Seaside Jewish Community News April 2015


Seaside Jewish Community News April 2015
Seaside Jewish Community News
18970 Holland Glade Rd., Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971
Mailing address: P.O. Box 1472, Rehoboth Beach DE 19971
In This Issue
Board of Directors
President’s Message
Religious School News
Committee Chairs
SJC Observes Yom HaShoah
Shavuot Festival Service
Talkfest Thursdays
Adult Ed Expanding
SJC Resource Center
Insights on Israeli Election
Mitzvah Opportunities
Mitzvah Day Cleans Up
Mentors Wanted
Bingo & Brownies
Alfred Gross Scholor Shabbat
Thank You
The Chimes Story
Game Night a Winner
Sharing Shabbat
Support Our Oy Vey 5K Sponsor 8
Donation Form
In SJC Community
Pastoral Support
Confidential Crisis Comm.
Oy Vey 5K Registration
Oy Vey 5K Sponsor 11
SJC Sponsors 12
Bingo & Brownies Event
Schedule of Services
Friday, April 3
1st Night of Passover
Thursday, April 9, 7:30 pm
Passover 7th day Festival Service
including Yizkor
Saturday, April 18, 10 am
Parashat Shmini
(Leviticus 9:1–11:47)
New Member Shabbat
Friday, May 1, 7:30 pm
Parashat Acharei Mot-Kedoshim
(Leviticus 16:1–20:27
Saturday, May 16, 10:00 am
Parashat Behar-Bechukotai
(Leviticus 25:1–27:34)
Sunday, May 24, 10 am
Shavuot Festival Service including
April 2015
Passover Apr 3-11
Passover begins at sundown on
Friday, April 3, and continues
until sundown Friday, April 10 (or
Saturday April 11 for those who
observe 8 days).
SJC will not have a Shabbat evening
service on April 3 so family and
friends can gather together at a first
night Seder.
SJC’s annual second night Passover
Seder will be on April 4. The Seder
will be at Baywood Greens off
Route 24. Advance reservations
were required to be received by SJC
by March 25.
The last day of Passover is one of the
four times a year when the Yizkor
memorial prayers are said to honor
the memories of our loved ones.
There will be a Passover Festival
service with Yizkor on Thursday
evening, April 9, 7:30 p.m. at SJC.
Wishing you a zissen Pesach, a
sweet Passover and a Hag sameach,
a joyous festival.
Oy Vey 5K April 12
We hope you’ll consider running,
walking, volunteering, sponsoring,
and/or supporting the race.
Registration is at 8 a.m. The race
starts at 9 a.m. It begins and ends
at Seaside. Complete the forms
provided in this issue if you
are interested in registering or
sponsoring the race. All proceeds
will benefit SJC’s educational
programs. If you have questions or
wish to volunteer at the race or make
kugels to serve after the race, contact
Joel Simon at 302-245-1386 or joel.
Men’s Lunch Apr 15
To celebrate tax day, the SJC men
will meet for lunch on Wednesday,
April 15. Meet in the SJC parking
Nisan – Iyyar 5775
lot at 11:30 a.m. to make final
plans on where to dine, and then
carpool there. Mike Saltzman is the
contact person and he is suggesting
Nicola’s Pizza as it will be half-price
pizza day. He is open to all other
suggestions. So give Mike a call at
302-827-2751 or email baysaltz@ Let’s have a great
turnout, so be at SJC by 11:30.
Juliet Lunch April 16
It’s been awhile since we’re gotten
together, so let’s welcome spring
with a ladies’ lunch. We will meet
Thursday, April 16, at Bethany
Blues Restaurant on Route 1 at 12
noon. The cost of $15 covers nonalcoholic drink, main course, dessert,
and gratuity. Advance RSVPs are
needed, so please contact Deborah
Markow at 302-260-9439 or by April 10.
Please indicate your menu choice
of Smokehouse Salad (chicken or
brisket), Blues Burger, Soup and
Slider Combo, or Soup and Salad
New Member Shabbat
April 18
New Member Shabbat will be
held on Saturday, April 18 at our
Saturday Shabbat Service. If you
recently joined Seaside, we would be
delighted if you came to services so
that the congregation can celebrate
your new membership with you. All
members are welcome to attend. We
are very excited to hold this event
and celebrate the continued growth
of SJC.
Friendly Reminder
Children should always be
supervised at SJC. If you bring a
child to an event they should be with
you or another adult at all times.
Page 2
Board of Directors
Ed Simon
Vice President
Jeff Hawtof
Alyssa Simon
Mike Saltzman
At Large Board Members
Carole Ash
Allyn Fruman
Howard Menaker
Stanley Silverblatt
Sam Smulyan
Religious Leader
Beth Cohen
Religious School Director
Joel Simon
Immediate Past President
Jeff Hawtof
Seaside Jewish Community
President’s Message
- Ed Simon
The other day I saw a Facebook
posting with a picture showing
some familiar faces. The
picture had a caption with the
wording “Alyssa Simon, right,
lights the Sabbath candles at
the beginning of the Seaside
Jewish Community’s Sabbath
evening worship services with
religious school students and
teachers.” I then found out that
this picture was in the April 2015
edition of Delaware Beach Life.
The article, “The Big Tent,”
highlighted Coastal Delaware’s
deep religious roots and discussed
the array of churches and other
faith-based groups. It pointed
out the diversity of religious
organizations in coastal Delaware.
I was very pleased and proud to
see our organization mentioned
several times. Beth Cohen was
interviewed for the article and did
a great job explaining about SJC.
Seaside welcomes everyone. Our
organization is not affiliated with a
specific denomination in Judaism.
Seaside has grown rapidly over
the years. We pride ourselves on
making our guests and members
feel comfortable regardless of
their background.
We are well accepted in the
community and are a member of
the Cape Henlopen Progressive
Interfaith Alliance. This
organization meets regularly to
discuss issues affecting multi-faith
communities. The organization
has sponsored several Holocaust
Remembrance Programs. Seaside
has an excellent relationship with
our neighbor, Epworth United
Methodist Church. We do our part
in providing help for their soup
kitchen, which gives assistance
to the homeless of our region.
Epworth provides us with use of
April 2015
their facility for our High Holy
Day services.
The article included much more
information, and I hope that you
will be able to see it for yourself.
I am very delighted and proud
that SJC was included in this very
upbeat article.
Religious School News
The Religious School had a
wonderful month in March. We
enjoyed celebrating Purim with
so many friends and family.
The students presented our
usual play (Wicked: The Untold
Purim Story). What fun! Emily
Simon, Noa Aboutboul, and
Rachel Namrow played the lead
roles, and those attending loved
the presentation. All enjoyed
the potluck lunch, reading
of the Megillah, baking of
hamantaschen, and preparation
of the Shalach Manot baskets.
This day was truly one of the
highlights of our year. In March,
we welcomed our newest students
(Oliver Sachs and Charlotte
Sachs). They are both excited to
be part of our school. At the end
of March, the students will be
holding their first model Seder.
This is just for the religious
school families and will be a
great preview of the family and
community Seders that will take
place the next week.
Minutes of SJC Board
The minutes are available to
interested members after the
minutes are approved by the Board.
Copies may be obtained by
contacting our Secretary.
Board Meetings
Meetings are open to members.
4/19 Noon at SJC
May No meeting
6/14 10 a.m. at SJC
7/19 10 a.m. at SJC
April 2015
Adult Ed
George Beckerman
Harvey Fruman
Jennifer Rubenstein / Chair
Fran Sneider / Newsletter Editor
Robbin Myerberg / Designer
Community Service & Chesed
Cheryl Fruchtman / Co-Chair
302-227-1056 / 302-542-8094
Anita Smulyan / Co-Chair
Beth Cohen / Chesed
David Kaplan
Fran Sneider
Fran & Mike Saltzman
Buddy Feldman
Youth Ed
Marjorie Kobrin
Seaside Jewish Community
SJC Observes Yom
HaShoah Apr 19
On Sunday, April 19, from 10
to 11:30 a.m., the parents of our
religious school students and teens
and the Adult Education Committee
will host a special program on “The
State of Holocaust Education in the
U.S. and Delaware Public Schools.”
The Anti-Defamation League’s
website says, “Today, young
people’s knowledge of [the
Holocaust], this horrific chapter
of history, is limited by educators’
choices in planning their classroom
curriculum... [T]he lessons of the
Holocaust remain relevant and
significant in the lives of youth,
including the dangers of silence,
the consequences of indifference,
and the responsibility to protect the
Dr. Bud Frampton, says “the
teaching of the Holocaust cannot be
left to chance.” Bud is one of two
educators who will present their
experience and insight regarding
Holocaust education at the middle
and high school level.
Bud, a friend of SJC and an
educator, is a retired Pennsylvania
high school teacher and
administrator who, in 1980, was one
of the first to initiate an elective high
school course on Holocaust studies.
His 1990 doctoral dissertation on
Holocaust Education is available at
the U.S. Holocaust Museum library,
as a research tool for teachers. He is
currently the College Board Director
of the Lewes Advanced Placement
Summer Institute held at Cape
Henlopen High School annually in
SJC member Marc Fruchtman will
join Bud in the discussion. Marc is
a Beacon Middle School teacher
who incorporates the Holocaust
within the Social Studies curriculum.
He has completed the Echoes and
Page 3
Reflections professional education
program on the Holocaust, offered
by Anti-Defamation League in
partnership with USC Shoah
Foundation and Yad Vashem.
Improving all children and teens–
and educators– understanding of the
Holocaust is a timely and important
topic. Join the conversation.
Shavuot Festival Service
May 24
Fifty days after the festival of
Passover begins, we reach Shavuot,
the second of the three pilgrimage
festivals in the Jewish calendar.
The third festival is Sukkot in the
fall. Shavuot is a Hebrew word that
means weeks. We count 7 weeks
from the second Passover Seder to
Shavuot. During these 49 days, we
count the Omer, the grain offering,
to mark the time between freedom
from slavery to the time of receiving
the law, the Ten Commandments, at
Mount Sinai.
A festival service will be held at SJC
on Shavuot morning, Sunday May
24 at 10 a.m. We will read the Ten
Commandments from the Torah
and will include a Yizkor memorial
service as part of our worship. It is
also customary to engage in study
on Shavuot, so there will be a brief
study component as part of the
morning’s service as well.
Please contact SJC’s Religious
Leader, Beth Cohen at 302-8582374 or if
you have questions or are interested
in participating by reading Torah or
leading the study component.
Page 4
Talkfest Thursdays
Meetings are at SJC at 7:30 p.m.
except for the 2nd Thursday. All
are invited.
First Thursday: Jewish History
On April 2 (postponed from
last month due to weather), we
will continue the Jacob Saga in
Genesis 25-36, wrapping up our
exploration of the Patriarchs and
further sharing the insights of
the DVD moderator, Dr. Amy
Jill Levine, on methods we can
use (e.g., folklore analysis), to
understand and interpret the
stories and their messages. Among
the questions that Levine asks us
to consider is this one: Why are so
many narratives in Genesis about
women? Then, on May 7, we will
view a DVD and discuss Exodus
1-15, the introduction of Moses
and the Exodus story. Plan to join
us for these two great stories.
Second Thursday: A Taste of
Please note schedule changes
for April and May. The second
Thursday, April 9 is the end
of Passover, and there will be
a Passover Festival Service,
including Yizkor, that evening at
7:30. A Taste of Mussar will be
held on the third Thursday, April
16, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. We will
review our practice of Generosity
and move the next middah, Truth.
What does it mean to be truthful?
Are we to be truthful to the point
that what we see as truth might be
hurtful to another? What does it
mean to be true to ourselves? How
do we live our own truth? We’ll
discuss these and other questions
that arise from the experiences
that participants share with the
group. Then on May 14, our class
will return to the 7:30-9 p.m. time,
and our discussion will be about
Seaside Jewish Community
The class is led by Beth Cohen.
Each month, we explore one virtue
(middah) and look at practices
that can be used to assist us as we
work to incorporate these virtues
into our way of being. Previous
knowledge of or experience with
Mussar is not required. You need
not have participated in prior
sessions to come.
Third Thursday: What Matters
to Jews
On April 16, the class will be
the Taste of Mussar that usually
meets on the second Thursday.
On May 21, SJC member Larry
Koch returns with another good
story, in fact with two good stories
in “A Tale of Two Places.” Beit
She’an, the Talmud speculates,
may be the location of the Garden
of Eden. And a Jewish story
suggests that, in this location,
Christianity separated from
Judaism. Masada, Herod’s remote
mountaintop villa, became the last
redoubt of refugees fleeing the
genocidal Roman Legion. What
really happened in the end? And
today, there is an ideological battle
about the Masada story between
the Israeli right and left. Will it
end? Come and hear about these
two places and the power of their
extraordinary stories.
Fourth Thursday: Pirkei Avot
On April 23, having completed
Chapter Four in March (delayed
from February due to weather),
we will discuss some of the
overarching thoughts presented
in the chapter and think of how
we interpret them today. The
Rabbis presented definitions of
Wisdom, Strength, Wealth, and
underlying all this is Evil. Then,
on May 28, we start Chapter
Five that contains, in addition
to ethical and moral teachings,
historical information and several
of the foundation principles of
Creation. You never heard of these
April 2015
principles, the numerical sets, or
the ten utterances? Most of us
have not, which is why we debate,
discuss, learn, and evaluate
based upon our understanding
of the world we live in today.
Come and take part in this open
ended, interactive, fully inclusive
discussion. All opinions are
respected. No previous study is
necessary or required. If possible,
but not required, bring a Pirkei
Avot book.
Adult Ed Committee
The Adult Ed Committee is
interested in adding more SJC
members to the Committee. If you
are interested in learning more
about the Committee’s exciting
and important work, as the first
step in deciding whether to join,
please contact George Beckerman
SJC Resource Center
This month’s Adult Education
Committee’s recommended
book is “The Good German”
by Joseph Kanon, published by
Picador. A mystery set in postWWII Germany, this novel raises
questions about decisions made
regarding repatriation of German
scientists to the United States,
before their absorption into the
Soviet Empire. Former allies
compete for their knowledge and
expertise, regardless of the fact
that they were deeply involved
in the creation of German arms
during the war. Interwoven in
this story is the romance between
a journalist who covered the
war and the wife of one of the
scientists. Absorbing and quick
moving. This book is available
through The Delaware Library
System. Questions and comments
may be addressed to Miriam
Zadek at
April 2015
Insights on Israeli Election
May 17
On Sunday, May 17, at 2 p.m., Lior
Ron, will return to SJC. She will
lead a conversation with us about the
implications of the success of Bibi
Netanyahu’s Likud party winning
about 25% of the Knesset seats, the
most seats of any party.
Two of the key questions that Lior
will address are: What can we
expect will be the American and
European reaction to Netanyahu’s
pre-election statement that there will
be no Palestinian State? What might
the Palestinians do and where will
their support come from in whatever
actions they take? We also expect
Lior to tell us about her sense of her
personal future as a young Israeli.
Lior is a shlicha, an emissary, from
the Jewish Agency for Israel. Her
work here is to strengthen our
community’s connection to Israel
and the Israeli people. She writes,
“Israel, in my opinion, is the most
magical place on earth. I wish I can
show each one of you the REAL
Israel and one without the conflict:
The land, sights, culture and the
Plan to join the conversation on
May 17.
Seaside Jewish Community
Mitzvah Opportunities
Programs are sponsored by SJC or
outside community organizations.
Road Cleanup – On Tuesday, May
5, 5 p.m., meet at Seaside to join
us for the SJC and Epworth United
Methodist Church semi-annual
Holland Glade Road Clean-Up. A
pot luck dairy dinner follows. Be
sure to join the fun, wearing long
sleeves, long pants, and gloves.
Children 15 and over are welcome to
participate if supervised by an adult.
We would love to have some young
bodies help us old bodies clean up
the road! Contact Suzanne Gross at
410-486-2361 or suzannegross@ for more information
and to volunteer.
SJC Mentor Program – See article
elsewhere in this issue.
Community Resource Center (CRC)
– One time or ongoing support is
needed to help interview clients
coming to the CRC in need of
immediate home and food assistance
and job placement. The food
rescue program is also in need of
volunteers to pick up food donated
by grocery stores and deliver food
to outlying churches who feed those
in need in their communities. On the
business end, the CRC is looking
for volunteers to help with public
relations and grant writing. Contact
Beth Cohen at bethcohen@verizon.
net or 302-858-2374.
Beebe Healthcare – Opportunities
exist for one-event or ongoing
support. Upcoming events include
Golf Tournaments, the Beach
Bash at the Cape May Ferry
facility, a 5K run/walk and more.
More information is available at
or by calling 302-644-2900.
Opportunities are also available
within the hospital. Several SJC
members are ongoing volunteers
and are involved in activities such
as transporting patients within
Page 5
the hospital, assisting various
departments with administrative
work, and staffing information desks.
Contact Lee Halloran, Manager
of Volunteer Services, at 302-6453531 or halloran@beebehealthcare.
org or fill out an online application
available via
Mitzvah Day Cleans Up
SJC held two Mitzvah Day events
this year. The first was on February
22, when SJC’s Team 6 for Epworth
Soup Kitchen made casseroles for
an Immanuel Homeless Shelter
dinner. SJC members also made
desserts for the shelter. Then, on
March 15, more than 20 men,
women, and children participated in
a SJC clean up. The children, who
we were so happy to have help,
cleaned the tables in the Religious
School rooms and organized the
children’s library. The adults cleaned
our storage closet, inventoried all
the prayer books and materials, and
boxed old prayer books to get them
ready for eventual burial. The strong
among us even carried the boxes of
books to be buried out to our shed.
It was a very successful day of work
and friendship. Thanks to all who
Yes You Can
Have you ever wanted to attend
an SJC event but thought you couldn’t
afford it?
SJC policy is to work with you if you
have a financial hardship.
Please contact the treasurer to
confidentially discuss your situation.
Helping Hands
SJC offers support to members who are
ill, grieving, homebound, or just need a
helping hand. Available support includes
sending cards, visiting people at home,
preparing and delivering meals, picking
up groceries and prescriptions, small
repairs around the house, and running
errands. New Helping Hand team
members are welcome.
Contacts are: Anita Smulyan at
302-703-2900 or
Bonne Morrison at 302-684-3485
Page 6
Seaside Jewish Community
April 2015
Mentors Wanted
Bingo & Brownies
Alfred Gross Scholar Shabbat
SJC is seeking volunteers to
mentor our new members, to be a
friendly voice who new members
can call for information, and a
known friendly face when they
attend services and programs.
Sometimes new members
immediately become active
and contributing congregants.
Sometimes, however, not knowing
anybody, they attend one or two
services, and then stop coming.
They do not join committees and
do not attend varied functions, and
eventually they might dropout.
This is especially true of people
who live further from SJC’s
location, or stay only a short time
at the beach. Each member lost
is a potential loss of a talented
contributor to our SJC community.
You might ask, “What am I
committing myself to?” We will
try to match up mentors with
new members based on age,
location, and other factors, and
you can of course turn down any
potential matches. The rewards
are obvious. You will be doing a
mitzvah helping new members feel
included, enhancing our Seaside
community, and perhaps adding
a new friend. This innovative
effort is a new program of the
Membership Committee. Please
contact Larry Koch at 302-3358344 or larry.koch.2008@comcast.
net if interested.
We need a significant number of
mentors before we can offer this
program and to match up new
members, so please call or email to
Excitement is building at SJC as
we prepare for this year’s Bingo
& Brownies event on Saturday,
May 2. The event is at Lakeside in
Pot Nets, and doors open at 6:30
with games beginning at 7 p.m.
Phyllis Cohen, event chairperson,
is working non-stop to collect
gifts and finalize details for Bingo,
but she needs all SJC members to
volunteer in helping collect gifts,
setting up and cleaning up the
facility, and working the doors
and floor of the event during the
games. Please contact Phyllis to
offer your help 302-947-2134 or Brownies
are vital for this event; brownie
bakers, we need you all to contact
Brina Krupp at 302-945-7408 or We are
also asking all members who prefer
not to personally contact merchants
for gifts, to purchase one or more
$25 gift certificates from local
stores and restaurants. Come out
and support SJC by donating your
money, time, and talents to our
community fundraiser.
Saturday, June 13, is the next
Alfred Gross Memorial Lecture
and Shabbat Service, the premier
yearly event presented by the SJC
Adult Education Committee. Our
guest speaker is Edward Kaplan,
the Kevy and Hortense Kaiserman
Professor in the Humanities at
Brandeis University and the
biographer of Rabbi Abraham
Joshua Heschel.
Ed will speak about “Living
Judaism: Spirituality and Social
Justice.” He will tell us the story
of Kivie Kaplan, his father. Kivie
was an idealistic businessman
devoted to Reform Judaism and
equality for all Americans. He
was a leader in the Social Action
program of the Union for Reform
Judaism, and from 1966 to 1975,
he was the national president
of the NAACP. Under Kivie’s
leadership, Reform Judaism and
the NAACP worked together on
behalf of civil rights. Through
Kivie’s work, Rabbi Heschel
and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
developed a personal friendship
that was both spiritual and
practical. Ed will also briefly
guide us though some writings by
Heschel and King, sharing with us
his insights into their spiritual and
ethical ideas.
We will begin the day at 10
a.m. with a short service. The
presentation will start at 11
a.m. followed by lunch around
12:30, and the second part of the
presentation will begin around
1:30. There is no charge for
attending the program and the
luncheon, but you MUST reserve
a place to have lunch as seating is
To make your reservation, call
Sam and Anita Smulyan at 302703-2900, or send an email to or
Game Night a Winner!
The weather was terrible, but
a small group of SJC members
(including 4 new members), came
to Seaside to enjoy an evening of
wine, snacks, and games. It was a
great evening of mostly kibitzing,
but we did get in a few games. It
was a wonderful opportunity to
meet with old and new friends. We
hope to repeat this activity in the
April 2015
Thank You
Seaside Jewish Community gratefully acknowledges the following
donations as of March 2.
Art Work for Sanctuary
Michael Krausz
General Fund
Harvey & Allyn Fruman
• in memory of Marvin Weiner & James Stillman
• get well wishes to Marc Fruchtman
Barry & Bonne Morrison for Community Service programs
• in honor of the birthdays of Leah Pack & Miriam Zadek
• in honor of the birth of the Silverblatt’s first grandchild
Tony & Narda Namrow for Worship &Religious School programming
Myra Sachs
• in honor of Stuart Schenk’s special birthday
• in honor of the birth of Stanley & Cindi Silverblatt’s grandson
Patricia Powell in appreciation for the SJC Community’s support during her dad’s final weeks & memorial service
Peter Schott & Jeffrey Davis
Eric & Robin Schwartz
Shirley Weiner in memory of Marvin Weiner, 10 years of missing him
High Holy Day Donation
Robert & Lisa Feldman in memory of David Carl Feldman,
Harold Rothkopf, Shirley
Rothkopf & Sarah Siskin
Ron Gluck in memory of Allen & Peggy Gluck
Youth Education Fund
Teke Davidson
Oy Vey 5K Sponsors
Beebe Healthcare
Seaside Yoga (Rebecca Davidson)
New Members
Elsa Goldstein & Jay Salwen
David & Nicole Sachs
Seaside Jewish Community
Oneg/Kiddush Sponsors
4/09 Myra Sachs
4/18 Membership Committee for New Member Shabbat
The Chimes Story
Marty Lampner, Chimes CEO and
SJC member, gave an excellent
presentation to a very interested
(but small) group of SJC members
and friends at the Adult Education
Committee’s special event on
Sunday, February 22.
Chimes International, Ltd. and
Subsidiaries, known as the
Chimes Family of Services, is a
major not-for-profit organization
headquartered in Baltimore.
It offers a wide range of
opportunities for children and
adults with disabilities and other
special needs. Chimes provides
services to over 19,000 people
in Delaware, the District of
Columbia, five other states, and
Chimes has a small presence in
Rehoboth Beach. Bill Drake, a
member of St Edmond Catholic
Church, is a member of Chimes
Board of Directors. Marty
invited the attendees and other
SJC members to contact Bill
at for
further information about Chimes
in Delaware.
Marty’s presentation began with
the history of services for children
and adults with disabilities over
the past few hundred years. He
then discussed Chime’s leadership
role in designing and delivering
highest-quality services to
people with disabilities, services
that have positive impacts on
the beneficiaries, their families
and their communities. He also
recounted the story of Chimes
from its founding in Baltimore
more than 60 years ago, to its
presence in Israel, and then to its
Page 7
place here in Delaware.
The event was widely promoted,
including in a WBOC-TV
interview with Marty. You can
watch the clip at http://youtu.
be/BByp4BsREMU. You’ll see
another example of “Seaside in the
Food, Clothing, Toiletries Needed
Please help us stock SJC’s storeroom with
non-perishable food, gently used coats
and clothing, or new toiletries for the
needy. So many in our area are in need.
Bring these items with you when you
come to SJC and put them in the wicker
basket at the top of the stairs.
The Community Service Committee will
pick up your donated items and deliver
them to local service organizations.
Thank you and please help!
Dorothy Shor Memorial Mah Jongg
Every Tuesday, 1 p.m. Lunch at noon
at T.G.I. Friday’s
19266 Coastal Hwy. near the Safeway
We teach Mah Jongg to anyone
wishing to learn.
For more information please contact
Deborah Markow at:
443-310-9462 or
Sponsor Oneg-Kiddush
Celebrate your next birthday,
anniversary, or other special milestone.
Let us celebrate with you. You can
sponsor one of your own, co-sponsor
with someone else or with a group.
This is a great way to share an event
with your Seaside family.
Call Myra Sachs at 302-644-0212 for
available dates and details. Perhaps she
can find a co-sponsor for you.
Check out the details for
sponsoring on at http://www. Click
on giving and then sponsor Oneg.
Page 8
Sharing Shabbat Jul 17
In response to a wonderful event
last June, the Social Committee
is again sponsoring a Sharing
Shabbat on Friday, July 17. The
event, held on an evening when
there are no Shabbat services, will
be a chance for us all to celebrate
Shabbat with a comfortable meal.
We are looking for volunteer host
families to welcome members
into their homes and provide the
dinner’s main course, and other
members who desire to join in
the observance and contribute
part of the meal as a guest. Our
goal is to get to know each other
better in the relaxed setting of
members’ homes. We especially
want to encourage our newer
and less active members to
participate. For more details,
please call or email Janet Koch at
302-335-8344, janet.koch.2009@ or Fran Saltzman at
302-827-2751, fesaltz@gmail.
com. Let us know your address,
if you are able to host and how
many guests you prefer, or if you
would rather be a guest. We would
appreciate early responses to make
match-ups easier. Final date for
responding is June 15. We hope to
accommodate as many of you as
Support our Oy Vey 5K
Race Sponsor Rebecca Davidson,
an Independent Personal Trainer
and Yoga Teacher and mother of
a student in our religious school,
is offering personalized training
packages at a discounted rate to
prepare interested participants
for the Oy Vey 5K. Whether you
choose to walk or run, Rebecca
will help you get ready for the
race on April 12. You can visit her
website for additional information
at, or
contact her at 302-569-9129 or
Seaside Jewish Community
April 2015
Donation Form
(Please print clearly)
Please Return to:
Seaside Jewish Community
P.O. Box 1472
Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971
It is only through the generosity of those who support us that
we are able to maintain our program of services, education, and
outreach to the community. Thank you for your donation!
Enclosed is a donation in the amount of: $ ___________ for:
□ General Fund (unrestricted)
In Memory/Honor of (optional)
□ Restricted for:
□ Adult Education
□ Alfred Gross Scholars Fund
□ Building Fund
□ Cemetery Program
□ Community Service
□ Religious School Programs
□ Ritual Object Fund
□ Worship Programs
□ Youth Education Programs
Please send notification of this donation to (Name/Address)
Donor Info:
Name: _______________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________
City, State, Zip: _______________________________________
Phone: ____________________ E-Mail: ____________________
Thank you again for your generosity. Seaside Jewish Comm. is a
501(c)(3) organization, and contributions are tax-deductible to the
extent allowed by law. Consult your tax advisor for details.
April 2015
In The Community
Refuah Shleimah – Get Well
We send our prayers and healing
energy to Seaside members and
loved ones of members who have
been hospitalized or injured in
recent weeks, or who are facing or
have had health challenges.
Annette Annenberg
Shirley Fantl
Nihum Avelim – Comforting the
We extend our deepest sympathies
to Joan Churchill on the death of
her husband Tony on February 28;
to Robbin Myerberg on the death of
her grandmother, Gertrude “Geetze”
Myerberg on March 3, and to the
family of Louise Golder who died
on March 7.
Zichronam Livracha. May their
memories be a blessing.
Please contact SJC Religious
Leader, Student Rabbi Beth Cohen, or 302-8582374, if you’d like to add the name
of someone you love to the Seaside
healing prayer list, to the list of
family members who have died, or
if there is a celebration in your life
which you want to share with the
Seaside family.
Yahrzeit Plaques
Honor your departed loved one
by having a plaque mounted on the
wall in the sanctuary.
It takes 3 months to receive them.
SJC Cemetery
Reserve Your Plot(s) Today.
Contact Harvey Fruman at
302-226-2209 or
Wednesday Mornings
at Seaside
Every Wednesday morning from 9 to
10:30, you will find the SJC doors
open for anyone interested in a
contemplative, spiritual, peace-filled
start to their day. Meditation, chant,
and prayer are included. Everyone,
including folks wanting to learn the
practice of meditation, are welcome.
Seaside Jewish Community
Pastoral Support – Just A
Phone Call Away
SJC members visit patients at
local hospitals, nursing homes,
and rehab facilities. We can help
families dealing with the death
of a loved one. SJC’s Spiritual
Leader is available to help families
through the rituals and processes
surrounding death, including
funeral and burial, Shiva, and
notifying the SJC community,
while other SJC members take
care of providing a Shiva tray or
meal of comfort or a contribution
in memory of the loved one. New
team members are welcome.
• Beth Cohen, bethcohen@ or 302-858-2374 (SJC
Religious Leader)
• Anita Smulyan, anitasmulyan@ or 302-703-2900
• Cheryl Fruchtman, c.fruchtman or 302-227-1056
Confidential Crisis
Experiencing an adverse situation
due to difficult current economic
times? SJC Crisis Committee
members will provide their
expertise to SJC members for
no charge or for a reduced fee
depending on the circumstances.
SJC takes no responsibility for
the advice/service provided.
Each situation is held in strictest
confidence between the SJC
member and the Crisis Committee
member. Contacts are:
• Jennifer Rubenstein for Financial and Budget
Services at 302-841-0143 or
• Eric Doroshow for Legal Services at 302-934-9400 or
• Florence Levy for Food Pantry Resources at 302-226-3221
Page 9
Happy Birthday to
Our Members
4/01 Darlene Latta
4/03 Gabriella Fox
4/03 Jacob Lapides
4/03 Sam Roffman
4/05 Barbara Passikoff
4/07 Andrea Silverstein
4/07 Rebekah Namrow
4/08 Linda Weiss
4/09 Gail Tannenbaum
4/09 Jeffery Fried
4/11 Josh Bach
4/11 Judith Stormer
4/11 Taube Carpenter
4/12 Beth Joselow
4/12 Ellen Passman
4/12 Leslie Kaplan
4/13 Anthony Churchill
4/13 Ben Gottfried
4/13 Robert Schreter
4/13 Rosalyn Fried
4/14 Diane Kane
4/14 Sherry Leichman
4/15 Andy Feinberg
4/15 Howard Menaker
4/15 Janet Koch
4/17 Dorothy Sinner
4/18 Arthur Fox
4/18 Eileen Siner
4/19 Philip Saxe
4/20 Lonny Klein
4/22 Stan Keller
4/23 Allyn Fruman
4/23 Jocelyn Kaplan
4/23 Mindy Sosne
4/26 Allan Levin
4/27 Joan Gordon
4/28 Aubrey Inkster
4/28 Bob Axelrod
4/28 Philip Keats
4/28 Vicki Albrecht
4/28 William Kaplan
4/29 Andrea Barros
4/29 Barry Morrison
4/29 Neil Trugman
4/30 Amalia Fruchtman
4/30 Elayne Arsht
Oy Vey, 5K Run and Walk
5K Race / 1 Mile Dog-Friendly Fun Walk / Kids Races
Proceeds benefit the educational programs at
Seaside Jewish Community
Rehoboth Beach, Delaware
Sunday, APRIL 12, 2015 beginning at 9:00 a.m.
Seaside Jewish Community, 18970 Holland Glade Rd, Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971
(Located next to Rehoboth Little League)
Produced By:
Seashore Striders with Chronotrack Chip timing & finish line services provided by the
Seashore Strider Event Production, Inc.
$20 Pre-Registration by 4/3, $25 Race-Day Registration beginning at 8:00 am
Awards presented to the Overall & Master Champions, as well as to the top three
finishers, in the following nine age groups: 9 & U, 10-13, 14-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49,
50-59, 60-69, 70 & over.
T-shirts guaranteed to the first 100 registered, water stops and breakfast provided
featuring homemade kugel.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (one application per participant required). MAIL IN REGISTRATION FORM
If you are unable to register online, please mail in this form by 4/1/15 with your payment payable to:
Seashore Striders, Oy Vey 5K, P. O. Box 99, Nassau, DE 19969
Event: Seaside Jewish Community 5k
Name: _________________________ DOB: ___________ Age: _______ Gender: M or F
Address: _____________________________ Phone: _________________ Email: _________________
Pre-registration: $20 Race Day $25 Event: 5k_______ NCWalk______ Kiddie ______
Tech Unisex Shirt : ___YL ___SM ___MD ___LG ___XL Tech Women’s ___SM ___MD ___LG ___XL
I know that competing in a 5K Run/Walk can be a hazardous activity. I should not enter unless I am medically able and properly trained. Having read this waiver, I for myself and
anyone acting in my behalf, waive, Seashore Striders, Seaside Jewish Community, Seashore Strider Event Production, Inc., Road Runners Club of America, City of Rehoboth Beach,
Rehoboth Little League, State of Delaware and all sponsors from all claims and liabilities resulting in my participation in this event.
Parent Signature(under 18):
Emergency contact/phone:
or Joel Simon, SJC, 302-245-1386 or
Register Online at
Oy Vey, 5K and Walk Sponsor Form
Event Date: April 12, 2015 at 9 a.m., Registration begins at 8 a.m.
Seaside Jewish Community, Holland Glade Road, Rehoboth Beach, DE
Race will benefit the educational programs at SJC
Race registration details and more information can be found at
Mensch Sponsor ($500+):
Tzadik Sponsor ($250+):
Mazel Tov Sponsor ($150+):
Recognition on the event website and
related press materials
Recognition on the event website and
related press materials
Recognition on the event website and
related press materials
Opportunity to provide company
information, business cards, and/or
giveaway items at registration/check in
Opportunity to provide company
information, business cards, and/or
giveaway items at registration/check in
Opportunity to provide company
information, business cards, and/or
giveaway items at registration/check in
Three free race entries
Two free race entries
One free race entry
Opportunity to set up table/exhibit in the
registration area (day of the event)
Opportunity to set up table/exhibit in the
registration area (day of the event)
Announcement of business name at the
beginning of the race
Business name at mile marker signs
Announcement of business name at the
beginning of the race
Announcement of business name at the
beginning of the race
Name or logo of business on race shirts
Name or logo of business on race shirts
In-kind prize donations, gift certificates to your business, free products, or food for post-race party
To become a sponsor return this form with a check made payable to the Seaside Jewish Community, PO Box 1472, Rehoboth
Beach, DE 19971
Business Name _____________________________ Primary Contact ____________________________________
Address ______________________________________________________________________________
Phone ________________________ E-mail ___________________________________
Sponsorship Level: $500 ______ $250 _______ $150 _______ Other_______
I intend to use my complimentary registration(s) Yes _______ No ________
Thank you for your support
Seaside Jewish Community
P O Box 1472
Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971
Support Our Sponsors
If you would like to advertise, contact Fran Sneider
S urda
ay, May
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