May 2016 Newsletter - Hilltop Jr/Sr High School


May 2016 Newsletter - Hilltop Jr/Sr High School
Hilltop Jr./S
Telephone: 780.778.2446
Fax 780.778.8818
Check out our website at:
Principal: Mr. Egbert Stang Email:
~ Inside this Issue ~
May 2016 Newsletter
“A great place to LEARN...and more!”
Message from the Administration
Spring is firmly planted and summer is only weeks away—welcome to May’s newsletter.
As always, there is plenty going on here at Hilltop. May 2 through 6 is Education Week; check out our Grade 9
Photo student-created tray mats at McDonald’s on May 4 as our annual celebration of this important week. These
mats showcase all that Hilltop has to offer as well as the importance of McHappy Day.
This week is also NAOSH (North American Occupational Safety and Health) Week. Grades 10 through 12 students
will have the opportunity to try out simulators and listen to a variety of speakers about workplace health and safety.
This builds off of the First Aid Course previously offered to our students April 29 and 30. Interested students should
inform their teachers or student services to be nominated for hands-on access.
Grade 9s will be writing Part A of their Language Arts Provincial Achievement Test (PAT) on Tuesday, May 10. It is
best for students to arrive to class by 8:50 am that day so they can settle in and complete the exam information
section prior to the 9:00 am exam start.
There are two FLEX days this month: Math/Social/Other on Wednesday, May 11 and English/Science/Other on
Wednesday, May 25. Please remember, it is mandatory for all grade nines, as well as any other students who are
teacher nominated, to attend FLEX. Students and parents are also welcome to nominate for FLEX.
FLEX is the perfect opportunity for students to start reviewing for their end of year examinations. The June exam
schedule is included in this newsletter. It is amazing how starting now with 15 minutes a day review for each subject
area and building to longer, more in-depth periods of time studying will build student confidence prior to exam time.
As always, the IGA Grocery Voucher program is an awesome way to offset the cost of various school related
expenses such as fieldtrips, school and Grad photos, school and Grad fees, Grad dresses and suits/tuxedos, etc.
These vouchers are available at the front office and at Remax. Please call the school if you need more information.
Mr. Stang wanted to thank everyone for their well-wishes for a speedy recovery.
Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms, step-moms and caregivers out there. We hope you enjoy your day.
Assistant Principal’s
Lesia Hleck & Cheryl Otto
Bell Schedule
9:00 AM
9:05 AM
10:11 AM
10:15 AM
11:21 AM
11:25 AM
12:31 PM
1:11 PM
1:15 PM
2:21 PM
2:24 PM
3:30 PM
Warning Bell
Block 1
Block 2
Block 3
Lunch Break
Warning Bell
Block 4
Block 5
Hilltop Jr./Sr. High School is
now on Facebook!
Like and Share our Page!
Encounters w/ Canada
London Trip
Special Mentions
What's Happened
What’s New
Grad News
Student Services
School Cash
Emergency Situations
Exam Schedule
Important Dates
May 01-07– NAOSH Week
Student Art
May 02-06– Education Week
May 04– Mental Health Day
May 08– Mother’s Day
May 13– Rugby Tourney
May 13– Taco in a Bag
May 20– No School
May 23– No School
May 26 & 27– Drama Production
May 28– CATS Tourney
May 31– Gr. 8 Parent Meeting
Follow us on
Twitter @ngpshth
Page 2
May 1-7
May 08
May 04
North American Occupational
Safety and Health Week
Mother’s Day
Hats On for Mental Health
NAOSH is celebrating its 30th
anniversary with various safety events
planned for Hilltop during the week.
See page 7 for more details!
May 20
Wear a special hat to school to
raise awareness of the importance
of good mental health.
Day in Lieu of PTI
May 23
Victoria Day
Education Week May 2 – 6
We believe education is a journey and that communities play a key role in
supporting students and schools. This year, we took a road trip up the highway,
from Onoway to Valleyview, to talk to community partners about what Learning
for Life. Together. means to them, and we are sharing their answers with you!
These short videos will be played on our NGPS Facebook page and website at over the course of Education
Week, so be sure to check them out and see if you recognize anyone.
Encounters with Canada, is our country’s largest youth forum. It provides
students aged 14 to 17 years the opportunity to visit Ottawa to participate in
themed weeks, to discover Canada and to explore various career pathways.
More than 98,000 youth have already lived the “EWC Experience.”
Several Hilltop students have qualified to experience these amazing
opportunities and have already participated in the “EWC Experience”. Recently grade 10 student
Caelyn Basaraba travelled to Ottawa for a week to take part in the program herself and learn
specifically about health and medicine. Caelyn had the chance to tour the hospital and have
meetings with various medical professionals to learn more about the industry. She took part in
numerous workshops, such as, Art Therapy and Parkinson's Care. Caelyn also found it very
interesting to learn about the practices and procedures in medical ethics, and discuss topics such
as assisted suicide.
Caelyn said her favorite part of the trip was the last day where she was able to take part in a
banquet and even MC the event. The banquet included a large meal, a dance and a candid talking
circle without their leaders. Caelyn really enjoyed the trip and is thankful she had the opportunity
to attend. She said it opened up a lot of options for her to consider, with Physiotherapy being her
first choice for a potential career in health and medicine.
Page 3
London, Stonehenge and Bath Trip
On March 24th, the Hilltop Travelling Club headed out on their
adventure to stunning London, England. We returned on April 4th after
an unforgettable tour of making friends and gaining new experiences.
Students experienced the sites of the Hampton Court (Henry VIII’s
Palace), Windsor and Buckingham Palace, Big Ben and the Houses of
Parliament, the historical Roman City of Bath, the World Heritage site
of Stonehenge, and also a fun filled tour of Harry Potter’s
London. Students learned a lot about the English culture as well as
learning about all of the historical connections Great Britain has with
Canada. The ride on the London Eye yielded a bird’s eye view of
London! Many amazing pictures captured onboard the London Eye. I
know that the students on tour with us will never forget Ryan playing Elton John’s piano at St. Pancras mall while
students and bystanders sang along. I know that many students are starting to look back at their pictures and
reminisce about their tremendous experience. Miss Mehl, Mr. Schlosser, Ms. Gartner and Ms. Otto all had a
marvelous time and appreciate the fantastic students that came with us on this adventure.
On April 7 Cosmopolitan Makeup Artistry College
(CMAC) from Edmonton, Ab visited Hilltop to discuss
what CMAC has to offer to our students considering
careers in the industry. Representative
Robert Woodbury explained the vast amount of
courses offered at CMAC, such as: make-up artistry,
advanced esthetics, modeling, hair styling, casting and
sculpting, fashion merchandising, fashion photography
and medical esthetics. He spent much of his time
focusing on special effects make-up , even doing a live
air brush demonstration on student Daylin Black. CMAC
offers courses starting at six months with a high school
diploma or equivalency being the only entrance
requirement. Mr. Woodbury explained how students can
apply skills they learned in these courses into various
careers, such as: modelling, photography, mortician,
medical prosthetics, and crime scene analysis.
Medieval Club
Have you ever wondered how knights fought
back in medieval times? Perhaps you are into
sports and martial arts or maybe you are just
curious about what kind of skills were needed to
be a knight of old. Hilltop’s Medieval Club meets at lunch on
Tuesdays, as well as a few times after school, to learn all there is
about the medieval times as well as how to do medieval style
combat. Students have a fantastic time learning all about the
medieval ways of fighting as well as honour and chivalry.
Students can also learn about making armour as well as how to
engage a foe with cunning skill and accuracy. Students also
embarked on making chainmail and Viking wire weaving this
year. If you are interested in learning about Hilltop’s Medieval
Club, please see Miss. Mehl in room 304.
School Reach
School Reach is a sport that uses brain power and knowledge in
a quiz show setting to compete against other students in the
pursuit of victory. This year our School Reach teams are
comprised of two senior teams. Our teams have been working
hard on training to represent our school and school division in
the provincial tournament. It is an honor for our students to
represent our school and community in provincials. Our School
Reach team has represented us several times at the provincial
level and also at the national level where we represented our
province. We headed to provincials on Saturday, April 23rd. If
anyone is interested in coming out and learning about School
Reach, they can come to Miss Mehl’s room, room 304, on
Fridays at lunch time.
Eight Hilltop students will have the
opportunity to compete in the Northwest
Regional and Provincial Skills Canada
competitions this spring. Once again,
Hilltop will be sending students to
compete in Graphic Design, Carpentry
and Cabinet Making. We are very excited because this is the
first year Hilltop will be entering a 4-person robotics team in
both regionals and provincials! Below are the students who
competed in April and those who will be competing in May.
Regional Competition April 21st & 22nd:
Graphic Design – Shaun Kramer
Cabinet Making – Trent Brown
Carpentry – Bailey Hearn
Robotics Team – Connor Kingdon, Theo Magee,
Michael Boisvert and Tyler Watson
Provincial Competition May 11th & 12th:
Robotics Team: Connor Kingdon, Theo Magee,
Michael Boisvert and Tyler Watson
Carpentry: Bailey Hearn
Graphic Design: Shaun Kramer and Alexis Strowbridge
Alexis qualified for the provincial competition by submitting her
graphic designs online through a qualifying event. She placed 5th in
the Qualifying Event with competitors from across the province! Great
work, Alexis!
Good luck to all the competitors!!
Lead Teachers: Mark Scott, Derek Schlosser and Meagan Walsh
On Wednesday April 20, 2016, our students attended the
P.A.R.T.Y. Program (Prevent Alcohol and Risk Related
Trauma in Youth) at the Town of Whitecourt shop. The
P.A.R.T.Y. Program is an injury prevention program aimed at
teens, to help educate them about the consequences of poor
decision-making in relation to risk-taking behaviours such as;
drinking and driving, lack of seat belt use, not wearing a bike
helmet, etc..
Thank you to Gail Bablitz, Tina Prodaniuk, Town of
Whitecourt, AHS, all of the
volunteers and a special thank
you to all first responders who
keep us safe.
Page 4
Community Spotlight
The Whitecourt Drama Society/Pumpjack
Players presents Disney's Alice in
Wonderland Jr. on May 14 at 7:00pm and
May 15 at 2:00pm at the Whitecourt
Community Center. Tickets are $15.00 each and
available at the Whitecourt Public Library.
Special shout out to the following Hilltop
students who are performing in the production.
Emma Munday, Montanna Johns, Alysa Tarcon,
Cassidy Meadows, Kelsey McCammon,
Amelia Hadley and Kiley Rae.
Thank you Shawna Prince for teaching the St. John
Ambulance-Standard First Aid and CPR Level C Course to
our students on April 29th and 30th. Thank you to the
Associated Ambulance for the donation of an adult and
pediatric bag valve masks for the course.
Thank you to the following
students for volunteering at the
Women's Conference on April 9th
and representing Hilltop so well.
Your help was greatly appreciated!
Ashley Cairns, Aileen Kim, Jemina Moore,
Mikayla Bakker, Rhyleigh Henault, and
Jemina Koudia.
Congratulations to Cosmetology
students Samantha Donovan
and Danielle Labine who
recently received scholarships
to Eveline Charles Academy. In February, Eveline
Charles Academy visited Hilltop to present different options
to students interested in their Academy. Samantha
received a $300.00 scholarship for a part time program and
plans to take an eyelash extension course. Danielle
received a $1000.00
scholarship for a full time
course and is undecided
at this time on what she
will pursue with her
Page 5
Celebrations Night
An evening to celebrate fine arts and showcase the amazing work from our students in Art, Photography,
Woodworking, Hair, Fashion and more! Thank you to everyone who came out to view the beautiful displays. Thank
you Miss. Johnson for organizing the event and special thanks to our talented students!
Mrs. Cartwrights Fashion 10 class got creative making
outfits out of alternative materials like ribbons, pillow
cases and place mats.
Great work !
Mr. Scott and Mrs. Long's Science 14 classes learned
about preventing heat transfer through a friendly
competition of who can build the best quilts & sleeping
bags to stay warm in the snow.
On April 19, former Hilltop grad Lee Thomas presented a
powerful message to our students about mental health
stigmas. Thank you Lee for sharing your personal story with us
and helping students understand the misconceptions related to
mental health issues. It was shared with our students that one
in five people live with a mental health issue or will develop
one at some point in their lifetime. The many stigmas
surrounding mental health issues can often make people feel
alone. For this reason, Lee Thomas shares her personal story
to empower other people and break the silence. Lee also
founded the #MyDefinition movement, representing the
different faces of mental illness on her campus. Lee
recommends the following six steps to help stop
mental health stigma.
Start the conversation
Talk and keep talking
It’s ok to make mistakes
Get help if you need it
Make it a priority
To learn more about Lee Thomas you can follow her on Twitter
@leenyree, on Facebook at or
check her out online at
Page 6
Healthy Youth Relationships is a Red Cross: RespectED program delivered by Wellspring Family Resource & Crisis
Centre. It examines healthy and unhealthy peer romantic relationships, focusing on dispelling stereotypes and building
both communication and prevention skills. It is intended for youth ages twelve to eighteen. This program helps young
people identify:
healthy dating relationships and supporting behaviours
what makes a dating relationship abusive
consent, protection and reporting procedures
where to find support and community resources
The workshop reviews the legal definitions and ramifications of physical and sexual assaults. Written scenarios, group
work and videos support this information and identify warning signs, such as emotional mistreatment.
We are thrilled that Wellspring's Public Educators will be bringing the HYR program to our grade 9 students on the
following dates:
Session 1: May 24th and 26th
Session 2: June 6th and 7th
On April 15th, students listened to a presentation by Lorraine Jackson from Careers: The Next
Generation and Robert Curr from Woodlands County on career opportunities in water and waste
management. This dual credit program gives students the opportunity to learn about water and
waste management by taking online theory courses through NAIT while also attending high school
and earning credits. The course costs $950.00 a year , however, through this program qualifying
students will also have a paid summer internship with Woodlands County. It was explained to
students that there will always be a demand for clean water and there is a variety of careers
available to explore within water and waste management.
For more information on the program please contact Lesia Hleck at
The Bachelor King by Martin A. Follose
App To The Past
May 26th and 27th at 7:00pm
Hilltop High School Auditorium
Tickets are $10.00 each
and available to purchase at the front office
June 2nd and 3rd at 7:00pm
Hilltop High School Auditorium
Chaos and hilarity ensue in this hysterical spoof of
several popular reality TV shows! When the poor
Queen uses her last dying words (as she falls out the
window) to pass royal succession not to greedy Prince
Daft but to Yokel, a foolish hillbilly, everyone agrees
Yokel needs a wife to help him run the kingdom. Reminiscent of reality TV’s The Bachelor, his
staff brings in eligible young ladies to view for the new
king’s hand. The vengeful prince hatches a slew of
unsuccessful, harebrained assassination plots against
the new king. Your audience will be rolling in the
aisles by the time Yokel sorts through the contenders
to find his true love and save his kingdom from ruin!
Presents Two
Four students have procrastinated
and wasted their time only to find
that the deadline for their
presentation is the next
day. Follow these four students in
their quest for information
concerning historical figures from
days past. Will they be able to
combine efforts and gather the
information necessary to complete
and pass their project?
Page 7
Message from the Bistro
I would like to say thank you to everyone for their suggestions and feedback left in our
suggestion box. The only way for me to get better is to listen to what you guys want.
The weather is getting warmer out so I am going to be offering some summer favorites
in the next couple weeks, smoothies, potato salad, ribs and fried chicken! Please come
and indulge! I am always looking for volunteers or students in need of
work experience hours. Please consider joining the Bistro family. I
would also like to give a big shout out to IGA and all our volunteers for
the breakfast program, I couldn't do it without you all. Stop by the Bistro
and enjoy some fresh, flavour guaranteed food.
Chef Mercer
North American Occupational Safety and Health Week
NAOSH is celebrating its 30th anniversary with various
safety events planned for grade 10-12 Hilltop students
during the week of May 1-7.
Presentations will include:
May 02
May 03
May 04
May 05
May 06
Driving Simulators
Drug Safety
Harassment in the
Safety Auditors
Safety in Sports with
Patrick Kabongo
to our supporting partners and organizations involved in NAOSH week:
Lorraine Jackson– Careers: The Next Generation
Kristy Tuts-Alberta Labour
Kathy Dyck-Brain Injury Network
Cheryl Lovich-Northern Gateway Public Schools
Don Boucher-Safety Boss
Christl Aggus-Principal Safety
David Mackenzie-Regional Traffic Safety Consultant
Ron Lorenz- RAL Safety and Environmental Consulting Ltd.
Timea Taylor– Alberta Health Services
Art Bauer– St. Joseph School
Egbert Stang-Hilltop High School
Mark Chayer-Brogan Safety
Clifford Mertick-Edward Jones
Lesia Hleck-Hilltop High School
Jennifer Ferguson-Northern Gateway Public Schools
Rebecca Wellls-Wellsprings Family Resource
Michel Despins– St. Joseph School
Mark Belbin– Boys and Girls Club
Jay Granely-Town of Whitecourt
Brian Davyduke-Commercial Vehicle Enforcement
Cathy Branton-Boys and Girls Club
Michelle Jones – Manager of Whitecourt Chamber of Commerce
Robyn– Straight Arrow
Rand Richards- President of Whitecourt Chamber of Commerce
Stephanie Wynn- Whitecourt CATS Coach
Tannis Stuckless– Mark’s .
Former Edmonton Eskimo - Patrick Kabongo
Page 8
Grade Eight Parent Meeting
May 31st
Grade Eight Tour
7:00 pm
June 21st
Hilltop High School Auditorium
Grade eights will be touring
Hilltop High School.
On this day, students will be able to pick out their
lockers after registration forms are completed and
school fees are paid.
To All Parents of Hilltop Students From Friends of Hilltop Parent Council
Fay Arcand
Kim Nendsa
Darlene Bell
Heather Glenn
Angela Plouffe
Nicki Underwood
Did you know there is a way to save for your student’s school fees, garb, and even school trips? Take advantage of the IGA
vouchers sold by FOH Council. When you purchase grocery vouchers from FOH (available at Remax Office or at Hilltop High
School) 5% of your purchase is placed in an account especially for you. It just stays there till you need it. You can access these
funds for many different school related expenses. It’s the only way Friends of Hilltop fundraises; we receive 3% of the total
funds purchased. The money raised goes towards teacher appreciation lunch, assists our school with recycling costs, and more.
Stop by and ask at the front office or one of FOH Committee members for details.
We wanted to say good job to our athletes that competed in badminton zones in April. Also, we’d like to say good luck to the
students representing our school in Fairview, in the Skills Competition this month. That’s pretty awesome!
Thank you to the parents and students that worked together towards a Grad Banquet. Even though this year’s banquet didn’t have
enough interest to go, your hard work was noticed. Thank you.
Have you accessed Parent Portal yet? It is a great tool that allows you to review your child’s marks. Anytime, anywhere, at your
finger tips, if you get the app for your smart phone. It’s kept current so you know your child’s test results right after it’s marked.
Northern Gateway Public Schools has made this form of paperless communication throughout the whole Division. June will be the
last paper report card given, so if you haven’t signed up or are having issues with the program stop by the school office; one of the
staff will be available to assist with any questions you may have and help you get set up. No time to stop in? Just email one of the
administrators –
Has your child talked about the Party Program education session that took place in April? It’s a great way to create conversation
about the dangers of driving under the influence. With the freedom of summer not too far away, it’s vital we speak to our kids
about the importance of smart life choices.
We also wanted to congratulate Ms. Otto on her new position of Principal of Spruce Grove Composite High School. Ms. Otto has
served our students and community in Whitecourt for 27 years. 27 YEARS! We are sad to be losing such a great resource and
friend to our school, but happy for Ms. Otto as she advances her career with this great opportunity. Spruce Grove Composite High
School is very lucky to have a champion joining their team.
Big congratulations to Mr. Stang who will be retiring at the end of this school year; his presence will be missed as well. We wish
him relaxation, great hobbies and above all good health in his retirement.
Our next and last meeting for the school year will be May 18, 7pm at the school in the conference room, please join us. Discover
how easy it is to give back our school.
Page 9
Grad Note
Make sure to got your second Grad form in, it was due April 30th; the form is at the office or at
student services. Always be sure to check the Grad Board for any upcoming dates or to see if
you’re on the Grad List. If you’re not on the Grad List, see Ms. Otto
The Cake Auction was a success. Thanks to everyone who brought in
something for the auction.
Sadly, the Grad banquet has been canceled because there weren't
enough tickets sold. You can pick up your refund at the front office.
How everyone has a great month!
What will you miss about Hilltop?
Faith May
What I'm going to
miss the most
about Hilltop High
School is how it
helped me grow
into the person I
am today and
brought me to my
friends that I'll remember forever
and the teachers
I'll never forget.
David Smith
Abigail Sharp
I'll miss
everything but
I will definitely
miss Mrs.
Keay and all
the other great
staff, friends
and, in
general, the
Cody King
I believe that I
will be missing
the teachers
the most.
Foods and
Social were
probably my
favourite my
whole time at
Alicia Davey
I think I'll
miss the
staff and
seeing my
How much the
teachers care
about their
students, and
how they're
always there
when the
students need
them the most.
Page 10
Be a Charger...Take Charge!
Badminton season has begun.
Practices are every Monday
and Wednesday from
4:00pm to 5:30pm.
Whitecourt Rugby
Whitecourt Rugby has begun!
Whitecourt CATS Football
Spring Camp
Tournament Dates:
May 13– Drayton Valley
Important Dates:
June 03– Whitecourt
May 5 - Equipment Draw
May 10,11,12- Practice 4:00pm-6:00pm
May 17,18,19- Practice 4:00pm-6:00pm
May 24, 25, 26- Practice 4:00pm-6:00pm
May 28- Westlock Tournament
This joint-school team consists of the following Hilltop students:
Ally McNeil, Jemina Koudia, Sarah Strydhorst, Emma
Strydhorst, Ashlyn Munday, Shelbey Scott, Etienne De
Jongh, Weston Hellekson, Kelsey Schriver, Dawson
Keefe and Tyler Keefe.
The NCASAA Track and Field meet will be held on May 19th at Foote Field in Edmonton for senior teams.
Junior teams will headed to GCAA on May 26th in Edmonton. Good luck to all participating students!
The GCAA Senior Badminton Championships hosted by Mayerthorpe High School were held on Monday April 18, 2016. Thank you
to all the teams for a great tournament and to Mr. Bidniak for his time and expertise in running a smooth Championship for the 17th
year. Mayerthorpe won the banner with 81.5 points. Here are the individual results:
Junior Mixed Doubles
1: Hilltop - Chris Twach & Emily Taylor
2: Onoway
Junior Girls Singles
1: Mayerthorpe
2: Hilltop - Annick Jeanveau
Junior Girls Doubles
1: Mayerthorpe
2: Hilltop - Madison Bryson & Darby Wells
Junior Boys Doubles
1: Hilltop - David Freeman & James Woodford
2: Mayerthorpe
Junior Boys Singles
1: Mayerthorpe
2: Hilltop - Zac Mytrunec
Grade two’s from Pat Hardy visit Miss.
Deacon’s Phys. Ed. Class!
Intermediate Boys Singles
1: Mayerthorpe
2: St. Joe's
Intermediate Boys Doubles
1: Mayerthorpe
2: Hilltop - Brock Marple & Cam Lockard
Intermediate Girls Singles
1: Mayerthorpe
2: Mayerthorpe
Intermediate Girls Doubles
1: Onoway
2: Mayerthorpe
Intermediate Mixed Doubles
1: Mayerthorpe
2: Mayerthorpe
Senior Boys Singles
1: Onoway
2: Onoway
Senior Boys Doubles
1: Hilltop - Kaleb Corriveau & Colton Ulrich
2: Mayerthorpe
Senior Mixed Doubles
1: Mayerthorpe
2: Hilltop - Sara Nogel & Lynden Kuehn
Senior Girls Singles
1: St. Joe's
2: Mayerthorpe
Senior Girls Doubles
1: Mayerthorpe
2: Mayerthorpe
On April 5th a pep rally was held to recognize our school teams and clubs.
Staff and students also played a friendly game of dodgeball with the grade 10’s
winning, earning them free ice cream and bragging rights!
Spring has SPRUNG. With all the great weather, students at
storefront have been able to take advantage of the nice weather
and take part in more PE opportunities as well as clean up the
school grounds.
The students at Storefront will be continuing to cook for the month
of May. Tuesday, May 3, we will be cooking Chicken Parmigiana
and Pasta, May 17, we will be having a chicken wing cook-off
where students prepare their favorite chicken wing sauce and
share it. First, second and third place will be awarded. With the
weather being exceptionally nice, we are asking students to bring
their PE gear, as we will be walking and doing various other
physical activities at Rotary Park, weather permitting. We
encourage students who are registered in PE to come at this time
so they can get their teacher directed hours.
Students have the opportunity to participate in a Wellness Group
taking place at storefront school on Thursday mornings in
collaboration with Kyra from FCLP. The wellness group will give
students strategies to maintain a healthy well-being.
We would like to send out a huge thank you to Freddy’s 2 for 1
Pizza for providing complimentary lasagna for our students every
Page 11
other Tuesday. It was delicious. Also
thanks to Trish for taking the time to
deliver it to us.
HIV Yellowhead will be presenting during
the month of May on STI prevention and healthy choices. Date to
be announced.
With all the nice weather the students were able to rake, and pick
litter from around the school. Thanks to those who participated
and for doing an awesome job.
The staff at Storefront would like to remind students to make sure
they keep within course timelines so they can earn credits in their
respective courses. Remember to pass in your course work in a
timely manner. Due date for all diploma course work and exams is
Monday, June 6, 2016. If you need help please call or come in
and visit us.
Storefront Hours:
Monday ~ Thursday
Student Council News
April was a great month for many of your student
council members because of their involvement in the community.
Several members volunteered to help set up for the Women's’ Conference at
Hilltop on Friday April 8. On Saturday April 9, seven or eight of our members were
hosts for the entire Women's’ Conference from 8:00 am until after 5:00 pm!! What
a great day!
As well, we will be offering services to the community once again at the end of
April for the Children's’ Festival.
As the year comes to a close we want to remind you that we will be having a much
loved Hilltop tradition on Friday May 13 ----- TACO IN A BAG!! The cost will be
$5.00 and there will be a limited amount prepared so get in line quickly!
With such an early start to the summer season, we have decided to have “Freezie
Fridays” at Hilltop. On Fridays when the sun is out and you need a quick
refresher, buy a large freezie from us at noon hour! Cost is $1.00!
8:30 am - 3:30 pm
Page 12
First Nations, Métis and Inuit
Tansi! What wonderful weather we have been experiencing in Whitecourt! Time goes by so quickly from now until
the end of June, and Hilltop graduates are getting excited! This year we have 28 Indigenous students accepting a
diploma, and that is awesome! I am very proud of the accomplishments made by every one of these young adults,
and I wish them all success and happiness.
GRAD GOWNS - Any grad or grad escort wishing to view the beautiful FREE gowns for this occasion please
come to Student Services, and we will set up a time for you to go “shopping”. There is an excellent selection of sizes, styles and colors,
and I am positive you will find the dress of your dreams!
Again, I encourage FNMI students to apply for awards, scholarships and bursaries if you are continuing on to post-secondary. I am
always available to help get you going on the paperwork, as it may seem a bit daunting, but do not let that discourage you. Enjoy the
month of May, go outside and enjoy the beauty.
Mrs. Smith-Tomke
FNMI Liaison Worker
Helpful Hint from the Family Community Liaison Program (FCLP)
Bullying; it can be a parent’s worst nightmare. It is no secret that most children will experience some form of bullying at some point
in their life. Children often bully others because it gives them a sense of power. These children are often hurting inside, and are
looking for an easy outlet to make themselves feel a little better for a short period of time. However, this is not an excuse. Bullies
tend to pick ‘weak’ children (those who are lacking self-esteem or a strong family bond). The good news is, there are many things
that a parent can do in order to ‘bully proof’ your children. Here are a few tips on how to help your child deal with bullies:
1. Model compassionate and respectful relationships from the time your child is small. Ensuring that your child/children grow up in
a loving home surrounded by loving relationships allows them to see what a healthy relationship looks like. This includes how you
treat your child as well. If your discipline methods involve using power, your child will learn that it is acceptable to use power over
others to get what they want.
2. Stay connected. Lonely kids are more likely to be bullied, since they are more likely to keep the bullying to themselves.
Ensuring that you have a solid parent-child relationship built will allow the child to know that they can come talk to you, especially if
they are being bullied. Keeping lines of communication open at all times is crucial.
3. Model confident behaviour with others. If you tend to back down easily, but demonstrate that the confrontational situation
bothered you, your child will catch on. It can be difficult to do, but try experimenting with ways that you can assert yourself and
your needs, while maintaining respect for the other person. Never put yourself down, because you’ll be teaching your child to do
the same thing.
4. Give your child the words early on to teach them self-assertion. Some great examples are: “It’s my turn now that you have
gone.” “Hey, please stop that. I don’t like it.” “Hands off of my body.” “It’s not okay to hurt me.” “I don’t like being called that. I
want you to call me by my name.”
5. Teach your child that there is no shame in being scared, walking away, or asking an adult for help. Doing so can help stop a
situation from escalating.
6. Teach kids to intervene when they see bullying. The best way to do so is to physically remove the victim from the situation and
bring them to a safer environment. Teaching children to not be a bystander helps them develop empathy for others.
7. As a parent, don’t hesitate to intervene. You are the protector of your child, and if you feel that you have taught your child all
they need to know, and the bullying situation has not improved, it may be time to make a call to their teacher or principal.
The Family Community Liaison Program (FCLP) provides individual counselling and family support. For more information about the
program or the referral process, feel free to contact Kyria or Kateryna at the FCLP office at (780) 778-8755.
Page 13
Student Services Newsletter
The Student Service’s Dept. has a wealth of information that will help all students throughout the year; whether its deciding on a career
choice, finding a job or working on one of the computers to complete a school project.
The job opportunity/volunteer board will be updated weekly so students can find a part time job or volunteer within our community.
Are you undecided about a career? One of the best web sites for Career
Planning, Education and Employment is It also
includes information on financial assistance.
Please ensure you are bringing in your Work Experience
hours in a timely fashion. Have a new job? Come see Mr. Mireau ASAP
so we can get you started.
RAP ~ Registered Apprenticeship Program
Check out the new bulletin board at Hilltop
showcasing our students involved in RAP and
other Off-Campus education !
Are YOU a Volunteer?
If you volunteer to coach a team, help with
seniors, tutor or any other form of volunteerism
you may qualify for high school credits.
Grade 12’s: Make sure you have had Mr. Mireau sign your Grad Form (pt.2) , it was due April 30th.
Upcoming Available Scholarship Options
* Rotary Club of Whitecourt Scholarship: The Rotary Club has provided applications forms for a student who is
attending business school or starting a business. They have two awards available -- $1000 each. See Mr. Mireau for details.
Deadline May 10, 2016.
* Monsanto Fund Opportunity Scholarship: For students entering Culinary Arts, Nutrition or Agriculture. Several
awards available for $1500 each. Deadline June 15. See Mr. Mireau for more info.
Rutherford Scholarship: Applications will be available soon through the Alberta Student Finance System.
ANC Scholarship: Deadline May 1, 2016. Two awards available for Hilltop students. See Mr. Mireau with questions.
For more information please see Mr. Mireau in Student Services
Tutors Needed
Tutors are needed in all subjects,
especially Math and Science. Grade 12’s are
welcome to add their name to the list.
See Mr. Mireau to sign up.
Student Loans
Student loans applications will be available
online through Alberta's Student Finance
System in late June.
See for more details.
Please see page 14 and 15 for more details
or visit our website at
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myPass...has your child signed up yet?
1. Students signed up can check their high school credits any
time they want;
2. Students with an account can check their diploma marks as
they come in;
3. Students can check their Diploma status;
4. Students can order official transcripts if needed for
5. Students can double-check their Diploma re-write
6. Students can take ownership of their graduation!
How to sign-up:
1. Go to
2. Create a login using “Sign me up, I’m new!” Do not use your email. A confirmation link will be sent to your
personal inbox.
3. Click on the confirmation link in your inbox. Confirm your
birthdate and Alberta Student Number. You can find your ASN at
4. Using a button on the subsequent screen, request that a
secure verification code be mailed to your home via post. It
should arrive within two weeks.
5. Upon receipt in the mail, login and enter the code. It will
expire. Act promptly.
6. You will now have access to all of your academic records.
*Alberta Education has decided that Diploma results will only be
available via your myPass account.
Passport Photos
Now available in the Media Lab
$ 15.00 each
Appointments are available
Monday to Friday between 9:00 am and
Call or Text 780-268-3375 to book.
Hilltop High School would like to
request that all students leave any
valuables at home.
We also, encourage all students to
keep their combinations for their hall
& gym lockers confidential.
Does the school have your
child’s current contact
information? Please contact the school to verify if
you have concerns @
If you are going to be late or absent
for any reason, please have your
parent or guardian call the school at
Please use our answering machine if
you need to call before school hours.
Students who are late or absent and
do not have a parent call are
expected to serve a 15 minute
detention. After, three such
detentions have been acquired
without being served,
students will serve a half
day in-school suspension.
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~NAOSH Week~
Mrs. Zack keeps her eye on the prize
Students enjoying lunch outside
Humanitarian Society
Let’s Dance
Travel Club visits London
Mr. Mireau plays to win!
Foods Class
Funny girls
Mrs. Sanderson dodges the ball
Spring Break line dancing
Badminton Tourney
So you think you can dance?
Skills Canada
Miss Hunky Dory Deacon
Student Council
Ryan plays Elton John’s piano