November 11, 2012 - Holy Name of Jesus Parish


November 11, 2012 - Holy Name of Jesus Parish
November 11, 2012
Saturday Vigil: ....................................................................................... 4:00 p.m.
Sunday: 8:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m. (Children’s Liturgy of the Word most Sundays & nursery)
and 6:00 p.m.
Monday–Friday: ....................................................................... 6:30 and 7:30 a.m.
Saturday: .................................................................................................7:30 a.m.
Palmer Avenue & LaSalle Place. Open for prayer 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturday 3:00–3:45 p.m.
or by appointment.
CHURCH • 6367 St. Charles Avenue
on the campus of Loyola University
Four blocks down Palmer Avenue from St. Charles
SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: Archdiocesan policy requires a couple contact
their parish at least six months before they hope to receive this sacrament. Before
setting any dates, check our parish wedding policy at , email
Liz Broekman at or call the office at 865-7430, ext.
200. No weddings are scheduled more than eighteen months in advance. Wedding
times are: Fridays at 7:30 p.m., Saturdays at 11:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.
PASTORAL CARE OF THE SICK: Notify the parish about the homebound, ill,
or hospitalized to add their names to the prayer list and to request Communion or
Anointing of the Sick.
Catholic and want to learn more about or inquire into the Catholic faith, or if you
are a baptized but uncatechized Catholic needing to complete your initiation, call
Fr. Gregg Grovenburg, 865-2328 or
INFANT BAPTISM: Call to register for the required parents’ and godparents’
seminar and to schedule your child for the sacrament celebrated monthly during or
after the 10:30 Mass.
6220 LaSalle Place • New Orleans, LA 70118-6236
Telephone: 504-865-7430 • Fax: 504-866-3391
Office Hours: Mon.–Fri., 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
Pastor…………..………….Fr. Donald Hawkins, S.J.
Parochial Vicar…..…...Fr. Michael Bouzigard, S.J.
Parochial Vicar………………..Fr. Bao Nguyen, S.J.
Office Manager ........... Lisette Charbonnet, ext. 200
Secretary……………….….Vicki Jeansonne, ext. 201
Sacramental Secretary ..... Margot McGinn, ext. 201
Religious Ed Coord …....Justin Martineau, ext. 206
RCIA Director ……………. Fr. Grovenburg,S.J. and
Kurt Bindewald
Youth Director .............. Philip Braun, III, 339-4428
Music Director .. Colleen Maher, 865-7430, ext. 224
Sacristan ......................................... Michael Mosley
Wedding Coord. ….. Liz Broekman, 865-7430,ext. 202
Finance…………...….….Brenda Danielson , 861-7630
Grades pre-K through 7
6325 Cromwell Pl., New Orleans, LA 70118-6229
Telephone: 504-861-1466 • Fax: 504-861-1480
Principal ................................... Courtney Wolbrette
Social Worker........................ Lisa Houck, 861-4801
Admissions ........................ Gail Sehulster, 861-1466
Finance ………...…....Brenda Danielson, 861-7630
RELIGIOUS EDUCATION AND FORMATION: For information about youth
religious education and sacramental preparation for youth, call 861-7432.
PARISH MEMBERSHIP: You are encouraged to become a registered active
member of a parish. Membership information packets for Holy Name of Jesus are
available in church or you may complete the 3 required forms on our website, and click on application forms at the top. Complete the forms
and come to one of the new parishioner meetings held every month in church after
the 10:30 Mass.
PASTORAL COUNCIL: Ken Steudler, Chair; Jim Lewis, Past Chair; Sherry
Alexander, Angela Anderson, Julie Babin, Anna Combes, Margaret Hildreth,
Michael Hosemann, Bill Hughs, Teresa LeBlanc, Dan Macnamara, Misty
Quintana, Virginia Roddy, Gail Sehulster, Brian Trascher, Mary Elizabeth Wilkes
FINANCE COUNCIL: Lee Eagan, Chairman; Jason Broekman, Dr. Ed Connolly,
Michael Donofrio, Virginia Roddy.
SCHOOL BOARD: Mark Wetmore; Chairman; Amy Zapata; Past Chairman,
Heather Harper-Cazayoux, Richard Clement, Amy Drew, Patrick McCausland,
Glen Mercer, Misty Quintana
Mission Statement
Holy Name of Jesus Parish
We, the Catholic community at Holy Name of Jesus Parish, graced
by the Holy Spirit, are called to invite all people to experience the
living and loving presence of Christ by nurturing the spiritual growth
of all our members through energetic celebration of the sacraments,
especially the Eucharist, daily prayer, lifelong study of our faith,
witness, service and hospitality.
Yet another Change in the Offing
Dear Sisters and Brothers,
The peace of the Lord be with you always!
Curiously enough, while I was in Atlanta making my
retreat, the General of the Society of Jesus, Very Reverend
Adolfo Nicolás, changed the boundaries of the New Orleans and
Maryland Provinces. South Carolina and Georgia, previously
part of the Southern Province, will, on January 1, 2013, come
under the jurisdiction of the Maryland Province. This change is
part of the realignment of the American Jesuit provinces that
will occur in the next decade.
Although individual Southern Jesuits have long worked
in South Carolina, Jesuit presence in Georgia has been more of a
corporate presence. In 1887 the bishop of Savannah offered the
New Orleans Mission a former seminary, Pio Nono College, for
use as a house of formation if the Jesuits would agree to staff a
local parish. The Jesuits came to St. Joseph’s parish in Macon,
where they stayed more than seventy years. Pio Nono College
became the novitiate and juniorate, until a totally destructive fire
in 1921 led to the removal of the house of formation to St.
Charles College in Grand Coteau, Louisiana.
In Augusta the Jesuits ministered at Sacred Heart parish
for almost seventy-five years. During the first twenty years, the
Society of Jesus conducted Sacred Heart College, a high school.
In suburban Atlanta the mother of Father John
Schroder, S.J., one of our retired Jesuits, donated the family’s
summer estate on the Chattahoochee River to the New Orleans
Province for use as a retreat house. For six decades Ignatius
House has offered the Spiritual Exercises to the people of Georgia and has provided the Archdiocese of Atlanta and individual
parishes a place for prayer and meetings. This ministry will
continue with the Maryland Jesuits.
Eventually there will be four Jesuit provinces
(administrative divisions) in the United States instead of ten.
The entire east coast, except for Florida, will be one province,
with the combining of the New York, Maryland, and New England Provinces. The south central United States will consist of
the Missouri and New Orleans Provinces, including Florida.
The north central section will be composed of the Chicago, Detroit, and Wisconsin Provinces. The Oregon and California Provinces will make up a western province including Alaska and Hawaii.
Our province has shrunk in size in other decades as well.
North Carolina, part of the Maryland Province since the nineteen
thirties, was once a stark mission region staffed by Southern Jesuits. Even Oklahoma, now attached to Missouri, was once Southern Jesuit territory.
The Maryland Jesuits once had the most unusual legal
name in the United States: the “Roman Catholic Gentlemen of
Maryland,” dating from the Suppression of the Jesuits in 1773.
Those priests in the Colony of Maryland incorporated themselves
under that title to prevent the expropriation of Church property.
As of now, we Southern Jesuits have the most unusual legal title,
the “Catholic Society for Religious and Literary Education.”
As our Jesuit journey continues, let us remember that all
of us—all of us—are on pilgrimage from the Lord to the Lord.
Let us pray for one another especially at the Sunday Eucharist.
Please pray for us Jesuits as we seek to serve the Lord and the
Lord’s Church.
let us also have
fun as a parish
fair this weekend!
In our Lord,
Prayer for November
Oh God, who have taught the ministers of your Church
to seek not to be served, but to serve their brothers and
sisters, grant, we pray, that they may be effective in
action, gentle in ministry, and constant in prayer. We
ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
—Prayer for Ministers of the Church from the Roman Missal
Liturgical Ministers for
November 17 & November 18, 2012
Sat. 4:00pm
Sun. 8:00am
Sun. 10:30am
Sun. 6:00pm
Lewis, M., Lewis, J.
Perrault, Merritt
Trascher, Garry
Macasieb, Staub
Extraordinary Ministers of
Holy Communion
Sat. 4:00pm Culicchia, McKinnon, Phillips
The 10:30 Mass on
November 18, 2012 will have HNJ
School students as Lectors and
Hospitality Ministers
November Calendar
Nov. 9, 10, 11 HNJ School/ Parish Fair
Nov. 10/11 & 17/18 Advent Material Sale
Nov. 18
Students’ Mass-10:30
Nov. 18
Campaign for Human Development
2nd Collection
Nov. 22
Thanksgiving Day 9am Mass only
Nov. 24
Giving Tree at HNJ
Nov. 30– Dec. 1
Christmas Tree sale at HNJ
Fri. 6-9 pm, Sat. 10 am til sold.
Sun. 8:00am Babington, Ward, Mackenroth,
Read, Roddy
Sun. 10:30am Saunders, Schmidt, White, Baird,
Buford, Schmidt, Jarrott
Sun. 6:00pm Thompson, Staub, Wallace,
Macasieb, Robinson, Haik,
Sat. 4:00pm Fr. Bao
Sun. 8:00am Fr. Hawkins
Sun. 10:30am Fr. Bao
Sun. 6:00pm Fr. Hawkins
Altar Servers
Sat. 4:00pm
Fasold, Huguley
Sun. 8:00am Scialfa, Marzullo, C. Ashley
Sun. 10:30am Bendernagel, Zeldon, Schott
Sun. 6:00pm Haik, Creel
Sun. 10:30am Collins, Combes, Sperr, Steudler
In preparation for the birth of our Lord...
We will have ADVENT candles, Holy Name of
Jesus Christmas cards, note cards, and other reading
St. Vincent de Paul will once again be helping
needy children. Beginning the Saturday after
Thanksgiving, Nov. 24th, the Giving Tree will be
placed in the back of the church. Please help us
by taking an ornament from the tree and returning appropriate gifts for the child described on the
These gifts will be distributed at the
Martin Luther King School before Christmas.
Due back by Dec. 16th. Merry Christmas!
Available after Mass, in back of the church on—
November 10 & 11
November 17 & 18
Don’t Forget your Commitment Card!
Holy Name of Jesus School
It’s Time for the HNJ Fair
This Weekend! Come join the FUN!!!
Are You Interested in Being Confirmed?
If you are interest in being confirmed, and you are a
Sophomore or Junior, it’s not too late!!!
Please contact Jim Lamy at
St. Vincent dePaul
Thanksgiving Baskets
There are cards in the pews for the
Thanksgiving basket donations. Thank you
for your generous donations for those
that are less fortunate. St. Vincent
dePaul is sponsoring 38 Thanksgiving Baskets this year.
If you would like to help by donating any
of the items listed below or financial donations all are welcome. There are large
boxes near the
St. Anthony altar where items may be
placed .
Food items needed are:
Peanut Butter
Red Beans
Tuna Fish
Pork and Beans
Sweet Potatoes
String Beans
Stuffing Mix
Green Peas
For Mid-Week Family Faith Sharing
The 32nd Ordinary Sunday, November 11, 2012
Gospel: Mark 12:38-44
Theme: Give to God until we have
given enough
In the course of his teaching Jesus said to
the crowds, "Beware of the scribes, who like
to go around in long robes and accept
greetings in the market places, seats of honor in synagogues, and places of honor at
banquets. They devour the houses of widows and, as a pretext recite lengthy prayers. They will receive a very severe condemnation." He sat down opposite the treasury and observed how the crowd put money
into the treasury. Many rich people put in
large sums. A poor widow also came and
put in two small coins worth a few cents.
Calling his disciples to himself, he said to
them, "Amen, I say to you, this poor widow
put in more than all the other contributors to
the treasury. For they have all contributed
from their surplus wealth, but she, from her
poverty, has contributed all she had, her
whole livelihood."
QUESTION 1: (for children): What part
of your own possessions are you called
on to share?
QUESTION 2 (for youth): When you
think of your own life, do you consider
yourself rich or poor. How do you
spend your money? Is there anything
you should be doing differently?
QUESTION 3 (for adults): When do you
know that you have given away enough?
Holy Name of Jesus Ministries
Liturgy& Worship Commission
Liturgy Committee
Fr. Donald Hawkins, S.J.
Eucharistic Ministers
Marie Baumann
Bernadette D’Souza
Music Ministry/Altar Servers
Colleen Maher
Ken Steudler
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Rebecca Kitchens
Nursery Room
Virginia Roddy
Church Environment
Liz Broekman
Funeral Ministry
Irene Mackenroth
Adoration Chapel
Lawrence & Ernestine Springer
Community Dinners
Robin Roussell
Katy Tanet
Supper and Substance
Liz Broekman
Parish Social Committee
Julie Lamy
Youth Groups
Philip Braun (8th-12th)
Outreach & Service Commission
Communion to the Sick/Anointing the Sick
Fr. Donald Hawkins, S.J.
Fr. Michael Bouzigard, S.J.
Bereavement Ministry
Irene Mackenroth
Stephen Ministry
Lisette Charbonnet
Beth Sheridan
St. Vincent DePaul Society
Philip Brooks
Irene Mackenroth
Social Justice Committee
Donna Bailey
Mary Elizabeth Wilkes
Right to Life Ministry
Sally Reeves
Patricia Toso
Young Adult Group Ministry
Jeremy Burke
Mary Elizabeth Wilkes
Formation & Spirituality Commission
Religious Education (K-6)/CCD Religious Education (K-9)/
High School Confirmation/ Vacation Bible Camp
Justin Martineau
RCIA Sponsors and Team
Fr. Gregg Grovenburg, S.J.
Scripture Study Groups/Marriage Preparation (Catechism)
Fr. Donald Hawkins, S.J.
Fr. Michael Bouzigard, S.J.
Baptism Preparation
Fr. Donald Hawkins, S.J.
Social & Community Commission
Coffee and Donuts Ministry
Newcomer Orientation and Welcome
Lisette Charbonnet
Administration Commission (Parish Council)
Ken Steudler
Financial Committee
Lee Eagan
HNJ School Committees
Principal-Courtney Wolbrette
School/Parish Fair
Jenny Babineaux
Mia Stephenson
Glen Mercer
Chris Algero
Men’s Club
Jim Lamy
It’s Back!!!
Christmas Trees at HNJ
Sponsored by HNJ Men’s Club
Merry Christmas!
All proceeds go to HNJ School and HNJ Parish
1st weekend of Advent
Starting Friday, November 30
6 pm-9pm
Ending Saturday, December 1 10 am Until All are Sold!
Catholic Women in Action hosts Advent Reflection: Walking with the Holy Family
December 5, 2012 at St. Francis Xavier Church
Catholic Women in Action, a committee of the
Catholic Foundation of the Archdiocese of New
Orleans, is holding an Advent Day of Reflection
entitled “Walking with the Holy Family.” The Day
of Reflection will take place on December 5, 2012
at St. Francis Xavier Church located at
444 Metairie Road. It will feature local priests and
women reflecting on how to spiritually prepare for
Christ’s coming. Mass begins at 8:00am, confessions are available at 10:30.
All are welcome; there is no charge for attending.
Report from the Finance Committee
$ 11,491.17
$ 11,364.98
$ 127.17
$ 215,912.00
Mass Intentions and Readings for the week of :
Nov. 11, 2012
Nov. 18, 2012
1 Kings 17:10-16
Heb. 9:24-28
Mark 12:38-44
Dan. 12:1-3
Heb. 10 :11-14, 18
Mark 13:24-32
MON: Tit. 1:1-9; Luke 17:1-6
6:30am John B. Davis
7:30am Clayton Charbonnet
TUES: Tit. 2:1-8, 11-14; Luke 17:7-10
6:30am Tony Bernardi
7:30am Tom Dziennik
WED: Tit. 3:1-7; Luke 17-11-19
6:30am Dr. Philip Rabalais
7:30am James Anthony Flotte
THURS: Philem. 7-20; Luke 17:20-25
6:30am James Laville
7:30am Julian Hillery
2 John 4-9; Luke 17:26-37
Int. of Louis Perrilliat
Int. of Terri Marchese
3 John 5-8; Luke 18:1-8
For the family of Maelan Graffagnini
Charlotte Adams, Ted Alpaugh, Tony Arnona, Robert
Wesley Baird, Harold Baquet, Beau Bassich, Robert
S. Baxter, Chad Billiot, Hugh Blain, Maxine A.
Blum, Bob Brannen, John Broders, Emery Brooks,
Paul C., Royce C., Vera May Caliva, M. Carver, Stella Chapoton, Holland Collins, Lisette Charbonnet,
Bryan Charles, Roy Cina, Ben Cousins, Brian Cowand, Rob Curran, H. Joel Daste, Parker Davis, Jane
deBarbieries, Madge Dicks, Clair Duplantier, Chester
Fannon III, Janet Farace, Mary Frances Fitzpatrick,
Mildred Flynn, Gigi Graham, Debbie Grimes, Jack
Gordon, Jerry Guillot, William Guste, Nancy M.
Hailey, Mimi Hartwick, Fr. Donald A. Hawkins, S.J.,
Bruce Hoefer, Kathleen Hosford, Thomas Howard,
Travis Hayes, Milton Hilbert, Konnor, Donald King,
Eric Krasnoff, George Lebeuf, Isabella LeMieux,
Genie Stevens Lasoski, Mona & Gary Leingang,
Marguerite Lewis, Elena Lopez, Katherine Eagan
May, Kendall McCullar, Dorothy Miller, A. J. Palermo, Mignon Parker, Ronald Ramey, Muside Rende,
Sarah T. Rosevalley, Amanda Ruffins, R. Henry Sarpy, Steve Schmedtje, Joan Schott, Sheila Schwartzmann, Jane Silva, Elizabeth Stahel, Mary Starring,
Marie Stokes, Pierre Stouse, John Thompson, W. I.
Thompson, Peter Viguerie, Lillian Vita, Harvey
Voinche, Kate W., Juliet Wilkinson, Mary Ann
Wood and all others who have asked for our prayers.
Also, for these loved ones serving in the
armed services:
Capt. Austin Jones, USMC, Lt. Col. James
“Beau” Higgins, USMC; LCDR Donald Toso, Jr.,
USN; Lt. Paul Baxter, USA; Major Etienne Sabaté,
USA, Capt. Jordan Jones, USMC., Sgt. Kevin H. Caliva, Jr. USA., Will Buford, USN, Lt. Andrew
O’Connor, USN; Spc. Andrew M. Miller RNG., Lt.
j.g. Andrew Newman USN