February Newsletter - Seaside Jewish Community


February Newsletter - Seaside Jewish Community
Febuary 2016
Seaside Jewish Community News
18970 Holland Glade Rd., Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971
Mailing address: P.O. Box 1472, Rehoboth Beach DE 19971
In This Issue
Board of Directors
Co-President’s Message
Israel Trip
Mazel Tov Rabbi Beth! 2
Committee Chairs
Mitzvah Opportunities
Talkfest Thursdays
SJC Resource Center
Adult Educators Wanted
Purim Celebration March 20
College Scholarship Date Extended 5
SJC Cookbooks for Sale
Oy Vey 5K!
Passover Not Too Far Away
Thank You
Thanks From The Beekeeper
In SJC Community
Opening Dinner a Success
Pastorial Support
Potluck Oneg a Delight
Donation Form
Oy Vey 5K Registration
Oy Vey 5K Sponsor Form
Passover Seder Form
SJC Sponsors 12
Schedule of Services
Friday, February 5, 7:30 p.m.
Parashat Mishpatim
(Exodus 21:1 – 24: 18)
Leaders: Cantor George & Carole
Saturday, February 20, 10 a.m.
Parashat Tetzaveh
(Exodus 27:20 – 30:10)
Leader: Rabbi Beth Cohen
Torah Reader: Bob Axelrod
Friday, March 4, 7:30 p.m.
Parashat Vayakhel
(Exodus 35:1 – 38:20)
Shabbat Shekalim
Saturday, March 19, 10 a.m.
Parashat Vayikra
(Leviticus 1:1 – 5:26)
Shabbat Zachor
Jewish Film Festival
Premieres in March
The big event of our spring social
season is the inaugural Rehoboth
Beach Jewish Film Festival on
March 17-20. This festival is a joint
event sponsored by the Rehoboth
Beach Film Society and SJC. Films
will be shown at the new Cinema
Arts Theater in Dartmouth Plaza,
directly behind the Lewes Wawa.
There will be seven different films
and one will be shown twice, making
a total of eight screenings. The
listing of the films is available online
at RehobothFilm.com.
The theater has just 108 seats, so
everyone is encouraged to purchase
their tickets as soon as possible. It
promises to be a great event.
Tickets can be purchased online
or by visiting the Film Society
at 107 Truitt Avenue, Rehoboth
Beach, DE 19971. If online, go to
RehobothFilms.com, scroll down
the left side, and click on Jewish
Film Festival to read the film
synopses. Then click “Online ticket
reservations here” to purchase your
tickets for the films. For tickets for
three or more films, go to the bottom
of the “Online ticket reservations
here” page and select your tickets
using the reduced pricing for the
film packages. Keep your receipts,
no tickets will be issued, but your
names will be checked off as you
enter the theater.
You can also make contributions
to SJC to support the festival by
sending your donations directly
to Seaside Jewish Community at
our mailing address. Please write
“FilmFest” on your checks and
include a note with your contribution
that the funds can be used to defray
the costs of the festival.
Shevat – Adar 1 5776
Many of the films will include a
speaker. Watch for announcements
of special events on Saturday, March
19 and Sunday, March 20.
Game Night Feb 27
Want to chase away the winter
blahs? Come to SJC on Saturday,
February 27, at 7 p.m., for a game
night hosted by the Social
Committee. Please bring your
favorite game or party idea along
with a snack and a drink, and join
your friends for an evening of fun
and conversation. What a great way
to spend a winter evening! We look
forward to seeing you.
Please Renew Your
Thanks to all members who have
sent in their 2016 dues. We really
appreciate your thinking about SJC
in the New Year. Because dues are
paid on a calendar year basis, we
request that all current members
who haven’t yet paid their 2016
dues do so as soon as possible. In
order to reduce our administrative
costs, we ask that you not wait for
an invoice. You can send a check to
our mailing address or pay online by
going to our website under Giving
and completing the Membership
online payment process. We request
that new members not pay online,
but rather download and fill out the
online membership form and mail
it in with a check. If you cannot pay
full dues, please contact our treasurer
or Membership Committee chair to
let them know what you can pay,
and we will gladly include you as a
member. Their contact information
is on pages 2 and 3.
Page 2
Board of Directors
Buddy Feldman
Mike Saltzman
Vice President
Alyssa Simon
David Udoff
Jennifer Rubenstein
At Large Board Members
Carole Ash
Eric Doroshow
Allyn Fruman
Stanley Silverblatt
Religious Leader
Rabbi Beth Cohen
Religious School Director
Joel Simon
Immediate Past President
Ed Simon
Seaside Jewish Community
Co-President’s Message
- Buddy Feldman
January was a very busy month
at Seaside. On January 2, Fran
and Mike Saltzman and the Social
Committee arranged our annual
opening dinner at Saketumi
restaurant. The upstairs private
dining room was filled with both
longtime and new members.
Everyone enjoyed an evening
with delicious food and friendly
On January 10, more than 70
people gathered at Seaside to
watch the live stream of Beth
Cohen’s ordination ceremony. It
was a very proud moment for us
as a community to share in this
ceremony. We look forward to
the many ways in which Seaside
will be enriched by having Rabbi
Beth as its religious leader. Many
thanks to Carole Ash for arranging
the evening’s celebration.
Please check the newsletter or
our website for all the events at
Seaside. I am sure you will find
something of interest whether it is
worship services, adult education
classes, or social activities.
Israel Trip
Breaking news! We’ve found a
longer and less expensive tour
of Israel. The trip is run by El Al
Tours and includes a tour of the
Negev and Eilat. The dates are
now November 3-17. This time
was chosen so that the tour in the
Negev will be in cooler weather.
If you are interested or need
more information contact Buddy
Feldman at 301-343-0469 or
Friendly Reminder
Children should always be
supervised at SJC. If you bring a
child to an event they should be with
you or another adult at all times.
Febuary 2016
Mazel Tov Rabbi Beth!
On January 10, SJC was standing
room only as we watched the
online streaming of Religious
Leader Beth Cohen’s Rabbinic
Ordination. SJC members and
guests from St. Peters Episcopal
Church, Epworth United
Methodist Church, and other area
denominations were present. There
was cheering, singing, and prayers
from all who attended. Mazel
Tov to Beth and to Seaside at this
wonderful time in our history!
Seaside will be celebrating Beth’s
Ordination on Saturday, April 16,
with a special Shabbat Service
and Kiddush Luncheon. Due to
the number of people expected,
this service and celebration will
be held at Epworth Church, the
same place where we have our
High Holy Day services. Details
will follow. Many of you have
expressed an interest in participating with the preparation of
this wonderful celebration. Much
needs to be done. Please contact
Anita Smulyan at 302-703-2900 or
anitasmulyan@comcast.net to let
us know how you can lend your
talents for helping to make this a
memorable event and celebration.
Febuary 2016
Adult Ed
George Beckerman
Harvey Fruman
Jennifer Rubenstein / Chair
Fran Sneider / Newsletter Editor
Robbin Myerberg / Designer
Community Service & Chesed
Cheryl Fruchtman / Co-Chair
302-227-1056 / 302-542-8094
Anita Smulyan / Co-Chair
Rabbi Beth Cohen / Chesed
Harvey Fruman
Fran Sneider
Fran Saltzman
Brina Krupp
302 945-7408
Buddy Feldman
Youth Ed
Marjorie Kobrin
Seaside Jewish Community
Mitzvah Opportunities
Programs are sponsored by SJC or
outside community organizations.
Oy Vey 5K! – We need volunteers
to help plan the race, and provide
food and support on race day.
Please contact Joel Simon at 302245-1386 or joel.simon2420@
SJC Mitzvah Day, April 10 We’re beginning to prepare for
our 2016 Mitzvah Day. Please
save the date. Details will follow
next month. We’re considering a
project to help address the unmet
needs of young children in the
Sussex County Community. We’re
thinking about providing clothing
and other items to elementary
school age children and babies.
If you have any questions, please
contact our Community Services
Committee chairs, whose contact
information is on page 3.
Epworth Soup Kitchen – Seaside’s
Team 6 – Every six weeks, Seaside
is responsible for Epworth United
Methodist Church’s Sunday
afternoon soup kitchen. Our next
date is March 6. Team members
plan, shop, prepare, cook, set
up, clean up, and serve the hot
meal that Sunday. Shopping
and preparation occur on a day
during the week prior to our given
Sunday. Cooking and table set up
begins at noon with guests starting
to arrive at 2:00. The event is over
around 5:00. Those interested in
being in the kitchen for prep and
cooking need to take a 2 hour online food preparation workshop.
Anyone, including young people,
can participate in the “outside the
kitchen” activities of setting up,
serving, and cleaning without the
on-line training. Please contact
Idylle (“Dill”) Patz at dillpatz@
msn.com or 302-792-0171 to let
her know you want to be part of
the team. She’s looking forward to
Page 3
hearing from you. It takes 10-12
people to handle all the activities
involved, so we need you!
Immanuel Shelter – The shelter
in Rehoboth Beach is open until
sometime in April. The overnight
shelter is available seven days
a week for homeless men and
women in Eastern Sussex County.
The group needs prepared dinner
meals. At the height of the season,
they may serve as many as 50
meals on any given evening. They
are searching for folks willing to
prepare a family-style meal with
a meat, starch, vegetable or salad
for a given evening. If you are
not able to provide a full meal,
then dishes such as crockpot
stew, casseroles, chicken, etc.
are greatly appreciated. Meal
providers bring their hot meal
in disposable pans to the shelter
around 5-5:30 p.m. Meals are kept
warm until dinner starts at 6:30.
The shelter also keeps a supply of
frozen casseroles for those days
when inclement weather may
keep you from delivering your
meal. They are also in need of
toilet paper, paper towels, napkins,
small packets and large boxes of
tissues, plastic bags (including
gallon and quart sized ziplock
bags), handi-wipes, foil, plastic
wrap, tall plastic trash bags, and
extra-large black plastic garbage
bags. To volunteer to help,
please contact Betty Blue, meal
coordinator, at 443-614-8872 or
Helping Hands
SJC offers support to members who
are ill, grieving, homebound, or just need
a helping hand. Available support includes
sending cards, visiting people at home,
preparing and delivering meals, picking up
groceries and prescriptions, small repairs
around the house, and running errands.
New Helping Hand team members
are welcome.
Contact Anita Smulyan at
Page 4
Talkfest Thursdays
Meetings are at SJC at 7:30 p.m.
All are invited.
First Thursday: Jewish History
On February 4, we’ll take up
the story of King Solomon, son
of David and Bathsheba, and the
start of the era of pre-classical
prophecy with Elijah as we
continue our series on insights
into Jewish History gained from
the Hebrew Bible. We will view
and discuss a DVD moderated
by Vanderbilt Professor Amy Jill
Levine on 1 Kings 3-2, Kings
17. With the emergence of the
Prophets, Levine asks us, “Is
according a prophetic role to
one who ‘raves’ a helpful means
of giving people who behave in
non-traditional way a place in
society?” A very timely question!
Then, on March 3, we’ll continue
with the Prophets and find
ourselves looking into the postSolomon fracturing of the young
Jewish state.
Second Thursday: A Taste of
On February 11, we’ll discuss
chapters 27 and 28 from our
“Everyday Holiness” text and
continue our conversation about
our own soul curriculum. We’ll
also talk about our daily spiritual
practices. The topic for March 10
will be announced in next month’s
newsletter. Everyone is welcome.
Mussar is described as the
ethical, educational and cultural
component of Judaism that
developed in the 19th century in
Eastern Europe. It has become a
popular area of study and spiritual
practice today. The Hebrew
term Mussar, from Proverbs 1:2,
means moral conduct, instruction
or discipline. Each month we
explore one middah, literally a
measurement and more frequently
understood as a virtue, character
Seaside Jewish Community
trait, or soul trait. We also learn
about and engage in spiritual
practices that are used to assist
us as we attempt to incorporate
a given middah into our way of
For those who may be joining us
for the first time, please let Beth
Cohen know you’ll be coming.
There are some introductory
handouts she can send you in
advance. You may also want to
purchase the text the group has
been using, “Everyday Holiness:
The Jewish Spiritual Path of
Mussar,” by Alan Morinis.
Third Thursday: What Matters
to Jews
On February 18, join SJC
member Larry Koch for a tour
of Bet-She’an, Israel. Did you
study the holy land in Hebrew
School or maybe at college? Or
maybe you are interested in a new
perspective of the past? Did you
learn about a huge city, perhaps
the biggest in ancient Palestine,
so huge and with so many people
that it had no walls? A city that
was old before David built the first
Temple, and was still around when
the second Temple was destroyed?
A city not in the diaspora that
saw the first pogrom and today
provides a vital link between
Israel and the Arab World? A
city with often spectacular ruins
that demonstrating Canaanite,
Philistine, Egyptian, Israelite,
Greek, Roman and Byzantine
Occupation? Then please join us
to see a side of the holy land off
the beaten trail which will enrich
and broaden your horizon.
Next, on March 17, the first
Rehoboth Beach Jewish Film
Festival opens at 7 p.m. with a
screening of “Rabin in His Own
Words.” Yitzhak Rabin tells his
own dramatic life story through
a combination of rare archival
footage, home movies and private
Febuary 2016
letters. At SJC’s invitation,
Professor Yoram Peri will
introduce the film and, afterwards,
present remarks and facilitate
audience discussion. Professor
Peri is the Abraham S. and Jack
Kay Chair in Israel Studies and
the Director of the Joseph and
Alma Gildenhorn Institute for
Israel Studies at the University of
Maryland. Learn more about this
film and the Film Festival by going
to RehobothFilm.com, scroll down
on the left, and click on Jewish
Film Festival.
Fourth Thursday: Pirkei Avot
On February 25 and March
24, we continue our discussion
of Pirkei Avot, a compilation of
ethical teachings and maxims of
the Mishnaic Period dealing solely
with ethical and moral principles.
There is little or no Halacha
(Jewish Law) in Pirkei Avot. This
structure allows us to evaluate,
compare, discuss, dissect, and
reflect upon topics with an eye
for when they were written down
in the 2nd century CE and their
relationship to the 21st century.
All opinions are respected. In
February, we’ll discuss the four
types who sit before the sages. In
March, we will talk about Love
and Disputes, two very different
but related topics. No previous
study is necessary. If possible,
but not required, bring a Pirkei
Avot book. Please contact Burt
Brenman at burtrehab@gmail.com
or 302-947-2183 so he may send
you specifics as to what will be
discussed and to remind you of the
upcoming class. Come be a part
of the conversation, discussion,
and learn with and from a diverse
group of attendees.
Minutes of SJC Board
The minutes are available to
interested members after the
minutes are approved by the Board.
Copies may be obtained by
contacting our Secretary.
Febuary 2016
SJC Resource Center
The Adult Education Committee
recommends the book “On the
Move” by Oliver Sacks, published
by Knopf. Facing a recurrence
of metastatic melanoma, Sacks
wrote two moving articles for
the New York Times in summer
2015 and this memoir. The
book reflected upon his life
as a researcher and writer, his
unconventional approach which
uncovered insights into neurologic
conditions, and his own struggles,
early on, with addiction. It gives
short summaries of his other
publications, how they came to
be topics for research and his
decisions to publish. This book is
available through the Delaware
Library System. Questions and
comments may be addressed
to Miriam Zadek at mzadek@
Adult Educators Wanted
The Adult Education Committee
is seeking more members. We
also want to talk to members
who may not want to be on the
committee, but who are willing to
organize and present a program
or programs on topics in which
they have deep interest. Please
contact George Beckerman to
discuss your interest and the
exciting and important work the
Committee does for our growing
Congregation. George can be
reached at 202-903-5060 or
Dorothy Shor Memorial
Mah Jongg
Every Tuesday, 12:30 p.m.
Lunch at 11:30
At T.G.I. Friday’s
19266 Coastal Hwy.
Near the Safeway
We teach Mah Jongg to
anyone wishing to learn.
For more information please contact
Deborah Markow at:
443-310-9462 or debngarm@aol.com
Seaside Jewish Community
Page 5
Purim Celebration Mar 20
SJC Cookbooks for Sale
Our annual Purim celebration
will be Sunday, March 20, at SJC.
Following SJC tradition, at 11
a.m., our religious school children
will perform “Wicked: The Untold
Story of Purim” for us followed
by the reading of the Megilla and
a potluck meat lunch. The children
will also participate in arts and
crafts projects and Hamantaschen
baking. Should be a fun day for
both adults and children. Please
come and support our religious
school. You don’t need to have a
child in the school to attend. Bring
a dish to share at the potluck, and
let Joel Simon know if you plan to
attend the lunch and what food item
you wish to bring by contacting
him at 302-245-1386 or joel.
In 2011, the SJC Social
Committee compiled and printed
our very own SJC Cookbook,
containing our members’
favorite recipes. In many cases
a personal story accompanies
and relates to the recipe. We still
have some books available for
sale. Please consider purchasing
a cookbook for yourself or as a
gift. At only $10 each or three
for $25, they are a real bargain!
Please contact Florence Levy at
302-226-3221 to purchase the
College Scholarships Date
The Jewish Fund for the Future,
the endowment arm of the
Jewish Federation of Delaware,
is accepting applications for the
Joseph and Marion Greenbaum
Scholarship Fund. The deadline
is now March 31, not February
1 as previously reported. The
fund provides scholarships for
students who wish to pursue
an undergraduate degree at an
accredited college or university
in the United States or Israel.
Scholarships are renewable for
up to four years and can range
up to $2,000 or more each year.
Guidelines and applications for
scholarship and other scholarship
opportunities are available at
Scholarships. Please note that
application deadlines vary.
Board Meetings
Meetings are open to members.
02/21 Noon at SJC
03/13 Noon at SJC
Sponsor Oneg-Kiddush
Celebrate your next birthday,
anniversary, or other special milestone
with us. Sponsor your own, co-sponsor
with someone else or with a group. A
great way to share an event with your
SJC family.
Contact Irene Ullmann at 302-947-9123
or LLU1964@aol.com for available
dates and details. Perhaps she can find a
co-sponsor for you.
Check out the details for sponsoring at
Click on Giving and then sponsor Oneg.
Wednesday Mornings
at Seaside
Every Wednesday morning
from 9 to 10:30, you will find the
SJC doors open for anyone interested
in a contemplative, spiritual, peacefilled start to their day. Meditation,
chant, and prayer are included.
Everyone, including folks wanting to
learn the practice of meditation, are
Yahrzeit Plaques
Honor your departed loved one
by having a plaque mounted on the
wall in the sanctuary.
It takes 3 months to receive them.
SJC Cemetery
Reserve Your Plot(s) today.
Contact Harvey Fruman
at 302-226-2209 or
Page 6
Oy Vey 5K!
SJC is excited about our 4th Oy Vey
5k, 1 mile walk, and kids race. The
event will be on April 10, at 9 a.m.,
with race day registration beginning
at 8 a.m. We are again partnering
with Seashore Striders to host a
fantastic day of fun and fitness. We
hope you will consider running,
walking, volunteering, sponsoring,
and/or supporting the race. Complete
the registration form in this issue if
you want to participate in the race.
Complete the sponsor form if you
are willing and able to support the
race financially. Both forms are also
available on our website under About
Us – Newsletter.
All proceeds benefit SJC’s
educational programs. To volunteer
or ask questions, contact Joel Simon
at 302-245-1386 or joel.simon2420@
gmail.com. We need your help with
the following:
Sponsors. Your business has a unique
opportunity to support our race.
As a sponsor your business will be
represented in race materials and
displayed prominently on our race
shirts. Please complete the sponsor
form and mail it to SJC.
Volunteers. Volunteers will be crucial
the morning of the race. We will need
help with set up, parking, registration,
food prep and service, the water stop,
and directing traffic.
Chefs and Bakers. Anyone who is
able to make a dish for the post-race
party would be a big help. This has
always been a highlight of our race.
Runners are still complimenting SJC
for the food at the after party. We
feature Kugel at this event and would
love one donated from you, but any
dairy or parve food is fine.
We hope that many of you will join
in the excitement as a participant,
sponsor, volunteer, or all three! Let’s
build on the success of the last three
years’ events and make this one even
Seaside Jewish Community
Passover – Not Too Far
Passover begins at sundown on
Friday, April 22, and continues
until sundown Friday, April 29, (or
Saturday April 30 for those who
observe 8 days). Seaside has two
opportunities to honor and celebrate
this most important festival of
freedom from our history and in
Jewish life today.
As has been SJC’s tradition from our
very start in 1997, we will have a
community Seder on the second night
of Passover, on Saturday, April 23.
Reservations are required and cannot
be accepted any later than April 12.
See the reservation form elsewhere in
this issue with all the information as
to location and cost. The form is also
available on our website under About
Us – Newsletter.
The last day of Passover is also one
of the four times a year when the
Yizkor memorial prayers are said
to honor the memories of our loved
ones. There will be a Festival service
with Yizkor on Thursday evening,
April 28, 7:30 p.m., at SJC. We hope
you can join with us to celebrate
the festival at either or both of our
observances. Hag Sameach–a joyous
Food, Clothing, Toiletries
Please help us stock SJC’s storeroom with
non-perishable food, gently used coats and
clothing, or new toiletries for the needy.
So many in our area
are in need. Bring these items with you
when you come to SJC and put them in
the wicker basket at the
top of the stairs.
The Community Service Committee will
pick up your donated items and deliver
them to local service
Thank you and please help!
Febuary 2016
Happy Birthday to
Our Members
2/01 Jackie Clompus
2/02 Louis Hyman
2/03 Lionel Saltzberg
2/04 Emily Simon
2/04 Hal Cohen
2/04 Madelyn Zacchino
2/09 Lori Bernstein
2/10 Aida Waserstein
2/10 Brent Lobley
2/10 Miriam Zadek
2/10 Monica Fleischmann
2/10 Nancy Abramowitz
2/11 Jacqueline Hein
2/12 Carl Newman
2/12 Nikki Downs
2/12 Renee Suslak
2/13 Keith Snyder
2/13 Vivian Warren
2/14 Claire Snyder-Hall
2/14 Julie Cooper
2/14 Sharon Goldsmith
2/15 David Udoff
2/15 Buddy Feldman
2/15 Fran Sneider
2/15 Steve Bold
2/16 Patricia Simon
2/18 Nicole Sachs
2/20 Ethan Simon
2/22 Jerry Goldsmith
2/23 Alvin Ross
2/23 Stephen Thaler
2/24 Cynthia Headman
2/24 Shirley Fantl
2/25 Harriet Miller
2/25 Lauren Block
2/25 Lee Mussoff
2/25 Megan Block
2/27 Barbara Alushin
2/27 Eric Land
2/28 Patrick Gossett
2/28 Sander Bieber
3/01 Ron Miller
3/03 Gayle Miller
3/03 Jennifer Priddy
3/03 Larry Koch
3/06 Rob Trachman
3/06 Shelley Walman
3/07 Judy Rosenstein
3/07 Marc Fruchtman
Febuary 2016
Thank You
Seaside Jewish Community
Allyn Fruman, and Bob &
Miriam Zadek
Seaside Jewish Community grateHarvey
& Allyn Fruman
fully acknowledges the following
a speeding return to donations as of December 31.
health to Daryl Sue White
General Fund
• in honor of the SJC Religious Marsha Davis for Worship School
Program in honor of Beth Cohen’s
• in memory of Dorothy Sinner
Ron Gluck in memory of Sylvia Arthur Fox for Cemetery Support
Gluck, Allen Gluck & Maury in honor of Harvey Fruman’s Gluck
Betsy Samuelson Greer
Tony & Narda Namrow in memory Vincent & Marsha Guarriello in of Taylor Ryan
memory of Sidney Shapiro
Matthew & Sara Simon with thanks Jeffrey Hawtof & Nancy Gideon
to the caring SJC & its Helping Richard Julie
Hands Program
Robert Kaplan
SJC Religious School for Philip Keats
Community Service Program
David & Marjorie Kobrin in honor High Holy Day Donation
of Beth Cohen’s ordination
Anonymous (3 donations)
Myra Kramer & John Hammett in Eliot & Marsha Freeman
honor of Barry & Bonne
Neil Richman
Allan & Leslie Slan
Elaine Levy
J. Robert & Barbara Woods Florence Levy
in memory of Sydney & June Doreen Linehan in honor of the Sennabaum and James & Ruth birth of their grandson, Raphael Woods
Year End Donation
Bruce Marcus
Anonymous (1 donation)
George & Carole Mason
Cheryl Anderson in memory of Phyllis Nash
Cecilia Shor Bell
Ruth Novick
Ruth Ball
Iris Prager in honor of her Marion Blakeman
Steve & Gloria Bold with thanks Patricia Powell as thanks for all to SJC members for their calls,
SJC does
messages, thoughts & prayers Steve & Sue Rasher
during their illnesses
Bill & Renay Regardie
Paul & Edith Calem
Jeffrey & Sara Rosen
Richard Chipkin
Myra Sachs in memory of her
Beth Cohen & Fran Sneider
husband, her friend, Albert
Hal & Carol Cohen
Michael & Fran Saltzman
Diane Daum
Myra Schein
Eric Doroshow & Aida Waserstein
• in honor of the birthdays of Clif Elgarten & Marni Walfoort
Jay Schein & Aaron Schein
Mark Ellenberg & Nancy • wishing a speedy recovery to Abramowitz
Eileen Yoffe
Shirley Fantl in memory of Robin Max & Barbara Schloff
Ellen Schnabel
Andy & Amy Feinberg in honor of Peter Schott & Jeffrey Davis
Beth Cohen’s ordination
Eric & Robin Schwartz
Jack Feldman in honor of Buddy Zalman & Lenore Shavell
& Marilyn Feldman, Harvey & Bud Simon & Carol Pearson
Page 7
Ken & Andrea Silverstein in memory of Herman & Sandra Pushkin
Ed & Patricia Simon
Joel & Alyssa Simon
Lois Simon in honor of Bud Simon
Fred Sobotkin
Joseph & Judith Stormer
Bernard & Kathy Sussman
Ellen Watkins
Shirley Weiner in honor of Harvey Fruman’s birthday
Linda Weiss
Mario & Ruth Weiss in memory of Gertrude Weiss
Chris Wetherhold
Ellen Wolf
Joel & Marti Worshtil
Dick & Sheila Young in memory of Morris & Sarah Miller
Steve & Carol Zimmerman
Building Fund
Ron & Gayle Miller
Oneg/Kiddush Sponsors
2/05 Joel & Alyssa Simon
2/20 Matthew & Carole Ash
New Members
Allen & Eleanor Flanzraich
David & Judith Rindler
Thanks from the Beekeeper
SJC member Jeri Berc is a
beekeeper who donates the
proceeds from her honey sales
to the American World Jewish
Service. She reports that in 2015,
her honey (including skin balm
and candles) raised $3636 for this
organization, which partners with
local groups around the world to
provide disaster relief, capacity
building and civil rights for women
and the LGBTQ community.
She thanks everyone who made
the world better by tasting the
sweetness of her honey.
Yes You Can
Have you ever wanted to attend an SJC
event but thought you couldn’t afford it?
SJC policy is to work with you if you
have a financial hardship.
Please contact the treasurer to
confidentially discuss your situation.
Page 8
In The Community
Nihum Avelim – Comforting the
We extend our deepest sympathies
to Sonny Pack on the death of his
wife, Leah, on December 25, and
to Will and Mary Garfinkel on the
death of their daughter, Marisa, on
December 31.
Zichronam Livracha. May their
memories be a blessing.
Mazel Tov – Congratulations
Mazel Tov – Congratulations
To Stuart Galkin and Chris Watts
on their marriage on December 27
in Wilmington, Delaware.
Please contact SJC Religious
Leader, Rabbi Beth Cohen,
bethcohen@verizon.net or 302858-2374, if you’d like to add the
name of someone you love to the
Seaside healing prayer list, to the
list of family members who have
died, or if there is a celebration in
your life which you want to share
with the Seaside family.
Opening Dinner a Success!
SJC’s opening dinner for 2016
was held on Saturday, January
2, at Saketumi Restaurant. Sixty
members and future members
gathered in the restaurant’s cozy
upstairs dining room and enjoyed
drinks and a variety of appetizers
before sitting down to a delicious
dinner. It was great to see everyone
enjoying themselves in a relaxed
atmosphere. The highlight of the
evening was the cocktail hour
when people moved around and
reconnected with old friends and
met new ones. The conversation
was lively around the seven tables,
and reports of the evening were
that it was a wonderful way to
start off the new year! Thanks to
everyone for attending and to the
Social Committee for organizing.
Seaside Jewish Community
Pastoral Support – Just A
Phone Call Away
SJC members visit patients at
local hospitals, nursing homes,
and rehab facilities. We can help
families dealing with the death
of a loved one. SJC’s Spiritual
Leader is available to help families
through the rituals and processes
surrounding death, including
funeral and burial, Shiva, and
notifying the SJC community,
while other SJC members take
care of providing a Shiva tray or
meal of comfort or a contribution
in memory of the loved one. New
team members are welcome.
• Beth Cohen, bethcohen@ verizon.net or 302-858-2374 (SJC Religious Leader)
• Anita Smulyan, anitasmulyan@
comcast.net or 302-703-2900
• Cheryl Fruchtman, c.fruchtman@comcast.net or 302-227-1056
Potluck Oneg a Delight
On New Year’s Day, we had our
first service of the year and our
first potluck Oneg Shabbat. We
were not sure how many people
would come to services, but over
40 people came. Every family
brought something to share and
the variety of snacks and cakes
was amazing and delicious. Many
people requested that we have
another potluck Oneg, Thanks to all
for coming and delighting us with
sweets. If you want to sponsor and
Oneg or Kiddush, please contact
Irene Ullmann at 302-947-9123 or
Local Honey Available
Local organic honey is available from
bee keeper/SJC Member Jeri Berc. Jeri
will donate money raised through SJC to
American Jewish World Service. Cost is
$10/lb. Call Jeri at 302-645-4778. There
is nothing better than having local honey
and contributing to those in need at the
same time.
Febuary 2016
Donation Form
(Please print clearly)
Please Return to:
Seaside Jewish Community
P.O. Box 1472
Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971
Enclosed is a donation in the
amount of: $ ___________ for:
□ General Fund (unrestricted)
□ Restricted for:
□ Adult Education
□ Alfred Gross Scholars Fund
□ Building Fund
□ Cemetery Program
□ Community Service
□ General Fund
□ Religious School Programs
□ Ritual Object Fund
□ Worship Programs
□ Youth Education Programs
In Memory/Honor of (optional)
Please send notification of this
donation to (Name/Address)
Donor Info:
Address: ______________________
City, State, Zip: _________________
Phone: ________________________
E-Mail: ________________________
Thank you again for your
SJC is a 501(c)(3) organization.
Contributions are tax-deductible
to the extent allowed by law.
Oy Vey, 5K Run and Walk
5K Race / 1 Mile Dog-Friendly Fun Walk / Kids Races
Proceeds benefit the educational programs at
Seaside Jewish Community
Rehoboth Beach, Delaware
Sunday, APRIL 10, 2016 beginning at 9:00 a.m.
Seaside Jewish Community, 18970 Holland Glade Rd, Rehoboth Beach,
DE 19971 (Located next to Rehoboth Little League)
Produced By:
Seashore Striders with Chronotrack Chip timing & finish line services
provided by the Seashore Strider Event Production, Inc.
$20 Pre-Registration by 4/5, $25 Race-Day Registration beginning at
8:00 am
Awards presented to the Overall & Master Champions, as well as to the
top three finishers, in the following nine age groups: 9 & U, 10-13, 1419, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70 & over.
T-shirts guaranteed to the first 100 registered, water stops and breakfast
provided featuring homemade kugel.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (One application per participant required). MAIL IN REGISTRATION FORM
If you are unable to register online, please mail in this form by 4/3/16 with your payment payable to:
Seashore Striders, Oy Vey 5K, P. O. Box 99, Nassau, DE 19969
Seaside Jewish Community 5k
Name: _________________________ DOB: ___________ Age: _______ Gender: M or F
Address: _____________________________ Phone: _________________ Email: _________________
Pre-registration: $20 Race Day $25 Event: 5k_______ NCWalk______ Kiddie ______
Tech Unisex Shirt : ___YL ___SM ___MD ___LG ___XL Tech Women’s ___SM ___MD ___LG ___XL
I know that competing in a 5K Run/Walk can be a hazardous activity. I should not enter unless I am medically able and properly trained. Having read this
waiver, I for myself and anyone acting in my behalf, waive, Seashore Striders, Seaside Jewish Community, Seashore Strider Event Production, Inc., Road
Runners Club of America, City of Rehoboth Beach, Rehoboth Little League, State of Delaware and all sponsors from all claims and liabilities resulting in my
participation in this event.
Parent Signature (under 18):
use only
Emergency contact/phone:
(302) 644-8952 or email tim@seashorestrider.com
or Joel Simon, SJC, 302-245-1386 or joel.simon2420@gmail.com
Register Online at www.seashorestriders.com
Oy Vey, 5K and Walk Sponsor Form
Event Date: April 10, 2016 at 9 AM
Seaside Jewish Community, 18970 Holland Glade Road, Rehoboth Beach, DE
Race will benefit the educational programs at SJC
Race registration details and more information can be found at www.seashorestriders.com.
Mensch Sponsor ($500+):
Tzadik Sponsor ($250+):
Mazel Tov Sponsor
Recognition on the event website and
related press materials
Recognition on the event website and
related press materials
Recognition on the event website and
related press materials
Opportunity to provide company
information, business cards, and/or
giveaway items at registration/check in
Opportunity to provide company
information, business cards, and/or
giveaway items at registration/check in
Opportunity to provide company
information, business cards, and/or
giveaway items at registration/check in
Three free race entries
Two free race entries
One free race entry
Opportunity to set up table/exhibit in
the registration area (day of the event)
Opportunity to set up table/exhibit in
the registration area (day of the event)
Name or logo of business on race shirts
Business name at mile marker signs
Announcement of business name at the
beginning of the race
Announcement of business name at the
beginning of the race
Name or logo of business on race shirts
Name or logo of business on race shirts
In-kind prize donations, gift certificates to your business, free products, or food for post-race party
To become a sponsor return this form with a check made payable to the Seaside Jewish Community, PO Box
1472, Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971, no later than 3/27/16.
Business Name _____________________________ Primary Contact ____________________________________
Address ______________________________________________________________________________________
Phone ______________________________ E-mail __________________________________________________
Sponsorship Level: $500 ______ $250 _______ $150 _______ Other_______
I intend to use my complimentary registration(s)
Yes _______
No ________
Thank you for your support
Seaside Jewish Community 20th Annual Passover Seder
2nd Night Saturday, April 23, 2016 5:30pm
Baywood Greens
32267 Clubhouse Way
Long Neck, DE 19966
Advance reservations are required by April 12
Dinner Menu
Members - $38 Non Members - $41
Chicken Soup w/Matzo Ball
Choice of Entrée
Roasted Turkey Breast
Mixed Fresh Vegetables
Roasted Potatoes
Sorbet Dessert
Members - $16 Non Members - $18
Chicken Soup w/Matzo Ball
Choice of Entrée
Hamburger (No bun)
Chicken Leg
Chicken Breast
French Fries
Apple Sauce
Sorbet Dessert
Send the reservation form below along with your check so it’s received by April 12 to:
Seaside Jewish Community
PO Box 1472
Rehoboth Beach DE 19971
Questions: Call Anita Smulyan at 302-703-2900
SJC April 23, 2016 Seder Reservation Form (must be received by April 12)
# Members
_____ x $38 = $_______
# Non Members _____ x $41 = $_______
# Members
_____ x $16 = $_______
# Non Members _____ x $18 = $_______
Choose one of these meals for each adult
# Turkey meals ________
# Salmon meals ________
# Vegetarian meals _____
Choose one of these meals for each child
# Hamburger meals _______
# Chicken Leg meals _______
# Chicken Breast meals ______
Names (please list first and last names of each person included in this reservation)
Contact Person and Phone Number:
Total Amount of Check Included:
Seaside Jewish Community
P O Box 1472
Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971
Support Our Sponsors
If you would like to advertise, contact Fran Sneider