A Software Framework for Real-Time and Distributed
A Software Framework for Real-Time and Distributed
A Software Framework for Real-Time and Distributed Robot and Machine Control Een Software Raamwerk voor Ware Tijd en Gedistribueerde Robot- en Machinecontrole Peter Soetens Ph.D. thesis Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium 30 May 2006 c Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Faculteit Ingenieurswetenschappen Arenbergkasteel, B-3001 Heverlee (Leuven), België Alle rechten voorbehouden. Niets uit deze uitgave mag worden verveelvoudigd en/of openbaar gemaakt worden door middel van druk, fotokopie, microfilm, elektronisch of op welke andere wijze ook zonder voorafgaandelijke schriftelijke toestemming van de uitgever. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, by print, photoprint, microfilm or any other means without written permission from the publisher. D/2006/7515/21 ISBN 90-5682-687-5 UDC 681.3∗I29 Voorwoord Zo’n vijf jaar geleden, op een piepklein kot in Leuven stonden Dieter en ik te wijzen op een computerscherm terwijl de prof geı̈nteresseerd vragen stelde over ons projectje. Een gesimuleerde modulaire robot bewoog in 3D op ons scherm. We waren twee studenten Master in Artificial Intelligence die er voor gekozen hadden een softwareproject voor het vak ‘Robotics’ te doen. Gezien de prof open had gelaten wat we precies mochten doen, zagen we onze kans schoon onze eisen door te duwen: we wilden het onder Linux doen en we gingen de geschreven software vrij beschikbaar maken op het internet. We wisten niet of dit eigenlijk wel mocht van de universiteit, maar in een wat niet weet niet deert overtuiging hadden we dit maar terloops langs onze neus gezegd. De prof stelde er geen verdere vragen over, nu ja, we hadden ons ingedekt. Het project was nu genoeg af en de gekleurde blokkige robot zwenkte onverstoorbaar door over ons scherm. We wilden er nog zoveel meer mee doen, intelligentie, botsingen detecteren, een gesimuleerde wereld waarin de robot kon vertoeven, . . . Maar we kregen te horen dat we meer dan genoeg gedaan hadden. ’t Was wel. De prof zette zijn fietshelm weer op en vertrok. Een tijd later, de examens moesten toen net gedaan zijn, kreeg ik een mailtje met de vraag of ik niet geı̈nteresseerd was om een echte, liefst intelligente, robot aan de praat te krijgen onder Linux. De prof had een nieuw project uit de grond gestampt waarvoor hij nog iemand nodig had. Ik twijfelde. Ik had helemaal geen ambitie om assistent te worden en ik kende er niemand. Ik dacht eerder C++ programmeur of Linux-consultant te worden. Maar ja, anderzijds had ik ook nog niet gesolliciteerd naar een job. Na wat aarzelen aanvaarde ik dan toch. Bij aankomst op mijn eerste werkdag moet ik me bijna een ongeluk geschrokken zijn. Zowel de werkplek als de labo’s draaiden Linux computers. De man voor wie ik ging beginnen werken was blijkbaar diegene die ijverde om binnen de universiteit Vrije software en open standaarden te gebruiken en bovendien door de media gebeld werd als ze een expert Vrije of Open software nodig hadden. Het project heette dan ook ‘Open Robot Control Software’, Orocos. i Voorwoord Er is heel wat gebeurd sinds Herman me wees op het pad naar de top van die enorme berg. De berg was toen zo veraf dat hij nog klein leek en ik had toen al de overtuiging dat je met software alles gedaan kon krijgen. Boy, was I wrong. Een mens kan nog altijd geen robot basisintelligentie aanmeten zonder hulp van anderen. Eerst ontmoette ik Klaas en Tine, die uitzochten hoe een machine kan begrijpen hoe haar omgeving in elkaar zit. Of Bob, die uitzocht hoe je de controle over een robot kon verspreiden over meerdere computers. En dan waren er nog Walter en Pieter die de bende van de ‘robot’ mensen aanvulden en ons ALMA-groepje compleet maakten. Later groeide de groep verder aan met Takis, Johan, Wim en Peter, warempel de eerste, en moedigste, Orocos gebruikers. De derde generatie is ondertussen het werk aan het overnemen, Ruben, Tine, Kasper en Diederik zorgden voor het verse bloed in de groep van de altijd maar ‘slimmer’ wordende robots. En vraag me maar naar de toffe momenten met Dirk, Eric, René, Gudrun, Bram en de vele momenten die dankzij het Social Event Team collega’s bij elkaar brachten. Ik bedank ook Ronny en Jan voor hun onvermoeibare steun op IT vlak en Paul voor het opzetten van de meting van de experimenten. Orocos was niet geweest wat het nu is zonder de inzet van het dozijn jobstudenten die gedurende een verschroeiende zomervakantie onder de gesel van real-time, C++ of zelfs CORBA Orocos gezamenlijk optilden naar een hoger niveau. Bedankt mannen. Ik zal de plezante momenten met ‘uber’ student Jan niet snel vergeten, wanneer hij me hielp de gasten te managen bij 35 graden celcius. Een belangrijk stuk code van Orocos werd geschreven door Dominique. In die twee maanden die je voor ons gewerkt hebt, heb je ons een jaar bespaard. Ik kreeg ook veel steun en feedback van de Belgische bedrijven en het FMTC en wil hen bedanken voor de ernst waarmee ze mijn werk benaderen en willen verder zetten. Last but not least wil ik Herman bedanken voor zijn dagdagelijkse en onuitputtelijke steun aan mijn werk en voor de kansen die ik gekregen heb. Mijn assessoren prof. De Schutter, prof. Berbers en prof. Van Gool wil ik bedanken voor het opvolgen van mijn onderzoek en de waardevolle tips om dit een betere tekst te maken. I would like to thank as well prof. Siegwart of the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland and prof. Nilsson of the Lund Institute of Technology, Sweden for taking the time to jury my PhD defense. ii Voorwoord Ik wil besluiten met mijn ouders en zussen te bedanken voor de steun gedurende al die jaren, ook al wonen we nu in het verre Antwerpen. Ook de familie van Wina is voor mij een tweede thuis geworden, bedankt om er te zijn voor ons. Ik draag dit werk op aan de twee vrouwtjes die ik het liefste zie, Wina en Ilke. Peter Soetens. Leuven, Mei 2006. iii iv Abstract The design of software frameworks in real-time robot and machine control has focused in the past on robotics, where motion control is dominant, or on automated machine control, where logic control is dominant. Designs with the former in mind lead to communication frameworks where sending data between components, controlling the data flow, is central. Designs with the latter in mind lead to frameworks which aid in realising decision making for controlling the logic execution flow. Both forms of control are required to have robot or machine control applications running. This work looks at the control application as a whole and identifies both separation and coupling between data flow and logic execution flow. A single software component model supports control tasks which are highly reactive, such as in weaving machines or in automated machine tools, and serves equally well in applications which are highly data driven such as in vision or force in the loop motion control applications. Ideally, a software framework for control must offer inter-task communication primitives which are inherently thread-safe and hard real-time. They may not add indeterminism, possible deadlocks or race conditions to the control application. Furthermore, observation of and interaction with the control task’s activity must not disturb its time determinism. Classic real-time operating systems, in which present day control applications are built, do not offer all these guarantees. This work contributes design patterns for synchronous and asynchronous inter-task communication which uphold these requirements using lock-free data exchange. The patterns guarantee ‘localised’ real-time properties in a mixed real-time, not real-time environment, allowing remote (non deterministic) access, hence distribution of the application’s real-time components. The communication primitives are validated in this work and outperform on average and in worst case traditional lock-based approaches. This works contributes a design pattern for structuring feedback control as well. The Control Kernel, which implements this pattern, can be applied on distributed control applications. For example, it is used to synchronise two v Abstract robots with real-time feedback of a 3D vision system and a force sensor. The results of this work lead to a new component model for real-time machine and robot control applications. The component interface specifies (real-time) data flow, (real-time) execution flow and the parameters of each component. The component behaviour can be specified by real-time activities and hierarchical state machines within components. This has been applied in a camera based on-line object tracker. vi Beknopte Samenvatting Het ontwerp van sofware raamwerken in ware tijd robot- en machinecontrole heeft zich in het verleden toegespitst op robotica, zoals bewegingscontrole, of op automatische machinecontrole, zoals logische controle. Ontwerpen naar het eerste domein leiden tot raamwerken waar datastroom gerealiseerd wordt tussen softwarecomponenten. Ontwerpen naar het tweede domein leiden tot raamwerken waar de uitvoeringslogica en het nemen van beslissingen centraal staan. Beide vormen van controle zijn nodig om robot- en machinecontroleapplicaties uit te voeren. Dit werk beschouwt de controleapplicatie als een geheel en identificeert zowel de scheiding als de koppeling tussen de datastroom en de logicauitvoeringsstroom. Een softwarecomponentenmodel ondersteunt controletaken die reageren op gebeurtenissen zoals in machinale weefgetouwen of in geautomatiseerde werktuigmachines. Het dient even goed in applicaties die sterk datageorinteerd zijn zoals teruggekoppelde visie- en krachtcontrole in bewegingscontrole applicaties. Ideaal gezien biedt een software raamwerk voor controle communicatieprimitieven aan die inherent veilig zijn en strikte ware tijd eigenschappen hebben. Observatie of interactie met de controleactiviteit mag het tijdsdeterminisme niet storen. Klassieke ware tijd besturingssystemen, in dewelke controleapplicaties traditioneel gebouwd worden, bieden niet al deze garanties aan. Dit werk draagt een ontwerppatroon bij voor synchrone en asynchrone communicatie dat aan deze vereisten voldoet, gebruik makende van slotvrije communicatie. De patronen garanderen gelokaliseerde ware tijd eigenschappen in een gemengde ware tijd omgeving, die toegang van op afstand toelaat. De communicatieprimitieven in dit werk worden gevalideerd en presteren zowel gemiddeld als in het slechtste geval beter dan traditionele slotgebaseerde aanpakken. Dit werk draagt tevens een ontwerppatroon bij voor het structureren van teruggekoppelde controleapplicaties. De Controlekern, die dit patroon implementeert kan gebruikt worden voor gedistribueerde controleapplicaties. Bijvoorbeeld om twee robots te synchroniseren gebaseerd op ware tijd vii Beknopte Samenvatting terugkoppeling van een 3D visiesysteem en een krachtsensor. De resultaten van dit werk leiden tot een componentenmodel voor ware tijd machine- en robotcontroleapplicaties. De componenteninterface specificeert (ware tijd) datastromen, (ware tijd) uitvoeringsstromen en de parameters van elke component. Dit is toegepast in een online cameragebaseerde voorwerpvolger. viii Abbreviations General abbreviations ACE : Adaptive Communication Environment API : Application Programming Interface CAN : Common Area Network CAS : Compare And Swap CNC : Computer Numerical Control CORBA : Common Object Request Broker Architecture CPU : Central Processing Unit CPF : Component Property Format CSP : Communicating Sequential Processes DMS : Deadline Monotonic Scheduler DOC : Distributed Object Computing EDF : Earliest Deadline First GNU : Gnu’s Not Unix GPL : General Public License HMI : Human Machine Interface LGPL : Lesser General Public License Linux : Linux Is Not Unix MDA : Model Driven Architecture OCL : Object Constraint Language OMG : Object Management Group OROCOS : Open Robot Control Software OS : Operating System PIP : Priority Inheritance Protocol PCP : Priority Ceiling Protocol RMS : Rate Monotonic Scheduler ROOM : Real-time Object Oriented Modelling RTAI : Real-Time Application Interface RTOS : Real-Time Operating System TAO : The Ace Orb UML : Unified Modelling Language ix Abbreviations VMEbus XML x : VERSAmodule Eurocard bus : eXtensible Markup Language Glossary Notation action activity architecture Description A run-to-completion functional statement, it can be preempted by another action, but is always executed as a whole. For example, setting a parameter, calling a kinematics algorithm, storing data in a buffer or emitting an event, 8 The execution of a combination of actions in a given state, which may be terminated before it is wholy executed, 8, 18, 148 In software, an application specific partitioning of responsibilities in software modules. Each module has a specified task within the system and only communicates to a specific set of other modules , 3 behaviour In this work, the realisation of an interface by a software component. A behaviour is thus subject to the interface’s contract. For example, a state machine can model the behaviour of an interface since it defines how it reacts to events in each of its states and which activity it performs in each state. Behaviour can thus be purely reactive (event based), active (activity based) or both, 6, 80, 83 collocation In distributed computing, merging two components on a node in the same process, allowing more efficient communication, 40, 79 xi Abbreviations Notation component container contention control flow CORBA critical section data flow design pattern xii Description A modular, deployable, and replaceable part of a system that encapsulates implementation and exposes a set of interfaces, 3 In component models, a container contains a component and is responsible for connecting it with services and other components, 43, 52 A condition that arises when two or more activities attempt to read or write shared data at the same time. Contention needs a form of mediation to serialise access such that the shared data is not corrupted, 8, 18, 96 The ordering of otherwise independent actions, placing them in loops, conditional statements etc. We will use the term “Execution Flow” as a synonym to avoid confusion with control theory semantics, 19 A vendor independent middleware standard for distributing software components, 9 A section of program instructions which may not be executed by concurrent threads. For example, a section where data is read, modified and written, 29, 116 The exchange of data in between actions, formed because of the dependency of Actions upon each other. For example, a PID control action requires sensor inputs and setpoints as data inputs, which are the results of the sensing Action and setpoint generation Action. In this work though, we use the term data flow more narrowly to denote the flow of data between tasks for control of the continuous domain, 19 In computer science, a generalised, structural solution to commonly occuring problems in software design, 14, 48, 75 Glossary Notation event execution engine Description A detected change in a system which is broadcasted to subscribers. Sometimes refered to as ‘Publish-Subscribe’ since the event raiser publishes the change which is then received by each subscriber to that event. Events commonly carry data, providing information about the change. The advantage of this mechanism is that it separates the detection of the change from the reaction to the change, 5, 11 An element which executes a control flow with a given policy, meaning, it invokes actions if certain conditions are met, 56 garbage collection A technique to free allocated memory when it is no longer used. This is done by counting the references which point to an object and when the count drops to zero, to delete the object, 31, 137 infrastructure In software, an application independent library designed towards providing software tools for building applications , 2, 78 In computer science, the definition or contract of the behaviour of a software component, 23 In lock-free literature, the preemption of a thread which is accessing a lock-free shared object by a thread which accesses the object as well. As a result, when the former thread resumes, this interference will invalidate the latter thread’s operation and causes it to retry the operation, 31, 34 interface interference lock-free A technique to share data between concurrent processes without using locks such that no process is forced to block or wait during or attempting access or modification of the data, 6 xiii Abbreviations Notation middleware mutex Description In distributed computing, middleware is defined as the software layer that lies between the operating system and the applications on each node of the network with the purpose to allow distributed components to communicate transparently on the interface level, 9, 39, 76 Stands for mutual exclusion. An operating system primitive used to lock a critical program section exclusively for one thread. Any other thread which wishes to execute that section blocks until the owner of the mutex releases the mutex, 29 node In distributed computing, a device on a network, having its own central processor unit and memory, 30, 45 preemption In computer science, the temporary interruption of the execution of one activity in favour of the execution of another activity. Reasons for preemption can be a higher quality of service of the preempting activity or the expiration of the time slice of the preempted activity. Such preemption policies are set by the scheduler. Preemption causes (additional) contention since multiple activities may want to access the same resources at the same time, 94, 96 In computer science, a memory contained execution of a sequence of instructions, 29 process quality of service xiv In real-time computing, a property assigned to an activity which expresses a bound on the execution latency of that activity. It is often approximated with thread priority schemes, 22 Glossary Notation real-time Description A term to denote execution time determinism of an action or sequence of actions in response to an event. This means that the action always completes (and/or starts) within a bounded time interval, or in computer science terminology, the response time has a maximum latency. A real-time system is said to fail if this deadline from event to system response is not met, this is also known as hard real-time. The use of the term real-time in this work always denotes hard real-time. The term on-line is used to denote soft or not real-time, 1, 28 scheduler In computer science, an algorithm which contains the decision logic on when to execute which process or thread, 28 An operating system primitive used for synchronisation (like a traffic light.) A thread can wait (block its execution) on a semaphore until another thread signals the semaphore, upon which the first thread resumes execution, 29 semaphore thread In computer science, a thread of execution is a sequence of instructions executed in parallel with other threads within a process, 29 UML An OMG standardised language to (formally) describe software, 22 xv xvi Table of contents Voorwoord i Abstract v Beknopte Samenvatting vii Abbreviations ix Glossary x Table of contents xvii 1 Introduction 1.1 Designer Roles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 Relevance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2.1 Real-Time Feedback Control . . . . 1.2.2 Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2.3 Machine Control . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2.4 Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3 Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4 Orocos Walk-Through . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4.1 Hardware Interfacing . . . . . . . . . 1.4.2 Identifying the Application Template 1.4.3 Building the Components . . . . . . 1.4.4 Component Deployment . . . . . . . 1.4.5 Component Behaviour . . . . . . . . 1.4.6 Running the Application . . . . . . . 1.5 Overview of the Thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 4 4 7 10 13 13 15 15 15 16 17 17 18 18 2 Situation and Related Work 2.1 Design Methodologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.1 The Unified Modelling Language . . . . . . . . . . . 21 21 21 xvii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Table of contents 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.1.2 Real-Time Object Oriented Modelling . . . . 2.1.3 Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Time Determinism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.1 Definition of Real-Time . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.2 Real-Time Operating System Requirements . 2.2.3 Real-Time Communication Requirements . . 2.2.4 Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Robot and Machine Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3.1 Block Diagram Editors . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3.2 Chimera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3.3 ControlShell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3.4 Genom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3.5 Orccad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3.6 Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Component Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4.1 Communication Frameworks for Distribution 2.4.2 Control Frameworks for Distribution . . . . . 2.4.3 Component Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4.4 Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Formal Verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5.1 Communicating Sequential Processes . . . . . 2.5.2 Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 The Feedback Control Kernel 3.1 The Design Pattern for Feedback Control 3.1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1.2 Participants . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1.3 Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1.4 Consequences . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1.5 Known Uses . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1.6 Implementation Example . . . . . 3.1.7 Related Design Patterns . . . . . . 3.2 Design Pattern Motivation and Benefits . 3.2.1 Decoupled Design . . . . . . . . . 3.2.2 Support for Distribution . . . . . . 3.2.3 Deterministic Causality . . . . . . 3.3 Kernel Infrastructure . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4 A Feedback Control Kernel Application . 3.4.1 Task Description . . . . . . . . . . 3.4.2 Hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4.3 Position and Velocity Control . . . 3.4.4 Tool Control . . . . . . . . . . . . xviii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 27 28 28 29 30 35 35 36 36 37 38 38 38 39 39 41 43 43 44 44 45 45 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 48 48 49 53 58 58 60 60 60 60 61 61 63 66 66 67 68 69 Table of contents 3.5 3.6 3.4.5 Kernel Infrastructure . 3.4.6 Kernel Interfacing . . 3.4.7 Execution Flow . . . . Realising the Control Kernel Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Analysis and Design of Communication in Control Frameworks 4.1 Control Tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1.1 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1.2 Task Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1.3 Task Behaviour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 Decoupling Real-Time and non Real-Time Activities . . . . 4.2.1 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2.2 The Activity Design Pattern . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2.3 Validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2.4 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3 Decoupling Communication of Activities . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4 Data Flow Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4.1 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4.2 The Connector Design Pattern . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4.3 The Data Flow Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4.4 Validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.5 Execution Flow Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.5.1 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.5.2 The Synchronous-Asynchronous Message Design Pattern 4.5.3 The Operation Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.5.4 Validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.6 Synchronisation of Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.6.1 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.6.2 The Synchronous-Asynchronous Event Design Pattern 4.6.3 The Event Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.6.4 Validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.7 Configuration and Deployment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.7.1 The Property Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.7.2 Name servers and Factories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.8 Task Browsing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.9 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 71 71 72 72 75 77 77 80 81 83 84 86 93 100 101 102 102 103 106 107 115 115 117 124 125 129 129 131 137 138 142 142 143 145 146 xix Table of contents 5 Real-Time Task Activities 5.1 Real-Time Programs . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1.1 Program Model . . . . . . . . . . 5.1.2 Program Status . . . . . . . . . . 5.1.3 Program Execution Policy . . . . 5.1.4 Program Scripting . . . . . . . . 5.1.5 Program Statements . . . . . . . 5.1.6 Program Interfacing . . . . . . . 5.1.7 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2 Real-Time State Machines . . . . . . . . 5.2.1 State Machine Model . . . . . . 5.2.2 State Machine Status . . . . . . 5.2.3 State Machine Execution Policy 5.2.4 State Machine Scripting . . . . . 5.2.5 State Machine Interfacing . . . . 5.2.6 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3 Task Execution Engine . . . . . . . . . . 5.4 Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.5 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 148 150 152 152 153 154 159 160 160 163 165 168 168 171 171 171 173 178 6 Conclusions 6.1 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2 Evaluation and Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2.1 Design Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2.2 Real-time Determinism . . . . . . . . . . 6.2.3 Robot and Machine Control Architecture 6.2.4 Software Component Distribution . . . . 6.2.5 Formal Verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.3 Limitations and Future work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 179 181 181 182 182 183 183 183 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References A Experimental Validation A.1 Hardware . . . . . . . . . A.2 Software . . . . . . . . . . A.2.1 Time measurement A.2.2 Experiment Setup 185 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195 195 195 195 197 Index 199 Curriculum Vitae 203 List of Publications and Dissemination 205 xx Table of contents Nederlandse Samenvatting I 1 Inleiding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 1.1 Ontwerper-rollen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 1.2 Relevantie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II 1.3 Bijdragen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . III 2 Situering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . III 2.1 Ontwerp Methodologien . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV 2.2 Tijddeterminisme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV 2.3 Robot- en Machinecontrole . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V 2.4 Componenten Distributie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V 2.5 Formele Verificatie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VI 3 De Teruggekoppelde Controlekern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VI 3.1 Het Ontwerppatroon voor Teruggekoppelde Controle VI 3.2 Ontwerppatroon Motivatie en Voordelen . . . . . . . IX 3.3 Conclusies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IX 4 Analyse en Ontwerp voor Communicatie in Controleraamwerken X 4.1 De Ware Tijd Controleactiviteit . . . . . . . . . . . X 4.2 Datastroomcommunicatie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XI 4.3 Uitvoeringsstroomcommunicatie . . . . . . . . . . . XII 4.4 Synchronisatie van Activiteiten . . . . . . . . . . . . XIII 4.5 Configuratie en Oplevering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XV 4.6 Conclusies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XVI 5 Ware Tijd Taakactiviteiten . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XVII 5.1 Programma’s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XVII 5.2 Toestandsmachines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XVIII 5.3 Conclusies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XIX 6 Conclusies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XIX xxi xxii Chapter 1 Introduction This work investigates how real-time systems (machines) can be controlled by software a such that both machine and software can perform multiple tasks in parallel and on different levels. Figure 1.1 shows a hybrid robot-machine-tool workshop where the robot assists in placing the workpiece for and during manipulation by the machinetool. At the lowest level, both robot and machine-tool perform a positioning Figure 1.1: A hybrid robot — machine tool setup. Picture courtesy of LVD Inc. 1 1 Introduction Figure 1.2: A component based software framework. task. At a higher level, a movement path is planned for robot and machinetool without collisions. Between movements, operations are performed on the workpiece, which require real-time synchronisation. At an even higher level, the task is to produce a series of these workpieces in a shop floor and so on. Many parallel (real-time) tasks may be present: measuring quality of work, evaluating the status of the machines, collecting data for the logs, visualising progress, etc. This work proposes solutions to design real-time controllers out of (distributed) tasks such that the real-time properties of the system are not violated during (or because of) communication between these tasks. Both the required communication primitives between tasks and the realisation of task activities are treated in this work. This Chapter sheds light on how control software is decomposed in this work by introducing the four designer roles for building control software. Next, three example control applications are given to outline the problem domain of this work. In addition, a small control application is designed in order to provide a high level overview of what this work offers. It concludes with a summary of the key contributions of this work. 1.1 Designer Roles The design of control software is delegated to a number of designer “roles” or builders, which all work on a different topic, as shown in Figure 1.2. The Framework Builders develop the core infrastructure or middleware for building software compononents and applications. The infrastructure only 2 1.1 Designer Roles provides application-independent functionality such as real-time support for generic control applications, interfaces to the (Real-Time) Operating System; distribution of components; support for events, command interpreting and reporting; state machines; etc. The Application Builders specify the architecture of the application: they design a template which identifies the different components in a given application, the nature of the connections (relations) between components and the kinds of data exchanged between components. For example, an application template can be as general as feedback control or humanoid robot control and can be as specific as CNC woodcutting or steel wire manufacturing. Not only is the application template responsible for defining which component roles (kinds) exist in a given application, they also connect the components according to their role in the system. The application template is defined upon a common framework infrastructure, provided by the Framework Builders. In state of the art control applications, the application template is equivalent to defining software component interfaces and the inter-component communication network topology. Component Builders are responsible for the concrete contents of the software components for which they have the expertise: a control law, a set-point generator, a domain translator, etc. They implement the interfaces specified for a particular architecture by the Application Builder. The components use the common framework infrastructure to realise their implementation and communication. The System Builders select the components for a specific application template and connect them to the hardware interface. The application template and components can not capture machine specific parameters such as which device is present on which channel or which interpolator and controller are best for a given device. The System Builder is responsible for delivering this configuration. The System Builder has a central role in the whole process of designing a controller. He identifies the application template to use, the required components and the integration of software with hardware. Advanced Users, such as machine operators, only focus on configuring and using the functionality of an application, to solve particular tasks. They interact through the interfaces defined by the Application Builder and with the application components. The required knowledge of the Advanced User depends on the interface the application builder has set forth. This may be as high level as a graphical user interface or as low level as the individual methods of each component’s interface. The “end user” uses the final configured and ready to run application to produce a part or to conduct an experiment. The aims of splitting the design responsibilities are: a. allow specialisation and limit the required (global) knowledge of each role: for example, a 3 1 Introduction framework builder only requires knowledge of real-time communication and general control principles, while real-time knowledge is not required (in detail) by the other roles; b. enable re-use of solutions: for example, once a specific application template has been defined, it can be reused for similar control problems, but with different component implementations; c. constrain each role in its power to negatively influence the design: a component may not communicate ‘outside’ the application architecture, hence, this reduces unknown side effects. This work targets these roles to a certain extent. First of all, it defines a framework for distributed and real-time control in Chapter 4. Hence, it is a handbook for framework builders on the analysis and possible solutions of what a framework for robot and machine control must offer. Application builders are targeted as well, since an application template for intelligent feedback control is defined in Chapter 3, which can serve as an example for setting up different control applications. Component builders can learn from this work on how to realise the internal real-time activity of a component with the infrastructure of Chapter 5. System integrators can also benefit from reading this since it motivates in the ‘analysis’ sections why the framework behaves in certain ways and which present day problems it tries to solve. 1.2 Relevance In order to outline the scope of this work, the problem domain is illustrated by three examples of robot and machine control applications and the relevance of this work to these problems is given. Each example demonstrates potential risks which the application is subject to. These risks are generally known by the experienced control engineer and serve as a special point of attention and should be minimised when designing the control application. It is the aim of this work to minimise or eliminate by design these risks both in framework, application template and component design. Furthermore, each example application may be constrained by external factors. Special attention is given to the influence of the used control framework, the influence of communication latencies and the influence of closedness of the controller. Again, it is the aim to minimise or eliminate these constraints in each category. The result of this evaluation are the requirements this work must meet. These requirements are summarised at the end. 1.2.1 Real-Time Feedback Control The first example continues from the introductory example which described a feedback control setup. An additional feedback loop is added to measure the quality of work ‘in the loop’ by using a camera vision system which looks 4 1.2 Relevance Figure 1.3: Camera guided workpiece manipulation. Picture courtesy of LVD Inc. at the progress and result of the machine-tool’s operations (Figure 1.3). This process consists of extracting the key features from the images, evaluating the quality of work and adapting the control parameters when necessary. Although this addition is hardly futuristic, the realisation of vision guided manufacturing may benefit from beyond state of the art control software. Not only is feature extraction and process estimation subject of present day research, scaling real-time control software to the extent that a multitude of sensors and control algorithms collaborate in parallel is subject to risk of failure or even constrained in classical setups. The advantage of adding or even fusing sensors in order to realise a higher level of control, is counterweighted by the higher risk of • mis-interpretation: higher level data require more intelligent and robust algorithms to decide on their contents. Compare the reading of an axis position to feature extraction of a camera image. This work reduces the negative effects (consequences) of misinterpretation by separating and specifying components for model estimation and supervision in Chapter 3 and defining an event communication mechanism in Section 4.6. This enables failure detection in both a local algorithm and on a global scope. Events allow error handling to be done at the appropriate level. • indeterminism: an increase of parallel executing tasks increases the uncertainty about real-time guarantees under emergency conditions. 5 1 Introduction Especially dead-locks, priority inversion and access contention are sources of indeterminism, hence system failure. This work reduces indeterminism during communication by using (and motivating) exclusively lock-free communication primitives. Although lock-free algorithms were earlier presented in computer science literature, state of the art machine controllers do not use these opportunities to reduce indeterminism. • shared responsibility: both in normal operation and under emergencies, the safe control of a machine is harder to prove when the responsibility is shared among multiple components. Shared responsibility is caused by the lack of separation between the data exchanged for realising feedback control, which is distributed over components by nature, and decision logic, which is centralised in one component by nature. In other words, a decision is made in a component, while feedback control is caused by moving data between components. This work separates these two forms of communication and defines components for centralisation of decision making in feedback control applications in Chapter 3. But even if the risks can be assessed, the possibility to extend or scale a feedback controller can be constrained by • the framework: too specific controller design may prohibit easy integration of new tasks easily because it is already too application specific, assumes certain preconditions to hold true or provides a too high level interface. Although providing a high level of abstraction makes a framework more user friendly, in practice, this often constrains the extendability of most state of the art control frameworks. This work proposes an application independent framework for control in Chapter 4, which allows to create any network of interconnected components, at any abstraction level. Virtually any parameter(set) of a component or behaviour can be configured on-line or through files. The application template for feedback control in Chapter 3 is general enough to encompass any kind of intelligent feedback control we have encountered so far. • communication latencies: the addition of tasks adds communication which may increase worst case data access latency, jeopardising time determinism of real-time tasks. State of the art control frameworks hardly address the (sometimes drastically) reduced determinism when the number of communications increases. 6 1.2 Relevance Figure 1.4: A woodworking machine lane requires distributed control in order to allow parallel operations on a workpiece. Picture courtesy of Homag AG This work limits communication latencies by identifying the necessary communication infrastructure for local and distributed communication in Subsection 2.2.2 and applying it in the communication primitives of Chapter 4. These primitives were chosen such that the latencies are most deterministic for the highest priority tasks in the system. • closedness: a closed machine controller does not allow integration or addition of ‘self made’ real-time controllers. This work is open to the largest possible extent. Not only all the interfaces are documented and motivated, the internals are free to any builder as well. For a controller, these risks and constraints are directly connected to all devices. Additional risks and constraints rise when the controller is distributed or when event driven machine control is required as well. 1.2.2 Distribution To improve parts throughput and decrease the unfinished goods stock, it is beneficial to connect machines such that they form lanes converting raw materials into finished goods. Where a camera, a robot and a machine-tool could be under supervision of a central control unit, cabling a machine lane of possibly one hundred meters long to a central cabinet is not only costly, but also requires a controller with real-time capacities beyond present day hardware. An example of such a lane is commonly found in woodworking shop-floors, Figure 1.4. State of the art woodworking machines take in raw wood, saw it to the appropriate size, drill holes, polish, glue edges and deliver a 7 1 Introduction finished door or furniture part. These individual workstations have their own controller to perform the operation which is synchronised with neighbouring workstations and the conveyor belt which transports the workpiece. The workstations use a communication network to synchronise and send or receive messages. Depending on both bandwidth and real-time requirements, the network ranges from CAN bus over EtherCAT and Ethernet to wireless communication. Distributing controllers over a network has the advantage to keep high bandwidth communication locally, such as position control, and low bandwidth communication on the network, such as monitoring or configuration. However, using a communication network imposes the following risks: • communication failure: due to loss of network connectivity or failure at the other end, a message may get lost or return in failure. This can only be detected by attempting the communication, thus any communication over a network is weak and uncertain in worst case scenarios. State of the art distributed control frameworks can detect communication failure and report this consistently to the application. This work reduces the negative effects of communication failure in real-time tasks by defining an ‘action’ primitive which wraps any communication in Chapter 4. It has real-time error semantics which can be intercepted by the framework or the application which is demonstrated in Chapter 5. • contention: messages or data packets received by the controller may interfere with the local real-time control activity to the extent that priority inversions or additional latencies degrade real-time performance. This is especially the case in controllers where the data is temporarily locked during read or write access. In that case, even mere observation by a remote activity may disturb real-time performance of a local activity1 . State of the art control frameworks do not address this issue, hence only partially take advantage of component distribution: they profit from the increasing computing power but suffer from decreased determinism during communication of distributed components. The solutions for contention in this work favour the higher priority task to the lower priority task for deterministic data access. This allows scalable and remote data access without disturbing the local control activity2 , since the higher priority task is not disturbed by additional lower priority messages. It allows effective priority propagation in realtime communication protocols, such that a request at the receiver is executed at the quality of service of the sender. 1 2 8 Quantum physics seems to have a foot in the door everywhere. Closing that door! 1.2 Relevance • non-interoperability: no two controllers are the same. The control hardware, the operating system on which it executes and the way in which it is interfaced may all vary. Defining a distributed communication protocol on top of this diversity might prove to be very hard since all three factors will require a different implementation. Furthermore, if such a common protocol can be found, the software controller interfaces might be incompatible and be designed towards a different communication methodology. For example a packet based (asynchronous ‘send’) interface, such as found in the Common Area Network (CAN) protocol versus a message based interface (synchronous ‘call’), such as found in the CORBA standard. Compatibility between distributed controllers has been solved by using standardised communication libraries (middleware) which allow transparent communication between components. The common interface of each component is defined in this work in Chapter 4 and contains both synchronous and asynchronous communication semantics. Apart from these risks, the realisation of distributed control is constrained by: • framework: The programming languages common in control software such as C or C++ do not provide mechanisms for distributed object computing. A control framework realised in these languages is thus not distributable by default. State of the art control frameworks rely on middleware to distribute components, accepting the overhead in order to provide distribution flexibility. The control framework in this work provides, by using external libraries, a means to communicate with remote objects and provides communication mechanisms suitable for communication over a network. Furthermore, it defines the interface and environment for distributed control components in Chapter 4. • communication latencies: The choice of a particular network will result in a worst case latency, constraining the bandwidth of (feedback) control over the network. State of the art control frameworks use deterministic network protocols to bound communication latencies. This work does not propose new solutions to distributed communication latencies. As motivated in Subsection 2.2.2, it relies on the real-time operating system to provide a real-time protocol stack and on real-time middleware to mediate the communication. • closedness: Some (industrial) control architectures only operate on proprietary protocol networks. One can thus only distribute within one product family of a control vendor. Even more, one needs to distribute at the modularity of the control vendor’s products as well. 9 1 Introduction Figure 1.5: A carpet weaving machine is an example of an event triggered machine control application requiring control of the logic execution flow. Picture courtesy of Van de Wiele. The modularity at which components can be distributed in this work is limited by the size of the smallest control task, since tasks are the units of distribution. These risks and constraints are in addition to the previous example of the camera enhanced machine-tool, since the addition of a distributed task requires the addition of at least one communication activity on each node in order to receive incoming messages. 1.2.3 Machine Control Feedback control is complemented in a machine by logic control. Although Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) are widely adopted for logic control in machines, there are scenarios in which current PLCs do not achieve sufficient performance and are not configurable enough to control certain machines. A carpet weaving machine (Figure 1.5) is an excellent example of a complex mechanism with rotating and reciprocating parts which are all under control. Without going into detail of how a weaving machine works, it can be said that it is a machine which performs cyclic operations on a continuous flow of yarns (a kind of thread). The cycle can be represented by a wheel which represents the execution of one cyclic operation per turn. In a number of discrete positions of the wheel, some action must be taken in the machine, 10 1.2 Relevance for example pulling half of the yarns up, which must be finished by the time the wheel has rotated to the next position; for example, for shooting a thread through the yarns. In this way, all actions must be taken immediately when a given angle is reached by the wheel. The faster the wheel turns, the faster the actions have to complete, and the faster the finished carpet rolls out the machine. In state of the art weaving machines, the actions are programmed in software such that the number of mechanical connections within the machine can be reduced. However, this means that informing all software components that a certain angle is reached requires a kind of broadcast infrastructure. Events are the state of the art communication mechanisms for realising such an infrastructure. They are used to model communication between and behaviour within reactive systems. For example, a given component of the weaving machine is ready to perform its action. When the event reached(angle) occurs with angle equal to a specific value, the component executes the action and when completed, is ready again. More advanced behaviours than such a simple two-state state machine are quite common in such machines. However, a carelessly crafted event infrastructure leads to the following risks: • un-scalability: Since the event publisher needs to notify all subscribed components, notification will take longer with each added subscriber. In some schemes the publisher executes the reaction of each subscriber, which may be inappropriate in a real-time context. This work presents a real-time event design which allows both synchronous and asynchronous notification of subscribers in Section 4.6. Synchronous notification allows immediate reaction to events from any task, while asynchronous notification distributes the event handling to the subscribers, which allows them to react to an event in their own context, asynchronously from the publisher. • subscriber deadlock: May a subscriber unsubscribe from an event in reaction to that event? May it unsubscribe all subscribers, even if some did and others didn’t receive the event? May a parallel component unsubscribe any subscribers at any given time in a real-time context? In more advanced scenarios, this may be required by the application, but few published event systems allow such parallel behaviour. The result is often a deadlock when a subscriber attempts to execute such an operation. The event design in this work allows subscription and unsubscription at arbitrary moments from arbitrary places from real-time contexts and without corrupting the event. This facilitates the automatic generation of reactive, real-time state machines in Chapter 5. 11 1 Introduction • data corruption: Since an event can occur at any time, the reaction of a subscriber may be inappropriate at that time, since it may interfere with an ongoing activity and corrupt data. The classical approach is to use locks to guard critical sections, which cause time indeterminism in turn for the ongoing activity. The asynchronous event design in Section 4.6 allows the subscribers to determine the moment on which they handle their events. Synchronous event handling can still benefit from the lock-free data containers used in this work. The realisation of an event driven application may be constrained by: • the framework: A control framework must integrate events to a large extent into its infrastructure. Both the interface to using events and the behaviours that can be realised in reaction to events need to be sufficiently advanced and still behave real-time. Especially the combination of these two requirements are rare in existing designs. This work defines events as a part of a task’s interface and a state machine framework allows to specify which actions are taken and activities executed in response to events. It goes as far as extending the state of the art state machine semantics for concurrent, real-time behaviours. • communication latencies: The synchronous notification of subscribers adds additional latency for each subscriber to the event publisher. The number of subscribers is thus constrained by the subscriber latencies, especially when a subscriber is distributed. State of the art event systems allow to scale using event processors which have the sole task to redistribute events to subscribers. This work allows large amounts, non deterministic or distributed subscribers to be notified from within real-time tasks by using event processors which dispatch events asynchronously on behalf of the realtime task. • closedness: The common way to emit events in closed controllers is done using packet based networks or callback functions. A closed controller can not be extended to subscribe to new events in the system. In this work, each task of a control application can subscribe to events of other tasks and each task’s behaviour can be adapted even at run-time to react to new events. 12 1.3 Contributions 1.2.4 Requirements This section summarises what this work should be able to do in the end. It should 1. be Time Deterministic: The software framework must be time deterministic such that it can be used for building real-time control applications. Ideally, it does not add indeterminism to the application. 2. be Distributable: The framework must allow deployment of well defined parts of the control application on different devices in a network. 3. be Designed for Machine Control: The framework must allow the propagation of real-time events within control applications. The application’s software components must be able to synchronise in realtime with these events, using hierarchical state machines. 4. be Designed for Intelligent Robot Control: The framework must propose a component based solution for feedback control which allows state of the art or newer robot control applications to be built. 5. be Component Based: The framework must propose a software component model suitable for expressing real-time control applications. The component interface is as such that a component can cope with machine control and robot control. 6. be Free and Open: The framework must be free to use, modify and distribute, as is commonplace in the scientific domain. 7. run on Common Of The Shelf hardware: The framework should not be designed towards deeply embedded single digit Megahertz microprocessors with only a few Kilobytes of RAM. The target hardware ranges from 100MHz to 1GHz processors with 1MB to 128MB RAM. It may not assume the presence of non common hardware or not common processor instructions. These requirements will be used as guidelines for which related work is investigated and which design decisions are made. 1.3 Contributions This work contributes the following new insights and realisations in the design and implementation of machine control applications: 13 1 Introduction • Design Pattern for Feedback Control: This work identifies the application template and component stereotypes in feedback control applications, defining a pattern for distributable, real-time and intelligent control. More specifically, a solution to the separation of processing of the control data and logic decision making is presented by identifying generic data flow and execution flow components. The required interface and behaviour of such components contributes to the design of reusable components and control architectures. The necessary infrastructure required for such feedback control applications was identified as well. • Design Patterns for Machine Control: This work identifies, situates, implements and validates design patterns for control which define the common interface suitable for distributable machine and robot control components. These patterns are unique in that they are designed to especially favour higher priority tasks and require only minimal support from the operating system. Furthermore, they are inherently thread-safe, lock-free and hard real-time, hence do not add indeterminism, possible deadlocks or race conditions to the user’s application. This real-time communication interface, offers an infrastructure for composing and distributing machine control applications. The structure or exposition of details is left to the applications. The framework does not force an architecture upon the user. • Definition of a Real-Time Behaviour Infrastructure: A framework is proposed which allows the specification of real-time behaviours and activities within components and integrates naturally with the real-time communication interface. • A Free Software Framework for Robot and Machine Control: The academic research has been verified and published in the Open Robot Control Software, Orocos. It is applied to a wide range of machines (Waarsing, Nuttin, Van Brussel, and Corteville 2005; Waarsing, Nuttin, and Van Brussel 2003; Rutgeerts 2005; Ferretti, Gritti, Magnani, Rizzi, and Rocco 2005) still and continuously validating the design and implementation decisions of the framework presented in this work. The first three contributions are listed in the order of the Chapters after the literature survey: Chapter 3, Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 respectively. The last contribution can be accessed by downloading the software, distributed with a Free Software license, from the Internet (http://www.orocos.org). 14 1.4 Orocos Walk-Through Figure 1.6: A camera needs to track a toy car. 1.4 Orocos Walk-Through As mentioned in the previous section, the results of this work were implemented and verified in the Open Robot Control Software framework. In order to provide a hint of the capabilities and restrictions of this framework, a high level walk-through is given on how to setup a small Orocos control application, tracking a red toy car with a steerable camera as shown in Figure 1.6 1.4.1 Hardware Interfacing This topic is not covered at all in this thesis since communication with hardware is solved by the operating system. The framework provides a number of device interfaces for common control hardware. These are digital and analog multi-channel IO, encoders on the bare hardware level and sensor, axis and force sensor on the logical (physical interpreted) level. These interfaces do not strictly need to be implemented, but it allows Component Builders to share components which communicate with hardware, instead of writing a ‘device’ Component for each application. 1.4.2 Identifying the Application Template The Orocos framework provides one application template which is for (intelligent) feedback control. It defines six kinds of components each with their role and connections in the component network. If the target application is not feedback control, application analysis will have to identify the application structure and define the components required to execute the application. It can be decided for the camera example application that such a large template is inappropriate and that a ‘Camera’ and an ‘Image 15 1 Introduction Figure 1.7: The application template of the car tracking application Figure 1.8: The component interfaces of the car tracking application Recognition’ component are satisfactory to start with. Both components are to be connected as such that image data flows from the camera component to the image recognition component and that the latter can tell the former where to look at, Figure 1.7. 1.4.3 Building the Components When the application template is specified, Component Builders can build components towards the application template’s roles and interfaces. The proposed component interfaces are shown in Figure 1.8. The Orocos component model allows a component to have five ways of interfacing it. Starting with the Camera component, the component has resolution and refresh rate properties which serve as adjustable parameters of the component. Proceeding counter-clockwise, a moveCamera command is part of the command interface, which allows the camera to be aimed at certain position p. Commands have broad semantics which allows tracking the their execution progress. The method interface has a getPosition() method which queries the camera’s current position and returns the result immediately. The 16 1.4 Orocos Walk-Through Figure 1.9: The component are connected and configured during the deployment phase. event interface allows the camera component to notify other components when a new image is ready. Finally, the camera has a data port which makes the last image available to other components. The image recognition component reads the image from a data port as well. It can be configured to track a car with a specific colour. 1.4.4 Component Deployment When all components are built and an application template was selected, the System Builder deploys (instantiates) components in the application template, which connects components to its surrounding components such that communication can take place. The components are configured as well with parameters which can be read from files which may be in an eXtensible Markup Language (XML) format. The Orocos component model acknowledges two kinds of connections between components: data flow and logic execution flow connections, Figure 1.9. Connectors are responsible for setting up the image data flow between the data ports and impose a directed flow of data. The logic execution flow consists of the move commands, the image ready events and the position readings. 1.4.5 Component Behaviour The behaviour of a component is executed when the component is started. This behaviour may be reactive, such that it only takes action on the 17 1 Introduction occurrence of an event; or the behaviour is active, where it periodically executes an activity. The result of executing a behaviour is that data flow and execution flow are taking place. The behaviours of the camera component is to fetch images at the given refresh rate, writing the image to the data port and emitting the image ready event. The image recognition component reacts to this event by reading the image from its data port, calculating the new location of the car and instructing the camera to point into that direction with a move command. This command triggers another behaviour in the camera component which accepts the command and steers the electric motors into that direction. Reactive component behaviour is realised in Orocos by (hierarchical) state machines which react to events, such as the image ready event. The active behaviour is realised by the ‘program’ primitive which may be executed periodically. For example, the camera program which fetches an image, writes it to the data port and emits the image ready event. 1.4.6 Running the Application When all components are deployed, the application can be interfaced. Orocos provides an application independent front-end which can connect to any application component and provides a complete overview of the internals and externals of the component. Not only the interface of each component can be explored and used, it also provides complete control and overview over its state machines and running activities. This advanced form of interfacing provides the Component and System Builders an early overview of what is going on inside the control application, even before the human-machine interface is built. 1.5 Overview of the Thesis We conclude the introduction with a bird’s eye overview of the following Chapters. Chapter 2 situates this work in the large application domain of control. It also motivates why certain approaches to robot or machine control are left aside and why others were adopted or extended. Especially the real-time approach of this work may be of special interest as some traditional approaches towards contention are not followed. Chapter 3 defines an application template for feedback control as a design pattern. It follows the recent approaches towards component design and deployment and identifies the infrastructure required for components in machine and robot control applications. Chapter 4 generalises these components into ‘control tasks’ and goes into detail on how a real-time control activity can be defined. It continues with identifying two fundamentally different kinds of activity in 18 1.5 Overview of the Thesis a control application, and the importance of keeping them separated. On one hand, the data flow activity uses ports to communicate packets of data between activities, on the other hand the control flow activity takes decisions, reacts to events and manipulates other tasks. Both can occur at any level and use distinct communication protocols. This work defines real-time protocols to realise both flows. Finally, Chapter 5 takes a look on how real-time activities and behaviour can be realised and even created or adapted on-line in control tasks. The last Chapter of this work summarises the conclusions and limitations of this work as well as some opportunities for future work. 19 20 Chapter 2 Situation and Related Work As introduced in the previous Chapter, this thesis covers more a broad spectrum of domains than a narrow, in-depth problem domain. This Chapter situates and motivates each facet, being time determinism, distribution, design, control architecture and verification of the thesis (see Figure 2.1), and relates it to other state of the art solutions. The design decision taken in each facet will show that the problems we solve are at the level of what we call the ‘localised real-time framework’, which is in between the deeply embedded controller (like a mobile phone) and the massively distributed controller (like a telecom network). 2.1 Design Methodologies This work requires a software design methodology for expressing its solutions. The ideal design methodology for real-time software allows a user to specify the design graphically, validates its logical correctness and time properties and generates instantly deployable code. No such framework exists yet. However, since several decades, formal verification and code generation have been investigated and the capabilities of design tools are growing beyond visualisation purposes. Two design frameworks are investigated for their suitability for designing real-time software. 2.1.1 The Unified Modelling Language The Unified Modelling Language (UML) (OMG g) was born as a tool for software architects to communicate software analysis and design artifacts. 21 2 Situation and Related Work Figure 2.1: Many forces pull this thesis in different directions. (The direction of the arrows does not imply orthogonality or opposition.) It is standardised by the Object Management Group (OMG) and is in the running-up for a new specification, UML 2.0. UML is the de facto (but vendor-independent and language-neutral) standard for modelling software and takes positions from initial design (idea) to implementation (code). Initially, the UML described only the structural properties of software, such as composition, inheritance, interfaces and any kind of relations. It did not model constraints or quality of service which are fundamental properties of real-time systems. Hence a common misconception is that UML has no future in real-time design. However even not real-time software requires more specifications than UML can offer. Therefore, almost a decade ago, the Object Constraint Language (OCL) (Warmer and Kleppe 2003) was invented as an add-on to UML to specify constraints on associations and interactions between objects. As it evolved, the OCL 2.0 specification allows to formulate any expression (assignment, loops,. . . ) in addition to constraints and is now part of UML 2.0. Furthermore, UML Profiles are developed (OMG e; SysML ) to apply UML and OCL to real-time system design and hence allow to specify real-time software completely. Consequently it offers logical and time validation opportunities. The synthesis of this design methodology is termed Model Driven Architecture (MDA) and is causing a paradigm shift in software development, much like the move from the assembly language to higher level procedural languages such as C (Kleppe, Warmer, and Bast 2003). 22 2.1 Design Methodologies By identifying abstract design patterns for real-time systems, this work contributes to a future application of MDA to real-time systems. The terminology used conforms to the UML semantics, unless stated otherwise. We summarise some key terms from UML. See (OMG f) for elaborated definitions. • Action: Models a run-to-completion functional statement, it can be preempted by another action, but is always executed as a whole. For example, setting a parameter, calling a kinematics algorithm, storing data in a buffer, emitting an event,. . . • Activity: Models the execution of a combination of actions which may be terminated before it is wholy executed. For example, a periodical control loop, the execution of a state machine, the execution of a program. • Operation: Models a specification of an invocable behaviour. In this work, Operations are realised with Methods and Commands which belong to Tasks. Example operations a Task may have are start(), move(args) or getParameter(). • Deployment: Creation, connection and configuration of a Component in its environment. • Component: Models a modular, deployable, and replaceable part of a system that encapsulates implementation and exposes a set of interfaces. • Event: A detected change in a system which is broadcasted to subscribers. • Task : Models a Class or Component, which has the interface and behaviour as presented in this work. It is thus a large grain object which executes activities and implements a task-specific interface. It has a (persistent) state and clear lifetime semantics. For example, a Task may be a controller, a data logger or a stateful kinematics component. • Data Flow : The exchange of data between Actions, resulting from the dependency of Actions upon each other. For example, a PID control action requires sensor inputs and setpoints as data inputs, which are the results of the sensing Action and setpoint generation Action. In this work though, we use the term Data Flow more narrowly to denote the flow of data between tasks for control of the continuous domain. • Control Flow : The ordering of otherwise independent actions, placing them in loops, conditional statements etc. We will use the term “Execution Flow” as a synonym to avoid confusion with control theory semantics. 23 2 Situation and Related Work • Execution Engine: An Activity which executes a Control Flow with a given policy; that is, it invokes Actions if certain conditions are met. Furthermore, we use these artifacts which model the interaction and structure of software: • class diagram: Presents a view on a set of classes in the system with their operations, attributes and relations to other classes. It models associations such as aggregation, inheritance and composition. • sequence diagram: Presents a view on the functional interactions of a set of classes. • activity diagram: Presents a view on the execution flow of an activity, alternating actions with states. It can be executed by an Execution Engine. • state chart diagram: Presents a view on states and transitions within a software component. State charts thus model finite state machines. They are used to model the behaviour of software, which is discussed in Section 4.1. Understanding these terms and UML sequence, class, activity and state chart diagrams is required to fully capture the results and consequences of this work. 2.1.2 Real-Time Object Oriented Modelling Real-time Object Oriented Modelling (ROOM) is a methodology for designing and implementing distributed real-time software (Selic, Gullekson, McGee, and EngelBerg 1992). ROOM is discussed because although it shares some visions similar to this thesis, it is also very different in the realisation of the design. The authors claim that UML is too general and abstract to be of use in designing real-time systems since these systems are more ’difficult’ than other systems because of their concurrent and distributed nature. The ROOM methodology claims to be (real-time) “domain specific and intuitive” and to cover a “continuous” and “iterative” development process. This is realised by a “conceptual framework” which introduces three “modelling dimensions” and three “abstraction levels” which partition the analysis and design space. ROOM was proposed in the early nineties by Selic and it was commercially supported by ObjecTime until the company was bought by Rational Software in 2000 and the development tools were incorporated in Rational’s development tools. 24 2.1 Design Methodologies Modelling Dimensions ROOM identifies three modelling dimensions: “Structure” (realised by communication between components or classes), “Behaviour” (realised by using state machines within components) and “Inheritance”1 (realising reuse of software). It is claimed that these three dimensions occur at any abstraction level of the system and hence, during analysis and design, the system engineer should provide a system specification from these three views. Abstraction Levels A system is modelled on three levels of detail: “System”, “Concurrency” and “Detail”. The modelling dimensions above occur on these three levels. The system level is for composing distributed components, at the concurrency level, a component is composed of “actors” which have communication “ports” with an associated “message” based protocol. Compatible ports may be connected through “bindings” which are the sole means of sending messages between actors. At the detail level, the algorithms are implemented without concern for concurrency. Since all communication is mediated through ports, a Monitor concurrency software pattern can be applied to serialise all concurrent access. ROOMCharts and Events The behaviour of an actor is implemented by a “ROOMChart” a slight revised version of State charts which allows an easier implementation of the modelled state machine. An event is defined as the arrival of a message at a port. Events have a priority (assigned by the sender), a unique type (called “signal”) and carry data relevant to the message. When an event occurs, a specified function may be executed, just like an action in State charts. Messages may be sent synchronously, meaning the sender waits for a response message, and thus waits for the processing of the event, or asynchronously, where for no response is waited. Since each message is thus processed by the ROOMChart, the behaviour of an actor lies completely in the implementation of the ROOMChart and hence, can be visualised and modified easily in a development tool. Evaluation The Real-Time Object Oriented Methodology has contributed some valuable solutions for modelling complex behaviour, composing systems and reusing 1 “Ancestry” would have been a more appropriate term, since inheritance is the design primitive to realise ancestry. 25 2 Situation and Related Work components. The framework for this methodology is proprietary. This work however acknowledges that the following ROOM design principles make it a sound framework for distributed real-time control: • The port-message based approach is key to allow distribution of actors since all communication is message based, which is a necessary condition for distributing components. • Since events are locally generated upon message arrival, reaction to events can be real-time. • The actor’s behaviour is fully modelled using a ROOMChart, allowing UML-like design in graphical tools to be directly transformed into working implementations by use of code generation. • The assignment of priorities to messages enables (but does not guarantee) a quality of service property of each communication. • It provides a means to communicate synchronously or asynchronously between components. The disadvantages of ROOM are: • As long as it is a non-standardized dialect of UML, it will not profit from general modelling tools and solutions defined in the MDA framework. • It defines its own (hidden) middleware and will possibly not profit from standards in component based software design, hence limiting its interoperability with other tools and frameworks. • It does not allow run-time reconfiguration of ROOMCharts: they are hard-coded. • The ROOMCharts can only execute run-to-completion functions, thus do not execute activities. • The synchronous-asynchronous communication model is somewhat heavy since both sender and receiver need to implement a message specific protocol to support synchronous (“call”) communication, actually building it on top of asynchronous (“send”) communication. • It is not clear how sensitive the framework is to the effects of locking, such as deadlocks and priority inversions. The disadvantages of ROOM are mostly related to its closedness in the software modelling field. Its advantages are reused in this thesis, more specifically: 26 2.1 Design Methodologies • The use of ports as boundaries for distribution of components with a message based communication protocol. • Real-time event dispatching. • The use of State charts for modelling behaviour of components. • The priority of messages is equal to the priority of the sender in case of methods or the receiver in case of commands. • Synchronous and Asynchronous communication is realised with methods and commands respectively. While we provide these enhancements over ROOM: • Our synchronous-asynchronous communication model is founded on synchronous messaging, allowing more natural procedural use of messages using “send” and “call” messages. • State charts and activities are run-time (un-)loadable. • The framework has deliberately not implemented the middleware, since more than enough design and development activities are going on in that domain, e.g., Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA), Miro (Utz, Sablatnog, Enderle, and G 2002), Orca (Brooks, Kaupp, Makarenko, A., and Williams 2005),. . . Our framework can, in principle, use any of these middleware implementations, because they all implement the fundamental communication patterns. • It allows a higher degree of concurrency by using lock-free communication primitives. • It is far more modular due to its flat structure. 2.1.3 Evaluation The design of the control framework which this thesis presents is done in UML, although not all UML artifacts were used. The specification remains incomplete to a certain degree since the OCL is not used to specify all constraints and natural language is used instead. A real-time design methodology such as ROOM might offer some advantages: it presents in essence design patterns which can also be expressed using UML and OCL. 27 2 Situation and Related Work 2.2 Time Determinism This work proposes a software design for real-time control. In this section the requirements for real-time software are investigated and the requirements this work imposes on the operating system. This section also details how this work realises both local and distributed real-time communication. 2.2.1 Definition of Real-Time Real-time systems and applications set forth a contract which does not only contain logical constraints, but also time constraints. These constraints are no more complex than: A given activity must be able to react within a specified bounded time (range) to a given event. The event can be the expiration of time or any detectable change in the system. A hard real-time system is a system in which the failure of an activity to meet this deadline results in a system failure or catastrophe. In a soft real-time system a late reaction only leads to degraded performance. In fact, real-time is a continuous spectrum relating the desired reaction time to the costs involved by not meeting that reaction time. The reaction to an emergency stop of a machine, for example, has hard real-time constraints. A soft real-time activity is also often called an ‘on-line’ activity, for example refreshing the process parameters on a display. We use the term ‘real-time’ to denote hard real-time activities and the term ‘on-line’ for soft real-time activities. Although logical program verification has been around for several decades (for example, (Brookes, Hoare, and Roscoe 1984)), formally verifying that a system reacts timely to a given event has proven to be far more difficult. The reasons are that it is yet far too difficult to have exact models of the underlying hardware, operating system and its drivers. In the absence of methods to formally verify the real-time constraints of programs at compile time, methods have been developed to try to satisfy them at run time. A scheduler is an algorithm that tries to satisfy the (real-)time constraints of all activities in a running system. We will not repeat all scheduler related literature in this text; (Stallings 1998; Stevens 1992) are a good introduction to schedulers. The design and implementation of real-time scheduling algorithms has traditionally been done in real-time operating systems. Since our framework needs to execute activities within a specified bounded time when a given event occurs, it requires a real-time scheduler and thus a real-time operating system. Since activities need to share data or communicate data, this communication needs to be bounded in time as well. 28 2.2 Time Determinism 2.2.2 Real-Time Operating System Requirements This section pins down the requirements of this work on the real-time operating system. A Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) builds a thread (or process) abstraction layer on top of hardware interrupts by providing a priority based thread scheduler with real-time communication primitives which guarantee a limited worst case servicing time of threads. Our work merely relies on the presence of such an abstraction layer given that it provides the following primitives for the scheduling of non-distributed activities (see below for the motivation): 1. One of Rate Monotonic (RM), Deadline Monotonic (DM) or Earliest Deadline First (EDF) real-time scheduler for periodic and non periodic threads. 2. A signal and wait or wait conditionally primitive (semaphore). The first item expresses that the RTOS scheduler must at least be able to schedule the real-time threads using priority assignments proportional to the rate (i.e. execution frequency) of a periodic thread. This RM scheduler requires the processor load to decrease when the number of periodic threads increases but is very easy to implement, and, hence, it is present in any realtime operating system. The DM scheduler is a variant of the RM scheduler where a relative shorter deadline leads to a higher static priority. An EDF scheduler which schedules the thread with the earliest deadline can schedule much higher thread loads on a processor but is harder to implement because it adapts thread priorities continuously and requires an accurate estimate of each threads’s deadline. Either way, all three are suitable to schedule the threads in this framework. The semaphore is exclusively used to start and stop threads by command, and not as a side-effect. The latter happens in classical lock-based resource management schemes, where a thread stops when it enters a locked critical section until the lock is released. More specifically, to implement the control designs in this framework, the real-time operating system is not required to provide a Priority Inheritance Protocol (PIP) or Priority Ceiling Protocol (PCP), nor any mutual exclusion (mutex) primitive. This is to be interpreted as the requirements of the framework and not as the requirements of any arbitrary application. Certain application designs or device driver interactions will require more support of the operating system than the framework. Depending on the locality of communication between threads, an additional real-time operating system primitive is required to transfer or modify data among threads. This requirement is given in the next section. 29 2 Situation and Related Work Figure 2.2: Diagram showing distributed and local realt-time communication. The arrows indicate the flow of messages. 2.2.3 Real-Time Communication Requirements We distinguish between two forms of real-time communication: local and distributed , Figure 2.2. Imagine a control application with two threads of execution (activities). If both run on the same node and thus share memory, only a primitive which allows one activity to inform the other where the new or modified data is located is required. The implementation of this primitive needs only to rely on a set of processor instructions to modify local memory. When both activities are distributed on two nodes however, they can not share memory and hence a network communication protocol is required to transfer the data from one node to the other. This protocol needs to be implemented by the real-time operating system. Local Real-Time Communication The requirements for realising local real-time communication are given in this section. A localised real-time framework guarantees time determinism for the activities on a node. That is, ideally, a real-time activity is not hindered by communicating with not real-time activities and is not disturbed by the execution of these activities. A localised real-time framework thus allows on-line activities to interact with the real-time activities without side effects on time determinism of the real-time activities. This property is a necessary condition to allow (distributed ) on-line clients, such as humanmachine interfaces or data loggers, to communicate with the local real-time activities. 30 2.2 Time Determinism Although real-time operating systems provide primitives for communicating data between local threads, no such primitive is required by the framework. The implementation of all the communication primitives of the framework is done outside of the real-time operating system (thus without the knowledge of priorities, deadlines etc.), with the help of one specific processor instruction, which forms the requirement for local communication in the framework: • a universal lock-free single word exchange Compare And Swap (CAS) primitive. This requirement deserves an explanation. Lock-free shared objects are used for inter-process communication without the use of critical sections, thus without locks. This is done by writing the read-modify-write cycle with retry-loops: if another thread modified the data during a preemption, an interference occured and the modification is retried. This seems at first sight a source for starvation, as one thread is retrying over and over again, while other threads keep modifying the data. However, as will be shown below, this approach guarantees that the highest priority activity will have to spend the least amount of time retrying, which is the desired result of the primitive. Lock-free communication only guarantees system-wide progress thus that at least one thread leaves the loop successfully. A wait-free shared object guarantees a strong form of lock-freedom that precludes all waiting dependencies among threads, thus that every thread makes progress. This is commonly done by setting up a helper scheme, where the preempting thread helps all other threads to modify the data. Herlihy introduced (Herlihy 1991) a formalism which classifies how well a given processor instruction is suitable to implement such shared objects. Compare and Swap (CAS), an instruction which compares the content of memory with an expected value and if it matches replaces it with a new value in one atomic instruction, was proven to be universal, meaning that it could solve concurrent communication with any number of threads on any number of processors in a node. It is used to track pointers to objects, and, if an object is changed, the pointer is changed to a new object containing the change, and the old object is discarded. The semantics of the CAS algorithm are shown in Listing 2.1. One can read the algorithm as: if addr contains a pointer to an object which is equal to old val, the object did not change and the pointer can safely be set to the object at new val. Otherwise do not update the pointer at addr. Observing this algorithm, it can be concluded that it can not detect if the value at addr changed intermediately from old val to another value and then back to old val, thus allowing the switch, although the memory location has been changed. This is well known as the ABA problem (Prakash, Lee, and Johnson 1994), the value on the address changed from A to B back to A. garbage 31 2 Situation and Related Work Listing 2.1: Semantics of single word Compare-and-Swap b o o l e a n CAS( v a l u e ∗ addr , v a l u e o l d v a l , v a l n e w v a l ) { atomically { i f ( ∗ addr == o l d v a l ) { ∗ addr = n e w v a l ; return true ; } e l s e return f a l s e ; } } collectionGarbage collection is a means to cope with this problem2 , since it does not release an object for reuse until all references to it are released. However, the ABA problem is an inherent property of CAS, since CAS is used semantically for more than it can provide. The findings of Herlihy were not sufficient to make them, and thus CAS, applicable to real-time systems. The biggest disadvantage was that waitfree algorithms induced a problem similar to priority inversions in lock based algorithms. Because a preempting thread needs to help other threads to progress out of the retry loop, they are executing the operations of lower priority threads. This can lead to the situation where a medium priority thread needs to wait because a high priority thread is helping a lower priority thread. Fortunately, it was proven (Anderson, Ramamurthy, and Jeffay 1995) later on that lock-free algorithms can be used to implement bounded time multi-threaded data access, given a Rate Monotonic Scheduler (RMS) , Deadline Monotonic Scheduler (DMS) or Earliest Deadline First (EDF) scheduler on uni-processor systems. The theorems of the above citation are particularily interesting because they do not require the knowledge of which threads share which objects. Even more, it was validated that both average and worst case servicing time was significantly better with the lockfree approach than the lock-based case. Since most processors3 designed for real-time systems provide instructions which can be used to construct a CAS primitive, the findings of their work could be implemented immediately in existing systems. Although the lock-free communication methodology has been around for a while, new operating systems (for example (Bollella, Brogsol, Dibble, Furr, Gosling, Hardin, and Turnbull 2000) and Linux) are far too often still designed around mutual exclusion primitives. Lock based operating systems are improved or replaced with a lock-free kernel architecture, with 2 3 32 For a discussion, see Subsection 4.2.1. For example, the Motorolla 68000, the Intel Pentium and the IBM PowerPC. 2.2 Time Determinism Listing 2.2: Semantics of double word Compare-and-Swap b o o l e a n DCAS( v a l ∗ addr1 , v a l ∗ addr2 , val old val1 , val old val2 , v a l new val1 , v a l n e w v a l 2 ) { atomically { i f ( ( ∗ addr1 == o l d v a l 1 ) && ( ∗ addr2 == o l d v a l 2 ) ) { ∗ addr1 = n e w v a l 1 ; ∗ addr2 = n e w v a l 2 ; return true ; } e l s e return f a l s e ; } } the purpose to improve determinism within the OS kernel. For example, Synthesis V.1 (Massalin and Pu 1992) presents a lock-free kernel with a lockbased application programming interface, ironically moving the disadvantages of locking into the hands of its users. On the other hand, the Cache Kernel (Greenwald and Cheriton 1996) provides complex lock-free shared objects for application code as well. The disadvantage of these two systems is however that they are not portable to common architectures and use Motorola 68K specific instructions to perform a double word compare-andswap (DCAS), Listing 2.2. Although DCAS allows more efficient and simple lock-free algorithms, it is still considered not powerful enough (‘no silver bullet’) to provide simple and correct algorithms (Doherty, Detlefs, Grove, Flood, Luchangco, Martin, Moir, Shavit, and Steele 2004). The authors propose that some algorithms require a three word CAS solution and indicate that even ultimately an NCAS may be required for even more complex algorithms. The paper ends with the afterthought that ultimately, transactional memory (Herlihy and Moss 1993; Rajwar and Goodman 2002)4 seems the only long term candidate as instrument to realise lock-free algorithms. However, transactional memory does not exist yet in current hardware. Another CAS based operating system is the Fiasco micro kernel (Hohmuth and Härtig 2001). It can run on single word CAS architectures (although disables interrupts to simulate DCAS) such as the Intel x86 architecture. Despite the rising of lock-free operating systems, lock based data protection is still common practice and is a dangerous tool in the hands of the unexperienced. Deadlocks, priority inversions, data corruption and race 4 Which allows a write only to succeed if the memory did not change since it was read by the same thread. 33 2 Situation and Related Work conditions are common communication failures which may occur in real-time control applications crafted at this level. It should be clear now that the framework will only rely on lock-free communication for all inter-thread data exchange and relies on previous work (Huang, Pillai, and Shin 2002; Michael and Scott 1996) for implementing lists (Harris 2001), single ended queues (Michael and Scott 1996; Sundell and Tsigas 2004) and shared objects where CAS is provided or simulated. Not all approaches are efficient (such as (Valois 1995)) or usable in realtime systems. In cases where critical sections can not be avoided with lockfree shared objects, for example when multiple objects need to be adapted ‘atomically’, a more involved solution is required. Chapter 4 is dedicated to solving that problem without reverting to lock-based solutions. The dust on lock-free algorithms has far from settled. It is argued by (Herlihy, Luchangco, and Moir 2003) that most lock-free algorithms (such as (Michael 2004)) suffer from too much complexity and interference because of the lock-free thread progress requirement. For example, garbage collection schemes to access a lock-free shared object cause interference (even if another part of the shared object is accessed) and, hence, cripples non-interfering parallel operations. For example, in a lock-free double ended queue, an operation at one end of the queue invalidates any operation at the other end of the queue. Therefore, a new criterion, obstruction-free is defined: it is less strong than wait-free and lock-free but promises sufficiently simple and practical algorithms, such that better performance can be achieved. It is less strong because it does not require any progress of any thread in case of interference. That is, if any interference is detected, all threads retry the operation. The suitability of obstruction-free algorithms for real-time systems has not been investigated yet. We may conclude that a lock-free aproach for local data exchange will be taken in this work. The dependency is mainly on the processor architecture, since lock-free shared objects can be implemented without interference of the real-time scheduler. This is an important property of lock-free shared objects since this reduces the complexity of the scheduler and avoid ‘up-calls’ to the real-time operating system’s kernel. None of the control architectures we will discuss in the next section has mentioned the use or importance of these primitives thus we may conclude that to our knowledge no other machine control architectures have used lock-free shared objects to its advantage. Distributed Real-Time Communication Applications which require a quality of service for communication between distributed components add the following requirement to the real-time operating system: 34 2.3 Robot and Machine Control • a real-time communication protocol stack. More specifically, it must be possible to specify maximum latencies and minimum throughput of inter-component messages. This work does not try to solve the design and specification of such protocols. Fortunately, Schmidt et al. (Schmidt, Stal, Rohnert, and Buschmann 2001) have proposed many designs for distributed real-time communication. These solutions are complementary to the solutions of this work and can be used for distributing the application’s components, while the local communication in a node is done using lock-free shared objects. Section 2.4 sheds some light on the ways in which the components which use this framework can be distributed. 2.2.4 Evaluation To summarize, this work has the following requirements for realising real-time activities and communication: 1. One of Rate Monotonic (RM), Deadline Monotonic (DM) or Earliest Deadline First (EDF) real-time scheduler for periodic and non periodic threads. 2. A signal and wait or wait conditionally primitive (semaphore). 3. A universal lock-free single word exchange Compare And Swap (CAS) primitive for local data exchange. 4. A real-time communication protocol stack for distributed data exchange. The use of lock-free primitives is complementary to distributed communication and even more, encourages distribution since incoming messages will only disturb the local real-time properties according to their quality of service. In practice this means that a lock-free control framework may be accessed by any activity, including messages from remote clients. 2.3 Robot and Machine Control This section explores how robot and machine control are solved by state of the art control frameworks. Robot and/or Machine Control software frameworks (Fayad and Schmidt 1997; Stewart, Volpe, and Khosla 1997; Borrelly, Coste-Manière, Espiau, Kapellos, Pissard-Gibollet, and adn N. Turro 1998; Becker and Pereira 2002) and real-time software patterns (Selic 1996; Douglass 2002; McKegney 2000) have been proposed to provide the system architect with a more robust tool for creating (real-time) control applications. These frameworks have in common that they allow the user to define an active 35 2 Situation and Related Work task object (also called component, active object, module, . . . ), which can define an interface and communicate with other (distributed) tasks, or react to events in the system. The framework we present is comparable to these frameworks, hence some are evaluated in this section. Some frameworks favour continuous control, others are more appropriate for discrete control. Since most machines require hybrid controllers (i.e., containing both continuous and discrete parts), we evaluate the frameworks in their ability to control hybrid setups. Not all frameworks in this category do provide a quality of service when the tasks are distributed over a network. Therefore, they offer a localised real-time control infrastructure. In addition, they must provide a means to communicate with not real-time tasks (such as the network protocol stack) without violating the real-time constraints of the system. In practice this means that it must provide a communication mechanism which is not subject to priority inversions or deadlocks. Software frameworks (such as) for machine tools and especially for Computer Numerical Control (CNC) applications are often strictly hierarchical and limited to simple axis-centric motion control. As the first Chapter stated, such architectures are not the (sole) target of this thesis, which wants to serve even the most complex, multi-sensor, hybrid control applications. Below, only frameworks closely related to this work are presented. 2.3.1 Block Diagram Editors The most natural tool to control engineers are functional block diagram editors and code generators. For example SystemBuild by National Instruments Inc., and SIMULINK (a.k.a. the Real-Time Workshop) by The MathWorks, Inc. (NationalInstruments ; MathWorks ). These tools are heavily biased toward the low-end controls market. As such, they have interfaces to control design tools, and are powerful for choosing gains, designing controllers, etc. However, while they do have some facility for custom blocks, they are not designed as whole machine controllers. Furthermore, code generated from the block diagram combines both data objects and functional blocks into monolithic structures at run time. As a result, the generated code is not distributable, not open and has very limited ability to develop a hybrid machine controller. 2.3.2 Chimera The Chimera methodology was invented by Stewart et al. (Stewart, Volpe, and Khosla 1997; Stewart, Schmitz, and Khosla 1997) and presents a Port Based Object (PBO) for modular, dynamically reconfigurable real-time software. It 36 2.3 Robot and Machine Control combines the port-automaton algebraic model of concurrent processes with the software abstraction of an object. The (high level) aims of Chimera resemble very closely the aims our work tries to accomplish. However, the approach is completely different. The framework requires the Component Builder to fill in PBO’s which may only communicate using shared variables, using “coloured” ports. However, type checking is not present, since all data is moved around by memory block copies, so the colouring is done by using names. The framework guarantees that a variable is written by only one PBO though. A message based protocol is explicitly not used. Hence, no support for events, commands, state machines, and similar facilities exist in this framework, and only basic control loops can be constructed. It is thus an enhanced block diagram editor, with the features described in the previous section. Attempting to implement more complex systems will lead to “programming by side effects”, e.g. setting a shared variable with the intent to cause a state change in another object. Chimera does not tackle the distribution problem, except over a multi-processor setup with a shared memory bus (the VERSAmodule Eurocard bus (VMEbus)). 2.3.3 ControlShell Schneider et al. present in (Schneider, Chen, and Pardo-Castellote 1995; Schneider, Chen, Pardo-Castellote, and Wang 1998) the ControlShell. The commercial entity behind ControlShell, Real-Time Innovations Inc. is the driving force behind the whole framework. It is a software framework for feedback control which addresses the “programming by side effects” issues of Chimera, by adding an event formalism with state machines and defining finer grained functional units. Moreover, ControlShell contains a middleware, the Network Data Distribution Service (NDDS) (Pardo-Castellote and Schneider 1994), for distributing the data flow of its functional units. Recently, the OMG DDS standard (OMG d) was specified to adopt this network protocol. All objects in the ControlShell are name served which allows runtime look-up and interconnection. It intentionally does not address designtime verification of real-time deadline constraints, nor guarantee that state machines will not deadlock. This has the advantage that the component builder is not constrained, at the expense of requiring more tests before using it in production. A powerful feature of ControlShell is that it allows a graphical composition of both data flow and execution flow in a separate view. When the system is constructed, the execution engine orders tasks and sequences them in a single thread if they have the same periodic frequency. ControlShell implements many features that are targets for this thesis also and confirms the validity of some software patterns discussed in this dissertation. 37 2 Situation and Related Work 2.3.4 Genom The Generator Of Modules (Genom) framework (Fleury, Herrb, and Chatila 1997; Mallet, Fleury, and Bruyninckx 2002) was designed for mobile and autonomous robots. It enables the Application builder to compose distributed modules communicating over a network or shared memory protocol. The Component Builder fills in “Codels” (Code Elements) which are executed by the framework at appropriate times. Very similar to the Chimera methodology, all communication is done through shared variables and thus suffers from the same deficits as the Chimera methodology above. Since the distributed communication is non real-time, but the Codels may be executed by a real-time scheduler, Genom does not provide means for Real-Time Communication. 2.3.5 Orccad Simon et al. have designed Orccad (Simon, Espiau, Kapellos, and PissardGibollet 1998; Simon, Pissard-Gibollet, Kapellos, and Espiau 1999). The framework provides a Graphical User Interface to build and connect modules statically, and to formally verify logical correctness. Procedures can be written in a script language allowing parallelism, wait conditions and event interaction. Statically constructed state machines allow to switch tasks in or out the running system. Although initially targeted to robotics applications, it is usable for general machine tool setups. Distribution of components is not addressed in Orccad. Also, Orccad defines a strict hierarchy of “low-level” tasks and “high-level” procedures, the work presented in this dissertation does not impose such hierarchies and procedures are themselves tasks again. In contrast to this work, the scripts only setup state machine interactions, but can do no calculations or define any activity. Hence the usefulness of the scripts is reduced to “glueing” of existing tasks. 2.3.6 Evaluation The common denominator for real-time control frameworks is that most publications do not mention their sensitivity to deadlocks or priority inversions and how they can be avoided. One can only assume that by constraining the use of the framework, the common user is shielded from these issues in practice. The graphical user interfaces for real-time software development are actually tools to constrain its user in implementing the most natural design or prevent sub millisecond real-time reaction times. The framework we present relies on proven real-time communication primitives of Section 2.2, such that if the application builder chooses to use the primitives provided by the framework, hard real-time constraints will 38 2.4 Component Distribution not be violated by the framework itself. The openness of the framework allows application builders to insert code which may violate real-time bounds. However, these violations will only occur because of local errors since any communication is done by the framework itself. Furthermore, the user’s application is allowed to inter-operate freely with custom software like device drivers or utility libraries. 2.4 Component Distribution The introductory example of the modular wood working machine was a clear example of why controller components need to be physically distributable in a plant. The synchronisation of both continuous control and discrete events in a distributed setup requires a real-time networking layer. The term quality of service is used in distributed computing to describe the real-time properties of an activity or connection. Due to the research in distributed object computing, large frameworks have been developed to transparently distribute software components over a network. Transparently means that one component can not tell (or, does not need to know) if another component with which it communicates is local or remote. Tele-robotics (Botazzi, Caselli, Reggiani, and Amoretti 2002) and distributed control (Brugali and Fayad 2002; Burchard and Feddema 1996; Koninckx 2003) require real-time connections between real-time systems. These control applications thus require a framework for distributing real-time objects , commonly refered to as “middleware”, and a framework for localised real-time control to execute the local periodical control actions. This section will discuss such frameworks for general real-time applications and for machine control. 2.4.1 Communication Frameworks for Distribution This thesis does not define or extend a middleware framework, but relies on the existence of sufficiently advanced middleware for addressing its distribution needs. We only discuss one framework for distribution, (Real-Time-)CORBA, which specifies the middleware of our framework. This section situates the usage and motivates the importance of RT-CORBA in this thesis. Other frameworks, such as Sun JavaSoft’s Jini, Java RMI, Enterprise Java Beans or Microsoft’s DCOM and .NET are not (yet) suitable at all for real-time systems and are not discussed. The Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) The Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) is one of many specifications of the Object Management Group (OMG). It allows to define 39 2 Situation and Related Work object and component interfaces to be defined in the (Component) Interface Description Language ((C)IDL). One only needs this interface description, and a CORBA library, to be able to communicate with a remote object providing the services described in the interface. CORBA was first designed without real-time applications in mind. Fortunately, the Distributed Object Computing (DOC) Group for Distributed Real-time and Embedded (DRE) Systems at the Washington University, St.Louis, Missouri, the Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee and the University of California, Irvine, California extended the existing CORBA standard with a specification for Real-Time CORBA (RT-CORBA). It allows to specify quality of service properties of distributed communication, for example, the priority at which a certain (group of) requests is handled and the propagation of priorities from client to server. It also allows early resource acquisition, such that all resources are acquired before the application starts communicating. The collocation optimisations are a major extension to the standard which allow objects running in the same process or host to use more efficient (real-time) communication channels. RT-CORBA only knows one implementation in The Ace Orb (TAO), which is an Open Source project founded by Schmidt et al. (Schmidt and Kuhns 2000; Gokhale, Natarajan, Schmidt, and Cross 2004) at the Washington University, St.Louis, Missouri and now continued at the Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee. Although TAO runs on real-time operating systems such as VxWorks and QNX, the execution of collocated objects on a Free Software, hard real-time operating system (Real-Time Application Interface (RTAI) ) was pioneered during this thesis. The results were used to distribute an embedded real-time controller from the humanmachine interface5 . A firm real-time operating system Kansas University Real-Time (KURT) Linux was pioneered earlier in 1998 to execute CORBA applications (Bryan, DiPippo, Fay-Wolfe, Murphy, Zhang, Niehaus, Fleeman, Juedes, Liu, Welch, and Gill 2005). The major technical hurdle for distributed real-time communication was that the only standardised CORBA protocol was based on the TCP/IP protocol stack, which, first of all, is not a real-time protocol, and secondly, the stack is implemented in such a way that, if the TCP/IP protocol could be made reliable (on a dedicated network), the packet traversal in the stack itself is not bounded in time. The RT-Net (Kiszka, Wagner, Zhang, and J. 2005) protocol stack tries to address the latter for Linux, however, integrating it into CORBA is subject for future research. 5 40 A Graphical User Interface, GUI. 2.4 Component Distribution 2.4.2 Control Frameworks for Distribution Middleware alone is not enough to provide a portable, modular framework for Control. One needs to define the interfaces or “contracts” which partition the application in exchangable modules. In other words, the modules only know each other by their interface. Some noteworthy frameworks are: Osaca The Open System Architecture within Control Applications (Dokter 1998; Koren 1998) was the result of the European OSACA-I and -II projects running from 1992 to 1996. A consortium of machine tool builders, control vendors and research institutions tried to define an uniform, vendor neutral infrastructure for numerical controllers, programmable logic controllers and manufacturing cell controllers. The emphasis was however on the definition and implementation of real-time middleware for connecting these components. The proposed architecture only defined coarse grained interfaces between modules allowing most existing systems to be ported to the architecture on one side, but lacking to much details to guarantee interoperability. The project thus not only suffered from under-specification, it also lost a lot of effort in the implementation of the real-time middleware. Only in 1999, the RT-CORBA specification was available, so this project had no other options. The Ocean project below is a more fine grained rework of the Osaca project, using RTCORBA. Ocean The Open Controller Enabled by an Advanced Real-Time Network (Meo 2004; Ocean ) (Ocean) project was very similar to the Osaca project both in objectives and partners. It was a part of the Sixth Framework of the European Information Society Technology (IST) programme an ran from 2002 till 2005. It delivered a Distributed Component Reference Framework (DCRF) which used RT-CORBA to define the interfaces of components for control of machine tools. Among others, it defined Kinematics, Controller, Human-Machine-Interface and Programmable Logic Controller components as distributable and interchangable parts of a modern networked machine controller. All communication between components is method based, meaning that a component pulls in the information it needs from other components when it sees fit. No intermediate data storage (such as a “public blackboard” or “data object” ) exists in the Ocean communication model. Both inspired by Osaca and relieved of building and maintaining a middleware implementation, Ocean could stand on the frontiers of state of the art technology. The project embraced Open Source software and ideas completely, re-using what was available and building a reference architecture as a Lesser General Public License (LGPL) library running on the GNU/Linux operating system. 41 2 Situation and Related Work This thesis was partially funded by the Ocean Project and contributed an initial port of TAO to the RTAI/Linux platform, allowing collocated objects to communicate in a real-time process. Omac — EMC — TEAM In 1994, the Open Modular Architecture for Controls (National Institute of Standards and Technology ) specification was first published by a group of American automotive manufacturers. The document provided guidelines for a common set of API’s for U.S. Industry controllers to better address manufacturing needs for the automotive industry. Omac has formed a user group and formed working groups around packaging, machine tools and others, applying the architecture to a specific application domain. The OMAC API working group develops a specification that defines an intelligent closed loop controller environment. The API is written in Microsoft IDL and is hence largely (completely) platform dependent. It originated from the Technologies Enabling Agile Manufacturing (TEAM) specifications for Intelligent Closed Loop Processing (ICLP) which defined its interfaces earlier in portable IDL. The Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC) platform serves as a validation platform for the OMAC-API. MMS, Osaca and CORBA Boissier, Soudan, Laurent and Seinturier have published earlier (Boissier, Gressier-Soudan, Laurent, and Seinturier 2001) about an object oriented real-time communication framework for numerical controllers. It implemented parts of the ISO/OSI Manufacturing Message Specification (MMS) in a CORBA IDL specification, using the realtime communication layer. The design was inspired by the object based architecture. However, MMS’s main focus is remote supervision and the numerical controller was a monolithic block which presented an MMS interface over CORBA. Their work concluded with experiments that demonstrated an client-server setup where the client is a CORBA based Human Machine Interface (HMI) and the server a CORBA based Java wrapper around the numerical controller, which in turn was written in C. Smartsoft Smartsoft of Schlegel et al. (Schlegel and Wörz 1999) is a Free Software framework using CORBA for implementing design patterns for distributed communication. The key idea is that for data transfer, four communication protocols can be identified which encompass all communication needs. They are ‘Command’ (to send data synchronously), ‘Query’ (to get data asynchronously), ‘Auto Update Timed’ (to get data periodically) and ‘Auto Update Newest’ (to get data when it changes). Furthermore, for event propagation and state machine design, ‘Event’ and ‘Configuration’ patterns are proposed, although both are not integrated with each other. The identification of the required patterns is closely related to the 42 2.4 Component Distribution analysis made in this work, although the semantics differ. What smartsoft calls ‘Command’ is in this work named as ‘Method’ and what it calls ‘Query’ is named in this work ‘Command’. The motivation for these names is given in Section 3.3 and Section 4.5. The auto update patterns of smartsoft are designed as events in Section 4.6 while an integrated (event) state machine design, as opposed to the ‘Configuration’ pattern, is presented in Chapter 5. Although both smartsoft and this work identified the same basic communication patterns, the semantics, motivation and integration of the resulting patterns is significantly different. Smartsoft uses a RT-CORBA implementation, but is, in contrast with this work, unsuitable for hard realtime and highly concurrent applications. Also, this work goes further with integrating the patterns in a generic task interface, which forms the boundary for distributing application components, and allows transparently concurrent interaction between real-time and not real-time components. 2.4.3 Component Models This work defines a component model for control applications. A component model is a (large) set of interfaces which defines how software components can be created, deployed and executed in a distributed environment. Deployment of distributed objects is a research field in its own and provides infrastructure for (automated) packaging and distribution of software components, which encapsulate a “business” or “service”. Research is in progress which tries to find ways to fit high-performance and real-time applications in such a component model. The CORBA Component Model (CCM) for example, is being extended to that aim (Wang, Schmidt, and Levine 2000). Connection of a component to common services and other components is managed by a component container. It is not the intention of this work to mimic or reinvent the functionality of these frameworks, but to define the container and components for control applications in Chapter 3. 2.4.4 Evaluation This section discussed one general framework for distributing components and several frameworks for distributing components for control applications. Real-Time CORBA is choosen in this work to mediate the distribution of components. This choice is motivated by: a. it allows to specify and propagate a quality of service for communications and b. it can distribute any component if the interface is expressable in IDL. This matches the requirements from the introduction. If the component design in this work is expressable in IDL interfaces, it can be distributed over a network. 43 2 Situation and Related Work 2.5 Formal Verification Formal verification has not been a prime objective of this thesis. The only requirement was that the solution should be sufficiently structured to not constrain formal verification methods. Formal verification is a necessary tool for control systems. As a bridge builder can guarantee that a bridge will not collapse under the daily load of traffic for decades, ultimately, software designers must be able to guarantee safety and stability of a software application. Using tools and languages which have been verified in their own right is necessary to accomplish that goal. The ultimate goal of verification is that it should be sufficient to specify a contract, a behaviour, a business model in an unambiguous language and that from this language, a working program is generated or compiled. A contract is declarative and fortunately declarative programming languages are very suitable for formal verification. On the other hand, procedural languages (like Pascal or C) are not suitable to specify contracts but are very suitable to execute them. If the contracts can be verified first and then used to automatically generate procedural code, then the resulting application will be formally correct. This procedure requires a vast amount of research to formally verify all tools and artifacts used in the process. Our overview of formal verifiable languages contains only one language which inspired our methodology for inter-task communication. 2.5.1 Communicating Sequential Processes One of the most renown (and older) formal verification methodologies are the Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP) (Brookes, Hoare, and Roscoe 1984), which allow a program to be logically verified. Each task is modelled as an independent process which communicates through event channels. All event channels connect exactly two processes, a producer and a consumer. When the producer raises an event, it blocks (waits) until the consumer catches the event, and thus consumes the data associated with the event. This form of communication allowed to setup a mathematical framework for formally validating the logical correctness. The validation can detect events which are never consumed or never produced in a given state, causing a Process to “freeze”. It could not predict timeliness, thus the time a synchronisation would take. The user was thus forced into a priority based approach where concurrent Processes were executed according to their position in a priority queue. As time determinism is a fundamental property of real-time systems, CSP could not assist in solving that issue and even left the user to “trial-and-error” tweaking of priorities to get response time right. Starvation of Processes was one of the most common failures in complex CSP programs. The hardware on which CSP programs run is no longer common and 44 2.6 Summary efforts in Twente (G.H., Bakkers, and Broenink 2000; Orlic and Broenink 2004) and Kent (Brown and Welch 2003) are underway to map CSP design methodologies to functional languages such as C, C++ and Java running on general purpose processors and operating systems. Occam was the first programming language for CSP programming. It is an imperative procedural language (thus like C or Pascal) which allows to specify parallel processes executing sequential statements. The specification of the Processes in Occam is now being considered as cumbersome. CSP does not offer an object oriented approach and hence does not allow abstractions such as inheritance, polymorphism and composition. This limits its usefulness for large scale designs and largely interconnected systems are hard to specify and maintain. 2.5.2 Evaluation CSP offers an important lesson to learn: if all communication is routed through event channels and the programming language is suitable (restrictive), logical verification is possible. As was recognised in the CSP field (G.H., Bakkers, and Broenink 2000), the event channels offer also the ideal boundaries for distribution of processes. This work applies the same principle: all communication is done through dedicated objects (although not all event channels), localising data exchange and thus providing distribution boundaries and fulfilling a prerequisite for formal verification. Section 4.4 explains how the Object-Port-Connector pattern, which models the CSP event channel more generically, is applied in this work and hence leaves a door open to formal verification. 2.6 Summary This work uses UML because it provides a standardised framework for expressing its designs and mechanisms. To obtain a high degree of time determinism during communication, local activities on a node exchange data using lock-free algorithms. This work will validate these algorithms experimentally. The framework relies on the presence of a real-time network transport for distributed communication. The communication primitives are inspired by good practices from other control frameworks: separating data flow from execution flow, using ports and connectors for the former and operations and events for the latter. The software components are defined such that they are distributable by using a middleware framework and the practices of state of the art component deployment are applied. Finally, the result is not formally verified, mainly because such tools are not available or too restrictive in the software complexity they can handle. 45 46 Chapter 3 The Feedback Control Kernel Feedback control is just one application in machine and robot control. When controlling a classical multi-axis machine or a camera-assisted robot, the same pattern can be found in the application software structure. The aim of this work was identifying and extending this structure in such a way that intelligent control (e.g., model-based on-line estimation) and process (or experiment) surveillance and monitoring fitted naturally in the resulting application. As the previous Chapter showed, many solutions have been presented in the last decades, optimising for one facet of the control problem or another. This Chapter will present our design as the “design pattern for feedback control” which structures feedback control applications in components for sensing (and estimating), planning, process control and regulation, which are common activities in any feedback controller. It serves as an application template towards feedback control applications and not to any other machine control application. The pattern supports “programming in the large”, i.e. connecting business components into a functioning system. However, to implement advanced hybrid control applications where reconfiguration, real-time state changes, distribution and on-line (user) inspection and interaction are “standard” features, a supporting infrastructure is required to provide these services to the components. Both the design pattern and the infrastructure form the “Feedback Control Kernel” (or Kernel in short). Since this design pattern only identifies structure and infrastructure, it does not need to enforce a particular implementation. However, in realtime applications, no part of a specification should be left blank as an implementation detail, hence, all following Chapters have the sole purpose 47 3 The Feedback Control Kernel of detailing the infrastructure for this design pattern. This Chapter sets the stage for the rest of this dissertation: It motivates the required infrastructure and defines a granularity of component activities and interfaces. Solutions for the design of the infrastructure and the execution of the component activities are presented in the following Chapters. This Chapter is structured as follows. First, the design pattern for feedback control is specified for structuring feedback control applications. The advantages of the pattern are motivated in Section 3.2. Section 3.3 describes the infrastructure which is required by a sound implementation of the design pattern. The Chapter is concluded by an application example of two robots emulating a surgical procedure. 3.1 The Design Pattern for Feedback Control This design pattern specifies a common structure for building control applications of reusable components. The design pins down (restricts) the responsibility (or “role”) of each component for the sake of reusability and readability by control engineers. It attaches a semantic meaning derived from the feedback control domain to each component in the pattern. The semantics and structure are shared between different implementations, which is important for the “programming in the large” context of this thesis. This section is structured into paragraphs commonly used in the design pattern literature. 3.1.1 Introduction Name and Classification The Feedback Control design pattern is a structural design pattern, it structures how feedback control applications can be built. Motivation This design pattern captures the application-independent structure that recurs (often implicitly) in all feedback control systems. Making this structure explicit facilitates more efficient and deterministic designs (with an interface familiar to control engineers), compared to starting from scratch with an application-dependent design that is implemented on top of the bare operating system primitives. Intent The pattern intents to solve the design of controllers on real (as opposed to simulated) machines. This means that the controller, of which the control algorithm is often created by a tool designed for control engineers, must react to the signals it receives from the machine and allow run-time diagnostics or share control with other participants. It is the intent to embed 48 3.1 The Design Pattern for Feedback Control or decompose existing control algorithms into an open infrastructure which allows inter-operation with other parts of the application. Applicability The pattern can be used to design both distributed and local feedback control for continuous, discrete or hybrid control. To be applicable to a control problem, the solution must be decomposable in a structure with the roles of the participants below. It is mainly applicable (optimised) to systems with high refresh rates, low data rates and high concurrency. 3.1.2 Participants We can identify three principal participants in our design pattern: “Data Flow Components”, “Process Components” and the “Control Kernel Infrastructure”. The responsibilities and roles of each participant is described in this section. Data Flow Components The core functionality of a digital feedback control system is to execute a given set of actions once per sampling interval. The data flow components have the responsibility to create and manipulate a flow of data forming a feedback control loop. They form the implementation of continuous state space controllers, PID controllers etc.Figure 3.1 pictures two common data flow component networks. The components classified with five Stereotypes, i.e. the Generator, Controller, Sensor, Estimator and Effector : Sensor. A component which reads in values from the hardware (pulses, currents, voltages, etc.) and translates them into input data which have a physical meaning in the control application (positions, distances, forces, etc.). One or more Sensor components are always present in feedback control applications. Estimator. In general, not all data that are needed can be measured directly. The Estimator contains the algorithms that transform the sensor values into “filtered” data, that feed the models. It is also the only component which has access to the control action (outputs) of the previous control step (arrow indicated with T (k − 1)). Common activities performed in the estimator are Kalman filtering (Lefebvre 2003), particle filtering (Gadeyne 2005) and model building for intelligent controllers (De Schutter, Rutgeerts, Aertbelien, De Groote, De Laet, Lefebvre, Verdonck, and Bruyninckx 2005). This component is less common in state of the art control applications, but indispensable in the context of “intelligent robotics”, which is a major target application domain of this thesis. In fact, the lack of this component was the major reason to start the research on a more advanced control infrastructure. 49 3 The Feedback Control Kernel (a) Input Oriented (b) Model Oriented Figure 3.1: Two possible data flow networks for the Design Pattern for Control. The rectangular Component Stereotypes contain activities, the oval Connectors contain data and structure the data flow. The arrows indicate ‘writes’ and ‘reads’. The dashed-line Command Connector is only present in cascaded architectures. (a) pictures basic feedback control with only four components, (b) adds an Estimator which calculates a central model. 50 3.1 The Design Pattern for Feedback Control Generator. A component which calculates the setpoints, i.e. the data that contain the next desired values for the system. The command Connector is only present in a cascaded architecture, where the data flow commands are generated by a higher level Controller component. In absence of this connection, the Generator receives commands through its execution flow interface (detailed below). The setpoints may be calculated from the model, the command and the inputs from the Sensor. Controller. A component which uses all above-mentioned data to calculate the next outputs to be sent to the hardware that drives the system. A typical algorithm performed in the Controller component is a PID filter or a state space control algorithm. Effector. A component which transforms the outputs of the Controller into hardware signals, such as voltages and pulses. The above-mentioned periodic data flow activity of the participants is typically a synchronous activity: the sequence of actions to execute is deterministic, and can, in a non-distributed application, be run in one single thread of the operating system. The simplest control applications don’t need the functionalities of all the above-mentioned core components, e.g., the Estimator is often not needed or integrated in the Sensor component. In that case, these “superfluous” components and any unneeded connector can just be omitted. The application may choose to integrate two or more components into a single implementation. For example, if the Sensor and Effector are implemented by a single component, this component reads outputs and writes inputs and offers two ‘faces’ to the other components. Process Components Besides controlling system variables (such as velocity or force) in the data flow, a (modern) controller controls a process. For example, not only the applied force of a surgical robot tool is controlled, but the control parameters or algorithms themselves are frequently adapted as well. A machine tool for automatic deburring must evaluate the quality of the edges and decide if another pass is needed and with which feed, force etc. The term “execution flow” is used to denote the continuous evaluation and execution of these process decisions based on the contents of the data flow. The execution flow is realised by process components, Figure 3.2, which have read access to the whole data flow and which adapt the data flow components in turn. They introduce coupling (i.e. they know of the presence and interface of a specific type of data flow component) in order to achieve a higher order of intelligent control. This single point of coupling allows more decoupled data flow components, but also offers a single point of serialisation, debugging and verification. 51 3 The Feedback Control Kernel Figure 3.2: A process component can read all the data flows, in order to be able to make appropriate decisions on the execution flow level. Multiple process components can be present in the controller and their role can be active (controlling) or passive (serving) as seen in Figure 3.2. For example, a process component which contains the kinematic and dynamic state information (of the process) can be used by generator, sensor or effector to perform forward or inverse (stateful) kinematics. This is a passive role, as it waits for transformation requests. On the other hand, a process component which keeps track of the measured tool-tip temperature (or estimated tooltip wearing) of a cutting tool will inform the generator of updated tool dimensions. This is an active role as it measures and corrects when necessary. As more process parameters need additional control, additional process components will be added and additional coupling will exist in the Control Kernel. The process component does not only influence (indirectly) the data flow, but it also loads new state machines in the Control Kernel. For example, a process component for homing the axes of a robot or machine tool will command the setpoint generator to set out homing trajectories and monitor the inputs or home switch events to control the homing process. Control Kernel The Control Kernel is a collection of services which all components require to perform their activity. It provides a deployment environment very similar to a container of the Component Model (See Subsection 2.4.3). It connects the data flow between components using connectors and manages component deployment and executes the activities of the components. A detailed overview of the services of the Control Kernel is delegated to Section 3.3. This section merely assumes that the data flow components and process components can rely on these common services. 52 3.1 The Design Pattern for Feedback Control Figure 3.3: Overview of data flow and process component’s interface as presented in this work. Each facet type is used for execution flow, data flow or configuration flow. 3.1.3 Structure This section shows how the design pattern structures a control application. We first show what a component consists of and how it is deployed in the Control Kernel. Once deployed, we show how this component interacts with the data flow and the execution flow. Component Structure Each component has an interface which exposes what it can do or what it requires. Each Control Kernel component interface may consist of (Figure 3.3): • Facets and Receptacles are the provides and requires interfaces of component and Kernel. The possible facets are restricted as shown in the figure. A component may be configured through its properties facet, which allows parameters to be read or written. It may offer operations it can perform for other components such as doing a calculation or taking an action. It may export events to which other components can react. Finally, it also publishes the ports from which it reads or writes data. The aim of these facets is that they are connected to compatible receptacles, which reside on other components. The pattern however constrains the location of receptacles. Data flow components may only have receptacles to process components while process components may 53 3 The Feedback Control Kernel have receptacles to any component type. All components may have receptacles to the common services such as a Naming Service for locating other components or a Time Service for measuring elapsed time. • Events may be emitted and consumed by data flow and process components. An event is a message with optionally data associated. Events can be used to signal noteworthy changes in the data flow and cause a change of state of the process. Events are by design a mechanism to decouple sender and receiver (by an Event Service, see Section 3.3), an event may be emitted and consumed by varying components. For example, data flow components may only a change in the data flow or their internal state, which the process components capture and take actions accordingly. • Ports are the reads and writes data flow interfaces of a component. The component Stereotype defines the ports that indicates the type of data that can be exchanged with a component through a Connector. Except the Effector component, each data flow component has one write (provides) port, and, except the Sensor component, each data flow component has one or more read ports. Process components may contain read ports for each connector in the Kernel and are not allowed to modify the data of a connector. • Connectors, not a part of a component, connect Ports and constrain the connected ends such that they look “always and instantaneously equal” when seen from components not involved in the connection,Figure 3.4. In other words, the Connector guarantees concurrent data access of data, which represents the state of the connection and may contain buffered or unbuffered data. As a refinement, a data flow Connector constrains the direction of data exchange indicated by the arrows in Figure 3.1. Two components can exchange data of any type through more than one Connector, Figure 3.4. Deployment Before a component can be used in the Control Kernel, it must be connected with the other components and the Kernel infrastructure. This ‘setup’ or ‘configuration’ is commonly refered to as deployment or “Configuration Flow”. It may consist of merely reading (XML) files with configuration data which describe how the component should operate and to which services it should connect. The configuration flow communicates with the components through the property facet. The connection between components happens on two levels: the data flow is set up using ports and connectors and the execution flow is set up using the operations and events facets. During deployment, the validity of each connection is checked such 54 3.1 The Design Pattern for Feedback Control (a) Without Connector (b) With Connector Figure 3.4: (a) shows the classical receptacle-facet connection to denote client-server relations, typical for execution flow. (b) shows a directional data flow Connector operating on the component’s facets (ports). Connectors connect compatible ports on components and are the sole point where the data flow can be “captured” by other components. that it becomes ready to be eventually started. The states and transitions of a component under deployment are: • Undeployed (or unloaded). It is not associated with a Control Kernel. • Deployment (or loading). It is being associated with a Control Kernel. Its requirements can be checked and it will fail to load when it is loaded in an insufficient or incompatible Kernel. It may also restore previous state and parameter information, such as control gains and safety values. • Deployed (or loaded). It is merely present in the Control Kernel but not necessarily performing any activity. • Undeploying (or unloading). It is being dissociated from a Control Kernel, disconnecting any present connectors from its ports and optionally storing parameter and state information. The deployment of a data flow component will mainly consist of finding out which ports to connect and restore parameter and state information, while the deployment of a process component will in addition set up state machines and set up the execution flow which dictates the behaviour of the application. 55 3 The Feedback Control Kernel Data Flow The pattern acknowledges two different structures for realising data flow. A feedback control loop can be built around the gathered inputs as in Figure 3.1(a). The generator and controller operate directly on inputs to generate setpoints and outputs, for example a classical axis position controller. When the feedback control loop is built around a model as in Figure 3.1(b), an estimation or filtering step which obtains the model from the inputs and previous outputs is added. This is required for intelligent controllers which operate in a different space than the physical space. However, any blend between these two structures is possible, for example, a Controller component can process both Sensor Inputs and the Estimator Model. Since multiple components of the same stereotype can be present in the Control Kernel, some will need to be executed exclusively in order not to corrupt each other’s data flow activity. A deployed data flow component has the following transitions and states of operation: • Starting It validates its configuration a last time, assures that all required ports are connected and contain valid values and aborts if not so. • Running It performs its data flow activity, periodically reading and writing data ports, possibly emitting events and changing its behaviour upon request. • Stopping It writes (if possible) safe values to its data objects. The Starting and Stopping transitions are enforced by the execution flow below. It is the responsibility of the process components such that no two data flow components write to the same connection and that data flow components are started and stopped in the correct order. Execution Flow The structure imposed on the execution flow can not be modeled as explicitly as the data flow, except that it is completely decoupled from the data flow. That is, discrete state and discrete state events are not mixed with the data flow. The flow communicates through the operations and by the events facets. The execution flow is caused by the execution of activities in finite state machines. State machines are typically loaded into the Kernel by process components in order to control discrete state transitions. The process component delegates the execution of its state machines to the Execution Engine which serialises state activity and transitions with external operations and events. Figure 3.5 shows that the Execution Engine plays a central role in receiving events and delegating operations to components. One can assume that in any 56 3.1 The Design Pattern for Feedback Control Figure 3.5: The Control Kernel process defines the order of execution of data flow components. The Execution Engine serialises the execution of components with incomming commands. Control Kernel application, the following operations1 are nevertheless present: • StartKernel() : The Kernel thread is started, waiting for requests. Kernel Configuration files are read and possibly a state machine is started to govern the acceptance of incoming requests. • StartComponent(‘‘name’’) : Start the activity of a component, such that it takes part in the data or execution flow. • StopComponent(‘‘name’’) : Stop the activity of a component, possibly writing safe values to its connectors. • StopKernel() : The state machine is brought to a safe state, stopping all active components and no more requests are accepted. In addition to these fundamental operations, the infrastructure of the Kernel, such as the data logger and configuration system and every added component may add operations to the Control Kernel interface. The precise semantics of “sending”, “accepting” and “processing” operations is further elaborated in Section 3.3 and the design patterns for implementing the execution flow are explained in Chapter 4. Cascaded Control The cascading of controllers is very common and must be taken into account when structuring the design pattern. Cascading is by definition done on the data flow: the outputs of a high level controller is used as command for a low level controller. Cascaded controllers also share inputs and models. For example, a low level controller can take advantage of a model 1 We will show that there are actually two types of operations required, synchronous and asynchronous operations. We do not make this distinction here yet. 57 3 The Feedback Control Kernel calculated by a high level estimator while the high level controller will most likely need inputs (e.g. axis positions) gathered by low level sensors, or outputs generated by low level controllers, effectively closing the loop in software. Figure 3.6 shows an unfolded view of the data flow of a cascaded controller. For example, both Controller components have access to the inputs, although both may read different kinds of data. The execution flow (not shown) is structurally no more different in cascaded control, although the additional components may require a process component to control the data flow component’s states. 3.1.4 Consequences The design pattern has the following major consequences: • Since the data flow is constructed at run-time, a connection mechanism is required such that each component can have its port connected. A large part of this mechanism can be implemented in the Control Kernel. A strategy to address this issue is to use a configuration file which detail which ports of which components are connected to each other. • Although the connector pattern provides proper abstraction to the components regarding the locality or distribution of the component, a connector must be provided by the Control Kernel. A Control Kernel implementation makes the trade-off between fully distributable components or memory- and execution-efficient local connections. • The presented pattern is not sufficiently detailed to implement a hybrid controller. It only identifies the fundamental structure of a control application. Section 3.3 gives a detailed overview of the infrastructure a component may require in addition to the data flow and execution flow infrastructure. 3.1.5 Known Uses This pattern is not explicitly used yet in control software frameworks, although it can be seen as a collection of “good practices” which were presented in other controller designs. Most control frameworks make a distinction between the feedback control activity and the activity of controlling the process as a whole. Orccad, for example, uses Robot Procedures to define the process of their controllers and Robot Tasks as equivalents to data flow components. The ControlShell with its Data Delivery Service (Section 2.3) is closely related to the data flow structure, using ports to communicate with remote components by using a connector to encapsulate the distribution and to 58 3.1 The Design Pattern for Feedback Control Figure 3.6: ‘Unfolded’ cascaded data flow. The outputs serve as commands to the Generator components. 59 3 The Feedback Control Kernel provide a logical, consistent image of the data. Also closely related is the Distributed Acquisition for Industrial Systems (DAIS) which is another OMG standard for distributing process or data flow data in distributed systems. The Ocean architecture has a similar granularity of components for distributed control. The component stereotypes are more specialised towards motion control, but the roles identified in this pattern are present as well. For example, they define a kinematics component stereotype, which would map to a process component for kinematics in the design pattern. Finally, the Orocos framework provides the Control Kernel Template and components written to the presented stereotypes for control applications in hybrid force/vision control. 3.1.6 Implementation Example Section 3.4 gives an example of a cascaded controller. 3.1.7 Related Design Patterns Multiple design patterns “in the small” can be applied to implement the details of this pattern “in the large”. They are detailed in Chapter 4. 3.2 Design Pattern Motivation and Benefits This section motivates and explains the benefits of the strong structure in the design pattern for feedback control. First note that Figure 3.1 models a software engineering structure, and not a control diagram that control engineers are used to. The major difference is that each arrow in the Figure can contain multiple data paths, and multiple components can contain independent activities, possibly running at different sampling rates. An application builder must assign each of the many control blocks in a typical control diagram to the appropriate component type of Figure 3.1, where it will be executed under specified real-time conditions. 3.2.1 Decoupled Design Decoupling is a well-known design criterion, (Gamma, Helm, Johnson, and Vlissides 1995), and means “programming to interfaces, and not to implementations.” In other words, the programmer of a component need not worry about the internals of the implementation of the other components, but only about the data and events through which they can interact. Decoupling is discussed to a larger extent in Chapter 4. 60 3.2 Design Pattern Motivation and Benefits An important structural property of the Control Kernel is the decoupling of the data flow interactions between components by means of connectors and the decoupling of the execution flow interactions between Kernel and components by means of opeations and events. Why data flow and execution flow need to be decoupled might not be obvious at first sight. The reason is: decoupling the execution flow from the data flow allows reuse of data flow components. The example at the end of this Chapter demonstrates this. Two different robots require position Cartesian and joint control. It makes thus sence to use the same Generator and Controller components for both robots. However, the kinematic transformations or homing of the axes may be different. If these were all implemented in the data flow components, none could be reused in another robot and for each control application, new data flow components would be necessary. The solution is to encapsulate these robot specific operations in process components, for which each robot type has its own kind. The necessity of this decoupling is further motivated by the semantic differences between data flow and execution flow. Since humans need to design the controller, a natural assignment of roles to each part of the control problem is required in order to understand and extend the design. Hence, the design translates continuous control engineers viewpoints to the data flow, while it translates machine (discrete) control engineers viewpoints to the execution flow. 3.2.2 Support for Distribution Connectors guarantee that data is always consistent in the control system: only the data that is “in” a connector is “stable,” and can be exchanged atomically with other components. This clear localisation of data exchange between components and connectors facilitates (i) implementation of shared access policies; (ii) distribution of the control application (i.e. the control system can be “cut” through any of the connectors); and (iii) formal verification, and automated development and maintenance. The component model allows distribution of the execution flow as well. The incoming operations are properly serialised with local activity by the Execution Engine. Some parts of the Kernel infrastructure might be distributed itself, for example, the configuration and name service might be organised from a central server. This choice of distribution of services is chosen by the Control Kernel implementation and is transparent to the components. 3.2.3 Deterministic Causality Several conclusions can be drawn from following the arrows in Figure 3.1: 61 3 The Feedback Control Kernel 1. The data exchange between components is always in one direction, and there is always one writer, and (possibly) multiple readers. 2. There are no loops in one control action, i.e. the execution of the different components can be ordered (“serialised”) in such a way that a component A need not interrupt its activity to wait for another component B to fill in the data that A needs. This property holds at every level of a multi-level controller. These properties simplify the data access design, and improve scheduling efficiency of real-time feedback control systems. The classical way to schedule different activities in a real-time application is to put them all in their own separate thread, and let the operating system take care of the scheduling of these threads. But this execution schedule can only be influenced indirectly, by assigning (static or dynamic) priorities to the threads. In addition, scheduling generates overhead, from (i) the computation of the scheduling algorithm, and (ii) the context switches. The presented pattern can avoid scheduling overhead: all components in a control level can run in one single thread, because of the above-mentioned deterministic serialisation within each level. There is, in general, not one unique way to serialise the system, and this choice is up to the application builders: they have to decide how many priority levels are used in an application, and which causality (i.e. execution sequence) is used at each priority level. This execution causality is different from the physical causality of the system whose behaviour is implemented in the the Kernel: the physical causality (or, input-output causality) describes the physical cause-effect relationships in the system that is controlled by the application, (Broenink 1999; Brown 2001; Karnopp, Margolis, and Rosenberg 1990; Paynter 1961). A walking robot is one example with a clear difference between the physical causalities and the plug-in execution causalities: • When a leg of the robot is lifted and moving in “free space” the control algorithm can control the position of the leg’s foot but not the force acting on that foot. • When the leg is in contact with the ground, the force can be controlled but not the position. So, the sequence in which the component activities are executed by the Control Kernel can remain unchanged, while some components will have to be switched at run-time to handle both cases. This is another clear example where the process component can be used to model these discrete transitions and to take proper actions (i.e. starting and stopping of data flow components) when switching states. 62 3.3 Kernel Infrastructure 3.3 Kernel Infrastructure Non-trivial control applications need more infrastructural support than the “bare” design pattern in Figure 3.1. This section lists the common services which should be available in feedback control applications. This infrastructure is complementary to the structure that the design pattern imposes on feedback control applications and is to be interpreted as a deployment environment, which provides facilities for interaction and configuration. The various receptacles and facets components may optionally require or provide can be related to services in this infrastructure. Facets are used for rather optional services, meaning that if a component implements a facet, for example, the property configuration facet below, it can be configured through this facet by the Kernel infrastructure. Reporting of internal data is another optional service the component can deliver to the Kernel infrastructure. Receptacles on the other hand, represent requirements on the Kernel infrastructure. For example, a component with the Naming Service receptacle requires a naming service to be present in order to function properly. The items below define possible component receptacles and facets, as indicated in Figure 3.7. Command Interpreter. Advanced Users access the control system with (application-dependent) symbolic commands, that the Command Interpreter transforms into operations. The Operations Facet describes which operations a component can execute. It must deal with two types of operations: • Synchronous methods which are executed immediately by the interpreter and report the result back to the requester. We will call this type of operations “methods” because they behave like a traditional function or procedure. Methods can be queries such as : “Is a component running?”, “What is the result of a calculation?”. They invoke functions which can be safely called across contexts, such as invoking an algorithm or inspecting a component’s status. • Asynchronous commands which are dispatched (sent) to the Execution Engine (see below) and, if accepted, executed directly before or after the periodic control action is done. We will call this type of operations “commands” as a command has the connotation of being sent and being asynchronous. A command can be queried for execution status (accepted, rejected, failed, done). If the Kernel is not running, no commands are accepted (hence start() must be a method). A controller command could, for example, specify the desired position trajectories for all axes in a machine tool, unacceptable positions may (should!) cause command failure, 63 3 The Feedback Control Kernel Figure 3.7: The deployment environment of a component otherwise, when the positions are reached, the command is done. Another command example is to adjust the feedback gains to be used in the servo control algorithms, which requires multiple parameters to be adjusted “as-if” atomically. The design of the operations facet with commands and methods is detailed in Section 4.5. Execution Engine. Most applications require time coupling of activities (i.e. execute one activity strictly after the other) and a service to execute incoming requests at an appropriate time, when it can not disturb ongoing activities. The Execution Engine executes and centralises activities of a Control Kernel, i.e., it synchronises incoming commands or the reaction to events with any program or state machine activity. Hence, it is best to localise this time coupling explicitly in one single place. The motivation is very similar to the function of the process component, which centralises functionality coupling, such as the coordinated homing of machine axes, in order to avoid the distribution of knowledge. 64 3.3 Kernel Infrastructure Since centralised synchronisation is often asynchronous with respect to the activities running inside (distributed) components, events provide an appropriate synchronisation mechanism. The Execution Engine consumes events in its state machines, which model the states of the Control Kernel, and emits events when it detects noteworthy changes. Chapter 5 is completely devoted to the design of the Execution Engine and its programs and state machines. Reporting. Users and developers of a control system like to see what is going on in their system. Connectors can be queried directly for (part of) their exported data. But, in general, components need to implement the Reporting Facet in order to export internal data. The reporting service then queries and exports the results of activity, i.e. internal status information of components and contents of the connectors. Reporting requires a decoupling of the real-time control activity and the non realtime storing activity. This is accomplished by lock-free data sharing (Section 2.2 and Section 4.4) and real-time decoupling of activities (Subsection 4.2.2). Configuration Service. The Control Kernel and its components can be configured at run-time when they implement the Property Facet. Properties are (name,value) pairs which can be converted to text format for display or storage and back for changing or restoring property values. For example the configuration service may store the parameters of a PID Controller component to an XML file format and reload these values when the Kernel is restarted or the Controller is reconfigured. Configuration patterns for distributed component systems are discussed in Section 4.7. Time Service. Time is an important property of control systems. Whenever multiple processors are used in a distributed control system, all processors need software and/or hardware to synchronise their clocks. This synchronisation is the responsibilities of the Time Service (or “Heart Beat”) component; most of its implementation will be hardware specific (e.g., (Koninckx, Van Brussel, Demeulenaere, Swevers, Meijerman, Peeters, and Van Eijk 2001)), but its API offers all timerelated functionalities: access to the current system-wide “virtual” time; programming of timed events; time-based watchdogs; etc. Components requiring the time service have the Time Service Receptacle. This thesis did only define this receptacle but did not dig into the design of this service, except that the Orocos implementation returns the current local time. Name Service. Name serving enhances the configuration flexibility of a 65 3 The Feedback Control Kernel complex software system: components are registered by their name with the Name Server such that one component can replace another one under the same name, without their clients having to adapt to, or even be aware of, the replacement. The Name Service is a part of the design pattern for configuration (Section 4.7) and is common infrastructure in distributed component systems. Browsing. Inspecting on-line which components, connector data, state machines, etc. are present in the Kernel is called “interface browsing”. The component facets can be constructed in such a way that the components can be queried about which facets they support, which ports are present or query the Execution Engine which state machines are present. It allows the user or other components to gain knowledge about the system at run-time and compose actions on the basis of the present infrastructure. Browsing is thus not a component, but an infrastructural property which allows on-line introspection and modification. The browsable interface of a task (Section 4.1) is accomplished by the factory pattern (Section 4.7). 3.4 A Feedback Control Kernel Application To make the feedback Control Kernel infrastructure more concrete, a realtime, joint-level controller for two cooperating robots in Leuven’s robotics lab is described. 3.4.1 Task Description The aim is to perform a minimally invasive surgery on a living person, Figure 3.8. The robot which holds the tool trough a small hole in the chest must compensate a preprogrammed path with the initially unknown position and possible movements of the patient. The person’s chest is tagged with the LEDs which are observed by a 3D camera in order to estimate the body position and movements. For testing the robot, the human is replaced by a dummy device. Body movement (for example, respiration) is simulated by a robot which holds the dummy device. The aim is to compensate the body movements, by superimposing them on the tool movements. Furthermore, the tool-tip movements are constrained by the width of the insertion hole, since the tool may not cause damage. We refer to (Rutgeerts 2005) for the details on the required task frame conversions and focus here on the logical composition of the tasks. 66 3.4 A Feedback Control Kernel Application Figure 3.8: Minimal invasive surgery with a robot. 3.4.2 Hardware The robot which performs the operation is a Kuka 361 industrial robot (K361), which is controlled at the joint velocity level and provides absolute encoder positions. The control hardware is a Pentium III 750MHz processor with 256MB RAM running Linux with the Real-Time Application Interface in user-space (RTAI/LXRT). The robot is interfaced with PCI cards for digital IO (brakes, enable signals, end limit switches), analog output (joint velocity setpoints) and an SSI encoder card (joint positions). The computer is connected to an Ethernet network. The robot which holds the dummy device is a Kuka 160 industrial robot (K160), which is controlled at the joint velocity level and provides relative encoder positions, which requires position calibration. This robot is controlled by a similar setup as the Kuka 361, both are connected to the same network. All hardware is Common Of The Shelf (COTS) and is oversized for the tasks described below which leaves room for non real-time tasks such as data processing. A third networked computer running a graphical user environment is used for interfacing the controllers. A 3D measurement camera sends the 3D positions of mounted LEDs as UDP packets over a dedicated Ethernet network. 67 3 The Feedback Control Kernel Figure 3.9: Data flow of position and velocity control loops. 3.4.3 Position and Velocity Control A control kernel for position and velocity control is set up for both robots. The data flow is in Figure 3.9. The Controller components are a joint PID Controller and a joint feed-forward Controller. The Generator components are a joint velocity (q̇) or joint position (q) interpolation Generator. For Cartesian control, a path interpolation Generator reads a target end effector frame (f ) and a Generator for converting end effector twists (t) to joint velocities . The Generators generate joint velocities or joint positions for the Setpoint connector. The Sensor and Effector components are connecting the hardware measurements to the kernel’s data flow, providing joint positions (q̂) and ˆ to the Input connector and desired joint velocities in the Output velocities (q̇) connector. The Generators can accept data flow Commands if a Controller is added in cascade and if configured to do so. The K160 robot has an additional body simulation Generator. Both control loops are executed at a frequency of 500Hz. The components need to be connected as such that the data flow components have access to the kinematic algorithms. Figure 3.10 (a) shows the Kinematics process component which is configured with the kinematic algorithms for the robots. The Kinematics component provides kinematic operations which are required by both the Frame Interpolation and Twist Interpolator components. The Kinematics process component is serving the data flow components. 68 3.4 A Feedback Control Kernel Application Figure 3.10: Execution flow is executed by process components. Figure 3.10 (b) Shows the Control Loop process component. It has a state machine which defines which components are active and executed in each of its states. This component has the responsibility to ‘schedule’ the correct order of execution of the data flow components such that a meaningful data flow is obtained. The operations facets of the data flow components must contain execution flow operations which the Control Loop requires. In practice, this is an update() method in which each data flow component reads its data ports calculates a result and writes that to a data port. Both robots have the same components but differ in state machines: the data flow, which is captured by the design pattern, is common and the execution flow, which is separated by the design pattern, is far more dependent on the hardware protocols. Thus the separation of data flow and execution flow enables re-use of data flow components. For example, the K160 needs an additional encoder position calibration. This can be accomplished with the presented components by adding a Homing process component (not shown), which provides a state machine that describes the process of homing. 3.4.4 Tool Control A controller is added in cascade for the K361 robot in order to read and interpret the LED positions, process the tool movement commands and superimpose the body movements as in Figure 3.11. The data flow consists 69 3 The Feedback Control Kernel Figure 3.11: Cascaded data flow for tool control. of a Sensor component which reads the LED position packets through a realtime network stack and writes LED positions to the Input connector. An Estimator component converts the Inputs to 3D body position and velocity for the Models connector. A Generator replays and interpolates a pre-recorded tool-tip movement path in the Setpoints. A Controller reads Setpoints and Models data to produce a desired velocity and position in its Outputs. These Outputs serve as Commands for the position Control Kernel, the Connector connects the Tool Controller with the Cartesian path interpolator. These components also connect to the kinematics process component for robot position information. A state is added to the control loop process which starts and executes these components. 3.4.5 Kernel Infrastructure The contents of any connector can be reported for later review. Since connector data access is lock-free, reporting can happen in a non real-time thread without disturbing the control loop. For configuration, all data flow components have some properties set which are stored in files. For example, the control parameters, the kinematics to use, the length of the surgical tools, maximum joint velocities and positions, workspace boundaries, etcetera. The execution engine schedules the execution flow activities in sequence after the control loop activity, accepting new commands and executing any asynchronous events, programs and state machines transitions. This allows all functionality within the Execution Engine to have the same consistent 70 3.4 A Feedback Control Kernel Application view on the components’ status and connector data. Also, actions taken by the Execution Engine such as switching both the Generator and Controller from joint space to Cartesian space control, seem to happen atomically with respect to the control application. 3.4.6 Kernel Interfacing The Kernel and its components are interfaced by the Command Interpreter, which converts text commands to command or method objects, which are then sent or invoked by the caller. We wrote a Control Kernel CORBA interface which contains no more than some query methods and an executeCommand(string) function. The Command Interpreter parses the string and invokes it directly or sends it to the Execution Engine. The query methods allow interface browsing and return all valid commands, methods, events and a list of arguments they take. In addition, the process components extend this interface with process specific commands. The K160 robot will have a home(axis) command for example. 3.4.7 Execution Flow Each Control Kernel has one or more process components with state machines to control which component activities are started and to which events the process components react. For brevity only the state machine of the Control Kernel of the K160 is discussed. The initial state is entered when the Control Kernel’s activity is started and it waits for the “StartController” event, which may be caused by a StartController command or method. The state machine checks if the robot axes are homed, and if not, enters the homing state, which starts a child state machine for each axis which drives an axis to its home switch, resets the position counters and drives it then to a zero position. The parent state machine waits until all child state machines have completed homing, or enters a safe error state when an error occured (for example, an axis is not moving). If all went well it enters a waiting state. When the “StartSimulation” event is emitted, it starts the body simulation Generator component, which makes the dummy device move. A “StopSimulation” command disables the Generator component and enables a stand still Generator. When the Control Kernel receives a movement command in the waiting state, it enters to a moving state as long as the movement is busy. Numerous other states, transitions and events can be added and the other Control Kernels have similar state machines. The state machines are (un-)loaded at run-time as scripts, allowing maximal reconfigurability. 71 3 The Feedback Control Kernel 3.5 Realising the Control Kernel The realisation (implementation) of the Control Kernel and its components is not restricted by the design pattern. Although the components are units of reusable software, a certain implementation may choose only to distribute the control application as a whole instead of the individual components. Along the same line of reasoning, one can apply the same variation in granularity to the definition of a “Control Task” within a control application. The Control Kernel may be a monolithic control task which offers a “fat” interface to access all its functionality and components, while it may also be a “thin” top level control task, delegating its interface to sub-tasks, which are its components, or even to an activity within a component. The rest of this dissertation does not assume any granularity in both distribution or interface. We will abstract Component or Kernel as Control Task and formulate any form of communication as “peer” communication. This abstraction allows us to design a machine controller as a set of tasks of which some may form feedback control tasks. We decompose the Control Kernel framework in a task infrastructure as such: components can be seen as control tasks which implement the task interface (see Section 4.1) in the feedback control application template. This interface consists of Operations (see Section 4.5 ) , Events (see Section 4.6), Properties (see Section 4.7) and Ports (see Section 4.4). A control task may execute multiple activities (see Section 4.2), which exchange data in a data flow (see Section 4.4) through connectors. Activities may be plain programs (see Section 5.1) or are executed as reactions to events using state machines (see Section 5.2). The ordering and execution of these activities form the control task’s execution flow (see Section 4.5). 3.6 Summary This Chapter presented the design pattern for intelligent, real-time feed-back control, which forms an application template for such control applications. The pattern identifies the common component stereotypes found in a controller and the relations between these components. Because the pattern decouples data flow from execution flow, it allows the reuse of data flow components while encapsulating application specific knowledge in process components. The identification of the process component as presented here in control applications is the key to separating execution flow from data flow. The process component acts as the location to contain coupling in order to have a higher level of decoupling of data flow components. The components are deployed in an environment which offers services to each component. The deployment and lifetime of a component is phased and allows it temporarily 72 3.6 Summary not to participate in the application’s data flow or execution flow. 73 74 Chapter 4 Analysis and Design of Communication in Control Frameworks Software design is often seen as a logical, almost implementation specific step after the analysis has been done. Analysis results in the creation of use cases, sequence diagrams, state charts, control law diagrams and other artifacts such that the essential properties of the system are captured. The implementation (or realisation) of these artifacts is done in the design phase. The days of adhoc designs are history for most software development workshops since the wider acceptance of design patterns. Design patterns are defined as A generalised solution to commonly occuring problems in software design. Design patterns are not immediately transformable into working code. They provide a method, a recipe, on how a certain set of objects with specific roles and interactions between them can solve a commonly occuring problem in a well documented way. The latter is held as fundamental in pattern literature: in order to choose the correct pattern (“pattern hatching”), the different patterns must be comparable and each pattern should document how it relates to others. This requires that patterns are written down in a structured way during “pattern mining”, recognising a recurring solution in existing designs. Design patterns are however no silver bullet: they don’t solve all aspects of a problem equally well. A design pattern will optimise one aspect (e.g. speed, safety,. . . ) at the expense of another (e.g. ease of use, extendability,. . . ). This is commonly refered to as “balancing” the forces that possibly pull the design into opposite directions. 75 4 Analysis and Design of Communication in Control Frameworks The design of a framework must match the requirements of its applications. The software design must enable safe, deterministic, scalable and component based real-time control applications. These are not orthogonal properties, but we show how we enable them by choosing the right granularity of decoupling. Technically, decoupling is realised by defining software interfaces. Consequently these interfaces are the building blocks of the software components defined in this work. Hence, the purpose of this Chapter is to dissect and analyse “tasks” in control systems in such that a software design is found which fulfils the needs of control tasks. As the Chapter title implies, the emphasis is on communication between control task components and thus it defines the middleware upon which the application components execute. This Chapter starts with defining how tasks, activities and actions relate to each other in a control application. We then dissect this reference frame in a piecewise manner. The first piece identifies the fundamental property of real-time frameworks: a way to separate real-time and non real-time activities. Any communication in a real-time control framework which violates decoupling of activities will lead at best to decreased performance or reliability and at worst to (eventual) system failure. The following sections present designs for realising data flow communication, execution flow communication, synchronisation between components and deployment of components. 76 4.1 Control Tasks 4.1 Control Tasks Some practical tasks in control systems have been introduced in the previous Chapter: interpolating setpoints, tracking machine status, calculating kinematics,. . . Subsection 4.1.1 summarises which properties a real-time control task must have. Next, Subsection 4.1.2 proposes a task framework which enables these properties as a decomposition of task interface and an internal task activity. Each task executes activities in a given state and has a generic “peer-to-peer” interface. Through its interface, it serves activities of other tasks and vice versa, its own activities are clients to the interface of other tasks. 4.1.1 Analysis Chapter 3 set up the environment in which a highly configurable and interactive control application executes. The framework must enable deterministic and safe applications and allow to add or (re)move tasks both horizontally (at the same layer of abstraction) and vertically (inter-operating with different layers of abstraction). The behaviour of tasks is preferably specified using the expressive UML state charts formalism. Their behaviour can be altered by (re)configuring their properties or changed entirely by loading a new behaviour or program. For supporting feedback control applications, the framework must accommodate its infrastructure for interoperating periodic and non periodic activities and allow (small) quantities of data to be communicated fast, reliably and deterministically. Task Determinism, Integrity and Safety The fundamental property of real-time systems, is that task activities must meet time deadlines in a deterministic way. Time determinism is measured in two ways: with a worst case latency and worst case jitter. Both must be bounded to reach determinism. Latency is the time an activity needs (additionally) to complete, jitter is the variation, over time, between the lowest and highest latency. The position controller, for example, needs low latency to minimise delay and low jitter to eliminate unwanted excitations. A variety of design decisions in a framework may impair or improve both latency and jitter. The framework for activities and what they execute must minimise the worst case latency and jitter, possibly at the expense of a higher average. Lock-free communication (see Subsection 2.2.3) is a solution which suits these objectives: the latency incurred by communication is bounded under RM and EDF schedulers at the expense of a more complex data exchange model. Time determinism has no use if the task or data integrity no longer holds. This may be caused by failing communications, software errors, 77 4 Analysis and Design of Communication in Control Frameworks misconfigurations or any operation that resulted in inconsistent data. The framework should minimise these errors by providing safe infrastructure which prevents or detects errors and halts error propagation throughout the system. The disadvantages of traditional lock based data protection have been discussed earlier in favour of the lock-free alternative. Process safety is another critical part of the task. A task will want to specify what action must be taken if task specific guarantees no longer hold and communicate this to interested entities. These safety reactions must be guaranteed same time determinism as the task’s activity and, when occuring, must not disturb time determinism of concurrent higher priority activities. A well known example is when the controller detects a too large position tracking error. It might take local actions as well as signal this event to a higher level task, without disturbing the higher priority, high frequency current control loop. This work uses the traditional approach of signalling safety conditions with events, and use state machines to react to these events. Events maximise reuse since sender and receiver are decoupled and state machines are the constructs designed to react to events. Task Composition Control tasks need to be composable both horizontally as vertically. State of the art control frameworks use software components to realise tasks. It must be possible to define application components which communicate in any possible way, as the application architecture requires. Providing a peer based communication infrastructure is the solution to this problem. Peer-to-peer networks1 are known for their robustness as the propagation of errors can be limited to the local peer connections, while in client-server networks, a failing central server is a fragile bottleneck and may cause all clients to fail. Peers on the other hand act both as client and provide services to other peers. Peer networks can be flat, layered or form any structure in between. If tasks are to be connected in a peer-to-peer configuration, they need to share a common interface which is general enough to be able to connect any two peers. We can name this interface the “Peer Service” as it allows a task to query a peer task for which services it offers, how it can be communicated with and with which peers it is connected. The peer service thus allows to browse both the peer network and peer interface. 1 Although a common use of peer-to-peer networks is to form arbitrary large networks of randomly interconnected clients, we are talking about an engineered network with components acting both as client and as server of a common interface. 78 4.1 Control Tasks Application Decomposition As the previous Chapter pointed out, the natural architecture for a feedback control application can be captured by designing a network of components which perform a well defined role within that architecture. The methodology to decompose an application in a ‘natural’ task architecture is the subject of software analysis. The first step is identifying the fundamental properties of the application by means of use case analysis which identifies a system’s actors and the businesses it provides. Each such business is equivalent to a high level task. The decomposition of tasks in subtasks, and thus the modularisation of the architecture, can be motivated by: • Re-use Subtasks tend to be more suitable for reuse since they represent an smaller part of the system. Reuse can occur in the same or in another application. Avoiding repetitive effort motivates re-use. • Distribution In order to distribute an application, it must be decomposed in distributable tasks. Distribution in turn is required for offloading responsibilities to remote nodes. On the other hand collocation or integration of tasks, leading to a less modular architecture can be motivated by: • Ease-of-use Too many tasks makes the architecture harder to understand due to fragmentation of responsibilities and harder to set up, due to to the many connections that need to be made between tasks. • Bandwidth Required communication bandwidth between tasks force them to be located closer to each other, for example on the same node or in the same process. A fine grained modular application is thus easier to reuse and distribute at the expense of setup effort and available bandwidth. Prior research (Koninckx 2003) showed that in control applications, bandwidth is the determining factor for the granularity of the distributed components. The higher the available bandwidth the finer the granularity can be. Task Specification Control applications are built in the framework by specifying each (sub)task and specifying how tasks are connected. In software design, the interface of the task is its specification, since it provides the method and contract of how the task functions within the system. Thus specifying that a task periodically consumes and produces data, that its configurable parameters are proportional gain, integration and derivative constants and that it can 79 4 Analysis and Design of Communication in Control Frameworks signal exceeded limits should require no more than writing a task with such an interface in a modelling or programming language. However, to satisfy this specification, the task also needs an implementation which may be hidden from its interface. The behaviour may be reactive, active or both. A reactive task is implemented by an object which executes a function or activity on the occurrence of external events. An active task (periodically) executes activities within its own context, possibly emitting events and calling upon the interface of other tasks. Inter-task communication is caused by activities which use the interface of another task. The specification of inter-task communication is two-fold. First the means of communication must be specified and second what data is communicated from which task to which task. Chapter 3 showed that in control applications two forms of communication occur: data flow and execution flow. Both define a different means of communication, buffers and commands, and both are set up differently. Data flow is specified by connecting one task port to a compatible task port with connectors, while the execution flow is specified with task state machines, reacting to events and executing activities which are sending a command to or requesting data from another task. Summarised, to specify a control task, it is necessary to specify interface and behaviour. The specification of a data flow and execution flow was called the “Process” of the application, it contains all application specific logic and structure. Although the Process has a specific role within the application, it is specified just like other tasks with a given interface and behaviour. The Process is thus just another peer within the application. 4.1.2 Task Interface The previous Chapter defined the interfaces (or facets) of the control kernel component. All control tasks provide thus these interfaces to their peer tasks. A task’s interface consists of Events, Operations, Properties, data flow Ports and functions to access its peers (which present in turn the same interface structure). Each part is discussed further-on in separate sections. • Data Flow Interface Tasks which produce or consume data may define ports in their data flow interface (Section 4.4). • Operation Interface The operation interface of a task provides two distinct mechanisms. It provides asynchronous commands it will accept from peer tasks such that it can reach a goal and synchronous methods for the algorithms it can calculate. It is thus the functional interface of the task, it defines what it can do (Section 4.5). • Event Interface The event interface contains all events a task exports and to which peers may subscribe (Section 4.6). 80 4.1 Control Tasks • Property Interface A task’s properties are a hierarchical browsable structure of name,value pairs. They form a generic infrastructure for configuring the task. When the properties are modified, they may have immediate effect or be verified by the task before they are accepted (Section 4.7). • Task Browsing Interface The structure of the system is formed by which tasks are connected to each other. Through the task browsing interface, a task can be queried to which tasks it is connected and these can in turn be visited (Section 4.8). This interface hides the behaviours and activities (if any) running within a task. 4.1.3 Task Behaviour Finite state machines are a common tool to define the behaviour of a software component. Finite state machines are defined as (such as in (Douglass 2002)): A finite state machine is an abstract machine that defines a finite set of conditions of existence (called ”states”), a set of behaviours or actions performed in each of those states, and a set of events that cause changes in states according to a finite and well-defined rule set. It is important to note that “within each state a set of behaviours or actions can be specified”. Since behaviours are modelled with finite state machines, this sentence means a state can execute a state machine in turn. The leaves of this nested tree structure are actions. Actions were defined as “a run to completion functional statement”. The essence of a state machine is thus that upon the reception of an event, one or more functions may be executed and that these thus define the behaviour. Since an activity is defined as “the execution of a sequence of actions which may be terminated before it is wholy executed”, it is clear that a state machine realises activities and that any activity2 can be written as a finite state machine which executes actions. It is not desirable to specify all activities as state machines since other forms, such as procedural programs, are more convenient for the application builder. Therefor, the term activity will be used in favour of state machine, although most activities in control applications may be realised with state machines. The details of realising state machines and procedural programs in the realtime control framework is left to Chapter 5. The remainder of this Chapter assumes the existence of one or more activities which execute actions in a real-time application. It assumes 2 According to that specific definition. 81 4 Analysis and Design of Communication in Control Frameworks activities run on behalf of tasks, that is, an activity is executing because a task is in a certain state. They are executed in threads of execution of the operating system. An activity executes one or more actions in response to an event (time included) and may thus execute other activities in turn. In real-time systems, activities will be assigned a quality of service which reflects the time importance of the activity in the system. 82 4.2 Decoupling Real-Time and non Real-Time Activities 4.2 Decoupling Real-Time and non Real-Time Activities Activities execute actions. We name the ordered collection of these actions “functions”. Figure 4.1 gives a schematic overview of where activities and functions fit in realising behaviour of a task. Figure 4.2 classifies which type of function an activity may execute. Not all functions can be executed within a given bounded time because of the algorithm it implements or its communication with unreliable entities. Hence, one can draw a line between real-time and non real-time functions, where the former can complete within a bounded time and the latter can not. Some algorithms can be written such that their non real-time part can be separated from their real-time part. Functions may block, which means one of its actions waits for an event to occur or they may be non blocking and hence no action needs to wait for external events to complete. Not all function types can be executed in any activity type. Periodic, real-time activities for example will only execute real-time, non blocking functions while non periodic real-time activities can execute any real-time function. Figure 4.1: Realisation of task behaviour. A task (Controller) is in a state (Running) which executes an activity (Thread) which calls a function (Calculate) which executes ordered actions (Read; Calculate; Write). Events cause state transitions. The result is a system of real-time and non real-time activities executing 83 4 Analysis and Design of Communication in Control Frameworks Figure 4.2: Activities execute Functions. functionality. This section describes how we decouple real-time and non realtime functionality and activities, and why it is a fundamental property of real-time frameworks to provide time determinism. 4.2.1 Analysis In (Pohlack, Aigner, and Hrtig 2004), decoupling real-time from non real-time activities is done by tunneling all communication through a buffer component which connects a real-time environment with a non real-time environment. In this section, it is motivated that decoupling real-time activities from non real-time activities does not require such drastic containment strategies but only requires the following properties to be present in the system: • A method to assign a quality of service to each activity. • A method of communication between activities without disturbing the quality of service. • A method to delegate low quality of service operations to low quality of service activities. These items allow that a high quality of service activity is not disturbed by lower quality of service activities. Hence, to the former, the latter runs transparently on the same system. Designing a framework that provides all above-mentioned items is not simple, if at all possible. Not in the least because most available libraries (including those provided with the operating systems) do not satisfy one or more of these requirements. 84 4.2 Decoupling Real-Time and non Real-Time Activities Assigning Quality of Service “Real-time” is not always a binary property of a software system: different tasks can be satisfied with different Quality of Service (QoS) performance; for example, one task wants the best approximate answer from your object implementation within a given deadline, while another task is willing to wait indefinitely longer for a result with specified accuracy. Thread priorities and/or deadlines allow to specify quality of service of local activities. A scheduler algorithm then decides on these properties which activity to run next. These properties form thus the basis of the real-time behaviour of an activity. The higher its priority or the earlier its deadline, the more likely it will be executed by the scheduler. Deterministic Data Access For long, the focus in real-time systems design was on optimising scheduler algorithms for low latency, low jitter and scalable thread scheduling. The effects of data access contention, i.e. accessing common data frequently from multiple threads was known to be not scalable when the common locking techniques were applied. Even more, the locks could lead to priority inversions and to dead-locks, which were even harder to solve using an advanced scheduler. Only the last decade, the lock-free algorithms were invented to cope with contention and solve the priority inversion and dead-lock all at once. An additional advantage surfaced that lock-free algorithms performed very well under well studied schedulers, the Rate Monotonic scheduler and Earliest Deadline First scheduler. Not all data can be accessed lock-free however. Bus arbitration on hardware busses use a locking mechanism to serialise concurrent access. This requires a priority inheritance protocol (Lampson and Redell 1980; Sha, Rajkumar, and Lehoczky 1990) to solve priority inversions, as was experienced in the NASA Mars Pathfinder Rover (Reeves 1997). The same goes for the access to network servers, where the caller blocks until the data returns over the network. A real-time network protocol, which inherits the quality of service of the activity is then required to bound data access time. The RTCORBA standard (Schmidt and Kuhns 2000) has specified connections with quality of service properties. Memory Allocation The framework must provide infrastructure in which the creation of all internal data structures is decoupled from the use of these data structures, because dynamic (“heap”) memory allocation is in many operating systems not real-time-safe and in the worst case, may fail. There are two solutions 85 4 Analysis and Design of Communication in Control Frameworks to decouple memory allocation from its use. The first one is to use a separate pool for real-time (de)allocation and find out the maximum required dynamic memory for a given application. The second approach is not to allocate memory at all during real-time activities and defer dynamic memory allocation to a start-up phase or in a non real-time activity. Neither of these approaches prevents garbage collection3 strategies, although real-time garbage collection (Magnusson and Henriksson 1995) is not present on many systems and lock-free garbage collection was previously restricted to practically non existing double word compare and swap (DCAS) architectures (Herlihy and Moss 1991). Gidenstam, Papatriantafilou, and Tsigas (2005) found a lock-free single word CAS garbage collection algorithm. Noteworthy is also (Michael 2004) which introduced the ‘Hazard Pointer’, a memory management methodology which keeps track of per thread memory ownership and can, by manipulating such a list, reclaim memory for the operating system when it is no longer used. The implementation of the shared data objects in this Chapter all use one or another kind of real-time memory management by pre-allocating memory on a per-thread basis or by clever use of memory resources. No new insights in real-time memory management can be contributed by this work, thus the algorithms are not further detailed. 4.2.2 The Activity Design Pattern This section describes the Activity Design Pattern which is both a structural and behavioural design pattern. A structural pattern proposes relations and hierarchies between objects, it assigns responsibilities in order to obtain a more reusable, extendable and understandable design. A behavioural pattern provides a means to realise a desired behaviour within an object, mostly by delegating work to encapsulated objects. Intent Whatever a task does (actively and reactively), it is executed in an activity. An activity serves to execute a given functionality with given real-time properties. In turn, the functionality must be structured in order not to obstruct these real-time properties. This pattern thus enforces structure on functionality and behaviour on the activities executing them, in order to obtain a system of parallel, decoupled activities. Motivation This pattern is motivated by the observation that the growth of real-time systems is often bounded by the rate of coupling of activities. Deadlocks and 3 86 Automatic freeing of no longer used objects in memory. 4.2 Decoupling Real-Time and non Real-Time Activities priority inversions typically emerge from strong activity coupling. But also increases in jitter and latency are artifacts of activities obstructing each other in spite of quality of service properties. The ideal realisation of this pattern would allow a real-time performance of activities which is only dependent of its quality of service. That is, an activity with a given quality of service can only be obstructed by an activity with a higher quality of service. Lower quality of service activities run transparently on the system. In practice, this is almost unaccomplishable on most hardware, since cache flushes and memory bus locking, which may be the result of a low quality of service activity, may obstruct high quality of service activities nevertheless. Applicability This pattern is applicable to both real-time and non real-time applications which require multiple activities to execute in parallel. However, it is optimised towards real-time systems as it requires functionality to be structured into real-time and non real-time parts. Participants There are four participants in this pattern: Functionality, Activity, Trigger and ActivityManager. Functionality is the function or algorithm to be executed, i.e. an action. A function needs data initialisation and resource allocation prior to execution and resource de-allocation afterwards if the algorithm needs to complete in bounded time. In control applications, the function may be executed periodically or in response to an event. In these cases it is assumed that the function does not block, that is, it may communicate with other functions but not in such a way that it may wait indefinitely for a response or stimulus. When the function requires blocking communication, it must be reformulated in a non blocking variant if it is to be executed in a periodic activity. Activity is a thread of execution that manifests itself as an activity which executes a functionality. Activities are assigned a quality of service property by means of a priority at which, or a time deadline before which, the functionality is executed. An activity may execute the functionality periodically in reaction to an event or allow the function to take over the execution timing, thus allowing it to block. Activities require operating system support for their implementation such as timer alarms for periodic execution and semaphores for reactive execution. In contrast, a function requires just programming language support. 87 4 Analysis and Design of Communication in Control Frameworks Trigger is the abstraction of the cause of the execution of the functionality. It may be an event, a timer alarm or any object related to the activity which decides that a step must be executed. Most implementations will hide or abstract the Trigger in order to avoid coupling. ActivityManager is the role of the object(s) that decides when the activity is started and stopped. This may be in fact any object in the system. Structure The structure of the activity pattern can be observed from the UML diagram in Figure 4.3. Figure 4.3: Activity Pattern UML Diagram. Collaboration The activity takes the initiative on when to execute the functionality and under which terms. In reactive and periodic control systems, the step function is most frequently used because it allows full decoupling of the what and the when. The functionality in turn relies on the activity to obtain information about its execution period and quality of service. Both lifetime semantics and execution semantics are shown in Figure 4.4. Lifetime Semantics The activity’s lifetime has the following properties (Figure 4.5): 1. Upon creation, it is inactive. 88 4.2 Decoupling Real-Time and non Real-Time Activities Figure 4.4: Activity Sequence UML Diagram. 2. It can be started, becomming active, upon which it may execute the initialisation function of the functionality on behalf of the caller, after which, if completed successfullly, it is waiting and ready to run. 3. It may execute the functionality upon each trigger and then becomes running. 4. The execution of the functionality can be caused by any means and happen any number of times between start and stop. 5. It can be stopped, upon which the functionality must return to the waiting state and after which a finalisation is executed on behalf of the stop caller. When this is done, the activity becomes again inactive. Item two and five allow decoupling of the initialisation and cleanup of an activity from the activity’s functionality. Meaning that, prior to being run or after it is stopped, it can defer setup and cleanup routines to the start and stop caller. This is a necessary property for control frameworks, as it allows any real-time activity to defer non-deterministic work to the caller. Item three and four allow a conditional execution of the activity function by any cause (or ‘trigger’). For a given type of activity, this cause is most likely to be fixed. For example, a periodic activity will execute its function upon a timer alarm or an event driven activity upon each occurrence of an event. The implementation of start and stop is thus dependent on the activity’s type. 89 4 Analysis and Design of Communication in Control Frameworks Figure 4.5: Activity Statechart UML diagram. Note that these states are analogous to the states of component deployment in Section 4.7. This pattern occurs thus at different levels, from the execution of functionality to the deployment of large components. This pattern will recur as well in Chapter 5 for building state machines. Trigger Semantics To allow the decoupling of the activity’s function and its trigger, we have distinguished between two kinds of activity functions : blocking, which is implemented in loop (Figure 4.3) and non blocking (or ‘polling’), which is implemented in step.The trigger decides which of both forms it invokes. For example, a periodic trigger will invoke the non blocking step method while a non periodic trigger will invoke the blocking loop method. For the blocking case, the functionality needs to implement a breakLoop function which forces the loop function to return (thus bring the activity from Running to Waiting) when the activity is stopped. Consequences Using the Activity Pattern has the following consequences: • It is the responsibility of the application designer to connect a realtime activity only to real-time functionality. This could be enforced at compile time by defining for example a RealTimeFunctionality and OnlineFunctionality where both may be executed by an OnlineActivity and the former only by a RealTimeActivity. 90 4.2 Decoupling Real-Time and non Real-Time Activities • The same argument holds for a PeriodicFunctionality and NonPeriodicFunctionality , which must match a PeriodicActivity and a NonPeriodicActivity. • If initialise and finalise would contain non real-time algorithms, such a Functionality could never be started or stopped from a real-time Activity. RealTimeInitialiser and RealTimeFinaliser interfaces could be added to indicate the nature of the initialisation and finalisation functions. Solving these consequences by design leads to the class diagram in Figure 4.6. As can be seen from the complexity of this Figure, such extended class hierarchy is overkill for most applications. Implementing the properties of activities and functionality as attributes will delay the checks to run time but reduces the complexity of the class hierarchy. The semantics of a ‘blocking’ functionality is not to be confused with a ‘locking’ functionality. That is, even in blocking functions, all local data must be shared with lock-free shared objects and distributed invocations must be done with the same quality of service of the activity. Implementation step requires a careful implementation in order not to disturb the quality of service. The pattern places all the responsibility for upholding quality of service on this function (and the functions this function calls in turn). In order to accomplish this, the step function must be implemented according to the requirements of Section 4.2; hence, it must: • use lock-free data access containers for sharing local data. • not rely on standard memory allocators in real-time activities and not invoke non deterministic functions. initialise and finalise should contain all non real-time initialisation and cleanup. By consequence, the activity of such functionality can not be started or stopped from a real-time activity. To avoid this limitation, non realtime initialisation and cleanup can be done in the constructor and destructor respectively of the functionality.4 The implementation of a ConcreteActivity is dependent on the interfaces of the real-time operating system. In practice, the creation of an ConcreteActivity object will lead to the creation of a periodic or non periodic thread, which will execute the functionality. A semaphore can serve as a synchronisation point in the start and stop methods. 4 This is the case for the programs running in the state machines of Chapter 5, since they are started and stopped by a real-time activity, i.e. the Execution Engine. 91 4 Analysis and Design of Communication in Control Frameworks Figure 4.6: Extended Activity UML class diagram. 92 4.2 Decoupling Real-Time and non Real-Time Activities Known Uses A distant, non real-time variant is the Sun Java API which has a minimal activity interface Runnable which has the single function run. This interface is executed by the Java Thread class. Related Design Patterns Since the functionality may execute one or more activities in turn (thus acting as a Trigger) it is related to the Composite pattern. Furthermore it is related to the Command Pattern since the Functionality is commanded by the Activity. 4.2.3 Validation Some experiments will validate the design and implementation of the Activity pattern. A number of activities will execute concurrently under an Rate Monotonic scheduler, causing load on the central processor unit (CPU). Thus the activity with the highest execution frequency has the highest priority and vice versa. We will measure the start and stop times of each activity and the duration of preemption under a Rate Monotonic scheduler. The details of the system and test parameters are documented in Appendix A. In this section, the activities do not communicate, thus the measurement reveals the minimal latency of executing activities on our test system. The results of this measurement will be the reference for all subsequent experiments which will add communication, and thus additional jitter and latency, to the activities. The effect of faster or slower hardware is cancelled out in these experiments because time units are used to express load. Application Categories To validate how activities perform in different applications, a number of application behaviours are emulated. Each application category has one non real-time activity, emulating non real-time application communication interference, in addition to random non real-time load on the machine5 . The communication topology is left to the following experiments. The real-time activities in each category are (see Figure 4.7): • Minimal An application with one real-time periodic activity running at 1kHz (every 1ms) with a load of 0.5ms per cycle. It emulates a minimal real-time control loop, which only communicates with one non real-time activity. It serves well to emulate the latencies of a distributed control activity which is accessed in a non real-time network. The worst case 5 Note this difference in communication interference and execution interference. 93 4 Analysis and Design of Communication in Control Frameworks latency of the real-time activity is only (largely) dependent on the worst case communication latency, since it can not be preempted. • Small Same as Minimal with one additional lower priority real-time periodic activity running at 200Hz (every 5ms) with a load of 0.5ms per cycle. It emulates a cascaded controller with a fast and slow control loop, where the slow control loop communicates with one not real-time activity and the fast control loop only with the slow control loop. • Concurrent An application with three real-time periodic activities running at 2kHz (every 0.5ms), 1kHz (every 1ms) and 500Hz (every 2ms), causing a load of respectively 0.1ms, 0.2ms, 0.3ms per cycle. It emulates a highly concurrent communicating controller. Each activity (non real-time included) communicates with two other activities, hence eight communication channels are used to exchange data. • Large An application with four real-time periodic activities running at 1kHz (every 1ms), 200Hz (every 5ms), 100Hz (every 10ms), 20Hz (every 50ms). The loads are respectively 0.05ms, 1ms, 2ms, 5ms per cycle. It emulates a large controller cascading multiple loops. Each activity sends buffered data to a higher priority activity and the highest priority activity sets some data available for reading by all the other activities. The theoretical load an application with n activities may cause on a processor is constrained by (Liu and Layland 1973) n X Ci /Ti < 1, i=1 where Ci is the time required for execution of an activity with period Ti . For a specific scheduler algorithm, the maximum load may be lower. For a rate monotonic scheduler (RMS), the maximum load is constrained by n X Ci /Ti ≤ n(21/n − 1). i=1 Table 4.1 shows the theoretical maximum load and application load imposed by the threads. Spare load is reserved for inter-activity communication in the following sections. Rationale The aim of these validation experiments is to find the worst case latency (time required to complete one activity step) for each activity in each application 94 4.2 Decoupling Real-Time and non Real-Time Activities Figure 4.7: Four types of applications. Legend: period/load 95 4 Analysis and Design of Communication in Control Frameworks Application Minimal Small Concurrent Large Max Load under RMS 1 0.828 0.779 0.743 Application Load 0.5 0.6 0.65 0.55 Table 4.1: Theoretical maximum under RMS and actual load of each application type. type. The application types were inspired by existing application topologies. In order to provoke the worst case latency in a short time interval, the periods of each activity were adapted to occur once less per second than specified above, simulating processor clock drift. This results in uneven execution frequencies, causing a large drift between the execution periods of any two activities and frequent ‘collisions’ between activity execution periods. These collisions are the sources for contention and occur frequently in distributed systems. That is, in present day controllers, clocks are not synchronised to the micro second level in order to avoid drift, although earlier work (Koninckx 2003) has proposed solutions to avoid drift in distributed controllers. Although our validation experiments do not use distributed activities, they serve well to measure the effects of distributing controllers on communication latencies. Continuing with the reasoning of Section 2.2, which posed that deterministic local communication is required to allow distributing controllers (shown in Figure 2.2), the highest priority activity in each application may serve to emulate the effects on local activities of an incoming message. For example, in the minimal application, when the real-time activity is distributed from the not real-time activity, the non real-time activity will no longer be preempted during its calculation, but may still influence the determinism of the real-time activity during communication, because of contention. A same reasoning can be made for the small application, where the highest priority activity communicates with a lower priority real-time activity which may emulate the communication over a real-time network. Measurement Results This section only measures the latencies of the activities without any form of communication between the activities. We measure thus the latencies in the best case communication overhead, being zero. Figure 4.8 shows how latency and period are measured. The deviation from the release time and the actual execution time is not measured. 96 4.2 Decoupling Real-Time and non Real-Time Activities Figure 4.8: Measurement of actual period and latency. Periodicities To validate the real-timeness of the activity pattern on our target platform, the thread execution periods are measured for each application type. Figure 4.9 shows the results for the minimal, small, concurrent and large application types, respectively. As can be observed, as more lower priority threads are added, the periodicity of the high priority remains stable and the lower priority threads suffer from increasing jitter, caused by preemption. Latencies The latency measurements are shown in Figure 4.10. Similarly to the measured execution periods, preemption causes an increase of the jitter in lower priority threads. The small application measurement shows this clearly with two peaks for the low priority thread, one at 1ms and one at 1.5ms. Apart from the preemptive jitter, the execution latencies are highly deterministic because of the absence of communication. Note that if the applications with more than one activity were distributed, the latencies would be as deterministic as in the minimal application in the case that the communication overhead is nil. In practice however, the additional distributed communication latency can only be accepted for distributing computationally intensive algorithms. Conclusions The presented activity pattern performs as expected and allows real-time execution on a real-time operating system. The only significant jitter activities experience is caused by preemption of higher priority activities. The next Section will measure the influence on the latency 97 4 Analysis and Design of Communication in Control Frameworks Figure 4.9: Measured execution periods, for (from top to bottom) the minimal, small, concurrent and large application types. 98 4.2 Decoupling Real-Time and non Real-Time Activities Figure 4.10: Measured latencies, for (from top to bottom) the minimal, small, concurrent and large application types. 99 4 Analysis and Design of Communication in Control Frameworks of communication between activities. 4.2.4 Summary Activities (threads) execute functionality (functions). Both are strongly decoupled: the activity only enforces the priority and periodicity upon the functionality. Lateron in this text, the term activity will be used to relate to both activity and functionality, since and activity always executes a function. This is conform the semantics of the UML terminology as given in the Glossary. Decoupling real-time activities requires a system that: • can assign quality of service to activities and network connections. • provides lock-free data access containers for sharing local data. • provides priority inheritance for concurrent access of lock based hardware access. • does not rely on standard memory allocators in real-time activities. Fortunately, these requirements are provided by all modern real-time This makes the operating systems as was concluded in Section 2.2. implementation of the activity design pattern plausible on most real-time systems. An implementation of periodic activities was validated for a range of application types. 100 4.3 Decoupling Communication of Activities 4.3 Decoupling Communication of Activities In a control application, activities are not closed boxes. Their functions will communicate with other tasks, requesting operations and a means to collect the results. Or, in a simplified abstraction, an activity has inputs and outputs. Reducing an activity to a bare input-output automaton might benefit formal verification but might violate the semantics of the application domain. In software design, it is prefered to attach a meaning that is natural to the application domain, in casu control, to communication between activities. When control tasks communicate, we can distinguish two means of communication : (i) data (or continuous control) communication, which we call “Data Flow” and (ii) command (or discrete control) communication, which we call “Execution Flow”. Although both forms have as a result that data is moved from one task to another, it is the intent that distinguishes these flows. Data Flow causes no direct side effects. A consumer task may take action based on the contents of the data, but the producer of the data did not intend to change the behaviour of the consumer. Execution Flow, on the other hand, intends to cause effects, i.e. a sending task intends to change behaviour in the receiving task. Every communication between tasks can be partitioned in one of these two types of flow which have different semantics and are thus realised differently. The distinction between data flow and execution flow activities can not be seen in the activity pattern and is thus a semantic layer which we draw above the collection of activities in a system. Both are subject to the realtime constraints of the previous Section, i.e. the functionality must be realtime in a real-time activity. The next Sections go into detail for each type of activity. Data flow communication is the packet based communication of typed data between tasks and is realised by the Connector design pattern. The execution flow communication in control applications is done by means of messages between tasks, realised by the Synchronous-Asynchronous Message design pattern. Finally, data flow activities can be coupled to execution flow activities by means of events, which signal (noteworthy) changes in the data flow to state machines in the execution flow. 101 4 Analysis and Design of Communication in Control Frameworks 4.4 Data Flow Communication Data flow has been discussed elaborately in Chapter 3. This section summarises the requirements analysis for data flow communication and its realisation in the Connector pattern. 4.4.1 Analysis Data flow is formed by the (buffered) transfer of shared data between tasks. Once the data flow is set up between tasks, activities within each task can choose to produce or consume measurements, interpolation results, etc. According to Section 4.2, data read and write operations must be lock free. Furthermore, according to Subsection 3.2.2, data flow connections must form the natural boundaries for distribution. Summarised, the data flow must have the following properties: • Reading and writing is synchronous by nature and is lock-free. • All data exchanged is value typed, for example, it represents an end effector frame, estimated temperature or joint positions. • The value of the data does not reflect the intent of the producer to change the behaviour of the consumer. Hence no ‘flags’ or enumerations are communicated in the data flow. • The exchange is largely encapsulated in an intermediate object which mediates the data flow between both tasks. This eliminates the requirement that the task needs to know in advance how communication is done with distributed or collocated tasks. These properties motivate largely why connectors are suitable to compose the data flow between components. Assume the data flow activities of a control application require two mechanisms to exchange data lock-free. Unbuffered data exchange is done through a shared object interface which defines Set and Get methods of shared data of any type. The shared object always returns the last Set value in Get. Buffered data exchange has Push and Pop methods which allows to queue data of given type. A container object is required which implements these methods with lock-free semantics and both activities are required to agree over the protocol used such that it is impossible that one activity Sets data while the other Pops data. This container is the connector and the activity’s task can only be connected to this connector if it offers the correct ports which are compatible with the protocol. Other data exchange protocols will require other ports. As originally pointed out in (Bálek and Plášil 2001), the connector is not a part of the component itself, and thus the implementation of the connector may depend on the environment in which the 102 4.4 Data Flow Communication component is deployed. For example, if the component is deployed in a control application without distribution, the connector can be implemented with a low overhead lock-free algorithm. When the same component is deployed in a distributed control application, the connectors will distribute the data transparently over the network. 4.4.2 The Connector Design Pattern Realisations of data flow in control systems is certainly not new6 and most proposals are similar to the principle we apply in this work. Since it is a relatively old pattern, it is only described briefly for completeness in this section. Since the Connector is applied often in distributed systems, the term component is used here in favour of the control oriented term task. Intent This pattern intends to decouple data flow between components by constructing the data flow between components with Connector objects. A Connector abstracts the locality of the components and enforces a communication protocol. Connectors connect to compatible Ports of components which must exchange the same kind of data. Connectors represent an unambiguous view (image) of the data they contain, and they provide, if necessary, concurrent protection to the data. The communication protocol typically fixes a data flow direction, a buffering depth and the notification of data updates. Motivation Its design is motivated by the analysis that a mediator is required between components which exchange data. When distributing data flow, a proxy of remote data is required, which can be done by the Connector. It allows distribution specific constructs to be encapsulated in the Connector instead of in each data flow component. It is also motivated by the need to have a single point of access to acquire the current value of data in a given part of the data flow. In some data flow architectures the data flow needs to be constrained (in value or in bandwidth), a Connector can serve as the object responsible for enforcing these constraints Applicability The Connector pattern is applicable whenever data must be exchanged between components. 6 The term pattern is thus for sure applicable in this case. 103 4 Analysis and Design of Communication in Control Frameworks Participants The Pattern has the following participants: DataFlowComponent A component which executes data flow activity by reading data from its Ports and writing data to Ports. Port Part of the interface of a DataFlowComponent which conforms to a data exchange protocol. Connector Implements a data exchange protocol and provides a single consistent image of the exchanged data through its DataObject. DataObject Represents the type of data exchanged through the Connector and gives access to the data’s value at a certain time. Structure The structure of the Connector pattern is shown in Figure 4.11. Although multiple data types can be exchanged through one connector, a connector is exclusively used by two components. Consequences • A full fledged implementation of Connector may be overkill to small applications. Especially in small control systems, the data object needs only to be shared between two components to obtain data exchange. • The Connector does not allow “in place” calculations of data on minimal implementation systems, since the data is accessed by methods which copy by value. • The interface of Port and Connector is largely left to the application. However, the majority of the control applications will only require FIFO (e.g., to communicate interpolation setpoints), and data image (e.g., to communicate the position of a robot) implementations. Implementation Since data objects and buffers are accessed in the step method of a functionality in the Activity pattern, their implementation must obey those consequences as well. A local buffer or data object must be implemented with a lock-free primitive while a distributed implementation must obey the quality of service of the component’s activity. This work implemented a lock-free data object (DataConnector) and lockfree buffer (BufferConnector). Both implementations require on beforehand 104 4.4 Data Flow Communication Figure 4.11: Connector UML class diagram. 105 4 Analysis and Design of Communication in Control Frameworks the number of threads that will access these data containers, such that memory can be allocated per thread on beforehand. Since each thread accesses in the worst case the original data and the new data, the amount of memory required is twice the amount of threads that will access the data container. The memory requirements scale thus linearly with the number of accessing threads. Because of the properties of lock-free shared data in real-time systems as discussed in Subsection 2.2.3, the access time of the buffer and shared data is constant for the highest priority thread. The trade-off made is thus memory versus worst case latency. Compare this with a mutex based implementation where the amount of memory is constant but the worst case latency is unbounded in case of priority inversions. Even with the presence of a priority inheritance protocol, the worst case latency is still determined by the amount of lower priority threads potentially accessing the critical section. The lock-free implementation is validated and compared with a mutex based approach in Subsection 4.4.4. Known Uses ROOM (see Subsection 2.1.2) and the ControlShell (see Section 2.3) use Connector to connect distributed components. The ROOM Connector pattern is described in (Douglass 2002) and in addition decouples the protocol out of the connector, which is not done in this thesis. The CORBA Data Distribution Service (DDS) is an OMG standard (OMG d) which is derived from ROOM’s Network Data Delivery Service (NDDS). The OMG Event Service (OMG a) is a port-connector based service for realising data flow. Related Design Patterns The Adaptor Pattern and Strategy pattern are both applied in Connector. The Connector encapsulates the protocol (or strategy) of communication, which can be changed when the collocation of components changes. The Port then functions as an Adapter to the data access methods of the Component. The Adaptor–Connector pattern (Schmidt, Stal, Rohnert, and Buschmann 2001) found in Adaptive Communication Environment (ACE) is a close relative for separating connection management and data transfer on network sockets. 4.4.3 The Data Flow Interface Ports form the interfaces of a control task which allow it to process data flow. The collection of Ports can be accessed from the Data Flow Interface of a control task. Since connectors are created outside the control task, this 106 4.4 Data Flow Communication interface serves to browse the ports of the task by the ConnectorFactory which sets up the application’s data flow (Figure 4.12). Figure 4.12: DataFlowInterface UML class diagram. 4.4.4 Validation To validate the connector pattern, the activities of Subsection 4.2.3 are configured as in Subsection 4.2.3 but the data communication is now effectively done. Figure 4.13 shows the configurations for the four application types. Circles denote data objects, rectangles denote buffers. The arrows denote read/write relations. For buffers, a lower frequency thread fills the buffer completely per period, while a high frequency thread reads one sample per period, and vice versa for the inverted read/write case. The data packet size is 160 bytes, sufficient for controlling 20 degrees of freedom with double precision floating point numbers. This section measures the additional communication latency these communications cause using a lockbased or lock-free communication algorithm. This validation differs from earlier work (LaMarca 1994) comparing lock-based with lock-free algorithms in that it targets real-time systems. The applications are first configured such that all data exchange is protected using mutex locks. This means that if a high priority activity needs to access data while a lower priority activity is modifying it, the former blocks until the latter has done. Hence, although a low priority thread can be preempted, it will never need to block on a lock held by a higher priority thread. Vice versa, a high priority thread will never be preempted by a low priority thread, but risks to block on a lock held by a lower priority thread. The effects of this protocol are disastrous for higher priority threads, since with each additional lower priority thread, the odds that it needs to block increase. Priority inheritance was required in order to conduct the experiment, or the high priority threads would almost fail immediately, missing deadlines. Next the applications are configured such that all data exchange is lockfree. An activity will experience a failed data update only if a higher priority thread preempted it and modified the same data. Hence, the highest priority 107 4 Analysis and Design of Communication in Control Frameworks Figure 4.13: Each application type is configured such that it emulates a common data flow application type. thread will never fail updating the data, while a lower priority thread has a larger chance of failed updates as the number of higher priority threads increases. As pointed out before, the number of failed updates is bounded under RM, EDF and DM schedulers. This can be intuitively understood by realising that multiple higher priority updates cause at most one failed update during one preemption of a lower priority activity. Minimal Application Figure 4.14 shows the communication latencies of the minimal application in the lock-based and lock-free configurations. What strikes immediately is that the lock-free exchange (average is 2.517µs) is about three times as fast as the lock-based (average is 8.8429µs) communication. This difference shows that grabbing and releasing a lock, consumes more time than copying and modifying a data structure. Even more, since there is only one high priority thread, it never needs to retry the copy-modify operation. This experiment shows thus that it is already beneficial to use lock-free communication in minimal systems. It can be argued that the lock is not efficiently implemented in the chosen operating system. However, this 108 4.4 Data Flow Communication Figure 4.14: Minimal application communication latencies. Lock based (top) and lock free (bottom). is actually an extra argument in favour of lock-free communication since it does not depend upon the operating system at all (see Subsection 2.2.3.) Small Application Figure 4.15 and Figure 4.16 show the results for the small application for the high priority and low priority threads respectively. Each figure shows the lock-based on top and lock-free communication below. The lock-free communication performs better for both high an low priority threads. Figure 4.16 shows clearly the additional latencies caused by preemption during communication. Concurrent Application The concurrent application was set up to investigate scalability with high data access contention. The difference between lock-based and lock-free communication are very clear for the highest priority thread in Figure 4.17. While the lock-based communication suffers severe delays because of locks, the lock-free communication is as-if unaware of any concurrent data access by lower priority threads. One can wonder if this is at the disadvantage of the latter. Figure 4.18 and Figure 4.18 show that the contrary is true. On average, the lock-free communication is more efficient and has a better worst case latency for the medium priority thread and an equal worst case latency for the low priority thread. 109 4 Analysis and Design of Communication in Control Frameworks Figure 4.15: Small application communication latencies: high priority. Lock based (top) and lock free (bottom). Figure 4.16: Small application communication latencies: low priority. Lock based (top) and lock free (bottom). 110 4.4 Data Flow Communication Figure 4.17: Concurrent application communication latencies: high priority. Lock based (top) and lock free (bottom). Figure 4.18: Concurrent application communication latencies: medium priority. Lock based (top) and lock free (bottom). 111 4 Analysis and Design of Communication in Control Frameworks Figure 4.19: Concurrent application communication latencies: low priority. Lock based (top) and lock free (bottom). Large Application The last application example validates the communication latencies for a large controller shown in Figure 4.20 and Figure 4.21. The same conclusions as with the previous applications can be drawn: On average, the lock-free approach is more efficient and it has by far better worst case behaviour for high priority threads. Conclusions The validation experiments show that lock-free data flow communication significantly improves the real-time behaviour of activities. With respect to both average and worst case latencies, it scales better than traditional lock-based approaches, especially for the high priority activities of a system. It enables communication with non real-time activities without the need of priority inheritance capable schedulers, since it does not rely on the scheduler. Furthermore, these experiments have validated what was experienced in practice, that the Orocos Connector pattern provides a performant real-time implementation for lock-free communication. The results of this validation also contribute to further design decisions of this work. In any communication protocol, data is moved between activities. A lock-free solution will be be used in future validation experiments, which will thus not only validate the proposed protocol, but also the underlying lock-free algorithms. 112 4.4 Data Flow Communication Figure 4.20: Large application communication latencies: high priority. Lock based (top) and lock free (bottom). Figure 4.21: Large application communication latencies: medium priority. Lock based (top) and lock free (bottom). 113 4 Analysis and Design of Communication in Control Frameworks Figure 4.22: Large application communication latencies: low priority. Lock based (top) and lock free (bottom). Figure 4.23: Large application communication latencies: very low priority. Lock based (top) and lock free (bottom). 114 4.5 Execution Flow Communication 4.5 Execution Flow Communication The execution flow is formed by the actions executed by activities, and the events which publish changes in the system. One task’s activity can request another task (“sends”) to execute an operation on its behalf and wait for the completion. This is an asynchronous type of communication, because the requester’s activity can execute other actions while waiting for the result. A synchronous variant is where one task executes (“calls”) an operation, defined in the interface of another task, in its own activity. This Section details the task’s operation interface and presents the SynchronousAsynchronous Message Design Pattern for message based communication in control applications. The next section will detail how events can benefit from the same pattern to synchronise concurrent activities. 4.5.1 Analysis In a control application, decisions must be made on the basis of the state of the system, and actions are executed as a result of these decisions. The actions which can be executed by a task are defined as operations in the task’s interface. Example operations are: executing a movement program; changing the values of control gains; switching to another control law or motion interpolator; or bringing the system to a safe state after an error has occured. The available operations are largely dependent on the application, but the way in which operations are requested and executed isn’t. In control systems, there are two kinds of operations which are very common. Figure 4.24 shows a schematic overview of these two kinds of operations. The first type of operations has the semantics of “reach a goal” (thus imperative). For example, MoveAxisTo(axis, position, velocity). It is defined by a path interpolator task in a control system and takes an axis number, target position and velocity as arguments. It can be rejected by the interpolator if the axis is moving, if the axis number, or any other argument is not valid or if the generator is not accepting commands at all (because it has not been started). If the command is accepted, it is completed when the axis reaches the position. We call this type of operation a command , which a task executes upon request of another task. In some way, this command is executed by an activity running in the receiver. The sender of the command will want to know if the command was accepted, if it finished (using the query IsAxisReady(axis)) and which result it returned. We will show in Section 5.2 how intermediate errors, during the command’s effect can be detected and handled. The second type of operation has the semantics of “calculate a result”. Examples are: reading a measurement out of a data object, checking the status of a task or the calculation of inverse kinematics. These methods are 115 4 Analysis and Design of Communication in Control Frameworks Figure 4.24: A method calculates synchronously a result, a command reaches a goal asynchronously. the equivalent to the classical, synchronous function call7 . Thus when one task’s activity calls the method of another task’s interface, it executes the method until completion in a single “call” action. Another method example is starting an activity. When no activity is running in a task, it can not process commands. Thus the Start operation must be defined as a method which will always be executed by another task. Furthermore, since methods are synchronous, the initialisation of the activity is executed by the caller. Methods and commands are natural extensions to the activity pattern and implement the peer-to-peer execution flow messages between tasks. A task’s interface defines which functions are to be executed as commands and which as methods. This decision has large implications on the implementation of the method or command in casu. First, since a command is asynchronous, a means must be provided to check if it completed and if so, to fetch the result. Second, since a command is executed by an activity in the receiver, it is not concurrent and has no critical sections. Commands are said to be “serialised” with the activity within the target task. Methods on the other hand are called asynchronously with respect to the activity of the target and must be thread safe. 7 This is a trivial definition since method and function are synonyms, but it is so to emphasise its synchronous execution. 116 4.5 Execution Flow Communication 4.5.2 The Synchronous-Asynchronous Message Design Pattern The “synchronous-asynchronous message” design pattern is a behavioural design pattern. Intent This design pattern intends to structure the interface of a task in such a way that it can be commanded to execute functionality asynchronously with respect to a peer. Synchronous services are offered to a peer by means of methods. Both commands and methods are objects such that the ownership can be transferred between objects. Motivation This design pattern is motivated by two major forces. The primary force is the need for synchronous and asynchronous communication between tasks in a system. Both forms occur frequently in control applications. The second force is the need to handle both commands and methods as objects, such that they can be used in larger object structures. For an elaborate motivation, see also Subsection 4.5.1. Applicability It is applicable in any application with concurrent periodic and non periodic activities which need to communicate messages. Participants The main participants are: Action An executable function which is executed by a method or by a command. This function may take arguments by means of ExpressionInterface objects, although the arguments must be provided at construction time, in a ConcreteAction. ExpressionInterface Provides access to an expression which can be evaluated. The expression may invoke actions to calculate its result. It allows to evaluate the expression and to indicate if the evaluation was successful. If the expression results in a Boolean value, this is considered as the success status, otherwise it is assumed that all other expressions are evaluated successfully. Expression A typed expression of which the result can be read. 117 4 Analysis and Design of Communication in Control Frameworks Method Is both a Expression and an Action intended to be executed synchronously and to optionally return the result of a function. Methods have the following properties: • It is defined in the interface of the receiver, but executed by the caller. • It may block. • It may return any value and take any number of arguments. The evaluation of a Method is the result of the execution of its Action. ConcreteMethod receives its arguments as ExpressionInterface instances. To execute the Action it first evaluates all arguments and passes the results as arguments to the actual function. CompletionCondition A Boolean Expression which evaluates to true or to false and which indicates if the Action associated to a Command has completed its effects. The evaluate function of a CompletionCondition may not block and is used for polling, for example in periodic activities. wait can be used as a synchronisation point for blocking activities. The CompletionCondition takes the same arguments as the Command and may store, if the arguments are AssignableExpressions, results in these arguments when the the command is done. Command A container containing an Action and a CompletionCondition where the latter evaluates if the former has completed already. It is intended to be executed asynchronously. A command object has the following properties: • It is defined in the interface of the receiver, thus each task executes exclusively its own commands. • It is always accompanied by a condition which evaluates the completion status of the command. This may be done blocking- or polling- wise. • It uses a Boolean return value to indicate success or failure and can take any number of arguments. Activity Executes Methods, sends Commands and runs the CommandProcessor. CommandProcessor Empties its CommandQueue, a queue of sent Command objects, and executes their Actions. 118 4.5 Execution Flow Communication Structure The Expression, Method, Command and CommandProcessor object structure is shown in the class diagrams in Figure 4.25, Figure 4.28, Figure 4.26 and Figure 4.27 respectively. Figure 4.25: Expression UML class diagram. Figure 4.26: Command UML class diagram. Collaboration The collaboration for commands and methods are discussed separately. 119 4 Analysis and Design of Communication in Control Frameworks Figure 4.27: Command Processor UML class diagram. Figure 4.28: Method UML class diagram. Commands Figure 4.29 shows the command protocol (sending/receiving) which has the following properties: • It is asynchronous by nature, is thus sent and takes time to complete. • It is sent non-blocking into a command queue of the receiver’s Command Processor (which may block on an empty queue). • By consequence it is executed at the priority of the receiver. • It can be dispatched from one task to another, or more generally, can be wrapped into another command. 120 4.5 Execution Flow Communication • It can be rejected by the receiver. Possible causes for rejection are that the receiver does not accept commands or that faulty arguments were provided. • A completion condition may only be evaluated after the command was accepted and did not fail. • A completion condition may take the same arguments as the command and return results through reference arguments when it evaluates to true. Figure 4.29: The Command UML sequence diagram. Methods The message protocol is simply the invocation of the method with its arguments and collecting the return value from the method. Figure 4.30 shows the collaboration of an activity (by means of a functionality) which invokes a method on a peer Task. Figure 4.30: The Method UML sequence diagram. 121 4 Analysis and Design of Communication in Control Frameworks Consequences This pattern forces the designer of tasks to decide upon the synchronous or asynchronous nature of the operations of a task. An operation of a task must or may be a method when: • It may be called from a concurrent activity. • It starts the CommandProcessor of the method’s task. • It has immediate effect. When the method returns all effects have propagated through the system. • It must be executed at the quality of service of the caller. • It is not real-time while all activities of the method’s task are real-time. By consequence, it can not be executed as a command in one of its activities, thus it must be a method. The same holds when the method is blocking and all activities of the method’s task are periodic. An operation must or may be a command when: • It may not be called from a concurrent activity. • The task’s CommandProcessor is able to process the command (running). • Its effect takes time to complete or propagate through the system. • It must be executed at the quality of service of the command’s task. • It is non blocking and the CommandProcessor is executed periodically. Or it is not real-time and the CommandProcessor is running in a non real-time activity. As the items above make clear, commands and methods are complementary to a high degree. This complementarity is also the main motivation to use this design pattern. It provides a complement to the classical synchronous messages in real-time systems. In our day to day experience, we have found no task which requires a more nor less sophisticated operations interface. The separation of synchronous and asynchronous messaging also sets the stage for events and synchronisation in the next section. Methods, commands and expressions can be executed or evaluated in realtime as many times as required. The creation of method, command and expression objects must happen in a non real-time activity or during the initialisation of a real-time activity. The pattern is biased towards periodic activities with respect to evaluating if a command is done. The mechanism behind the wait function (see below) 122 4.5 Execution Flow Communication was not further investigated in this work since most control activities were periodic. There is no bias towards the task defining the command, meaning the CommandProcessor may be blocking or non blocking. To address this bias, the Synchronous-Asynchronous Event pattern of Section 4.6 can be applied which is fully transparent towards periodic and non periodic activities. Implementation Both Commands and Methods must be implemented according to some guidelines in order not to violate the requirements of the real-time Activity pattern. Commands The CommandQueue must be a lock-free queue in order not to violate the requirements of real-time activities. Because this queue only stores pointers to commands, its implementation can be optimised in comparison to the lock-free buffer seen earlier such that any number of threads can access the queue. The memory trade-off is thus absent in this case and this queue is thus as performant as possible requiring constant memory and providing constant worst case latency. A periodic CommandProcessor empties this queue completely during each periodic step, since the number of commands being processed in parallel is not bounded. However, according to the Activity pattern, the Commands Actions of a task with a periodic CommandProcessor must be non blocking. As a consequence, such an Action will set up and start a periodic activity, which when finished, indicates the completion of the command. If the task’s CommandProcessor is non periodic, the Action may block and in fact its completion status may be equal to the CompletionCondition. In such case, the CommandProcessor serialises each incoming Command. As above it may also start a periodic activity. The wait function of a CompletionCondition may be trivially implemented by polling evaluate continuously. More efficient implementations may use a periodic check or a semaphore. The wait method may be extended with a timeout value as an argument to avoid infinite waits. When wait returns true, the command finished, if it returns false, the timeout expired. The implementation of a Command’s Action and CompletionCondition changes if the task’s the CommandProcessor is periodic or not. Since both are defined in the same task, this coupling is justified. Methods The implementation of a Method’s Action is far more straightforward in comparison with a Command. Depending on its contract, it may be blocking or non blocking and it is the functionality’s responsibility to only invoke the kind of methods which are allowed in it’s kind of activity. 123 4 Analysis and Design of Communication in Control Frameworks Related Patterns The Command pattern in combination with the Factory Method pattern (both in (Gamma, Helm, Johnson, and Vlissides 1995)) is the key to realising this pattern for creating and invoking both method and command objects. A related pattern to the CommandProcessor is the serialiser pattern (Hauser, Jacobi, Theimer, Welch, and Weiser 1993; Massalin and Pu 1992; Hohmuth and Härtig 2001) which is a server thread which serialises queued commands. In that context, it is considered as the last resort to implement lock-free operations. Our approach differs from serialiser in semantics and intent. A task serialises the commands it executes in addition to the task it is executing and only execute its own commands at its priority. The Reactor pattern (Schmidt, Stal, Rohnert, and Buschmann 2001) is also related to the CommandProcessor as it waits for incoming asynchronous requests, most commonly from network sockets. 4.5.3 The Operation Interface The Operation Interface of a task offers access to the CommandFactory,a factory which generates Command objects and MethodFactory, a factory which generates Method objects. The OperationInterface structure is shown in the class diagram in Figure 4.31. Figure 4.31: The OperationInterface UML class diagram. The OperationInterface contributes to the separation of behaviour and interface in a peer-to-peer task network since the factories abstract how 124 4.5 Execution Flow Communication command and method objects are created and which types are present. This is accomplished by passing their arguments with ExpressionInterface objects and thus the factories hide the type signature of a command or method. This process is shown in Figure 4.32 and Figure 4.33. Figure 4.32: The Command creation UML sequence diagram. Figure 4.33: The Method creation UML sequence diagram. The realisation of these factories requires a large number of ‘helper’ classes. These are left out in this text, but can be consulted in the on-line Orocos manuals. 4.5.4 Validation To validate the synchronous-asynchronous message pattern, the activities of Subsection 4.2.3 are configured such that commands are sent from each activity to a higher priority and lower priority activity in each execution cycle. The lowest and highest priority activity send commands to each other. An activity only sends a command if it received one from its neighbour, thus a concurrent ping-pong effect is established. Every activity thus processes and sends two commands each cycle at most. 125 4 Analysis and Design of Communication in Control Frameworks The tasks are configured such that receiving a command causes a load which is 10 % of the load shown in the graph’s legend. In the worst case, two commands or 20 % load are generated in the task. For this experiment, both the default load and data flow communication are disabled such that only the effects of sending and processing commands show. The experiment measures command send and execution times, using a lock-free CommandQueue. The advantages of using lock-free communication have been validated in the previous experiment. Sending Commands The results for all application types were similar, so only the results of the most demanding application, the concurrent setup, are discussed. Figure 4.34 shows the cost of sending a command to a local peer for the high, medium and low priority activities respectively. Sending a command into a local lock-free queue takes on average 4µs for the highest priority thread. The lower priority threads have a slightly higher average due to the preemptions, as can be seen in the figure, however, the worst case latencies show a very deterministic operation. Processing Commands After sending commands, each task checks its command queue and processes any commands received. The execution of the command processor is timed within the concurrent application. Figure 4.35 shows the results for the high, medium and low priority thread respectively. The measurement includes the emptying of the command queue by the CommandProcessor, reading an empty queue takes about 3µs (top graph). In a few cases, the top graph shows the overhead is 10µs for processing two commands. For all three cases, when no preemption occurs and events are received, the resulting latency is or 10 percent or 20 percent of the load, indicating no significant jitter induced by the CommandProcessor. 126 4.5 Execution Flow Communication Figure 4.34: Concurrent application sending commands: high, medium and low priority 127 4 Analysis and Design of Communication in Control Frameworks Figure 4.35: Concurrent application processing commands: high, medium and low priority 128 4.6 Synchronisation of Activities 4.6 Synchronisation of Activities Activities synchronise when one activity waits for the completion of another. Or more general, an activity waits for the occurrence of an event (also known as signal ). Some activities can wait indefinitely for an event to occur, or in other words, can block on an event. In real-time control, periodic activities need a way to synchronise without blocking on events. Furthermore, subscription to and unsubscription from events may be a highly concurrent operation which is performed when the internal state of activities changes. Similarly to the Synchronous-Asynchronous Message pattern, the classical object oriented event pattern can be extended to allow asynchronous callbacks which are executed in asynchronous activities. 4.6.1 Analysis In real-time control applications, many changes are detected at one place within the system and must be notified to subscribers. Errors, (partially) completed commands or measurements exceeding limits are common events which are raised and need to be broadcasted to multiple objects. While semaphores are the old8 school operating system primitives to solve activity synchronisation, events are the object oriented solution to the same problem. In control, events must provide periodic and non periodic activities a means to synchronise. To be more precise, an activity may choose to wait (i.e. block) for an event or to be informed of (i.e. a function is called back by) an event (Figure 4.36). An event carries application dependent data (such as, the measured position, or an identification of which console button has been pushed), which is passed to the callback function as arguments. The signature of the callback is thus dependent on the event’s type. Because of the inherent concurrency with event processing, it is possible that an activity subscribes to an event just when it is emitted, or a callback function unsubscribes itself and possibly other callbacks from the same or other events. This obstructs a lock based event implementation largely because of the possibility of dead-lock. A subscriber chooses upon subscription if it must be informed immediately (synchronously) when the event is emitted or deferred (asynchronously), i.e. delay the processing of the event to a safe moment. A synchronous callback is related to the ‘method’ of the Synchronous-Asynchronous Message pattern because the subscribers’ callbacks are called synchronously in the context of the event raiser. The asynchronous event callback is related to the ‘command’ abstraction because callbacks are called asynchronously, with respect to the event raiser, thus in the context of the event subscriber. A synchronous callback should thus be executed according to the quality of service of the 8 Or should I say common? 129 4 Analysis and Design of Communication in Control Frameworks Figure 4.36: Analysis of event semantics. activity that raised the event, while the asynchronous callback should be executed according to the quality of service of the activity which subscribed to the event. Periodic and non periodic activities will handle deferred events differently as the former is not allowed to wait for the occurrence of the event. The traditional publish-subscribe design pattern (Gamma, Helm, Johnson, and Vlissides 1995) is too primitive9 for coping with these requirements, although its interface is a basis to start from. Semaphores however, remain on the other hand the only sound means to let activities wait and continue in a controlled way. For example, semaphores are required to deterministically stop and start periodic activities or wake activities when they are waiting for an event to occur. This mechanism must be somehow combined with the callback model of the publish subscribe design pattern, while all activities are reacting to the event according to their quality of service. A task must have a means to publish which events it emits, and to offer its peers an interface to query for events and to set up event connections. The CORBA RT-Event Service is an example of such interface for distributed event handling, although it is meant to function as a central server which distributes events to clients according to a quality of service. The involvedness of this 9 It does not take concurrency into account, but also does not offer a solution to self and cross (un)subscription. Furthermore, it does not define the handle and connection responsibilities. 130 4.6 Synchronisation of Activities service does however leave no room for a hard real-time implementation. The framework we present requires a light-weight per task event service. Control applications require that the control framework allows to specify the synchronisation as a state machine. That is, an activity which is waiting for an event to occur is actually in a certain state. While being in that state, it may perform a (periodic) activity until the event occurs, which results in a transition to another state. When the task is in the other state, it is likely interested in other events, hence, during the transition, subscription from the events of the former state must be cancelled and a new subscription to events for the new state must be created. This creation and deletion of subscriptions is not a trivial operation in real-time systems, as careless implementations may require memory to be allocated at run-time. The design pattern in Subsection 4.6.2 presents an event mechanism which will meet all the above requirements, which are typical for real-time control frameworks. More specifically, it provides • an object oriented event framework in which the callback functions may receive any kind of data. • a way for both periodic and non periodic activities to synchronise with events. • both synchronous and asynchronous callback function invocations with respect to the event raiser. • fully thread safe and lock-free (using (Harris 2001) with a real-time memory management scheme) (un)subscription of callbacks, including self unsubscription or cross subscription/unsubscription from any concurrent activity. The Event Service in Subsection 4.6.3 provides a separation between behaviour realised by the pattern and an event-type independent interface, similar to the task’s command and method factories of the SynchronousAsynchronous Message pattern. We have found no earlier work which succeeded in combining all these properties. We designed the event with the handle idiom which allows to set up a “sleeping” signal-slot connection and which has all resources allocated. A lock-free list implementation allows (un)subscription without disturbing higher quality of service activities. 4.6.2 The Synchronous-Asynchronous Event Design Pattern The Synchronous-Asynchronous Event pattern is a behavioural pattern. 131 4 Analysis and Design of Communication in Control Frameworks Intent To provide a publish-subscriber mechanism which allows callbacks to be called synchronously or asynchronously in concurrent, real-time activities. The concurrent activities may be periodic or non periodic. The subscription can be set up on beforehand and connect or disconnect the callback repeatedly in real-time. Motivation This pattern is motivated by the same arguments as in the PublishSubscribe design pattern, but defined in a concurrent real-time control application. Publish-Subscribe offers a synchronous implementation of a callback mechanism where a function of a subscriber is called when the event is raised. The callback function may change some data, signal a semaphore or perform any work that is necessary to process the event. It is not uncommon that the callback function contains critical sections. Critical sections can be avoided by processing the callback asynchronously, or deferred, in the context of the subscriber. A task which subscribes an asynchronous callback to an event contains an EventProcessor activity which must check a queue of deferred events that need further handling. It may wait for incoming events or periodically (try to) empty the queue. The advantage of deferred event handling is that the load on the event raiser is deterministic and raises linear with the number of subscribers. An object is not necessarily subscribed to an event for its full lifetime. The (un)subscription process may be decided upon in the execution flow, and therefore must be a hard real-time action. For an elaborate motivation, see also Subsection 4.6.1. Applicability The pattern is applicable in any real-time system with more than one activity. Use it if : • you need to broadcast changes in the system to subscribed tasks which execute concurrent activities. • you need lock-free handling of events. • you need dynamic (un)subscription of subscribers, possible at all times from all places. 132 4.6 Synchronisation of Activities Structure Figure 4.37 shows the class diagram for synchronous event handling. Figure 4.38 shows the extension to asynchronous callback handling using an EventProcessor. Figure 4.37: The Synchronous Event Pattern UML class diagram. Participants As with the Synchronous-Asynchronous Message Pattern, a full implementation will require helper classes to create the necessary objects and relations. These participants form the core business of the pattern: Event Defines the signature of the event by means of Event::emit, which the Subscriber::callback function must match in order to Event::setup a EventConnection. It creates Handle and EventConnection objects, but it only returns the former to the user. Handle Is the user’s representation and allows manipulation of the EventConnection status between the Event and the Subscriber. A 133 4 Analysis and Design of Communication in Control Frameworks Figure 4.38: The Asynchronous Event Pattern UML class diagram. Handle is copyable and thus multiple Handle objects may point to the same EventConnection. Subscriber Contains the Subscriber::callback function which must have the same signature as Event::emit. A connected Subscriber::callback function is called each time the event is Event::emit’ed. EventConnection Represents the relation between an Event and a Subscriber. It has three statuses; it can be connected, meaning that the Subscriber::callback function is called upon each Event::emit, it can be disconnected meaning that the Event::emit is not burdened with the calling the Subscriber::callback function or it is invalid, meaning that the Event object no longer exists. AsynEventConnection is a Connection which saves an Event::emit for completion by an asynchronous EventProcessor. It may store the ‘caught’ data or apply other policies such as only saving the last event data in case of overrun. EventProcessor Runs in an activity and contains a list of all AsynEventConnections which capture events for that activity. When the EventProcessor executes, it instructs all AsynEventConnections to AsynEventConnection::complete 134 4.6 Synchronisation of Activities all pending events, thus to dispatch the request to the final asynchronous Subscriber. Collaboration Figure 4.39 shows the sequence diagram for synchronous event handling. Figure 4.40 shows the extension to asynchronous callback handling using the EventProcessor. Figure 4.39: The Synchronous Event Pattern UML sequence diagram. Consequences Using this pattern has the following consequences: • All synchronous callbacks are processed first, also if a higher quality of service asynchronous callback is present. In order to serve the asynchronous callbacks to quality of service, the Event must order the asynchronous callback list according to the quality of service of the EventProcessor. • When the Handle object is destroyed, and the callback is connected, the callback can no longer be removed from the Event. A ScopedHandle object can tie its lifetime to the Connection and disconnect the callback upon its destruction. 135 4 Analysis and Design of Communication in Control Frameworks Figure 4.40: The Asynchronous Event Pattern UML sequence diagram. Implementation The core of the implementation are two lock-free lists, ConnectionList and AsynConnectionList, which store the event-subscriber relations for synchronous and asynchronous subscribers respectively. In addition the AsynEventConnection stores the event data in a lock-free data object, until invoked by the processor. The lists must be growable at runtime, such that any number of connections can be set up. As with the lock-free buffers and data objects before, the lists require an amount of memory equal to twice the number of threads times the number of connections times the size of a connection object. • In order to support multiple event (and thus callback) signatures, the implementation will need to rely on generic implementations in order to reduce code duplication in the implementation. • ConnectionList must be implemented such that adding and removing EventConnection objects is hard real-time and lock-free. Memory storage can be reserved with ConnectionList::reserve during Event::setup, such that ConnectionList::add needs only to append the Connection to the list. 136 4.6 Synchronisation of Activities • The same arguments hold for the asynchronous AsynConnectionList. • Since multiple objects with independent lifetimes hold a reference to the EventConnection, garbage collection is necessary to delete this object when it is no longer needed. The implementation benefits from the lock-free approach on multiple fronts. First, the addition and removal of connections does not interfere with the emission of events, since no locks are held on the connection lists. Second, the asynchronous delivery of events by the event processor does not interfere with an event emission, since the AsynEventConnection stores the event data internally in a lock-free data object. Last, the emission of an event itself is always non blocking, meaning that multiple activities may emit the same event. The highest priority activity will always get its event delivered first, since the connection list is never locked. Related Patterns As noted before, the Publish-Subscribe pattern (Gamma, Helm, Johnson, and Vlissides 1995) is the synchronous ancestor of this pattern. The CORBA Event Service (Harrison, Levine, and Schmidt 1997) offers a rich interface for serving events in a distributed environment. The Boost::signal Library (Boost ) is an advanced, non-concurrent, nonreal-time implementation which also uses the Handle idiom. The same can be said of the SigC++ Library (Schulze, Cumming, and Nelson ). Both do not implement asynchronous callbacks. The Proactor (Schmidt, Stal, Rohnert, and Buschmann 2001) pattern listens for incoming network requests associated with a handle and handles a small part (such as acknowledging) of the request in a synchronous callback and defers the completion of the request (such as transmitting the requested data) to a Completion Processor. 4.6.3 The Event Service The Event Service is the part of a Control Task ’s interface which provides an event-type independent interface to add callbacks to all exported events of a task. The EventService class in Figure 4.41 shows that a task exports its events using addEvent, and assigns it a publicly visible name. A peer task can subscribe synchronous or asynchronous callbacks to each exported event using setupSyn and setupAsyn respectively. The arguments are separated out of the callback’s signature and the Subscriber::callback(T) function has been replaced by an function object FObj which contains a callback without arguments. The function object will find the event data in the sequence of 137 4 Analysis and Design of Communication in Control Frameworks AssignableExpression objects when the event is emitted. For asynchronous callbacks, the subscriber task must provide its event processor (EProc) as the last argument such that when the event is emitted, the callback execution can be deferred to that processor. The event is always emitted from within the ConcreteTask. Figure 4.41: The Event Service UML class diagram. The implementation of the EventService is beyond the scope of this work. Since the callback has been separated in a zero arity function object and a sequence of arguments, the EventService does not expose the Event type and communicates through Handle objects and the ExpressionInterface hierarchy. Analogously to the command and method factories, this abstraction allows changes of the Event type and implementation without modifying the interface of a task, hence adds to the required separation of behaviour and interface in a peer-to-peer infrastructure. 4.6.4 Validation To validate the event infrastructure, the activities of Subsection 4.5.4 are configured such that events are emitted in each activity to which a higher priority and lower priority activity are subscribed. The lowest and highest priority activity are subscribed to each other. Thus every activity emits one and processes two events at most each cycle. Processing an event causes a load of 10 percent of the load shown in the legend of the graph. As in the Command pattern validation, only the results of the concurrent application are discussed. Emitting Events Figure 4.42 shows the measured latency for emitting a single, asynchronous event with two subscribers within the high, medium and low priority tasks respectively. The best case latency can be found in the highest priority thread 138 4.6 Synchronisation of Activities Figure 4.42: Concurrent application emitting events: high, medium and low priority. Line legend: period/load. and is on average 3µs. The pattern is again very deterministic and favours the highest priority thread. 139 4 Analysis and Design of Communication in Control Frameworks Processing Events Each task is equipped with a periodic event processor which checks at the end of each execution cycle if events need to be processed. Figure 4.43 shows the measured latency of the event processor for the high, medium and low priority threads respectively. In the majority of the cases, the queue is empty and a small overhead of about 3µs shows in all three tasks. The additional peaks are not to be confused with jitter as they indicate the processing of one or two events, accounting for a latency of 20 percent of the task’s load. The top graph reads an overhead of 20µs for processing one event aynchronously, since the peak should be at 10µs and it is around 20µs. This processing interferes with the emission of events, but no high jitter shows. 140 4.6 Synchronisation of Activities Figure 4.43: Concurrent application processing events: high, medium and low priority. Line legend: period/load. 141 4 Analysis and Design of Communication in Control Frameworks 4.7 Configuration and Deployment Configuration flow is the (non-real-time) deployment and (re)configuration of tasks. Configuration starts with deploying a task in an operating environment and to make it load instructions that provide new, or update existing, functionalities and behaviours. Configuration also involves moving some parts of a system to other processing nodes in a network. Remote software updating is another example: an engineer at a company’s headquarters connects to a customer’s machine, and steers the machine controller through a software update cycle. This involves uploading new software versions for some Tasks’ functionality. This kind of configuration always requires a (partial) deactivation of the tasks involved and a possible reconfiguration of the tasks which interact with the reconfigured task. Execution flow may reconfigure the system by switching between binary code that is already available in the tasks since the last (re)configuration; for example, an estimator event triggers the switch between two control laws. Configuration flow typically requires some execution flow messages to bring the tasks to an already available “configuration state”, in which functionality can be unloaded and loaded in a safe way, or tasks be moved to a new node. Configuration in Real-Time systems can not happen on arbitrary times or from arbitrary contexts. A thread executing a control functionality can not be used to read in a file or perform any action of unbounded time. That said, configuration can not happen in real-time data flow or real-time execution flow. A number of known design patterns can be applied for separating configuration flow from execution flow and data flow. An overview with references is given below. 4.7.1 The Property Interface The properties of a task are a structured representation of its parameters (or attributes) and visible state. A property object has a name, value and optionally, a description. Properties may be exported to and manipulated by external entities. The Property Interface allows browsing of this structure and modifying the contents. Properties are typically read from a file and checked for consistency when a task is created and written to a file format when the task is destroyed in order to provide task configuration persistence. Not only parameter values are stored in properties but also the names of task or data objects to which the task is connected, such that when a task is created, it can, by using a name server, reconnect to these objects in order to reestablish its functionality in the system. A standard file format for storing properties is the CORBA XML Component Property Format (CPF) (OMG c). Although properties contributed a large deal to the configurability and usability of the control tasks which can be built with the framework, this 142 4.7 Configuration and Deployment work does not contribute new insights to that domain. Properties are grouped in (unordered) property bags. A property may contain a value or a bag and hence, property bags can form nested hierarchies which can be used to structure the data. A bag can be queried for its contents and is thus browsable. The property interface of a control task is thus no more than the access to its root bag and methods to load, modify and read its properties. A property can be used as an AssignableExpression as command, method or event arguments. For completeness, the PropertyInterface of a control task is shown in Figure 4.44. Figure 4.44: The Property Interface UML class diagram. 4.7.2 Name servers and Factories When properties are used to store the names of commands, events, peer tasks, data objects or any other object in the framework, it needs a name server to establish these connections. Furthermore, by only updating the properties, it is possible to reconnect a task within the framework. The property and name server patterns are thus complementary in establishing a reconfigurable network. If the task is “moved” over a network to another node, it will notify the name server of its new location such that peer tasks can re-establish the connection. The property interface and task browsing interface of the next section are actually name servers to their interface. Hence a lightweight version of a name server was implicitly used in these interfaces. The Naming Service (OMG b) is an OMG proposed standard for name servers for distributed CORBA objects. While a name server is used to locate existing objects within an application, the factory design pattern (Gamma, Helm, Johnson, and Vlissides 1995) serves to create new objects by a given tag or name. For example, when a task is configured, it uses the interface factories to create all the command 143 4 Analysis and Design of Communication in Control Frameworks objects it may send to other tasks or create all the data flow connections for all data it may communicate to other tasks. The Operations, event and data flow interfaces are thus all factory interfaces which create commands, event connections or data flow connections. 144 4.8 Task Browsing 4.8 Task Browsing As Section 4.1 pointed out, a peer-to-peer task infrastructure is the most flexible to implement any application architecture, being it a small scale robot control loop or a large scale wood working machine. The aim is to build associations between tasks and to jump from one task to the other following these associations, in other words to “browse” the task network. Such a peer-to-peer network requires that each task presents the same interface which allows to set up connections to other tasks and browse these connections. Furthermore, the interface presented by each task is in addition composed of all the interfaces seen in this Chapter. Figure 4.45 shows the resulting Control Task Interface which extends all interfaces of this Chapter with methods for browsing. This interface respects the separation Figure 4.45: The Control Task Interface UML class diagram. between interface and behaviour. Although every control task implements the ControlTaskInterface, it does not need to contain commands, properties, events, etc. Each interface can be queried for the existence of these objects and thus the interface of every task essentially hides if and which behaviour is implemented. In other words, not only the task network is browsable, but also the interface of each individual task. The advantages of this technique become clear when command or property objects are added (or upgraded) at run-time to a task’s interface; or when a new task is added in the network, existing tasks can query it for the services it offers. 145 4 Analysis and Design of Communication in Control Frameworks 4.9 Summary This Chapter analysed the requirements for an application independent realtime control task or component. The control task defines the separation between interface and activity on one hand, and provides interfaces which allow real-time, thread-safe execution of its activities on the other hand. In other words, by analysing the activities which are executed within control tasks, the requirements of its peer task’s interface could be deduced. The communication patterns which were proposed in this Chapter allow, by design, hard real-time communication and lock-free data exchange, which was validated experimentally, and compared to classical communication methods. The interface of a control task such as proposed in this work allows task activities to • communicate buffered or unbuffered data between tasks; • subscribe to peer task events; • send commands or call task methods; • configure and read task properties; • be distributed over a network. This interface suffices to set up the control kernel application template, but gives only partial insight on how the behaviour of a control task needs to be realised. The next Chapter goes into great detail on how to realise task activities which use the communication patterns of this Chapter. 146 Chapter 5 Real-Time Task Activities The design patterns presented in the previous sections structure the application’s configuration and communication mechanisms. We define a Control Task as an object which supports one or more of these interfaces and makes them available to peer tasks for inspection (“browsing”) and execution (“calling”). This Chapter details how task activities, which use these mechanisms for communication, can be realised. Activities consist of a set of actions, such as calculations or commands, it wishes to execute. A task offers the environment (or context) in which activities directly operate and through which activities are connected to other tasks. Figure 5.1 shows the task with its interfaces as defined in the previous Chapter and shows how a task can be internally structured. Centrally, an Execution Engine (Section 5.3) serialises incoming commands, executes event handlers and executes activities. The activities can be hard-coded (fixed at compile time) in a task or, in our terminology, be loaded (in non real-time) as programs (Section 5.1) or state machines (Section 5.2) which are executed in real-time by a Program Processor and State Machine Processor, respectively. Activities in a task use the interfaces of peer tasks to communicate and realise their activity. The definition of this infrastructure in terms of the design patterns of the previous Chapter, is a major contribution of this work since it integrates and provides a framework for all communication patterns of realtime control systems. This Chapter starts with the introduction of the program graph. It is a real-time automaton which defines and executes an algorithm and thus realises an activity. This program graph is very suitable and even designed towards the communication mechanisms of the previous Chapter. Next, a state machine model is defined which is as expressive as UML state charts. The state machines built to this model are very suitable to express which activities must be executed in which state and how transitions from one state 147 5 Real-Time Task Activities to another must be made. The central Execution Engine is left to the last section and is merely the serialisation of all kinds of Processor s in this work. Figure 5.1: A task’s public interface is composed of events, operations (methods and commands), properties and data flow ports. Its activities are executed by an execution engine and are programs and state machines. Its interface and peer connections can be browsed. 5.1 Real-Time Programs As the previous Chapter pointed out, activities realise part of the behaviour of a task, i.e. what it does. Programming languages serve to define activities which are then compiled to an underlying process model. In some languages, like C++ or Ada, this is the actual hardware processor architecture, while in other languages, such as Java or Lisp this is a virtual machine: a program which offers a hardware independent environment which can interpret and execute applications. The former technique has the advantage that it executes applications as fast as possible and as deterministically as possible, but the compilation step can take a long time and delivers non portable machine code. The latter technique (commonly named “byte-compiling”) is slower since the resulting code needs to be interpreted by the virtual machine but has the advantage that it is portable. Furthermore, interpreted code has the 148 5.1 Real-Time Programs advantage that the application can be gradually extended with new units of functionality, which seamlessly inter-operates with the existing application. A broad spectrum of variants exists between these approaches, and the approach in this work is a blend optimised to real-time execution of run-time loadable programs. A program conditionally executes actions (or statements), such as invoking a method, checking a completion condition or modifying a property. The most straightforward way to model this execution is by using a graph which executes an action in each node and checks the outgoing arcs of the current node for a valid transition to the next node. This model has several advantages: • It is deterministic in time, when the actions and conditions are deterministic. That is, traversing a graph is a bounded time process and does not add indeterminism to the actions it executes. • Such a graph can be constructed at run-time out of “node” objects and “edge” objects which are connected. • The arcs form synchronisation points: they can block or allow the traversal to a next node under certain conditions. • One can execute one action at a time, as in a debugger, without requiring additional functionality. • Although executing a graph is slower than executing a compiled program, it is faster than an interpreted program, since only virtual functions need to be called and nothing is left to interpretation. The first item makes program graphs suitable for executing real-time activities. The second item allows both compile-time and run-time construction of graphs. The third item makes it fit to execute commands and methods. The forth item makes it fit for debugging purposes and the last item makes it a better alternative for embedded systems than an interpreted language. The program graph approach has also some disadvantages: • Since Action::execute() takes no arguments (Subsection 4.5.2) an alternative argument passing infrastructure is required. • Constructing such an object graph by hand is notoriously difficult. Imagine only a small program of about one hundred statements. • Each kind of action requires a different object type, easily leading to hundreds or even thousands of different types (i.e. classes). • It can not easily express real-time recursiveness. 149 5 Real-Time Task Activities The first item was already solved in the previous Chapter by introducing the ExpressionInterface which serves to share data between actions. The second item can be solved by developing a scripting language which queries the method and command factories for actions and glues the graph’s nodes together. The third item can only be solved by using a generic programming language such as C++ or a recent version of the Java language. That is, a “skeleton” action object can be constructed which is tied at compile-time (thus by the compiler) to a function of the task. When the action is executed, the function is called. The last item comes from the fact that there is no “stack” involved in traversing a program graph. All intermediate data is stored in pre-allocated expression objects and a real-time program is not allowed to allocate additional expression objects when a function is recursively entered. This may be considered as the biggest disadvantage as recursivity is often seen as a fundamental building block to build intelligent systems. A virtual stack emulation could be added in which the stacked expression objects are allocated, but this was beyond the scope of this work.1 However, any need for recursion can be encapsulated in a method or command of a task written in the underlying programming language. This Section describes the program graph model and how such a graph can be constructed from program scripts. 5.1.1 Program Model A (real-time) program is a graph which contains one Action in each Node and directed Arcs between the Nodes, Figure 5.2 and Figure 5.3. There is a start node and an end node and any number of nodes (Nx ) connected with directed arcs (Ax,y from Nx to Ny ) in between. The Action in a node may modify or read local data, evaluate an expression, send a command to a peer task context,. . . If the Node’s Node::execute() method returns ’false’, an error occured and the program flags its ProgramStatus as error. Upon entry (Figure 5.4), a Node is reset with Node::reset() and its outgoing arcs with Arc:reset() upon which it is ready to call Action::execute(). After the Action is executed, each outgoing Arc evaluates a CompletionCondition which checks if a transition to a next Node may be made. It may evaluate if a Command is done, if a variable has a certain value or evaluate other expressions. When the end node is reached, the program stops. The execution of a node in itself and the traversing of the arcs are a deterministic process and do not add indeterminism to the execution of the operations. 1 The C++ construct “placement-new” offers a possibility to application-managed memory allocation. 150 5.1 Real-Time Programs Figure 5.2: Program graph structure. Figure 5.3: A UML class diagram of a program graph. 151 5 Real-Time Task Activities Figure 5.4: ProgramGraph sequence diagram. 5.1.2 Program Status Programs are loaded and executed in a task’s Program Processor. Once loaded, they can be started, stopped, paused and stepped by node and be queried for their status, being ready, stopped, running, paused or error. The transitions between these states in relation with the methods of the ProgramGraph class are given in Figure 5.5. The error state is entered when an action returns false. The ProgramGraph::step() function may be used in both running and paused states, but will execute at most one action in the latter case. The effect of step in the running state depends on the program execution policy and is discussed next. 5.1.3 Program Execution Policy The ProgramGraph may contain a number of policies in which it can execute its program. The ProgramProcessor executes a program statement using ProgramGraph::step() which executes the current node and, if any arc 152 5.1 Real-Time Programs Figure 5.5: UML State diagram of the ProgramGraph Status. condition evaluates ’true’, make the target node the current node and reset its action and outgoing arcs. The program execution policy determines how many steps are executed in uninterrupted sequence. The default policy is to execute as many statements until a node has no arcs which evaluate ’true’. We call this a wait condition since it forces to postpone the execution of the program to the next step. The next executing step, the action is again executed and all conditions evaluated. If an action may be executed only once, a decorator (see Subsection 5.1.5) can be used to execute a contained action only once after Node::reset(). In practice, methods are executed directly one after each other, while a program encounters a wait condition for most commands. When a program is paused, the ProgramProcessor no longer executes the step method. When the step method is externally invoked, the ProgramGraph will execute exactly one statement. Other policies may execute a given maximum number of statements or even try to ignore errors or handle exceptions. 5.1.4 Program Scripting To facilitate the construction of program graphs, we have developed a scripting language which allows to create and load program graphs in a (running) task. A script parser queries the factory interfaces of all peer tasks to create actions which execute methods, commands or modify program variables or task properties. The nodes are wired to each other using the classical branch statements such as if ...then ...else and while(...) constructs. The syntax of the scripting language is very similar to the C programming language, although it lacks the notion of pointers to objects and is thus also not able to define object oriented structures. A task is however represented as an object within the language such that a task’s operations, properties, events and ports are members of that task. The language can handle any user defined type and can be extended to parse expressions operating on these types. An introduction to this language can be found in (Soetens and Bruyninckx ). The resulting program graphs are fully real-time executable and no exceptions are 153 5 Real-Time Task Activities Listing 5.1: Invoking a method var d o u b l e n e w f o r c e = 1 0 . 0 ; do PeerTask . s e t P a r a m e t e r ( ‘ ‘ Force ’ ’ , n e w f o r c e ) ; thrown or run-time type information is required during execution. The program script parser is also used to build the interactive ’task browser’ application. It is an application independent human machine interface which connects to any task in the system and allows to browse its interface, invoke methods, commands or modify properties of the task or one of its peers. An introduction to the task browser and its capabilities is also given in (Soetens and Bruyninckx ). 5.1.5 Program Statements To clarify the rather complex program execution semantics, some examples of common functional programming statements are converted into node-arc structures and a light is shed on the advantages of the above execution semantics. The syntax of the algorithms conforms to the Orocos program script syntax. Invoking a Method The simplest construct is to invoke a peer method, for example such as in (Listing 5.1) Since a method is a type of Action, and a Node contains an Action, the construction of a node which executes an action is straightforward as in Figure 5.6 and Figure 5.7. A method node M has one out going arc A which contains the True condition , which always evaluates to true. Hence, when node M is executed, both the action m and condition t are first reset, which has no effects (both are stateless). The method m is then executed synchronously and the condition t is evaluated. Since t always returns true, the ProgramProcessor follows the arc A and moves on to the next node N . Invoking a Command Commands, such as a movement command as in Listing 5.2, are somewhat more complex than methods, but the program execution semantics are very fit to execute such asynchronous operations. The node and arc of a command are shown in Figure 5.8. Extra layers of indirection are needed to wrap both command and its completion condition in order to adhere to command execution semantics. The command needs to be guarded against multiple invocations when its completion condition does not immediately evaluate to 154 5.1 Real-Time Programs Figure 5.6: Program graph for invoking a method. Figure 5.7: UML sequence diagram for invoking a method. true, since the ProgramProcessor executes the action as long as no arc can be taken. Furthermore, its completion condition may not be evaluated as long as the command was not executed by the peer’s CommandProcessor, thus there must be a way to delay its evaluation and detect the command’s execution status. A small optimisation is possible when we allow the ProgramProcessor to execute a Command directly when the command is owned by the task itself. This situation is explained first. Figure 5.9 shows a sequence diagram for invoking a command ma of the activity’s task. The command’s MoveAxisAction is wrapped in an Listing 5.2: Invoking a command var d o u b l e v e l o c i t y = 1 2 . 5 ; var d o u b l e p o s i t i o n = 1 . 2 5 0 ; var d o u b l e a x i s = 3 ; do r o b o t . moveAxis ( a x i s , v e l o c i t y , p o s i t i o n ) ; 155 5 Real-Time Task Activities Figure 5.8: Command node-arc structure. AsynchronousAction asyn which is a Decorator (Gamma, Helm, Johnson, and Vlissides 1995) which only executes the action ma once after a reset by the program’s node. The outgoing arc a of a command node contains its CompletionCondition. The condition may be evaluated directly since the command’s action was executed directly. Figure 5.9: UML sequence diagram for invoking a local command. Figure 5.10 shows a class diagram and Figure 5.11 shows a sequence diagram where the command is to be dispatched to a remote CommandProcessor, thus where a program invokes the command of another task. In comparison with Figure 5.9, two decorators were added to the command’s Action. The TrackStatusAction stores the execution status of the command’s action. It shares this state with the TrackStatusCondition which delays evaluation of the CommandCondition as long as the command was not executed. It also shares this state with the DispatchAction which will return the actual command status when the command is executed. The DispatchAction thus replaces the AsynchronousAction object and actually requires multiple 156 5.1 Real-Time Programs invocations by the program node to report back the command status. 157 5 Real-Time Task Activities Figure 5.10: UML class diagram for invoking a remote command. Figure 5.11: UML sequence diagram for invoking a remote command. 158 5.1 Real-Time Programs Listing 5.3: A while loop var i n t i = 0 ; w h i l e ( i != r o b o t . t o t a l A x e s ( ) ) { do r o b o t . d i s a b l e A x i s ( i ) ; set i = i + 1; } Executing a Loop Looping and branching are the most common constructs in functional programming language and are supported by program graphs. This Section only shows a classical while loop (Listing 5.3), but other constructs can be (and have been) created likewise. A single statement loop only needs to consist of a single node and an arc which evaluates how many times the action in the node was executed, as in Figure 5.12. When the action is a command or multiple actions must be executed within the loop, a branch arc must be constructed which connects the last action with the first guarded with the conditional statement of the loop, as in Figure 5.13. Figure 5.12: A program graph with a single action loop. The constructs for other loop types or branch statements are similar. Loops can contain loops or branch statements in turn. These features are supported by the program script parsers. 5.1.6 Program Interfacing The functions of the ProgramGraph in Figure 5.3 may not be concurrently invoked while the program is executed in order to not interfere with the invocations of the ProgramProcessor. A program borrows the CommandProcessor(Subsection 4.5.2) of its task to accept its start, stop, 159 5 Real-Time Task Activities Figure 5.13: A program graph with multiple actions within a loop. pause, . . . commands. A program has in common with the task that its local variables could be represented as properties and its functions exported as commands. Hence a light-weight task can be constructed which offers this interface to access and manipulate the program, but shares its command and program processor with its ‘parent task’. This ‘program task’ is then a peer of the task in which it is loaded, as in Figure 5.14. Allowing programs to be manipulated as tasks opens transparent possibilities for integrating programs in a network of tasks and allows to inspect and even modify running programs. 5.1.7 Summary The real-time program graph infrastructure offers a real-time framework for executing statements and evaluating conditions in a control application. It is powerful enough to execute any functional program as long as it does not involve recursive algorithms. It is fit to execute methods, commands or any action defined in the system. The program infrastructure relies on a command processor for manipulation of program graphs. Towards usability, it relies on the presence of a generic programming language for building action types and on a script parser for building the program graph structure. 5.2 Real-Time State Machines Since activities are executed only when a task is in a certain state, it would be convenient to express which activities to execute in which state and describe 160 5.2 Real-Time State Machines Figure 5.14: A task network with a program task. (O)perations, (E)vents, (D)ata flow. Legend: (P)roperties, how and when transitions from one state to another are made or allowed. The management of such a state machine forms an activity in itself and hence, state machines can execute state machines as activity, hence forming a hierarchical state machine. A change from one state to another can be caused by an event or by evaluating a transition condition. Naturally, both activities and transitions of the state machine must be compatible with the results of the previous Sections and Chapters. The construction of a state machine infrastructure in this Section merges all results of this work. State machines execute program graphs as activities, thus execute peer tasks commands and methods and can make state transitions using conditions and events. The state machine is the most appropriate construct to build Process components to keep track of the current state of the data flow components of the Control Kernel. The state machine must be as real-time as the activities it executes. Switching controllers, performing a recalibration or monitoring correctness all require real-time response times. The state machine is the embodiment of the logic and process knowledge of a physical machine and must change as the machine changes. In the field, hardware up- or downgrades will require state machine changes, hence, as program scripts, state machines should be on-line (un-)loadable, such that remote maintenance or upgrades become a possibility. Figure 5.15 shows an example state machine for a fictitious application. The application builder defines the Initialise, SelfTest, . . . , Cleanup states and the transitions between them. One state is the initial state and one state is the final state. Any number of in between states can be defined, depending on the needs of the application. The arrows between states denote 161 5 Real-Time Task Activities the events upon which a transition is made. Clearly, different states react to different events. Each state may execute a (real-time) activity, which is not shown in the figure. The state machine infrastructure of this work allows to realise and manage state machines as shown in this figure. Figure 5.15: UML state diagram of an application’s state machine. Harel’s state charts (Harel 1987) have proven to be sufficiently expressive to specify discrete behaviours. OMG’s UML work group acknowledged the state chart model by embracing it completely in its 1.0 specification and leaving it largely (fundamentally) unmodified in successive revisions. A state machine is thus the realisation of a UML state chart. (OMG g) and (Douglass 1999) are the prefered sources for an overview of the semantics of state charts. State charts have the following improvements over classical MealyMoore(Mealy 1955; Moore 1956) finite state machines, which were specifically designed with circuit electronics in mind. State charts • are designed for modelling software behaviour. • can model nested state machines to specify hierarchical state membership. • can execute state machines concurrently and asynchronously • use pseudo states to model state change dynamics. • allow a list of actions to be executed upon state transition. As motivated earlier (Selic 1993), state charts are less suitable to derive an implementation from the specification because of transition semantics ambiguities with respect to the state’s activity. We refined the state chart with respect to these transition semantics and the special meaning of the initial and final state of a state chart. More specifically, the state machine design we present has been extended over classical state charts in the following ways: 162 5.2 Real-Time State Machines • state charts use action lists as entry, exit and transition programs, thus to be executed ’atomically’, as if in an infinitely small amount of time. In our approach, these programs may be activities and thus may take a finite amount of time to complete. • The initial and final states are safe states, being entered when the state machine is created and stopped respectively. A transition from the final state to the initial state is always valid. A transition from any state to the final state is always valid. Both kinds of transitions need not be defined by the state machine designer. • The state charts specification leaves the semantics of interrupting the state activity open, as well as the semantics for denied transitions. Our approach defines one run program to define the activity and one or more handle program to handle denied transitions. The next Sections dissect the resulting state machine model. 5.2.1 State Machine Model A state machine consists of a finite number of states. When a state is entered, the entry program is executed, next the state’s activity is executed until a transition occurs. A transition triggers the execution of a transition program, the exit program of the current state and the entry program of the next state. The state chart formalism allows to define two kinds of state transitions: by event and by evaluating a condition. The semantics of a state transition are slightly different in this work compared to state charts. A transition event in a state is commonly defined as: state-name: event-name(parameter-list): [guard] {transition-program} target-state Our framework interprets such a transition rule as follows. When the event event-name occurs in state-name, its data is stored in the parameter-list and a guard condition checks (for example, by inspecting the parameter-list) if the event may be accepted in this state. If so, the transition-program, which can also access the parameter-list, is executed, next the state’s exit program and finally the target-state is entered. A flow-chart shows these semantics in Figure 5.16. A transition condition from state-name to target-state is commonly defined as: state-name: [guard] {transition-program} target-state Our framework interprets such a transition rule as follows. A transition condition, guard, is checked after the run program state-name. If no transition 163 5 Real-Time Task Activities condition is valid, the state’s handle program is executed and the run program is again started. When the condition transition may be made, first the transition-program is executed, then the state’s exit program and finally the target-state is entered. A flow-chart shows these semantics in Figure 5.17. Figure 5.16: UML state diagram for processing events in a state. Figure 5.17: UML state diagram of evaluating transition conditions in a state. The event handling is omitted but will take place as in Figure 5.16 if event transitions are defined. 164 5.2 Real-Time State Machines We define a StateMachine (Figure 5.18) by an initial State, a final State and any number of intermediate states. A State has (all optional) an entry, exit, run and handle StateProgram. All these programs have the same execution semantics as the ProgramGraph of the previous Section. The StateMachineProcessor executes its state machines using StateMachine::step(), which in turn executes the current program of the current state. Furthermore, each state defines its Transitions to target states. With each Transition, a TransitionProgram may be associated and a Guard which evaluates if the transition may be taken. As a specialisation, the EventGuard has access to event arguments of an EventHandler which is subcribed to an Event (not shown). Each EventHandler is associated with exactly one Transition. Each State may have one or more Preconditions which must hold true when it is entered. It functions like an extra guard which is evaluated in addition to the transition’s guard. Currently, state machine hierarchies are modeled as parent-child relations between StateMachine objects (Figure 5.18). This is not fully conforming the state charts standard. In state charts, the hierarchy is formed within states, thus a state contains a state machine. This nested state machine is then started when the state is entered and executed instead of the state’s entry, run or exit program. Although adapting the current model to these semantics remains future work, it can be mimicked by starting a child state machine in the state’s entry program and stopping or pausing it (in case of history2 ) in the exit program. Whether transition conditions are evaluated depends on the mode of the state machine. A state machine in the reactive mode only reacts upon events. This will mainly be used if the activity of the state is realised externally and the state machine merely influences the activity by the events it receives. In the automatic mode, the run program contains the activity which is run continuously and in addition the transition conditions are checked. The motivation for these two modes comes from the open interpretation of how state charts can be realised and the demands of control applications. A state machine in control should be able to both monitor external activity, such as the Process component in the control kernel, or execute activity itself in a given state, such as a Generator component keeping track of the axis path planning state and calculating the interpolation between setpoints. 5.2.2 State Machine Status Like a program graph, a state machine has a state of its own. We denote these states as status in order not to confuse with the user defined states of 2 History in state charts means that the state ’remembers’ in which sub-state it was before it was left the last time and enters it immediately the next time. 165 5 Real-Time Task Activities Figure 5.18: A UML class diagram of a hierarchical state machine. 166 5.2 Real-Time State Machines Figure 5.19: UML state diagram of the StateMachine status. a state machine. The state diagram in Figure 5.19 shows the evolution of its status. The states and transitions correspond to the StateMachineStatus and StateMachine methods respectively, shown in Figure 5.18. Upon creation and before destruction, a state machine is inactive, it does not react to events nor executes any activity. When the StateMachine::activate() method is called, it executes the entry program of the initial state. The error status can be reached from virtually any state and is not shown. A request for a transition to the final state is always valid, even if no such transition is defined by the state machine designer. This allows to safely stop (StateMachine::stop()) a task from any state. A request for a transition from the final state to the initial state (a StateMachine::reset()) is also always valid. When the state machine is deactivated it executes the exit program of the current state and no longer reacts to events. Reactive Mode When a state machine is activated (Figure 5.19), it enters the initial state and executes its entry program. The entry program may start an activity, initialise state data or activate and start a child state machine. 167 5 Real-Time Task Activities It now waits for the events, which are defined by its event transitions. It also accepts state change requests (StateMachine::requestState()), which are guarded by transition conditions, to enter another state. A request may also request to execute the run program once. The state machine is thus purely reactive. Automatic Mode When an activated state machine is Running, by calling StateMachine::automatic(), it executes the run program of the current state, when finished, checks the transition conditions and if none succeeds executes the handle program. When the handle program is finished, the run program is run again and so on. These execution sequences may take multiple steps if some activity’s actions are commands, but are guaranteed to be executed as-if they form a single action if the program has no wait conditions (see Subsection 5.1.3). Incomming events are processed between entry and exit programs, and if necessary delayed until after transition condition evaluation and the handle program. If a guard prevents the event to have effect, the event’s handle program, if present, is executed. Error Handling As mentioned in Subsection 5.1.2, a program node may indicate failure after being executed. If this happens in any state program, the state machine stops the execution of that program and flags the error status. A parent state machine may detect this and request the child’s final state or even deactivate it in case this transition fails too. If an error is detected during deactivation, a second deactivation request will finish deactivation without further execution of the erroneous program. 5.2.3 State Machine Execution Policy From the moment on a state machine is activated, the StateMachineProcessor invokes the StateMachine::step() method and hence delegates state program execution and transition processing to the state machine. At any time, the state machine can be paused. From this moment onward, the state machine processor does no longer invoke the step method and whichever program was being executed is also paused. When the state machine’s step method is externally invoked, it will execute one statement in the current program or evaluate one transition. This mechanism is possible because the ProgramGraph can be paused as well. This policy allows to debug state machines during development. 5.2.4 State Machine Scripting Analogously to building program graphs, constructing a state machine may be to cumbersome and hard to realise with only the model at hand as in 168 5.2 Real-Time State Machines Figure 5.18. A scripting syntax was developed which allows to describe hierarchical state machines. A state machine script parser reads the script and builds on-line an object structure which can execute the described state machine and activities. Although the parsing is a non deterministic process, the execution of the resulting state machine is deterministic and thus suitable for execution in real-time threads. The language is non standard and is even not able to model all state graph functionality directly. Providing a portable specification remains thus future work but does not require additional changes of our state machine model. It is merely the front-end that needs to be improved. A state machine is specified much like a class in object oriented languages. After specification, it can be instantiated multiple times with different parameters. A full syntax description is given in (Soetens and Bruyninckx ), but a short overview is given below. Listing 5.4 shows the definition of a StateMachine of type StateMachineType. The parameters (param) of a state machine are provided upon instantiation, the variables (var) are members of the state machine which can be used by its states to store and exchange data. Any number of states can be defined with the keyword state followed by the name of the state (StateName). A state may have preconditions, which are entry guards and are chained (logical AND) with any guard for a transition to this state. When the state is entered, the entry program is executed and contains syntax identical to the program script syntax. The same holds for the run, exit and handle programs. The transitions list contains the condition transitions and is thus evaluated when a state change is requested in reactive mode or evaluated in between run program executions in the automatic mode. The guard is formulated as the well known if ... then syntax followed by the transition program, again in program script syntax. The transition program is finished by a select statement which indicates the TargetState of this transition. Event transitions are analogous to condition transitions but start with the keyword transition, followed by the name of the event, which may be a peer’s event, and a list of variables which receive the data of the event. The guard and transition program are analogous to the condition transitions. The select statement is now optional (denoted by [...]) though and when the guard fails, a program can be executed in the else branch and an alternative state can be selected. A StateMachine can be instantiated with the syntax of Listing 5.5. RootStateMachine is a keyword which informs the parser that we wish to instantiate a StateMachine of type StateMachineType. The resulting object gets the name stateMachineName and gets an argument-list which initialises the parameters of that state machine. In this way, multiple state machines can be instantiated with different arguments. Building a hierarchical state 169 5 Real-Time Task Activities Listing 5.4: Minimal state machine script StateMachine StateMachineType { param . . . var ... s t a t e StateName { precondition ( expression ) entry { // Program s y n t a x } run { // Program s y n t a x } exit { // Program s y n t a x } transitions { i f ( e x p r e s s i o n ) then { // Program s y n t a x } s e l e c t TargetState } handle { // Program s y n t a x } t r a n s i t i o n eventName ( v a r i a b l e l i s t ) i f ( e x p r e s s i o n ) then { // Program s y n t a x } [ s e l e c t TargetState ] e l s e { // Program s y n t a x } [ s e l e c t OtherState ] } } Listing 5.5: Instantiating a task’s state machine RootStateMachine StateMachineType machineName ( a r g u m e n t l i s t ) machine has analogous syntax as shown in Listing 5.6. Any number of children can be instantiated. 170 5.3 Task Execution Engine Listing 5.6: Instantiating a child state machine StateMachine StateMachineType { SubStateMachine ChildType childName ( a r g u m e n t l i s t ) // . . . } 5.2.5 State Machine Interfacing Analogous to a ProgramGraph, a StateMachine can be controlled from other activities. It also requires a command processor for serialising the incoming commands with the activity of the state machine processor. The resemblance between state machines and tasks is again noteworthy. As shown in Figure 5.20, a state machine can be seen as a light-weight peer task, S, of the task in which it is executed. Its child state machines, Sa and Sb, are peers in turn to S. The variables and parameters of a state machine are mapped to task properties, and the interface of a StateMachine (Figure 5.18) appears as commands and methods in the task’s operations interface. These state machines can now be interfaced from peer tasks or activities from the same task. 5.2.6 Summary UML state charts form a solid basis for modelling concurrent, hierarchical state machines. The state chart model is realised by using program graphs as activities and asynchronous events or transition conditions to trigger state transitions. The presented state machine model is capable of executing purely reactive programs or executing activities and checking transition conditions actively. The resulting state machine hierarchy can be interfaced as a task peer network, allowing access to parameters and use its operations interface. 5.3 Task Execution Engine The Execution Engine is the central activity of a task. It invokes the Command, Event, Program and State Machine Processor activities in sequence (Figure 5.21), such that communication within the Execution Engine is not concurrent and thus safe. A periodically triggered Execution Engine will invoke the step() functions of each Processor sequentially, in effect, polling for work. For periodic control tasks, like servo loops, this is only a small 171 5 Real-Time Task Activities Figure 5.20: A task network with a hierarchical state machine task. (P)roperties, (O)perations, (E)vents, (D)ata flow. overhead which is done in sequence with the control activity. Figure 5.21: UML sequence diagram of the Execution Engine. 172 Legend: 5.4 Application Figure 5.22: The interface of the components of Figure 1.8 is extended with additional commands. A not periodically triggered Execution Engine has much in common with the Reactor pattern (Schmidt, Stal, Rohnert, and Buschmann 2001). A single synchronisation point, such as a semaphore, acts as an event generator to indicate that work is to be done, and is signalled when a command is queued, an event was raised or a program’s command finished. For each signal, the Execution Engine executes step() of each Processor to poll for work. Either way, periodic or non periodic, the Execution Engine functionality is executed as the main activity of a task. Collocated tasks can share a single execution engine, sequencing their activities. The Execution Engine is not subject to distribution since this is against its reason of existence: to localise the serialisation of incoming communication with the local activities. Hence the Execution Engine is not visible in the interface of a control task, although the command and event processors are accessible to accept commands and process events from the task’s operation and event interfaces. 5.4 Application This Chapter concludes with an application example which requires the presence of state machines and activities. This example extends The ‘Car tracking’ application from Section 1.4. The interface of the components is extended as shown in Figure 5.22. The application fetches an image of the play field with the Camera component and sends it to the Image Recognition component. The latter calculates a vector from the camera to the car. Using the current position and orientation of the camera, the location of the car in the room is calculated. The camera is then aimed as such that the object is located in the middle of the image. 173 5 Real-Time Task Activities The Program A third component, the Tracking component, is added which describes the tracking activity with a program graph (this is a role analogous to the Process component of Chapter 3). Figure 5.23 illustrates how this description can be decomposed in a program with actions and conditions. The control loop starts with taking a camera image in node N 1, which is done by an action which sends a command to the camera component. The program then waits until the image is ready, A12, which is the completion condition of that command. Next a command to process the image is sent to the image recognition component in node N 2. Two outcomes are possible, the car is located, A24, or it isn’t, A23. These options are logically AND’ed with the completion condition of the command. In case the car is located, the camera is moved towards the location of the car in node N 4. In the other case the program jumps to a check point, node N 3, where it is determined if the program should stop, A3e. No action is taken there. Otherwise, A23, the program jumps again to node N 1. Figure 5.23: A car localisation program. The State Machine When the localisation program is used in the field, it will not be desired to continuously track the Car. Before the car is tracked, the camera needs calibration or it needs to be positioned in a given direction. This leads to a number of states in which the application can be. In each 174 5.4 Application Figure 5.24: The states of a car localisation application. state, another activity (program) is executed, and events define the transitions between states. Figure 5.24 illustrates the state machine of the application, the activity which is executed in each state and the events that cause state transitions. This state machine is loaded in the Execution Engine of the Tracking component and thus executed by the State Machine Processor. The state machine is straightforward. When the state machine is activated, it enters the initial state, Startup which starts both camera and image recognition components. To start the application, the state machine itself must be started and enters the Waiting state. There it waits for a movement command or for the start calibration event. When the camera is calibrated the application is Ready for Localisation. When the Start Localisation event is emitted, the earlier described car localisation program is run, until the Stop Localisation event is received. Whether this particular state machine polls for these transition conditions or waits for events is merely an implementation detail. Since the Tracking component needs to execute a periodic activity in the Localise Car state, it is reasonable that the Execution Engine, and thus the State Machine Processor is executed by a periodic activity. The state machine of Figure 5.24 can be written down as a script. For illustration purposes, this is done in Listing 5.7 and Listing 5.8. The listing assumes that the Tracking component reacts to the startMovement(p), startCalibration() and startLocalisation() events (not shown in the Figures). The state machine type is TrackingApplication. A variable p is used to store a target position of the Camera, lateron in the script. A stopProgram flag is used as well lateron. The initial state is Startup which starts the components in its entry program. The transition statement indicates that the Waiting state may be entered when the state machine is started. The 175 5 Real-Time Task Activities Listing 5.7: The state machine running in the Tracking component, Part 1. StateMachine T r a c k i n g A p p l i c a t i o n { var p o s i t i o n p ; var b o o l stopProgram = f a l s e ; i n i t i a l s t a t e Startup { entry { do Camera . s t a r t ( ) ; do I m a g e R e c o g n i t i o n . s t a r t ( ) ; } transitions { s e l e c t Waiting } } f i n a l s t a t e Shutdown { entry { do Camera . s t o p ( ) ; do I m a g e R e c o g n i t i o n . s t o p ( ) ; } } s t a t e Waiting { transition startCalibration () select Calibration t r a n s i t i o n moveCamera ( p ) s e l e c t P o s i t i o n i n g } // See Part 2 . final state is Shutdown which is entered when the state machine is stopped and which stops both components. The Waiting states waits for two events, startCalibration or moveCamara. The latter receives an argument, which is stored in p. Depending on the event type, the Calibration or Positioning states are entered. Listing 5.8 contains the second part of the script. The Positioning state sends the moveCamera command with the stored position to the Camera component. When this command is completed, the run program will return and the transitions are evaluated. In this case, the Waiting state is entered. The Calibration state is analogous to the Positioning state and the ReadyForLocalisation state is analogous to the Waiting state. Finally, the program of Figure 5.23 is written down in the run program of the LocaliseCar 176 5.4 Application Listing 5.8: The state machine running in the Tracking component, Part 2. // Continued from Part 1 . state Positioning { run { do Camera . moveCamera ( p ) ; } transitions { s e l e c t Waiting } } state Calibration { run { do Camera . c a l i b r a t e ( ) ; } transitions { i f Camera . i s C a l i b r a t e d ( ) then s e l e c t ReadyForLocalisation s e l e c t Waiting } } state ReadyForLocalisation { transition startLocalisation () s e l e c t LocaliseCar } state LocaliseCar { run { w h i l e ( ! stopProgram ) { do Camera . f e t c h I m a g e ( ) ; do I m a g e R e c o g n i t i o n . p r o c e s s I m a g e ( ) ; i f ( I m a g e R e c o g n i t i o n . c a r L o c a t e d ( ) ) then do Camera . moveCamera ( Camera . g e t P o s i t i o n ( ) + ImageRecognition . carLocation ( ) ) ; i f stopProgram then r e t u r n ; } } transitions { s e l e c t ReadyForLocalisation } } } 177 5 Real-Time Task Activities state. By toggeling the stopProgram variable, the program can be stopped at a fixed point. This variable could be toggled by an event. 5.5 Summary This Chapter proposed a method for executing real-time activities as a nodeedge graph which executes actions in its nodes and evaluates conditions in its edges. The advantage of this approach is that it can express most functional programming constructs at reasonable speed under real-time conditions. Furthermore, it allows activities to be reprogrammed in an on-line controller. However, a solution to incorporate recursive algorithms in this method was not proposed. The definition of how activities can be executed is only a part of the solution. Providing a method to precisely define when activities are executed and under which conditions is a necessary complement. The state chart formalism was refined in order to define precise state change semantics with respect to the activities running within a state. The model of such a state machine was presented which took advantage of the program graph and event semantics. The state machine model allows real-time execution and state changes and can be loaded in a running system as well. The Chapter concluded with an example of a Car tracking application with a state machine. 178 Chapter 6 Conclusions This Chapter concludes this work with a high level summary of the results and innovations of this work. Next, the limitations of the presented work are discussed as well as future work. 6.1 Summary This text started with analysing some common machine control scenarios in which the choice and design of the software control framework were fundamental for correctly realising the application. In each of the given machine control applications, it was required that: the framework was open in order to be extendible; hard real-time in order to be usable and provide generic communication semantics in order to build connectible software components. The literature survey gave an overview of the state of the art robot and machine control solutions and held it to the light with respect to these requirements. This was done by looking at five different facets of a control framework. To design such a framework, the Unified Modelling Language provides mechanisms suitable to model interactions and relations between software components. Furthermore, it provides us a terminology to describe software systems. The real-time properties of a framework are fundamental as well for (distributed) control applications. It was argued that the dependencies on the real-time operating system can be kept minimal with respect to the framework. A real-time process scheduler and a semaphore primitive are sufficient to control execution of activities. To realise communication between local activities a universal lock-free primitive is required. For distributed communication, a real-time communication protocol is required in addition. In absence of the latter, only a localised real-time framework can be obtained, such as is presented in this work. 179 6 Conclusions This does not exclude component distribution which is another facet of a control framework. Middleware enables distributed components but requires interfaces which define how one interacts with a distributed component. Finally, some control architectures were discussed with respect to these facets, but no satisfactory architecture could be found. The difference between infrastructure and architecture was a key argument to dispose existing control ’architectures’. Although architectures or application templates are useful for rapid development of one kind of application, a control framework must offer an application independent infrastructure on which application specific components can be built. The difference between architecture and infrastructure was clearly shown by the feedback control kernel versus the real-time control framework. In a top-down approach, an architecture for intelligent feedback control was presented and the required infrastructure for such an application template was identified. The design pattern for feedback control decouples data flow (i.e. packet based or ’streaming’ communication) from execution flow (i.e. message based communication or ’decision making’ communication). This opens major benefits to reusability, since the data flow can be identified for a wide range of applications (it shapes the template) while the execution flow is part of the “Process” of a specific application and requires application specific configuration. To realise such an application template and its components, a solid infrastructure is required which allows to define component interfaces and build components to that behaviour. Defining interface and implementing behaviour are the yin and yang of a realised component. This work presented a generic real-time control component interface which exposes its properties, events, operations and data flow ports. These interfaces were motivated by analysis of common communication or configuration needs. None of these communication primitives are new, but their identification as software pattern and their capabilities with respect to both real-time execution and design towards on-line constructable and browsable component interfaces has not been presented in previous work. Even more, these patterns also provide an answer to the dual synchronous-asynchronous completion requirements in control applications. The real-time properties were validated for each communication mechanism and compared to classical lock-based approaches. The presented framework is superior to the other control frameworks in scalability and real-time latencies by the use of lock-free data exchange in local communication. This approach allows to extend any controller with additional components without increasing the latency of existing higher priority components. Distributed control also benefits from local lock-free communication, as priority propagation, which is common in distributed real-time communication protocols, becomes very 180 6.2 Evaluation and Contributions effective since the remote invocation can not stall on locks and is thus truly only dependent on its quality-of-service property. In order to complement the interface definition with encapsulated behaviour, the realisation of activities and state machines was investigated. State of the art reactive, hierarchical behaviours can be specified with UML state charts. State charts have however two main shortcomings, they leave the specification and execution of activities open ended, and the transition semantics with respect to these activities are not specified. This work proposes an activity execution mechanism which allows to express functional real-time programs which are fit to use the framework’s communication patterns. Rapid prototyping benefits from the browsable nature of the component’s interfaces since the latter allows to load real-time activities at run-time into a component. Such extended functionality has not been observed in previous work and was only possible by a well designed form of the framework’s communication primitives. In order to manage the execution of activities, hierarchical, real-time state machines can be specified, integrated seamlessly with the event interface of the real-time control components. The contribution of this work lays again in the expressiveness of these state machines. Transitions to both events and conditions can be specified which allows a state machine to both actively and reactively change state. The state machine and its activities can be interfaced as a peer task which can be commanded or inspected down to the variable level. The real-time control ‘task’ infrastructure presented in this work provides a means to build highly interactive and thus truly open controllers. The tasks form a peer-to-peer network which captures the architecture of the application at hand. Each entity in the control system can browse both the network and each task’s interface. The task interface provides the means to build objects which are responsible—in real-time—to invoke operations, react to events, or build data flow connections. It becomes thus almost trivial to build a tool which connects to a control application and inspects or modifies each aspect of the controller. 6.2 Evaluation and Contributions It would be reasonable to test the results of this work to the same criteria as the other frameworks which were investigated in Chapter 2 by using Figure 6.1. 6.2.1 Design Methodology This work re-uses well established, standardised design methodologies and practices to communicate its results. The definition of communication 181 6 Conclusions Figure 6.1: How well does this work perform, and what does it contribute, in these areas ? patterns for real-time communication in the UML guarantees that the results can be compared with related design patterns. It can be argued that the work did not use the full expressiveness of this standard. More specifically, the UML profile for time and scheduling was not used, and OCL expressions were not provided. The former could be left aside largely because of the scheduler independence provided by the solutions in this work, while the latter was given in textual form. 6.2.2 Real-time Determinism This work presents the first machine control infrastructure built exclusively with lock-free communication. Further more, the designs presented fully decouple real-time and not real-time activities in order to guarantee time determinism. The real-timeness of the design patterns were validated experimentally and compared to traditional lock-based approaches. It was concluded for each communication primitive that the patterns effectively favour the highest priority activity, in contrast to the traditional approach. 6.2.3 Robot and Machine Control Architecture The results of this work contribute to the field of designing machine controllers because it does not enforce an architecture, but motivates an infrastructure 182 6.3 Limitations and Future work for hard real-time communication. A design pattern for feedback control applications, the backbone of intelligent robot control, is presented which also shows how an application template can be designed with the presented infrastructure. This design pattern is extensively motivated by the decoupling of data flow from execution flow, and by the role each component type has in realising this mechanism. Especially the Process component is a key in this pattern as it defines the locations of coupling, in order to obtain a higher level of decoupling between the data flow components. 6.2.4 Software Component Distribution This work contributes to the design of distributed machine controllers as it defined the common interface for a machine control component. This common interface nullifies the costs for deploying any component after the first, since both deployment environment and component do not need to be changed to accommodate for new components. Its ‘meta’ interface becomes immediately visible to other components once deployed. 6.2.5 Formal Verification This work is not formally verified, nor formally verifiable. The correctness of the lock-free communication however relies on proven algorithms and were also validated as such. The expression of software in UML models such as state charts makes it potentially integrable with future formal verification and code generation methods. 6.3 Limitations and Future work The limitations of this work are summarised here for completeness. The previous section already pointed out that the presented designs were only experimentally validated, but not formally. The design pattern for feedback control requires a rapid prototyping tool to easily build components. Nowadays the components interfaces and behaviour are written by hand in a programming language, while commercial tools allow to graphically connect and reuse control algorithms. This work would benefit from the integration with such a tool such that a control algorithm can be ‘uploaded’ to a component, or used as a plug-in. The presented infrastructure was designed with periodic activities in mind in the first place1 . Sending commands is mainly a business of periodic tasks which periodically check the completion condition. The synchronousasynchronous event pattern can however be used to communicate in a reactive 1 Which is not rare in control applications however. 183 6 Conclusions system. A clear ‘style-guide’ on how to use the presented design patterns in practice was not presented, although the state machines and activities are first steps in that direction. Realistically speaking the framework has in its current form in the short term good chances of survival but in the long term, none. Most software frameworks only live for a decade (or two), after which they are replaced by a state of the art makeover, which solves the problem in a fundamentally different way. There is hope though, that, because of its openness, it may adapt to the changing requirements. The source is open and out there and it got just mature enough to actually spark both academic and industry interest. Its full potential can only be reached if people start sharing their modifications and additions, something in which the free software license surely assists. However, the day it stops changing, it will deprecate. The most important reason for this is that the science of software design is far from its end and racing from childhood into maturity. Sooner than most people think, writing software will be very different from today. 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A.1 Hardware All tests were conducted on the same common of the shelf hardware, being a Pentium III 750MHz processor, 128KB level 2 cache, 256MB SDRAM and a 20GB ATA harddisk. It provides a network adaptor for remote access and a graphical adapter suitable for optionally diplaying a graphical user interface. It was extended with a National Instruments NI6024e PCI card which provides digital IO using a BNC 2040 breakout box of the same company. A.2 Software The main operating system was GNU/Linux, patched with the RTAI/LXRT v3.0r4 scheduler in order to create real-time tasks in a rate monotonic scheduler setup. The tasks were written using the Orocos library, which uses RTAI for creating threads, Apache’s Xerces for reading XML files and Comedi v0.77 for accessing the National Instruments card. Since Orocos is a C++ framework, the application and library are compiled with the Gnu Compiler Collection’s g++ version 3.3.4. A.2.1 Time measurement The experiments were conduced using the ‘ThreadScope’ feature of the framework, which uses a digital output interface to generate block-waves which indicate the runtimes of threads, Figure A.1. When a thread wakes 195 References Figure A.1: The thread scope encodes time measurements by using block waves. up, Orocos toggles an assigned bit number high and when it sleeps, the bit is toggled down again. The application can reserve per thread additional pins which it uses to encode the duration of a set of sequential functions. By matching the first wave with the last, the applications duration can be interpreted unambiguously. The thread scope calibrates the duration of a measuring time itself (which is an operating system call) and stores it for later corrections. Two methods for capturing these waves were devised. One thread scope implementation takes timestamps on each wave edge and stores the results in a lock-free buffer per thread. These buffers are emptied by a non real-time thread. This means the real-time threads never block on a write operation. Furthermore, the data are written to the buffer just before the real-time thread goes to sleep, so, writing the buffer as such is not measured. The non real-time thread empties the buffers and writes the time measurements to a file per thread. The histograms are then generated from each file. The RTOS calibrated the CPU frequency to 703533000Hz. This means that one time tick is equal to 1.421ns, which is thus the resolution of the clock in this setup. This is well below the micro second order of magnitude of the effects we wish to measure. Time measurement itself took on average 3.174e-06 seconds, which is quite large since it requires an invocation of the operating system. Accumulation of this overhead was avoided by substracting only two consequetive times, correcting them and adding the results. The second method was devised to validate the correctness of time 196 References Figure A.2: Detail of Labview measurements. measurements on the target. This alternative thread scope toggles the digital outputs of the National Instruments card and a Labview acquisition (Figure A.2) program was created to measure the wave lengths. The wave was sampled at 10MHz, thus has a precision of 0.1 micro seconds, which is still accurate enough for our purpose. The advantage of this method is that the overhead on target is minimal, only the latency of the accessing the device driver influences the experiment. The disadvantage of this method was that the testing of all the application types in all configurations was too time consuming since the measurement PC needed to be synchronised manually with the experiment. In addition the sampling generated so much data that only short intervals could be captured. For this reason, the on target measurements were used to gather the measurements in the validation experiments. A.2.2 Experiment Setup Only two kinds of Orocos tasks were designed to cope with any experiment. The first type of task forms an application component which is configured 197 References through properties for its real-timeness, execution frequency, load, etc. It also contains methods to calibrate the load and configure it to send events or commands to designated peers. The four application types and their topologies are hardcoded in the application’s main function. The second kind of task functions as a test manager. It has all application tasks as peers and can thus control their behaviour. It loads a program script from disk, which calibrates each task, enables the thread scope and then starts the application tasks. After a configurable amount of time, it stops all tasks and the thread scope after which the experiment exits. Each experiment ran for 5 minutes, which is sufficient to detect the worst case communication latencies, given the artificial drift in execution periods. The result of all experiments ended up in 80 files, one file per real-time thread, per application type, per validation experiment, adding up to 759MB of data. The data was processed using a Python programming language script which creates the histogram data and the Gnuplot plot tool to visualise the results. 198 Index Smartsoft, 42 action, 23 activity, 23, 81, 86 event, 129 signal, 129 synchronisation, 129 activity diagram, 24 advanced user, 3 application builder, 3 application template, 3 artifacts, 24 behaviour, 83 browsing, 145 callback, 129 CAS, 31, 35 Chimera, 36 class diagram, 24 component data flow, 56 deployment, 54 distribution, 39 execution flow, 56 structure, 53 component builder, 3 configuration flow, 142 connector, 102, 103 contention, 96 control flow, 23, 115 Control Kernel, 47 cascade, 57 example, 66 infrastructure, 63 ControlShell, 37, 106 CORBA, 39 RT-CORBA, 40 CSP, 44 data flow, 23, 101, 102 components, 49 interface, 106 data object, 104 decoupling, 75 activities, 83 communication, 101 deployment, 23 design, 75 real-time, 83 design pattern, 75 behavioural, 86 event, 131 for feedback control, 48 hatching, 75 mining, 75 structural, 86 synchronous-asynchronous, 117 determinism, 28 distribution, 30 drift, 96 end user, 3 event, 23, 131 callback, 132 Event Service, 137 Execution Engine, 64 execution engine, 24, 147, 171 199 Index execution flow, 23, 101, 115 commands, 63, 115, 120 components, 51 methods, 63, 115, 121 Property Interface, 143 publish-subscribe, 130 factory, 143 feedback control, 47 framework builder, 2 real-time distributed, 34 localised, 30 operating system, 29 ROOM, 24, 106 ports, 25 ROOMCharts, 25 Genom, 38 hard real-time, 28 IDL, 40 lock-free, 31, 85 memory allocation, 85 middleware, 39 name server, 143 obstruction-free, 34 Occam, 45 Ocean, 41 OCL, 22 OMAC, 42 on-line, 28 operation, 23 Orccad, 38 Osaca, 41 peer-to-peer, 78, 145 persistence, 142 port, 102 priority inversion, 32 process, 51 components, 51 program, 149 pausing, 153 scripting, 153 Program Processor, 147 program statement, 152, 154 properties, 142 200 quality of service, 39, 84, 85 scheduler, 28, 32, 85 semaphore, 29, 129 sequence diagram, 24 Simulink, 36 soft real-time, 28 state chart, 162 state chart diagram, 24 state machine, 160, 162 automatic, 168 errors, 168 hierarchical, 165 history, 165 instantiate, 169 model, 163 pausing, 168 reactive, 167 scripting, 168 status, 165 transition, 163 transition condition, 163 transition event, 163 State Machine Processor, 147 statement, 149 system builder, 3 task, 23, 77 behaviour, 81 composition, 78 determinism, 77 integrity, 77 Index interface, 80 browsing, 66, 81 data flow, 80 events, 80 operations, 63, 80 properties, 65, 81 operation interface, 115 safety, 78 specification, 79 UML, 21 validation activity, 93 data flow, 107 execution flow, 125 verification, 44 virtual machine, 148 wait-free, 31 201 202 Curriculum Vitae Personal data Peter Soetens Date and place of birth: 27 April 1978, Waregem, Belgium Nationality: Belgian Email: peter.soetens@gmail.com Education • 2001-2005: Ph.D. student at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium. • 2000-2001: Master in artificial intelligence (option computer science) at K.U.Leuven, Belgium. • 1996-2000: Industrial Engineer Electro Mechanics (option automation) at KAHO St.Lieven, Gent, Belgium. 204 List of Publications [1] H. Bruyninckx and Peter Soetens. Generic real-time infrastructure for signal acquisition, generation and processing. In The 4th Real-Time Linux Workshop, Boston, MA, 2002. [2] H. Bruyninckx, Peter Soetens, and Bob Koninckx. The real-time motion control core of the Orocos project. In Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pages 2766– 2771, Taipeh, Taiwan, 2003. [3] H. Bruyninckx, J. De Schutter, Tine Lefebvre, K. Gadeyne, Peter Soetens, Johan Rutgeerts, P. Slaets, and Wim Meeussen. Building blocks for slam in autonomous compliant motion. In Raja Chatila, Paolo Dario, and Oussama Khatib, editors, Robotics Research, the 11th International Symposium, pages 432–441, Siena, Italy, 2003. [4] Peter Soetens and Herman Bruyninckx. Realtime hybrid task-based control for robots and machine tools. In Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pages 260–265, Barcelona, Spain, 2005. 205 List of Publications and Disseminations 206 Presented Seminars and Dissemination [5] Peter Soetens and Herman Bruyninckx. Orocos: Present state and future. Free / Open Source Software Projects Concertation Meeting Brussels, June, 24 2002. [6] Peter Soetens. Orocos workshop on design and implementation of the real-time motion control core. http://www.orocos.org, 18-19 November 2002. [7] Peter Soetens. Lock-free data exchange for real-time applications. Free and Open Source Developer’s Meeting, Brussels, February, 24 2006. [8] Peter Soetens. Orocos: The open source reference when it comes to realtime and control. DSPValley Seminar Embedded Systems in Robotics and Automation, Eindhoven, March, 22 2006. [9] Peter Soetens. Seminar and hands-on on Orocos: Open Robot Control Software, Odense. RoboCluster Controller Seminar, April, 5 2006. [10] Peter Soetens and Herman Bruyninckx. The Orocos Real-Time Control Services. KU Leuven, http://www.orocos.org. [11] Peter Soetens and Herman Bruyninckx. The Orocos Component Builder’s Guide. KU Leuven, http://www.orocos.org. [12] Peter Soetens and Herman Bruyninckx. The Orocos Robot Control Software Manual. KU Leuven, http://www.orocos.org. 207 208 Een software raamwerk voor ware tijd en gedistribueerde robot- en machinecontrole Nederlandse Samenvatting 1 Inleiding Ware tijd systemen (machines) voeren taken uit op vele niveaus en worden gecontroleerd door ware tijd controlesoftware. Beschouw een hybride robotwerktuigmachine opstelling waar de robot assisteert voor het plaatsen van een werkstuk gedurende de manipulatie van de werktuigmachine. Op het laagste niveau, voeren zowel robot als werktuigmachine een positioneringstaak uit, gebruik makende van een ware tijd teruggekoppelde controller. Op een hoger niveau wordt een bewegingspad zonder botsingen gepland voor roboten werktuigmachine. Tussen de bewegingen worden operaties uitgevoerd op de werkstukken wat een ware tijd synchronisatie vereist. Op een nog hoger niveau bestaat de taak eruit een serie van deze werkstukken te produceren en zoverder. Vele parallelle (ware tijd) taken kunnen bezig zijn: kwaliteitscontrole van het werkstuk, evaluatie van de status van de machines, het verzamelen van data voor analyse, het visualiseren van de vooruitgang et cetera. Dit werk stelt oplossingen voor om ware tijd controllers te ontwerpen door middel van (gedistribueerde) taken zodat de ware tijd eigenschappen van het systeem niet geschonden worden tijdens communicatie tussen taken. Zowel de vereiste communicatieprimitieven en de realisatie van taakactiviteiten worden behandeld in dit werk. Deze sectie geeft een inleiding op hoe controlesoftware bekeken wordt in dit werk door vier ontwerper rollen. Vervolgens worden drie controleapplicaties voorgesteld om het probleemdomein en de relevantie van dit werk uit te klaren. De sectie eindigt met een overzicht van de contributies van dit werk. 1.1 Ontwerper-rollen Een controleapplicatie wordt ontworpen door vier verschillende rollen van bouwers. We beschouwen: Raamwerkbouwers Ontwerpen de basis infrastructuur voor het bouwen van componenten en applicaties. Deze infrastructuur is applicatie I Nederlandse samenvatting onafhankelijk en omvat de besturingssysteemabstractie, ondersteuning voor distributie, toestandsmachines et cetera. Applicatiebouwer Deze specificeert de architectuur van de applicatie. Een stereotype applicatie (mal ) wordt ontworpen en de nodige componenten worden gedentificeerd. Bijvoorbeeld teruggekoppelde controle, humanoı̈de robotcontrole of staaldraad trekken. De applicatiebouwer definieert welke componenten er nodig zijn en via welke interface deze communiceren. Componentenbouwer In deze rol wordt de concrete inhoud van elke component gerealiseerd naar de interface gedefinieerd door de applicatiebouwer. Systeembouwer Stelt een applicatie samen door een applicatie mal in te vullen met de nodige componenten. De componenten worden zodanig geconfigureerd dat zij kunnen werken in de voorhanden zijnde machineomgeving. Geavanceerde gebruiker Deze gebruikt de interface aangeboden door de applicatiebouwer. Dit kan zowel een grafische interface zijn of een laag niveau interface. 1.2 Relevantie Dit werk heeft relevantie in drie domeinen: ware tijd (teruggekoppelde) controle, distributie en machinecontrole. • Ware tijd controle. Dit werk is relevant voor ware tijd controlesystemen omdat de communicatie primitieven voor locale communicatie op zo’n manier ontworpen zijn dat tijdsdeterminisme gegarandeerd is voor elke taak. Daarenboven zal de toegangstijd tot data dalen naarmate de prioriteit van een taak stijgt. Het bouwen van modulaire controlearchitecturen met de resultaten uit dit werk wordt gemakkelijker. Hoofdstuk 3 beschouwt zo een architectuur voor ware tijd teruggekoppelde controle. • Distributie. Hoewel distributie toelaat de beschikbare rekenkracht te verhogen, kan distributie extra indeterminisme veroorzaken door de zwakheid van netwerk communicatie en het storen van lokale activiteiten door activiteiten op afstand. Dit werk laat distributie van controlecomponenten toe door een gemeenschappelijke interface voor controle te definiëren, het encapsuleren van asynchrone commando’s, en het gebruik van ‘middleware’ om distributie te realiseren in de C++ programmeertaal die courant is voor het ontwerp van controllers. Verder laten de eigenschappen van de ware tijd controle hierboven vermeld II 2 Situering toe dat activiteiten op afstand communiceren met ware tijd locale activiteiten zonder het determinisme van deze laatste te ondermijnen. • Machine controle. Onder machinecontrole verstaat deze tekst het reageren van de controlesoftware op discrete gebeurtenissen in een machine, zoals een positie die bereikt is of een actie die voltooid is. Dit werk stelt het model voor een synchrone-asynchrone gebeurtenis voor dat toelaat vanuit parallelle activiteiten te reageren op deze gebeurtenissen. 1.3 Bijdragen De bijdragen van dit werk kunnen samengevat worden als volgt: • Ontwerppatroon voor teruggekoppelde controle: Dit werk identificeert het ontwerppatroon voor intelligente controle. Dit wordt gerealiseerd door de scheiding van datastromen en (beslissings)uitvoeringsstromen en de identificatie van de stereotype componenten in zo’n architectuur. • Ontwerppatronen voor machinecontrole: Dit werk stelt vier patronen voor controle voor. Zowel voor het uitvoeren van ware tijd activiteiten als voor het verwezenlijken van ware tijd communicatie tussen (gedistribueerde) componenten. • Definitie van ware tijd gedragsinfrastructuur: Een raamwerk wordt voorgesteld voor de specificatie van ware tijd gedragingen en activiteiten binnen componenten dat natuurlijk integreert met de communicatieprimitieven van de componenten. • Een vrije software raamwerk voor robot- en machinecontrole: De resultaten van dit werk zijn gevalideerd en gepubliceerd in de Open Robot Controle Software, Orocos en is publiek beschikbaar voor alle partijen. 2 Situering Dit werk kan gesitueerd worden in een brede waaier van probleem domeinen. De focus ligt op determinisme, distributie, ontwerp, validatie en controlearchitectuur en probeert een oplossing te formuleren die in zekere mate voldoet aan deze domeinen. III Nederlandse samenvatting 2.1 Ontwerp Methodologien Men kan twee voorname ontwerp methodologien aanhalen die geprobeerd hebben software in het ware tijd domein te modelleren. Deze zijn UML en ROOM. UML is ontstaan als modelleertaal om softwarestructuren te beschrijven. Deze werd recentelijk aangevuld door OCL om tevens beperkingen en numerieke relaties tussen entiteiten te beschrijven. De ondertussen tot versie 2.0 gegroeide UML taal laat profielen toe om ware tijd systemen in tijd en logische compositie te beschrijven. Deze techniek wordt MDA genoemd en veroorzaakt een paradigma verschuiving in software ontwerp net zoals de beweging van assembleer talen naar de C taal. Dit werk draagt bij tot het modelgedreven ontwerp door abstracte ontwerppatronen te identificeren die geschikt zijn voor ware tijd systemen. Tevens wordt de terminologie die in UML wordt gedefinieerd gebruikt om deze patronen te beschrijven. ROOM is een methodologie voor ontwerp en implementatie van gedistribueerde ware tijd software. De auteurs van deze aanpak beweren dat UML niet voldoet voor het ontwerp van ware tijd systemen. Daarom hebben ze een dialect ontworpen dat componenten, gebeurtenissen en toestandsmachines modelleert. Relevant voor dit werk is dat een ROOM component poorten heeft waarop boodschappen aankomen. Bij aankomst genereert dit een gebeurtenis waarop de toestandsmachine van de component op kan reageren. De auteurs laten in het midden hoe gevoelig hun ontwerp is voor deadlocks en prioriteitsinversies. De communicatieprimitieven in dit werk zijn hier compleet ongevoelig voor. Verder is het gedrag van een component online niet aanpasbaar, wat wel mogelijk is in dit werk. 2.2 Tijddeterminisme Tijddeterminisme in ware tijd systemen wordt gedefinieerd als: “Een gegeven activiteit moet kunnen reageren binnen een beperkt tijdsinterval op een gegeven gebeurtenis.” Men spreekt van een hard ware tijd systeem indien het halen van deze eindtijd leidt tot systeem falen. Het begrip “ware tijd” in deze tekst heeft steeds deze betekenis. Het woord “online” wordt gebruikt om zachte ware tijd systemen te benoemen. Dit werk veronderstelt de aanwezigheid van een ware tijd planner gegeven dat deze de volgende eigenschappen heeft: Deze kan activiteiten periode-monotoon, eindtijdmonotoon of vroegste eindtijd eerst plannen. Deze een signaal en wacht primitief (semafoor) aanbiedt. Ook de communicatie tussen activiteiten dient ware tijd eigenschappen te hebben. We kunnen lokale en gedistribueerde communicatie onderscheiden. Een raamwerk dat ware tijd garanties biedt aan lokale activiteiten zorgt ervoor dat deze deterministisch blijven tijdens lokale communicatie. Een IV 2 Situering raamwerk dat ware tijd garanties bied aan globale activiteiten garandeert tevens determinisme voor gedistribueerde communicatie. Dit werk beschouwt enkel lokale garanties. Voor globale garanties wordt doorverwezen naar werken over ware tijd middleware. Om ware tijd garanties te bieden aan lokale communicatie steunt op een architectuur met een universeel slot-vrij enkel woord Compare And Swap (CAS) uitwisselingsprimitief. De theorie over slot-vrije algoritmes is eerst beschreven door Herlihy en later werd bewezen dat gegeven de eerder vernoemde planners, deze algoritmes een deterministische tijdsuitvoering hebben. De slot-vrije algoritmes kennen reeds toepassingen in besturingssystemen en algoritme ontwerp. Dit werk steunt op de bevindingen van deze werken om de slot-vrije algoritmes te implementeren. Het gebruik van slot-vrije communicatie om determinisme in machinecontrole toepassingen staat nog nergens beschreven en is nog niet aan de orde in industrile toepassingen. 2.3 Robot- en Machinecontrole Vele raamwerken voor robot- en machinecontrole zijn reeds beschreven. Deze sectie haalt een aantal gebreken aan in eerdere raamwerken die niet aanwezig zijn in dit werk. Raamwerken kunnen niet distribueerbaar zijn, doordat ze enkel monolitische controllers toelaten. Dit werk definieert expliciet de interfaces voor distributie van controllercomponenten. Raamwerken kunnen exclusief datastroom georinteerd zijn. Daardoor wordt de beslissingslogica gemengd met de datastroom en vergroot dit sterk de koppeling tussen componenten. Dit werk scheidt deze stromen en voorziet tevens de scheiding tussen niet ware tijd configuratie en ware tijd uitvoering van activiteiten. Raamwerken kunnen te applicatie gericht zijn waardoor bruikbaarheid en uitbreidbaarheid in het gedrang komen. Hoewel het aanbieden van abstractielagen in het raamwerk de gebruiker initieel helpt zijn applicatie te ontwikkelen, behoort het maken van gelaagde domein-abstracties tot het domein van de applicatie en niet van het raamwerk. Dit werk presenteert een bouwblok die zowel in horizontale als verticale architecturen kan gebruikt worden. 2.4 Componenten Distributie Een component kan gedefinieerd worden als een ’distribueerbare entiteit die een dienst aanbiedt via een interface’. De dienst die in dit werk wordt aangeboden is het toe laten dat controlecomponenten elkaar controleren naargelang de applicatie dat vereist. De distributie impliceert dat een netwerk V Nederlandse samenvatting de componenten verbindt en ware tijd gedistribueerde componenten laten een manier toe om de kwaliteit van de dienstverlening over dit netwerk te specificeren. De Real-Time CORBA standaard is zo’n specificatie. Dit werk relateert naar zulke standaarden door interfaces voor ware tijd controle diensten te specificeren zonder zo een standaard expliciet te vereisen. Met andere woorden, als een ware tijd componentenmodel aanwezig is kunnen de diensten er gebruik van maken, maar het werkt ook op niet ware tijd netwerken, bijvoorbeeld om een gebruikersscherm aan een machine controller te hangen. 2.5 Formele Verificatie Formele verificatie van software poogt te doen wat sterkteleer doet voor de bruggenbouwer: wiskundig aantonen dat een ontworpen brug niet zal instorten onder een gegeven belasting. Gegeven een bepaalde software structuur, zal het programma correct uitgevoerd worden op vlak van logica en te halen eindtijden ? De CSP aanpak toonde aan dat de correctheid van de logica kan bewezen worden voor sterk vereenvoudigde parallel uitvoerende programma’s. Voor tijdscorrectheid of complexere programma’s bestaat geen algemene aanpak. Dit werk draagt niet bij in het opsporen van correctheid en stelt geen bewijzen van correctheid voor van de vooropgestelde oplossingen. 3 De Teruggekoppelde Controlekern Deze sectie beschrijft het ontwerppatroon voor teruggekoppelde controle en de realisatie ervan in de Controlekern. In de plaats van een controller te beschrijven in een datastroom blokdiagram wordt de controletaak in dit hoofdstuk opgenomen door een aantal componenten die elk een welomlijnde rol spelen in de controleapplicatie. Het patroon is bedoeld om een controller te realiseren die op gebruiker commando’s en signalen in machines kan reageren. Alsook maakt het patroon intelligente controllers en het verzamelen van meetgegevens mogelijk. 3.1 Het Ontwerppatroon voor Teruggekoppelde Controle Dit ontwerppatroon heeft tot doel de controleapplicatie te structureren. De structuur laat toe algoritmes in componenten in te bedden zodat deze in ware tijd verwisseld kunnen worden, bijvoorbeeld, als de controle van discrete toestand wisselt. Het patroon kent rollen toe aan de verschillende componenten en afhankelijk van deze rol zal het algoritme een andere functie dienen in het geheel. VI 3 De Teruggekoppelde Controlekern Participanten Het patroon structureert de applicatie in “Datastroom” en “Proces” Componenten en “Controlekern-infrastructuur”. De kerntaak van een digitaal teruggekoppelde controlealgoritme is het verwerken van gegevens per tijdsinterval. Deze verwerking resulteert in een stroom van gegevens tussen algoritmes, de datastroom. We kunnen de verschillende actoren op deze stroom classificeren in 5 rollen of stereotypes: Generator, Controller, Sensor, Schatter en Effector (Figuur 3): De Sensorrol encapsuleert de het uitlezen van sensoren die gegevens leveren over de toestand van het te controleren systeem. Deze produceert invoer data die ter beschikking staat van de andere componenten. De Schatter-rol encapsuleert de verwerking van invoer - en uitvoer data tot het bekomen van de model data van het systeem. Deze component analyseert dus de datastroom en kan bijvoorbeeld discrete toestandsverandering opmerken en melden. De Generator-rol levert de referentie voor de Controller, door bijvoorbeeld een interpolatie uit te voeren. Een adaptieve Generator heeft tevens toegang tot het model - en de invoer data om bijvoorbeeld de referentie te superponeren op de huidige invoer. De Controller berekent uit de invoer, het model en de referentie het stuursignaal in de uitvoer. Met deze laatste kan de Effector de machine aansturen. Deze rollen zijn optioneel en kunnen door dezelfde component of door meerdere componenten vervuld worden. Het type datastroom component bepaalt hoe deze verbonden wordt. De keuze welke componenten actief zijn en in welke volgorde ze worden uitgevoerd wordt bepaald door de “Proces” componenten participanten. Deze componentenrol heeft tot doel beslissingen te nemen of diensten aan te bieden. Zodoende is deze component verantwoordelijk voor het realiseren van de uitvoeringsstroom. Hij definieert de toestanden van de controller als geheel en reageert op gebeurtenissen. De Proces component kan tevens passief ten dienste staan van de andere componenten. Bijvoorbeeld om kinematische transformaties uit te voeren. De derde participant, de “Controlekern”, werkt als een infrastructuur voor de componenten, ook wel ‘componenten container’ genoemd. Deze bevat standaard diensten zoals componenten lokalisatie in een netwerk, wegschrijven van controledata en het synchroniseren van tijd. Structuur De structuur wordt als volgt opgelegd. Een component kan meerdere facetten implementeren. Een facet maakt het mogelijk een bepaald onderdeel van de componenten aan te spreken, bijvoorbeeld een facet voor configuratie parameters, een facet voor gebeurtenissen of een facet voor datastroom. Het datastroom facet bevat bijvoorbeeld ‘poorten’ die middels ‘connectoren’ worden verbonden. Dit laat toe dat de connectie tussen componenten beheerd kan worden en de connector encapsuleert mogelijke buffering en netwerkdistributie van de data. VII Nederlandse samenvatting (a) Invoer Gedreven (b) Model Gedreven Figuur 3: Datastromen van het Ontwerppatroon voor Controle. De rechthoekige Componenten stereotypes bevatten activiteiten, de ovale connectoren bevatten data en structureren de datastroom. De gestippelde Commando connector is enkel aanwezig in cascade controle. VIII 3 De Teruggekoppelde Controlekern Dit patroon slaagt erin datastroom, uitvoeringsstroom en configuratie te scheiden door deze in verschillende facetten onder te brengen. De koppeling tussen deze facetten wordt door de componenten implementatie beheerd. Een configuratie parameter kan bijvoorbeeld invloed hebben op de verwerking van de datastroom en deze kan op zijn beurt voor gebeurtenissen zorgen in de uitvoeringsstroom. De voorgestelde structuur kan uitgebreid worden naar meerdere controlelussen door de commando-objecten gelijk te stellen aan de uitvoer objecten. Dus een generator die datastroom-commando’s wil inlezen moet die ontvangen van een controller. 3.2 Ontwerppatroon Motivatie en Voordelen Het structureren van een teruggekoppelde controleapplicatie volgens het patroon wordt gemotiveerd door de eis die gesteld wordt aan herbruikbaarheid, uitbreidbaarheid en distributie van de componenten. Herbruikbaarheid wordt bestelligd door “ontkoppeling” van datastroom, uitvoeringsstroom en configuratie. Door koppeling tussen datastroomcomponenten te elimineren via de datastroom-poorten en -connectoren zijn datastroomcomponenten niet onderling afhankelijk. Daardoor kunnen een of meerdere componenten in andere applicaties gebruikt worden. De koppeling wordt gevormd door de procescomponenten die de volgorde van uitvoering van componenten bepalen waardoor de datastroom op gang komt. Uitbreidbaarheid is mogelijk doordat het patroon enkel stereotypes vastlegt en er dus een onbeperkt aantal implementaties van elk stereotype aanwezig mag zijn. Distributie is mogelijk wanneer de componenten facetten beschikbaar gemaakt worden voor middleware. Dit hoeft maar eenmalig te gebeuren wanneer deze facetten zo ontworpen zijn dat ze universeel en inspecteerbaar zijn. 3.3 Conclusies Dit patroon definieert een architectuur en componentenrollen voor teruggekoppelde ware tijd controle. Componenten met een datastroom-rol vormen de datastroomtopologie van de applicatie en voeren samen het controlealgoritme uit. Componenten met een uitvoeringsstroom rol grijpen in op de datastroom door datastroom componenten in of uit te schakelen en te (her)configureren. De concrete communicatie tussen deze componenten wordt verduidelijkt in de volgende sectie. IX Nederlandse samenvatting 4 Analyse en Ontwerp voor Communicatie in Controleraamwerken Deze sectie heeft tot doel de verschillende vormen van ware tijd communicatie tussen controlecomponenten te definiëren. Eerst worden ware tijd activiteiten gedefinieerd die een communicatie initiëren of erop reageren. Vervolgens wordt de communicatie van data opgesplitst in de continue datastroom tussen componenten en het verzenden van doelgerichte boodschappen tussen componenten, de uitvoeringsstroom. Een andere ware tijd communicatie gebeurt wanneer activiteiten wensen te wachten op bepaalde gebeurtenissen. Men spreekt dan van synchronisatie tussen activiteiten. Men kan de configuratie van een component, dit is het lezen en schrijven van parameters, als laatste vorm van communicatie zien, waarbij de communicatie bestaat uit de stroom van gegevens die naar een componenten verzonden worden om deze te configureren. Communicatie tussen componenten wordt altijd geı̈nitieerd vanuit de activiteit in een component en mogelijk afgehandeld door de activiteit van de ontvangende component. Beide activiteiten hoeven niet ware tijd eigenschappen te hebben, maar de communicatie vanuit een niet ware tijd activiteit mag geen verzwakking van de ware tijd eigenschappen veroorzaken bij de ontvanger en vice versa. Dit is de hoofd vereiste van elke vorm van ware tijd communicatie tussen componenten: het niet verstoren van ware tijd eigenschappen. 4.1 De Ware Tijd Controleactiviteit Een activiteit bestaat uit een verzameling van acties die ondernomen moeten worden in een component. Bijvoorbeeld het afhandelen van inkomende communicatie, het initiëren van uitgaande communicatie of het verwerken van gegevens. De toestanden van een activiteit worden gedefinieerd in Figuur 4. Initieel is een activiteit inactief, en vindt er geen verwerking van gegevens of communicatie plaats. Wanneer de activiteit gestart wordt, wordt deze actief en kunnen initialisatie acties uitgevoerd. Daarna is de activiteit klaar voor uitvoering en wacht op een trigger. De trigger beslist of een enkele actie wordt uitgevoerd (step(), stap) of een onbeperkte reeks van acties mag uitgevoerd worden (loop(), lus), naar discretie van de activiteit. In dat laatste geval dient de activiteit een methode te voorzien die ze toelaat de lus te verlaten wanneer de activiteit gestopt wordt. Vervolgens worden afwerkingsfuncties uitgevoerd en wordt de activiteit terug inactief. X 4 Analyse en Ontwerp voor Communicatie in Controleraamwerken 4.2 Datastroomcommunicatie De eerste vorm van communicatie tussen componenten is het verzenden van pakketten data die bijvoorbeeld meetgegevens of zetpunten bevatten. datastroomcommunicatie vormt de basis van teruggekoppelde controle. Om een modulaire controller te maken dienen de componenten ontkoppeld te zijn. Dit kan men bereiken via een poort-connector gebaseerd ontwerp, schematisch weergegeven in Figuur 5 Elke component definieert een aantal datastroompoorten die aangeven welke data deze wenst te lezen of wenst te schrijven. Het poorttype bepaalt tevens of de data gebufferd of ongebufferd is. Compatibele poorten worden vervolgens via een connector object verbonden, die de data uitwisseling realiseert. De connector heeft de volgende verantwoordelijkheden. Hij encapsuleert hoe de data van de ene poort naar de andere poort verzonden wordt. Hij controleert of de connectie geldig is, bijvoorbeeld of de poorten compatibel zijn en er zowel een lezer als een schrijver van de data aanwezig is. Hij beheert de connectie en kan de componenten verwittigen indien de connectie verbroken wordt. Ten bate van het inspecteren van de inhoud van de connector is er per connector een dataobject dat het lezen van het huidige datapakket toelaat. Componenten make via hun interface bekend welke datastromen zij kunnen lezen van en schrijven naar andere componenten. Het datastroompatroon werd experimenteel gevalideerd in dit werk. Een vergelijking werd gemaakt tussen traditionele slotgebaseerde ontwerpen en het slot-vrije ontwerp waarvoor in deze thesis gekozen is. Figuren 6 en 7 Figuur 4: Toestandsdiagramma van een activiteit XI Nederlandse samenvatting Figuur 5: Componenten met poorten en een connector tonen de meetresultaten van de tijd die een datastroomcommunicatie nodig heeft tussen een netwerk van actieve componenten in èèn proces onder een periode-monotone planner. De eerste figuur toont de communicatie tijden van de hoogste prioriteitstaak in het systeem. Deze doet 2000 communicaties per seconde en belast de processor voor 20%. De tweede figuur toont de communicatietijden van een lagere pioriteitstaak in het systeem. Deze doet 1000 communicaties per seconde en belast de processor voor 20%. Andere taken die de processor verder belasten en communiceren zijn tevens aanwezig. In beide taken is de maximale communicatietijd deterministischer in het slot-vrije geval en het slechtste geval is tot 30 maal sneller voor de hoogste prioriteitstaak. Dit komt Ook de gemiddelde communicatietijd is beduidend lager in het slot-vrije geval omdat de planner van het besturingssysteem niet meer tussenbeide hoeft te komen. 4.3 Uitvoeringsstroomcommunicatie Niet alle communicatie tussen componenten kan semantisch correct uitgedrukt worden via datastroomcommunicatie. Voorbeelden hiervan zijn het opvragen of schrijven van componenten parameters, of het geven en opvolgen van commando’s aan componenten. Deze communicaties zijn verschillend van datastroomcommunicatie omdat zij de intentie van een zender uitdrukken om een wijziging aan te brengen in de ontvangende component, en dus zender en ontvanger koppelen. Het resultaat is dat iets uitgevoerd wordt, en daarom wordt het verzenden van zulke berichten in een controlesysteem uitvoeringsstroom genoemd. Dit werk maakt het onderscheid tussen synchrone en asynchrone uitvoeringsstroom. Dit wordt gellustreerd aan de hand van een fictieve ‘cameracomponent’. Men kan een beeld opvragen via de ‘getImage()’ functie. Deze gedraagt zich zoals een klassieke functie die aangeroepen wordt op de interface van de cameracomponent. Dit type wordt een ‘methode’ XII 4 Analyse en Ontwerp voor Communicatie in Controleraamwerken Figuur 6: Communicatietijden: hoge prioriteit, slotgebaseerd (boven) en slot-vrij (beneden). genoemd. De last van het uitvoeren van een methode wordt gedragen door de activiteit van de aanroeper, zoals te zien in Figuur 8(a). De cameracomponent kan dezelfde functionaliteit aanbieden via een asynchroon ‘commando’, ‘fetchImage()’. Het commando wordt in een wachtrij van de cameracomponent geplaatst. De wachtrij wordt bij het ontwaken van de activiteit in de cameracomponent uitgelezen en dit commando wordt uitgevoerd. Het lezen van een nieuw beeld is nu ten laste van de activiteit van de cameracomponent, zoals te zien in Figuur 8(b). De aanroeper kan na verloop van tijd met een afloop conditie, ‘isImageFetched()’, controleren of het beeld afgehaald is. Dit is dan bijvoorbeeld beschikbaar via een datastroom poort. Componenten make via hun interface bekend welke methodes en welke commando’s zij aanbieden aan andere componenten. 4.4 Synchronisatie van Activiteiten Synchronisatie treedt op wanneer een activiteit wacht op een externe gebeurtenis alvorens de volgende acties uit te voeren. Er is dus een primitief nodig dat een activiteit op de hoogte brengt van veranderingen in het systeem. Een eerste oplossing hiervoor is het ‘testen’ (polling) of een gebeurtenis heeft XIII Nederlandse samenvatting Figuur 7: Communicatietijden: lage prioriteit, slotgebaseerd (boven) en slot-vrij (beneden). plaats gevonden. Dit werd reeds in de vorige sectie gedemonstreerd met de afloop conditie ‘isImageFetched()’. Een probleem stelt zich echter wanneer de test duur is of wanneer de activiteit niet in staat is de test uit te voeren. Het hier beschreven primitief biedt voor deze situaties een oplossing. Figuur 9 illustreert hoe een gebeurtenis, ‘imageFetched’, gecommuniceerd wordt. De eerste stap bestaat eruit dat de synchroniserende (wachtende) component de cameracomponent meedeelt dat hij wenst te reageren op de gebeurtenis. De synchroniserende component kan een onmiddellijke, synchrone, reactie en een uitgestelde, asynchrone reactie registreren. Wanneer het beeld ingelezen is in de cameracomponent, wordt deze gebeurtenis gepubliceerd. Dit houdt in dat eerst alle geregistreerde synchrone reacties on middelijk uitgevoerd worden. Zo’n reactie kan er bijvoorbeeld uit bestaan een lampje te doen branden of de tijd op te meten wanneer het beeld is genomen. Vervolgens worden alle asynchrone reacties gepubliceerd. Elke synchroniserende component heeft hiervoor een wachtrij die bijhoudt op welke gebeurtenissen er nog gereageerd moet worden. Wanneer de activiteit weer lopend wordt, controleert deze de wachtrij en voert de uitgestelde reacties zelf uit, en verwerkt het nieuwe beeld. Componenten make via hun interface bekend welke gebeurtenissen zij kunnen publiceren naar andere componenten. XIV 4 Analyse en Ontwerp voor Communicatie in Controleraamwerken (a) (b) Figuur 8: Synchrone methodes versus asynchrone commando’s. 4.5 Configuratie en Oplevering Een laatste facet van de communicatie met controlecomponenten is het configureren van componenten. Configuratie heeft tot doel opgeleverde componenten in het veld zodanig in te stellen dat ze correct kunnen functioneren in de omgeving. Voor de cameracomponent kan bijvoorbeeld de resolutie in pixels of de focus afstand ingesteld worden. Deze eigenschappen van een component vormen een onderdeel van de interface van de component. XV Nederlandse samenvatting Figuur 9: Activiteiten kunnen reageren op gebeurtenissen. Het kan zijn dat het aanpassen van deze waarden niet op elk moment mag gebeuren. Subsectie 4.1 stelde hiervoor een oplossing voor door vooraleer de activiteit gestart wordt, initialiserende acties uit te voeren. Het inlezen van nieuwe parameters kan dan gebeuren. 4.6 Conclusies Deze sectie stelde vijf manieren van communicatie voor tussen controlecomponenten: • datastroomcommunicatie voor het verwerken van stromen van gegevens tussen componenten, • synchrone uitvoeringsstroomcommunicatie voor het uitvoeren van methodes, • asynchrone uitvoeringsstroomcommunicatie voor het uitvoeren van commando’s, • synchrone of asynchrone publicatie van gebeurtenissen, en • configuratie van componentenparameters. Alsook werd een raamwerk voor activiteiten voorgesteld die deze communicaties uitvoeren ten dienste van een component. XVI 5 Ware Tijd Taakactiviteiten 5 Ware Tijd Taakactiviteiten De vorige sectie liet in het midden hoe een activiteit gerealiseerd kan worden of wat de gevolgen zijn op een activiteit wanneer communicatie plaats vindt. De laatste sectie van dit werk stelt een oplossing voor voor deze problemen. In dit werk worden activiteiten gerealiseerd met programma’s. Zij voeren geordende acties voorwaardelijk uit. Om programma’s op zich voorwaardelijk uit te voeren worden toestandsmachines gebruikt, die zodanig ontworpen zijn dat bepaalde programma’s maar in bepaalde toestanden worden uitgevoerd. Gebeurtenissen kunnen er voor zorgen dat de toestandsmachine van toestand verandert, en dat er bijgevolg andere programma’s uitgevoerd worden. Programma’s en toestandsmachines worden in deze sectie terug gellustreerd met de cameracomponent. 5.1 Programma’s Programma’s worden gellustreerd aan de hand van een ware tijd beeldverwerkingsapplicatie. De applicatie bestaat eruit een beeld te nemen met de cameracomponent, dit te verzenden naar de beeldverwerkingscomponent. Deze haalt uit het beeld de afstand van een voorwerp in de kamer tot de camera. Met behulp van de huidige positie van de camera wordt dan de ware locatie van het voorwerp in de kamer berekend. De camera moet zich zodanig richten dat het voorwerp zich in het midden van het beeld bevindt. De bedoeling is het voorwerp te volgen met de camera en dus steeds te weten waar het zich bevindt. Figuur 10 illustreert hoe het bovenstaande programma kan ontbonden worden in acties en voorwaarden of condities. Een programma bestaat uit knopen (N) die elk een actie bevatten. De knopen worden via bogen (A) verbonden die elk een conditie bevatten. Een programma wordt uitgevoerd door de actie van een knoop uit te voeren, vervolgens te kijken naar de uitgaande bogen en de condities ervan te evalueren. Indien een conditie waar is wordt die boog gevolgd en wordt de actie van de volgende knoop uitgevoerd. Zodoende springt men van knoop naar knoop, totdat een eind knoop bereikt wordt. Op deze manier kan elke activiteit die onderverdeelbaar is in een eindig aantal acties uitgedrukt worden. Deze manier van werken heeft de volgende voordelen: • Het is deterministisch in de tijd wanneer de acties en condities ook deterministisch zijn in de tijd. Het overlopen van de graaf op zich is een deterministisch algoritme en voegt geen indeterminisme toe aan de acties die het uitvoert. • Zo een graaf kan geconstrueerd worden tijdens het uitvoeren van de applicatie door “knoop” en “boog” objecten te creren en deze te verbinden. XVII Nederlandse samenvatting Figuur 10: Een voorwerp lokalisatie programma. • Men kan actie per actie uitvoeren, en stapsgewijs het programma uitvoeren 5.2 Toestandsmachines Wanneer de lokalisatie toepassing van de vorige sectie in het veld gebruikt wordt zal het niet steeds gewenst zijn het voorwerp te volgen. Voordat het voorwerp gevolgd wordt vereist de camera vereist een calibratie of men wil eerst de camera positioneren voordat deze het voorwerp begint te volgen. Zo komt men tot een aantal toestanden waarin de applicatie zich kan bevinden. In elke toestand heerst een andere activiteit (wordt een ander programma uitgevoerd) en gebeurtenissen definiëren de overgang van de ene naar de andere toestand. Figuur 11 illustreert de toestandsmachine van de applicatie, de activiteiten die in elke toestand uitgevoerd worden en de gebeurtenissen die toestandsveranderingen veroorzaken. Dit werk laat complexere toestandsmachines toe dan in het voorbeeld gegeven. De belangrijkste eigenschappen van de toestandsmachines in dit werk zijn: • Ze zijn zo expressief als UML State Charts, • ze kunnen dus geneste toestanden beschrijven, XVIII 6 Conclusies Figuur 11: De toestanden van een voorwerp-lokalisatieapplicatie. • ze hebben ware tijd eigenschappen, • ze kunnen zowel reageren op gebeurtenissen als actief condities evalueren om toestandsveranderingen te bewerkstelligen, • ze definiëren per toestandsmachine een veilige toestand, waar in noodgevallen steeds naar gegaan kan worden, • ze kunnen in een tekstbestand beschreven worden en in applicaties in uitvoering ingeladen of uitgeladen worden en laten dus upgrades toe van opgeleverde applicaties. 5.3 Conclusies Deze sectie stelde een oplossing voor om ware tijd activiteiten te realiseren met behulp van programma grafen. Deze methode heeft als voordeel dat ze de ware tijd eigenschappen van acties niet verstoort en toelaat de eerder gedefinieerde communicatie primitieven aan te roepen. Vervolgens worden toestandsmachines aangewend om te beslissen welke activiteiten op welk moment worden uitgevoerd en wordt bepaald welke invloed bepaalde gebeurtenissen hebben. Dit maakt het mogelijk applicaties met meerdere toestanden en activiteiten te beschrijven in dit raamwerk. 6 Conclusies Deze sectie vat de conclusies van dit werk samen. Deze zijn: XIX Nederlandse samenvatting • Dit werk presenteerde het ontwerppatroon van teruggekoppelde controleapplicaties. De ontkoppeling in dit patroon is zodanig gekozen dat de datastroom, uitvoering van commando’s en configuratie gescheiden zijn. Deze keuze van ontkoppeling laat een uiterst modulaire opbouw van componenten toe en de rollen die aan een component kunnen toegekend worden laten toe een teruggekoppelde controleapplicatie gemakkelijker te structureren. • Dit werk beschrijft hoe componenten voor ware tijd controle beschreven kunnen worden, zodat zij de problemen die zich stellen in ware tijd controleapplicaties kunnen oplossen. Er zijn vijf facetten die aangepakt worden. De applicatie is instelbaar doordat een component kan geconfigureerd worden via zijn eigenschappen. De applicatie kan reageren op veranderingen in het systeem doordat componenten gebeurtenissen kunnen publiceren naar andere componenten waardoor. De applicatie kan zelfstandig taken vervullen in opdracht doordat componenten gecommandeerd kunnen worden. Nieuwe algoritmes kunnen aan de applicatie aangeboden worden doordat componenten methodes kunnen aanbieden. Ten laatste kan de applicatie data verwerken doordat componenten data produceren en consumeren en zij een netwerk kunnen vormen. Al deze primitieven zijn specifiek ontworpen naar de deterministische tijdvereisten van ware tijd applicaties en zijn slot-vrij ontworpen. Hierdoor presteren deze primitieven het meest tijdsdeterministisch voor de ware tijd taak met de hoogste prioriteit. Het voorgestelde raamwerk biedt met deze bijdrage een manier aan om controleapplicaties te structureren via deze communicatieprimitieven. • Dit werk beschrijft hoe ware tijd actief en/of reactief gedrag in componenten kan gerealiseerd worden. Het gedrag van een component is reactief wanneer deze kan reageren op gebeurtenissen. Dit wordt gerealiseerd door ware tijd toestandsmachines. In elke toestand voert de component een activiteit uit die gerealiseerd wordt door ware tijd programma’s. Zowel de activiteiten als de gebeurtenissen kunnen gedefinieerd worden in termen van de vijf communicatieprimitieven die in dit werk voorgesteld worden. Het voorgestelde raamwerk biedt met deze bijdrage een manier aan om controleapplicaties te implementeren. Dit werk heeft ook beperkingen. Het commandoprimitief gaat ervan uit dat er een of meerdere periodische taken aanwezig zijn in het systeem. Het publiceren van gebeurtenissen biedt hier echter al een tegengewicht. Dit werk stelt geen methode voor om gestandaardiseerde UML State Charts om te zetten naar het raamwerk. Verder is het werk niet formeel geverifieerd en biedt XX 6 Conclusies het geen pasklare oplossing aan voor formele verificatie van de applicaties die erin beschreven worden. Het toekomstig ontwerp van controleapplicaties en raamwerken gaat verder met de ontwerppatronen die in dit werk gepresenteerd worden. Het zal binnen korte tijd mogelijk worden deze volledig te beschrijven als platformonafhankelijke modellen waardoor codegeneratie en modelgedreven ontwerp een voorname plaats krijgen in het ontwerp van controleapplicaties. XXI