Untitled - Zafer Tekstil
Untitled - Zafer Tekstil
HOHNNSTT,INT HOIIENSTEIN ISTANBUL TEXST|LANAL|ZVEKONTROL HizMETLEni lro. gri. C u m h u r i y eMt a h .1 9 9 0 .S o k .N o : 8 , e , B l o k ,D L l k k a n5:, Q r n a r p a rRke s i d e n c A 345 15 Esenyurt.lstanbul Tel:+ 90 2\2a67 24OO Fax:+90 21.28672425 info@hohenstei n.com.tr An/to/dr: ZAFERTEKSTILSAN.VE TIC.A.S. +90 342 3371214 Fax-No.: Contact: FerhatSIRIN Datum/date: 24.',10.2016 Seiten/oaoes:I -TestNo: 16.0.90122 OEKO-TEXSTANDARD100- Your GertificateNo: 14.HTR.41627 Pleasementionthetestno.at all kindsof correspondence Yarnsmadeof 100 % cotton, Raw( provananceTurkey),white and reactivedyed as well as fiber dyed madeof 100% cotton; , producedby using materialscertificedaccording to OekoTex Standard100. CONFIRMATION DearMr.FerhatgiRiN Herewithwe confirmthat you haveappliedfor the prolongation of your Oeko-Tex certificate. Afterthe laboratorytestsare finishedwe will writethe test report. lf all criteriameetthe requirements of the standardyou will get the new certificate. Pleasenoticethatthe numberof yourcertification doesnotchange. Bestregards Tslefon 0212 867 24 00 o-mail inlo@hohenstein.com.tr Hohenstein Prof.Dr.JuergenlvlecheelsGmbH& Co.KG. Forschungsinstitut StuttgartHRA300392 . personally liableassociate: Courtof Registration:County 723320 . ManagingDirectonDr.Stefanl\4echeels SchlossHohenstein Beteiligung GmbHHRB