VOL 02 - Alvin-T


VOL 02 - Alvin-T
VOL 02

VOL 02
Vol. 2
Three prominent figures that continuously drives
Jakarta’s lifestyle trend by developing great concepts
into commercial success.
The hands, the people, and materials that makes our
beloved furniture
21The Hot list
A collection of new products ranging from chairs,
35 Product Highlights
tables to accessories that are designed not just to be
Two prominent chairs leads this year’s collection.
functionally beautiful but also exhibits the flair of
Amarta is a dining chair that speaks humble aristoc-
what modern Indonesia can offer.
racy, inspired by the classical Windsor chair injected
23Outdoor Items
Out goes the mundane woven plastic outdoor chairs
and in are high back chairs and over sized benches
that adds the word chic into your outdoor-life.
with a contemporary stroke with its curved rattan
poles. Salaa is a sleek outdoor lounge chair with generous proportion furnishing that gives extra space to
pamper yourself in during a warm afternoon in the
garden or by the beach.
A passion fuelled idealist that has been transforming
ideas and sketches into a contemporary furniture
brand and there are more things to come.
Works ranging from restaurants and cafes to a sanitary collection. alvinT Studio is a design firm led by
Alvin Tjitrowirjo that continuously strives to develop
authentic engaging environments in hospitality, residential, retail and commercial sector.
27Collection Ambience
A composition of natural materials such as rattan,
teak, complimented by subdued colors expresses
the visual balance of tropical textures with a hint of
Scandinavian simplicity.
93 Product index
The New Face
of Indonesia
Welcome to Indonesia, the land of a thousand smiles, stifling humidity, intense traffic
and countless creative possibilities. Known for centuries across the Western world as
‘The Jewel of Asia’, the Indonesia of today is currently reveling in the astounding upward
trajectory it is experiencing with regards to its economy, culture and innovation. This
fact has inevitably resulted in the local creative industry experiencing a level of growth
it has never previously experienced.
Yet despite the increase in optimism and possibilities, this underdeveloped
industry is still largely preoccupied in finding its own voice – or should we say spirit –
in a cluttered market dominated by international brands and aesthetics that has
resulted in Indonesians drawing less artistic inspiration from their own centuries-old
rich heritage and more from the latest imported trends filtering down from Tokyo,
Paris, London or New York. This is where we are determined to make a visible and
viable difference. Taking inspiration from the country’s wealth in artisanal beauty
and traditional culture that continues to provide creative minds with ample food for
thought, we aim to design and create modern, beautiful, high quality, functional and
original everyday furniture that not only reflect the nation’s centuries-old identity, but also products with an international and modern appeal that are able to gratify
in the break-neck world of contemporary international design.
On top of that, alvinT strives to present Indonesians with furniture they can
be proud of. By doing this we hope to provide a glimpse into the rich creative
Indonesia of tomorrow.
On Modern
Indonesian Design
AlvinT strives to do more than just produce furniture.
Our tagline, Designed by an Indonesian, made in Indonesia
for Indonesia and the rest of the world, reflects our struggle
to be distinctive yet relevant. While we aim to carve a truly
modern Indonesian sensibility, we try to always look at the
bigger picture. How would we represent Indonesia in a larger,
more global context? This is not a task that we can undertake
on our own. This must be a collective effort. Hence, we look
to our counterparts in various creative fields, whose success
stories inspire and motivate us to further our cause.
Interviews | The goods Dept•
The Goods Dept•
techniques with current designs. However, when it comes
Could you share a little about your recent project that
Independent retailer championing local brands
to government support there so much emphasis put on the
amassed a large social impact?
Chris Kerrigan and Cynthia Wirjono
preservation of traditional culture and very little support
Just over 5 years ago we started Brightspot Market. It’s a
for new positive cultural development.
4-day pop-up market that takes place a couple times per
What are your thoughts on modern Indonesian culture?
Modern Indonesian culture is a mash-up of heritage,
What do you think of the “Made in Indonesia” brand image?
globalization, lack of structure and fast-paced progress.
How is it now and how is it supposed to be?
We think the opportunity ahead of Indonesian creatives
It’s something we could be proud of and something that
is huge. With the lack of structure and support we’re
could be worked on. Artisanal craftsmanship is part of
almost forced to create a system from scratch in order to
our heritage, and without a doubt, one of our strengths.
make things happen. It becomes part of the design process
Integration of technology and technological innovation
and every step from R&D all the way to the end user has
is something that Indonesia as a whole should really be
many problems to solve. In many ways, this is a benefit in
working towards. What’s exciting, though, is the shift in
the sense that people are pushed to be more creative and
how Indonesians see the “Made in Indonesia” label. When
resourceful to make things happen.
we moved to Jakarta in 2006, the general feeling from
In your opinion, what sorts of challenges are standing in the
way of the development of Indonesian design?
Indonesia has an unbelievably rich and vast cultural
heritage that is still a part of daily life. It’s a blessing to have
such an intense and unique background, but it comes with
challenges. It seems that Indonesia biggest struggle (culturally speaking) is how to adapt to contemporary global
culture while still maintaining its own identity. This is
Indonesian consumers was that Indonesian ready-towear products had little or no value. Through the efforts
of movements like Brightspot and Jakarta Fashion Week,
local consumers are now more aware, seeking out local
brands and wearing them with pride. Of course there are
many more steps to be taken to convince the international
market, but as the community grows, so will the interest in
it. We’re working on that ;-)
year with the goal of promoting Independent Indonesian
fashion and product designers. We curate a selection of
these designers and invite them to set up a booth showcasing their products. The purpose of the event was to be
a platform for these young entrepreneurs to develop their
business. At the same time, we wanted to show the consumers that these brands existed. Essentially we wanted
connect the designers that were making really interesting
products with the consumers who would appreciate them,
and also to have a party while doing it.
The first Brightspot Market took place in early 2009.
How has the public responded to your ideas/ projects/
Prior to starting Brightspot, there were very few outlets for
these creatives to sell their goods. We had a hard time convincing people of what we were trying to achieve, including
some of the brand owners themselves. Many people continued to think that Indonesian design was supposed to be
traditional or that the quality was sub-standard and less
desirable than international products. After the first event
however, people caught on very quickly. So quickly, in fact,
that we were quite surprised.
Any “optimistic” or “pessimistic” feeling towards where
Indonesia is going?
We found 23 vendors to participate, and ended up with
The cultural growth of Indonesia over the last 5 years has
a crowd of 5000 visitors. Since then, the growth of the
been amazing, and we’re so happy to be playing a part in
community has been incredible. In our latest event in
it. With each step the creative industry takes now, we help
November 2013, we had over 130 participating brands
to build the infrastructure and pave the path for the next
(with a waiting list of twice that) and a visitor turnout of
group. As this creativity and forward thinking develops, we
nearly 80,000 people.
hope that it will spread to other industries and politics to
In 2010, we also opened The Goods Dept•, a permanent retail space and cafe. Our Goal for the store was the
often addressed individually by contemporary design-
same; to promote local brands and help them develop their
ers in ways such as referencing traditional materials or
business further. Since then, we’ve now expanded to three
locations in Jakarta and an online store.
help encourage change at a higher level. We’re very excited
about what the future holds.
Interviews | ISMAYA GROUP
They have foundations or departments that support and
Food & Beverage industry. It was underappreciated. Most
F&B industry in Indonesia is actually extremely vibrant,
F&B Innovators
push forward thinkers. We lack that support. There have
of the other players only cared about profit but once you
not to mention as good as the rest of the world. It’s just un-
Christian Rijanto
been a few but none has proven successful so far. I’ve seen
introduce change, once people become more appreciative
derappreciated by international media.
changes though. Previously, the youth wanted nothing
of good design, the trail continues.
What are your thoughts on modern Indonesian culture?
The creative industry has certainly evolved over the past
couple of years. The creative process has become more
advanced. We’re seeing the adoption of foreign influences---Australian, Japanese, and Scandinavian—into local
contexts, resulting in unique ideas. You can’t just import
an idea and expect it to work the same magic. Besides, you
won’t be able to create a strong identity for your brand that
way. Thanks to the Internet, people can now easily access
information. Social media in particular has played a pivotal
role. People are able to gather inspiration and ideas from
different parts of the world. They’re seeing things they’ve
to do with the government but now more and more of them
want to be involved so hopefully things will improve in the
near future.
Another challenge we’re currently facing is the lack
of technical skills. People may have ideas but as long
as they are not invested in learning about the technical
details, they’re limited in terms of what they can do and
they can’t achieve the quality. Of course part of it is also
due to our lack of infrastructure. The key to success is the
ability to evolve, and produce quality goods in an efficient
and sustainable manner.
Indonesia is going?
amassed a large social impact?
I’m an entrepreneur so I’m always optimistic. We hope for
One of our goals has always been to push Indonesian-
a stable government who wants to make the country better.
made brands overseas. Djakarta Warehouse Project, is a
We hope for more stable business policies. We hope there
good example. People were skeptical when we first pro-
will be more support for youth entrepreneurship. We think
posed the idea. They would think of Singapore’s ZoukOut
that middle class will continue to grow, which is better for
and immediately assume that Indonesia would never pull
everybody. I’ve been quite pleased with what the private
it off but we proved them wrong. Indonesia can definitely
sector has achieved but to grow bigger, our government
do better if you put passion into it. Djakarta Warehouse
needs to be more involved.
Project has grown beyond our expectations. It drew over
35,000 people in one day; 15,000 were from outside Java
never seen before, and the youth, they always want to make
What do you think of the “Made in Indonesia” brand image?
a difference. They want to create something new. One way
How is it now and how is it supposed to be?
to do is to mix-and-match to make something your own. Of
In my opinion, the Made in Indonesia brand can be any-
es in the UAE and Thailand to name a few. We’re quite
course you can champion batik but even now we’ve seen
thing as long as it is initiated by an Indonesian mind and ca-
proud to see our concepts do well overseas.
batik being interpreted differently.
In your opinion, what sorts of challenges are standing in the
way of the development of Indonesian culture?
I always get jealous whenever I hear of my regional
counterparts getting support from their governments.
tered primarily toward the Indonesian market. The design
industry is still young. We’re still exploring our identity.
Ismaya for example, is an Indonesian-made brand.
We may mix influences but we were the first to instill the
importance of good design to the Indonesian market.
When we started, no one cared about good design in the
Any “optimistic” or “pessimistic” feeling towards where
Could you share a little about your recent project that
and 8000 came from overseas.
Ismaya is also expanding globally. We have franchis-
How has the public responded to your ideas / projects /
products? Thankfully, we have loyal supporters who continue to
support our new concepts. So far we’ve never not do well.
I have to thank my team and my customers for that. The
Interviews | Whiteboard Journal
The Whiteboard Journal
a few hours to travel from Jakarta to say, Bandung. Once
Could you share a little about your recent project that
Independent Digital Media
we have better access to the artisans in remote parts, it will
amassed a large social impact?
Max Suriaganda
become much easier and more economical for us to devel-
We’ve had the Head of the Department of Design from
op our national treasures.
a university invite us to share our views to members
What are your thoughts on modern Indonesian culture?
I think that what is happening in Indonesia is nothing short
What do you think of the “Made in Indonesia” brand image?
of amazing. We’re seeing immense productivity in the cre-
How is it now and how is it supposed to be?
ative sector. Obviously, the youth is behind this movement.
The Made in Indonesia brand needs to be developed on a
We are still adapting foreign influences, contextualizing
much larger scale. The government needs to be involved.
them within local contexts but that’s how anything begins.
Australia, Japan and the United States for example have
of their department. The fact that they felt there was
something they could learn from us is rewarding.
This means that they recognize our relevance as the
mouthpiece of our generation.
How has the public responded to your ideas/ projects/
Gradually, a new consciousness will emerge because what
developed a very strong brand identity. The United States
products? we have here in our own backyard is equally inspiring.
for example, has their Crafted with Pride in U.S.A slogan.
Within the first two years, we received a lot of response
But first, we must have volume to beget quality. It is The
This identity needs to be promoted, marketed and com-
from Indonesians living overseas. They’re typically nation-
Whiteboard Journal’s aim to document all this. Our jour-
municated. Indonesia is known for our beautiful furniture.
alistic but they don’t know much about their own country.
nalists are also creative individuals who feel strongly about
There’s history behind it. We also have our traditional tex-
They found in us a bridge that links them back, as if some-
the pieces they produce. That is how we maintain our rele-
tiles, the history of which goes even deeper. That needs to
one was speaking on their behalf. Many of them responded
vance. It is important for a generation to have a local media
be brought to the surface.
positively and even offered to contribute.
representation that views things from a native perspective.
In your opinion, what sorts of challenges are standing in the
way of the development of Indonesian culture?
Accessibility is certainly an issue. Indonesia is a vast and
diverse country. People used to always look to the cities.
Now, the trend is changing. Urban life has become so distracting. More and more creative people are finding inspiration in smaller towns. For example, now it only takes us
Of course, we cannot compare Indonesia with other
countries. Japan for example, is easily recognized for its innovative technology. Indonesia is an archipelago, made of
thousands of islands, each with its own distinct culture. It
may be more difficult for us to synthesize a singular identity but that’s because we’re a culturally rich nation. We just
have not managed to package our culture within an interesting narrative.
Any “optimistic” or “pessimistic” feeling towards where
Indonesia is going?
I’m optimistic about the latent potential within our smaller towns. There are plenty of resources that are infinitely
more interesting. They should be considered a destination
because there’s more to explore in Indonesia beyond the
capital city.
Without craftsmanship, inspiration is a mere reed shaken in the wind.
—Johannes Brahms
Design might form the central element of our work, yet the integral role that craftsmanship plays cannot be ignored. To fully understand the intricate work that goes into the
making of alvinT products, it is imperative to fully appreciate the high level of craftsmanship that goes behind it.
Realizing the importance of properly utilizing Indonesia’s strength in its abun-
dance of skilled and talented craftsmen, alvinT makes a point of working together with
local manufacturers and appropriates local products in producing high-grade hand
crafted furniture that are painstakingly yet caringly assembled by the skilled hands of
our craftsmen, thus reflecting Indonesia’s artisanal heritage. Even though this method
of manufacturing may be more time-consuming in the long run, we feel that it is crucial
in order to maintain the local identity as well as preserve that special ‘hand made’ feel
that provides added value as well as increasing the overall appreciation of our work.
While alvinT strives to uphold this traditional method of manufacturing where
each product goes through a long yet rewarding process, we still have our eyes fixed on
the present day through our use of contemporary designs that are firmly placed in the
here and now. Imperfections, something that invariably occurs when using this processalso lends its own characteristic element that adds depth to the original design, setting
these products apart from mass-produced goods. In essence, we are passionate to upgrade and refine the image of local furniture design industry.
Process | Perfectly Imperfect
Lola dining chair in its final
sanding process.
Stock of natural rattan core mostly
from Borneo and Sumatra.
Each rattan core is manually
bent by hand.
Mr. Enggan head of product
development at the factory.
06 | Perfectly Imperfect
Malya oversize in welding process.
Rolling rattan on the jig.
Burning the rattan slightly provides
flexibility to form.
An unfinishied Amarta chair.
Welcome to the future of rattan.
The Hot List
– New Items
We’ve always had a penchant for producing
The products are produced in small quan-
simple, beautiful and functional products that
tities and individually handmade through an
would fit snugly into any modern abode, yet
intensive production process.
this season we’re taking things a step further.
While our previous collection displays more
‘stand alone’ products, our new collection
The alvinT line forms the backbone of the
displays a stronger ‘humane’ side and en-
brand’s collection. The designs featured in
dorses practicality. Still strongly infused with
the line display a sense of playfulness through
alvinT’s fundamental idealism of utilizing
its organic shapes, and is visually striking
local materials and craftsmanship, we’ve also
while simultaneously retaining its functional-
employed high importance on function and
ity as everyday furniture.
The year 2014 also brings forth a new
Every day by AlvinT
batch of items that have been produced and
The Everyday by alvinT line acts as the entry
developed through years of devotion that is
level to alvinT furniture products.
categorized into three lines.
The line is aimed at individuals yearning for
AlvinT Editions
a modern, well designed and superbly crafted
furniture set at a an accessible price.
The alvinT Editions feature stand-alone
pieces that are the epitome of alvinT’s idealism, representing the breath of what modern
contemporary Indonesian design should be.
Outdoor Items
Wants In
One thing that Indonesia offers in abundance is the year-round experience of natural
beauty in the form of the great outdoors. The tropics’ natural surroundings offer sights,
smells and sounds that prove to be an inspiration to anyone from any walk of life, let
alone designers. The breath of fresh air, the glint and warmth of the morning sun and
the acoustic pleasures of the varied flora and fauna provides ample joys that cannot be
found within the confined spaces of indoor living. Taking advantage of these outdoor
surroundings is what we all should aspire to, be it for improving our quality of life in
general or by taking inspiration from what nature offers us to create our own art.
Our surrounding environment has heavily inspired us throughout the design process. Organic and floral like shape illustrates the delightful sense of being outdoors,
pleasing warm climate inspire us to draw slim proportion and breathable textures to
maximize air circulation while modern proportion and size caters to the contemporary
lifestyle and comfort. All products is made using high quality outdoor materials that
fits for both residential and commercial environments. Ultimately we aim to create a
special and rather unorthodox encounter from your typical outdoor experience with a
character and style that is unique.
Outdoor Items | Outdoor Wants In
Details of Malya high back.
The outdoor family, Sala lounge chair,
Malya oversize bench, Lala Sofa, and
Malya highback.
Collection Ambience
Inspired by the tropical ambience, our collection takes smooth and refined tones and
textures to reveal a modernized interpretation of traditional Indonesian design where
de-saturated colours compliment the contrasting elaborate designs.
Treading the fine line between disparate colours, monochromatic tones and clean
& simple design, this sense of balance between the cool Nordic outlook and tropical
Indonesian sensation hints at an intricate balance of moods between equatorial and
Scandinavian that forms the essence of our new collection.
A journey of rediscovering the tropical charm, savoring its hay day in the 60s and
70s, rattan and teak has been close to the hearts of the eastern culture. Now redefined
with fresh sleek lines and stark shape proves that a wood dominant interior doesn’t have
to be boring. Through a collection of chairs, table and storage, there’s resurgence of the
nostalgic warmth and charisma of these once fashionable natural materials.
Collection Ambience | Tropical Charm
Collection Ambience | Tropical Charm
Collection Ambience | Tropical Charm
Product Highlights | Amarta
The humble origins of the Windsor chair might lay closer to the English
Channel than the Straits of Malacca, but nonetheless we’re taking liberties in
drawing inspiration from its timeless sense of class. The Amarta features an elegant chair influenced by this classic piece of furniture. This reinterpretation
takes the basic cues of the iconic Windsor chair while utilizing durable local
material, rattan. Rattan’s flexibility accommodates the curvature of the product, which in turn lends an air of playfulness to the chair, making it a perfect
fit for modern tastes. We aim to elevate the classic image of the rattan from
a material used solely for traditional crafts to one that is easily integrated into
modern contemporary designs.
Product Highlights | Amarta
Product Highlights | SAlAA
A day spent off duty enjoying movies alone seems like a momentary escape everyone can enjoy. Sneak out from the busy week, get lost in an adventure of dramatic scenes accompanied with a warm blanket and air filled by the fragrance
of caramelized popcorn. Stretched out and submerged into one comfortable
chair, its sleek design and clean finish lends a relaxing ambience perfect for
those tranquil times spent alone.
About Alvin
Indonesian-born product designer Alvin Tjitrowirjo has built a solid and respectable
career over the last couple of years. He has distinguished himself from the rest by remaining truthful to the place from whence he came. His choice of materials and his involvement in the preservation of local heritage reflect his love and respect toward the
Indonesian tradition. Beyond that, his breadth of work shows that design is more than
mere ornamentation; that it can be an integral, interactive part of people’s lives.
Graduated from RMIT University in Australia, Alvin has always had a penchant
for art and design, stretching back to his primary school years. Upon returning from
Australia, his ‘Bell Chair’ was selected and exhibited at Salone Satelitte in Milan (2005).
After relocating back to Indonesia in 2006, Alvin soon garnered respect from local
design audience, by staging collaborations with local & international brands as well as
Indonesian leading design figures. Alvin then continued his studies at the IED Instituto
Europeo di Design, Madrid with a master’s degree in Product Design. Soon after his
time in Europe, which included a stint at celebrated Dutch designer Marcel Wanders in
Amsterdam, Alvin established his brand alvinT in Jakarta, Indonesia. In 2010 and 2011
Alvin’s products were exhibited in Harrods, London supported by the Indonesian ministry of trade. Placing a strong importance on creating a distinct brand of Indonesian
design that draws from the country’s centuries old love of art and by utilizing local
artisans and craftsmen, Alvin has since continued to spread his influence on the local
design scene. Alvin is now firmly based in Jakarta, continuously building and expanding
his furniture brand alvinT and leading his design firm alvinT Studio that now focuses
creating authentic environment in hospitality, residential, and commercial sector.
Profile | About Alvin
The Showroom
AlvinT’s brand new showroom opened its
as well as being a stone’s throw away from the
doors to the public in the summer of 2014,
Central Business District. The showroom dis-
coinciding with the launch of the brand’s
plays the brand’s ever-growing product col-
2014/2015 collection. The showroom is
lection along with collaborative products with
located on the second floor of the Goodrich
other brands and artists.
Building in the Senopati thoroughfare, a stylish neighborhood in south Jakarta, filled with
a plethora of exciting restaurants and cafes,
Alvin T Showroom
Jl. Suryo no. 11a, 2nd Floor
Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan 12810
T. +62 21 711 48551
F. +62 21 769 4371
The Team
The alvinT team consists of skilled, talented,
unique and creative characters who constantly push the brand into exciting new territories.
The team’s love for this industry, combined
with the freedom granted to explore his or
her individual creativity, has driven these exciting individuals to learn and grow together
to create a solid foundation for the alvinT
brand as well as to modernize the face of
Indonesian design with a fresh, original and
refined version.
Our Projects
At alvinT Studio we believe that “fresh ideas encased with a strong visual character” is
an indispensable investment” Whether it’s a restaurant, hotel, furniture or a collection
of sanitary ware. Good design creates the right atmosphere for customers. It communicates and consolidates the right brand identity. It also sets one apart from the rest and
helps promote leadership.
We carefully study the needs of our clients. Our team evaluates their brand positioning and target customers, the services and products offered as well as the environment
where they will compete. We strive to push design boundaries with the aim of producing
original work while still keeping an eye on the economics and functionality of the space.
We had just completed a Modern Sushi restaurant owned by Food and Beverage
Mogul ISMAYA Group. At present time our team is working on a complete Interior for a
boutique Hotel in Bali, a restaurant off in an island south east of Singapore, a house for a
young couple in Central Java while continuously expanding the alvinT as a commercial
brand. Over the following pages you will see various numbers of projects that outline
our character and style.
To date we are still looking forward on working on design Hotels, Retail outlets,
public transportation from interior of trains to aircraft cabin as well as to collaborate
with manufacturers of various products and materials.
Located in the heart of South Jakarta, this
lovely medium sized house displays the work
of alvinT Studio. Filled with a palette of teak,
concrete, white and teal, the house lends the
sense of calmness, comfort and spaciousness.
AlvinT tapped the sensibilities of elegant residential interior design with a Spartan feel
while mixing modern Indonesian furniture
with a touch of traditional décor, giving an
intriguing mix of ethnic chic served on a
modern dish that is both humble and original.
02 03 04
The Spartan dining room and
living room.
Tessa sideboard.
Bespoke bench created especially
for this project.
Jeremy Fry and Tessa Fry, with their
beloved dogs.
Laser engraved front door.
Spacious bathroom connects
to the open wardrobe.
Projects | Le Café Gourmand
Le Café Gourmand
We are very proud at our esteemed relationship with Le Cafe Gourmand, a stylish and up
market cafe serving pastries, homemade ice
cream and pedigree coffee, ideally located on
the ever-increasingly popular culinary mile
Jalan Gunawarman in South Jakarta. alvinT
Studio were given the task to accentuate the
design elements of the cafe, taking inspiration from the colours and textures of Le Café
Gourmand’s exquisite cakes and pastries and
reinterpreting them as furniture and interior
design. This resulted in colourful, playful and
refined furniture, made from visually pleasing materials and finishing, such as marble,
wood and copper. This project was also made
possible by a few notable artists who created
artwork for the interior of Le Café Gourmand.
02 | Our Projects
Dramatic mural creates an intriguing
Kirana pendants and Tello stool in
the setting.
Central coffee bar accompanied
Khalana chairs.
Anta Barstools.
Khalana Chair.
Private room furnished with Malya
chairs and bespoke pendants.
Projects | Sushi Groove Market
Sushi Groove Market
Collaborated with the Indonesian successful conceptual food and beverage company,
Ismaya. AlvinT Studio designed the newly
rebranded Sushi Groove Market Located
at Kota Kasablanka Shopping Mall, South
Jakarta. AlvinT Studio delivered a unique
contemporary reinterpretation of a Japanese
fish market ambience. The idea was to bring
a mixture of Japanese fish market atmosphere
amalgamated with modern visual graphics
inspired by traditional Japanese Ukiyo-e.
AlvinT Studio created distinctive environment that highlighted a great deal of details,
which is apparent in its furniture, facade, tiles,
and the wall decor. Emphasizing the details
while preserving the Japanese ambience of
the restaurant, alvinT Studio took Fish quite
literally as the main feature of the space, exploring and translating it into the bar - kitchen, and a room divider for a dining area. With
strong details and play of scale, the space created a characteristic experience towards the
Projects | Sushi Groove Market
Mural painting on brick wall.
Oversize fish body as private dining area.
Sushigroove market in Kota Kasablanka.
Bespoke dining chairs especially
designed for Sushigroove market.
Sake drums as prominent decorative
Projects | Dapoer & 100 Bar
Dapoer & 100 Bar
Dapoer & 100 Bar’s concept is constructed
around the mystical and flavourful history
of Indonesian culture and cuisine, not only
the local varieties and specialties but also
the social rituals and hospitality surrounding
food in Indonesia.
The interior showcases rich diversity
and cultural heritage through a mixture of
texture, colors and materials that are typical
Indonesian, re-interpreted through a contemporary approach that results is an exciting and
vibrant modern version of Indonesia. The
restaurant and bar consists of a main dining
area and 4 private rooms that were individually designed to reflect different moods. A
great deal of effort was put into designing
the details of this restaurant; from the patterns of the flooring, the façade of the bar,
to the patterned ceiling on the main dining
area and to the suspended terracotta potted
The 100 BAR, is a stylish terrace-bar in
a newly built annex of the existing building.
The 100 Bar displays an open-plan dining
area with high ceilings. The wooden deck
combined with outdoor furniture creates a
mixed atmosphere of bringing the outdoor
02 | Our Projects
100 Bar terrace.
Awu Buthek wallpaper compliments
the dining area.
Long table caters for large groups.
Private dining area.
Main dining area with patterned ceiling.
Projects | Cening Kids Club
Cening Kids Club
Located in Grand Aston hotel Tanjung Benoa
in Bali Cening is a kids club that facilitates
as a play and rest center as well as day care
for visitors of the hotel. ‘Cening’ means children derived from Balinese Language displays a rather unorthodox visual appearance
of a typical kidsclub. AlvinT Studio created a
stand-alone structure using lightweight metal
construction, covered in glass and layered
with woven rattan held together with patterned metal frame. As sunlight easily comes
in, there is always an intriguing shadow
play for the kids and parents to enjoy. Twooversized cocoon was specially designed for
children to lounge as which in fact it was often
also enjoyed by the parents.
02 | Our Projects
Two outdoor lounge cocoons.
Children’s play corner.
Malya pendants in sky blue color.
Geometric pattern inspired by
traditional Balinese woven textile.
Bespoke design outdoor cocoon.
Projects | Toto Toja Series
TOTO TOJA is an exclusive sanitary collection designed by alvinT Studio. For too long
the toilet bowl has assumed the same amorphous shape, alvinT Studio wanted to try creating something fresh and out of the ordinary.
After ample research, alvinT worked closely
with TOTO’s engineering team in order to
better understand the design limitations as
well as technical specifications behind what
goes into making a handsome yet functional
toilet unit.
AlvinT Studio started with the chamfer
box shape, which was later tapered to give it
a sleek, modern and dynamic outlook. This
element is repeated throughout the whole
series—from the toilet, the faucet, washbasin/sink, and showerhead. AlvinT Studio also
designed the display to represent the whole
concept of a modern bathroom, to showcase
that a modern toilet unit is no longer seen as
something unsanitary, but a work of art that
homeowners will proudly show off and display in their homes.
02 | Our Projects
Concept bathroom for
Toja Sanitary Collection.
Single lever lavatory faucet TX 115 LT.
Single lever bath TX 471 ST.
Counter Lavatory.
Shower head.
Projects | Chrysalis
The notion of a new design character always
develops with time from its infancy towards
maturity. This art installation is a representation of a stage of transformation between
infancy and maturity within the contemporary Indonesian design world. There has been
a surge of modernism penetrating our daily
lifestyles and Influences have come from all
parts of the world, which indirectly shape
the visually what modern design is within
the local society. Chrysalis is a development
of understanding towards modernism within
Indonesia. Its shape conceived from a frozen
movement of an organism blossoming towards a direction yet to be known.
Made out of Rattan, a material that is
common to the local eyes but hasn’t secured
its proper respect, the installation is mounted
on top of a stage to be represented as workin-process and also a milestone for this development of understanding what what contemporary Indonesian design can be in the near
02 | Our Projects
Interior view of the art installation.
Chrysalis on display at Jakarta’s
National Gallery.
Handmade frame in natural
Manau Rattan.
Projects | Ongoing Projects
Ongoing Projects
At alvinT Studio, we are always enthusiastic
in exploring different types of projects. We
explore the client’s potential from the space
and interior point of view to the products and
decor creating a unique identity and additional added value.
Currently we are working on a new boutique hotel brand in Bali where we are responsible for the complete interior and furniture
design. We are also working on the second
outlet of successful cake shop Colette & Lola
in a popular shopping mall that has a daring
yet playful design concept but still perpetuates its brand identity, a restaurant in a high
end private residential tower and a façade of a
boutique shopping center in west Java.
Projects | Ongoing Projects
Restaurant in South Jakarta
Hotel restaurant
Hotel bathroom
Hotel room
Hotel lobby
Colette & Lola at Mall Kelapa Gading
Colette & Lola interior view
Boutique shopping center in west Java
Product Index
Our Collections
At AlvinT our inspiration is led by our love of materials and
traditional craftsmanship. We shape our products based on the
character of the material we use, providing it a distinctive and
honest personality that we always love.
We are always inspired with natural texture, weaving techniques, and natural tones and colors. For the past short 5 years
we constantly develop our ever-growing product collection
maximizing the usage of local materials, exploring traditional
beauty and reinterpret them into everyday modern furniture.
Ultimately we desire to create products that tell a story, for
them to create a warm joyful livable surrounding that many
people can revel in.
W=White B=Black G=Grey DG=Dark Grey NV=Navy O=Olive OB=Oxblood
TN=Teak Natural N=Natural M=Mustard R=Red T=Teal DB=Dark Brown BG=Beige
Anta Bar Stool
Anta Dining Chair
Linger Small
Linger Medium
Linger Large
A modern Indonesian interpretation of the
classic Windsor chair. Made out of solid
mahogany and rattan.
A utilitarian counter stool made out of solid
wood, with woven rattan backrest.
A utilitarian dining chair made out of solid
wood, with woven rattan backrest.
A small version of Linger bench made
entirely out of natural rattan
A medium version of Linger bench made
entirely out of natural rattan
A large version of Linger bench made
entirely out of natural rattan
D i m ensions
D i m ensions
D i m ensions
D i m ensions
D i m ensions
D i m ensions
500 x 1025 x 505 mm
430 x 805 x 500 mm
2580 x 560 x 850 mm
2000 x 535 x 1475 mm
3600 x 750 x 1150 mm
C olors
C olors
C olors
C olors
C olors
630 x 1037 x 570 mm
C olors
Lala Series
Loft Bench
Loft Dining Chair
A modern approach of the classical
Javanese lounge chair. Made out of solid
wood, with woven rattan backrest.
A dining chair that combines natural
material with a classic touch. Made out of
natural rattan bound with paper loom and
metal frame.
A range of outdoor sofa with three colours
woven pattern, made out of alumunium
frame with synthetic rattan and outdoor
A simple bench made out of solid wood.
A dining chair made out of solid wood
composed of detailed profiles combined
A dinning chair with unique details on its
rounded lines. Made out of bended rattan.
550 x 885 x 460 mm
D i m ensions
D i m ensions
C olors
D i m ensions
610 x 850 x 550 mm
Daybed 1585 x 655 x 780 mm
One Seater 870 x 830 x 780 mm
Two Seater 1630 x 830 x 780 mm
D i m ensions
730 x 800 x 665 mm
C olors
B ody C olors
Metal C olors
D i m ensions
1400 x 405 x 400 mm
606 x 704 x 610 mm
C olors
D i m ensions
C olors
C olors
A dining chair that beautifully balanced
by three distinctive materials, the leather
binds a rattan core as its backrest with
solid wooden legs.
An outdoor sculptural bench for three
people made out of wrought iron frame
with synthetic rattan.
A lounge chair that depicts the form of
segments of corolla of a flower made
entirely out of natural rattan bound with
An outdoor lounge chair with generous
proportion and sleek outline. Made out of
outdoor textile and an aluminum frame.
A relaxing armchair with ottoman that
calls to mind the modernist understated
luxury view of a tropical home. Made out of
slender solid teak.
A dining chair with criss-cross frame.
Made out of solid teak.
D i m ensions
Ø1600 x 380 mm
D i m ensions
858 x 820 x 705 mm
D i m ensions
B ody C olors
Seat 687 x 845 x 880 mm
Footrest 520 x 390 x 520 mm
535 x 770 x 585 mm
870 x 1100 x 800 mm
C olors
backrest C olors
D i m ensions
C olors
D i m ensions
Metal C olors
c h air base & leg C olors
D i m ensions
460 x 800 x 547 mm
C olors
C olors
Malya Dining Chair
Malya Highback
Malya Oversized
Tello with Cushion
A dining chair that gently curves its corolla
to act as an armrest. Made out of natural
An outdoor lounge chair with high back
made out of alumunium frame bound with
synthetic rattan.
A oversized outdoor bench that generously
seats three people. Made out of alumunium
frame bound with synthetic rattan.
A retro modern chair that can fit in different
environments. Made out of fiberglass and
super premium Italian leather.
A triangular three-legged stool made out of
solid teak made into a plectrum-like shape.
Made out of solid wood.
A cushioned version of Tello, made out of
solid wood.
D i m ensions
D i m ensions
D i m ensions
D i m ensions
D i m ensions
Ø400 x 435 mm
780 x 850 x 590 mm
850 x 1600 x 800 mm
1720 x 1960 x 1560 mm
1500 x 1400 x 470 mm
Ø400 x 435 mm
C olors
C olors
C olors
C olors
C olors
D i m ensions
C olors
Parlay Series
Kawong Coffee Table
Loft Table
A dining table that is an expression of local
culture from East Borneo. Made out of solid
marble inlaid with different types of marble
and Granite.
A coffee table unit that laser cut with batik
pattern. Made out of laser cut mild steel/
aluminum with powdercoat finish.
A dining table composed of detailed
profiles combined seamlessly. Made out of
reclaimed wood and it is individually hand
D i m ensions
1200 x 330 x 800 mm
D i m ensions
C olors
Round Ø900 x 680 mm
Medium 2000 x 900 x 750 mm
Large 2400 x 1200 x 750 mm
A modern-day sofa: welcoming, casual yet
sophisticated. A modular system made out
of solid wood and fabric upholstery
D i m ensions
Module 1 900 x 850 mm
Module 2 1600 x 850 mm
Module 5 2100 x 850 mm
Module 4 2850 x 2100 mm
Module 5 2850 x 2000 mm
Two Seater 1760 x 880 mm
2400 x 700 x 1200 mm
D i m ensions
C olors
C olors
Salira Table
All in table with an innovative storage tray
compartment solutions. Made out of solid
natural or stained sungkai wood.
A straight forward three legs all-around
table. Made out of solid wood.
A set of simple table without any
complicated details.
Made out of solid wood.
D i m ensions
Ø485 x 500 mm
D i m ensions
C olors
Medium Ø450 x 300 mm
Large Ø600 x 350 mm
Small 1500 x 745 x 720 mm
Large 2400 x 745 x 1200 mm
D i m ensions
C olors
C olors
Lampu Janur
Biasa Tak Biasa
A floor lamp that diffuses warm light and
gives comforting ambience. Made out of
solid wood.
A set of pendants, which was developed
out of traditional spinning-tops, called
‘gasing’. Made out of turned solid teak.
A practical clothes stand, which hooks
resemble ‘fingers’. Made out of solid teak.
D i m ensions
Something generic combined with
something unique. A modular shelfing
system made out of solid teak and
A functional standing mirror with a built in
tray and hook. Made out of solid teak.
D i m ensions
A pendant inspired by the shape of janur,
a traditional decorative handicraft that
is normally used to decorate traditional
ceremonies. Made out of plywood.
Ø500 x 1500 mm
Ø100 x 145 mm
Ø115 x 145 mm
Ø100 x 145 mm
Ø120 x 145 mm
B ody C olors
Metal C olors
D i m ensions
Module 1 (base) 1250 x 130 x 400 mm
Module 2 250 x 350 x 400 mm
Module 3 300 x 350 x 500 mm
C olors
C olors
D i m ensions
Ø813mm x 466mm
D i m ensions
D i m ensions
580 x 1687 x 430 mm
Ø275 x 1600 mm
C olors
C olors
C olors
Rananta Large
Kawong Shelves
A table lamp that gives both light and
character on your table. Made out of
wrought iro frame and wooden base.
A 21st century representation of the disco
lamp. Made out of steel.
A larger version of Rananta. Made out of
D i m ensions
D i m ensions
Modular shelf unit that laser cut with batik
pattern. Made out of laser cut mild steel/
aluminum with powdercoat finish.
Series of candle holders for all types of
candles. Each candleholder is beautifully
handcrafted in solid teak with wax finish.
A sideboard composed of different sizes of
compartments, covered with varying kinds
of solid wooden doors.
D i m ensions
Ø520 x 263 mm
Ø700 x 275 mm
Ø200 x 310 mm
C olors
C olors
C olors
D i m ensions
D i m ensions
D i m ensions
500 x 400 x 300 mm (each module)
Small Ø70 x 160 mm
Medium Ø70 x 220 mm
Small 845 x 630 x 870 mm
Medium 1545 x 630 x 870 mm
Large 2400 x 630 x 870 mm
C olors
C olors
Gapura Isuk
Gapura Awan
Gunungan Abang
Puspa Seta
Puspa Wuluh
Wangsa Ireng
Printed on special textured paper.
Shown as 500 x 500 mm
Printed on special textured paper.
Shown as 500 x 500 mm
Printed on special textured paper.
Shown as 500 x 500 mm
Printed on special textured paper.
Shown as 500 x 500 mm
Printed on special textured paper.
Shown as 500 x 500 mm
Printed on special textured paper.
Shown as 500 x 500 mm
Module D i m ensions
Module D i m ensions
Module D i m ensions
Module D i m ensions
Module D i m ensions
Module D i m ensions
150 x 70 mm
150 x 70 mm
150 x 150 mm
85 x 75 mm
85 x 75 mm
150 x 150 mm
M45 Y87 K39
• C67
Y100 K0
• C33 M13
• M55 Y100 K18
C olors
M7 Y56 K0
• C8
Y100 K4
• C53 M91
• M66 Y81 K65
C olors
M1 Y56 K0
• C7
Y100 K25
• C56 M97
• M66 Y78 K69
C olors
M10 Y13 K0
• C14
Y61 K49
• C29 M61
• M23 Y25 K0
C olors
M1 Y32 K0
• C7
Y93 K0
• C56 M34
• M31 Y71 K9
C olors
M68 Y67 K90
• C75
Y2 K0
Gunungan Banyu
Wangsa Muda
Printed on special textured paper.
Shown as 500 x 500 mm
Printed on special textured paper.
Shown as 500 x 500 mm
Printed on special textured paper.
Shown as 500 x 500 mm
Printed on special textured paper.
Shown as 500 x 500 mm
Printed on special textured paper.
Shown as 500 x 500 mm
Printed on special textured paper.
Shown as 500 x 500 mm
C olors
Module D i m ensions
Module D i m ensions
Module D i m ensions
Module D i m ensions
Module D i m ensions
Module D i m ensions
150 x 150 mm
165 x 170 mm
100 x 65 mm
150 x 150 mm
165 x 165 mm
165 x 165 mm
C olors
C olors
C olors
C olors
C olors
C olors
C7 M1 Y56 K0
C26 M97 Y100 K25
C68 M61 Y57 K43
C12 M8 Y22 K0
C86 M71 Y43 K33
C50 M49 Y100 K30
C16 M12 Y13 K0
C39 M62 Y100 K33
C65 M57 Y56 K35
C12 M9 Y9 K0
C17 M13 Y13 K0
C28 M56 Y100 K12
C10 M8 Y28 K0
C23 M25 Y98 K1
C49 M51 Y100 K32
M54 Y70 K36
• C54
M47 Y95 K49
• C73
• M36 Y87 K22
Baris Ireng
Baris Lemah
Anyam Akasa
Printed on special textured paper.
Shown as 500 x 500 mm
Printed on special textured paper.
Shown as 500 x 500 mm
Printed on special textured paper.
Shown as 500 x 500 mm
Module D i m ensions
Module D i m ensions
Module D i m ensions
150 x 70 mm
150 x 70 mm
150 x 150 mm
C olors
M58 Y100 K16
• C31
Y100 K23
• C18 M59
• M19 Y35 K0
C olors
M63 Y51 K38
• C72
Y66 K5
• C12 M38
• M9 Y10 K0
M68 Y67 K90
• C75
• M57 Y100 K29
C olors
Anyam Wata
Printed on special textured paper.
Shown as 500 x 500 mm
Module D i m ensions
150 x 150 mm
C olors
M40 Y38 K6
• C68
• C70 M43 Y40 K9
Drews Chandra
Alvin Tjitrowirjo
Jo Elaine
Design & Art Direction
Artnivora — www.artnivora.net
Hilarius Jason
Martin westlake
Special thanks
Carpet & wallcovering produced by:
Goodrich — www.goodrichglobal.com
AlvinT Showroom is photographed
by Melanie Tanusetiawan & styled
by Lianggono Susanto for Style&Decor
August 2014 Issue.
© 2014 alvint
All Rights Reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted
in any form of by any means, graphic, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and
recording, or otherwise, without prior permission in writing from the publisher.
Printed in Indonesia.
Alvin T Showroom
Jl. Suryo no. 11a, 2nd Floor
Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan 12810
T. +62 21 711 48551
F. +62 21 769 4371