December/January - Albert Einstein College of Medicine


December/January - Albert Einstein College of Medicine
December 2011-January 2012
Social Medicine
in the
Social Medicine
in the
Future Dates
Social Medicine
on the
Departmental News
Community-Based participatory Research
Phase II of the Community-Based Participatory Research project to
increase participation in health studies among underrepresented
communities is almost underway. Dr. Hal Strelnick is partnering
with the Washington University ICTS, three other CTSA sites and
two community partners using American Recovery and Investment
Act (ARRA) funds. Community health worker Jazmin Amparo has
been successfully gathering information in partnership with community members since August of 2010. During this next phase, interviewees that have completed surveys will be connected to relevant clinical studies
that are actively recruiting participants and to social service resources, if needed, at the
time of the interview.
Investigators who are interested in improving community involvement in their studies
should contact Jazmin Amparo ( The information
gained through this work will be used to improve outreach methods on clinical research participation and effectively extend opportunities to all communities.
Dr. Hillary Kunins served as the
Co-Chair for the 35th Annual Meeting of Medical
Education and Research in Substance Abuse
(AMERSA) (November, 2011); she will serve as
Program Chair at the AMERSA 36th Annual Meeting
(November, 2012)
Marcus Bachhuber
(PC/SIM, PGY3) Received the 2011
Johns Hopkins General Internal Medicine Housestaff
Award in Health
Services and Outcomes Research
(November, 2011)
Marcus is a graduate of the University of
Wisconsin- Madison, where he received his
BS in Molecular Biology. He received his
MD from the University of Pennsylvania,
where he also pursued a year-long medical
student fellowship in Botswana with the
Marlene McHuugh, NP Associate Director, Palliative Care Service attended the
Warton Nursing Leaders program at the
University of Pennsylvania on October 914, 2011
Dr. Susan
Rubin was interviewed by a
reporter from for
a story about
how to most
effectively use
The story titled ―Oops! Missed Pills,
Broken Condoms and Other Birth Control
Mishaps‖ is available at:
The manuscript Determinants of intrauterine contraception provision among
U.S. family physicians: a national survey
On Tuesday, November
1, 2011 Paul Meissner
was elected to the Executive Board of the
American Public Health
Association for a 4 year
term. Paul has been an
APHA member since
1985, became more involved during the
late 1990‘s within the Community
Health Planning and Policy Development Section, where he served as Governing Council Representative and as
Chair, and currently is a leadership mentor. He has been involved with the
APHA local affiliate, the Public Health
Association of New York City
(PHANYC), as a Board Member from
2000-2010, a Recording Secretary
(2002-4), President-elect (2006-7), President (2008-09), Past President (20092010). He actively participated in multiple years of organizing PHANYC‘s Annual Award Dinner which is routinely
attended by about 300 individuals.
of knowledge, attitudes and practice‖
authored by Rubin SE, Fletcher J, Stein
T, Segall-Gutierrez P, Gold, M. originally published in Contraception, 2011,
83(5) 472-478 has received some media
attention including:
Perspectives on Sexual and
Reproductive Health Journal, digests
section,43(2) 132 June 2011, DOI:
Departmental News
Zumbathon to Stomp Out
Diabetes a Success!
Renee Shanker
Time to Zumba Down
to the Bronx
Renee Shanker, MSW, MPH,
Program Director, "To Your
Health!" Wellness Initiative,
Department of Family and
Social Medicine, wrote a
Letter to the Editor promoting
the Zumbathon that was held
on November 18 to promote
diabetes awareness.
Westchester Journal News,
November 18
Montefiore's Zumbathon to Stomp Out Diabetes, a premier feature of the Medical
Center's American Diabetes Month activities, successfully drew more than 100 associates and community residents for two hours of fanny shakin' and hip gyrating
Zumba dancing.
The event was co-sponsored by the Diabetes Center of Excellence, the Office of Community
Health, Mosholu Montefiore Community Center and District 1199 SEIU United Health Care
Workers East and benefited the To Your Health!
Wellness Program. Dances were led by our wonderful team of Zumba instructors and facilitated by
Monte associates, including one '97 RPSM graduate/ Certified Zumba instructor, Marlene Rivera,
Left to right: Belkis Colon, Mimi
Ramos and Doryanna Castro our
zumbathon Instructors
Harini Kumar and Lisa Lapman
at the Family Medicine Education Consortium NE Region
Meeting, October 22, 2011,
Danvers, MA.
On November 12, 2011, Sean Lucan
mentored the poster presentation of NYU
undergraduate, Omar Sanon, at the Annual North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG) meeting in
Banff, Alberta. The poster on their work
Farmers' Markets in the Bronx: Benefiting Community Nutrition? (Unexpected
Findings) drew a steady stream of interested international observers from the
Omar Sanon & Rafael Frias
moment it was hung, and held a rapt audience until well after the session ended (In fact, it was the last poster hanging when conference organizers came around to break up the discussion to make room for subsequent
presentations). Omar, a college sophomore, made NAPCRG history as the youngest student to present at the international research conference. Congrats to Omar! (and also
Rafael Frias, an Einstein medical student, who was an important co-author on the work).
Departmental News
Over 100 Montefiore Associates Participated on October 23, 2011
Bruce Soloway, MD., Vice Chair, DFSM, Peter Selwyn, MD, MPH., Chair
DFSM, Director of the Office of Community Health, Robert Garcia., Director of Community Relations, Nicole Hollingsworth, MA, CHES., Director of
Patient Health Education, Paul Meissner, MPH David Appel, MD, Director,
of School of Health, & James Huang, MD (PGY 3) and other Monte
Left to Right: Peter Selwyn, MD, MPH., Chair
DFSM ,Director of the Office of Community Health,
Robert Garcia., Director of Community Relations,
Nicole Hollingsworth, MA, CHES., Director of Patient Health Education, Constance Moran., Bronx
Borough Transportation Commissioner, Ruben Diaz
Jr., Bronx Borough President
NYC Marathon – November 6, 2011
Left: Gisela Perez, M.S., CPC
Palliative CareFaculty Practice Administrator
Running her 14th NYC Marathon in 5:12
Right: Suzanne Cordona, LMSW
Palliative Care Consult Service
Running her 1st NYC Marathon in 4:03
Departmental News
Health Policy Update
Federal: As you may have read in
the news, the congressional ―super
committee‖ failed to meet their preThanksgiving deadline to find $1.2
trillion in deficit reduction. Dr. Hima
Ekanadham (PGY-2 in Family Medicine) joined others from the National
Physicians Alliance (
on October 2, 2011 to speak with the
Joint Select Committee on Deficit
Reduction. The NPA made the case
that reducing the use of ineffective
medical interventions could both save
money and improve quality.
State: The Health Systems Reform
Work Group of the New York State
Medicaid Redesign Team (MRT) released its report just after Thanksgiving. Suggestions included the introduction of for-profit hospitals into
low-income areas. Dr. William Jordan (Faculty in Family Medicine) offered testimony on October 19, 2011
on behalf of the Public Health Association of New York City
( about how these proposals would adversely affect patients
and communities. The MRT will deliver final recommendations to Governor Cuomo on December 13.
—Bill Jordan, MD MPH
Monte H.O.P. Grad Gets Job!
Congratulations to Chrystel Valdez, RN
class of 2002 of the MonteHOP/MCH Summer Internship in the Department of Family &
Social Medicine, who was recently hired by
Montefiore as a Registered Nurse for the
Northwest 6 med/surgery unit (in the Blue
Zone). Ms. Valdez‘s start date is January 9,
“The summer program introduced me to the medical field. Prior to the
program, I had an interest in medicine, but had no idea which direction to
take. The program introduced me to various healthcare professionals in
different fields. Seeing minorities in these positions was especially motivating and encouraged me to pursue my dreams. My experience came full
circle after graduating college. I was able to network with caring staff
from the program that helped me get a foot in the door in this difficult
economy. I am now proud to say I am a registered nurse at Montefiore
Medical Center. The guidance and support I've received from the program is invaluable. I had been applying to Monte for about a year and I
decided to contact the Monte H.O.P. program for guidance, I got an interview 2 days later. To me this shows how valuable the relationships
you in this program.” —Chrystel Valdez
Isidra Sabio, MSc., the project coordinator for the Affordable HOME Study
under PI Earle Chambers, was presented with a 2011 Barauda Award on
Saturday October 1st 2011 in New York
City for her work as a volunteer with
the Garifuna community in NYC. The
Garifuna are of African descent living
primarily in Central America and the
United States.
Departmental News
Maribelis Perez (PGY-3) and her husband Erasmo A Perez
welcomed a healthy and beautiful baby girl!
Emma Marie Perez
Born on: September 26, 2011
Weight: 6lbs. 2oz
Alex Foster(PGY-3) and his wife
Erin welcomed their baby boy
William Atticus Foster
Born on: December 1, 2011
Weight: 8lbs. 4oz, 22 Inches
—Eliana Korin, Dipl.Psic
his has been an exciting time for the unit. Our faculty
has been able to cover a busy teaching schedule for the
three tracks and many academic projects are on the go.
We just completed a Fall season which involved a sequence of interesting activities during Social Medicine Orientation month, a course on Primary Care Counseling for the FM
PGY-IIs and several presentations at various professional meetings.
have become essential to the development of new patient care
initiatives at FHC and Williamsbridge. The Psych Question of
the Month (email), initiated by Charles Schwartz has fostered an
interesting exchange among faculty and residents and promoted
improvement of psychiatric knowledge in family medicine and
internal medicine.
In Social Pediatrics, Tanya White-Davis, working with Peter
Sherman have developed a robust program supported by a solid
For Orientation Month, we organized two interactive sessions - precepting and teaching collaboration among the behavioral and
Establishing the Focus on the Medical Interview and Narratives medical faculty. A biopsychosocial case conference, completed
in Medicine. We were delighted to have been able to engage
by a home visit to the patient/family discussed, is a recent innomedical faculty from all three tracks to partner with us. We also
vation in the Social Peds track. Collaboration between Peds and
convened a session on Motivational Interviewing led by an expert FM have increased by bringing their respective residents together
on this theme, and invited an ex-gang leader (now a medical stu- for selected seminar sessions on Tuesdays afternoons.
dent!) to come and share his experiences with the interns. Our
In Internal Medicine, Larry Dyche and Debbie Swiderski confaculty also supported the teaching of many other sessions, such
tinue to collaborate with Charles Schwartz and Sharon Parish
as the Social Determinants of Health, Unwinding and contributed
delivering a revised developmental psychosocial curriculum. In
significantly to the success of the Immigration week. The session
addition, Larry and Sheira Schlair completed a year of collaboraon Interviewing counted on creative performances by the psychotion on a multi-site faculty developmental program in observation
social faculty acting as challenging patients: Homeless Homer,
- feedback teaching skills
Chatty Cathy, and Mama Mia. You would not have recognized
Finally, Larry published his long-waited paper on Curiosity in
them in their performance roles!
collaboration with Ronald Epstein; Eliana, in collaboration with
There are also many interesting initiatives being implemented in STFM colleagues plus Diane McKee and Jason Fletcher, is at the
each track. In response to changes in the clinical environment, we final stages of writing a paper reporting the results of the nahave been making revisions to our curriculum to maintain its
tional survey on The Status of Family Teaching in Family Medirelevance and impact.
cine; Anu co-authored a paper on Medically Unexplained SympIn Family Medicine, the incorporation of electronic medical re- toms published in Psychosomatics, Jennifer did a successful
presentation at the Behavioral Science Forum on Mindfulness in
cords (EMR) and the introduction of a patient-centered medical
Medicine, and Tanya has been able to build special partnerships
home (PCMH) model of care led us to become more involved
to support her project on Bullying. And, to keep us busy over the
with practice improvement activities. New efforts have been directed towards transforming the electronic medical record to be- winter months, we will be preparing for several accepted presencome biopsychosocially friendly and coherent with our ecologi- tations to the STFM Spring conferences.
cal orientation to practice and teaching. Anu Kotay and Bill Jordan in collaboration with Eliana Korin and Mary Duggan, with
the support from our vice-chair, Bruce Soloway, have created a
new EMR psychosocial form that is being piloted. We hope to
track residents‘ behaviors regarding the use of psychosocial data
in the EMR to assess if/how they are applying to practice what
they have learned. Definitely, a cutting edge innovation in residents‘ evaluation and practice-based teaching. In addition, we
have increased our involvement in clinic activities such as group
visits and Intensive Chronic Management for diabetes ( ICM ) at
both the Williamsbridge Clinic and the Family Health Center
New projects are being planned: Complex Patients Case Conference, Psychosocial Clinic Consultation session and a Balint-type
Left to right: Jennifer Egert, Charles Schwartz,
group for the FM interns. Under the supervision of our faculty
Eliana Korin, Anu Kotay, Tanya White-Davis
(White-Davis, Egert and Kotay), our two psychology externs
Social Medicine in the Literature...
You Are What You Eat (or Where You Live, or Both…)
As we confront the clinical and public health challenges of the current epidemic of obesity and diabetes, there has been an ongoing debate about the role of individual-level behavior change vs. efforts to change
local environments. An interesting, noteworthy study that sheds new light on these issues was recently published in the New England Journal of Medicine: ―Neighborhoods, Obesity, and Diabetes —A Randomized
Social Experiment‖
This long-term research project involved a multi-city sample (Boston, Baltimore, Chicago, New York,
Los Angeles) of 4498 women with children living in public housing in neighborhoods with poverty rates of
> 40%. The study was undertaken by the Department of Housing and Urban Development for the purpose of
better understanding the effects of residential location on employment, income, education, and well-being.
Between 1994 and 1998, families were invited by local housing authorities in these different cities to enroll in
a three-arm randomized lottery to receive a rent-subsidy voucher. Participating families were assigned to one
of three groups: (1) a ‗low-poverty voucher‘ which families were required to use in a census tract with a low
poverty rate (<10%), (2) a ‗traditional-voucher‘ with no restrictions on where families could reside, and (3) a
control group which did not receive any new assistance. Characteristics of the three groups did not differ on
Outcome data for this study were obtained in 2008- 2010, after a mean of 12.6 years of follow up
(range 10.0 – 15.4), and analytic methods adequately addressed issues of loss to follow-up, migration to different neighborhoods, etc, over time. For the variables of interest, follow up data were obtainable for 71.3% to
84.2% of participants. On follow up, the prevalence's of BMI > 35 and hemoglobin A1C of > 6.5% were significantly lower in the group that had received the low-poverty vouchers compared to the control group, with
an absolute difference of 4.61% and 4.31%, respectively for these two measures. There were no
differences between the traditional voucher group and controls.
While not able to provide a causal explanation for these findings, the study provides compelling evidence that neighborhoods and local environments have important implications for health outcomes. This quasinatural experiment should inform ongoing discussions about the importance of addressing community environments and resources as well as medical services in efforts to reduce health disparities and promote population
—Peter Selwyn, MD, MPH
Social Medicine in the Kitchen...
Carrot and Apple Salad
1 cup grated carrot
2 cups
1/2 cup raisins
1/4 cup of walnuts
1 cup vanilla yogurt
1. In a large bowl, combine carrots, apples, raisins,
and walnuts.
2. Add yogurt to carrot mixture. Mix well.
3. Serve immediately.
4. Refrigerate leftovers.
Makes 6 servings.
Adapted from sparkrecipes. com
Carrot and Zucchini Stir-Fry
3 tablespoons vegetable oil
3 zucchinis chopped
2 carrots, peeled and
2 garlic cloves minced
2 tablespoons herbs
(parsley or basil)
Salt and pepper to taste
Heat oil in large skillet over medium-high heat.
Add zucchini, carrot and garlic.
Cook until vegetables are soft, about 7 minutes.
Stir in herbs, salt and pepper to taste.
Serve immediately.
Refrigerate leftovers.
Makes 4 servings.
Adapted from the Greenmarket Recipe Series.
Key Points
For the best buy, choose carrots that are firm, smooth and without cracks.
To prepare carrots, wash well before eating.
To keep fresh, refrigerate unwashed carrots for up to 2 weeks. Refrigerate cooked carrots for up to 3 days.
Carrots contain vitamin A, which is good for healthy eyes and skin.
Quick Tips
Eat carrot sticks plain, with low-fat salad dressing or dip.
Shred carrots into a soup or salad.
Wash and cook carrot tops to eat as greens!
Remember to rinse all fruits and vegetables before using.
Recipe Submitted by: Reene Shanker
Recent Publications & Presentations
Guderian LJ, Miller WC, Sena
AC, Stout JE. Increased prevaBonuck K, Freeman K. Snoring, lence of advanced tuberculosis in
Mouth-breathing, and Apnea Tra- rural low tuberculosis caseload
jectories in a Population-Based
counties in North Carolina. The
Cohort Followed from Infancy to International Journal of Tubercu81 Months: A Cluster Analysis.
losis and Lung Disease,
International Journal of Pediatric 2011;15:1455-1461
Otorhinolaryngology. Joo P, Younge R, Jones D, Hove
J, Lin S, Burton W. Medical
Student Awareness of the PatientCalman N. No One Needs To
centered Medical Home. FAMILY
KnowHealth Affairs, 20, no.2
MEDICINE. November(2001):243-249
December 2011.VOL. 43, NO. 10; 696-701
Katsamanis, M., Lehrer, P.,
Crowley E, Herbert R, Moline
Escobar, E., Gara, M., Kotay,
JM, Wallenstein S, Shukla G,
A., & Liu, R. (2011).
Schechter Clyde, Skloot GS
Psychophysiological treatment for
Udasin I, Luft BJ, Harrison D, patients with medically
Shapiro M, Wong K, Sacks
unexplained symptoms: A
Henry S, Teirstein AS, Landri- randomized controlled trial.
gan P. Response to Dr. Reich's
Psychosomatics, 52(3), 218-229.
Letter: "'Sarcoid-Like' GranuloKrackov SK, Pohl H. Building
matous Pulmonary Disease in
World Trade Center Disaster Re- expertise using the deliberate
practice curriculum-planning
sponders: Influence of Incidence
model. Medical Teacher.
Computation Methodology in
Inferring Airborne Dust Causation" "Sarcoid-Like" Granuloma- Levy BS & Sidel VW, editors.
tous Pulmonary Disease in World Terrorism and Public Health SecTrade Center Disaster Respondond Edition. New York: Oxford
ers. American Journal of IndusUniversity Press, 2011.
trial Medicine. Nov 2011;54
Leighton L, Miller S, Phillips S,
Schonberg, D, Gold M. Meeting
Flattau A, Olaywi M, Gaglio PJ, Women‘s Needs in the PCMH:
Marcus P, Meissner P, Dorfman Stories From Practice Fam Med
EBL, Reinus JF. Social Barriers 2011;43(10):743-4.
to Listing for Adult Liver TransLucan SC. The food environment
plantation: Their Prevalence and
Association With Program Char- and dietary intake: demonstrating
acteristics. Liver Transplantation. a method for GIS-mapping and
policy-relevant research. Journal
Oct 2011;17(10):1167-1175.
of public Health
Gallant JE, Adimora AA, CarLucan SC, Maroko A, Shanker
michael JK Horberg M, Kitahata M, Quinlivan EB, Raper R, JordanWB. Green Carts
JL,Selwyn P, Williams SB. Es- (Mobile Produce Vendors) in the
Bronx-Optimally Positioned to
sential Components of Effective
Meet Neighborhood Fruit-andHIV Care: A Policy Paper of the
HIV Medicine Association of the VegetableNeeds? Journal of Urban Health-Bulletin of the New
Infectious Diseases Society of
York Academy of Medicine. Oct
America and the Ryan White
Medical Providers Coalition.
Clinical Infectious Disease
Milan F, Dyche L, Fletcher J.
―How am I doing?‖ Teaching
medical students to elicit feed-
back during their clerkships. Yeshiva University, 2011; 33: 904–
fulness in Medical Education.
STFM. Chicago. September 22,
Miller S, Phillips S, Schonberg
D, Gold M, Rosenheck R, SegalGutierrez P. Obesity and the
combined oral contraceptive pill:
efficacy and effects. Expert Rev.
Obstet. Gynecol. 6(5), 477–480
Dyche L, Schlair S. Giving
effect, evidence-based feedback
to students after an observation.
Annual Clerkship Directors Retreat, 2011, Albert Einstein College of Medicine.
Patel V, Rajpathak S, Karasz A.
Bangladeshi Immigrants in New
York City: A Community Based
Health Needs Assessment of a
Hard to Reach Population Journal
of Immigrant and Minority Health
Rubin SE, McKee MD. Urban
Primary Care Providers' Reports
of Their Counseling About and
Provision of Long-Acting Reversible Contraception to Adolescents. Contraception. Sep
Stein, MR, Arnsten, JH, Parish
SJ, Kunins HV. Evaluation of a
substance use disorder curriculum
for internal medicine residents.
Substance Abuse, 2011 Oct;
Suglia SF, Chambers
EC,Rosario A and Duarte S.
Asthma and Obesity in ThreeYear-Old Urban Children: Role of
Sex and
Home Environment. J Pediatr.
159(1):14-20, July 2011
Swartz RJ, Schwartz C, Basch
E, Cai L, Fairclough DL,
McLeod L, Mendoza TR, Rapkin B. The king's foot of patientreported outcomes: current practices and new developments for
the measurement of change. Quality of Life Research. Oct
Egert J. Training Healers: Mind-
Kumar H, Lapman, Purcell J,
Maher STattelman E, Evolving
Female Gender Roles and the
Impact on Women‘s Reproductive
Healthcare. Poster Presentation,
Family Medicine Education Consortium NE Region Meeting, October 22, 2011, Danvers, MA.
Kotay, A., Jordan, W., & Korin,
E. (2011). Is the biopsychosocial
model at risk? Exploring ways to
integrate a family and social
perspective into EMRs.
Collaborative Family Healthcare
Association.Philadelphia, PA.
McHugh M. Palliative Care Collaborations: Advancing Across the
Continuum. Hospice and Palliative Care Association of New
York State (HPCANYS) October
27, 2011.
Purcell J. Psychometric Properties of the Team Performance
Scale RIME Poster Session/Reception. Association of
American Medical Colleges
(AAMC) conference in Denver,
CO. November 4th - 9th
Purcell J, and Joo P. Evaluation
of the Team-based Learning Curriculum in a Family Medicine
Clerkship RIME Oral Abstract
Presentation - Program and Curriculum Evaluation. Association
of American Medical Colleges
(AAMC) conference in Denver,
CO. November 4th - 9th
Stein M, Roose, R, Osinaga A,
Kunins HV. Teaching Residents
about Caring for Patients with
Substance Use Disorders: An Experiential Approach. Abstract,
Association of Medical Education
and Research in Substance Abuse,
Arlington, VA, November, 2011
Recent Publications & Presentations
APHA 139th Annual Meeting
OCT 29– NOV 2, 2011
Washington, DC
Relationship of housing type
with walking and stair use
among urban living elderly patients recovering from hip facture surgery. 139th APHA Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.
October 30, 2011. Chambers
EC. Fuster D, Corredor P, Ramirez A, Walsh Ml
Oral health needs of persons
living in the community with
advanced HIV/AIDS. October
31, 2011. Victoria H. Raveis,
PhD , Daniel G. Karus, Monique
Carrero, Peter Selwyn.
4eth of
Familial/informal caregivers to
persons living with advanced
HIV/AIDS in the community .
October 31, 2011Raveis VH,
Selwyn P, Karus DG, Carrero
Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan:
The Adverse Effects on Communities of the Diversion of Human
and Financial Resources . October 31, 2011 SidelVW, Levy BS.
War and Public Health: A 20Year Perspective. APHA 2011
Annual Meeting. Washington,
DC. October 2011.Sidel VW &
Levy BS.
Goals, Collective Bargaining,
and Collective Action: The Viability and Urgency of Physician
Unions in Corporate Healthcare.
October 31, 2011. Sanders J.
Taking It to the curbside: Engaging communities to create sustainable change for health. October 31, 2011 Hacker K, Tendulkar S , Digirolamo A, Grullon
M , Leung C, Savage C , Strelnick AH , Rideout C .
Frequency of STD Infections in
Women Presenting to Methadone Maintenance Treatment.
Abstract, 139th Annual Meeting environments. 139th APHA Anof the American Public Health
nual Meeting, Washington, DC.
Association, Washington DC,
November 2, 2011. Lucan, SC.
November, 2011Stahl B, Jeffers
Family Medicine is
A, Roose R, Smith J, Quarless S,
Primary Care (FMEC)
Kunins HV.
October 20-23, 2011
Global tsunamis 2011: Japan,
Danvers (Boston), MA
Egypt, Wisconsin, Libya and US
Immigration. From nuclear reactor breach to breaching workers Why Do we Care About Preventing Perineal Trauma in
rights; from breathtaking peoChildbirth? Ekanadham H,
ple's revolution to a revolting
Johnston B.
third US military front; from
guaranteeing liberties for corpo- Abuse in Pregnancy. Fyffe UP,
rate ―persons‖ to persecuting
Johnston-Briggs B
immigrant families. Truth and
Countering Misinformation from
consequences in our interCrisis Pregnancy Centers: Issues
dependent lives; lessons learned for Residents and Patient Educaand to be learned for public
tion. Gold M, Schonberg D,
health . November 1,2011 Cohen Wang L, Schubert F, Herbitter
HW , Smith CL , Eyewitness
presenters from Japan, Egypt
Evolving Female Gender Roles
Wisconsin .
and the impact of Women‘s ReFrequency of STD Infection in
productive Healthcare. Kumar H
Women Presenting to MethaAn Evolution of an IUD Initiadone Maintenance Treatment
tive at Family Medicine ResiPrograms. November 1, 2011.
dency Programs. Herbitter C,
Stahl B, Jeffers A , Roose R ,
Smith J , Kunins H, Quarless S . Fletcher J, Schubert F, Greenberg M, Gold M.
Green Carts in the Bronx - Are
mobile produce vendors selling Acute and Chronic Prostatitis.
Akanki FR, Johnston-Briggs B.
how and where they are most
needed? November 1, 2011 Lu- Taking the Training Wheels Off:
can SC. Maroko A, Shenkar R, Abortion Training as Pradigm
Jordan WB.
for involving Trainees in ProceMeasuring an urban street food dural Care. Miller S, Barnes Z ,
environment - a method to assess MacNaughton H, Stein T, Phillips S, Gold M.
street food vendors, and data,
from the Bronx. 139th APHA
Patient-Centered Papaya WorkAnnual Meeting, Washington,
shop Miller SB, McLendon L,
DC. November 1, 2011.Lucan
Gillespie Gingeer, Gold M,
Prine L, Johnston J, Romanos C,
Affell M.
Reaching vulnerable Bronx
youth through two-pronged ap- Medical Student Awareness of
proach of routine HIV testing
the Patient-centered Medical
and targeted outreach strategies . Home Joo P, Younge R ,Jones
November 1, 2011 Marrero L ,
D, Hove J, Lin S , William BurLane H , Futterman D .
Street food vendors in the Bronx
- A neglected but potentially
important aspect of urban food
November 12-16, 2011
Farmers' Markets in the Bronx:
Benefiting Community Nutrition? (Unexpected Findings).
NAPCRG 2011 Annual Meeting, Banff, Alberta (presented by
student, Omar Sanon). November 12, 2011 Lucan SC.
What about those guys selling
food on the streets? - Examining
a neglected aspect of urban food
environments. NAPCRG 2011
Annual Meeting, Banff, Alberta.
November 13, 2011 Lucan SC.
Produce oases in food deserts? Are Green Carts selling how and
where they are most needed?
NAPCRG 2011 Annual Meeting, Banff, Alberta. November
15, 2011 Lucan SC.
Saving time or waste of time? Business list data vs. ground
observations for measuring the
food environment., NAPCRG
2011 Annual Meeting, Banff,
Alberta. November 16, 2011
Lucan SC.
Urban primary care providers
report of their counseling and/or
provision of long-acting reversible contraception for adolescents. Poster presented at the
North American Forum on Family Planning, October 2011
Washington, DC. Abstract in the
journal Contraception, Volume
84, Issue 3, September 2011,
Page 334. Rubin SE, McKee
Urban primary care providers
report of their counseling and/or
provision of long-acting reversible contraception for adolescents. Oral presentation at the
North American Primary Care
Research Group Annual Meeting, November 2011. Banff,
Alberta, Canada. Rubin SE,
McKee MD.
Future Dates
Family Medicine
Inpatient Teaching
3544 Jerome Ave
January 03, 2012
March 06, 2012
January 24, 2012
March 27, 2012
February 07, 2012
April 03, 2012
February 28, 2012
April 24, 2012
May 1, 2012
Fifth Annual
Montefiore Health
Opportunities Program
Application season is going live
on Monday, January 9, 2012. If
you know of any College
Freshmen-Sophomores or High
School Seniors that would be
interested in the program please
encourage them to apply.
Program Description
Harold Wise, MD Memorial Lecture
A special Social Medicine Rounds Honoring the Founder of the Residency Program
in Social Medicine at Montefiore Medical Center
Special Guest Speaker
Steve M. Safyer, MD-RPSM’85
President , Chief Executive Officer
Montefiore Medical Center
Tuesday, January 17, 2012 (4:30-6:00pm)
Cherkasky Auditorium
Montefiore Medical Center
111 East 210th Street, Bronx, NY 10467
Dinner to Follow
Future Dates
Social Medicine Rounds
Grand Rounds
Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday’s of the Month—4:30-6:00PM
3544 Jerome Ave, 3rd Floor conference room. For more info go to or contact Deyanira Acevedo
Every 1st and 3rd Friday’s of the month
For more info contact Shannon Lanier
DFSM Holiday Potluck
Please Join Us
December 20, 2011
4:30pm – 7:00pm
3544 Jerome Ave
3rd Floor Conference Room
Contribution sign-up sheets will be located at
the RPSM reception beginning in November
Real Estate
Beautiful Antique Home Lovingly Renovated,
Still Possessing the charm of Yesteryear
180 LongRidge, Danbury, Ct.
$309, 000.00
Please Contact:
Justin Bilancia, PA
NW7/Palliative Care Program
For our next issue
coming in February
Social Medicine on the Web...
Pulse on the Move
Pulse--voices from the heart of medicine, the weekly online publication created by DFSM in 2008 continues to attract new readers from around the world. Our weekly circulation will soon top 7,000.
Every Friday, Pulse e-mails its readers via e-mail a first-person story or poem about health care. These pieces are personal and
compelling--and written by patients, healthcare professionals and students alike, providing a rare forum where all those who are
a part of health care can share our experiences on an equal footing.
Because of their power and authenticity, Pulse stories are circulated by organizations like the IHI (Institute for Healthcare Improvement) and picked up by websites like KevinMD; Pulse has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post and
Los Angeles Times.
Dr. Donald Berwick, Administrator of Medicare and Medicare Services, spoke for many when he said, "I not only read Pulse, I
adore it... The supply of compelling, often poetic accounts is the best around."
Larry Dyche and Justin Sanders have published stories in Pulse. So have Jenny Reckrey and Joanna Dognin, as well as a number of Einstein students. Perhaps you have a story you'd like to tell?
If you don't receive Pulse and would like to, simply visit our website: and click on "Become a
Friend." It's easy to sign up--and it's free!
—Paul Gross, MD
Editor in Chief, Pulse
The Social Medicine Portal
An Alternative to Corporate Health
Social Medicine Portal, a project developed by faculty members of the Department of Family and Social Medicine of the
Montefiore‘s Health Opportunities Program (Monte H.O.P.) is a Albert Einstein College of Medicine. The portal contains links
summer enrichment program for students from economically or to websites, documents and presentations devoted to social
educationally disadvantaged backgrounds and/or from groups medicine. Our goal in creating this site is to link together the
diverse international community of people working in social
typically considered underrepresented in the health care fields.
medicine and health activism. We encourage visitors to e-mail
us materials for inclusion.
Helping Students Succeed in Health Careers
Social Medicine / Medicina Social
Social Medicine is a bilingual, academic, open-access journal published since 2006 by the Department of Family and Social Medicine at Montefiore Medical Center/Albert Einstein College of
Medicine and the Latin American Social Medicine Association
(ALAMES). Registration with the journal is not necessary to read
the content.
DFSM Newsletter is produced by the
Department of Family and Social Medicine at
Montefiore Medical Center
Deyanira Acevedo, (718) 920-7519