Annual Report - Birchmount Bluffs Neighbourhood Centre


Annual Report - Birchmount Bluffs Neighbourhood Centre
Birchmount Bluffs Neighbourhood Centre
Annual Report
Come tell us your story and help
us make new ones.
We envision a strong and inclusive neighbourhood in which community members fully participate in
opportunities that enhance well-being for all.
Birchmount Bluffs Neighbourhood Centre works with diverse individuals, families and communities to overcome
barriers and enhance quality of life. We do this by fostering social inclusion, developing skills and abilities, and
collaborating with our partners to facilitate access to a range of flexible and responsive programs and services.
We define these values as follows:
Respect: We believe that every person has the right to be met with compassion, accepted in a nonjudgmental way, and treated with respect and dignity.
Diversity: We embrace diversity in all of its forms, in our clients, agency and community, and support nondiscriminatory policies and practices.
Inclusivity: We actively seek ways to welcome all members of our community and ensure they have the
opportunity to participate in meaningful ways.
Building Capacity: We nurture the development of individual and community capacity by offering programs
and services that enhance independence and build upon abilities.
Equitable Access: We commit to removing barriers that restrict individuals and groups from accessing
services and participating in our programs.
Collaboration: We believe that each of us is enriched when we are able to work collaboratively with one
another to share experiences, perspectives, information, knowledge and supports.
Integrity: We employ honesty and ethical decision-making practices in all that we do.
Accountability: We recognize that our community has entrusted us with an important responsibility, so we
take care to be responsible and accountable for the management of our agency within available resources.
Table of Contents
2. Vision, Mission, Values
3. Message from the Chairperson of the Board of Directors and the Executive Director
4. Governance
5. Organizational Chart
6. BBNC Programs and Services
7. BBNC’s Story of Values…
15. Financials
17. Funding Sources
18. Community Partners
19. Donors
26. Volunteers
Annual Report 2014-2015 page 2
Message from the Chairperson of the Board
of Directors and the Executive Director
Message from the Chairperson and
the Executive Director
“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.
The second best time is now.” Chinese Proverb
“Plant trees to benefit another generation.” Caecilius
Statius, Synephebi
“We live in the world when we love it” Rabindranath Tagore
Members of the Birchliff community planted a tree thirty years ago - a special tree called “Phyllis
Griffiths Neighbourhood Centre”. The name of the tree changed and became Birchmount Bluffs
Neighbourhood Centre, but the roots and fruits continue to grow stronger and more tasteful with
every year that passes. This year we are celebrating thirty years since the BBNC tree was planted!
We are symbolically planting a new tree this anniversary because the first quote at the top of this
page means that it is never too late to accomplish the things you want to accomplish.
The year for which we are reporting began in April 1, 2014 and ended on March 31, 2015. Overall it
was a successful year at Birchmount Bluff Neighbourhood Centre (BBNC). The year we are
reporting was full of changes and accomplishments and reminders as to why we do the work we do
at BBNC. To list every accomplishment would be impossible; however, to illustrate, we are using an
important example. BBNC received approval of funding for a fourth year to assist with delivering
services for youth in the East Eglinton Kennedy Park area. This funding will include a new
neighbourhood: Iondale. This program is developed for the youth by the youth, and is just one
example of the amazing work being done at BBNC.
Another accomplishment was the consolidation of our Community Engagement Awards (CEA). The
Second CEA was held in April 2014, the award winners of the 2014 CEA were in the youth category:
Thakksha Jeyakullaraja, a remarkable youth leader. The adult award belonged to Melissa Simas, a
no less remarkable leader in the community. The Small Business/Community Organization Award
went to Polycultural Immigrant & Community Services (Scarborough Branch). The BBNC has been
very lucky to have as Master of Ceremonies of both events the award-winning journalist Sue
Perhaps the more important accomplishment however, was the participation of volunteers in all
events, programs and activities of the agency. You may notice the space at BBNC where the
employment program used to function is now the volunteer hub.
The work of the volunteers is perhaps the best fruit that the BBNC tree produced. From our year of
success thank you to all our volunteers. None of this could happen without you.
Yours truly
Kelly Hayes
Chairperson, Board of Directors
Enrique Robert
Executive Director
Annual Report 2014—2015 page 3
Birchmount Bluffs Neighbourhood Centre is governed by a volunteer board of directors, a diverse
group of community leaders and key decision makers who provide vision, strategic leadership,
advocacy, accountability and stewardship. The board members are elected at the Annual General
These volunteers are passionate about BBNC and dedicated to its mission to provide programs and
supports and foster social inclusion within the community, with a focus on individuals who face
barriers to service.
2014 - 2015 Board of Directors
Pixley Bailey
Dr. Shafi Bhuiyan *
Mamta Deshwar
Wendy Fulton
Shrivington Hannays *
Karima Hashmani *
Kelly Hayes
Sadia Khandakar
Kathryn Mannion
Vice Chairperson
Keta Nannithamby *
Penny Reid
Lauren Salmon
Nadira Dolly Tarassum
Levine Torcato **
Robert Vassileff
* Resigned during the year
** Completed term of office during the year
Annual Report 2014—2015 page 4
Annual Report 2014-2015 page 5
Boys & Girls Club
Program Staff
City of Toronto Parks
and Recreation
Executive Director
Board of Directors
Annual General
Summer Camp Staff
Placement Students
Fitness and Wellness
Fee for Service
Volunteer Coordinator
Reception and IIN Staff
Manager, Community
Summer Camp Staff
EEKP Youth
Services Network
Youth Engagement
Youth Drop-In
RECE Nursery
School Staff
Manager, Community
Tamil Seniors
Bengali Seniors
Recreation Coordinator
Financial Coordinator
Finances Committees
Access & Equity Committee
Nominations Comnmittee
Manager, Child &
Family Programs
Other and Ad-hoc Committees
Executive Committee
Personnel Committee
Fundraising Committee
Birchmount Bluffs Neighbourhood Centre Organizatonal Structure
West Scarborough
Community Centre
Share Christmas
BBNC Programs and Services
Family Resource Centre
The Family Resource Centre (FRC) provides programs, resources and services for parents/guardians, child care
providers and children aged 5 and under. An annual membership of $40 is required for participation in FRC
Ontario Early Years Centre (unique satellite location):
The Ontario Early Years Centre (OEYC) provides programming for children 0 to 6 years of age, parents/guardians, and
child care providers. BBNC offers various programs that are both interactive and independent with a skill development
focus on exploration of the senses, literacy, and social skills such as sharing, turn taking and cooperating while interacting
within a group. Membership is free of charge. Prior to attendance, participants are required to pre-register.
Preschool Programs
BBNC offers a variety of programs for children 2-and-a-half to 5 years of age to attend on their own, led by instructors.
Nursery School
BBNC operates a licensed Nursery School program that functions 37 weeks annually from September-June. We offer
morning classes Mon-Thurs 9-11:30am and afternoon classes Mon/Wed 1-3pm. Our staff are qualified educators who
devote their time, patience and knowledge to child development.
Children's Programs
In partnership with West Scarborough Neighbourhood Centre, we offer a Boys and Girls Club. Its social, recreational and
educational activities emphasize fair play and leadership.
In addition, BBNC also offers Karate.
Youth Programs
Birchmount Bluffs Neighbourhood Centre (BBNC) is committed to supporting area youth to overcome barriers and
achieve successful life pathways. We offer a Youth Employment Program (YEP) at our main site and a satellite Youth
Drop-in Centre. This ever expanding and growing youth program features a wide range of services, including social dropin programs, a youth advisory committee, and an employment lounge.
Drop-in Programs
Our centre's dynamic drop-in programs offer a relaxed space where youth age 14 to 24, can enjoy recreation,
socialization, self-expression and discussion. Our Drop-In Centre is located at: 2849 Kingston Road (at St. Clair Ave.)
and is open Monday to Friday 12:00 pm to 6:00 pm. Call us at 416-264-1007.
Eglinton East Kennedy Park Youth Service Providers Network
Comprised of youth and youth serving agencies serving the Eglinton East-Kennedy Park area. Funded by the City of
Toronto’s Social Development and Investment Program, the project supported engagement, access and capacity building
for area youth and residents.
Adult Fitness & Wellness Programs
For those interested in fitness and wellness programs, a wide array of classes taught by qualified instructors is
available. To facilitate choice, classes are offered in both the daytime and evening, and many are designed to
accommodate persons of different physical ability levels.
Older Adult Programs
Older Adult Programs at BBNC welcome the participation of community members from all backgrounds and with diverse
abilities. The programming, with direction from our Older Adult Advisory Council, strives to meet the physical, social, and
recreational needs of adults aged 60+, and works to develop a strong sense of community among its members.
Seniors Outreach Ambassador Resource (SOAR) project engages seniors as trained volunteers who outreach to isolated
and excluded seniors in southwest Scarborough, helping them link them to community activities.
Bengali & Tamil Seniors Recreation Program
Bengali and Tamil Seniors Recreational Program is a consortium led initiative that offers area seniors from these
communities, culturally responsive recreational and wellness programming at 4 southwest Scarborough sites.
Active & Able Programs
Active and Able Programs provide inclusive services and programs that advance active living, independence and full
inclusion for persons with disabilities and health barriers. The program offers access to several integrated and adapted
wellness, recreational, capacity building and social programs.
Annual Report 2014-2015 page 6
Our story values:
We believe that every person has the right to be met with compassion, accepted in a nonjudgmental way, and treated with respect and dignity.
Wellness in all its forms is the foundation from which
we can all strive to meet our fullest potential!
BBNC’s Fitness and Wellness classes provide a base for all community members to engage fully and
completely. With a focus on dignity and respect, and a directed plan of inclusion, 142 full or partial subsidies,
through BBNC’s OPEN DOORS program, were provided to community members who otherwise would not be
able to engage in fitness and wellness programs. Among the newly engaged participants are newcomers and
racialized communities.
Annual Report 2014-2015 page 7
Our story values:
We embrace diversity in all of its forms, in our clients, agency and community, and
support non-discriminatory policies and practices.
When Farida first came to
Canada in 2012, she did not
know anyone and felt isolated
from the community around her.
After joining BBNC’s Bengali
program, she now has
developed a number of
friendships. “This program
changed my life,” she said. “I
feel physically more active now
than before. I am also
participating in recreation
programs like singing, which
also keeps me mentally
As newcomers to Canada in 2009 from our native land of Sri Lanka, and new parents in 2011 to our only
daughter, we began our journey as parents by attending the Family Resource Centre. I felt lonely and lacking
in support before but since the initial onset of attendance by my daughter and me, we have also engaged in
other interactive and independent programs offered by the Centre.
My child is now 3.5 years old and has improved a lot since she started coming to this Centre. At home we
only speak in our first language of Tamil and while attending programs at BBNC, this is where our daughter
learned how to speak English. I always felt embraced by the staff of the programs and we would like to
express very many thanks for teaching our daughter and supporting our family over the years.
Annual Report 2014-2015 page 8
Our story values:
We actively seek ways to welcome all members of our community and ensure they have the
opportunity to participate in meaningful ways.
We first came to BBNC because it
was important to our family to
access quality and affordable
programming given that we were
supporting a family of five on a very
limited income. Discovering that
BBNC offered a subsidy program as
well was particularly beneficial.
Our 3rd was born with severe
eczema and as a result I hovered
and watched over him more closely
than was required by his siblings.
The Family Resource Centre
provided us with the opportunity to
get my son out of the house and
begin to socialize with other
children and begin to successfully
engage with other adults. With the
support of staff, my son has literally
speaking, grown up in the BBNC
community. As a result of his
experiences at BBNC, he is fully
prepared for his entry into
Kindergarten this fall.
When funding for BBNC’s seniors cooking program ended last year, its 15
members, who hailed from diverse cultural backgrounds, decided there must be
a way to keep their tightly knit group together. “We can keep our group going,”
said Rangi, a senior who lives with chronic pain issues. “We can all cook and we
get along great. We can do this without a facilitator.” With the supports of
program staff, the program became a peer led club with shared leadership and
peer support. A year later, the group has become incredibly strong. “Cooking
and leading together, we’ve grown into a close supportive group”, says Celi.
“Sure, we’ve learned to cook healthier, but more importantly, we found
Annual Report 2014-2015 page 9
Our story values:
We nurture the development of individual and community capacity by offering programs
and services that enhance independence and build upon abilities.
When seniors support their senior peers to connect to community, social change can happen. In BBNC’s
SOAR program, a diverse team of senior volunteers is working to do just that. They conduct outreach to
neighbourhood seniors disconnected from community activities, with the aim of linking them to area programs.
I know what it feels like to be isolated and cut off due to being ill or low income.” said a passionate SOAR
member. “Helping seniors who face similar barriers is something I’m passionate about and because I’ve
gained so many skills and confidence at BBNC, I know I can make a difference.”
Annual Report 2014—2015  page 10
Our story values:
We commit to removing barriers that restrict individuals and groups from accessing
services and participating in our programs.
Using civic action to promote greater community access for people with disabilities was likely the biggest story
of our Active and Able program last year. Along with our many partners, we offered civic trainings and community organizing sessions, supporting people with disabilities to engage their voices in the municipal and
provincial elections and the City’s Poverty Reduction Strategy. Nancy, one of our active civic volunteers with a
disability who also lives in poverty, is a great example of this. “I’ve seen first-hand how when residents organize, we can make change happen for our community,” she said, when asked why she put in so much of herself into community work. Through the ballot box, consultations, deputations at City Hall, many of our members called for a more accessible city, with access to decent jobs, a livable income and a more empowered
civic voice.
At the centre we continued to provide people with disabilities with an array of accessible fitness, wellness and
social support activities.
Annual Report 2014-2015 page 11
Our story values:
We believe that each of us is enriched when we are able to work collaboratively with one
another to share experiences, perspectives, information, knowledge and supports.
BBNC supported residents and
community groups to organize and
meet through providing space and
linkages to resources. One example is
Cathy, a passionate member and
volunteer who joined a community
organizing group that met at BBNC.
“Thanks to the opportunities I’ve been
provided, to learn and contribute, I’ve
learned so much and become so
passionate that I feel like I am making
a positive impact on issues like poverty
reduction.” We organized passionately
around key concerns faced by low
income Scarborough residents, such
as lack of affordable housing and
In addition, the Youth Drop-In
organized youth conversations on
Toronto’s Poverty Reduction Strategy
and created a powerful video
showcasing employment barriers
facing Scarborough youth.
He is here every day possible. He gives of
his heart and his sole. He doesn’t have
material riches to share, but he has the
riches of the heart - particularly his smile.
“Just a wee note of thanks for all of your
acts of kindness throughout Olivia’s year at
BBNC,” writes Heather of volunteer
Lenard. Lenard’s is but one story of the
score of volunteers who’s daily dedication
to the programs and services of BBNC.
Annual Report 2014—2015 page 12
Our story values:
We employ honesty and ethical decision-making practices in all that we do.
From charity to solidarity from Share Christmas to SHARE365
For many years BBNC delivered a successful “hamper” program that benefited more than fifteen hundred
people. It was developed as a response to the needs of families in south west Scarborough during the
Christmas period and as one donor said “It puts a band aid where a cast is needed.”
After very comprehensive work between staff, board of directors, volunteers of the program and participants,
the outline of the new program was presented to the executive committee. The new program SHARE365
reflects the alignment of a new program, no longer as a “hamper program”, but as a program addressing the
needs of south west Scarborough on a systemic format taking into consideration the needs of the recipients,
the will of the donors and the alignment of BBNC and all its program to its strategic directions and values. In
this case adopting the poverty strategy for Toronto.
Annual Report 2014-2015 page 13
Our story values:
We recognize that our community has entrusted us with an important responsibility, so we
take care to be responsible and accountable for the management of our agency within
available resources.
BBNC’s Youth Drop-In Centre offers community youth services that include pre-employment supports,
information and referrals, volunteer opportunities and informal counselling. Our programs have focused on
molding young people to become leaders in their communities, while providing essential knowledge and lifeskills that support positive pathways in life. Using an integrated model of service the YDI provides access and
supports to youth with diverse disabilities.
The Eglinton East Kennedy Park Youth Services Providers Network works with local youth and community
members to expand the development and collaboration of programs and services from local youth and youth
serving agencies. EEKPYSPN works with the community to organize/facilitate meetings, workshops, focus
groups, information sessions, and community events. In addition, EEKPYSPN collaborates on building
various capacity building initiatives for the community and works towards strengthening partnerships with
youth, residents, and voluntary sector organizations, the government and businesses.
Annual Report 2014—2015 page 14
March 31,
Statement of Financial Position
Current Assets
Cash and temporary, Note 3
Account receivable
Prepaid Expences
Total Current
Capital Assets
Note 4
Reserve Funds
Note 3
Current Liabilities
Accounting payable
and accrued liabilities
Deferred revenue
Total Liabilities
Net Assets
Internally restricted
Equipment reserve
per statement Note5
Share Christmas reserve
per statement Note5
Accumulated Surplus,
per statement
Summarized Financial Statements for the Year Ended March 31, 2015
Annual Report 2014-2015 page 15
Statement of Operations
Porgram Note 7
Donation and Fundraising
Investment Income
City of Toronto Note 8
United Way
Service Canada
Seniors- New Horizons
Seniors- New Horizons - SOAR
YMCA Summer Student exchange
West Scarborough NCC
Ontario Trillium Fnd.
Volunteer Development
Bengali - Tamil Seniors Recreation Prm
Seniors Community Grant - Provincial Grant
Scarborough Women's Centre
Canadian Tire Jumpstart Charity
Toronto Foundation
The Maytree Foundation
Membership fees
Share Christmas Program
UofT Religious Diversity
Total Revenues
Profecional and Consulting Fees
Material and Services
Occupancy Cost
Interest and Bank Charges
Transportation and Travel
Education and Training
Amortization of Computer Data base
Membership dues
Surplus (deficit)
Birchmount Bluffs Neighbourhood Centre’s financial statements are audited by
Prentice Yates & Clark annually. Completed audited financial statements are available upon request.
Annual Report 2014—2015 page 16
Funding Sources
Human Resources and Skills Development Canada
Employment and Social Development Canada
New Horizons for Seniors
Ministry of Tourism, Sport and Cultural Development
Ontario Early Years Centres
Ontario Seniors Secretariat
City of Toronto Divisions:
Children's Services
Community Recreation and Investment
Community Service and Partnership
Identity and Impact
Investing In Neighbourhoods
Community Festivals and Special Events
Parks, Forestry and Recreation
Toronto Public Health
Social Development and Administration
United Way Greater Toronto
YMCA—Summer Works Student Exchange
C.B. Powell Foundation
F.K. Morrow Foundation
INTACT Foundation
Jays Care Foundation
Ontario Trillium Foundation -
The Tippet Foundation
Toronto Foundation
Youth Challenge Fund
Annual Report 2014—2015 page 17
Community Partners
Access Alliance Multicultural Health
and Community Services
Aisling Discoveries Child and Family Centre
Albert Campbell Library
Alliance for South Asian AIDS Prevention
ANC Scarborough Village
ANC Eglinton-East Kennedy Park
Anne Johnston Health Station
Bellwoods Centres for Community Living
Birchmount Park Collegiate Institute
Black Coalition for AIDS Prevention
Breaking The Cycle
Canadian Occupational Therapists Association
Cardinal Newman Catholic Secondary School
Catholic Cross-Cultural Services
Centre for Independent Living, Toronto
Churches by the Bluffs Food Bank
City of Toronto, Children's Services
City of Toronto Parks, Forestry & Recreation:
Adapted & Integrated Services
City of Toronto, Toronto Public Health
City of Toronto, Social Development Finance
and Administration
Community Living Toronto, Scarborough Region
Credit Canada
Eglinton-East Kennedy Park Youth Service
Providers Network
Ethno-racial People with Disabilities Coalition of
Field To Table (Food Share)
Harmony Hall Centre for Seniors
Jewish Vocational Services Toronto (JVS)
Annual Report 2014-2015 page 18
Local Immigrant Partnership: Toronto East Quadrant
Macaulay Child Development Centre
Maplewood High School
Ministry of Education
Neighbourhood Link
Ontario March of Dimes
Polycultural Immigrant and Community Services
Rhema Community Services
R.H. King Academy
Scarborough Arts
Scarborough Centre for Healthy Communities
Scarborough Women's Centre
Second Base Youth Shelter
Social Planning Toronto
Taylor Memorial Library
Tobias House Attendant Care Services
Toronto Community Housing Corporation
Toronto Employment and Social Services
Toronto Neighbourhood Centres Network
Toronto Public Health
Toronto Works Health and Safety Legal Clinic
Tropicana Community Services
United Way of Greater Toronto
Victoria Park Hub
Vocational Pathways Inc.
Warden Woods Community Centre
West Scarborough Neighbourhood Community Centre
Working Women’s Centre
YMCA Scarborough and Newcomer Services
2054544 Ontario Ltd.
44th Scouts
BBNC Aqua Fit Ladies
Benchmark Performance
Bell CANADA Employee Giving Program
Birchmount Investments Inc.
Birchcliff Line Dancers
BMO Financial Group
BMO Institute for Learning
Canadian Cancer Society, Ontario Division
Canadian Tax Foundation CTF
Care Accessible Transportation
Cath. Lab - Sunnybrook Hospital
Chubb Insurance Company of Canada
CHUM Charitable Foundation
Collins Barrow Toronto LLP
Creggan Insurance Brokers Inc
East Beach Community Assoc Lions Club
East Toronto Youth Justice Services
Eli Lilly Canada Inc
Enbridge Gas Distribution Inc.
Exchange Solutions Inc.
Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work: Child Welfare
First Unitarian Congregation of Toronto
Forum Travel Agency Limited
Gillespie Building Consultants Inc.
Grip Limited
Harlequin Enterprises Ltd
Healthtech Consultants
IFDS - Business Development and Data Systems
Institute of Communication Agencies (ICA)
Intact Insurance Company
Janssen Inc.
john st. advertising
John Strachan Antiques
Juniper Park
Kiwanis Club of Riverdale
LCBO - District 14
LCBO Supply Chain
Liberty Housing Co-Operative Inc.
MacLaren M2 Universal
Miya Consulting Inc.
Morningstar Research Inc.
NBC Bookclub
Nelson Education - The Social Club
Old Navy - Scarborough Town Centre
Ontario International College
Paisley Manor
Pearson Embanet
Pricewaterhouse Coopers
Red Label Vacations Inc
RGA International
Riverdale Community Midwives Inc
Scarborough Central Lions Club
Scarborough Arts
TD Insurance
The Neighbourhood Clinic
The Pulse Group
Ume Fashion Sushi
United Way - Marketing & Public Affairs Depts.
University Health Network - SIMS
Villa Colombo
Annual Report 2014—2015 page 19
Avalon Montessori School
Birchcliff Heights Public School
Birchcliff Public School
Birchmount Park Colegiate Institute
Boardwalk Montessori School
Bond Academy
Charles Gordon Senior Public School
Chine Drive Public School
Courcelette Community Council
Courcelette Public School
John A. Leslie Public School
John McCrae Public School
Kew Park Montessori Day School
R.H. King Collegiate
Scarborough Village Public School
Stephen Leacock Public School
University of Toronto
Annual Report 2014-2015 page 20
Donors - Individuals
John and Jennifer Abad
Louise Abbott
Negar Abdolrasouli
Asma Abrar
Diane Adams
Ekaterina Agar
Tunde Agboola
Amelia Aguila
Angela and Arc Ahchong
Stephanie Aird
Shahin Akmal
Michael Allen
Telecia Allen
Marie Alouche
Dan Amadori
Mike Andrews
Diana Angelopoulos
Parmodh Angrish
David Antongiovanni
Christina Armour
Kim Armstrong
Mary Ellen Armstrong
George Arnott
Nicholas Assuras
Anita Auerbeck
Ruben Gonzales Avila
Teresa Azzolin
Vitaliy Babiy
Jacquelyn Badcock
Francene Bailey
Zamena Baksh
Elisabete Baptista
Daniel Baresic
Stephanie Batt
Grace Bautista
Amar Bawagi
Holly-Anne Bell/Alessandrini
Debbie Bello-Aqui
Neal Belluzzo
Gary Bennewies
Elizabeth Berry
Lynn Berryman
Chris Besse
Tina Best
Gordon Bingham
Kathryn Bishop
Lorraine Blackmore
Robert Blakely
Farron Blanc
Steve Blane
Toni Blay
Harry Blum
Charan Bommireddipalli
Tanya Bordun
Gail Bornstein
Heidi Bornstein
Irina Borova
Richard Bouchard
Veronique and Eric Bouffet
Michael Boughner
Jeannie Bouley
Scott Bowering
Tessa Boyce
Deena Boyle
Kevin Bratt
Nina Bregman
Eric Brombacher
Jackie Brown
Sarah Brown
Glenn Brown
Jeanette Brown
Lori Budd
Karen Budden
Maryann Bulosan
Jennifer Burak
Jen Burak
Robert Burt
Allison Butler
Octavio Cabral
Alejandro Calleja
Kelly Campbell
Debbie Cao
Sandy Cao
Marco Capista
Lara Caplan
Jennifer Carlisle
Shelly Carr
Joel Carriere
Stanley Carvaggio
Gillian Carvalho
Beth Caulfeild
Ana Cemas
Andrea Cereso
Diane Chafe
Crystal Chalmers
Monita Chan
Cecilia Chan
Donald Chan
Brian Chan
Melissa Chang
Elaine Chang-Soong
Diane Chauvin
Adeline Cheng
Glenna Chestnut
Sandy Chiovitti
Julie Mae Chipman
Tammy Chong
Shoheer Choudhry
Carol Christidis
Merry Chu
Andria Chui
Patrick Chui
Mitzie Chung
Connie Cianchino
Roxana Ciobanu
Mike Clarke
Paula Clayton
Tanika Clouden
Karlene Clustie
Margaret Coelho
John Collins
Cathy Collins
Joe Commeau
Erin Connor
Talib Contractor
Jane Cook-Lauder
Amanda Coones
Randy Cooper
Simone Cordice
Hilary Corneau
Andre Cote
Tori Coulson
Laurie Coulson
Anne Crawford
Trevor Crawford
Kelly Croft
Maureen Crook
Estela Cruz
Renee Cullen
Scott Cummings
Judi Cummings
Gerry Cunningham
Lori Curgenven
Stacey Cutting
Joanne Daciuk
Tim Daciuk
Ajkuna Dakli
Cynthia Damiano
Uttara Das
Gianna Dassios
Teresa Tsuji
Anna Davids
Eric and Joanne Davidson
Joe Della Mora
Joe Della Mora
Mary Beth Denomy
Caroline Deriet
Maurice DeSantos
Pat Devlin
Annual Report 2014—2015 page 21
Arif Dhanani
Marg Dicker
Carolyn Di Maria
Antonio Diano
Laurie Lyn Diebel
J Dielissen
Lillian Dimock
Ana and Don Dixon
Allen Dorman
Cathryn Dockstader
Biljana Doneva
Anthony Donoghue
Pauline Dorfman
Joyce Dorman
Anon Dorothy BNS
Joanna Dowdall
Ellen Drevnig
Linda Driscoll
Dawn D'sa
Garrett D'Souza
Jim Dubbin
Alicia Dubois
Susan Easton
Josh Ellimoottil
Edward Eng
Peg Everall
Glenn Ewald
Anna Galati
Jana Gallagher
Kathleen Gallivan
Pat Gappmayr
Patti Garn-Moore
Matthew Gauld
Erik Geddis
Susan Geddis
Terri Jean Geddis
Ben Gibbons
Nancy Gillespie
Terry Girardin
A. Gioger
Leah Gitterman
Jan Goddard
Annie Gomez
Ksenia Gontcharouk
Ross Goodall
Abram Gordyn
Victoria Graham
Leigh-anne Graham
Ioana Grancea
Marta Grande
Liz Greaves
Jane Griffith
Anne Guenther
Geri Guevarra
Sheila Haaranen
Kristina Hachey
Anna Halfpenny
Mary Louise Hall
Elizabeth Hamilton
Karen Hamilton
Kathryn Hampson
Anwar Hamze
Derek Han
Mona Hanna
Leigh Hannah
Natalie Hannah
Jeff Harbin
Cathy Harding
Jackie Hardwick
Carine Harman
Leanne Harris
Jill Harris
Laura Lynn Harry
Melanie Hawkins
Andrea Hawkins
Sandy and Brian Hawley
Kelly and Scott Hayes
Matthew Haymes
Rochelle Hayward
Savannah Heathcote
Annual Report 2014-2015 page 22
Christine Fadare
Paul Fam
Kitty Fan
Samantha Farrell
Sydney Farrell
Simona Fat
Michael Ferguson
Stacey Ferguson
Tina and Joe Ferrigan
Jennifer Fiddian-Green
Lauren Fischer
Harold Fisher
Victoria Fleming
Jayne Fleming
Darlene Fleming
Jayne Fleming
Michael Flynn
Judy and John Foremski
Marilyn Foster
Eugene Francios
Jereme Francis
Colleen Franklin
Phil Friedmann
Ken Froese
Timothy Herman
Daisy Hickey
Michelle Hickey
Brenda Hicks
Paul Hillier
Naj Hirani
Ilana Hirson
Shelly Hobbs
Lucy Anne Holliday
Susan Holsmer-Brand
Andrew Hood
Catharine Hooper
Greg Hopkins
Debra Hopmans
Irena and David Hopper
Jennifer Hounsell
Lee Huang
Heather Hudson
Hal Huff
Cheryl Hutcheons
Kyung Hee Hwang
Vera Iwanow
Grace Iyer
Stephanie Jacinto
Valerie Jacobs
Fatema Jaffer
Carolyn James (McIntyre)
Sandra James
Joan Jamieson
Yogesh Jani
Wojciech Jarosz
Indra Jeyanandan
Vasuki Jeyendran
Jessica Jiang
Suzanne Johns
Amy Johnson
Camilla Johnson
Tracey Johnson
Michel Jones
William (Andy) Jones
David Jones
Courtney Jordan
Angie Joyce-McKinnon
Cindy Jukes
Kristy Kahler
Nancy Kalina
Nita Kang
Foujan Kantini
Priti Kapur
Pervin Karmali
Patrick Kavanagh
Nisreen Kazimi
Sarah Kearse
Kathleen Keenan
Christine Keery
Zahra Kefayati
Donna Kellway
Patrica Kelly
David Kemp
Allison Kennedy
Carolynn Kennedy
Kenny Kent
Rizwan Ullah Khan
Mike Khan
Allison and Allan Khan
Connie Kilgour
Joanne Kim
Kori Jo Kingsbury
Beata Klepacz
Andre Kleynhans
Rhonda Klosler
Nadia Knircha
Paul Kocher
Ghada Kodous
Kathy Koehlman
Debra Kolb
Liane Koll
Ray Kong
Sue Kormendy
Mark Kosir
Ola Kossilova
Igor Kostioutchenko
Isabella Kozak
Renata Kraszewski
Aaron Krause
Jaime Krause
Meghan Krohn
Zoë Kruis
Bipul and Maya Kulshreshtha
Julie Kwan
Cheryl Kyte
Stephanie Labbe
Nadine LaCalamita
Barb Lacosse
Angela LaGamba
Anthony Lai
Carrie Lam
Bao Yan Lam
David Lamb
Corey and Darlene Lantz
J.C Lapointe
Amy Laverne
Erin Leckie
Grace Lee
Shane Lee
Tony Lee
Terri LeFort
Robin LeGassicke
Robert Legere
Thom Leiper
Frank Lekivetz
Sarah Lewellen
Geya Liu
Jocelyne Liwanag
Helen Locsin
Rosa Lopez
Duncan Lord
Lois Lorimer- Nunn
Elizabeth Lovatt
Shirley Lovdal
Jennifer Lui
Wing-Si Luk
Kelly Lunn
Thai Luu
Wanda Luu
Leiki Luud
Mike Lydan
Tracey Lynch
Ann Macaulay
Melissa Maccionne
Linton MacDonald
Doug Macey
Amanda and Kelly Mack
Jennette Mackenzie
Francesca Mackie
Peter Mackie
Heather Mackintosh
Colin MacNeil
Luiza Madeira
Maeve Maguire
Vashti Maharaj
Homayoun Mahmoudy-Baybourdy
Kathy Mahony
Ken Maiden
Deepak Malholtra
Bryan Manalac
Elizabeth Mandatori
Vania Mandatori
Paul Mandel
June Mander
Diana Mandic
Monica Manjarrez
Janet Mann
Garth Mann
Wendy Margolese
Meghan Markham
Sheila Marner
Cynthia Maroulis
Lucas Martin
Mary Masella-Centritto
Joan and Howard Mashinter
Paul Masson
Miranda Mathews
Jacquie Matthews
Susan Maynard
Kimberley McAllister
Stephen McCourt
Susan McCoy
Judith McDonald
Carolyn McIntyre
Elaine McIntyre
Vathsala and Iain Mckone
Peggy McLusckie
Erin McLaughlin
Shelley McMurter
Jennifer McNaughton
David McNaughton
Christina McPhee
Amanda McVean
Lucie Megahy
Fifi Mekonnen
Lynn Metcalf
Toby Milian
Danielle Milley
Rod Minden
Lynn Mitchell
Genet Moges
Eva Mohammed
Christine Mongelli
Carlos Montoya
Carolyn Moon
Lorna Moore
Krishna Moorthy
Adam Moranda
Marci Morgans
Janice and John Motherwell
John Muise
Colleen Muise
Kris Mulholland
Liam Mulligan
Wendy Murphy
Penny Murray
Tim Nakai
Sanjay Nakra
Fabricio Naranjo
Cathy Nave
David Navratil
Sabir Nawaz
Annual Report 2014—2015 page 23
Jessica Newman
Irene Ng
Terry Nicholas
Martina Ninalga
Dollie Nix
Allyson Nowell
Elizabeth Nowell
Frank Nudo
Rhett Nussey
Jill Nykoliation
James O'Halloran
Joan O'Halloran
Susan O'Halloran -McVeigh
Tricia Ojara
Reuben Ojeda
Jocelyn Oliveros
Sarah Ong
Greg Ott
Christine Pacheco
Kim Pagel
Teresa Pantaleon
Tania Pape
Tek Papneja
Patricia Parante
Dr. Anar Pardhan D.C.
Benedetta Parise
Andrea Parnell
Urvashi Passi
Daksha and Kalpa Patel
Tricia Patel
Kristiina Paul
Yulia Pavlov
Jason Pearson
Sandra Persaud
Corey Philip
Suma Phillip
Jane Phillips
S. Phillips
Konrad Pichal
Susan Pike
Cheryl and John Pirie
Amie Plourde
Jessie Poh
Guy Poliquin
Kelly Pollock
Erin Pollard
Serban Popescu
Patrice Poppleton
Sharon Port
Jeevana Premachandran
Thadsana Premachandran
Lisa Prenol
Steve Prince
Kathrine Pummell
Christopher Purdye
Mark Quick
Keith Quong
Sam Radhakrishnan
Justine Rae
Kirn Rai
Johanna Raisanen
Rohan Rajendram
Leslie Ramage
Leela Ramienger
Maria Ramirez
Alisha Ramji
Titus Ramkhalawansingh
Geeta Ramsahoye
Deborah Rassos
Florence Ratis
Helen and Paul Redman
Andrew Reeves
Kim Remnant
Adam Rennie
Adele Reynolds.
Anita Reynolds-MacArthur
Jenny Rice
Larry Rich
Lesley Richard
Tom Richards
Andrea Richardson
Estelle Richmond
Ted Robbins
Freda Roberts
Judy Roberts
Marie Robertson
Diane Robitaille
Miphi Rodrigues
Katie Rodwell
Barb Rodwell
Jennifer Roe
Shaweta Roopra
Elaine Roper
Jane Rose
Larry Rotstein
Andy Ryan
Rachel Ryman
Jeff Ryoji
Herveen Sachdeva
Shamshu Sachedina
Maha Sadaka
Ilona Sampson
Richard Sanders
Bella Santos-Liscio
Annual Report 2014-2015 page 24
Barb Saunders
Sue Scinoca
Grace Seguiente
Lisa Senra
M. Setterfield
Maria Severino
Joanne Sexton
Natalie Sham
Sylvia Sharp
David Shaw
Anup Sheopaul
Michael and Colleen Sidford
Anna Silva
Joanna Simpson
Rose and Hardeep Singh
Alicia Singh
Lauren and Mike Singleton
K. Emily Skrzypinski
Lana Slaney
Iouri Smirnov
Jennifer Smith
Paula Smith
Valerie Smith
Sherri Snaith
Sonal Sodha
Leslie Solomonian
Susan Sparkes
Dave Spedding
Nicole Spence
Jennifer Staples
Lillian Stermac
Greg Stokes
Anne Stoll
Michael Stone
Terri-Lynn Stoneburgh
Anne Stott
John Strachan
Brock Stroud
Frankie Stuart
Angie Stumpo
Stephen Stutz
Susana Sue
Julie Sutton
Karyn and Robert Swaffield
Les Szollosi
Lisa Tabachnick
Nadira Tabassum
Horich Taghizadeh
Doris Tai
Kanika Tandoa
Sandramay Tang
Bryan Tannenbaum
Michael Tanouye
Deborah Tansley
Sarah Tanzini
Nathan Teal
Faelyn Templer
Rhonda Terada
Enzo Testa
Christine Teves
Julia Thompson
Gwen Thompson
Jessica Thoms
Stephen Thurlbeck
Louis To
Danny Tommassini
Danielle Tran
Kristin Trigiani
Mara Trokova
Marylin Tsakok
Christopher Tubbe
Susan Tuck
Zeynep Uraz
Sandra Usik
Bev Vanderlinde
Jennifer Verkaik
Megan and Jon Vernon
Marcella Villagracia
Peter Vlachos
Miranda Voth
Hugh Wagner
Rose Wah
Karen Wai
Shamim Waljee
Irene Walker
Fang Wan
Jadi Wang
Junyee and Gary Wang
Emma Warrillow
Tracy Warriner
Megan Watcher
Sam Webb
Daniel Weisz
Brenda Welsh
Paula Wemp
Anne Wentzel
Kevin Wentzel
Kris Wentzel
Barb Wesley-Storey
Lynn West
Helen West
Jacqueline Westner
Paul White
Kim Whittaker
Suzanne Whitten
Phil Wiener
Judith Wilkings
Amanda Williams
Christine Williams
Paige Willis
Dale Wilson
Matthew Wilson
Brenda Winkler
Rebecca Wojcik
Ian Wollach
Roger Wong
Kathleen Woodman
Kathy Woods
Nicole Worsley
P. Alexander Wren
Anthea Wright
Crystal Wu
Miriam Yapur
Angela Yau
Greg Young
Lorraine Young
Stephanie Young
Barbara Young
Jian-Yi Yu
Wendy Yu
Janet Zenwirt
Tim Zimmerman
Michael Zinston
Annual Report 2014—2015 page 25
Joshua Allen
Tricia Allen
Samantha Ambrozy
Peter Ananich
Eric Anastacio
Pamela Anestacio
Alex Aylesworth
Aviva Team
Josephine Babatunde
Pixley Bailey
Isha Ballgobin
Jane Barbeau
David Bell
Emily Bell
Dr. Shafi Bhuiyan
Birch Cliff Heights
Public School Teams
BMO Teams
Nadine Bouchard
Darlene Boucher
Jean Bouley
Carren Bowen-Baker
Scott Bridger/Tuck
Mary Dall
Danforth Gardens
Public School Teams
Maurice DeSantos
Mamta Deshwar
Linda Driscoll
Ameeta Dudani
Frank Kapiniaris
George Kelly
Sadia Khandakar
Mike Ferguson
Tanya Ferguson
Dede Fitzpatrick
Andrew Foremski
Eric Foremski
John Foremski
Judy Foremski
Jays Care Foundation
Sadie Freeman
Byron Frick
Wendy Fulton
Beverly Gardiner
Frank Gaultieri
Sue Geddis
Terry Girardin
Linda-Marie Graf
Robert Catsaris
Sherry Cavanaugh-Bell
Kathy Christie
CIBC Teams
Collins Barrow Teams
Coopers Teams
Oliva Csida
Linda Curley
Laurie Curley
Kevin Jagmohan
Melissa James
Margaret Jurocko
Cara Earle
East Metro Youth
Services Team
Ashley Eeg
Eli Lilly Teams
Enbridge Teams
Shirvington M.A. Hannays
Lenard Hardwick
Harlequin Teams
Karima Hashmani
Kelly Hayes
Moorsalin Hossain
IFDS Teams
Ipsos Teams
Izabella Isakovich
Annual Report 2014-2015 page 26
Barb Lacosse
Angela Lagamba
Vivian Lau
Valerie Lawson
Twanna Lewis
Raekwon Lewis-Gibbs
Adenieke Lewis-Gibbs
Denva Lilly
Cathy Line
Vivian Lockton
Kathryn Mannion
Tamara Matheson
Ian McCombe
Pat McCormick
David Meyers
Bob Mitchell
Janice Motherwell
John Motherwell
Dick Murai
Lauren Salmon
Scotiabank Teams
Tanya Sheppard
Sharon Slattery
Valerie Smith
Doreen Smith
Dave Spedding
Brandy Squirrell
Anita Stanley
Christine Weeks
Winter Wilcox
Brenda Winkler
York Rugby Lions Team
Nadira Dolly Tarassum
TD Teams
TD Insurance Teams
John Telford
Telus Teams
Jessica Thom
Diana Thomson
Levine T. Torcato
Andy Tse
Keta Nannithamby
Northbridge Insurance Teams
Unicef Teams
McLaren M2 Universal Teams
Bronwyn Ueberholz
Joan O'Halloran
Pearson Embanet Teams
Elizabeth Penny
Loreen Peters
Nisha Pragg-Singh
PTP Adult Learning &
Employment Team
Beverly Vanderlinde
Robert Vassileff
Najma Velshi
RBC Teams
Elizabeth Reid
Penny Reid
Elizabeth Ritchie
Barb Rodwell
Sydney Rotman
Annual Report 2014—2015 page 27
Come tell us your story and help us make new ones
93 Birchmount Road
Scarborough, Ontario
M1N 3J7
Tel: 416-396-4310
Fax: 416-396-4314
Birchmount Bluffs Neighbourhood Centre is a registered, non-profit charitable organization. The operation of
these programs is funded by charitable donations from businesses, organizations and individuals.
Charitable Registration Number:
Annual Report 2014—2015