Our Global Village - Women Welcome Women


Our Global Village - Women Welcome Women
Issue 77
Our Global Village
June/July 2013
International Get Together in Japan, April 2013
Cherry blossoms started blooming one week earlier than usual in Japan this spring, and they were almost finishing their best at Inuyama Festival on
6th and 7th in April. They are the first part of Program A. In spite of bad weather, such big smile blossoms bloomed beautifully when 21 members got
together on the first meeting in Nagoya at the welcome lunch party. Seven participants from overseas, June & Sam, Robin and Suzanne from
Australia, Barbara and Isabella from UK and Almuth from Germany, and 15 Japanese members had a good time in Inuyama with five local guide
volunteers. We enjoyed traditional puppet shows on the top of the festival floats in front of Inuyama castle and the festival floats in the old town. The
day before we stayed at Ryokan (Japanese style inn with outdoor hot spring spa and big dinner and breakfast) Of course, we enjoyed outdoor hot
spring bath with a nice view, light up castle, could see over Kiso River, and even cherry blossom petals were floating on the hot water in the outdoor
bath. We went to Kyoto after Inuyama and on 8th we enjoyed a day trip by city bus from
Kyoto station to Arashiyama, Chionin and Nishiki market. For our lunch we dropped in at a
cafeteria of Kyoto University, and enjoyed student food there, amongst other students. We
all enjoyed Kyoto like local tourists.
Noriko Aoki, Trustee, Japan
Programme A
Nagoya was our meeting point, after which we travelled on to Inuyama and Kyoto. In
Inuyama, our ryokan inn by the river had a view of the old castle, outdoor hot spring baths
and exquisite traditional meals. We joined the crowds for the 400 year-old festival of the
Haritsune shrine and its parade of three-storey floats, with flute and drums and life-size
puppets, each highly decorated float manoeuvred on its stone wheels by teams of
enthusiastic young men. Added pleasures: a dog dressed by its owner for the occasion in
a kimono; and cup of saki, courtesy of the festival. In Kyoto, we wandered among the
cherry blossoms – with cherry blossom ice-cream – lunched at the students’ university
refectory and climbed to
the Chionin temple where
school-children offered
tea in celebration of the
birthday of Buddha. Many
thanks to Noriko Aoki for
organising this
kaleidoscopic weekend
and also to our Japanese
members who made it all
such fun for their visitors
from Australia, Germany
and UK.
Barbara Lodge, UK
The first night of the second Get Together in
Japan added to earlier experiences of wonderful,
welcoming home-hosting hospitality (in Shizuoka).
Many thanks to each host family and also local
members who assisted whenever language
difficulties arose and who were such good company.
The next 3 days were interesting and varied times
travelling by various modes of public transport
(local buses, cable car, ropeway, boat), with small
Porgramme B
baggage in tow (the excellent forwarding service
sent our big bags 4 days further ahead). In the Mt
Fuji National Park and lakeside towns we had beautiful weather offering splendid views of
Mt Fuji, the large crater lakes and volcanic area. We had the opportunity to dress in
Kimono or Samurai for photos, to visit several museums, swim in natural hot spring pools,
use 'onsen' (communal baths - naked, segregated but definitely outside the comfort zone
for Australian visitors). We stayed in Ryokan where beds are futons on the tatami mats
and meals are on low tables at which you sit on your feet on a cushion. All 7 'foreigners'
with 7 locals had some truly exotic, distinctly Japanese experiences. Riyoko Miura and
helpers did a magnificent job planning and guiding us through. Their attention to detail
ensured that we had instructions for our follow on journey written in both English and
Japanese so that we'd be ok if we needed further help. Robin Golding, Australia
Programme C
The heartful bonding in Chiba
First of all, I would express my gratitude to all the participants. We met in the local region,
here in Chiba. The program in Chiba was quite moderate, but the activities created the bonding, < We are One>. After welcome lunch at my place,
we roamed at Sengen Shrine, the beautiful garden and the historical cottage near the area . That night, we enjoyed Japanese cuisine at a
restaurant. Next morning, we bought fresh foods at a local wholesale market. We enjoyed the atmosphere as well. After that, our cooking program
together started. I prepared some recipes with cookery program using the Chiba delicacies produced. All of them (17 attendants) with the wonderful
kitchen organizers! We enjoyed the buffet with the big a la carte in season. The last entertainment was the live music ; KOTO playing . We were all
ears while the meaning with the green tea & sweets. I fondly remember even the scenes of passing by the beach , dropping by 100 yen shop,
Japanese Mac, with middle teen, Sam(Jan's grand daughter) on the way back to the hotel. How everyone enjoyed each box meal which you bought
them at a local mall for the last night at the hotel. Thank you for the wonderful bonding, again. The participants are Almuth Tharan, Robin Golding,
Isabella Ramsay, Jan Wearing and her grandchild, Sam and other local members. Lots of thanks for visiting us from long distance.
With deep sense of love, Kayoco from Chiba
Page 2 - 25th Anniversary in New Zealand, Thanks to Coral Walsh on Page 4, In Memory Section see Page 5,
Latest Gatherings & Get-Togethers on Page 7, Local Groups Page 8,
Announcements from Almuth Tharan, 5W Chair/Office and Members' Notices enclosed
5W, 88 Easton Street, High Wycombe, Bucks HP11 1LT, UK
Tel/fax: +44 (0)1494 465441, www.womenwelcomewomen.org.uk
There was a warm welcome at The Mill for the 2nd Gathering in West
Burton , organised and hosted by Hilda Matthews.
I visited with Jo Sherrell (Dorset), Sue Coventry (West Yorkshire) and Pirjo
Saarinen, who traveled the furthest, coming, to her first 5W meeting, all the way
from Finland.
We were so lucky as the weather was mostly sunny and the first evening, we
walked around the village. Next day we wandered around the nearby village of
Leyburn and visited the local cattle auction; the auctioneer’s words being as
foreign sounding to us all and not just Pirjo. Next shopping in the local farmers’
market for the meals planned for the next few days; followed by a visit to the
smartest charity shop ever, a busy Auction House, the Tea Pottery and on to the
Chocolate Maker!
Our second day found us in Hawes, visiting Aysgarth Rock Garden on the way.
At the Wensleydale Cheese Factory, after a welcome hot coffee and Yorkshire
curd tart (the local speciality), we drove over the bleak Dales to Kettlewell, where
a walk around the town led us to the church. Here we encountered a group
Sue Coventry
carrying sunflowers; a theatre group from Norfolk who were on a pilgrimage to
, Hilda Matth
ews, Anne Ra
the area before their planned performance of The Calendar Girls.
msden & Pirjo
In between we talked, walked, cooked, relaxed, played cards and talked some more, oh
and drank a bottle or two of wine,
A good time was had by all
Anne Ramsden, Huddersfield, UK
25th Anniversay of New Zealand 5W Membership
On Saturday 3rd November 2012 Sixteen 5W members -- 7 overseas visitors and 9 New
Zealand members met at Tauranga for a 3 day Get Together to celebrate 25 years 5W
membership in New Zealand
We started our 3 days together by meeting at the Information Centre. Eunice Whitcombe
who organised the Get Together then lead us on a historical walk through a small area of
Tauranga City stopping to admire and photograph the old Waka -- Maori canoe. Then on to
lunch at the old Bond Warehouse now No 1 The Strand Restaurant. We then continued
through the Rose
Gardens with views
over the harbour to
Mt Moana ,ending at
the Elms Mission
House where we
walked round the
extensive grounds
Zealand 5W member
followed by a tour of
Doreen Smith, longest New
attending the Getthe house and
newest member,
chapel. A sudden
shower of heavy rain
put an end to the afternoon’s activities. Saturday night we met for a Buffet
Dinner followed by cutting of the celebration cake by the longest NZ 5W
member present and the newest member.Sunday morning saw us up early
and on the road heading for the day in Rotorua. Firstly to the Rotorua
Museum, well worth the visit with many positive comments from our
overseas members followed by a drive along the lake shore to spend time at
the historic Maori Ohinemutu Church. A visit to Rotorua would not be
complete without seeing the boiling hot bubbling mud, this we saw at Kuirau
Park. We were able to enjoy the wonderful view over Lake Rotorua and
Rotorua City while lunching at the Aorangi Peak Restaurant. The afternoon
L -- R Susan Ormsby Australia, Hazel Drake NZ, Eunice Whitcombe
was spent visiting Rainbow Springs walking through the grounds seeing trout Organiser NZ,Baerbel Boesner Germany, Gloria Hodgson (obscured )
Australia, Addell Pointon Australia, Margaret Southgate NZ, Robin
in the streams and at the Kiwi house seeing kiwi hatching in incubators On
Golding Australia, Angela Werren NZ, Doreen Smith NZ, Carole
the drive back to Tauranga we stopped at a Blueberry Farm and shop
Lambert NZ, Erin McGeough NZ, Liane Heinke Australia, Robin Kerr NZ,
ending at Eunice’s home for a barbeque tea. By now all 16 of us had
Ruth Miller NZ at Elms Mission House Tauranga
become good friends and the conversation never stopped.
Absent Doris Schulze Germany.
Monday morning was more relaxed with a drive to Mt Maunganui where we
walked and talked our way round The Mount followed by morning coffee at a
café over looking the ocean. For those interested a swim in the hot pools was offered while others checked the shops or sat and talked. The Get
Together ended with lunch at the Mt Boat and Sports Club overlooking the harbour - a very successful weekend.
Thank you to Eunice for initiating and organising the Get Together, to Cathy for being chauffeur and support to her mother. Cathy now is a 5W
member. A big thank you to the 5W ladies who came and made the celebration a success.
Robin Kerr, New Zealand
International Women’s Day – March 8th, High Wycombe
We were wondering what to do to mark International Women’s Day this year, when a friend mentioned a Lenten Lunch being arranged on that very
day by a group of women from Marlow’s St Peter’s church in support of their transworld aid charity.
It was set up some years ago by the same group to provide practical aid to needy communities around the world, with women and children particularly in focus. Funds raised go directly to specific projects, which are comparatively small, but very effective, such as a fresh water supply or medical
So a small group of 5W friends met up in one of the church buildings in a lovely old part of Marlow, close to the river Thames. Sue Davis, Angela
Davis, Kathy Parkinson and Elizabeth Dean, together with a couple of other friends enjoyed soup and other culinary delights made and donated by
the host ladies, with all proceeds going straight to the transworld aid projects.
We spent a great couple of hours exchanging news, views and information about our two remarkable organisations, and knowing that we were also
directly helping other women in other places made it a very special occasion.
Elizabeth Dean, Hughenden Valley, Bucks, UK.
Our member Janene More hosted a weekend which included members from Sydney, Newcastle &
Lake Macquarie.
This photo was taken from Janene's verandah and left to right Jan Ridal, Janene More, Liane Heinke, Barb
McDonnell, Therese Whitehead. It was a fantastic idea to travel to the pretty village of Gloucester where we
meandered around the farmers produce stalls with the opportunity to purchase an amazing variety of organically grown produce, enjoy the street entertainers of singing, card tricks, comedy items, medieval entertainment & of course Romeo & Juliet performed by local actors was the highlight of the day.
Lots of the locals were dressed in costumes of that period which added festivity & colour to the day. Some
returned to Newcastle the same day & others returned to North Arm Cove to the home of Janene & John
More where we indulged in some of Janene's superb home cooking, were gobsmacked with their amazing
views overlooking part of the Port Stephens waterway, staying overnight & awakening to the sounds of the
bird life & the water which was as smooth as glass.
It was lovely to welcome some of the Sydney members Liane Heinke, Therese Whitehead, Coral Walsh &
Jan Ridal. They travelled long distances to attend & it was lovely to catch up with these members.
Barbara McDonnell, Australia
I have recently returned from a 5 week
trip to Australia and New-Zealand and
would like to thank the 5W members
who made my trip very special.
Although most of my time was spent as part of an organized tour, seeing new and
wonderfully different places, sites, animals and doing new activities (riding a
camel, jetboat, 4 x 4), I added some time at the beginning to visit old friends in
Queensland. Thank you to Charmaine Roney who hosted me for a couple of
days and organized a 5W get-together dinner and to Yvonne Flanagan, who
d was
New Zealan
Hobbiton in
was one of
the first 5W visitors to Vancouver that I
met, who spent the afternoon before dinner showing me around
Brisbane. Many thanks to Marie Gracey who welcomed me into her
beautiful home in Mooloolaba. She introduced me to so many people
at 7am for coffee by the beach, we had lovely meals on the terrace
and went shopping, sightseeing and swimming at Noosa Beach. In
Melbourne, I spent some lovely moments again with Evelyn Butfield
who is no stranger herself to Vancouver. Sydney was full of group
5W Get-Together, Brisbane
activities but I managed to speak to Coral Walsh on the phone for a
Charmaine, Gail, Elisabeth, Yvonne & Ann
bit. The tour ended in New Zealand's South Island but I added a few
days to visit the North Island, Auckland and Rotorua. The members I knew from before were away but I met Cathy Fenton and Ruth Miller who
hosted me for a couple of days and shared their time to make my trip more enjoyable. Until next time. Louise Samson, Vancouver BC Canada
Frankfurt meets Cape Town
During my trip to South Africa in
February 2013, together with my
husband, I visited a 5W member near
Cape Town - Tersia Theron. We had
exchanged many emails before we
started our travels and she told me
about her daily life and that she was
born in this beautiful country. One
day she invited me and my husband
to stay with her and her family. She
picked us up from our hotel in Cape
Town and brought us to her home in
Somerset West. Normally I am
used to travel by bus or train but
she told me that this was not
possible, for security reasons.
Tersia and her husband showed
us many interesting things around
the wild coast of False Bay and
the beautiful villages in the wine
area and Stellenbosch, a nice
Ute and Te
university town. Next day we
were at a cheetah outreach, where we
could see white lions and many others. In the evening we had
a great barbecue on the poolside and had very good discussions about the life in
South Africa, the political situation and outlook for the country. Once again I saw
how important it is to have 5W friendships all over the world. We learn more
about a country if we have friends there. The friendship with Tersia and her
husband was so warm and friendly and I thank her for these beautiful days and
look forward to welcoming them both in our home in Frankfurt.
Ute Engel, Frankfurt, Germany
Ende Januar
haben mein
Mann Reinhard
und ich, Lyndal
Bale und ihren
Mann Tom zum
ersten Mal in
Faro (Portugal)
Lyndal ist das
einzige 5WMitglied in
Portugal, darum
war es eine
Freude sie zu
Wir haben zu
Viert einen
schoenen Nachmittag
zusammen verbracht und uns einige Wochen spaeter
nochmals in den Bergen hinter Tavira zu einem
ausgezeichneten Mittagessen getroffen. Lyndal wohnt schon
einige Jahre in Portugal und sie hat uns von ihren vielen
Aktivitaeten und Engagements erzaehlt. Der besondere Blick
auf das portugisiesche Alltagsleben hat unseren Aufenthalt
sehr bereichert.
Wir freuen uns schon heute auf unsere naechstes Treffen im
Januar 2014. Até breve, liebe Lyndal und Tom!
Suzy Schmid-Huguenin, Buttikon, Schweiz
Farewell Thanks for Coral Walsh, Trustee in Australia
On Saturday 4 May, 5W members gathered together in Sydney to acknowledge and
thank Coral, as Trustee in Australia, for her dedication and commitment to 5W during the
years of her Trusteeship. Grace Bendall welcomed guests and long time member Gloria
Hodgson spoke of the 1991 Gathering when Frances Alexander visited Australia.
Julienne Henricks presented Coral with a gift of a fine wool scarf on behalf of members
who, in turn, acknowledged the support Coral has given over several years to so many
local, national and international visitors.
Whilst members enjoyed a delicious afternoon tea, Coral recounted memories of travel
and friendship. She was able to tell us that she joined 5W in 1991 when Frances came to
Australia. In 1999 Coral was appointed Trustee in Australia by Frances at High Wycombe.
She attended the Trustees’ Meetings overseas most years until 2012. It was clear that
the ‘tyranny of distance’ had no impact on Coral at all.
As a Trustee, Coral stated that the promotion of 5W membership and the benefits of
friendships that were formed as a result were considered by her as the most important
aspect of her role as Trustee. To fulfil her concept of service, she travelled throughout
Australia to Victoria, South Australia and within her own state of New South Wales. She
spoke to
Coral Walsh being presented with her gift
along the way,
by Julienne Henricks
at public
meetings, on
radio and sought out press interviews to extend the range of people
Nothing was too arduous for her it seemed, as she composed and sent
over 700 letters and information to women’s clubs and universities,
promoting the joy of women welcoming women world wide. With pride
she told us that, as a result, Australian membership rose from 253 to the
highest in the world. Coral said that she encouraged members in
Australian capital cities to form local groups, in order to get to know each
other, go out together and arrange events that included visitors and new
members. In turn, people in regional areas were encouraged to do the
same, by promoting membership in their areas.
She recalled that her first experience of a Gathering was in New Zealand
and after this wonderful experience she was a regular visitor at
Gatherings in Australia, England and Scotland, making friends wherever
she went. It is a brave 5W member who forms a committee and plans a
Gathering. Coral and her committees managed two successful
Gatherings in Sydney.
Coral enjoyed staying with overseas members on her frequent travels and welcoming visitors to Australia. A dedicated walker, she recalled the
warm 5W welcome she was given by hosts along the way on long distance walks in England, Ireland and Spain.
Something different and a highlight was her role in facilitating the making of a 5W Wall Hanging. Coral supplied material to a member in every State
of Australia, who returned patchwork blocks depicting each State’s floral emblem. Those beautiful little art works were assembled into a
transportable Wall Hanging. Coral comes alive when talking about her experiences in 5W. Her words and dedication speak clearly of the untold joy
her membership has given her and will continue to give her. It is not only the events she remembers during her long association with 5W, but the
friends and the travels to places she had never thought of visiting in order to form and rekindle those friendships.
In her own words “It has been a privilege and pleasure to be a member of the 5W
Board of Directors for so many years and to be of service to members, all of whom
are my friends. I also offer my grateful thanks to those dear friends in the Sydney
It only remains for those in the Sydney Group and no doubt her friends in other parts
of the world, to say what a humbling experience it is to work with and travel along
the same path as such a dedicated 5W member as Coral.
Christine Hosking, Australia
Coral Walsh: Good bye, trustee – Hello, member
Coral Walsh joined the board of trustees in 1999 and was a great help for 5W as
trustee in Australia for many years. We really admired her resolve and perseverance
and her dedication to the aims of 5W. Thank you for all your time and energy, Coral.
Coral has resigned from the board at the trustees meeting in 2013. And the board of
trustees appointed a new trustee in Australia, Janene Hancock, at the annual
meeting in 2013, alongside Moiry Byers and Sue Coventry as trustees in Britain.
Janene has taken over the pleasant burden of trusteeship in Australia from Coral –
so Coral is going to have more time for her other passion – long distance walking.
So be prepared to hear from Coral passing your home on her way from one end of
the world to the other. Good luck, good health and good shoes to you, Coral, and go
on enjoying 5W!
Almuth Tharan, 5W Chair on behalf of the 5W Board of Trustees
Coral with the 5W Board of Trustees and local members at
the 2011 Annual Trustees' Meeting in Dunblane, Scotland
Coral Walsh – a retiring Trustee?
It was a bit sad to read Almuth’s mention of Coral Walsh’s retirement as a 5W Trustee in her report in the last newsletter. We all knew that it was
coming, and now it is a fact. However, I feel sure that Coral will remain very far from retiring! All that energy and initiative she expended to keep the
5W flag held high in Australia will need somewhere to go.
It has been my privilege to have known Coral for many years, whether through work during my own time as a Trustee and in the 5W office, during
visits to Australia and in welcoming her to our home. She has always been fun to be with, a great friend. She won my husband Barrie’s heart from their
first meeting, with her bright chatter, outspokenness, adventurousness (the Pilgrims’ Walk in Spain, for example), and even her occasional scrapes –
like the accidental purple hair!
It’s true to say that she will be a hard act to follow in the role of Trustee – but then Coral, too, had hard acts to follow in her predecessors – Ruth
Morgan, June Hanscomb and Gloria Hodgson, all so different, but all bringing great qualities and ideas to the “job”. Good luck to the new incumbent!
Here’s to our next meeting, Coral, wherever and whenever that may be. Our door is always open for you. Have fun! And thank you!
Elizabeth Dean, Hughenden Valley, Bucks, UK.
Back in Buenos Aires and drinking a coffee in a bar, I’m
remembering (looking at the photos of my recent trip to USA) the
beautiful experience of friendship and kindness that all 5W ladies gave
to me during my stay there, where I’ve met 7 and stayed with 5!
What a wonderful organisation we are! I would have never been able to
visit so many places in such a short time without their help .
Laura Clines in LA spent her whole weekend with me visiting Beverly
Hills, Hollywood in a trolley, downtown LA , Natural Museum, the
amazing and beautiful rose garden. I’ve also stayed in her home and
met her interesting and charming mother. Odette Ricasa came to pick
me up to go to San Clemente (LA) where she has a house and stayed
with her 2 days visiting many places, the most amazing one was the
Flower Fields in Carlsbad, where we could see lots of orchids,
poinsettias and many other flowers and after we visited the Mission of
Saint Juan Capistrano built in 1776 that is a very interesing catholic
church. I met Odette when she came to Buenos Aires many years ago
and maybe will have the opportunity to see her again because she is
planning to go to Antarctica soon.
The morning I was leaving San Clemente, Judy Mandel (another 5W met
in Buenos Aires) came to have breakfast with me before I took a train to
San Diego city where Anne Daniells was waiting for me and right there
we visited the Old Town and later she had planned a dinner for me with
another 5W (Lee Bentley) that I’ve met in the past while she was visiting
our country. The Agave restaurant with Mexican food was the place
chosen for the meeting and the company was as good as the food and
Margaritas! Next day we visited many places in San Diego and enjoyed
a good meal in Little Italy, where we bought some special food and ale to
enjoy in a wonderful dinner in her home with her husband and son. Next
day she invited me to go together with Cecelia Wright to sightsee whales
and dolphins. Right away I moved to Cecelia’s beautiful condo in
Coronado and visited San Diego Zoo the next day as well as Balboa
park and downtown San Diego. She loves New Orleans and was
planning to go to the Jazz festival there so we talked a lot.
All these extraordinary
experiences in only one
After that I flew to
Phoenix where I met
Susan Denison, who is
a painter living in Sun
City, who also took a
lot of trouble and time
to enable me to visit
so many places in just
2 days. Phoenix is so
big and full of
freeways! She drove
me to Deer valley
where we saw
L:aura Clines,
ancient petroglyphs
Laura Garci
and Odette Rica a (back)
and Desert Botanical
garden, Scottsdale
and its beautiful galleries of art where she has her
interesting paintings. Also in Phoenix, I met Elaine Nave who went with
me to Taliesin, home and studio of the well known architect Frank Lloyd
Wright and drove me to Heard Museum of Native American art where I
could see baskets, sculptures, jewellery and pottery of many tribes such
as Hopis and Navajos.
After meeting so many wonderful hostesses I continued my travel to
Flagstaff, where I visited the Grand Canyon and Navajo land, such
beautiful scenery and places!
The only word that I can say about this experience is THANKS TO SO
I wish I could meet them again here in my country or any other place in
the future and I’ll keep in touch with them by mail but the experience will
be in my soul forever. Laura Garcia, Argentina
I was very excited to go to Atlanta, Georgia,US to house sit for June Knight Shassere and her husband Bill.
I was to mind their gorgeous black and white cat named Cary Grant. His markings resembled a tuxedo suit....hence
his name. Bill & June travelled to Ecuador for February and March and I resided in their spacious, well furnished
I met 5W members at a luncheon at Agnes Scott College, an historical women's university with magnificent dining
hall. Those attending were June, Linda Frederick, Sandy Powell, Marianne Martin, Kate Houser and Amy Miller.
After the house sit I visited Mary Ogden in Odum near Jesup, a scenic part of rural Georgia. Mary lives on a farm
which has grown cotton,peanuts,pecans and corn. I also travelled to Saint Mary's, Savannah and Charleston on
the Atlantic Ocean.
I was lucky enough to go to Brevard in North Carolina in the Appalachian Mountains. Here, there are white
squirrels. The Tallulah Gorge area and Rabun County were exceptionally beautiful parts of north Georgia. Then I
went to Pensacola Florida on the Gulf of Mexico, travelling via Alabama. My trip to Georgia was a great chance
for me to study history, geography, flora and fauna of the areas and to be the recipient of marvellous "Southern
I had several outings with June, Sandy, Linda and Marianne and wish to thank all these members for their
wonderful friendship. I had "the time of my life" in Atlanta visiting the ballet, symphony, art galleries, concerts and
Cary Grant
all places of tourist interest including glorious Calloway Gardens.Food and shopping were fabulous !!! The
emerging of the Spring was breathtaking with peach, pear and cherry blossoms, dogwoods, tulips, daffodils,
wisteria and azaleas. I am most interested in house sitting anywhere in the world. Carolyn Gibbs, Australia
At my annual lunch this March in Sydney at the Sydney Men's Rowing Club, I was pleased to welcome two new country members - Jan
Piddington of Canberra, Sue Hereford-Ashley of New South Wales and also June Endecott of NSW and her sister Robyne Rundle, a prospective
member. It is always a lovely day catching up with fellow members over the years. Gloria Hodgson, Australia
In Memory
Bright and wonderful Terry McGowan from Perth died from
multiple debilitating illnesses in mid-April.
She was a librarian at a Perth university, having dabbled in many
other jobs after migrating to Perth from Ireland many years ago.
She travelled to many conferences for librarians overseas and tried
to contact 5W ladies wherever she was. She was especially
grateful to an Edinburgh member when the Icelandic volcanic cloud
was the cause of cancelled flights in 2010. Her love of Ireland
never wavered and she always managed to visit there on any
overseas trip. She hosted many interstate and international 5W
members in her beautiful home which stylishly reflected her love of
all things Cuban and South American. Guests were treated to
accommodation in her luxurious upstairs suite. Planning and
admiring her picturesque and fragrant garden became a source of
much pleasure as her illnesses developed.
Terry was witty, an entertaining raconteur and such great fun to be
with. At the age of 57, it is grossly unfair that such an excellent
woman had to leave this earth.
Carmel Harris, Brisbane, Australia
Wendy Turnbull of Canada was killed in an automobile/pedestrian
accident on Sunday 28 April. She was struck by a car as she walked
through a pedestrian cross walk. We are all saddened by this news and
those of us in Calgary wished to let other 5W members know.
Dr Madeline Kalbach, Calgary
Shirley Wenzel, formerly from Tennessee, USA died in May of this year.
She fell and broke her hip and was taken into hospital, but then suffered a
cardiac arrest. She always spent time on the 5W google group and
loved the travel stories, saying how much she enjoyed the delight of living
vicariously through other 5W's travels. As Dixie Damm, one of her East
Tennessee friends says, ' a big void left by a very special person'.
Former member, Ruth Malton from Scaroborough, West Yorkshire,
died last year. Ruth was a prolific letter and email writer and hosted many
members over the years. Sheila McFarlane, Australia
Shirley Rose Barry from North Yorkshire, UK died of pancreatitis on
30th October 2012. She loved travelling and visited 5W friends in France,
Canada, the USA and many other countries, making friends everywhere
she went.
On a recent Round the World trip to visit friends and family in six
countries, I had the pleasure of making my first contact with 5W
members as they hosted me in places where I needed accommodation
and a friend.
My whole experience with 5W members from the time I made the first
email to my last hostess in Paris was completely rewarding.
My first stay at the beginning of August was in Edmonton in Alberta,
Canada where my friends there, Doug & Sarah, were unable to
accommodate me, so 5W member Olive Thorne, who also was unable
to have me in her apartment, arranged for me to have the guest suite in
her building. She even invited me for breakfast on the first morning and
provided me with cereal and fruit for my breakfasts on the other days.
We found that Olive, together with my friends Doug and Sarah and me
were a good combination, despite the age difference. We had outings,
to the 'Royal Alberta Provincial Museum', and meals together (including
my first taste of bison and elk in a burger).
My next 5W hostess was in Montreal where I stayed with Therese, who
was able to accommodate me on short notice when Diane was
unexpectedly called to family commitments. Diane was keen to make
sure that I was not left stranded though and emailed all the members in
Montreal to find a replacement. Therese used her expert driving skills to
show me parts of Montreal that I did not see when I was there in 2009,
such as Mont Royal, St Joseph's Oratory, the Botanic Gardens and Old
Montreal. I was able to travel on the Metro home from the downtown
area following her good
The night I
arrived Therese
and I went to
dinner at
Huguette's place,
which was kind
of Huguette
since she was
in the process
of moving. The
next night
Huguette and
Glenda came
for dinner at
place and we
had a lovely
things from
At Lauriston Ca
politics, travel
and of course 5W. There was much laughter.
They all used their English for my benefit, and when I started waving my
arms around, knocking over Glenda's wine glass, they said I was
becoming French!
My first hostess in the UK was June in London. I had planned on
spending two nights with June to allow me a day to wander around
central London and retrace my steps of 1970 when I was there last.
Sadly my planning did not quite work, as I did not count on a night flight
from Halifax to London. However, she looked after me well and I was
impressed with her stamina as she took me, in the rain (I didn't mind
that) to Morden Hall Park where I was able to see some of the lovely
English nature as well as the renovated 19th Century Stable Yard with
its millstone, waterwheel, and eco friendly toilet. June also went with me
early the next morning by train to Victoria Station and the long walk in
the rain to Victoria Bus Station to see me off on the National Express
Coach to Edinburgh.
In Edinburgh, my hostess Jean had given me good instructions to get to
her home. The next day we went to find the house in 'St. Leonards Bank'
where my grandmother lived, before moving with her family to New
Zealand. A long walk took us to the Holyrood Park track that goes under
the crags then down the other side near the Scottish Parliament
Glenda, Huguette and
buildings where we had lunch and a look at the
debating chamber.
On the Saturday I was pleased to join the monthly 5W outing which this
time took us to Lauriston Castle. A picnic lunch beside Princes Street
was a good 'getting to know you time' for some of us while others ate
inside. For me, coming from a comparatively new country, Lauriston
Castle was one of many very fascinating buildings that I would see on
my trip. After the guided tour we went to a local pub for a drink. Here, I
found that several of those present had already been to New Zealand,
have family or friends there, or, as with Olga, were planning to come. I
am looking forward to a visit from Olga in December. It was good to
meet people from all over Scotland and elsewhere including Moira from
the Orkney Islands. That night Jean and Moira took me for a good
Scottish meal of Haggis, tatties and neep with cranachan to follow at the
'Royal McGregor'.
My next stay was in a more remote area with Maysie at Tighnabruaich
in the Isles of Bute. I love this area, and Maysie was so good driving me
around her peninsula and the Island of Bute. I enjoyed local prawns at
the 'Oyster Catcher' and 'Cullen Skink' at Mount Stuart.
I decided to break my journey from Glasgow to Cornwall with a night
with Judith at Heysham in Lancashire and another with Karen at Bristol.
Judith and a friend took me to a typical English brass band concert at
Morecambe and showed me 'her' beach (to compare with mine) and the
plush hotel on the waterfront at Morecambe.
Unfortunately time did not allow Karin and husband David to show me
much of Bristol and I regret that. They were very kind to me and gave
me great hospitality in their spacious apartment.
After an enjoyable stay in Cornwall, I caught the train to Paris where I
was met by my last 5W hostess, Marcelle. I'm afraid I disgraced myself
straight away by arriving at the bottom of the first escalator on my back
with my suitcase behind me and blocking the way. Marcelle lives in a
lovely position overlooking a canal and it was fascinating while I was
there seeing the activity on the canal and beside it as people played
petonque, rode bikes, walked and drove along the road below. It was a
new experience for me to walk around the streets of Paris at night
amongst the crowds of French people as we admired the floodlit
Basilique-du Sacre Coeur and the Eiffel Tower from a distance followed
by a long walk to the Moulin Rouge. The next day Marcelle took me to
the vicinity of the Seine River where I was able to see the attractions
that are such an integral part of this lovely city. Marcelle left me with
instructions and a map and I managed to navigate the Metro to find my
way to some more attractions and then 'home' again, but I omitted to
see the 'most beautiful street in the world', 'Avenue des Champs
Elysees' so maybe I will have to go back some day. Thank you so much
to all my 5W friends for giving me such a wonderful introduction to this
great organisation. I am now looking forward to being the host with two
members booked in before Christmas, and two others lining up for the
early new year. Marie LeBlanc, New Zealand
Fifteen Sydney 5W members met at the Teahouse at the Camellia Gardens in
Caringbah Sydney for afternoon tea on Sunday 24th March 2013 to welcome
Liisa Kujala a 5W member from Finland. It was perfect Autumn weather and
members who attended all said what a lovely time they had meeting Liisa and
Jukka and catching up with each other’s news in beautiful garden surroundings
in South Sydney.
Liisa is travelling with her husband, Jukka around the Victorian coast and on to
WA before heading back to Finland in three weeks. They had three days with us
and then Margaret Essex a 5W member drove them to her beautiful rural
property at Numbugga near Bega, where they spent a few days.
Margaret Bradford, Australia
Recently, members of the South East Queensland Group of 5W
have had several members who have either not planned ahead or
who have had their plans not work out. They have all asked by email
for one night’s accommodation often with only one day's notice. They
didn’t seem to realise that 5W members are all travellers and may not
be at home when the message arrives or who do not open their email
every day, as they then complain that members have not responded.
A couple of our newer members have gone to extra trouble to collect
and host these visitors. One visiting member stayed longer but went
away without learning anything about her host as she spoke about
herself the whole time.
These incidents were a negative introduction to 5W for the new SEQld
5W members who have contacted me to ask if this is what they should
expect in future. If it was, then they would not renew their membership. I
have hastened to reassure them that it is not common practice,
therefore I ask members to remember that 5W is about friendship, not
one night stays. I still value my 5W friendships including my first visitor
in 1994 and my first host in 1995. I would like everyone to experience
special friendships like mine. Marion Jones, Brisbane, Australia
From 5W Office - there have been other instances like this
reported from various parts of the world. Luckily, they are few and
far between, considering the number of 5W members who travel
and stay with members or receive visitors in their homes. 5W is
based on friendship and understanding between members, so
please remember to act with courtesy as both a visitor and a
With any enquiry about a Gathering, send an SAE or 2 International Reply
Coupons (IRCs) - from your post office
Adelaide Gathering August 26th to 31st 2013
AUD 550 Deposit AUD200 by 26th March Balance by 26th June
Come and spend 6 days / 6 nights in Adelaide, the most liveable city in
Australia (probably in the world) hosted by our many (more than 30) very
welcoming, friendly 5W members. Cruise in the World Heritage listed
Coorong National Park, visit the famous food and wine area of Barossa
Valley and enjoy the many offerings of Adelaide City. Come earlier,
allowing at least 2 days for each, if you'd like to see Kangaroo Island or do
a Murray River Cruise.
Enquiries to Robin Golding robinadsl@internode.on.net
Pleasure and Leisure at Baltic Sea Coast
Golden October 2013 on the beautiful peninsula Darss in the Baltic
Sea in the North of Germany. The birds from the North are taking a
break there before they fly further South - so why not spend a few days
there enjoying walks on the beach or cycling in the forests, visit
picturesque fishing villages, maybe even the island of Hiddensee, maybe
just relax reading a book or chatting or cooking a meal together
without too much stress. A few places left, please contact as soon as
possob;e..Almuth Tharan, Stubbenkammerstr 12, 10437 Berlin,
Germany, almuth_tharan@yahoo.de
5W Message Groups
Berlin and around: History, Nature and Modern Times,
May 25th, to June 1st, 2014
There is an email group run by members for members. If anyone is
interested in joining the group, please contact one of the organisers Marie Gracey marie.gracey@optusnet.com.au, Jacqui Knight
jacqui@bitybybit.com, Rita Lane-Smith rita@wildimages.com or Kay
Smith cybermom4171@comcast.net
Josiane Vossen has also set up a private Facebook group. If you would
like to join, simply type 5w women welcome women in the Facebook
searchbar, the 5W group will come up and you need to press 'Join
Group'. You will then receive a message from Josiane asking for your
membership number and country under which you are listed.
Any 5W member can start up their own email group - just let the office
know if you choose to do this and we will include details in the
newsletter.Please note that 5W Trustees and Office are in no way
responsible for the running, organisation or content of these groups.
This gathering is running up to the festive 30th anniversary lunch, which is
part of the gathering programme. Get to know Berlin's historic and modern
sides, meet local members, visit historic Potsdam plus interesting and/or
beautiful places in surrounding Brandenburg region. Program price
including festive lunch on May 31st: app. 350€. Staying at 2-Star hotel in
the city centre. Accommodation price between 250 and 490€ for 7 nights.
Almuth Tharan, Stubbenkammerstr 12, 10437 Berlin, Germany,
Check out www.truelytribal.com.au for the “18 day Tribal
Trek”. Next year’s 18 day Tribal Trek is 1-18 September 2013 (at a
discounted price AUD 3099 for 5W members if we can fill the 20 seater
bus) with the added bonus that Adelaide and Darwin members are
anticipating having a Get-Together at each end in 2013. For more
information about the ‘Tribal Trek’ use the website, mentioning 5W
when you make contact . Robin Golding
5W Nepal Tour
My name is Penelope French, Member and I belong to the 5W Sth East
Qld Group.My daughter Renee (5W member) is president of a
registered charity - Childrens Aid International Inc. which supports a
childrens home in Nepal. We have put together a 2 week tour of Nepal
including spending some time at the childrens home. We still have a
few places available on this tour which runs from 23 Sept to 6 Oct 2013.
Highlights of the tour will include:
- Exploring Buddhist Stupas and Hindu Temples and Shrines, the Royal
Palace Museum in the Kathmandu Valley Region.
- Enjoy the eclectic streets, amazing array of different cultures and
influences, and nightlife of Thamel.
- Visit the children of CWC, learning to play, cook & dance Nepali style.
- Experience the breathtaking sunrise and sunset view of Fewa Lake
from the hillside peaks of Pokhara.
- Take an elephant safari in scenic Chitwan National Park, watch out for
rhino, cheeky monkeys and if you are very lucky maybe a tiger.
Tour cost is $2000, plus a $550 donation* and includes comfortable
accommodation (mostly 4 star) internal flight to Pokhara, all transport
and activities while on tour and some meals. Please contact me for
further information including an itinerary and registration form. We
would love to have you along to share the wonders of Nepal, to be
inspired by the children who have so little, but are willing to share so
much with us. This is a non profit tour. *At the end of the tour we will
present donation and any profit to Childrens Welfare Centre, Nepal.
Registration will close 15th June 2013. Contact Penny French,
Member 12523 Queensland, Australia.
30th Anniversary of 5W in Berlin
The festive reception to celebrate this merry event will take
place on Saturday, May 31st, 2014, at 12 o’clock at a venue in
the district of Prenzlauer Berg. There will be time to meet old
and new friends, a tasty lunch and some side events at the
venue plus the opportunity to join a guided walk led by Berlin
members after the reception. Cost: 55€. Almost fully booked,
waiting list to be started. Please contact:
Almuth Tharan, Stubbenkammerstr 12,
10437 Berlin, Germany, almuth_tharan@yahoo.de
Cowboys & Cajuns - 8-21 February 2015
Laissez les bon temps rouler! Remember the Alamo! Contact Mary
Schultze (mms2770@yahoo.com) if you are interested in more
information. This Gathering in March 2015 would visit San Antonio and
the Texas Hill country followed by participation in the original Mardi Gras
in Lafayette Louisiana capped with a day or two in New Orleans. Hotel
accommodations and private bus with a limited number (20-22) with cost
to be determined.
September 2015
Proposed Gathering in Australia (South East Queensland - Brisbane,
including Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast)
Please contact Penny French, pennyfrench@optusnet.com.au, tel:
+61 (0)7 38630901
Local Groups
Arranged by local members for local members and visitors!
Meet for coffee...Visit places of interest...Make new friends...Phone around...Start a Group
Argentinian Groups, Buenos Aires Meet alternate months - details from
any member there. Chubut - contact Nelly Maria Jesús Ellena, email:
Australia: Adelaide Group welcome local members and visitors. Contact
Cathy Young, tel: 08 8261 4253, email: cathyo@arcom.com.au or
Jacqueline Parslow, tel: 08 8331 9345, email: jacpar@bigpond.com
Australia:Canberra Group Get togethers Feb, May, Aug, Nov.Contact
Betty Olsen, 15/3 Shepherdson Place, Isaacs, ACT 2607, Australia, tel:
(0)2 62901711, email: betrolsen@bigpond.com
Australia: Darwin Contact Jackie Das Gupta, tel: 08 8985 2650,
email: jackiedasg@hotmail.com
Australia: Lake Macquarie Contact Gloria Hodgson, 8/166 Main Road,
Speers Point, Lake Macquarie, NSW 2284, Australia,
tel: 02 49 508648, email: gloreg@bigpond.com or Barbara McDonnell
Australia: Port Macquarie Contact Shirley Martin (02) 6559 5200,
shirlmart@tadaust.org.au or Desirée Hodgson (02) 6582 2863,
Australia: SE Queensland Group Meets on 2nd Sat of the even months
(Feb, April, June, August, Oct, Dec). The Group also arranges 2 Book
Groups on the 2nd Saturday of the odd months (January, March, May,
July, Sept and Nov), regular film days on the 4th Saturday of the odd
months (January, March, May, July, Sept and Nov), as well as other
activities. Contact Marion Jones tel: +61 (0)7 33554432 or
seqld5w@optusnet.com.au, SEQld Website
Australia: Sydney Members meet monthly for various outings. Visitors
welcome. Coral Walsh (02) 9528 4096, coralw@australiaonline.net.au or
Grace Bendall (02) 9363 9025, bendallgrace@gmail.com
Australia: Tasmania Pls contact Janene Hancock, 10 Heather Road,
Australia: Victoria Lunches every 3 months on 2nd Saturday Feb, May,
August, Nov. February 9th, May 11th, August 10th, November 9th.
Please contact Margaret Fleming tel: 613 94810221,
mmoxhamfleming3@bigpond.com for venue and time
Hungary: Budapest Group Contact Maria Novak, tel: 1 3414 660,
Japan: Tokai Group (Aichi, Mie, Shizuoka and Gifu) Contact Noriko Aoki,
tel 0568 70 0922, norippe1951@hotmail.co.jp
Japan: Chiba Group (Hara-Tance) Meets 2nd or 3rd Friday of even
months with lunch at Secrets by the Seashore. Love to see you any time.
Contact Kayoco Tada on blend2008@hotmail.co.jp or Sasami Yamada
on yamada333@ac.auone-net.jp
Kenya Kisumu Lake Region: Meets 4th Sunday of each month at 2pm
at Kenyatta Sports Ground. Contact Gladys Ogembo, P O Box 498440100, Kondele, Kisumu, Kenya, mob 0733 901 772
Sweden: Helsingborg Group Contact Jill Hilford, hilford5w@yahoo.se
Sweden: Stockholm Group Meet four times a year, once every season.
sonjaholmedal@hotmail.com. Visitors always welcome.
Switzerland: Basel Group Contact Ursula Fink, tel 61 2725940,
UK, Cambridge Group: Contact Vicky Russell, PO Box 225, Cambridge
CB3 9RB, tel: 0776 5413461 or email vicky.russell@cantab.net
UK, Devon Group: Please contact Pat Beasley on 01626-870676 or
email: beasley.pat@btinternet.com
UK, East Midlands Group: Next mtg on Saturday 12 November in
Leicester. Contact Sheilagh McIntosh, tel 0160 4634110,
email sheilsmac@msn.com
UK, Kent Group: Contact Pauline McEwan 01227 452349,
email jandpmcewan@yahoo.co.uk
UK, London Group: Meets 1st Sunday of months of January, March,
May, July, September, November..
Contact Gerda Baron, 136
Chatsworth Rd, London NW2 5QU, Tel: 020 8459 3608 or Maureen
Jackson, London N14 4SY
email maureenjackson5w@hotmail.co.uk
UK: Scottish Group: Meets first Saturday of most months, for lunch plus
a visit to an exhibition, garden or somewhere else to enjoy. Members living
in or visiting Scotland are always very welcome. Contact Jean Thompson,
0131 447 4622 jeanthompson@morningside.org.uk
Australia: Western Australia Meet four times a year. Please contact Ann
Begg, 153 Whitfield Street, Bassendean, Perth, WA 6054, tel: 08 9279
9784, benanme@bigpond.com. See website for upcoming dates .
Belgian Group Meets regularly 2 or 3 times a year. Details from Ria
Monten, rue d’Ardevoor 55, B-1357 Hélécine, tel/fax: (00)19-655839,
email: Ria.monten@skynet.be
Canada: Vancouver Group Monthly , or almost, Get-Togethers.Contact
Elinor Warkentin 604-683-0898 elinor@goodbyeclutter.ca
Denmark: Copenhagen Group Contact Alice Vilstrup xzavil@gmail.com
Finland: Contact Liisa Huhtala-Halme, Kluuvintie 11, FIN-02180 Espoo,
Finland, tel: (09) 3072963, email: liisa.halme@elisanet.fi
Germany: Berlin Group Meets every 2-3 months on a weekday evening.
For exact time and place contact Brigitte Wagner briwa@gmx.net or
Monika Blüm MoBlue@gmx.de
Germany: Bremen Group meets regularly 2nd Saturday of each month
- and enjoy visitors. Please contact: Christine Dalley,
email: Chrdalley@freenet.de
Germany: Frankfurt Group Meet last Saturday afternoon of each month.
Contact Brigitte Clasen tel: 06151 21004, brittsen@gmx.de or Joyce
Szameitat tel: 06054 6924, joyce.szameitat@web.de
Germany: Kassel Group Meet every 3 months at a member’s home.You
are welcome to join us. Contact Brigitte Kroeger, Emil-von-Behring Str 26,
34576 Homberg, tel: 05681 71751, brikroe@gmx.de
Germany: Munich Group Meets every 3 months at Eine-Welt-Haus in
80336 München, Schwanthaler Str 80.
Please contact:jutta.marzin@t-online.de or c-a.lodge@t-online.de
UK, South Yorkshire, Lincolnshire, Nottinghamshire & Humberside
Contact Hazel Burnham on hazel.burnham@googlemail.com,
tel: 01724 764726
UK, Surrey Group: Meet twice yearly, if you would like to be added to
mailing list if you live in or near Surrey, please contact
5W@sheilalothian.co.uk or christinerutherford10@hotmail.com or call
Sheila on 020 8942 8828
UK, Welsh Border Group: Are you interested in joining our Group?
Meetings to include various activities and country walks, sharing meals
and making new friends. Please contact Jane Hider 01694 723468,
UK, Wessex Group:
UK, Yorkshire/Lancashire group Meets 1st Sunday of most months for
lunch plus occasional other social activities. Contact Sue Coventry
suecoventry@btinternet.com or tel 01706 817211
USA: Boston Group Members meet each month for social activities.
New local members and visitors, please contact
Kim Giovacco, giovacco.kim@gmail.com or 774 269 6558 for details.
USA: Chicago Group Contact Flora Breidenbach
USA: Sacramento Valley & Sierra Foothills Contact Jane Thomson
USA: Midwest/Great Lakes Group contact Mary Schultze at
Germany: Düsseldorf /Niederrhein - group
meet every 3 month at a members home. You are welcome to contact:
Barbara Heger, Tel: 0211 - 35 48 07 or barbaraheger@gmx.de
Germany: Stuttgart Group Meets regularly 1st Sat each month at
restaurant Trollinger or for various outings. Details: Bärbel Ott, D70565,0711 9074305 or Anne Ross, 0711 362498, Anne@andreasross.de
USA: Minnesota Group Love to have visitors, contact Mary Roberts,
218 765 3305, email roberts7@brainderd.net