May 2005 -


May 2005 -
Volume 2, Issue 3
May 2005
Strategic Sidenotes
A Message from the
Program Manager
Several exciting MEPRS initiatives are on the horizon, and we
showcase them in our May edition of the MEPRS.INFOrmer.
As part of sustained efforts to improve MEPRS efficiency,
I am pleased to relay the forthcoming release of EAS IV
version 3.1. This essential system upgrade hits the MHS
this summer, and MEPRS personnel can look forward to a
number of functional improvements with its implementation.
For those involved in MEPRS data processing, prepare to
perform your work in a user-friendly, web-based environment.
The shift to an Internet-based application eliminates the
need for intensive hardware and software maintenance,
allowing you to focus on the task at hand and enjoy increased
productivity. EAS IV Repository users will also reap the
benefits of EAS IV 3.1, experiencing speedier data retrieval
with the streamlined system. Learn more about these and
other value-added EAS IV improvements in our feature
article. And plan to attend targeted EAS IV 3.1 training at our
upcoming conference—which brings me to my next point.
The wheels are in motion with respect to our 3rd annual TriService MEPRS Conference, scheduled for the last week of
August 2005. The curriculum is nearly complete, and logistical
details are being finalized. We have capitalized on the feedback
provided in last year’s evaluation and through the MEPRS
Information Portal to bring you comprehensive instruction
related to data quality improvement. As in past years, content
will be delivered via plenary and breakout sessions, with ample
time devoted to Service-unique training. I highly encourage
your participation in this informative, fun-filled event. A
particular benefit of note is the opportunity to exchange
MEPRS best practices with other facilities and Services.
Please contribute to the success of this year’s conference by
bringing your enthusiasm for learning and readiness to share
your MEPRS insight. Have a safe and restful Memorial Day
weekend. Hope to see you in August.
EAS IV 3.1 to
Streamline MEPRS
MEPRS personnel
can expect functional
EAS IV Version 3.1 Quick Look
improvements to the
Expense Assignment
n Web-based application with
flexible data entry options
System (EAS) with EAS
Companion desktop product for
IV version 3.1, slated
offline processing
for limited deployment
n Single, central server for MTFbeginning June 2005.
level and DoD standardized data
The revamped product
n Minimal user maintenance
features streamlined
n Faster EAS IV Repository query
system architecture while
processing time
maintaining essential data
n Limited rate deployment
beginning June 2005
processing capabilities. The
EAS IV system aggregates
financial, personnel,
and workload data from
Military Treatment
Facilities (MTFs) worldwide, providing management and analysis
support for various Military Health System (MHS) initiatives. A
complex system of expense classification by work center, it is
instrumental to the establishment of standardized data integral to
sound healthcare cost management.
See EAS IV 3.1 Overview on Page 2
Inside This Issue
Pg 1 EAS IV 3.1 to Streamline MEPRS
Pg 1 Strategic Sidenotes
Pg 3 MMIG Meeting Highlights
Pg 4 MEPRS Quick News
Pg 4 Save the Date!
Pg 5 Useful Sites
Pg 5 Points of Contact
Patrick Wesley
MEPRS Program Manager, TMA
Chairman, MMIG
The MEPRS Informer pg 1
EAS IV 3.1 Overview
Continued from Page 1
System Features
The existing version of EAS IV relies on client-server architecture
requiring appropriately configured hardware and software at each
MTF. Facilities accumulate MEPRS data elements from Serviceunique interfaces and the Composite Health Care System (CHCS)
using servers located on site. This system design necessitates
the maintenance of 156 separate servers for the processing of
MEPRS data. Currently, data are merged at the MTF-level before
transmission to the EAS IV Repository, a separate database
containing standardized Tri-Service MEPRS information.
capabilities. To facilitate user-intensive functional areas, the web
solution offers a separate EAS IV desktop application for the
Error Correction Unit (ECU) and Adjustments modules. The
companion desktop product allows users to complete adjustments
and error corrections in the absence of internet connectivity. In
these instances, corrected data can be subsequently uploaded to
the EAS IV web application via HTTPS data transfer.
System Benefits
With the release of EAS IV version 3.1, MEPRS data processing
will occur in a web-based environment characterized by minimal
EAS IV 3.1, the forthcoming upgrade, will retain the capability
user maintenance. The redesigned system eliminates stringent
to interface with CHCS and Service
hardware requirements and their respective
financial and personnel data systems.
support costs, and it facilitates updates and
EAS IV Version 3.1
However, it will streamline data
Workstation Requirements
interface additions. Because EAS IV upgrades
processing by introducing an Internetwill be performed through the central server, end
n Windows 2000 or Windows XP
based application and Oracle-driven
n Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher
users will no longer be required to install periodic
database architecture. A single, central
n Business Objects, Version 6.1a
software releases. Without rigorous system
server will replace site-specific servers
n Java Web Start (JRE 1.4.2)*
maintenance tasks, MEPRS personnel can focus
n EAS IV Desktop application*
for the accumulation of MTF-level
on data processing activities and timely EAS IV
*Required for desktop product
expense, manpower, and workload
Repository transmission. Users will also benefit
information. The central server will
from greater data entry flexibility with EAS
store MTF-level MEPRS data in addition
IV 3.1. In addition to these improvements, the
to DoD standardized information.
system redesign will increase the reliability and
Thus, data transmission to the EAS IV
processing speed of EAS IV Repository queries.
Repository will entail the migration of DoD information from
one area of the server to another.
Deployment Process
End users will access EAS IV version 3.1 via an MHS-supported
web browser configured for 128 bit encryption. The web
application supports all aspects of EAS IV processing through
12 system modules, including Table Maintenance, Allocation/
Processing, Exception Handling, and Validation. These modules
preserve the functional integrity of the existing EAS IV package,
such as data import and export features and manual entry
Beginning in June 2005, a maximum of six MTFs will be
designated as Limited Rate Deployment (LRD) sites. Facilities will
be representative of the MHS enterprise and will include CONUS
and OCONUS locations. Sites will perform dual data processing
using the existing EAS IV version and forthcoming upgrade,
comparing information from both systems using standard
See EAS IV 3.1 Overview on Page 4
The MEPRS Informer pg 2
MMIG Meeting Highlights
At the quarterly meeting held 6–7 April 2005, the MEPRS Management Improvement Group (MMIG) discussed external partnership
data capture, Composite Health Care System (CHCS) enhancements, issue papers, and other hot topics. The two-day event was attended
by Service MEPRS representatives, Resource Information Technology Program Office (RITPO) personnel, and various Military Health
System (MHS) support contractors. Read on for meeting highlights.
The MMIG discussed the proposed Naval Health Care New
England (NHCNE) methodology for capturing workload
performed by providers outside of the Military Treatment
Facility (MTF) setting. The methodology was developed
based on a comprehensive Navy analysis that assessed several
options for capturing external workload. The Services will
continue to evaluate the proposed data capture strategy and
its potential impact on business rules and data systems.
Data from the EAS IV Repository suggest that not all
MTFs are utilizing the Ambulatory Procedure Visits (APV)
Enhancements to CHCS. The APV Enhancements change
package permits the tracking of Minutes of Service (MOS)
where work is actually performed, providing an accurate
representation of nursing time devoted to APV patient care.
With the implementation of this module, EAS IV allocates
inpatient cost pools on the basis of Minutes of Service
(MOS), not Occupied Bed Days (OBDs) as previously
used. EAS IV Repository users can access specific FY05
MOS data used as the basis for cost pool purification from
Class 15. Minutes of Service are reported as A*X Weighted
Statistical Amounts, with OBDs represented as Raw Statistical
Amounts. A recent analysis, however, indicates that OBD
values are appearing as weighted workload for many facilities.
For other MTFs, inpatient cost pool weighted workload
appears as OBD values multiplied by 1440, which is the
number of minutes in a day. Facilities that exhibit these
reporting trends should ensure that their Data Set ID (DSI)
information is properly configured in CHCS. Refer to the
presentation entitled ‘WAM Best Practices,’ available on the
MEPRS Information Portal, for assistance with the set-up
process. Content pertinent to this issue begins on slide 12 of
that briefing.
All MTFs have completed transmission of FY04 data to the
EAS IV Repository.
The Services discussed the need for edit capabilities within
the Labor Cost Assignment (LCA) module of the Defense
Medical Human Resource System-internet (DMHRSi).
Without such functionality, generation of a DMHRSi/LCA
EAS IV output file may be time-consuming.
The FY06 EAS IV Table Review process commenced in
mid-April and will continue through the first of June. This
task is performed annually to ensure that EAS IV tables are
reflective of current business rules.
MMIG members were updated on the FY05 MEPRS
Application and Data Improvement (MADI) workshop
schedule. Six workshops have been conducted this fiscal year,
all of which were well received.
Progress continues on curriculum development for the TriService MEPRS Conference. This year’s event will include
roughly 10 hours of Service breakouts and the traditional
MEPRDY competition.
Efforts will be made to decrease the lag time between the
receipt and subsequent MMIG review of System Change
Requests (SCRs). All approved SCRs will undergo a final
MMIG review prior to implementation. These measures are
intended to eliminate instances where, after implementation
has commenced, an SCR is impacted by factors that were not
relevant at the time of its development.
The MMIG will convene in June 2005 for a MEPRS strategic
planning session. Highlights from the meeting will be
presented at the Tri-Service MEPRS Conference in August.
Download MMIG minutes and presentations from the MEPRS Information Portal at For additional information on
MMIG activities, please contact Cynthia Barrett at The next MMIG meeting is tentatively scheduled
for July 2005. ☼
The MEPRS Informer pg 3
MEPRS Quick News
Save the Date!
TMA is pleased to invite you to the 3rd annual Tri-Service
MEPRS Conference, to be held 29 August–1 September at the
National Conference Center in Lansdowne, VA. This year’s event,
themed ‘Depending on Data Quality for Improving Data-based
Decisions,’ offers invaluable instruction for MEPRS personnel,
Data Quality Managers, and Analysts alike.
The Summary Outliers metric in the MEPRS Early Warning and
Control System (MEWACS) no longer includes data from FCA
(Purchased/Referred Care) in its calculation of MTF historical
averages. The algorithm was revised because FCA now captures
T-Nex expenses, resulting in substantial but legitimate increases in
site expense profiles. This change was implemented in April 05. ☼
New MADI Classes
The MEPRS Application and Data Improvement (MADI)
Workshop offers instruction on the organization, interpretation,
and application of MEPRS data contained in the EAS IV
Repository. Check out the MEPRS Information Portal for details
and online registration. Registration opens six weeks prior to each
workshop. If you missed out on MADI in FY05, plan to attend a
workshop during the coming fiscal year. ☼
FY06 MADI Schedule
8–9 November 2005
Falls Church, VA
6–7 December 2005
Falls Church, VA
7–8 March 2006
Falls Church, VA
18–19 April 2006
Falls Church, VA
11–12 July 2006
Falls Church, VA
EAS IV 3.1 Overview
Continued from Page 2
management reports. All identified data issues will be
communicated to the Resource Information Technology Program
Office (RITPO) for investigation and resolution. Testing will
continue until EAS IV 3.1 has demonstrated the appropriate
functionality. Full deployment will commence shortly after system
validation, with the release schedule coordinated through each
Service’s Central Design Agency (CDA).
The TMA MEPRS Program Office looks forward to offering a
more efficient data processing environment with the release of
EAS IV version 3.1. For additional details on the system redesign,
please contact Audrey Heil at ☼
Consistent with past formats, the conference will feature a
combination of plenary sessions, breakout presentations, and
hands-on electives. Attendees can expect to enhance their
knowledge of MEPRS processing in the context of data quality
Plenary sessions
will highlight
resource sharing
data capture
guidelines, along
with TMA’s
vision for
future MEPRS
Attendees enhance their MEPRS knowledge at a
2004 conference breakout session.
sessions will be equally informative, offering functional insight
into DMHRSi and other strategies for optimizing data quality.
Less experienced personnel are encouraged to attend Newbie Day,
a gentle introduction to MEPRS concepts and fundamental data
processing issues.
From the implications of proper coding to the intricacies
of Relative Value Units (RVUs), the conference will offer
comprehensive MEPRS education while promoting cross-Service
networking. You won’t want to miss this wonderful training
opportunity! Curriculum plans are currently being finalized and
will be posted shortly on the MEPRS Information Portal. Visit in the coming weeks for registration details. ☼
Have a MEPRS question? Click the Contact Us
button on the MEPRS Information Portal for
help! The Human System Interface (HSI) team
is ready to assist you with queries, analyses, and
general MEPRS information. Access the portal at
The MEPRS Informer pg 4
Useful Sites
MEPRS Information Portal
(MEWACS, MADI, and more)
Navy MEPRS website
Army MEPRS website
Air Force MEPRS website
MHS Help Desk
Points of Contact
Air Force
TSgt Jody Callender, AFMSA/SGSR
MSgt JoAnn Milster, AFMSA/SGSR
Ms. Debbie Malkovich, OTSG
Ms. Mona Bacon, MEDCOM
Ms. Nicole Brooks, BUMED
The MEPRS.INFOrmer is a publication of the
MEPRS Program Office at TMA. If you have
questions about this newsletter or a story idea,
please contact:
Mr. Jerry Baker
Mr. Patrick Wesley, MMIG Chairman
EAS IV Help Desk
MHS Help Desk
Official correspondence may be sent to the MEPRS
Program Office at:
Management Control and Financial Studies
Skyline 5–Suite 407
5111 Leesburg Pike
Falls Church, VA 22041
The MEPRS Informer pg 5