May 2012 - Petra Community Housing


May 2012 - Petra Community Housing
A National Moment of
Remembrance on Memorial Day
That poem about where “poppies blow”
And, “the crosses, row on row”
Still rings true, these ninety years
After written, still brings tears.
We still have Dead, “amid the guns”
And lose our young and our loved ones
Those who lived, “short days ago”
Who, “felt dawn, saw sunset glow”.
In Flanders Fields, “the poppy red”
Still grow near where the blood was bled
They, “Take up our quarrel with the foe”
And still die for Freedoms that we know.
They pass, “The torch” to, “hold it high”
And not, “break the faith with us who die”
For they, “shall not sleep, though poppies
Beneath all those, “crosses, row on row”
In Flanders Fields.
Del “Abe” Jones
Bev’s Bulletin
Medical Tip!
The Following is the newest way to check for a stroke:
1. Ask them to smile (if they can’t it’s bad)
2. Ask person to talk and speak a simple sentence coherently e.g.
“It’s sunny out”
3. Ask them to raise BOTH arms
4. Ask them to stick out their tongue. If the tongue curls or goes to
one side, or if the mouth is misshaped in anyway it’s bad.
*** If you or someone you know is experiencing any of the symptoms
call 911 ***
Puzzles at Flag, Cont. from
page 1
The puzzles
are beautiful
and are
and for special holidays.
In the Community Room you
will find puzzles of the American Flag. The Flag House
once was a factory that
made American Flags.
"Heloise's Hints"
Did you know that mixing soapy
water and baking soda helps to
take off stains from the kitchen
counters? Try it!
If you have any other hopeful
hints you would like to share with
the Residents of Petra Community
Housing call Tiffany at 484-9334956 or email her at
Created By: Rebeca
By: Beverly Sarduy, Social Service Coordinator
There is a saying that says “the only thing constant is change”. Since I have been working
here there have been many positive changes. Some were planned and others just happen naturally. My schedule is one of those things that keep evolving naturally. Working at all three
locations now I find myself having to “go with the flow” wherever the need calls for me. In
light of that I highly suggest calling me to confirm my location and to set up appointments. I
love when people stop by to say “Hi” or ask a question but at the same time, I feel terrible when someone is waiting for me and I have been called out to a commitment.
A lot of you received some disappointing news this month. The state has changed asset eligibility for Food
Stamps or SNAP. This means that if you are over 60 or have a disability and have over $9000 in assets you may
be in jeopardy of losing your food stamp benefits. Assets DO NOT INCLUDE your primary vehicle, educational
savings, burial accounts or pension plans.
Please remember for those of you who live in Spring City. You are eligible to participate in the Project Outreach
food pantry every Thursday morning at UCC Church on Chestnut Street because you are a resident of the area.
Project Outreach also has a location in the Royersford area that serves residents.
As I have mentioned before I love to share information about helpful programs. I just recently learned of a Senior
Recovery Group for those who struggle with alcoholism or addictions. This is for seniors and is run by a highly qualified senior citizen. It is also paid for by Medicare. They meet at CAD in Exton and depending on the day and
time would be accessible by Rover Para-transit services. If you feel that the need for alcohol or narcotics controls
you, please call me or Main Line Health 1.888.CARE.898 and ask about their Senior Recovery Group. No one
needs to suffer alone. As always, your personal information is kept confidential.
Thanks to all of you for all the beautiful spring flowers that are greeting us daily. Between your hard work and
warm sunshine it’s becoming a wonderful landscape! Enjoy!
Resident Newsletter
May 2012
Upcoming Events:
Believe it or not the resident activities center in the lower level of
the Bard Complex will soon be a
reality. If you live at Bard you’ve
already seen the signs. The contractor began the renovation on
Tuesday, May 1st and has promised a completed project by the
middle of July.
The new center will be available
for the residents of all Petra Community Housing (formerly Phoenixville Homes) managed properties and will feature an exercise/dance floor, exercise equipment, a Wii station, café and pool table as well as other activities and
a computer room.
A Family and Friends day will be celebrated on Saturday, July 28th in honor of
the grand opening of the center. All residents of Petra Community Housing along
with their families and friends are invited to attend the festivities of the day. Beginning with a pancake breakfast, the day will be filled with activities, food and
fun. Drawings for gift cards and donated prizes will be held for all residents, their
families and friends. There will be something for everyone. Mark your calendar
now and tell your family and friends to do the same. A shuttle will be provided to
transport residents of Flag and Freedom along with their families and invited
5/8– Tenants Meeting
@ 6:30pm
5/18– Choir Practice
@ 6:30pm
5/20– Italian Dinner &
Birthday celebration
@ 5pm
5/11– Movie night at
5/14– Smile Assoc.
meeting @ 7pm
5/26– Picnic @ 5pm
5/16– Resident/Staff
Meeting @ 2pm
Naming Contests
I bet you’re wondering what the new resident
center will be named. I bet you’re wondering
who submitted the winning name for this newsletter. I am pleased to announce we have winners.
There were many submissions for both the center
and the newsletter. However, you’re going to
have to wait to find out who won. The chosen
names and individuals who submitted the winning
names will be revealed during the festivities on
July 28th. Another reason you will not want to
miss this event.
Puzzles at the Flag House
By: Morine Madden
Lois Diehl, Mary Lou Keim, and
Bertha LaCoste are always busy
working on a puzzle in the corner of
the Flag House Community Room.
These three residents will sit for hours
together and work on puzzles.
You can find some of their work located on the wall across from the elevators at Flag.
Articled continued on page 4.
Kambic’s Korner
Resident Newsletter
Page 2
By: Steve Kambic, Executive Director
Resident Relations Plan: Using Communication Tools to Lower Costs,
Improve Service
One of my goals for this year was to resolve issues we continue to have with the laundry
rooms. The washers and dryers in each building are commercial grade; the same quality
and durability found in the Laundromats. Unfortunately the maintenance costs continue to
rise due in part to the improper use of the machines. Learning to use new equipment is challenging for all of us. The front loading washers require special laundry detergent and use.
Failure to use the special detergent and follow the special instructions will result in costly repair for Petra Community Housing (formerly Phoenixville Homes).
In an effort to reduce unnecessary laundry equipment repairs and improve communication
Steve Kambic
with residents, we will be calling a mandatory meeting of all residents to introduce our new
Resident Relations Plan. These meetings will take place during the month of May. All residents are required to attend and will be notified well in advance. The goal of this effort is to improve communication by giving residents an opportunity to express any concerns or suggestions. The details of the Resident Relations
Plan will be explained at the mandatory meeting.
One more thing, a drawing for a special gift basket will be held at each building for all those in attendance.
Mandatory or not, you won’t want to miss this meeting!
Freedom House Movie Night
By: Rebeca Romain
On Thursday, April 26th some of us watched an enjoyable movie in the Community Room at
Freedom House. The movie: "Fried Green Tomatoes" (1991) starring Oscar-winners Kathy
Bates (Evelyn Couch) and Jessica Tandy (Ninny Theadgood). Also: Mary Stuart Masterson
(Idgie), Mary-Louise Parker (Ruth Jamison), Buddy (Chris O'Donnell) and Gailard Sartain (Ed
The movie seems to be two stories with Ninny (present-day) from the nursing home where she
lives relating a story to Evelyn Couch, a visitor. Evelyn is married to Ed and they visit the nursing home to see Ed's aunt. The aunt doesn't like Evelyn and doesn't permit Evelyn in her room so
Evelyn waits in a visitor's area. That's where Ninny an 83-year-old nursing home resident sees
her and introduces herself to Evelyn. Thus begans their friendship, with Ninny story-telling
about two ladies from her past who formed a deep bond.
These two ladies are: Idgie and Ruth. Idgie was very close to her older brother, Buddy. Ruth was Buddy's girlfriend
and when he died in a tragic accident Idgie didn't speak to anyone but Ruth. Ruth eventually married a man named
Bennett but she eventually left him due to his abusive ways. At this time, Idgie owned a cafe in Whistle Stop, Alabama and she offers Ruth a job in the cafe.
Due to flashbacks to the 1930's we get to see the friendship evolve over the years. We see how much the two respect and mean to each other. Idgie is known for her free spirit and independent ways, so she is the main suspect
when Bennett (Ruth's husband) is found dead. The story takes many twists and turns but the friendship bond is never
“To catch the reader's attention, place an interesting
sentence or quote from the story here.”
Pizza Party at Flag House
On April 9th, Flag House had a pizza party for the
residents in the community room. Many residents
attended and enjoyed eating and fellowshipping
with one another.
Bard Complex’s Margaret Banks is Honored
On April 21, 2012 The Wings of Victory Ourtreach Corp. hosted the second
annual Gospel Concert Fundraiser at the Second Baptist Church. The concert featured many soloists, choirs, speakers, a comedy show and honoring Margaret
During the concert, Bard Resident, Margaret Banks
was honored for the work she has done in the community. For 40 years, Margaret committed herself
and her time as a community activist to the community
of Pottstown. She has served on several boards and
has accomplished many goals and tasks for her community.
Margaret Banks & Irena
Petra Community Housing congratulates Margaret Herr, Bard Resident Assoc.
on this honor! We appreciate all the hard work she President at the Annual
has done for the community of Pottstown.
Gospel Concert Fundraiser
Bard Complex Choir
Left: Ann
By: Sande Gelet
Robinson &
Fran Maute
On April 20th, the Bard Complex had their first choir
practice. Over sixteen residents participated. Peggy
Quinn the Vice President of the Resident Association at
Bard put the choir together. Sherry Light, daughter of
Rev. Jack Mason (Secretary of the Petra Community
Board) is volunteering one Friday a month to director
the choir. Sherry has a degree in music and business.
Sherry is a part time working mom and is excited to be
able to director the Bard choir. For more information
about the Bard choir contact Peggy Quinn.
Left: Sherry
Light, Doris
Right: Peggy
Everything Mom
Journey Across Western Europe
On April 30th, Bard Residents Tom Becker & Nancy Leonard presented a slide show of Europe during the struggle
between Democracy &
Communism. The presentation consisted of England, Wales, Scotland,
Netherlands, France,
Switzerland, & Germany.
By: Joanna Fuchs
Tom Becker
Ruth Kunkel & Nancy Leonard
Picture on
Dolly Bierwirth & other Residents
Clara Matthews & others waiting
in line for pizza.
Easter Decorations atPage
Sara Cooper,
Ann Peck, &
Sande Gelet
How did you find the energy, Mom
To do all the things you did,
To be teacher, nurse and counselor
To me, when I was a kid.
How did you do it all, Mom,
Be a chauffeur, cook and friend,
Yet find time to be a playmate,
I just can’t comprehend.
I see now it was love, Mom
That made you come whenever I'd call,
Your inexhaustible love, Mom
And I thank you for it all.
Happy Mother’s Day to all of our residents!
We hope you have a blessed day!! ~ The staff
of Petra Community Housing