Spring 2010 - Domestic Violence Solutions


Spring 2010 - Domestic Violence Solutions
PO Box 1536, Santa Barbara, CA 93102
Upcoming Events
For questions about upcoming events or to be added to the invitation list,
please visit our web site (www.dvsolutions.org), or contact Marsha Marcoe,
(805) 963-4458 x 17 or marsham@dvsolutions.org.
Thursday, October 21, 5:30-7:30 p.m.
2nd Annual Men’s Cocktail Party
at Montecito Motors
Men against violence who model strength not domination come out
to support DVS. Enjoy a gentleman’s evening of cars, cigars, hors
d’oeuvres, and an opportunity to donate to programs ensuring the
safety of families in Santa Barbara County.
To make a donation, please visit our web site: www.dvsolutions.org, or
mail your check to PO Box 1536, Santa Barbara, CA 93102
Nonprofit Org.
U.S. Postage
Santa Barbara, CA
Permit No.123
Spring 2010
Photo by Jim Boyden
The newsletter of Domestic Violence Solutions for Santa Barbara County
A Message from Executive Director Richard Kravetz
to Celebrate!
Domestic Violence
Solutions for Santa
Barbara County
works to end the
cycle of violence by
providing prevention
and intervention
services and by
challenging society’s
attitudes, beliefs, and
behaviors to effect
social change.
Domestic Violence Solutions
for Santa Barbara County
Administrative Center
PO Box 1536
Santa Barbara, CA 93102
It is a pleasure to report that a year that began
with so many challenges is ending with so
many accomplishments! At a time of deep
financial uncertainty, we have managed not
only to maintain, but to enhance our core
programs: new, county-wide directors Kim
Barnett, MA (Program Director) and Diana
Lambeth, MFT (Clinical Director) are
providing ever increasing levels of support,
training and supervision to our advocates
and counselors. Our new Teen Coordinator,
Christy Haynes, MA is expanding and
upgrading all aspects of our Teen Services
Program. Our new Volunteer Coordinator,
Lisa Ahlgren, funded by a Women’s Fund
of Santa Barbara grant is re-structuring and
accelerating our volunteer program. And our
development team, Development Director
Marsha Marcoe, MFT and Grants Manager,
Nic Daniel, CFRE have brought a topgrade professionalism to Domestic Violence
Solutions fund-raising activities, developing
relationships with our individual, corporate
and private foundation funders that will
help DVS not only survive, but thrive in the
coming year. We’ve also seen improvements
in our infrastructure security systems,
building repairs and improvements and an
influx of motivated and dedicated advocates
and counselors. Our Springtime Committee
and High Esteem Tea Committee continue
to out-do themselves, year after year and the
year’s events set a new standard for DVS. We
continues on page 3
Grant award presentation by the Women’s Fund of Santa Barbara to the DVS Board. Seated at right,
Board Member Pamela Vander Heide and Past President Sally Hamilton. Standing: Board Members
James Madison, Lupe Luna-Martinez, Secretary Vicki Johnson, Vice President Cozetta Blow, CoPresident Claudette Roehrig, Women’s Fund Member Mary Ann Froley, Executive Director Richard
Kravetz, Beth Weinberg, Women’s Fund Member Susan Case, Diane Pannkuk, Treasurer Linda Wachold.
Presidents’ Report
Board expansion update
n these times of great social and
economic change, the DVS Board
has been challenged, and yet we
have become more unified in our
mission to stop the intergenerational
cycle of violence. We truly believe that
every crisis is an opportunity to become
stronger, and to re-energize our collective
passion to keep women and children
safe and to educate our next generation.
With all this in mind, we set out to
expand our board with like-minded and
committed people, to help us accomplish
our many goals and reach further into
our community.
It is with great excitement that we
welcome into our family: Judy W. Egenolf,
owner of Amherst Exchange Corporation,
Joel Ohlgren, Esq., Commercial Law
and Bankrupty Attorney with the firm of
Sheppard, Mullin, Richter & Hampton,
Liz Seitz, Banker, Wells Fargo Bank, Pete
Bezek, Esq., Founding and Managing
Partner, Foley and Bezek, and James
Madison, Personal Banker, CitiBank.
With much gratitude, for two terms
each, we say farewell to Sally Hamilton,
past President, and Diane Pannkuk.
Both have been extremely hard working
Executive Director
Richard Kravetz
Co-Presidents Claudette Roehrig and Aaron Steed
and dedicated Board Members. We
are grateful that they will be actively
participating on DVS committees.
We also want to congratulate our past
President, Erin Neil and her husband Jeff
on the birth of their first baby girl, Sloane.
Erin left us with a solid foundation and
we are keeping the torch burning!
DVS administrative staff and Board President
Claudette Roehrig accept a check for $7,500 from
Kirk Murdock (l) and Gene Bendixen (r), Vons
store managers, for DVS’ Transitional Housing
program. DVS thanks Vons employees and the
Vons Foundation for their support!
Administrative Center
PO Box 1536,
Santa Barbara, CA 93102
(805) 963-4458
Fax: (805) 963-1169
Photos by Jim Boyden
Clinical Counseling Programs
Mail: PO Box 1536
Santa Barbara, CA 93102
621 W. Micheltorena St, Suite A
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
(805) 564-3300
Crystal Martinez, Staff Accountant
Thank you, Roberta and Crystal, for your long and loyal service!
Roberta Weighill brings a wealth of expertise to the position of Controller for DVS
and continues to construct a strong foundation for the financial challenges of a
non-profit. We are grateful for Roberta’s talent and her commitment to excellence.
Crystal Martinez came to DVS eight years ago with proficiency in accounting from
her previous position. We are thankful for her attention to detail, organizational
skills and aptitude over the eight years.
2 Spring 2010
Board of Directors
Pete Bezek
Cozetta Blow
Kathy Borgers
Judy Egenolf
Karyn Fish
Sally Hamilton, Past President
Vicki Johnson, Secretary
Lupe Luna-Martinez
James Madison
Joel Ohlgren
Diane Pannkuk
Claudette Roehrig, Co-President
Liz Seitz
Aaron Steed, Co-President
Pamela Vander Heide
Linda Wachold, Treasurer
Beth Weinberg
Teen Services
Santa Barbara: (805) 564-4488
Santa Maria: (805) 347-9994 x 3#
Eight Years of Service
Roberta Weighill, Controller
Associate Executive Director
Marsha Marcoe
Santa Maria Outreach Office
PO Box 314, Santa Maria, CA 93456
(805) 347-9994
24-Hr. Crisis Lines:
Santa Barbara (805) 964-5245
Santa Maria: (805) 925-2160
Lompoc: (805) 736-0965
Mona & William Wise
United Methodist Women, First
United Methodist Church
Jim & Marcia Wolfe
Women of the Moose #463
Jeanne Woods
Lee & Barbara Wotherspoon
Ellen Yanagibashi
Jeffrey Young
James & Gladwyn Young
Up to $100
Sharyn Logue
Margherita Abruzzo
Lorraine Abston
Melody Alexander
Erica Amescua
Penny & Michael Arntz
Tracey Artiss
Lisl & Ralph Aufderheide
Hibet Avalos
Natalie Avalos
Mindy & Lon Bailey
Lark Meleth Batteau Bailey
Sylvia & Stephen Balfour-Ritchie
Molly Ballow
Rebecca Barks
Stephen & Marsha Barr
Mary Frances Bartron
Stephanie Becerra
Martha Beckman
Blanca Benedict
Mark & Hattie Beresford
Claudia Berniard
Debra Beuoy
Kathy Bloomer
Marty & Joseph Blum
Barbara & Alfredo Bonadeo
Shirlee & Michael Bowden
Patricia Bringuel
Laura & Tom Brooks
Beverly Brown
Jehanne Brown
Lyette Brown
Cabana Home
Jose Cardenas
Monica Carmona
Anna & Gary Carrillo
Casa del Rio Line Dance
Lisa Castellanos
Mayra Castillo
Gloria Caswell
Chaucer’s Bookstore
Claire Chytilo
Carnzu Clark
John Cochrane
Gerald P. Cody
Judy & John Connors
Richard Cook
Matthew & Dani Coy
Roberta Coyne
Kathleen Crevier
Arlene Daly
Debra Dannenfelzer
Marjorie Davis
Fred De Jong
Jacqueline De La Torre
Dorothy Dearman
Beverly Dehn
Paula & Gary Deley
Katherine & Gregory Denlinger
Felisario Diaz
Emma Lou Diemer
Joan & Bob Dinaberg
Judi & Jerry Doernberg
Mary Dorra
Double L Services
Craig & Nancy Drennon
Mike & Michele Duffy
Julie Dzobiaka
John Ebrahimi
Edison International
Neil & Barbara Elliot
Frederick & Nancy Emerson
Kendra Epley
Jackie Ericson
Mary Jo Farrington
Diane Favro
Michael & Karen Feeney
Mary & Mark Fewell
Lois & Robert Fringal
Kimberly Fitzgerald
Merrilee Foehner
Stephen Foley
Bernard & Joan Fried
Anita Friedman & Frank Young
MayaLuz Gaona
James Gelb
Jane & Clarence George
Larry & Susan Gerstein
Amy Girling
Susan Gockenback
Joel Goldberg
Thomas & Roberta Goldenbee
Barbara Goll
Amanda Grijalva
Shaina Groves
Barbara Hagen
Lynne Hannay
Darlene & Walter Hansen
Claudia Hardy
Doris & Dennis Harrold
Kyle Hart
Jean Hawthorne
Jeff & Karen Hazarian
Sylvia Hendlin
Nancy Hernandez
Helen Heyden
Roger & Robin Himovitz
Hodges Automotive
Joanne Holderman
Roger & Eileen Horton
Lorraine Hummel
Zoe Iverson
Kathleen Ivory
Hannah-Beth Jackson
Lenore Jacoby
Ann James
Doris & Anthony Jimenez
Rachel Johansen
Gib Johnson
Patricia S. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs Colin & Joan Jones
Diane & Paul Jones
Phileen Jones
Susan Jordan
Keith M. Jowell
Dawn & Joel Kaufman
Edith & John Kay
Jan Keller
Kerry Kelley
Lee Kendall
Barbara & Bruce Kennedy
Carol Kirkland
Donna Kittle
Michael & Betty Kobling
Erna Kraemer
Tillie Kriger
Constance & Ivan Kronja
Patricia & Ken Kruger
Cassandra Kudlac
Lisa & Scott Kuehn
Andrea Labbe
Robert & Jennifer Larsen
Rosemary Larson
Mary Layman
Kathleen & Jack Leer
Phyllis Lenker
Arnold Levinson
June Linden & Judith Griffin
Sheila Lodge
Perie Longo
Elizabeth Longstreet
Sharon & Ernie Lopez
Linda & Audie Love
Arica Lubin
Richard & Linda Lynn
Dianna MacFarlane
Jeanne Madrid
Geraldine Mason
Claudia McGarry
Patricia McHale
Judith McKinnon
Adam Medina
Donna & Al Medwid
Nina & Fred Meyer
Florence Michel
Claire Millett
Lynda Millner
Kerry Mistretta
Sandra Mitchell
Stephanie Mojica
Barbara Moore
Ryan Moscoe
Helen Murdoch
Jennifer Nestell
Lorena Niazi
Kelsey Norton
Marjorie Odale
Jean Olsen
Roberta Olson
Eleanor Orstad
Wanda & Stanley Palmer
Jennifer & Ernesto Paredes
Claire & Gerald Parent
Anne Pazier
Cynthia Pearce
Gail Pearl
Louis & Mary Peeters
Beverly Pelton
Elizabeth Perelli
Joy & Joe Pinson
Alvin & Erika Plack
Kathleen Polischuk
Sheila Prendiville
Nicholas & Sharon Priester
Quilters Etc
Judith Rattray
Marc & Laurie Recordon
Carla Reeves
Jacqueline Reid
Dona Renkoski
Nancy & Russ Revlin
Taylor Rice
Deanne Rogers
Nancy Rood
Elissa Ross
Elayne Rossi
Kathy Ruiz
Elizabeth Rumelt
Linda & Ricky Ryan
Linda Sackrison
Gena Sands
Alice & Sheldon Sanov
Stella Sapios
Stacey Scharf
R. Joseph Sevilla
Marian Shapiro
Stefania Simmons
Linda & Nelson Sizer
Pearl Ann Skowbo
Janel & Rene Smit
Annett Folkestad Smithson
Evelyn & Herbert Sowers
Kim Spies
St. Mark United Methodist
Sandy Stahl
Jon & Mary Standlee
Jill Stein
Eleonore Steine-Brown
Sondra Stuerman
Ronova Sumter
Joann Tall
Jacquelyn Thomas
Mary Ellen Tiffany
Brickley Townsend
Nancy & Vincent Tubiolo
Mary Turley
Stacy Turner
United Way
Andrea Van De Kamp
Wendy Van Diver
Xochilt Vargas
Bob & Marlene Veloz
Dr. & Mrs. E. R. Wallace
Dorothy Warner
Hanah Webber
Susan Wedow
Debbie Welgterlen
Toni & Larry Wellen
Lorraine & Larry Wilson
Joyce Wilson
Mr. & Mrs Brian & Gloria Wise
Janet Wolf
Barbara Worley
Jean Wright
Roberta Wright
Arlene Young
Siu Zimmerman
Jane Zuzalek
Spring 2010 11
Laura Marie Beauvais-Forsyth
Jerry & Helene Beaver
Laura Beavias-Forsyth
Barbara & Yoav Ben-Horin
Patricia Bennett
Laura Benson
Joan Benson
Beta Lambda Sorority
Hillary & Tony Biedul
Marilynne Bird
Mary & John Blair
Rita & Norman Blau
Cozetta Blow
Christine Bohinc
Nancy & Daniel Bohnett
Russell & Joan Bolton
Paul & Debby Broeker
Christopher & Mary Ellen Brooks
Joyce & Roland Bryan
Carolyn Callahan
Lynne Cantlay
Shirley & John Carter
Christopher & Teriana Casebeer
Sylvia & Joe Centeno
Central Coast Women’s Health
Margo & Charles Chapman
ESA Foundation
Marcia Cohen
Community West Bank
Margaret & Joseph Connell
Patricia Connors
Serena Crowley
Eileen Curran
Paul & Jeannine Daniel
Gregory Darvin
Ms. Julia Dawson
Delta Kappa Gamma Zeta Nu
Ron & Jill Dexter
Lola Dorit
Joyce Dudley
Gun Dukes
George & Ruth Egan
Judy & Rob Egenolf
Charles & Frances Ego
Elks Lodge 613
Grant Elwood
Judith English
Ray Estrada
Nancy Even & Joel Ohlgren
Jim Everson
Lynda & Rusty Fairly
Tomaso & Irene Falzone
Beverly & Vincent Farr
Joyce & Terry Fernandez
Kendra & Andrew Feshbach
First American Title Insurance
First Christian Church
United Methodist Women of SB
John & Marie Foley
The Frameworks/Caruso Woods Gallery
Marci & Jack Friedlander
Nancy Fromholz
GRC Wireless
Susan Gackenbach
Virginia Gardner
10 Spring 2010
Gail Gillies
Allison Golledge
Jane Gottlieb
Geoff Green
Ms. Lorraine Griffin
Mark & Valerie Grivetti
Tilbeth Hagendorf
Tony & Marlena Handler
Betty & Stan Hatch
Henson & Efron, P.A.
Ms. Patricia Hiles
Jane Honikman
Harry & Leslie Hovey
Marlea F. Jarrette
Melinda Johansson
Nancy K. Johnson
Vicki Johnson
David Paul Jones
Nina & Doug Katsev
Frank Kelly
Jacquelyn Klein
Brecia Kralovic-Logan
Ted Kromis
Ms. Jeanne Kubes
Peter & Barbara Lackner
Terre Lapman
Marie Larkin
Annie LeVantine
Legal Aid Foundation
Robert & Ellen Lilley
Barbara & Albert Lindemann
Bob & Briny Litchfield
Margaret Lloyd
Linda Lorenzen
Georganne Lubin
Joyce Lunt
Ed & Marcia Lupo
MEI Mail Services
Dr. & Mrs Leslie & Peter
Macy’s West G.I.F.T.
James Madison
Manchester Capital Management
Danielle Martinez
Alixe & Mark Mattingly
Patrick & Esther McKinley
Mr. & Mrs Ron & Donna Melville
Miquelia Miller
Montecito Bank & Trust
Montecito Country Kitchen
Maryanne Mott
Moneen Mourad
Larry & Jeanie Murdock
Tim Murphy
Erin Neil
Kristina Nelson
Whitney Newland
Jill Nida
Gretchen Norqual
Northern Trust
Margaret November
Carolyn Novick
Helen Olson
Ms. Jean Olson
Leon Olson
Orcutt Presbyterian Women’s Assoc.
Campaign for the Community, PG&E
Pacific Wealth Strategies Grp
Marjorie & Craig Palonen
Lainie & Andrew Pascal
Carl & Karen Payatt
Peritus Asset Management Inc.
Mr. & Mrs Chauncey & Lydia Peterson
Prudential California Realty
Michael Rassler
AJ & Valerie Rice
Kim & Donna Richards
Kim Romanov
John & Mary Romo
Frank & Harriet
Susan Sakauye
Manfred & Jean Sander
John & Cynthia Sanger
Tracy Sanginiti
Michael & Brigitte Seligman
Michael & Marie Sexton
Greg Sharp
Jo-Ann Shelton
Sheryl Shoaf
Sigma Alpha Zeta Sorority
Melissa Silva
Sisterhood of Congr. B’nai B’rith
Tine Sloan
Chuck & Stephanie Slosser
Soroptimist International
Carrie Lundquist Spiegle
St. Andrews Presbyterian Church
Judith St. King
Aaron & Erin Steed
Heidi Stilwell
Gail Sulmeyer
Ann & Thomas Sweet
Shaw Takeuchi
Jennifer Taylor
Robert & Carol Ann Thompson
Roger Thompson
Carrie Towbes
Tim & Marsha Tremblay
United Methodist Women
United Way of Northern SB County
United Way of San Luis Obispo
United Way of Southeast. Penn.
Ruth Varner
Vega Real Estate Group
David & Cesli Vierra
Robin Walker/Core Fitness Training
Tony & Nancy Wall
Sue Wang
Marsha Wayne
Jim & Crisy Weber
Beth Weinberg & Mike Stein
Gary & Deborah Welterlen
Candace White
Linual & Carolyn White
Stuart Whitman
Carol Wilburn
Roger Wilde
Susanna Williams
Linda Williamson
Reed & Benita Wilson
Stephanie Wilson
Joy & Irwin Winer
Photo by Jim Boyden
hope our second annual Men’s
Committee event becomes
another successful tradition
for DVS. And our new and
prospective board members are
both broadening and deepening
DVS’ community resources, at
precisely the right moment. All
this is not only reason for hope,
but for celebration. This year we
plan to work with our board to
re-invigorate our connections
with our supporters all over
Santa Barbara County. Please
let this brief review serve as an
invitation to get involved. I
promise you will be challenged,
and inspired, by that you find at
With my heartfelt thanks
for your interest and support.­­­
—Richard Kravetz
Teen Services Update
Executive Director’s Message, cont.
h r i s t y
Haynes, Teen
Services Coordinator,
is winding down for
the 2009-2010 school
year, yet she is revving
up, reworking and
revitalizing Domestic
Violence Solutions’
Teen Services programming to make
the outreach accessible, interactive and
impactful to more students.
Christy is fully committed to broadening
the relationships with community partners,
expanding the message to a larger target
audience and bringing an evidenced based
curriculum and assessment process to the
teens of Santa Barbara County to end dating
violence. (See www.dvsolutions.org for
more information on DVS Teen Services.)
• Endowment
• Naming Opportunity
• Planned Giving
• Bequests
• Gifts of Property
• Charitable Trusts
The Domestic Violence Solutions
Corporate Affiliates Program
“What would you like to
achieve with your money
that would be significant
to you?”
cial investment in Domestic Vio lence
Solutions based on a sliding scale relative
to an organization’s size.
For more information please contact:
Marsha Marcoe, Associate Executive
Director (805) 963-4458 x 17 or
photo by Jim Boyden
he DVS Corporate Affiliates
Program is the means through
which Domestic Violence Solutions for
Santa Barbara County forms mutually
beneficial alliances with local corporations
and non-governmental organizations that
share our commitment to ending violence.
Member organizations make a finan-
• Gift Annuities
DVS thanks our corporate affiliates for significant contributions to our county-wide programs.
We are proud to call them partners in helping families break the cycle of violence.
Marsha Marcoe
Associate Executive Director
For more information
on giving,
please contact
Marsha Marcoe
at: 805-963-4458 x 17
or email marsham@
Spring 2010 3
Wear your message of support!
Sisterhood Bracelet Raffle
Win a 14K gold link and aubergine fresh water pearl bracelet
valued at $2,300.
Tickets: 5 for $50 or 10 for $100 donation to benefit DVS.
Winner drawn at High Esteem Tea, September 19, 2010. Winner need
not be present. Designed by Barry Brinker for DVS. To buy tickets, or for
more information, contact Marsha Marcoe at (805) 963-4458 x 17, or
Bracelets with a message:
End the intergenerational cycle of violence and restore
dignity and hope for an empowered life.
Designed by Barry Brinker and made possible by Claudette Roehrig,
the DVS development committee is excited to offer for sale two beautiful
ways to wear your message of support for battered women. All proceeds
benefit DVS.
A. Stretch elastic natural aubergine fresh water pearl bracelet
with distinctive DVS logo charm. $60
For purchase, contact Marsha Marcoe at (805)
963-4458 x 17, or MarshaM@dvsolutions.org.
B. Sterling silver links and natural aubergine fresh water pearl bracelet
with distinctive DVS logo charm and lobster closure. $120
4 Spring 2010
Writings by and about
Survivors of Abuse
by and Abo
ut Surviv
ors of Abu
Second Time Around Thrift Store
110 W. Ocean Ave, Lompoc | (805) 736-9972
Open 10-5 Monday-Saturday
If Love Hurts:
Many people don’t know that DVS operates an
extraordinary thrift store in Lompoc. Second Time Around
is organized like a large department store, with the clothing
separated into men’s, women’s and children’s sections. Other
parts of the store showcase furniture, linens, kitchen supplies
and other house wares. You may even find some antiques! In
addition to raising money for DVS, Second Time Around
reaches out to the community in other ways.
• Catholic Charities sends customers to the thrift store
with vouchers to spend for items such as clothing.
• LOVARC students tear donated worn sheets into strips
to make into braided rugs.
• Art supplies for teachers are available for the asking, as
are staging materials for school plays.
• The store’s medical supply department is strictly
community service oriented: walkers, crutches and
wheelchairs are loaned out at no charge.
“It’s all part and parcel of what we need to be,” says
Judith Faget, store manager. “We’re part of the community.”
DVS Documents Survivors’ Voices in
Original Book
Second Time Around
he authors,
from all walk
u.S. $19.95
s of life, tell
and emotiona
about the effec
l violence on
women trapp
ts of physical
children, on
ed by their
dating teens
fear and sham
and on marr
way to brea
e. The stori
k the intergene
es of healing
rational cycle
that surrounds
show the
of abuse by
domestic viole
exposing the
leads to heali
nce and prom
ng for victims
oting the unde
and for socie
rstanding that
“...we as a
society have
gross injustice,
ys responded
when we beco
fident this bookespecially when it affec
me aware of
ts vulnerab
will be the
le victims. .
can to stop
. . I’m condomestic viole spark that will ignite read
nce now and
ers to do what
in the futur
— Joyce
DuDLey, care
er Prosecuto
“The stories
in this book
express the
many voice
accounts of
s of
abuse in all
honesty that
its forms, offer domestic violence:
ed with an
the far-reach
courage requ
ired not only
to survive, but effects of the problem
and the
— Sue Gra
to prevail.”
fTon, auth
or of the Kins
“The subje
ey Milhone
ct of Domestic
Mystery Serie
Violence must
and into Publ
ic awareness
be brought
. If Love Hurt
I would recom
out of the shad
s is a book
mend it to every
will do just
one, young
— fannIe
and old.”
fLaGG, actor
and author
Tomatoes at
Fried Green
the Whistle
Stop Cafe
“In these startl
ing, touching,
about who’s
really affected inspiring tales, we learn
by domestic
the surprising
violence: it’s
— STarSHIn
all of us.”
e roSHeL
L, author of
“As director
Keep Your
Skirt On
of women’s
issues durin
privilege of
g the Carter
guiding the
saving many
nistration, I
federal fund
had the
lives. This inspi
s into Dom
estic Violence
ring book will
— SaraH
help continue
that work.”
n, attorney
who argued
before the u.S.
roe v Wade
Supreme cour
t, 1973
The authors of If Love Hurts,
from all walks of life, tell about
the effects of physical and
emotional violence on children,
on dating teens, and on married women trapped by their
fear and shame. The stories of healing show how to break the
intergenerational cycle of abuse by exposing the secrecy that
surrounds domestic violence and promoting the understanding
that leads to healing for victims and for society.
Orders for the book can be placed on the web site at
www.dvsolutions.org/IfLoveHurts/ or by calling (805) 9634458 x 11. All orders will be shipped via parcel post. Please
allow 7–10 working days for delivery. Cost is $19.95 plus
$4.95 shipping (add $2 per book for shipping additional
copies). For bulk purchases please call (805) 963-4458 x 11.
Thank you to Pamela Vander Heide for your continuing
commitment as editor. Cover art by Sally Hamilton.
aLL Proc
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9/8/09 11:06:10
July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010
Thank you
to the following individuals
and organizations who made a
significant contribution to ending domestic violence in our community
during this past year.
Leaders’ Circle Honorees
$50,000 & above
Ada Marie Bowers
Evelyn Lyons
Steve & Cynthia Lyons
Betty Stephens
Verizon Foundation
Women’s Fund
of Santa Barbara
Wood-Claeyssens Foundation
Susannah Rake
Dick & Maryan Schall
Barry Semler
Judy & Jack Stapelmann
Verizon Wireless
Vons Foundation
David Goldmuntz &
Leesa Wilson-Goldmuntz
$10,000 to $49,999
Blue Shield Foundation
James S. Bower Foundation
Frank & Joseph Gila Fund
Stella A. Keane
Kum Su Kim
Kirby Foundation
The Outhwaite Foundation
James & Claudette Roehrig
Santa Barbara Foundation
Schuler Family Foundation
Volentine Family Foundation
Woods Family Foundation
Yardi Systems, Inc.
$2,500 to $4,999
Michelle Apodaca
Colleen & Will Beall
Bill & Kathy Borgers
Brittingham Family
Susan & Brett Caine
Suzy Cawthon
Deckers Outdoor Corp.
Allan Ghitterman
& Susan Rose
James Hall
Mark & Sally Hamilton
Barret & Suellen Hilzer
Lauren & Stephen Katz
Michael Koelsch
Richard & Christine Kravetz
Robert & Val Montgomery
Santa Barbara Bank & Trust
Sientra, Inc.
Sam Stelletello
Unitarian Society of Santa
United Way of
Santa Barbara
Vanguard Charitable
Venoco Community
$5,000 to $9,999
Bruce & Judy Anticouni
California Endowment
Cheeryble Foundation
Santa Ynez Band of
Chumash Indians
Citrix Online Group
Anne & Andy Heller
Hutton Foundation
Latkin Foundation
Macy’s Foundation
Maurice-Florence Pfeiler
Boyd Fund
Montecito Bank & Trust
$1,000 to $2,499
Atherton Lane Advisers LLC
Margo Barbakow
Bartlett, Pringle & Wolf LLP
Bob & Carol Bason
Pamela Bigelow
Jeff Bruner
Chevron Corporation
Andrew & Adrianne Davis
Stan Roden & Phyllis De
Clay Dickens
Robert & Christine Emmons
FLIR Charitable Giving
Nancy Gifford
The Giles Family Foundation
Goleta Presbyterian Church
Brett & Marisa Grimes
Patrick & Inga Hartmann
Rhea & Steve Hayes
Bucky Hazan
Loyd & Ward Hutchins
Robert & Marcia Ibsen
J.M. Lazarus Foundation
Tracy & Eric Kanowsky
Joan Katz
Dorothy Kravetz
Christine & Jeffrey Long
Marsha Marcoe
Richard & Marilyn Mazess
Mari & Patrick McAlister
NS Ceramic
Tracy & Howard Rochestie
Kyra Rogers
Breakfast Rotary Club of
Santa Barbara
SB Young Professionals Club
Richard & Rosemary Sanders
Santa Barbara Art Association
Barry & Jean Schuyler
Linda & Cameron Smith
David & Carolyn Spainhour
Peter & Stephanie Sperling
St. Mary’s Episcopal Church
John & Laurie Tilson
Wyatt Technolog
Barbi & Brian Zimmerman
$500 to $999
James Acos
Anonymous—Tea 2009
Architectural Millwork of SB
Bronwyn Armstrong
Sally & William Arnett
Robert & Alisa Baur
Lina & John Paul Beltran
Susan & Pete Bezek
Dinah Calderon
California Fine Wire Company
Cars 4 Causes
Patti Conners
Element Christian Church
Mr. Philip Emrich
First Congregational Church
Lindsay Fisher
Elizabeth & Lee Gabler
Debra Geiger & Eliot Crowly
Ghita Ginberg
Lucie Greer
Sean Henning
Susan Keller
Marie La Sala
Chris & Mark Levine
Ann Lippincott
Susan Mallory
Carol Mellen/Comprehensive
Psychological Services
Denise Meredith
Mrs. Jan Montgomery
Jim & Mary Morouse
Barry Mosesman
Susette & Peter Naylor
Bruce & Sherri Nelson
Katie O’Reilly Rogers, ASLA
Lucy & Joe Overgaag
Bill & Carol Palladini
Diane & Terrell Pannkuk
John Perry
Scott & Ann Marie Powers
Mike Regan
Linda & Thorn Robertson
Geoffrey Rusack
Paul Skinner
Mr. & Mrs. John & Heather
Elle Sternberg
Robert Szulczewski
Kathleen Tognazzini
Town & Country Women’s
Susan & Bill Tuthill
United Domestic Workers of
United Way, Santa Maria
Elena Urschel
Pamela & John Vander Heide
Alex Weinstein
Mark & Lee Weiser
Mrs. Fred A. Zannon
Nick & Kathryn Zwick
$100 to $499
America’s Charities
Toni Gump
Christine & Don Anderson
Mary Lou Ardohain
Andy & Helen Arnold
Tony & Barbara Askew
Stephen & Linda Bailey
Scott & Lora Barnett
Ilene Baroni
Nancy Barry
Judy & Robert Bartlein
Spring 2010 9
Downward from top, left to
right: John Perry, Kum Su Kim,
Rosemary & Richard Sanders;
Nancy Gifford, Dorothy
Dearman, Lorraine Wilson;
Springtime volunteers Jessica
Davis, Linda Trejo, Roberta
Weighill, Gerald Cody, Diana
Persson; DVS Board President
Claudette Roehrig; Past President
Erin Neil, Kathy Borgers; Carol
Sysel; Event Co-Chair Anne
Heller, Leesa Wilson-Goldmuntz;
Michelle Apodaca, Kristy
Thompson, Karen Prechtel.
8 Spring 2010
Top middle: Inga & Patrick
Hartmann, Heather Stafford;
below: Robin Rotenier, Pam
Bigelow. Middle: Guests with
Tracy & Eric Kanowsky.
Above, left: Anne Heller,
Anne & Michael Towbes,
Lauren Katz. Above: Rob &
Judy Egenolf and Steve &
Rhea Hayes.
Top right: Mark & Sally
Hamilton, Pamela Vander
Heide, Bob & Patty Bryant,
Nancy Even & Joel Ohlgren;
Allie & Carrie Towbes; Kathy
Borgers and David Goldmuntz
Save the date: 10.21.2010
2nd Annual
Men’s Cocktail Party
at Montecito
Motors Bring Cheer
Benefitting Domestic Violence
Solutions forSisters
Santa Barbara County
Over eight years ago Laurie Tilson founded Special Sisters after
Thursday, October
recognizing a 21,
need for2010
ongoing support throughout the year for the
5:30-7:30 women at Domestic Violence Solutions Second Stage program.
Montecito Motors, 530 Chapala“It
like maybe these gals needed someone to help
them out more than once a year, Laurie says. “Someone who could be
a friend, a cheerleader, and give the message that someone is thinking
of them.”
plus a surprise special guest
Laurie Tilson
Tilson recruits volunteers, and manages the annual giving along with Amy Baird, Laura
Benson, Nancy Even, Julie Gunderson, Inga Hartmann, Christine Miller, Claudette Roehrig,
Tracy Sanginiti, Victoria Sjollema, Evelynn Smith, Sylvia Sullivan, Crisy Weber and Marcia
Special Sisters create gift baskets for the women for Valentine’s Day, Easter, Mother’s Day,
Fourth of July and Thanksgiving. Each woman at Second Stage receives a personal birthday
gift from a Special Sister. Often items are collected from organizations and businesses, such as
Mostly Denim on State Street and GAP stores.
If you would like to volunteer or donate gift items, please call DVS (805) 963-4458 X 17.
Men Against Domestic Violence request
the honor of your presence for the
2nd Annual
Men’s Cocktail Party
at Montecito Motors
Benefitting Domestic Violence Solutions for Santa Barbara County
Thursday, October 21, 2010, 5:30-7:30
Montecito Motors, 530 Chapala Street, Santa Barbara
plus a surprise special guest
Thank you to
DVS’ Special Sisters:
Amy Baird
Laura Benson
Nancy Even
Julie Gunderson
Inga Hartmann
Christine Miller
Claudette Roehrig
Tracy Sanginiti
Victoria Sjollema
Evelynn Smith
Sylvia Sullivan
Laurie Tilson
Crisy Weber
Marcia Wolfe
Sponsored by the DVS
Men’s Committee
(a partial list):
Salud Carbajal
Chris Casebeer
Mark Hamilton
Richard Kravetz
Jim Roehrig
Stan Roden
John Romo
Peter MacDougal
James Madison
Aaron Steed
Come learn how you can make a
difference and honor men who
model strength, not domination.
By your example and gift you can
help us end domestic violence.
Spring 2010 5
Anne Heller & Lauren Katz,
Springtime Co-Chairs
Lauren Katz, Co-Chair
Anne Heller, Co-Chair
Anne Smith Towbes, Honorary Chair
Jen Holly Anderson
Pam Bigelow
Patty Bryant
Susan Caine
Suzy Cawthon
Inga Hartmann
Loyd Hutchins
Marsha Marcoe
Donna Melville
Jill Nida
Diana Pannkuk
Ann Marie Powers
Susannah Rake
Tracy Rochestie
Christina Songer
Heather Stafford
Carol Sysel
Caroline Thompson
Laurie Tilson
Suze Gray Williams
Leesa Wilson-Goldmuntz
Barbi Zimmerman
in Tuscany
Thank you to our
Bronze Sponsors
Platinum Sponsors
Citrix Online
Kum Su Kim
Susannah Rake
Roehrig Family Trust
Gold Sponsors
Colleen Parent Beall
Cabana Home
Susan & Brett Caine
The Goldmuntz Family
Anne & Andy Heller
Lauren & Steve Katz
Cindy & Steve Lyons
Santa Barbara Bank & Trust
Barry Semler/SBICO
Sientra, Inc.
Verizon, Inc.
Venoco, Inc.
Invitation Sponsors
Bryant & Sons Jewelers, Ltd.
coolwater design group, llc.
6 Spring 2010
Hosts Michael & Anne Towbes
Silver Sponsors
Atherton Lane Advisers, LLC.
Susy Cawthon
Deckers Outdoor Corporation
Christine & Robert Emmons
Bucky Hazan
Suellen & Barrett Hilzer
Loyd & Ward Hutchins
JM Lazarus Foundation
Val & Bob Montgomery
Tracy & Howard Rochestie
Wyatt Technology Corporation
Zimmerman Construction
Architectural Millwork
Bartlett, Pringle & Wolf, LLP
Kathy & Bill Borgers
Elizabeth Gabler
Nancy Gifford
Lucie Greer
Marisa & Brett Grimes
Inga & Patrick hartmann
Rhea & Steve Hayes
Tracy & Eric Kanowsky
Diane & Terry Pannuk
Ann Marie & Scott Powers
Valerie & A.J. Rice
The Office of Katie O’Reilly
Kyra Rogers
Rosemary & Rick Sanders
Laurie & John Tilson
Susan & Bill Tuthill
Kathryn Zwick
Program Sponsor
NS Ceramic, Inc.
Joyce Wilson
2010 Springtime Committee
Right, from top: Richard Kravetz &
Holly Cole; Sam Stelletello & Jill Nida,
Steve & Cindy Lyons, Claudette &
Jim Roehrig. Below, right: Jeff Jacobs,
Cherilyn Milton, James Madison.
Middle: Arias in the Garden. Lower
middle, from right: Suzy Cawthon, Suzanna Rake, pi, Diane Pannkuk, Laurie Tilson, Suze Williams & Heather
Stafford. Bottom row, from left: Benita
Wilson, Pete & Susan Bezek; Steven &
Lauren Katz.
please turn the page for more photos
Top, left to right: Springtime Committee
Co-Chair Anne Heller, Executive Director
Richard Kravetz, Leesa Wilson-Goldmuntz,
Springtime Co-Chair Lauren Katz.
Above: Brian & Barbi Zimmerman,
Patty & Bob Bryant. Middle: Robert
Montgomery, Diane Pannkuk &
Val Montgomery. Bottom: Laurie Tilson,
Caroline Thompson, and Susan Tuthill.
Middle column, from top:
Evan Miller & Whitney Pearson;
Jeff & Holly Jacobs; Caroline Thompson
& Ann Marie Powers; Tracie & Howard
Rochestie; Inga Hartmann
& Barbi Zimmerman.
Spring 2010 7