First Glance - First Lutheran Church


First Glance - First Lutheran Church
First Glance
May, 2016
At a Glance:
Memorials & Honorariums
Page 2
WELCA Circle Meetings
Page 2
Thank You Teachers & Mentors
Page 2
Community Ministries Thanks
Page 3
Shining a Light
Page 4
Community Ministries
Page 4
Summer of Service
Page 5
Children’s Ministries
Page 6
Youth and Family Ministries
Page 7
Our Church Family
Page 8
Council Corner
Page 8
Family Fellowship Events
Page 8
May Birthdays
Page 8
Coming up at FACEOUT
Page 9
A Message from Pastor Bernie
Page 9
Serving in Worship
Page 10
Preparation for Worship
Page 10
Page 11
Habitat Nicaragua
Page 12
All Members Of
Are Encouraged To Be In Attendance On
SUNDAY, MAY 22, 10 am in the Community Center
for the Annual Spring Meeting of the Congregation.
1. Welcome, opening prayer and introduction of current
Council members
2. Approval of the 2016-2017 budget
3. Election of Council officers and division chairpersons
4. Approval of Synod Assembly members
5. Approval of an amendment to the By-Laws regarding
the Personnel Committee length of service.
6. Other business
7. Closing prayer
Grab your coffee and join your fellow members
in the Community Center
to share your thoughts, wisdom and wit.
Memorials & Honorariums
First Lutheran’s Mission and Ministry
In memory of Bill Mims, Sr.,
given by Art and Ginny Hultquist,
Annette Benson, and Mose Kiser, Jr.
In memory of Marjorie Foster given by
Al Lochra
In memory of Janet Kiehn (sister-in
-law of Margery Kiehn) given by Todd and Lonnia
In memory of Lorraine Thomas (Sam Thomas’
sister) given by John and Sandy McCulloch
Endowment Fund
In memory of Jim Simpson given by Dean and
Pam Allred, Maria Hernandez and Stephen
Luteman, Margaret Todd, Al Lochra, Chris and
Colette Gibson, Ginny Gaskin, George and Betty
Burfeind, Betty Masters, Art and Ginny Hultquist,
the Thorburn Sunday School Class, Bobbie and
Kohn Sherrill, Helga Troutman, Ray and Donna
Walli, Phyllis and Jay Lambeth, the Powlas Deal
Circle, and Jean Young
In memory of Lane Harms given by the Powlas
Deal Circle
In honor of Pastor Jay given by June Simpson
In memory of Bill Mims, Sr., given by Ray and
Donna Walli, Russell and Kendra Whittington,
John and Sandy McCulloch, Glenn Grayson, Ginny
Gaskin, Frances Daily, and the James Gang
In memory of Ron Gerhard given by Kathy and
Bill Exner
Greensboro Urban Ministry Friday Breakfast
In honor of Pastor Bernie given by Kim Harms
In honor of Todd and Lindy Herman given by
Mary Beth Ebert
In honor of Pastor Brady and Lois Faggart
given by Christina and Tom Pearsall
Worship/Music Ministries Fund
In memory of Bob Myers (father of Melissa
Burris) given by Betty Stubbins and the First
Lutheran Choir
In memory of Bill Mims, Sr., given by the First
Lutheran Choir
In honor of Melissa Burris given by Kim Harms
Emergency Assistance Fund
In memory of George Arnold and Jim Simpson
and in honor of Pastor Bernie given by Melissa
McIver Fund for Special Artists
In memory of Helen Lochra given by Ed and Bonnie
Pastor’s Discretionary Fund
In memory of Robert Brill (uncle) given by Jodie Echard
In honor of the Powlas Deal Circle given by June
Karen Brown Handbell Fund
In memory of Bill Mims, Sr., given by Betty Carter
Nicaragua Habitat Trip Fund
In honor of Pastor Jay given by Kim Harms
Organ Fund
In memory of Bob Myers given by Russell and
Kendra Whittington
WELCA Circle Meetings
Mary Martha Circle
Wednesday, May 4 at 10 am in the Cafe. All are welcome!
Powlas Deal Circle
Tuesday, May 17 at 7 pm in the Cafe
Program and Refreshments
All ladies are welcome!
Sullivan Huddle Circle
Monday, May 2 at 7 pm in the Cafe
Program: Prayer presented by Joretta Klepfer
Hostesses: Melissa Branham and Jane Connelly
Thank- you
Faith Formation
teachers and mentors!
Children, Youth and Adult faith formation could not happen without
very dedicated volunteers who are willing to share their
faith and time. On Sunday, May 1, we will recognize all of
this year’s faith formation leaders in our morning worship
services. We encourage all faith formation leaders who are
not teaching, to drop by the community center for a special
treat at 10 am.
The last day of formal Faith Formation for children and
youth is officially May 15. May 22 at 10 am is our annual
meeting. Children, ages 3 through Grade 5 will meet with
Melissa Burris in the traditional worship room. Youth and
young adults are encouraged to attend the annual meeting .
Page 2
Community Ministries Thanks
THANK YOU! We have finished a couple of our winter ministries and wanted to thank
all those who have helped to make these programs a success:
+ HUGS – Our collection of Hats, Underwear, Gloves and Socks was a huge success. Hundreds of items were
donated and went to the men, women and children at the YWCA Family shelter, women at the Weaver House
winter shelter, men and women at GUM and to homeless people on the streets. Everyone who received items
were very grateful. Thanks to everyone who donated and to those who gave of their time, talent and treasure to
make by hand some of the hats and scarves.
+ Men’s Winter Shelter – We partnered with West Market Street United Methodist Church again this year to
help support their winter emergency (or Weaver Extension) shelter. This is our 5th year of this ministry and it
was the best one yet. Many thanks to all who helped with this very important ministry. We had many
individuals who helped to provide the meals and to serve. We also had some new people and groups who
stepped up this year: The Children’s Ministry, Cornerstone Sunday School class, two of the WELCA circles: The
Sullivan-Huddle and Annie Ray Moore - and one small group, the Mixed Nuts. Also, FACEOUT members
contributed to this need. We’d also like to thank the Endowment Committee for awarding a grant to help with
expenses towards meals. We collected $290 in quarters to help residents do laundry.
~ Submitted by Colette Gibson of the Community Ministries team
+ $10K FOR 10 YEARS: We have reached $11,955 – surpassing our goal of $10K - in our appeal to celebrate
and support the 10th anniversary of the Friday breakfast team, which serves at Greensboro Urban Ministry!
From those who serve, your thoughts, prayers, and financial support (and PB&J donations) are appreciated.
+ Grocery Store Food Drive a Success!
Thanks to the willing volunteers who braved frigid temperatures Friday and Saturday, April 8-9, 3689 lbs of
food was collected to stock the food pantry at Urban Ministry. Well done to you who pitched in: Shelley
Willard, Ann Hess, Steve Hayes, Bruce Petersen, Fred and Shelley Parpard, Jean Young, Margaret May, Mattie
Williams, Jodie Echard, Kim Harms, Frank Moore, Elaine Simmons, Carrie McDonald and kids, Betty Masters,
Tom Jacobs, Mike Padjen, Tina and Mike Brewer, Lois and Brady Faggart, Bonnie Heaton and Mark, Emily and
Sam Lemoine, Connye and Sadie Post, Susan Mazella, Phyllis Lambeth, Phyllis Shuping, Don Miller, Brad DeHart,
Linda and Charles Bernhardt, Kathleen and Jonathon Wimbush, Forrest Cox, Myra Miller, Donna Padgett,
Christina Pollock, Nick and Mary Beth Ebert, Art and Ginny Hultquist.
Page 3
Shining a Light
Mother’s Day: Bread for the World
Offering of Letters Sunday.
The Offering of Letters for 2016
focuses on maternal and child nutrition
aid as part of the Global Food Security
Act. This bill will provide food supplements
and medical care so children around the
world will be able to grow into adulthood.
On May 8, Mother’s Day, the three morning
worship services will spotlight the work done
at and through First Lutheran with Bread for
the World, a bipartisan advocacy organization.
As we have done in previous years, letters will
be available after the services for people to
choose whether to sign. Those letters will be
sent to the Bread for the World office, which
will be delivered to congressional offices.
The House and Senate passed versions of
this bill recently and now will be reconciled
before final passage. If you would like to call
congregational leaders to show support for
this action, the switchboard number is 800826-3688.
For more information about Bread for the
World, go to or contact Ginny
Hultquist or Jim Killacky.
Justice requires those who suffer least speak
out the most. ~ Joe Levin
~ Submitted by Ginny Hultquist
Community Ministries
would like to help First Lutheran to provide
support – particularly to pay rent and utility
bills – please make checks to First Lutheran
and put “EA” on the memo line.
a Greensboro Grasshoppers game and fight
homelessness at 4 pm Sunday, MAY 22. Ticket
sales end on MAY 8 in the
Community Center from 10-11
am. Cost: $9 per ticket, $2
helps Partners Ending
Homelessness. Contact
Debbie Sivret for more details.
Stewardship Greensboro, a coalition of
faith communities in Greensboro
concerned about care of creation, is
urging the Greensboro City Council to
start recycling Styrofoam (#6). That
group has sent a letter supporting the
city's application to the Foam Recycling
Coalition for funds to set up and equip a
drop-off center. A petition will be in the Community Center
through MAY 8. The sheets will go to an ESG representative
who plans to speak during the public comment time at City
Council meetings in May and June. Thanks to Tom and Diana
Kingsley and Joe Fortin for bagging the Styrofoam in the Mission
Depot and Mike and Kay Reardon for taking the items to DART
in Randleman, the nearest recycling center. Questions? Look for
Tom, Diana and Joe in the Mission Depot after the 9:00 service.
REMEMBER TO RECYCLE...After hearing sermons and
prayers about the Care of Creation during April, please take
some practical steps and bring the following items to the
Mission Depot: Styrofoam #6, batteries, ink-jet cartridges,
glasses/hearing aids, cell phones, clothing, and shoes.
BIKES NEEDED: Two men who have job
offers at a local plant need bikes for a 3mile trip. The bus does not go to the
factory. The lack of bus lines going to
some work sites has been a big barrier in
helping people to find jobs, according to
Debbie Taylor of W. Market St. United Methodist Church, with
which we partner for the WE shelter. Contacts: Frank Moore or
Colette Gibson.
Turn your old car into a local blessing!
Wheels4Hope is a faith based non-profit car donation
organization that turns donated cars into local blessings. We
take donated cars, repair them with the help of volunteers and
place them back into the community with individuals and
families in the Triad area going through a life transition.
Wondering what to do with your old car? Donate it to
Wheels4Hope and bless the life of a local family.
Wondering what to do with your time? Volunteer at
Wheels4Hope – help drive and/or repair donated cars.
For more information go to or call
Page 4
Here are some ways you can serve during the summer:
+ HABITAT BUILD STARTS JUNE 4: First Lutheran will join with other faith
communities to build a house. Watch for posters on Community Ministries bulletin
board and in the Community Center. Thanks to the FLC Endowment Fund for a $2,500 grant so we can
participate in this ministry. Contact: Colette Gibson,, 336-856-7481.
+ OUT OF THE GARDEN PROJECT ENRICHMENT PROGRAM: First Lutheran has been asked to provide
light lunches on Mondays from June 20 - August 15. Lunches would need to be delivered to 3910 Clifton Road
(former Folk Community Center) by 12:45 pm on Mondays. Their staff will serve the lunches and clean up. We
will cover 9 Mondays; 2-3 people are needed each Monday. A sign-up sheet will be in the Community Center
beginning May 1 along with some suggested lunch items. If you have questions, please contact Jean Young at or 336-292-8851.
+ BAG HUNGER: A coordinator and volunteers are needed to distribute meals from June 15
-August 18 on 10 Fridays. The bag lunches will be prepared by Guilford County School Nutrition
with no cost to the volunteer groups distributing them! Contact: Laurie Scotton, She is the Summit Rotary, service chair, and Tabernacle United
Methodist Church missions chair. Or, contact Frank Moore,, and we can
discuss possible helpers here.
Nine sites were selected for Friday lunches: Warnersville Recreation Center, Peck Elementary, Rankin
Elementary, Foust Elementary, Peeler Recreation Center, Woodmere Park, Windsor Recreation Center,
Brightwood Elementary, and Wiley Elementary. These sites are all Monday-Thursday lunch sites or near a
lunch site.
Here's how this will work. Don Milholin of the Out of the Garden Project will pick up the lunches on Thursdays
and then distribute them in coolers to volunteer partner agencies (churches, Rotary clubs, etc.) on Fridays
from 10-11 am at 3910 Clifton Road at the Feeding Enrichment Center at the Folk Recreation Center in
Greensboro. The volunteer partner agency will go to the assigned meal site and distribute lunches from 11:30
am to 12:30 pm. The cleaned coolers should be returned to the Clifton Road site the following Friday.
The lunches are being paid for as part of the Summer Nutrition Program, so groups can volunteer without the
expense of purchasing lunch ingredients. Because this is part of the USDA grant, all volunteers that are handing
out the bags must attend a 1-hour mandatory training session. The training is free and primarily concerns
child safety issues. Times and locations for training are to be determined.
In addition to lunch, weekend bags of food will be sent for the children as well. Backpack Beginnings will be
helping to coordinate this part of our summer plan, and more information will be shared soon. Volunteers that
are handing out weekend bags do NOT have to attend the training required for folks handling the lunches.
Charlie’s Garden will be part of a tour of community gardens on Saturday,
June 25, between 10 am – 1 pm as part of the first Guilford County Local
Foods Celebration Week, June 20-25. This will be a time to celebrate all that
we are doing collectively around food and to draw attention to the food security issue. We will provide
education about ways people can get involved by putting in their own garden, teaching their kids about
gardening, and learning how to cook with local foods. Contact: Ann Steighner,
Page 5
Children’s Ministries
May 1- volunteer thank you—Thank you to all Faith Formation Volunteers!!!
We couldn’t do it without you. Faith formation needs so many volunteers and many of
you help us out each year. We wanted to take the time to say thank you and give you a
special treat. We will be around with a sweet treat for you during faith formation the
faith formation hour.
May 1, 8, 15: What’s happening in Rotation? The Good Samaritan. Join rotation this month for cooking,
science and music as we explore what it is like to be a good neighbor. A teacher is needed for music and
shepherds are needed.
May 15: The last Sunday of regular faith formation schedule for the spring is Sunday, May 15. Rotation,
Godly Play and Musik Garten will resume in September.
May 15, 3-5 pm-- Family Picnic…The last 3rd – 5th grade youth group for this school year.
Siblings are invited to this meeting. Potluck dinner, hot dogs will be provided, bring a dish to
share. (Please remember to keep your dish peanut free)
Music Sunday: May 22
Due to the overwhelming positive response to our last music Sunday in January we are excited to again offer
music at 10:00 am. While the annual meeting is happening in the Community Center, children will practice
songs with Ms. Melissa, Ms. Pat and Ms. Bonnie. Pick up your Cd from Ms. Bonnie so you can practice. Children
will perform at the 11:00 traditional service that day.
June 20-24: Agape Summer Day Camp
A few elementary spots remain. (We will not be running the middle school option
this summer.) Parents mark your calendar for a special camp blessing on Sunday, June 19
at the 9:00 service. This year's guiding verse: Be imitators of God, as beloved children, and
live in love, as Christ loved us. - Ephesians 5:1-2
Thank you to all the families for the overwhelming response to Agape Day Camp. If you have not turned in your
registration forms please do so ASAP. Please contact Jennifer for more details,
Registration is now open for CAVE QUEST Vacation Bible School!
We are so excited to explore Cave Quest where we will learn that Jesus is the light of
the world. The dates for VBS are July 18-22 from 9 a.m-12 p.m . VBS is open to kids
age 4 to rising 5th grade. Older kids and adults are needed as volunteers. The cost is
$10 per child with a family max of $25. This fee includes a t-shirt for each
participant. Scholarships are available, if needed. CD's are available for $10.
Donation requests are up in the community center. If you have any questions,
contact Bonnie Meyer at
Take a Light and Make VBS Bright!
Wonder how you can help with VBS? Can't make it here, but want to help out? Check
out the lanterns in the community center for donations that are needed for this year's
VBS. Make sure to sign out your lantern number on the sign out sheet.
Page 6
Youth and Family Ministries
THE RAD YOUTH, Grades 5-12, BEACH RETREAT IS HAPPENING – JUNE 12-16, Sign up closes May 8!
Fifteen youth, Grades 5 through 11 are signed up for our summer retreat. There’s still time to join the fun at
Kure Beach Retreat Center. The retreat will include games, devotions, crafts, lots of beach time and several service
leadership experiences. Cost is $300 for this Sunday through Thursday retreat. A $75 deposit is required to hold
your place (make check to FLC, memoline: Beach and place in Barbara’s box or pay online at . Register online at:
Register NOW so we’ll be prepared!
High School Seniors AND their Family
Please join us on Sunday, May 22 at either the 9 am Contemporary Worship or the 11 am Traditional Worship as
we honor your accomplishments and celebrate this milestone with you and your family. Let us know your future
plans – Send by May 13 your name, HS you are graduating from, and your future plans
– community college, college, work or travel – whatever it is, we want to celebrate with you!
Almost the End of the School Year -- RAD Youth & Family Event -- May 14 – Agape-ganza!
Youth & interested families – let’s head to a favorite place – Camp Agape, near Fuquay-Varina, NC for an afternoon
of playing, hiking, zipping and of course – Gaga Ball fun!
Then enjoy dinner together on the way home. Sign up the
whole family for a day of fun – we’ll depart from FLC at
noon -- see more details at:
GAGA BALL – “ga ga” in Hebrew means “touch touch.” This
popular ‘dodge ball’ style game can be played by individuals
or in teams. The court is an octagonal or hexagonal walled
‘pit.’ Camp Agape has introduced many campers, including
many of our youth, to this fun game. Agape-Ganza will
feature a team competition (all ages welcome) during
Agape-ganza. If you’d like to be on our FLC team – please
sign up and let us know!
Relate Youth, grades 6-8, learned about how they can take an active role in fighting hunger. Ginny Hulquist,
visited this group and shared her passion for being an advocate for those who may not be heard. The group
learned about Bread for the World and how to make a difference. A few of these
youth and their families stayed after church to help in Charlie’s Garden. This FLC
community garden supplies 17 agencies with fresh produce to distribute for free
to families and people in need. Thanks to all who helped make this possible.
Page 7
Our Church Family
...Jodie Echard on the death of her
uncle, Robert Brill on 4/4
...Melissa Burris on the death of her
father, Bob Myers on 4/6
...Sam Thomas on the death of his
sister, Lorraine Thomas on 4/9
...Bill and Sherry Mims, Connye, Sadie and
Amanda Post and Noah Holden on the death of
their father/grandfather, Bill Mims, Sr. on 4/13
...Jason Kowalski on the death of his father,
Stanley S. Kowalski on 4/12
...Sylvia Shue on the death of her bother,
Clarence Castor on 4/22
Edgar Jaynes writes...
My family and I will hold an interment service
for the remains of my late wife, Louise Adele
Hasinski Jaynes, at the All Saints Catholic
Cemetery in Northfield, OH, on Tuesday, May 31
at 10 am.
May Birthdays
Council Corner
Plan now to attend! Don't miss
your chance to participate in the
decisions made by our congregation
regarding the budget, elected "officials"
and By-Law amendments. If you missed
the announcement, please go back to page
one of this newsletter and read all about
the congregational meeting.
The Congregation Council will meet again
on Monday, June 13 at 6:30 PM. There will
not be a meeting of the full Council in May.
Family Fellowship Events
Coming This Summer...
Family Game Night: June 24,
7:00 pm FLC is hosting its First
Annual Family Game Night. We
are asking everyone to bring
your favorite board game. Play
an old classic like Monopoly or
try your hand at something new! We hope this
event really brings out your competitive spirit. This event will be held in the Community
Center with an ice cream sundae bar. More
information will be upcoming in the June First
Glance and bulletins. Be on the lookout for
more information about the upcoming July
Betty Masters
Sue Padjen
Marisa Sharer
Alex Smith
Jonathan Thill
Lise McBrayer
Lorna Miller
Amy Bowyer
Amy Greeson
Christine Bach
Doris Cline
Brenda Gerhard
Sophie Smith
Amy Scofield
Martha Walker
Catherine Worland
Tori Churchill
Grayson Fidishun
Katie Bess Hilbinger
Vicki Sparrow
Christopher Carter
Jackson Fragomeni
Oliver Stahlmann
Tommy Wilson
Jenny Enter
Karen McCarthy
Kathy Peterson
Jennifer Rhyne
Linda Bernhardt
Leslie Burger
Alexandra Churchill
Mary Cranford
Joe Holliday
Edgar Jaynes
Susan Rothermel
Karen Forster
Ginny Hultquist
Kari Sescourka
Emily Stirewalt
Bradley Summers
Sue Anne Enter
Charlie Finch
Rob Harmon
Dixie Kaszer
Ethan Sharer
Kelly York
Cole Burbey
Sarah Smith
Margaret May
Amanda Landers
Sarah Brown
Vaughn Fogleman
Emily Lemoine
Page 8
18 Sonya Bertholf
Diane Miller
Jenna Sivret
19 Jacqueline Gandarillas
Joann Nesbitt
20 Candy Conrad
Neil Conrad
Jennifer Young
21 Caroline Carpenter
Erika Martin
Kaela Grace Rochester
22 Tammy Burbey
Reese Godwin
Carrie McDonald
Noah McPherson
23 David Churchill, Jr.
Jay Hilbinger
Alison Hunt
Roland Langford, IV
Mariana Langford
Carol Witherspoon
24 Donalyn Johnson
Karen Joseph
Margie Streck
25 Charlotta Selders
26 Allison Langewisch
27 Ellen Hefner
Bonnie Meyer
Kay Reardon
28 Jim Harris
Rudy Hoch
29 George Baer
Steve Oates
30 Tre Bertholf, III
Warren Boerger
Donna Walli
Elaine Wilson
31 Laura Gobble
Coming up at FACEOUT
Programs are at 11:00 unless otherwise noted and Lunch is at 12:00.
May 3: James Esterline, pianist extraordinaire, invited by Melissa Burris, will offer a piano
program for FaceOut. This will be presented in the traditional worship room. We invite and
encourage interested members and friends to come and enjoy this amazing musician.
May 10: our own, very talented, and always interesting, Ellenor Shepherd will present to FaceOut her latest
book, and first novel, “The Secret Shack”. Set on the Outer Banks of NC, “The Secret Shack” is filled with intrigue,
mystery and romance; a must read for any reading enthusiast. Ellenor will also offer a peek into the world of
how to self publish and will end with several of her newest fun writings. The book will be available for $13 and
Ellenor will be available for signing.
May 17: the Development Director of Hope Academy in Greensboro, Virginia Cornell, will speak and show a
video to FaceOut about their boys and girls and how Hope Academy had proven to be successful in these
children’s lives when other schools have failed. Come and join us for this informative presentation.
May 24: FaceOut members and friends are going to visit the Greensboro Science Center. There’s so much
to see at the Nature Center, Aquarium, and Zoo. Meet at the church at 9:30 am and bring a lunch or snack, or if
you prefer, pick-up a sandwich at the New Fresh Market Cafe. Picnic tables are available and there are plenty of
benches. We’re going to have a great time. Ticket purchase is $12.28 at the center.
May 31: Do you ever wonder where the big sleek tour buses are headed? Donna Skinner from Holiday
Tours will be our guest. She’s going to tell us all about those buses and how easy, worry free and fabulous travel
with Holiday Tours can be. Come and get ready for your next trip.
Uplifting Power of Prayer
Pastor Bernie Hess, 4/21/16
On Sunday morning during the 9:00 am worship I began to experience pressure in my chest, so I
took my nitroglycerin twice and the pressure went away. Later in the day I experienced rawness in
my chest. The next morning after reporting my symptoms to my family physician I was sent to the emergency
room at Cone Hospital. I was immediately helped. Within an hour I saw ten different health care professionals,
and had chest X-Rays.
It was decided I needed a cauterization the next day. When it happened it was discovered I was having difficulty
with a stent in my heart and the doctor had to put a new one there connecting two stents and the problem went
from 80% of an artery closed to being completely clear.
Immediately I felt a whole lot better. In recent time my energy had been dropping. My energy has returned, and
I came home from the hospital on Wednesday, April 20. I was back in the office Monday morning the 25th.
Much happened with me and my health between Sunday and Wednesday. At no time during this experience did
I feel any fear or apprehension. I just knew my past present and future was in the hands of God. As I was being
wheeled to the cauterization lab and during the hour and a half procedure I felt lifted up. I just know that the
prayers of God’s people at First Lutheran and elsewhere were lifting me up into the healing light of God. I praise
the Lord, the medical staff, my nuclear family, and the family at First Lutheran.
The day was capped off by Pastor Julius Carroll of Prince of Peace anointing my forehead with oil and offering
prayers of thanksgiving and healing.
Thank you for your prayers. They lifted me up into the healing light of God and took away all fear, and replaced
it with confidence and joy.
Pastor Bernie Hess (pastoral associate)
Page 9
Sunday, May 1
9:00 Contemporary
Lay Reader: Joe Fortin
Welcoming Team: Cheryl and Jessica Klein, Alice
11:00 Contemporary
Lay Reader: Wayne Ford
Welcoming Team: Elizabeth and Alec Hildreth,
Blake Donato
11:00 Traditional
Lay Reader: Connye Post
Communion Assistants: Dawn Barry, Kim Harms
Acolyte: Megan Bingaman
Crucifer: Henry Kritzer
Altar Guild: Phyllis and Rudy Hoch, Donna and
Steve Byrd
Sunday, May 8
9:00 Contemporary
Lay Reader: Kacy Newton
Welcoming Team: Cheryl and Jessica Klein
11:00 Contemporary
Lay Reader: Emily Bump
Welcoming Team: Julie Bernstein, Laurie Suggs
11:00 Traditional Lay Reader: Emily Stirewalt
Acolyte: Hannah Rochester
Crucifer: Kaela Rochester
Sunday, May 15
9:00 Contemporary: Lay Reader: Tom Bader
Welcoming Team: Ray & Joy Lindberg, Terry Clanton
11:00 Contemporary: Lay Reader: Debbie Sivret
Welcoming Team: Wayne and Myra Ford, Laurie
Suggs, Blake Donato
11:00 Traditional: Lay Reader: Dan Basinger
Communion Assts.: Alex Preheim, Craig Spooner
Acolyte: Annika Preheim Crucifer: Lyman Newton
Altar Guild: Margaret May
Sunday, May 22
9:00 Contemporary: Lay Reader: Dan Basinger
Welcoming Team: Cindy Hilbinger, Joann Nesbitt,
Art Hultquist
11:00 Contemporary: Lay Reader: Steve Shoaf
Welcoming Team: Julie Bernstein, Laurie Suggs
11:00 Traditional Lay Reader: Grace Brame
Acolyte: Toren Rhyne Crucifer: Jeff Zill
Sunday, May 29
9:00 Contemporary:
Lay Reader: Andrew Chamberlin
Welcoming Team: Mattie Williams, Margaret Todd,
Chris and Colette Gibson, Jim and Judy Coleman
11:00 Contemporary: Lay Reader: Emily Bump
Welcoming Team: Julie Bernstein, Laurie Suggs
and Blake Donato
11:00 Traditional: Lay Reader: Ellenor Shepherd
Communion Assts.: Joanna McCandless, Cynthia
Acolyte: Skip MacMillan; Crucifer: Glenn Hinderliter
Altar Guild: Doris & Ed Cline, Lois & Brady Faggart
Preparation for Worship: Our church is blessed to value Bible study as a personal and
corporate preparation for worship, indeed, for life. The scripture passages and the themes for the
weeks in May are listed below to make it easier for us to prepare our hearts and minds to receive
God’s message in weekly worship. May you be blessed by God’s word as you read and study.
Bible readings for Worship, May, 2016
Sunday, May 1, Sixth Sunday of Easter
John 21:15-19; 2 Timothy 1:1-5
Sunday, May 22, The Holy Trinity
Philippians 4:4-9, John 20:21-22
Sunday, May 8, Seventh Sunday of Easter
Matthew 6:7-11, Revelation 7:15-17
Sunday, May 29, Second Sunday after Pentecost
Luke 7:1-10, Psalm 96:1-9
Sunday, May 15, Pentecost
Acts 2:1-21, Job 33:4
Page 10
Sunday, May 1
9:00 am Contemporary Worship
10:00 am Faith Formation
11:00 am Contemporary Worship
11:00 am Traditional Worship
6:00 pm Community Worship
Tuesday, May 10
10:15 am Chair Yoga
11:00 am FACEOUT Program
12:00 pm FACEOUT Lunch
6:30 pm Contemporary Musicians
7:00 pm Grief Group
Monday, May 2
4:30 pm Women’s Bible Study
5:45 pm Executive Board
7:00 pm Sullivan Huddle Circle
7:00 pm SFYC Committee
Wednesday, May 11
10:00 am Crocheting Christians
5:00 pm Women’ Bible Study
6:15 pm Handbells
7:30 pm Choir Rehearsal
Tuesday, May 3
9:30 am Knitting Ministry
10:15 am Chair Yoga
11:00 am FACEOUT Program
12:00 pm FACEOUT Lunch
7:00 pm Grief Group
Wednesday, May 4
10:00 am Mary Martha Circle
5:00 pm Women’s Bible Study
6:15 pm Handbells
6:30 pm Contemporary Musicians
7:30 pm Choir Rehearsal
Thursday, May 12
Staff on all-day Retreat
Saturday, May 14
10:00 am Salvage Garden Worship
12:00 pm Youth to Agape
Sunday, May 15
9:00 am Contemporary Worship
10:00 am Faith Formation
11:00 am Contemporary Worship
11:00 am Traditional Worship
3:00 pm 3rd—5th Grade Youth
6:00 pm Community Worship
Thursday, May 5
9:00 am Quilting Group
10:00 am Grief Group
Monday, May 16
9:30 am Quilting
4:30 pm Women’s Bible Study
Sunday, May 8
9:00 am Contemporary Worship
10:00 am Faith Formation
11:00 am Contemporary Worship
11:00 am Traditional Worship
6:00 pm Community Worship
Tuesday, May 17
10:15 am Chair Yoga
11:00 am FACEOUT Program
12:00 pm FACEOUT Lunch
7:00 pm Grief Group
7:00 pm Powlas Deal Circle
Monday, May 9
4:30 pm Women’s Bible Study
Wednesday, May 18
5:00 pm Women’s Bible Study
6:15 pm Handbells
6:30 pm Contemporary Musicians
7:30 pm Choir Rehearsal
Page 11
Thursday, May 19
10:00 am Grief Group
Sunday, May 22
9:00 am Contemporary Worship
10:00 am New Beginnings
10:00 am Annual Meeting
11:00 am Contemporary Worship
11:00 am Traditional Worship
6:00 pm Community Worship
Monday, May 23
5:00 pm Women’s Bible Study
Tuesday, May 24
9:30 am FACEOUT to Science Ctr.
10:15 am Chair Yoga
6:30 pm Contemporary Musicians
Wednesday, May 25
5:00 pm Women’s Bible Study
6:15 pm Handbells
Saturday, May 28
10:00 am Salvage Garden Worship
Sunday, May 29
9:00 am Contemporary Worship
11:00 am Contemporary Worship
11:00 am Traditional Worship
6:00 pm Community Worship
Monday, May 30
Memorial Day—Office Closed
Tuesday, May 31
10:15 am Chair Yoga
11:00 am FACEOUT Program
12:00 pm FACEOUT Lunch
Habitat Nicaragua
Lutheran members is readying passports, going through packing lists, and mentally preparing
for an amazing experience.The team needs some help during May from our First Lutheran
family with remaining trip expenses of $4,000. The total needed for FLC participants is about
$12,500, and the participants continue to invest their own money and are asking family and friends to help. In
addition, Thrivent Financial is providing $8,000 for building supplies, which is not part of the trip expenses. The
First Lutheran participants are Jenna and Erik Rhyne, Jo and Abby Fleck, Alex, Annika and Dave Preheim and
Jenny McGuire.Check out the following ways you can help financially, and please keep this effort in your prayers.
This is the first out-of-country mission trip since 2007 (Costa Rica).
Upcoming events:
Friday May 6: Swing by Mary's Antiques, 607 S. Elm St. near Mellow Mushroom, from 6-9 p.m. to hear trip
participant and FLC member Annika Preheim play the harp to raise money for our trip. This will be a part of the
very fun “First Fridays,” sponsored by Downtown Greensboro.
Sunday May 15: Relax in the Community Center with a cup of coffee while you enjoy beautiful harp
music, performed by Annika. Please stop by between services and support our trip!
All Sundays in May: We will be building a model house with your help during Faith Formation hour in the
Community Center! Swing by and buy a "block" so that we can complete the diorama, symbolizing completing
our goal of going to Nicaragua to build that house!
Support for our trip can be made using the church’s website using the Online Giving link. Checks may be made to
First Lutheran Church, Memo: Nicaragua Trip. Questions? Contact Jenna Rhyne at 540-354-5724 or .
Because we are building so much more than a house.
Deadline for the next monthly magazine: Monday, May 23
3600 W. Friendly Avenue
Greensboro, NC 27410
Phone: 336.292.9125; Fax 336.294.5369