April 2016 - Sabah Wetlands Conservation Society
R E T T E L S W E N S SWC APRIL 2016 Sabah Wetlands Conservation Society (SWCS) A Non-Government Organization working on Conservation of Wetlands in Sabah What’s inside? Page #1: Staff Capacity Building - Workshop Page #2: Environment Education Programme; Outreach Page #3: Environmental Voluntary Work Page #4: Mangrove Restoration - Tree Planting; Internship Page #5: Voluntary GuardianProgramme Established on 22 August 2005 Page #6: April Guest Comments Page #7: Upcoming Event in April OBJECTIVES To promote the conservation of wetlands in Sabah and the variety of plants, birds and other kinds of organisms found in them. To raise public awareness and appreciation of wetlands and public involvement in protecting wetlands. To manage Kota Kinabalu Wetlands (KKW) as a model wetlands centre for the purpose of conservation, education, recreation, tourism and research. STAFF CAPACITY BUILDING — WORKSHOP 26th—28th April 2016: Honorary Wildlife Warden Workshop SWCS would like to express their gratitude towards WWF and Sabah Wildlife Department for giving us the opportunity to join the 3 days training Honorary Wildlife Warden at our very own place in KK Wetlands. The Honorary Wildlife Warden is an authorised officer by the Minister by notification published in Gazzete. The director of SWD may appoint suitable persons to be Honorary Wildlife Warden to assist in carrying into effect of the provisions of the Wildlife Conservation Enactment 1997. Among the other participants came from Lembah Danun, Maliau Basin Conservation Area, Pulau Mantanani to name a few. A total of 3 staffs from SWCS participated the training; Abraham Sadikun (Ground Staff), Davisthon Soitoh (Conservation & Education Assistant) and Rita Ignatius (Manager of KK Wetlands). Group photo with participants , facilitators and speakers of the workshop. The workshop was officiated by Augustine Tuuga, Deputy Director 1 Sabah Wildlife Department (front, middle). Contact us: Tel:+6088-246 955 Fax: +6088-247 955 or swcs@sabahwetlands.org Like us on Facebook: (https://www.facebook.com/ SabahWetlandsConservation Society) Visit our Website: www.sabahwetlands.org Visit us today : Tue-Sun (including PH) 8.00am—6.00pm SWCS representativesholding certificate after the three days workshop. From left: Rita, Abraham and Davisthon. All donations made to the Society are exempted from tax under Subsection 44(6) of Income Tax Act 1967. APRIL 2016 PAGE PAGE3 2 ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION PROGRAMME 4th Kinabalu Boys’ Brigade Company – 2nd April 2016 It was a fun day. We had learned a lot of things such as the history of wetlands, the species of crabs, birds, snakes and plants. We also learned about different types of leaves, bark, flowers and seedlings of the mangrove trees. During the visit to the observatory tower, the scenery was very beautiful. After the interpretative walk, we took a boat ride to cross the waterway, and then we arrived there at an area to clean the rubbish for one hour. ~ Lewwis Liew Yu Chen During the walk within the wetlands, we learned about the characteristics of the mangrove plants, their heights, shape of leaves and also their economic value. During the visit to the observatory tower, we were able to see the whole canopy of mangrove trees from above and the scenery was beautiful. The bird watching activity inspires me to know more about birds’ characteristics and uniqueness. During the cleaning up activity, we found that some area in the mangrove swamp was polluted with rubbish especially water bottles but after our team cleaned it up the mangrove swamp was more clean. Therefore, this trip is a good place to increase knowledge about wetlands and at the same time help this place to become a clean and a better place for the birds and other fauna to live in. ~ Irvine Wong Yue Hoo Outreach This month’s outreach programme supports the World Earth Day celebration to demonstrate support for environmental protection. World Earth Day is celebrated worldwide on the 22 nd April every year. Three outreach programmes were conducted focusing on to increase the public’s awareness in protecting the wetlands as one of Earth’s important ecosystems. KK Wetlands’ exhibited plenty of environmental information at Environmental exhibition with fun quizzes at SMK Sri Nangka, SMK Datuk Peter Mojuntin, Penampang on the 21st April 2016 Tuaran on the 28th April 2016 in conjunction with the school’s in conjunction with the school’s Hari Ekspo Lestari. Karnival Kokurikulum & Pameran Kerjaya. KK Wetlands information booth during the outreach Students visiting the booth: answering quizzes Environmental talk on ‘Mangrove Conservation through Education and Restoration’ at Desa Cargill Sdn Bhd on the 25th April 2016 as their celebration of the World Earth Day. The audience during the talk are Desa Cargill staffs. Group photo with the speaker, Jane (front, 6th from right) KK Wetlands exhibition booth during the outreach. APRIL 2016 PAGE PAGE33 Environmental voluntary work Cosmopoint College Kota Kinabalu – 1st April 2016 “Cleaning up the mangrove is seriously hard but we managed to finish it in time. Even though we did not reach our target to collect 50kg of rubbish (we only managed to collect 38.8kg), but at least we were able to give our hands to contribute in the conservation works and we are happy to see the environment that we helped to clean.” ~ Hana Rozie “Both of the activities (exhibition hall and mangrove cleaning) were really fun. The activities had given us the opportunity to experience the conservation works. I am very happy to be able to cooperate with my fellow friends. I am also very satisfied with the end results of the cleaning tasks.” ~ Jalimah Sa’at Mangrove cleanup group General cleaning at the office building Group photo and certificate presentation. SM All Saints Kota Kinabalu – 29th April 2016 “My friends and I participated in transferring mangrove seedlings from the nursery to the parking area. We are very happy to help KK Wetlands despite our small numbers of man power. This activity allows us to spend our time wisely by helping others even though it is just a little contribution.” ~ Participants representative SMK Likas – 30th April 2016 We have participated in transferring the mangrove seedlings from the nursery to the parking lot. The seedlings then will be transported by lorry to the planting site in Tuaran. From this activity, I gained the knowledge on how to select and choose suitable seedlings to be planted. I had a lot of fun with my friends during this activity. I hope I can join another activity in the future.” ~ Nur Hidayah “Today we helped to transfer the mangrove seedlings. We managed to complete the activity in a short period of time because of the great cooperation amongst us!”~ Amber Shermanie Lonuis Taking out the seedlings from the nursery to the boat. Everything become lighter when teamwork applied. Rearranging the nursery after transferring the seedling (afternoon). APRIL 2016 PAGE PAGE 34 MANGROVE RESTORATION –TREE PLANTING Tree Planting By ANBATAR Mangrove swamp, being one of many different types of wetlands, plays vital role in ecosystem balance as well as for human life. Despite their biodiversity and economic value, many mangroves ecosystems are severely degraded due to human activities. SWCS, as an NGO working for the conservation of wetlands, put great efforts on the restoration of mangrove forest. On 20 April 2016, 2 young mans from Anak Belia Kampung Taritipan, (ANBATAR), Kota Marudu together with 5 staff and KK Wetlands trainees went to Sulaman Lake Forest Reserve to plant more trees, hoping that this small effort can bring huge impact to future generation. Within the half-day programme, we manage to plant 106 mangrove trees. The planting site is surrounded by other trees which previously planted few years ago. From left: Zolkifli (intern), Sabarudin (ANBATAR), Nurhidayah (intern), Fadhil (ANBATAR), Recheal (intern), Guslia and Abraham (staff). Photo © Davisthon. More Saplings to the Planting Site On 30th April 2016, with help of volunteers (students) from SM All Saints and SMK Likas (Read in Page# 3), another 1200 mangrove saplings were taken out from KK Wetlands nursery to be transferred to the mini nursery in Sulaman Lake Forest Reserve to supply for the continuous mangrove restoration on the degraded area is the site. 1200 sapling transferred, leaving 1200 empty space in KK Wetlands nursery. We need to have constant supply for mangrove sapling in future. You are welcomed to contribute as volunteer, individually or in group, to do fill soil in polybags and plant new mangrove seedling in the nursery. If you are interested, please contact us via email at swcs@sabahwetlands.org or call us at 088 247 955. The mangrove sapling loaded in a truck to be transferred on 5th May. INTERNSHIP Every hello ends with goodbye. This month, another trainee finish her training at KK Wetlands. Nurhidayah Sharmera Binti Mohd Shukri, a student from Polytechnic Marang student finished her 4 months industrial training, started from 13 th January 2016 until 29th April 2016. On behalf of SWCS, we wish her will find a good career path in the future. In KK Wetlands, we welcome all students from different background of studies to undergo their industrial training. If you are interested to be one of our trainee, please email your application to guslia@sabahwetlands.org. From right: Mr. Khairulnizam (lecturer from Polytechnic Marang), Nurhidayah and Guslia (staff at KK Wetlands) Certificate presentation as an appreciation to Nurhidayah for completing her industrial training at KK Wetlands. APRIL 2016 PAGE PAGE3 5 st VOLUNTARY GUARDIAN PROGRAMME The 1 Workshop of Voluntary Guardian Programme was conducted on the 23 rd and 24th April 2016 with different groups on each day. By joining the Voluntary Guardian Programme, the public can participate in the management of KK Wetlands such as in the conservation effort, fundraising and environmental education. The workshop aimed to introduce the volunteers to KK Wetlands and an opportunity for them to understand the importance of continuing the wetlands conservation efforts. Group 1 (23th April 2016) Welcoming remarks by Mr. Ting Hua Seng, Chairman of Voluntary Guardian Programme Session 2: Introduction to Voluntary Guardian Programme Ice breaking session Session 1: Introduction to KK Wetlands & Sabah Wetlands Conservation Society Session 3: Communication, Capacity Building, Education, Participation and Awareness (CEPA) kit training by Ms. Alessandra Markos and Ms.Akemi Yoda (JICA-SDBEC) End of workshop: Group photo Group 2 (24th April 2016) Getting to know old and new friends Educational walk in the mangrove area Communication, Capacity Building, Education, Participation and Awareness (CEPA) kit training by JICA-SDBEC As a continuation of the 1st Workshop, the 2nd Workshop will be conducted on the 5th June 2016, focusing on two topics: Bird Watching and Water Quality Monitoring. It is hoped that through these workshops, the Voluntary Guardians will gain experience and enhance their knowledge which will be useful for their upcoming voluntary activity in KK Wetlands. APRIL 2016 PAGE PAGE3 6 Guest comment Anne Taylor, New Zealand — 9th April 2016 Torida Kash, Australia — 14th April 2016 “Excellent work. Well access park. Great to see young people group involved.” “Wonderful sanctuary in the heart of the city. This is a great place to relax and enjoy the wildlife (the signs are very helpful in identifying birds and crabs.” Peter Lopeman, United Kingdom — 23rd April 2016 Kyle Kaizan, Malaysia — 10th April 2016 “Excellent to see that mangrove forest is being conserved like the primary forest in the south.” “Very relaxing environment, peaceful, and very friendly, helpful staffs.” ded! e e N re You A Volunteering for KK Wetlands can be a great fun! If you have passion for the environment or just want to gain more outdoor experience, this is the place you look for! Do not miss the chance! Lets care for our wetlands. All you need to do is to sign up as volunteer. Please contact us for further information. Lets Clean up the wetlands If you have an old laptop or PC (in working condition) which you no longer need, please donate to us. Contact us at Email us at swcs@sabahwetlands.org Other voluntary activities: Nursery work and tree planting APRIL 2016 PAGE 7 UPCOMING EVENT in MAY! 5th - 6th May 2016: EEP—Camp Borneo/UK Camp 21st May 2016: EEP and Tree Planting—IM4U 8th May 2016: EVW by Seventh-Day Adventist Church 24th May 2016: EEP—SMK Labuan 13th May 2016: Courtesy Call DBKK 25th May 2016: EVW by SMK Tansau 14th May 2016: Tree Planting by Liberty Insurance 26th May 2016: SWCS Site Visit to Bengkoka, Pitas 18th May 2016: EEP—Home Schooled Children 28th May 2016: EEP with SJK © Yick Nam, Kota Kinabalu 19th May 2016: EEP—SMK Kinarut 20th May 2016: Outreach to Institute Tropical Biology and Conservation, UMS SUPPORT OUR EFFORT! BE A MEMBER today! Contributors: Rita Ignatius (Manager / Executive Secretary) Jane Joimin (Environmental Education Officer) Guslia Binti Lahasing (Conservation & Science Officer) Davisthon Soitoh (Conservation & Education Assist.) Compiled by : Davisthon Soitoh SUPPORT US BY JOINING OUR PROGRAMMES: Environmental Educational Programmes: KK Wetlands Mangrove Experience Programme Mangrove Conservation Experience Programme (includes tree planting in Tuaran) Handcrafting from Mangrove Environmental Voluntary Work (*Contact us for activity booking form ) Tel No: 088-246955 Email: swcs@sabahwetlands.org All donations made to the Society are exempted from tax under Subsection 44(6) of Income Tax Act 1967.
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