Seaside Jewish Community News March 2014


Seaside Jewish Community News March 2014
Seaside Jewish Community News
18970 Holland Glade Rd., Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971
Mailing address: P.O. Box 1472, Rehoboth Beach DE 19971
In This Issue
Board of Directors
President’s Message
My Promise Land
Committee Chairs
Oy Vey 5K
Defiant Requiem
Talkfest Thursdays
SJC Resource Center
Religious School Happenings 5
Teen Events
Religious School Shabbat
SJC Passover 6
Holocaust Memorial Observance 6
Alfred Gross Scholar Shabbat 6
Thank You
Federation Shabbat
Membership Dues
Pastoral Support
Confidential Crisis Comm
In SJC Community
Donation Form
Bingo & Brownies Flyer
Passover Reservations Flyer 11
SJC Sponsors
Oy Vey 5K Reg Flyer
Oy Vey 5K Sponsor Flyer Insert
Schedule of Services
Friday, March 7, 7:30 pm
Parashat Vayikra
(Leviticus 1:1 – 5:26
Leader: Beth Cohen
Shabbat Dinner – Advance RSVP
Saturday, March 15, 10 am
Parashat Tzav
(Leviticus 6:1 – 8:36)
Leader: Beth Cohen
Saturday, March 22, 10 am
Parsahat Shmini
(Leviticus 9:1 – 11:47)
Shabbat Parah
Leaders: Rabbi Dick White &
Cantor George Mason
See article for information on
this additional service
Friday, April 4, 7:30 pm
Parashat Metzora
(Leviticus 14:1 – 15:33)
Leader: Beth Cohen
March 2014
Shabbat Dinner March 7
Join us for our congregational
Shabbat dinner on Friday, March
7, at 6:15 p.m. The menu is
brisket, kasha and bow ties,
and salad. The cost is $15 for
members; $17 for non-members.
Call Bea Horn at 302-537-7098 or
Anita Smulyan at 302-703-2900
by Tuesday, March 4 to make your
reservation. You can send your
check to the SJC P.O. Box or pay
at the door. Looking forward to
seeing you.
Mitzvah Day March 9
On March 9, SJC will hold his
annual Mitzvah Day Program
as part of the Jewish Federation
of Delaware’s annual Mitzvah
Day Event. We will be working
at Epworth United Methodist
Church, Holland Glade Road,
starting at noon. Please join us
as we make soup, mac & cheese
and cookies for Epworth’s lunch
for the homeless that day. We will
help set up, cook, clean up and
talk to the attendees. Everyone
who has ever helped serve food
for the homeless has come away
with a good feeling and a sense of
Loving Kindness for all peoples
of the earth. Our Religious School
Mitzvah Project is to bake the
cookies. If you have a child in
Religious School, please have
them make cookies at home
and deliver them to Epworth on
March 9 by noon. We welcome
the children to stay and experience
a very rewarding Mitzvah! If
you want to help with this very
rewarding spiritual project,
contact Cheryl Fruchtman at or 302542-8094.
Adar I - Adar II 5774
Ladies’ Lunch & More
March 12
Please join us for lunch at noon
(note new time) on Wednesday,
March 12 at Baywood Greens
on Route 24. Lunch consists of
choice of four entrees, two desserts
and non-alcoholic beverage. The
gratuity is included in the $17
charge per person. An informal
game fest to follow lunch. Please
bring your cards, Scrabble or Mah
Jong set etc. to participate. Please
call Bea Horn at 302-537-7098 to
let her know you will be joining us.
Purim Celebration March 16
Our Purim celebration will be on
Sunday, March 16, at 11:00 a.m. at
SJC. Come enjoy our Purim singalong songs, Megillah reading,
and a potluck meat lunch. Don’t
forget to bring a dish to share for
the potluck! We will also be having
fun children’s activities including
Hamantaschen baking, preparing
Shalach Manot for charity, and
carnival games. Please come and
support our Religious School. You
don’t need to have a child in the
Religious School to attend.
Additional Service March 22
The Worship Committee is adding
two services to the Seaside Shabbat
morning worship schedule this
spring. These additional services
will be more like a Conservative
service and will be led by SJC
members Rabbi Dick White and
Cantor George Mason. The first
one will be held on Saturday,
March 22 at 10 a.m. The second
will be on June 28. Please plan to
attend. We need a Kiddush sponsor
for the service. If you are interested
in sponsoring the Kiddush, please
call Rabbi Dick at 302-703-2487.
Page 2
Board of Directors
Ed Simon
Vice President
Jeff Hawtof
Jason Bradley
Jennifer Rubenstein
At Large Board Members
Carole Ash
Howard Menaker
Mike Saltzman
Stanley Silverblatt
Sam Smulyan
Religious Leader
Beth Cohen
Religious School Director
Allison Colker
School Associate Director
Joel Simon
Immediate Past President
Jeff Hawtof
Seaside Jewish Community
President’s Message
- Ed Simon
Recently my wife, Pat, and I have
had the opportunity to cruise. On
our trips we always check to see
if Friday night Shabbat services
are offered. When able, we’ve
attended these services. What
we’ve found is that these services
remind us of Seaside. There are
people from all over who use the
services to form friendships and
Jewish connections. While their
Jewish backgrounds are varied, the
guests are respectful of each other.
Seaside, in my viewpoint, parallels
our cruising experiences. Our
members come from various
locations with uniquely different
Jewish backgrounds. Although we
may not always agree, we work
and worship together for the good
of our community.
It is wonderful to see new faces
attending our functions. Seaside is
successful since we not only have
a strong base of full-time residents,
but part-time residents and guests
as well. This combination has
worked well for us over the years.
We can all be proud of what SJC
means to us and the community.
Just like services on a cruise ship,
SJC provides our residents and
visitors the means to maintain their
Jewish identity in Sussex County.
We are all grateful to be part of the
Seaside Jewish Community.
Brownies! Brownies!
SJC’s annual Bingo and Brownies
night will be Saturday, March 29,
at a new venue – the Independence
clubhouse. One of the stars of the
night is the brownies. To volunteer
to make brownies, please contact
Brina Krupp at 302-945-7408 or to let her
know what type of brownies and
how many you will be making.
Brownies should be pre-cut and
come with a card saying what type
March 2014
(with or without nuts, blondies,
kind of bar, etc.). If you are unable
to attend Bingo and Brownies, but
would like to bake anyway, let
Brina know.
Thanks goes to Susan Morissette
and her team for the planning they
are doing to make the night a big
success. Susan’s team is looking
for gift certificates and other items
that can be used as bingo prizes, or
possibly raffle or auction gifts, so
please contact Susan at 302-5190341 or susanmorissette@yahoo.
com to let her know how you can
My Promised Land
On Sunday afternoon, March 23,
at 2 p.m., Seaside will screen “My
Promised Land: The Tragedy and
Triumph of Israel,” a DVD in the
“Live from NY’s 92nd Street Y”
Program. A discussion will follow
the film. Refreshments will be
“My Promised Land” is Ari
Shavit’s recently published book.
In discussing the book’s message,
Tom Friedman of the New York
Times writes, “Shavit is one of
a handful of experts whom I’ve
relied upon to understand Israel
ever since I reported there in the
1980s.” The Forward proclaims:
“Ari Shavit Still Believes in a
‘Promised Land.”
In the film, Shavit, a Haaretz
senior correspondent, joins New
Yorker editor David Remnick for
an incisive analysis of the Jewish
state’s fraught history and its
prospects for the future. Shavit
delivers a stunning analysis and
a very bold recommendation for
Israelis and Palestinians. Remnick
is the author of several books,
including “King of the World,”
“Resurrection,” and “Lenin’s
Board Meetings
Meetings are open to members.
3/16 9 a.m. J Rubenstein’s home
4/20 9 a.m. at SJC
March 2014
Adult Ed
Chair is to be announced
Harvey Fruman
Jennifer Rubenstein / Chair
Fran Sneider / Newsletter Editor
Robbin Myerberg / Designer
Rochelle Cohen / Media
Community Service & Chesed
Cheryl Fruchtman / Co-Chair
302-227-1056 / 302-542-8094
Anita Smulyan / Co-Chair
Beth Cohen / Chesed
David Kaplan
Fran Sneider
Fran & Mike Saltzman
Buddy Feldman
Youth Ed
Marjorie Kobrin
Seaside Jewish Community
Oy Vey 5K!
SJC is excited about our 2nd Oy
Vey 5k, 1 mile walk, and kids race.
The event will occur on April 6 at
8 a.m., with race day registration
beginning at 7 a.m. Once again
we are partnering with Seashore
Striders to host a fantastic day
of fun and fitness. We hope you
will consider running, walking,
volunteering, sponsoring, and/or
supporting the race. Complete the
form enclosed in this newsletter
if you are interested in registering
for the race. A sponsor form is also
enclosed if you are willing and
able to support the race financially.
All proceeds will benefit SJC’s
educational programs.
To volunteer or ask questions,
contact Joel Simon at 302-2451386 or
We need your help with the
Sponsors. Your business has a
unique opportunity to support
our race. As a sponsor your
business will be represented in
race materials and displayed
prominently on our race shirts.
Please complete the sponsor form
and mail it to SJC.
Volunteers. Volunteers will be
crucial the morning of the race. We
will need help with set up, parking,
registration, food prep and service,
the water stop, and directing traffic.
Chefs and Bakers. Anyone who is
able to make a dish for the postrace party would be a big help.
Last year this was the highlight.
Runners are still coming up to me
to compliment SJC for the food at
the after party. We feature Kugel
at this event and would love one
donated from you, but any dairy or
parve food is fine.
We hope that many of you will join
in the excitement as a participant,
sponsor, volunteer (or all 3)! Let’s
Page 3
build on the success of last year’s
event and make this one even
“Defiant Requiem”
In conjunction with the Salisbury
Film Society, Salisbury’s Beth
Israel Congregation is bringing the
acclaimed film “Defiant Requiem”
to the Perdue Business School
Auditorium at 1101 Camden
Avenue on the campus of Salisbury
University on Sunday, April 6,
at 2:30 p.m. The international
conductor and director of the film,
Murray Sidlin, will be present for
the showing of the film and will
moderate the discussion afterwards.
The film describes the production
of Verdi’s Requiem in the Terezin
Concentration Camp in defiance of
the Nazis (hence the title).
The documentary is part Holocaust
story, part contemporary story, and
the determination of one man to
bring these stories to the world.
In 1942, Rafael Schecter, a young
Czech conductor, was taken to
Terezin concentration camp. He
managed to take with him one
thing dear to him, his copy of
Verdi’s “Requiem.” Terezin was the
“showcase” camp for the Nazis. It
was the camp where the Red Cross
and other world organizations were
brought to show that the Nazis
were humane in their treatment of
the Jews.
Art and music were permitted.
Little did the world leaders know
that many from Terezin were
sent to Auschwitz for their “final
Schecter was able to teach the
Requiem by rote to a group of
dedicated singers. As some singers
left, others were recruited, and
taught from the single copy of
the music. The Requiem was
performed 16 times in the camp.
continued on page 7
Page 4
Talkfest Thursdays
Meetings are at 7:30 p.m. at SJC.
All are invited.
First Thursday: Jewish History
On March 6, we will see a DVD
from the Spielberg Shoah program
that has interviewed thousands of
Holocaust survivors. This DVD
is being loaned to the class by
the nephew of the woman being
interviewed. Printed material will
also be distributed, courtesy of the
On April 3, we will view and
discuss a documentary DVD titled
“Orchestra of Exiles.” This true
story follows the efforts of violinist
Bronislaw Huberman, one of the
premier violinist of his time, with
the support of Albert Einstein
and Arturo Toscanini, in rescuing
some of the first-chair musicians
of Germany, Austria, and Poland
during the 1930s. These musicians
became the Palestine Symphony
orchestra and later, the Israeli
Philharmonic. The secondary story
is that of convincing these Jewish
musicians that their lives were in
peril, and that they should take
advantage of available visas. Too
many refused to leave their homes
in Europe.
Please contact Burt Brenman,
Moderator, at burtrehab@gmail.
com, and leave your name, address,
telephone number, so that Burt can
prepare sufficient handouts.
Second Thursday: A Taste of
On March 13, we continue our
new Second Thursday series on
the topic of Mussar when we
discuss the virtue of Patience.
Then, on April 10, we will discuss
Gratitude. The term, Mussar, is
derived from Proverbs 1:2, which
is about moral conduct, instruction
or discipline. Mussar is described
as the Jewish ethical, educational
Seaside Jewish Community
and cultural component of Judaism
and it has become a popular area of
study and spiritual practice today.
The Mussar Movement developed
in Eastern Europe in the 19th
Each month we will explore one
middah, literally, a measurement,
and more frequently understood
as a virtue or character trait. We
will also look at spiritual practices
that can be used to assist us as
we attempt to incorporate a given
middah into our way of being.
A Taste of Mussar is led by Beth
Cohen and will follow the book,
“Everyday Holiness: The Jewish
Spiritual Path of Mussar,” by Alan
Morinis. You may wish to purchase
this book as a way to get more
information about each virtue being
discussed. Previous knowledge of
or experience with Mussar is not
required for this program.
Third Thursday: What Matters
to Jews
On March 20 and April 17, Rabbi
Dick White will present “From
the Maccabees to Jesus. He will
discuss what life and thought were
like in those days in the Jewish
world of Eretz Yisrael. How did the
Maccabean revolt and Hasmonean
rule following it impact Jewish life,
religion and thought? How did the
dominant religio-political parties
at the time of Jesus’ ministry and
revolt come about, and where did
he fit into them? What did Messiah
and Messianic groups believe
and do at that time? How did the
Romans come to rule the Land
of Israel? Who were those people
among the followers of Jesus
(some of great wealth and power)?
What was the challenge of the
Gnostic Gospels and role of Mary
Magdalene and Judas Iscariot?
How and why did the daughter
faith separate from and turn on
the mother faith? We are hoping
March 2014
to encourage thought-provoking
discussions, along with some
entertaining aspects. Please join us.
Fourth Thursday: Pirkei Avot
On March 27 and April 24, we
continue our discussion of Pirkei
Avot (Ethics of the Fathers).
Pirkei Avot is the only tractate of
the Talmud dealing solely with
ethical and moral principles. It is a
composite of Rabbinic discussions
on what the Jewish people have
taught the world about kindness,
faith, sensitivities, and the values
of civilization. The discussion is
ageless and is appropriate to our
present civilization. No previous
study is necessary or required. If
possible, but not required, bring a
Pirkei Avot book. This session will
be facilitated by Renata Price.
SJC Resource Center
The Adult Education Committee’s
book interest for March is “The
Attack” by Yasmina Khadra,
published by Nan Talese and
translated by John Cullen. An
Arab Israeli surgeon, working
in a Tel Aviv hospital, respected
by his colleagues and married to
a “modern” woman, with little
connection to their Muslim faith,
Dr. Amin Jaafari, discovers that
his wife is the suicide bomber
who devastates a popular cafe in
Tel Aviv. The book explores his
search for answers as to how this
sophisticated woman became an
instrument of terror. We are exposed
to the trauma he experiences, his
search for answers, the frustrations
faced by Palestinians and the
anguish families face as members
select this act of retribution.
Interestingly, the book is written
under a nom de plume. The author
is Mohammed Moulessehoul, a
former officer in the Algerian Army.
This book is available through the
Delaware Library System.
continued on page 5
March 2014
Religious School
Great things are happening each
week. Here is a sampling.
Alef Class
- Alyssa Simon, Sarah Hawtof,
Emily Freid & Stefine Pitzer
The class is continuing its journey
through the Hebrew alphabet. They
can now combine letters and vowels
into making whole words. In Judaic
studies, they are learning about the
spring holidays. We started out with
Tu B’Shevat and are now moving
into Purim. They are getting excited
for our Purim celebration in a
couple of weeks.
Bet Class
- Marjorie Kobrin, David Kobrin,
Narda Namrow, Sara Freid &
Stefine Pitzer
In Hebrew we’ve covered the
Kedusha prayer using new learning
techniques and games to reinforce
individual and group recitation.
When reading our Israel text, we
are highlighting facts under each
heading for Southern and Northern
cities and comparing each child’s
list. Each Bible story, Judges and
Solomon this month, is illustrated
and displayed on the walls. We
discussed the marriage ceremony in
February, and we would be happy if
you would share your Chuppah and
Ketubah with our class.
Gimel Class
- Allison Colker & Joel Simon
The b’nai mitzvah students
continue to make progress as their
big events approach. They can
each chant several Torah verses at
this point. They’ve mastered the
blessing before the reading of the
Haftarah and are now working on
the blessing after the reading of the
Haftarah. They have all made good
progress writing their speeches
and are working on getting those
Seaside Jewish Community
Teen Events
SJC’s teens held a game night last
month and had a blast. The teens
played Catch Phrase!, Scattergories,
and even tried their hands at cards.
They enjoyed food, fellowship, and
fun. A great time was had by all.
The teens met the following day to
suggest activities for the upcoming
year. Some potential ideas include
a camping adventure trip, a return
to the GoApe high ropes adventure
course at Lums Pond State Park,
and a community service project.
More information will follow. All
teens are encouraged to participate
or volunteer for the Oy Vey 5k
event on April 6. For additional
information contact Alyssa Simon at
Religious School Shabbat
Over 64 people attended the
Religious School Shabbat service
and dinner on February 7. Dining
on traditional foods catered by
Rosenfeld’s Deli fed our bodies,
while listening to our children sing
and lead the service fed our spirits.
We welcomed a recently relocated
family, the Conway’s, to our
Seaside community and greeted
other members venturing out from
the cold. Our numbers increased
as the sanctuary filled for the
service lead by Beth Cohen, Jeff
Hawtof, and the children.
SJC Resource Center
continued from page 4
Questions and comments may
be addressed to Miriam Zadek at
Minutes of SJC Board
The minutes are available to
interested members after the
minutes are approved by the Board.
Copies may be obtained by
contacting our Secretary.
Page 5
Happy Birthday to
Our Members
3/01 Katharine Nicodemus
3/01 Ron Miller
3/03 Gayle Miller
3/03 Jennifer Priddy
3/03 Larry Koch
3/03 Michelle Lips
3/04 Leah Pack
3/06 Rob Trachman
3/06 Shelley Walman
3/07 Bill Ciment
3/07 Judy Rosenstein
3/07 Marc Fruchtman
3/07 Marlene Kosnac
3/09 Rachael Shapiro
3/09 Sharon Downs
3/10 Nina Glasner
3/12 Audrey Adkins
3/13 Jennifer Block
3/13 Ken Sosne
3/14 Arnold Cohen
3/14 Emma Trugman
3/16 Maddox Priddy
3/16 Marilyn Feldman
3/17 Janet Terner
3/18 Calvin Adkins
3/20 Carol Pearson
3/21 Mitchell Crane
3/22 Bud Simon
3/22 Mark Ellenberg
3/22 Myra Sachs
3/24 Charles Fox
3/24 Leonard Ullmann
3/25 Marsha Levine
3/25 Patricia Powell
3/25 Ruth Baum
3/28 Carole Ash
3/28 Samuel Litwack
3/29 Sara Rubinow Simon
3/29 Jennifer Rubenstein
3/30 David Ehrenfeld
3/31 Joanne Sinsheimer
4/01 Darlene Latta
4/03 Jacob Lapides
4/03 Sam Roffman
Page 6
SJC Passover Observances
Passover begins at sundown on
Monday, April 14, and continues
until sundown Monday, April 21
(or Tuesday April 22, for those
who observe 8 days).
At Seaside, it has been our
tradition from our very beginning
to have a community Seder on
the second night of Passover.
On Tuesday, April 15, we will
hold our 17th Seder. There
is a one page flyer elsewhere
in the newsletter with all the
information. Reservations are
required and are due by April 1.
Our regular third Saturday of the
month Shabbat morning service
falls on April 19, which is the
Shabbat in the middle of Passover.
The service starts at 10 a.m. and
will include a baby naming for the
newest child in the Prager family.
Passover is one of the four times
a year when the Yizkor memorial
prayers are said to honor the
memories of our loved ones.
There will be a Festival service
on Sunday evening, April 20, 7:30
p.m. that will include Yizkor. We
hope you can join with the SJC
family to celebrate the festival at
some or all of our observances.
Hag sameach. Wishing you a
joyous festival.
Food, Clothing, Toiletries Needed
Please help us stock SJC’s storeroom
with non-perishable food, gently used
coats and clothing, or new toiletries
for the needy. So many in our area
are in need. Bring these items with
you when you come to SJC and put
them in the wicker basket at the top
of the stairs. The Community Service
Committee will pick up your donated
items and deliver them to local service
Thank you and please help!
Seaside Jewish Community
March 2014
Holocaust Memorial
Alfred Gross Scholar
On Sunday, April 27, the
Progressive Interfaith Alliance
(PIA), a group of faith
communities and clergy in the
Cape Henlopen School District,
will hold its sixth annual Interfaith
Community program to remember
the Holocaust. The program will
begin at 4 p.m. and will be held
at the Metropolitan Community
Church, 19369 Plantations Road,
Lewes, DE. All are welcome to
The observance will include
prayers of remembrance and hope,
memorials, and a candle lighting
After the Holocaust, communities
of faith around the world vowed
never to forget the horror and
terror of the Nazi era. Please
join with our local communities
of faith to remember and honor
the six million Jews and the
other five million from a variety
of ethnicities and cultures who
perished in the Holocaust.
PIA members include
representatives from Seaside
Jewish Community, Epworth
United Methodist Church, St.
Peters Episcopal Church, Beebe
Healthcare Chaplain, Metropolitan
Community Church and Safe
Harbor United Church of Christ,
Unitarian Universalists of
Southern Delaware, All Saints
Episcopal Church and St Georges
Reserve Saturday, June 14, for
the next Alfred Gross Memorial
Lecture and Shabbat Service, the
premier yearly event presented
by the SJC Adult Education
Committee. Our guest speaker
will be Rabbi Amy Scheinerman,
the Howard County, MD
Hospice Rabbi and immediate
past president of the Baltimore
Board of Rabbis. Her topic will
be “Entering Eden and Strolling
Through the PaRDeS”
Yes You Can
Have you ever wanted to attend
an SJC event but thought you
couldn’t afford it?
SJC policy is to work with you if you
have a financial hardship.
Please contact the treasurer to
confidentially discuss your situation.
Many people think they know
the story of the Garden of
Eden, but few truly do, and
most of us do not realize that
we read this story through the
lens of early interpretations
that roam far and free from the
biblical text. She will explain
and examine the four levels of
interpretation that have guided
Jewish exploration of sacred texts
since antiquity (PaRDeS), and
explore fascinating, imaginative
and surprising examples ranging
from academic to philosophical,
to mystical. There’s fun and
fascinating material here for
everyone. No background is
required; come learn and enjoy.
We will begin the day at 10
a.m. with a short service. The
presentation will start at 11
a.m. followed by lunch around
12:30, and the second part of the
presentation will begin around
1:30. There is no charge for
attending the program and the
luncheon, but you MUST reserve
a place to have lunch. Details
about making a lunch reservation
will follow in future newsletters.
March 2014 Thank You
Seaside Jewish Community
gratefully acknowledges the
following donations as of Jan 27.
High Holy Day Donation
Year End Donation
Martin & Ruth Baum
Jeff & Rosalyn Fried
Ellen Goldsmith
Judel & Susan Lew
Morton & Louise Macks
Al & Myra Sachs
Zalman & Lenore Shavell
Stanley & Gloria Silverstein in
honor of Morty Hyman’s 75th
Steve & Carol Zimmerman
New Members
Kathy Jackson & Jacob Lapides
Martin & Elanore Lampner
Samuel & Ronit Litwack
Randy Rosenblum
Oneg/Kiddush Sponsors
3/07 TBD
3/15 Larry & Janet Koch in honor
of their anniversary
3/22 TBD
Sponsor Oneg-Kiddush
Celebrate your next birthday,
anniversary, birth of a child or
grandchild or a graduation. Let us all
enjoy this milestone with you. You
can sponsor one of your own, with
family or a group. There are many
reasons to share an event with your
Seaside family.
Sincerest thanks to the many SJC
members who volunteer to sponsor
a Kiddush or an Oneg. If you have
a specific date or occasion that you
want to share with your SJC family,
call to reserve the date. It’s not too
soon to plan. Call Myra Sachs at
302-644-0212 for available dates
and details.
Seaside Jewish Community
Page 7
Federation Shabbat
Membership Dues
On Friday night, January 24,
over 20 SJC members traveled
to Temple Beth Shalom in
Wilmington to participate in the
annual Federation Shabbat Dinner
and Service.
SJC had a wonderful contingent of
members attending. We provided
a bus for those who wanted to
attend, leaving from SJC and
making a stop in Milford to pick
up more Seaside members.
This event is open to all Jewish
organizations throughout the state
to come together. The dinner gave
us an opportunity to meet and
gather with Jews from all over
Delaware. Each person was given
a card with a question to give their
opinion and share with the rest of
the table while we were waiting
to be called up for a wonderful
Salmon dinner. Afterwards, we
gathered in the Synagogue for a
beautiful service lead by Rabbi
Michael Beals. Of course, the
service was followed by dessert.
We hope to have more Seasiders
join us next year.
SJC offers a wide variety of
educational, worship and social
activities to meet our members’
needs. We, in turn, depend on your
membership dues to operate. Dues
are paid on a calendar year basis.
While we will soon be sending
out invoices to everyone, we
encourage everyone to not wait for
the invoices, but to send in your
2014 dues as soon as possible.
While dues are $180 per adult per
year, we welcome all who want
to join regardless of their ability
to pay. If someone cannot pay full
dues, just contact our treasurer, Jen
Rubenstein, or our Membership
Committee chairperson, Fran
Sneider, to let her know what you
can pay for the year, and we will
gladly include you as a member.
Their contact information is on
pages 2 and 3.
“Defiant Requiem”
continued from page 3
A young man in a choral group in
Washington D.C., told his conductor
about his grandfather and the other
singers at Terezin. The conductor,
awed by the story, decided that this
story needed to be told. And so
“Defiant Requiem” was born. The
contemporary conductor, Murray
Sidlin, took ten years and made the
In addition to viewing the film, Beth
Israel is asking for donations to
cover some of the costs for bringing
the film to Delmarva. If you so
desire, consider sending a donation
to Beth Israel Congregation/Defiant
Requiem, 600 Camden Avenue,
Salisbury, MD 21801.
Page 8
Seaside Jewish Community
Pastoral Support – Just A
Phone Call Away
Confidential Crisis
SJC members visit patients at
local hospitals, nursing homes,
and rehab facilities. We can help
families dealing with the death
of a loved one. SJC’s Spiritual
Leader is available to help families
through the rituals and processes
surrounding death, including
funeral and burial, Shiva, and
notifying the SJC community,
while other SJC members take
care of providing a Shiva tray or
meal of comfort or a contribution
in memory of the loved one. New
team members are welcome.
• Beth Cohen, bethcohen@ or 302-858-2374 (SJC
Religious Leader)
• Anita Smulyan, anitasmulyan@ or 302-703-2900
• Cheryl Fruchtman, c.fruchtman or 302-227-1056
Experiencing an adverse situation
due to difficult current economic
times? SJC Crisis Committee
members will provide their
expertise to SJC members for
no charge or for a reduced fee
depending on the circumstances.
SJC takes no responsibility for
the advice/service provided.
Each situation is held in strictest
confidence between the SJC
member and the Crisis Committee
member. Contacts are:
Helping Hands
SJC offers support to members who are
ill, grieving, homebound, or just need a
helping hand. Available support includes
sending cards, visiting people at home,
preparing and delivering meals, picking
up groceries and prescriptions, small
repairs around the house, and running
errands. New Helping Hand team
members are welcome.
Contacts are: Anita Smulyan at
302-703-2900 or
Bonne Morrison at 302-684-3485
Wednesday Mornings
at Seaside
Every Wednesday morning from
9 to 10:30, you will find the SJC
doors open for anyone interested in a
contemplative, spiritual, peace-filled
start to their day. Meditation, chant,
and prayer are included. Everyone,
including folks wanting to learn the
practice of meditation, are welcome.
• Jennifer Rubenstein for Financial and Budget
Services at 302-841-0143 or
• Eric Doroshow for Legal Services at 302-934-9400 or
• Carol Ann Rudolph for Human Resources Assistance at 301-351-3653 or
• Florence Levy for Food Pantry Resources at 302-226-3221
March 2014
In The Community
Refuah Shleimah – Get Well
We send our prayers and healing
energy to SJC members and loved
ones of members who have been
hospitalized or injured in recent
weeks, or who are facing or have
had health challenges.
Robyn Fantl
Allyn Fruman
Please contact SJC Religious
Leader, student Rabbi Beth
Cohen, or
302-858-2374, if you’d like to add
the name of someone you love to
the Seaside healing prayer list or
if there is a celebration in your life
which you want to share with the
Seaside family.
Yahrzeit Candles
Can’t find a Yahrzeit candle in
local stores?
SJC has them. Contact Sam Smulyan
at 302-703-2900
Yahrzeit Plaques
Honor your departed loved one
by having a plaque mounted on the
wall in the sanctuary.
It takes 3 months to receive them.
SJC Cemetery
Reserve Your Plot(s) Today.
Contact Harvey Fruman at
302-226-2209 or
Dorothy Shor
Memorial Mah Jongg
Mah Jongg meets every Tuesday,
1 p.m. at T.G.I. Friday’s restaurant.
Lunch at noon
At T.G.I. Friday’s
19266 Coastal Hwy.
Near the Safeway
We teach Mah Jongg to anyone
wishing to learn.
For more information please contact
Deborah Markow at:
443-310-9462 or
March 2014
Seaside Jewish Community
Page 9
Donation Form
(Please print clearly)
Please Return to:
Seaside Jewish Community
P.O. Box 1472
Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971
It is only through the generosity of those who support us that we are able to maintain our
program of services, education, and outreach to the community. Thank you for your donation!
Enclosed is a donation in the amount of: $ ___________ for:
□ General Fund (unrestricted)
In Memory/Honor of (optional)
□ Restricted for:
□ Adult Education
□ Alfred Gross Scholars Fund
□ Building Fund
□ Cemetery Program
□ Community Service
□ Religious School Programs
□ Ritual Object Fund
□ Worship Programs
□ Youth Education Programs
Please send notification of this donation to (Name/Address) (optional):
Donor Info:
Name: _______________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________
City, State, Zip: _______________________________________
Phone: ____________________ E-Mail: ____________________
Thank you again for your generosity. Seaside Jewish Comm. is a 501(c)(3) organization, and
contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Consult your tax advisor for details.
Page 10
Seaside Jewish Community
March 2014
Saturday, March 29, 2014
23767 Samuel Adams Cir, Millsboro, DE 19966
Doors open 6:30pm; Games begin 7pm
$12.00 per person (Non-members $15.00)
Includes One Card for 20 Games,
One Bingo Blotter
Win Local Gift Certificates
To volunteer or for more information and directions:
contact Susan Morissette 302-519-0341
All prizes donated by our members
and local merchants
Sponsored by Seaside Jewish Community
Seaside Jewish Community Annual Passover Seder
2nd Night Tuesday, April 15, 2014 5:45pm
Seder ritual will be led by Beth Cohen
Seder arrangements are being handled by Jason Bradley
Kings Creek Country Club
One Kings Creek Circle
Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971
Advance reservations are required by April 1
Dinner Menu
Members - $37 Non Members - $40
Chicken Soup w/Matzo Ball
Choice of Entrée
Roasted Boneless Chicken Breast
Mixed Fresh Vegetables
Roasted Potatoes
Members - $15 Non Members - $17
Chicken Soup w/Matzo Ball
Choice of Entrée
Hamburger (No bun)
Chicken Leg
French Fries
Apple Sauce
Send the reservation form below along with your check so it’s received by April 1 to:
Seaside Jewish Community
PO Box 1472
Rehoboth Beach DE 19971
Questions: Call Jason Bradley at 302-644-1376
SJC April 15, 2014 Seder Reservation Form (must be received by April 1)
# Members
_____ x $37 = $_______
# Non Members _____ x $40 = $_______
# Members
_____ x $15 = $_______
# Non Members _____ x $17 = $_______
Choose one of these meals for each adult
# Chicken meals _______
# Salmon meals ________
Choose one of these meals for each child
# Hamburger meals _______
#Chicken Leg meals _______
Names (please list first and last names of each person included in this reservation)
Contact Person and Phone Number:
Total Amount of Check Included: $
Seaside Jewish Community
P O Box 1472
Rehoboth Beach, DE 19958
Support Our Sponsors
If you would like to advertise, contact Fran Sneider
Oy Vey, 5K Run and Walk5K Race / 1 Mile
Dog-Friendly Fun Walk / Kids Races
Proceeds benefit the educational programs
at Seaside Jewish Community
Rehoboth Beach, Delaware
Sunday, APRIL 6th, 2014 beginning at 8:00 a.m.
Seaside Jewish Community, 18970 Holland Glade Rd, Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971
(Located next to Rehoboth Little League)
Produced By: Seashore Striders with Chronotrack Chip timing & finish line services provided by the Seashore Strider Event Production, Inc.
Registration: $20 Pre-Registration by 4/3, $25 Race-Day Registration beginning at 7:00 am
Awards presented to the Overall & Master Champions, as well as to the top three finishers, in the
following nine age groups: 9 & U, 10-13, 14-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70 & over.
AMENITIES:T-shirts guaranteed to the first 100 registered, water stops and breakfast provided featuring homemade kugel.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (one application per participant required) MAIL IN REGISTRATION FORM
If you are unable to register online, please mail in this form by 3/27/14 with your payment payable to:
Seashore Striders, Oy Vey 5K, P. O. Box 99, Nassau, DE 19969
Event:Seaside Jewish Community 5k
Name: _________________________
DOB: ___________ Age: _______ Gender: M or F
Address: _____________________________ Phone: _________________ Email: _________________
Pre-registration: $20 Race Day $25 Event: 5k_______ NCWalk______ Kiddie ______
Tech Unisex Shirt : ___YL ___SM ___MD ___LG ___XL
Tech Women’s ___SM ___MD ___LG ___XL____
I know that competing in a 5K Run/Walk can be a hazardous activity. I should not enter unless I am medically
able and properly trained. Having read this waiver, I for myself and anyone acting in my behalf, waive,
Seashore Striders, Seaside Jewish Community, Seashore Strider Event Production, Inc., Road Runners Club of
America, City of Rehoboth Beach, Rehoboth Little League, State of Delaware and all sponsors from all claims
and liabilities resulting in my participation in this event.
Signature: _________________________________
Date: __________________
Parent Signature(under 18):____________________
Date: __________________
Emergency contact/phone: ____________________
Name: __________________
use only
Oy Vey, 5K and Walk Sponsor Form
Event Date: April 6, 2014 at 8 AM
Seaside Jewish Community, Holland Glade Road, Rehoboth Beach, DE
Race will benefit the educational programs at SJC
Race registration details and more information can be found at
Mensch Sponsor ($500+):
Tzadik Sponsor ($250+):
Recognition on the event website and
related press materials
Recognition on the event website and
related press materials
Opportunity to provide company
information, business cards, and/or
giveaway items at registration/check in
Opportunity to provide company
information, business cards, and/or
giveaway items at registration/check in
Three free race entries
Two free race entries
Opportunity to set up table/exhibit in the
registration area (day of the event)
Opportunity to set up table/exhibit in the
registration area (day of the event)
Business name at mile marker signs
Announcement of business name at the
beginning of the race
Announcement of business name at the
beginning of the race
Mazel Tov Sponsor
Recognition on the event website and
related press materials
Opportunity to provide company
information, business cards, and/or
giveaway items at registration/check in
One free race entry
Announcement of business name at the
beginning of the race
Name or logo of business on race shirts
Name or logo of business on race shirts
In-kind prize donations, gift certificates to your business, free products, or food for post-race party
To become a sponsor return this form with a check made payable to: Seaside Jewish Community,
PO Box 1472, Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971
Business Name _____________________________ Primary Contact _________________________
Address ___________________________________________________________________________
Phone ________________________ E-mail ___________________________________
Sponsorship Level: $500 ______ $250 _______ $150 _______ Other_______
I intend to use my complimentary registration(s) Yes _______ No ________
Thank you for your support!