few days off from pitching in a game." ... Rookie LHP Dario Alvarez (left groin strain) had an MRI a day after he was injured Tuesday night in the ninth inning. Results were not yet available. Collins said, "he's not moving very good." Up next: Marlins: RHP Jarred Cosart (1-4) starts the opener of a series at Washington. He's given up one run in 9 2-3 innings over his last two starts. Mets: After a day off, Matz (3-0) will make his fifth career major league start in the opener of the much anticipated Subway Series. Collins isn't worried about the playoff-like atmosphere the lefty from Long Island will experience. "I don't think he's going to be intimidated by anybody," he said. Price wins again, 1st-place Blue Jays top Braves 9-1 ATLANTA (AP) — David Price allowed one run in seven innings, Russell Martin hit a homer and drove in four runs, and the Toronto Blue Jays beat Shelby Miller and the Atlanta Braves 9-1 on Wednesday night to protect their lead in the AL East. Price (16-5) gave up six hits and had nine strikeouts as he improved to 7-1 since coming to Toronto in a trade with Detroit. He lowered his ERA to 2.42. The Blue Jays stayed three games ahead of second-place New York in the division. The Yankees beat the Rays 3-1. Toronto had 12 hits as it returned to its customary high-scoring pace after managing only a combined two runs in two straight losses. Martin hit a tworun double in the four-run first and added a two-run homer off Ryan Kelly in the ninth. Miller (5-15) didn't make it through the fourth inning as he gave up five runs, four earned. His ERA rose to 3.00 after he allowed four or more earned runs for the third time in his last five starts. Miller's streak of winless starts was extended to 22. It is the longest streak for any pitcher in a season he was an All-Star. The right-hander, who has the worst run support in the majors, has lost 14 consecutive decisions since his last win on May 17. Jose Bautista had a runscoring double and Ryan Goins drove in a run in the first. The Blue Jays knocked Miller out of the game with another run in the fourth. Ben Revere drove in two runs with two hits, including a double in the fifth, for Toronto. The Braves' run came in the first. Nick Markakis hit a leadoff double and scored on Freddie Freeman's fly ball. Christian Bethancourt had three hits. Toronto first baseman Edwin Encarnacion had three hits and two walks in his return after missing two starts with a sore left middle finger. Price walked Bethancourt and pinchhitter Ryan Lavarnway to open the fifth but then had help from an unusual double play. Second baseman Cliff Pennington couldn't catch a shallow pop fly by Markakis, but his throw to Goins forced Lavarnway at second. Goins threw to third baseman Josh Donaldson, who tagged Bethancourt when he slid past the bag. Trainer's room: BLUE JAYS: Manager John Gibbons said RHP LaTroy Hawkins was expected to be available after being held out with right forearm soreness for four days. BRAVES: RHP Jason Grilli, recovering from surgery on July 17 to repair his ruptured left Achilles tendon, said he hopes to be ready for spring training. He no longer needs a scooter or crutches and said he'll soon be free of his walking boot. Grilli was named the Braves' Roberto Clemente Award nominee. Cowboys figure Bryant has plenty to offer from sidelines IRVING, Texas (AP) — Forget for a moment what Dez Bryant's foot injury means on the field for the Dallas Cowboys. Think sidelines, where the outwardly emotional All-Pro receiver will be relegated for at least a month, possibly longer, as he recovers from a broken right foot. His teammates are sure he will still have a role, starting with the quarterback who has to figure out how to move the Dallas offense without his top target. "I think Dez is in a lot of ways the heartbeat," Romo said. "He's got that emotional level that gets everybody going. Him just being around is infectious. It's a good thing for everybody. We need to get him back quick." Coach Jason Garrett said it's too early to know if Bryant will make the trip to NFC East rival Philadelphia this weekend. He had surgery Monday. And Garrett isn't concerned about Bryant letting his antics get out of control, which has happened a few times in his career — but mostly fed by the adrenaline of actually being in the game. "Dez is a special guy and his spirit is contagious and we think it's a really good thing," Garrett said. Bryant has never really been in this position with the Cowboys because the last time he missed a game with an injury was Week 2 in 2011, his second season. Back then, he was a young receiver in a supporting role. After 63 straight appearances that turned him into the most productive receiver in franchise history through five seasons, he's also the most tenured Dallas receiver. With the enthusiasm of a rookie. When the Cowboys rallied for a 27-26 win over the New York Giants in the opener last weekend, driving to a pair of touch- downs in the fourth quarter after Bryant got hurt, he emerged from the locker room in only his underwear. He was jumping around with his arms in the air while greeting his teammates, broken foot and all. That's the image cornerback Brandon Carr offers when asked if Bryant's presence still will be felt. "I feel like his receiving corps has taken the identity after him," Carr said. "Whether he makes the trip or not, I think those guys have each taken a piece of what he brings to the table. Hopefully they'll be able to show it and pick up the slack, so to speak, of just not having the presence of a playmaker." Third-year player Terrance Williams is the most accomplished Dallas receiver with Bryant sidelined. Slot man Cole Beasley is growing as well. Then there's Gavin Escobar, who is known more as a pass catcher behind 10-time Pro Bowl tight end Jason Witten. Escobar had a touchdown against the Giants, and could be an interesting option if other reliable threats at receiver don't emerge. "I think they'll be more confused because they don't really know what we're going to do right now," Escobar said of opposing defenses. "Dez is definitely a big game-plan guy, so I think they're not really sure what we're going to do right now. It's almost to our advantage." The Cowboys traded this week for Brice Butler, a 2013 seventh-round pick by Oakland. Second-year player Devin Street and undrafted rookie Lucky Whitehead are the other receivers. "There will be a receiver who plays in the place of Dez Bryant," Garrett said. "You use different personnel groups and you just go play football." The adjustment for Bryant will be just watching it. MLB Standings PA 14 42 6 16 6 PA 20 32 63 61 87 51 PF PA 56 67 W L PF PA 1 1 141 148 0 2 19 52 Week 3 Friday, Sept. 18 AML Otto-Eldred vs. Ridgway, 7 p.m., at Johnsonburg ECC at Smethport, 7 p.m. Coudersport at Curwensville, 7 p.m. Cameron County at Brockway, 7:30 p.m. KSAC Large School St. Marys at Karns City, 7 p.m. Punxsutawney at Brookville, 7 p.m. KSAC Small School Union at A-C Valley, 7 p.m. Keystone at Redbank Valley, 7 p.m. Clarion at Clarion-Limestone, 7 p.m. D-10 Region 5 DuBois at Conneaut, 7 p.m. Meadville at Bradford, 7 p.m. Mountain League Clearfield at Central-Martinsburg, 7 p.m. Non-Conference Moniteau at Port Allegany, 7 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 19 AML Kane at Sheffield, 1:30 p.m. NFL Standings AFC East W L T Pct N.Y. Jets 1 0 0 1.000 Buffalo 1 0 0 1.000 New England 1 0 0 1.000 Miami 1 0 0 1.000 AFC South W L T Pct Tennessee 1 0 0 1.000 Jacksonville 0 1 0 .000 Houston 0 1 0 .000 Indianapolis 0 1 0 .000 AFC North W L T Pct Cincinnati 1 0 0 1.000 Baltimore 0 1 0 .000 Pittsburgh 0 1 0 .000 Cleveland 0 1 0 .000 AFC North W L T Pct Kansas City 1 0 0 1.000 Denver 1 0 0 1.000 San Diego 1 0 0 1.000 Oakland 0 1 0 .000 NFC East W L T Pct Dallas 1 0 0 1.000 Washington 0 1 0 .000 Philadelphia 0 1 0 .000 N.Y. Giants 0 1 0 .000 NFC South W L T Pct Atlanta 1 0 0 1.000 Carolina 1 0 0 1.000 Tampa Bay 0 1 0 .000 New Orleans 0 1 0 .000 NFC North W L T Pct Green Bay 1 0 0 1.000 Detroit 0 1 0 .000 Minnesota 0 1 0 .000 Chicago 0 1 0 .000 NFC West W L T Pct St. Louis 1 0 0 1.000 Arizona 1 0 0 1.000 San Francisco1 0 0 1.000 Seattle 0 1 0 .000 PF PA 31 10 27 14 28 21 17 10 PF PA 42 14 9 20 20 27 14 27 PF PA 33 13 13 19 21 28 10 31 PF PA 27 20 19 13 33 28 13 33 PF PA 27 26 10 17 24 26 26 27 PF PA 26 24 20 9 14 42 19 31 PF PA 31 23 28 33 3 20 23 31 PF PA 34 31 31 19 20 3 31 34 Thursday, Sep. 17 Denver at Kansas City, 8:25 p.m. Sunday, Sep. 20 Tampa Bay at New Orleans, 1 p.m. Detroit at Minnesota, 1 p.m. Arizona at Chicago, 1 p.m. Houston at Carolina, 1 p.m. San Francisco at Pittsburgh, 1 p.m. New England at Buffalo, 1 p.m. San Diego at Cincinnati, 1 p.m. Tennessee at Cleveland, 1 p.m. Atlanta at N.Y. Giants, 1 p.m. St. Louis at Washington, 1 p.m. Baltimore at Oakland, 4:05 p.m. Miami at Jacksonville, 4:05 p.m. Dallas at Philadelphia, 4:25 p.m. Seattle at Green Bay, 8:30 p.m. Monday, Sep. 21 N.Y. Jets at Indianapolis, 8:30 p.m. This Date In Baseball Sept. 17 1968 — Gaylord Perry of the San Francisco Giants pitched a no-hitter against the St. Louis Cardinals for a 1-0 victory. 1984 — Reggie Jackson, at 38, became the 13th player in major league history to record 500 home runs. No. 500 came off Kansas City pitcher Bud Black. His homer came exactly 17 years after he got his first career hit. 1984 — Rookie pitcher Dwight Gooden of the New York Mets struck out 16 Phillies in a 2-1 loss at Philadelphia. Five days earlier, Gooden fanned 16 Pittsburgh Pirates tying a major league record for 32 strikeouts in two consecutive games. 1988 — Jeff Reardon became the first pitcher to save 40 games in both leagues as the Minnesota Twins beat the Chicago White Sox 3-1. Reardon, who saved 42 games for the Montreal Expos in 1985, pitched the ninth inning for his 40th save in 47 opportunities. 1996 — Hideo Nomo pitched a no-hitter against the Colorado Rockies, leading the Los Angeles Dodgers to a 9-0 victory. Nomo walked four batters and stuck out eight. 1998 — Denny Neagle put Atlanta's pitching staff into the record books as he limited Arizona to four hits in six innings for a 1-0 win. Neagle improved to 15-11, making the Braves the first major league team with five 15-game winners since the 1930 Washington Senators. Neagle joined Tom Glavine, Greg Maddux, John Smoltz and Kevin Millwood. 2004 — San Francisco's Barry Bonds hit the 700th home run of his career, joining Babe Ruth (714) and Hank Aaron (755) as the only players to reach the milestone. Bonds connected in the third inning at home, a 392-foot solo shot to left-center. San Francisco beat San Diego 4-1. 2007 — Frank Thomas hit three home runs to lift the Toronto Blue Jays over the Boston Red Sox 6-1. Thomas homered twice off knuckleballer Tim Wakefield, then hit his third against reliever Kyle Snyder. 2008 — Alex Rodriguez became the first player to hit 35 homers and drive in 100 runs in 12 seasons, surpassing Babe Ruth's record by one. Rodriguez homered in the eighth inning of the Yankees' 5-1 victory over Chicago. 2008 — Seattle's Ichiro Suzuki matched Willie Keeler's major league record of eight straight 200-hit seasons, beating out an infield single in the eighth inning for his third hit against Kansas City. 2011 — Mariano Rivera tied the major league saves record, earning the 601st of his career and matching Trevor Hoffman while preserving the New York Yankees' 7-6 win over the Toronto Blue Jays. The 41-year-old Rivera was perfect in pitching the ninth inning for his 42nd save of the season. Today's birthdays: Jose Ramirez 23; Marcus Semien 25; Casey Janssen 34; Dan Haren 35. AMERICAN LEAGUE East Division W L Pct Toronto 83 62 .572 New York 80 65 .552 Baltimore 71 74 .490 Tampa Bay 70 75 .483 Boston 69 76 .476 Central Division W L Pct Kansas City 85 60 .586 Minnesota 75 69 .521 Cleveland 72 72 .500 Chicago 69 75 .479 Detroit 66 78 .458 West Division W L Pct Texas 78 67 .538 Houston 77 69 .527 Los Angeles 73 71 .507 Seattle 70 76 .479 Oakland 62 84 .425 NATIONAL LEAGUE East Division W L Pct New York 83 63 .568 Washington 75 70 .517 Miami 63 83 .432 Atlanta 57 89 .390 Philadelphia 56 91 .381 Central Division W L Pct St. Louis 91 54 .628 Pittsburgh 87 58 .600 Chicago 84 61 .579 Milwaukee 62 83 .428 Cincinnati 61 83 .424 West Division W L Pct Los Angeles 83 61 .576 San Francisco 76 69 .524 Arizona 69 76 .476 San Diego 68 78 .466 Colorado 61 84 .421 GB — 3 12 13 14 GB — 9½ 12½ 15½ 18½ GB — 1½ 4½ 8½ 16½ GB — 7½ 20 26 27½ GB — 4 7 29 29½ GB — 7½ 14½ 16 22½ American League Wild Card W L Pct GB New York 80 65 .552 +3½ Houston 77 69 .527 Minnesota 75 69 .521 1 Los Angeles 73 71 .507 3 Cleveland 72 72 .497 4 National League Wild Card W L Pct GB Pittsburgh 87 58 .600 +3 Chicago 84 61 .579 San Francisco 76 69 .524 8 Washington 75 70 .517 9 Tuesday's Games American League Baltimore 6, Boston 5, 13 innings Kansas City 2, Cleveland 0 Tampa Bay 6, N.Y. Yankees 3 Texas 6, Houston 5 Detroit 5, Minnesota 4 Oakland 17, Chicago White Sox 6 L.A. Angels 4, Seattle 3 Interleague Atlanta 3, Toronto 2 National League Pittsburgh 5, Chicago Cubs 4, 1st game Chicago Cubs 2, Pittsburgh 1, 2nd game Washington 4, Philadelphia 0 Miami 9, N.Y. Mets 3 St. Louis 3, Milwaukee 1, 10 innings Arizona 6, San Diego 4 Colorado 5, L.A. Dodgers 4, 16 innings Cincinnati 9, San Francisco 8, 10 innings Wednesday's Games American League Boston 10, Baltimore 1 Cleveland 5, Kansas City 1 N.Y. Yankees 3, Tampa Bay 1 Texas 14, Houston 3 Chicago White Sox 9, Oakland 4 Detroit at Minnesota, 8:10 p.m. L.A. Angels at Seattle, 10:10 p.m. Interleague Toronto 9, Atlanta 1 National League Chicago Cubs 3, Pittsburgh 2, 12 innings Washington 12, Philadelphia 2 Miami 6, N.Y. Mets 0 St. Louis 5, Milwaukee 4 San Diego at Arizona, 9:40 p.m. Colorado at L.A. Dodgers, 10:10 p.m. Cincinnati at San Francisco, 10:15 p.m. Thursday's Games American League Oakland (Nolin 1-1) at Chicago White Sox (Quintana 9-10), 2:10 p.m. Baltimore (Tillman 9-11) at Tampa Bay (M.Moore 1-4), 7:10 p.m. Kansas City (Ventura 11-8) at Cleveland (Kluber 8-13), 7:10 p.m. Houston (McCullers 5-5) at Texas (Lewis 15-8), 8:05 p.m. L.A. Angels (Santiago 8-9) at Minnesota (Milone 8-5), 8:10 p.m. Interleague Toronto (Estrada 12-8) at Atlanta (Wisler 5-7), 7:10 p.m. National League Chicago Cubs (Hendricks 7-6) at Pittsburgh (Morton 9-7), 12:35 p.m. Miami (Cosart 1-4) at Washington (Roark 4-5), 7:05 p.m. St. Louis (Lackey 11-9) at Milwaukee (Nelson 11-12), 8:10 p.m. Friday's Games American League Boston at Toronto, 7:07 p.m. Kansas City at Detroit, 7:08 p.m. Baltimore at Tampa Bay, 7:10 p.m. Chicago White Sox at Cleveland, 7:10 p.m. Seattle at Texas, 8:05 p.m. L.A. Angels at Minnesota, 8:10 p.m. Oakland at Houston, 8:10 p.m. Interleague N.Y. Yankees at N.Y. Mets, 7:10 p.m. National League St. Louis at Chicago Cubs, 2:20 p.m. Miami at Washington, 7:05 p.m. Philadelphia at Atlanta, 7:35 p.m. Cincinnati at Milwaukee, 8:10 p.m. San Diego at Colorado, 8:40 p.m. Pittsburgh at L.A. Dodgers, 10:10 p.m. Arizona at San Francisco, 10:15 p.m. TV Sportswatch Thursday, Sept. 17 COLLEGE FOOTBALL 7:30 p.m. ESPN — Clemson at Louisville 7:30 p.m. ESPNU — Florida A&M at South Carolina State GOLF 5:30 a.m. GOLF — European Tour, Italian Open, first-round, at Monza, Italy 9:30 a.m. GOLF — European Tour, Italian Open, first-round, at Monza, Italy 12:30 p.m. GOLF — WEB.com, Small Business Connection Championship, first-round, at Davidson, N.C. 3 p.m. GOLF — PGA Tour Playoff, BMW Championship, first-round, at Lake Forest, Ill. MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL 12:30 p.m. MLB — Chicago Cubs at Pittsburgh 8:00 p.m. MLB — Houston at Texas or Los Angeles Angels at Minnesota NFL FOOTBALL 8:30 p.m. CBS — Denver at Kansas City 8:30 p.m. NFL — Denver at Kansas City SOCCER 1 p.m. FS1 — UEFA Europa League, Liverpool at Bordeaux 3 p.m. FS1 — UEFA Europa League, Qarabag at Tottenham 7:30 p.m. FS1 — Women's International Friendly, U.S. vs Haiti, at Detroit, Mich. WNBA BASKETBALL 8 p.m. ESPN2 — Playoffs, Conference Semifinal, Indiana at Chicago 10 p.m. ESPN2 — Playoffs, Conference Semifinal, Tulsa at Phoenix 8 The Kane Republican Thursday, September 17, 2015 OT Jake Long eager for fresh Favre, Owens, Faneca start with Atlanta Falcons among 1st-year nominees FLOWERY BRANCH, Ga. (AP) — Jake Long is eager to revive his career with the Atlanta Falcons. The No. 1 overall draft pick by Miami in 2008, Long has been plagued by injuries in recent years and didn't even hook on with a team during training camp. But the Falcons, looking to improve depth on their offensive line, signed the tackle to a oneyear deal. Long went through his first practice with his new team Wednesday. He is listed as third string on the depth chart and isn't expected to play this weekend against the New York Giants. "I just want to play football. I love this game," Long said, standing at a locker with his name written on a piece of tape above his head. "I want to come here and help this team win, whatever capacity that is. I'm going to compete, help this line get better, get better myself, and help this team get better. " The 30-year-old Long Help Wanted underwent two surgeries to repair torn ligaments in his right knee the last two years while with the St. Louis Rams. He played only seven games in 2014 and was cut in March in a salary cap move. He worked out for the Falcons and several other teams, but questions about his health kept him from being signed until after Week 1. "I understood it," Long said. "But it was hard to watch. It was hard to watch OTAs and the preseason and especially Week 1. I've been chomping at the bit for a while to get back. I can't wait." Long was an All-Pro in 2010 and a four-time Pro Bowler with the Dolphins. He is confident he can get back to elite status. "I feel good," he said. "I spent a long offseason getting strong again, getting the knee right. As long as I keep progressing well, I'm excited about what I can do." Coach Dan Quinn dodged any questions about how long it might 1 Notices ADVERTISE YOUR ad. Call 814-837-6000. Experienced bookkeeper Full-time w/benefits Send resume to PO Box 377 Lewis Run PA 16738 WEEKENDS ARE MADE FOR FUN! Share your good times with children. FCCY is looking for weekend and fulltime foster parents. In home training! Please call 800-747-3807. EOE CDL CLASS-A DRIVERS WANTED /DQVEHUU\7UXFNLQJ RI:RRGODQG3$ is looking for (QG 'XPS3QHXPDWLF 7DQN+DXOHUV. 2 yrs verifiable OTR experience a MUST. Excellent benefits. Contact Kristyn at 1-800-832-6150 ext. 202 for more info. We are a drug-free workplace. THE CAT’S OUT OF THE BAG... The Bargains Are In The CLASSIFIEDS! There’s no better place than the Classifieds to get 25 Notices CARS FURNITURE APPLIANCES PETS Check our listings daily or call 837-6000 to place an ad. The Kane Republican 25 Houses for Sale CAUTION IT is impossible for The Kane Republican to check each and every classified ad which is mailed to our office. The advent of “900” phone lines have opened a new type scam. Some 800 numbers will switch to 900. However, by law you must be notified if this happens so you can hang up. We caution our readers NOT to fall prey to “work at home ads”, ads with websites, and ads which sound too good to be true. If the ad requires that you advance money WE SUGGEST EXTREME CAUTION. Help Wanted CANTON, Ohio (AP) — Brett Favre is back in the news — no, he's not attempting another comeback. Favre was among the 108 modern-day nominees for the Pro Football Hall of Fame class of 2016 announced Wednesday night. The NFL's career leader in nearly every passing category when he retired after the 2010 season and winner of the 1997 Super Bowl with Green Bay, Favre leads a strong list of first-time nominees. That group includes Terrell Owens, one of the league's most prolific and dynamic receivers for most of his 15 pro seasons, and Alan Faneca, an elite blocker who made six AllPro teams at guard in his 13 seasons. Other first-year-eligible nominees are safety Lawyer Milloy; running backs Brian Westbrook and Clinton Portis; placekicker John Carney; and linebackers Keith Bulluck and Mike Vrabel. 49 Help Wanted House for Sale 1 Help Wanted 1 Help Wanted 1 &RPHMRLQRXUJURZLQJWHDP7KH/XWKHUDQ+RPHDW.DQH LVORRNLQJWRILOOWKHIROORZLQJSRVLWLRQV 50 Langmaid Ln., Bradford, PA 814.362.6090 BradfordManor.com 3DUW7LPH(QYLURQPHQWDO6HUYLFHV$LGH (Housekeeping/Laundry) Must have a valid PA Driver’s license, work variable shifts, holidays and weekends 3DUW7LPH5HVLGHQWLDO&DUH$LGHV Must work variable shifts, weekends and holidays. Must have a high school diploma or GED HCF Management is currently seeking a full time $VVW*URXS6XSHUYLVRUIRU'D\&DUH &RRN7UDQVSRUWHUIRU'D\&DUH Must be at least 18 years old and have valid driver’s license. Must have a high school diploma or GED 2 years of experience with children preferred Business Development Coordinator to represent our Bradford Community. Responsibilities include: 71 FOR SALE 1 Help Wanted his rookie season as a backup in Atlanta before being dealt to the Packers, where he helped revitalize the franchise. The polarizing Owens played for five franchises, making All-Pro five times. T.O. led the league in TD receptions three times, retiring with 153, and perhaps in feuds with his quarterbacks, many of whom he felt didn't target him enough. Asked about aiming for the Hall of Fame, Owens told NFL Network: "I still don't, never realized it, never a dream of mine," Owens said. "I never thought I would play beyond the collegiate level. Everything I did playing in the NFL, I look back and marvel at it. I am a very competitive person, once I get my mind on something, I go full-bore into it." Faneca anchored Pittsburgh's offensive line for a decade, winning a Super Bowl. He also played two years for the Jets and one for Arizona. 3DUW7LPH'LHWDU\$LGH Must work variable shifts, holidays and weekends (High school students are encouraged to apply) 26 W. Virginia Ave. James City $32,000 Please call 814-558-1927 Household Goods Already nominated by the seniors committee are Ken Stabler and Dick Stanfel. The 2016 contributor candidate is former 49ers owner Edward DeBartolo, Jr. The nominees consist of 93 players (51 on offense, 33 on defense, 9 from special teams) and 15 coaches. They will be trimmed to 25 semifinalists in November and, from there, to 15 finalists in January. Voting will culminate Feb. 6, the night before the Super Bowl. While there is no set number for any class of enshrinees, the selection process bylaws provide that between four and eight new members will be selected. Favre, of course, is the headliner. A three-time league MVP, he retired with 508 touchdown passes, 71,838 yards and 186 victories. Of course, he temporarily retired twice late in his career, and finished up with Minnesota for two seasons following 16 in Green Bay and one with the Jets. He spent 1 Help Wanted ADVERTISE YOUR HOME today in the Kane Classifieds. Call 814-837-6000 now to place your home. GE Washer & Dryer Set is a year old paid $1000 asking $500 call 837-9678 your paws on: • • • • take for Long to get on the field. "He's really fit. He looks really strong," Quinn said Wednesday. "But this is his first practice today. A lot of learning was going on between last night and today for him. Then we'll start the ball rolling." Long has started 96 games in his career. Now, he'll do whatever is asked of him, even if it's a backup role. The Falcons are set at left tackle with Jake Matthews, their top pick in 2014. But right tackle Ryan Schraeder might be more vulnerable, as a third-year player who went undrafted out of Division II Valdosta State. "It's been a very long road," Long said. "I went through a lot of stuff. So I'm excited to be back in a locker room, to feel healthy, to be around the guys and be around football." Notes: Devin Hester again missed practice with a toe injury. "I'm getting better," said Hester, who didn't play in the season opener. &1$V Must have valid CNA license. Full-Time, Part-Time and Casual positions available t4BMFTPVUTJEFPGUIFGBDJMJUZUPQIZTJDJBOPGmDFTIPTQJUBMT BOEBMMPUIFSSFGFSSBMTPVSDFT t1SPWJEFTVQQPSUUPUIFBENJTTJPOTUFBN t&WFOUQMBOOJOH 4VDDFTTGVMDBOEJEBUFXJMMQPTTFTTBTUSPOHTBMFTCBDLHSPVOEQSFGFSBCMZJOIFBMUIDBSFBMPOHXJUIXJMMJOHOFTTUP USBWFMCPUIMPDBMMZBOESFHJPOBMMZ"OBTTPDJBUFTEFHSFFPS IJHIFSJTSFRVJSFE Benefits include health, dental, vision, life and disability insurance, 401(k) with company match, paid time off, and much more. RNs/LPNs/CNAs 6Q\GHU0HPRULDO+HDOWK&DUH&HQWHU 51VDQG/31VWRZRUNIXOOWLPHDQGSDUWWLPHIOH[LEOHKRXUVDYDLODEOH Competitive pay and benefits available. Must have a current RN or LPN license and enjoy working with the elderly. &1$VDQG&1$WUDLQLQJWe are accepting applications for CNAs, flexible hours and shifts. 6Q\GHU0HPRULDO+HDOWK&DUH&HQWHUFDQWUDLQ\RXWREHFRPHD&HUWLILHG1XUVHV$LGH1RH[SHULHQFH QHFHVVDU\$SSO\WRGD\WUDLQLQJFODVVHVVWDUWLQJVRRQ Interested applicants can apply to: SMHCC, 156 Snyder Memorial Road, Marienville PA 16239, phone 814-9276670, fax 814-927-6966 or visit our website at www.windsorhouseinc.com. EOE, Drugfree Workplace. 81 Miscellaneous 81 HOT TUB BLOWOUT Email a complete resume to: Nicole.Becker@HCFManagement.com 1 Help Wanted $SSO\LQSHUVRQ DPWRSP0RQ)UL /XWKHUDQ+RPHDW.DQH +LJK3RLQW'ULYH.DQH3$ (2( Miscellaneous EOE m/f/disabled/veteran 1 Help Wanted 51V Must have valid PA license Full-Time, Part-Time and Casual positions available 1 )$&725<',5(&76&5$7&+'(17+2778%6 110 Jet Spas retailing for $11,999 NOW ONLY $6,999 Hurry while they last! ),567&20(),5676(59( Swim Spas. Servicing ALL brands of spas. Over 10,000 units serviced. Over 1,000 units sold/moved. Unbeatable experience! Young’s Hot Tub Sales 814-720-7943 9 The Kane Republican Thursday, September 17, 2015 ANNIE’S MAILBOX® COPYRIGHT 2001 CREATORS SINDICATE, INC. Dear Annie: I have been seeing my boyfriend, “John,” for more than a year and love him very much. We are in our mid-20s, and while there are no plans to move in together or settle down soon, I see a future with him. The issue is that John currently lives with his older brother “Zack.” Zack has no full-time job, no prospects and no friends outside of those provided by John. Zack is shy in social situations, and covers this by being snide and sarcastic, which leads him to be girlfriend-less. My friends no longer like hanging out with John, as Zack is almost always involved. Also, John pays for everything for Zack -- rent, food, entertainment or any event we go to. I feel like John’s second girlfriend. When we go out with other friends for dinner, John will pay for Zack, but not me. And if the three of us go out, John and I split the bill 50/50. I don’t mind this occasionally, but my fi- nances are tight and I don’t care to pay for Zack. I resent that Zack gets treated to these dinners, but I don’t. Even our romantic dates usually involve Zack, and of course, he would come on any vacation. Annie, I feel stuck. I love John and I have even learned to like Zack, but I don’t think I can handle this situation any longer. I’ve brought it up delicately many times, and John and Zack both acknowledge the need for a change, but nothing happens. I don’t feel comfortable trying to get in between brothers, but this doesn’t seem healthy. -- Third Wheel on Facebook Dear Third: John obviously feels responsible for Zack and wants to take care of him. He doesn’t feel responsible for you, since you are independent, both financially and socially. Have you asked John privately whether Zack could benefit from counseling? If he is the older brother and still has no job and no social life, he might need some coaching in life skills. He also might appreciate having someone teach him how to handle himself at a party or attract the attention of a female, and you could be of tremendous assistance there. Otherwise, any “future” you see with John means including Zack in everything. Dear Annie: If people go in together to purchase a gift, should only one of the people receive a thank-you note? I recently attended a bridal shower where four of us pooled our money to purchase an expensive gift. At the shower, we were all asked to address an envelope to make thank-you notes easier for the bride-to-be. We all did so, but I was shocked to find out that the note was sent only to “Jill,” with the rest of our names included inside. Jill phoned the rest of us to let us know. Have people really become so lazy that they can’t write a thank you to each person who gave a gift? It wasn’t Jill’s job to inform the rest of us. Shame on the bride-to-be. -Proper Thank Yous Please Dear Proper: The bride may not have realized that a single gift from multiple people still requires individual thank-you notes. But yes, laziness undoubtedly played a part, considering that the guests had to pre-address their own envelopes. Annie’s Mailbox is written by Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar, longtime editors of the Ann Landers column. Please email your questions to anniesmailbox@creators. com, or write to: Annie’s Mailbox, c/o Creators Syndicate, 737 3rd Street, Hermosa Beach, CA 90254. You can also find Annie on Facebook at Facebook.com/AskAnnies. To find out more about Annie’s Mailbox and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate Web page at www.creators.com. COPYRIGHT 2015 CREATORS.COM WE NOW CARRY EROSION CONTROL PRODUCTS GRASS SEED FERTILIZER STRAW BALES ROAD FABRIC 0LOOLRQ'ROODU+Z\ www.jmdstones.com +RXUV0RQ)UL6DW6XQ After hours by appointment BLONDIE CROSSWORD By Eugene Sheffer For Friday, Sept. 18, 2015 ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Disputes with others might arise today about shared property, shared expenses for a vacation or a social engagement, or someone’s birthday -- it could be anything. Be civil. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) You will have challenges dealing with partners and close friends today. It might be difficult dealing with someone who is older and more experienced, like a boss or a parent. Knowing this, maintain your cool. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) A squabble about something that is work-related is likely today. Perhaps this is happening because you’re in a bad mood? If you’re happy, you’re easy-going, right? CANCER (June 21 to July 22) A lover’s quarrel might take place today. Others might have a dispute about spending money for a social occasion, a vacation or a sports event. Stay chill. LEO (July 23 to Aug. 22) Family disagreements might occur today. Be careful, because you might be coming on like gangbusters since Mars is in your sign. Be kind to the little people. VIRGO (Aug. 23 to Sept. 22) You’re worried about something. And when you’re worried, you tend to be in a negative state of mind, which, in turn, makes you short-tempered with others. Patience. LIBRA (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22) Disputes about money, cash flow or how something is handled, especially within a group, might arise today. Be patient in listening to what others have to say. SCORPIO (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21) You are a bit emotionally explosive today. Quite likely, this is because you are concerned about cash flow, or to be more specific, the lack of it. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21) Avoid controversial subjects like politics, religion and racial issues today. People are ready to fight over anything because it’s just that kinda day. Yikes! CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 to Jan. 19) A friend or a member of a group might be at odds with you over spending a special amount of money or a shared property. There are so many sides to every question. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18) Squabbles might arise today with partners, close friends, parents and partners. Basically, this is because people are in a bad mood. Steer away from this! PISCES (Feb. 19 to March 20) Although you want to escape today (and believe me, you do), you might find this difficult to arrange. Duties and obligations will block your way, but they’re temporary. YOU BORN TODAY You love beauty in your surroundings. You are thoughtful and certainly private. You are an excellent problem solver. Good news! This is a year of accumulation, and perhaps one of the most powerful years of your life. You will reap what you have sown, because it’s a time of fruition and a good time to buy and sell. Birthdate of: Jason Sudeikis, actor; Adam Cohen, musician; Aisha Tyler, actress. (c) 2015 King Features Syndicate, Inc. BEETLE BAILEY HAGAR THE HORRIBLE ARCHIE BABY BLUES THE PHANTOM HI & LOIS 10 The Kane Republican Thursday, September 17, 2015 CALL 837-6000 TO PLACE YOUR AD. Western Pa. gas prices fall almost 3 cents Western Pennsylvania gas prices have fallen by nearly 3 cents, according to AAA East Central’s Fuel Gauge Report. The national average is $2.322. This week’s Western Pa. average price: $2.487 Average price during the week of Sept. 7, 2015: $2.516 Average price during the week of Sept. 16, 2014: $3.509 On the national front For the 28th consecutive day, national average gas prices fell, as fewer motorists take to the roads and oversupply typifies the global market. Drivers are paying about $1.06 less this year than last, and national av- All Types Of Commercial Printing Available At The Kane Republican. Call Julie At 837-6000. Newell's Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning, 1031 Trout Run Road, St. Marys (814)781-7468. Kane Lumber & Fuel True Value - premium grade treated decking in stock Gelsick Home Inspection - Certified Home Inspector, St. Marys. Call (814) 834-9454. Tim's Plumbing, Heating and Cooling, Tim Robinson Owner, 8378781 Foster Brook Glass & Mirror, Bradford. Windows, Siding, Doors. 814-362-9899. Swartwood Builders Now doing Kitchen and Bath remodels Call 837-5134 Kitchen Country Kitchens & Baths, Computerized Design Services, St. Marys 781-3803. ECC Bingo Sunday Sept. 20th 1:30pm ECC Cafeteria Jude Hoffman Geer's Building Contractors, Mt. Jewett 778McKean County is home 5259 Call For An Estim- to 1,925 miles of waterate. ways from very small Jo Rae's Quilt 16 S Mill Ridgway 772-4155 Friday's 10a-7p Saturday's 10a-5p streams that only have water seasonally to large rivers. A watercourse is any stream, no matter how small. All need to be treated with care to prevent Rice's Small Engine Re- watershed pollution and pair Shop, 210 S. Fraley flooding. With so many waSt., Kane 837-7330. terways, it is highly possible that you have one in your backyard. This makes you a caretaker for your watershed. Riparian areas are located where water bodiesstream, river, pond, or lake meet the land. Maintaining a healthy vegetative cover is one of the most effective ways of limiting non-point source pollution, or sediment and nutrient run off. Planting and maintaining forested or vegetative buffers helps water quality by creating shade and limiting temperature fluctuations in Here is the price per gallon of unleaded self-serve gasoline in various areas: $2.489 Altoona $2.514 Beaver $2.461 Bradford $2.467 Brookville $2.478 Butler $2.496 Clarion $2.492 DuBois $2.319 Erie $2.532 Greensburg $2.540 Indiana $2.579 Jeannette $2.514 Kittanning $2.551 Latrobe $2.393 Meadville $2.469 Mercer $2.390 New Castle $2.557 New Kensington $2.525 Pittsburgh $2.399 Sharon $2.573 Uniontown $2.558 Warren $2.424 Washington Photo submitted Erosion and soil loss can easily occur during heavy rain or flooding. the stream. Healthy riparian buffers provide a root system to stabilize stream banks and prevent erosion of the soil. They also provide habitat for birds and wildlife and can prevent downstream flooding. If your riparian area consists of mowed lawn right to the edge of the stream, it is highly recommended to plant native shrubs and trees and create a buffer strip to improve stream health. (For a list of native plant species visit http:// w w w. d c n r. s t a t e . p a . u s / forestry/plants/nativeplants/). It can also mean less mowing and maintenance. Grass alone does not have sufficient roots to hold streambank soil. Erosion and soil loss can easily occur during heavy rain or flooding as shown in the photograph. Riparian areas should never be used as a dumping ground. Sometimes these areas are seen as “out of the way” corners of a yard or property and landowners or caretakers dump leaves, brush, pet waste, grass clippings, manure, mulch, dirt, gravel, or other organic matter which is difficult to dispose of. This kills all existing vegetation and will result in a bare riparian area which cannot resist erosion during high water events. This seemingly innocent compost method can be very damaging to a stream. Choose areas far away from streams, even seasonal streams, to compost yard waste. Treat all riparian areas as sensitive land...keep chemicals, paint, oil and gas residue, and similar wastes away from streams, creeks, and rivers of any size. Do not spray herbicides in riparian areas due to pollution potential and the destruction of native vegetation. We can all help our water stay clean and our watershed healthy. Contact the McKean County Conservation District if you have a particularly bad streambank erosion problem. The District streambank stabilization program can help private landowners protect and restore streambanks with specialized structures. Intel edits didn't change view of U.S.-Islamic State stalemate provide tools and personal protective equipment, but requests that volunteers bring work gloves, wear slip-resistant sole footwear and bring plenty of water and snacks. For more information about the project, please contact Julie Moyer, Recreation Team Leader; jmoyer@fs.fed.us or by calling 814.363.6089 or go to http://www.publiclandsday.org/npld-sites/ allegheny-national-forestmorrison-trail. For information about Public Lands Day, please go to: http://www.publiclandsday.org/. Marienville Ranger District develops nature path MARIENVILLE – The Allegheny National Forest’s Marienville Ranger District recently unveiled a new interpretive nature path designed to showcase the diversity of the forest. The seeds of this project began in 2014, when the district’s front line staff recognized the need for an environmental education/interpretive program near the ranger station. District staff developed the short (7/10 mile) path through the woods adjacent to the ranger station that showcases the diversity of the plant community, wildlife, land type, land use, forest type and resource management. It also includes a Monarch butterfly waystation, native wildflower gardens, wildlife plantings and a variety of trees which included the blight resistant American chest- to protect its market share by maintaining levels of production despite the drop in crude oil prices. Also according to the IEA, global demand for oil is likely to increase in 2016, suggesting a more bullish outlook to the market. In December, Indonesia will rejoin OPEC, and the country will not discuss production plans until then, a contributing factor to the current bearish state. Domestically, even with diminished production, the market remains oversupplied, according to the US Energy Information Administration, another factor keeping prices low. Western Pa. area prices Protecting waterways and improving riparian areas Suburban Building Center, Johnsonburg Road In St. Marys (814)7817576. ANF holding National Public Lands Day Event at the Morrison Trailhead WARREN – The Allegheny National Forest’s Bradford Ranger District is sponsoring a National Public Lands Day Event on the Morrison Trail. The event will be held on Saturday, Sept. 26 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The Morrison Trailhead is located off SR 59, about 16 miles east of Warren, and 17 miles from Bradford. The district is seeking volunteers to cut brush and remove down trees and debris and help address wet areas, improve drainage and build rock paths. The district will erages have dropped more than 30 cents over the past month. Several Southern states—South Carolina, Alabama and Mississippi-- are reporting average prices below the $2 mark, with continued discounts expected across the county. As stations switch to winter-blend mixes and road travel declines into the fall and winter, the market is expected to remain oversupplied, which should keep costs down. However, the oil market is still volatile. The International Energy Association (IEA) predicts non-OPEC countries will decrease production to the lowest level in 24 years. The IEA attributes this decrease to OPEC’s strategy nut. “Our District staff has developed a terrific program that introduces visitors to the wonderful diversity of vegetation and wildlife habitat that can be found within the Allegheny National Forest,” said Rob Fallon, Marienville District Ranger. Visitors can come to the Marienville Ranger District for guided walks, which are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10 a.m., and will last about an hour. Groups of 10 or more can request a guided walk Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The Marienville Ranger District office is located at 131 Smokey Ln.; Marienville, Pa. 16239. To request at tour, please contact the Marienville Ranger Station at 814.927.5700 or email Robert L. Fish at rfish@fs.fed.us. WASHINGTON (AP) — The alleged effort to put the best face on intelligence estimates about the U.S.led anti-Islamic State campaign has not shaken the government-wide assessment that the airstrikes have so far failed to fundamentally weaken the militant group, current and former intelligence officials say. The Pentagon's inspector general is investigating allegations that U.S. Central Command's top intelligence officials pressured analysts to discard parts of their reports that reflected poorly on the war effort in Iraq and Syria, resulting in flawed assessments that overstated American progress. But the allegedly purposeful editing did not affect separate intelligence reporting by the CIA, the Defense Intelligence Agency and other agencies, and therefore did not undermine the government-wide intelligence assessment that the war is at a stalemale, the officials added. The CIA and other agencies have concluded that the Islamic State has been able to replenish its dead with a steady influx of foreign fighters and has not lost significant amounts of territory. Still, the potential intelligence puffery may have influenced comments by certain key figures, say current and former officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to comment. In one possible instance, John Allen, the Obama administration's special envoy to the global coalition against the Islamic State, said in July that the Islamic State is "losing." In his first remarks about the allegations, Gen. Lloyd Austin, commander of U.S. Central Command, told the Senate Armed Services Committee Wednesday that he welcomed the investigation but could not comment directly until the review was over. He vowed to take "appropriate action" if the investigation concludes that intelligence reports were inappropriately altered. "I assure you that we will do everything in our power to make sure that the whistleblowers remain protected and that there is no retaliation," Austin added. The general emphasized that none of the Central Command intelligence reports would have been sent directly to President Barack Obama. A former Central Command official confirmed a report by the Daily Beast website that more than 50 intelligence analysts had complained that their conclusions were undercut. One or more senior analysts from the command made a written complaint to the Defense Department inspector general in July, prompting an investigation that officials have publicly acknowledged. The Associated Press reported in July on the broad U.S. intelligence assessment that the campaign had not fundamen- tally weakened the Islamic State's hold on large parts of Iraq and Syria, and that the inflow of foreign fighters was replenishing the group's losses. The CIA estimates the number of Islamic State fighters at between 20,000 and 31,500, double to triple the estimate from 2014. Reports in recent months by Central Command's intelligence operation, run by Maj. Gen. Steven Grove and his civilian deputy, Greg Ryckman, told a rosier story, current and former officials say. The former Central Command official, who has spoken to many of the players involved, said Ryckman made it known that he wanted assessments to reflect what he felt was the campaign's effect in degrading the Islamic State. Spokesman Patrick Ryder said neither Grove nor Ryckman were available for comment. When analysts didn't agree, they found their sources challenged and their well-grounded analysis edited out, the former official said. "It's not that they changed what went into the products— they took out things that didn't fit the narrative," the former official said. Many of the analysts work for the Defense Intelligence Agency, but they were assigned to Central Command and were part of that chain of command. The DIA has its own separate intelligence assessment that tracks the more sober view of the rest of the intelligence community, officials say. The intelligence reports emerged from the command's Joint Intelligence Center, which produced daily briefs and two- to threepage analyses that were distributed to other intelligence agencies and occasionally the White House. Kane Rotary & Kane Community Hospital Multiphasic Blood Screening 30 TESTS FOR $35 Vitamin D, Hepatitis C, A1c, TSH, PSA, and Occult Blood Testing are also available for an additional fee Screenings will be held 6 to 9:30 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 3 St. Callistus Church Hall 342 Chase St., Kane, PA 16735 Please Fast 12 hours prior to your appointment for best results. Registration preferred. Walk-ins are welcome. Call 814-837-4570 or toll-free 1-800-565-9200, ask for ext 4570 Deadline to register is Wednesday, Sept. 30 11 The Kane Republican Thursday, September 17, 2015 NASCAR Preview Package 2015 QUESTIONS & ATTITUDE Compelling questions ... and maybe a few actual answers 3 THINGS WE LEARNED AT RICHMOND Matt Kenseth’s fourth win, not to mention a healthy hug from wife Katie, made him a happy man in Richmond. 1. Dominance with a capital 'D' Joe Gibbs Racing has been so dominant in the regular season, there's chatter of a possible four-driver JGR final for the Chase championship. Including Matt Kenseth's win at Richmond, JGR won eight of the past 11 races and 11 of the 26 regular-season events. Two drivers (Kenseth, Kyle Busch) go into the Chase with four wins apiece. Ryan Newman has strolled into the Chase again without a trophy. ASSOCIATED PRESS/STEVE HELBER ASSOCIATED PRESS/STEVE HELBER Why the nervous looks from NASCAR? which was not good enough to leapfrog Paul Menard in the standings. 3. Lost in the shuffle 2. Winning is everything Needing a win to get in, here are some drivers that missed the Chase and we just kind of stopped caring about midway through the Richmond race: Kasey Kahne (18th at Richmond, 18th in points), Greg Biffle (31st, 20th), three-time Cup champ Tony Stewart (29th, 26th) and ... well, let's just throw her in ... Danica Patrick (19th, 24th). final Chase spot. He actually had a chance — albeit a slight chance — to win at Richmond on the last restart, but wound up fourth, Aric Almirola was left out of the party, just 17 points behind the — Rob Ullery, robert.ullery@news-jrnl.com 3 THINGS TO WATCH 1. Gordon, Gordon and Gordon Jeff Gordon's swan-song season has had fans sitting on the edge of their seats waiting for him to win. Well, good news, now you don't have to root for just a win. As Ryan Newman has shown us, you don't have to win to be in the Chase final. While a win would still be a great ending to his NASCAR story, wouldn't a Chase championship be even better? 2. Harvick's chip Think reigning champ Kevin Harvick is tired of the Gibbs drivers getting all the attention? Maybe, maybe not, but you can be sure he's tired of them winning all the time. Chicagoland could be the track where Harvick makes a statement — as he was fifth here last year after leading a race-high 79 laps. WINNER: Matt Kenseth REST OF TOP 5: Kevin Harvick, Denny Hamlin, Joey Logano, Kyle Busch. FIRST ONE OUT: Jeff Gordon ASSOCIATED PRESS/CHET STRANGE Recliner Sale Doubtful, because right now it looks like a battle between the Penske and Gibbs teams, along with Kevin Harvick. But with five winless drivers at the start line, it's reasonable to assume a couple might survive the first two cuts and enter the final four races in the hunt, and anything can happen after that. Kenseth Penske ROGER PENSKE VS. MATT KENSETH: Penske said NASCAR allowed Kenseth to get away with an illegal restart late at Richmond. KEN WILLIS' TAKE: It's always a hard judgment call, but we love Penske's line about the NASCAR official up in the booth: "The last restart, the guy must have closed the window and pulled the blind down." West Side Grill, Inc. Lindberg Furniture 5W1-RKQVRQEXUJ3$ But will it? Jeff Gordon is still without a win, but he’s in the Chase. After Ryan Newman’s winless Chase run last season, there’s hope for Gordon, even if he doesn’t win, to make the playoff final. Godwin Kelly is the Daytona Beach News-Journal’s motorsports editor and has covered NASCAR for 30 years. Reach him at godwin.kelly@ news-jrnl.com DARK HORSE: Ryan Newman DON'T BE SURPRISED IF: Gordon's farewell season, never in high gear, starts limping to the exit. This time, five winless drivers enter the Chase, which increases the chance of a Newman-style repeat, which might not be a near-miss this time. Nobody wants a winless champ, regardless of what people say publicly, but it can happen. FEUD OF THE WEEK — Rob Ullery, robert.ullery@news-jrnl.com GODWIN’S PICKS FOR NEW HAMPSHIRE 301 And now… ? — Ken Willis, ken.willis@news-jrnl.com. 3. Rooting for Kyle Come on, admit it: You find yourself actually caught up in Kyle Busch's story. After missing the first part of the season due to injury, his run to the Chase has been amazing. In the past 11 races he has four wins, two seconds and eight top-10s. And he has had success at Chicagoland (one win, four top-5s, five top-10s, two poles in 10 races). He was seventh last year after leading a second-best 46 laps. Last year, following Week 26, three drivers entered the Chase without a victory. One of them, Ryan Newman, was still winless nine weeks later and came very close to winning the championship. After all the talk about putting a premium on victories, that would've been hard to celebrate. “Good Times and Great Food” Tues-wing day )LHOG6WUHHW.DQH3$ 3HWIRRG:LOGOLIHIHHG/LYHVWRFNIHHG $GYDQWL[$GYDQWDJH%HGGLQJ 0XFKPRUHIRUDOO\RXUSHWQHHGV 118 Oak St. Kane, PA 16735 814-837-9301 Wed-beer night Bar Open Daily 11 am - 2 am Grill 11:30 am - 11 pm Starting at $299.00 Over 250 in Stock saveatbobs.com (Lindberg Furniture) ’ =89I@:#PP8IE::I8=KJ "SU4VQQMZ4UPSFt4FXJOH4FBNTUSFTT 0RQ)ULDPSP6DWDPSP6XQDPSP 105 Fraley St. Kane, PA 814-561-1047 Every Friday, Saturday and Sunday Pepperoni 16” Pizza Just $ 8.99 12 The Kane Republican Thursday, September 17, 2015 NASCAR Preview Package 2015 SPRINT CUP SCHEDULE AND RESULTS Feb. 14 — x-Sprint Unlimited (Matt Kenseth) Feb. 19 — x-Budweiser Duel 1 (Dale Earnhardt Jr.) Feb. 19 — x-Budweiser Duel 2 (Jimmie Johnson) Feb. 22 — Daytona 500 (Joey Logano) March 1 — Folds of Honor QuikTrip 500 (Jimmie Johnson) March 8 — Kobalt 400 (Kevin Harvick) March 15 — CampingWorld.com 500 (Kevin Harvick) March 22 — Auto Club 400 (Brad Keselowski) March 29 — STP 500 (Denny Hamlin) April 11 — Duck Commander 500 (Jimmie Johnson) April 19 — Food City 500 (Matt Kenseth) April 25 — Toyota Owners 400 (Kurt Busch) May 3 — Geico 500 (Dale Earnhardt Jr.) May 9 — SpongeBob SquarePants 400 (Jimmie Johnson) May 15 — x-Sprint Showdown (Greg Biffle and Clint Bowyer) May 16 — x-NASCAR Sprint All-Star Race (Denny Hamlin) May 24 — Coca-Cola 600, Concord, N.C. (Carl Edwards) SPEED FREAKS May 31 — Dover 400, Dover, Del. (Jimmie Johnson) June 7 — Axalta “We Paint Winners” 400 (Martin Truex Jr.) June 14 — Quicken Loans 400, Brooklyn, Mich. (Kurt Busch) June 28 — Toyota-Save Mart 350, Sonoma, Calif. (Kyle Busch) July 5 — Coke Zero 400, Daytona Beach (Dale Earnhardt Jr.) July 11 — Quaker State 400, Sparta, Ky. (Kyle Busch) July 19 — New Hampshire 301, Loudon, N.H. (Kyle Busch) July 26 — Brickyard 400 (Kyle Busch) Aug. 2 — Pennsylvania 400, Long Pond, Pa. (Matt Kenseth) Aug. 9 — Cheez-It 355 at The Glen, Watkins Glen, N.Y. (Joey Logano) Aug. 16 — Pure Michigan 400, Brooklyn, Mich. (Matt Kenseth) Aug. 22 — Irwin Tools Night Race, Bristol, Tenn. (Joey Logano) Sept. 6 — Bojangles’ Southern 500, Darlington, S.C. (Carl Edwards) Sept. 12 — Federated Auto Parts 400, Richmond, Va. (Matt Kenseth) Sept. 20 — myAfibRisk.com 400, Joliet, Ill. WHAT’S ON TAP? A couple questions we had to ask — ourselves Biggest surprise in the Chase field? KEN'S CALL: Given how he started the year, I'll go with Kyle Busch. ROB'S RAMBLINGS: Have to agree it's Kyle Busch. Figured NASCAR would allow him to be Chase-eligible even if he hadn't cracked top 30 in points. Come on, four wins? Biggest surprise among those who missed? KEN'S CALL: Either Kyle Larson or Kasey Kahne; I'll say Kahne. ROB'S RAMBLINGS: I kept waiting for Tony Stewart to sneak in a win. No repeat of his great 2011 story. Which Gibbs driver wins this week? KEN'S CALL: I'm going back-to-back with Matt Kenseth. ROB'S RAMBLINGS: You're insane not to go with Kenseth. I mean, really, three wins in the past six races? Sept. 27 — Sylvania 300, Loudon, N.H. Oct. 4 — AAA 400, Dover, Del. Oct. 10 — Bank of America 500, Concord, N.C. Oct. 18 — Hollywood Casino 400, Kansas City, Kan. Oct. 25 — Alabama 500, Talladega, Ala. Nov. 1 — Goody’s Fast Pain Relief 500, Ridgeway, Va. Nov. 8 — AAA Texas 500, Fort Worth, Texas Nov. 15 — Quicken Loans Race for Heroes 500, Avondale, Ariz. Nov. 22 — Ford EcoBoost 400, Homestead x — non-points race DID YOU KNOW? “Chicagoland” is the name you give a speedway when you want the Chicago vibe but are physically 40 miles to the southwest, in Joliet, which is known for many things, including its prison. That famous lockup is why the local minor league baseball team is known as the Joliet Slammers. SPRINT CUP POINTS 1. Jimmie Johnson 1. Kyle Busch 1. Matt Kenseth 2. Joey Logano 3. Kevin Harvick 3. Dale Earnhardt Jr. 3. Kurt Busch 3. Carl Edwards 4. Brad Keselowski 4. Martin Truex Jr. 4. Denny Hamlin 5. Jamie McMurray 5. Jeff Gordon 5. Ryan Newman 5. Paul Menard SPRINT CUP: myAFibRisk.com 400 SITE: Chicagoland Speedway TV SCHEDULE: Friday qualifying (NBC Sports Network, 6:45 ET); Saturday Happy Hour (NBCSN, 4:30 ET); Sunday race (NBCSN, 3 p.m. ET). XFINITY SERIES: Furious 7 300 SITE: Chicagoland TV SCHEDULE: Friday practice (NBCSN, 2 p.m. ET); Saturday qualifying (NBCSN, 2:45 ET); Saturday race (NBCSN, 6 ET). TRUCK SERIES: American Ethanol E15 225 SITE: Chicagoland TV SCHEDULE: Friday practice (FS1, 10 a.m. ET); Friday qualifying (FS1, 4:45 p.m. ET); Friday race (FS1, 8:30 p.m. ET). 5. Clint Bowyer 2000 6. Aric Almirola 693 7. Kasey Kahne 677 8. Kyle Larson 618 9. Greg Biffle 611 10. Austin Dillon 603 11. AJ Allmendinger 556 12. Casey Mears 554 13. Danica Patrick 552 14. David Ragan 522 15. Tony Stewart 511 16. Sam Hornish Jr. 508 17. Trevor Bayne 473 18. Ricky Stenhouse Jr. 468 19. Justin Allgaier 439 2012 2012 2012 2009 2006 2006 2006 2006 2003 2003 2003 2000 2000 2000 2000 ONLINE EXTRAS news-journalonline. com/nascar facebook.com/ nascardaytona @nascardaytona Questions? Contact Godwin Kelly at godwin.kelly@news-jrnl.com or Ken Willis at ken. willis@news-jrnl.com WEEKLY DRIVER RANKINGS — BASED ON BEHAVIOR AND PERFORMANCE JOEY LOGANO KYLE BUSCH KEVIN HARVICK MATT KENSETH BRAD KESELOWSKI DENNY HAMLIN JUNIOR EARNHARDT JIMMIE JOHNSON CARL EDWARDS KURT BUSCH Can’t remember his last bad weekend Has no pity for Hamlin’s knee The race to repeat begins at Chicagoland Mild Matt will likely avoid State Street Between third and sixth past four starts His Redskins won’t make anyone’s Chase Odd fact: Never won at Chicagoland Cousin Carl remains a bit of a sleeper Angling to visit Wrigley this weekend 2 3 4 High-voice Peyton Manning creeps him out 6 7 8 1 5 9 10 The Th T he he Dam Inn 5W0W-HZHWW3$ Live Entertainment Sunday from 4-8 'LEN(AZEL2D7ILCOX0!s0HONE SUnday brunch 10-1 pm ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE! 2008 Toyota Yaris - Low Miles - Contact Kane Republican 814-837-6000 BUY HERE/PAY HERE, LOW PAYMENTS NO CREDIT CHECK 615 East Main Street, Bradford PA 16701 www.autojunctioninc.comsEMAILINFO AUTOJUNCTIONINCCOM the Phone: 814-368 - 9277 HELLO KANE PENNSYLVANIA FOR ALL YOUR WASTE AND RECYCLING NEEDS, give us a call– let’s talk trash. Residential • Commercial • Senior Citizen Rates Available • Customer Referral Discounts Biddle Street • Kane, PA 16735 Call us in Kane Today at 814-837-6247
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