ALD Automotive Newsletter 2015 01


ALD Automotive Newsletter 2015 01
ALD newsletter
No.1 | 2015. May
Euro 6
Free climate system cleaning
Renewed assistance service
Extended summer assistance
Dear Customer,
Car Tips
ALD Automotive has set two objectives for this year. We intend to further grow the
The buzz around the Uebler
bike carrier continues!
fleet and at the same time to enhance the services we provide to our customers,
we are renewing our assistance service and introduce the ALD Pool Fleet.
Winter in the summer:
a few things to know about air-conditioning9
One of the key spring events was our joint tree planting project with WWF Hungary,
ALD-MOL Green card
5000 cars – 5000 young trees
made a commitment to plant 5000 trees symbolising our fleet of 5000 vehicles.
Interview with Szabi Tóth
Our ALD Offsetting Programme is still open for partners to join.
Brand history:
Trabant, Wartburg
as a primary goal associated with the increased fleet size. To achieve this goal,
as part of which we planted 5000 trees saplings in the Duna-Dráva National Park
at the end of March. When our fleet reached 5.000 cars last autumn we have
The other event was the now traditional ALD Fleet Academy, organised this year
for the 5th time with an unparalleled participation rate. I trust it has we were able
to provide you with information that you can leverage in your work. The success of
our programme is reflected in the average score of 5.5 points of 6 given by the
participants who rated the usefulness of information presented and the quality of
Andrea Bincze (AB),
Zoltán Borbély (ZB),
We will soon launch our Customer Satisfaction Survey, as part of which your
Krisztina Farkas (KF),
feedback on ALD services will be welcome.
Eszter Harmat (EH),
Thank you for your kind attention!
Nóra Járási (NJ),
Tímea Kötél (TK),
Árpád Meskó (ÁM),
Ferenc Schalk (FS),
Best regards,
Viktor Szántó
Published by ALD Automotive Hungary Kft.
ALD Automotive Magyarország Kft.
Capital Square – 1133 Budapest, Váci út 76. 5. torony 5. emelet
Postacím – 1441 Budapest, Pf. 45.
Tel. +36 (1) 802 5800 | Fax.+36 (1) 802 5830
ALD newsletter
No.1 | 2015. May
Euro 6
An important focus of the environmental objectives of the European Union is
the constant reduction of the harmful emissions from vehicles. Car
manufacturers “easily” satisfied the limit values of the Euro-1 and 2 norms
valid in the ‚90s, as well as the Euro-3 and Euro-4 implemented in 2000 and
2005, respectively, with minimal technical changes.
The Euro 5 mandatory for all passenger cars from 2011 makes things a bit
harder for them, as the standard reduced the allowed soot particle emission
for diesel engines to one fifth of Euro 4 (one tenth of Euro 3). From now on, all
passenger cars with diesel engines have DPF (diesel particulate filter)
The Euro 6 regulation brings another important change for diesel vehicles,
also affecting the users, as it requires a substantial reduction of nitrogen
oxide levels from the previous 0.18 g/km limit to 0.08 g/km.
As the law disregards the size of the cars, while NOx emissions increase
proportionally with mass and fuel consumption, most vehicle manufacturers
can meet this limit in large category cars only by using an additional NOx
neutralising device, the so-called SCR catalyst.
Free air conditioning
system cleaning
The SCR catalyst is located directly after the DPF and uses a liquid additive,
AdBlue to neutralise NOx. AdBlue is a mixture of 32% carbamide and 68%
ion exchange water, a transparent compound not classified as hazardous,
available for purchase at filling stations in 5-10 l cans for roughly HUF 4001000/litre.
From 01.05.2015, ALD Automotive
has launched the free air
conditioning system cleaning
service for its customers with full
maintenance contracts.
Diesel vehicles equipped with SCR catalyst have an 8-20l AdBlue tank
besides the fuel tank; it is easiest to recognise, as such vehicles have two
separate caps behind the fuel tank hole. Diesel fuel must be poured in the fuel
tank, as usual, while AdBlue must be added to the other, depending on
driving style, every 8-15000 km, that is, a lot less frequently.
Vehicles reflect the strictness of law in that the dashboard signals the
dropping AdBlue level several times: if drivers fail to replenish the AdBlue,
final vehicle speed is restricted to 100, then to 50 km/h, and once the tank is
empty, starting the engine is prevented altogether.
Cars with smaller engines can meet the required limit values without an SCR,
so SCR catalysts are typically installed in vehicles with larger engines.
To avoid the inconvenience,
our recommendation is
that you consider buying
gas engine cars in some
cases, for low mileage.
When buying a diesel
model, make sure to ask
whether the car requires
the use of AdBlue additive,
when requesting a quote.
Important information:
• The maintenance fee will not
• The service can be used free of
charge on 1 occasion per year.
• It can be requested either as
part of the mandatory service or
independently at any time.
• It can be provided by the brand
service or an independent
• If the service is ordered for at
least 3 vehicles on the same
day at the same location, our
independent partner will travel
to the site free of charge and
perform it there.
ALD Automotive Magyarország Kft.
Capital Square – 1133 Budapest, Váci út 76. 5. torony 5. emelet
Postacím – 1441 Budapest, Pf. 45.
Tel. +36 (1) 802 5800 | Fax.+36 (1) 802 5830
ALD newsletter
No.1 | 2015. May
Upgraded assistance service
Extended summer
A new service in our fleet assistance offering!
Our recommendation is that you do
not travel abroad without extending
your ALD Assistance service to
Summer is near, vacations and
longer trips abroad are coming!
ALD Assistance is available always
when needed. If you’re in trouble,
you can count on us.
If currently you have domestic
assistance service for your vehicle,
the ad-hoc extension fee for 1
month in the case of Optimum basic
packages is: HUF 4000 + VAT.
If you have no assistance service for
your vehicle, the extension fee for 1
month (domestic and European) is:
HUF 6000 + VAT.
If the service is not specified when
placing your order, the Optimum
package will be created for your
PREMIUM package, X-clusive service
Please order the assistance
From April 2015, a new product was added to our product range. The new
package was compiled based on your requests and demands, and currently
is a niche and unique service in fleet management.
service by an e-mail to
So far, you had to pay all the costs of transporting vehicles home from abroad.
With the premium package, now ALD Automotive assumes 60% of the costs.
If anything happens to the car, we offer a like-for-like category courtesy
vehicle for 5 days to help users keep their mobility, and also transport back
the rental car free of charge to our Partner.
Another benefit of the Premium package is that we transport the repaired
vehicle back to the user free of charge.
If our Premium package sounds interesting to you, please contact our
customer service; our staff will gladly inform you about the possibilities and
terms for contracting the Premium package. To obtain written information,
please send your inquiry by e-mail to
ALD Automotive Magyarország Kft.
Capital Square – 1133 Budapest, Váci út 76. 5. torony 5. emelet
Postacím – 1441 Budapest, Pf. 45.
Tel. +36 (1) 802 5800 | Fax.+36 (1) 802 5830
ALD newsletter
No.1 | 2015. May
Car Tips
Car Tips
What documents do you need
for trips abroad?
Our registration document is international and requires no further action. If
you travel with someone else’s car, an authorisation for driving the car abroad
will be needed in Hungarian and at least in English, too, or in the language of
the country of destination. This is necessary even if your car is registered in
your own company’s name.
Proof of insurance is not necessary for most European countries, if you have
a green “International Vehicle Insurance Card” issued by our company.
However, there are several countries which are not party to the Multilateral
Guarantee Agreement, which means a green-coloured insurance document
is necessary to prove insurance.
When travelling to a country outside the Multilateral Guarantee Agreement,
you need the green insurance card, making sure it states the relevant
country’s ensign. In lack of this, insurance must be contracted when crossing
the border.
The car must be prepared for travel and operationally safe. Always or
whenever necessary, have both keys of the car with you, kept in separate
places, of course. If something should happen, having our assistance service
valid abroad will be helpful. If your contract does not include this service, it
can be extended even for one car for at least 30 days.
Otherwise, trips abroad are not much different from domestic travel. Following
the rules applicable in Hungary will help you avoid surprises abroad, too.
Several countries require daylight running lights outside urban areas (Slovenia
requires them inside urban areas, too), and most countries prohibit mobile
phone use without hands-free sets while driving. Having at least one highvisibility vest is required home, too. If your car breaks down outside urban
areas, put the vest on before you step outside and install the warning triangle.
Having the aforementioned assistance insurance will come in handy in a
situation like this.
Today, crossing borders requires almost no preparation. Some preparations
are necessary, though, if you travel east (green insurance card, etc.). When
travelling even farther abroad, make sure to check the traffic rules of the
destination country, for example drivers should be prepared to avoid surprises
in England.
The table below shows which
countries do not require the card.
If you travel to a country which is
not listed here, you need to take
your insurance card with you.
•Czech Republic
•Faeroe Islands (Denmark)
•The Netherlands
•United Kingdom and Northern Ireland, Channel Islands, Gibraltar and the Isle of Man
•Italy, Vatican and the Republic of San Marino
ALD Automotive Magyarország Kft.
Capital Square – 1133 Budapest, Váci út 76. 5. torony 5. emelet
Postacím – 1441 Budapest, Pf. 45.
Tel. +36 (1) 802 5800 | Fax.+36 (1) 802 5830
ALD newsletter
No.1 | 2015. May
Car Tips
Car Tips
Tips and maintenance actions for preparing your car for the summer
Fuelling tips
Always keep the receipt when fuelling!
If it turns out later that you received
bad (watery, dirty) fuel or the filling
station assistant poured the wrong
fuel, you need to have proof of where
you fuelled.
In case of adding the wrong fuel, the
car shall not continue the trip; the
fuel must be drawn out, which costs
money and time. Bad quality fuel can
lead to technical failures which, again,
are not friendly with your pocket.
Only replace the winter windshield washer fluid when you “consume” too much
of the windshield washer fluid or if air temperature at night no longer drops
below freezing point and is above +7˘C even during daytime. Still using the
winter windshield washer fluid will not cause any problems, because it is just
as effective and even cleans better thanks to its chemical concentration. Mixing the summer and winter washers is not something to be concerned about.
Always buy the windshield washer fluid using the fuelling card at the filling
stations. We always recharge the price of replenishing in service shops to our
It is a good idea to take the car for “spring cleaning” maintenance. At this time,
the exterior and the body of the car should be handled. A chassis cleaning is
recommended. Unfortunately, you can’t do this at home thoroughly and
professionally. As part of this, the wheel arches are cleaned from underneath
and from top. The mudguard above the wheel can be cleaned too, as mud
gathers there.
Polishing is an essential part of the spring maintenance. Polishing takes at least
one day. First they need to clean the car, dry it and only then can they assess the
chassis. Polishing itself is a three-step process. The first step is rough polishing
as part of which the “dirt” and larger scratches are removed. The second step is
a finer polishing, during which scratches caused by the first-step polishing are
handled. Finally, a shiny layer is applied, making the car body shiny, smooth and
free from scratches. This is a special car care material based on nanotechnology.
The last layer makes subsequent car cleaning easier. In rain, the car “cleans
itself” and repels dirt. The water drops clod and do not dry on the car. It protects
the car against salt during the winter and makes its colour brighter in the summer.
The result can last as much as a whole season. Of course, this depends on many
factors. Where and how the car is washed e.g. the brushes of car washing
machines wear this extra layer more quickly.
Interestingly, today a special layer can be applied even on the windshield,
which protects it and does even more. When used, the windshield wiper does
not need to be used from a certain speed upwards. As a result of speed, rain
drops are repelled i.e. the faster you drive, the drier the windshield.
So remember! You can save a lot
of money and time if you have the
invoice/receipt to prove when and
where you fuelled!
Potholes on the road
What to do in case of damage from
potholes? We gathered a few tips for
•Stop the car immediately!
•Stand inside the pothole and take a
picture of it. If the car can still be set
in motion, install the spare wheel,
again stand in the pothole and take
another picture.
•Take pictures of the environment
so that it can be recognised. Road
signs, poles and the pothole should
be in the same picture
•Get a witness, even someone
travelling with you, or call the police.
•Note the exact address
•Make sure the photo is timestamped, but if it’s not, send the
pictures by e-mail because that too
proves when the incident happened.
So no one can claim the pothole
had already been fixed at that time.
•Then go to the road administration
and report the damage.
Good news! There is no road sign
to warn about potholes! There are
road signs to warn only about uneven
ALD Automotive Magyarország Kft.
Capital Square – 1133 Budapest, Váci út 76. 5. torony 5. emelet
Postacím – 1441 Budapest, Pf. 45.
Tel. +36 (1) 802 5800 | Fax.+36 (1) 802 5830
ALD newsletter
No.1 | 2015. May
Car Tips
Car Tips
Not only people, but animals like cars, too
But they are committed to these four-wheel wonders for other reasons than the
adventure of the ride.
Then there are animals which pose danger to cars – like martens, which are
capable of chewing through the plastic covers and cables, disabling your car.
We received several reports of cars unable to start because the martens
chewed the cables by morning. Unfortunately, these plastic parts contain
materials which are special treat for the rodents. In these cases, there’s nothing
we can do but use alarm systems to repel these creatures. And they can be
Cheaper solutions recommended:
• Install a battery-operated radio underneath your car and turn it on with a
very low volume. Wild animals are afraid of human voices, so they won’t
approach your car if the radio is turned on.
• Place dog fur in the engine compartment of the car and underneath.
Rodents are generally afraid of dogs and avoid places smelling like dogs.
Make sure to replace this fur regularly.
Pets in the car
Many people take their pets with them on summer vacations, but they forget
that the pets should be secured, too. A dog or a cat flying inertly inside the car
can make a surprising havoc, hurting not only itself but the other passengers,
too. A closed compartment should be created inside the car for pets, but there
are also safety belts for dogs, a much friendlier solution.
Hooray, summer is here!
Probably everyone has experienced
the inconvenience of too many
pieces of luggage for the car before
leaving for summer holidays by car.
If you want to avoid the unpleasant
situations involving a car packed
full and luggage still awaiting to be
packed in a “what to leave behind”
scenario, you should take a little
time and plan ahead, following the
valuable advice below.
Practical solutions for
having enough room for
The first and foremost tip is to try
to pack logically. With appropriate
logistics, a lot more can fit into the
same space. Use the possibilities
existing in your car, such as storage
compartments, or if there is none
or it is not enough, procure some
It is a good idea to pack the car
boot systematically, for example by
using folding plastic boxes. If you
pack these boxes correctly, you can
stack several boxes, perhaps even
by removing the rear shelf. But if
you do so, make sure the boxes are
fixed correctly.
ALD Automotive Magyarország Kft.
Capital Square – 1133 Budapest, Váci út 76. 5. torony 5. emelet
Postacím – 1441 Budapest, Pf. 45.
Tel. +36 (1) 802 5800 | Fax.+36 (1) 802 5830
ALD newsletter
No.1 | 2015. May
Car Tips
Car Tips
Inert mass, unsecured luggage
There are convenience nets with varying prices depending on the type and the
brand. However, not all of them can be attached to the interior boot, so minor
tricks may be required to fix the luggage with secure hooks, as plastic hooks
may break or tear.
A simple bungee hook is an inexpensive solution. They can be used to secure
the luggage safely, but even a thinner ratchet strap or a stronger rope may do
the trick. Once the luggage compartment is fully packed, you may want to
cover everything and fix a ratchet strap crosswise to enhance safety. Many
hatchbacks come with cargo barriers, which should be installed even if the
boot is not packed full, but there are larger items in it. This barrier protects
passengers from injuries in crashes. In newer cars, especially hatchbacks and
monovolumes, we often find cargo organisers which can be installed anywhere
using the rails they come with. Frequently used items should be placed in the
glove compartment, door pockets, or even under the seats.
Stowing luggage outside the car
The suggestions above can help make the best of the possibilities inside the
car. Families carry a lot of luggage on summer vacations, and a roof rack or
roof box can come in handy.
With a larger roof box, you can even double your boot capacity, and as they are
closed, your luggage will be protected. Recently, streamlined, very practical
and light roof boxes are out there on the market. An average car can carry 75
kg on the roof. With a roof box weighing between 10 and 25 kg, it’s easy to
calculate that 50 to 65 kg of luggage can be carried in these storage devices.
Manufacturers make boxes which can carry 50 to 75 kg of luggage, the latter
side of the range can be used for vehicles with larger roof bearing capacity.
For extreme cases, one can rent trailers that multiply the car’s cargo capacity.
One thing is required in this case: a tow hook. However, we don’t recommend
this solution, as it requires a lot of compromise. It would limit our speed on
motorways to 80 km/h, making it much more difficult to travel with equipment
like this. A lot of attention is necessary when packing: one must make sure the
trailer’s weight is distributed well and the passenger car’s load is acceptable.
A bad way of packing will cause a swaying movement of the trailer which can
lead even to accidents. Finally, our hands are pretty much tied by a category B
licence as to how large a trailer we can tow. Theoretically, a light trailer not of
up to 750 kg falls within the permit, or in the case of a heavy trailer exceeding
750 kg, we can drive towed equipment with a total permitted mass of 3500 kg.
Transporting bikes on
Families may need their bikes
during summer vacations or trips.
How we transport them is not an
unsubstantial matter at all. There are
three types of bike racks: roof racks,
racks for tailgate or tow hook.
One of the solutions is to mount
them on the roof; in this situation,
you want to secure it well, but if you
also have a roof box, that leaves no
room for a bike rack. This is when
the other two solutions come in
Bikes may be carried on the tailgate
only if they do not obscure the
licence plate and lamps. If this
cannot be done, the driver is in
a minor violation of traffic rules
which may incur a fine of up to HUF
Cars with tow hooks can be
equipped with a hook bracket which
moves the lights back and also has
a stand for the licence plates, so the
aforementioned issue is resolved.
ALD Automotive Magyarország Kft.
Capital Square – 1133 Budapest, Váci út 76. 5. torony 5. emelet
Postacím – 1441 Budapest, Pf. 45.
Tel. +36 (1) 802 5800 | Fax.+36 (1) 802 5830
The buzz around the
bike carrier continues!
Known as a supplier to BMW, the extremely innovative Uebler stepped up on the Hungarian market on 23 May 2014, enjoying
brand awareness ever since as well as increasing the number of bike carriers in our country. What is Uebler? It is one of the most
popular, best quality and most ergonomic hook-mounted bike carrier brands in Germany. Thanks to its wide range of products,
trip lovers can carry up to 2, 3 or even 4 bikes by car. Our bike carriers are folding and/or tilting, making their use even more
convenient. Thanks to the company’s commitment to constant innovation, Uebler presented two new model ranges since its
Hungarian debut roughly 1 year ago.
The developments were mostly aimed at enhancing ergonomics and
practicality, so the novelties add many benefits to their successful
predecessors. Such innovations include the handles mounted between the
bike rails which make unfolding easier, and the quick-clamping device is
the mounting bracket, easy to open and close. All of our models are EuroBE
and TÜV licensed. Our bike carriers are also characterized by a low own
weight (12-17 kg) and are easy to mount and dismount without any tools,
which makes them easy for ladies to transport them. There is a 1+2 years
warranty on our premium quality products made in Germany.
What is the benefit of tow hook-mounted bike carriers? They are more
stable, more convenient to use and they increase aerodynamic drag and
consumption much less than their tailgate and roof-mounted counterparts.
A 15% coupon,
Uebler, the future’s bike carrier!
Distributed by Profcar Hungary Kft.,
official Hungarian importer of the brand. |
which can be redeemed between 15/05/2015 and 31/08/2015
Please send the word ALD by e-mail to stating
the exact name of the product you want to purchase.
Then our colleagues will gladly help you.
Uebler team
ALD newsletter
No.1 | 2015. May
Car Tips
Car Tips
A niche offer:
it’s better to rent
Winter in the summer:
a few things to know about air-conditioning
Air-conditioning tips for the summer
Car air conditioning systems are mostly a convenience function utilised by
everyone according to preferences. There are a few basic rules, though, which
should be followed
1. In large cities/downtowns, because of smoggy air, alternate air re-circulation
with exterior, fresh air, but always prefer inner air re-circulation. However,
air re-circulation shouldn’t be used for too long either, as used air makes
you drowsy and slows the reflexes.
2. If the car is hot, cooling it down as soon as possible should not be the
primary goal. If you start the ride at once, better roll your windows down
which helps internal space (dashboard, steering wheel, seats, passengers
themselves) cool down. If you can spare a little time, turn on air re-circulation
and wait beside the car, then turn off air re-circulation once you start the
3. During summer hot, internal temperature inside the car (but not only there)
should be 5 to 10°C cooler than outer temperature.
4. Make sure the air conditioning control system is clean and have it
cleaned once a year.
5. Heat sensed is what matters, not the degrees. The passenger space doesn’t
always need to be cooled down with icy cold air; what matters is that the
heat shouldn’t cause discomfort.
6. Air conditioning control not only cools the inside of a car, but also dries it; so
if you use it for a long time, make sure to drink a sufficient quantity of liquids.
7. Never direct the cool air or flow on yourself.
The price of a quality roof box varies
from HUF 50 to 250 thousand,
depending on material, size and
type. An average family only uses
it once or twice a year and storage
must be provided, too, when not
used. A logical solution is to rent
one; there are more and more
offers out there. Not only roof
boxes, but roof racks, bike carriers
can be rented too at surprisingly
cheap prices compared to a new
acquisition. It is a good idea to book
the roof box a few weeks before the
trip, as some companies offer early
booking discounts. The rental price
depends on size and value and is
situated between HUF 1000 and
2000 a day; a deposit of HUF 15
to 50 thousand is required, but the
latter only applies to very expensive
roof boxes.
ALD Automotive Magyarország Kft.
Capital Square – 1133 Budapest, Váci út 76. 5. torony 5. emelet
Postacím – 1441 Budapest, Pf. 45.
Tel. +36 (1) 802 5800 | Fax.+36 (1) 802 5830
ALD newsletter
No.1 | 2015. May
Virtual presence in the social media has become an essential part of contemporary life. Our private and professional lives are penetrated
by attending forums and chats, good and bad news spread with record speed. This time I want to share a piece of good news with
you and invite you all to a new and dynamic drivers’ community. With the ALD and MOL co-branded fuel card we want to help users
working for our clients, as well as their families, who have no company cars or company fuel cards, but still would like to benefit from
the fuel and service discount offered by us to members of the ALD community. For this purpose, we created the co-branded Green fuel
card with MOL.
Under our unique agreement, the MOL-ALD Green card helps you benefit from discounted fuel and professional services in the largest
filling station network in Hungary.
You can buy regular fuel at a HUF 8/l, premium gas and diesel at HUF 14/l discount on the gross filling station price and you can benefit
from 10% discount on the price at the car wash machine programmes.
The so-called pre-paid MOL-ALD Green card is a flexible and convenient facility. The PIN-code protected discount card can be
recharged in advance either by bank transfer or at the filling station’s cash register with a preferential amount.
As a novelty offered by MOL, from May 2015 the MOL fuel card users can join the Multipoint customer loyalty programme now counting
more than one million registered card users. Based on the amount of your fuelling at MOL filling stations and purchases in the shop, you
will get points from the point Partners, if you present your Multipoint Business loyalty card when making the payment. How points are
collected: for regular fuels 1 litre = 1 point, for premium fuels 1 litre = 5 points, for any other purchases, every HUF 100 = 1 point. The
points collected can be redeemed not only in the MOL network but also from our participating partners. With regular new offers and
discounts associated with the Multipoint, MOL provides even more advantage to its loyal customers, making it worthwhile to change!
Order your Multipoint Business Card with your MOL-ALD Green card and get even more discounts (
Programme information:
Request a MOL-ALD Green card:
Please click here for programme information!
(Hungarian version)
Please click here for request a MOL-ALD Green card!
(Hungarian version)
I hope this piece of good news will be spread super-quickly among your colleagues and family, helping us boast a customer base
which tops records after records.
ALD Automotive Magyarország Kft.
Capital Square – 1133 Budapest, Váci út 76. 5. torony 5. emelet
Postacím – 1441 Budapest, Pf. 45.
Tel. +36 (1) 802 5800 | Fax.+36 (1) 802 5830
ALD Hírlevél
ALD coupé 11
No.1 | 2015. május
5000 cars
5000 young trees
Roughly 200 tons of carbon dioxide can be pulled out of the air by the
five thousand growing oaks we planted in March in the Duna-Dráva
National Park together with WWF Hungary. But the hardwood park project covering half a hectare serves climate protection, as well as nature
conservation objectives. With this action, we facilitate the pulling of
carbon dioxide emissions from cars, as well as air cleaning, while new
habitats are created.
The ALD Offsetting Programme was launched in 2012, as an expression
of our commitment to environmental protection and corporate social
responsibility. As ALD Automotive considers the binding of carbon
dioxide emissions of vehicles managed by it to be among its obligations,
our long-term objectives include the maintenance of this programme
and we hope our clients will join us, too. As our fleet size exceeded 5000
units in 2014, we decided to plant 5000 new young trees based on this
number in 2015.
An abandoned plough-land near Nagybajom in the Duna-Dráva National Park was designated as the place hosting the new forest. Indeed,
here natural, so-called hardwood park forests can be restored in a
protected environment. The hardwood park forests flanking the rivers,
consisting mostly of oaks, broad-leaved elms and Hungarian ash-trees,
have gone quite thin. Only a small percentage of their original size
survived today. Their restoration helps accomplish climate protection,
as well as nature conservation objectives. The forest planted here helps
clean the air, too, and contributes especially to dust filtering. Additionally,
the new forest will improve the local recreation opportunities, as it will
surround a fishing pond. Oaks will paint the landscape green in 15 to 20
years, while they will come to full age at 90 to 100 years. A few oaks can
live as long as 300 to 400 years, if they are not cut down.
In the long term, ALD Automotive and WWF
plan to expand the forest planting to
protected areas for climate protection and
nature conservation purposes; another overt
objective of our actions is to raise awareness
among our clients about responsible attitude
and the fact that climate protection is the
responsibility of us all.
ALD Automotive Magyarország Kft.
Capital Square – 1133 Budapest, Váci út 76. 5. torony 5. emelet
Postacím – 1441 Budapest, Pf. 45.
Tel. +36 (1) 802 5800 | Fax.+36 (1) 802 5830
ALD Hírlevél
ALD coupé 12
No.1 | 2015. május
Stars in cars
Interview with Szabi Tóth
Sugarloaf is an icon of Hungarian pop music. They can boast of four golden records, several
professional awards and nominations, while their songs are all top list hits. They won band of
the year, singer of the year or best video clip titles several times, and several of their hits were
selected as the best Hungarian songs of all times.
Members of the band have changed since its formation. In the summer of 2013, their lead
singer Heni Dér and the band parted ways after 9 years. The new lead singer was Sonia
Nkuya and later a new bass player and drummer joined the band.
But Szabi Tóth has been the lead guitar player and pillar of the now 20-year old Sugarloaf since
its formation. His spirited personality, great sense of humour, musical talent and professional
performance clearly make him stand out.
He has been an ardent fan of everything on 4 wheels since his childhood. Now he shares his
thoughts on riding by car.
How long have you been driving a car?
As soon as I could legally drive, I got my licence. It was quite a while ago, in
1993. But I can actually drive since I was 10. I was a car maniac kid; I was
interested in everything on 4 wheels. Thanks to my dad who let me do this and
taught me. Of course, not on public roads! :)
And what was your worst?
The worst car experience I had was when about 15 years ago our band bus
broke down and we had to find a rental immediately, which was leaking and
emanating exhaust gas. Half of the band suffered from carbon monoxide
poisoning on the way back home. Now that was not fun.
On what kind of roads do you generally drive? Do you drive mostly in the
cities or outside?
I drive in the city on a daily basis or on motorways when we make family trips.
What’s your opinion about the Hungarians’ driving habits?
Terrible! If we could keep at least the “turn right” and “zipper rule”, roads
would be a lot safer.
What cars do you prefer to drive?
I like driving comfortable cars which are highly responsive to the pedals and
the steering wheel.
What can we expect from Sugarloaf these days?
This year we celebrate 20 years. We have a lot of surprises in our sleeves, but
right now we focus on songwriting.
What is the major factor when you choose a car?
Safety above all. Since I’ve become a father, this has been the main criterion –
then the looks, the interior, the consumption and finally the price.
Do you like travelling?
I like being somewhere else, in other cities or countries, but I am not so fond
of the long roads that lead there.
Looks or usefulness?
Looks! Of course, the criteria I mentioned are important, too, but I should look
good in a car, shouldn’t I? :)
What is your favourite means of travel?
I like travelling by the fastest means possible, anything that shortens travelling
time, an airplane, express train, car, doesn’t matter. :)
What kind of a car would you drive, if you could choose whatever you
want, without limits?
I would definitely buy a sports car which is fast and cool, too, but I would
clearly not think about a Ferrari or something like that. I am no longer a speed
maniac, really.
Living as a band musician often involves travel. When it does, do you drive
or travel as a passenger and refill your tank before and after concerts?
I always travel as a passenger then. I prefer talking, resting, listening to music
or watching a movie while travelling.
What kind of a car do you drive now?
A Jeep.
Have you ever rented a car?
Not yet. I have an assistance service contract. I would rent only if my car
Do you prefer the driver’s seat or the passenger’s?
On family trips I am always in the driver’s seat, but during concert tours I’m
a passenger.
What was your best car experience?
The best ones were the competitions with a racing car, or once when I could
drive a really-really good car really-really fast in Los Angeles.
How do you transport the band to concerts?
We are not a small band, but right now we fit in a 9-seat bus, plus our luggage
in a trailer. A few years ago we were 13 or 14 including staff; we needed a
20-seater bus back then. We hated it, because those buses could do only
80-90 km/h. It was cool, but it was tiresome to reach a place in 5 or 6 hours.
But we are considering travelling separately from the staff and taking a
separate bus to locations. This way we don’t have to wait for everyone to
pack up after concerts, we don’t have to travel long hours to reach a location,
but get there and back faster.
Finally, what will the summer bring for Sugarloaf?
We focus on studio work in the summer, but of course we do a lot of concerts,
too, everywhere in the country.
ALD Automotive Magyarország Kft.
Capital Square – 1133 Budapest, Váci út 76. 5. torony 5. emelet
Postacím – 1441 Budapest, Pf. 45.
Tel. +36 (1) 802 5800 | Fax.+36 (1) 802 5830
ALD Hírlevél
ALD coupé 13
No.1 | 2015. május
Brand history
The legendary “Paper Jaguar”, the despised
yet adored compact car of the East Germans
and Socialists inherited its two-cycle engine
from the DKW models made in Zwickau before
the war, while its cotton waste (duroplast) body
owes a lot to the lack of raw materials. The first
compact car called Trabant rolled out of the
production line in 1957 and boasted the new
logo of the manufacturer VEB Sachsenring
Automobilwerke Zwickau christened after
Saxony. The usual German “S” letter in a circle
symbolised the winding roads. A long time
passed before the four-cycle era, and by the
time it arrived, the system crashed, but the
38 thousand pieces of 1.1 cars exhibited the
well-known logo only on its steering wheel
originating in the old DeLuxe model.
The Sachsenring logo on a Trabant brochure from 1972
Similarly to the Trabant, Wartburg was born
on the ruins of a pre-war manufacturer, albeit
the term reborn is more accurate for the larger
East German vehicle, as its manufacturer, VEB
Automobilwerk Eisenach existed as early as
1898, making one of its models with this name.
It’s not surprising, as the place hosts the Wartburg Castle of Eisenach, which is part of the
world heritage.
The 311 series launched in 1956 showcased
the most unique logo in car manufacturing, the
accurate reproduction of a castle shape. On
the 1.3 model launched in 1989, this logo could
only be seen on the plastic insert mounted
in the middle of the steering wheel, until the
short-lived four-cycle car went down the sink
together with the Socialist regime.
Wartburg under the castle in a brochure photo
ALD Automotive Magyarország Kft.
Capital Square – 1133 Budapest, Váci út 76. 5. torony 5. emelet
Postacím – 1441 Budapest, Pf. 45.
Tel. +36 (1) 802 5800 | Fax.+36 (1) 802 5830