Guide to Olives
Guide to Olives
., TO S. F". e. \ vc ,.:'oo~ ~'\ \ c..\.e. Se.c.h D.,I\ p. 8" BY CAROLYN ~ZiMA. ..,. n the past decml.. ~ poured . Medih!mlllt~ml-styk into the California I market OUVL'Shaw '['tIPse (Itty!;, with ~N'ONS DIKrlption: 'Olis hrhl,'tl I'.rt>rach()Hv l~ (hi~pn~lUt('r [11i\"(,'II' till' M\.rlit.-rraIlP:ul. UIIIIIIIIand medium .illl.tJl, it's hlark.brown and iliglll Iy shnwlc,1. Textur.ondfla'lOri Mt'HlY! :'tt'wisol),, rUtlulh flUillilk~ Rir:hlv (>t'r fllllll-'II iuut df'lkalt., wiUI 1IIIIu'.'ahL..:i..'iIC. ~ vpry IittJe spar('hing, YOII '~an fmet mon !J18It a dCYI):'n vnriet.i.,s oftpJI ~11iUP"fnuu'kets. n.'arly a.lwlIYs at . spl'cialt;v grc" :1'1' mId UI1~('aJpdelis. Whell ~hoppmg, keep in mUld t.hat Jabeling is often 'I hit-or-nriB.-; affair; till' sanw oliVl' may b., 1I11lfl«>Ied IIU' d('\" if'llt'rallUll11e'i, PKHOUffE ~ Oewiptlon: 'l1,i, hr."ed FrI'lwhuliVt,I~small, mort T.xture and flava" rehmv('fy !'r1."IP; II yon re not ~ttrl' jlL"l1«'ep looking illild, huI1('I'Y. tt~hfly ~'lIh'd. Uses: Vt:r.mtilf,. fo'uw C..L!f'JI ah'nr';ltfuuJUI j,.tir wI'1i '0Il tind Ih ~"'Wh. grown for nkc' :\1"1I,W}fltlin -\1; 'Urv\' ,hnrl1'; if "Hi~h' 'r~' ~II TfJxturoundflovor ...;tlt\' ,u:'illh nutt.,,: '>'JUH 'hai hiftt'r .. Ut..: AJCOt)(tup"".tifoliv~ a1sc)tak,,'; w,'U to nuuinndl,' i'I~ ,~flfBito ducti.u di~hi~ -- -.- -~_-.. .AM'ISSA .IONIAN Delaiplion:,n.. hri,"~1 Gret'>k ASCOWIE ., ~ D.wipllon. 'nll. hrin..1 (I~k olive.. i!lIArgt.>..round ..ud bhll'k'r""T"-. Texture and flavor: 'l1.kk o1iV(~ is 1U(~lillm. la~e, round unci hright gl't'('II, Texlure Gnd flavar: I',rm, "'~1 \.. oul.s.ide, hard iJISid.., (i(.'ntle t1n\ Uf'!:1hit saJry \Vid, uu hNhll1 aft"ruL')I.t~. ~ ('risp; salLy and buttcl)'. Uses: MRrinu,h' for apNili1" nlin.'S; nh~(-'11(;('(.,,1for St.'ufo!.11 fmhuls. j 'Ii ~kin, lu.'nly l,,'xlnrt': filII, fruily OnvIII Uses: Ouud in p.1t~h~smilt spn.'.ul.l'i.a",jIJlts'ii marinatf' iu uti .uhf ht'l"h.q [ur all !lIM'n (ir; ('( lok 111'0lal1lh disht., Uses: Guod (o((."ating flUl uf hand; nk-c in IJasta."wlcl salldwkl~~s, , t. r. r ~MORO«O .KALAMATA De~ription: "I'hi."ihriltl,tI Ilali.;m 'Ilive is UU'41iu1U4 tllu('kilUI1,le allO alnulliti. ~ha()t'(1. It'MIL'iually ~lil ;uul 4'ur(>{liuhriut'. Toxlll<O and flavar: slnall,llnIWJI~IJlUl}lt~, rull Hltc(shiny, Textur. and flavor: 101nll Uses: ~;xn~lI..nlin autipa nh\'t' I-:L",h'!-j:ultl ~tHd\Yid,. ('S; ;lIs,t witl,l.lfu') .Jt' lish. sal:ul..: alsu pa...ta sall«'I':' wjllllfl"Ut!(U'S ;lIul ~arli,' I II u (JUVf.\i.~ftfttln impm1f!d rCCIIII Moruc('() and i~ ~iJllilCir in st\'le to thp Morotwl1 oliVf.~ Toxturo Gnd flavor: Semi. f)~rk and wrinkly, if's Ont'n ('ured wiUI hClhc.idt' PftJVt.Uf'C, Texlure and flavor; Rem.!lult ,uld saJl.y; sonll!whal bilJ(~r with ~Ulht~rhaJ tlnvnr, Uses: Jt;XCt,UNlt in olh't' /XlSles IUld ."reads, ~tN\':itpiZ1.a, . - - - rIItN- r I fi.,h hl:lf:k TIlh> th"Y~('IIIl'd 'I!iV(' frolllll,I'&Jlllh flf I'rnm'(' js 1.U'dilllll.~i:f.l1 aJul,nlf()I(..IJI.I4'k. l'llriug, H'SllftC'" Pt'PI)(~r umrinadt" AOt.:r tlry. :iflakt>ll in a Toxlure and flavor: s"n Ilesh, lnrg~ IJit; lIIoisl,juky IIIOIUII-fet.:'I,WiIIIIIPlfulIl('" nurill .If(IIII<t<.IIulnavnr. Uses:Tr)' ill:Utlhmsti,pi~, P;I.')'8:mUt'CS",illl cremn, 11. ~f('ill ~prc..d for a sHcc ot ru:.lic ar(bom bremJ. availahl,: "'Morinat.,d, 'plced onves.1'bt>:'it'urt. <:as)' to buy th~c tta)'s. hUI Maggie KJrin, own,,~ru( ()U\.dn resUmrdl)1 ill OakJ.mtl ~md ,It(Ihor or "The F{,us( or tll(' 01h'4',.. Ilk"$ makJuJ,t her own. {t'lavormM hl~as; uh,..e nit wllh herbs nhym~ or oregan...IInd red ddl(,\ tJ"kC5; a ~ROSSANE Doscription: ,. d&1. t'rea rt-'SOrn~(I"'f'k ways tO~fljt)Y Iht~ ri('hly "Tapenado.1'his Prm'f..I1t~"d1 (.'I;'~I<'t."'On' sislSO( black olin'S. andtOvies. eaJk'rs, lemon Juh'C. olive oil and soUletiwt."S tunCl. TnIJenndt~ is~&iY 10 makt. in :t fbud f)ro(-'t~$()r. and )'011 t~aQadjust tht'undlovl£>5 and (,-Opt.J"SIOBuit )'our taste, Spread Ule puree on erostiui. ~erve with crUlUt~.,. or n~c It dullop un grillt>d sword rhh. Many ~ood t:lp"nud{lSart~m'ldlabl~com. nu'rdally. :UII' n,'shy; rit'h amlHln'1 witillitilUil't1r~lUllky IW( ItI'R'S, SlIIf\U,h, firm h"XfUn'; fmiry hHI tar1. Uses: {irt,..t in Grt-'('k s:dillls, De.cription: 'n,L, dry-""MI suO I mt'aty; Jtigldy Halty and biUer. Uses: Ni(~ein 08v(' [~"L...h~ oud sl' a<L,;gOlldiu [L'lil stews, AGAETA Description: 'ntj~IHiUt-'d (..fet'k nli\'p is nu!diUlII.~il.(', ~NCH DRf"(UREO Description: Tttis dry~,~lIn'cI hlack (Iliveis nll'dilJm-largt~ ""d with wrinkled .klu. nnvu~ut ('olilinouly . Hi'Ulllpl('x M('(l!tt'rrslu-':t.11 olives: IKOISE .. OeKrip tion: Thj~ hriJlf'fl ~lti1.'.(rtlln Nkl'lu Ih(' $uulh IIf Fraru 't' i~ Iiny, brown ~ ht:wkitwll)(Jilllt.>tl. rulu,. ond flavor. '~III! tho ...;Ii!(hfl.v,.,b",lIrlu .kin Hil-thpit.ItNU(':11 m! I' Brill}','#IJllt'wllldllill"r U~'II: '{'t)' iIl'i:tl:uls, aUlil1iL"; lo plait 'K,pizza ; jlb"lIl 'hh'kt'llllr 1'lfU4Itlt'iI"W ~UlCQUE Description: Thj~ hi IIIf:d {<'c'Iwh, ,Iivt' ha 'HI'lfilllll Description: 'ntis hrined Italian oliVt, i..t;largp, round ."d Iori~ht gr."'n. Texlure and flavor: Soil ,1(..1,-.\\'..... ,liv.,.' Ihat you cOllSislt,nUy Ukp, ~)oth IbI ~atjng '1'((';111."1;11111 ttndwlf.h..... -- U\"I: Honrt on KII)' :-u.riJlIL~ 'p!;dt. i'XI""-I!PlIlm "IL',tt~ and ta.'iling until ,md cooking. 1I,.t'C ,; a gel"~ral guid" to Il,,' Me,literranc,UI imp.n1s "'Htking ~itll rabhit. Nyons has a It.gaily dt't'ilU!d name' Jike French wine grapt.'S, II S ..u1tivah~d aJld markett'd tlwl!,r "trid l'~gtllations, VOUlh~diUII' nwtliulJI f(WI'II. Sillfluth, Only !lIP ('rmch than 2,(J(J(Jyears and known as the king of oJiVl'S wt>t'kluug SOjik iulcmull Juke, mhlt:t.>d garlic aud J01sor black IWPpt!r, Jt;xlJerhllt'nt to find cuml.iuuUons you Ukt" "as.a puttan.sea. This nippy l)asta sauce with iI (~Iorrul hislOrytlhl' ~111WrO\1aha Iy Irau.shlt~as "whurl!'sp<l.stu".t.'ombilw!l oIiVt'ssu{'h n~ Kalmnut~l. NtroiS(' or GaNa wlLb 100nlltoe~. cal)(\~. ~llIebo\'le-;... nlih('ed Jl::JrHc nnd chile fl1Ik~s. .Red pepper antipasto. Pair tiry,('urttl hhwk oUvt.~ with ro~1It('d red PQPI,II~rs'bottled b tine. hOIlll!mndl' b hctl1'r), and dru.zle with f\:!elr:, \'lrRIIi nlivp ull :Iwt flSSPft.Vj' tll~rh~ Hu~h uson.'~UIlf)nr IhYIII(~. ~Palta with leta and allvel. Maggi" Kiehl I U... ""I,,,,,ry G£O:'''lIIe olive 'pit led ond ronghly cbopp<'U \Vllh reto .!h,,('S<,. beo\»' cream and rr""h b"sll ror a to." "",,'a sallCI~,Juat betore~vlng. sprlnklo on ~IUC rreshly ground hlack IIeI'I'.r to o,""'ntnote tho 0""0' of the olive, .Ollve OCIndwlch... 11,... canlH' oddll' live. Try thatCoJlln eI.",Ic. Ihelllllrraletto. by cu"'bJlllngcb "co~dcntsalld n "salad" or rnlm.'t'(llart olives. ~rli{', h~'rb ollv('I,n and viocgar. Or try U.. ""taj!. aloolluw'ed,ollt baguette .pr;;ud wllh a mixture ur 011..",11. ,Lt. :;.ortL>dbrilH">'.'m'ed nIiVt'S.lOlliutOf'S. garlic, (>(1 IJePperb.IJUI1)le UIIIIJlUiulld l"3perk ";\'1:'11 oOlll<,thlng as slmplelLs chopped black allv,,,, comhlrlf~ willi StIIltt~mn)'f)lmItISf'lnakE"f(8 "Watercr."oUv8 lalad. Klein fnvurs tloe Nlt-ui..., olive tor a compo8f'fl..lad or oliced ""ars, wateICre" and oliv...; drizzle with a vlnalgrelleur olive 011and frogranl Meyer lernllll Jnice Just betore.ervlng. ~Ollve butier. Allx flllcly chop""'1 Kala. mat.. \ViU, snttelwd bntter as. lal'plng ror fish. '"An alone, Even olive exports "dunt they love to shllply unt thmn out of hnnd. 1,ln. un Sokorskl,1U311:1"t'r of tbe ))aM& Shopallht.' Markeillall in Oakland'sllorkridg,'dlstrlet. ~Iys the llalian Meolune i~ideal. And Klf'.n tOUL, Ibe l'I,llnllueo. tM p<rr..t ,'atin. ohw' - wltb ligs and 0 crisp. dry wbite wlnc, c.1. -