April 2016 Newsletter - Hilltop Jr/Sr High School


April 2016 Newsletter - Hilltop Jr/Sr High School
Hilltop Jr./S
Telephone: 780.778.2446
Fax 780.778.8818
Check out our website at: hilltophigh.ca
Principal: Mr. Egbert Stang Email: egbert.stang@ngps.ca
April 2016 Newsletter
“A great place to LEARN...and more!”
Message from the Administration
Dear Parents,
I hope everyone had a restful and enjoyable Easter break. We only have three months left in the
2015/2016 school year. I find that after the Easter break the rest of the year goes very quickly. Parent/Teacher
Interviews are on April 13th and April 14th from 5:30pm – 8:00pm on a drop in basis. Please take this opportunity to
meet your child’s teachers. We know that a quality connection between the home and school improves the
educational results of your child. As I mentioned in the past, the use of “Parent Portal” by parents is an important tool
to monitor your child’s progress.
Cell phones have become an integral part of our lives and provide us with many benefits. In school, they
can be a useful learning tool. Having said that, cell phones can also be a major distraction. Teachers at Hilltop set
their own cell phone rules and expectations, and students are to abide by each teachers rules. In the past few
weeks it has been brought to my attention that students during class time have been responding to parent texts, etc.
It is great that, as parents, you can connect with your child; however I am asking that you refrain from
communicating during class time. When communication happens during class time it becomes a distraction for your
child and other students, so please connect with your child at breaks, noon or afterschool. Please refer to our bell
schedule below for exact times. Should you have an emergency or urgent message, please contact the front office
and we can have your child contact you back. Thank you for supporting us on this matter.
I would also like to remind you that Friends Of Hilltop (FOH) is your School Council for
Hilltop High School. FOH meetings are every third Wednesday of the month, and our next meeting
is on April 20th at 7:00pm in Conference Room number one. As parents, Friends of Hilltop is your
opportunity to provide advice and have input in the operation of the school. Everyone is welcome
to attend.
Egbert Stang
Bell Schedule
9:00 AM
9:05 AM
10:11 AM
10:15 AM
11:21 AM
11:25 AM
12:31 PM
1:11 PM
1:15 PM
2:21 PM
2:24 PM
3:30 PM
Warning Bell
Block 1
Block 2
Block 3
Lunch Break
Warning Bell
Block 4
Block 5
Student Art
~ Inside this Issue ~
Mrs. Keay’s Trip to Ottawa
Hilltop Visitors
FOH, Student Council
Grad News
Student Services
Important Dates
April 4:
First Day of Classes
April 8:
Last Day of 3rd Quarter
April 11:
First Day of 4th Quarter
April 13 & 14:
Drop-in Parent/Teacher
Interviews 5:30pm - 8:00pm
April 20:
FOH Meeting 7:00pm
April 27:
Fine Arts Night
April 29:
PD Day-No Classes
Hilltop Jr./Sr. High
School is NOW on
Facebook! Like and
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Page 2
April 11
April 27– Fine Arts Night 5-8pm
April 29
First Day of 4th Quarter
An evening for showcasing students work!
Art, Woodworking, Hair, Photo and More!
PD Day- No School
Wednesday April 13 and April 14
Parent Teacher Interviews 5:30pm-8:00pm
Both evenings are drop in basis between 5:30pm and 8:00pm
Mrs. Jennifer Keay recently spent a week in Ottawa experiencing parliament democracy first hand. She
was honoured to be chosen from many applicants as the only teacher from Alberta to facilitate. Initially she
was chosen as a participant and now is privileged to attend three times a year as a Facilitator for the
Teachers Advisory Committee . While attending the Teachers Institute on Parliamentary Democracy Mrs.
Keay was able to experience a multitude of impactful events. She spent time at the House of Commons,
and even had the chance to sit on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s chair. She visited the Queen’s
Chambers, the Library and the Ice Rink. She also had the honour of receiving a private tour, participating in
question period, listening to the Press Secretary and enjoying a dinner in the Caucus Room with Senators,
Government Clerks, Speaker of the House, Supreme Court Judges and many more government officials.
The experience, designed to allow teachers to educate on improving democracy has inspired Mrs. Keay.
She said, “It has improved me as a teacher and was the greatest professional development I have ever
had”. Mrs. Keay has brought her experiences back to her classroom, using hands on learning to engage her students. Her classroom
is run as a democracy and she has her students vote on classroom decisions using ballots. Mrs. Keay is grateful for having these
opportunities and encourages all social teachers to apply for the experience themselves. Considering that currently the Center Block
and Peace Tower are soon going to be under restoration and will be closed within the next couple years for an estimated 20 years, she
says now is the time to experience Parliament Hill if you have not already. If you want to read more about Mrs. Keay’s trip to Ottawa
you can follow her on Twitter, @MrsKeay.
North American Occupational Health and Safety( NAOSH) week is May 1-7.
NAOSH is celebrating its 30th anniversary with various safety events planned for Hilltop
during the week. Presentations will include a distracted driving simulator, drug
awareness , harassment in the workplace and a PPE fashion show with former
Edmonton Eskimo Patrick Kabongo as MC. Hilltop has also entered into the student
safety video contest.
Thank you to our supporting partners and organizations involved in NAOSH week:
Lorraine Jackson– Careers Next Generation, Kristy Tuts-Alberta Labour, Kathy Dyck-Brain Injury
Network, Cheryl Lovich-Northern Gateway Public Schools, Don Boucher-Safety Boss, Christl Aggus-Principle Safety, David
Mackenzie-Regional Traffic Safety Consultant, Ron Lorenz– Canadian Society of Safety Engineering, Timea Taylor– Alberta
Health Services, Art Bauer– St. Joseph School, Mark Brogan-Brogan Safety, Clifford Mertick-Edward Jones, Lesia Hleck-Hilltop
High School, Jennifer Ferguson-Northern Gateway Public Schools, Rebecca Wellls-Wellsprings Family Resource, Mark Belbin–
Boys and Girls Club and Jay Granely-Town of Whitecourt.
On March 18 we were privileged to
have five of our School Board
Trustees visit us for a tour of
Hilltop. They spent their time
touring various classrooms such
as Math, Art, Construction and
Photography. They checked out
the drone, robotics and enjoyed a
lunch provided by our very own
Chef Mercer.
Thank you
Trustees for
coming to
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MADD ( Mothers Against Drunk Drivers )
visited Hilltop to deliver a powerful
presentation to our students on the
importance of not drinking and driving. Thank
you for the moving words and impactful
dramatization videos. It was mentioned that
sadly, every day in Canada four people are
killed in impaired driving related accidents. Impaired
driving accidents kill teenagers more than any other age
group. Choosing to drive impaired can be a decision with
life long consequences that
will affect more than just
yourself. Think before you
drink! Plan ahead and arrange
a responsible ride home.
On March 02, Hilltop was honoured to have motivational speaker Dr. Mark DeVolder join us
for a special presentation on change management. Dr. DeVolder is an experienced speaker
who has travelled the world captivating audiences with his empowering presentations.
Dr. DeVolder shared stories of a few events that have impacted his life. He spoke about years
ago meeting a young boy who inspired him in his own life. Craig Kielburger was only 12 years
old when he learned of another 12 year old boy from Pakistan who was a child slave and was
murdered for speaking out. Craig was so distraught about the unjust situation that he began
asking his teachers for help and soon it became his life's mission and passion to help youth
from around the world. In 2002 he received an award for his efforts and today he has 4500
internationally acclaimed youth chapters around the world. This young boy was an inspiration to Dr. DeVolder and as
he told the story to our Hilltop students, he asked, “What’s your passion?” He told the students to be adaptable to
change and face it head on, embrace diversity and find your passion to be successful in life. He explained that the #1
trait employers are looking for, is resiliency. Being flexible, resilient, positive and happy are essential to your success.
Dr. DeVolder used interactive activities to get our students involved, such as staring into the eyes of a stranger and
exploring the diversity of their peers preferences in music. Thank you to all the students who participated. Special
thanks to our supporters and sponsors, the Chamber of Commerce Economic Forum, Town of Whitecourt,
Woodlands County and Mayor Chichak , who took part herself in the interactive activities with the students. Thank
you Dr. Mark DeVolder for your inspiring presentation and for taking the time to come to Hilltop and share with us
your words of wisdom.
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The Hilltop Bistro
Thank you everyone for all the support that has been given to
the Bistro. We are always looking for volunteers who are
interested in the culinary world and those who just need hours.
Thank you to the IGA for supporting our breakfast program.
Please feel free to leave suggestions for us in the suggestion
box in the canteen. Thank you. - Chef Mercer
Administrative Professional's Day
April 27, 2016
Show your secretary and administrative
professionals how much you appreciate
them today!
Passport Photos
Now available in the Media Lab
$ 15.00 each
Appointments are available
Monday to Friday between 9 am
and noon.
Call or Text 780-268-3375 to book.
Thank you students for all your hard
work collecting donations for the Food
Bank this past
December. Your
generosity has
earned you a
beautiful plaque
from the Food
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To All Parents of Hilltop Students From Friends of Hilltop Parent Council
Fay Arcand
Kim Nendsa
Darlene Bell
Heather Glenn
Angela Plouffe
Nicki Underwood
Wow, time is flying by, as it seems to always be the case. Basketball season is over, and badminton begins.
Congratulations to all Hilltop Charger’s athletes that represented our school during basketball season. Good work!
We can’t forget the coaches, without them our youth wouldn’t be able to play any sport, so a great big thank you to all
coaches, staff and volunteers! Please know we appreciate you.
Speaking of good work, there has been fantastic feedback from the Seniors in our community on the Grad Senior’s
Supper; a huge thanks to all the youth and parent volunteers that coordinated this wonderful event. Good Job! It is
important to show our senior community that we appreciate everything they have done in the past to make
Whitecourt the community it is today. As Parent Council we are proud to say that our school does this for our
Another note of thanks to the Humanitarian Society and Student Council for volunteering in the Women’s
Conference, April 9; without volunteer’s like you, events like these could not be successful. Representing your school
in such positive ways is so nice to see as parents.
Finally, we would like to wish safe travels to all the students and staff on their trip to London; make memories, stay
safe, and enjoy yourselves.
Next Friends Of Hilltop meeting will be Wednesday, April 20th at 7:00pm. All parents are welcome to attend. We
look forward to seeing you there.
The Career and Education EXPO organizing
committee has started planning
another Career and Education EXPO for this
September 2016, to be held again at the Allan
and Jean Millar Centre in Whitecourt.
The organizing committee currently is looking
for an “expression of interest” from
our regional business community to
participate at a similar event this September.
Approximately 1300 public (1000 students and
300 general public), 39 exhibitors, and 20 post
-secondary institutions (from around Alberta)
registered and attended last year.
The proposed date of the event is September
26th, 2016. If your organization is interested
in participating at the 2016 Career and
Education Expo, please contact Kristy Tuts,
Workforce Consultant, 780 778-7189.
Student Council News
In March, Hilltop participated in March Madness week. That
went over really well! Students were able to come to school
dressed up for the following days:
PJ Day
Twin Day
Jersey Day
St. Patrick’s Day
Fancy Friday
Winners will be treated to a free Taco in a Bag coming in
In April, Student Council is spending time
volunteering for the Women’s Conference held
at Hilltop on April 9th. We are looking forward
to this great opportunity.
Our plans for May include a Taco in a Bag sale
at noon hour on Friday May 6. Don’t miss
out - it’s a Hilltop tradition!!
The Whitecourt Food Bank sent Hilltop Student Council a
plaque to recognize Hilltop’s contributions prior to the
Christmas season. We truly appreciate their thoughtfulness
and we look forward to contributing again next year.
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Make sure to get your second grad form in between April 1st and April 30th; we won’t be releasing
the second grad form until April. Always be sure to check the Grad Board for any upcoming dates or
to see if you’re on The Grad List. If you’re not on the Grad List, see Ms. Otto ASAP! We are still
finalizing the details for Grad Wear so keep your eyes out.
As a Grad Council, we have decided that the money the senior’s have given to us from the Senior
Supper will be donated to Pat Hardy for their playground as it has been vandalized.
The Cake Auction will be April 13 during Parent Teacher interviews. Grads are asked to provide
baked goods: cakes, cookies, etc. Please have your cakes and
lists of ingredients at the school by 5:00 pm.
Hope everyone had a great Easter break :)
The Grad Class would like to thank Wendy Poirier for organizing
this year’s Senior Supper. Without her, the evening would not have
been the huge success it was. As well, we’d like to thank the
following parents for their contribution to this event.
Diane Puim
Janet Kuehn
Dorothy Tkaczuk
Sue Kingdon
Kim Nendsa
Theresa Sharp
Debbie Boisvert
Corinna Brown
Tonya Courchesne
Tania Doepker
Susan Lakeman
Kiley Rose
Jackie Dewitz
Kerry Mytrunec
Sue Davidson
Jodie Warchola
Jennifer Craig
Chris Underwood
Charlene Head
Naney Yee
Fay Arcand
Sandra Jensen
Amanda Giroux
Steven Island
Stacey Long
Edna Regan
Barb Koscielny
Amy Lajoie
Faye Beauchamp
Donna Moore
Wade Kingdon
Sharon Larsen
Shelley Slobodian
Laura Daschuk
Marla Skinner
Niki Underwood
Dawn Dunstall
Cheryl Moyle
Jan Befus-Nogel
Parent Organized
Grad 2016
Banquet and Dance
Saturday, May 28, 2016
Central School Community Center
$40.00 per person
Supper Catered by Abbies Catering
DJ and Photo Booth by NightOwl DJ
Ticket forms are available at Hilltop’s
front office until April 15
Cash or Cheque only
(cheques made payable to
Grad 2016 Banquet)
Limited amount of tickets available
What will you miss about Hilltop?
Alexis Strowbridge
My spares, FLEX
block, and my
Destine MacLeod
Library, English and
Jemina Moore
Probably everything.
Especially the teachers, who
helped me with the amazing
opportunities I got to have
this year. And I'll miss getting
to see my peer’s every day
that I've grown up with!
Madison Skrecek
Megan Millward
Probably German
class, that was nuts!
Chef Mercer and
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Be a Charger...Take Charge!
Badminton season has begun. Practices will be every Monday and
Wednesday from 4:00pm to 5:30pm.
Basketball Season has come to an end.
Thank you coaches and players for another
great season!
Dance Unit in Gym Class
Sr. Girls Basketball
Sr. Girls: Coaches Paige Deacon and
Carissa Johnson Jennae Harder, Mikayla
Bakker, Kaley Carter, Samantha Mik, Maggie
Nendsa, Jenna Carter, Korie Furlong, Gillian Larsen,
Leah Hillaby, Stephanie Corcilles, Kyla Brodie
Sr. Boys: Coach Derek Schlosser Austin
Dean, Etienne DeJongh, Dan Gann, Jordan Giroux,
Ryan Govenlock, Dawson Pastion, Cole Pastion,
Jace Richards, Jack Schlosser, Colton Ulrich,
Connor McGregor
JV/Jr. Girls: Coach Abigail Mitchell Abi
Dixon, Jordan Gano-Coady, Nina Johnston, Mikayla
Lourenco, Tanisha Gano-Murray, Keisha Page,
Kareena Summan, Jenna Dixon, Rhyleigh Henault,
Tabitha Irwin, Emma Strydhorst, Sarah Strydhorst
On March 18, several Hilltop students spent
the day skiing in Jasper. Thank you
Mr. Schlosser and Mrs. Wynn for supervising
this fun event!
Jr. Boys GCAA Gold Medalists
Jr. Boys: Coaches Derek Steinecke/Laine
Agnais Sheldon Highmoor, Brayden Wilkinson,
Aaaron Skiffington, Lane Nicholson, Ethan Adams,
Carter Wilde, Cody Newman, Cody Oliver, Elmer
Thiessen, Chase Pastoor, Tyson Nakucyj, Zac Wise,
Noal Adams, Dawson Von Stein
Hilltop Visits Eastlink Park
Curling Zones Bronze Medalists
Skating and Broomball with Miss. Deacon
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Helpful Hint from the Family Community Liaison Program (FCLP)
Every parent wants to raise a kind child; the type of child who cares about their peers, teachers, and the wellbeing of others.
How can a parent teach their child about kindness? Of course, we have to start with ourselves. Are we making our best effort to be kind, even when it’s difficult? Are we emphasizing and calling attention to the kindness that we receive? Are we praising our children when we notice them doing something kind?
When we call attention to kind acts, we are helping kids self-identify as kind, thoughtful, and caring. And it
really works! When kids see themselves as kind, they’re more likely to choose kind behavior that reinforces
their self-image.
The Family Community Liaison Program (FCLP) provides individual counselling and family support. For
more information about the program or the referral process, feel free to contact Kyria or Kateryna at the
FCLP office at (780) 778-8755.
Happy April! I hope everyone enjoyed the well-deserved break!
The students at Storefront will be continuing to cook for the month
of April; we will be doing it on Monday’s. Monday, April 11, we will
be cooking Taco in a Bag and on Monday, April 25, we will be
cooking Newfoundland Jiggs. We are continuing with our
Physical Education Program on Wednesday afternoons with
various activities at Rotary Park. We encourage students who are
registered in PE to come at this time, so they can get their teacher
directed hours.
Once again, Wellspring staff will be coming to present Healthy
Relationships to our students at different times during the week.
The staff at Storefront would like to remind students to make sure
they keep within course timelines so they can earn credits in their
respective courses. Remember to hand in your course work in a
timely manner. Due date for all diploma course work and exams is
Monday, June 6, 2016. If you need help please call or come in
and visit us.
Storefront Hours:
Monday ~ Thursday
8:30 am - 3:30 pm
Phone 780.778.5865
First Nations, Métis and Inuit
Tansi, spring has sprung, and I am very optimistic about the next couple months. Grande Prairie
Regional College visited Hilltop High School, and I was thrilled to learn about their programs for
Indigenous students. They have many opportunities for Aboriginal students who are interested in
learning about the culture and practices of their peoples. As learning opportunities become more
diverse (such as: learning from home, dual credit programs, and online learning), we are breaking
down the barriers that may have prevented our success in education. This is very important for us
all as our dreams for our future become a reality. Hope you all enjoyed your Easter Break, I wish
you all health and happiness.
Mrs. Smith-Tomke
FNMI Liaison Worker
Page 9
Student Services Newsletter
The Student Service’s Dept. has a wealth of information that will help all students throughout the year; whether its deciding on a career
choice, finding a job or working on one of the computers to complete a school project.
The job opportunity/volunteer board will be updated weekly so students can find a part time job or volunteer within our community.
Are you undecided about a career? One of the best web sites for Career
Planning, Education and Employment is www.alis.gov.ab.ca. It also
includes information on financial assistance.
RAP ~ Registered Apprenticeship Program
Check out the new bulletin board at Hilltop
showcasing our students involved in RAP and
other off campus education !
Are YOU a Volunteer?
Please ensure you are bringing in your Work Experience hours in
a timely fashion. Have a new job? Come see Mr. Mireau ASAP
so we can get you started.
If you volunteer to coach a team, help
with seniors, tutor or any other form of
volunteerism, you may qualify for high
school credits.
Upcoming available scholarship options :
Rutherford Scholarship It is now time to apply, once you know where you are going to school. There is no application
deadline. Apply online at studentaid.alberta.ca
West Fraser Mills Scholarship $1000.00 is available to students who go to school in the area. Applications are due May
01, 2016.
Pumpjack Players Scholarship Students must be entering an Arts based program next year. Applications are due July 15,
RAP Scholarship If you are a member of the RAP program graduating from High School this year, see Ms. Hleck about the
RAP scholarship group.
ANC Scholarship There are two scholarships available for Hilltop graduands. See Mr. Mireau for more information.
For more information please see Mr. Mireau in Student Services
Tutors Needed
Student Loans
Tutors are needed in all subjects,
especially Math and Science. Grade 12’s are
welcome to add their name to the list.
See Mr. Mireau to sign up.
Provincial and Federal Student Loan
applications will be available in late June.
Parental income does not affect
Provincial loan eligibility.
Whitecourt Public Library is seeking an outgoing, conscientious student who loves reading. The library is seeking volunteers and
employees. See Mr. Mireau for more information.
Kal-Tire is seeking a High School Tire Technician. Pay is excellent. Two hours after school daily and eight hours on Saturdays.
Excellent entry job into automotive mechanics. See Mr. Mireau for more information.
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myPass...has your child signed up yet?
1. Students signed up can check their high school credits any
time they want;
2. Students with an account can check their diploma marks as
they come in;
3. Students can check their Diploma status;
4. Students can order official transcripts if needed for
5. Students can double-check their Diploma re-write
6. Students can take ownership of their graduation!
How to sign-up:
1. Go to mypass.alberta.ca
2. Create a login using “Sign me up, I’m new!” Do not use your
@ngps.ca email. A confirmation link will be sent to your
personal inbox.
3. Click on the confirmation link in your inbox. Confirm your
birthdate and Alberta Student Number. You can find your ASN at
4. Using a button on the subsequent screen, request that a
secure verification code be mailed to your home via post. It
should arrive within two weeks.
5. Upon receipt in the mail, login and enter the code. It will
expire. Act promptly.
6. You will now have access to all of your academic records.
*Alberta Education has decided that Diploma results will only be
available via your myPass account.
Hilltop High School would like to
request that all students leave
any valuables at home.
We also, encourage all students
to keep their combinations for
their hall & gym lockers
Does the school have your
child’s current contact
information? Please
contact the school to verify
if you have concerns @
If you are going to be late or absent
for any reason, please have your
parent or guardian call the school at
Please use our answering machine if
you need to call before school hours.
Students who are late or absent and
do not have a parent call are
expected to serve a 15 minute
detention. After, three such
detentions have been acquired
without being served, students will
serve a half day
in-school suspension.
May 2- 6 Education Week
May 2 - Cosmetology Field Trip to ABA Hair Show
May 1-7 North American Occupational Health and Safety (NAOSH) Week
Page 11
Jr. Boys Gold Medalists
Charger Volunteers
Cool Camp Facilitators...Thank You!
Hilltop from the sky
Fancy Friday
Fancy Friday
Storefront Fancy Fun
Fancy Friday as Mrs. Fancey
Twin Day!
Skating Fun
Twin Day Quadruplets
Charger Champions
Terrific Teachers
St. Patricks Day
Winter Formal
Girls Group Drumming Circle