t. nagar bazaar - MAMBALAM TIMES
t. nagar bazaar - MAMBALAM TIMES
CMYK MAMBALAM TIMES The Neighbourhood Newspaper for T. Nagar & Mambalam www.mambalamtimes.in Vol. 19, No. 36 972nd Issue : February 1 - 7, 2014 FREE Page 2 MAMBALAM TIMES February 1 - 7, 2014 T. NAGAR BAZAAR This column is intended to help small businesses in & around T.Nagar and West Mambalam to have a cost-effective advertisement medium. Advertisement in this section will be in standard panel sizes of 4 cm. x 1 column (costing only Rs. 500) and 4 cm. x 2 column (costing Rs. 1000) POLYWOOD 5% - 10 % Discount upto Feb.1 Loft cover, Pooja Shelf, Cupboard, Showcase, Modern Kitchen, False Ceiling, Painting VISWA ENTERPRISES VADAPALANI 98400 18492, 6537 9721 www.viswadecorators.com, E-mail: enquiry@viswadecorators.com Ranjani and Gayatri’s concert in Infosys Hall today By Our Staff Reporter Ranjani and Gayatri will present a devotional music concert on Saturday, Feb. 1, at 6 p.m in Infosys Hall (Ramakrishna Mission School, Bazullah Road, T. Nagar). It will be preceded by Thirumurai Pannisai by Dharmapura Aadina Oduvar A. Swaminathan and bhakti sangeetham by Vasundhra Rajagopal and party. The program has been organized by Ramakrishna Mission Students Home (Mylapore) as part of the 150th birth anniversary celebration of Swami Vivekananda. All are welcome. February 1 - 7, 2014 Grievance redressal meet in YMCA at 3 p.m today Chennai Corporation has convened a grievance redressal meet for the residents’ welfare associations falling under the zones 9 to 15 on Saturday, Feb 1, at 3 p.m in YCMA (Nandanam). Chennai Corporation officials from the respective zones will participate in the meet. T. Nagar Residents’ Welfare Association has appealed to the members of the welfare associations falling within these zones to attend the meet and air their grievances. 7-day discourse on Srimad Bhagavatam from Monday Under the auspices of Srimad Bhagavata Sapthaha Committee (Ashok Nagar), R. Hariji will give a 7-day discourse in Tamil on ‘Srimad Bhagavatam’ from Monday Feb. 3, to Sunday, Feb. 9, from 7 p.m to 9 p.m in Sri Ram Samaj (Ayodhya Mandapam, 49, Arya Gowda Road, West Mambalam). The discourse will be followed by Dolotsavam on all days. The following are details of the discourses: Feb. 3: Parikshit Charitram. Feb. 4: Kapila Upadesam, Dhruva Charitram. Feb. 5: Ajamila Charitram. Feb. 6: Gajendra Moksham, Rama Avadharam. Feb. 7: Sri Krishna Avatharam. Feb. 8: Sri Krishna Leelai. Feb. 9: Rukmini Kalyanam. The daily discourses will conclude with Dotosavam. All are welcome. MAMBALAM TIMES Page 3 Wide opening in storm water drain poses Bharathiyar’s birthday celebration today at 5 p.m risk to pedestrians S. Gurumurthy (journalist) By Our Staff Reporter By Our Staff Reporter A portion of the manhole cover of the storm water drain at the junction of Gandhi Street and Mambalam High Road (T. Nagar) has caved in forming a crevice. Dried coconut fronds have been placed in the crevice to warn pedestrians. A nearby shopkeeper said that the cover got damaged more than three months ago and has still not been repaired. Long queues continue outside TUCS shops to collect Pongal freebies By Our Staff Reporter Though Pongal festival got over on Jan. 14, a long queue was seen outside the TUCS shop on Brindavan Street (West Mambalam) to collect Pongal freebies given Tamilnadu Government on Jan. 30. New President for Mambalam Consumer Co-operative Society Shriram Bharathi Kalai Ilakkiya Kazhagam (6, Poes Road, Teynampet) will celebrate the 132nd birth anniversary of Tamil poet Subramanya Bharathi (popularly known as Mahakavi Bharathiyar) on Saturday, Feb.1, at 5 p.m in Sri Krishna Gana Sabha (Maharjapuram Santhanam Salai, T. Nagar). The celebrations are held for the 27th year in succession. Avvai Natarasan will give a welcome talk. A book on Bharati titled PHC completes a ‘Panchali Sabatham’ will be released and distributed free to century of open the attendees. heart surgeries Students of S.P. Ram (a puBy Our Staff Reporter Public Health Center (Lake pil of Lalgudi Jayaraman) will View Road, West Mambalam) present a music program. performed its 100th open heart surgery on Jan. 19. The surgery was performed by a team headed by chief cardiologist Dr. V. Arun and supported by Dr. K. Sundaram (senior surgeon). An exclusive cardiology block was opened a year ago. Dr. Arun said that the cardiology wing is well equipped with the latest equipment and surgeries are performed at a nominal rate and patients can avail the Chief Minister Comprehensive Health Scheme. The hospital is equipped to perform congenital heart surgery, valve replacement, bypass surgery and emergency cardiac surgeries. Dr. Arun is available for consultation from 9 a.m to 12 noon. His contact number is 99404 92739. balam) on Jan. 29. He had previously held the post of Vice P. Ambuli Raj (resiPresident. dent of 105, EllaiamFresh elections Calling volunteers man Koil Street, Wewere held after the st Mambalam) was passing away of the for free service in elected as President earlier president N. Tirumala of Mambalam ConSevas (50, Dharga Road, sumer Co-operative Society Jayaseelan. His contact numRajaji Nagar, Pallavaram) (Thambiah Road, West Mam- ber is 98406 61506. sends volunteers for a weeklong service to pilgrims in Tirumala starting on Mondays and ending on Sundays. Men and women who are By Our Staff Reporter Feb. 13 to 22 at the following physically fit and are willing to Samskrita Bharati (Chen- venues: stay in Tirumala for a week are nai) will conduct a free 10-day From 11 a.m to 1 p.m in: course in spoken Sanskrit from Priam’s Shankara (23, Sub- welcome to offer their services ba Reddy Street, near Sankara for 6 hours everyday. The work will be of supervisory nature. Mutt, West Mambalam). Ph: Accommodation, lunch and 9003344778, 2370 0170. dinner will be provided free of New No: 49/1, Old No. 20/1, cost. They can have special Thambiah Road, West Mam- darshan of Lord Venkatesbalam, opposite Corporation wara. Office. Ph: 95001 81938. Traveling expense and the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan cost of breakfast must be borne (Thanikachalam Road, T. by the volunteers. Nagar). Ph: 90033 44778. Those interested can call From 6.30 p.m to 8.30 p.m 94449 01138. in: Talk on ‘Devotion Sarada Vidyalaya (Burkit Road, T. Nagar). Ph: 98414 to divinity’ on Thursday 34401, 99406 83562. No previous knowledge of Swami Mitrananda (Acharya, Chinmaya Mission, ChenSanskrit is required. Anyone irrespective of age, nai) will be give an introducgender or community can join tory talk on ‘Devotion to divinity’ on Thursday, Feb. 6, from the course. Follow up classes, regular 7 p.m to 8 p.m in PSBB School (29, Alagirisamy Road, K.K. and correspondence classes Nagar). and weekend classes are also For further details, please conducted. call Lalitha Ganesh in 98407 All are welcome. 32202. By Our Staff Reporter Free 10-day spoken Sanskrit class from Feb. 13 will give away prizes to the winners of the Tamil speech competitions held last year. Dr. Sudhaseshaiyan will present a spiritual talk on ‘Kakkai Kuruvi Engal Jathi’. All are welcome. Page 4 February 1 - 7, 2014 MAMBALAM TIMES TAMIL CINEMA 75 A LOOK BACK By RANDOR GUY MARGAZHI MUSIC - MOVIES MUSINGS - 1 (In this new series, film songs with Carnaticraga base which became popular hits - and still continue to bepopular- will be discussed and their ‘back story’ - a familiarHollywood expression- will be narrated.) Tamil Film Music in the early decades, and more precisely film songs, were based on Carnatic Music and Hindustani Music and somesong-tunes were ‘lifted’ from popular Hindi and Bengali film tunes,copyright laws be damned! If film music is popular today, a goodpercentage of the credit should go to the composer par excellence,revered to this day as ‘Thamizh Thiagaiyah’, Papanasam Sivan. Interestingly, his name is a misnomer. He was neither from Papanasamnor was his name Sivan! He was Polagam Ramaiah and that was why heused the name ‘Ramadasa’ as his signature (or ‘muddhirai’) in his kirthanai compositions. ‘Maa Ramanan Uma Ramanan…….’ in ‘Hindolam’ raga is sung even todayregularly in music concerts by the top of the cream musicians of bothsexes. The song, written and composed by Papanasam Sivan, was first sung by him andhis disciple and relative S. S. Mani as off-screen - background songagainst the credit titles in a 1936 movie K. Subramanyam’s ‘NaveenaSathaaram’. During the early thirties the common practice andconvention of such a song in a stage play seeped into movies. In astage-drama, before the curtain goes up, the cast and crew and othersassociated with it stand behind the screen and sing an invocation songseeking the Almighty’s blessings. This convention made its way intoearly Tamil films and the lyrics of such prayer song included wordsseeking the blessings of the Lord to be showered on the director,producer, and production company and all the king’s men and women! ‘Maa Ramanan’ was sung in such manner in the 1936 movie behind thescreen by Sivan and Mani. During that period the release of film songsas gramophone discs was not yet in vogue and consequently the 78-rpm disc could not be made. Sad indeed but so true…. Papanasam Sivan had this song again rendered excellently in K.Subramanyam’s musical box-office hit, ‘Seva Sadanam’ (1938) by M. S.Subbulakshmi, in her movie debut, in her own inimitable way. Her ‘MaaRamanan’. became a hit song like many other songs in the moviecontributing to its box office success. During those days this song became so popular that prospectivebridegrooms calling on eligible girls’ homes, ‘view matrimony’, used toask the girl to render it. Well, there was only one ‘MS’ and theoften poor rendering of the song by the aspiring girls was used as aconvenient excuse by the bridegroom’s party to reject a girl with theboy whispering to his mother or sister, ‘’ MS madhiri illayey…!” Well,those were the days, but the song is being rendered to this day by menand women at many concerts of Carnatic Music around the world... LORD KRISHNA AND SAGE NARADA SING THYAGARAJA SWAMI’S COMPOSITIONS! 1934... Movies had begun to talkand singTamil, only three yearsearlier in 1931 with ‘Kalidas’ produced in Bombay by Ardeshir Iraniand directed by the sadly forgotten ‘Grand Old Man Of South IndianCinema’, H. M. Reddi. Tamil Cinema began to put on hues and colours after the phenomenal success of ‘Valli Thirumanam’ (1933) whichfeatured the first South Indian female movie star T. P. Rajalakshmi.jj The Prince Charming of Classical Carnatic Music, a legend during hislifetime, the legend that still lives after his sad demise, G. N.Balasubramaniam immortalised in his iconic initials ‘GNB’ took his bowin movies in 1934 playing Sage Narada, the patron saint of ClassicalMusic in ‘Bhama Vijayam’. Produced in Calcutta by Pioneer FilmCompany at Rs. 50,000, it had a revenue of ten lakh rupees! It wasdirected by the Hollywood-trained Punjabi filmmaker Manik Lal Tandonwho directed Tamil movies during those years. ( To be continued) RMD Trust brings its palliative care and hospice care units under one roof Karuna Sagar (a palliative and hospice service) and Second Home (assisted living for the elderly), both run by RMD Pain and Palliative Care Trust (T. Nagar) and housed earlier in different locations, were brought under one roof at 158, 5 th Cross Street, Pallavan Nagar, Maduravoyal (behind Meenakshmi Dental College) on Jan. 26. According to Dr. Republica Sridhar (founder), this arrangement was done to enhance the capacity and better utilize the common resources for both the facilities. The new centre has 50 beds. “The demand for space has always been far more than the capacity we could handle as most of our residents come from middle and lower income groups,” she said. Its T. Nagar unit has 80 beds. It runs a total of four centres in Chennai and Madurai. Republica’s contact number is 93810 16588. TTD offers free hall to upcoming musicians Maha Kumbhabhisekam in To promote Carnatic music, Sravanam Hall in Tirumala Tirupathi Devasthanam (Venkatanaryana Road, T. Nagar) is offered free to upcoming musicians and music schools for giving performances. On Jan. 25, students of Bhagyalakshmi Suresh (founder, Gnanapriya School of Music, West Mambalam) gave a devotional music concert in the hall. K. Anandhakumar Reddy (President, TTD Local Advisory Committee) said the booking needs to be done in advance. He said that interested persons may send their details by email to sravanamchennai @gmail.com. Somanatheshwara Swamy temple next Sunday Murugashramam (Srinivasa Pillai Street, West Mambalam) will perform Maha Kumbhabhishekam in Sri Somanatheshwara Swamy Temple (Sothupakkam, Kanchipuram District) on Sunday, Feb. 9, from 9 a.m to 10 p.m. Special conveyance will be arranged for devotees interested in participating in the event. For more details, please contact Murugashramam in 94422 39677/94433 36777. Mambalam Srinivasan honoured with ‘Isai Thamizh Thilagam’ title popularly known as MambaBy Our Staff Reporter 65-year-old N. Srinivasan lam Srinivasan, was awarded (resident of 19/8, New Street, the title ‘Isai Thamizh ThilaT. Nagar, Ph: 94980 38219), gam’ by Devi Sri Aachi Amman Lavanya’s Bharatanatyam arangetram tomorrow Temple Trust (6/48, Sithi Vinayagar Koil Street, T. Nagar) on Jan. 26. He is an exponent of devotional songs. He has performed Namasankeerthanam and rendered spiritual concerts in many popular temples in Tamilnadu. He performs regularly in the yearly ‘Kamban Vizha’ and Tiruvannamalai Arunagirinathar Isai Vizha. He has sung more than 700 devotional songs, some of which are his own compositions. He is a disciple of Mayavaram Vaithyanatha BhagaBy Our Staff Reporter vathar and Visaloor GuruS. Lavanya (resident of 19/ murthy. 8, Gothi Enclave, Kamakshipuram 1st Street, West Mambalam; Ph: 98410 63888) will have her Bharathanatyam arangetram at 4 p.m on Sunday, Feb. 2, in Rani Seethai Hall, 603, Anna Salai. She is a pupil of Chitra Subramani and is a Std. 8 student of PSBB School, K.K. Nagar. All are welcome. Resident debuts as music director in Tamil movie By Our Staff Reporter K. R. Kawin (resident of 1, Jagadhammal Street, Periyar Nagar, Jafferkhanpet. Ph: 98404 61666) has debuted as music director for the upcoming Tamil movie ‘Oru Modhal Oru Kadhal’. The audio CD of the movie was released in Sathyam Theater on Jan. 29. The movie which is slated to be released in November is being directed by T. G. Keerthikumar and is produced by Kandan Gearup Entertainment. Kawin is the son of Pirai Sudan (lyrist and script writer). He has composed music for more than 50 short films, including ‘Kadhal Kaditham’, Talk on ‘Thiru Arutpa’ on Tuesday By Our Staff Reporter Under the auspices of Vallalar Sanmargasangam (V.O. C Street, MGR Nagar, Ph: 94453 43706), Mozhiarasi Asokan will give a discourse on ‘Thiru Arutpa – Deivamani Maalai’ on Tuesday, Feb. 4, at 6 p.m in Sakthi Vinayagar The Messiah’, ‘2 Idly 2 Vadai’ and ‘Vandaicheyal’ to name a few. Some of his short films have Temple (P.T. Rajan Salai, K.K. been featured in the ‘Naalaya Iyakunar’ series in Kalaingar TV channel. Nagar). All are welcome. Ramakrishna Mutt felicitates Raman for social service By Our Staff Reporter P. Raman, founder of the NGO Daasya (12th Avenue, Ashok Nagar), was felicitated by Sri Ramakrishna Mutt (Mylapore) on Jan. 30 (AntiLeprosy Day) for his yeoman service towards the betterment of leprosy patients. For the last five years, his NGO has been providing free meals on Wednesdays (outpatient day) to leprosy patients visiting the Government Leprosy Hospital (Saidapet). Raman said that a minimum of 50 outpatients visit the hospital for treatment on WednesHe said that many of them do not have proper facility in days. come from nearby towns they the premises He said that the cause is being supported on a continuing basis by Lions Club of Padi Shenoy Nagar, Giants International and other philanthropists. “I have tied up with several catering agencies to provide food to the patients,” he added. The Trust also conducts regular medical campaigns in slum areas and motivation sessions in government and Chennai Corporation schools. Philanthropists who wish to contribute to the cause may contact Raman in 99406 38972. February 1 - 7, 2014 Advaitha’s Bharatanatyam arangetram tomorrow By Our Staff Reporter R. Advaitha (resident of T2, Rudra Apartments, 5, Krishnan Street, T. Nagar; Ph: 98402 57647) will have her Bharathanatyam arangetram on Sunday, Feb. 2, at 5.45 p.m in R.K. Swamy Hall (Sivaswamy Kalalaya School, Sundareswarar Street, Mylapore). She is a pupil of A. Lakshman and is a second year engineering student in Meenakshi College. All are welcome. MAMBALAM TIMES Page 5 Govt. school principal honoured for 100% pass result in board exams By Our Staff Reporter P. Padma (Head Mistress, Government Girls High School, Usman Road, T. Nagar) was honoured by Tamilnadu Govt. for producing 100% percent pass result in the 2012-13 board exams, during the Republic Day function held in Chennai Collector office on Jan. 26. She received a medal of honour from K.C. Veeramani (Minister for School Education) on Jan. 27. She told Mambalam Times that with the help of her teachers, she conducted special campaigns in the school’s neighbourhood residential areas (especially in the economically backward sections) for enrolling students. “We issued pamphlets and interacted with the parents to motivate them to educate their children,” she said. Padma said that she has coordinated with volunteers of CTS Outreach to conduct spe- cial spoken English classes for students of Std. 6 to 9. Students were also encouraged to learn basics in computer, tailoring and making handicrafts. During holidays, free summer sessions are held to train students in arts and yoga, she said. Udavum Ullangal (an NGO) provides free daily breakfast for the students and lunch is covered by the govt. noon meal scheme. Apart from this, textbooks, notebooks, four sets of uniform, footwear and other stationery items are also given free under a govt. scheme, she added. Padma holds an M.Phil degree in maths. She has 27 years of teaching experience. Her contact number is 98408 18732. P.P. Venkat releases devotional Hundreds attend Lakshadeepam album on Lord Shiva in Kothandaramar temple By Our Staff Reporter Playback singer and devotional songs specialist P. P. Venkat (resident of 1A, 1st floor, Harmony Tranquil, Dr. Thomas Road, T. Nagar) is releasing his new devotional album on Lord Shiva titled “Thillaiyilae” on Sunday, Feb.2, at 2.30 p.m in Karnataka Sangha Auditorium (Habibullah Road, T. Nagar). The album comprises of eleven compositions based on various Carnatic ragas, including Karaharapriya, Kalyani, Hindolam to name a few. Venkat has written and composed seven of the songs and the remaining four have been penned by lyricists V. Elango, Kathalmathi and Prasanna Venkatesh. Music has been arranged by Regi Anand and Guru Peter Prakasam. Venkat’s daughter Deepa Pradeep and his nieces Kavitha and Jayashree have rendered a song each. Eminent musicians and theater personalities like Deva, Shankar Ganesh, P. Suseela and Delhi Ganesh will grace the launch. Venkat started singing film songs from the age of 12 and was mentored by his guru T.M. Soundararajan. He has released a number albums based on devotional songs. He has given a number of concerts in India and abroad. He is popularly known as “Bombay TMS” among Tamil music lovers in Mumbai. He has been conferred with titles “Gaanamani” by a cultural organization in Mumbai, “Gambhira Gaanamani” by Kunnakudi Vaidyanathan in 2007 and “Kalaichelvam” by T.M. Soundarajan in 2012. By Our Staff Reporter Hundreds of women devotees lit earthen lamps during Lakshadeepam performed in Kothandaramar Temple (K. R. Koil Street, West Mambalam) on Jan. 30, on account of ‘Thai Amavasya’ day. Child Helpline 1098 42,000 copies of this edition are delivered FREE every Saturday! MAMBALAM TIMES Page 6 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Advertise in the Classified Columns: Mambalam-T. Nagar & Ashok Nagar-K.K.Nagar Editions: Rs. 350 (upto 35 words); Bold letters: Rs. 525; Display: Rs. 240 per column centimeter. Advertisements will be received upto 1 p.m on Friday. ART & CRAFTS LAVI’S The Shades, School of Fine Arts, charcoal portraits, Artist oil painting, Acrylics, Glass painting, techniques, Modern & Old Tanjore painting, Human full figure, professional fabric, Colour Portraits, painting, Emseal pot, Kerala murals for ladies & kids. Lavanya Bala. Ph: 98404 45633. ASTROLOGY SRIMATHI Saroja Vaidhyanatha Iyer, Parambarai Jothidar (52 years paarambareeyam), Horoscope, Palmistry, Numerology, Samudhrika lakshanam, Vaasthu (Iyyanar upasakar), Sangeethaupanyasakar Harikatha. Rangoli Kalaignar TV pugazh astrologer, story writer. Contact: 46/37, Jubliee Road, West Mambalam. Ph: 94446 84006, 94459 84006, 2471 0914, 2471 0917. CATERING CATERING undertaken for marriage (A to Z), small functions, nitchayathartham, seemantham, ayushahomam, upanayanam, shashtiapthapurthi, sathabishekam and grahapravesam, birthday functions. Contact: Mahalakshmi Catering Services (West Mambalam), Ph: 91763 49027. COMPUTER SALES / SERVICE PACKERS & MOVERS SRI Maruthi Computers, Ashok Nagar, 12th Avenue. Sales & service, laptop services, 2nd hand system, scrap item buying & selling, system upgrading, antivirus installation, networking and all types of computer needs. Contact: R. Balaji, Ph: 98407 59761, 99627 77800. MAMBALAM ACL Packers & Movers for shifting in local within Chennai Rs. 3300, insurance free. Chennai, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Pune, Mumbai, New Delhi, all over India. 0% damage. Ph: 98400 47501, 4263 9387, Email: info@aclpackers movers.com. SAFWA systems, Desktop, Laptop, Printer, CCTV cameras sales and service, software, hardware installation & upgradation, server network configuration, virus removal and data recovery, ESSL, biometric attendance systems, billing software, AMC & buyback old systems. We come to serve you. Ph: 89391 41444, 96987 35822. DENTAL CLINIC PAVITHRA’S Dental Clinic, Sri Sai KRS Hospital, 1 st floor, 7 th Avenue, Ashok Nagar, affordable dental clinic for all. Ph: 90031 29891. SADHANA Coaching Centre (Estd. 1979), Guntur Subbiah School T. Nagar. Classes for std. 9, 10, +1, +2 (all boards & subjects), Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Business Maths, Accountancy, Computer Science, English & French, Hindi. Fresh batch for +2 going student on April 14th onwards. Ph: 94440 59108, 98400 52853, 94440 20232, 2434 0873. CRASH course: upto Std. 12, B.E, MBBS, BDS, UG, PG, IITJEE, NEET, SRMEEE, JAM, NET, TOEFL, GRE, IELTS, GMAT, Spoken English, Hindi, French, German. MBBS Papers: Human Anatomy, Physiology, Bio-Chemistry, Pathology, ENT, Ophthalmology, OG, General Medicine, Surgery Orthodontics, Prosthodontics, Pediodontics and all. S V T Rengammal Academy. Ph: 98403 24260, 99623 19638. BASIC Hindi, learn to speak, read and write Hindi in a simple way, duration 3 months, convenient and flexible class timing. Hindi Vidyaniketan, Old No. 10, Dandapani Street, T. Nagar. Ph: 98414 02602, 93828 07320. CIVIL WORKS SAAI Sri Ram Constructions (Ex. Alacrity Executive), undertakes joint venture, new building construction, alterations, bathroom, terrace leak repairs, terrace weathering coarse, internal & external painting, aluminum fabrication, competitive rates, timely completion, good quality. Ph: 98405 41653. INSURANCE MATRIMONIAL Think of Brahmin alliance? Think of us. Chennai Sai Sankara Matrimonials, 7 (15/2), 9th Avenue, Ashok Nagar. Ph: 2471 6920, 98403 30531. Web: www. ssmatri.com. Astro services, latest chart available. Thank you for making us No. 1. – Panchapakesan. MEHENDI SPECIALIST in North side bridal mehendi done at Rangarajapuram Main Road only. Morning and evening. Vaishnavi. Ph: 2480 0039. TRINITY Music Point. Piano, keyboard, guitar, Trinity exam western & carnatic both Rs. 500 per month, 15 days course Rs. 1500. All days except Monday. No. 55/26, Murthy Street Extension, West Mambalam. Ph: 99403 15101, 4266 8646. HOME tuitions by Anna University research scholars, classes for 10th, 12 th, Engineering, Biotech subjects, fees Rs. 400 per hour, group classes Rs. 250 per hour. Ph: 98408 33103, 99418 32121. ELECTRICAL & PLUMBING FOR all kinds of wiring (new or alteration work), repairs of water heater, mixie, grinder, emergency light & servicing of window air-conditioner, plumbing for house/flat/office. And also TV wiring, telephones, fan clamp. Contact: Raja, Ph: 98404 90664. MAMBALAM Sri Annamalaiyar Packers & Movers for shifting of household, office, industrial articles, Chennai city and other districts. Anywhere in India. 24 hours service. Safe, 0% damage. Ph: 91765 85154, 98406 40522 MAMBALAM God is Great Packers & Movers, for shifting household, local Chennai city, full truck, mini truck, sharing load, door to door. Tamil Nadu, Bangalore, Hyderabad and all States. Safe, 0% damage. Ph: 89396 08955, 72997 89559 WANTED young / energetic youth for part time job, +2 and above. Ph: 99404 90406, 99404 76758. WANTED lady office assistant and 1 general work (male), qualification 10th /12th in West Mambalam. Ph: 94457 85231, 93810 45611. HOME tuition, No.1 keyboard, guitar, drums, Western, carnatic vocal. We trained students for Trinity exam, stage performance 6 months, monthly 8 classes, fees Rs. 5000, 26 years teaching experience, 100% genuine. Isaikalaimani Jagadeswaran. Ph: 98845 49425. CARNATIC music is being taught in keyboard for boys, above 8 years, individual attention, nominal fees perfect notations, well renowned artist R. Saiganesh, 11/6, J.P. Street, West Mambalam, enrollment for summer classes began. Ph: 2483 7796, 98843 70896. SSmatri. Ph: 98408 30531. WANTED a biography writer, English or Tamil to complete in 1 month, total of 200 pages, high quality writing, transcripts, storyline, narration will be provided, work from your place PASSPORT LOST or mine, start immediately, retired MY Indian Passport No. language teachers welcome. A7110654, dt. 18-03-1999 is Ganesh. Ph: 95662 76140. found to be lost on 13.01.2014, while I was traveling in T. Nagar SOFA SERVICES ANY old type of sofas, area. Anyone having any information on the same or finding cushions repairing & recondithe same may please contact tioning at very moderate charges. me. V. Srinivas Prabandh, New Contact: K.N.S. Rajan, New No. No. 6, Old No. 48, Babu Rajendra 58, Peters Road, Royapettah. Ph: Prasad Street, West Mambalam. 2813 2762, 93818 03956. Ph: 98403 79959. SITUATION VACANT (GENERAL) WANTED lady staff, graduates with computer knowledge for part time clerical work (4.30 p.m to 8.30 p.m or full time 12.30 p.m to 8.30 p.m). Students also welcome. Contact: Chennai Sai Sankara Matrimonials (Brahmin), No. 7, 9 th Avenue, Ashok Nagar. Ph: 98403 30531. Unauthorised eatery in front of school a nuisance Sir, A mobile eatery which is encroaching on the space near the entrance of Sita Ram Vidyalaya (Arya Gowda Road, West Mambalam) is a public nuisance. Customers visiting this eatery clean their hands and dump the food waste and the plates in front of the school gate, thereby making the whole area unhygienic. My request to the eatery owner to move a little away from the spot has only fallen on deaf ears. I have already met and lodged a complaint with the police officials. I hope suitable action is taken against the eatery owner. – V. Chandramowleeswaran, Flat 2, Rama Apartments, 30/37, Naickemar Street, West Mambalam Bus stop shelter near TTD ill-maintained MAMBALAM Sri Thangam Packers & Movers for shifting household, local Chennai city, full truck, mini truck, sharing load. Door-todoor Tamil Nadu, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Pune, Mumbai, New Delhi, all over India. Safe, 0% damage, reliable reasonable charge. Ph: 4212 0864, 2441 4055, 98412 22437. MEDICLAIM, Life Insurance Corporation of India policies, car policies. For immediate requirements contact R. Selvaraju. Ph: MAMBALAM SVL Packers & 94444 47379, 98410 14379. Movers for shifting, Local. Insurance free, door to door. INTERIOR Chennai, Mumbai, Pune, Delhi, Hyderabad, Kerala, Bangalore WORKS and all over India. Just dial and relax. Ph: 98410 44422, 93831 44422, 3251 4422. Email: svlpackers&movers@yahoo.co.in. Website: svlpackersandmovers. coms. MUSIC & DANCE WE undertake building constructions, with material & labor Rs. 1400 per sq.ft only, also flat repairs, renovation, tile laying, toilet modification, interior & exterior wall painting, PVC doors, aluminium fabrication false ceiling etc. Kanmani Construction. Ph: 81222 88368. Website: www.kanmaniconstruction.com. Internal and external painting. Civil work also undertaken. Contact: BEST Home Service (ExAlacrity), West Mambalam. Ph: 98410 32292. OM Saravana Bhawa Man Power, West Mambalam, we arrange vegetarian/non-vegetarian/brahmin cooks, housemaids, patient/ baby caretakers (male/ female). Ph: 93805 78731. EDUCATIONAL SHYAMALA Catering Service (West Mambalam). We undertake catering for marriage, seemantham, nichayathartham, ayushyahomam, upanayanam, grahapravesam, sashtiapthapoorthi, sathabishegam and birthday functions. Reasonable charges. Quality maintained. Ph: 6567 1295, 93805 36735, 93823 51712. SUBRAMANYA Food Service offers pure vegetarian packed foods at your doorstep, packed breakfast Rs. 60 packed meals with rice Rs. 80, without rice Rs. 70, packed dinner Rs. 60, orders invited for all functions, Adambakkam, Nanganallur, West Mambalam. Ph: 98405 44430, 99400 20404, 4350 4211. HOME SERVICE February 1 - 7, 2014 TOURS & TRAVELS (1) Feb. 8/9: Tirkovilur, Adirangam, Srimushnam, Katmannargudi, Tirvahindrapuram, Parikal. (2) Mar. 18 to Apr. 1: Kasi, Gaya, Alahabad, Chitrakut, Ayodhya, Nemisaranyam, Muktinath, Pasupatinath & Jalanarayan. Contact: Vaidehi Parthasarathy, Ph: 94447 62968, 94447 54468, 99401 47313. Varushabhishekam in Sankara Math on Thursday By Our Staff Reporter Sankara Math (Krupasankari Street, West Mambalam. Ph: 2483 5701), will celebrate Varushabhisheka (Prathistadina Mahotsavam) on Thursday, Feb. 6, in its premises. The following are the pooja details: 7.45 a.m: Ganapathi homam; 8 a.m: Mahanyasa Ekadasa rudhra japam; 9 a.m: Abhishekam to the presiding deities; 12.30 p.m: Rudhra homam; 12.45 p.m: Kalasabhishekam; 6.30 p.m: procession. All are welcome. Free Veda classes during weekends Free Veda classes are conducted from 6.30 a.m to 7.30 a.m on Saturdays and Sundays in Krishna Gana Sabha, Maharajapuram Santhanam Salai, T. Nagar. More details can be had in phone 98843 05676. Sir, The bus stop shelter near the prominent TTD temple (Venkatnarayana Road, T. Nagar) is poorly maintained. Hundreds of devotees visiting the temple use this shelter everyday to commute. The platform is broken and the tiles are missing. The lighting is poor and there is no seating facility. An exposed EB cable is running across the shelter, posing a serious risk to the commuters. Beggars, unsavory elements and stray dogs encroach under the shelter, forcing commuters to wait by the roadside for the buses. To add to the woes, its surroundings are often littered with garbage. In stark contrast, the bus shelter on the opposite side of the road is in better shape and well maintained. I request the MTC officials to take immediate steps to improve the condition of the bus shelter for the benefit of its commuters. – A.V. Ramanathan, 32/1, Soundara Rajan Street, T. Nagar Auto driver robs elderly woman commuter Sir, A couple of weeks back, an elderly woman residing on our street took an auto in the morning from the Usman Road-Ranganathan Street junction to go to Ashok Nagar. Midway in a lonely place close to the destination, the auto driver stopped the vehicle and threatened her with dire consequences in case she did not part with her jewellery. The woman, in a state of shock and no help around, yielded to the threats and parted with her jewellery and cash. The driver then asked her to get down and raced away. She could not note down the registration number of the auto. The incident throws light on the dangers the commuters are exposed to and the need to remain vigilant, more so when one is alone. The first thing a passenger must do before boarding an auto or a taxi is to quietly note down its regis- MAMBALAM TIMES Advertisement Rates tration number which COLOUR: will later help the po- BLACK & WHITE: lice in tracking down Full Page :Rs. 29,000 Full Page :Rs. 36,000 the driver in case of Half Page :Rs. 19,000 any untoward inci- Half Page :Rs. 16,000 Ear Panel on Page 1 dent. It will also help Per Column Centimeter: one to lodge complaint Rs. 1600 Rs. 160 in case of erring auto Per Column cm Rs. 190 Classified Display: drivers who demand First Page : Rs. 240 Rs. 160 per cm more than the metered charges. – Last Page : Rs. 210 Third Page: Rs. 190 Motilal Street Resi7/3, Madley Road, T. Nagar. dents’ Welfare AssoPh: 2434 9236, 2431 3937, 2435 6475 ciation, Old No.31, mambalamtimes@yahoo.co.in Motilal Street, T Web: www.mambalamtimes.in Nagar MAMBALAM TIMES February 1 - 7, 2014 Page 7 SPECIAL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Members of LDSFT clean Kothandaramar Temple Classified Advertisements under the heads Accommodation Required, Old Age Home, Marriage Hall, Mini Hall, Real Estate (Buying & Selling) and Rental will be published on this page. The charges are Rs. 500 (upto 35 words); Bold Rs. 750. Ashok Nagar - K.K. Nagar & Mambalam- T.Nagar Editions. Display: Rs. 240 per col. centimeter. Each advertisement of Real Estate and Rental must relate to only one house / flat. Full Address with Door Number is must for Rental advertisement. Advertisement will be received upto 1.00 p.m on Friday. MINI HALL T. NAGAR, No. 12, Venkatnarayana Road, 2 bedrooms, hall, kitchen, 1070 sq.ft, 3rd floor, lift, A/ c, covered car park. Contact: Owner. 89390 87936. WEST MAMBALAM, No. 5, VV Purm 1st Street, near Ayodhya Mandapam, 1 bedroom, hall, kitchen, 460 sq.ft, 1 st floor, wardrobes, safety grills provided, no car park, rent Rs. 10000, couples preferred, small Brahmin family only, no brokers, ASHOK NAGAR, C-70, 18th immediate occupation. Ph: 94449 Avenue, near Kovai Pazhamuthir 35650. Nilayam, 2 bedrooms, hall, WEST MAMBALAM, 133, kitchen, 950 sq.ft, ground floor, rent Rs. 16000, car park, Janaki Apartment A/4, East Street, behind vegetarians only. Ph: 91767 Vanniar Pondichery Guest House, 2 22332. bedrooms, hall, kitchen, 1st floor WEST MAMBALAM, No. 6/5, flat. Ph: 98416 58374, 2486 1617. K. V. Colony 1st Street, 2 bedASHOK NAGAR, No. 51, 12th rooms, hall, kitchen, 580 sq.ft, Avenue, near Blue Water Tank, 3 rent Rs. 10000, vegetarians only, no brokers, inspection strictly on bedrooms, hall, kitchen, ground February 1, (Saturday) between floor, semi furnished, rent Rs. 2 p.m & 4 p.m. Ph: 94449 07376, 22000, Brahmins / vegetarians, no brokers. Ph: 95000 87377. 94449 53335. T. NAGAR, Sri Malola Mini Hall, New No. 174, Habibullah Road, near Kodambakkam Railway Station, available for small functions, non A/c. Ph: 2814 3406, 92831 12153, 89393 37313, 89391 43014. WEST MAMBALAM, Mahadevan Street (State Bank Building), 2 Halls – Kamakshi Mini Hall A/c (100 guests), Kamakshi Hall A/c (200 guests). Ph: 4351 2233, 4351 2556, 99404 54545, 94450 54545. www.kamakshihall.com OLD AGE HOME ASHOK NAGAR, No. 19, 8th Avenue, Manthope Colony, near M.R.S. Pharmacy, 250 sq.ft, prime locality, ready to occupy clinic, for specialist Doctors for rent, fully supported by pharmacy, no advance, ready for occupy clinic. Lakshmanan. Ph: 98848 62352, 92831 36669, Email: mrspharmacy83 @yahoo.com. T. NAGAR, Srinivasa Reddy Street, near Bus Terminus, 2 bedrooms, hall, kitchen, 685 sq.ft, 1st floor apartment, 2 bathroom, toilet, woodwork, 2-wheeler parking, rate Rs. 7000 per sq.ft (negotiable), cash parties. Damu/ Deena. Ph: 90427 72352, 81489 59362. REAL ESTATE (SELLING) WEST MAMBALAM, Reddy Kuppam Street, (Bus Route), 2 bedrooms, 850 sq.ft, UDS 666 sq.ft, 1st floor, total 6 flats only, 2wheeler parking only, 18 years old, rate Rs. 10000 per sq.ft, no borkers. G.A. Wahid. Ph: 98404 10919. VELACHERY, Palaniappa Nagar, near Bus Stand, new flat, 2 bedrooms, hall, kitchen, 763 sq.ft, UDS 378 sq.ft, lift, covered car park, as per vaastu, price Rs. 45 lakhs. Ph: 74188 01057. JAFFERKHANPET, No. 5, Alayamesthri Street, (12 Feet Road), opposite Ashok Nagar Registration Office, 1071 sq.ft, asbestos sheet proofing, North facing, price Rs. 65 lakhs (negotiable). Ph: 94440 46826. WEST MAMBALAM, Kuppaiah Street, near T. Nagar Bus Terminus, close to Madley Subway & Kasi Viswanathar Temple, land, 2420 sq.ft. Bala Ganapathi. Ph: 93805 08432. WEST MAMBALAM, No. 18, Lake View Road, near Manirajam Kalyana Mandapam, single bedroom, ground floor, small family, Brahmins only, no brokers. Ph: 98417 71835, 96771 92393. RENTAL T. NAGAR, No. 18, BBC Homes, South Boag Road, 745 sq.ft, 1st floor, rent Rs. 18000 (negotiable), open car park. Family / Bachelors / Guest house / Office. Ph: 93810 43102, 2435 9241, 2434 6778, 2435 1597. ASHOK NAGAR, No. 150, Nutech Indra, Pillaiyar Koil Street, 2 bedrooms, hall, modular kitchen, 1000 sq.ft, full woodwork, geyser, full electrical/sanitary fittings, covered car park, RO water, 3phase with stand by generator supply, Brahmins only. Ph: 2489 1332. WEST MAMBALAM, New No. 8/5, Ramakirshnapuram 3 rd Street, 2 bedrooms, hall, kitchen, 704 sq.ft, 1st floor, rent Rs. 15000, Brahmins / vegetarians only. Ph: 98407 94284, 96001 78140. T. NAGAR, No. 29, Sivaji Street, near T. Nagar Bus Terminus, 2 bedrooms, hall, kitchen, balcony, 800 sq.ft, 1st floor flat, renovated, semi furnished flat, vitrified tiles, A/c, 24 hours water, residential purpose. Ph: 98412 29007. T. NAGAR, No. 24, Ramakrishna Street, near Vivek & Co., 2 bedroom, 850 sq.ft, modern 1st floor flat, woodwork, covered car park, 3 phase, vegetarians only. Ph: 94441 35795. WEST MAMBALAM, 34/21, Sampangi Street, single bedroom, 450 sq.ft, 2 nd loor, attached bathroom & Western toilet, small vegetarian family. Ph: 99419 51205. WEST MAMBALAM, No. 28/ 1, South Kavari Street, 2 bedrooms, 800 sq.ft, individual 1st floor house, rent Rs. 11000, no car park. Ph: 94440 46826, 94447 72262. WEST MAMBALAM, C-17, R.E. Classic Apartment, 68, Baroda Street, near Duraisamy Subway, 3 bedrooms, hall, kitchen, 1000 sq.ft, 1st floor, A/c, lights, fans, geyser, 2-wheeler parking, rent Rs. 20000 (negotiable), vegetarians only, no brokers. Ph: 99622 30992. EKKATUTHANGAL, No. 21, Balaji Nagar, Flat No. 2, 2nd Cross Street, near Co-operative Bank & ICICI Bank, 2 bedrooms, hall, kitchen, lift, 24 hours water, car WEST MAMBALAM, No. 37A, parking. Contact: Mukunthan. Ph: Chakrapani Street, 2 bedrooms, 72999 10023, 72999 10026. hall, kitchen, dining, 1320 sq.ft, NESAPAKKAM, No. 78, 1st floor flat, woodwork, plenty Prakash Homes, Flat No. H3, metro water, car park, Brahmins Annai Sathya Nagar 4th Street, 3 only, no brokers. Ph: 4265 8952, bedrooms, hall, kitchen, 1200 94448 82617. sq,ft, brand new flat, lift, covered car parking, 24 hours water. WEST MAMBALAM, WEST MAMBALAM, Rams Contact: Krishna Kumar. Ph: No. 38, Ayodhya Flat, Yamuna, Postal Colony 2 nd 91760 08904, 91767 24435. Naickamar Street, 2 Street, 1 bedroom, hall, kitchen, T. NAGAR, No. 10/31, North bedrooms, hall, kitchen, 510 sq.ft, UDS 381 sq.ft, good Boag Road 1st Street, near G. N. 840 sq.ft, 2nd floor, newly ventilation, no brokers. Ph: 94444 Chetty Road, 3 bedrooms, 950 painted, rent Rs. 15000, 40954. sq.ft, 3rd floor flat, no lift, rent Rs. vegetarians only. Ph: ASHOK NAGAR, 19500, company lease 2486 7866, 98843 66220. th TNHB, HIG Flat, 4 preferably. Ph: 4264 9491, 97101 ASHOK NAGAR, No. 2, 80225. Email: vbalasubra@ Avenue, near proposed Marvel Apartment, 86th Street, hotmail.com. Metro Station, 1023 sq.ft, close to Church, 2 bedrooms, UDS 731 sq.ft, 3rd floor, WEST MAMBALAM, hall, kitchen, 2 balcony, 2nd floor, lift, open car park, 16 No. 23, Station Road, 2 lift, car park, security. Ph: 99415 years old, cash parties bedrooms, 2 halls, 2 16072, 2471 4892. only. Ph: 98410 37706, 98414 37706, 2474 8694. NUNGAMBAKKAM, Lake Area, near Padma Seshadri School, 2 bedrooms flat, hall, kitchen, 750 sq.ft, UDS 430 sq.ft, open car park, 15 years old, price Rs. 77 lakhs. Ph: 98412 51051. MAHALINGAPURAM, No. 12, Saraswathi Street, small independent portion, rent Rs. 6500, Brahmins only, no brokers. Ph: 98405 17566. attached bathrooms, spacious 1800 sq.ft, suitable for office cum residence / small office / ladies hostel / 2 vegetarians residence. Ph: 96777 03290. TEYNAMPET, No. 15/9, Yahia Ali 3rd Street, 2 bedrooms, T. NAGAR, No. 6, Balamuthuhall, kitchen, 750 sq.ft, ground VALASARAVAKKAM, Devefloor, rent Rs. 18000 (negotiable), krishnan Street, off. Habibulla ndra Apartment, Gangai-amman Road, 2 bedrooms, hall, kitchen, no car park. Ph: 92831 22723. 836 sq.ft, 1st floor flat, no car Koil Street, 1 bedroom, hall, C.I.T. NAGAR (WEST), No. parking, rent Rs. 16000, kitchen, 726 sq.ft, UDS 343 sq.ft, 1st floor, price Rs. 29 lakhs. Ph: 2, East Road, near Alpha School, vegetarians only. Ph: 94440 99529 60574. 2 bedrooms, hall, kitchen, dining, 44094. T. NAGAR, No. 25, Lakshmi WEST MAMBALAM, Arya 1100 sq.ft, ground floor, Brahmin Gowda Road, 1200 sq.ft, UDS / vegetarian small family, rent Colony,ndcommercial space, 180 520 sq.ft, lift, covered car park, Rs. 20000, immediate occu- sq.ft, 2 floor, false roofing, A/c price Rs. 85 lakhs. Ph: 93813 pation. Contact: Owner. Ph: provision, rent Rs. 7500. Ph: 98412 70127. 98412 70290. 22203, 91763 41000. T. NAGAR, No. 6, Hindi Prachar Saba Street, 2 bedrooms, hall, kitchen, 800 sq.ft, 1st floor flat, lift, open car park, rent Rs. 20000 (negotiable), no brokers / commercial & bachelors. Ph: 99417 64095. K. K. NAGAR, No. 104, Kasi Towers, Mariamman Koil Street, near Amudham Bus Stop, 2 bedrooms, hall, kitchen, 850 sq,ft, 1st floor. Contact: Anish Kumar. Ph: 90433 88953. WEST MAMBALAM, No. 10/ 22, Srinivasa Pillai Street, opposite Satyanarayana Temple, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, balcony, new building, 2nd loor, no lift, road facing, 3 phase, geser, 2-wheeler parking, recently painted, small Brahmin family, sufficient water, no brokers. Ph: 99629 91752. ASHOK NAGAR, No. 64, 11th Avenue, near Pazamuthirsolai, 2 bedrooms, hall, kitchen, 1065 sq.ft, 1st floor, open car park, rent Rs. 20000 + advance. Ph: 98842 60427. WEST MAMBALAM, No. 58, Gandhi Street, 2 bedrooms, hall, kitchen, ground floor, rent Rs. 13000, car park. Contact: Appu. Ph: 98414 67463, WEST MAMBALAM, New No. 53, Lake View Road, 1 room, attached bathroom, A/c, cot, vegetarians bachelors, rent Rs. 4000. Contact: Appu. Ph: 98414 67463. C.I.T. NAGAR (EAST), No. 6/ 12, 3rd Main Road 2nd Street, 2 bedrooms, hall, kitchen, 1100 sq.ft, 2nd floor, lift, car park, rent Rs. 22000 (negotiable), family / bachelors. Ph: 98401 08071. T. NAGAR, No. 24, Silver Park Apartment, Thankichalam Road, 2 bedrooms, hall, kitchen, 850 sq.ft, 6th floor, lift, car park, rent Rs. 17000 (negotiable), family / bachelors. Ph: 98401 08071. WEST MAMBALAM, No. 62, Moorthy Street Extension, near Ayodhya Mandapam, 1 bedroom, hall, kitchen, 500 sq.ft, 1st floor, rent Rs. 10000, Brahmin / vegetarian family only, no brokers. Ph: 98412 77772. WEST MAMBALAM, No. 8, Postal Colony Cross Street, 2 bedrooms, 800 sq.ft, ground floor, bath attached, 2-wheeler parking, Brahmin family, rent Rs. 16000, no brokers. Ph: 94449 21986, 2371 1986. WEST MAMBALAM, No. 16/ 17, B.R.P. 2nd Street, opposite Mambalam Railway Station, 3 bedrooms, 1st floor, newly built, vaastu, individual car park, furnished, 3 phase, rent or lease, vegetarians only, no brokers. Ph: 98840 50270. WEST MAMBALAM, No. 37, Velu Street, double bedroom flat, spacious 800 sq.ft, 1 st floor, fittings, 2-wheeler parking, rent Rs. 13000, advance Rs. 80000 (negotiable), Brahmins, vacant possession, immediate occupation, call after 8.30 a.m. Mohan. Ph: 98407 27065. WEST MAMBALAM, No. 29, Mangalam Apartment, A6, Ellai Amman Koil Street, 2 bedrooms, hall, kitchen, 800 sq.ft, 2nd floor, no lift, rent Rs. 15000, vegetarians only. Contact: V. Raghavendran. Ph: 98407 92194. T. NAGAR, No. 20, Kamakoti Aparatment, Rameswaram Road, near Mambalam Railway Station, 1 bedroom, attached bath, 2nd floor, rent Rs. 6000, advance 6 months. Ph: 92821 20002. T. NAGAR, No. 7, Jawaharlal Nehru Street, near Muppathamman Temple, 2 bedrooms, hall, kitchen, 1000 sq.ft, 1st floor flat, lift, covered car park, rent Rs. 22000, Brahmins only. Ph: 94444 58019, 94442 80840. KODAMBAKKAM, No. 5, Nambiar Lane, 2 bedrooms flat, hall, kitchen, balcony, 850 sq.ft, Italian tiles, 2-wheeler parking, rent Rs. 12500, Brahmins / vegetarians preferred, no brokers. Ph: 95662 63873. ASHOK NAGAR, No. 59/31, 48th Street, 2 bedrooms, hall, kitchen, 3 bathrooms, 1350 sq.ft, residential, ground floor, semi furnished, car park. Ph: 72999 48899, 72999 28899. WEST MAMBALAM, No. 19/ 3, Postal Colony 1st Street, single bedroom, 500 sq.ft, ground floor flat, attached bath, 24 hours water, small family preferred, bachelors can also contact, visit on Saturday from 2 p.m to 5 p.m & Sunday 10 a.m onwards. Ph: 98400 79563. T. NAGAR, No. 185, Opal Orchard, Flat No. 3B, Habibulah Road, 3 bedrooms, hall, kitchen, 1300 sq.ft, 3rd floor, lift, covered car park, rent Rs. 30000, vegetarians preferred, inspection from 9 a.m to 11 a.m. Ph: 096196 96063. WEST MAMBALAM, No. 86B, Lake View Road, near Raju Electrical, shop, 350 sq.ft, ground floor, road facing, shutter, 24 hours water, suitable for bakery, biriyani, tiffin centre. Ph: 98407 30155. By Our Staff Reporter Members of Loka Dharma Seva Foundation Trust (LDSFT) along with the temple’s support staff cleaned Kothandaramar Temple (West Mam-balam) on January 26 from 10 a.m to 1 p.m. The members included 17 women and 14 men. The entire temple, the sannadhis, outer and inner walls and the temple tank were cleaned. Weeds and overgrowth of vegetation was removed from the tank. The idols and the 108 lamps were cleaned and polished. The women members later lit 108 lamps. KalaSangamam Smart Skills offers one year job oriented diploma completes KalaSangamam (56, Mahadevan Street, West courses for women By Our Staff Reporter Smart Skills will conduct government recognized diploma courses for women in fashion designing, basic tailoring, machine embroidery, aari & zari (hand embroidery), jute bag making, beautician course and basic computer skills. The institute offers flexible time to working women to do these courses without leaving work. Shivmeena (course coordinator) said that these job oriented courses also provide an opportunity for women to become entrepreneurs. She said that the institute has conducted numerous workshops in colleges and NGOs. More than 3000 women have been trained by it so far, she added. It also arranges loans for its students to start their own business. Three of its six branches are located in the neighbourhood, namely in West Mambalam (Ph: 72998 12034), K.K. Nagar (74011 27223) and Jafferkhanpet (72999 04686). For more details visit: www.smart skillss.com. Free Sundara Kandam classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays Free Sundara Kandam classes will be held for students on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 4.30 p.m in Sarva Priya Ganapathi Temple (Murthy Street Extension, West Mambalam). Both boys and girls are welcome to attend. Free Veda classes for adults and children are conducted separately on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 4 p.m at the same venue. The classes are targeted at beginners. No knowledge of Sanskrit is necessary. For details please contact Balakrishnan in 2489 8508 or by email to saisevachakra @gmail.com. Mambalam) is an educational trust instituted for conducting examinations in Carnatic music (both vocals and instrumental) at various levels. It completed one year recently. It conducted three exams last year and issued certificates to more than 500 successful students. Eminent musicians like P.S. Narayaswamy Iyer, renowned musicologist S.A.K. Durga, Vainika R.S. Jayalakshmi and Revathi Srinivasan are associated with the Trust. The fourth session of the examination will be conducted on Sunday, Feb. 2, in Sri Ramakrishna Mission Higher Secondary School (Bazullah Road, T. Nagar). More than 150 students have so far registered. The students will be assessed for their practical and theoretical skills by over 10 eminent musicians and scholars. Its contact numbers are 94446 25773 and 94449 57845. For more details, visit www.kalasangamam.com. Page 8 February 1 - 7, 2014 Free science workshop for Std. 9 and 10 students tomorrow Dr. Rajan’s Ezy Science (35/ 15, Thambiah Road, West Mambalam) will conduct a free science workshop on weekends for Std. 9 and 10 students, from Feb. 2 to 23 in its premises. The sessions will correlate with the curriculum and enable them to perform better in the final exams. There will be a number of live demonstrations to better explain concepts. Students can interact to clear their doubts. Interested students need to register by 7 p.m on Saturday, Feb. 1. The number of seats is limited to 20. For registration and further details, please call 94454 03286 / 94455 87028 / 2471 4902. Edited & Published by K.S. Ramakrishnan. Office: 7/3, Madley Road, T. Nagar, Chennai 17. Ph: 2434 9236, 2431 39 37. Printed by Ramesh Adityan at Powerfull Printers, 74, Kannappan Street, Aminijikarai, Chennai 29. CMYK MAMBALAM TIMES
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