tailormade by
tailormade by
tailormade by WIZE tailormade dal 1975 UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 UNI EN ISO 14001:2004 OH SAS 18001:2007 SA 8000:2008 ricerca e sviluppo approccio sartoriale qualità certificata research and development tailored approach certified quality 14 20 24 luxury 30 contract POLTRONE DIREZIONALI, DIRECTIoNAL SEATING, FAUTEUILs DIRECTION. DIVANI E SEDUTE ATTESA, SOFT SEATING, CHAUFFEUSES ET CANAPES. Drive, X-chair, Rang, Layla, Lopez new, Sally. Cocktail, Handle, Handle office, Daisy, Only, Primula, Genesis, Tulip, Rubino, Dream, Patch country, Elegance, Ellipse, Patch work, Block. executive 46 wait POLTRONE SEMI-DIREZIONALi, EXECUTIVE SEATING, FAUTEUILS EXECUTIVES. CONFERENZA - COLLETTIVITÀ - ATTESA, CONFERENCE - VISITOR SEATING, CHAISES CONFERENCE - VISITEUR. Clip, Comet, Sky rete. Fuego, Multy, Matrix, Susi, Flux, Venice, Giada, Time, Wendy, Fly. operative SEDUTE OPERATIVE, OPERATOR SEATING, CHAISES OPERATIVES. Flo, Five, Zed, Onyx, Bagger, Techno. 54 56 61 misure cartella colori complementi Cod. Cod. A170FLB57 D48YB47 RTCR FLO clip Cod. Cod. D142TB54 A131QB47 SPLZE X-CHAIR ZED handle design Alessandro Crosera Cod. Cod. P171NB35 144BS112 PXF / 144BS112 TS2 lopez new FLUX Cod. Cod. P59NB47 VBS17 / VBS16 venice Sally drive Cod. P168QB47 RTCR / VBS61 luxury POLTRONE DIREZIONALI, DIRECTIoNAL SEATING, FAUTEUILs DIRECTION. Abbiamo sviluppato questa We developed this series Nous avons développé serie di poltrone aspirando of executive chairs aiming cette série de fauteuils a combinare forme classiche to combine classic shapes en cherchant de combiner con eccellenti soluzioni with excellent technical les formes classiques tecniche. La profondità solutions. The wide range avec d’excellentes solutions di gamma spazia da poltrone goes from chairs with high techniques. L’ampleur de gamme ad alto contenuto tecnico- technical and ergonomic va des fauteuils avec un élevé ergonomico a poltrone più performances to chairs contenu technico-ergonomique tradizionali ma dotate di that look more traditional aux fauteuils plus traditionnels particolari e soluzioni but still that are mais avec des détails et des che le rendono allo stesso manufactured with those solutions qui les rendent très tempo attuali. I rivestimenti kind of details and actuels. Les revêtements en in pelle si prestano in solutions that allow them cuir se prêtent extrêmement maniera eccellente a questa to be contemporary as well. bien à cette série de fauteuils, serie di poltrone, soluzione idéale comme solution ideale per arredare uffici d’ameublement de bureaux di alto livello. de haute gamme. collezione 2013 14 / 15 luxury x-chair Cod. D142TB53 / D141SB52 / P141SB52 RTFR rang Cod. VBS61 / D72YB47 Layla Cod. D140YB47 Good Design Award 2007 collezione 2013 16 / 17 Australian Design Award 2007 Ergonomic Design Award 2008 Japanese Good Design Award 2008 luxury lopez new Cod. V171BS2 / D171YB35 / V171BS2 sally Cod. VBS61 / D59CB47 / D59YB47 collezione 2013 18 / 19 luxury CLIP Cod. P48NB47 / P48NB47 RTFR / P48NB47 RTCR executive POLTRONE SEMI-DIREZIONALI, EXECUTIVE SEATING, FAUTEUILS EXECUTIVES. La struttura cromata The chromed frame is the La structure chromée è l’elemento caratterizzante peculiarity of this range est l’élément qui caractérise di questa serie di poltrone. of products. The idea cette série de fauteuils. Lo spirito è poi anche is to combine the metal L’esprit est de combiner quello di combinare with minimal, geometric le métal à vue avec des il metallo a vista con and modern shapes. formes minimales, géométriques forme minimali, geometriche With three different options et modernes. En outre, e moderne. Inoltre con of upholstering, the client avec les trois différentes le tre diverse versioni will surely be able to versions de rembourrage, di imbottitura il cliente satisfy his needs and tastes. le client aura d’amples avrà ampie possibilità possibilités de choix afin di scelta per poter soddisfare de satisfaire complètement appieno le proprie esigenze. ses propres exigences. collezione 2013 20 / 21 executive Comet Cod. D48YB47 / V48BS8 SKY RETE Cod. V48BS8 collezione 2013 22 / 23 executive FLO Cod. A169FLB56 / V170FLBS130 / A170FLB57 operative SEDUTE OPERATIVE, OPERATOR SEATING, CHAISES OPERATIVES. Negli ambienti di lavoro In the offices, task Dans les ambiances de travail le sedute operative sono and operator chairs les assises opératives sont quelle maggiormente utilizzate, are the most used chairs, celles que, à la majeure, ecco perché abbiamo sviluppato therefore we have developed sont utilisées; raison pour un’offerta ampia, versatile, a wide, versatile, modern laquelle nous avons développé moderna, ad alto contenuto and with high technical une offre vaste, versatile, ergonomico e tecnico. standard range of products. moderne, avec un élevé contenu Il tutto accompagnato All this combined with ergonomique et technique. dalla scelta dei materiali the excellent quality Le tout accompagné du e componenti di alta qualità of the components, chosen choix des matériaux et des per durare nel tempo. to last long in time. composants de haute qualité pour durer dans le temps. collezione 2013 24 / 25 operative Five ZED Cod. Cod. VBS22 / A162KB47 A132QB2 / VBS122 collezione 2013 26 / 27 operative ONYX Cod. VBS97 / AB37DB47 BAGGER Cod. V38BS23 / M38TB2 / A132TB2 techno Cod. A_AOB2 / B_MTB2 / C_ATB2 collezione 2013 28 / 29 operative cocktail design Alessandro Crosera Cod. 03BS134 / 01BS132 / 02BS133 contract DIVANI E SEDUTE ATTESA, SOFT SEATING, chauffeuses ET CANAPES. Abbiamo sempre dato grande We have always given great Nous avons toujours sfogo alla creatività per importance to creativity dédié beaucoup d’importance quanto riguarda lo sviluppo when it’s up to developing à la créativité pour ce qui di poltroncine e divani contract seating and sofas. concerne le développement da attesa. Proponiamo We try to promote state des chauffeuses et des divans articoli di ottima fattura of the art products which d’accueil. Nous cherchons con un occhio di riguardo can be linked to contemporary de proposer des articles al design. Ne consegue design. Therefore, the result particulièrement soignés un’offerta di prodotti is a very diverse and wide dans leur finition avec molto variegata e ampia che range of products that allows un oeil de regard au Design. ci permette di proporre le us to promote our range also Il s’ensuit une offre de nostre poltrone per ambienti in non office environments. produits très diversifiée sia lavorativi che contract. et bien vaste qui nous consent de proposer nos divans soit pour les ambiances de travail soit pour le contract. collezione 2013 30 / 31 contract Handle Handle OFFICE design Alessandro Crosera design Alessandro Crosera Cod. Cod. COMP3HBS143 COMPH02BS144 / COMPH03BS144 misure pp 54 / 55 misure pp 54 / 55 collezione 2013 32 / 33 contract only Cod. 01BS56 daisy Cod. in senso orario partendo in alto a destra, clockwise starting from up-right, à partir de droit haut, dans le sens des aiguilles 01BS41 / 03BS41 / 01BS41 / 05BS96 / 01BS41 collezione 2013 34 / 35 contract PRIMULA GENESIS Cod. design Alessandro Crosera 01BS111 TAV / 01BS111 Cod. GBS13 collezione 2013 36 / 37 contract RUBINO tulip Cod. design Alessandro Crosera VBS66 Cod. TBS12 collezione 2013 38 / 39 contract DREAM Cod. 01BS10 patch country design Alessandro Crosera Cod. CBS46 collezione 2013 40 / 41 contract elegance patch work Cod. design Alessandro Crosera 01BS82 Cod. 128OB50 / 128OB32 / OB32 ELLIPSE Cod. 01BS125 / 01BS127 collezione 2013 42 / 43 contract BLOCK design Alessandro Crosera misure pp 54 / 55 collezione 2013 44 / 45 contract FUEGO design Alessandro Crosera Cod. VBS103 wait CONFERENZA - COLLETTIVITÀ - ATTESA, CONFERENCE - VISITOR SEATING, CHAISES CONFERENCE - VISITEUR. Le sedie conferenza e attesa Conference and waiting Les chaises conférence devono poter essere adattabili chairs need to be versatile et d’accueil doivent pouvoir a numerosi ambienti ed utilizzi; and have to be usable s’adapter aux nombreux types in questa serie di sedute in a lot of environments; d’ambiances et d’utilisation il cliente troverà grande in this series of chairs dans cette série d’assises. scelta che spazia da sedute the client will find a very Le Client trouvera une vaste in plastica a poltroncine good choice that goes from gamme de choix qui espace attesa imbottite, da panche plastic chairs to padded des chaises en plastique in metallo a panche waiting armchairs, from metal aux chauffeuses d’attente ribaltabili modulabili. benches to tip up seat benches. rembourrées, des sièges sur poutre/banquettes en métal aux banquettes rabattables qui peuvent être modulées. collezione 2013 46 / 47 wait Multy SUSY Cod. Cod. V33BS106 / V32BS106 V119BS85 TS2 / V124BS87 PXS / 02BS91 TS2 MATRIX Cod. V14BS31 / VBS31 collezione 2013 48 / 49 wait FLUX VENICE Cod. Cod. BS112 PXF / 144BS112 PXF / VBS18 / VBS19 144BS112 TS2/SED GIADA TIME Cod. Cod. VBS110 01BS94 / 01BS95 collezione 2013 50 / 51 wait FLY Cod. sopra, above, au-dessus 02BS113 TVLMB / sotto, below, au-dessous 02BS48 TVLM WENDY Cod. impilate, stacked, empilés BS47 PXS / BS75 PXS BS123 PXS / RBS47 PXS collezione 2013 52 / 53 wait misure HANDLE OFFICE HANDLE, HANDLE OFFICE, BLOCK. Destro, HANDLE Sistema di moduli, con Modular system, padding Système modulable, imbottitura in memory foam. in memory foam. rembourrage en mousse memory. right, droit Sistema di moduli con Modular system, mixed Système modulable, coussins imbottitura misto piuma. goose down pillows. en mélange de plume d’oie. 1 Cod. HO1BS144 3 Cod. HO3BS144 5 Cod. HO5BS144 7 Cod. HO7BS144 9 Cod. HO9BS144 87,5 x p 70 x h 62 cm 87,5 x p 70 x h 62 cm 70 x p 70 x h 62 cm 87,5 x p 70 x h 62 cm 70 x p 70 x h 62 cm 2 Cod. HO2BS144 4 Cod. HO4BS144 6 Cod. HO6BS144 8 Cod. HO8BS144 10 Cod. HO10BS144 87,5 x p 70 x h 62 cm 87,5 x p 70 x h 62 cm 70 x p 70 x h 62 cm 87,5 x p 70 x h 62 cm 70 x p 70 x h 62 cm 11 Modulo HO11BS144 12 Modulo HO12BS144 52,5 x p 52,5 x h 39 cm 70 x p 52,5 x h 39 cm Elemento corto, Elemento lungo, Elemento concavo, Elemento convesso, short module, long module, concave angle, convex angle, module court module long angle concave angle convexe Cod. 02BS135 Cod. 02BS136 Cod. 01BS137 Cod. 01BS138 80 x p 80 x h 73 cm 160 x p 80 x h 73 cm r 87 x h 73 cm r 87 x h 73 cm Sinistro, left, gauche Destro, right, droit A Cod. ABS143 B Cod. BBS143 E Cod. EBS143 G Cod. GBS143 l 87,5 x p 87,5 x h 62 cm l 70 x p 87,5 x h 62 cm l 87,5 x p 70 x h 62 cm l 87,5 x p 87,5 x h 62 cm Moduli accessori, optional modules, modules optionals Sinistro, left, gauche D Cod. DBS143 C Cod. CBS143 F Cod. FBS143 H Cod. HBS143 l 87,5 x p 87,5 x h 62 cm l 70 x p 87,5 x h 62 cm l 87,5 x p 70 x h 62 cm l 87,5 x p 87,5 x h 62 cm Moduli accessori, BLOCK optional modules, modules optionals collezione 2013 I Cod. IBS139 L Cod. LBS140 M Cod. MBS141 Bracciolo maxi Pouf 52,5 Pouf 70 maxi armrest ottoman 52,5 ottoman 70 accoudoir maxi repose-pieds 52,5 repose-pieds 70 l 87,5 x p 35 x h 52,5 cm l 52,5 x p 70 x h 39 cm l 70 x p 70 x h 39 cm 54 / 55 misure cartella colori LX/T LX/T 13 LX/T 18 LX/T 26 LX/T 17 TF 2609 TF 19 TF 2610 TF 12 TF 3334 TF 13 TF 336 TF 2612 TF 15 TF 348 TF 313 TF 2611 TF 314 TF 334 TF 18 TF 10 TF 999 TF 308 TF 332 TF 322 TF 323 TF 325 TF 17 HP 6 HP 7 HP 9 HP 23 HP 27 HP 28 HP 1 HP 16 HP 30 HP 21 HP 26 HP 31 AS 54 AS 62 AS 58 AS 57 AS 51 AS 56 AS 50 AS 60 AS 65 Pelle smerigliata RIVESTIMENTI E FINITURE, UPHOLSTERIES AND FINISHES, REVÊTEMENTS ET FINItioNS. Corrected grain leather Cuir rectifié LX/T 11 TF Finta pelle Classe 1 I colori visualizzati The colors displayed Les couleurs présentées Fire retardant simil leather sono puramente indicativi are only samples and can sont simplement indicatives Simili cuir e possono variare rispetto vary from the real ones. et peuvent varier par rapport alla realtà. Per maggiori For further information and aux échantillons réels. informazioni e per ricevere to receive the fabric sample Pour tous renseignements i campioni dei rivestimenti swatch we kindly invite et pour recevoir le nuancier invitiamo i gentili Clienti the Clients to contact Milani nous prions bien nos Clients a contattare Milani S.r.l. S.r.l. or the local dealer. de contacter Milani S.r.l. TF 3335 ou le distributeur local. o il rivenditore di zona. HP SK SK 0550 SK 0410 SK 0460 SK 0738 SK 0779 SK 0692 Pelle anilina Finta pelle Classe 1 Aniline leather Fire retardant simil leather Simili cuir ignifugé Cuir aniline SK 0778 SK 0691 SK 0250 SK 0329 SK 0854 SK 0855 LN 6400 LN 6688 LN 2511 LN 2577 LN 7704 HP 13 AS LN LN 7701 LN 5484 Pelle fiore Finta pelle ignifuga Full grain leather Fire retardant simil leather Simili cuir ignifugé Cuir plein fleur LN 3396 collezione 2013 LN 2527 LN 3348 LN 6644 LN 2535 LN 6699 LN 3360 LN 2561 LN 443 LN 5432 LN 5478 LN 3364 LN 2557 LN 2000 LN 1000 56 / 57 AS 68 cartella colori NE RT NE 53 NE 12 NE 120 NE 13 NE 173 NE 175 NE 234 Tessuto Trevira ignifugo Cl.1 Rete Trevira Fire retardant fabric Mesh Tissu Trevira M1 RT 23 RT 25 RT 21 RT 14 RT 24 RT 15 RT 22 Resille NE 411 NE 386 NE 377 NE 378 NE 263 NE 331 NE 334 RT 20 NE 425 Rete termosaldata Heat setting mesh Resille thermo-saudée RT-SKY NE 14 NE 426 NE 496 NE 15 NE 625 NE 18 NE 532 NE 533 NE 534 NE 573 RT 14 RT 24 RT 15 FL FL 02 FL 03 Rete + tessuto per mod. FLO Mesh + fabric for mod. FLO CX Maille + tissu pour mod. FLO CX 210 CX 240 CX 340 CX 390 CX 650 CX 570 CX 120 CX 860 CX 880 CX 990 FL 01 FL 01 Tessuto riciclabile ignifugo Cl.1 Recyclable fire retardant fabric Tissu rècyclable ignifugé CX 110 ET ET 51 ET 50 ET 82 ET 54 ET 55 ET 56 ET 52 ET 53 PXW 48 PXW 45 PXW 43 PXW 42 PXW 44 PXW 46 PXS 62 PXS 63 PXS 64 PXS 65 PXS 66 Tessuto ignifugo Fabric tissu NV NV 51 NV 60 NV 65 NV 75 NV 31 NV 41 NV 14 NV 10 ET 81 Pelle anilina Aniline leather Cuir aniline NV 80 PXW Plastiche WENDY WENDY plastics MD Plastiques WENDY MD 502 MD 509 MD 514 MD 511 PXW 41 Tessuto ignifugo Cl.1 Fire retardant fabric Tissu ignifugé PXS MD 501 Plastiche SUSY SUSY plastics Plastiques SUSY PXS 61 collezione 2013 58 / 59 cartella colori complementi PXF PXF 48 PXF 45 PXF 43 Plastiche FLUX accessori, accessories, accessoirs. FLUX plastics Plastiques FLUX PXF 47 PXF 41 PXF 46 PXG 91 PXG 93 PXG PXG 94 PXG 95 PXG 96 Plastiche GIADA GIADA plastics Modelli: Plastiques GIADA PXG 92 PXG 97 PXG 98 PXG 99 Branch / Petalo / Asola / Wing / Kasta / Petty, PXG 100 Ari, Pot / Calla / Spicchio / Basket, Only table / Twist / Shine / Tommy, LG Sella / Sacco / Louise / Job / Space. Legno verniciato naturale mod. WENDY + SUSY Mod. WENDY + SUSY beech wood Bois hêtre mod. WENDY + SUSY LG CU2 CU2 272 CU2 274 CU2 273 CU2 277 CU2 279 CU2 278 CU2 271 CU2 282 CU2 276 CU2 275 CU3 89 CU3 70 CU3 68 CU3 95 CU3 39 CU3 24 CU3 01 Cuoio rigenerato stampa liscia Reconstituted bonded leather Cuir recostitué CU2 284 CU3 Cuoietto stampa liscia Bonded leather Cuir CU3 50 collezione 2013 60 / 61 APPENDIABITI, COAT HANGERS, PORTE MANTEAUX. TAVOLINI ATTESA, COFFEE TABLES, TABLES BASSes. Branch Kasta Only table Twist Petty Wing Petalo Tommy Shine Asola pareti divisorie, PARTITIONINGS, PANNEAUX DIVISEURS. cestini, baskets, corbeilles. Basket Pot varie, extra, extra. Sella Space Job Ari Calla Spicchio Sacco Louise collezione 2013 62 / 63 complementi Concept, art direction and graphic design dogtrot Photography Renai & Renai Postproduction Lucegroup.it Printed in Italy by Ditre arti grafiche www.atrioshop.nl Atrio Kantoorinrichting Postbus 1236- 1300 BE Almere T. 0031-36-5360880 F 0031-36-5360736 info@atrio.nl www.atrioshop.nl Price list 2013 collection 2013 collection 2/3 introduction company philosophy Quality since 1975. Know-how responsability. UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 UNI EN ISO 14001:2004 OH SAS 18001:2007 SA 8000:2008 Milani was established in 1975, as a small artisan company. With the passing of the years, the vast experience matured in the field of designing, realization and production of office chairs, has consented the company to acquire a role of primary importance on the Italian and international markets. Owing to a continual and constant commitment, today the company works in an area covering over 3000 m2, where it produces more than 50.000 chairs, destined both to the Italian market as well as abroad. The great professional competence acquired, has consented the company to develop considerably, implementing a system of integrated management for quality (UNI EN ISO 9001:2008), for the environment (UNI EN 14001:2004), for safety (OH SAS 18001:2007) and for labor ethics (SA 8000:2008), with the primary scope of satisfying all of the customer’s needs in the best possible manner. Today the continual research and development of new projects, and the creativity combined with technical qualities, confer “Milani chairs” the unparalleled harmonies of Italian design, as well as the extremely high features of strength and ergonomics. 11 21 27 luxury executive operative DIRECTIONAL SEATING EXECUTIVE SEATING OPERATIVE SEATING 17 Drive 22 Clip 37 Bagger 19 Layla 23 Comet 29 Five 18 Lopez new 25 Sky rete 28 Flo 12 Rang 34 Onyx 14 Sally 39 Techno 13 X-chair 33 Zed 2013 collection 4/5 43 65 79 contract wait furniture elements SOFT SEATING CONFERENCE - VISITOR SEATING ACCESSORIES 45 Block 46 Handle 73 Flux 77 Time 80 Coat hangers 44 Cocktail 54 Only 76 Fly 78 Venice 82 Baskets 52 Daisy 59 Patch country 77 Fuego 68 Wendy 80 Partitionings 63 Dream 58 Patch work 74 Giada 83 Cofee tables 55 Elegance 61 Primula 67 Matrix 85 Extra 62 Ellipse 60 Rubino 66 Multy 57 Genesis 56 Tulip 70 Susy index important informations / options Lead times freight paid The date of delivery of the goods is reported on the extreme right column of the order acknowledgement. In case of freight paid, in a regular situation of traffic/weather this date is always the latest available date for delivery. Packaging The goods are packed in cartons or cellophane. In the case the client demands a different/better packaging, this will be charged at cost. Assembling Assembling is at Client’s cost. The goods are shipped semi-disassembled according to the environmental regulations. In the case the Client demands fully assembled products, the addition will be charged to the client at cost. C.O.M. / Extra catalogue finishes Milani S.r.l. offers its products upholstered in Customer’s Own Material. Milani S.r.l. holds in any case the right of approval based on the type of finishing. Cost and required quantity of C.O.M will be provided by our sales representatives once defined the models and quantities. Milani S.r.l. also offers upholsterings not included in its fabric swatch. Based on the type and 2013 collection 6/7 quantity, our sales representatives will provide possible extra costs. Color allowances / SK leather The colors indicated for all materials and leathers in the sample swatch are only samples, as it is impossible to ensure consistency of color from one batch to the next. For this reason Milani S.r.l. is not responsible in any way for the exact match of upholstery/leather between the original composition and the supplementary elements, whatever the lapse of time is. Aniline leather SK is a high end product, which is produced without covering the surface with a topcoat paint. The resulting product retains the hide’s natural surface with the ‘grain’, i.e. visible pores, scars etc. of the complete original animal’s skin structure which shall be considered as a quality of the leather itself. Fantasy upholstering in 2013 catalogue Our products are displayed in 2013 catalogue also with fantasy upholsterings. These have only the aim to exalt the shapes and character of our products. Reserve It is recommended that the clients always sign the reserve of delivery on every delivery note they receive. Only by doing this in fact, the client can be protected against potential damages or defects due to the mishandling during transport. Components Milani S.r.l. offers a list of spare components to be purchased separately or together with other ordered goods. The list and price of these components can be found at page 88 of this price list. upholsterings TS2 2013 collection 8/9 MD Fire retardant fabric NV Fire retardant fabric NE Trevira fire retardant fabric TF Fire retardant simil leather HP Fire retardant simil leather AS Fire retardant simil leather RT Mesh FLO Mesh + fabric FLO CX Recyclable fire retardant fabric ET Fire retardant fabric LX17 Black leather hide + PVC LX/T Leather LN Full grain leather SK Aniline leather CU2 Reconstituted bonded leather CU3 Bonded leather PXW Wendy plastics PXS Susy plastics PXG Giada plastics PXF Flux plastics LG Beech varnished wood MT Metal 2013 collection 10 / 11 luxury DIRECTIONAL SEATING Models: Rang / X-chair / Sally / Drive / Lopez new / Layla luxury article description RANG aluminum base, chromed armrests with upholstered pads, hard floor oversize castors HIGH BACK 5 1 code TS2 LX 17 LX/T LN SK knee tilt mechanism, 5 locking positions RANG_P72NB47 528 596 692 750 840 tilting mechanism RANG_P72YB47 475 536 644 708 786 tilting mechanism RANG_D72YB47 466 504 620 670 788 gas lift RANG_D72WB47 446 484 602 655 768 auto return column RANG_D72CB47 488 524 628 688 796 RANG_VBS61 388 432 510 610 722 63 121 - 131 68 23 Kg 48 - 58 69 - 79 0,33 m3 RANG aluminum base, chromed armrests with upholstered pads, hard floor oversize castors MEDIUM BACK 1 63 95 - 105 68 21 Kg 46 - 56 69 - 76 0,3 m3 RANG aluminum base, chromed armrests with upholstered pads, chromed gliders AUTO chromed cantilever base with padded armrests VISITOR 62 67 18 Kg 69 46 95 0,44 m3 self breaking holed rubber castors addition RTFR 15 self breaking castors addition chromed rubber castors addition RTCR 12 nylon gliders set addition 2013 collection 12 / 13 RTAF 8 PIE / chromed gliders set addition PDCR 10 article description X-CHAIR polished aluminum base, black mesh backrest with height and depth adjustable lumbar support, molded seat foam, sliding seat, synchronized mechanism with tilt limit adjustment, polished aluminum 3D adjustable armrests with PU pad, hard floor castors polished aluminum base, black mesh backrest, molded foam seat, height adjustment, black plastic fixed armrests HIGH BACK 177 - 127 TS2 LX/T LN with heigh and direction adjustable headrest upholstered in black pvc XCHAIR_P141SB52 570 585 598 without headrest XCHAIR_D141SB52 545 560 573 with castors XCHAIR_D142TB53 358 370 392 with gliders XCHAIR_D142TB54 358 370 392 XCHAIR_D142CB54 374 384 406 67 68 23 Kg 48 - 58 65 - 71 0,26 m3 X-CHAIR MEDIUM BACK polished aluminum base, black mesh backrest, molded foam seat, black plastic fixed armrests, auto return column, with gliders 63 68 AUTO 16 Kg 65 0,17 m3 44 - 51 90 - 97 code self breaking holed rubber castors addition RTFR 15 chromed rubber castors addition RTCR 12 luxury code TS2 LX 17 LX/T LN SK knee tilt mechanism, 5 locking positions SALLY_P59NB47 480 540 630 685 785 tilting mechanism SALLY_P59YB47 435 496 582 650 755 tilting mechanism SALLY_D59YB47 405 468 554 620 730 gas lift SALLY_D59WB47 385 444 532 598 704 auto return column SALLY_D59CB47 410 474 572 630 740 chromed cantilever base with padded armrests SALLY_VBS61 398 465 550 615 720 chromed cantilever base, without armrests SALLY_VBS2 296 358 430 486 596 article description SALLY aluminum base, fully upholstered armrests, hard floor oversize castors HIGH BACK 5 1 UNI EN 1335 1/2/3 tip. C 66 118 - 128 68 21 Kg 69 47 - 57 0,33 m3 SALLY aluminum base, fully upholstered armrests, hard floor oversize castors MEDIUM BACK 1 UNI EN 1335 1/2/3 tip. C 66 96 - 106 68 19 Kg 69 47 - 57 0,3 m3 SALLY VISITOR aluminum base, fully upholstered armrests, chromed gliders AUTO 62 67 18 Kg 69 48 96 0,44 m3 self breaking holed rubber castors addition RTFR 15 self breaking castors addition chromed rubber castors addition RTCR 12 nylon gliders set addition 2013 collection 14 / 15 RTAF 8 PIE / chromed gliders set addition PDCR 10 article description SALLY aluminum base, chromed metal armrests with padded arms, hard floor oversize castors CHROMED HIGH BACK 5 1 118 - 128 TS2 LX 17 LX/T LN SK knee tilt mechanism, 5 locking positions SALLY_P137NB47 502 555 660 720 800 tilting mechanism SALLY_P137YB47 445 510 610 680 756 tilting mechanism SALLY_D137YB47 420 485 570 630 720 gas lift SALLY_D137WB47 398 470 552 620 700 auto return column SALLY_D137CB47 450 515 600 660 750 66 68 21 Kg 69 47 - 57 0,33 m3 SALLY aluminum base, chromed metal armrests with padded arms, hard floor oversize castors CHROMED MEDIUM BACK 1 66 68 19 Kg 69 0,3 m3 47 - 57 96 - 106 code aluminum base, chromed metal armrests with padded arms, chromed gliders AUTO self breaking holed rubber castors addition RTFR 15 self breaking castors addition chromed rubber castors addition RTCR 12 nylon gliders set addition RTAF 8 PIE / chromed gliders set addition PDCR 10 luxury article code TS2 LX 17 LX/T LN SK knee tilt mechanism, 5 locking positions SALLY_P126NB8 498 550 640 720 794 tilting mechanism SALLY_P126YB8 445 498 596 688 745 tilting mechanism SALLY_D59YB47 422 495 578 660 705 gas lift SALLY_D59WB47 405 480 560 638 685 SALLY_V126BS9 435 504 596 668 710 description SALLY walnut wooden base, wooden armrests WOOD 5 HIGH BACK 1 66 114 - 124 68 21 Kg 69 43 - 53 0,33 m3 SALLY walnut wooden base, wooden armrests WOOD 1 MEDIUM BACK 66 94 - 104 68 19 Kg 69 43 - 53 0,3 m3 SALLY walnut wooden cantilever base, walnut wooden armrests WOOD VISITOR 62 67 18 Kg 69 48 96 0,44 m3 standard rubber castors addition nylon gliders set addition 2013 collection RTGM 6 PIE / 16 / 17 self breaking castors addition RTAF 8 article description code TS2 LX 17 LX/T LN SK DRIVE polished aluminum base, chromed armrests with upholstering, synchronized self-tensioning mechanism, height adjustable backrest, hard floor oversize castors DRIVE P168QB47 572 643 720 776 890 polished aluminum base, chromed armrests with upholstering, synchronized self-tensioning mechanism, height adjustable backrest, hard floor oversize castors DRIVE D168QB47 525 614 686 732 820 chromed cantilever base with padded armrests DRIVE_VBS61 445 520 585 650 758 HIGH BACK 67 112 - 122 68 25 Kg 64 43 - 53 0,33 m3 DRIVE MEDIUM BACK 67 97 - 107 68 24 Kg 64 43 - 53 0,3 m3 DRIVE VISITOR 62 67 21 Kg 69 48 101 0,44 m3 self breaking holed rubber castors addition nylon gliders set addition RTFR 15 self breaking castors addition RTAF PIE / chromed gliders set addition PDCR 10 8 chromed rubber castors addition RTCR 12 synchronized mechanism with side tension control MECC. K / luxury article code TS2 LX 17 LX/T LN SK knee tilt mechanism, 5 locking positions LOPEZNEW_P171NB35 580 685 788 886 990 tilting mechanism LOPEZNEW_P171YB35 520 630 730 815 935 tilting mechanism LOPEZNEW_D171YB35 490 600 700 775 898 gas lift LOPEZNEW_D171WB35 475 585 685 760 875 LOPEZNEW_V171BS2 452 556 662 750 850 description LOPEZ NEW aluminum base, fully upholstered armrests, castors 5 HIGH BACK 64 122 - 132 68 23 Kg 67 49 - 59 0,33 m3 LOPEZ NEW aluminum base, fully upholstered armrests, castors 1 MEDIUM BACK 64 92 - 102 68 21 Kg 65 47 - 57 0,30 m3 LOPEZ NEW chromed cantilever base, fully upholstered armrests VISITOR 62 67 18 Kg 69 48 96 0,30 m3 standard rubber castors addition nylon gliders set addition 2013 collection RTGM 6 PIE / 18 / 19 self breaking castors addition RTAF 8 article description LAYLA aluminum base, chromed metal armrests with upholstery, hard floor oversize castors HIGH BACK 5 1 code CU3 knee tilt mechanism, 5 locking positions LAYLA_P140NB47 685 tilting mechanism LAYLA_P140YB47 645 tilting mechanism LAYLA_D140YB47 625 gas lift LAYLA_D140WB47 604 LAYLA_VBS104 480 60 117 - 127 68 20 Kg 66 42 - 52 0,33 m3 LAYLA aluminum base, chromed metal armrests with upholstery, hard floor oversize castors MEDIUM BACK 1 60 95 - 105 68 19 Kg 65 41 - 51 0,3 m3 LAYLA chromed cantilever base with upholstered armrests VISITOR 60 67 19 Kg 67 43 96 0,44 m3 self breaking holed rubber castors addition RTFR 15 self breaking castors addition chromed rubber castors addition RTCR 12 nylon gliders set addition RTAF 8 PIE / chromed gliders set addition PDCR 10 luxury article description code CU3 LAYLA 2 seater bench, chromed legs, black varnished beam, no armrests LAYLA_02BS14 995 2 seater bench, chromed legs, black varnished beam, with upholstered armrests LAYLA_02140BS14 1220 3 seater bench, chromed legs, black varnished beam, no armrests LAYLA_03BS14 1579 3 seater bench, chromed legs, black varnished beam, with upholstered armrests LAYLA_03140BS14 1698 4 seater bench, chromed legs, black varnished beam, no armrests LAYLA_04BS14 1990 4 seater bench, chromed legs, black varnished beam, with upholstered armrests LAYLA_04140BS14 2140 BENCH 220 165 64 110 30 Kg 44 98 0,40 m3 2013 collection 20 / 21 executive EXECUTIVE SEATING Models: Clip / Comet / Sky rete executive article description CLIP aluminum base, chromed aluminum armrests, hard floor oversize castors HIGH BACK 5 1 code TS2 LX 17 LX/T LN SK knee tilt mechanism, 5 locking positions CLIP_P48NB47 564 620 680 720 820 tilting mechanism CLIP_P48YB47 514 572 630 680 770 tilting mechanism CLIP_D48YB47 485 538 596 632 720 gas lift CLIP_D48WB47 465 515 575 620 710 auto return column CLIP_D48CB47 495 540 598 645 732 with chromed CLIP_V48BS8 aluminum armrests 410 460 540 580 642 without armrests 365 415 470 520 604 55 106 - 117 68 20 Kg 67 45 - 56 0,33 m3 CLIP aluminum base, chromed aluminum armrests, hard floor oversize castors MEDIUM BACK 1 55 68 18 Kg 67 45 - 56 87 - 98 0,3 m3 CLIP aluminum base, chromed aluminum armrests, chromed gliders AUTO chromed cantilever base VISITOR CLIP_VBS8 55 63 15 Kg 67 46 88 0,44 m3 self breaking holed rubber castors addition RTFR 15 self breaking castors addition chromed rubber castors addition RTCR 12 nylon gliders set addition 2013 collection 22 / 23 RTAF 8 PIE / chromed gliders set addition PDCR 10 article description COMET aluminum base, chromed aluminum armrests, hard floor oversize castors HIGH BACK 5 1 code TS2 LX 17 LX/T LN SK knee tilt mechanism, 5 locking positions COMET_P48NB47 510 570 625 670 745 tilting mechanism COMET_P48YB47 460 520 578 612 695 tilting mechanism COMET_D48YB47 440 495 550 588 670 gas lift COMET_D48WB47 422 474 530 560 642 auto return column COMET_D48CB47 445 500 560 598 670 with chromed COMET_V48BS8 aluminum armrests 370 410 470 520 620 without armrests 310 355 420 490 570 55 106 - 117 68 20 Kg 67 44 - 55 0,33 m3 COMET aluminum base, chromed aluminum armrests, hard floor oversize castors MEDIUM BACK 1 55 68 18 Kg 67 44 - 55 87 - 98 0,3 m3 COMET aluminum base, chromed aluminum armrests, chromed gliders AUTO chromed cantilever base VISITOR COMET_VBS8 55 63 15 Kg 67 44 88 0,44 m3 self breaking holed rubber castors addition RTFR 15 self breaking castors addition chromed rubber castors addition RTCR 12 nylon gliders set addition RTAF 8 PIE / chromed gliders set addition PDCR 10 executive article description code TS2 LX 17 LX/T LN SK COMET 2 seater bench, chromed legs, black varnished beam, no armrests COMET_02BS14 650 710 770 810 980 3 seater bench, chromed legs, black varnished beam, no armrests COMET_03BS14 860 950 1050 1160 1450 4 seater bench, chromed legs, black varnished beam, no armrests COMET_04BS14 1060 1150 1250 1322 1620 2 seater bench, chromed legs, black varnished beam, no armrests, with table COMET_02BS14T 720 780 850 920 1020 3 seater bench, chromed legs, black varnished beam, no armrests, with table COMET_03BS14T 920 1010 1080 1150 1350 4 seater bench, chromed legs, black varnished beam, no armrests, with table COMET_04BS14T 1115 1220 1300 1380 1685 BENCH 2p 110 165 220 68 3p 4p 40 Kg 44 106 0,4 m3 chromed aluminum armrest 2013 collection BRA 48 28 24 / 25 article description SKY RETE aluminum base, chromed aluminum armrests, hard floor oversize castors HIGH BACK RT-SKY code 5 1 knee tilt mechanism, 5 locking positions SKYB_P48NB47 445 tilting mechanism SKYB_P48YB47 394 tilting mechanism SKYB_D48YB47 378 gas lift SKYB_D48WB47 358 auto return column SKYB_D48CB47 390 55 106 - 117 68 19 Kg 67 43 - 54 0,33 m3 SKY RETE aluminum base, chromed aluminum armrests, hard floor oversize castors MEDIUM BACK 1 55 68 17 Kg 67 43 - 54 87 - 98 0,3 m3 SKY RETE aluminum base, chromed aluminum armrests, chromed gliders AUTO chromed cantilever base VISITOR with chromed SKYB_V48BS8 aluminum armrests 296 without armrests 244 SKYB_VBS8 55 63 14 Kg 67 43 88 0,44 m3 self breaking holed rubber castors addition RTFR 15 self breaking castors addition chromed rubber castors addition RTCR 12 nylon gliders set addition RTAF 8 PIE / chromed gliders set addition PDCR 10 executive 2013 collection 26 / 27 operative OPERATIVE SEATING Models: Flo / Five / Zed / Onyx / Bagger / Techno operative article description FLO nylon base, black mesh backrest, seat upholstered in TS2, synchronized mechanism with 1 locking position, sliding seat, plastic armrests, black plastics code 1 black varnished cantilever base, black mesh backrest, seat upholstered in TS2, plastic armrests, black plastics 0,25 m3 398 FLO_V169BS131 275 63 44 - 54 15 Kg nylon base, mesh backrest, synchronized mechanism with 1 locking position, sliding seat, plastic armrests, white plastics, seat/backrest in FL matching colors orange/ blue/grey white varnished cantilever base, plastic armrests, white plastics, seat/backrest in FL matching colors orange/ blue/grey 62 62 2013 collection 14 Kg 66 47 90 0,25 m3 28 / 29 1 FL/TS2 FLO_A169FLB56 63 62 99 - 109 FL FLO_A170FLB57 398 FLO_V170FLBS130 290 article description FIVE aluminum base, synchronized self-tensioning mechanism, sliding seat, height adjustable backrest, hard floor oversize castors HIGH BACK 5 UNI EN 1335 1/2/3 tip. A nylon base, synchronized self-tensioning mechanism, sliding seat, height adjustable backrest 68 18 Kg TS2 FIVE_AQB47 285 with height FIVE_A131QB47 adjustable aluminum armrests with pu pads 322 with fixed plastic armrests FIVE_A104QB47 302 without armrests FIVE_AQB2 254 with height adjustable plastic armrests FIVE_A132QB2 278 with fixed plastic armrests FIVE_A104QB2 268 65 0,21 m3 46 - 57 102 - 113 68 5 without armrests code standard rubber castors addition self breaking castors addition RTGM RTAF 6 nylon gliders set addition 8 synchronized mechanism with side tension control PIE / MECC. K / 4D adjustable aluminum armrest with PU pad BRA 162 90 operative article description FIVE aluminum base, permanent contact, height adjustable backrest, hard floor oversize castors MEDIUM BACK CP UNI EN 1335 1/2/3 tip. B nylon base, permanent contact, height adjustable backrest TS2 senza braccioli FIVE_MTB47 232 con braccioli regolabili in alluminio con pad in pu FIVE_M131TB47 256 con braccioli fissi in plastica FIVE_M104TB47 246 without armrests FIVE_MTB2 204 with height adjustable plastic armrests FIVE_M132TB2 228 with fixed plastic armrests FIVE_M104TB2 220 68 66 14 Kg 63 0,15 m3 45 - 56 97 - 108 code standard rubber castors addition nylon gliders set addition 2013 collection RTGM 6 PIE / 30 / 31 self breaking castors addition RTAF 8 article description code TS2 FIVE stackable chromed metal cantilever base with armrests, plastic pads, fixed backrest FIVE_VBS22 260 without armrests FIVE_VBS23 198 with fixed plastic armrests FIVE_V104VBS23 210 VISITOR UNI EN 13761 black varnished cantilever base, fixed backrest 58 58 68 45 97 2 x 0,38 m3 12 Kg operative article code NE without armrests FIVE_AJB2 205 with height adjustable plastic armrests FIVE_A132JB2 238 description FIVE PROMO nylon base, synchronized mechanism, height adjustable backrest 5 HIGH BACK UNI EN 1335 1/2/3 tip. A 68 2013 collection 18 Kg 65 0,21 m3 46 - 57 102 - 113 68 32 / 33 article description ZED aluminum base, RT mesh back, synchronized mechanism with side tension control, sliding seat, height adjustable backrest, hard floor oversize castors HIGH BACK nylon base, RT mesh backrest, synchronized mechanism with side tension control, sliding seat, height adjustable backrest 68 102 - 113 68 18 Kg without armrests ZED_ AKB47 TS2/RT 304 with height ZED_A131KB47 adjustable aluminum armrests with pu pads 350 with fixed plastic armrests ZED_A104KB47 320 without armrests ZED_AKB2 280 with height adjustable plastic armrests ZED_A132KB2 310 with fixed plastic armrests ZED_A104KB2 294 ZED_VBS122 228 5 65 46 - 57 0,21 m3 code 5 ZED stackable chromed metal cantilever base with plastic armrests, rt mesh backrest VISITOR 54 56 65 48 89 2 x 0,38 m3 12 Kg standard rubber castors addition RTGM 6 PU depth adjustable lumbar support SPLZE 35 self breaking castors addition RTAF 8 self balancing synchronized mechanism MECC. / Q 4D adjustable aluminum armrest with PU pad BRA 162 90 operative article description ONYX aluminum base, synchronized mechanism, sliding seat, molded foam, height adjustable backrest, black plastics, hard floor oversize castors HIGH BACK 5 UNI EN 1335 1/2/3 tip. A aluminum base, synchronized mechanism, sliding seat, molded foam, height adjustable backrest, white plastics, hard floor oversize castors nylon base, synchronized mechanism, sliding seat, molded foam, black plastics 57 18 Kg standard rubber castors addition nylon gliders set addition 2013 collection TS2 ONYX_ADB47 317 with height ONYX_A131DB47 adjustable aluminum armrests with pu pads 355 with fixed plastic armrests ONYX_A104DB47 334 without armrests ONYX_ABDB47 320 with fixed ONYX_AB37DB47 chromed armrests with white plastic pads 345 without armrests ONYX_ADB2 282 with height adjustable plastic armrests ONYX_A132DB2 315 with fixed plastic armrests ONYX_A104DB2 310 67 0,15 m3 49 - 59 112 - 123 68 5 without armrests code RTGM 6 PIE / 34 / 35 self breaking castors addition RTAF 8 article description ONYX aluminum base, synchronized mechanism, sliding seat, moulded foam, height adjustable backrest, black plastics, hard floor oversize castors MEDIUM BACK 5 UNI EN 1335 1/2/3 tip. A aluminum base, synchronized mechanism, sliding seat, molded foam, height adjustable backrest, white plastics, hard floor oversize castors nylon base, synchronized mechanism, sliding seat, molded foam, black plastics 57 17 Kg 67 0,15 m3 49 - 59 95 - 106 68 standard rubber castors addition nylon gliders set addition RTGM 6 PIE / 5 without armrests code TS2 ONYX_MDB47 315 with height ONYX_M131DB47 adjustable aluminum armrests with pu pads 350 with fixed plastic armrests ONYX_M104DB47 325 without armrests ONYX_MBDB47 308 with fixed ONYX_MB37DB47 chromed armrests with white plastic pads 330 without armrests ONYX_MDB2 280 with height adjustable plastic armrests ONYX_M132DB2 308 with fixed plastic armrests ONYX_M104DB2 298 self breaking castors addition RTAF 8 operative article description code TS2 ONYX 4 legged chromed base with armrests, molded foam, black plastics ONYX_VBS97 285 4 legged chromed base with armrests, molded foam, white plastics ONYX_VBBS97 288 VISITOR 54 60 2013 collection 16 Kg 65 49 93 0,38 m3 36 / 37 article description BAGGER nylon base, permanent contact, black plastics HIGH BACK code TS2 without armrests BAGGER_ATB2 150 with height adjustable armrests BAGGER_A132TB2 190 with fixed armrests BAGGER_A38TB2 176 without armrests BAGGER_ATB26 162 with fixed armrests BAGGER_A25TB26 192 without armrests BAGGER_MTB2 155 with height adjustable armrests BAGGER_M132TB2 185 with fixed armrests BAGGER_M38TB2 166 without armrests BAGGER_MTB26 152 with fixed armrests BAGGER_M25TB26 182 UNI EN 1335 1/2/3 tip. B nylon base, permanent contact, grey plastics 63 103 - 114 66 12 Kg 46 67 0,15 m3 nylon base, permanent contact, black plastics BAGGER MEDIUM BACK UNI EN 1335 1/2/3 tip. B nylon base, permanent contact, grey plastics 63 11 Kg 57 0,15 m3 46 90 - 101 66 standard rubber castors addition nylon gliders set addition RTGM 6 PIE / self breaking castors addition RTAF 8 operative article description BAGGER black cantilever base , fixed backrest, black plastics VISITOR code TS2 without armrests BAGGER_VBS23 165 with fixed armrests BAGGER_V38BS23 190 without armrests BAGGER_VBS30 170 with fixed armrests BAGGER_V25BS30 195 UNI EN 13761 grey cantilever base , fixed backrest, grey plastics 63 66 2013 collection 67 46 90 2 x 0,25 m3 16 Kg 38 / 39 article description code LG TECHNO A plywood seat and backrest, permanent contact, nylon base with gliders, high gas lift, chromed ring adjustable foot rest TECHNO A_ATB2 152 plywood seat and backrest, permanent contact, nylon base with castors, gas lift TECHNO A_MTB2 110 plywood stool, nylon base with gliders, high gas lift, chromed ring adjustable foot rest TECHNO A_AOB2 118 plywood stool, nylon base with castors, gas lift TECHNO A_MOB2 75 47 100 - 125 66 12 Kg 63 - 88 0,15 m3 47 66 9 Kg 40 - 51 77 - 88 0,15 m3 66 34 63 - 88 2 x 0,15 m3 8 Kg 66 34 40 - 51 2 x 0,15 m3 5 Kg operative article description code PU TECHNO B hard PU seat and backrest, permanent contact, nylon base with gliders, high gas lift, chromed ring adjustable foot rest TECHNO B_ATB2 192 hard PU seat and backrest, permanent contact, nylon base with castors, gas lift TECHNO B_MTB2 154 hard PU stool, nylon base with gliders, high gas lift, chromed ring adjustable foot rest TECHNO B_AOB2 114 hard PU stool, nylon base with castors, gas lift TECHNO B_MOB2 75 47 100 - 125 66 12 Kg 63 - 88 0,15 m3 47 66 9 Kg 40 - 51 77 - 88 0,15 m3 66 34 63 - 88 2 x 0,15 m3 8 Kg 66 34 40 - 51 2 x 0,15 m3 5 Kg 2013 collection 40 / 41 article description code TS2 TECHNO C padded seat and backrest, permanent contact, nylon base with gliders, high gas lift, chromed ring adjustable foot rest TECHNO C_ATB2 152 padded high stool, nylon base with gliders, high gas lift, chromed ring adjustable foot rest TECHNO C_AOB2 132 padded stool, nylon base with castors, gas lift TECHNO C_MOB2 76 47 100 - 125 66 12 Kg 63 - 88 0,15 m3 66 34 63 - 88 2 x 0,15 m3 8 Kg 66 34 40 - 51 2 x 0,15 m3 5 Kg operative 2013 collection 42 / 43 contract SOFT SEATING Models: Cocktail / Block / Handle / Daisy / Only / Elegance / Tulip / Genesis / Patch work / Patch country / Rubino / Primula / Ellipse / Dream contract article description code TS2 LX/T LN SK COCKTAIL armchair, chromed frame COCKTAIL_01BS132 898 1168 1350 1500 2 seater sofa, chromed frame COCKTAIL_02BS133 1265 1760 1996 2420 COCKTAIL_03BS134 1700 2390 2880 3485 70 82 18 Kg 42 66 69 0,55 m3 70 133 24 Kg 42 66 69 0,85 m3 3 seater sofa, chromed frame 70 184 32 Kg 42 66 69 1,2 m3 2013 collection 44 / 45 article description code TS2 LX/T LN SK BLOCK short module, chromed structure with linkable gliders BLOCK_01BS135 950 1150 1224 1350 long module, chromed structure with linkable gliders BLOCK_02BS136 1350 1720 1850 2120 concave angle module, chromed structure with linkable gliders BLOCK_01BS137 1098 1278 1340 1485 convex angle module, chromed structure with linkable gliders BLOCK_01BS138 1020 1220 1295 1430 80 16 Kg 43 73 0,44 m3 80 0,85 m3 25 Kg 0 16 0,45 m3 87 87 0,45 m3 87 18 Kg 18 Kg 87 contract article description code TS2 LX/T LN SK module A right, mixed goose dow cuscions ABS143 922 1156 1270 1455 module D left, mixed goose dow cuscions DBS143 922 1156 1270 1455 module B right, mixed goose dow cuscions BBS143 922 1156 1270 1455 module C left, mixed goose dow cuscions CBS143 922 1156 1270 1455 module E right, mixed goose dow cuscions EBS143 978 1245 1360 1555 module F left, mixed goose dow cuscions FBS143 978 1245 1360 1555 module G right, mixed goose dow cuscions GBS143 978 1245 1360 1555 HANDLE l 87,5 x p 87,5 x h 62 cm l 87,5 x p 87,5 x h 62 cm l 70 x p 87,5 x h 62 cm l 70 x p 87,5 x h 62 cm l 87,5 x p 70 x h 62 cm l 87,5 x p 87,5 x h 62 cm l 87,5 x p 87,5 x h 62 cm 2013 collection 46 / 47 article description code TS2 LX/T LN SK module H left, mixed goose dow cuscions HBS143 978 1245 1360 1555 ottoman 52,5 , mixed goose dow cuscions LBS140 485 596 660 760 ottoman 70, mixed goose dow cuscions MBS141 540 685 750 860 armrest, mixed goose dow cuscion IBS139 475 598 650 736 cuscion with handle, mixed goose dow cuscion NBS142 120 170 190 240 cuscion, mixed goose dow cuscion N2BS142 70 95 125 160 HANDLE l 87,5 x p 87,5 x h 62 cm l 52,5 x p 70 x h 39 cm l 70 x p 70 x h 39 cm l 85 x p 35 x h 52,5 cm l 52,5 x p 52,5 cm l 52,5 x p 52,5 cm contract article description code TS2 LX/T LN SK composition 1 (page 84/85 of catalogue): n. 3 modules G right, n. 1 module A right, n. 2 armrests COMPH1BS143 4806 6088 6650 7592 composition 2 (page 86 of catalogue): n. 4 modules G right, n. 1 module A right, n. 2 armrests, n. 1 ottoman 52,5 COMPH2BS143 6270 7928 8020 9908 composition 3 (page 87 of catalogue): n. 4 modules G right, n. 2 modules H left, n. 1 module A right, n. 1 module B right, n. 2 armrests COMPH3BS143 7684 9734 10640 11420 HANDLE 312,5 A G G 105 I I G 242,5 I G G 175 A I G L 312,5 I G H G A 2013 collection H B 260 G I 48 / 49 article description code TS2 LX/T LN SK module 1, right angle, padding in memory foam HO1BS144 920 1275 1420 1750 module 1, right angle, padding in memory foam HO2BS144 920 1275 1420 1750 module 3, right angle, padding in memory foam HO3BS144 920 1275 1420 1750 module 4, left angle, padding in memory foam HO4BS144 920 1275 1420 1750 module 5, right, padding in memory foam HO5BS144 675 910 985 1156 HANDLE OFFICE l 87,5 x p 70 x h 62 l 87,5 x p 70 x h 62 l 87,5 x p 70 x h 62 cm l 87,5 x p 70 x h 62 cm l 70 x p 70 x h 62 cm contract article description code TS2 LX/T LN SK module 6, left, padding in memory foam HO6BS144 675 910 985 1156 module 7, right, padding in memory foam HO7BS144 740 922 1030 1230 module 8, left, padding in memory foam HO8BS144 740 922 1030 1230 module 9, right, padding in memory foam HO9BS144 740 922 1030 1230 module 10, left, padding in memory foam HO10BS144 740 922 1030 1230 HANDLE OFFICE l 70 x p 70 x h 62 cm l 87,5 x p 70 x h 62 cm l 87,5 x p 70 x h 62 cm l 70 x p 70 x h 62 cm l 70 x p 70 x h 62 cm 2013 collection 50 / 51 article description code TS2 LX/T LN SK composition C1: n. 1 module 5 + n. 1 module 6 COMPHO1BS144 1288 1820 1970 2312 composition C2: n. 1 module 9 + n. 1 module 10 COMPHO2BS144 1464 1844 2060 2460 composition C3: n. 1 module 1 + n. 1 module 4 + n. module 10 COMPHO3BS144 2522 3472 3870 4730 composition C4: n. 1 module 6 + n. 1 module 10 COMPHO4BS144 1376 1832 2015 2386 composition C5: n. 2 modules 8 + n. 1 module 10 COMPHO5BS144 2196 2766 3090 3690 HANDLE OFFICE l 140 x p 70 x h 62 cm l 140 x p 70 x h 62 cm l 228 x p 70 x h 62 cm l 122 x p 70 x h 62 cm l 210 x p 70 x h 62 cm contract article description code TS2 LX/T LN SK DAISY armchair, wooden structure, chromed metal legs DAISY_01BS41 488 686 750 880 2 seater sofa, wooden structure, chromed metal legs DAISY_02BS41 642 880 1020 1188 DAISY_03BS41 745 1075 1288 1480 83 70 17 Kg 70 43 84 0,55 m3 135 70 23 Kg 70 43 84 0,85 m3 oversized 2 seater sofa, wooden structure, chromed metal legs 170 70 2013 collection 15 Kg 70 43 84 1,2 m3 52 / 53 article description code TS2 LX/T LN SK DAISY oversized 2 seater bench, wooden structure, chromed metal legs DAISY_05BS96 380 500 650 760 ottoman, wooden structure, chromed metal legs DAISY_04BS96 310 360 420 466 160 60 15 Kg 60 2 x 0,25 m3 6 Kg 43 46 0,7 m3 43 46 60 contract article description code TS2 LX/T LN SK ONLY single seater sofa, chromed inserts, wooden structure, squared chromed legs ONLY_01BS56 468 550 632 730 ONLY_02BS56 620 750 870 990 61 72 16 Kg 68 44 69 0,4 m3 2 seater sofa, chromed inserts, wooden structure, squared chromed legs 61 120 2013 collection 68 44 69 0,66 m3 54 / 55 25 Kg article description code TS2* LX/T* LN** SK** ELEGANCE single seater sofa, chromed metal structure with bonded leather stripes ELEGANCE_01BS82 915 1085 1125 1260 2 seater armchair, chromed metal structure with bonded leather stripes ELEGANCE_02BS83 1390 1685 1800 2020 ELEGANCE_03BS84 540 620 674 740 76 75 17 Kg 40 79 0,55 m3 76 147 27 Kg 40 79 0,9 m3 ottoman, chromed metal structure with bonded leather stripes 59 0,25 m3 10 Kg 37 61 * the seat and backrest stripes are made of CU3 and are available in the 5 LX/T colors. For other colors to match the seat and backrest cushion we do not grant the exact match of colors and stripes. see (*), the seat and backrest stripes can be supplied in the same finishing of the cuscions with an addition of + 10% contract article description code TS2 LN SK TULIP armchair, swivel chromed column, 4 star chromed metal base, white piping* TULIP_TBS12 585 810 1058 armchair, swivel chromed column, round flat chromed base, white piping* TULIP_TBS15 598 830 1072 68 57 16 Kg 75 47 75 0,38 m3 *for piping of the same finishing/color of the armchair add + 10% for piping of other finishing/color of the armchair add + 15% 2013 collection 56 / 57 article description code TS2 LN SK GENESIS lounge chair, chromed metal base, bandage in white simil leather* GENESI_GBS13 588 720 840 lounge chair, white varnished metal base, bandage in white simil leather* GENESI_GBS57 558 720 840 ottoman, chromed base, bandage in white simil leather* GENESI_BS100 285 340 382 ottoman, white varnished base, bandage in white simil leather* GENESI_BS129 285 340 382 LOUNGE CHAIR 73 70 0,2 m3 6 Kg 31 42 42 14 Kg 42 84 0,36 m3 *for bandage of the same finishing/color of the armchair add + 10% for bandage of other finishing/color of the armchair add + 15% contract article description code TS2 LN PATCH WORK molded foam chair without armrests, 5 star polished aluminum base with chromed castors PATCHWO_OB32 396 496 PATCHWO_OBS50 396 496 68 molded foam chair without armrests, 4 star polished aluminum base with gliders molded foam armchair with fully upholstered armrests, 5 star polished aluminum base with chromed castors PATCHWO_128OB32 528 610 molded foam armchair with fully upholstered armrests, 4 star polished aluminum base with gliders PATCHWO_128OBS50 528 610 48 10 Kg 42 - 55 82 - 95 0,3 m3 55 68 2013 collection 13 Kg 64 42 - 55 82 - 95 0,3 m3 58 / 59 article description code TS2 LN SK PATCH COUNTRY lounge chair, chromed metal skid base with gliders, constrast stitches PATCH-CO_CBS46 520 698 798 LOUNGE CHAIR 73 68 13 Kg 43 85 0,36 m3 contract article description code TS2 LX/T LN SK RUBINO armchair, chromed metal structure, 4 legged base with auto return column RUBINO_VBS67 400 480 520 558 armchair, chromed metal structure, flat roud chromed base with chromed auto return column RUBINO_VBS66 436 498 540 596 armchair, chromed metal structure, polished aluminum base with hard floor castors, height adjutment RUBINO_VB47 372 428 460 520 59 49 59 49 20 Kg 70 46 59 68 44 - 54 0,25 m3 2013 collection 15 Kg 68 72 0,25 m3 70 - 80 15 Kg 75 51 77 0,25 m3 60 / 61 article description code TS2 LX/T LN SK PRIMULA molded foam armchair, tip up seat, with 2 rear castors PRIMULA_01BS111 442 620 675 794 54 54 68 24 13 Kg 67 46 85 46 85 0,38 m3 nylon gliders set addition PIE / foldable ABS writing tablet TAV 143 52 contract article description code TS2 LN SK ELLIPSE lounge chair, chromed metal skid base with gliders ELLIPSE_01BS125 355 442 496 chair, chromed metal skid base with gliders ELLIPSE_01BS126 330 395 422 stool, chromed metal skid base with gliders ELLIPSE_01BS127 294 358 378 LOUNGE CHAIR 64 63 10 Kg 40 70 0,3 m3 ELLIPSE CHAIR 57 60 8 Kg 47 84 0,3 m3 ELLIPSE STOOL 50 0,33 m3 10 Kg 76 97 50 2013 collection 62 / 63 article description code TS2 LX/T LN DREAM molded foam armchair, with gliders DREAM_01BS10 405 572 640 molded foam 2 seater sofa, with gliders DREAM_02BS11 620 932 1080 66 65 14 Kg 62 45 74 0,36 m3 128 65 castors 20 Kg 62 45 74 0,9 m3 RTBL 6 contract 2013 collection 64 / 65 wait CONFERENCE - VISITOR SEATING Models: Multy / Matrix / Wendy / Susy / Flux / Giada / Fly / Time / Fuego / Venice wait article description MULTY stackable chromed metal cantilever base 55 57 2013 collection 10 Kg 66 48 85 0,38 m3 66 / 67 code TS2 LX/T LN with PU armrests MULTY_V32BS106 260 340 390 with upholstered armrests MULTY_V33BS106 260 340 390 article description MATRIX 4 legged chromed metal base, black plastics 4 legged aluminum varnished metal base, grey plastics code TS2 without armrests MATRIX_VBS31 144 with black soft PU armrests MATRIX_V14BS31 175 without armrests MATRIX_VBS107 134 with grey soft MATRIX_V15BS107 PU armrests 184 48 57 46 78 3 x 0,44 m3 7 Kg 60 57 66 46 78 3 x 0,44 m3 9 Kg foldable ABS writing tablet BRA 150 48 wait TS2/ PXW PXW/RT assise TS2 article description code WENDY seat and backrests in PP, chromed metal stackable skid base, gliders with linking device WENDY_BS75 98 128 158 seat and backrest in PP, chromed metal stackable skid base with plastic armrests, with gliders WENDY_ BS47 156 175 210 stool seat and backrest in PP, chromed metal skid base, with gliders WENDY_BS123 198 226 256 seat in PP and backrest in RT mesh, chromed metal stackable skid base, gliders with linking device WENDY_RBS75 122 152 seat in PP and RT mesh backrest, chromed metal stackable skid base with plastic armrests, with gliders WENDY_RBS47 175 192 stool, seat in PP and RT mesh backrest, chromed metal skid base, with gliders WENDY_RB123 216 244 PLASTIC UNI EN 1728 LG 55 51 47 85 (1) 59 47 65 85 51 (2) 55 51 72 110 (3) WENDY MESH UNI EN 1728 55 51 47 85 (1) 59 51 47 65 85 (2) 55 51 72 110 (3) black melamine folding writing table 2013 collection BRA 29 75 68 / 69 metal space bar STA23 42 40 x stacking chairs swivel chariot CRL1 395 TS2/ PXW PXW/RT assise TS2 LG article description code WENDY seat and backrests in PP, chromed metal stackable skid base, gliders with linking device, pierced backrest WENDYSIG_BS75 106 132 seat and backrest in PP, chromed metal stackable skid base with plastic armrests, with gliders, pierced backrest WENDYSIG_BS47 164 186 stool seat and backrest in PP, chromed metal skid base, with gliders, pierced backrest WENDYSIG_BS123 198 226 seat and backrest in beech wood, chromed metal stackable skid base, gliders WENDY_BS109 220 seat and backrest in beech wood, chromed metal stackable skid base with black plastic armrests, with gliders WENDY_BS124 240 SIGN UNI EN 1728 55 51 47 85 (1) 59 51 47 65 85 (2) 55 51 72 110 (3) WENDY UNI EN 1728 WOOD 51 55 47 85 (4) 59 51 65 47 85 (5) 4 x 0,44 m3 5,5 Kg (1) 4 x 0,44 m3 6,5 Kg (2) 4 x 0,44 m3 8 Kg (3) 4 x 0,44 m3 6,5 Kg (4) 4 x 0,44 m3 7,5 Kg (5) wait article description SUSY plastic chair with 4 legged metal base CHAIR code PXS TS2/ assise TS2 LG chromed frame SUSY_VBS86 80 105 118 125 aluminum varnished frame SUSY_VBS87 78 100 112 118 black varnished frame SUSY_VBS85 75 96 110 114 chromed frame SUSY_V120BS86 116 136 152 158 aluminum varnished frame SUSY_V121BS87 110 128 142 150 black varnished frame SUSY_V119BS85 108 124 140 148 UNI EN 1728 46 56 47 81 3 x 0,44 m3 6 Kg plastic chair with 4 legged metal base, with metal armrests and plastic pad 65 56 2013 collection 68 47 81 3 x 0,44 m3 7 Kg 70 / 71 article description SUSY 2 seater bench, metal beam and metal legs BENCH 3 seater bench, metal beam and metal legs 4 seater bench, metal beam and metal legs 5 seater bench, metal beam and metal legs 104 158 208 260 55 2p 18 Kg 3p 24 Kg 4p 30 Kg 5p 36 Kg 47 84 0,25 m3 plastic pad armrest with metal structure chromed aluminum varnished black varnished BRA 120 17 BRA 121 15 BRA 119 14 code PXS TS2/ assise TS2 LG chromed frame SUSY_02BS89 250 298 330 370 aluminum varnished frame SUSY_02BS90 225 275 305 340 black varnished frame SUSY_02BS88 220 270 300 330 chromed frame SUSY_03BS89 330 410 440 488 aluminum varnished frame SUSY_03BS90 300 384 420 462 black varnished frame SUSY_03BS88 295 380 415 452 chromed frame SUSY_04BS89 418 534 555 620 aluminum varnished frame SUSY_04BS90 398 510 520 584 black varnished frame SUSY_04BS88 392 505 515 574 chromed frame SUSY_05BS89 524 628 700 745 aluminum varnished frame SUSY_05BS90 475 600 652 706 black varnished frame SUSY_05BS88 470 595 648 695 metal armrest with folding plastic writing tablet chromed aluminum varnished black varnished BRA 123 41 BRA 124 39 BRA 122 38 40 x 40 cm table TVL45 48 wait article description code LG TS2/ assise TS2 LG SUSY tip up 2 seater bench, black metal beam and black metal legs fixable to the floor SUSY_02BS91 320 350 395 430 tip up 3 seater bench, black metal beam and black metal legs fixable to the floor SUSY_03BS91 430 465 544 595 tip up 4 seater bench, black metal beam and black metal legs fixable to the floor SUSY_04BS91 540 615 680 756 tip up 5 seater bench, black metal beam and black metal legs fixable to the floor SUSY_05BS91 660 725 760 990 TIP UP SEAT BENCH 103 155 207 260 52 2p 20 Kg 3p 28 Kg 4p 36 Kg 5p 40 Kg 47 82 0,25 m3 2013 collection 72 / 73 article description code PXF TS2/ assise TS2 FLUX 4 chromed metal legs, polypropilene seat and backrest FLUX_BS112 105 132 148 4 chromed metal legs, polypropilene seat and backrest, with plastic armrests FLUX_144BS112 122 148 164 UNI EN 1728 49 54 47 81 4 x 0,44 m3 7 Kg 55 54 68 47 81 4 x 0,44 m3 8 Kg pair of folding metal linking hooks GNCFL 6 10 stacking Flux chair chariot CRL6 180 wait PXG article description code GIADA 4 legged chromed metal base, polypropilene shell, stackable GIADA_01BS94 63 chromed skid base, polypropilene shell, stackable GIADA_01BS95 76 43 51 48 81 4 x 0,44 m3 5 Kg 43 52 48 81 3 x 0,44 m3 5 Kg 2013 collection 74 / 75 article description GIADA 2 seater bench, polypropilene shell, metal legs and beam BENCH 3 seater bench, polypropilene shell, metal legs and beam 4 seater bench, polypropilene shell, metal legs and beam 5 seater bench, polypropilene shell, metal legs and beam 120 160 210 260 62 2p 15 Kg 3p 21 Kg 4p 27 Kg 5p 33 Kg code PXG chromed legs GIADA_02BS14 210 black varnished legs GIADA_02BS49 195 chromed legs GIADA_03BS14 240 black varnished legs GIADA_03BS49 234 chromed legs GIADA_04BS14 285 black varnished legs GIADA_04BS49 275 chromed legs GIADA_05BS14 324 black varnished legs 312 GIADA_05BS49 43 81 0,25 m3 squared black table 50 x 50 cm TVL45 45 wait article description FLY pierced metal 2 seater bench, varnished beam and legs BENCH pierced metal 3 seater bench, varnished beam and legs pierced metal 4 seater bench, varnished beam and legs pierced metal 5 seater bench, varnished beam and legs 110 165 220 275 62 2p 20 Kg 3p 26 Kg 4p 32 Kg 5p 38 Kg code CU2 black varnished FLY_02BS113 388 aluminum varnished FLY_02BS48 388 black varnished FLY_03BS113 498 aluminum varnished FLY_03BS48 498 black varnished FLY_04BS113 598 aluminum varnished FLY_04BS48 598 black varnished FLY_05BS113 740 aluminum varnished FLY_05BS48 740 44 83 0,25 m3 set of floor fixing brackets (floor fixing STA12 screws not included) 2013 collection 5 metal armrest, aluminum varnished BRA 147 40 pierced metal table, aluminum varnished TVLM 95 metal armrest, black varnished BRA 146 40 pierced metal table, black varnished TVLMB 95 76 / 77 pair of seat + backrest black bonded leather cushions CUS2FLY 45 article description code CU2 TIME bonded leather armchair TIME_VBS110 285 chromed metal skid base, upholstered seat and backrest, stackable FUEGO_VBS103 48 TS2 LN 188 245 52 47 FUEGO 52 10 Kg 67 85 0,3 m3 54 47 75 3 x 38 m3 wait article description code CU2 VENICE high back bonded leather chair VENICE_VBS16 194 medium back bonded leather chair VENICE_VBS17 192 80 cm seat height bonded leather stool VENICE_VBS28 240 67 cm seat height bonded leather stool VENICE_VBS18 224 CHAIR 44 0,3 m3 8 Kg 0,3 m3 8 Kg 46 93 46 44 46 89 46 VENICE STOOL 44 8 Kg 0,3 m3 8 Kg 44 67 43 87 0,3 m3 80 100 43 2013 collection 78 / 79 furniture elements ACCESSORIES Models: Ari / Branch / Petalo / Asola / Wing / Kasta / Petty / Calla / Spicchio / Basket / Pot / Only table / Tommy / Twist / Shine / Space / Sella / Sacco / Job / Louise furniture elements article description code ARI 2 aluminum varnished metal bars, panel made of flexible PP ARI_01 580 extension, 1 aluminum varnished metal bar, panel made of flexible PP ARI_02 376 white lacquered hooks BRAN1 365 black laquered hooks BRAN4 365 white lacquered hooks BRAN2 365 black laquered hooks BRAN3 365 PET* 98 PARTITIONINGS 136 180 103 101 180 118 BRANCH white varnished coat hanger COAT HANGERS 38 177 black varnished coat hanger PETALO COAT HANGERS aluminum varnished coat hanger with umbrella hanger and plastic hooks 170 40 available colors: black COD. 301, orange COD. 302, grey COD. 303, blue COD. 304, green COD. 305 2013 collection 80 / 81 article description code ASOLA black varnished coat hanger with umbrella hanger and black plastic hooks ASO_1 95 aluminum varnished coat hanger with umbrella hanger and bleu or transparent plastic hooks ASO_2* 95 black varnished coat hanger with metal hooks and metal umbrella hanger WIN1 112 aluminum varnished coat hanger with metal hooks and metal umbrella hanger WIN2 112 metal coat hanger with castors KAST 255 COAT HANGERS 175 34 WING COAT HANGERS 170 32 KASTA COAT HANGERS 150 161 62 *blue plastic: COD. 771, transparent plastic: COD. 772 furniture elements article description code PETTY set of 2 wall fixing coat hangers in black or white plastic* PTY 75 white varnished basket/ umbrella hanger CALL 140 black varnished basket with ashtray SPIC_1 115 aluminum varnished basket with ashtray SPIC_2 115 stainless steel basket with ashtray SPIC_3 168 COAT HANGERS CALLA BASKET 47 32 SPICCHIO BASKET 62 25 *black plastic: COD. 881, white plastic: COD. 882 2013 collection 82 / 83 article description code BASKET black varnished basket BAS2 33 grey varnished basket BAS4 33 plastic basket POT* 39 100 x 61 cm satinated glass table, chromed base ONLYTAV2 360 61 x 61 cm satinated glass table, chromed base ONLYTAV1 330 BASKET POT BASKET ONLY TABLE COFEE TABLES 43 61 61 61 100 *available colors: black: COD. 201, burgundy: COD. 202, grey: COD. 303, green: COD. 404, blue: COD. 505, yellow: COD. 606 furniture elements article description TOMMY satineted glass table, chromed metal legs COFEE TABLES 90 x 50 cm TOM2C 190 50 x 50 cm TOM1C 185 90 x 50 cm TOM2B 150 50 x 50 cm TOM1B 145 80 x 80 cm white acidated glass table, chromed structure TWIS1 300 120 x 60 cm white acidated glass table, chromed structure TWIS2 300 upholstered cofee table, wooden structure, chromed legs SHIN 150 satineted glass table, black varnished metal legs 50 35 50 50 90 TWIST COFEE TABLES 80 30 60 80 120 SHINE COFEE TABLES 35 65 65 2013 collection code 84 / 85 240 article description code SPACE glass CPU desktop, with extractable keybord SPAC 350 umbrella hanger SELL 225 recostituted leather newspaper storer SACC* 109 75 55 74 SELLA 69 53 21 SACCO *available colors: black: COD. 601, white: COD. 602, red: COD. 603 furniture elements article description code JOB desk lamp JOB 65 LOUISE deskpad, steel structure LOUI 180 38 70 2013 collection 86 / 87 240 furniture elements Spare parts CODE NET PRICE NET PRICE SHIPMENT WITH OTHER ORDERS DEDICATED SHIPMENT 5 star nylon base 5 star polished aluminum base tilting mechanism knee tilt mechanism with side tension control syncronized mechanism with side tension control syncronized self balancing mechanism seat plate for operative chair seat plate for executive chair set of 5 hard floor pierced maxi castors set of 5 hard floor chromed maxi castors set of 5 standard castors set of 5 hard floor castors set of 5 hard floor maxi castors set of 5 breaking castors set of 5 gliders set of 5 chromed gliders (for aluminum base) BAS B2 17 34 BAS B47 45 76 MEC. Y 29 104 MEC. N 142 104 MEC. K 71 104 MEC. Q 72 106 MECC. T 7 18 MECC. W 7 18 RTFR 38 74 RTCR 29 48 RUON1101 5 20 RTGM 8 24 RTGG 13 30 RTAF 8 24 PDN 8 height adjustable plastic armrest BRA 132D (right) BRA 132S (left ) 25 20 20 40 40 height adjustable aluminum armrest BRA 131D (right) BRA 131S (left) 32 32 54 54 4D adjustable aluminum armrest BRA 162D (right) BRA 162S (left) 44 44 70 70 fixed plastic armrest for model Five BRA 104 12 33 fixed plastic armrest for model Bagger BRA 38D (right) BRA 38S (left) 12 12 34 34 upholstered armrest pad for swivel model Rang BR199D (right) BR199S (left) 30 30 40 40 set of gliders for model Wendy set of gliders for model Giada skid base 1 mt upholstery cat. TS2 ( 1,40 mt height) 1 mt upholstery cat. TS3 ( 1,40 mt height) 1 m2 leather LX - LX/T black gas spring for syncronized / permanent contact operative chair chromed gas spring for syncronized operative chair chromed gas spring for permanent contact operative chair chromed gas spring for tilting mechanism executive chair chromed gas spring for knee tilt mechanism executive chair black gas spring for tilting mechanism wooden executive chair black gas spring for knee tilt mechanism wooden executive chair high black gas spring for stools chromed adjustable foot rest ring PDNWEN 8 20 PDNGIA 4 17 depending on type of upholstery 30 54 depending on type of upholstery 34 69 depending on type of leather 56 86 POMN01 8 28 POMC09 10 30 POMC02 10 30 POMC02 10 30 POMC09 10 30 POMN02 16 28 POMN10 16 28 POMN03 16 42 ANE001 31 72 2013 collection 88 / 89 PDCR 24 42 info@atrio.nl Terms & conditions of sale Prices The prices included in this price list exclude VAT. The prices can be modified at any time also in relation to changes of cost of manpower and/or raw materials. Our offers are valid for a period of 60 daysstarting from the date of offer, unless otherwise specified. Orders All orders are executed after approval from the Sales Office of MILANI S.R.L., which reserves the right to issue a written statement of approval. The relations of sales stipulated by our agents are not brought to completion until our written approval. The Customer’s order approved by MILANI S.R.L. cannot be revoked or modified without our authorization. Orders are dealt singularly; potential order additions will be dealt as complete new orders. Lead time The lead time for delivering the goods is written on the order acknowledgement and is to be considered approximate. Moreover, in unforeseen cases beyond our control, it is understood that the delivery time is extended up to 60 days, during which the Customer has the right to back out of the contract, without claiming compensation on any grounds. Our company reserves the right to back out of a sales contract in foreseen cases by 2013 collection 90 / 91 article 1461 c.c., and whenever facts are brought to our attention which cause the financial status of the Customer to be suspicious, that is to say the ability to make payment within the given deadlines. Delivery The goods is sold Ex works or Delivered, based on the agreement with the client. By delivery with freight paid it is defined that the goods will be delivered on truck and on site, without any limitation of traffic nor tolls to be considered. It is the Client’s duty to inform Milani S.r.l. on traffic limitations, tolls charges, limitation of traffic hours; any extra cost due to these events will be charged to the client at cost. In the case events like wrong address, diverted delivery, stock of goods occure, Milani S.r.l. will charge the client at cost. Minimum order No minimum order is demanded. Nevertheless, the goods are shipped freight paid only for net orders above a defined amount. Below this amount a contribution for the freight will be asked to the client. The target amount as well as the contribution is to be defined with the sales representative. Payment The method of payment that is established by the “sales committee” and accepted by us, can not be altered, unless authorized by writing. Only payments made to our agency, or occasionally to an entity authorized by us in writing, are held as valid. MILANI S.R.L. reserves the right of ownership for the merchandise supplied until the bill is paid in full. (art. 1523 c.c.). Delays in the settling of due payment result in the cancellation of the consignment to be made, and the right for MILANI S.R.L. to issue a draft on demand for the balance due and charge for late fees. If delivery of the goods described in the contract will be carried out on multiple occasions, for each delivery a regular invoice will be issued with the date of payment as per the contract. Warranty The duration of the guarantee provided by MILANI S.R.L. on his products is 5 years. The guarantee anticipates the free replacement of mechanical parts (subject to evaluation) and moving parts such as: wheels, hydraulic lifts, mechanisms in general, always provided that the defects are not due to mistreatment or improper use of the product. The eventual costs of transportation and redelivery will be required from the recipient at the start of the second year from date of sale. The guarantee is valid only if all data relating to the product is provided (specifying the model and code) as well as the purchase invoice. Repairs can be made: a) by sending the item that needs replacement, if the defect is defined clearly and simply; b) by returning the defective object to our office by way of conventional courier service, well protected by adequate packaging. If, after inspecting the item or the product. If Milani S.r.l. determines that the Customer caused the damage, all related costs including shipping will be charged to the Customer Claims At the time of delivery the recipient must thoroughly inspect the goods to verify their integrity and the accuracy of the order. Any claims must be made in writing at the time of delivery, to the Carrier or to our representatives if the merchandise is shipped by way of our motor vehicles. If defects of fabrication are revealed, claims must be sent by certified mail (US) or recorded-delivery (UK) to our office in Meolo (Ve) within 8 days from the date of receipt of the goods. Claims made beyond this deadline will not be accepted. In any case the claims do not permit the Customer to cease payment. Packaging All the articles are supplied packed in cardboard boxes or protected in bubble-wrap. If MILANI S.R.L. deems it necessary to use a different type of packaging in order to guarantee the integrity of the merchandise during shipping, additional charges will be made to the bill, such packaging cannot be returned to MILANI S.R.L. for refund. Assembly Assembly is the Customer’s responsibility. Modifications MILANI S.R.L. reserves the right to make technical and dimensional changes to their products, without altering the functionality and basic appearance. For changes of a more substantial nature, prior approval from the Customer will be made. Disputes All the obligations and disputes of this sales contract fall under the jurisdiction of the court of Treviso. Atrio Kantoorinrichting Postbus 1236, 1300 BE Almere-stad T. 036-5360880 F. 036-5360736 www.atrio.nl www.atrioshop.nl info@atrio.nl Voor showroom bezoek s.v.p afspraak maken; Projectmeubilair Ondernemingsweg 60 2404 HN Alpen aan den Rijn Data publishing EVO® - www.lithos.it