Syllabus Engels
Syllabus Engels
ZAKELIJK ENGELS VOOR WERKNEMERS UIT DE PUBLIEKE SECTOR 30- EN 45+ 2013 1 Inhoudstafel DEEL I Onderwerp 1: Internet in Zakelijk Engels Focus Woordenschat Project Internet communicatie Woordenschat voor Individuele creatieve van (email, Skype), informatie Internetgebruik, een elektronische opzoeken, mogelijkheden woordenschat voor nieuwsbrief of het maken voor zelfstudie op het computergebruik van een sociale netwerk Internet, sociale profiel netwerken Onderwerp 2: Zakelijk Engels voor Presentatie Focus Woordenschat Project Individuele voorbereiding Presentatiestructuur, Essentiële woordenschat van een presentatie in begin en einde, , en zinnen voor het geven PowerPoint, een bewegwijzering, een van een presentatie presentatie opnemen presentatie geschikt voor het doel en voor het publiek Onderwerp 3: Focus Woordenschat Project Samenwerking in groep, Woordenschat en zinnen Casestudy project, communiceren van voor onderhandeling en compromissen vinden, mening, argumentatie en voorbereiding van collectieve oplossingen onderhandelingen gedeelde projecten voor een probleem DEEL II Onderwerp 1: Jezelf voorstellen in een zakelijke context Focus Woordenschat Project Jezelf en anderen Woorden en uitdrukkingen Individueel opmaken van voorstellen, jobs die gebruikt worden een persoonlijk zakelijk omschrijven – job wanneer je jezelf voorstelt profiel verantwoordelijkheden en in een zakelijke context, typische job activiteiten, woordenschat voor informatie opzoeken op werkomschrijving het Internet Focus Woordenschat op kantoor, informatie opzoeken, mogelijkheden voor zelfstudie op het Internet Onderwerp 2: Op kantoor Woordenschat Woorden, uitdrukkingen en zinnen gerelateerd aan woordenschat op kantoor – schrijfmateriaal, meubels, materiaal Project Een tafel met kantoormateriaal, problemen die deelnemers zijn tegengekomen en mogelijke oplossingen 5 Rollenspel Organiseer een videochat/videoconference/neem een webinar op Rollenspel Voorbereiding van een presentatie in groep Rollenspel Creëer een teambuilding activiteit en doe deze samen met de andere studenten (reageren op een gekozen probleem) Rollenspel Stel jezelf voor aan de hand van persoonlijke zakelijke profielen en visitekaartjes van anderen Rollenspel Dialogen die het gebruik en de functie van kantoormateriaal, meubels en materiaal uitleggen Onderwerp 3: Focus Zakelijke e-mail voor een uitnodiging, zakelijke e- Woordenschat Sleutel-woordenschat en zinnen voor zakelijke brieven voor Project Aanmaken van elektronische zakelijke brieven voor uitnodiging, 2 Rollenspel De leden van de teams lezen luidop de zakelijke mail voor een aanvaarding van een uitnodiging, zakelijke email voor het afslaan van een uitnodiging, informatie opzoeken, mogelijkheden voor zelfstudie op het Internet uitnodigingen, zakelijke brieven voor aanvaardingen van uitnodigingen en zakelijke brieven voor afslaan van een uitnodiging aanvaarding of afslaan 3 brieven voor een uitnodiging en de bijhorende antwoorden die ze opgemaakt hebben tijdens hun werk rond de casestudy Inleiding Het hoofddoel van deze training is niet alleen om de deelnemers in te leiden in terminologie in basis Zakelijk Engels maar ook om hun presentatie- en communicatievaardigheden te verbeteren en hen te motiveren voor teamwerk, actief gebruik van moderne technologie en effectieve samenwerking doorheen hun organisaties. Deze training zal de werknemers binnen de publieke sector helpen om zelfvertrouwen te krijgen in verschillende communicatiesituaties waar de Engelse taal vereist is. Ze zullen ook bekend worden met basis Engelse terminologie die nodig is voor het effectief gebruik van kantoormateriaal en het Internet. Aan het eind van de training zullen de deelnemers zichzelf en hun job verantwoordelijkheden kunnen voorstellen, hun mening kunnen delen, basis problemen met kantoormateriaal en instructies begrijpen, logische argumenten kunnen gebruiken, een uitnodiging kunnen opmaken, brieven ter aanvaarding en afwijzing opstellen, presentaties geven. Dit materiaal is verdeeld in twee delen: Deel I: Zakelijk Engels voor werknemers binnen de Publieke Sector 30- (taalniveau: B1/B2) Deel II: Zakelijk Engels voor werknemers binnen de Publieke Sector 45+ (taalniveau: A2) 4 DEEL I Zakelijk Engels voor werknemers binnen de publieke sector 30- 5 ONDERWERP 1: Internet in Zakelijk Engels Blok A: Woordenschat Voornaamste output: Formele zakelijke e-mail Doel: Oefening op online zakelijke communicatie, oefening op woordenschat Voorbereiding voor het blok: aanmaken van e-mail adressen voor het seminarie, printen en snijden van zakelijke brieven (Taak 6), Benodigdheden: computers met internet Competentie focus: - woordenschat gerelateerd tot online zakelijke communicatie - een formele e-mail schrijven Taalfocus: - job, bedrijf omschrijven, - mening uiten - een formele zakelijke brief schrijven 6 Task 1 - Introduction Vraag de studenten de lijst met woordenschat te leren. Geef hen de opdracht een korte persoons- en jobomschrijving te presenteren. Use the expressions to below to describe your job. work for - work under – responsibilities - in charge of - deal with - skilled at (noun) - skilled in (ing) – trained as - education Task 2 – Internet in business communication a) Functions of the Internet in business communication Ga na bij de deelnemers hoe zij het internet gebruiken in hun dagelijkse communicatie op het werk. Lijst samen met de studenten de mogelijke functies Internet voor zakelijke communicatie op. van het List all the possible functions or uses of the in business communication (e.g. email, source information…). Internet of b) key words Geef de studenten de opdracht zoveel mogelijk sleutelwoorden op te lijsten die gerelateerd zijn aan de lijn. Deel deze vervolgens en led de betekenis van de minder bekende woorden uit. Om hen aan te moedigen kan je de deelnemers 5 minuten de tijd geven om online naar relevante woordenschat te zoeken.. Take your list of the Internet functions and try to think off as many related words to each function (key words) as possible. (If you are not sure start with a mind map or look online.) List of possible vocabulary: username, sign up, sign in, password, mail box, domain, “at”, header, subject, spam, spammer, malware, attachment, reply, upload, attach, search, reply, send, subscribe, display, hyperlink, search engine, bookmark, browser, administrator, chat server, instant messenger, social networks, videoconferencing, … 7 Task 3 – Netiquette Vraag de studenten of ze de term Netiquette kennen. Maak een lijst met de belangrijkste stelregels voor Netiquette (de studenten mogen het Internet gebruiken als ze hulp nodig hebben.) Netiquette a) Look at these Netiquette maxims. Are they correct? If not, why? 1) Believe what the people online tell you. After all, they must be real people as you are. (Wrong) 2) Never give your personal data such as address, phone number, credit card number, passwords etc. (Correct) 3) Ignore those who do not follow the rules. (Correct) 4) If you get a message or an email with attachment from someone you do not know you should open it or download it to find out and meet new people. (Wrong) b) Work in pairs. List as many other Netiquette maxims as possible. If you are not sure have a look on the Internet. For more about Netiquette see e.g.: c) Order the Netiquette maxims according to their importance. Discuss the differences in ordering between the groups. 8 Task 4 – Expressing opinion, agreement, disagreement Discuss the following lexis and ask students to brainstorm more relevant vocabularies. Then instruct the students to discuss one of the following statements and present the result of their debate to their colleagues. a) Check the following expressions. List as many other vocabularies related to expression opinions. - convince – doubt - suspect – agree – disagree – reckon – insist on – in favour of – opposed to – don’t think that b) Look at the two pictures. Describe the contrast in the expressions and opinions of the businesspeople. c) Work in pairs. Discuss the following statements and then tell your colleagues whether you agree or disagree with them. a) Women are worse drivers than men. b) Working from home is less efficient than working in the office. c) Old people are bad with computers and do not speak any foreign languages. d) Young employees are hard-working, open-minded and flexible. e) It is not discrimination when a company dismisses a woman who wants to go on maternity leave. 9 Task 6 – Business letter e-mail Bezorg de studenten de verknipte delen van de onderstaande brief. Vraag hen per twee te werken en de brief te reconstrueren. Gebruik indien mogelijk een andere brief voor elke groep. a) Have a look on the scattered sentences. Set them into correct order. For available business letters see: Letter- Vraag de studenten wanneer ze klaar zijn vorm en inhoud van de brieven te beschrijven. om de b) Read the letter-email and briefly describe its form and content to your colleagues. Task 7 - Assignment - Write a formal email Use your email address to write a formal business email (150 words). Choose one of the following topics. Send it to your tutor. a) Reminder to your colleague that he has not completed writing the report he promised. b) Offer of cooperation on your new international project to another institution-company. c) Complaint to your boss about not being promoted as promised. 10 Blok B: Casestudy-project Voornaamste uitput: Informatieve nieuwsbrief Doel: Creëer (per twee) een nieuwsbrief over een bedrijf en stuur die naar je collega’s Voorbereiding voor het blok: Een e-mail sturen met de instructies voor de taak, printen en snijden van hand-outs Benodigdheden: computers met internetverbinding en software om een nieuwsbrief mee te maken Competentiefocus: - zoeken en beheren van informatie op het internet - organisatie van teamwerk - gebruik van software om een nieuwsbrief mee te maken (Thunderbird) Taalfocus: - informele zakelijke e-mails - een bedrijf omschrijven - woordenschat voor e-mail en nieuwsbrieven 11 PROJECT INSTRUCTIONS Check your seminar email address. Read the email from your new boss about the new task he assigned you. Have a look on the attached newsletter he sent you as an example. Note its structure and think of two or three other points which it could cover. De studenten ontvangen instructies en een voorbeeld van een nieuwsbrief per e-mail (zij zullen later de lay-out van de nieuwsbrief gebruik als de basis voor hun eigen nieuwsbrief). 1) Vraag enkele studenten de instructies luidop voor te lezen en laat enkel de taak samenvatten en de look en structuur van de nieuwsbrief te beschrijven. Hi, I really hope you like your new job. I would have a small assignment for you here. Our department has just started to cooperate with several new private companies. We would like all our staff to get to know our new partners better. Could you please make a short newsletter and send it to all your colleagues. You can choose someone to help you but only one person. We are a bit understaffed after the cuts. I am sending one old newsletter as an example. Please follow its structure. You can also use the layout. Just insert new text, pictures and change the graphics. The project is really vital so I need it fast. With kind regards, MR BOSS NORDIC HOLIDAY AND ADVENTURE General characteristics Nordic Holiday and Adventures c is a Norwegian travel agency. It specialises in adrenalin trips all around Norway. The company was established in 1998 as a travel agency but, at this moment, it is expanding also into the area of accommodation and advertising. It employs 689 people and reached annual turnover of 100 million NOK in 2011. Last year it made a profit of 20 million NOK. Key people The company is led by the CEO Bruno James (42). He is of Canadian origin. He took over the company in 2010 after the retirement of Thor and Helga Berman, the founders of the agency. Despite the fact they are no longer involved in the management of the company they still influence its general course. Both the Berman’s and James share an interest in extreme sports, especially in mountaineering. Major successes The company was particularly successful thanks to its innovative approach to marketing. They offered new kind of package 12 holiday which included both travel and accommodation between various destinations in Norway but also various sport and other activities such as jet-boats or rafting. Contacts Taak 1 – opwarming (paren vormen) Print de bijlage met de bedrijfslogo’s uit. Knip de afbeeldingen in twee. Laat de studenten vervolgens eentje kiezen (bv. Door uit een hoed te trekken, ze mogen de afbeeldingen niet zien). Zeg hen dat ze hun afbeelding niet mogen tonen aan hun collega’s. Vraag hen vervolgens de collega te vinden met de andere helft van hun afbeelding (De studenten mogen hiervoor noch de afbeelding noch de bedrijfsnaam gebruiken). Suggestie van logo’s (airbus, facebook, škoa jsou z wikipedie) ( 13 Task 2 – Introduction to Thunderbird Look at the following print screen of Thunderbird environment. Try to deduce what is the function of marked icons. Then check your answers against the programme itself. Verdeel de hand-outs. Laat de studenten hen bestuderen en vraag hen de functies van de belangrijkste Thunderbird-iconen in te vullen. Als de studenten problemen ondervinden, mag je hen toelaten hun eigen computers te gebruiken. Je kan hen ook hun antwoorden laten toetsen tegen de lay-out van het programma zelf. VOORDEEL: Bied de studenten “een voordeel” aan voor de finale taak (een nieuwsbrief maken) als prijs voor zij die de taak als eerste afronden. Je kan hen bv. Een tutorial aanbieden voor de software, of enkele nuttige links met informatie over hun bedrijf. 14 Task 3 – Managing the teamwork a) Study the following list of activities that must be completed in order to create the newsletter. Then set them into order from first to last. Would you add some more? b) Think about each task in particular and decide which three will be the most timeconsuming. c) Are there any tasks that might be completed simultaneously? Try to divide the responsibilities so that your team works most efficiently and create a checklist. Geef elk paar studenten de onderstaande lijst met verantwoordelijkheden (geknipt en gemixt). Vraag de studenten hen te ordenen van eerste tot laatste volgens het werkproces dat gevolgd wordt bij het maken van een nieuwsbrief. Bespreek of er nog andere checkpoints zijn binnen deze opdracht. Vraag vervolgens aan de studenten om de verantwoordelijkheden te verdelen. Help hen een op een verstandige manier een team samen te stellen waarin beide deelnemers zo veel mogelijk simultaan kunnen werken. Vraag hen een checklist aan te maken en moedig hen aan zoveel mogelijk te communiceren over hun vooruitgang. Informatie opzoeken houdt niet in dat er uitgebreid gelezen moet worden. Zorg ervoor dat de studenten niet verloren raken in een grote hoeveelheid tekst die online te vinden is. Searching information Searching and editing photos Writing and editing the text Changing the graphics Inserting text and pictures Proofreading Sending the email Task 4 – Create the newsletter Work in pairs to create the newsletter. 15 Vraag de studenten om – na de voorbereidende taken – te beginnen werken aan de nieuwsbrief aan de hand van hun checklist. Volg de vooruitgang van elke groep regelmatig op en help de studenten met eventuele problemen. 16 Blok C: Rollenspel Voornaamste output: Opgenomen onderhandelings-video Doel: online communicatiemiddelen gebruik om problemen op te lossen Voorbereiding voor het blok: Seminatie keten van e-mails (van het voorgaande blok), een Skype-account aanmaken of ‘Mr Lorre” (zie instructies voor Rollenspel) Benodigdheden: twee ruimtes (optioneel), computers met internet (en webcam), videoconferencing software, camera Competentiefocus: Reageren op problemen: - online onderhandelen - video conference software gebruik (Skype) Taalfocus: - reageren op problemen - formele zakelijke brief - communicatie en HR problemen 17 ROLE-PLAY INSTRUCTIONS Check your seminar email address. Read the new email from your boss. Studenten zullen instructies en links naar online onderhandelingen krijgen. 1) Vraag enkele studenten de instructies luidop voor te lezen en laat enkelen de opdracht samen vatten. Hello again, Not bad. I mean your newsletter. There is much more work to do. Read the attached email and sort out the online negotiations. Sincerely, Mr B. ------------Re: IT project Dear Mr Boss, I am writing you regarding our new IT project. I regret to say that I was informed by the managing team about some recent misunderstandings between them and your department. I must really insist on you to organise an online meeting to solve the key problems. As you know, the budget does not allow us any delays. You may find more details in the portfolio which I send attached. Yours sincerely, Peter Lorre (For the attachment, see the mind map in Task 2)7 18 Task 1 – warm up (forming groups) Fill in the questionnaire. Then check your answers and count your score. Deel de enquête uit onder de studenten. Vraag hen deze in te vullen. Geef hen vervolgens de sleutel en laat hen hun eigen score uitrekenen. Verdeel de mensen in twee groepen naargelang hun score (een groep met degenen met de hoogste score en een groep met degenen met de laagste score of gewoon groepen met gelijkaardige scores). 1) Which kind of a car do you like most? a) Volvo b) Skoda c) Ferrari d) Porsche 2) Which of these films do you like most? a) Gladiator b) the Hobbit c) Some like it Hot d) Black Swan 3) What do you find more elegant: a bow or a tie? a) bow b) tie 4) What is your favourite meat? a) pork b) chicken c) beef d) I am a vegetarian 5) Do you prefer to work at night or in the morning? a) at night b) in the morning 19 6) How much sugar do you put into your tea or coffee a) none b) one tea spoon c) two tea spoons d) I prefer honey 7) In which of these countries would you like to spend your next holiday a) Spain b) Norway c) Thailand d) Peru 8) Which one of these is your favourite ice-cream a) Vanilla b) Chocolate c) Coconut d) Pistachio 9) Do you believe that there is life in the space a) yes b) no 10) Choose the funniest children’s question a) If money doesn’t grow on trees then why do banks have branches? b) If a chronic liar tells you he is a chronic liar do you believe him? c) Why doesn’t Tarzan have a beard? d) Can you cry under water? 11) How much bars of chocolate do you eat per week? a) 0 b) 1-3 c) 3-6 20 d) This is too personal for me to answer. 21 Task 2 – Practice reasoning for negotiations Deel aan de studenten één van de twee hand-outs uit. Geef hen de opdracht hun eigen oplossingen te bedenken (mind map) voor de klachten van de leden van het andere team. Zet de teams vervolgens samen en vraag hem om gemeenschappelijke oplossingen voor de problemen te vinden. (Deze zijn vaak voorkomende samenwerkingsproblemen tussen verschillende teams-instituten. De studenten mogen nuttige tips zoeken op het internet.) TEAM 1 Check the mind map created by your partner team. They consist of critical comments on the performance of your team. Create your own mind map with solution to the problems. “The project started only six months ago and you already dismissed two senior members of the original team.” “May be this is just my personal opinion, but very often I feel that you write your emails in an impolite way.” Communicatio n Personal policy “You were supposed to attend a common training but only two out of six members of your team arrived.” “I receive so many emails from you that it takes me so much time to read them that I do not have time to actually do my job.” 22 Task 2 – Practice reasoning for negotiations TEAM 1 Check the mind map created by your partner team. They consist of critical comments on the performance of your team. Create your own mind map with solution to the problems. “Your qualification requirements are unreasonably high. They increase the costs of the project.” “When you discuss something you never go straight to the matter. You only chat and write minor problems without tackling the real issues.” Personal policy Communication “When you organised the workshop, you did ignored that the date you chose did not suit us.” “You never participate in shared email correspondence, despite the fact that we insisted on it several times.” 23 Task 3 - Record a webinar (organise a video-chat) Instrueer de studenten om in hun teams te blijven. Vraag hen Mr Lore te informeren over de resultaten van de onderhandelingen. Vraag hen de kernproblemen te omschrijven en de manier waarop ze beslist hebben deze op te lossen. Maak bv. Een Skype profiel aan en vraag de deelnemers hun eigen account aan te maken, je online te vinden en een video-chat op te starten. Elk lid binnen de teams zou minstens één problematisch issue moeten aankaarten. Deze activiteit kan echter makkelijk aangepast worden aan de technische faciliteiten van het klaslokaal evenals aan de grootte van de groep. Elke student kan zijn eigen onafhankelijke video maken met behulp van een webcam of een gedeelde groepspresentatie opnemen. You solved the problems in the team cooperation. Your Boss now wants you to present your solutions to Mr Lore so that he does not have to be nervous any more. Organise a video-chat with him (or record a short webinar that he could use as a material for the board of directors of his company). 24 ONDERWERP 2: Zakelijk Engels voor een Presentatie Blok A: Woordenschat Voornaamste output: Kennis in verband met terminologie Doel: Oefenen van de woordenschat Voorbereiding voor het blok: x Benodigdheden: Computer met internet Competentiefocus: Woordenschat zakelijk Engels leren Taalfocus: Woordenschat voor organisatie of presentatie, grafieken beschrijven 25 Task 1 – Linking ideas, expressing logical connection Complete the sentences with the following expressions. Then check the other useful expressions and try to use them in sentence. moreover - as well as - with respect to - as a result - in order to - on condition that - 1) He is a good manager _______ a good engineer. 2) Both of the predictions share the same opinion ________ to the economic growth. 3) We had to dismiss one hundred people ______ to make the corporation profitable again. 4) They will promote me. But only _________ I sign a contract for two years. 5) The company does not pay the wages. _______ many employees already quit. 6) The company cancelled a project in India. ______, it cannot continue to do business in Argentina. Other useful expressions: in view of regarding concerning likewise in case according to 26 Task 2 – Reporting on facts a) Read the sentences and try to deduce the meaning of the verbs in bold. Use dictionary if necessary. 1) The company claimed that it did not discriminate young graduates in the hiring process. 2) The OECD proposed that the governments benefit employers who hire older employees. 3) National Statistical Office admitted that it had made a serious error in the GDP prognosis. 4) The organisation conceded the fact that a large amount of its money had been embezzled. 5) The press alleged that the unemployment had finally risen. 6) The public must acknowledge that he had made a huge contribution to the world peace. 7) The minister argued that he could not have known about it. Task 3 – Describing graphs a) Match the opposites decrease - reach a low sharply – abrupt fall - increase peak – rise gradually - slightly 27 b) Check the meaning of the following vocabulary in a dictionary. Use the expressions in a and b to describe the graphs below. small – average - large – enormous - amount number - a drop in – steadily - level off stabilise reach a low - pie chart - bar chart - line graph – table - fluctuate 28 Task 4 - Study the following presentation slide. Use the verbs from previous exercises to comment on it. 29 Task 5 – Reporting on problems a) Check the vocabulary in the dictionary. Use the internet to find one exemplary sentence with each of the vocabulary. a1) a2) fact accomplish problem compromise topic achieve question come to nothing issue lead to aspect give rise to position caused by approach ensue attitude refute evaluation target b) Write a short paragraph (100 words max.) on something that recently happened at your work. Use as many of the vocabularies as possible. 30 Task 6 – Useful phrases for presentation Read and translate the following expressions. Then decide to what purpose they can be used in a presentation. a) Welcoming audience and opening presentation: b) Introducing topic and stating purpose presentation: of the c) Structure and sequencing: d) Concluding: 1) In conclusion, allow me to summarise… 2) To begin with, I would like to thank you for coming here, 3) In my presentation, I would like to comment on… 4) Let me introduce myself… 5) After that… 6) During the next several minutes I will outline… 7) The main aim/objective of this presentation is… 8) The presentation is divided into three main parts, 9) Firstly, … Then I will move on to… 10) I am pleased to welcome you here… 11) To sum up, I… 12) As a final point, let me deal with… 31 Task 5 – Expressions to solve crisis in presentations a) Examine the list of presentation problems. Can you think of a phrase or an solution to deal with them? You are losing your audience You lost yourself and don’t know how to continue There is one slide missing You arrived at a word that you are able to pronounce b) Read these presentation phrases. In what situation could they be useful? Before I proceed further, I will just summarise the major points… And this reminds me of a story (tell a short joke) I apologise for this little hitch but let’s not waste time and move on… This question is completely legitimate and I will gladly answer it after the end of presentation… 32 Blok B: Uitspraak Voornaamste output: Opgenomen conversatie Doel: Uitspraak oefenen Voorbereiding voor het blok: x Benodigdheden: Computer met internet Competentiefocus: Engelse uitspraak leren Taalfocus: Fonetisch alfabet, uitspraak van problematische woorden 33 Task 1 – Warm up introduction Find somebody in the class who… (The first one wins!) is younger than you. likes the same colour as you. can play some musical instrument. can speak two foreign languages. has visited at least one English-speaking country. has a driving license. likes shopping. has a pet. Task 2 – Phonetic alphabet Have you ever wondered what the purpose of the strange script in the dictionaries is? It is the phonetic alphabet which tells you how to pronounce particular words. During presentation, correct pronunciation may help you to feel more confident. a) practice pronunciation of the example words Source: 34 Online video with phonetic alphabet: b) Work with a dictionary. Look up the pronunciation of the following words. Than match the minimal pairs, words that differ only by one sound (e.g. big x pig differ only in b-p). Then practice pronunciation of the minimal pairs. sweet buy hat doubt pin brat boy had bus sweat debt buzz bread bin c) List at least five other minimal pairs. Identify the sound which distinguishes them. Task 3 – Usually mispronounced words a) The following words belong to the most frequently mispronounced. Use a dictionary to find their meaning and correct pronunciation. event - eventually theme - thematic recipe - recipient introduce - introduction conclude - conclusion subtle – subtlety queue – queued present - presentation purpose - purposeful 35 b) Write a sentence for each of the words and then practice their pronunciation within a sentence. Extra: c) Watch the following videos. Note as many mistakes in pronunciation as possible. Task 4 – Do you sound English? Vraag de studenten per twee te werken. De studenten kiezen één van onderstaande situaties en bespreken deze. Instrueer hen het gesprek op te nemen met behulp van opname-software (bv. Audacity). Uiteindelijk zullen alle studenten een opname hebben van hun deelname aan de conversatie. Vraag de studenten naar hun uitspraak te luisteren en de grootste problemen te identificeren waarop ze in de toekomst op zouden moeten oefenen. Work in pairs. Choose one of the following pictures and describe it. Then answer the question related to the picture. Record your conversation and then listen to it individually. 36 Are you usually in a hurry when travelling? Why? Would it be fine with you if your colleagues were always ten minutes late for the meeting? What is the best way to avoid being late? How do you imagine the missing background? When did you last had to stand in a queue? Where do you usually queue for something? Where did you have to queue for the longest time? Do prefer working with computers of working with people? Why? Is it better to solve problems on the phone or in person? Do you know any people who are reluctant to ask for help if they are not sure about completing their task? What is the biggest achievement of your carreer? Do you like wining. Are you good at coping with failure? What was your last big victory? 37 Blok C: Presentatie Voornaamste output: Bereid een presentatie voor Doel: Oefen het geven van eenvoudige presentaties Voorbereiding voor het blok: Gebruik maken van online hulpbronnen Benodigdheden: Computers met Internet Competentiefocus: Een presentatie maken, een presentatie geven Taalfocus: Mondelinge communicatie, lichaamstaal 38 Task 1 – Presentation structure Werk samen met de studenten en creëer een “ideale” presentatiestructuur. Bekijk online verschillende voorbeelden van bedrijfspresentaties. Vraag de studenten hun structuur te vergelijken met de structuur die jij meegegeven hebt. Bespreek vervolgens de belangrijkste functies van bepaalde onderdelen van een presentatie. Bekijk een ander voorbeeld van een presentatie en lijst zoveel mogelijk nuttige uitdrukkingen op. Instrueer de studenten om het nut van deze uitdrukkingen in een presentatie na te gaan. a) Work in group to create an ideal presentation structure. Then watch some of the examples online. Do they correspond to the pattern you created? Is there one single ideal presentation structure? Do you think that there might be several presentation patterns that fit particular occasions? Examples of links to business presentation: b) Match the following presentation parts with their purpose a) outlining subject b) discussion c) introducing yourself d) outlining structure e) conclusion 39 1) to summarise the main points so that the audience remembers them 2) to help the audience to get their bearings in what you are saying 3) to get the attention of the audience and create relationship with it 4) to help your audience to create general idea about the content of the presentation 5) to clear out confusing point, to add additional details the audience wants to hear c) Watch some the videos again and write down as many useful phrases. Link the expressions to their purpose in the presentation. Task 2 – Attractive presentation? a) Work in pairs. Search for the main principles of creating attractive and efficient presentation slide. List at least five of them. Compare your results with your colleagues. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 40 b) Work in pairs look at the following bad examples of presentation slides. List all things that are wrong. What would you do to make the slides look more attractive? Do they break any of the rules you found? Extra resources: 41 Task 3 - Body language Tton de studenten voorbeelden van slecht presentatiegedrag. Vraag hen de fouten te identificeren en er oplossingen voor te bedenken. Bespreek vervolgens de belangrijkste gedragsprincipes tijdens presentatie. Laat de studenten enkele slechte gewoontes naspelen. Vraag hun collega’s te raden welke slechte gewoonte ze spelen. Laat de deelnemers uiteindelijk een korte presentatie over hun bedrijf of werk voorbereiden. Moedig hen aan zich bewust te zijn van de fouten die tijdens het seminarie besproken werden. a) Watch the following videos. Try to find as many presentation errors (bad habits) as possible. b) Work in pairs. Search the internet and list at least five most important principles of presentation body language. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Some extra tips: c) Use PowerPoint and create single slide. Then present it to your colleagues. Choose one of the previous habits and try to exaggerate it. Can your colleagues recognise which mistake have you introduced? Task 4 – Prepare a short presentation (5 minutes maximum) about your company, institution or job responsibilities. 42 ONDERWERP 3: Zakelijk Engels voor efficiënte communicatie en samenwerking Blok A: Woordenschat Voornaamste output: Opname Doel: Oefening op woordenschat, afkeuring uiten Voorbereiding voor het blok: Benodigdheden: Computers met microfoon, opname software (Audacity), internet Competentiefocus: Afkeuring uiten Taalfocus: Kritiek, gesproken taal 43 Task 1 – Criticism vocabulary and phrases a) Look at the following verbs. Use them to derive as many other words as possible. Example: think, thinking, unthinkable approve construct argue oppose believe agree organise judge b) What kind of criticism? Look online for more words that collocate with the word criticism and criticise Example: strong, hard-hitting criticism c) Can you think of more phrases to disapprove with your colleagues? Let me oppose your argument, … This is one way of looking at it, but… I would really appreciate if you… I noticed that … Can I just add something? … I think we are going to have to agree to disagree… d) We often use phrases such as should have or was supposed to to express criticism. Use these constructions to respond to the situation below. There are always more options. Example: It is 5 p.m. and the bank is closed despite the fact that the closing time is at 6 p.m. The bank is supposed to be open. 44 They shouldn’t have closed the bank so early. 1) The project deadline was last Monday but your colleague has not finished it yet. 2) The presentation covers three topics. But the instructions asked for three. 3) John came to work at 9 a.m. but the office opens at 8. a.m. 4) The ministry responded only by email. However, you asked them for a written letter. 5) Your department decided to hire a new economist but, eventually, your boss insisted on having another HR manager. Task 2 – Constructive criticism a) Read the text. Explain the meaning of the phrases in italics. People – Examples of constructive criticism? The NO sayers. It’s easier to judge than to think. This would be people that never voice an opinion unless it's in opposition to someone else's. Likely, that's because they never had a single opinion ... having one would require thinking... The PICK-APARTS. It’s easier to destruct than to construct. These are plain smartasses, know-it-all-look-alikes that always seem on the lookout for a flaw in the argument. They aren't interested in the argument, but in finding flaws within. The COMMON PLACERS. There's safety in numbers. Being original takes guts. Here's people that resort to common places to pull apart an argument, never using an original though of their own. I'm not sure they even believe in what they are saying. ANGST IS KING. Or is that queen? The conspiracy theory! Whatever happened to them fellows that they think the world at large is against them? Whatever makes them think the world cares one way or another?! (Source:, 15. 10. 2013) 45 b) How criticism should look like to be constructive? What do you think of the following criticizing comments? Prepare two short examples on your own. I have notice that it takes you a lot of time. Do you need help? This is just horrible. I’ve seen better. I am not sure if I understood correctly. Can you explain it to me once more? I cannot believe you just shouted at the customer. You should have thought of something better. Task 3 – Personal Statements Vraag de studenten één van de onderstaande persoonlijke verklaringen te kiezen. Zorg ervoor dat alle uitspraken min of meer in dezelfde mate vertegenwoordigd zijn. Vervolledig de woordenschat en lees vervolgende de teksten luidop voor en neem ze op. Vraag de studenten één opname te maken in wat zij aanvoelen als het beste spreektempo en vervolgens het contrast te maken door een andere opname te maken die ze zo snel mogelijk voorlezen. Plaats vervolgens sommige opnames tegenover elkaar en duid de belangrijkste verschillen aan. a) Choose one of the following personal business statements. Fill in correct vocabularies. Look up expressions you are not familiar with. STATEMENT 1 - reinforced - skills - desire - related - involve Management has always been my ultimate goal and a1] _____ to master new concepts and techniques has influenced my choice to 2] ______ maths, computing and business as my ALevels. A combined degree in both Maths and Management would provide me the 3] ______ and knowledge to fulfil my long-term ambition of managing a business in the computer 4] _______ sector. After growing up in a local convenience store, my interest and involvement with business has been high. This experience has been 5] _______ by learning new concepts and theories 46 STATEMENT 2 - academic- link – eager - order - first-hand My interest in taking a University course in Business dates back to my early years when I visited my father's wholesale shop in London. This gave me 1] _______ experience of commercial life, where I often was able to engage with various aspects of the business. I enjoy finding out how various aspects of businesses 2] _______ together in an organisation and how ICT is progressively used in companies. In 3] ________ to succeed in business I believe you need to have more than just the 4]_______ understanding. But creativity, motivation, hard work, excellent social skills and even carefully managed risks are essential. These qualities make me 5] ________ to learn more and strengthen my desire to be professionally involved in a business career. STATEMENT 3 - displays - up-market – proficient – aiding - variety My work experience is very broad due to a 1] _______ of positions I have held in differentiating working environments. My experience working for Royal Lobster & Sons in the Fisherman's department store has been the most influential. The 2] ________ company requires a confidant disposition from a Sales Advisor such as myself and a proficient memory in order to 3] _______ product knowledge. I was also given the responsibility to train a new employee which 4] _______ the high degree of trust my employers have for me. My educational experiences have been of great use to me from a position of form captain in Secondary School to 5] ________ the organisation OF MASS CELEBRATIONS IN COLLEGE. (Source:, 15. 10. 2013) b) Choose one of the following statements. Read it aloud as fast as possible and record it. Then listen to the three fastest recordings. How much can you understand? Make another recording in an optimal pace of speech. 47 Blok B: Groepspresentatie Voornaamste output: Groepspresentatie Doel: Verbeteren van teamwerk-vaardigheden, presentatievaardigheden Benodigdheden: Computer met internet Competentiefocus: Presentatievaardigheden, vaardigheden voor het maken van presentaties Taalfocus: Succes beschrijven, woordenschat met betrekking tot generatiekloof 48 Task 1 – Inventions, achievements and victories a) Discuss which is these inventions was the most important. List your reasons. b) Work in pairs. Look online and find one example to each of the following categories. Look for the most recent ones. Discovery Achievement Victory Success Partnership Invention c) Tell your colleagues what examples have you picked up and why. Then make a common list of top events. Task 2 – Get ready a) Do you remember the presentation structure from the previous seminar? List all its part. Think of all activities that need to be done to create a presentation. b) Make a presentation plan and outline the following empty slides. Choose one of the inventions or achievements from the previous exercise as a topic. 49 c) Use the presentation plan to give a short team presentation (1-2 minutes). Decide how to split the speaking space so that all of the speakers share approximately the same time. Task 3 a) Match the paragraphs to the three topics listed below. Write down all new vocabulary. Discrimination of older people at work - Minimal wage - Stereotypes about young employees 50 A) _______________ The national minimum wage is to rise by 12p to £6.31 for adults and by 5p to £5.03 for 18-toolds from October, the government has announced. Business secretary Vince Cable said the government accepted the recommendation of Pay Commission. However, although the Commission said the apprentices should be frozen, Mr Cable said it rise by 3p to £2.68 an hour. an hour 20-year- the Low rate for would (Source: 15. 10. 2013) B) ____________ Thousands of doctors specialising in the care of older people believe the NHS is institutionally ageist, a survey suggests. A British Geriatric Society survey of 200 doctors found that more than half would be worried about how the NHS would treat them in old age. The government says age discrimination legislation will be part of the forthcoming Equality Bill. (Source:, 15. 10. 2013) C) _______________ The millennial generation grew up in a global village, connected across borders by the internet and social media. Those links have helped produce a cohort with many shared experiences, values and attitudes. But just how much alike are millennials around the world, particularly when it comes to career and workplace issues? “They haven’t even arrived at their new job and already they want to know where they’ll go next,” one manager complained. Another manager said the firm had to provide “special training in problem solving because parents have always been the problem solvers”. (Source:, 15. 10. 2013) b) Work in pairs. Create a short team presentation on the problem. Record the presentation and comment on it. 51 Blok C: De kunst van het Communiceren Voornaamste output: Persconferentie-oefening, feiten/vragenkaartjes Doell: Oefenen van het gebruik van gesproken Engels in levensechte situaties Voorbereiding voor het blok: Vragenkaartjes afdrukken (Task 3), dialoog afdrukken en versnijden (Task 1) Benodigdheden: Computers met internet, videocamera Competentiefocus: Problemen oplossen, communicatie Taalfocus: Conversatiemanagement, corruptie woordenschat, aspecten van beleefdheid 52 Task 1 – Business conversation a) Work in pairs. Look at the following dialogue. Put the conversation utterances into correct order. Are there more possibilities? Read the dialogue aloud. Discussing Ideas at a Meeting A) Robert: I suggest we break up into groups and discuss how we can improve our message. B) Chairman: I'd like to open today's meeting. Robert? C) Robert: I suggest we each give a little background on the suggestions we discussed last week. D) Robert: First, I'll quickly go over the main points of the last meeting. E) Chairman: Could you repeat that, please? F) Chairman: You'll find most of the information outlined in the summary documents in front of you. G) Chairman: …. (finishes) , if no one has anything to add, let's move on to today's agenda. H) Robert: These figures are interesting. It's clear to me that customer communications are not working as they should. I) Robert: Let's start by going over the research you've done on the suggestions. J) Chairman: Yes, our marketing efforts really haven't been effective to date. K) Chairman: Unfortunately, we're almost out of time. I suggest you submit your ideas on marketing and we can discuss the best next week. L) Robert: Before we close, could we quickly discuss the Armstrong situation? (Source:, 15. 10. 2013) (Key: B, D, G, C, E, I, F, H, J, A, K, L) b) Check the following phrases. Look into the text and find expressions with the same meaning. Which one is more polite? Are there any expressions which should not be used in business conversation? Say it again. To conclude, we will speak about… Now, divide into groups… Now it is your turn to come up with some ideas… 53 Do you have anything to add? Let’s briefly look into… c) Are there any other useful phrases in the dialogue? 54 Task 2 – Business conversation – Role play Vraag de studenten één van onderstaande situaties te kiezen en een conversatie voor te bereiden die past bij de situatie die ze beschrijven. Je mag een camera gebruiken om de conversatie op te nemen. Lijst vervolgens alle nuttige zinnen en uitdrukkingen die de studenten gebruikten op. a) Choose (or draw lots for) one of the following role-play cards. Prepare a short conversation according to the instructions. If you are not sure use the Internet to check the key phrases. You are two colleagues who were asked to prepare a presentation about aging population in Europe. Prepare a short conversation and discuss your progress (topic, problems, slides, deadline…). TAKE OFF A: Hi. How is it going with the presentation? B: Check: Aging population in Europe You are a 55 year old man who recently lost his job. You worked in advertising and commercial television. You were invited for a job interview on a position of marketing specialist. Imagine the course of the talk and prepare a short dialogue. TAKE OFF A: Good Morning. Welcome to our company. Take a seat. B: Check: Work in marketing You were promoted to the position of an assistant to the head of your institution. You have never met before. At this first briefing you will discuss the working conditions and your new duties. TAKE OFF A: Good afternoon, Sir, My name is ______. It is a pleasure to meet you. I am looking forward to working with you. B: Check: Assistant work You gave a presentation on the performance of you department. However, lot of your data was wrong (figures, names of projects). After the end of the meeting, you are approached by the head of the department. TAKE OFF A: Hi, I think we need to have a little chat. Let’s go to my office, shall we? B: CHECK: DATA USED IN PRESENTATIONS b) Listen to the conversations of your colleagues. List all the useful phrases you hear. 55 Task 3 – Press conference Lees de tekst voor. Vertaal problematische woordenschat. Verdeel de groep in twee. Gebruik hiervoor strootjes. Vraag de Journalist om vragen voor te bereiden voor de persconferentie en de poltiekers om feiten te vinden die de boodschap van het artikel kunnen tegenspreken. Zet vervolgens een persconferentie op. Je mag een videocamera gebruiken om later feedback te geven bij de opname. Let op specifeke aspecten van mondelinge communicatie zoals duidelijke uitspraak of spreektempo. Je kan de studenten ook vragen om na afloop van de oefening de rollen om te draaien. a) Split into two groups. Prepare a press conference responding to the latest news about the spread of corruption. Group 1 (journalists) - Read the text about Create a list of seven questions for the Interior who is going to comment on the at a press conference. corruption. Minister of situation Group 2 (politicians) – Read the article. online for positive facts about the development of corruption in your country. on the card below. Prepare for a statement responding to the article. Look List them TEXT Corruption worse than ever before says Transparency International More than one in two people think corruption has worsened over the last two years, according to a public opinion survey by Transparency International. Its annual Global Corruption Barometer found 27% of respondents said they had paid a bribe when accessing public services and institutions in the last year. Perhaps it's time to challenge our perceptions of corruption, writes BBC News hour’s Tim Franks. The evidence suggests a global pandemic, a disease which infects and corrodes and rots. Most people appear to think it's getting worse. And yet the reaction is often just a tut - it's other people's problem, or a shrug - it's always been with us and it always will be. Corruption is an act, a fact of life, which occurs - by and large - in the shadows. Some, though, are trying to draw back the curtain - among them, the Berlin-based pressure group, Transparency International. Its latest global survey of corruption covered 107 countries and 114,000 people. And most of them say that corruption has worsened over the last two years. 56 Key findings of the Global Corruption Barometer 2013 More than half of those surveyed believe corruption has worsened in the last two years In the last year, 27% of respondents say they have paid a bribe when accessing public services and institutions Nearly 9 out of 10 people surveyed said they would act against corruption 2/3 of those who were asked to pay a bribe say they had refused In 51 countries around the world political parties are seen as the most corrupt institution (Source:, 15. 10. 2013, amended) Question/fact lists Daily Post - Question list 1) 2) 3) 4) 6) 7) Ministry of Interior – Good news about fighting corruption. 1) 2) 3) 4) 6) 7) 8) 57 DEEL II Zakelijk Engels voor werknemers binnen de Publieke Sector 45+ 58 ONDERWERP 1: Jezelf voorstellen in een zakelijke context Blok A: Rollenspel Voornaamste output: formele zakelijke dialoog voor het zichzelf voorstellen; jobomschrijvingen Doel: oefenen van woordeschat met betrekken tot het zichzelf voorstellen in een zakelijke context Voorbereiding voor het blok: creëeren en printen van persoonlijke zakelijke profielen (Task 4) Benodigdheden: computers met internet Competentiefocus: - jezelf en anderen voorstellen in een zakelijke context - persoonlijke bedrijfsinformatie presenteren Taalfocus: - woordenschat met betrekking tot zakelijke introducties - woordenschat met betrekking tot het beschrijven van jobverantwoordelijkheden en typische werkactiviteiten 59 Task 1 - Introduction Vraag de deelnemers de dialoog te lezen en de leegtes in de tabel in te vullen. Laat hen dan de dialoog lezen in groepen van vier waarbij ieder een rol op zich neemt. Wanneer ze genoeg geoefend hebben laat je hen de dialoog opzeggen zonder deze te lezen. Ray Krebs is a financial director of Banksoft. He introduces Donna Culver to two other people. Read the dialogue and fill in the gaps below. When you are ready read the dialogue in roles in groups of four and try to remember as many words and phrases as you can. Then try to do the dialogue without reading. Ray Krebs Donna Culver Cliff Winger Wes Palmary A B C D Ray Krebs …………………. Cliff Winger ……………….. England USA ………………… Sofia Financial Director …………………… ………………… ………………… Banksoft …………………… ………………… ………………… Dialogue A: Cliff, let me introduce you to my colleague, Donna Culver. B: How do you do? C: How do you do? Pleased to meet you, Donna. Do you work here in England? B: No, I don’t. I work for Banksoft in the United States. I am a chief accountant. Where do you work, Cliff? C: I work for Lirex Engineering. We are based in Sofia. I’m a legal adviser. This is my assistant Wes Palmary. D: Nice to meet you. 60 B: Nice to meet you too, Wes. What are your responsibilities? D: I do researches and look for information that can help Cliff provide legal advice for our organization. What about you? B: I check and control the accounting functions. Task 2 – Creating a dialogue to introduce yourself and other people a). Vraag de deelnemers in kleine groepjes te werken waarbij ze de woorden in de juiste volgorde zetten om zinnen te maken. Laat hem nadien de zinnen in de correcte volgorde zetten om een dialoog te vormen. Geef hen de opdracht informatie toe te voegen over elke persoon die ze voorstellen. Work in small teams. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. Arrange the sentences in the correct order to make a dialogue. Remember that when you introduce two people it is a good idea to add information about each person to help them talk to each other. a). Mrs. Ewing, / like /Clayton Farllow / to / I’d / you / to / introduce. b). Mrs. Ewing / in / teacher / is / Swanson Trade & Technical School / a /. c). Clayton Farllow / works / the / Foreign / in / Languages / of / our / Department / university. d). Mrs. Ewing / It’s nice / you / to / meet. e). your / can / school / What / you / me /tell / about? f). Mrs. Ewing and Mr. Farllow, sorry to interrupt but / like / you / I’d / meet / to / Mrs. Peterson. g). Well, it’s nice / you too / to meet / Mr. Farllow. h). training students / in a wide variety of vocations/ and / provides / the necessary skills / today’s trade industries / to perform in/ Our school specializes in. i). is / Mrs. Peterson / new / your / manager / project. b). Ask the participants to read the dialogue in roles and to try to memorize it. When you are ready read the dialogue in roles and try to memorize it. Task 3 – Creating a dialogue to introduce yourself and other people using business cards Vraag de deelnemers in kleine groepen van 3 te werken. Elk lid van de groep kiest een visitekaartje en gebruik de informatie die erop staat om elkaar voor te stellen. De persoon die 61 voorgesteld wordt aan een andere persoon moet minstens één vraag stellen die door de ander beantwoordt wordt. 62 Work in small teams. Choose a business card each and use the information to introduce each other. When you are introduced to another person, ask at least one question. Example: A: Mrs. McSwain, I’d like to introduce you to Jane Polyakov. Jane is an account manager. She works for Midwest Healthcare Management. Mrs. McSwain is a senior insurance agent at Healthcare Solutions Team. B: It’s good to finally meet you, Mrs. McSwain. Who exactly does your company provide healthcare solutions for? C: I’m glad to meet you too, Mrs. Polyakov. Our company provides healthcare solutions for individuals, families and self-employed people. 63 Task 4 – Creating personal business profiles Laat de studenten de persoonlijke visitekaartjes hieronder lezen. Moedig hen aan nieuwe woorden op te zoeken in een woordenboek en les vervolgens de nieuwe woordenschat aan hen uit en bespreek deze met hen. Wanneer ze comfortabel zijn met de nieuwe woordenschat laat je hen elk een zakenprofiel kiezen en zichzelf voorstellen aan de hand van de informatie die er op staat. Work in small teams. Read the personal business profiles below. Study the work activities and responsibilities related to each job and try to remember as many words and phrases as you can. a). Take it in turns to present yourselves using the information in the profiles. Laat de deelnemers in groepen van drie werken en laat hen om de beurt twee mensen aan elkaar voorstellen. b). Work in small teams. Take it in turns to introduce two people to each other. When you are introduced to another person ask questions about their work activities and responsibilities. For more information see HTTP://WWW.PROSPECTS.AC.UK/CIVIL_SERVICE_ADMINISTRATOR_JOB_DESCRIPTION.HTM HTTP://WWW.PROSPECTS.AC.UK/POLICE_OFFICER_JOB_DESCRIPTION.HTM HTTP://WWW.PROSPECTS.AC.UK/HEALTH_SERVICE_MANAGER_JOB_DESCRIPTION.HTM HTTP://WWW.PROSPECTS.AC.UK/SOCIAL_WORKER_JOB_DESCRIPTION.HTM HTTP://WWW.PROSPECTS.AC.UK/SECONDARY_SCHOOL_TEACHER_JOB_DESCRIPTION.HTM 64 Sheldon Cooper Civil Service Administrator Birmingham England JOB DESCRIPTION: The role of Civil Service administrator covers a wide range of responsibilities. The Civil Service is made up of a large number of different departments, which implement government policies and deliver services to the public. TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: Tasks vary according to which department the administrator works in, but are likely to include some or all of the following: helping to formulate and implement policies; using communication skills, both oral and written, to explain often complex information to the public; producing high-quality materials and reports; researching and carrying out analysis relating to particular areas of economic or political interest; Mark Grayson Health Service Manager Manchester England JOB DESCRIPTION: Managers in Health Service are required to manage the cost, delivery and quality of healthcare services. TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: negotiating with medical and non-medical staff; managing professional, and administrative staff; managing the recruitment, selection, appraisal and development of staff; purchasing equipment and supplies, and organising stores; 65 George Mayer Police Officer London England JOB DESCRIPTION: Police officers maintain law and order, protect members of the public and their property, prevent crime. TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: On entry, and during initial training, activities are likely to include: conducting patrol duties on foot or by car. developing community knowledge to identify individuals and locations at risk of being involved in crime; responding to calls and requests from the public to assist at incidents; keeping the peace at public meetings, social events, processions or strikes; interviewing suspects, victims and witnesses conducting arrests with due regard for the human rights of detained individuals preparing crime reports and presenting case files to senior officers attending road-related incidents including collision scenes and traffic offences; enforcing road traffic legislation and issuing fixed penalties for relevant offences; dealing with lost or found property. 66 Hyacinth Bucket Social Worker Liverpool England JOB DESCRIPTION: A social worker works with people who have been socially excluded or who are experiencing crisis. Social workers work in a variety of settings. Settings may include the service user's home or schools, hospitals or the premises of voluntary organisations. Qualified social work professionals are often supported by social work assistants. TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: Many social workers work with young people and their families. They may also work with the following groups: young offenders; school non-attenders; drug and alcohol abusers; people with learning and physical disabilities; the homeless. Tasks typically involve: conducting interviews with service users and their families to assess their situation; recommending and sometimes making decisions about the best course of action for a particular service user; participating in multidisciplinary teams regarding, for example, child protection; giving evidence in court. 67 Renate Ramos Secondary School Teacher Madrid Spain JOB DESCRIPTION: Secondary school teachers teach one or two subjects to pupils aged 11-18. Teachers support, observe and record the progress of their class. A secondary school teacher must also keep up to date with developments in their subject area, new resources and methods. TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: Day-to-day activities may include: preparing and delivering lessons; marking work, giving appropriate feedback and maintaining records of pupils' progress and development; selecting and using different learning resources and equipment, including podcasts and interactive whiteboards; managing pupil behaviour in the classroom and on school premises, and applying appropriate and effective measures in cases of misbehaviour; 68 Blok B: Casestudy project Voornaamste output: Persoonlijk zakenprofiel Doel: Je eigen persoonlijk zakenprofiel aanmaken Voorbereiding voor het blok: Voorbeelden maken van zakenprofielen aan de hand van informatie op: Benodigdheden: computers met internet Competentiefocus: - zoeken en beheren van informatie op het internet - jezelf voorstellen, je jobverantwoordelijkheden en dagelijkse activiteiten Taalfocus: - jobverantwoordelijkheden omschrijven - typische werkactiviteiten beschrijven 69 PROJECT INSTRUCTIONS Create your own personal business profile. You can search the internet to find job description information about your own job or you can choose a job description from Write your profile in MS WORD and print it out to show to your colleagues. Talk about yourself and your job to the rest of the group. Deelnemers moeten informatie zoeken op het internet over de jobverantwoordelijkheden en typische werkactiviteiten die ze willen beschrijven in hun persoonlijke zakenprofielen. Wanneer ze klaar zijn met hun profielen moeten ze deze afdrukken en aan hun collega’s tonen en vervolgens over zichzelf en hun job praten met de rest van de groep. 70 ONDERWERP 2: Op kantoor Blok A: Woordenschat Voornaamste output: de deelnemers leren woorden met betrekking tot hun werkplaats Doel: oefenen van kantoor-woordenschat – schrijfgerei, meubels, materiaal Voorbereiding voor het blok: Afbeeldingen van kantoren, kantoormateriaal/schrijfgerei en kantoormeubilair afdrukken van het internet Benodigdheden: computers met internet Competentiefocus: - woordne gebruiken met betrekking tot kantoormateriaal/schrijfgerei, en kantoormeubilair Taalfocus: Kantoor-woordenschat 71 Task 1 – Office Vocabulary Verdeel de deelnemers in kleine groepen. Toon hen twee afbeeldingen van kantoormateriaal en kantoormeubilair die van het internet gedrukt zijn. Laat hen de afbeeldingen bestuderen en de woorden leren die ze niet kennen. Nadien moeten zij afbeeldingen van kantoormeubilair en kantoormateriaal op het internet zoeken en afdrukken. Wanneer ze klaar zijn laten ze de afbeeldingen aan elkaar zien en vragen wat er op de afbeeldingen te zien is. Work in small teams. Study the pictures below showing items related to office furniture and office supplies and learn the words that are unfamiliar to you. On the Internet find and print 10 pictures of objects you can find in an office. Then take it in turns to show the pictures to the rest of the group and have them tell what the object in the picture is called in English. in-tray - a tray for incoming papers requiring attention out-tray - a tray for outgoing correspondence, documents, etc. drawer - a boxlike compartment in furniture that can be pulled out and pushed in. filing cabinet/file cabinet office furniture consisting of a container for keeping papers in order. wastebasket/wastepaper basket - a relatively small, opentopped container for discarding trash. 72 1. Tape (dispenser) 2. Paper clip holder 3. Ruler 4. Paper clips 5. Pushpins 6. Bulldog clip 7. Scissors 8. Correction Fluid (white-out) 9. Pencil sharpener 10. Calculator 11. Stapler 12. Staples 13. Pen 14. Pencil 15. Eraser (= rubber) 16. Highlighter 17. Hole-punch 18. Rubber bands (elastic bands) 73 Blok B: Rollenspel Voornaamste output: Dialogen die het gebruik en de functie van kantoormateriaal en meubilair uitleggen. Doel: de functies en het gebruik van kantoormateriaal begrijpen en erover praten Voorbereiding voor het blok: Deels in te vullen dialogen; Definities van verschillende soorten kantoormateriaal Benodigdheden: computers met internet Competentiefocus: - werkplaatsen/kantoren beschrijven - kantoormateriaal gebruiken - praten over kantoormateriaal, begrijpen en bespreken van de functies van kantoormateriaal Taalfocus: - Kantoormateriaal - Kantoormeubilair 74 TASK 1 - Fill in the gaps Verdeel de deelnemers in kleine groepen. Print en verknip de onderstaande dialogen. Je kan je eigen dialogen bedenken of de onderstaande aanpassen. Verdeel de dialogen vervolgens onder de deelnemers en draag hem op samen te werken om de ontbrekende woorden in te vullen. Wanneer ze klaar zijn moeten ze hun antwoorden toetsen aan die van de andere teams. Nadien lezen ze de dialogen luidop voor en lezen ze om de berut de rollen van A en B. Work in small teams. Use the words you have learned in the previous exercise to fill in the blanks in the dialogues below. Then read the dialogues aloud taking turns to read the parts of A and B. 1. 2. A: Where is the red file? A: What do I use to attach this note to the notice board? B: I believe it’s in the filing _________ in the manager’s office. B: A _______________ . 3. 4. A: What do you use when you want to create holes on the left side of a paper? A: Let me show you around the office. Here we keep all the papers of the work we still have to do. Sometimes this pile of papers becomes very large. We call this the _____________. B: A __________________ . 5. 6. A: I have tons of work to do today. Can you give me a hand? A: Hello, I need to hold these pieces of paper together. Can you help me? B: Sure. What can I do for you? B: Sure. There is a paper clip over there. A: Read this contract carefully and use this ___________ to put the important facts in a bright colour. A: I’m afraid that paper clip won’t do. Look, I have twenty sheets of paper here ……… B: Oh, no problem at all, then, use this _______ clip. A: Thanks a lot. By the way, at our office we call this a binder clip. 75 7. 8. A: Here I have several sheets of paper that I want to keep together permanently. What do I do? A: Instead of writing our manager’s name in the blank I wrote my own name. Now I have to write the whole thing all over again! B: You use a ___________. It works so well that to disconnect the papers you need another special tool called staple remover. B: Why don’t you use a white out to cover the mistake? A: White out? What is that? B: Correction _____________. 9. 10. A: What do you call a circular piece of rubber that stretches and you use it to hold things together? The word just slipped my mind. A: I need something to keep my paper clips, pushpins, rubber bands and the like separate and at hand. I hate to waste time looking for them. B: Uh…….. is it a rubber __________? B: Then you need a desktop __________. It is a small container without a lid that has several different compartments. A: That’s right! 11. A: What do you do when you are bored at work? B: I take a break and spin around in my ______ _____ , or throw balls of paper into the ____ ___ . Task 2 – Reading comprehension Verdeel de deelnemers over kleine groepjes. Druk de drie kantoorbeschrijvingen hieronder af en knip ze uit. (Je kan je eigen beschrijvingen maken). Geef elk team de drie omschrijvingen en instrueer hen de teksten te lezen en de nieuwe woorden en uitdrukkingen te studeren. Geef hen als hulp website-adressen om woorden op te zoeken op internetwoordenboeken. Nadien druk je de afbeeldingen in de tabel af en knip je ze uit. (Je kan je eigen afbeeldingen afdrukken van het internet). Geef de afbeeldingen aan de groepen en laat hen de objecten in de afbeeldingen benoemen en linken aan de omschrijvingen. Nadien vraag je hen om de beurt hun 76 werkplaatsen te omschrijven of een afbeelding van een kantoor op het internet af te drukken en de omschrijven. Work in small teams. Read how three people describe their working places. Study the new words and phrases, then: a) Name the objects in the pictures below. b) Match the pictures with the descriptions of the working places. Some pictures may refer to more than one description. c) Describe your working place or print a picture of an office from the internet and describe it. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 77 10. Mark Grayson Health Service Manager Hyacinth Bucket Social Worker 11. 12. I have a huge desk with drawers on each side. Next to the drawers on the right, under the desk, is the PC holder. The monitor is mounted on the wall directly in front of my desk. It has a TV tuner and supports PIP (picture-in-picture) function, which makes multitasking more convenient. I have a landline phone, a scanner and a laser printer on my desk. I share an office on the ground floor with two great coworkers. The office area is divided into three sections. Each section has glass block windows that let sunlight in, but keep the office private. In my section of the office I have a carpeted floor with a low table, a sofa and a leather recliner. There is a multimedia projector mounted on the ceiling and a projection screen on the wall. I also have a desk by the window and a shredding machine.. On the desk I have a scanner, a printer and a copier all-in-one. I use a laptop with wireless connection. 78 George Mayer Police Officer I hate my office setting. We have 12 desks all in a large room. The supervisor is at one end with a view of everyone. I can’t even take a small break because everyone is watching. But that’s not the worst part. I can hear everyone talking all day long and it’s so distracting. I can’t even complain about something to the supervisor because everyone can hear. Only the people above the supervisor have offices. Maybe if they got out of their office and worked in the open space they would realize how terrible it is. I would be happy with a cubicle, though. The good news is most days I work outside the office. I only stay in the office when I have to do paperwork. Task 3 – Spot the differences Maak zelf afbeeldingen van kantoren of zoek er op het internet die er hetzelfde uit zien maar een beetje verschillen en druk ze af of gebruik de onderstaande afbeeldingen. Verdeel de deelnemers in twee groepen. Geef elke groep vier verschillende afbeeldingen met elk een nummer van 1 tot 4. Laat de deelnemers die hetzlfde nummer hebben de verschillen in hun afbeeldingen bespreken. Work in two teams. The first team takes pictures from File A, the other team takes pictures from File B. Those of you who have the same numbers work in pairs and discuss the differences in your pictures. 79 File A 1. 2. 3. 4. 80 File B 1. 2. 3. 4. 81 Task 4 – Defining office equipment Verdeel de deelnemers in kleine groepen. Geef hen nuttige web-adressen om onbekende woorden en uitdrukkingen op te zoeken en moedig hen aan vragen te stellen om meer verduidelijking te krijgen. Work in small teams. Test your understanding of the purposes of six pieces of office equipment by supplying the missing words in the definitions below. 1. A ______________ allows for information from the computer to be printed onto a piece of paper. 2. A ______________ takes the image from the piece of paper and copies it. 3. The ___________ of the computer is the part that has a screen on it, like a television so that you can see all of the information. 4. A ______________ is a type of a portable computer that can be carried and used in different places. 5. A ___________ ______________ projects text, images, video and audio content. 6. A __________ is a device that captures images from photographic prints, posters, magazine pages and similar sources for computer editing and display. Task 5 – What Is It Used For? Druk de onderstaande dialogen af en knip ze uit. Maak flash cards. Verdeel de deelnemers in kleine groepjes en geef hen de flash cards. (Je kan de onderstaande dialogen gebruiken of er zelf verzinnen). Instrueer de deelnemers om de missende gedeeltes in te vullen en zeg hen dat ze kunnen verwijzen naar de vorige taak. Nadien laat je hen hun antwoorden controleren met de andere teams. Wanneer ze klaar zijn laat je hen de dialogen lezen in verschillende rollen. 82 Work in small teams. Fill in the blanks and read the dialogues in roles. 1. 2. A: I have a copy of a document that I need to send to a client. What do I do? A: What do I do if I have to sign a document sent to my mailbox. B: You _________ the document, save it in a file on your computer and send it via e-mail as an attached file. B: After opening the file you just have to _______ it, so it is in your hands in a matter of seconds. 3. 4. A: What if I want to keep a copy of this document for myself? A: I have an interesting video on my laptop that I want to use in class. What do I do? B: You can _________ it using the photocopier. B: You just have to connect your laptop to a beamer. A: A beamer? B: A multimedia _______ . 5. 6. A: I need to speak to my co-worker immediately. What do I do? A: What do I do to make it possible to work on the computer wherever I want to? B: The type of equipment best used for instant two-way communication is the _________ . B: You use a ___________ with a wireless connection. 83 Blok C: Casestudy project Voornaamste output: Een tabel met daarin problemen met kantoormateriaal die deelnemers ervaren hebben en mogelijke oplossingen. Doel: definiëren, verstaan en uitleggen van problemen met kantoormateriaal en mogelijke oplossingen vinden Voorbereiding voor het blok: flash cards maken met daarop problemen gerelateerd aan verschillende soorten kantoormateriaal, slah cards met daarop mogelijke oplossingen en flash cards met de namen van de verschillende soorten kantoormateriaal. Benodigdheden: computers met internet Competentiefocus: - problemen met kantoormateriaal definiëren - mogelijke oplossingen vinden voor problemen die met kantoormateriaal te maken hebben - zoeken en beheren van informatie op het internet Taalfocus: - problemen omschrijven - instructies 84 Task 1 – Warm up (matching problems to solutions) Verdeel de deelnemers in kleine groepjes en laat hen de onderstaande tekst lezen, vertalen en bespreken. Nadien geef je elk team flashcards met de benamingen van kantoormateriaal, problemen en mogelijke oplossingen, en instrueer hen de problemen te linken aan de oplossing. “Sometimes when you use equipment, things do not go as smoothly as you would like. We’ve all had the experience. Everything is ticking along fine, coming together nicely, until you get to an office machine – a light is blinking and it won’t budge. You open and close a few drawers. You press a few keys on the front panel. You peer around the back. You switch it on and off. Nothing happens. Time is running out …. .” Here are some problems that may occur with computers, photocopiers/copiers and printers. Work in small teams to match the problem with the type of equipment it is related to and the possible solution. Some of the problems may refer to more than one piece of equipment. PIECE OF EQUIPMENT SOLUTION PROBLEM There are constant paper jams or the paper comes out creased It has crashed. Have I lost all of my work? It fails to print. The document comes out smudged. It will not connect to the internet. It is running really slowly. The copies become lighter and lighter. One of the software programs will not run. When I try to open it, it freezes. The image is only partly captured. 85 SOLUTIONS: The reason for this problem may be the user putting the paper in the wrong position on the glass pane inside the copier. Check the position of the paper. The toner cartridge of the copier has run out. Replace the toner cartridge. This is a symptom of damp paper. Manually remove the jammed paper and reload the machine. The ink cartridge in the printer is running low. Replace the ink cartridge. If you work on a stand-alone-computer (i.e. not part of a network) remember to back up your work at the end of each session. The computer needs to be reconnected to the Internet. An IT specialist may need to reinstall the program. It may be that your computer is in need of an update. Check in the control panel of your computer that your PC is connected to the printer. PROJECT INSTRUCTIONS Work in small teams. Think of three more examples of problems that can occur with office equipment. Make a table in MS Word containing the type of equipment, the problem and a possible solution. You can use real examples from your own experience at work. 86 ONDERWERP 3: Uitnodigingen Blok A: Woordenschat Voornaamste output: Sleutelwoorden en uitdrukkingen Doel: Woordenschat oefenen Voorbereiding voor het blok: Zakelijke uitnodigingen verzamelen en afdrukken, aanvaarden en afwijzen via het internet Benodigdheden: Computers met internet Competentiefocus: Specifieke woordenschat gerelateerd aan zakelijke uitnodigingen, aanvaardig en afwijzing verstaan Taalfocus: Woorden en uitdrukkingen die vaak voorkomen in uitnodigingen, brieven ter aanvaarding en beleefde brieven ter afwijzing 87 TASK 1 – Telling the difference between formal and informal language Druk twee e-mails af van het internet – een formele en een informele. Maak twee flashcards – eentje met enkel de intiële begroetingen en de afsluitingen van de e-mails en de ander met de door elkaar gemixte zinnen met de inhoud van de e-mail. Laat de deelnemers vervolgens werken aan de vier onderstaande taken. I. Work in small teams. Read the two emails below and answer the questions: a). Who wrote each email, and who was it written to? 1. 2. b). Put these sentences in the correct order to complete email 1. c). Put these sentences in the correct order to complete email 2. a. Please let me know as soon as possible a. Hope to see you tomorrow b. I am glad you are back in town b. Black tie is optional c. How about meeting for coffee tomorrow? There is a new café at campus 1 c. We look forward to seeing you d. We would like to invite you to a Banquet to be held at 8 p.m. on January 17 at the White Hall, Eastern Road, Redhouse. d. We can catch up on our news. e. Give me a call if you can make it e. I do hope you will be able to accept this invitation. 88 d). Work in small teams. Match the formal expressions in email 1 to similar informal expressions in email 2. Try to memorize the formal expressions. 1. Dear Ms. Brown a. How about meeting for coffee? 2. We would like to invite you to a banquet. b. Hi Mark. 3. Please let me know as soon as possible. c. Give me a call if you can make it. 4. I do hope you will be able to accept this invitation. d. There is a new café at campus 1. 5. A banquet to be hold at the White Hall, e. Hope to see you tomorrow. Eastern Road, Redhouse. Task 2 – Memorizing special words and phrases used in business invitations Bereid zes uittreksels van e-mails voor, onderstreep de formele uitdrukkingen en maak flashcards. Deel ze uit aan de deelnemers en instrueer hen de onderstaande taken te maken. Work in small teams. a). Read the six email extracts below, discuss new words and phrases with your partners. You can look words up in a dictionary or ask the other team or the teacher. b). Pay attention to the underlined parts in the emails. Those are special words and phrases used in business invitations. Memorize them. 1. 89 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Druk tien formele uitdrukkingen af en knip ze uit, samen met hun informele equivalenten. Deel ze uit aan de deelnemers en laat hen de uitdrukkingen aan elkaar linken. 90 c). Check your understanding by matching the formal underlined expressions to their informal equivalents. 1. If you accept, we will see this as a great privilege. a). A meeting has been scheduled for Thursday 2. I want to invite you. b). Augural meeting 3. They sincerely want you to be there. 4. To be present/To come 5. We have planned a meeting for Thursday. 6. A ceremony in which something is dedicated to some goal or purpose 7. I will call you in a week or so to give you more information. 8. They will be happy to have ……at a reception to be given ….. 9. A big formal party to celebrate something or to welcome someone 10. The first meeting of a new organization c). We would be honored if you accept d). I will call you in a week or so to follow up on this. e). They request the pleasure of the company of …. at a reception to be given ….. f). A reception g). I would like to invite you h). To attend i). The cordially invite you to attend … j). Dedication ceremony Task 3 – Topic information included in a letter of invitation Creëer een uitnodiging voor een specifiek evenement, druk ze af en deel ze uit aan de deelnemers. Moedig hen aan nieuwe woorde en uitdrukkingen te bespreken of hen op te zoeken in een online woordenboek. Je kan ook enkele nota’s voorzien omtrent de woordenschat die de deelnemers kan helpen de inhoud van de e-mail beter te verstaan. 91 a). Work in small teams to read and discuss the email below. You can consult a dictionary or the members of the other teams. Make and print a table with headings showing what topic information should be included in an invitation letter – reason for event, venue, date, time, details of event, what to do if you want to go, sign off. When you are sure that every team member has understood the text of the email give each team a table to fill in. You can also prepare some vocabulary notes that will help the participants to better understand the headings in the table. b). Complete the table below. This table shows what topic information should be included in an invitation email/letter. Reason for event To welcome the new project manager Venue Date Time Details of event What to do if you want to go Sign off 92 Vocabulary: 1. To mark something – to celebrate an important event 2. A wealth of experience – a lot of good experience 3. Confirm numbers – to check the number of people who will actually attend an event 4. Sign off – closing greeting and signature at the end of a letter 5. Venue – the place of a meeting 6. Contribution – something that you do that help others to be successful or to achieve something 7. To respond – to reply 8. Finger buffet – a buffet with a snack food you can eat with your fingers Task 4 – Business letters of acceptance and business letters of decline Maak aanvardings- en afwijzingsbrieven op als antwoord op de zes uitnodigingen die eerder besproken werden, onderstreep de formele uitdrukkingen en druk ze af als flashcards. Geef de flashcards aan de deelnemers en instrueer hen de brieven te lezen nieuwe woorden op te zoeken in een online woordenboek. Vraag hen dan de e-mails aan te duiden waarvan de uitnodiging aanvaard werd en dewelke afgewezen werden Here are the replies of the six invitation emails you discussed earlier. Work in small teams. Read them and learn new words and phrases. You can consult a dictionary online, check with members of the other teams or ask your teacher. Your task is: a). to identify the emails in which the invitation is accepted and the ones in which it is declined/rejected a) 93 b) c) d) 94 e) f) Druk negen formele uitdrukkingen en hun informele equivalenten af en knip ze uit. Deel ze uit aan de deelnemers en laat hen de bijeen horende uitdrukkingen linken. b). to match the underlined formal expressions to their informal equivalents. I am sorry I can’t come I am happy to accept I want to come very much I take your invitation as a compliment But Although/Even though I want to accept I hope very much/I really hope Because I already have other plans I am sorry I can’t accept your invitation I would love to come I am flattered Much as I would like to Regretfully I will not be able to come I do hope Unfortunately I am not able to accept your invitation However I have much pleasure in accepting it Because of a previous engagement Instrueer de deelnemers de formele uitdrukkingen gerelateerd aan aanvaarding of afwijzing van een uitnodiging neer te schrijven en de memoriseren. c). to write down the formal expressions associated with invitation acceptance and to memorize them d). to write down the formal expressions associated with invitation decline and to memorize them 95 Blok B: Casestudy project Voornaamste output: 1. Zakelijke uitnodigingsbrief, 2. Zakelijke e-mail ter aanvaarding, 3. Zakelijke e-mail ter afwijzing Doel: Creëer (in groep) een zakelijke uitnodigings e-mail en stuur deze naar je collega’s; creëer (in groep) een antwoord ter aanvaarding of afwijzing van de uitnodiging die je van je collega’s gekregen hebt en stuur deze terug. Voorbereiding voor het blok: voorbeelden van zakelijke brieven die in het vorige blok besproken werden verzamelen; formele uitdrukkingen die in het vorige blok geleerd werden herhalen Benodigdheden: computers met internet Competentiefocus: - verstaan en schrijven van zakelijke uitnodigingsbrieven - verstaan en schrijven van aanvaardingsbrieven - verstaan en schrijven van afwijzingsbrieven Taalfocus: - formele uitdrukkingen en woorden die gebruikt worden in zakelijke uitnodigingen - formele uitdrukkingen en woorden die gebruikt worden om een zakelijke uitnodiging op beleefde wijze af te wijzen - formele uitdrukkingen en woorden gerelateerd aan het aanvaarden van een zakelijke uitnodiging 96 PROJECT INSTRUCTIONS: Work in small teams. Imagine your team is arranging an event (e.g. a leaving party for someone who is retiring, an end of year party, dedication ceremony, international conference, launch of a new product etc.). Make up some details about the event and arrange them under headings in a table ( see task 3 in Block A) – use your imagination. Now use the information in your table to write an email to a client/partner/staff inviting them to the event. Send the email to one of the other teams. Each team now has an invitation email. Write a reply to the invitation either accepting or declining it and send it back. 97 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 98