Sabah Wetlands Newsletter
Sabah Wetlands Newsletter November 2010 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FOREST AND CLIMATE CHANGE Decoding and Realising REDD+ in the Heart of Borneo with a Specific Focus On Sabah 8-9 November 2010, The Magellan Sutera, Sutera Harbour, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah The Sabah Forestry Department (SFD), in partnership with WWF-Malaysia, hosted the above event which was attended by participants from around the globe. The event was officiated by The Right Honorable Chief Minister of Sabah. The subject matter of the conference is very much relevant to the recent development on Climate Change Convention in which REDD+ (Reduced Emission from Deforestation and Degradation of Forest) has been identified as the mechanism to compensate developing countries that are willing to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation. The objective of the conference is to bring awareness and understanding of the REDD+ development and its process from the international level to the region. The conference gave an opportunity for stakeholders to examine the questions and objectives of REDD+, share information, establish partnerships and propose recommendations to policy makers on moving REDD+ in the country. At the same occasion on 8/11, an M.o.U was signed between the State Government of Sabah (through SFD) and SWCS with the overall objective to replant mangroves in Sulaman Lake Forest Reserve – Class V in an effort to restore and rehabilitate such areas via community outreach. Broadly about 25,000 mangrove saplings will be planted within 5 years on 7.41 hectares of land. The donor for this replanting project is Mullion Co. Inc. of Japan. Sabah Wetlands Conservation Society (SWCS) / Pertubuhan Pemuliharaan Tanah Lembap Sabah, was established on 22 August 2005 Our Objectives: To promote the conservation of wetlands in Sabah and the variety of plants, birds and other kinds of organisms found in them. ~ To raise public awareness and appreciation of wetlands and public involvement in protecting wet- lands. ~ To manage Kota Kinabalu Wetland Centre (KKWC) as a model wetlands centre for the purpose of conservation, education, recreation, tourism and research. Datuk Sam Mannan, Director of Sabah Forestry Department (seated second left), is seen with Haji Zainie Abdul Aucasa (extreme right) during the MoU signing ceremony between Sabah Forestry Department and SWCS. Former Prime Minister, Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and wife attended the first day of the conference entirely. Seen here they are making official round to the various booths at the conference venue. L ef t : I n t e r n a t i o n al p ar t i c i pa n ts fr o m T an z a n i a , P a p u a N e w G u i n e a, V i e t n am , T h e Ph i l i p pi n e s , In d o n e s i a a n d M al ay s i a a t t e n di n g th e “ I n t e gr a te d B i o d i ve r s i ty an d E c o s y s t e m M an a g e m en t Tr a i n i n g C o u r s e ” u n d e r th e T h i r d C ou n tr y Tr ai n i n g Pr o gr am m e h e l d i n K o t a K i n a b al u , S a b ah , u n de r pr o j e c t by B o r n e an B i o d i ve r s i ty a n d E c o s y s t em s C o n s e r v a ti o n i n S a b ah ( B B E C I I) m a d e a s t o p -o v e r vi s i t a t K K W C o n 1 1/ 1 1 / 2 0 1 1 fo r a n e d u c a t i o n al t o u r i n th e m an gr o ve fo r e s t an d t h e r e af t e r a l e ar n i n g s e s s i o n o n m a n gr o v e s y s te m an d m an a g e m e n t . The Girls’ Brigade Malaysia from Basel Church, K.K., came in hordes to KKWC on 21/11/2010 and were quickly initiated by Education Officer, Jocelyn Maluda (below pix, left), around the ropes of environment education and environment voluntary work ― a great way to add feathers to their young caps. If you have any enquiries regarding Sabah Wetlands Conservation Society, please e-mail us at Kota Kinabalu Wetland Centre, Off Jln Bukit Bendera Upper, 88400 Likas, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. Tel: +60 88 246 955 Fax: +60 88 247 955 Website: ROTARY CLUB’S DISTRICT GOVERNOR’S (DG) VISIT TO KKWC DG Dr. Abraham of Singapore made his first official visit to Rotary Clubs in Group 13, all within Kota Kinabalu. In conjunction with this, several members of the Group 13 clubs joined him for a visit to KKWC. During this opportune time, Dr. Abraham and some club members took to the ground and planted mangrove trees, keen to contribute to a healthier environment. Dr. Abraham expressed his admiration for the conservation work in KKWC and hoped it will continue. The individuals and body who each planted a tree in KKWC are: Dr. K. A. Abraham, DG District 3310, 2010-2011 PP Philip Chong, Assistant Governor District 3310, Group 13, 2010-2011 Rotary Club of Kinabalu Sutera Preston Fong Benjamin Fong Haji Zainie Abdul Aucasa (hand up), President of SWCS, took the lead to guide DG Dr. Abraham (in white cap) and his entourage on an educational visit around the mangrove forest. (Right top and bottom photos) The Rotary Club members in high spirits during their tree planting session with Datuk Verus Aman Sham (bottom pix, third left) on hand to guide. TREE PLANTING ACTIVITY BY STAFF OF ALL BORNEO CONNECTION TOURS ON 13/11/2010 HSBC INVEST IN THE YOUNG AND THE FUTURE ON 9/11/2010 Jocelyn Maluda (third left) engaged students on the aspects of conservation and restoration with emphasis on mangrove. Students immersed themselves in group assignment within the natural setting of a mangrove forest that help set high retention rate of conservation values. WORKSHOP FOR ESTABLISHING BASELINE DATA FOR INDICATOR SPECIES AND INCREASING AWARENESS OF MANGROVE ECOSYSTEM IN SEMPORNA , 24-25 NOVEMBER 2010 WWF-Malaysia’s project, the Semporna Priority Conservation Area (PCA) aims to facilitate collaborative management of coral reefs and adjacent ecosystems with tourism and fisheries. The objective of this project, through this workshop, is to establish a baseline of mangrove health in the Semporna PCA for future monitoring. This Project will provide management agencies with the necessary information to establish a monitoring plan and advocacy material for the protection of mangroves in the Semporna PCA. Speakers during this workshop are from Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Global Environment Centre and KKWC/SWCS (Bobby Alex & Lee Ka Han). On the last day of the workshop, KKWC/SWCS led the way as facilitators to replant mangroves in Kg. Salimbangun. All workshop participants and community members of Kg. Salimbangun worked together to replant 120 mangrove saplings. Lee Ka Han (Back row, third right) and Bobby Alex (Back row, second right) of SWCS/KKWC lead the way in the replanting session. The response and support received was overwhelming. Community members of Kg. Salimbangun and workshop participants work together to replant the saplings. Planters remarked how gratifying the sense of giving back to nature was and eager to do more in the future. UP AND COMING EVENTS IN KKWC — December 6/12 Shell Grant Event 9/12 & 10/12 Kota Kinabalu Japanese School Environmental Education Program 13/12 Sabah Tourist Guide Association meeting 31/12 Environmental Education Program for teacher trainees * List is not exhaustive; new events occur from time to time. GUESTS’ COMMENTS “I couldn’t believe that this place was so close to the city, a natural place. It is so easy to get here. I like it.” Freek Derks, 14/11/2010, U.K. “This place is beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. We saw about 10 egrets and that, to us, is awesome.” Mr. & Mrs. Fantone Bonjour, 5/11/2010, Italy Editor-in-Chief: Bobby Alex of KKWC, Supported by Team at KKWC and SWCS; Images property of SWCS All donations made to the Society are exempted from tax under Subsection 44(6) of the Income Tax Act 1967.
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