The Fellowship - Florida Chapter
The Fellowship - Florida Chapter
Plan now to attend our 60th Anniversary Workshop June 12-17, 2016. Registration begins January 1st. Florida Chapter The Fellowship of United Methodists In Music & Worship Arts Volume 38, No. 4 Nov 2015-Jan 2016 From the President As you come to him, the living Stone—rejected by humans but chosen by God and precious to him—you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. For in Scripture it says: “See, I lay a stone in Zion, a chosen and precious cornerstone, and the one who trusts in him will never be put to shame." (I Peter 2:4-6) In this passage, Peter writes that we, as believers, are “living stones, being built up as a spiritual house for a holy priesthood.” We didn’t start out as anything special. We were just like the rocks that formed so many of the mountain ranges in the world or like the rough diamonds found underneath the earth, nothing to look at and not very valuable. But when we became re-born in Christ, we were longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone. In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord. And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit." (Ephesians 2:19-22) Of course, as we are not really helpless stones, we have a FitzGerald choice whether we let the Spirit chisel us into the shape He finds most useful. It can be painful to have Someone chipping away at our hearts and minds! I think we can all agree that we'd rather be a useful wall in God’s temple or a beautiful diamond than to lay on the ground being valueless, even if it does require pain in the process. This year, we celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Florida Chapter of the Fellowship and our annual church music workshop. For sixty years, those that have come before us have built a foundation for this chapter upon that sixty-year-old cornerstone. Everyone that has been involved with the Florida chapter over these past years viewed themselves as something of value that added new layers on that original cornerstone by offering a part of themselves as a living sacrifice. I hope you'll join me this June 12th through 17th, 2016, at the 60th Annual Church Music Workshop as we remember those that came before us and those that will come after us. Oh may all who come behind us find us faithful May the fire of our devotion light their way May the footprints that we leave Our Mission We are Christians called to minister through our creative gifts to foster worship which makes disciples of Jesus Christ. We Value: Worship Arts that lead to spirituality and faith formation. Relationships that lead to hospitality, fellowship, and nurture. Lead them to believe And the lives we live inspire them to obey Oh may all who come behind us find us faithful Find Us Faithful by Jon Mohr ©1988 Birdwing Music/Jonathan Mark Music Joan FitzGerald, President P age 2 From Workshop Design Team From thetheWorkshop Co-Chair 2016 Workshop Clinicians Announced Shortal Evans Francabandiero Wells }} Past Presidents of the Chapter to Serve Greetings from your 2016 Workshop Design Team. We have been busy with our plans for the 2016 Church Music Workshop and 60th Anniversary Celebration of the Florida Chapter. As part of that celebration, we have invited some of our chapter past presidents to serve as our major clinicians for the adult workshop. It is our privilege to announce the following leadership line-up: Adult Choral Clinician: William (Bill) Shor tal Handbell Clinician: Kathy Evans Organist: Dan Fr ancabandiero In addition to the above past presidents, the following will serve in leadership positions: Youth Choral Clinician: J ames Wells Worship Leader: Rev. Kenneth Cocker Visuals: J oy Toll-Chandler Plans continue for an opening day celebration of the Chapter’s 60th Anniversary which will include an opening hymn festival, a 60th Anniversary Banquet and ending with Joel Raney in concert. It is our hope that anyone ever associated with the chapter will mark their calendars for this exciting celebration and workshop. As always there will be a varied offering of seminar topics, reading sessions, worship and fellowship opportunities and the ‘best little talent show’ in the southeast. Make your plans to join us for this wonderful week. Dates are: June 12-17, 2016 at the Life Enrichment Center, Fruitland Park, Florida. Please continue to check the chapter website for announcements and updated information, bios, pictures and registration details. Florida Chapter to celebrate 60 years of fellowship in The Fellowship The 60th anniversary of the Florida Chapter of The Fellowship of United Methodists in Music and Worship Arts will be celebrated during the chapter’s annual Church Music Workshop. The 2016 workshop will be held at the Life Enrichment Center in Fruitland Park, Florida, June 12-17, 2016. For 60 years, this group of musicians, artists, and dancers from Florida and South Georgia—who are all passionate about worship— have been all about the practice of fellowship. Members have been encouraged and strengthened in their lives and ministries through the workshops, retreats, festivals, and other scheduled happenings through the years. Sometimes it has just been a talk over coffee or a fun sharing of appetizers, but the friendships made through The Fellowship have been precious and lifelong. All current and former members of The Fellowship are invited to be present for this special occasion beginning June 12, 2016. P age 3 The Youth Workshop Greetings from the Youth Deans… Tree Hazard Kelsey Thomas Bryan Browning Kelsey, Bryan, and I are already filled with excitement—anticipating our wonderful week of music camp in June. Planning meetings have been taking place since August, and we can see God's hand in our efforts as the details seem to just fall into place. Our clinician will be James Wells, and we look forward to another week full of learning, laughing, praising God and fellowshipping under his direction. James did a fantastic job last year working with the youth choir, teaching drumming classes, and preparing us for a grand final concert. Please mark your calendars now (if you haven't already!) for June 12-17. We can't wait to see all of you and meet the new friends you will bring. Look for more information on our class offerings and who will be on the team in the next Quarter Notes. We wish each of you a blessed Christmas. Don’t forget to share the light of Christ with all you meet, as you are his hands and feet. In His love and service, Ms. Tree 2015 Youth Workshop Hi! I’m Tracey Birch, the new Registrar for this year’s Church Music Workshop (and Music Camp). You’ll be hearing from me when you complete your online registration. I’ll supply you with all the information you need about directions, housing, what to bring, where to check in, and so on. forward to meeting you! Registration will be open New Year’s Day, 2016. Go to our website for the registration link. I look Http:// P age 4 Have Gun—Will Travel by Lorraine Murphy I am no modern Paladin. I do not carry a gun. But, I do have a gun of sorts. It is a different kind. One that will help me get places and fill up my heart with treasures. It is my voice. A voice, if you will, that can pop out a high C when the trigger “chords” are loaded, aimed, cocked…SHOOT! When my notes hit their target, I travel with it! What in the world of this musical firing range am I talking about? Here goes…Lo, after these many years, singing in choirs (and most often soloing) I have done the following: Changed into choir r obes in the cr ypts of St. Mar k’s Cathedral in Venezia before singing Monteverdi. Peeked into China fr om the top of Russia’s Mt. Alma Alta with the words of Psalm 8. Rallied the Mennonites in their Assemblies with Alice Par ker ’s coaching of her church operas: SINGERS GLEN and MARTYRS MIRROR in Kitchener, Ontario & Estes Park, Colorado. Performed Bach-Gounod’s AVE MARIA in St. Giles Cathedral, Edinburgh, Carnegie Hall, and Dunfermline, Scotland (Sister City to Sarasota, FL). Experienced Taizé music in the monaster y of the Isle of Iona with J ohn Bell. Sung CARMINA BURANA in a medieval bar ley bar n in England with 2 pianos and 18 percussionists. Tip-toed thr ough sung Russian hymns with balalaikas in Zapor ozhye, Ukr aine. Portrayed God’s voice (ELIJAH) from the cave at Mount Carmel with “Hear Ye, Israel.” Joined in 4-part a cappella for my birthday twin in the Parliament Building of Budapest. Walked in the pour ing r ain on a muddy path to sing in a wooden Or thodox chur ch outside War saw, Poland. Given a fr ee concer t to tour ists in the caves hidden in the Rock of Gibraltar . Pretended I was Donna Elvir a at her house in Seville, Spain, with str ains of her ar ia “Ma tradi quell’alma ingrate” from Don Giovonni by Mozart. Tearfully hummed “Kaddish” as we exited Auschwitz Concentration Camp. Concertized in the National Cathedr al, Washington, DC. These are a few musical adventures and venues that quickly pop into my mind. But the true experience I conclude with to prove my point goes like this: On a commuter jet to Orlando, FL to connect with trans-Atlantic flights to Varna (on the Black Sea), Bulgaria for Mozart and Verdi REQUIEM solos, I met Jessie Thomas, flight attendant. Seeing our chorale she inquired, “You must be some kind of group. What do you do and where are you headed?” I replied, “We are a choir headed to Bulgaria to sing in an International Music Festival.” Her quick retort was, “Well, then sing for me!” NOT ONE PERSON IN OUR GROUP WANTED TO SING! So, I did. [Voice gun loaded.] Jessie Thomas with Lorraine Murphy I remember clearly singing “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” 35,000 feet in the air to Jessie Thomas. Extra drinks and nibbles for all later, and with tears in her eyes, she said, “Your singing has made my day. I have never had anyone sing to me on a flight. I want to stay in touch with you. Here is my business card.” I thought to myself: ‘No way. She flies with too many people every day, the world over. It ain’t gonna happen!’ PLEASE SEE GUN/page 5 P age 5 From the Membership Chair Driving home from the Fall Council meeting, I began thinking about the membership of the Florida Fellowship. It got me thinking about what makes this group special, and I keep coming back to the people. What a great group we have with so much talent with special gifts and graces, who are dedicated to the ministries of their churches. Whether a choir director, organist, choir member or a volunteer, we all have something to offer that makes us a strong group. What a great support system and friendship we have with each other. It is always encouraging to meet new friends and new members each year at workshop. This is what makes me love this K. Forrester organization! Many of our members are participants is the Facebook prayer group. We might not be able to connect face to face, but are able to share our praises and concerns for each other through social media. Join Today I want to make sure that our current and former members know about our special 60th anniversary workshop next June. The council wants to make this a great event, so encourage former workshop participants to come next year. What a wonderful way to reconnect with some of the membership that haven’t been able to attend in recent years. Florida Fellowship Prayer Group Also, invite that person that might have an interest in coming so they can see what a wonderful history our Florida Workshop has had over the past years. Don’t forget to renew your membership when the expiration card comes! Karen Forrester, Membership Secretary GUN CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4 Well, NOT SO! True to her word, we have stayed in touch, become fast friends, visited each other on her ‘buddy passes’ (Miami, Cincinnati, etc.). I sang at her 50th red-carpet birthday party in Miami Beach; she sang with my church choir at a Memorial Day Patriotic Concert at Phillippi Park; and I recorded HAPPY BIRTHDAY with harpist friend, Bonnie Caplan, which became the central feature of a video presentation as a surprise for her eldest sister. IMPACT OF MESSAGE? My advice to all you FELLOWSHIP members and friends (and to all my voice students—younger and older) is this: “Have a song in your pocket at all times. Assess each moment in time. And when it is the right time to give it away as a gift, pull it out, and...SING!” “HAVE SONG - WILL TRAVEL”! EDITOR’S NOTE: For the Member Spotlight this quarter, I asked Lorraine Murphy to tell about her experiences as a traveling lyric soprano artist. Perhaps not many realize that the Florida Chapter is blessed to have members like Lorraine who are world-class consummate artists. Key Chorale lining up to sing in St. Marks Cathedral, Venice, Italy P age 6 Member Concerts CONCERT SERIES Pine Shores Presbyterian Church 6116 Crestwood Avenue Sarasota, FL 34231 Rick Holdsworth 941-922-1597 Linda Bento-Rei & Ann Hobson-Pilot Flute and Harp Concert Sunday, November 15, 2015 at 5:00pm Free and open to the public Linda Bento-Rei holds the Master of Music degree from the New England Conservatory of Music as a merit scholarship recipient. She has performed with many of New England’s most notable symphony orchestras, and served as educator and mentor for many nowaccomplished flutists. Linda Bento-Rei Ann Hobson-Pilot performed 40 years with the Boston Symphony Orchestra as Ann Hobson-Pilot principal harpist. She has played with orchestras in Europe, Haiti, New Zealand, and South Africa. Trained at the Cleveland Institute of Music, Ms. Pilot taught at New England Conservatory of Music and Boston University. She and her husband, Prentice Pilot, are currently residents of Osprey, Florida. Hymn Festival Led by David Cherwien, Organ Friday, January 29, 2016 at 7:00pm. Concert is free, donation suggested: Canned soup for Souper Bowl of Caring This will be an evening of creative, vibrant congregational singing with well-known favorites and some new, presented through improvisation at the piano and organ, choir and instruments. David Cherwien is currently serving as Cantor at Mt. Olive Lutheran Church, Minneapolis, MN, and in 2002 was appointed Music Director for the National Lutheran Choir, also based in the Twin Cities. He has also held full-time parish music positions in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area, Chicago, Seattle, and Berlin. During the 2000-2001 academic year, he served as David Cherwien Organist/Cantor of Christ Chapel and Visiting Instructor of Music at Gustavus College, St. Peter, MN. While in Chicago he served as Teaching Associate in Service Playing and Improvisation at Elmhurst College. He completed the Doctor of Musical Arts degree in Organ Performance, and the Master of Arts degree in Theory and Composition, both at the University of Minnesota. David is a founding member of the Association of Lutheran Church Musicians, serving in its leadership in a variety of capacities, including National President from 1993 to 1997. Hs is also active in the American Guild of Organists, and Chorister’s Guild. List of online worship sites to be developed The Fellowship committee on Interest Areas is developing a resource list of online places we visit for help in planning and working in the Worship Arts. Chapter members are asked to submit what helps them most in their interest areas. Submit the web link, give a short description of the website, and tell how it is useful to you and your ministry. E-mail the information to: P age 7 Chapter Officers Executive Officers (Elected) President Youth Dean Joan FitzGerald 130 Padgett Pl S Lakeland, FL 33809 863-430-2195 Tree Hazard 876 Quail Run Ormond Beach, FL 32174 386-290-9170 Workshop Co-Chairs Youth Dean of Boys Robert Jackson 2517 NW 52nd Ave Gainesville, FL 32605 352-222-6744 Bryan Browning 3923 E St R 80 Labelle, FL 33935 239-210-1873 Cindy Huffman 1261 Royal Oak Dr Dunedin, FL 34698 727-733-8726 Youth Dean of Girls Secretary Beth Green 877 N Hwy A1A #1008 Indialantic, FL 32903 321-951-7371 Treasurer Beth Trotter 12819 Cedar Ridge Dr Hudson, FL 34669 727-856-4648 Kelsey Thomas 87 Deep Woods Way Ormond Beach, FL 32174 386-366-3308 Historian The phone number for the Florida Chapter: (863) 858-3330 The website for the Florida Chapter: _______________ Guidelines for Submissions Calendar items may include concerts, workshops, special services, seminars, etc. which are directed or sponsored by a current member of The Fellowship, or by an Official in the Florida United Methodist Church. Concert series brochures should be sent to the editor for possible inclusion in Quarter Notes. Jeff Faux 1478 Argyle Dr Fort Myers, FL 33919 239-940-2633 Other Council Members (Appointed) Gaye Herndon 313 Beaver Lake Rd Tallahassee, FL 32312 850-510-2812 Luke Nash 297 Russwood Terr Lake City, FL 32034 386-292-2085 The office address for the Florida Chapter: 130 Padgett Place South Lakeland, FL 33809 At-Large Karen Forrester 1210 Loblolly Lane Bainbridge, GA 39818 229-726-8344 Scholarship Chair Joan FitzGerald, President Dan Shorb, Editor Articles should deal with some aspect of church music or worship arts. Authors should be current members of The Fellowship. Copyrighted material must include written permission. Membership Secretary Dan Shorb 3381 Kings Rd S St Augustine, FL 32086 904-377-2287 Is the quarterly newsletter of Florida Chapter— The Fellowship of United Methodists In Music and Worship Arts, Inc. Nancy Hoger 13916 Talmage Loop Hudson, FL 34667 727-514-0914 Joyce Dawson 1 Pine Valley Cir Ormond Beach, FL 32174 386-566-9728 Communications Quarter Notes Rick Holdsworth 6135 Beechwood Ave Sarasota, FL 34231 941-922-1597 Dates for the Submission of Material For the Nov/Dec/Jan Issue, Right after submit Fall Council Feb/Mar/Apr Jan. 15 May/Jun/Jul Apr. 15 Aug/Sep/Oct July 15 Please send all articles and calendar information to: THE SUBMISSION DATE FOR THE NEXT ISSUE IS JAN 15. P age 8 What is… Our Mission… We are Christians called to minister through our creative gifts to foster worship which makes disciples of Jesus Christ. We Value… WORSHIP ARTS that lead to spirituality and faith formation, and RELATIONSHIPS that lead to hospitality, fellowship, and nurture. We Are… Musicians, clergy, dancers, artists, lay ministers, and others—all involved in creating, supporting, and implementing worship in local congregations. An affiliate of The United Methodist General Board of Discipleship, serving as a resource for all worship artists. ? An open fellowship that provides training on all aspects of worship through events, publications, webinars, and the countless connections that are made with other worship leaders. For Membership Benefits, Ministry Helps, and more information about The Fellowship, contact the National Office in Nashville, Tennessee. The Fellowship of United Methodists in Music and Worship Arts PO Box 24787 Nashville TN 37202 Toll Free 1-800-952-8977