Profile 2008-5 (Oct-Nov) - White Mountain Chapter BMW Car Club
Profile 2008-5 (Oct-Nov) - White Mountain Chapter BMW Car Club
Profile the $2.50 newsletter of the white mountain chapter BMW CCA december 2010 & januar y 2011 december 2010 & january 2011 the Profile 1 Did you know? The BMW Car Club of America has a membership of over 70,000 enthusiasts, and of all members... • 68% are between the ages 30 and 49 • 58% have annual incomes over $75,000 • 82% are college graduates • 37% have postgraduate degrees • 89% own their own homes and 23% of those own a second home • 30% have two or more BMWs • 64% trust BMW Centers and other Independent BMW Service Centers for scheduled and unscheduled maintenance • 25% have spent over $1000 on aftermarket purchases in the past year • 50% purchase performance upgrades • 75% purchase detailing items • 48% purchase maintenance & repair tools source: BMW CCA National Office Is your business looking for a direct audience to boost its sales? If so, don’t dump thousands of dollars and waste your time with companies that don’t know your target. Look to the White Mountain Chapter and the Profile newsletter! The Profile offers... In addition to the printed Profile... communication with a dedicated staff member to address all your concerns. online edition of the newsletter is available from the chapter website. At time of publication, all advertisers receive a link to the latest edition. design services. by the Profile’s publisher,,LLC. For nominal rates, existing ads can be reworked or new ads created. No need to waste time trying to find someone to design a professional ad for you. ...advertisers get their corporate logos and company profile posted on the chapter’s advertisers page. ...the chapter’s website is linked to by countless other intrest related websites. ...endless options for custom inserts, coupons etc. We work with you! The Profile has many advertising options available! You won’t be harnessed into a long contract; purchase an ad for any number of issues. A business card sized ad in black & white is only $180, and a quarter page ad, only $360. And that’s for a full year (6 issues)! Many other options are available. Drive new life into your company’s ad campaign! Contact the White Mountain Chapter today! Dana Sion WMC Advertising Manager 2 | 603.438.1031 the Profile december 2010 & january 2011 chapter officers and staff 4 from the board 4 notable quotes 5 chapter membership » 2011- A Banner Year » New Chapter Members » WMC Membership Stats » Member Spotlight: Paul Michali 6 upcoming events 8 recent events president » Haunted Back Roads Rally Mark Viola 10 impressions from the winding road » Tale of Two Sisters - by David Harrison 11 news vice president David Harrison secretary 12 misc. Roland Beaule 13 chapter calendar treasurer 14 classifieds Mike Dion web master » Winter Reunion 2011 Paul Michali membership chair Michael Morin about the Profile: Mark Viola social events committee chair Cassandra Vorisek-Creto Dana Sion 603. 594.0788 Ext.1 newsletter publication editor Martin Callahan, LLC newsletter copy collection editor Dana Sion newsletter advertising manager staff Dana Sion 603. 594.0788 Ext.1 in this The Profile is published every two months. Club members are encouraged to submit BMW and/or club related articles and photos for publication. General articles should typically be under 350 words but longer features are welcome space permitting. All photos must be submitted as individual jpeg or tiff files at their highest available resolution. Submission deadlines are always the first Friday of the month prior to the newsletter issue (i.e. deadline is in May for the June/July issue). Send all submissions or questions to the copy collection editor. For information on advertising in the Profile, contact the newsletter advertising manager. driving events committee chair chapter marketing & sponsorship director & contact officers or staff members via the chapter website officers 3 BMW CCA chapter Rachelle Harrison (left) and her sister Tracy Wolf love driving their twin BMWs. As proud “card carrying members” they have been involved with the SEC and look forward to becoming more active with the chapter. Read more of their story of passion on page 10. | white mountain chapter photo by: David Harrison issue on the cover The Profile is a publication of the White Mountain Chapter, BMW CCA, Inc. (“the club”) and its contents remain the property of the club. All information furnished herein is provided by the club and its members, for club members only. The club assumes no liability for any of the information contained herein. The ideas, opinions and suggestions expressed in this newsletter are those of the authors and no authentication is implied. Unless otherwise noted, none of the information in this newsletter is “factory approved.” Modifications within the warranty period of your BMW may void the warranty. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce any material published herein provided full credit is given to the author and the White Mountain Chapter, unless otherwise noted. Courtesy copy to WMC requested. The Profile is published by, LLC, 195 Little Bay Rd. Newington, NH 03801. december 2010 & january 2011 the Profile 3 address 2011 Shaping up to be a Banner Year And YOU Can Help Make it Happen from the board B Do it yourself and save big! Shifting gears slightly, for a chapter our size we’re extremely active. There are a slew of events already planned for 2011, both driving and social. It’s shaping up to be a banner year, but we need YOUR help to pull everything off. We’re looking for more people to step up and learn what it takes to keep the chapter running smoothly. Feel like making a few phone calls, pounding the pavement or even a keyboard? Step up and find out how YOU can help today.Your club needs you. In our free, tech newsletter Fast Times, we show you – step by step – how to repair and maintain your BMW or MINI. You can save hundreds, if not thousands of dollars on labor charges and parts. Browse all issues since 2003 at by: Mark Viola, President rrrrr - It sure feels like winter now. Thanksgiving is already in the rear view mirror and the rest of the holidays are fast approaching. Shortly after the New Year, our annual Winter Reunion will be upon us already. This year it promises to be a great time and is more in the spirit of a true reunion. We’re also supporting a fantastic local cause, the NH Food Bank. If you haven’t signed up yet, what are you waiting for? See Cassandra’s write-up on page 6 for more details. Now go finish up all that shopping you’ve been putting off and we’ll see you at the Winter Reunion. | ‘till next time… notable M��� BMW parts, accessories and knowledge since 1974. • 800.535.2002 quotes Notable Quote submitted by: Chris Baker “Too often by the time we can afford the toys we want, it’s hard to find the time to play with them.” -Michael O’Brien about notable quotes: Have you come across an interesting BMW, BMW CCA, or automotive related quote? If so, submit it for consideration in this column. Quotes can be your own or someone else’s, but proper credit, as well as your name must be included. Send submissions or questions to: 4 the Profile december 2010 & january 2011 by: Michael Morin Chapter Membership Thankful for the of End of Year ith the passing elections comes the best times of the year. White Mountain550i Chapter members 1979 320 W David Landry by: Michael Morin Holiday parades, Radio City kick lines, gluttonous feasts and Harvard Forden household overspending. It is a comes tradition possibly ith the passing of elections the Americans best times ofcan’t the year. David Landry Shane Brown avoid. Holiday I beg you though, to put your gluttonous glogg or mead parades, Radio Citydown kick lines, feastsfor andjust a Harvard Forden moment. It can wait. Actually, if you’ve got friends around, it might Patrick Lipka household overspending. It is a tradition Americans can’t possibly not. IIknow thethough, put down your glogg or mead for just a ShaneJohn Brown avoid. beg you Sarris W moment. It can wait. Actually, if you’ve got friends around, it might So you enjoyed the year’s worth of track time and other fun times at not. I know the feeling. 550i Snap the QR code below. Don’t know what a QR code is? It is a Before you pick up yourthat Winterfest please up your smartphone. new style of barcode when you snappick a photo it will take you to a Snap the QR code below. Don’t know what a QR code is? It is a website encoded in the barcode. In this case it will lead you to our new style of barcode that when you snap a photo it will take you to a Chapter’s website. website encoded in the barcode. In this case it will lead you to our You can now return to your regularly Chapter’s website. program, Youscheduled can now return to your regularly scheduled program, Michael Michael Michael NH Counties # NH Counties Hillsborough # % 33.0 Patrick Lipka 2011 335d Paige Rowntree John Sarris Michael Carlstrom 2007 328xi * Earl Picard Kevin Willever Barbara Kacos 2005 Subaru 2011 Impreza 335is WRX Sti KevinJeffrey WilleverOjala Brad Kuster Jeffrey Ojala 2007 335xi 2011 335is Zach Kuster Brad Kuster Cheshire 26 Carroll Carroll 21 � Sullivan Coos 11 Sullivan Coos 3 635 �� 21 11 3 635 4.1 3.3 1.7 0.5 100 Portsmouth Townsend, MA Portsmouth Portsmouth Londonderry Portsmouth Milford Boston, MA Milford Hopkinton Hopkinton Hopkinton Thomas Abbott Zach Kuster * * Manchester Hopkinton TimAbbott Panella Thomas * * Bow Manchester Josh Bettinger Tim Panella * * Bow Keene Josh Bettinger Drew Morgan * * Keene Bedford Drew Angela Morgan Masone * * Bedford Atkinson Angela Masone Nolan Rusk * * AtkinsonStratham * Emily Krieger Emily Krieger * * 2004 335xi 2004 325xi 2004 335xi 2004 325xi * Steven Kessinger Steven Kessinger Susan Myette Susan Myette * Marc Myette Marc Myette * 1.7 Bob Gronberg * 0.5 Townsend, MA * 3.3 100 Nashua 2007 335xi * Strafford Cheshire * Nashua Nashua 2005 Subaru Impreza Boston, MA * WRX Sti Londonderry * 5.3 4.2 4.2 4.1 1996 328is 1996 328is Hailey McKenna 34 27 27 26 Nashua Nashua * 2000 Z3 * 2007 328xi * 2000 Z3 NolanHailey Rusk McKenna Belknap Strafford * * 207 49 32.5 7.7 Grafton Belknap Gilmanton Nashua Nashua 210 207 33.0 32.5 7.7 7.5 7.5 5.3 New Hampton New Hampton 1998 Subaru Legacy Rockingham Merrimack 49 48 48 34 Keene 2011 1998M3 Subaru LegacyGilmanton Nashua Hillsborough Rockingham Merrimack Grafton � 210 % 2011 M3 1979 320 2011 335d 1980 323i our various haunts but we’ve got your ticket to greater involvement. Paige Rowntree We lookingthefor volunteers all facets of involvement in our So youareenjoyed year’s worth offortrack time and other fun times at Ed Hermann our various haunts but we’ve got your ticket toOH greater organization. Rallies, reunions, Roundels, MY!involvement. If you like that Michael Carlstrom Dylan Williams We for volunteers for all facets of involvement in our like sortare of looking thing please contact Cassandra Vorissek-Creto. If you Ed Hermann organization. If you that Earl Picard your knucklesRallies, white reunions, and your Roundels, tires bald OH thenMY! you will fitlike right in with sort of thing Cassandra Vorissek-Creto. youour likewebsite. Dylan Williams Mark Viola.please Theircontact contact information can be foundIf on Barbara Kacos your knuckles white and your tires bald then you will fit right in with Mark Viola. Theirup contact information please can be pick founduponyour our smartphone. website. Before you pick your Winterfest 1980 323i Keene membership welcome to our new White Mountain Chapter members welcome to our new Thankful for the End of Year club Chapter Membership Bob Gronberg John Kirby John Kirby * * 2011 535xi 2011 535xi Alexsandra Kirby Alexsandra Kirby * Derek Perry Derek Perry * 2007 335i 2007 335i StrathamNew Durham New Durham Newmarket Newmarket Newmarket Newmarket Merrimack Merrimack Merrimack Merrimack Hampstead Hampstead Hampstead Hampstead Hampstead Hampstead Merrimack Merrimack Member Spotlight Member Spotlight This Edition: Michali This Edition: PaulPaul Michali by:�Michael Membership by:�Michael Morin,Morin, Membership Chair Chair � Paul joined several after months after the CCA BMWseveral CCA months Paul joined the BMW receiving a brochure firstpurchase BMW purchase at receiving a brochure after hisafter first his BMW at That was ninewas years ago. Since DreherDreher Holloway Holloway. That nine years ago. Since Holloway Holloway. manyinroles in the Chapter. then hethen has he been many roles in the Chapter. hasactive beeninactive At oneAt time otherorheother has been secretary, oneortime he has been secretary, membership chair, web siteweb designer/admin and membership chair, site designer/admin and His favorite BMW model the is the drivingdriving instructor. instructor. His favorite BMWismodel 507. Outside BMW enthusiast activities, you can find 507. Outside BMW enthusiast activities, you can find him watching anything that movies, photograp photographing him watching movies, photograp that photographing anything moves or sits still, volleyball, soccer or just spending � time with his dog. time with his dog. moves or sits still, volleyball, soccer or just spending time with his dog. � Wantin athe fellow member in e.mail the spotlight? Want to put a fellow member spotlight? Please Michael: � Want am.morin@whitemtn fellow member in the spotlight? Please email Michael: Please email Michael: m.morin@whitemtn � december 2010 & january 2011 � � � the Profile 5 upcoming White Mountain Chapter’s Winter Reunion 2011 A Great Time for Friends Old and New photo: Paul Michali by: Cassandra Vorisek-Creto, SEC Chair events A look back at the Winter Reunion of 2009. W ith Thanksgiving just behind us, it is hard to think about exciting parties in January. Before you know it though, the new year will roll around, and the club’s annual party and charitable fundraising event will be here. Don’t miss out; register today! This year, there is a limit on the number of attendees, so register early to guarantee a place at the event of the season! Register online via the chapter website; see page 13. The Winter Reunion will be held on January 22, 2011 at The Common Man in Concord from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. A silent auction and light musical entertainment will be a part of the event. In lieu of an actual “act”, the entertainment will consist of a two-piece light jazz band. Great music, outstanding food and superb auction items are the highlights of the evening. The New Hampshire Food Bank is the charity for this year’s Reunion. As in the past, funds raised at the Winter Reunion are used by the club to assist a local charity that services all of New Hampshire. With much of the state still in the grips of a recession, many families are in need - more so now than in the past. Therefore we are requesting that all attendees bring a non-perishable food item to the party. All items will be given to the New Hampshire Food Bank. Just another way to show the generosity and kindness of the club’s members. The club is working with a company who may match the money raised at this year’s event - an opportunity to do even more to help the most! Even if you are unable to attend, please consider a donation (monetary or otherwise) to the New Hampshire Food Bank. Your efforts will go a long way in helping others in need. To learn more about the New Hampshire Food Bank, visit their official website at Winter Reunion 2011 Date: Saturday January 22, 2011 silent auction Time: 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Location: The Common Man, 25 Water Street, Concord, NH Lia Sophia jewelry Cost: $40 per person (non-club members welcome) free valet parking silent auction elegant buffet dinner light entertainment Bavarian Autosport gift certificates High Performance Driving School gift cert. Advanced Driver Skills School gift cert. Moroccan pottery Gift Basket by Tastefully Simple The event is limited to 50 people. BMW CCA fleece jackets Register early to secure your seats at this grand event! and more! Come for good food, fine conversation, great friends and a casual evening of fun. To register, visit and click on 2011 Winter Reunion. 6 cash or check accepted for silent auction items won items must be claimed that evening the Profile december 2010 & january 2011 2011 Winter Reunion White Mountain Chapter of the BMW Car Club of America events MENU upcoming hot hor s d ’oeu v r e s baked brie wrapped in phyllo dough assorted pizzas baked stuffed mushroom caps with spinach crispy asparagus tips with phyllo and asiago swedish & italian meatballs c h e e s e p l at t e r domestic and imported cheeses seasonal fruits assorted crackers se a s ona l m a r k e t crudi t e s market fresh vegetables with assorted dips freshly baked breads, rolls and creamery butter first course caesar salad or uncommon salad second course roast beef au jus butternut squash ravioli with maple cream sauce chicken parmesan freshly baked breads & rolls with creamery butter potatoes or rice seasonal vegetables d e s s e rt assorted desserts & pastries december 2010 & january 2011 ca sh bar the Profile 7 recent A Ghoulish Good Time The 2010 Haunted Back Roads Rally text by: David Harrison photos by: Michael Morin events Carving up the beautiful autumn New Hampshire countryside. T he WMC held its long anticipated Haunted Rally in October. This Back Roads Rally, snowed out in 2009, necessitated a reschedule for 2010. With improved weather this year, on Sunday the 17th, over 30 adventurous participants arrived at the Merrimack starting point. The first haunted site of the rally was the Common Man restaurant which was formerly the home of Matthew Thornton. Matthew was the last signer of the Declaration of Independence and left behind a great home in 1803 when he died. His son turned it into a pub along the Daniel Webster highway. Now the Common Man, it serves up great meals which were enjoyed by all who attended on that crisp autumn morning. None of our crowd claimed to see or hear Matthew even though the staff and Ghost Hunters have heard and noted strange happenings over the years. Our group rolled up in a variety of cars. A sporty BMW was the perfect car to drive on this beautiful day. Ron and Bonnie Goudreau brought their Z3 convertible and led the way as the first two on the course. Several other ragtops took advantage of the great trail and early sunshine. Some parties even brought the whole family like the Judds from Derry. Roland and Vivian Beaule were hard to miss in their gorgeous bright red 328i. Isabelle Creto was the youngest participant at the age of four and is already an experienced backseat CCA event attendee. She did bring her Mom and After brunch the BMWs formed up at the Thornton Graveyard across the street from the Common Man to get their instruction handouts, leading them to seven other haunted sites along the 100 mile drive. A variety of cars headed south out of the parking lot towards a possible meeting with the unknown or undead. The mandatory release form let all participants know that they would proceed on this rally “at their own risk of bodily injury or death.” I am glad to report everyone survived their trip which involved a day full of graveyards, haunted houses, and ghostly sites. 8 the Profile december 2010 & january 2011 events Dad along for the ride and to pay for brunch. Autumn in New Hampshire is beautiful and the leaves were at peak as the route followed back roads through the countryside. The self-paced run allowed folks to stop and visit highlighted spots of interest or be content to view everything from the road. recent Most took a look at the Blood family headstone at Pine Hill. It made for a great photo opportunity. The 1814 Ocean Born Mary grave also deserved Stunning fall folliage overshadowed the eerie grave sites in the Pine Hill Cemetery of Hollis. p In the spooky Vale End Cemetery of Wilton. q The haunted grave site of Ocean Born Mary in Henniker. On the road at the start of the Haunted Rally: The Last Rest Cemetery (Matthew Thornton’s grave) in Merrimack. the attention of participants. For no real reason, Gilson Cemetery gave all who stopped a feeling of something sinister in the air. The final haunted site was the New Hampshire Capital Building in Concord and the last stop of the rally was the Common Man restaurant just down the street. Those who stopped in for food and drink compared notes and tales of creepy graveyards, beautiful scenery, and chance meetings of other drivers throughout the afternoon. Overall, the event brought together old friends, new friends, and maybe a few ghosts. These black and white images pale in comparison to the stunning full color originals. See them and others from the rally, in the the photo gallery on the chatper website: -ed. december 2010 & january 2011 the Profile 9 impressions A Tale of Two Sisters Sharing the Passion and the Attention by: David Harrison R achelle and Tracy are typical sisters. Both were born in Seattle, WA. They grew up together in California, each married an Air Force man (Rachelle picked me), and they both eventually moved to New Hampshire after retiring from the military lifestyle. This only partly de- model 5 Series and finally own a car built in the 21st century. That lasted until the next WMC meeting. All the ladies at the meeting started talking about cars and preferences. Deb Maynard of 3D Auto Works fame, championed the values of her X3 from the winding Rachelle Harrison (left) and her sister Tracy Wolf love driving their twin X3 SAVs. They became “card carrying members” in the last year or two, finally following the lead of their longtime club member-husbands, David and Walt. All four enjoy the club, the benefits it has to offer and of course, all the camaraderie. road scribes the commonality only these siblings share. The sisters have been accused of walking, talking, and just in general acting alike. and even offered a test drive. Rachelle became determined to find out what SAVs were in stock on the local car lots. Tracy offered Rachelle a ride, seeing that she did not have any other transportation while I was at work. Whether they are nurture or nature inspired, Rachelle and Tracy have both driven BMWs exclusively as primary Nur tur e or natur e inspir ed, transportation and recreation for years. Rachelle called me that same day to tell Both are White Mountain Chapter members. me they had found a great X3 at BMW both sister s enjoy being active These facts alone would hardly be news worof Stratham. Ironically, it was Tracy, not thy to the WMC. Many families have a driveRachelle, who was signing the paperwork in the BMW CCA way full of roundels during family gatherings. and trading in her 528 wagon. It would be BMWs are not as exotic as they once were when the chapter started and another two weeks before Rachelle received the insurance check and purthe few members back then felt somewhat counterculture owning their chased her very own X3. Now the sisters have a pair of 2006, “bluewater little German cars. These sisters took their story one, or should I say two, metallic” vehicles which could easily double as book ends. They are loving steps further. the shared attention. Last summer Rachelle’s 1999 7 Series developed a fatal case of water corrosion in the interior wiring and was totaled by the insurance company. The hunt was on for another BMW. Her first thought was to find a late Both sisters enjoy being active members of the BMW CCA. They have been involved with the SEC and are looking forward to getting more involved with the chapter. Service and repairS for all MakeS and ModelS Specializing in BMW Service 272 South road • kensington nH 03833 (At the Junction of Route 107 & Route 150) Tel: (603) 394-0081 • Toll free: (866) 694-0081 www . K ensington A utoworKs . com 10 the Profile december 2010 & january 2011 Sign Up Online by: Paul Michali, WMC webmaster C news e.Profile Service Available hapter members receiving the Profile by postal mail can sign up for an “e.subscription”. Instead of getting a printed copy of the Profile, members who opt in to this new service will receive e.mail notification allowing access to the newsletter before it’s even printed! Archive back issues will continue to be available online to anyone, whether they’re signed up for this service or not. Primary (non-associate) chapter members can sign up for this service at: Club membership number is required. After sign up, you’ll be notified that you’ll no longer be receiving print copies of the Profile newsletter in the mail, but you can unsubscribe from this service at any time and future newsletters will once again be mailed to you. Once you’re signed up, changing your e.mail address is as simple as signing up again with your new address, so no matter where your life may take you around the globe, you’ll never have to miss an issue of the Profile. a�: �i�� �� w w w. w h i t e m t n - b m w c l u b . o r g /electronic_profile.html Performance Upgrade Checklist √ √ √ √ Performance Exhaust System High Performance Ignition System High Flow Intake System Performance Chip Great. But, how much did you gain? Bring your BMW to New England Dragway’s popular Wednesday & Friday Street Night before and after you make those upgrades. Establish a baseline and make sure you’re getting the most for your performance dollar. New England Dragway is conveniently located off Exit 8—NH Route 101 in Epping, New Hampshire. Visit our website for more information. Bring this ad for a $3 discount on a Wednesday or Friday Spectator ticket! december 2010 & january 2011 the Profile 11 misc. Missing! Content for the Profile by: You, WMC Member If you’d like to see something a bit more interesting in this space in the next issue of the Profile, consider sending something in yourself! Submissions deadlines for 2011 are listed in the chapter calendar on page 13. See below for content details, and if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact Dana Sion, the Profile’s copy collection editor; his contact information is listed on page 3. -ed. about impressions: Do you have an interesting anecdote or experience you’d like to share in the Profile? If so, submit it for consideration in this column. Generally, articles should be under 350 words but longer features are welcome space permitting. All related images must be submitted as individual jpeg or tiff files at their highest available resolution. Send submissions or questions to: about camera shots: Have you taken an interesting BMW or BMW CCA related photograph worth “showing off”? If so, submit it for consideration in this column. Photos must be in electronic file format (either jpeg or tiff) and should be at their highest available resolution. Be sure to include your name and a caption/title. Send submissions or questions to: about crossword puzzle: Have ideas for future puzzle topics? Want to compose a puzzle for publication? It’s easy! Compile a list of approx. 30+ challenging clues that are BMW/ BMW CCA related. Include their one or two word answers. Submit them to the copy collection editor and you’re done! If you wish, you can include an intro paragraph and a high resolution image for the background. The publication editor will do the rest. Hope to see some creative submissions to keep this Profile feature going! -ed. about notable quotes: Have you come across an interesting BMW, BMW CCA, or automotive related quote? If so, submit it for consideration in this column. Quotes can be your own or someone else’s, but proper credit, as well as your name must be included. Send submissions or questions to: 12 the Profile december 2010 & january 2011 Chapter Business/Membership Meeting Come join us for engaging conversation, camaraderie, and a free light dinner and drinks at our monthly meeting. This month’s meeting location is at the Common Man restaurant of Concord Questions? Contact (603) 594-0788 Ext.1. COST: FREE Food, Drinks & Valet Parking -RSVP Friday January 7th, 2011 5:00pm Profile submission deadline All general content (excluding ads) to be considered for inclusion in the Feb/Mar Profile must be received by the copy collection editor. Submissions and questions to Saturday January 22nd, 2011 6:00pm - 11:00pm 2011 Winter Reunion Party Join us at The Common Man Restaurant in Concord NH, for a great evening of dining and live light Jazz duo entertainment. Special thank you to 3D Auto Works for their continued support of the club and this event. Held at the Common Man Restaurant in Concord NH Questions? Contact (603) 594-0788 Ext.1. COST: $40 per person, free valet parking december 2010 & january 2011 Friday March 4th, 2011 5:00pm Profile submission deadline All general content (excluding ads) to be considered for inclusion in the Apr/May Profile must be received by the copy collection editor. Submissions and questions to Friday November 4th, 2011 5:00pm Profile submission deadline All general content (excluding ads) to be considered for inclusion in the Dec/Jan Profile must be received by the copy collection editor. Submissions and questions to Friday May 6th, 2011 5:00pm Profile submission deadline All general content (excluding ads) to be considered for inclusion in the Jun/Jul Profile must be received by the copy collection editor. Submissions and questions to Friday July 1st, 2011 5:00pm Profile submission deadline All general content (excluding ads) to be considered for inclusion in the Aug/Sep Profile must be received by the copy collection editor. Submissions and questions to about chapter calendar: calendar Monday December 6th, 2010 6:30pm - 9:00pm chapter w w w. w h i t e m t n - b m w c l u b . o r g / c a l e n d a r. h t m l Registration, RSVP, travel directions, and details for all listed events are on the chapter website. High performance driving schools have special advance requirements. Contact the advertising manager for ad submission deadlines. Friday September 2nd, 2011 5:00pm Profile submission deadline All general content (excluding ads) to be considered for inclusion in the Oct/Nov Profile must be received by the copy collection editor. Submissions and questions to the Profile 13 classifieds w w w. w h i t e m t n - b m w c l u b . o r g / c l a s s i f i e d _ a d s . h t m l Cars for Sale 17’ Trailer 1970 2800 CS 3.0 2001 Featherlite 17’ open trailer / car hauler. Silver. Bought April 2005 and used to haul a race car. New D-load rating tires in 2006. Full service in 2009; only 2 tows and 1,000 miles since. TrailEX tire rack plus Summmit 3-jug organizer. Lots of photos available. $4,950. Call Todd Merrill at 508-647-7792 or send an e.mail via the chapter website. VIN 4FGL017221C045431 VIN 2280325 Red/tan 4-speed, strong & clean, very good condition. Racing Dynamics & Yoko Advans plus original wheels, Nardi, new seats, carpeting & stainless steel exhaust, manuals, custom cover. E.mail for pics (or see the Oct/Nov 2010 Profile). $25,900. Call Keith Carlson at 617-333-9660 or e.mail Keith via the chapter website. 1999 328is VIN Looking to trade my 1999(E36) 328is 5 speed for a E39 5 speed. Need to upgrade to a family oriented is Mechanically Sound,may need new front suspension bushings, all fluids changed at 150K, now at 157k miles. $5k.Any questions or for pics please e.mail: JC3series@ Call Joshua Colby at 603-512-5873 or send an e.mail via the chapter website. M5 Wheel and Tire OEM front wheel and Toyo tire from 2000 M5. Look on Craig’s List for pictures. Wheel has only one tiny mark on it. Toyo tire has at least 50% tread. $150 In Derry NH. Call Chip Fisher at 603-966-6459 or send an e.mail via the chapter website. Wheels & Tires Parts For Sale HANS Device Older, original HANS device, carbon fiber, recertified by HMS in 2006 and new tethers, includes gel pads and quick release straps. $575 obo. E.mail for more info and pictures. Call Todd Merrill at 508647-7792 or send an e.mail via the chapter website. about classifieds: Chapter members can submit (non-commercial) ads at no cost, which will run for three months on the website. Ads listed on the website at the time of publication are published in the Profile, space permitting. (Submit photos for inclusion with printed classifieds to the Profile’s copy editor.) Ad requests submitted online are subject to approval by the WMC. The submitter, not the WMC, is responsible for the accuracy of ad content. The WMC cannot guarantee, in any manner whatsoever, items listed in the classifieds. To see the most current selection of classified ads, check out the chapter website. Cobra Kevlar Seat Imola 2 seat with brackets and custom plate ready for drop into E36 chassis. $350 obo. Email for more info and pictures. Call Todd Merrill at 508-647-7792 or send an e.mail via the chapter website. Run Flat Tires Set of 4 Continental Run Flat tires. 232 miles, size: 225/45R17. Came off new 335d at 232 miles. They are virtually new. My loss is your gain at the firm price of $500 for the set. If they don’t sell as a set promptly, they will be available at $150 each. In Derry. Call Chip Fisher at 603966-6459 or send an e.mail via the chapter website. 14 Set of 4 Sport Package 17x8” Star Spoke wheels/tires. These are from the Sport Package on 328s. About 14K miles, the tires are still at least 3/4 tread depth. TPMS sensors for 2010 model year cars are inside, and are negotiable. Asking $850 for the wheels/tires, $1000 with TPMS. Call Andrew Duane at 603770-7088 or send an e.mail via the chapter website. the Profile december 2010 & january 2011 december 2010 & january 2011 2o1o, LLC the Profile 15 White Mountain Chapter BMW Car Club of America White Mountain Chapter BMW Car Club of America 16 PMB 175 855 Hanover Street Manchester, NH 03104 PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID MANCHESTER, NH PERMIT 420 unigraphic Printed on an HP Indigo 7000 • UniGraphic Inc. • 110J Commerce Way Woburn, MA 01801 • 781.231.7200 •
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the Profile - White Mountain Chapter BMW Car Club
program, or subscribe to a service such as AAA. Now the BMW CCA