Fall 2012 WebNewsletter.fm - Coronation Community Association


Fall 2012 WebNewsletter.fm - Coronation Community Association
Fall 2012
Vol 7 Issue 2
Environmental Red Flag -- Here and Now
by Ron Wootton Chair of The Coronation
Community Association
right next to a public pathway leading along the
waterfront. This stuff is dropping off truck bodies and
In the previous two issues of our newsletter, I have
addressed the Cities BioSolid Master Plan and the
City Council’s decision not to follow
the recommendation of the
Engineers that developed the Plan.
This plan was to upgrade the
incinerators to the new Fluidized
Bed type with state-of-the-art
pollution controls. (These
newsletters are available on our website
www.coronationca.com). Instead, City Council (led by
Councillor Paul Ainslie Ward 43) voted to have 5-6
Trucks daily hauling raw, untreated sewage through
our residential streets, past your homes, schools,
recreation centres, churches and shopping plazas.
There has been no change in the status of these
trailer tires onto our streets, right where our children
play, where we walk our pets and consequently
The City is now budgeting funds to begin the process
tracked all over our neighbourhood and
of shutting down the
into our homes. Before any further
incinerators at the Highland
Instead, City Council (led by
development work is done at this Plant,
Creek Treatment Plant and to
Councillor Paul Ainslie Ward 43)
the City must provide a covered storage
build facilities to accommodate
voted to have 5 - 6 Trucks daily
facility for the current truck loading and
the trucking option. This is, In
hauling raw, untreated sewage
must ensure that adequate washing of
spite of the recent estimate
through our residential streets
the trucks and trailers is conducted prior
that trucking is 50% more
to them leaving the Plant.
costly and will generate 25% more Green House
While this ash is termed by the City not to be
Gases, than the communities preferred option, of
hazardous waste, The environmental audit of the
upgrading the incinerator. (Who is driving this bus?)
plant ash (done in 1989, although out of date)
That said, there is a more pressing issue. Currently
provides some sense of what is in ash. It contains 11
the Ash from the incinerators is collected and piled up
metals e.g. cadmium, mercury, lead, and 25 toxic
outside the Plant and once a year, during a three
organics like toxaphene and parathion, lindane,
week period starting in mid-July, several trucks
trihalomethanes, nitrite and nitrate, fluoride, PCBs ,
are loaded with this ash and trucked through our
some dioxins (H7CDD) and furans (P5CDF). These
community. Photos (Click here) show the City does
chemicals can cause mental illness and a number
a very sloppy job. This ash is loaded in the open air,
(cont’d on page 10)
In This Issue
Message from Chair . . . . . . . . . . . 1,10
Local Issues . . . . . . . 5, 8, 10, 12,13, 15
CCA Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Recipe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Household Tips . . . . . . . . . . . 3, 5, 6,10
Healthy Living . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 14
Seniors’ Corner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Councillor Ainslie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6, 14
Hon. John McKay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
MPP Margaret Best . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Upcoming Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Thanks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13, 16
Pools Stats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Outdoor Rinks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Skate Times. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Story by CCA Member . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Local Advertisements
Membership Form (See Insert)
Your Community Association Volunteers
Coronation Community
Association Executive
OR by surface mail to, Editor CCA Newsletter
68 Kitchener Road, Scarborough, ON, M1E 2X5
Chair: .............. Ron Wootton
Treasurer: ......... Lisa Bieley
Secretary: ........ Abid Choudhury
Membership:..... Bess King
Neighbourhood Representatives
Danzig: .............
Galloway: ..........
Eastview: ..........
Secor: ...............
Gardentree: ...... Ed King
The Mall:
... Patti Fox
Deekshill: .......... Karl Bieley
Guild Station ..... Maria Florosz
West Hill North:. Susan Rightmyer
West Hill South: Mike De Groot
West Hill East: .. Jan Olejarz
West Hill West: .
Newsletter Staff
Editor: ............... Bess King
Assistant Editor. Desiree` Amshad
Lisa Bieley
Coronation Community Association
Newsletter is published twice a year.
Submissions are welcomed and must be
received by March 31st to be included in our
Spring 2012 newsletter.
Submissions may be made on-line at
Or send submission by e-mail to
Newsletters are delivered to approximately 2500
residences in the area outlined above.
Advertising Rates and Size
(w x h)
Business card ... $35.00 (3.5” x 2”)
Quarter Page .... $65.00 (3.5” x 4.75”)
Third of a Page . $80.00 (3.3” x 7”)
Half Page ......... $100.00 (4.75” x 7”)
Full Page Ad ..... $200.00 (7” x 9.5”)
Visit our website to view this and previous newsletters online at www.coronationca.com
Goodbye Fruit Flies . . .Get rid of pesky fruit
flies - take a small glass, fill it (1/2") with Apple
Cider Vinegar and 2 drops of dish washing
liquid. Mix well. The fruit flies are attracted to the
vinegar smell and the detergent traps them. If the
fruit flies fall in, the
soap sticks to the
wings so the fruit flies
cannot fly. You can
also use a little fruit or
juice to help attract
the fruit flies.
Monthly Meetings
1st Tuesday of each month
Time: 7:30pm
43 Division Police Station
Community Room
Annual General Meeting - Oct 2, see details page 3
Honoured Provider Dignity Memorial
Scarborough Chapel
Serving Scarborough and West Hill Since 1979
Complete arrangements to suit your wishes
Personal services with dignity and decorum
4115 Lawrence Avenue East
(Just west of Kingston Road)
(Ample Parking)
Brian R Smith - Managing Director
Come Meet Your Local Police Superintendent, Mark Fenton at the
Coronation Community Association of Westhill
Annual General Meeting
Eastview School, 20 Waldock St
(two blocks south of Kingston Road and one block east of Galloway).
Heron Park CRC
292 Manse Rd
Public Skate
Caregiver & Tot
Sat 7:30pm - 9pm, Sun 2:30pm - 4pm
Tues/Thurs 9:30am - 10:30am
Centennial RC,
1967 Ellesmere Rd
Mini Skate(up to 5 yrs)
Family Skate
Sat 6:30pm - 7:15pm, Sun 1:30pm - 2:15pm
Sat 7:15pm - 8:45pm, Sun 2:15pm - 3:45pm
Thurs 4pm - 5pm , Fri 7:30pm - 9pm
Tues/Thurs 1pm - 2pm, Thurs 9:30am - 10:30am
Public Skate
Caregiver & Tot (up to 5 yrs)
Adult Skate (19 yrs and over) Tues/Thurs 1 - 2:15pm,Wed 2 - 3:30pm,
Fri 9:15 - 10:45pm, Sat 9 - 10:30pm
Village RC
3600 Kingston Rd
Public Skate
Family Skate
Caregiver & Tot
Fri 7:15pm - 8:45pm
Sun 2:15pm - 3:45pm
Mon/Wed/Fri 9am- 9:50am
Start Date
’ Co
Course Numberner
Table Tennis
Every day except Friday 1pm-3:30pm
Badminton (55 yrs +)
Tues/Thurs 9:30am-11:30am
Progressive Euchre
Tues 12:30pm-3:30pm
Bid Euchre
Thurs 12:30pm-3:30pm
Tues-Fri 1pm-2:30pm
Ballroom & Line Dance
Fri 1:30pm-3:45pm
Heron Park Community Centre - Fall Sessions - Free/12 wks - for 60 yrs+ -
Heron Park Community Centre - Winter Sessions - 12 wks/Free - for 60 yrs+
Badminton (55 yrs +)
Tues/Thurs 9:30am-11:30am
Ballroom & Line Dance
Fri 1:30pm-3:45pm
Bid Euchre
Thurs 12:30pm-3:30pm
Progressive Euchre
Tues 12:30pm-3:30pm
Table Tennis
Every day except Friday 1pm-3:30pm
Tues/Fri 1pm-2:30pm
Scarborough Centre for Healthy Communities (SCHC)
New Hospice and Caregiver Wellness Program
Email: . .schc@schcontario.ca
Web site.
site. . .www.schcontario.ca.
SCHC has been recognized for their
leadership in seniors care and as
of April 1, 2012 they have
begun to recruit and train
more volunteers for their
newest Hospice and Caregiver
Wellness Program now housed at their Hub
location, Mid-Scarborough.
AddressEasttown Centre Plaza
2660 Eglinton Ave E, Scarborough, ON, M1K 2S3
Location (Intersection) Scarborough Central
(Brimley Rd and Eglinton Ave E)
The Hospice and Caregiver Wellness team can be
contacted at 416-640-7397.
4130 Lawrence Avenue East,
Scarborough, M1E 2R8
SCHC operates 38 distinct and integrated programs
across 9 sites throughout Scarborough. All of
these high-quality programs are accessible, inclusive,
and designed to improve the health of the
communities they serve. Do not hesitate to contact a
member of our team for further information.
Office phone :416-640-7390
Pine Tree Seniors' Centre is a
drop-in centre providing older
adults and seniors with social,
recreational and health
promotion programs.
Congregate Dining/Wheels-to-Meals
The Congregate Dining/Wheelsto-Meals program provides older
adults and seniors with
transportation to enjoyable group
dining experiences.
Phone: . .416-283-9822
General Inquiries. . .Phone: 416-642-9445
Pine Tree Seniors' Centre (EPC)
Phone: . .416-847-4136
Freeze Citrus Products
Such As Limes,
Lemons, Oranges Etc.
Cut the fruit into halves or
quarters and freeze. Grate
and use as required. All
parts the fruit are used.
You will have citrus flavour
or zest, to add a little
fla vo u r to s a la d s , t ea s ,
drinks, cooking or baking
City of Toronto By-law
No. 1422-2007
Article IV - Family Fireworks
(2) A fireworks discharge permit is
not required to discharge family
fireworks on Victoria Day or
Canada Day, or, in
weather, the next
day before or after
Victoria Day or Canada
Day in accordance with section
B. No person shall represent or
cause to be represented that he or
she is the lawful owner or
occupier, or legal representative
thereof, of lands upon which a
discharge of fireworks is to take
place for the purpose of facilitating
a person obtaining a fireworks
discharge permit to discharge
fireworks if he or she is not.
C. No minor shall discharge
D. No parent or guardian of a
minor shall allow that person to
discharge fireworks.
E. No person shall discharge
fireworks in a manner contrary to
the manufacturer's instructions.
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Household Tip
If you drop a small object on the carpet, sofa etc.
and can't find it. . . place panty hose over the end of
the vacuum hose and start vacuuming. The panty
hose will keep it from getting sucked into the vacuum.
Advantages of Using a Local Realtor
"I sell the benefits of our area as well as your
home. We have a lot to brag about."
416 284-4751
Kevin Campbell
Sales Representative
Awarded Top 10% Residential Sales in Canada 2010
Royal LePage Connect Realty, Brokerage 4525 Kingston Rd Suite 2202
Hon. John Mckay, PC, MP - ScarboroughGuildwood
Dear Friends,
Like you, I was troubled to learn about the recent
violence in our community.
While the media has already moved on, I think it is
important that the community comes together and starts
to figure out solutions to the problems. I recently hosted
two local meetings at St. Martin de Porres Church, on
July 21st and on August 25th, in order to address the
community's concerns. Local residents and leaders
were invited to participate in a conversation about what
could be done to prevent tragedies like this from
happening in the future. I would like to share some of
the thoughts that I heard at these meetings and get
your feedback on the points below:
This Is A Good Community And Is Still A Safe
Place To Live. . .The problems created by a few
individuals from outside of the neighbourhood should
not result in the stigmatization of the majority who live
here by media and politicians that have never visited
A More Positive Relationship With Toronto
Police Services. . .With a more personal approach, a
better partnership can be established between the
community and the police. Tension can be reduced if
we build not just a police "presence", but a relationship
with police.
Greater Awareness Of Local Programs. . .Many
residents and community leaders are unaware of
the programs already available, which can be
remedied by better outreach, cooperation, and
information sharing by organizers. Local groups should
not operate within "silos of solitude".
On Saturday, September 8th, I hosted my annual
Community BBQ at the Boys and Girls Club of East
Scarborough. At this event, I was honoured to present
the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal to many
outstanding members of our community. This
prestigious award was bestowed on these individuals in
recognition of their contributions to the community, and I
was proud to recognize the work of Ronald Wooton,
President of the Coronation Community Association
with the Diamond Jubilee Medal. Ron's tireless efforts
and dedication to the community is what makes
Scarborough-Guildwood a place that we are all proud to
call home. I hope that you will all join me in
congratulating Ron and thanking him for his exceptional
service to our community.
"Ron Wootton thanked Hon. McKay for the honour and
accepted on behalf of the Coronation Community
Association of Westhill; in particular he mentioned Bess
& Ed King and Lisa & Karl Bieley who have been
involved since the organization was formed and the
many others that have joined - putting forth the effort
and giving freely of their time."
Family History (HEALTH TIP)
Family history could be one of the
strongest influences on your risk of
developing heart disease, stroke,
diabetes or cancer. If your risk of a
chronic disease is identified early, you
may be able to improve, delay, and
hopefully prevent an undesired
647 439-0321
Scarborough - Are we getting our fair share??
In the past we have written articles on rinks and pools. Once again we are bringing these issues
to the attention of the community. If you have a problem with these injustices, please contact your councillor and/
or mayor.
Pools in the GTA 2012 (Stats from Toronto.ca)
Population in
North York
Toronto/East York
Indoor Pools In/Near Our Community
Phone #
1967 Ellesmere Rd
Sir Oliver Mowat Collegiate Institute Pool
(West of Port Union Rd)
5400 Lawrence Avenue
Sir Wilfrid Laurier Collegiate Institute Pool
155 Guildwood Parkway
West Hill Collegiate Institute Pool
(North of Kingston Rd)
350 Morningside Avenue
Centennial Recreation Centre Pool
(West of Markham)
Pick up a copy of
“The Fun Guide”
at the
Heron Park
Recreation Centre
292 Manse Road
UV Gel Nails
Solar Nails
155 Morningside Ave, Unit 3
647 344344-2865
Open 7 days a week
9am - 9pm
Who Cares. . .The people who make a difference in your life are not the ones with the most
credentials, the most money...or the most awards. They simply are the ones who care the most.
10 (Environmental Red Flag -- Here and Now (cont’d from page 1)
are known cancer causing agents. Breathing or
neighbourhood. If you TALK TO CITY C OUNCIL - THEY
getting this stuff on your skin
JUST BRUSH OVER THE ISSUES could very well be detrimental
Residents must go right to the heart
“LORD KNOWS” what kind of mess
to your health. If this is how the
of the matter. Contact the
we are going to have when they
city operates just to remove the
Ministries of the Environment for
start moving raw untreated
both Ontario and Canada sewage
KIND OF MESS we are going to
numbers and addresses are
along our residential streets.
have when they start moving
raw untreated sewage daily out
0R Log onto the
of the plant and along our residential streets.
MURDER - because that is what the City is doing in our
The Honourable Jim Bradley
Minister of Environment Ontario
77 Wellesley Street W, 11th Floor, Ferguson Block
Toronto ON, M7A 2T5
Email: minister.moe@ontario.ca
Telephone: (416) 314-6790
Fax: (416) 314-6748
www.coronationca.com website for automatic
emailing to the Environmental Ministers
The Honourable Peter Kent
Minister of Environment Canada
10 Wellington Street, 28th Floor
Gatineau, QC, K1A 0H3
Email: Minister@ec.gc.ca
Telephone: (819) 997-1441
Fax: (819) 953-0279
Recycling plastics (The Ins And Outs)
There are still some plastic items Toronto can’t currently recycle. The wrong item can
contaminate the recycling stream, damage equipment and cause workplace injuries.
The Items Below Do Not Go In Recycling
Clear plastic (clamshells), for example, containers
for strawberries, BBQ Chicken, chinese food, etc
Plastic blister packs
Plastic drinking cups, lids,
Cassettes, CDs and DVDs
Clear and opaque entree and
takeout food containers, lids, etc.
Plastic pails
Plastic paint pails (with metal handles)
Plastic over-wrap on pop/water cartons, toilet paper, paper towels, etc.,
Town Hall Meeting - Guest Speaker - Police Chief Bill Blair
Tue. . . Nov 13 7pm to 9pm, Scarborough Village Community Centre, (Kingston & Markham Roads)
Message from Margarett Best
Member of Provincial Parliament for ScarboroughGuildwood
Margarett Best
Member of Provincial Parliament
Scarborough - Guildwood
Our community has had to deal with tremendous tragedy in
Constituency Office:
the Danzig incident. I take this opportunity to again offer my
4117 Lawrence Avenue East, Unit 109
Toronto, Ontario M1E 2S2
condolences to the families of Shyanne Charles, Joshua
T: 416-281-2787 | F: 416-281-2360
Yasay and the injured. It is in difficult times that we see
E: mbest.mpp.co@liberal.ola.org
communities come together in support of each other. Unity
in the community was truly demonstrated in the aftermath of
such a senseless tragedy. I met with several leaders in the
community and some who came from outside of the community. Additionally, I arranged for the Premier and the
Minister of Children and Youth Services to be in attendance in the Riding to meet with community leaders to hear
from them how we can best address the issues. I have also had follow up input with the Minister of Child and
Youth Services, Eric Hoskins with respect to the direction our government has recently taken by announcing the
Ontario-wide strategy titled "Youth Action Plan". The new Strategy will support the continued work of the many
community organizations in the Riding in serving young people.
Queen's Diamond Jubilee. . .On Friday, August 17th, I had the pleasure to host the Queen's Diamond Jubilee
Ceremony to honour fourteen deserving individuals who made their mark in their contribution and commitment to
community. These individuals came from various fields including business, public service, community service and
military service.. In commemoration of 60 years on the throne, Queen Elizabeth II continues to execute her public
responsibilities with commitment, poise and great respect which recipients equally showcase thus making it a
privilege to award medals to them. Join me in congratulating the recipients who reflect the virtues that make us feel
proud to be Ontarians.
Ontario Government continues to invest in our economy, education, health care and our youth as top priorities for
Ontario families.
Investing In Youth. . .The McGuinty Government is providing $20 million in laying the foundation of Ontario's
Youth Action Plan. The Plan includes immediate actions and long-term strategies to help youth succeed and build
safer communities. This includes expanding youth summer job program and adding more outreach workers
to benefit 13,000 youth each year and by moving forward on 20 initiatives. The forefront of the Plan is led by
Children and Youth Services Minister Eric Hoskins and Community Services Minister Madeleine Meilleur. In
addition, the Government has appointed former MPP and Speaker of the Legislature Dr. Alvin Curling as Special
Advisor on Youth Opportunities in the Ministry of Children and Youth Services. This course of action highlights the
Government's priority in creating safer communities across Ontario and ensuring that all youth have the prospects
to succeed.
Full Day Kindergarten. . .Our government decided not to cancel the full day Kindergarten program. Thanks to
this program over 1000 new students will start full day kindergarten in Scarborough-Guildwood this fall.
• High quality, play-based kindergarten programs have long-term benefits for children's academic and social
skills and helps them to succeed in school and in life. Full day learning is associated with improved literacy and
numeracy, smoother transitions to Grade 1, and increased post-secondary graduation rates. Parents will save
on daycare costs (approximate saving of over $ 6,500 per annum).
Post Secondary. . .The McGuinty Government has made available a 30% off Ontario Tuition grant designed for
eligible full-time university and college students in a degree program a tuition grant of $1,680 and college diploma
or certificate students a tuition grant of $770.
I continue to work diligently as the representative of Scarborough-Guildwood at Queen's Park.
Should you require my assistance, please contact my Constituency Office, at 4117 Lawrence Ave. E., Unit 109,
Scarborough ON M1E 2S2, by phone at 416-281-2787, by fax 416-281-2360, or by e-mail at
mbest.mpp.co@liberal.ola.org or find me on
or follow me on twitter @MargarettBest.
The East Side Story
by a Member of Our Community Association
When Mr. Wootton asked me for a few lines of
contributions due to the happenings on Danzig Street,
I had some reservation as to the difficulties that
people would need to discuss.
So, my canvassing began by knocking on a few
unanswered doors and finally one neighbour opened
his door.
The knocks this time were answered by an older
gentleman named Ray. Ray is a Danzig Street
resident for several decades. I asked him if he would
be willing to answer a few questions. I asked the
following questions:
stores, bulk food, beer and liquor stores, walk-in
clinics, medical labs, gas stations, pizza stores, health
food store, auto-repair shops, police station,
recreational community center, Sanford and Son
industry, a library and with 20 minutes walk to a train
station and Lake Ontario. I could go on and on but the
cappuccino is ready so I must stop here."
"While we were sipping the cappuccino, he said "Don't
you think that my sexy wife makes good cappuccino?"
"Of course", I replied. "Absolutely the best!"
"By the way" he said, "What do you call these people
that sell homes?"
"Due to the devastating tragedy, would you
consider moving away from here?"
"NO WAY, NO!" was his reply.
"You know, on this street, I taught my
sons and the sons of my son their
first parallel parking and three-pointturn driving lessons that started and
finished on Danzig Street," said Ray.
Ray continued, "Within walking distance I will be able
to reach 5 major banks, 2 major grocery stores, 4 drug
Support Crime Stoppers
It’s your neighbourhood
Keep it safe
416-222-8477 or 1 800 222-8477
(You will never be asked your name)
"Real estate agents," I replied.
"Oh! Yes, I remember now, they always
stress location, location, location. The
location that escaped me earlier is the
2 funeral homes, also within walking
"And within 100 meter radius, there is a
little United Nations community. There is
little problem however, the German on the
left cannot figure out why his compatriots
must work until 67 to pay a pension to the Greeks
whose countrymen retired when they were 55," Ray
"You see, only one thing will make me leave Danzig
Street, a coffin or being dragged out of here." At this
point, I did not ask another question to spare myself
from a community civics lesson," Ray said.
"Well thanks for your time!" I replied. And with a smile,
Ray said, "Feel free to come again."
* Integrity * Knowledge
* Confidentiality * Availability?
Being your long time neighbour, I offer a unique "One Stop Service
Program" that also encompasses information to avoid pitfalls that
can cost thousands of dollars.
Maria Florosz REALTOR, CRS., SRES.,
Sales Representative
OFFICE: 416-281-2200 OR DIRECT # 416 844-4036
Coldwell Banker Case Realty, Brokerage
email: Maria@RealEstateGuid4u.com
Easy Raspberry Loaf
1 3/4 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 cup white or packed brown sugar
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1 cup low-fat, lemon-flavored yogurt
(I use whatever I have)
1/4 cup vegetable oil
1 egg
2 egg whites
1 tsp grated lemon zest (I grate my
frozen lemon-see page 5)
1 cup fresh or frozen raspberries
Preheat oven to 350°.
Grease and flour a 9 x 5-inch loaf
In a large bowl combine flour, sugar,
baking powder, baking soda, and
salt. Set aside.
In a medium bowl whisk together
yogurt, oil, egg, egg whites, and
lemon zest. Add wet ingredients to
flour mixture and stir just until
moistened. Gently fold in
Pour batter into prepared pan and
bake for 50 minutes, or until a
toothpick inserted in center of loaf
comes out clean (If using frozen
berries, you may need to increase
baking time. Cool loaf in pan for 10
minutes. Remove from pan and let
cool completely before slicing.
A Big Thank You to all those who helped clean up our community on Community
Clean-Up Day. We look forward to seeing more
Sample of garbage in a local park.
participation next spring. Take pride in a clean
community and make this an annual family event.
Environmentally Safe Ingredients
Try to purchase cleaners that are less harmful to the environment or make your own. Either combined, or
on their own, the ingredients listed below will produce safe, effective and cost-efficient cleaners.
Baking soda: (sodium bicarbonate) An all-purpose, non-toxic cleaner. It cleans, deodorizes, scours, polishes
and removes stains.
Borax: (sodium borate)
It deodorizes, removes stains and boosts the cleaning power of soap. It
also prevents mold and odours.
Cleans and deodorizes carpets and rugs.
Lemon juice:
Cuts through grease and stains on aluminum and porcelain.
Pure soap:
Cleans everything.
Table salt: (sodium chloride)
A mild disinfectant and makes an abrasive, but gentle, scouring powder.
Removes mildew, stains, grease and wax buildup. Vinegar is a great
glass cleaner.
Washing soda: (sodium carbonate) Cuts grease and disinfects. It will also increase the cleaning power of
Vinegar: (dilute acetic acid)
Report from your City Councillor, Paul Ainslie
Scarborough East - Ward 43
Chair: Scarborough Community Council
Chair: Government Management Committee
Chair: Toronto Library Board,
150 Borough Drive
Tel: 416-396-7222
Facebook: Councillor Paul Ainslie
Twitter: cllrainslie
Website: www.paulainslie.com
Dear Residents of Coronation and West Hill,
I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer. I was
very proud with the release of the City Services
Benefit Card last month to replace manual cheques as
the payment method for Toronto residents who
receive Ontario Works assistance and do not have a
bank account. The benefit card - the first of its kind in
Canada - will improve service and save the City of
Toronto money.
I brought this initiative to the City's attention early this
year when I read that some American Cities had
implemented the plan. This is a good revenue saving
tool with annual savings estimated at between $2
million to $5 million gross ($1 million to $2.5 million
Scarborough East was rocked by a tragedy last month
when Shyanne Charles, a beautiful 14 year old lost
her life. It is important at this time to join as a
community to support our neighbours and speak to
our children specifically about the value of their lives
and how important they are to the fabric of our
community. Our youth need our support in any way
we can supply it. Please speak to the youth who live
in your community, engage them and let them feel that
they are part of your community circle so that we can
all recognize each other and know we can feel
Kingston Road . . .We will be reconstructing the
planters in front of 4187 Kingston Road as the area is
in need of a clean up to enhance the community. The
old wooden boxes will be repaired and replanted. The
private business owners have agreed to water the
plants which will allow the plants to flourish. There will
also be other reconstructing projects taking place on
Kingston Road including the southwest corner of
Galloway Rd and Kingston Rd. The work is scheduled
to commence in late September.
Acoustic Fence at Greenvale Terrace . . .We
have been diligently working with the developer to
reach a satisfactory resolution to install the acoustic
fence for the homes on Greenvale which back onto
The City is now in receipt of a letter confirming that the
proposed modifications to the acoustic fence are
satisfactory in terms of meeting noise abatement
requirements. The City now awaits the submission of
revised landscaping plans which will be circulated to
GO/Metrolinx for review for sign-off.
Breakfast With
(Pancakes, Fruit and Juice)
Saturday Dec 8th Time: 9 10:30 am
Tickets available at Front Desk at Heron Park
Community Centre.
Family Skate Day
Police Toy Drive
Beginning on Nov
17, new and
unused unwrapped
toys or cheques
(made payable to “
Police Toy Drive”)
are being accepted
at 43 Division
(4331 Lawrence
Ave E) or at the Scarborough Town Centre
security office (300 Borough Dr.).
On Dec. 15, Auxiliary officers and volunteers
will make their rounds, with Santa in tow, to
deliver the busload of toys to the awaiting kids.
Location: Scarborough Village Community Centre
Friday, November 16th - 12 noon to 2:00 pm
Skates will be provided to those that don't have
any. (while quantities last).
Town Hall Meeting, TUES NOV 13, 7- 9PM
Scarborough Village Community Centre
Guest Speaker is Police Chief Bill Blair
Drop Off New or Used Skates at 43 Division Police Station, 4331 Lawrence Ave East.
Call/email or send a letter to
your Councillor and Mayor to
recifiy this inequity!
52 Outdoor Rinks in City, Only 1 in Scarborough
Support Scott Harrison’s efforts
to get the city to respond to the
needs of our community by
contacting Scott today. (See
form at bottom of page)
The City of Toronto's website boasts . . .52 outdoor rinks, maintained by the City and supported by a
refrigerated system to keep ice during warm weather.The Etobicoke area will be increasing their existing outdoor
rinks to 20, not including the new ice trail the City put in a year or so ago. Presently North York has 10 outdoor rinks,
the former City of Toronto and East York both have 20 outdoor rinks and again Scarborough has only 1!
If you would like to show your support for this worthwhile cause, please fill out the required
information below and send to Scott Harrison, 19 Falaise Rd, Scarborough Ontario, M1E 3B6.
Address: ____________________________________________________________________________
Phone #: _______________________________________
OR Email: scott_harrison1@rogers.com
OR call 416-948-8282.
52 Outdoor rinks maintained by the City
and supported by a refrigerated system
to keep ice during warm weather.
Scarborough has only 1
If you have any thoughts
or articles you would like
to submit for our next newsletter,
please feel free to drop us a line.
or Mail to:
Editor CCA Newsletter
68 Kitchener Road, Scarborough, ON, M1E 2X5
Non-emergency police number (416) 808-2222
Email: editor@coronationca.com
Know Your Blood Pressure Numbers
Blood Pressure
High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) Stage 1
High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) Stage 2
Hypertensive Crisis (Emergency care needed)
mm Hg (upper #)
less than 120
mm Hg (lower #)
less than 80
120 – 139
80 – 89
140 – 159
90 – 99
160 or higher
100 or higher
Higher than 180
Higher than 110
6th Annual
“Perennial Plant Exchange”
a great success!
A big Thank You to Susan Rightmeyer
for letting us use her backyard.
We must urge our residents to scream bloody murder
because of what the City is doing to our neighbourhood.
Ash Loading Is Done Just Once A Year (For 3 Weeks). If the city can't handle the ash once a year, can you
image what could happen, if they start trucking raw sewage through our community every day. Residents
must go right to the heart of the matter; contact the Ministries of the Environment for both Ontario and
Canada. For more information, see 'Environmental Red Flag"on page 1 of the Coronation Community
Assoc. of Westhill Fall 2012 newsletter.