Montefiore`s Summer Newsletter
Montefiore`s Summer Newsletter
Montefiore SUMMER 2013 • JUNE – AUGUST FA M I LY N E W S L E T T E R Message from Robert M. Lustig, Board Chair, The Montefiore Housing Corporation 1882 – 2013 REACHING NEW HEIGHTS Montefiore’s 131st Annual Meeting on Wednesday, May 22, 2013, was a vitalizing time of warm tales and heartfelt moments. Amidst a welcoming audience of over 150 people, Lauren B. Rock, president and CEO, spoke on how Montefiore was true to its annual meeting sentiment of “Reaching New Heights.” Alice R. Sayre was awarded the Harley I. Gross Presidential Award. A new recognition – Board Member of Note – was bestowed upon longtime board member Idelle K. Wolf. 131 Years – Reaching New Heights Faces in the crowd: Carol Weiss, vice president of planning and human resources, with board member Cathy Stamler. Harley I. Gross Award Winner Alice R. Sayre (center) with daughter-inlaw Nancy Wurzel and son Don Sayre. Board Member of Note Honoree CEO & President Lauren Rock, Board Chair Steve Willensky, and Foundation Board Chair Andrew Hoffmann, with (center) Board Member of Note, Idelle K. Wolf. Employees-of-the-Year Lauren Rock with the 2013 Employee-of-theYear Award Winners. (L-R) Lucy Mullins, PT, physical therapy coordinator, Jessica Szoka, LPN, Weils Rehab and Holly Koberna, LPN, rehab annex. Montefiore Keynote Staff Choir Joan Sahley, Josie Love (director), Mary Baioni, Cantor Laurel Barr (accompanist), Margo Vinney (board member), Iuliia Marshall and Lakisha Burns. (Not pictured: Jeannette Motley.) THE MORE THINGS CHANGE… I’m struck by how the more things change, the more they remain the same. Back when Dr. Julius and Helen Weil came to Montefiore in 1941 – Julius as the director, and Helen as a social worker – Montefiore was noted as a classic “old folks home” – a place where older individuals (old at that time was about age 65) went to live, have meals together and enjoy social events where they mixed and mingled. Julius Weil was a leading thinker in planning for the care of the aging. He recognized that times were changing, that people were living longer and that their needs had changed from the need for a place to live – to one where their health and welfare could be supervised and managed. Under his foresight, Montefiore became a leader in the movement for change from an “old folks home” to a quality care facility for the aging senior community. But something else evolved. What if you weren’t quite ready for long-term care, and just wanted a nicer place where you needed assistance from time-to-time? About a dozen years ago, Montefiore recognized that times had again changed and that there was a need for a place where people could live in their own apartments, have meals together or in their own rooms, socialize, mix and mingle and have oversight of their medical needs as required. Today, that’s what we call The Weils – Montefiore’s Senior Living Community. It is appropriate that, as the Montefiore family again moved to the forefront of providing for people as they age, we recognize the leadership of Julius and Helen Weil and that we have come full circle back to our beginnings. For more information on The Weils, contact Amy Simon, community outreach and admissions coordinator at 440.543.4221. L-R: Robert Lustig, Housing Board Chair, with wife Joan, Gary Bilchik and his wife (and new board member) Janice. VOLUNTEER SPOTLIGHT �olunteer �ecognition BRUNCH Volunteer Connection L-R: Alvin Barkley with Vi Spevack and wife Clair. Volunteer Recognition Brunch Hits the High Notes By Mary Kate Hageman, Volunteer Coordinator Music has long been recognized for its capabilities to bring people together and tell their unique stories. Such may explain why the annual Volunteer Recognition on Sunday, May 5, 2013, featuring the theme, “Volunteers Are A Symphony of Service,” struck a chord with over 100 volunteers from Montefiore and The Weils alike. With gracious support from MVPs Alice Sayre and Alvin and Clair Barkley and The Bea Bernstein Volunteer Fund of The Montefiore Foundation, the event conveyed a sense of keen importance and rich history for all in attendance. Fittingly, the winner of The 2012 Bea Bernstein Award, Ed Broidy, knows a thing or two about stage presence. A cheerful and charismatic leader of Montefiore’s weekly Sing-along program for over 20 years, 90-year-old Ed’s hearty and melodious singing generates boundless enjoyment for the residents. Aside from his voice, it is his signature positive attitude that truly resonates. Ed is known for his easygoing perspective and signature catchphrase that reminds us to “keep our sunny side up.” With the admiration of everyone in the room, including his family and a surprise video clip of congratulations by son, Michael, who lives in California, the event was a most memorable curtain call for Ed. Other volunteers in the spotlight: The Weils Volunteer-of-the-Year, Cindy Judd, proves that a first impression goes a long way. She was the first-ever official volunteer at The Weils and has thrived ever since. A mahj jong devotee, Cindy has rallied her own group of players to The Weils, ensuring that residents always have someone to play with. The Staff Appreciation Award honoree Amanda Pouewells, garnered appreciation for her multiple talents as an employee, resident activities volunteer and mentor to other junior volunteers. Humble, hardworking and eager, Amanda’s accomplishments set the tone for her fellow staff members and all who her generosity impacts. Following a string quartet performance featuring students from the Cleveland Institute of Music, a delicious brunch, uplifting words of appreciation and a poignant musical slideshow, the event concluded with perhaps the sweetest sound of all – a spirited round of applause for all those who make life a little brighter for everyone at Montefiore and The Weils. Ladies Who Brunch Adele Ack with Cissy Rubin, Gloria Sloan and Betty Blumenthal. Good Friends, Good Times Leslie Rosen with mom Millie Klein and Mary Hopkins. With Appreciation Cal Cohen, Anita Buckholtz, Ethel Adler and Mike Pollock. Congratulations Amanda, Cindy & Ed! Congratulations to our award winners who deserve much credit for their dedicated and continuous support of the Montefiore and The Weils residents: • The 2012 Bea Bernstein Award winner: Ed Broidy • The Staff Appreciation Award Honoree: Amanda Pouewells • The Weils 2012 Volunteerof-the-Year winner: Cindy Judd 2 • MO N T E F I OR E FA M I LY N EWS LET T ER Staff Appreciation Award Honoree Housekeeping Aide Amanda Pouewells with supervisor Jack Schoenbeck. Weils Volunteerof-the-Year Award winner Cindy Judd (center) with husband Bob and daughter Alissa. The Broidy Bunch First row: Granddaughter Jessica Levine, wife Helene Broidy, Bea Bernstein winner Ed Broidy, with daughter Joan Morgenstern and friend Robert Valente. Back row: Grandsons Aaron Levine with Harry Morgenstern. PLEASE JOIN US AS WE HONOR THE INCOMING OFFICERS AND EXECUTIVE BOARD AT THE Montefiore Auxiliary Installation Luncheon Thursday, June 27, 2013 • 11:30 am • Montefiore Maltz Auditorium One David N. Myers Parkway, Beachwood, OH Enjoy the musical entertainment of Cliff Habian. The event will be held in the Montefiore Maltz Auditorium at 11:30 am. RSVP no later than Monday, June 17, 2013. Cost is $25. Name _______________________________________________________________________ Guest(s) _____________________________________________________________________ Seat me with: ________________________________________________________________ Phone _______________________________________________________________________ Email Address________________________________________________________________ Enclosed is $___________ for ____reservations. Please make checks payable to Montefiore Auxiliary and mail to: Mary Iammarino, 27050 Cedar Road/Apt. 702-4, Beachwood, OH 44122 • 216.910.2741. Happy 55th Anniversary to the Montefiore Auxiliary! The Auxiliary has a rich history of enhancing resident life by providing services such as weekly Bingo games, monthly ice cream socials and dedicated support in our treasured Posh Nosh and MoMart establishments, to name a few. Seated, from left: Marilyn Weinberg, Shirley Basch, and Linda Mintz. Standing, from left: Shirley Wachsberger, Rhoda Seifert, Cissy Rubin, Mickey Roberts, Claire Nash, Joan Weintraub, Mayda Rothenberg, Mary Iammarino, and Anita Weinberg. Auxiliary Seeks Advertisers For Lotto Calendar It may be only June, but the Auxiliary is already preparing for the 2014 Lotto Calendar. Help us help the residents of Montefiore as proceeds from the calendar will support entertainment, outings and gifts for birthdays and holidays. Find out more about this successful calendar, contacting Rhoda Seifert at 216.381.9525. Ads are available in a variety of sizes: Full Page . . . . . . . . . $450 11” wide by 8” high Half Page . . . . . . . . $350 5¼” wide by 8” high Quarter Page . . . . $175 5¼” wide by 3 7/8” high Eighth Page . . . . . $95 5 ¼” wide by 1 7/8” high D ONATE N OW – G O TO M ONT EFIORECARE.ORG Auxiliary Plus Fund June, July, August 2013 Support the Auxiliary by donating to the Plus Fund. All contributions directly benefit the residents through weekly bingo games, lunch and breakfast outings, monthly ice cream socials, Oneg Shabbats and more. Envelopes are located at the Reception Desk or in the Volunteer/Auxiliary Office. In Honor Leona (Lil) Nathanson’s 90th Birthday Sara Lee Schumer Allyn Michael Gail Stroud In Memory Arthur Bletcher Sid & Betty Blumenthal Manual Hand Gloria Newman Wishing a Speedy Recovery Sara Lee Schumer Shirley & Harvey Basch Let the Sun Shine In for Montefiore Residents – Volunteer! Everyone enjoys being outside on a bright sunny day and our residents are no exception. Did you know that there are many health benefits to a moderate amount of sun exposure: • The sun’s light kills bad bacteria. • Sunlight has a beneficial effect on skin disorders. • Sunlight lowers cholesterol. • The sun’s rays lower blood pressure. • Sunlight penetrates deep into the skin to cleanse the blood and blood vessels. • Sunlight increases oxygen content in human blood. • Sunlight builds the immune system. • Sunlight can help cure depression. Bring sunshine to ours seniors by spending time with them outside when the weather is nice. Discuss current events, toss a balloon around, sing, play games, or just soak up the rays together. You will be glowing with pride from making a difference in your life and others. Learn more about friendly visiting or other volunteer opportunities by contacting Diane Weiner, Auxiliary and Volunteer Manager at 216.910.2741 or e-mail Attention Junior Volunteers Ages 12–18! There is still time to sign up to volunteer this summer at Montefiore. Hours are flexible to incorporate camp and vacations. Orientation dates are: • Monday, June 10 • 10 am – 12 noon • Thursday, June 13 • 11 am – 1 pm • Sunday, June 16 • 10 am – 12 pm • Tuesday, June 18 • 3 – 5 pm • Monday, June 24 • 10 am – 12 noon • Friday, June 28 • 11 am – 1 pm The program is open year-round. For more information, contact Mary Kate Hageman, volunteer coordinator at 216.910.2566 or e-mail SUMM E R 2 01 3 • 3 The Call OFTheWeils Mary Jean DeVaul, Life-Enrichment Coordinator • For a full listing of ALL events held at The Weils, please contact Mary Jean DeVaul at 440.543.4221 or June Happenings! Guytano Parks performs musical magic on Father’s Day, June 16 at 1:30 pm. Make reservations for your family to have dinner with the patriarch of your family from 5 – 6:30 pm in our dining room. Need to unwind? Join us as Margaret Swift leads her meditation group on Wednesday, June 12 at 1:30 pm as the stressors of life are released. Dr. Laszlo Harmat, medical director for The Rehabilitation Pavilion at The Weils and affiliated with Precision Orthopaedic Specialties, will speak on “Hip Osteoarthritis” on Wednesday, June 26 at 6:30 pm at The Weils. July Happenings! Don’t forget to bring the sparklers as ‘Steppin Out’ performs on Thursday, July 4 at 1:30 pm with their patriotic program: Stars & Stripes. A Caribbean Breeze will find vacationers on the Community Room Patio with Ken Greene on steel drums at 6:30 pm on Monday, July 8. Island attire is encouraged. Every nature lover will attend when the Geauga Park District lectures on Thursday, July 11 at 3 pm. ‘Creature Feature: Underground Animals’ is their topic of the day. Dr. Harmat returns to discuss “Knee Osteoarthritis” on Wednesday, July 24 at 6:30 pm in The Weils Community Room. Cantor Gary Gelender will bring his ‘Broadway Splash’ to Bainbridge on Thursday, July 25 at 7 pm. Come prepared to be part of the show! August Happenings! Do the hula when Hawaiian Holiday occurs on Tuesday, August 6 at 6:30 pm. Bob and Shelly Orlandi will perform island favorites with a Weils flair. Baldwin Wallace Professor James Pawlik lectures about ‘The Constitution’ on Friday, August 9 at 1:30 pm. Has anyone seen Elvis? Joel Scigliano will perform Elvis hits at the happy hour on Friday, August 16 at 4 pm. Don’t forget your blue suede shoes! Dr. Harmat is back to chat about “Shoulder Osteoarthritis” on Wednesday, August 28 in The Weils Community Room beginning at 6:30 pm. On The Weils Marquee Every Monday in June • 1-4 pm Open Art Studio with Ruth Jaffe June 11 • 2 pm Sweet Songsters provide the best sing-along in Geauga County June 19 • 5:15 pm Mary Beth Ions will provide strolling dinner music in the dining room June 25 • 1:30 pm Explorations with Rabbi Chazin Every Friday in July • 10 am Tai Chi with Sandy July 8 • 1:30 pm Michael Blauner provides a ‘Tribute to Broadway’ July 13 • 1:30 pm Grab your dancing shoes for the Dance Party with Eric Noltkamper July 19 • 6:15 pm Shabbat Services with Rabbi Joel Chazin and Trina Miller August 1 • 1:30 pm The NCJW High Notes reveal their brand new show August 11 • 1:30 pm Ilya Shteyndler plays the standards on the baby grand August 16 • 6:15 pm Shabbat Services with Rabbi Joel Chazin and Trina Miller August 17 • 1:30 pm St. Helen’s Dance Ensemble performs their summer recital Picture Perfect a t T he W e i l s ! Passover at The Weils Cantor Gary Gelender leads the Passover seder. Weils Award Winners This year’s Weils Volunteerof-the-Year Award winner Cindy Judd enjoys game time with Jessica Szoka (seated on left) is joined by Madeline members of The Weils staff as she is honored Baker. with the 2013 EOY Award. Israel Independence Day Andrew Lehner and a student from Solon Jewish Preschool visit for Yom Ha’atzmaut Celebration. Family Brunch Pam and Marlene Brown enjoying family brunch. 4 • M O N TE F I OR E FA M I LY N EWS LET T ER Gloria Lightman (seated) and her family enjoying the festivities. David Hochman (son-in-law), Barbara Hochman (daughter), Jason Hochman (grandson), and Jessa Hochman (granddaughter). FATHER’S DAY CELEBRATION A T M O N T E F I O R E Sunday, June 16, 2013 at 2:30 pm in the Maltz Auditorium Featuring singer Sophie Madorsky and accompanist Steve Willensky All are welcome! Call Susan Lieberman, director of marketing and public relations at 216.910.2647 for questions. PLEASE JOIN RABBI CHAZIN FOR THIS UPCOMING 2013 SUMMER EVENT: Songs of a Summer’s ight FREE & OPEN TO THE COMMUNITY! SATURDAY EVENING, JUNE 29 AT 7 PM Broadway and popular songs from the American Songbook by soloist Cheryl Eitman, violinist Mary Beth Ions and pianist Trina Miller, concluding with a lovely Havdalah service.* This event is supported by the Sid and Betty Blumenthal Fund of The Montefiore Foundation, The Daniel and Rose Goldstein Endowment Fund, and by a generous gift from Glenda and Martin Weisblatt. For more information contact Rabbi Joel Chazin at 216.910.2522. *In Montefiore’s outdoor courtyard garden, weather permitting, or will be moved to the Maltz Auditorium. MEN’S HEALTH FAIR FOR Sunday, June 30 from 1-4 pm MEN OF Montefiore • Maltz Auditorium ALL Free health screenings • Blood Pressure • Glucose AGES Cholesterol • Heart Rate • BMI Light refreshments will be provided. No registration required. For more information, contact Susan Lieberman, director of marketing and public relations at 216.910.2647. TISHA B’AV Join us for the following Tisha B’Av services: MoMart Summer Sale! Come and visit the MoMart Gift Shop throughout the summer months and receive 20% off select items. We have a variety of fashion selections, including jewelry – plus the perfect gift for your recent graduate. All proceeds benefit the residents of Montefiore. For more information please contact the MoMart at 216.910.2483 or Diane in the Auxiliary office at 216.910.2741. Summer hours for the MoMart Gift Shop are: Monday – Friday: 10 am – 3:30 pm Saturdays: Noon – 4 pm The MoMart Gift Shop: 216.910.2483. A Posh Dining Experience Customize Your Order! SPECIAL ORDERS WELCOME We offer a variety of salads and fresh fruit, prepared daily. Come and enjoy refreshing smoothies, delectable wraps, sizzling burgers and hotdogs, and a whole lot more! If we have the ingredients available, we’ll make it! And don’t forget dessert! Bring your loved ones by for a warm and friendly dining experience. Whether you are taking out or eating in, we hope you’ll stop by and join us! Summer hours for The Posh Nosh Café are: Monday – Friday: 9 am – 3:30 pm* Saturdays: 11 am – 2 pm (Cold food available only) *(Kitchen closes at 3 pm weekdays – not open on weekends.) 3 The Posh Nosh Café: 216.910.2480. LeadingAge Shining Stars Monday, July 15 4:30 pm Erev Tisha B’Av Evening service Mourning for the Destruction of the First & Second Temples in Jerusalem: The Destruction for The Second Temple – occurring in 70 A.D. – signaled the beginning of the Jewish Dispersion through the ages until the return to Israel. Tuesday, July 16 10:30 am First day of Tisha B’Av Morning service D ONATE N OW – G O TO M ONT EFIORECARE.ORG Congratulations to Montefiore’s Shining Stars! Erica Idov (Staff Scheduler), Sarah Axner (Social Worker), Dmytro Grystsyuk (Restorative Aide), Carmen Walker (State Tested Nursing Assistant) and Lisa Jamieson (Nursing). SP R ING 2 01 3 • 5 Gina Prosser, Vice President of Clinical Services Receives Award of Excellence in Nursing Leadership Gina Prosser, vice president of clinical services, has recently received the Award of Excellence in Nursing from Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, Delta Omega Chapter. The award recognizes superior achievement in the development of leadership qualities, creative work, a strong commitment to the ideals and purposes of the nursing profession and the fostering of high professional standards. Congratulations Gina! MEET THE TEAM Sarah Braun Janet Kodrich Peggy Severini Sarah Braun is the new Weils Activity and Volunteer Coordinator. Sarah comes to us from Menorah Park, where she served as a Childcare Teacher for almost seven years. Most recently, Sarah became a board member on the Newbury Joint Recreation Board where she is working on grantwriting and fundraising. A native of Gahanna, Ohio, a suburb of Columbus, Sarah graduated from Gahanna Lincoln High School and moved to Northeast Ohio to attend Lakeland Community College where she earned her Associate’s Degree in Early Childhood Education, and then earned her Bachelor’s Degree from Cleveland State University in Nonprofit Administration. Janet Kodrich has joined Montefiore as Hospital and Community Relations Coordinator. In her role Janet will provide support to both Montefiore and The Weils by helping us grow our services lines. Janet will be spending a majority of her time at the various hospitals bringing the message of the great quality care Montefiore and The Weils provide to our future patients. Janet will be working closely with the admissions teams at Montefiore and The Weils Rehab Pavilion. Janet comes to us with many years of experience in various marketing, community and hospital relations roles at Kindred Healthcare and Light of Hearts Villa. She currently serves as President of the Professional Networking Group and is well-regarded for her organizational skills, results orientation and professionalism by her peers and healthcare leaders. Peggy Severini, RN, has been promoted to the position of Hospice and Palliative Care Clinical Coordinator. Peggy has been a Hospice Nurse Case Manager for the hospice team since 2003. She has frequently taken on the responsibilities of daily management of our hospice operations when needed, and has demonstrated excellent organizational and clinical skills. Peggy has also functioned as a clinical liaison to many of our contracted facilities, maintaining and building positive relationships as she provided care to our patients and families. She has been a mentor for the other members of the hospice team, making her the ideal candidate for this leadership position. Welcome Sarah, Janet and Peggy! 6 • MONTEFIORE FAMILY NEWSLETTER Around the Home Montefiore at Home Receives Perfect 2013 PASSPORT Survey “Zero Deficiencies”” Montefiore at Home recently had their annual PASSPORT survey of client records, care and services to the community. For the second year in-a-row, we are proud to announce that Montefiore at Home received a “deficiency-free” PASSPORT survey! Yom Ha’atzmaut Resident Lynda Duke and entertainer Irwin Weinberger celebrate Israel’s Independence Day. Happy Nurses’ Day! L-R: La’Tesha Myers-Hudson RN, director of nursing, with Mistie Wheeler RN, nurse manager, Latoya Eason, LPN, Monna Eason, RN, nurse manager and Patty Duplago, RN, nurse manager. Stay Connected! Do We Have Your E-mail Address? If you haven’t received our e-Blasts, then we don’t vave your current e-mail address. Let Montefiore and The Weils keep you up-to-date with the latest news. Send your e-mail address to: Marilyn Evans at Just one more way to stay connected! KIM’S KORNER by Kim Cole, Foundation Development Officer DEBBIE ROTHSCHILD, DIRECTOR OF THE MONTEFIORE FOUNDATION DEBBIE ROTHSCHILD JOINS MONTEFIORE AS DIRECTOR OF THE MONTEFIORE FOUNDATION Montefiore is pleased to announce that Debbie Rothschild has joined the management team as Director of The Montefiore Foundation. She brings strong capabilities in development, donor and board relations, and philanthropic giving that will continue to set us apart from other nonprofits. As a familiar face to many in the Jewish community, Debbie recently served as the Northern Ohio Regional Director of Jewish National Fund (JNF). In her last nine years there, she significantly increased the number of overall donors and dollars raised for the state of Israel. She is well-regarded for the high visibility events she planned honoring prestigious community leaders. Prior to JNF, she served as development director at Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple and director of membership and marketing at the Mandel Jewish Community Center. “We are fortunate to have Debbie join the Montefiore family,” says Lauren Rock, president and CEO. “Debbie’s outstanding fundraising background will help the Foundation secure Montefiore’s future.” Debbie brings expertise in making compelling cases for giving, special event planning, building donor relationships, strategic planning and community outreach. She applies sincere passion and personal integrity to linking donor wishes with important organizational needs. “I appreciate the opportunity to work with one of the area’s premier senior healthcare organizations and look forward to making significant strides,” said Rothschild. A native Clevelander, Debbie earned a Bachelor of Arts and a Master of Arts degree from Kent State University. She and her family are members of B’nai Jeshurun Congregation and reside in Solon, Ohio. Welcome Debbie! Help Us Go Above and Beyond The staff at Montefiore and The Weils pride ourselves on not only providing exemplary clinical care to our residents and patients, but also providing respect, dignity and a high quality of life. Beyond residents’ and patients’ medical/ rehabilitation needs, there are myriad “wish list” items that would assist us in meeting our goal of “being recognized as the center of excellence for promotion of wellness, innovative treatment and care of illness, and attainment of the highest possible quality of life for the aging community.” We would be delighted to receive donations of any of the items listed below: • iPads (2) for rehabilitation services and patients with communication difficulties • Two digital cameras • Cash register to be used on Rehab Road™ for therapy • Wall clocks for resident rooms • Foot stools to prevent edema • Gently used car for resident transportation at The Weils • Books for Assisted Living Memory Care Pavilion library • Elevated garden beds and gardening tools • CDs of classical and 1920s -1950s music • DVDs of musicals and old movies • Embroidery floss, yarn, buttons, broken jewelry and other fiber art materials to be used for art projects • Catalogues and magazines with photos of babies and children for project of the activities department If you would like to donate any of these items or assist us in purchasing these items, please contact The Montefiore Foundation office at 216.910.2350 or e-mail All donations will be acknowledged with a letter of an in-kind donation. Thank you. D ONATE N OW – G O TO M ONT EFIORECARE.ORG As I sit at my desk writing this column, the sun is shining and it is a beautiful spring day. Like many, I often equate annual fund giving with end-of-year giving… when it is cold and there is snow on the ground. But as we all know, the expenses of running high-quality facilities like Montefiore and The Weils are yearround. We need your annual fund support in June, as well as December! (and all the months in-between). Donors to our Annual Fund are able to target their gift to the area of greatest need (unrestricted) or to one of six programmatic priorities. Although unrestricted dollars allow us the greatest flexibility, we recognize that some donors prefer to focus their gift on areas which as nearest to their hearts. If you have not already done so, please consider making a donation to our Annual Sustaining Campaign. As always, The Montefiore Foundation is hard at work collaborating with current and potential donors to identify ways they can assist us in continuing to provide excellent and comprehensive care to individuals as they age. I welcome the opportunity to talk to you about planned gifts, named funds, or other ways to support Montefiore and The Weils. To make a donation or learn more about how to support The Montefiore Foundation, please visit or contact me at or 216.910.2652. You can also make a donation on our online giving form at Appreciatively yours, Kim WE INVITE YOU TO ATTEND “Journey Through Grief ” A SIX-WEEK BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP July 9 – August 13, 2013 Tuesdays, 5-6:30 pm Maltz C at Montefiore One David N. Myers Parkway in Beachwood, OH To register, please contact the Vinney Hospice office at 216.910.2795. SUMM E R 2 01 3 • 7 Tributes FEBRUARY 1, 2013 – APRIL 30, 2013 Tributes February 1, 2013 – April 30, 2013 Donations to Montefiore enhance the lives of our residents, families, staff, volunteers and the community. This list reflects donations received February 1, 2013 through April 30, 2013. We apologize for any errors or omissions. To make a donation in honor or in memory of a special person or milestone event, please call The Montefiore Foundation at 216.910.2350 or visit the Foundation page on our website: THE ALZHEIMER’S FUND In honor of: Lilly Rothschild’s B’nai Mitzvah project Randi & Meri Mashmoor Shirley & Eugene Rose’s 60th anniversary Barbara & Joseph Moster THE ANNUAL SUSTAINING CAMPAIGN In memory of: Sarah Davidson Susan & Michael Hyman Susan & Moses Jhirad Sharon Weinstein Ann DiOrio Carole Iammarino Esther Goodman Cindy Dubin Ezzo Larry Rubin Arlene & Paul Simon Jack Skurow Gary Jacob Fran & Sid Lasky Ellen Rosen Lenore Steinberger Jeffrey Aker Janet & Dan Byrd Brigette Corcoran Suzanne & James Meola Joy & Stan Priesand Ernest Tallisman Donna Chernin Kurit Lillian Widzer Marilyn & Mitchel Ross Rena Widzer In honor of: Ruth Moskovitz’ speedy recovery Linda Mintz THE VERA ARLEN HOSPICE PALLIATIVE CARE ENDOWMENT FUND In honor of: Sidney Arlen’s big birthday Seth Wikas THE AILEEN & ARTHUR ARNSON GARDEN FUND In memory of: Bill Blau Alice Bond Nancy Hyams Lottie Katz Doris Miller Aileen Arnson THE ALVIN & CLAIR BARKLEY FUND In memory of: Alice Band Marshall Bedol Dr. Edwin Eigner Carl Glickman Nancy Hyams Clair & Alvin Barkley In honor of: Clair & Alvin Barkley’s 65th anniversary Judy Horvitz THE FRANCES EISNER BARJANSKY MEMORIAL FUND In memory of: Ruth Eisner Kathy & Fred Eisner THE RONALD BARNETT MEMORIAL FUND In memory of: Rey Macknin Linda Barnett In honor of: Herb Braun’s speedy recovery Linda Barnett THE BEA BERNSTEIN VOLUNTEER FUND In memory of: Bea Bernstein Leslie Klein Rosen Make A Difference! Donate online or call 216.910.2350. THE FANNIE & MILLY CADKIN ENDOWMENT FUND In memory of: Jeanette Harris Dorothy & Karl Lubitz Leonard Gelfand Evelyn Greene Florence Isaacs Milton Kades Kay Potter Sally & Sanford Ziff In honor of: Sally & Sanford Ziff’s anniversary Debbie & Steven Hartstein & Family THE CLAUDE & SHIRLEY DICKERSON ENDOWMENT FUND In honor of: Madie Dickerson’s birthday Shirley Dickerson THE SHIRLEY FELBER MEMORIAL FUND In memory of: Marshall Bedol Joe Felber Susie & Alan Kopit THE ROSALIE GOLD HOSPICE MUSIC THERAPY FUND Janis & Sid Gold THE DANIEL & ROSE GOLDSTEIN ENDOWMENT FUND In honor of: Terry & Sheldon Adelman’s 50th anniversary Anne & Howard Adelman Susan & Robert Hurwitz Barbara & Richard Schreibman THE LEONARD HEIMAN MEMORIAL FUND In memory of: Faye Cohen Leslie Heiman THE HOSPICE & PALLIATIVE CARE BUILDING FUND In memory of: Phil Rockwell JoAnn & Larry Katz THE ROBERT & SUSAN HURWITZ HOSPICE INTEGRATIVE THERAPY FUND In memory of: Gary Fromson Ruth Golding Harvey Herman Stan Roberts Beloved mother of Mitch Schneider Larry Sherman Susan & Robert Hurwitz In memory of: Steve Weinberg’s milestone birthday Susan & Robert Hurwitz 8 • M O N T E F I OR E FA M I LY N EWS LET T ER THE LOIS & EDWARD KATOVSKY FUND In memory of: Shirley Caplan Dr. Eddie Eigner Sam Robinson Toby Sholiton Lois Katovsky THE MURRAY KLANFER HOSPICE INTEGRATIVE THERAPY MEMORIAL FUND In memory of: Esther Kazdan Joan & Bob Lustig THE DEBORAH ROCKER KLAUSNER MEMORIAL FUND In memory of: Justine Levy Kessler Bess & Richard Kaplan Toby Sholiton Karen Fields & David Klausner THE ANNE KRETCHMER ENDOWMENT FUND In memory of: E. William Spitz Kathy Kretchmer & Harold Mann THE WEINTRAUBLASKY FAMILY HOSPICE CAREGIVER RELIEF FUND In memory of: Aly Jaffe’s grandmother Milton Kades Emalee Schwartz Jack Skurow Gail & Ed Weintraub THE EVELYN & JAMES LISSAUER FUND OF THE MONTEFIORE FOUNDATION In honor of: Evelyn Lissauer’s birthday Chuck Lissauer THE MACK FAMILY ENDOWMENT FUND In memory of: Dr. Edwin Eigner Larry Mack In honor of: Mack Family Fund Drew Jennings Elaine Rocker Larry Mack THE CHARLES & SELMA MANCHICK ART AND ACTIVITIES FUND In memory of: Phyllis Manchick Johanna & Vincent Consolo In honor of: Marge & Bob Manchick THE MONTEFIORE AUXILIARY SPECIAL PURPOSE FUND In memory of: Gloria Krzeminski Shirley Dickerson THE MONTEFIORE RABBI’S FUND In memory of: Helen Davis Dianne Millstein Wilber Weiner Irene & Marvin Weiner In honor of: Rabbi Chazin Rosette Lurie Marge & Bob Manchick Larry Simon Rhoda & Morris Bordman THE MONTEFIORE FOUNDATION The John Huntington Benevolent Fund In memory of: Marshall Bedol Susan & Eliot Charnas Fred Cahn Nina & Leonard Kaden Katie Cohn Moe Safenovitz Sarah Davidson Rabbi Sharon & John Marcus Mary & Leonard Mora Helen Davis Gloria Benis Myta Weisberg Donald Diamond Miriam & Leslie Marks Michael Dryer Nancy Dryer Shirley Gans Desiree & Drew Kate Harvey Herman Susan & Eliot Charnas Florence Isaacs Sanford Shapiro John Skutnik Louise & Lewis Sternberg Jean Kahn Melvin Wolk Ruth Knight Bette Rini & Family Morris Levin Michelle & Duane Borgman Sandra Radov Nancy Dryer Betty Reese Maxine Schaefer E. William Spitz Joan Kretchmer Lenore Steinberger Joan Atkin Marie & Don De Roia Stacie & Jeff Halpern Karen Iannotti Marlene & Athanasios Repidonis Sydell Miller Lauren & Steve Spilman Alan Steinberger Jessica Toth Lillian Widzer Maribelle Axelrod Renee Lieberman Caren & Harry Lever Nancy Levy & Jerry Yasowitz Ruth & Doug Mayers Linda & Geoff Mendelsohn Mary Ann & Dan Rothstein Suzanne & Henry Schneps Bobbie & Michael Weingard Carol & Harvey West In honor of: Ann Berk’s 100th birthday Sylvia & Paul Morrison Maury Feren receiving the Knight of the Legion Sylvia & Paul Morrison Robert Fuerst’s milestone birthday Janice Arnoff Beverly Gans Nancy Wurzel & Donald Sayre Brian Andrew Goldsmith’s Bar Mitzvah Miriam & Leslie Marks Ruth Lieberman’s 89th birthday Lauren Rock & Peter Turner Lil Nathanson’s 90th birthday Dorothy Appel Shirley Weiss Crystal Pesach Bela & George Fischer Debbie Rothschild McCarthy, Lebit, Crystal & Liffman Co. THE GERTRUDE NASH ENDOWMENT FUND In memory of: John Rose Shirley & Harvey Basch In honor of: Elaine Schneider’s speedy recover Shirley & Harvey Basch THE ELMER AND EUDESE PAULL CLINICAL LADDER PROGRAM In honor of: Eudese & Elmer Paull’s 70th anniversary Paula and Steve Pike THE LAWRENCE & SONDRA RUBIN ENDOWMENT FUND In memory of: Lawrence Rubin Rhoda & Herbert Agin Joanne & Don Goldberg Elise & Allan Goldner Maxine Leikin & Bob Turoff Jane & Richard Marcus Carol & Michael Weiss THE MYRTLE & ROBERT SILVERMAN ENDOWMENT FUND Robert Silverman Philanthropic Fund In honor of: Robert Silverman Jewel Koletsky Carol Koletsky & Jeff Wahl THE JOSEPH SHERWIN MEMORIAL FUND In memory of: Joseph Sherwin Mary & Marty Jatlow THE STAFF APPRECIATION FUND In memory of: Nancy Hyams Morris Levin Carol & Michael Weiss THE BETTE L. & JAMES M. STONE FUND FOR CAREGIVER AND STAFF DEMENTIA EDUCATION In memory of: Nancy Calfee Dr. Edward Eigner Edward Schill Betty Rose Toby Sholiton Lillian Widzer Mary Ann & John Hexter VINNEY HOSPICE & PALLIATIVE CARE William & Betty Katz Philanthropic Fund In memory of: Irv Berman Luba Brzezniak Charlotte Davidson Gloria Cohen Gizella Dubner Wendy & Richard Halle Sanford Friedman Marlene Mayers Shirley Friedman Barbara & James Heller Marguerite & Allan Morris Grace Ordin Hilda Gidderman Gail & Louis Kish Jack Goldberg Irene Abrams Pearl Goldstein Susan & Irwin Kornbluth Audrey, Ricky & Stanford Markowitz Scott Spiegle Jerome Goodman Connie Berland Marlene Kurson Jeanette Dorothy Harris Beth & Joel Richman Julie & Fred Siegel, Harry Siegel, Ruth Slate & Families Esther Isakov Barbara & Gary Bleiweiss Brandon Collier Barb & Tom Ferkovic Randi Cohen-George & Tom George Jeremy Flack Sherri & Tedd Friedman Eliana LeVine & Josh Polster & Family Karen & Ira Levinsky Sheila & Kevin Margolis Rochelle & Joel Marx Janice & Chuck Piazza Professional Business Consultants, Inc. Mary Ann & Gary Shamis & Family Sara & Robert Waldrip Marcia Wexberg & Kenneth Singer Tamar & Elliot Smith Your friends at Paytime Juanita Cannavino Darlene Lurie Carole & Paul Rodak Jack Goldberg c.c. mitchell Martha & Gregory Raber Florence Schreibman Morton Kaplan Gloria Grischkan Estee Kaplan Temple Beth Shalom Lottie Krakowski Janice Arnoff Maria & John Bostya Mary & John Buc Marti & Jeffrey Davis Sabrina Fruscella Mary & Lawrence Ganim Linda Gillombardo Mary & John Gillombardo Rita Gillombardo Catherine Granata Ruth Graskemper Dianea & David Heckman Melissa & Nate Heckman Patricia & Richard Janas Constance & Frank Krakowski Sandra Overko Jean Polasko Carter Scharfstein Barbara & James Skrovan Sharon & Skip Sternen Dorothy & John Tominc Laura White Donna & William Williams The Children and Grandchildren of Lottie Krakowski Patrica Pavlovitch Beryl & Gary Tishkoff David Zamos Sr., David Zamos Jr., & Lee Zamos Phil Rockwell Roni & Elliot Berenson Morrie Sayre Nancy Wurzel & Donald Sayre Gerald Stein Thelma & Eric Cantor Robert Stein Marilyn Stein Ernest Tallisman Wendy & Richard Halle Norma Maxon Estelle “Estee” Timbers Eunice & Ernie Benchell Gail Cohen Connie & Michael DeRubertis Diane & Michael Ellis Donald Gentile Debbie & Sheldon Haarburger Lindi Herman Barbara & Barton Kroungold Elizabeth Lawrence Maureen Layden Gail & Kenneth Liffman McCarthy, Lebit, Crystal & Liffman Co. Estelle & Eugene Phinick Kim & Ron Ramsey Ron Ramsey Joan & Marc Rubinstein Lori Ruttenberg Dr. Linda Schoenberg & Bill Jones Jill & Ariel Schwartz Leslie & David Seiger Wendy Shaw, Richard Spivak, Allison Spivak Judi & Frank Slife Rachael & Ralph Stewart Friends at Talbots Joyce & Richard Traci Joyce & Eric Wald Adrienne & Mel Wasserman Stephanie Wohl Ronna & Robert Zelwin Nora Zimmer Harold Turk Bruder, Inc. Nancy & George Gacom The Harvey Goldstein Family Amy Johnson Lyle Merdler JoAnn Turk The Harvey Goldstein Family Ruth Vitek Audrey Hanson Diane & Donald Mastrobuono Shirley Shatten Hal Theis Jerome Weiss Absolute Roofing The Adler Family Board of the Better Business Bureau of Cleveland Marc Blumenthal Ella Fong Hurst Design-BuildRemodeling Michael Kappan on behalf of Apprisen Miriam, Bruce, Aileen & Neil Katcher & Families Ellen & Grant Kloppman James Lineweaver Mary Pat & Ed Mundzak Mr. & Mrs. David Otto Lisa & Alex Petrus The Plumbing Source Joyce & Robert Young Chuck Wien In honor of: in support of the Hospice team work in memory of Anna Neville Nancy Neville Donate Today! Visit THE CORRINE WALLENSTEIN HOSPICE FUND In memory of: Marc Rothstein Cathy & Scott Wallenstein Ernest Tallisman Lynda & Ken Simon & Family Barney Waterman Lynda & Ken Simon & Family THE WEILS STAFF APPRECIATION FUND In memory of: Jack Skurow The Avalon Group Kathy Bain Madeline Baker Elizabeth Barrett Cathy & Paul Becker Maureen Dinner Jean Gady Denni & Carol Glick Joanne & Gary Gottlieb Robert Heiser Lori & John Herman Donna & Kenneth Hyams June Kuhns Bette Rhodes Helen & Ephraim Roth Mira & Mark Schneiderman Sally & Larry Sears Debbie & Phil Weiss In honor of: Mary Jean DeVaul & Amy Simon Kim Cole & Jeff Brown Amy Simon’s wedding Rhoda Roth THE BETTY B. WEISKOPF MEMORIAL FUND In memory of: Ruth Moss John Tamerlano Jill & Avery Weider THE ELLIOT WILLENSKY MUSIC FUND In memory of: Katie Cohn Toby Sholiton Stuart Weiner Janice Weisman Judy & Steve Willensky Elliot Willensky Leslie Klein Rosen In honor of: Steve Willensky receiving the Leading Age and AJAS awards Carol & Michael Weiss THE WILLENSKY RESIDENCE, MEMORY CARE PAVILION In memory of: Elaine Schneider Judy & Steve Willensky In honor of: Shirley & Eugene Rose’s anniversary Polly Fine Marcia & Larry Simon SUMM E R 2 01 3 • 9 Around the Home JUNE2013 Talking to the Animals! Dr. Martin Krasny holds a tamed tarantula during a “Our Zoo to You” program at Montefiore. TUES Mincha Prayer Services: Mondays and Wednesdays 3:30 pm Maltz Chapel 2 Unit Programming 10:30 am Fred Barringer Performs 2:30 pm 9 Unit Programming 10:30 am Peter Tavens Performs 2:30 pm FATHER’S DAY 16 Unit Programming 10:30 am Father’s Day Celebration with Sophie Madorsky 2:30 pm 23 Unit Programming 10:30 am Movie Matinee 2:30 pm Thanks to our activities, housekeeping, dietary and volunteer teams, the day was once again a wonderful success for residents and their families. The wide array of carnival games and crafts and delectable display of hamantaschen were brought to life by not one, but two groups of volunteers this year – area college students dressed in blue shirts from the Cleveland Hillel Foundation and freshmen from a community-based learning class at Hathaway Brown School. Passover Seder Volunteer Steve Owens (center) with residents Michael Rupert and Karen Rubinfield. MON SUN PURIM FUN! 3 WED Armchair Travel w/Rabbi Chazin 10:30 am Bingo 2:15pm 17 4 Sing-along 10:30 am Armchair Travel w/Rabbi Chazin 10:30 am Bingo 2:15 pm 5 SAT 1 Resident Birthday Party w/Joel Scigliano 2:30 pm Bingo 7 pm 10:30 am Fred Sivillo Unit Programming Performs 2:30 pm 10:30 am & 2:30 pm Bingo 7 pm Shabbat Service 10:30 am Fairmount Temple Mitzvah Corp 2:30 pm 6 25 Sing-along 26 Rabbi’s Monthly Memorial Service 11 am Unit Programming 2:30 pm 10:30 am Ron Papaleo Performs 2:30 pm Bingo 7 pm 30 Unit Programming 10:30 am Men’s Health Fair 1-4 pm 10 • M O N TE F I OR E FAM I LY NEWS LET T ER 8 Mercer School Performs 10:30 am Classic Movie 2 pm Shabbat Service 4:30 pm Shabbat Service 10:30 am David Bird Entertains 2:30 pm 13 14 15 Dance w/Miri* 10:30 am Unit Programming Shabbat Service 10:30 am & 2:30 pm 4:30 pm 18 Sing-along 19 Camp Wise 20 10:30 am Dan Elish Performs 2:30 pm Bingo* 7 pm 7 Unit Programming 10:30 am & 2:30 pm Vinney Hospice Memorial Service 7 pm 11 Sing-along 12 Art from the Heart w/Rabbi Chazin 10:30 am Unit Programming Bingo 2:15 pm 10:30 am & 2:30 pm 24 FRI Shabbat Services: Fridays at 4:30 pm Saturdays at 10:30 am Maltz Chapel Art from the Heart w/Rabbi Chazin 10:30 am Unit Programming Bingo 2:15 pm 10:30 am & 2:30 pm 10 THUR Campers Visit 10:30 am Resident Council & Food Committee 2:30 pm 27 Montefiore Auxiliary Installation Luncheon 11:30 am Unit Programming 2:30 pm *On Units Only Shabbat Service 10:30 am Auxiliary Ice Cream Social 2:30 pm 21 Dance w/Miri* 10:30 Classic Movie 2 pm Shabbat Services 4:30 pm 22 Shabbat Service 10:30 am Auxiliary Oneg Shabbat 2:30 pm 28 Shabbat Dance w/Miri* 10:30 am Shabbat Service 4:30 pm 29 Service 10:30 am Ron Fiorentino Entertains 2:30 pm Songs of a Summer’s Night 7 pm JULY2013 MON SUN 1 WED 2 Sing-along 10:30 am Art from the Heart w/Rabbi Chazin 10:30 am Unit Programming Bingo 2:15 pm 10:30 am & 2:30 pm 7 8 Unit Programming 10:30 am Fred Barringer Performs 2:30 pm Unit Programming 10:30 am Ron Papaleo Performs 2:30 pm EREV TISHA B’AV Art from the Heart w/Rabbi Chazin 10:30 am Bingo 2:15 pm Evening Service 4:30 pm 14 Unit Programming 10:30 am Johnny Cool Performs 2:30 pm 28 Unit Programming 10:30 am Tom Lanigan Performs 2:30 pm 15 22 11 Unit Programming 10:30 am Ron Papaleo Performs 2:30 pm 18 Unit Programming 10:30 am Entertainment 2:30 pm 25 Unit Programming 10:30 am Entertainment 2:30 pm *On Units Only 5 Armchair Travel w/Rabbi Chazin 10:30 am Bingo 2:15pm 19 Park Synagogue Visits 10:30 am Bingo 2:15 pm 26 Armchair Travel w/Rabbi Chazin 10:30 am Bingo 2:15pm Resident Birthday Party w/Joel Scigliano 2:30 pm Bingo 7 pm 10:30 am Fred Sivillo Performs 2:30 pm Bingo 7 pm 4 INDEPENDENCE DAY 23 Sing-along 24 10:30 am Peter Tavens Performs 2:30 pm Bingo 7 pm 30 Sing-along 31 10:30 am Ron Papaleo Performs 2:30 pm Bingo 7 pm 6 Sing-along 10:30 am 13 Sing-along 14 10:30 am Entertainment Unit Programming 2:30 pm 10:30 am & 2:30 pm Bingo 7 pm 11 12 Camp Wise Visits 10:30 am Unit Programming 2:30 pm 25 Music w/Marilou* 10:30 am Rabbi’s Monthly Memorial Service 11 am Montefiore Idol/Junior Volunteer Talent Show 2:30 pm 27 Sing-along 28 Music w/Marilou* 10:30 am Unit Programming 2:30 pm 10:30 am Ron Papaleo Performs 2:30 pm Bingo 7 pm 15 Music w/Marilou* 10:30 am Resident Council & Food Committee Meeting 2:30 pm Junior Volunteer Recognition Ceremony 7 pm 10:30 am Music w/Marilou* 10:30 am Unit Programming 2:30 pm 29 Music w/ Marilou* 10:30 am Rabbi’s Monthly Memorial Service 11 am Unit Programming 2:30 pm Upcoming Jewish Holidays 6 13 Shabbat Service 10:30 am Ron Fiorento Performs 2:30 pm 19 20 Shabbat Service 10:30 am Auxiliary Ice Cream Social 2:30 pm 26 27 Dance w/Miri 10:30 am Shabbat Service 4:30 pm Shabbat Service 10:30 am Auxiliary Oneg Shabbat 2:30 pm 2 8 Music w/Marilou* 10:30 am Unit Programming 2:30 pm Shabbat Service 10:30 am Judy Crawford Performs 2:30 pm Dance w/Miri 10:30 am Classic Movie 2 pm Shabbat Service 4:30 pm Dance w/Miri 10:30 am Classic Movie 2 pm Unit Programming Shabbat Service 10:30 am & 2:30 pm 4:30 pm Erev Rosh Hashanah – Wednesday, September 4, 2013 Rosh Hashanah/First Day – Thursday, September 5, 2013 Rosh Hashanah/Second Day – Friday, September 6, 2013 Erev Yom Kippur – Friday, September 13, 2013 Yom Kippur – Saturday, September 14, 2013 D ONATE N OW – G O TO M ONT EFIORECARE.ORG Dance w/Miri 10:30 am Shabbat Service 4:30 pm 1 20 Sing-along 21 CWRU Freshman Visit 22 10:30 am Dan Elish Unit Programming Performs 2:30 pm 10:30 am & 2:30 pm Bingo 7 pm 5 Dance w/Miri 10:30 am Classic Movie 2 pm Shabbat Service 4:30 pm 7 Resident Birthday Party w/Joel Scigliano 2:30 pm Bingo 7 pm SAT Unit Programming 10:30 am Independence Day Celebration 2:30 pm w/Marilou* 10:30 am Morning Service 10:30 am 10:30 am Dan Elish Resident Council Unit Programming Entertains 2:30 pm & Food Committee 2:30 pm Bingo 7 pm Meeting 2:30 pm Art from the Heart w/Rabbi Chazin 10:30 am Unit Programming 10:30 am & 2:30 pm Bingo 2:15 pm 12 3 FRI 16 Sing-along 17 Music Therapy18 Mandel JCC Art from the Heart Teen Camp Visits w/Rabbi Chazin 10:30 am 10:30 am Unit Programming Bingo 2:15 pm 2:30 pm 4 Unit Programming 10:30 am Fred Barringer Performs 2:30 pm TISHA B’AV Armchair Travel w/Rabbi Chazin 10:30 am Unit Programming Unit Programming 10:30 am & 2:30 pm 2:30 pm 29 THUR 9 Sing-along 10 Armchair Travel w/Rabbi Chazin 10:30 am SAY (Social Advocate for Youth) Camp Visits 10:30 am Unit Programming 10:30 am & 2:30 pm Bingo 2:15pm 21 AUGUST2013 TUES 3 Shabbat Service 10:30 am Entertainment 2:30 pm 9 Dance w/Miri 10:30 am Shabbat Service 4:30 pm 16 Dance w/Miri 10:30 am Classic Movie 2 pm Shabbat Service 4:30 pm 10 Shabbat Service 10:30 am Fred Sivillo Entertains 2:30 pm 17 Shabbat Service 10:30 am Auxiliary Ice Cream Social 2:30 pm 23 Dance w/Miri 10:30 am Shabbat Service 4:30 pm 24 Shabbat Service 10:30 am Auxiliary Oneg Shabbat 2:30 pm 30 Dance w/Miri 10:30 am Shabbat Service 4:30 pm 31 Shabbat Service 10:30 am Entertainment 2:30 pm Cemetery Visits 8/19: Park Synagogue Cemetery 10:30 am Mayfield Cemetery 2:30 pm 8/20: Mt. Olive Cemetery 10:30 am 8/21: Ridge Road Cemetery 10:30 am SUMM E R 2 01 3 • 11 Non-profit organization U.S. Postage PAID Cleveland, Ohio Permit No. 3874 Where Jewish Tradition Endures Montefiore Home One David N. Myers Parkway Beachwood, Ohio 44122-1101 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED from st s t igh ’s 131 l h g Hi ore eting fi e t Mon ual Mecover Annee front s If you receive more than one copy of this newsletter or if you have an address change, please call the Foundation office at 216.910.2350 • Come to Montefiore for the ONLY Wheelchair Clinics on Cleveland’s East Side! Montefiore’s trained and expert therapists and Health Aid of Ohio have partnered to offer monthly wheelchair clinics at Montefiore to take care of your mobility needs. Clinics are the first Tuesday of every month! Upcoming Sessions: Tuesdays July 2, August 6, September 3, November 5 and December 3 in The Mandel Rehab Pavilion • 10 am – 4 pm The clinic will provide: • Wheelchair evaluations & service • Fitting assessments • Mobility training post delivery For more information or to schedule an appointment call our outpatient therapy clinic at 216.910.2701. We will assist with all insurance verification. Programs & Services Inquiry Form NOW Available Online! Learning about utilizing our programs & services is now only a click away! Log on to and request information via our online form regarding any of our services, and a member of our admissions team will be in touch with you within one business day. Don’t Ignore the Snore! Find Out If You Need Help. Montefiore’s At-Home Sleep Apnea Testing and Therapy Program provides an affordable, convenient and comprehensive treatment plan. For more information about Montefiore’s At-Home Sleep Apnea Testing and Therapy Program, please call 216.910.2701. zzzzzzz zzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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