November 2012 - Sabah Wetlands Conservation Society


November 2012 - Sabah Wetlands Conservation Society
Sabah Wetlands Newsletter
Sabah Wetlands Conservation
Society (SWCS)
The Ramsar Public Consultation organized by Sabah Biodiversity Centre ( SaBC) was
/ Pertubuhan Pemuliharaan
Tanah Lembap Sabah
held on the 1st of November at the Maksak Hall. This half-day Public Consultation are to
was established on
inform stakeholders on Kota Kinabalu Wetlands ( KKW ) registration process as a
22 August 2005
Ramsar site, to get input and feedback from stack holders on the proposed KKW registration as Ramsar site and also to inform that the interest and needs of KKW as a Ram-
Objectives :
sar site. In that consultation, landowners surrounding KKW were concern about the pro-
To promote the conserva-
posal however relieve upon knowing that the declaration of Ramsar site would not affect
tion of wetlands in Sabah
the present status of their respective land and that anything that they intend to do on
birds and other kinds of or-
and the
variety of plants,
their land was subjected to the existing law. President of Sabah Wetlands Conservation
ganisms found in them.
( S WCS ) Tuan Haji Zainie also said in his speech that the branding of KKW as a Ram-
To raise public awareness
sar Site would attract local and non-local tourist to KKW. He also add that once KKW is
lands and public involve-
a popular site, the value of surrounding properties will also
and appreciation of wetment in protecting wetlands.
To manage Kota Kinabalu
Wetlands (KKW) as a model
wetlands centre for the purpose of conservation, edu-
Daily express 2 Novem-
cation, recreation, tourism
ber 2012 edition
and research.
SWCS Wetland Camp 2012
This camp was organized by SWCS and supported by the ministry of Finance, Sabah under the Wetlands Education & awareness program and also thanks to Sabah Forestry Department that contributed to SWCS to be successful. The main objectives of this camp
are to increase awareness on the important of wetlands and their uniqueness through
filed excursion into the wetlands and to enhance understanding of wetlands through exploration of
(Kota Kinabalu Wetlands) and
peat swamp
forest (Klias
Peat Swamp
Field Centre).
Group photo of participants and facilitators
Activities: KPSFC Belian Boardwalk, tree replanting & Sungai
Gerama river cruise
Kota Kinabalu Wetlands,
Off Jln Bukit Bendera Upper,
88400 Likas, Kota Kinabalu,
Sabah, Malaysia.
Tel: +60 88 246 955 Fax: +60
88 247 955
Facebook: Sabah Wetlands
Sabah Wetlands Newsletter
November 2012 Page 2
The Mangrove Restoration project and Mangrove Rehabilitation project under the sponsorship of Mullion Inc and
Sabah Ports has been very progressive that a total of 400
sapling has been planted and 100 volunteers and participants involved in the activity. Thanks for the support in
reducing our carbon footprint and also conserving our
mangrove forest.
As part of the community service, school
of SMK Bandaraya has chosen KKW as
their yearly community service to clean
up the mangrove area. Picture shown
(left) the clean up done by the students.
Also, took part in the EVW program was
Universiti Teknologi MARA Shah alam.
They help us in
mangrove saplings
to the outside of the
transporting again
to the replanting
site at tuaran.
Picture : (Right)
Mr. Abraham,
KKW handyman
with volunteer
plant mangrove
sapling in Sulaman Lake Forest
Threats to KKW
Found in KKW
Mud Lobster (Thalassina Anomala)
Pictures are some of the
poachers hunting for clams
and crabs and spreading net
inside KKW area. These activities could cause the disruption of habitat of birds,
crab, fish and all the species
associate in the KKW mangrove forest.
This nocturnal animal is an important keystone species in the mangrove ecosystems, the mud lobster would spend most of its time building large mud "volcano"
mounds. Even though these crustaceans resemble true lobsters, they are, in fact,
more closely related to ghost shrimps. Some of their mound systems can extend up
to a few meters in height and length. Mud lobsters use their first pair of modified
legs to burrow and dig up mud. They are regarded as keystone species as their
constant digging and burrowing action helps to bring fresh mud to the surface,
aerate the oxygen-poor mangrove soil and recycle the nutrients in the mangrove
ecosystem. In addition, the large mound systems are also homes to some plants
and animals. The presence of a spew of black mud is an indication that the mud
lobster may possibly be actively excavating the soil.
The Visits to KKW
Baba Sensei, Japan
Ms Lee Ka Han (3rd from right) with
BaBa’s Sensei Group
International Rotary club
KKW’s President Tuan Haji Zainie (2nd
from left) also a Rotarian with his fellow
international Rotarian gave thumbs up to
KKW in the group photo.
Visitors’ Comment
“The visit was a wonderful experience. Include of some other recreation activities would be even more
interesting” Thenmoly Utaydamaran.
From left :Thenmoly with
Murugeswary Ravi

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