Our Urban Futures Sustainable and Resilient th 25 EAROPH World Congress Le Méridien Hotel, Kota Kinabalu 9 th- 11 thAugust 2016 Organized by Hosted by Dewan Bandaraya Kota Kinabalu Supported by Ministry of Urban Wellbeing, Housing and Local Government 25 EAROPH World Congress th Organized by Hosted by Le Méridien Hotel, Kota Kinabalu 9 th- 10 thAugust 2016 Supported by Dewan Bandaraya Kota Kinabalu Ministry of Urban Wellbeing, Housing and Local Government Introduction The world’s population today is 7.3 billion and with continued economic growth and urbanisation, we are increasingly challenged by the impacts of climate change. Destructive flooding, severe heat and droughts and many other natural disasters has damaged settlements, destroying not just homes and livelihoods but social cohesion and economic prosperity. The Paris Climate summit in December 2015 of COP21 created an important landmark in history when 190 countries agree to make sure global warming stays "well below" 2 degrees Celsius. This endorsement and commitment is timely as we embark on Habitat III this year (2016) and set the motion towards implementing the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, that aims to end poverty, fight inequality and injustice, and tackle climate change by 2030. Cities and regions hence now, must accelerate measures that involves local policy making and action plans that calls for a cohesive effort towards sustainable economic growth and sustainable urban agenda. Our Urban Futures – Sustainable and Resilient, the theme for EAROPH World Congres 2016, examines changes in the ways cities and regions must be planned, built, managed and lived, in creating the balance between growth and development with the managing of our natural assets to increase resilience. The 2-day congress in particular shall focus on inclusion, innovation and leadership, while covering other wide range of themes that integrates multiple needs to benefit a range of stakeholders. Who Should Attend We invite everyone with a strong interest in urban resilience agenda to join EAROPH World Congress 2016 in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. The Congress provides the opportunity to learn from industry leaders and global specialist, share knowledge and exchange experiences and best practices as well as gain pratical knowledge in implementing resilience projects. It will also be a platform to create new contacts and forge relationship, develop partnerships and foster networking opportunities between cities, like-minded organizations and individuals to learn and work together to deliver sustainable solutions. Our Host City Congress Highlights The City of Kota Kinabalu shall host EAROPH World Congress 2016. Capital city of Sabah, Kota Kinabalu has a population of more than half a million made up of its 33 indigenous groups that communicate in over 50 languages and 80 ethnic dialects. Kota Kinabalu is a major destination for tourism and main gateway to Sabah and Borneo. The event will feature a variety of sessions such as: Mayor’s on Stage, a high level discussion focussing on efforts by Cities towards resilience. Plenary Session delving into the various aspects of building resilience at all levels of cities and regions and sharing of projects and programs. Rich in history that dates, as far back as the 15th century, Kota Kinabalu is a coastal city with Crocker Range mountainous area setting as its backdrop. The City of Kota Kinabalu welcomes all participants to its City and encourage everyone to visit its many interesting attractions and natural wonders i.e. beach, mountains, islands, villages and experience its diverse culture. Youth in Action, a life urban lab session to activate the public waterfront space of Kota Kinabalu Technical Visits, which will offer a unique insight into Kota Kinabalu efforts in strengthening its capabilities to become more resilient. Congress Programme CONGRESS DAY 2 (WEDNESDAY) 10TH AUGUST 2016 0900 Paper Presentation Urban Design & City Resilience President, Union Institute of Architects Livable Cities & Opportunities President, International Federation for Housing and Planning ‘SAM’ (Systemic Asset Management) for City Resilience Vice President, EAROPH Australia 1030 Break for Coffee and Refreshments 1045 Plenary 3 : Urban Resilience and Well-being Activating KK Waterfront PRE-CONGRESS (MONDAY) 8TH AUGUST 2016 1000 EAROPH Exco Meeting 1500 EAROPH Council Meeting 1900 EAROPH Dinner CONGRESS DAY 1 (TUESDAY) 9TH AUGUST 2016 0800 Registration for Congress 0900 Welcome Address Welcome Address from EAROPH President 2014-2016 Address by Minister of Urban Well-Being, Housing and Local Government 0930 Keynote & Conference Opening Address Honourable Chief Minister of Sabah 0950 Launch of 25th World Congress 2016 Launch of EAROPH Strategic Asset Management 2 1000 Break for Coffee and Refreshments 1030 Paper Presentation Securing the Future of our Cities By Representative from UN-Habitat 1100 Plenary 1 Mayors on Stage: City’s Resilience and Governance Panel of Mayors from Cities in Asia on efforts towards city’s resilience. 1230 Break for Lunch and Prayers 1430 Plenary 2 : Global Warming and Climate Change Panel of professionals from the academia, practice, NGO and Governmentt addressing issues on global warming and climate change. 1700 Reflections of Day 1 0700 Congress Welcome Dinner Panel of professionals, urbanist that has been working towards making cities more livable and sustainable shares their experiences and views on urban resilience and urban well-being. 1145 Plenary 4: Building Community Resiliency Panel of professionals, urbanist, NGO’s that shall share their works in building community resiliency. Live Workshop and Design Charette. Urban Lab-APUDG in collaboration with Dewan Bandaraya Kota Kinabalu and Kota Kinabalu Youth. Venue : Kota Kinabalu Waterfront 1245 Prelude to World Habitat Day 2016 and World Urban Forum 2018. 1300 Break for Lunch and Prayers 1415 Plenary 5 : Technology and Infrastructure in Improving Resilience Panel of professionals from the Industry sharing news on new technologies and infrastructure solutions that shall assist in improving resilience. 1600 Summation of Congress Proceedings by EAROPH Secretary General EAROPH 2017 Closing Speech by Mayor of Kota Kinabalu 1645 End of Congress 2016 1730 Experience the City of Kota Kinabalu by Cycling with the Mayor of Kota Kinabalu DAY 3 (THURSDAY) 11TH AUGUST 2016 0900 Technical Visits Registration Registration for the National Urban Forum is in full swing! Please register now as limited seats are available. PERSONAL DETAILS Full Name : .......................................................................................................................................................... Organisation : .......................................................................................................................................................... Address : .......................................................................................................................................................... Telephone : ................................................................ Email : .......................................................................................................................................................... Fax : .................................................................... REGISTRATION FEES : RM 850.00 (GOVERNMENT / PRIVATE / NGO) Payment: 1. Cheque or Bank Draft should be made payable to EAROPH. 2. Banked-in to MAYBANK Account No: 514329130731, (kindly forward to EAROPH the bank-in slip with the participant’s details). 3. Payments can be made by Cash during registration. Pease reply by fax / email the completed registration form to: (F) +603 7887 5803 (E) earophsecretariat@gmail.com / azziqurolhakim@gmail.com 4. Organizer reserves the right to change or modify the programme content without prior notice Position For CPD points, please contact the professional bodies : .......................................................................................................................................................... Mobile No : .......................................................................................................................................................... ENQUIRIES For further details, you may call: 1. Mr. Vincent Michael Patrick (Earoph Secretariat) at +6016 656 7656 2. Mr. Azziqurol Hakim Azizan (APUDG) at +603 7887 5801 / 5802 / 5804 VENUE / ACCOMODATION For room reservation, please go to:https://www.starwoodmeeting.com/Book/EAROPHWorldCongress2016 LE MÉRIDIEN KOTA KINABALU Jalan Tun Fuad Stephens, Sinsuran, Kota Kinabalu, 88000, Malaysia.
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